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Worker Strike Two-Thirds 3 DuBois Men

suffered a possible skull frac-
offered by other unions in tho Workers leadership. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schu- ture, a dislocated hip, brush
% iir»n
urea year beginning July 1, 1947."! MRS. MARY A. BETZ
"I regret," Martin told his bert of Hyde are the parents of burns and lacerations.
In explain In;; th*> union's «iidi % The darn, situated on the' WESTOVER—Mrs. Mary A.
colleagues, "that the labor a 7-pound, 9Vi-ounce ibaby girl Daigle and Thompson were
o( the disagreement, the union Ccncnraugh River about seven 'Betz.^S, for many years a resi-
union whose stronghold is in born at the Clearfield Hospital thrown from the truck to the
•pokMman stuted the workers, milds above its junction with dent of Westover died at the at 6:13 a. m. Thursday, June 26. highway. Averill was thrown
who «r« all ex-GI's, have offer- Loynlranna Creek, near Salts- Women's Hospital in Pittsburgh my state, and with which I
have been so close, has elected Mrs. Schubert is the former off to the side of the bridge to
is the key the Wednesday, June 25 at 1:35 p. railroad tracks 40 feet below.
to flaunt the law with a walk- Barbara Reid.
lleve it a fair rompromise foi'' p V
rc V } i r ssystem
* slcm for
/<* *° flood m
' Bowing a long illness. State Police of the DuBois
settlement of the dispute but no Upp "otoc: lon of P'Usbur£'h and -the I Born in Wcstover, October 27, out." A baby girl weighing 6- substation said the truck was
'.• I V «
uarcement had bcc-n reached by! = r °hi° Rivcr Valley. H UJ90 she was the daughter of the With the possibility of a traveling eastward on the
continues on schedule, en- pounds, 4-ounces was born to Lakes-to-the Sea Highway. The
noon today. j major coal strike looming, Gov-
gir.ecr* estimate, the dam will ! late W. J. Seabrook and Emily" ernment authorities at Wash-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cardinale truck was owned by Modern
drivers on the project,! be completed by 1951. Westover Seabrook and was 50 of LeContes Mills at the Clear- Enterprises, Inc. Police said
of the Brotherhood of j The committee also recom- years, seven months and 28 days ington said they could not ac-
Chauffers, Tcamsteis n "fl Hclp-j mended: $400,00 for flood con- field Hospital at 12:40 Thursday, the vehicle apparently had
old at the time of her death, I curately estimate how close the June 26. Mrs. Cardinale is the been traveling at great speed
•# cm Union (AFI.) have refused to)
cross the fSlekct which wilh
P"nx.suta W ney, She is survived by her husband
Jonn P. Dctz of Philadelphia and
nation is to a major fuel crisis. former Elva Shimmel. on a down grade approaching
the bridge.
It was the first time in 20 years
from this year, would make two sons J. Edward Brill of
U. S farm familu's ate- about | available $SOO,000 for that pro- Washington, D. C. and John F. that information on the size of Some impoi tant G e o r g e
coal stock piles was unavail- workers to be idled within a
183 million chicken.-, in 1946. jcct during the next fiscal year. Betz III of Westover. week. General layoff of Ches- Washington memorabilia is in
BULLDOZER CLEARS WAY— Part of a state-wide project able,
Other survivors aie her mo- to provide snore food and protection for game and wild life is apeake & Ohio and Baltimore England at the Washington
ther, Mrs. Emily Seabrook B,cth- Iho clearing of acres of trees from lands around the Centre Agencies collecting this data museum, home of the Wash-
have discontinued doing so. & Ohio crews in West Virginia
line, wile of Dr. J. G. Bethune, likely within a few days. ington family.
j for many years of Punxsutawney County Game Refuge on the Tyrone Pike under the direction The Federal Bureau of Mines
but more recently of Wabasso, of Clyde Decker, Centre County Game Warden. had no later report than May
'Florida; one sister, Mrs. Olive Clearing of the land of trees and thick underbursh. Deck- 1 when known industrial sup-
Ounbdr of Johnstown, and one er has said, will allow the sun to reach the ground and stimu- plies were 2,190,000 tons, a 33
days supply. The bureau re-
grandchild. late the growth of various forms of plant life for animals.
gards this as near the danger

Funeral services will be held Various plants, ferns and herbs which grow in thinly wooded-
from the home of Mr. and Mrs. areas are necessary for the survival of game in winter. The point.
C. A. NefT ol Westover on Satur- growth'of the plant life is impofsible where there is a small From across the nation came
day, June 28 at 2:30 p. m. (DST) amount of sunlight. The bulldozer shown above culling its these reports of miners idle and
with Rev. William West and way through the underbrush is also being used to build roads effects of the resultant fuel
Rev. Leonard Porterfield offi- scarcity:
ciating. Interment in the Wcst- throughout the mountain area near the game refuge. The
ovci Cemetery. construction of a road from the Sandy Ridge lire tower to the
Friends may call at the Ncff Janesville Pike is expected to begin soon.
Miners: Number of idle over
250,000 with Pennsylvania lead-
ing the list with 64,200. Idle in
home in Westover Friday and
until time of the services on ciatmg. Interment m the Burn-
other states were 56,000 in
West Virginia; 40,000 in Illi-
Packed In An Attractive Package
Satuiday. nois; 35,000 i,n Kentucky; 20,-
aide Cemetery.
Late News
Friends may call at the Mc- 000 in Alabama; 11,000 m Virgi-
nia; 5,000 in Jennessee; 10,933
MRS. MARY M. BOWERY Cardle Funeral Home after 6:30 Our Candy Is
SURVEYOR-Mrs. Mary M. p. m. today. (FROM PAGE 1) in Ohio; 7,101 in Indiana; 2,000
Bowery, 62, life long resident of Federal
in Utah; 1,000 in Colorado. Fresh DaiJy and is
affiliations in Steel: Wheeling Steel Corp.,
Surveyor, died Thursday after-
noon at 2:50 o'clock at theSecond In Series loyalty test. Wheeling, W. Va announced an
immediate 38 percent slash in
Sold in Assorted
Clem-field Hospital She was the
wife of George Bowery. Of Motion Pictures LAKE SUCCESS — The coke production at its East Variety to Delight
Funeral .services will be held United States charged-to- Steubenville, W. Va., ovens;
in the Eden Church Monday, At Salvation Army day ihat Yugoslavia, Al- Sharon Steel Corp. banked two Your Taste . . .
June 30, at 2:30 p. m. with Rev. The second in a series of Sat- bania and Bulgaria had blast furnaces and four open
Carl Frost officiating. Interment hearths^ at its Farrell, Pa,,
in the Eden Cemetery, urday night Bible pictures at "violated some of the fun- plant; "Youngstown Sheet &
Friends may call at the Bow- The Salvation Army Saturday damental principles"' of the Tube Co., Carnegie - Illinois Your Home)) Should
cry home in Croft anytime after evening will be the showing of United Nations charier by Steel Corp. and Geneva Stce]
5 p. m. Saturday. * aiding guerrilla fighters in Not Be Without a
the picture "A Certain Noble- Co., have started cutback oper-
Northern Greece. ations. Industry spokesman Box of Harper's Candy
NORA S. SMITH man." says poll of 19 firms showed
BURNSIDE — Nora S. Smith, This pictiue presents a DETROIT — Settlement 19 to 49 days fuel supplies on
GO, of Burnside died Wednesday, caieful portrayal of, the cus- of the dispute between the hand or in transit. CANDY IS THE PERFECT GIFT FOR
June 25. Ford Motor Co., and its Railroads: Layoff of trainmen
toms and habits of the time of
110,000 production workers ALL OCCASIONS . . .
•• WA«IUM"STOR¥S" ""1i
Bom October 22, 1881 she was Jesus, especially pertaining to
a daughter of the late K. A. and was reported to have been
Alice Kinc Smith and is surviv- the miracle of healing of the reached today with only
on coal runs at Birmingham,
Ala., under way with officials
predicting several hundred Order From Our Factory or
i ed by a brother Millard R. nobleman's son' A dynamic formal approval by higher Buy It From Our Dealers

I would Ilk* a treo horn* demomtrotlon of a fully guaranteed Rebuilt
I Smith of Burnside and two nep- presentation of the motive and company and CIO United
B«<tro4ux Vacuum CUanar, complet* with 7 oltachrrmnb.
j hews Harry and Ford Wireton method of Jesus. The public is Auto Workers' Union of- UNSIGHTLY PIMPLES?
I Jicials required to forma- Why tiuffcr the embarrassment of

i of Coraopohs.
. Ii Funeral services will be held invited to attend "this service
from the McCardle Funeral which will start with a sing-
Home in Burnside Sunday, June spiration led by Merlin Gas-
Temperature for fresh meat
red, usly pimptcs and externally
caused s k i n
blemishes? Get
all druggists.
ANTISEPTIC Harper Candy Co.
CiTY STA1E I29 at 2 p. m, (Standard Time) kell The meeting will start stored in the refrigerator more SANCURA 13 Presqueislc St. Phone 28I-R.-1 Phllipsburg, Pa.
than a day should be below 45° OINTMENT
L. J with the Rev. J. Paul Taylor offi- at 7:30 p. m.

For The Smartest And Newest Styles!

LEITZINGER'S For The Most Outstanding Values Anywhere!
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Exploit the dream girl in you . . .
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choose beguiling young flowered

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exciting new hat here today! —Red & White — Dusting
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Pep up your summer wardrobe with these
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Store Hours Saturday—9 to 9!!

See them in candy tuft pastels today*. All
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