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1. Seniority Kor taken.

1. Royal Malay Regiment (RMR) 8. Part of document

2. Royal Ranger Regiment (RRR)
3. Royal Armoured Corp (RAC) 1. Superscription
4. Royal Signal Regiment (RSR) 2. Text
5. Royal Engineer Regiment (RER) 3. Subscription
6. Royal Artillery Regiment (RAR)
7. General Service Corp (GSC) 9. Day
8. Royal Medical and Dental Corp
(RMDC) D Day- The day which the
9. Royal Military Police Corp (RMPC) operation begin.
10. Royal Intelligence Corp (RIC) G Day - The day which the decision
11. Royal Service Corp (RSC) to mount any given operation is promulgated.
12. Royal Ordnans Corp (ROC) K Day - The day on which the
13. Royal Electrical and Mechanical convoy system is introduced on any particular
Engineer Corp (REME) convoy lane.
14. Armed Forces Religious Corp (AFRC) M Day - The day on which mobilization
15. Territorial Army (TA) is to begin.

2. Colour of mil symbol 10. Hours

G Hour - Sama cam G Day.
1. Blue or black - Friendly unit, H Hour - The time which the
installation equipment and activities. operation begin.
2. Red - Enemy unit, L Hour and Q Hour - The time which the another
phases at the same operation begin.
installation equipment and activities.
N Hour - The time for the first series
3. Yellow - Area contamination
of exploitation of tactical nuclear weapon.
by gas or other means.
P Hour - The time for first drop in
4. Green - Obstacles, Minefield
airborne operation.
and demolition.
11. 7 Types of svc correspondence
3. Five mandatory of OpO
1. Commanded letter
1. SIT
2. Directed letter
2. MSN
3. Routine letter
4. Formal letter
5. Demi-official letter
6. Signal message
7. Internal correspondence
4. Type of Written OpO
12. Format Brief
1. Formal Operation Order
2. Signal Message
1. Title
3. Confirmatory Note
2. Background
4. Overlay Operation Order
4. Conclusion
5. Characteristic of Svc Writing
5. Recommendation
1. Accuracy
13. Format Appreciation
2. Brevity
3. Clarity
1. Review of Sit
4. Relevence
2. Factors Affecting the Selection of aim
5. Logic
3. Aim
4. Factors
6. Def of Svc Writing
5. Enemy Courses
6. Enemy most probable Course
All writing originated officially within the
7. Own Courses
8. Selection of the best Course.
9. Plan

14. What are the type of order use by armed Forces

1. OpO
7. What is Code Word and Nicknames
2. AdminO
3. WngO
Code word - Single word to identify plans,
project or operations. For security purposes.
Nicknames - Consist of two separate word to
signify executive order for particular actions to be

15. TPP Formula

No of Veh x 60 + No of Veh + No of Veh

Density x Av Speed 25 50

16. Calculation

17. Main heading for Operational Breifing

18. Sec Classification

1. Top Secret
2. Secret
3. Confidential
4. Restricted

19. Degree of Precedence

1. Immediate
2. Priority

20. Framework of Svc Paper

1. Introduction or background
2. Aim
3. Scope
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
6. Recommendations

21. Layout of AdminO

1. Situation
2. Msn
3. Execution
4. Materiel and Svc
5. Medical
6. Personnel
7. Civil Mil Affair
8. Miscellaneous
9. Comd and Con

22. What is Battle Procedure

Is the concurrent processes by which

reconnaissance, planning, orders and preliminary
movement are complete and troops deployed.

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