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Apo Loader

Apo Loader Documentation

Before using Apo Loader you have to generate the sheets for the objects you want to work w
For the generation click on the button below, select the objects you want to use and follow t
You can also generate the sheets manually by inserting emtpy sheets into the ApoLoader m

Generate Sheets

Attention: If the sheets are already generated it isn't necessary to generate them again.
e objects you want to work with.
you want to use and follow the generation procedure.
sheets into the ApoLoader map and using the format option.

to generate them again.


Description Logical System from which Message Originates
data element/extended info bapiapologsys

-> documentation
char/ 10/

location_id location loctype location_int

Location GUID (Length 32) Location: External Location Identifier Location Type Location
bapi10002locid_32 /sapapo/loc_extlocno /sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/locno

char/ 32/ char/ 20/ char/ 4/ char/ 20/

global_location_number location_duns longitude
Location: Global Location Number Location: DUNS+4 Number Longitude Specified in GPS Coordinates
/sapapo/loc_gln /sapapo/loc_duns4 /sapapo/loc_horizgps

numc/ 13/ char/ 13/ fltp/ 16/

latitude time_zone priority edi_partner
Latitude Specified in GPS Coordinates Time Zone Priority of Location EDI Partner Number
/sapapo/loc_vertigps tznzone /sapapo/locprio /sapapo/loc_edipartner

fltp/ 16/ char/ 6/ int1/ 3/ char/ 10/

collaboration_partner business_partner
Location: Collaboration Partner Business Partner Number
/sapapo/loc_clppaid bu_partner

char/ 10/ char/ 10/

quantity_indicator demand_consumption
Indicator for Calculation of Promotional Quantities Extended Forecast Consumption
/sapapo/loc_prcind /sapapo/loc_decons

char/ 1/ int1/ 3/
production_calendar warehouse_calendar shipping_calendar display_calendar
Production Calendar Calendar of a Warehouse Shipping Calendar PPDS Display Calendar
/sapapo/loc_ppcal /sapapo/loc_stcal /sapapo/loc_sdcal /sapapo/shcal

char/ 10/ char/ 10/ char/ 10/ char/ 10/

receiving_calendar purchasing_block_flag stock_cat_grp
Receiving Calendar Centrally Imposed Purchasing Block Category Group for Stocks
/sapapo/loc_rccal /sapapo/sperm /sapapo/loc_stocg

char/ 10/ char/ 1/ char/ 3/

atd_issue_cat_grp atd_receipt_cat_grp
Category Group for ATD Quantity (Issues) Category Group for ATD Quantity (Receipts)
/sapapo/loc_atddm /sapapo/loc_atdsp

char/ 3/ char/ 3/
prohibit_push_flag vehicle_location_comp_flag tp_create_lead_time
Push not Allowed Compatibility: Means of Transport/Location Shipment Creation Lead Time
/sapapo/loc_snpdplpudis /sapapo/comp_flag /sapapo/trpcr_time

char/ 1/ char/ 1/ quan/ 13/ 3

tp_create_lead_time_uom tp_create_lead_time_uom_iso pick_lead_time
Time Unit ISO code for unit of measurement Picking Lead Time
/sapapo/trpcr_time_unit isocd_unit /sapapo/com_time

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/ quan/ 13/ 3

pick_lead_time_uom pick_lead_time_uom_iso first_visit_flag last_visit_flag
Time Unit ISO code for unit of measurement Visit First Visit Last
/sapapo/com_time_unit isocd_unit /sapapo/fvisit /sapapo/lvisit

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/ char/ 1/ char/ 1/

std_carrier_access_code continous_move_flag
Standard Carrier Alpha Code Continuous Move
/sapapo/loc_scacd /sapapo/loc_contmove

char/ 4/ char/ 1/
max_break_continous_move procedure
Maximum Duration of Break During Continuous Move Allocations: Product Allocation Procedure
/sapapo/loc_durat /sapapo/loc_kosch

dec/ 11/ 0 char/ 18/

tsp_performance loading_res_inbound
Transportation Service Provider Performance (in %) Loading Resource (Inbound)
/sapapo/loc_performance /sapapo/loc_tpresname_inb

dec/ 4/ 1 char/ 40/

loading_res_inbound_bsg loading_res_outbound loading_res_outbound_bsg
Business System Group Loading Resource (Outbound) Business System Group
/sapapo/logqs /sapapo/loc_tpresname_out /sapapo/logqs

char/ 8/ char/ 40/ char/ 8/

time_res_inbound time_res_inbound_bsg time_res_outbound
Opening Times of Location (Inbound) Business System Group Opening Times of Location (Outbound)
/sapapo/loc_tresname_inb /sapapo/logqs /sapapo/loc_tresname_out

char/ 40/ char/ 8/ char/ 40/

time_res_outbound_bsg tpvs_res_usage
Business System Group Ind: Handling Resources/Time Frame Resource/None
/sapapo/logqs /sapapo/resflag

char/ 8/ char/ 1/
handling_res_inbound handling_res_inbound_bsg handling_res_outbound
Inbound Handling Resource Business System Group Outbound Handling Resource
/sapapo/loc_hresname_inb /sapapo/logqs /sapapo/loc_hresname_out

char/ 40/ char/ 8/ char/ 40/

handling_res_outbound_bsg storage_resource storage_resource_bsg business_event
Business System Group Storage Resource Business System Group Business Event
/sapapo/logqs /sapapo/loc_stresname /sapapo/logqs /sapapo/loc_prreg

char/ 8/ char/ 40/ char/ 8/ char/ 2/

delivery_priority attribute_1 attribute_2 attribute_3
Location: Delivery Priority Character field of length 40 30 Characters Char 20
/sapapo/loc_lprio char40 char30 char20

numc/ 2/ char/ 40/ char/ 30/ char/ 20/

attribute_4 attribute_5
Character Field Length = 10 Character Field Length = 10
char10 char10

char/ 10/ char/ 10/

subcontractor_plant subcontractor_plant_bsg
LOC: Ext. Name of Plant/DC/MRP Area Belonging to Subcontr. Business System Group
/sapapo/subcon_plant_extlocno /sapapo/logqs

char/ 20/ char/ 8/

subcontractor_supplier subcontractor_supplier_bsg
LOC: External Name of Vendor Belonging to Subcontractor Business System Group
/sapapo/subcon_suppl_extlocno /sapapo/logqs

char/ 20/ char/ 8/

promotion_upsizing promotion_downsizing
LOC: Upsizing in Case of Promotion LOC: Downsizing in Case of Promotion
/sapapo/loc_promup /sapapo/loc_promdown

char/ 1/ char/ 1/
order_processing_time time_series_profile base_profile
LOC: VMI Order Processing Time Time Series Profile (F&R) Base Profile for F&R
/sapapo/loc_optime /sapapo/loc_prots /sapapo/loc_probase

dec/ 11/ 0 char/ 10/ char/ 10/

Name of Profile for Order Quantity Optimization (F&R)

char/ 10/
Cost Multiplier for Rounding Up Promotion Quantities

dec/ 13/ 3

round_down_cost_multiplier nielsen_code location_id

Cost Multiplier for Rounding Down Promotion Quantities Nielsen Code Location GUID (Length 32)
/sapapo/loc_costmultdownprom /sapapo/loc_nielsen bapi10002locid_32

dec/ 13/ 3 char/ 3/ char/ 32/

location loctype location_int langu langu_iso
External Location ID Location Type Location Language Key Language according to ISO 639
/sapapo/ext_locno /sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/locno spras laiso

char/ 20/ char/ 4/ char/ 20/ lang/ 1/ char/ 2/


loc_descr location_id location loctype

Location Description Location GUID (Length 32) External Location ID Location Type
/sapapo/c_loc_descr40 bapi10002locid_32 /sapapo/ext_locno /sapapo/c_loctype

char/ 40/ char/ 32/ char/ 20/ char/ 4/

location_int title name name_2 name_3 name_4 c_o_name city
Location Form-of-Address Key Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 c/o name City
/sapapo/locno ad_title ad_name1 ad_name2 ad_name3 ad_name4 ad_name_co ad_city1

char/ 20/ char/ 4/ char/ 40/ char/ 40/ char/ 40/ char/ 40/ char/ 40/ char/ 40/
district city_no distrct_no chckstatus
District City code for city/street file District code for City and Street file City file test status
ad_city2 ad_citynum ad_citypnm ad_checkst

char/ 40/ char/ 12/ char/ 8/ char/ 1/

regiogroup postl_cod1 postl_cod2
Regional structure grouping City postal code PO Box postal code
regiogroup ad_pstcd1 ad_pstcd2

char/ 8/ char/ 10/ char/ 10/

postl_cod3 pcode1_ext
Company postal code (for large customers) City postal code extension, e.g. ZIP+4+2 code
ad_pstcd3 ad_pst1xt

char/ 10/ char/ 10/

PO Box postal code extension, e.g. ZIP+4+2 code

char/ 10/
pcode3_ext po_box po_w_o_no
Major customer postal code extension, e.g. ZIP+4+2 code PO Box Flag: PO Box without number
ad_pst3xt ad_pobx ad_pobxnum

char/ 10/ char/ 10/ char/ 1/

po_box_cit pboxcit_no po_box_reg
PO Box city City PO box code (City file) Region for PO Box (Country, State, Province, ...)
ad_pobxloc ad_cit2num ad_pobxreg

char/ 40/ char/ 12/ char/ 3/

pobox_ctry po_ctryiso deliv_dis
PO box country Country ISO code Post delivery district
ad_pobxcty intca ad_pstlar

char/ 3/ char/ 2/ char/ 15/

transpzone street street_no
Transportation zone to or from which the goods are delivered Street Street code for city/street file
lzone ad_street ad_strnum

char/ 10/ char/ 60/ char/ 12/

str_abbr house_no house_no2
Abbreviation of street name (e.g in Spain) House Number House number supplement
ad_strabbr ad_hsnm1 ad_hsnm2

char/ 2/ char/ 10/ char/ 10/

house_no3 str_suppl1 str_suppl2 str_suppl3 locatn building
House number range Street 2 Street 3 Street 4 Street 5 Building (Number or Code)
ad_hsnm3 ad_strspp1 ad_strspp2 ad_strspp3 ad_lctn ad_bldng

char/ 10/ char/ 40/ char/ 40/ char/ 40/ char/ 40/ char/ 20/
floor room_no country countryiso langu
Floor in building Room or Appartment Number Country Key Country ISO code Language Key
ad_floor ad_roomnum land1 intca spras

char/ 10/ char/ 10/ char/ 3/ char/ 2/ lang/ 1/

langu_iso region sort1 sort2
Language according to ISO 639 Region (State, Province, County) Search Term 1 Search Term 2
laiso regio ad_sort1 ad_sort2

char/ 2/ char/ 3/ char/ 20/ char/ 20/

extens_1 extens_2
Extension (only for data conversion) (e.g. data line) Extension (only for data conversion) (e.g. telebox)
ad_extens1 ad_extens2

char/ 40/ char/ 40/

time_zone taxjurcode address_id langu_cr
Address time zone Tax Jurisdiction Code Physical address ID Address record creation original language
ad_tzone ad_txjcd ad_addr_id ad_langucr

char/ 6/ char/ 15/ char/ 10/ lang/ 1/

langucriso comm_type
Language according to ISO 639 Communication Method (Key) (Business Address Services)
laiso ad_comm

char/ 2/ char/ 3/
home_city homecityno dont_use_s
City (different from postal city) Different city for city/street file Street Address Undeliverable Flag
ad_city3 ad_cityhnm ad_no_uses

char/ 40/ char/ 12/ char/ 4/


dont_use_p location_id location loctype

PO Box Address Undeliverable Flag Location GUID (Length 32) External Location ID Location Type
ad_no_usep bapi10002locid_32 /sapapo/ext_locno /sapapo/c_loctype

char/ 4/ char/ 32/ char/ 20/ char/ 4/

location_int model remove_flag
Location Model Name in Supply Chain Network Select an Option (Yes = 'X', No = ' ')
/sapapo/locno /sapapo/c_modelid bapiyesno

char/ 20/ char/ 22/ char/ 1/


location_id location loctype location_int

Location GUID (Length 32) External Location ID Location Type Location
bapi10002locid_32 /sapapo/ext_locno /sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/locno

char/ 32/ char/ 20/ char/ 4/ char/ 20/

std_no e_mail email_srch
Standard Sender Address in this Communication Type E-Mail Address E-Mail Address Search Field
ad_flgdfnr ad_smtpadr ad_smtpad2

char/ 1/ char/ 241/ char/ 20/

std_recip r_3_user encode
Flag: Recipient is standard recipient for this number Flag: connected to R/3 Desired Data Coding (E-Mail)
ad_dftrcnr ad_r3_user ad_encode

char/ 1/ char/ 1/ char/ 1/

Flag: Receiver can receive TNEF coding via SMTP

char/ 1/
home_flag consnumber
Recipient address in this communication type (mail sys.grp) Sequence number
ad_flghome ad_consnum

char/ 1/ numc/ 3/

flg_nouse location_id location

Flag: This Communication Number is Not Used Location GUID (Length 32) External Location ID
ad_flnouse bapi10002locid_32 /sapapo/ext_locno

char/ 1/ char/ 32/ char/ 20/

loctype location_int country countryiso
Location Type Location Country for telephone/fax number Country ISO code
/sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/locno ad_comctry intca

char/ 4/ char/ 20/ char/ 3/ char/ 2/

std_no fax
Standard Sender Address in this Communication Type Fax number: dialling code+number
ad_flgdfnr ad_fxnmbr

char/ 1/ char/ 30/

extension fax_no sender_no
Fax no.: Extension Complete number: dialling code+number+extension Fax number for finding sender
ad_fxxtns ad_fxnrlng ad_faxnrcl

char/ 10/ char/ 30/ char/ 30/

fax_group std_recip r_3_user
Fax group (G3, G4, ...) Flag: Recipient is standard recipient for this number Flag: connected to R/3
ad_fxgrp ad_dftrcnr ad_r3_user

char/ 1/ char/ 1/ char/ 1/

home_flag consnumber
Recipient address in this communication type (mail sys.grp) Sequence number
ad_flghome ad_consnum

char/ 1/ numc/ 3/

flg_nouse location_id location

Flag: This Communication Number is Not Used Location GUID (Length 32) External Location ID
ad_flnouse bapi10002locid_32 /sapapo/ext_locno

char/ 1/ char/ 32/ char/ 20/

loctype location_int country countryiso
Location Type Location Country for telephone/fax number Country ISO code
/sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/locno ad_comctry intca

char/ 4/ char/ 20/ char/ 3/ char/ 2/

std_no telephone
Standard Sender Address in this Communication Type Telephone no.: dialling code+number
ad_flgdfnr ad_tlnmbr

char/ 1/ char/ 30/

extension tel_no
Telephone no.: Extension Complete number: dialling code+number+extension
ad_tlxtns ad_telnrlg

char/ 10/ char/ 30/

caller_no std_recip
Telephone number for determining caller Flag: Recipient is standard recipient for this number
ad_telnrcl ad_dftrcnr

char/ 30/ char/ 1/

r_3_user home_flag consnumber
Flag: connected to R/3 Recipient address in this communication type (mail sys.grp) Sequence number
ad_r3_user ad_flghome ad_consnum

char/ 1/ char/ 1/ numc/ 3/


flg_nouse location_id location

Flag: This Communication Number is Not Used Location GUID (Length 32) External Location ID
ad_flnouse bapi10002locid_32 /sapapo/ext_locno

char/ 1/ char/ 32/ char/ 20/

loctype location_int std_no uri_type
Location Type Location Standard Sender Address in this Communication Type URI type flag
/sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/locno ad_flgdfnr ad_uritype

char/ 4/ char/ 20/ char/ 1/ char/ 3/

uri std_recip
URI, e.g. Homepage or ftp Address Flag: Recipient is standard recipient for this number
ad_uriscr ad_dftrcnr

char/ 132/ char/ 1/

home_flag uri_part1
Recipient address in this communication type (mail sys.grp) Universal Resource Identifier (URI): Parts 1-8
ad_flghome ad_uri_1

char/ 1/ char/ 250/

uri_part2 uri_part3
Universal Resource Identifier (URI): Parts 1-8 Universal Resource Identifier (URI): Parts 1-8
ad_uri_1 ad_uri_1

char/ 250/ char/ 250/

uri_part4 uri_part5
Universal Resource Identifier (URI): Parts 1-8 Universal Resource Identifier (URI): Parts 1-8
ad_uri_1 ad_uri_1

char/ 250/ char/ 250/

uri_part6 uri_part7
Universal Resource Identifier (URI): Parts 1-8 Universal Resource Identifier (URI): Parts 1-8
ad_uri_1 ad_uri_1

char/ 250/ char/ 250/

uri_part8 uri_part9
Universal Resource Identifier (URI): Parts 1-8 Universal Resource Identifier (URI) - Part 9
ad_uri_1 ad_uri_9

char/ 250/ char/ 48/

consnumber flg_nouse
Sequence number Flag: This Communication Number is Not Used
ad_consnum ad_flnouse

numc/ 3/ char/ 1/
logical_system product_head

logical_system product_id
Description Logical System from which Message Originates Product GUID (Length 32)
data element/extended info bapiapologsys bapi10001matid_32

-> documentation
char/ 10/ char/ 32/
product product_int gtin_flag base_uom
External Product Indicator Product ID EAN/UPC Indicator Base Unit of Measure
/sapapo/ext_matnr /sapapo/matnr /sapapo/gtin_ind /sapapo/meins

char/ 40/ char/ 40/ char/ 1/ unit/ 3/

base_uom_iso material_group transportation_group product_hierarchy
ISO code for unit of measurement Material Group Transportation Group Product Hierarchy
isocd_unit /sapapo/matkl /sapapo/tragr /sapapo/prdha

char/ 3/ char/ 9/ char/ 4/ char/ 18/

stacking_factor planning_usage
Stacking Factor Usage in Demand Planning and Supply Network Planning
/sapapo/stfac /sapapo/ts_sdp_use

numc/ 2/ char/ 1/
shelf_life_flag shelf_life maturation_time
Planning with Reference to Product Shelf Life Shelf Life Maturation Time
/sapapo/shelf_life_flag /sapapo/shelf_life_dur /sapapo/maturity_dur

char/ 1/ dec/ 11/ 0 dec/ 11/ 0

req_min_shelf_life req_max_shelf_life low_level_code
Required Minimum Shelf Life Required Maximum Shelf Life Low-Level Code
/sapapo/shelf_life_req_min /sapapo/shelf_life_req_max /sapapo/disst

dec/ 11/ 0 dec/ 11/ 0 char/ 3/

Product Allocations: Product Allocation Procedure

char/ 18/
prd_alloc_proc_seq configurable_product_flag
Prod. Allocations: Sequence of Product Allocation Procedures Indicator: Configurable material
/sapapo/kosch_grp /sapapo/kzkfg

char/ 18/ char/ 1/

reference_product reference_product_bsg attribute_1 attribute_2
Cross-location configurable product Business System Group Character field of length 40 30 Characters
/sapapo/satnr /sapapo/logqs char40 char30

char/ 40/ char/ 8/ char/ 40/ char/ 30/

attribute_3 attribute_4 attribute_5
Char 20 Character Field Length = 10 Character Field Length = 10
char20 char10 char10

char/ 20/ char/ 10/ char/ 10/

vmi_prd_alloc_proc vmi_prd_alloc_proc_seq max_weight
Allocation: VMI Allocation Procedure Allocation: VMI Allocation Procedure Sequence Maximum Weight
/sapapo/vmikosch /sapapo/vmikosch_grp /scwm/de_maxw

char/ 18/ char/ 18/ quan/ 15/ 3

max_weight_uom max_weight_uom_iso excess_weight_tolerance
Weight Unit ISO code for unit of measurement Excess Weight Tolerance for Handling unit
/scwm/de_wgt_uom isocd_unit /scwm/de_maxw_tol

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/ dec/ 3/ 1

max_volume max_volume_uom max_volume_uom_iso
Maximum Allowed Volume Volume Unit ISO code for unit of measurement
/scwm/de_maxv /scwm/de_vol_uom isocd_unit

quan/ 15/ 3 unit/ 3/ char/ 3/

excess_volume_tolerance max_capacity
Excess Volume Tolerance of the Handling Unit Maximum Permitted Capacity Key Figure
/scwm/de_maxv_tol /scwm/de_maxc

dec/ 3/ 1 dec/ 15/ 3

excess_capacity_tolerance packaging_material_type
Excess Capacity Tolerance of Handling Unit Packaging Material Type
/scwm/de_maxc_tol /scwm/de_pmtyp

dec/ 3/ 1 char/ 4/
closed_box_flag fill_level handling_unit_type
Packaging Material is Closed Packaging Filling Level (By Volume) Handling Unit Type
/scwm/de_closed_pm /scwm/de_max_fill_up /scwm/de_hutyp

char/ 1/ dec/ 3/ 0 char/ 4/

own_weight_variable_flag packing_group packing_reference_product
Tare Weight Variable Packing Group External Product Indicator
/scwm/de_tare_var /scwm/de_packgr /sapapo/ext_matnr

char/ 1/ char/ 4/ char/ 40/


packing_reference_product_bsg display_indicator product_id

Business System Group Display Product GUID (Length 32)
/sapapo/logqs /sapapo/disp bapi10001matid_32

char/ 8/ char/ 1/ char/ 32/

product product_int langu langu_iso
External Product Indicator Product ID Language Key Language according to ISO 639
/sapapo/ext_matnr /sapapo/matnr langu laiso

char/ 40/ char/ 40/ lang/ 1/ char/ 2/


prd_descr product_id product product_int

Product Description Product GUID (Length 32) External Product Indicator Product ID
/sapapo/maktx bapi10001matid_32 /sapapo/ext_matnr /sapapo/matnr

char/ 40/ char/ 32/ char/ 40/ char/ 40/

alternative_uom alternative_uom_iso
Alternative Unit of Measure ISO code for unit of measurement
/sapapo/lrmei /sapapo/isocd_unit

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/
numerator denominator
Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure Denominator for conversion to base units of measure
/sapapo/umrez /sapapo/umren

dec/ 5/ 0 dec/ 5/ 0
international_article_number gross_weight net_weight weight_uom
International Article Number Gross Weight Net weight Weight unit
/sapapo/ean11 /sapapo/brgew ntgew /sapapo/gewei

char/ 18/ quan/ 13/ 3 quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/

weight_uom_iso volume volume_uom volume_uom_iso
ISO code for unit of measurement Volume Volume Unit ISO code for unit of measurement
/sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/volum /sapapo/voleh /sapapo/isocd_unit

char/ 3/ quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/ char/ 3/

length width height dimension_uom
Length Width Height Unit of Dimension for Length/Width/Height
laeng breit hoehe meabm

quan/ 13/ 3 quan/ 13/ 3 quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/


dimension_uom_iso capacity_consumption product_id

ISO code for unit of measurement Capacity Usage Product GUID (Length 32)
/sapapo/isocd_unit /scwm/de_capause bapi10001matid_32

char/ 3/ dec/ 15/ 3 char/ 32/

product product_int requirement_type
External Product Indicator Product ID Requirements Type
/sapapo/ext_matnr /sapapo/matnr /sapapo/snpdemcld

char/ 40/ char/ 40/ numc/ 1/

Penalty for Not Delivering (Costs per Base Unit of Measure)

dec/ 13/ 3
delayed_delivery_penalty max_delay
Delay Penalty (Costs per Day and Base Unit of Measure) Maximum Allowed Delay (in Days)
/sapapo/snplapend /sapapo/snpmaxlad

dec/ 13/ 3 dec/ 3/ 0

Time stamp at end of validity period

dec/ 15/ 0

Description Logical System from which Message Originates
data element/extended info bapiapologsys

-> documentation
char/ 10/

M026 - FG AP CAR












M027 - FG KIWI



M027 - RM / PM KIWI

L044 - FG

product_id product
Product GUID (Length 32) External Product Indicator
bapi10001matid_32 /sapapo/ext_matnr

char/ 32/ char/ 40/

45CF3ED23D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00230
45CF3EDF3D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00039
45CF3EEC3D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00146
45CF3EF93D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00157

45D154B252AE40C6E10000000A80314E 010681
45D154B652AE40C6E10000000A80314E 8000
45D154BA52AE40C6E10000000A80314E 010680
45D154BE52AE40C6E10000000A80314E 8001

45D154C652AE40C6E10000000A80314E A00904
45D154C252AE40C6E10000000A80314E A80004
45D154CA52AE40C6E10000000A80314E A70000
45D154CE52AE40C6E10000000A80314E A50005
45D420CB20B9288FE10000000A80314E A70001

45CF40DC3D31680AE10000000A80314E AM00110
45CF40E93D31680AE10000000A80314E AM00060
45CF40F63D31680AE10000000A80314E AM00080
45CF41033D31680AE10000000A80314E AM00090

45D5265026066BDEE10000000A80314E 10690
45D5265426066BDEE10000000A80314E 10691
45D5265826066BDEE10000000A80314E 10688

45D55BB058E235F4E10000000A80314E A74000
45D55BA858E235F4E10000000A80314E A74002
45D55BAC58E235F4E10000000A80314E A74003
45D9555D5313057DE10000000A80314E 903106
45D955615313057DE10000000A80314E 901216
45D955655313057DE10000000A80314E 900097
45D955695313057DE10000000A80314E 903107

45D9556D5313057DE10000000A80314E 9000
45D955715313057DE10000000A80314E 9103

45D955755313057DE10000000A80314E RMP0003
45D955795313057DE10000000A80314E RMP0043
45D955815313057DE10000000A80314E CTC3180
45D955855313057DE10000000A80314E CTC3181
45D955895313057DE10000000A80314E CTC3189
45D9558D5313057DE10000000A80314E CTC3179

45D9747C71A73EA3E10000000A80314E 200340
45D9748071A73EA3E10000000A80314E 200380
45D9748471A73EA3E10000000A80314E 201114
45D9748871A73EA3E10000000A80314E 200809
45FF7334728E090AE10000000A80314E 0000000000000000000000000000000000215031

45D9748C71A73EA3E10000000A80314E 4013
45D9749071A73EA3E10000000A80314E 4014
45D9749471A73EA3E10000000A80314E 4008

45D9749871A73EA3E10000000A80314E 10311
45D9749C71A73EA3E10000000A80314E 10307
45D974A071A73EA3E10000000A80314E 13248
45D974A471A73EA3E10000000A80314E 13247
45D974A871A73EA3E10000000A80314E 13241
45D974AC71A73EA3E10000000A80314E 13240

45CF3EDF3D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00039
45CF3ED23D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00230
45CF3EEC3D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00146
45CF3EF93D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00157
product_int location_id location
Product ID Location GUID (Length 32) External Location ID
/sapapo/matnr bapi10002locid_32 /sapapo/ext_locno

char/ 40/ char/ 32/ char/ 20/

AC00230 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
AC00039 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
AC00146 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
AC00157 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026

0000000000000000000000000000000000010681 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
0000000000000000000000000000000000008000 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
0000000000000000000000000000000000010680 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
0000000000000000000000000000000000008001 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026

A00904 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
A80004 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
A70000 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
A50005 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
A70001 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026

AM00110 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
AM00060 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
AM00080 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
AM00090 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026

0000000000000000000000000000000000010690 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
0000000000000000000000000000000000010691 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
0000000000000000000000000000000000010688 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026

A74000 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
A74002 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
A74003 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
0000000000000000000000000000000000903106 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
0000000000000000000000000000000000901216 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
0000000000000000000000000000000000900097 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
0000000000000000000000000000000000903107 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028

0000000000000000000000000000000000009000 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
0000000000000000000000000000000000009103 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028

RMP0003 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
RMP0043 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
CTC3180 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
CTC3181 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
CTC3189 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
CTC3179 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028

0000000000000000000000000000000000200340 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000200380 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000201114 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000200809 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
BSGSLDE1 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027

0000000000000000000000000000000000004013 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000004014 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000004008 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027

0000000000000000000000000000000000010311 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000010307 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000013248 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000013247 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000013241 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000013240 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027

AC00039 45AEF15FF0D64280E10000L044
AC00230 45AEF15FF0D64280E10000L044
AC00146 45AEF15FF0D64280E10000L044
AC00157 45AEF15FF0D64280E10000L044
loctype location_int production_planner snp_planner
Location Type Location Production Planner Supply Network Planner
/sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/locno /sapapo/planner_pps /sapapo/planner_snp

char/ 4/ char/ 20/ char/ 3/ char/ 3/

1001 M026 PH2 PH2

1001 M026 PH2 PH2
1001 M026 PH2 PH2
1001 M026 PH2 PH2

1001 M026 PH2 PH2

1001 M026 PH2 PH2
1001 M026 PH2 PH2
1001 M026 PH2 PH2

1001 M026 PH6 PH6

1001 M026 PH6 PH6
1001 M026 PH6 PH6
1001 M026 PH6 PH6
1001 M026 PH6 PH6

1001 M026 PH2 PH2

1001 M026 PH2 PH2
1001 M026 PH2 PH2
1001 M026 PH2 PH2

1001 M026 PH2 PH2

1001 M026 PH2 PH2
1001 M026 PH2 PH2

1001 M026 PH6 PH6

1001 M026 PH6 PH6
1001 M026 PH6 PH6
1001 M028 PH2 PH2
1001 M028 PH2 PH2
1001 M028 PH2 PH2
1001 M028 PH2 PH2

1001 M028 PH2 PH2

1001 M028 PH2 PH2

1001 M028 PH6 PH6

1001 M028 PH6 PH6
1001 M028 PH6 PH6
1001 M028 PH6 PH6
1001 M028 PH6 PH6
1001 M028 PH6 PH6

1001 M027 PH2 PH2

1001 M027 PH2 PH2
1001 M027 PH2 PH2
1001 M027 PH2 PH2
1001 M027 PH2 PH2

1001 M027 PH2 PH2

1001 M027 PH2 PH2
1001 M027 PH2 PH2

1001 M027 PH6 PH6

1001 M027 PH6 PH6
1001 M027 PH6 PH6
1001 M027 PH6 PH6
1001 M027 PH6 PH6
1001 M027 PH6 PH6

1002 L044
1002 L044
1002 L044
1002 L044
demand_planner transportation_planner purchasing_planner vmi_planner
Demand Planner Transportation Planner Purchasing Planner ICH Planner
/sapapo/planner_demand /sapapo/planner_trans /sapapo/planner_pur /sapapo/planner_vmi

char/ 3/ char/ 3/ char/ 3/ char/ 3/

smi_planner reference_product reference_product_bsg
SMI Planner Configurable Product Business System Group
/sapapo/planner_smi /sapapo/stdpd /sapapo/logqs

char/ 3/ char/ 40/ char/ 8/

Product Allocations: Product Allocation Procedure

char/ 18/
prd_alloc_proc_seq check_mode atp_group
Prod. Allocations: Sequence of Product Allocation Procedures Check Mode ATP Group
/sapapo/kosch_grp /sapapo/atp_chmod /sapapo/mtvfp

char/ 18/ char/ 3/ char/ 2/

checking_horizon checking_horizon_calendar
ATP: Checking Horizon in Days ATP: Checking Horizon Calendar
/sapapo/chkhor /sapapo/chkhorcal

numc/ 3/ char/ 10/

recreate_receipts_horizon display_uom
ATP: Horizon for Recreating Receipts in Calendar Days ATP: Display Unit of Measure
/sapapo/rcrrcphor /sapapo/diuom

numc/ 3/ unit/ 3/
display_uom_iso customer_product snp_checking_horizon
ISO code for unit of measurement Customer Product Number SNP: Checking Horizon in Days
isocd_unit /sapapo/kdmat /sapapo/snpchkhor

char/ 3/ char/ 40/ numc/ 3/

vmi_purchasing_group purchasing_group
VMI Purchasing Group Purchasing Group
/sapapo/vegrp /sapapo/ekgrp

char/ 20/ char/ 3/

shelf_life_flag shelf_life
Use Location-Dependent Shelf Life of Product when Planning Location-Dependent Shelf Life
/sapapo/shelf_life_loc_flag /sapapo/shelf_life_dur_l

char/ 1/ dec/ 11/ 0

maturation_time req_min_shelf_life
Location-Dependent Maturation Time Minimum Shelf Life Required: Location-Dependent
/sapapo/maturity_dur_l /sapapo/shelf_life_req_min_l

dec/ 11/ 0 dec/ 11/ 0

req_max_shelf_life forecast_error_demand
Maximum Shelf Life Required: Location-Dependent Relative Demand Forecast Error in %
/sapapo/shelf_life_req_max_l /sapapo/fedem

dec/ 11/ 0 dec/ 4/ 1

forecast_error_rlt planning_group
Relative Forecast Error of Replenishment Lead Time in % Planning Group
/sapapo/ferld /sapapo/rrp_selection_group

dec/ 4/ 1 char/ 2/
conversion_rule production_uom production_uom_iso
Conversion Rule Display Production Unit ISO code for unit of measurement
/sapapo/prof_exec_check /sapapo/frtme isocd_unit

char/ 12/ unit/ 3/ char/ 3/

Handling Capacity Consumption in Unit of Measure (Gds Rcpt)

quan/ 13/ 3
gr_hndl_cap_cons_uom gr_hndl_cap_cons_uom_iso
Unit of Measure: Handling Capacity in Goods Receipt ISO code for unit of measurement
/sapapo/hunit isocd_unit

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/
Handling Capacity Consumption in Unit of Measure (Gds Issue)

quan/ 13/ 3
gi_hndl_cap_cons_uom gi_hndl_cap_cons_uom_iso
Unit of Measure: Handling Capacity in Goods Issue ISO code for unit of measurement
/sapapo/hunit_out isocd_unit

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/
storage_cap_cons storage_cap_cons_uom
Consumption of Storage Capacity per Unit of Material Unit of Measure
/sapapo/snpconinp /sapapo/unit

quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/

storage_cap_cons_uom_iso pick_pack_time transportation_lead_time
ISO code for unit of measurement Pick/Pack Time Transportation Lead Time
isocd_unit /sapapo/piprt /sapapo/tlprt

char/ 3/ dec/ 11/ 0 dec/ 11/ 0

prom_always_use_order_flag prom_load_together_flag
Do not Cover Sales Deal with VMI Customer Stocks Normal and Sales Deal Deliveries Deliverable
/sapapo/pro_ord /sapapo/pro_ltp

char/ 1/ char/ 1/
out_of_stock_threshold loading_group dead_pile_flag
Alert Threshold for Out-of-Stock Loading Group Indicator: Non-Palletable
/sapapo/os_limit /sapapo/ladgr /sapapo/deadpile

quan/ 13/ 3 char/ 4/ char/ 1/

gi_sync_posting_flag abc_indicator replenishment_control
Synchronous Posting of Goods Issue ABC indicator Replenishment Type of Product
/sapapo/ppc_gmsync /sapapo/maabc /sapapo/rpstatus

char/ 1/ char/ 1/ char/ 2/

uom_group po_processing_time
Unit of Measure Group Purchase Order Processing Time Required by Purchasing Dept.
/sapapo/measgrbuy /sapapo/purtime

char/ 4/ dec/ 11/ 0

target_stock_on_hand sales_price sales_price_currency
Minimum Target Stock on Hand for a Product Sales Price of Product Currency Key
/sapapo/minstock /sapapo/salesprice waers

fltp/ 16/ dec/ 13/ 3 cuky/ 5/

sales_price_currency_iso consumption_ref_product consumption_ref_product_bsg
ISO currency code External Product Indicator Business System Group
isocd /sapapo/ext_matnr /sapapo/logqs

char/ 3/ char/ 40/ char/ 8/

attribute_1 attribute_2 attribute_3 attribute_4
Character field of length 40 30 Characters Char 20 Character Field Length = 10
char40 char30 char20 char10

char/ 40/ char/ 30/ char/ 20/ char/ 10/

attribute_5 use_of_turn_stock_flag
Character Field Length = 10 Use of Baseline Stock for Promotions
char10 /sapapo/usetp

char/ 10/ char/ 1/

turn_stock_prom_mix_flag max_coverage_upsize_flag
Separate Transportation of Baseline and Promotion Shipment Upsizing
/sapapo/mixtp /sapapo/maxcoverup

char/ 1/ char/ 1/
max_coverage_period handling_unit_group vmi_prd_alloc_proc
Maximum Coverage Period in Days Handling Unit Group Allocation: VMI Allocation Procedure
/sapapo/maxcover /sapapo/hugrp /sapapo/vmikosch

int1/ 3/ char/ 4/ char/ 18/

vmi_prd_alloc_proc_seq replenishment_lead_time_shift
Allocation: VMI Allocation Procedure Sequence Replenishment Lead Time Shift
/sapapo/vmikosch_grp /sapapo/leadtimeshift

char/ 18/ numc/ 2/

capital_tie_up_profile frp_error_treatment_profile replenishment_profile
Capital Tie-Up Profile F&R Profile for Handling FRP Errors in F&R Replenishment Profile F&R
/sapapo/procl /sapapo/proexcp /sapapo/prorepl

char/ 10/ char/ 10/ char/ 10/

forecast_profile listing_status seasonal_flag release_period stock_multiple
Forecast Profile F&R Listing Status Season Indicator Time of Release Stock Multiple
/sapapo/profcst /sapapo/listingstatus /sapapo/seasonflag /sapapo/reltime /sapapo/stockmultiple

char/ 10/ numc/ 1/ char/ 1/ dec/ 11/ 0 fltp/ 16/

target_stock consumption_ref_valid_to consumption_ref_factor
Target Stock Consumption Reference: Valid To Consumption Reference: Factor
/sapapo/targetstock /sapapo/consrefvalto /sapapo/consreffac

fltp/ 16/ dec/ 15/ 0 dec/ 13/ 3

consumption_ref_location consumption_ref_loctype consumption_ref_location_bsg
External Location ID Location Type Business System Group
/sapapo/ext_locno /sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/logqs

char/ 20/ char/ 4/ char/ 8/

selling_class sourcing_control atd_issue_qty_cat_group
Selling Class Sourcing Control Category Group for ATD Quantity (Issues)
/sapapo/sellclass /sapapo/bwscl /sapapo/mat_atddm

numc/ 1/ char/ 1/ char/ 3/

atd_receipts_qty_cat_group sfty_stk_calculation_flag
Category Group for ATD Quantity (Receipts) Parameter-Dependent ATP Safety Stock
/sapapo/mat_atdsp /sapapo/pssflag

char/ 3/ char/ 1/

tlb_cost_profile product_id product

TLB Cost Profile Product GUID (Length 32) External Product Indicator
/sapapo/costprof_tlb bapi10001matid_32 /sapapo/ext_matnr

char/ 10/ char/ 32/ char/ 40/

45CF3ED23D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00230
45CF3EDF3D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00039
45CF3EEC3D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00146
45CF3EF93D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00157

45D154B252AE40C6E10000000A80314E 010681
45D154B652AE40C6E10000000A80314E 8000
45D154BA52AE40C6E10000000A80314E 010680
45D154BE52AE40C6E10000000A80314E 8001

45D154C652AE40C6E10000000A80314E A00904
45D154C252AE40C6E10000000A80314E A80004
45D154CA52AE40C6E10000000A80314E A70000
45D154CE52AE40C6E10000000A80314E A50005
45D420CB20B9288FE10000000A80314E A70001

45CF40DC3D31680AE10000000A80314E AM00110
45CF40E93D31680AE10000000A80314E AM00060
45CF40F63D31680AE10000000A80314E AM00080
45CF41033D31680AE10000000A80314E AM00090

45D5265026066BDEE10000000A80314E 10690
45D5265426066BDEE10000000A80314E 10691
45D5265826066BDEE10000000A80314E 10688

45D55BB058E235F4E10000000A80314E A74000
45D55BA858E235F4E10000000A80314E A74002
45D55BAC58E235F4E10000000A80314E A74003
45D9555D5313057DE10000000A80314E 903106
45D955615313057DE10000000A80314E 901216
45D955655313057DE10000000A80314E 900097
45D955695313057DE10000000A80314E 903107

45D9556D5313057DE10000000A80314E 9000
45D955715313057DE10000000A80314E 9103

45D955755313057DE10000000A80314E RMP0003
45D955795313057DE10000000A80314E RMP0043
45D955815313057DE10000000A80314E CTC3180
45D955855313057DE10000000A80314E CTC3181
45D955895313057DE10000000A80314E CTC3189
45D9558D5313057DE10000000A80314E CTC3179

45D9747C71A73EA3E10000000A80314E 200340
45D9748071A73EA3E10000000A80314E 200380
45D9748471A73EA3E10000000A80314E 201114
45D9748871A73EA3E10000000A80314E 200809
45FF7334728E090AE10000000A80314E 0000000000000000000000

45D9748C71A73EA3E10000000A80314E 4013
45D9749071A73EA3E10000000A80314E 4014
45D9749471A73EA3E10000000A80314E 4008

45D9749871A73EA3E10000000A80314E 10311
45D9749C71A73EA3E10000000A80314E 10307
45D974A071A73EA3E10000000A80314E 13248
45D974A471A73EA3E10000000A80314E 13247
45D974A871A73EA3E10000000A80314E 13241
45D974AC71A73EA3E10000000A80314E 13240

45CF3EDF3D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00039
45CF3ED23D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00230
45CF3EEC3D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00146
45CF3EF93D966AE4E10000000A80314E AC00157
product_int location_id location
Product ID Location GUID (Length 32) External Location ID
/sapapo/matnr bapi10002locid_32 /sapapo/ext_locno

char/ 40/ char/ 32/ char/ 20/

AC00230 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
AC00039 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
AC00146 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
AC00157 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026

0000000000000000000000000000000000010681 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
0000000000000000000000000000000000008000 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
0000000000000000000000000000000000010680 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
0000000000000000000000000000000000008001 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026

A00904 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
A80004 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
A70000 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
A50005 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
A70001 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026

AM00110 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
AM00060 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
AM00080 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
AM00090 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026

0000000000000000000000000000000000010690 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
0000000000000000000000000000000000010691 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
0000000000000000000000000000000000010688 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026

A74000 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
A74002 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
A74003 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000M026
0000000000000000000000000000000000903106 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
0000000000000000000000000000000000901216 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
0000000000000000000000000000000000900097 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
0000000000000000000000000000000000903107 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028

0000000000000000000000000000000000009000 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
0000000000000000000000000000000000009103 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028

RMP0003 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
RMP0043 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
CTC3180 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
CTC3181 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
CTC3189 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028
CTC3179 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000M028

0000000000000000000000000000000000200340 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000200380 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000201114 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000200809 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
BSGSLDE1 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027

0000000000000000000000000000000000004013 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000004014 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000004008 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027

0000000000000000000000000000000000010311 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000010307 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000013248 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000013247 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000013241 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027
0000000000000000000000000000000000013240 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000M027

AC00039 45AEF15FF0D64280E10000L044
AC00230 45AEF15FF0D64280E10000L044
AC00146 45AEF15FF0D64280E10000L044
AC00157 45AEF15FF0D64280E10000L044
loctype location_int planning_version demand_profile
Location Type Location Planning Version Supply Network Planning: External Demand Profile
/sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/locno /sapapo/vrsioex /sapapo/snpdprex

char/ 4/ char/ 20/ char/ 10/ char/ 10/

1001 M026 000

1001 M026 000
1001 M026 000
1001 M026 000

1001 M026 000

1001 M026 000
1001 M026 000
1001 M026 000

1001 M026 000

1001 M026 000
1001 M026 000
1001 M026 000
1001 M026 000

1001 M026 000

1001 M026 000
1001 M026 000
1001 M026 000

1001 M026 000

1001 M026 000
1001 M026 000

1001 M026 000

1001 M026 000
1001 M026 000
1001 M028 000
1001 M028 000
1001 M028 000
1001 M028 000

1001 M028 000

1001 M028 000

1001 M028 000

1001 M028 000
1001 M028 000
1001 M028 000
1001 M028 000
1001 M028 000

1001 M027 000

1001 M027 000
1001 M027 000
1001 M027 000
1001 M027 000

1001 M027 000

1001 M027 000
1001 M027 000

1001 M027 000

1001 M027 000
1001 M027 000
1001 M027 000
1001 M027 000
1001 M027 000

1002 L044 000

1002 L044 000
1002 L044 000
1002 L044 000
forecast_horizon pull_deplmt_horizon
Supply Network Planning: Forecast Horizon in Days SNP: Pull Deployment Horizon (in Days)
/sapapo/snpfcsth /sapapo/snppullh

dec/ 3/ 0 dec/ 3/ 0
period_split vmi_prom_lead_time
Indicator for Time-Based Demand Distribution (Period Split) VMI Promotion Lead Time
/sapapo/snppspli /sapapo/prmty

char/ 1/ dec/ 11/ 0

past_fc_horizon_flag supply_profile
Take Into Account Forecast Horizon in Past Supply Network Planning: External Supply Profile
/sapapo/snpfcconsum /sapapo/snpsprex

char/ 1/ char/ 10/

production_horizon prod_horizon_period production_horizon_extn
SNP Production Horizon Period Category Extended SNP Production Horizon (in Days)
/sapapo/snpprodh /sapapo/period_type /sapapo/snpphext

dec/ 3/ 0 char/ 2/ dec/ 3/ 0







stock_transfer_horizon tf_horizon_period push_horizon
SNP Stock Transfer Horizon Period Category SNP: Push Deployment Horizon (in Days)
/sapapo/snpshiph /sapapo/period_type /sapapo/snppushh

dec/ 3/ 0 char/ 2/ dec/ 3/ 0

safty_stock_push_horizon fix_planning_orders_flag
Deployment: Safety Stock Push Horizon SNP: Fix Planning Orders
/sapapo/depsbpuh /sapapo/snpprodf

dec/ 3/ 0 char/ 1/
fix_stock_transfers_flag deployment_profile
Supply Network Planning: Fix Stock Transfers Supply Network Planning: External Deployment Profile
/sapapo/snpshipf /sapapo/snpdplex

char/ 1/ char/ 10/

faire_share_rule push_distribution priority demand_selection_period
Fair Share Rule Indicator: Push Distribution Product Priority Demand Selection Horizon (in Days)
/sapapo/snpdplfs /sapapo/snpdplpu /sapapo/prio /sapapo/ctmdselhorz

char/ 2/ char/ 1/ int1/ 3/ dec/ 3/ 0

Order Creation Frame (Horizon for Creating Orders)

numc/ 3/
requirement_profile requirements_strategy
Ext. No. of PP Demand Profile in Material Master Record Requirements Strategy
/sapapo/rqmky /sapapo/stra1

char/ 10/ char/ 2/

dep_requirements_option period_profile consumption_mode
Dependent Requirements Ind. for Individual and Coll. Reqmts Period Profile ID Consumption Mode
/sapapo/sbdkz rpm_tbid /sapapo/vrmod

char/ 1/ char/ 22/ char/ 1/

backw_consump_period forw_consump_period consumption_group
Backward Consumption Period Forward Consumption Period Consumption Group
/sapapo/vint1 /sapapo/vint2 /sapapo/bdgrp

numc/ 3/ numc/ 3/ char/ 10/

7 0
7 0
7 0
7 0
subassembly_planning_flag pegging_strategy avoid_alerts_flag
Assembly Planning Pegging strategy for dynamic pegging Avoid Alerts in Pegging
/sapapo/rrp_miskz /sapapo/peg_strategy /sapapo/peg_wo_alert_first

char/ 1/ numc/ 2/ char/ 1/

receipt_max_earliness receipt_max_lateness
Maximum Allowed Earliness for a Receipt Element Maximum Allowed Lateness for a Receipt Element
/sapapo/dm_pegging_future /sapapo/dm_pegging_past_max

dec/ 11/ 0 dec/ 11/ 0

no_dynamic_pegging_flag concurrent_pegging_flag split_time_interval
Deactivate Dynamic Pegging Concurrent Pegging Duration of Time Interval for Concurrent Pegging
/sapapo/peg_no_dyn /sapapo/peg_concurrent /sapapo/peg_lot_time

char/ 1/ char/ 1/ dec/ 11/ 0

Maximum Permitted Underdelivery of a Requirement (Percent)

dec/ 3/ 1
req_max_overdelivery early_rcpt_alert_thold
Maximum Permitted Overdelivery of a Requirement (Percent) Alert threshold for early receipts
/sapapo/ueeto /sapapo/dm_pegging_futur_alert

dec/ 3/ 1 dec/ 11/ 0

late_rcpt_alert_thold use_entire_receipt_flag
Alert threshold for delayed receipts Use/Consume Entire Quantity of a Receipt Element
/sapapo/dm_pegging_past_alert /sapapo/ges_mng_use

dec/ 11/ 0 char/ 1/

use_entire_stock_flag no_inspection_stock_flag
Use/Consume Entire Quantity of a Stock Element Stock in Quality Inspection not Available
/sapapo/ges_bst_use /sapapo/nopeg_st_quali

char/ 1/ char/ 1/
restricted_stock_flag blocked_stock_flag
Restricted-Use Stock is Available Blocked Stock is Available
/sapapo/peg_st_restr /sapapo/peg_st_blocked

char/ 1/ char/ 1/
stock_trf_loc_flag no_stock_trf_subloc_flag
Stock in Transfer Between Locations Available Stock in Transfer Between Sublocations not Available
/sapapo/peg_stock_transf_loc /sapapo/nopeg_stock_tr_subloc

char/ 1/ char/ 1/
single_tolerance_max single_tolerance_min alert_relevance
Plus Percentage Tolerance Minus Percentage Tolerance Alert Relevance of Product
/sapapo/tolprpl /sapapo/tolprmi /sapapo/get_alerts_for_prod

dec/ 3/ 1 dec/ 3/ 1 char/ 1/

lot_size_profile lot_size_uom
External key: Lot size profile / days' supply profile Unit of measure of lot size
/sapapo/lszky /sapapo/lsuom

char/ 10/ unit/ 3/

lot_size_uom_iso lot_size_calc_procedure
ISO code for unit of measurement Procedure for Lot Size Calculation
isocd_unit /sapapo/sl_lsz_range

char/ 3/ char/ 1/
lot_size_calculation_flag last_lot_exact_flag fixed_lot_size period_type
Lot-Size Calculation in Make-to-Order Production Last Lot Exact Fixed Lot Size Period Type
/sapapo/lgknd /sapapo/lastl /sapapo/bstfe /sapapo/pervr

char/ 1/ char/ 1/ quan/ 13/ 3 char/ 1/

number_of_periods planning_calendar reorder_point_procedure
Number of Periods Planning Calendar for Periodic Lot Sizing Procedure Reorder Point Method
/sapapo/rrp_peraz /sapapo/lot_tstrid /sapapo/reord_method

dec/ 3/ 0 char/ 10/ char/ 1/

reorder_days_supply minimum_lot_size maximum_lot_size
Reorder Days' Supply (in Workdays) Minimum Lot Size Maximum Lot Size
/sapapo/reord_dur /sapapo/bstmi /sapapo/bstma

dec/ 11/ 0 quan/ 13/ 3 quan/ 13/ 3

target_stock_level_method assembly_scrap rounding_value
Target Stock Level Method Assembly Scrap in Percent Rounding Value for Purchase Order Quantity
/sapapo/target_method /sapapo/ausss /sapapo/bstrf

char/ 1/ dec/ 5/ 2 quan/ 13/ 3

rounding_profile target_days_supply safety_days_supply availability_calculation
Rounding Profile Target Days' Supply in Workdays Safety Days' Supply Use Period Factor
/sapapo/rdprf /sapapo/target_dur /sapapo/svtty /sapapo/rrp_req_cover_flag

char/ 8/ dec/ 11/ 0 dec/ 11/ 0 char/ 1/

period_factor safety_stock
Period Factor for Calculating the Availability Date/Time Safety Stock
/sapapo/rrp_req_cover_type /sapapo/saftyc

dec/ 4/ 3 quan/ 15/ 3

safty_stock_calc_method reorder_point maximum_stock_level service_level
Method for Calculating Safety Stock Reorder Point Maximum Stock Level Service level
/sapapo/msdp_sb_method /sapapo/reordc /sapapo/maxstockc /sapapo/lgrad

char/ 2/ quan/ 15/ 3 quan/ 15/ 3 dec/ 3/ 1

planning_procedure part_of_package_flag
PP Planning Procedure Location Product is Part of a Planning Package
/sapapo/rrp_planning_type /sapapo/rrp_package_flag

char/ 1/ char/ 1/












planning_package planning_package_type heuristic
Planning Package to Which Product Belongs Planning Package Type Heuristic
/sapapo/heur_package_id /sapapo/heur_object_type /sapapo/cdps_heur_id

char/ 12/ numc/ 3/ char/ 12/

plan_explosion bom_explosion_date opening_period
Plan Explosion Determination of the BOM Explosion Date Opening Period in Workdays
/sapapo/whatbom mmrp_expldate_finder /sapapo/erhor

char/ 1/ char/ 1/ dec/ 11/ 0

planning_time_fence adjustment_horizon
Product-Specific Planning Time Fence in Workdays Adjustment Horizon in Work Days
/sapapo/rrp_fixhz /sapapo/ajhoz

dec/ 11/ 0 dec/ 11/ 0

req_ascertainment_horizon ppds_horizon procurement_type
Requirements Ascertainment Horizon in Workdays PP/DS Horizon in Calendar Days Procurement Type
/sapapo/cthor /sapapo/convh /sapapo/beskz

dec/ 11/ 0 dec/ 3/ 0 char/ 1/












planned_delivery_time external_cost_function
Planned Delivery Time in Days Supply Network Planning: External Cost Function
/sapapo/plifz /sapapo/snpcosex

dec/ 3/ 0 char/ 10/

procurement_costs storage_costs
Procurement Costs for Product Product-Dependent Storage Costs
/sapapo/proc_cost /sapapo/scost

dec/ 13/ 3 dec/ 13/ 3

safty_stock_violation_penalty gr_processing_time gi_processing_time
Penalty Costs for Safety Stock Violation Goods Receipt Processing Time Goods Issue Processing Time
/sapapo/sspen /sapapo/grprt /sapapo/giprt

dec/ 13/ 3 dec/ 11/ 0 dec/ 11/ 0

nd_gr_costs nd_gi_costs
Goods Receipt Costs Network Design Goods Issue Costs in Network Design
/sapapo/nd_cost_we /sapapo/nd_cost_wa

dec/ 15/ 2 dec/ 15/ 2

nd_dlvry_time_quota nd_length_of_storage
External Key for the Delivery Time Quota Profile Network Design: Average Time in Storage in Days
/sapapo/dtqky /sapapo/scc_nd_stordu

char/ 20/ dec/ 15/ 2

nd_prduction_act_per_week no_order_fix_flag
Average Number of Production Operations per Week Do not fix orders during manual creation
/sapapo/nd_mean_prod_per_week /sapapo/snpnofix

dec/ 5/ 2 char/ 1/
lot_size_strategy lot_size_start_point
Strategy for Periodic Lot Size Creation in SNP Start Time for Grouping Horizon
/sapapo/snplotstrat /sapapo/snplotbeg

char/ 1/ char/ 1/

fixed_pegging_indicator product_id
Retain Fixed Pegging for Product on Document Change Product GUID (Length 32)
/sapapo/dm_fixpeg_prod_setting bapi10001matid_32

char/ 1/ char/ 32/

product product_int location_id location
External Product Indicator Product ID Location GUID (Length 32) External Location ID
/sapapo/ext_matnr /sapapo/matnr bapi10002locid_32 /sapapo/ext_locno

char/ 40/ char/ 40/ char/ 32/ char/ 20/

loctype location_int requirement_type planning_version
Location Type Location Requirements Type Planning Version
/sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/locno /sapapo/snpdemcld /sapapo/vrsioex

char/ 4/ char/ 20/ numc/ 1/ char/ 10/

Penalty for Not Delivering (Costs per Base Unit of Measure)

dec/ 13/ 3
delayed_delivery_penalty max_delay
Delay Penalty (Costs per Day and Base Unit of Measure) Maximum Allowed Delay (in Days)
/sapapo/snplapend /sapapo/snpmaxlad

dec/ 13/ 3 dec/ 3/ 0


date_valid_to product_id product

Time stamp at end of validity period Product GUID (Length 32) External Product Indicator
/sapapo/scc_valtotstmp bapi10001matid_32 /sapapo/ext_matnr

dec/ 15/ 0 char/ 32/ char/ 40/

product_int location_id location loctype location_int
Product ID Location GUID (Length 32) External Location ID Location Type Location
/sapapo/matnr bapi10002locid_32 /sapapo/ext_locno /sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/locno

char/ 40/ char/ 32/ char/ 20/ char/ 4/ char/ 20/


validity_end_date planning_version priority ranking product_id

Validity period end Planning Version Product Priority Rank of Product Product GUID (Length 32)
/sapapo/datet /sapapo/vrsioex /sapapo/prio /sapapo/mrank bapi10001matid_32

dec/ 15/ 0 char/ 10/ int1/ 3/ int4/ 10/ char/ 32/












product product_int location_id
External Product Indicator Product ID Location GUID (Length 32)
/sapapo/ext_matnr /sapapo/matnr bapi10002locid_32

char/ 40/ char/ 40/ char/ 32/

AC00230 AC00230 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000

AC00039 AC00039 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000
AC00146 AC00146 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000
AC00157 AC00157 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000

010681 0000000000000000000000000000000000010681 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000

8000 0000000000000000000000000000000000008000 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000
010680 0000000000000000000000000000000000010680 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000
8001 0000000000000000000000000000000000008001 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000

A00904 A00904 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000

A80004 A80004 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000
A70000 A70000 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000
A50005 A50005 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000
A70001 A70001 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000

AM00110 AM00110 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000

AM00060 AM00060 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000
AM00080 AM00080 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000
AM00090 AM00090 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000

10690 0000000000000000000000000000000000010690 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000

10691 0000000000000000000000000000000000010691 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000
10688 0000000000000000000000000000000000010688 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000

A74000 A74000 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000

A74002 A74002 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000
A74003 A74003 45AEF358F2ED55BEE10000
903106 0000000000000000000000000000000000903106 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000
901216 0000000000000000000000000000000000901216 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000
900097 0000000000000000000000000000000000900097 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000
903107 0000000000000000000000000000000000903107 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000

9000 0000000000000000000000000000000000009000 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000

9103 0000000000000000000000000000000000009103 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000

RMP0003 RMP0003 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000

RMP0043 RMP0043 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000
CTC3180 CTC3180 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000
CTC3181 CTC3181 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000
CTC3189 CTC3189 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000
CTC3179 CTC3179 45AEFDAEFD790E82E1000

200340 0000000000000000000000000000000000200340 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000

200380 0000000000000000000000000000000000200380 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000
201114 0000000000000000000000000000000000201114 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000
200809 0000000000000000000000000000000000200809 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000
0000000000000000000000 BSGSLDE1 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000

4013 0000000000000000000000000000000000004013 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000

4014 0000000000000000000000000000000000004014 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000
4008 0000000000000000000000000000000000004008 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000

10311 0000000000000000000000000000000000010311 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000

10307 0000000000000000000000000000000000010307 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000
13248 0000000000000000000000000000000000013248 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000
13247 0000000000000000000000000000000000013247 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000
13241 0000000000000000000000000000000000013241 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000
13240 0000000000000000000000000000000000013240 45AEFD93FD790E82E10000

AC00039 AC00039 45AEF15FF0D64280E10000

AC00230 AC00230 45AEF15FF0D64280E10000
AC00146 AC00146 45AEF15FF0D64280E10000
AC00157 AC00157 45AEF15FF0D64280E10000
location loctype location_int model
External Location ID Location Type Location Model Name in Supply Chain Network
/sapapo/ext_locno /sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/locno /sapapo/c_modelid

char/ 20/ char/ 4/ char/ 20/ char/ 22/

M026 1001 M026 000

M026 1001 M026 000
M026 1001 M026 000
M026 1001 M026 000

M026 1001 M026 000

M026 1001 M026 000
M026 1001 M026 000
M026 1001 M026 000

M026 1001 M026 000

M026 1001 M026 000
M026 1001 M026 000
M026 1001 M026 000
M026 1001 M026 000

M026 1001 M026 000

M026 1001 M026 000
M026 1001 M026 000
M026 1001 M026 000

M026 1001 M026 000

M026 1001 M026 000
M026 1001 M026 000

M026 1001 M026 000

M026 1001 M026 000
M026 1001 M026 000
M028 1001 M028 000
M028 1001 M028 000
M028 1001 M028 000
M028 1001 M028 000

M028 1001 M028 000

M028 1001 M028 000

M028 1001 M028 000

M028 1001 M028 000
M028 1001 M028 000
M028 1001 M028 000
M028 1001 M028 000
M028 1001 M028 000

M027 1001 M027 000

M027 1001 M027 000
M027 1001 M027 000
M027 1001 M027 000
M027 1001 M027 000

M027 1001 M027 000

M027 1001 M027 000
M027 1001 M027 000

M027 1001 M027 000

M027 1001 M027 000
M027 1001 M027 000
M027 1001 M027 000
M027 1001 M027 000
M027 1001 M027 000

L044 1002 L044 000

L044 1002 L044 000
L044 1002 L044 000
L044 1002 L044 000
Select an Option (Yes = 'X', No = ' ')

char/ 1/

Description Logical System from which Message Originates
data element/extended info bapiapologsys

-> documentation
char/ 10/

resuid resource restype location

Resources GUID (Length 32) External Name of Resource Resource Category External Location ID
bapi10004resid_32 bapi10004ext_resname /sapapo/cres_restype /sapapo/ext_locno

char/ 32/ char/ 40/ char/ 1/ char/ 20/

loctype calendar type
Location Type Factory Calendar ID Resource Type
/sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/cres_calendar /sapapo/cres_resource_type

char/ 4/ char/ 2/ numc/ 2/

dimension dimension_bucket
Dimension of the Resource (Continuous) Dimension of the Resource (Bucket View)
/sapapo/cres_dimid /sapapo/cres_dimid_bucket

char/ 6/ char/ 6/
begti endti breaktime
Start Time for the Working Day Time When Working Day Ends Break Duration
/sapapo/cres_begti_disp /sapapo/cres_endti_disp /sapapo/cres_break_disp

tims/ 6/ tims/ 6/ tims/ 6/

buffertime buffertime_unit buffertime_unit_iso
Resource-Dependent Time Buffer Unit of Measure for Time Buffer ISO code for unit of measurement
/sapapo/cres_buffertime_disp /sapapo/cres_buffertime_unit /sapapo/isocd_unit

numc/ 3/ unit/ 3/ char/ 3/

noindivres noindivres_unit
Capacity of Resource Unit of Measure for the Capacity of a Multiactivity Resource
/sapapo/cres_noindivres /sapapo/cres_noindivres_unit

quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/

noindivres_unit_iso indivres_cap
ISO code for unit of measurement Size of the Transportation Resource
/sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/cres_indivres_cap

char/ 3/ quan/ 13/ 3

utilization define_buckets
Percentage Rate of Resource Utilization Definition of Bucket Capacity for Mixed Resource
/sapapo/cres_utilization /sapapo/cres_define_buckets

dec/ 6/ 3 char/ 1/
capacity_a capacity_a_unit
Capacity of the Bucket Resource Unit of Measure for the Capacity of a Bucket Resource
/sapapo/cres_capacityv1_disp /sapapo/cres_capacityv_unit

quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/

capacity_a_unit_iso num_of_periods period
ISO code for unit of measurement Number of Periods to which the Capacity Applies Period Type
/sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/cres_num_of_periods /sapapo/cres_period

char/ 3/ numc/ 3/ numc/ 2/

planner version_active finite_planning
Resource Planner Group Active Available Capacity Variant Consider Resource Capacity Load
/sapapo/cres_planner /sapapo/cres_version_active /sapapo/cres_lvlind

char/ 3/ numc/ 2/ char/ 1/

is_bottleneck min_gaps
The Resource is a Bottleneck Resource Reduce Gaps
/sapapo/cdps_bottleneck /sapapo/cdps_minimize_gaps

char/ 1/ char/ 1/
overload underload
Maximum Capacity Overload of Resource Minimum Capacity Load for the Resource
/sapapo/cres_overload /sapapo/cres_underload

numc/ 3/ numc/ 3/
overlap_buckets start_on_grid
Activities can Overlap into Another Period Activities can Only Begin at the Start of the Bucket
/sapapo/cres_overlap_buckets /sapapo/cres_start_on_grid

char/ 1/ char/ 1/
min_overlap min_overlap_unit
Maximum Overlap of Activities Unit of Measure for the Maximum Overlap of Two Activities
/sapapo/cres_min_overlap /sapapo/cres_min_overlap_unit

numc/ 3/ unit/ 3/
min_overlap_unit_iso loss_factor
ISO code for unit of measurement Percentage Loss Factor when Deriving Bucket Capacity
/sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/cres_loss_factor

char/ 3/ numc/ 3/
ref_proctime ref_proctime_unit
Processing Duration for Reference Operation Unit of Measurement for Processing Duration for Ref. Op.
/sapapo/cres_ref_proctime_disp /sapapo/cres_ref_proctime_unit

numc/ 3/ unit/ 3/
ref_proctime_unit_iso timezone takts base_rate_quantity
ISO code for unit of measurement Time Zone Number of Takts Number of Units for the Base Rate
/sapapo/isocd_unit timezone /sapapo/num_takts /sapapo/base_rate

char/ 3/ char/ 6/ numc/ 6/ quan/ 13/ 3

base_rate_quantity_unit base_rate_quantity_unit_iso base_rate_time
Unit of Rate ISO code for unit of measurement Number of Time Units for a Rate
/sapapo/rate_qunit /sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/rate_time

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/ quan/ 5/ 2

base_rate_time_unit base_rate_time_unit_iso ritt_flg
Time Unit of Rate ISO code for unit of measurement Rate-Independent Takt Time
/sapapo/rate_tunit /sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/ritt_flg

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/ char/ 1/

Defintion Name for the Product-Dependent Rate

char/ 40/
Freely Selectable Character Sequence for Sorting Resources

char/ 30/
Synchronization of Activities when Overlapping Occurs

numc/ 1/
sync_compatible matrix_name
Synchronization of Activities when Overlapping Occurs Name of Setup Matrix
/sapapo/cres_sync_compatible /sapapo/cdps_matrix_name

numc/ 1/ char/ 20/

ref_resource traty days_minus
External Name of Reference Resource Means of Transport Validity Period of Available Capacity (In Past)
bapi10004ext_refresname /sapapo/crestraty /sapapo/cres_gen_lc_backwards

char/ 40/ char/ 10/ numc/ 4/

days_plus storage_capable
Vailidity Period of Res. Capacity (from Today into Future) Resource has Storage Characteristics
/sapapo/cres_gen_lc_forward /sapapo/cres_storage_capable

numc/ 4/ char/ 1/
min_storage max_storage
Minimum Production Quantity Maximum Stock Level
/sapapo/cres_min_storage /sapapo/cres_max_storage

quan/ 15/ 3 quan/ 15/ 3

min_replenishmnt storage_unit
Quantity up to Which a Product Receipt is Allowed Stock Unit
/sapapo/cres_min_replenishment /sapapo/cres_storage_unit

quan/ 15/ 3 unit/ 3/

storage_unit_iso snplc
ISO code for unit of measurement Resource is not Relevant for SNP
/sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/cres_snplc

char/ 3/ char/ 1/
r3kapid r3arbid
Object ID of Capacity/Work Center in SAP R/3 Object ID of Capacity/Work Center in SAP R/3
/sapapo/cres_r3objid /sapapo/cres_r3objid

numc/ 8/ numc/ 8/
add_plan_bucket dim_storage
Consider Bucket Capacity Dimension for Storage Characteristics of a Resource
/sapapo/cres_add_plan_bucket /sapapo/cres_dimension_storage

char/ 1/ char/ 6/
util_bucket mix_plan_type
Rate of Bucket-Oriented Capacity Utilization (%) Defining Finite Capacity
/sapapo/cres_util_bucket /sapapo/cres_mix_plan_type

dec/ 6/ 3 numc/ 1/
campaign_ppds campaign_snp storage_to_zero
Resource is Campaign-Relevant Cross-Period Lot Size Handling the Remaining Fill Level
/sapapo/cres_campaign_ppds /sapapo/cres_campaign_snp /sapapo/cres_storage_to_zero

char/ 1/ char/ 1/ char/ 1/

tsw_veh_id tsw_height tsw_width tsw_length tsw_draft_l
TD vehicle identifier Vehicle height Vehicle width Vehicle length Vehicle draught laden
/sapapo/tsw_veh_id /sapapo/tsw_height /sapapo/tsw_width /sapapo/tsw_length /sapapo/tsw_draft_l

char/ 18/ quan/ 13/ 3 quan/ 13/ 3 quan/ 13/ 3 quan/ 13/ 3
tsw_draft_u tsw_l_unit tsw_l_unit_iso tsw_speed_n
Vehicle draught unladen Unit of Measure ISO code for unit of measurement Vehicle normal speed
/sapapo/tsw_draft_u /sapapo/unit /sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/tsw_speed_n

quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/ char/ 3/ quan/ 13/ 3

tsw_speed_max tsw_speed_unit tsw_speed_unit_iso tsw_weight_unl
Vehicle maximum speed Unit of Measure ISO code for unit of measurement vehicle unladen weight
/sapapo/tsw_speed_max /sapapo/unit /sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/tsw_weight_unl

quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/ char/ 3/ quan/ 13/ 3

tsw_weight_unit tsw_weight_unit_iso tsw_carrier tsw_dummy_veh
Unit of Measure ISO code for unit of measurement External Location ID Dummy vehicle
/sapapo/unit /sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/ext_locno /sapapo/tsw_dummy_veh

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/ char/ 20/ char/ 1/

tsw_pr_comp_grp tstream_external
Product vehicle resource compatibility group Capacity Data is From an External System
/sapapo/tsw_pr_comp_grp /sapapo/cres_tstream_external

char/ 8/ char/ 1/

finity_level resuid resource langu

Finiteness Level of the Resource Resources GUID (Length 32) External Name of Resource Language Key
/sapapo/cres_finity_level bapi10004resid_32 bapi10004ext_resname langu

numc/ 4/ char/ 32/ char/ 40/ lang/ 1/


langu_iso res_short_text resuid

Language according to ISO 639 Short Description Resources GUID (Length 32)
laiso /sapapo/cres_text bapi10004resid_32

char/ 2/ char/ 60/ char/ 32/

resource version
External Name of Resource Number for the Available Capacity Variant of the Resource
bapi10004ext_resname /sapapo/cres_version

char/ 40/ numc/ 2/

endda begda quanmodel facdayind
Valid Until' Date Valid From' Date Name of Quantity/Rate Definition Workdays
/sapapo/cres_endda /sapapo/cres_begda /sapapo/cres_quan_name /sapapo/cres_facdayind

dats/ 8/ dats/ 8/ char/ 40/ char/ 1/


util_bucket resuid
Rate of Bucket-Oriented Capacity Utilization (%) Resources GUID (Length 32)
/sapapo/cres_util_bucket bapi10004resid_32

dec/ 6/ 3 char/ 32/

resource version
External Name of Resource Number for the Available Capacity Variant of the Resource
bapi10004ext_resname /sapapo/cres_version

char/ 40/ numc/ 2/

endda begda facdayind shiftseq
Valid Until' Date Valid From' Date Workdays Name of Shift Sequence
/sapapo/cres_endda /sapapo/cres_begda /sapapo/cres_facdayind /sapapo/cres_timemodel_name

dats/ 8/ dats/ 8/ char/ 1/ char/ 40/

doffset timeeff
First Day of Shift Sequence in the Time Interval Name of Shift Factor Definition
/sapapo/cres_offset /sapapo/cres_timeeff_name

numc/ 2/ char/ 40/


resuid resource begda

Resources GUID (Length 32) External Name of Resource Valid From' Date
bapi10004resid_32 bapi10004ext_resname /sapapo/cres_begda

char/ 32/ char/ 40/ dats/ 8/

begti endda endti
Start of Downtime Valid Until' Date End of Downtime
/sapapo/cres_begti_down_disp /sapapo/cres_endda /sapapo/cres_endti_down_disp

tims/ 6/ dats/ 8/ tims/ 6/

downtime_type downtimeid pm_ordid
Type of Downtime Downtime GUID (length 32) Order GUID (Length 32) for Downtime
/sapapo/cres_downtime_type bapi10004downtimeid_32 bapi10004downtimeordid_32

numc/ 2/ char/ 32/ char/ 32/


resuid resource begda

Resources GUID (Length 32) External Name of Resource Valid From' Date
bapi10004resid_32 bapi10004ext_resname /sapapo/cres_begda

char/ 32/ char/ 40/ dats/ 8/

begti langu langu_iso text
Start of Downtime Language Key Language according to ISO 639 Short Description
/sapapo/cres_begti_down_disp langu laiso /sapapo/cres_text

tims/ 6/ lang/ 1/ char/ 2/ char/ 60/


resuid resource
Resources GUID (Length 32) External Name of Resource
bapi10004resid_32 bapi10004ext_resname

char/ 32/ char/ 40/

model remove_flag
Model Name (Copy from /SAPAPO/C_MODELID) Select an Option (Yes = 'X', No = ' ')
/sapapo/cres_modelid bapiyesno

char/ 22/ char/ 1/


resuid resource
Resources GUID (Length 32) External Name of Resource
bapi10004resid_32 bapi10004ext_resname

char/ 32/ char/ 40/

version endda begda
Number for the Available Capacity Variant of the Resource Valid Until' Date Valid From' Date
/sapapo/cres_version /sapapo/cres_endda /sapapo/cres_begda

numc/ 2/ dats/ 8/ dats/ 8/

Name of Rate Model

char/ 40/

Description Logical System from which Message Originates
data element/extended info bapiapologsys

-> documentation
char/ 10/
auto_delete business_check

auto_delete business_check
Automatic Deletion of PPM/Plan by Data Transfer Execute Extended Checks
bapi10003autodel bapi10003businesscheck

char/ 1/ char/ 1/

plan_number single_level_cost_var
External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Single-Level Costs (Variable)
/sapapo/ext_plannr /sapapo/cost1

char/ 60/ int4/ 10/

single_level_cost_fix plan_state plan_usage
Single-Level Costs (Fixed) Status of a Plan in Production Process Model Use of a Plan
/sapapo/cost2 /sapapo/state /sapapo/plan_usage

int4/ 10/ char/ 1/ char/ 1/

multi_level_cost_fix multi_level_cost_var
Costs: Multi-Level (Fixed) Costs: Multi-Level (Variable)
/sapapo/ppm_cost_fix /sapapo/ppm_cost_var

int4/ 10/ int4/ 10/

rel_plannr cosnr
External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Supply Network Planning: External Cost Function
/sapapo/ext_plannr /sapapo/snpcosex

char/ 60/ char/ 10/


plan_number langu langu_iso

External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Language Key Language according to ISO 639
/sapapo/ext_plannr langu laiso

char/ 60/ lang/ 1/ char/ 2/


text ppm_number log_component

Plan Description Production Process Model: External Number Logical Component
/sapapo/plntxt /sapapo/ext_ppmnr /sapapo/logcomp

char/ 40/ char/ 60/ char/ 40/

product location loctype
External Product Indicator External Location ID Location Type
/sapapo/ext_matnr /sapapo/ext_locno /sapapo/c_loctype

char/ 40/ char/ 20/ char/ 4/

plan_number date_from date_to
External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Validity per. start Validity period end
/sapapo/ext_plannr /sapapo/datef /sapapo/datet

char/ 60/ dec/ 15/ 0 dec/ 15/ 0

min_lsz max_lsz source_priority disc_ppm_flg
Minimum Lot Size Maximum Lot Size Procurement Priority SNP Optimizer: Discretize PPM
/sapapo/minls /sapapo/maxls /sapapo/tr_sprio /sapapo/snppdisc

quan/ 15/ 3 quan/ 15/ 3 dec/ 15/ 2 char/ 1/

Bucket Offset for Product Availability during Production

dec/ 3/ 2
preq_cover_type source_location source_loctype
Period Factor for Calculating the Availability Date/Time External Location ID Location Type
/sapapo/rrp_req_cover_type /sapapo/ext_locno /sapapo/c_loctype

dec/ 4/ 3 char/ 20/ char/ 4/


ppm_number langu langu_iso

Production Process Model: External Number Language Key Language according to ISO 639
/sapapo/ext_ppmnr langu laiso

char/ 60/ lang/ 1/ char/ 2/


text plan_number operation_number

PPM Description External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Operation Number
/sapapo/ppmtxt /sapapo/ext_plannr /sapapo/cdps_operation_number

char/ 40/ char/ 60/ char/ 4/

operation_number_extension setup_group setup_item
Extension of Operation number (R/3) Setup Group Setup Key
bapi10003r3oprnumextension /sapapo/cdps_setup_group /sapapo/cdps_setup_item

char/ 8/ char/ 40/ char/ 40/

setup_location setup_loctype stat_split_capacity operation_type super_operation
External Location ID Location Type Statistical split quantity Operation Type Operation Number
/sapapo/ext_locno /sapapo/c_loctype /sapapo/stat_split_capa /sapapo/vrgtyp /sapapo/vornr

char/ 20/ char/ 4/ quan/ 13/ 3 int1/ 3/ char/ 12/


plan_number operation_number
External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Operation Number
/sapapo/ext_plannr /sapapo/cdps_operation_number

char/ 60/ char/ 4/

operation_number_extension langu langu_iso
Extension of Operation number (R/3) Language Key Language according to ISO 639
bapi10003r3oprnumextension langu laiso

char/ 8/ lang/ 1/ char/ 2/


text plan_number
Operation Description External Name of Plan in Production Process Model
/sapapo/acttxt /sapapo/ext_plannr

char/ 40/ char/ 60/

operation_number operation_number_extension activity scrap
Operation Number Extension of Operation number (R/3) Activity Number Scrap Factor
/sapapo/cdps_operation_number bapi10003r3oprnumextension /sapapo/actnr /sapapo/scrap

char/ 4/ char/ 8/ char/ 40/ dec/ 5/ 4

activity_type setup_flg
Activity Type Setup Activity with Sequence-Dependent Duration
/sapapo/acttype /sapapo/setup

char/ 1/ char/ 1/
tdpp_flg synchronization effectivity
Time-Dependent Parameters Maintained Synchronization Behavior Validity Mode
/sapapo/tipp /sapapo/nosyncflg /sapapo/om_effectivity_mode

char/ 1/ char/ 1/ int1/ 3/


plan_number operation_number
External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Operation Number
/sapapo/ext_plannr /sapapo/cdps_operation_number

char/ 60/ char/ 4/

operation_number_extension activity langu langu_iso
Extension of Operation number (R/3) Activity Number Language Key Language according to ISO 639
bapi10003r3oprnumextension /sapapo/actnr langu laiso

char/ 8/ char/ 40/ lang/ 1/ char/ 2/


text plan_number
Activity Description External Name of Plan in Production Process Model
/sapapo/acttypetext /sapapo/ext_plannr

char/ 40/ char/ 60/

operation_number operation_number_extension activity
Operation Number Extension of Operation number (R/3) Activity Number
/sapapo/cdps_operation_number bapi10003r3oprnumextension /sapapo/actnr

char/ 4/ char/ 8/ char/ 40/

planning_version date_valid_to use_scrap_flg
Planning Version Validity period end Indicator Whether Maintained Scrap Should be Used
/sapapo/vrsioex /sapapo/datet /sapapo/flag_scrap

char/ 10/ dec/ 15/ 0 char/ 1/


scrap plan_number_pre operation_number_pre

Scrap Factor External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Operation Number
/sapapo/scrap /sapapo/ext_plannr /sapapo/cdps_operation_number

dec/ 5/ 4 char/ 60/ char/ 4/

operation_number_pre_extn activity_pre
Extension of Operation number (R/3) Activity Number
bapi10003r3oprnumextension /sapapo/actnr

char/ 8/ char/ 40/

plan_number_succ operation_number_succ
External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Operation Number
/sapapo/ext_plannr /sapapo/cdps_operation_number

char/ 60/ char/ 4/

operation_number_succ_extn activity_succ
Extension of Operation number (R/3) Activity Number
bapi10003r3oprnumextension /sapapo/actnr

char/ 8/ char/ 40/

reference_type min_time_deviation max_time_deviation
Constraint Ref. Type (for Example Start-Start,...) for LC Minimum Interval Maximum interval
/sapapo/om_constr_rel_type /sapapo/min /sapapo/max

int4/ 10/ quan/ 9/ 0 quan/ 9/ 0

min_deviation_flg max_deviation_flg resource_network_flg uom
Use Process-Related Minimum Interval Use Maximum Interval Resource Network Unit of Measure
/sapapo/fmin /sapapo/fmax /sapapo/frnf /sapapo/unit

char/ 1/ char/ 1/ char/ 1/ unit/ 3/

uom_iso material_flow_flg mode_rel_type
ISO code for unit of measurement Material Flow Along Relationship Mode Linkage Type
/sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/matflow /sapapo/mode_rel_type

char/ 3/ char/ 1/ int1/ 3/

constr_subtype cover avr_time_deviation
Reference Subtype Continuous Load of the Resources Average Interval for Infinite Scheduling
/sapapo/constr_subtype /sapapo/cover /sapapo/avrshift

int1/ 3/ char/ 1/ quan/ 9/ 0

avr_deviation_flg scheduled_by_predecessor scheduled_by_successor
Use of Planning-Related Minimum Interval Scheduled Relationship Scheduled Relationship
/sapapo/favr /sapapo/termby /sapapo/termby

char/ 1/ char/ 1/ char/ 1/


plan_number operation_number
External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Operation Number
/sapapo/ext_plannr /sapapo/cdps_operation_number

char/ 60/ char/ 4/

operation_number_extension activity mode_number resource
Extension of Operation number (R/3) Activity Number Mode Number Resource Name
bapi10003r3oprnumextension /sapapo/actnr /sapapo/om_modus /sapapo/cres_name

char/ 8/ char/ 40/ char/ 5/ char/ 40/

uom uom_iso duration_var
Unit of Measure ISO code for unit of measurement Activity Duration (Variable)
/sapapo/unit /sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/dur1

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/ quan/ 13/ 3

duration_fix penalty_var tdpp_flg
Duration of an Activity (Fixed) Single-Level Costs (Variable) Time-Dependent Parameters Maintained
/sapapo/dur2 /sapapo/cost1 /sapapo/tipp

quan/ 13/ 3 int4/ 10/ char/ 1/

production_in_shift max_short_break mode_priority
Production Within a Shift Maximum Duration of a "Short" Break Priority for Selection of a Mode
/sapapo/ppm_prod_in_shift /sapapo/om_max_short_break /sapapo/ppm_mode_prio

char/ 1/ int4/ 10/ char/ 1/

duration_incrementation slot_start_grid break_not_allowed
Increment for Activity Duration Control of activity start Break not Allowed
/sapapo/dur3 /sapapo/slot_start_grid /sapapo/break_allowed

quan/ 13/ 3 int1/ 3/ char/ 1/


plan_number operation_number
External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Operation Number
/sapapo/ext_plannr /sapapo/cdps_operation_number

char/ 60/ char/ 4/

operation_number_extension activity mode_number planning_version
Extension of Operation number (R/3) Activity Number Mode Number Planning Version
bapi10003r3oprnumextension /sapapo/actnr /sapapo/om_modus /sapapo/vrsioex

char/ 8/ char/ 40/ char/ 5/ char/ 10/

date_valid_to use_dur_var_flg display_uom_var
Validity period end Indicator for Use of Variable Parameter Unit of Measure
/sapapo/datet /sapapo/flag_var /sapapo/unit

dec/ 15/ 0 char/ 1/ unit/ 3/

display_uom_var_iso duration_var use_dur_fix_flg
ISO code for unit of measurement Activity Duration (Variable) Indicator for Use of Fixed Parameter
/sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/dur1 /sapapo/flag_fix

char/ 3/ quan/ 13/ 3 char/ 1/

display_uom_fix display_uom_fix_iso duration_fix
Unit of Measure ISO code for unit of measurement Duration of an Activity (Fixed)
/sapapo/unit /sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/dur2

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/ quan/ 13/ 3

use_penalty_flg penalty
Indicator for using penalty parameters Single-Level Costs (Variable)
/sapapo/flag_pen /sapapo/cost1

char/ 1/ int4/ 10/


plan_number operation_number
External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Operation Number
/sapapo/ext_plannr /sapapo/cdps_operation_number

char/ 60/ char/ 4/

operation_number_extension activity mode_number resource
Extension of Operation number (R/3) Activity Number Mode Number Resource Name
bapi10003r3oprnumextension /sapapo/actnr /sapapo/om_modus /sapapo/cres_name

char/ 8/ char/ 40/ char/ 5/ char/ 40/

res_consump_var res_consump_fix
Continuous Resource Consumption (Variable) Continuous Resource Consumption (Fixed)
/sapapo/cap1 /sapapo/cap2

quan/ 13/ 3 quan/ 13/ 3

res_consump_uom res_consump_uom_iso res_calendar_flg
Unit of Measure ISO code for unit of measurement Calendar Resource
/sapapo/unit /sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/cale

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/ char/ 1/

tdpp_flg bucket_consump_var
Time-Dependent Parameters Maintained Bucket Resource Consumption (Variable)
/sapapo/tipp /sapapo/bcap1

char/ 1/ quan/ 13/ 3

bucket_consump_fix bucket_consump_uom bucket_consump_uom_iso
Bucket Resource Consumption (Firmed) Unit of Measure ISO code for unit of measurement
/sapapo/bcap2 /sapapo/unit /sapapo/isocd_unit

quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/ char/ 3/


plan_number operation_number
External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Operation Number
/sapapo/ext_plannr /sapapo/cdps_operation_number

char/ 60/ char/ 4/

operation_number_extension activity mode_number resource
Extension of Operation number (R/3) Activity Number Mode Number Resource Name
bapi10003r3oprnumextension /sapapo/actnr /sapapo/om_modus /sapapo/cres_name

char/ 8/ char/ 40/ char/ 5/ char/ 40/

planning_version date_valid_to res_cons_var_flg
Planning Version Validity period end Indicator for Use of Variable Parameter
/sapapo/vrsioex /sapapo/datet /sapapo/flag_var

char/ 10/ dec/ 15/ 0 char/ 1/

res_cons_var res_cons_var_uom res_cons_var_uom_iso
Continuous Resource Consumption (Variable) Unit of Measure ISO code for unit of measurement
/sapapo/cap1 /sapapo/unit /sapapo/isocd_unit

quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/ char/ 3/

res_cons_fix_flg res_cons_fix res_cons_fix_uom
Indicator for Use of Fixed Parameter Continuous Resource Consumption (Fixed) Unit of Measure
/sapapo/flag_fix /sapapo/cap2 /sapapo/unit

char/ 1/ quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/

res_cons_fix_uom_iso bucket_cons_var_flg
ISO code for unit of measurement Indicator for Use of Variable Parameter
/sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/flag_var

char/ 3/ char/ 1/
bucket_cons_var bucket_cons_var_uom bucket_cons_var_uom_iso
Continuous Resource Consumption (Variable) Unit of Measure ISO code for unit of measurement
/sapapo/cap1 /sapapo/unit /sapapo/isocd_unit

quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/ char/ 3/

bucket_cons_fix_flg bucket_cons_fix bucket_cons_fix_uom
Indicator for Use of Fixed Parameter Continuous Resource Consumption (Fixed) Unit of Measure
/sapapo/flag_fix /sapapo/cap2 /sapapo/unit

char/ 1/ quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/


bucket_cons_fix_uom_iso plan_number
ISO code for unit of measurement External Name of Plan in Production Process Model
/sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/ext_plannr

char/ 3/ char/ 60/

operation_number operation_number_extension activity
Operation Number Extension of Operation number (R/3) Activity Number
/sapapo/cdps_operation_number bapi10003r3oprnumextension /sapapo/actnr

char/ 4/ char/ 8/ char/ 40/

log_component io_indicator consumption_mode
Logical Component Input/Output Indicator Type of Material Consumption During Activity
/sapapo/logcomp /sapapo/ioind /sapapo/om_matco

char/ 40/ char/ 1/ char/ 1/

relation_io_offset io_offset
Starting Point for Offset Temporal Offset for Material Consumption
/sapapo/offco /sapapo/iooff

char/ 1/ quan/ 9/ 0
io_offset_uom io_offset_uom_iso
Unit for Temporal Offset of Material Consumption ISO code for unit of measurement
/sapapo/moffunit /sapapo/isocd_unit

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/
io_duration io_duration_uom io_duration_uom_iso
Material Consumption Duration Material Consumption Duration Unit ISO code for unit of measurement
/sapapo/iodur /sapapo/mdurunit /sapapo/isocd_unit

quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/ char/ 3/


cp_date_to plan_number operation_number

Validity period end External Name of Plan in Production Process Model Operation Number
/sapapo/datet /sapapo/ext_plannr /sapapo/cdps_operation_number

dec/ 15/ 0 char/ 60/ char/ 4/

operation_number_extension activity log_component product_alt
Extension of Operation number (R/3) Activity Number Logical Component External Product Indicator
bapi10003r3oprnumextension /sapapo/actnr /sapapo/logcomp /sapapo/ext_matnr

char/ 8/ char/ 40/ char/ 40/ char/ 40/

date_to date_from prod_consump_var prod_consump_fix
Validity period end Validity per. start Material Consumption (Variable) Material Consumption (Fixed)
/sapapo/datet /sapapo/datef /sapapo/par1 /sapapo/par2

dec/ 15/ 0 dec/ 15/ 0 quan/ 13/ 3 quan/ 13/ 3

penalty_var alt_prod_strategy ranking_order
Single-Level Costs (Variable) Alternative items strategy Ranking order
/sapapo/cost1 /sapapo/alpst /sapapo/alprf

int4/ 10/ char/ 1/ numc/ 2/

percent_use_alt_strategy storage_location
Usage Probability for Alternative Strategy in % Sublocation
/sapapo/uprob /sapapo/subloc

dec/ 3/ 0 char/ 4/
tdpp_flg avert_product_explosion prod_consump_uom
Time-Dependent Parameters Maintained Prevent Product Explosion Unit of Measure
/sapapo/tipp /sapapo/aexpl /sapapo/unit

char/ 1/ char/ 1/ unit/ 3/


prod_consump_uom_iso plan_number
ISO code for unit of measurement External Name of Plan in Production Process Model
/sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/ext_plannr

char/ 3/ char/ 60/

operation_number operation_number_extension activity
Operation Number Extension of Operation number (R/3) Activity Number
/sapapo/cdps_operation_number bapi10003r3oprnumextension /sapapo/actnr

char/ 4/ char/ 8/ char/ 40/

log_component product_alt planning_version date_valid_to
Logical Component External Product Indicator Planning Version Validity period end
/sapapo/logcomp /sapapo/ext_matnr /sapapo/vrsioex /sapapo/datet

char/ 40/ char/ 40/ char/ 10/ dec/ 15/ 0

use_prod_consump_var_flg prod_consump_var prod_consump_var_uom
Indicator for Use of Variable Parameter Material Consumption (Variable) Unit of Measure
/sapapo/flag_var /sapapo/par1 /sapapo/unit

char/ 1/ quan/ 13/ 3 unit/ 3/

prod_consump_var_uom_iso use_prod_consump_fix_flg prod_consump_fix
ISO code for unit of measurement Indicator for Use of Fixed Parameter Material Consumption (Fixed)
/sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/flag_fix /sapapo/par2

char/ 3/ char/ 1/ quan/ 13/ 3

prod_consump_fix_uom prod_consump_fix_uom_iso use_penalty_flg
Unit of Measure ISO code for unit of measurement Indicator for using penalty parameters
/sapapo/unit /sapapo/isocd_unit /sapapo/flag_pen

unit/ 3/ char/ 3/ char/ 1/


penalty cp_date_to plan_number

Single-Level Costs (Variable) Validity period end External Name of Plan in Production Process Model
/sapapo/cost1 /sapapo/datet /sapapo/ext_plannr

int4/ 10/ dec/ 15/ 0 char/ 60/

ppm_number model
Production Process Model: External Number Model Name in Supply Chain Network
/sapapo/ext_ppmnr /sapapo/c_modelid

char/ 60/ char/ 22/

Select an Option (Yes = 'X', No = ' ')

char/ 1/

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