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Work-to-rule type of stike-Another unconventional tactic is work-to-rule, in which workers perform

their tasks exactly as they are required to but no better. For example, workers might follow all safety
regulations in such a way that it impedes their productivity or they might refuse to work overtime.
Such strikes may in some cases be a form of "partial strike" or "slowdown".

Work-to-rule is an industrial action in which employees do no more than the minimum

required by the rules of a workplace, and follow safety or other regulations to the letter in
order to cause a slowdown rather than to serve their purpose. This is considered less
disruptive than a strike or lockout; and just obeying the rules is less susceptible to
disciplinary action. Notable examples have included nurses refusing to answer telephones and
police officers refusing to issue citations.

Sometimes the term "rule-book slowdown" is used in a slightly different sense than "work-to-
rule": the former involves applying to the letter rules that are normally set aside or interpreted
less literally to increase efficiency; the latter, refraining from activities which are customary
but not required by rule or job description but the terms may be used synonymously.

Sometimes work-to-rule can be considered by employers as malicious compliance as they

pursue legal action against workers.

In some languages (e.g. Russian, Finnish and Hebrew) it is known as "Italian strike", as it is
believed that it was first utilized in Italy in 1904. In Italy, it is known as "sciopero bianco" or
"white strike".

Workplace Conflict

Conflict is an inevitable part of business life and not all conflict is negative. Most people
would agree that where there are people there is conflict.

Some workplace conflict is healthy and if viewed positively can be an opportunity and
catharsis for you and your business to effect positive change! It's all how you think about it.

However where unhealthy conflict raises its head repeatedly this has potential risk to cause
your business negative consequences. These negative consequences can have far reaching
effects and added costs to your bottom line if not nipped in the bud quickly.

Common causes of workplace conflict may include

' Poor communications

' Mushroom effect ' no one knows what's happening around here

' Unrealistic work expectations

' Overwork

' Stress
' Personality clashes (a lack of ability to get on or want to get one with people different from

' Favouritism

' Poor leadership

Communication is the glue that holds relationships together in your business. Your
employees want to feel valued and know that you are interested in them. Poor communication
is the number one topic raised by employees in questionnaires conducted in the workplace.

Negative stress has the power to cripple your business! Sometimes as a business owner you
may allow referred stress (our personal stress) to be transferred unwittingly on your
employees. This is likely to lead to your business experiencing the negative consequences of
friction, decreased morale and potentially employees may undermine your business.

Personality clashes are often where one person at the workplace has an inability to get along
another colleague or simply doesn't want to! There are many reasons for this however it is
imperative that you hire the person who has the right cultural fit for your business.

In Australia as is common in many countries where their is Occupational Health and Safety
legislation, the law places a legal obligation (something you must do) on employers to
provide a healthy and safe workplace.

You can be found vicariously liable for the actions of your employees if you have been found
not to have complied with your obligations.

What can your business do? You can be proactive and manage workplace conflict by

' Inducting Employees into the workplace

' Implement a Grievance Policy and Procedure

' Regular employee communications

' If you sniff trouble act!

' Take advice

' Consider mediation

' Do not procrastinate

Your business may be experiencing workplace conflict but there are practical and positive
solutions available to your business. You are not alone! By way of example Biz Momentum
( assisted a number of businesses who faced potential ruin
because of employee conflict and today those same businesses are thriving.

Your business can move through difficult phases and thrive - its all how you see conflct and
how soon you take action.

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