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Anemia Treatment with Homeopathy

Anemia is not a disease; it is a symptom of other medical conditions, diseases or

complications of medical treatment. The medical definition explains anemia as a
“decrease in hemoglobin in the blood to levels below the normal range; this may be
caused by a decrease in red cell production, increased red cell production or blood loss.”
There are over 400 types of anemia, but many of them are rare but others are quite
common. The most common types of anemia are aplastic, iron deficiency, sickle cell and
trauma related or blood loss anemia. Because anemia is a disorder of the blood, the
diagnosis remains the same in all types.
The general cause of anemia can be varied, some causes include pregnancy and
breast-feeding, vitamin deficiencies, certain chronic conditions, gastrointestinal blood
loss (caused by ulcers, cancer, parasites), genitourinary blood loss (such as from heavy
menstruation), accident or trauma, excessive alcohol or drug use, including prescription
drugs, malabsorption syndromes (for example, celiac disease), congenital diseases, and
When we focus on different health issues that affect us at times during our life,
the tendency sometimes, is to put our focus on the disease rather than the cause. If, for
example we were to have a type of anemia that was due to a heavy menstrual flow, we
can see the perceived cause of this condition but in fact, it may not actually be the cause
at all. The information that is helpful in these situations, in order to find the true cause, is,
to understand what makes the individual susceptible to the heavy menstrual bleeding in
the first place. In the homeopathic sense, we need to reverse engineer disease states,
moving backwards to the point of where the first symptoms were noticed; this enables the
homeopath to discover the true origin of the condition. This type of approach, the
homeopathic approach, focuses on the individual. It never ceases to amaze me, how the
body, as well as our entire being, gives us so many signals that something is not quite
right well in advance of any physical symptoms.
Symptoms of anemia often go unrecognized. The first symptoms of its
development may be a loss of appetite, constipation, headaches, and noises in the ear,
along with irritability, and/or difficulty concentrating or with memory. Established
anemia produces such symptoms as weakness, fatigue, coldness of the extremities,
depression, dizziness, overall pallor (pale complexion), pale and brittle nails (lack of
iron), pale lips and eyelids, pallor in the palms of the hands, soreness in the mouth,
restless leg syndrome, and a cessation of menstruation and/or a loss of libido. Pallor
results when blood flow is diverted away from the skin, or other areas, in order to meet
the more critical needs of the body, as the brain and heart. Anemia generally is diagnosed
by a blood test.
Instead of me trying to list the symptoms and differences of the numerous types of
anemia, I will focus on the homeopathic treatment of this condition. Anemia is generally
treated as a chronic condition in homeopathic medicine and needs to be treated
constitutionally; this gives the homeopath a picture of a person's physical, emotional, and
psychological makeup. There are however, some homeopathic remedies you can consider
for anemia that is caused from acute trauma. The remedies listed below are known as
tissue salts and can be taken in a 3X or 6X potency. These particular remedies can be

taken three or four times daily in conjunction with any other treatments that you may
have already sought for this condition.
Ferrum phosphoricum: for iron deficiency
Calcarea phosphorica: particularly for children with nighttime bone aches, cool hands
and feet, lack of energy, and/or poor digestion.
Kali phosphoricum: for fatigue and weakness associated with anemia especially after
chemotherapy or surgery.
The main things to keep in mind with conditions like this are the underlying
cause/s. It is always a good idea to have these conditions thoroughly checked out and
properly diagnosed to rule out any other disease. Whether your anemia is caused by a
chronic or an acute condition, homeopathy is an excellent, safe treatment option.

John G.Sherman DCH is a professional classical homeopath practicing in

Kelowna B.C. He operates the Okanagan Centre for Homeopathy. You can reach him by
calling 764-2487 or by visiting or emailing him at

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