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Central + Southern America-> Spain and Portugal invaded in the 15th and 16th ce

Canada -> France invaded in 16-17 century
USA-> Holland invaded in 17th century, England in 17th and 18th century
The Indians are now extinct due to the conquering of the US. South America were
more violent, genocide.
Black people aren’t extinct but they too suffered a lot for 300 years in the US. T
hey were poor, used drugs, were used. The US began with a catastrophe of sufferi
ng. It is something not forgiven but for years they didn’t seem to care.
All but the English got good land with treasure and diamonds, since they weren’t a
strong empire yet and had disagreements.
England and Holland arrived last. Most of the ones who arrived came to trade, we
re farmers, bankers… whop were looking for a new start. The Hispanics on the other
hand came to conquer and become war heroes.
The “Colonial Age”/ colonial history of the US – is when the British came to start ove
r in the US.
The two first cities of the US started in the south of
North America – Virginia and Maryland, by British trade companies. The first boat
came to the River Chessepick in 1607. The reason was to get rid of some of Engla
nd’s population. It was over-populated. People were poor, had no jobs, violent, se
nt to prison, there weren’t enough prisons… etc. Not enough homes, impossible to mak
e money. Aristocrats were sent to mansions, with people who worked for them and
slaves. There was a lot of land in the “new world”. People got hopeful, hope made th
em go. They signed contracts that they will work for 7 years and then be free. T
hey were nothing to England, they felt like the US had more potential for a happ
y life. So more people came and towns were built. Ie. Jamestown. The problem was
that the servants ran away, they didn’t want to stay. Too much land was around th
em and it was the reason to chaos. There was a lot of free land to run away to a
nd they built their own mansions there.
Negroes couldn’t run away because they were “black” to everyone. Born to be slaves, gr
own up as slaves, treated as slaves. They solved the problem of the runaways. Th
at is how slavery and slave trading started to develop. Tobacco began to be a go
od market at that time. It earned a lot of the money (also wood, rice, molasses,
ludigo) .
As time went on in the South a constant hierarchic organization developed and sp
ecial culture called The Horseman/Cavalier Era. ‫םישרפה סותא‬
There are no cities, since there is no market in the South. 1/3 of the people in
this society are slaves with no rights. They were wishful thinking people who w
anted slaves. Rednecks – some had slaves some didn’t… but they were farmers. They liv
ed thinking someday they’ll have a slave but their price just rose and rose.
It is a whole system connected all together, while as black people do all the bl
ack work. It lasted until the civil war, for over 200 years, Very racist society
There were three steps to the settlement.
-vision collapse
The puritans are a cult. Strong religion, they believed they were sinners. (Radi
cal christians) They fought for hierarchy, pleasure... They were protestant but
brought trouble to churches. So they ran away. They lived in the 1700 s and irri
tated everyone. They wanted to be good, do well, be elected, not go to hell. The
y didn t want to show they were rich. They saw themselves as a chosen nation, wh
o were suppose to make a change but they didn t. They believed they were cursed.
They wanted to purify England but it didn t work. The Puritans split. Some were
in England and tried to purify it. Severaties, Penguins – cults inside cults.
The English sent them away to Virginia, only they didn t get to Virginia. “City up
on a hill” William Bradford writes (leader of the cult) “no way to hold them togethe
r”. They believed that God chose them, and they were sinners, God is pissed.
They signed a campaign called “The Mayflower”
They were always angry, disappointed, pessimistic.
God wanted for them to be loyal, not rich. Financially they were always challeng
ed. Mayflower is where it all began. Mayflower signed a contract they will make
a community in the new worls under the ruling of God, which will be an example f
or the whole world. Boston is one of the first cities.
They couldnt use the hierarchy of the rich men, or the hierarchy of the Saint. T
hey beat their children for discipline, but didnt sentence to death.
The Puritan Jeremiah was a day where they suffered and asked for forgiveness. Th
ey made a day for bitterness. They were all saints. And sometimes one of them be
lieved they were a saint whoi talked to God and was called a witch.
Halfway Covenant – boys of all saints were always saints, But then noone would go
to church.
After a few years the religious vision of the first Puritans started to break do
wn. They lived in communities for a few more centuries and tried to live a norma
l life.
They started to work, live a normal life... in the other places some lived in th
e bigger houses, were richer in the south, there was a lot of room, had small vi
llages everywhere.
In Europe 1 of 5 kids lived, there everyone did... Most were farmers in the mark
et agriculture. There started a dynamic economy after difficulties.
In Boston there was a sheep market.
Quackers came... other cults... villages like Pennsylvania, New Jersey started
to develop... New Amsterdam turned into New York. Holland made New Netherlands i
n 1624.
In the north, Puritats, 7 villages.
A social pyramid is madfe that is different from before.
There are changed in finances which are drastic. A new society is beginning to d
Frontier – not negatice or humiliating.
It was a good way to get rid of their children- if they had 6 children or more..
. they would to to the US and stay.
Politics and religion in the villages.
The British Empire relations with the villages.
13 colonies in the north.
In the 18th century Britain becomes an empire and starts ruling the colonies. Fr
ance, Portugal, Spain all lost to Britain in the end. As more time went on, Engl
and became more and more involved in the colonies. She can now rule the trade be
tween America and Europe, and make a lot of money out of it.
England made a law that every shit that arrives the US must be British, which me
ans there are no pirates and robbers.
The trade wasn t free, they wanted to make it stronger. Hats weren t allowed to
be created, they wanted to be the only ones selling stuff and making money. Thin
gs were sold to Britain first and then to other countries. There wasn t trade be
tween the US and other nations... Only by Britain. The country is ruling the tra
Mid 1700 s – start of 1800 s. This made beurocracy and business for Britain and US

Financially, Britain was very strict concerning trade, due to the 3 laws. The vi
llagers had to obey these rules (although they probably broke some). England rul
ed the villages in the USA. Inside these villages, chaos started, they were nati
onal, they politically had a different dynamic than England.
The king was connected to the people through an image, through God . He was dif
ferent from them and they obeyed him. He wasnt chosen by the people but by a per
son, a middleman, connected to God. If only the king has power, he quickly becom
es a tyrant. (seeking for many wives, money...) There needs to be aristocracy, s
o that wont happen. They are qualified good people. If there is no king, arist
ocracy will fall and wont be quality because theyll be full of themselves and
fall apart.
Democracy, aristocracy, together makes a good government. They balance each othe
After the revolution in England, The King , The House of the Lords , House
of the Commons
In the villages, : State assembly, Council, Governor. This was a mess, chaos, de
mocracy, but imperfect.
The difference is that the kings image was important, due to God. The governor w
as just someone appointed by the king. The lords are so old, it passes on by gen
eration, in America they were new and had no meaning, they were in Britains cult
ure, not the USA.
In England, only 2% could vore, since they had land... In the USA everyone had l
and but noone could vote.
Virtual representation – 50% of the House of Commons. Only when they all work toge
ther – they are the same person- it works and is well.
W. Churchill – "America and England are different nations divided by the same lang
There started a religion of chaos and balagan.
Roger Williams starts an idea to seperate between religion and politics and the
country – makes it happen in Rhode Island. He was also a religious man. He was the
first to realize and make a statement like that. Here began a new idea that the
politics, beurocracies, country can now use. This made a revolition to many peo
ple. He opened his own church in Rhode Island where politics and religion were n
ot connected. It is a dfifferent religion, it was a blow to religion. It was new
, had new experience, new images, De Facto separation. There were no protestants
. It was an awakening that broke it all, it was more open.
Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield were the most famous/ outstanding rulers/
leaders of the awakening at that time.
For the reason that people can do whatever they wish, live the American dream ,
get rich easily, live a good life... For those reasons it is now overpopulated.
Jan De Drawker, French child who went to the new world, got very rich and went
back to the French Embassy, as a success.
It is a different identity:
-Lack of roots
-Personal independance/ security
For 150 years, a new society of British developed, but they politically, religio
usly had a new experience in life, new world- it starts because of success in th
e middle of the 18th century.

1763-1776 American independance.

7 years of war with France
1754-1763 War in the settlements
The English won the war, Spanish got a tie . French-Indian war, the Indians w
ere defeated as well. It became a British colony, they succeeded and made the Pe
ace Treaty of Paris, which ended the American revolutionary war between Kingdom
of Great Britain and United States of America, which rebelled against British Ru
le. It was a dialogue between two deaf people, they didnt really meet to concl
ude the war. It didnt irritate England as much as it caused France to be angry.
They didnt know where England and France ended or began, they needed borders. Th
e King of England sent a letter and set the borders. After the proclomation, the
cities were furious about the borders, they felt as though their freedom was ta
ken away from them, they were used to a society with no limits. It suffocated th
e future of the colonies, who thought they would keep advancing and had somewher
e to advance constantly.
There was also a problem with the army. It was overpopulated, they had to find t
hem something to do. They wanted to send them to sit and guard the settlements,
in a time of piece, which was totally reckless and not needed. Now the city had
to pay taxes for the army, which isnt needed. The population became hostile and
unfriendly. The economy was high and successful in America. If army men were sen
t there, they ran away and stayed since the pay was high, life was good. 2- 2 an
d a half million whiote men lived in the United States at that time.
There were taxes on items by England and also direct taxes on people.
1764 – Stamp act. Money, letters, newspapers, any other document which was passed
on from colony to colony had to pay for stamps (to England). People who used pap
ers (bankers, lawyers, rich people) were mostly disturbed by this, they felt tha
t the British Parliament had no right to do this. There were taxes also on thing
s inside the colonies.
9/13 of the settlements sent representatives to New York and a document was cres
ated with a complaint that the British Parliamtent had no right (according to th
eir own laws) to tax stamps. It is important because it was the first document c
reated by almost all settlements/colonies and it was the beginning of an union.
A year after the law began, not a penny was seen. England wouldnt comprehend wha
t was going on because they lived in an old world. They didnt accept the documen
t but they discarded the stamp law.
The colonies felt strong but stupid. A year after the stamp law was taken down,
new tax laws were sent. After the stamp law didnt work groups of people began to
boycott, revolt. Many Americans would drive away/smuggle products, sets of laws
were made which caused new rebellions by citizens.
"Letters from Farmers" by John Dickinson had many letters of what Britain could
and couldnt do to America it was a fight for basic human rights. His letters wer
e more popular in England than America. England took off the laws. Now the Ameri
cans felt even more strong and stupid. More and more people got rebelious and gr
oups of boycotts started to develop. They called themselves radicals.
Many farmers started to revolt. They stopped paying taxes, even burnt down a cou
rthouse. They split into two groups, radicals (20%) and loyalists(10%). The othe
r 70% of the population didnt know what to do. 1770- Boston Butchers. (resulted
in the death of 5 people) There was a fight between the British and American. Sa
muel Adams – leader of the radicals. He made a document "On Independance", he blam
ed the Americans for being slaves and not doing anything about it. More and more
people started to feel uncomfortable with what Britain was doing. They wanted t
o keep what they built but wanted a different leadership. They were both conserv
ative and liberal.
1773 – British dealers made tea cheaper and sent it to the colonies which affected
dealers in America. "Boston Tea Party" was a revolution by Sam Adams. They dres
sed up as Indians and threw out tea worth 90 thousand dollars. Britain was furio
us and made new laws, to make American life much more difficult. They wanted to
stop all revolutions and make order. The change was inevitable. The first respon
se to these laws was that Britain denied the laws of people and nature . Washin
gton, Dickenson, Jefferson, Adams etc. All decided to send representatives to a
conference and decide what will happen next with the unbearable British laws. (a
ka Intolerable Acts)
5.9.1774 – first continental congress, conseravite-liberals.

1786 – There is a conference in Anapolis, Maryland in order to fix the rebellions

and problems against taxes and debts.
Daniel Shayers – leader of the revolt.
Rebellions went to Bostons courthouse in order to burn all records of debts.
1787 – A conference with the representatives of the countries which aim is to fix
the confederation.
Results –
Federal confederation – federation.
Federal laws.
Scroll of Rights acceptance.
9/13 states were for Ed Hawk in the states.
Praised conference. - ‫תללוהמ הדיעו‬
All were slave traders, not farmers. Financially, they were rich, they felt as t
hough they had the responsibility to change something...
They were very bad/mean people, who from a sceptic way made an important documen
t (realistic, felt man had flaws)
September 1887 – Federal alliance.
They started manipulating people, Hamilton, Jefferson, Jay were the leaders of t
he conference. They presented a Hawk conference which was not accepted by the go
vernment because it weakened it. Even Sam Adams was against it because they just
got freed from England, not a new set of laws was going to be set... They neede
d 9/13 states to accept the Ed Hawk conference.
Jefferson would accept only if the document was added (Scroll of Rights) It beca
me the first 10 reclamation to USA s law/rule.
The Federalist papers were a few articles which show the concept of the world by
the creators of the document.
They were spead through the states in order to convince the states. They felt it
was the right form of government. The conference split in 1788, and slowly the
states started to accept the laws.
It is unknown who exactly wrote each paper. The federalists were afraid of a tot
al collapse of the nation.
One after the other, states began to accept the papers... It started from Delawa
re, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, by the end of 1788, 9 states accepted the document
. There were anti-federalists, but they lost in the votes (eg. Sam Adams) It was
anti-democratic, since all states were made federalists, but not everyone agree
d to it and wanted it.
There was no Union, but they were a confederation. 1789 – Washington was elected t
he first president of the United States (by electors not the nation). Washington
brought victory, had many slaves, aristocrat, had a lot of land, was the leader
of the army, a gentleman... that s why he was elected.
“We the people, in order to create a more perfect union....” (there was no union!!)
It totally contradicts itself. It is manipulative and condemning all people to d
o what a few chose.
Congress - ‫תקקוחמ‬, President - ‫תעצבמ‬, Courthouse - ‫ – תטפוש‬authority/powers – ‫תויושר‬
It is a power game between the three. It is balanced.
Every 1/3 senator is chosen every two years – which means they change every six ye
President must be 35+ - chosen every 4 years.
House of representatives – 2 of each state. They change every two years, must be 2
‫רוקמ – טאנס – סרגנוק – תקקוחמ‬: ‫תונידמ‬
‫רוקמ – תיבה – תרגנוק – תקקוחמ‬: ‫רוביצה‬
‫חוכ רוקמ – אישנ – תעצבמ‬: ‫םירוטקלא‬
‫אישנ – חוכ רוכמ – ןוילעה טפשמ תיב – תטפוש‬

Federal law : federal court of law, president, congress

State law : court of the state, governor, house of representatives
President should have been the best man, most good man. Every state sent elector
s proportionally to the number of people in the congress.
Biggest number: 12, smallest: 2.
First place needed 50% of the vote. The one who got the next most vote percentag
e was vice president. This only worked until the 1820 s. After that, the public
voted, the electors weren’t needed anymore, the public spoke for itself. The presi
dent who won, got everything the country possessed. It was possible to change/re
pair the ways, but very difficult. If 2/3 of the house of lawmakers and ¾ of the s
tates agree, there can be a change. The law/rule: realistic, anti Utopian, pessi
mistic, ‫תוטילאה תוצראמו ןוהה ןוטלשמ דחפ‬.
Washington was elected, Adams was vice president. With the rise of the federal l
aw, new problems arose such as, Americas future, industrial or agraric?
Alexander Hammilton and secretary state and Thoman Jefferson were two opponent s
peakers of this argument.
Realistic pay
Nominal pay
National dept
Dont have
Dont open
Central bank
Dont open
International relations
‫הקוחל סחיב‬ ‫תבחרומ תונשרפ‬ ‫תמצמוצמ תונשרפ‬
In 1974 broke out a revolt, “The Whisky Revolt”, in Pennsylvania due to high taxes o
f whiskey. The problems between Hamilton and Jefferson came to the presidents ca
binet, he chose Hamilton. This also arrived to the first congress and parties st
arted to develop: federalists (Hamilton supporters), democrat-republics (Jeffers
on supporters). Washington stepped down from being president in 1796 and new ele
ctions preceded.
Jefferson: 68 electors, Adams – 71 electors. Pinkny- 59 electors, Burr- Burr....
Pinky gave his votes to Jefferson and got elected, the second president of the U
nites states. There was a problem between France and America. Adams put up a few
sets of laws to prevent French from coming to America called the Alien and Sedi
tion Acts. (1798), Federalists law.
Jefferson and Madison (Democrat-republicans) in a reply to the laws put up their
own Kentucky-Virginia (the states they ruled), but it was declined and denied b
y thr president and vice president, because they accused it of putting the Uni
on in sake .
A new presidential vote was made where Jefferson and Burr tied 73, Adams 65, Pin
ky 64, they didn t know who to give the vote to and they couldn t do what they d
id earlier (pass the votes to each other) since they still didn t win. Ultimatel
y, Jefferson won and became the third president of the United States (1801)

Federalists (Adams) got into conflict with France. Adams wanted a citizenship la
w. They believed (Kentucky-Virginia) that these laws hurt human rights. Any law
sent, that not all states agree to and oppose to, they don’t have to obey it. Kent
ucky-Virginia laws stayed inside. The Federalists low, they accepted what the na
tion wanted. The whole thing could have collapsed... Adams had four months to pr
ettify his lost. Hamilton and Burr were both from New York. Adams not only lost,
he also chose who to lose to – Jefferson (Burr was his enemy)
Thomas Jefferson got elected president (1801) . Madison – vice president.
It was the limping duck period. - reducing damages from his loss. The governor c
1803 – Marshall’s decision . Marbury (loser) vs Madison (winner). Marshall said that
he cannot make others do things. He is not superior to them – he declined the fed
eral law, by federalists of laws (justice authority). Both Kentucky- Virginia an
d Marhsall, changed the law by judging the law, looking into it. Marshall was af
raid of Kentucky-Virginia, felt threatened by them. He made a law that the High
Court of law couldn t change the law. This is accurate up to today. The revoluti
on is over – Jefferson is president.
National republicanism (1800-1850)
All presidents were from Virginia (up to 1824). Each new preside had the last on
e as his vice president.
Burr was insulted by losing and went to be the governor of New York, but Hamilto
n made others not choose him.
Jefferson- “Were all federalists, all republicans”. Both his rivals killed themselve
s politically. “Era of good feeling”.
1800 – Congress got a nice new house.
1803- Jefferson signed a contract and bought Luisiana from France – x4 the area of
the United States. “Lewis and Clark Expedition” - explore the Missouri river
The congress – Daniel Webster. (leading American statesman) north and east (best a
reas) He was a federalist but then he turns to be a national republican.
South – cotton, slavery, plant economy.
Henry Clay – west- business agriculture, market economy. They all ruled the same t
ime, died the same time, all grew up as kids in the USA and ruled it for 50years
John Marshall (federalist) designed politically the law, federal law, his court
opinions helped lay the basis for the American constitutional law. He was the pr
esident of the court house from 1801-1835. He believed socialists weren t Americ
an, believed in the nation and its union.
He said that they needed treaties because there was nothing that kept them toget
her, they were a collection of many nationalities, religions, they were a nation
of strangers and needed treaties.
The Takeoff Period
Very quickly the USA grows in the market, economically it spreads and grows – it b
ecomes the most evolved capitalistic society in the world. Due to the immigratio
n laws and the huge reproduction in the first half of the 18th century, the coun
try becomes very powerful. The vast majority of the population was always citize
ns of the US. (most were white)
Demographically, geographically – economic beneficence.
Until 1830 most of the money came from Europe, they all invested in the stock ma
rket. Transportation revolution – train. Now people and products could be sent no
matter the distance.
1812 – England sends an army to the US to make them use the trade laws (Mercantili
sm, laws of trade)
Britain also tried to make the Indians fight America.
There was a contract between the British and the Indians against the US. The peo
ple who were for the war were patriots and the war caused a rise in patriotism.
The national hymn was written and started in the time of the war.
Due to the war Madison prohibited trade with England. New England traders held a
conference In Hartford and the law wasn’t valid in New England anymore. “The Hartfo
rd Convention” James Monroe (president from 1817-1825, last Virginia president) p
roclaimed in 1823 that the US will not intervene with Europe and that the Europe
wont intervene with the United States. They stayed disconnected from Europe unt
il WW1.
Then John Quincy Adams was president – and after him, Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)
Andrew Jackson Democracy – The Jacksonian Era.
He became a legend. He made up the word okay - all correct. Jackson was in the
1812 war and led victory. Self-madement was his principal. He was a war hero
against the rival indians and the British. He was a democrat. Simple man, natura
l. He got into politics when he got well-known.
1824 elections – Jackson ran for president He got most electors but not the majori
ty so the decision passed to the congress. John Adams (son of Sam Adams) was ele
cted, even though Jackson got most votes.
Jackson was called Jackass and until today its the unofficial sign of Democrat
1828 – Jackson was elected the 7th president. He opened the gates of the white hou
se for the public (or a party 1829) He fought for a change in the system: from n
ow on every time a president changes, (up to today) so do the people that work f
or him. This is to prevent bureaucracy.
Every man could also vote now, they didn t need to have possessions – a huge democ
ratic development. Due to this, new social groups developed such as feminists.
1832 – Jackson wins in the elections, against clay. Jackson stops private banking/
central banking (until 1912) he believed it stopped economy rising/spreading.
He hated the Indians and deported them (unlike the high court which thought it w
as a bad idea) – caused the Indian genocide. Chauvinistic, as well.
Hamilton wanted to protect the economy of America by putting a customs shield
on products from England and it was beneficial for North USA but hurt the south
South Carolina threatened to leave the union if the customs shield wasnt taken o
ff. He got very defensive and threatened to send army men to South Carolina if t
hey decided to leave, but he also decreases the high taxes and ends the argument

‫ רועיש‬10.
‫הנושאר הלאש‬: "‫םתשכרש דומילה רמוח לש לכשומה שומישה םע "הדמע תעבה‬. ‫היינש הלאש‬: ‫רוקמ חותינ‬. ‫םא‬
‫ אשונ‬8 – ‫ה האמב ב"הראב תוברתו הרבח‬-19.
‫ה האמה תא םינייפאמ ןכש םירבדב קוסענ‬19, ‫תינקירמאה הרבחהו תוברתה‬. ‫האר ךכ לכ אל ןכא רוביצה בור‬
‫םיקרפ ישאר‬: ‫הרבעמ העונתה‬, ‫תיאקירמא הקיטנמור‬, ‫םזינימפה‬, ‫המרופרה תועונת‬.
‫הברעמ העונתה‬: ‫ה האמה תישארב‬19 ‫יאמ תיביסנטניאה הריגהה תובקעב םוצע יפרגומד לודיגמ ב"הרא התנהנ‬
‫םולחה תומלגתהכ ספתנ ברעמב רפסה‬. ‫ילותבה עבטה‬, ‫ונמדזה וב ויהי דימתש םוסק םוקמ – היירופה עקרקה‬
‫חרזמבש הלאמ םינדועמ תוחפו םישק רתוי ויה ברעמב םייחה‬. ‫ךרדה‬, ‫עבטה‬, ‫םינאידניאה םגו ריוואה גזמ‬
‫אבצבו הקיטילופב םיגיהנמ‬, ‫טספינמ( "יולגה דועייה" גזומב הברעמ תוטשפתהה תא וקידצה חורו תד ישנא‬
‫םלועה ראשמ התוא דחיימש תינקירמאה היווהל דחוימ יפוא רצוי )רנרט ךירדירפ( רפסה‬. ‫ה תא רצוי רפסה‬
‫ב‬1848 ‫וקיסקמ םע ב"הרא הלהינש המחלמה המייתסה‬. ‫ואת םע םיטילופה םישוביכה לש בוליש – בהזל הלהבה‬
‫תיאקירמא הקיטנמור‬: ‫אה הקיטנמורה תא הנייפא םיינוריעהו םיליכשמה םיגוחה תלחנ התייהש תוימיטפואה‬
‫ו ףלאר ויה תאזה המגמה םע םיהוזמש םישנא ינש‬. ‫ורו ת דיויד ירנהו ןוסרמא‬. ‫טסילטנדנצסנרט ונוכ םה‬
‫םזינימפ‬: ‫ה האמב‬-19 ‫ינוניבה דמעמה תושנ וספת‬-‫תיאקירמאה הרבחב יזכרמ רתויו רתוי םוקמ הובג‬. ‫ה ןה‬
‫םישנל תויוכז ןויווש שורדל ולחהו הירואיתה דגנ ומק תובר םישנ‬. ‫הריחבה תוכז לע םשוה דחוימ שגד‬.
‫תיתד תוררועתהו המרופר תועונת‬: ‫ה האמה‬-19 ‫ב ןוקיתו המרופרל וארק רשא תועונת לש ןווגמב הנייפאתה‬
‫)תימס ףסו גו גנאי םהגירב( רחא שיא לש ינוגרא ןורשכו דחא שיא לש ןוזח תובקעב‬, ‫מה הייסנכה תמקומ‬
‫תישילשה השיגה‬: ‫קוה דא תומרופר‬. ‫תיטסינשילובאה העונתה‬: ‫ה תונשב‬30 ‫ה האמה לש‬-19 ‫מרופר תעונת המק‬

Reformation. Evolutionary. Stop slavery. The problem of slavery was solved in th

e 1830 s by religious leaders who thought that slavery was sin.
Religious reformation, alternative way of life, medicine reformation
A lot of organizations developed,
4 theories try to explain these reformations:
-Optimism. The "American Dream", trying to fix all flaws that keep you from gett
ing to the dream.
-There is no dream in America, "live and let others live", not interupting other
s... the government didn t intervene with the people
-‫ – סוטטסה תדירי תיירואת‬they feel like the status fell, that once everything was better, it
view, the people who felt that way hated politics
-The reformation is putting boundaries and borders on things and leading the peo
Abolishing slavery.
Religious leaders started revolutionaries against slavery, it started being unbe
arable for them that slavery existed in a “free” country, they were full of guilt an
d ashamed of that fact.
‫תיטסינשילובאה העונת‬
William Lloyd Garrison was the person who started a newspaper called “‫ "ררחשמה‬and kept publ
ing anti-slavery articles that said all black slaves need to be freed and given
In 1832 a corporation/company was opened that protested against slavery. In the
1830 s this company developed in the north and advanced and had 1350 cells and a
bout a quarter of a million members.
There was a law in the south against kinds of organizations such as the (Evoluti

Slavery had a huge influence on the United States and had a big part in it s col
lapse/breaking of the treaty.
Ne o-marcissts wanted to open two companies, capitalistic organizations, in the
north and in the south and these two companies were going to break down, they co
uldn t get harmony.
Capitalism couldn t have slavery
Conflicts in America were believed to always stop after treaties were signed and
contracts were made, but the
Slavery was an issue in America that every time they ran away from solving it it
got more and more difficult to stop it, and in the end there was a Big Bang,
Slavery in the south, the north and how it treated slavery, the question of slav
ery and its territory.
1840 Total US Population –
Free blacks – 386,303 (went to the north, in the south the slavery was more diff
icult and strict)
Slaves – 2,487,455
Whites – 14,195,695
Total – 17,069,453
The culture in the south was very closed, they were different from others thanks
to the way they treated slaves.
In the 1820 s, the potential in cotton made slavery more difficult to stop becau
se now cotton was expensive and brought in a good income, so black people were
used to trade it. It was everyone s dream to have a slave and the more people sa
id that and bought them, the bigger the request for slaves became.
In the south the army was very strong.
Slowly south leaders like John Kleon started to see in patriotism relations betw
een the slave and it s master.
They believed that if not slavery the slaves would be wild and barbaric.
As slavery became more economical and less legitimate to the public outside of t
he south states, they became more harsh towards slaves.
Many slaves were trying to run away from doing things such as cleaning etc. They
didn t revolt but they ‫ וקמחתה‬from doing things, they played sick and lied … This was call
the Sambo situation. Being part of the system and ruining it from between.
There was a law that the black slaves couldn t write and read.
The more people read and understood what was going on , (African-American studie
s) the harder the status became.
They had food, a place to live in, a good life, clothes.... Their status was som
etimes better than many people in Europe at that time. But they felt that their
life was closed, they were not free to do what they wanted... Their masters made
them go to church sometimes...
There was a hierarchy between the slaves and it was more appreciated to be a sla
ve in a closed home than a cotton slave.
There were some people who thought it wasn t economic, but it was capitalism. Th
e south countries were not poor but rich (up-to today).
They didn t want to work, so they were beaten to work and in many cases they wer
e whipped (sometimes to death). It helped the whole system to work. They were so
metimes sold in cases when businesses went bankrupt.
Emmerson hated slavery, he was part of organizations against slavery, wrote abou
t it, he was pro- Abolshenists, but asked not to be called one of them.

Many people in the north felt that slavery kept them from advancing and that it
was hurting the south as well in economics. They believed that free labor made e
conomic developments and socially mobilized it.
Free labor and free land was seen as the advancement of humans that choose their
“Forcing slavery down the throat of a freesoiler”.
The US always tried to block slavery from advancing farther.
“Missouri Compromise” - 1820
There was a whole system built of where slavery was legal and where it wasn t. I
n order to get into the slavery, they had to be accepted in couples,
War of Mexico and
Vilmont(north) abolished slavery in the new territories in the west.
A territory that wants to get into the united states could vote whether slavery

The exam:
2 questions: A/B
‫ ןועיטו ןויד‬- 60%, ‫ רוקמ חותינ‬-40%
‫הלאש לע ןועיטו ןויד‬
‫הכפהמ התייה אל תיאקירקמאה הכפהמהש םינעוטש הלאכ שי‬...
‫רוקמ לע הלאש‬- 40%
‫םיחותפ םירפס לע הניחב‬
‫?והמ ינקירמה‬
‫היניגריוו יקאטנק תוטלחה‬
‫הנילורק םורד ישנאמ ןוסקג תזרכה‬
‫ טסילרדפ‬9
‫ןלוקניל לש ינשה העבשהה םואנ‬

‫ – םיחרזאה תמחלמ‬American Civil War.

The moment new territories got occupied, the problem with slavery occurred. From
1845-1850, we can get 4 options about slavery and the territories, they needed
to be chosen:
1.In order for the congress to accept the war – slavery needed to be declined in t
he new territories.
2.Slavery needs to be accepted.
3.For the line/border to be spread and continued throughout the new territories,
the Federalist system is the ones who chooses it.
4.Steven Douglass – The new territories should choose whether slavery will be lega
l or not in their territories.
There was frictions between the federalists and the new territories, Henry Clay
died before the agreement.
Clay Agreement:1850
California got accepted into the states as a free country
Slave trade got banned in Colombia
A new law was accepted that slaves that ran away need to be brought back to thei
r owners.
The 50 s : 6 different ways to look at the problem of slavery
-Evolutionists see slavery as sin, and want it to be banned immediately. They wa
nted to get out of the union if it wouldn’t be abolished.
-A group of people who saw slavery as a blockage to development and to stop its
-A group of people who sees slavery as dangerous to the union and preferred to p
ostpone any argument in the future.
-A big group. Saw slavery as bad but tolerable and preferred to ignore.
-A central group that saw slavery as a legitimate way to develop economically an
d mobility and so tried to keep slavery in different ways.
-”‫ – "שאה יללוז‬radicals, who saw slavery as positive and demanded it to be kept publicly. T
tened to leave the union if it wasn’t kept.
Symbols and violence : there was a conflict in the law and gave the American soc
iety a different personality.
They couldn t agree on the four points.
A book was published that was totally against slavery in the north called Uncle
Toms Cabin – its a kitschy book, written by women and for women... It became a bes
tseller in one night. It made them understand the grief in the whole slavery sit
uation. It was abolished in the south and the north saw this reaction as a hit t
o democracy and freedom of speech. The south saw it as a danger.
The two next presidents were democrats.
The law of the runaway slaves and the company that caught them made the north ve
ry angry. The federals money was used, and it became a federal law.
In 1852, the democrat Pierce got elected as president.
1854 – Kansas Nebraska law – leader was Steven Douglass. It started with train track
s, and there was a big conflict between the three leaders – Jefferson Davis, Steve
n Douglass (from Illinois) The place where the train tracks would pass would be
an economically developed place so there were many arguments on where the train
tracks would be built. He told the South that if they accept the central train t
racks, a document would be accepted that if Nebraska and Kansas would ever grow
to be large cities, then they would choose whether they want to be free or not f
ree countries. And the north was very angry, but he told them that it just would
n’t happen...The president didn’t intervene because he felt it was a territory and a
rea problem not a political one. In the end the president accepts the law... ‫ןולא ץע תודיעו‬
g of the Republican party. They were democrats who were against Douglass, the “fre
e-land” people, they swore that slavery wouldn t spread west...
There was a little bit of fighting between anti-slavery and pro-slavery people i
n Kansas...
John Brawn began to kill slave owners and he became a villain. He ran away to Ca
nada and called his people to revolt.
The violence reaches the congress when in the middle of a debate about Kansas jo
ining the union a south senators nephew beat a senator of the north and then it
became a symbol for the revolt: sticks.
1857 – Dred Scott against Sandford (the president of the high court was Taney – from
the south )
Dred Scott used to be a slave but he bought himself out and he didn t want to go
back to being a slave... ultimately the verdict was that:
-A slave can t sue anyone because a slave is someones property. You can t take f
rom a slave owner his property just because you move from one place to another.
It was as though all the northern countries accepted slavery as well. He made t
hat step. There was no balance between the north and the south. It was illegitim
ate that the high court of law instead of balancing things just made them more c
Dred Scott continued to be a slave and probably died a slave as well.
After the verdict more conflicts and arguments arose between Lincoln and Douglas
s that became a public theater... The debates were about 4 hours long... It made
slavery a ‫ילמס דמימ‬
The Union got bankrupt after the verdict of Dred Scott and so Lincoln believed t
hat now they needed to get back up.
Lincoln didn t want to stop the slavery, but he didn t want it to spread either.
Lincoln lost the debate.
John Brawn got back to the United States and with the help of his supporters he
conquered a weapon storehouse and wanted to give it to slaves for them to revol
t against slavery. He was caught by the US army in the command of Robert Lee, an
d he was sentenced to death, although the north supported him and felt that he w
as a saint. He becomes a symbol of the war.

Elections of 1860 – Republicans: Abraham Lincoln180 (40%), North Democrats: Steven

Douglass 12 (29%), South Democrats: John Breckenridge 72 (18%), The Law Union p
arty: John Bell 39(13%)
South Carolina less than a month after Lincoln got elected as president gets out
of the union, it also asks the other south states to get out of the union (in a
friendly peaceful way)
The countries were not allowed to get out of the union, but no federal law could
stop them. 6 more states got out and they make the confederation of the souther
n states. Jefferson Davis was the leader.
Lincoln didn t want Virginia and Maryland to get out of the union because it was
in the district of Columbia and
Virginia was important to the union in tactics.
They wanted to know the ‫לובגה תונידמ‬.
They were now only friends, not in a union.
They had their own president- Jefferson Davis, but there wasnt a congress, or a
mail... they continue to use the united states mail.
There was a ‫םיחרזא תמחלמ‬
Lincoln knew there was a revolution, rebels, but he hoped Virginia didn t choose
to leave the union.
They were on the border. (This was around January)
4 March – Lincoln had a speech in which he says he doesn t want the union to fall
Lincoln states to the south states he won t stop slavery in the countries he s
He says the slaves will get back to their owners.
‫‪He said don t use the law because there is noone in top that can destroy it. The‬‬
‫חה תא ףיקתהל ‪y couldn t stop the law because then the union will be forever. They needed to‬‬
‫‪get out.‬‬
‫הקוח ‪He says that they are not a‬‬
‫‪they are a brit before the huka.‬‬
‫‪In order to create a more perfect union.‬‬
‫‪He took the first saif of the hooka and‬‬
‫‪no state can get out the brit because then it is a revolt.‬‬
‫‪He was mitnaged against the collapse of the union but he‬‬
‫תוכז םושב עגפ אל אוה‬
‫‪He explained to the tsibur that the most‬‬
‫ישפוח םע לש דיחיה ונוביר‬
‫ןובירה םהש רמוא אוה‬
‫לוכי אוה ןובירה אוה יתומכה בורה לבא הנתשה ןובירה םינש ‪ 4‬דועש תויהל לוכי לבא ןובירה גיצנ אוה‬
‫רמוא תאז בורה לש תונובירה תא םיחוד הליחתכלמ םהש הז לבא תודבעל רשקב םולכ השעי אלו השע אל אוה‬
‫תורקפה וא תותירע וא הז זא )קוחה לש ונוביר( תאז החודה לכ‬
‫‪check lincoln s speech online‬‬
‫תושעל רשפא יא תורודצורפ םע תיתקוח תרגסמו הקוח שי הז ליבשב התוא לרטנל רשפא התוא ביחרהל רשפא‬
‫הקוחל ץוחמ תודבע םע רבדמוש תושעל רשפא יא ‪..‬העבק הקוחהש קחשמה יקוח לש תרגסמב לוכה לבא‬
‫םכתא ףיקתת אל הלשממה\"םיצורמ יתלבה יצרא ינבל" הנופ אוה זאו‬
‫המחלמב ורגתת אל םתא םא המחלמ םכל היהת אל‬
‫לשממהו תירבה תא סורהל םיימשב המושר ןיא‬
‫וילע ןגהל עבשנ אוה‬
‫םידידי אלא ונא םיביוא אל‬
‫תירבה תא ףקת םורדהשכ רטמאס טרופב הצרפ םיחרזאה תמחלמ‬
‫םיימוי בוט ענשנ אוהו רצבמה תא ופיקתה םה – לירפא ‪14‬‬
‫הצר ןלוקנילש המ הז‬
‫תירבב הרקש המ הז היניגריוב הרקש המ‬
‫םורדה םע וכלה ‪ – 40%‬טועימה יכ םויה דע היניגריו טסוו הזל םיארוק‬
‫תודבע תנידמ דנלירמ‬
‫רוולד יקאטנק‬
‫וראשנ תונידמ ‪4‬‬
‫לרדפנוקה לש אבצה תא םימיקתמ םהו םידיקפ םג ושרפ השירפה םע‬
‫‪ 1860‬תוריחב‬

‫םוקישו המחלמ‬

‫אישנה חצרו המחלמה תשרומ‬

‫המחלמה הליחתמ – ‪ 61‬ץיק‬
‫ולש המחלמה םואנ ‪ 81-‬ילוי ‪4‬‬
‫דחוימ בשומב םואנה‬
‫תירבה תוצרא אבצ סייגל ליבשב סרגנוקה לש היצמיטיגלה תא סרגנוקהמ שקבמ אוה‬
‫הקילבופרה לש היטרקומדה לש פיטיכראה‬
‫הדח הפקשה‬
‫םהל ןיא ץוחמו תירבה ךותב דמעמ םהל שי תותירבה‬
‫?תומכסה םירצוי םדא ינב ךיא‬
‫תומילאה תא הפילחמש הרודצורפ םירצוי םהש ךכ ידי לע‬
‫היסרגר הז תואיריו המחלמ‬
‫ינשה דצה לש תונורסחו תונורתי הז דעצ לכ הליכתחלמ םהיניב םיהדמ ןויווש רסוח שי‬
‫תחתופמ דואמו הלודג ןופצה‬
‫םידבע ןוילימ ‪ 22‬שי תירבב‬
‫‪ 7\10‬שי םורדל‬
‫תירבה לש םילודגה תונורתיה ‪...‬אישנ ‪,‬ןוילע טפשמ תיב ‪,‬סרגנוק שי‬
‫חחחחח ?אבצל ךלי ינופצ הזיא אבצ ןיא תירבל‬
‫אבצל אל םיקסעל םיכלוה םה‬
‫תיגתרתסא אלו תיטקט היעב שי‬
‫אבצל תכלל וצר אל ‪30%‬‬
‫םיניצק ויה בורהש תורמל( םיניצק קיפסמ ויה אל‬
‫םקוה דואמ רהמ םורדה אבצ‬
‫)ימ( םיזורח םע םירדבד םינוק ויה םה ףסכ היה אל‬
‫םידבעו םישנ ויה וטלשש םידיחיה זא אבצל וכלה םינבה‬
‫הנתוכ רתוי רצייל היה רשפא יא‬
‫‪....‬ירמגל יוזה והשמ ינשה דצב ‪ 2‬דחא דצב וגרהנ ‪ – 2‬םיחא ‪ 6‬לש עטקב היניגריוב םידרוסבא םירבד שי‬
‫לכ זא ותמ תויצקפניאו תונגרימ ללגב םישנא הברה תמדקתמ האופר אלו הקיטויביטנא וא םינוסיח ויה אל‬
‫ץורפל תירבה לש םיקסופ יתלב תונויסינ תוברק‬
‫טטומתה םורדה‬
‫‪...‬וב ודגב םגו ‪...‬תוארוה ריבעהל ןוסייג ןטנוגל ןיא םיאקיטילופ םהל ויה אל‬
‫םורדה דקפמ – יל לרנג‬
‫הלודג הצובק תייה‬
‫תוריחב ‪62-‬‬
‫וב עגפ דואמ הז זא םישנא הברה יפל תושיחנ וב היה אל שלח היה אוה קיפסמ קזח היה אל ןלוקניל‬
‫ילקידרה ןוויכל תכלל טילחה ןלוקניל םה‬
‫םידבע רורחשב ךמת אוהש רמא אוה‬
‫תודרומה תונידמב תודבעה לוטיב לע זירכמ ןלוקניל ‪ 93‬ראוני‬
‫תודרומה תונידמב קרו‬
‫דגנ תירבל ףרטצהל םהל ארוקו םידבעה תא ררחשמ אוה‬
‫ירמגל יטקט עטק הזב היה‬
‫המחלמל םירחא םידמימ תתל ול ןתנ הז‬
‫וגרהנ ףלא ‪ 600‬תוילימ ‪ 31‬ךותמ‬
‫גרבשיטג ברק – ‪ 93‬ץיק‬
‫‪ 93‬ץיק‬
‫םישנא קיפסמ ויה אל לש הניחבמ רמגנ רבכ הז לבא םייתנש חקי הז‬
‫איהו תישפוח המואכ הדלונ הקירמא‬
‫‪of the people for the people by the people‬‬
‫‪...‬הלאה תומחלמה דואמ תוירזכא‬
‫דנומ ציר רפכב לרנג – ‪9 APRIL‬‬
‫תודבעה לוטיב – הקוחל ‪ 13‬ה ןוקית תלבק‬
‫(‪ :‬ןורתאטב אישנה חצר‬
‫המחלמה הרמגנו גרהנ ???לירפאל ‪ 13‬ב ןוסנוג לרנג‬
‫ןלוקניל ותוא חקל םיהולאו ותוא חלש םיהולא‬
‫?הפ הרוק המ ‪.....‬חצרנ וירחא דליפרג םג‬
‫ןוגה בוט‬
‫‪....‬הקירמה תא גציימ‬
‫םוקישה תפוקת יאישנ‬
‫תילקידר תי נקילבופרה העיסה גיהנמ – סנביטס סואטס‬
‫‪.... KKK....‬ןולשיכ היה‬

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