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Our records date back to about June of 2009. Before that time, no one ever thought to preserve
the roleplay posts. So unfortunately, we can only offer a fraction of the The Nameless Change's
story. To prevent any more loss of posts, this page is updated often by Lita. Whenever roleplay
is posted, it will eventually show up here. <br> This page reads like a book which is
continuously being expanded. The oldest posts begin the story and the newer ones follow up at
the end. <BR>
Note: We all know how TNT hates punctuation. Sadly, quotation marks at the beginning of each
paragraph have been murdered, along with brackets. <P>

<a href="#bot" class="nav">Bottom of page</a>

<br><P><h1>6/?/09 - 8/15/09</h1><br>
Yumie slowly came to a stop as they reached the riverbank. This was the river that divided
Utland from the main continent. Even the earth itself cut off that part of the world from
everything else.<P>

The water reflected Yumie's fox form on its surface. She peered down at the image shown. Fear
was evident on her expressions. <P>

<I>It's not a fear of Utland, Yumie. You've been there before.</I> She reassured herself as she
looked back at the cause of this fear. <I>You shouldn't worry about him either. Only a fool would
follow you into this place.</I> Yumie let out a deep sigh. <I>And a fool he is.</I><P>

She formed her appearance in the water. Making her expression almost emotionless. Turning to
Rane, she spoke with a cold voice, "Rane, last chance. Go back now before your soul is tainted
of the Utland." <P>

She had managed to keep her outward appearance from wavering. It was quite a surprise she
kept this composure as behind the mask every part of her was screaming at him to turn

With a quickening heartbeat she awaited his final decision.<BR> -Mina <P>

Alessandra walked along the muddy river bank at a slow pace, the wind blowing back her dark
brown hair and gently ruffling the bottom of her dark blue and white dress. She carried a small,
dark bag with an extra dress in it at her side. Her emerald eyes stared at the ground in front of
her, picking out the dull brown of the mud, watching to make sure that she didn't slip and fall into
the cold water.<P>

She sighed softly, glancing up at the moonlit, dark sky. There were stars out tonight, she noted.
She had missed the stars when being completely surrounded, on top and sides, by the thick
forest. At one time these small lights had been her favorite thing to see; now, they were still
enjoyable, but she no longer believed that she needed them as she had a while ago.<P>

Looking down at the ground again, Alessandra started to softly sing a sweet song that she had
picked up in her travels.<Br>
-Kira <P>


Leika wandered out of the thick, blanketing trees, a bored yet angry expression on her face. She
was glaring at the dark open space in front of her. She was in a foul mood because she had a
sinking suspicion that she had come close to losing the fight she had been in with the Shaman
Wolf Feaglo. All she could remember was walking out of the elemental fire and fleeing towards
the darkest spot she could find.<P>

Now, because of her bad mood, Leika was up to any challenge she was faced with. And coming
out of the forest, she had a feeling that the challenge she craved would be coming soon. She
smiled wickedly, the faint light from the moon catching her eyes. The light revealed a sudden
hatred in them that could never be taken away.<P>

"I'm ready," she whispered, and continued walking. Taking a look at her surroundings, she
realized that she was nearing Heorte De Planeta, and sighed. She disliked the place
greatly.<BR> -Mina <P>


All the beauty of Forgietan Planus, the dancing gold grasses, the clear blue skies... Before
Rane's innocent eyes the landscape was warped. The rolling plains were now behind him,
under his paws the new terrain felt lifeless. A distinct line could be seen between the dead
ground, and the lively grass. If Rane had wished to, he could have put one paw on each side of
the line. Perhaps some of the taint had passed over from the Utland, to the other side of the
river on which he stood. Rane found himself coming to a stop before the water, at his side
Yumie also stopped. Though he was very young and without the passed down memories of a
firefox, he could sense the ill aura on the land. Rane shifted his weight in alarm and tried to
focus on Yumie's facial expression to calm his fright.<P>

Rane stifled a whimper from rising up in his throat as he came to a realization.<BR>

<I>Yumie—— She's afraid.</I><BR>
The firefox tore his eyes from her and looked into the river. He swished his three tails across the
ground several times in a poor attempt to contain his fear.<P>

At the sound of Yumie's voice, Rane raised his gaze to meet her fierce amber eyes. And her
words: "Rane, last chance. Go back now before your soul is tainted of the Utland.<P>

Surprised by her cold tone and blatant manner of speaking, Rane hesitated for a moment.<BR>
His fear of the land was replaced, he didn't know the reason, but Rane could not bare the notion
of never seeing Yumie again.<BR>
"I'm not going back, not now. That is my final decision." <BR> -Lita <P>


Tamara walked slowly through the thickly wooded area outside of Heorte de Planeta. As usual
she was going about her daily rounds of herb collecting. It was nearly midnight and soon the
Lunar stars would be in full bloom. Normally she would have been ecstatic to see this event
unfold. However, since the past week she has had a much less a joyful look upon her face. <P>

Death seemed to hang over her like a small rain cloud. Sitting there, just mocking her. <I>Yes,
you lived. Watched everyone around you die.</I> She shook her head. Lately her conscience
had been taking on its own personality. Almost as if it wasn't her own. <P>

A small twig snapped. It barely echoed in her ears. Even when she heard it Tamara didn't take
much note. She wasn't a very fearful person and animals loved to frolic in the moonlight.<P>

Her apathetic mood quickly changed however when out of the darkness seemed to appear a
young woman. Or perhaps she hadn't come out of the dark, rather she pushed it away. As if she
was in control of it.<P>

<I>Your mind is playing tricks on you again Tamara.</I> <P>

Instinctively however her hand reached toward the hilt of her sword. She let out a quiet sigh only
audible to herself. Tamara knew she was being overly cautious. <P>

"Hello," she said softly hoping not to alarm the woman. "Do you happen to be lost?<P>

After all guards never let anyone in or out of Heorte in the middle of the night. If they did it was
either for royalty or for herself to collect the herbs. <BR> -Mina <P>


As soon as the young woman spoke to her, Leika knew that this was the person she had been
looking for. Leika saw the slight fear in the woman's eyes, heard the scarcely recognizable
blankness and uninterest in her voice, noticed how she automatically reached for the sword at
her side, as if she were immediately afraid of Leika for some unknown reason.<P>
<I>Smart, my dear... But I am afraid that unless you are more capable than you seem, even that
caution won't get you very far.</I> She smiled politely at the other woman nonetheless, and
decided to go with a lie instead of the truth.<P>

"Yes, unfortunately, I'm afraid that I am indeed lost," Leika replied, smiling apologetically,
hoping that she was doing an acceptable job at looking sheepish. "I was looking for a familiar
way out of the forest, but instead came upon a block in the path I was taking, so had to find an
alternate way." She smirked to herself, and was sure that if the woman looked in her eyes, she
would not see embarrassment at all. Rather what would be there was anticipation and
malice.<BR> -Kira <P>


A slight tug pulled at one side of Yumie's mouth. It was a simple smirk that to her spoke how
much an idiot this firefox Rane truly was. In a sense she probably had no right to bring him
along. This action was comparable to a baby being mesmerized by flames without realizing how
much pain they could cause.<P>

"Then be glad you are going in here with me." Yumie spoke softly almost as if she wasn't
speaking to Rane.<P>

The space surrounding Yumie seemed to ripple for only an instant. It was like looking across a
desert and seeing the heat of the sun causing the air just above the ground to take on a life of
its own.<P>

Then the illusion ended, or perhaps it had begun. Yumie now stood in a human form peering
across the rushing river. She raised a hand out before the water. Feeling the power surge
through her body she let the pressure pulse outward. This caused an almost ghostly effect of
near transparent smoke to emit from her body. For a human or most other creatures alike, the
heat would be too much to bear. Even the water now flinched away from the extreme
temperatures. A this white cloud of steam rose from the river bed and expanded until Yumie
dropped her hand.<P>

With a few heavy breaths she breathed a sigh of relief. "We have to hurry through, the water will
only remain at bay for so long." <P>

With that her form was engulfed by the steam as she jumped down to the dry ground where the
river had been only moments before. Tamara contemplated for a moment over this woman.
Perhaps the slightly cold tone the woman tried to mask was based off the same feelings she
herself had. It was only natural to be cautious of a stranger you happen across in the middle of
the night. <BR> -Mina <P>

Tamara contemplated for a moment over this woman. Perhaps the slightly cold tone the woman
tried to mask was based off the same feelings she herself had. It was only natural to be cautious
of a stranger you happen across in the middle of the night. <P>

Relaxing her tensions Tamara smiled warmly as she calmed her nerves. There was no point in
being hostile towards a newcomer.<P>

"They need to consider cleaning up the paths then." She laughed lightly as she picked up her
her pouch and fastened it around her waist. "If you're headed to Heorte de Planeta the guards
won't let you in until morning. But I'm sure they'll let you come in with me." Tamara said trying to
make it obvious that she was higher authority. It was almost lie, but not quite. "After I gather
some more planets you my come in with me if you so wish.<P>

Hospitable, she seemed to do a nice job of that. It was surprising she could even remember
how to smile. Even if it was a false one her face was lit up more than it had been in the past
weeks.<BR> -Mina <P>


Leika studied the woman a for a few moments before answering. <I>Yes, she will do. She may
even be a bit of a challenge.</I> <P>

"Yes, they really should consider doing that. It would make travel much easier," she replied.
"Are you sure that it would be all right for me to come back with you? I don't want to be a
burden." She looked at the other woman hopefully. <P>

Then she changed her approach. Advancing towards the young woman slowly, Leika stopped
merely steps away from her body. Her next words were in a deadly soft whisper, tainted with the
edge of danger. "And are you sure that <I>you</I> truly desire to return to Heorte?" Her eyes
glinted with her words. "I understand that you believe it your duty to heal and collect herbs, but if
it is not the life that you want, why continue it so miserably?" <P>

She paused, as if contemplating what she should say next. "Because, my dear, I see the hidden
emptiness in your eyes, hear it in your voice. Truthfully, I do not believe that you want to return...
To anything." Leika smiled softly when she was done talking. She waited for an answer. <BR>
-Mina <P>


Yumie proceeded with such speed, Rane couldn't comprehend what she was doing, the water
had already evaporated. Strands of fur were tossed back by the rolls of rising steam. Yumie
then dropped down into the white blanket, her figure was consumed. <BR>
<I>I should follow her lead, she knows what she's doing. Besides, I don't want to be a
hindrance.</I> <P>
Rane mimicked Yumie by making his outline ripple with heat. His paws left the ground, and as
he made impact, they changed into boots. Though he was a firefox the landing was far from
graceful, silently he hoped that Yumie didn't notice. He couldn't bring himself to look at her,
instead his eyes were trained on the ground as his cheeks flushed.
<I>I'm going into the Utlands and all I can worry about is whether or not Yumie notices my
flaws! This should be the least of my concerns.</I> <P>

Rane gave a soft sigh and swept his hair out of his eyes, droplets of moisture clung to him. His
jacket was still fastened up due to a request Yumie had made soon after they had met. He
couldn't imagine why she had asked him to do such a thing, but he didn't decline. She was
clearly the dominate being between the two of them. <P>

<I>I'm incapable of producing as much power as Yumie did. I know this even though I don't test
my abilities often. I think talent comes with experience. How long has Yumie been in this world?
</I> <BR>
Rane's eyes still on the ground were dispirited as he consulted a fact;<BR>
He knew utterly nothing about Yumie. <BR> -Lita <P>


Tamara watched each motion of the woman slowly. On the outside it wasn't apparent Tamara
was being cautious anymore. She did a good job of masking that.<P>

"A burden, no not at all. I'm sort of used to the whole burden thing." She chuckled a bit.<P>

As the woman approached to a near foot away from her, Tamara once again built up her
caution. In her mind she was playing out how fast she could reach the hilt of her sword and
unsheath it.<P>

The words that reached her ears in a nearly inaudible whisper made her want to draw the sword
then and there. Tamara gritted her teeth together slightly trying to maintain her friendly

"I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken. You obviously are quite awful at reading people."
Unconsciously Tamara smirked slightly at the thought of being almost taunted by a stranger. "I
could say I'm nearly worshiped here, but I am not that conceited. Either way I desire not to leave
Heorte de Planeta." As she spoke her eyes were locked with the strangers. Was it a silent
challenge? Perhaps. <BR> -Mina <P>


Yumie had paid absolutely no attention to the firefox that was under her care as they crossed
the river. Even if she had glanced back it was more than likely only a white wall would greet her
amber eyes.<P>
As she reached the other side Yumie silently cursed at herself for having such a tight outfit on. It
proved to be quite a hindrance as she tried to make her way up the bank. As her frustration
mounted she decided it was best to cut a slit up either the side of the dress. At least then she
would be allowed freer movement of her legs.<P>

Yumie managed to pull herself up onto the dry cracked land and finally peer out over the new
territory. The scene before her was not at all how she remembered. Even looking at it from the
Forgietan Planus it had not looked like it did now.<P>

Mangled dead trees scattered the land and enormous webs created from some unseen
arachnid hung from the branches. The sky itself seemed to change. The clouds which had been
fluffy and white seemed to appear dark and rain-heavy, mocking the world below. Shadows
crept along the ground moving slowly towards Yumie. Shadows that had no source. <P>

Her heartbeat quickened as a loud rumble of thunder echoed through the air. <I>When was the
last time it had rained in the Utland?</I> For the first time her eyes were almost pleading.
<I>Dear God, don't let it rain.</I> But she had long since known, God didn't have a place on this
land. <P>

Yumie finally stood to her feet realizing the entire time she had been on her hands and knees.
She took another quick glance around at the crumbling graves before turning to make sure
Rane was nearly out of the riverbed. <BR> -Mina <P>


Rane watched Yumie struggle to climb out of the riverbed. He had previously taken note of her
tight outfit, even with his best efforts he couldn't distract himself from it, especially now. Her
frustration made him want to aid her, no doubt Yumie would hurt him in some way if he tried,
therefore he decided against the idea. He continued to watch as her annoyance gathered, she
was still unable to get up. Rane turned his face away as she finally decided to cut a slit up each
side of her tight dress. When she managed to get over the top, he gave a wary sigh and readied
himself for the climb.<P>

With his eyes trained on the top of the riverbed, Rane reminded himself that Yumie's power
would soon wear off and the river would soon continue to flow. If he did not act fast there was a
possibility that he would be swept away. The steam separated as Rane leapt through it, only to
reform again in the moments after. With a bit of effort he heaved himself onto the bank and
rolled over onto his back, breaths faster than normal. Thunder pounded briefly in his ears. A
sudden tremor ran through his body at the thought of where he was. Land of the forsaken ones.
The Utland. <P>

At once he stood. Not long ago when he was standing at the other side of the river, looking
upon the Utland had made him fearful. It was nothing like that now. Before he had felt safe, the
Utland seemed like a distant nightmare. Of course it wasn't, he knew that now, he was standing
upon it. His mind was breaking down under the shear terror he was experiencing, the sense of
security had died upon his arrival. <P>
It wasn't just the internal feel that had changed. The Utland appeared physically different to him
from this side. Exoticus Alterare had made the sky appear light with almost an angelic touch,
rather than dark and dreary. Gnarled trees were scattered around the surroundings, unlike any
trees he had previously seen. In place of what should have been lush green leaves were drapes
of silvery webs. Ancient graves jutted out of the ground, their names erased by time. A great
number of them lay crumbled. Rane could see the Utland stretched out in all directions, except
for the way he had come. His instinct was pleading with him, begging that he run back. Another
roar of thunder sounded, making Rane cringe. <P>

Proceeding the thunder was a new sound. It was similar to ice cracking under heat. The firefox
whipped his head around just in time to see the great surge of water wash over the dry path
Yumie had created. Several seconds passed, Rane could not bare to look at it longer, he turned
back without a word, facing the Utland. Hopelessness washed over him. <BR> -Lita <P>


Yumie masked every hint of fear she had when she looked back at Rane. In her mind she had
to, if she herself was scared the poor kid would be terrified. <P>

"Well we made it across without drowning." With a smug look she opened up her arms as if
taking in the Utland. "Welcome to the land of death Rane." <P>

She laughed slightly in much to light of a manner considering the circumstances. Yumie's heart
was pounding loudly echoing in her ears as she reminded herself to breathe.<P>

Yes, they had made it in one piece to the other side. Now the question is how long will it stay
that way? <P>

There was no turning back even if she wanted to. Her powers wouldn't allow another dangerous
trick so soon. The moisture that filled the air prevented any form of flight with her heavy
body.<BR> -Mina <P>


The rigid posture Rane held relaxed as Yumie laughed. She appeared so fearless and
confident, even in the shadows of this dreadful place. Rane felt better knowing that he would be
with her. He gave a wholehearted attempt to smile but could not. The situation was still too
much for him. <P>

He reminded himself that Yumie didn't have to bring him along, if she wanted she could have
left him alone to die. Rane couldn't act cowardly, not now that they were in the Utland. If he did,
certainly it would hinder Yumie from her goal. Her goal. Yet another mystery of hers. Rane
decided that it was something of utmost importance, no sane creature would venture into the
Utland without a proper reason.<P>
Some of Rane's fear had been relived, but not all. Even though he was with Yumie, his life was
in danger every passing second he spent in the Utland. <BR> -Lita <P>


Upon hearing Tamara's answer to her last question, Leika smirked to herself. If the woman was
suspicious of Leika at all, she was doing an extremely good job of hiding it--her face was
unreadable save for the friendly mask. <P>

"Then I apologize for assuming that you wanted to leave. My skills really must be
disappearing. . ." She trailed off at the end, slightly amused at the conversation they were
having. <P>

Sliding her hand down to the small pocket in her dress, Leika curled her fingers around her
dagger, giving the stranger a blank smile. "But I must say, I am surprised at the fact that you are
not as arrogant as others. Most people would be honored to be 'almost worshiped,' as you put
it." <P>

Leika returned the woman's steady stare just as easily, her eyes conveying what she wouldn't
say: she wanted to fight with this woman, and soon. The waiting was making her agitated. <BR>
-Kira <P>


Yumie could see the worry that was seeping through Rane's expressions. It was best if she
continued her facade that much was clearly evident.<P>Well Rane, isn't nice to be on the very
lands that began the prophecy?" She asked not expecting an answer. <P>

After all Rane knew very little of the prophecy as far as she knew, only what bits and pieces she
herself had told him. In fact, the mystery of this prophecy was part of the reason Yumie had
dared cross into this God-forsaken land. <P>

As her random thoughts subsided she took note of how the sun had began to set. They would
have to get a move on if they intended to survive the night. <BR> -Mina <P>

<P> "Certainly you would do well to brush up on your rusty talents." Tamara spoke icily.<P>

She certainly hadn't missed the movement of this woman's hand and neither had she
overlooked tone this woman now carried. This stranger, like most others, was a

Tamara still hadn't made a move for her sword though she replayed in her mind how swiftly she
could reach the hilt and unsheathe her graceful weapon.
<P> "As for arrogance, I do not believe people should put themselves in a higher status than
any other human being." A trait she could tell this woman lacked. <P>

Tamara finally decided to break the ice between their cold stares. Warming up her words for a
battle was something she hadn't done in quite a while. It would be nice to take her mind off
recent events during the duel. <P>

"I think it would be best if you would head back. Like I said, the gates won't open for you and I
don't intend to bring you in anymore." Tamara rested one hand on her hip, a placement allowing
easy access to her sword. "Either you leave or I shall force you to turn back." <Br> -Mina <P>

*<P> "Yes, certainly," Leika agreed, her tone mirroring the other woman's. She knew that she
had slipped up in letting the woman see her hand moving; it took away the element of surprise
she so loved. <I>At least it allowed for a quicker beginning.</I><P>

Taking note of the stranger's hand resting above her sword, Leika nodded slightly.<P>Ah, and I
believe that arrogance is something that humans come by naturally. You may not think it right,
but that doesn't change anything, does it?<P>

Leika had missed the verbal preparing most battles required as well. It was one of her favorite
parts, seeing how far she could push her opponent before they snapped. <P>

"I have no desire to leave, so I am afraid that you will have to force me. I can't promise that it
will be an easy battle, though." Narrowing her eyes, Leika slid the dagger out from her pocket,
fingers still curled around it. <P>

This was it; this was when the battle she had longed for would being. "I will allow you the first
strike, if you'd like." Her voice was laced with cruelty and expectation. <Br> -Kira <P>


At the mention of the prophecy Rane's fox ears jolted upright. Yumie very seldom mentioned the
prophecies to him, perhaps only once or twice. He could recall back from when they first met,
she said something about a prophecy, though he was unable to understand. The word itself was
foreign to him, the definition hidden. Rane somehow felt drawn to the word, prophecy. And just
as all things he knew little about, he yearned to know more. <P>

<I>So this is the place it all started?</I> This bit of information occupied his mind momentarily.
As usual he didn't reply to Yumie, it was just as if he were a mute child. Though his actions and
facial expressions spoke for themselves since he was insufficient at hiding any of his emotions.
All of this inner feeling managed to linger on the surface in some form or another.<P>

The clouds hung in the sky, their shades dark. No doubt, the darkness was partially caused by
the setting sun. Fire foxes didn't necessarily fear the dark, only what lurked within it. Fire was
their element, and with it came light. Being connected to such a thing cleansed the fear of
darkness. But nothing could cure the fear of the shrouded creatures. Rane glanced back at
Yumie and took a cautious first step forward. <BR> -Lita <P>


" <I>Humans</I> you say that as if you are not one." Tamara suddenly felt more vulnerable
than she had moments before. Still her face held a threatening composure. This woman, if she
was not human, what was she? <P>

"And what purpose do you serve? If it's murdering the King or anything of the likes you'd be
doing us all a favor." <P>

Something however told Tamara this woman was not here to serve the people. More than likely
it was her own selfish desires that drove her to Heorte.<P>

The longer Tamara spoke to this woman the more she detested her. It was obvious now she
was just trying to pick a fight. "If it's a fight you wish for, it is a fight you shall get." <P>

With a quick pull on the hilt of the sword, Tamara now held the weapon steadily. The blade
pointing towards the woman. With a quick yet graceful move she attempted to make contact
with any part of this strangers skin. <BR> -Mina <P>

*<P> "Oh, I'm a human, never doubt that. Just not your average one," Leika replied softly. "My
purpose is not of your concern, it would only frighten you. Though if it interests you, I despise
Heorte de Planeta more than any other place, so the King could be an interesting challenge."

She had a feeling that she was no longer fooling the other woman, that the woman knew she
was no traveling stranger, but instead a threat.

<P> "The fight is what led me here," she murmured before glaring at the woman coldly. She
danced out of the way of the blade, the cold metal just barely brushing her pale arm.<P>

"Oh, you'll have to do better than that," she said, drawing her dagger out in front of her and
advancing toward the other woman slowly. <BR> -Kira <P>


Yumie held out her hand towards Rane. Expecting him to take it like a child would. Partially this
action was for her own comfort as well. Though she wouldn't allow Rane to know this. <P>

"We have to get a move on. Soon the sun will be set and then we'll have more problems on our
hands than even fate could deal with." Yumie let out another of her lighthearted laughs. <P>
She seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Masking her true feelings with smiles and joyful
expressions. It could only last so long before she broke down she realized. For now though it
was the best option she had to remain calm. <Br> -Mina <P>


Tamara stifled a small laugh. "A dagger? That's the best you've got?" <P>

Tamara quickly darted forward, her outfit flowing smoothly almost as if the sword was her
partner in a majestic dance. <P>

It was certain to her that this would be a simple fight if she was truly going up against a human.
Still the idea that the woman said she wasn't average lingered in her mind. <BR>
-Mina <P>

*<P> "Rotten luck," Telum said aloud. <P>

He had traveled to Cedre with such high expectations; he hoped to find the enigmatic elf that
had given him his life, and ultimately his destiny. Though that had been for naught. There had
been no enchantress. Admittedly, there had been no Cedre. He was confident that he could
read a map. <I>How hard could it be?</I> he thought. "Obviously too much for me to grasp," he
said. <P>

His feet ached in his boots. His shoulders ached under the weight of bow and quiver. His horse
was gone along with his supplies. There was no way to alleviate the aching unless he were to
strip and discard his weapons. <I>That is definitely not the brightest idea</I>, he argued. <P>

Telum was at a crossroads, "if you could call it that," he mused. There were no roads, and he
had not the faintest idea which way was north and which was south, which way was east or
which was west. He knew for a fact that he was in Forestis Sceadu, but had not the slightest
idea of which area of the <I>immense</I> forest he was in. <P>

Suddenly Telum felt very alone. The trees around him appeared to be growing taller, and taller.
He could hear nothing but the internal drum that was his heart. <I>There's no way out</I>, he
panicked, <I>I will never get out of here – alive</I>. His vision became spotted and just before
he could slip into the void, a familiar presence filled his senses. Cool, comforting air filled his
lungs and ceased his hyperventilation. The air filled his mind with clarity. His vision was no
longer spotted.

<P>Thank you," he whispered. In return, a cool breeze wrapped around him; it was a
comfortable, familiar feeling in a very alien atmosphere. <P>

Telum gathered his bearings, and began to hesitantly walk into the thick wood. He was
apprehensive about the direction he was going, but with an encouraging breeze, his stride
became confident and swift. <Br> -John <P>
*<P> "Oh no, I have more than a dagger," Leika assured the woman. "This is just my favorite."
She darted gracefully out of the way of the sword again, pleased that her fighting skills hadn't
vanished completely.

<P> "I have fighting experience. Do not be afraid; give this duel all you have. It may help you
live a little longer." She slashed her dagger at the stranger, aiming for flesh. <BR> -Kira <P>


Rane eyed Yumie's hand and with slow motion reached out and grabbed hers with his own. He
shifted his hand's position around hers and gripped on gently. This gesture eased his mind, for
the first time in awhile he felt true comfort. Along with the comfort, hope was born. Just maybe
they could both make it out of the Utland alive. Just maybe Yumie could succeed in the goal that
guided her to this place. Having a new hopefulness was better than being lost and without any
hope at all. <P>

He nodded and allowed himself a genuine smile while Yumie's light laughter filled the air. Rane
knew little about the Utland but he was sure she was correct, with the arrival of night would
come issues for them. Since the Utland was such a vast area, they would have to travel with
speed if Yumie intended reach their destination before nightfall. Where ever their destination
might be. <P>

How quickly Rane's emotions could alter, just a minute ago he had been without hope, he felt
like survival was impossible. Perhaps it was the lack of understanding he had for the world
which caused his quick paced feelings. All he had was Yumie, and his small amount of natural
instinct. Blindly he followed both, but one of them notably more than the other. <Br> -Lita <P>


Fighting experience, that wouldn't gain her much of an advantage. All her life Tamara had
grown up watching the fighters of the battledome. Their moves then delicately remastered into a
graceful dance. <P>

Yes, if anyone had fighting experience it was Tamara. She knew her way around almost every
possible move. Quite often she was even challenged to a friendly duel in the courtyards. None
of which she had ever lost. <P>

Which caused the small gash on her forearm to surprise her. The blade the woman was
wielding managed to make contact before Tamara slipped to the side. <P>

"Good, then maybe you'll be a challenge for once." Tamara said with a smirk, ignoring the
stinging for now.<P>

With a quick uppercut she attempted to repay the woman for the slice on her flesh. <BR> -Mina

Seeing that she had succeeded in wounding the woman, Leika smirked. That it had taken her
more than once to do this surprised her, though. Normally, the ones she battled with were too
pathetic to be much of a challenge, and couldn't defend themselves to save their own lives.
Which is why almost all of them ended up dead. <P>

"I'm glad you think so. You may pose as one for me as well," she replied, still smirking. <P>

She twirled out of the way of the sword, but not quickly enough. A cut equivalent to the one she
had given to the stranger appeared on the top of her arm, bright red against the paleness of her
skin. She narrowed her eyes, aiming this time for the woman's stomach. <BR> -Kira <P>


A low howl echoed through the forest, the sound slowly becoming distorted as it hit hollow trees
and the misty figures which appeared only to be shadows.<P>

The sands in the hourglass were falling much to quickly for Yumie's liking. Time was running out
for them, for their lives, if they didn't run.<P>

As the sun lay upon the horizon shadows reached out towards Rane and herself. They were
waiting, waiting for one single mistake. <P>

"We're not going to make it there. We'll have to stop half way." Yumie said more to herself than
anything else. <I>I pray that there's safety close to us.</I> <P>

Yumie gripped Rane's hand tighter, hoping to God he didn't see that as a sign of her weakness.
Without looking at him she began running in quick strides staying in what little rays of light still
remained. <Br> -Mina <P>


Seeing that she had succeeded in wounding the woman, Leika smirked. That it had taken her
more than once to do this surprised her, though. Normally, the ones she battled with were too
pathetic to be much of a challenge, and couldn't defend themselves to save their own lives.
Which is why almost all of them ended up dead. <P>

"I'm glad you think so. You may pose as one for me as well," she replied, still smirking. <P>

She twirled out of the way of the sword, but not quickly enough. A cut equivalent to the one she
had given to the stranger appeared on the top of her arm, bright red against the paleness of her
skin. She narrowed her eyes, aiming this time for the woman's stomach. <BR> -Kira <P>

Tamara swiftly brought up her sword to meet with the knife's blade. A loud clanking sound of
metal on metal filled the air. Along with it mounting tension seeped into the space between the
two women. <P>

The sword had stopped the knife mere centimeters from the soft skin on her exposed stomach.
Any slower of a reaction would have caused the knife to go plunging into her vital organs. <P>

In the pale moonlight Tamara could make out the thin trickle of blood that slid its way down this
woman's arm. <P>

"Now," Tamara spoke evenly as she flicked the knife from where it sat dangerously close to her
skin. "You're going to have to try harder than that if you want to get me any deeper." <P>

She took a few steps back hold the sword skillfully as she awaited the next assault. <BR> -Mina


Leika arched an eyebrow softly, frustrated that her stab had been deflected. She gave the
woman a cool stare. <P>

"It looks like I will. You, though. . . You have at least managed to slice me. Something that no
person has done in years. You must be better than most." Her voice matched her gaze. <P>

The moonlight gave the scene an eerie feeling, barely illuminating half of each woman's face,
bathing everything in soft silver-white light. The blades hardly glinted, though the sound of them
was just as clear as ever; the forest had gone silent. <P>

Changing her technique, Leika fell backwards for a moment before going around to the
woman's side, her knife aiming at a spot above the right hip, knowing it wouldn't kill the woman
but hoping to inflict pain. <Br> -Kira <P>


Brone ambled through the thick trees slowly, his face void of any emotion, something he
scarcely had to remind himself to do anymore. He unknowingly drummed his fingers against his
thighs, two of them hitting the solid shape of the knives he kept sheathed against them. His
brown eyes scanned the scenery around him, trying to get a feel for where he was at. <P>

<I>Somewhere in the forest again. Probably where the trees are going to get a bit thinner. And
probably farther from water than before. Great.</I> There was no sign of these thoughts on his
face save for a small frown that hadn't been present before. <P>

He had left a small community three days ago after resting there for two days. Though the
people were kind, they unsettled him quickly, and upon leaving he promptly forgot the name of
the place. Nothing stayed in his memory long unless he considered it worth remembering. <P>
Lost in his thoughts, Brone was startled to see a path split into three ways in front of him; he
could take the left, right, or straight one. He closed his eyes, a bit amused, and takes whichever
one his feet lead him to, walking like that for a few minutes. When he opens his eyes he doesn't
look back, only looks ahead. He is surprised again to see a man walking not far in front of him.

Trying to quiet his footsteps, Brone waits to see if the man heard him approaching. <Br> -Kira

<P> "I'll take delight in breaking through more of your precious flesh." Tamara quickly remarked
with a violent glare. <P>

She moved the sword quickly to attempt and deflect the stranger's latest attack. The knife was
close enough to touch her skin and as she used the sword to push away the dagger, a long
crimson gash was left in the blade's wake. <P>

Tamara's mind filled with thoughts of the blood filled water from when her friend had been killed
weeks before. She was used to fighting, but death that was something entirely different. Was
this woman planning on fighting to the death? <P>

Perhaps this was what she had been waiting for. Lately she hadn't been in good spirits. Death
weighed heavily on her mind and she didn't feel as needed as she once had been. <P>

All thoughts left her has she regained her fighting posture and focused on driving her sword into
the woman's thigh. <Br> -Mina <P>


"I'm sure you will enjoy it," Leika agreed, returning the other woman's glare just as fiercely.
"Greatly so." She didn't let it show, but she was impressed with this woman, who was a decent
fighter and didn't cower under Leika like so many others. <P>

Though the woman was good at hiding her emotions, Leika saw something flash in her eyes for
a brief moment, too quickly for her to recognize what it was. <P>

As Leika leaped backward the sword's sharp tip tore through her dress, scraping her skin and
leaving behind more blood. If there was any doubt in her mind that this woman was the
challenge she had been aching for, it was gone now, being replaced by a familiar desire to kill
the one who was trying--possibly--to kill her. <P>

<I>Shall we play this out longer or just end it, dear?</I> she asked the woman silently, fueled by
the thought of killing. She walked toward the woman again, trying to plunge the dagger into the
forearm that hadn't already been cut. <BR> -Kira <P>

Solitude wasn't a foreign concept to Telum; growing up in a family of nobles, he had never
known what it was like to have friends, have fun, or to cause mischief and get scolded alongside
a sibling. No, his life was a disciplined, studious and isolated one. <I>Well, that was before.</I>
he thought.<P>

Though he hadn't had any friends or siblings, Telum had always had a companion; the elven
enchantress that had given him his life, had also given him his soul companion – the wind. The
bond between Telum and the wind spirit is an irrevocable partnership – whether it is in terms of
friendship, or in battle, "we are inseparable," he said aloud. A slight smile emerged on his face
as he reminisced, and wind danced around him in delight, <I>nothing can stop us.</I> <P>

Telum felt as if he were on top of the world. It hadn't been long since he had left his home, but
already he felt like an adventurer in the stories of old kings and warriors traveling distant lands,
battling dangerous monstrosities and overcoming potentially fatal obstacles. Telum imagined
himself as one of these warriors, using the power of wind to fling enemies into the air and
throwing them against these trees. <P>

"We are not alone." the wind whispered. <P>

Telum stopped dead in his tracks; his smile and delight were replaced with caution and a ringing
in his ears. Blanched, he stood still for what felt like hours, unsure of how to go about his new
predicament. <I>I'm an adventurer,</I> he thought. Finally, he slowly turned around to face his
potential enemy. <P>

The man didn't look much older than Telum, and his face and body didn't indicate any hostility.
<I>But I'm not about to let down my guard.</I> Wind wrapped around him, and urged him to
move forward. He took two steps toward the man, and simply said, "I am Telum." <P>

Wind danced around his fingertips, awaiting a command. <Br> -John <P>


Brone walked quietly for a few more paces, still not paying very much attention despite the fact
that he had heard the man ahead address him. He walked until he was only a few feet away
from the stranger, then studied him for a moment. <P>

By the looks of the man's face, he wasn't much younger than Brone was himself. He also quite
obviously had some history with weapons training, judging by what he carried. Brone's fingers,
previously tapping away, stilled on his thighs, two on each of the knives he carried, a precaution
he found sometimes necessary. It was only one person, much better than a group, and
hopefully safer, but out of habit Brone was on guard. <P>
<I>Oh, get a grip,</I> he scolded himself. <I>It's not like you're facing an army. Just a traveler.
Like you.</I> <P>

"You're forgetting that being cautious has saved you before," he muttered to himself, not
realizing he was talking out loud until it was too late. <P>

He sighed and introduced himself. "Brone," he said to the man shortly, making an attempt at
sounding semi-friendly. <BR> -Kira <P>


Tamara didn't waste any time this round. She was through with talking and now her skin was
itching to fight. To death if that so be it. <P>

The dagger which was being wielded by her adversary managed to slice into the flesh of her
arm. This time the blade cut deep causing a rush of warm blood to pour from the wound. Her
tightly clenched teeth prevented a scream from ripping past her lips. <P>

Pain didn't have a place in the battleground. With a steady hand she thrust the sword towards
the midsection of the woman hoping to inflict more damage. <Br> -Mina <P>


Leika's eyes flashed, realizing that now this woman was serious about the fight. She was ready
to go until either she or Leika was killed. Leika's attitude changed. She was ready to kill this
woman now, to see her suffer. <P>

She sidestepped the blade, but not quickly enough. A puncture mark appeared on her stomach,
not visible due to her dress but bleeding nonetheless. <P>

Her grip on the dagger tightened as she this time aimed for the same place the woman had cut
her - the midsection of the stranger. <Br> -Kira <P>


Tamara held the sword in a tight grip keeping her stance like that of a lion. Crouched low and
fixing her blazing eyes on the woman. <P>

They had managed to decorate each other with small cuts and slices, just enough to draw blood
but not enough to cause serious injury. <P>

The next swift jab of the dagger was aimed at the same area Tamara had just struck her
adversary. An 'eye for an eye' it seemed to be. It was ironic how the dagger seemed to leave
the same exact wound on her own midsection as she tried to dodge the blade. <P>
"Might I inquire about your name?" Tamara asked making the first hint of conversation in the
past few minutes. <Br> -Mina <P>


Glancing at the other woman's body, Leika became amused. Their wounds were nearly
identical, the amount of blood almost the same on each. Her smirk came back as she
considered whether or not to let the woman know her name. <P>

"My name is Leika," she finally answered, her voice cool. "And what might yours be?" <P>

The woman once again dodged the dagger, gaining a puncture much like Leika's on her own
midsection. <I>This is just too amusing,</I> Leika thought. She was enjoying the fight too much,
more than she had most other fights in a long while, to be properly angered at the fact she had
been cut. Right now, it didn't seem to matter. <P>

Not bothering to wait for an answer from the stranger, she thrust the knife forward again, aiming
for just about the chest. <BR> -Kira <P>


"Tamara, the name's Tamara." She cocked her head slightly looking at the blood dripping off
the edge of her sword. <P>

The sight was a bit unnerving. Normally she was the one to prevent any injury that might occur,
or at the very least mend any wounds. <P>

Tamara knew it as soon as the fight started she supposed. She had neither the strength nor the
will to kill someone. Death followed her yes, but she was not one to hand out the certificates.

Still staring at the sword, she realized her senses has seemed to escape her. A quick gasp of
air sent pain shooting through her as all feeling was regained in an instant. Leika's dagger was
buried deep in Tamara's own chest. <P>

Feelings remained but this time thoughts had fled. Perhaps this was how she intended the fight
to end. Maybe even subconsciously she allowed herself to be struck. <P>

For weeks she nearly begged for this now that her time was here she was thankful more than
anything. <P>

She peered up into the dark eyes of Leika. Slowly that darkness seemed to engulf her world
leaving Tamara without a flicker of light, a flicker of life. <Br> -Mina <P>

Leika could see that Tamara wasn't normally one to injure; the sight of blood on her sword
clearly did something close to surprise her. <P>

As Tamara realized she was dying, Leika looked at her a last time. Her eyes betrayed no fear if
she felt any. In fact, they looked almost happy. Not surprised that she lost the fight at all.
<I>Happy to be dying. . . What an interesting woman.</I> <P>

Tamara's eyes, which had previously been so full of determination, were now lifeless, glazed
over. For a brief moment Leika wondered what dying was like before pushing the thought to the
back of her mind. <P>

"Tamara. What a lovely name," she said to the still body. She reached down and dug the
dagger out of the woman, wiping the blade on the ground around Tamara until it was shining
again, not a trace left of the kill it had just made. <P>

As she stood back up, a stinging pain went through her stomach and she glanced down at her
dress, which was now getting covered in blood. "Time to take care of that," she muttered,
pressing a hand to the wound as she turned and walked away from Tamara's body. <BR> -Kira


<I>Brone</I> Telum repeated, "well nice to meet you, Brone." A name was enough for Telum,
he was not going to pass up an opportunity to potentially find a way out of this forest. <I>I think
it's safe to assume that this Brone fellow doesn't want to kill me</I> he thought as the wind
shuffled around him, <I>I meant us</I> he corrected. <P>

Telum examined Brone more closely; apart from his physical appearance, Telum noticed that
Brone was not carrying much baggage. The fact that Brone hadn't been carrying baggage was
both good and bad for Telum; the good was that Brone seemed like he could hold his own in the
forest, and would most likely know a way out; the bad was that he was not carrying any food –
and it was only then that he realized how hungry he really was. <P>

Shamelessly, Telum turned his palms up and admitted, "I'm lost." Hopefully Brone would help
Telum out and – "and hungry" he added in response to his stomach's cries for nourishment.
<Br> -John <P>


Feaglo made his way through the thick brush that blanketed the forest floor. So far his
encounters in this world hadn't been pleasant. Those two witches were enough to have him
staying alert as he continued walking, only the gods knew where he was headed. <P>

More sunlight filtered through the forest canopy. The rays of light laying low to the ground as
night pushed its way into the world. The wolf's green eyes glowed hauntingly in the darkening
orange hues. <P>
A low sigh escaped Feaglo's throat as he realized the forest had begun to thin out. Perhaps he
was being looked upon favorably by the hands of fate. <P>

That's when he heard multiple high pitched laughter coming from above. Shimmering particles
rained down onto Feaglo's dark fur.<P>

<I>Faeries.</I> He thought, suppressing a low growl. <I>It seems I spoke too kindly of you
Fate.</I> <P>

Now if there was one thing most people knew it was to steer clear of the faeries and their little
games of trickery. Despite their small size and innocent appearance, they could weave powerful
magic and get almost anyone entangled in the games they play. <P>

<I>Tread carefully Feaglo, this may not end well.</I> <BR> -Mina <P>


Brone stopped the movement of his fingers abruptly. Telum was asking him for help, and while it
would be the courteous thing to assist him in getting out of the vast forest and feeding him,
Brone wasn't normally the most polite when it came to people's needs. <P>

He stared at Telum for a few moments, keeping his face impassive and not bothering to
acknowledge the fact that the man had said anything. He didn't look like he had any desire to kill
Brone, and he did seem to be telling the truth when he said he was hungry. <P>

Finally, Brone sighed inwardly and nodded slightly, long past wincing at the empty tone his
voice held. "I can give you something to eat. And depending on where you are traveling to, I can
try to help you get there." He glanced at the thick canopy of trees above them and noticed that
the amount of light filtering through it was steadily getting smaller. "But we had better get to
some place safer before we do either." <Br> -Kira <P>


Note: On April 7, 2010 we lost all posts. Luckily, we managed to save a few. {All of the above}
Sorry if this is an inconvenience. ^^; <BR> A lot happened in the posts that got deleted.
Summary: Prince Rendel was introduced. Senka and Leika met up again. Yumie and Rane
continued traveling the Utland together. Narinth, Ryul, and Myari met up. Telum, Feaglo, and
Brone met, pixies slipped Telum some magic sap to mess with his head, to be safe during the
night they all climbed into a tree. That's about it.

Rendel raged out of the meeting with the loud slam of wooden doors behind him. The fool Viktor
had the audacity to ask for command over the entire army in addition to a sum of half the bounty
obtained from the raid on Heorte de Planeta. Just like so many others that came in hoping to
gain a place by the prince, Viktor wanted not only freedom but the spoils that came with Utland's
attack. Selfish and greedy the lot of them were. Only a few Utlandians truly had respect in the
fiery eyes of Rendel, and even they he did not trust. <P>

The prince of the Utlands, however, wasn't a fool; he knew that there needed to be a
commander of his army. Perhaps the firefoxes would prove knowledgeable on this point. After
all, they had centuries of Exoticus Alterare's history swimming around in their minds.
Somewhere in the mess, there should be plenty of battle tactics that could aid Rendel and the
rest of the Utlands. The demon had more faith in them than he did anyone else; faith from a
demon--that takes some doing. <P>

Rendel descended the stairwell leading to a room deep below the surface, a room closer to his
home. He smiled to himself, that devilish smile of his, which could be likened to that of the gods
when they decided they would no longer play a part in Exoticus Alterare's future. They left it up
to Fate, which if you were to ask Rendel, he would say was the single worst idea they had come
up with since the creation of the planet. Now, though, Rendel had been dealt a hand with four
aces and he knew there was no way a sane man could fold. <P>

Rendel walked regally down the narrow hallway, running a hand over the cracks in the stone
masonry. It was disgusting how much the creatures of the Utlands had allowed their world to
decay. He never understood why 'evil' creatures were associated with dark, ruined buildings, yet
it held true in most cases. Rendel wasn't one to enjoy the horrible conditions of the Utlands.
This was one of many reasons he sought control of Heorte. A beautiful palace adorned with
accessories of unimaginable worth was much more fitting to his tastes. All he needed was to
remove the current, ignorant king from the throne. <P>

That all was to come later. First, he had to remain focused on removing the black magic barrier
which cut Utland off from the rest of the world. The fact was: Rendel could achieve this at any
time he wished. All it would require was a powerful cursed object, of which he already had in his
possession, and a being of immense blessed properties. <P>

The echoing of Rendel's footsteps ceased as he stood face to face with a wall. There was a
delighted look passing over his features as he raised a hand to swipe over the cool stone. Upon
doing this, the stones seemed to melt away much like the ice of the lakes had done only days
before. <P>

The demon stepped into the room which he was now able to access; the wall behind Rendel
quickly reshaping itself as he entered. He swiftly walked forward causing a light wind to lift white
feathers, which coated the ground, into the air. <P>

Abruptly he stopped again, lifting his hands into the air like a maestro. He snapped both of his
fingers, causing a light from a nonexistent source to shine down upon a winged creature in the
center of the room. Shackles were clasped to each of the being's limbs and chains ran from
these shackles to each of the four walls enclosing the room. From the sealing, four chains hung;
each chain had a rusty hook attached on its end; each hook was jutting into the snow colored
coverts and curved around holding onto the bones of the wing. Small amounts of red tainted the
pure white.
<P> "Paschar," the name rolled of Rendel's tongue like a song. <P>

Through the silvery bangs which hung over the angel's face, Rendel could see the golden cat-
like eyes move to look at him. <P>

"I apologize for the harsh treatment you have been given. This would not have been necessary
if you had come calmly." <P>

Rendel moved ever closer until he was mere inches from the angel's face, not a hint of fear in
his eyes. The demon promptly rested his thumb and index finger along the angel's jawline and
gently eased Paschar's head upwards. The angel's eyes were now fixed on the glistening red
apple Rendel had brought with him. <P>

"Ah, hungry now are we? I thought you would be. One of the downfalls of inhabiting a human
body, you also acquire their needs. Though I must say these needs do have their pluses don't
they?" Rendel's glanced over the bare body of the angel. <P>

Rendel smirked. He brought the fruit to his own mouth and took a savoring bite as he licked his
lips slowly and then offered the apple to his guest. The angel didn't seem to take a second
thought when he bit into the red skin hungrily, causing a trail of the apple's juice to run from the
corner of his mouth. Rendel flicked his tongue out along the angel's skin to catch the running
drop. <P>

"Glad to see you finally comply." <BR>

-Mina <P>


They were reunited once more, in the whole of Exoticus Alterare the two of them were possibly
the most powerful women. What was it that Senka was feeling? A thrill? <I>Yes. Chaos, sweet
chaos. All the living shall know my wrath, in time. For now Leika and I must gather our energy
and plot. The hour to strike will come soon enough. Mm. This dark alliance is quite valuable,
Leika has a gift. But that kind of power could be threat later on. I hope she stays valuable for
awhile, I've always had a certain fondness for her.</I> Senka was entertained by the light
fingers skimming over her blade. The motion vaguely reminded her of a lover's caress. <P>

The tip of the sword pierced a thin layer of Leika's neck, drawing a small line of red. She
withdrew it from the skin and watched a drop of blood slide steadily down. No doubt, they were
vulnerable. As humans their flesh could be shredded, blood could be spilled. At times Senka felt
like she could never be destroyed, but it was just a false sense of security. No matter what she
believed, death could whisk her away as easily as anyone else. Neither she nor Leika were
above humanity in the eyes of Death. The thought wasn't very pleasant. <P>

"I'm sorry Leika, my mind just drifted off." Her mouth was still fitted into a smile as she shook
her head. With a click Senka's sword was back in its sheath. <P>

"So, where were you off to in such a hurry? You didn't get much of a head start, and yet, it still
took me some time to track you down." <BR> -Lita <P>


All else faded when the fresh meat came into sight. Naturally Rane began to salivate, blue eyes
wide with longing. He imagined sinking his teeth into meat, and the glorious flavor that would
follow. It would simply overtake his taste buds with its perfection. The hunger in his stomach
would be no more. He shifted into fox form, which allowed drool to drip freely from his exposed
tongue. The fire fox took a couple steps forward and came out from behind Yumie. <P>

"Is it really all for us?" The amazement seeped into his tone and facial features, making him
look like a pup. All three tails moved together in a silent rhythm, adding to Rane's young look.
His dignity was lost with such a pathetic display. It dawned upon Rane that he was being slightly
absurd, but he couldn't help it. What little remaining self control he had was thinning out fast, he
was ready to pounce on the meat and steal it all for himself. Still, he managed to maintain a
shred of decency. <P>

"Hey Yumie, you can have the first bites." <BR> -Lita <P>

Yumie couldn't help but be suspicious. For all she knew the food could be poisoned with some
unknown substance that emitted no smell. She looked deep into the eyes of the goblin almost
challengingly. <P>

"But of course, where is my head?" he laughed and the points of finely filed teeth grazed across
his absurdly fat lips. "I'm Grathel head butler of the Utland's prince, Sir Rendel. I assure you the
food is fine." Grathel pulled out a fork and picked up a small piece of meat, tossing it into his
mouth. <P>

This seemed to wash away any caution that had built up within the female firefox. She moved
towards the dish; her mouth was watering at the delicious smell. Heavenly flavors filled her
mouth upon the first bite. It had to have been the finest delicacy in the whole of Exoticus
Alterare. <P>

"My god Rane, this is amazing. Come on dig in," Yumie, with a full sparkling smile, motioned
the male over. <P>
"Utlandians have orders not to harm you; we know you are here to help us. Sir Rendel will
greet you shortly," the goblin bowed again and promptly scurried off before any questions could
be asked. <BR> -Mina <P>


When the clock turns The birds decend One girl holds time End in End <P>

She doesn't know what She holds but time is Forever ending <P>

Kiwi sung to herself quietly, the lyrics her mother once sung. She walked to the city where a
new king was reaped from stone, a boy king at that last told. Kiwi called to her faithful bird, the
fuzzy brown animal that she lovs without cold. "Kita, my lovely. I wonder why mother had told
me the poem, the one that I just told you, and then gave me an old hour glass?" In questionable
agreement, Kita chirped back a happy tone, while nibbling on her hair. <P>

The road seemed long, the days not enjoyable, and Kiwi was far from the answer she needed to
be told. Lifting up the very tip of her dingy laced shirt, she took out the hour glass. Black sands
filled the top, half way gone. The hour glass only leaked one grain to it's bottom, one by one.
Each hour that goes by. Kiwi was taught at a very young age to never turn it over, or something
would happen to her, something dark and horrible. She always received nightmares from it. <P>

She continued to walk up the stone hill she had recently started to climb, she was more than
half way over it, when she finally saw the peak of a castle's shale. "At last." she breathed, her
heart pounding. Letting out a cry of angst, and then pulling out her long sword {Made by the
elves of the land to be long and light, it fits perfectly into her hands.} and pointing it to the sky as
lightning cracked the stone around her. Kiwi knelt down to the ground, her hilt now pointing at
the sky, she swore to her deceased mother that she would follow her last wishes. <P>

Follow the roads where ever they lead. her mother had once spoke, But never give up the hour
glass, or it's tiny grains. gasping on her death-bed her mother finished, Protect it with blood and
soul, your life depends. <P>

Kiwi walked silently forward, then suddenly, as she received a change of heart, decided to walk
to her mother's tomb which was not far away. Kita took to the skies, to keep watch for anything
that be a dire harmful issue. On the way she stumbled to the borders where two red foxes lay
eating their little hearts out. <P>

A troll was near them, and to Kiwi assumed they were just pets, but something else swayed her
to think otherwise. <P>

The road to her mother's tomb was rocky, and on the way she let herself sing her mother's final
words. <P>When the clock turns The birds decend One girl holds time End in End <P>She
doesn't know what She holds but time is Forever ending" <Br> -Courtney <P>

Yumie's ears twitched as she picked up an odd sound, something not commonly heard in the
Utlands. It was almost like the sweet sound of a bird's singing. Certainly, the sound was coming
closer and also originating from the sky. <P>

Yumie looked upward, removing her attention from the plate. Rane seemingly heard nothing, as
he continued eating the food like the messy pup he was. The female firefox tried to make out
just what the sound was coming from; the task, however, was made difficult due to the almost
pitch black sky and the rain which was still lightly coming down. <P>

Then she caught the slow dipping and diving of a creature certainly not belonging to Utland.
What fool of a creature would venture into these parts was unknown to her. Then again, at least
this being had the benefit of flight. Yumie's own wings were currently rendered useless--rain and
fur never mixed well. <P>

She stood staring at the sky with her amber colored eyes, wondering if the person had noticed
them, or if she even cared. <BR> -Mina <P>


Kiwi lowered her voice, but it still echoed against the mountains. "Who's there?" She asked as a
set of eyes landed on her. Kita, her kiwi bird landed on her shoulder where Kiwi had heavily
padded it, being her claws were quite sharp. <P>

The feline fox's eyes seemed almost human, and that assumption came to Kiwi as a shape-
shifter. "Shifter?" she asked the feline, hoping that it was not the fire foxes. <BR> -Courtney <P>


Yumie debated with herself for a moment what to do in this situation. The person before her
made quite a striking image in the darkness around her. The woman looked like she belonged in
the forest more so than the wasteland of Utland. The flying kiwi bird also caught her attention.
Not a sight you would see everyday that's for sure. <P>

As Yumie made up her mind, she slowly masked herself with the almost human image. It
seemed like a good idea, that's what she always pulled off in the event she ran into a human.
She nudged Rane to do the same. <P>

"Yes?" She asked, as if her being a 'shapeshifter' was a problem. "Just what is a healthy
traveler like yourself doing in Utland? If it's a sui-cide mission you picked a good method,"
Yumie's tone wasn't angry in fact it was almost friendly, although the same couldn't be said for
the content of her speech. <BR> -Mina <P>

"Indeed, us humans pick up many great skills, it's just the content for which we use them." she
smiled, "Quite actually, I was on my way to visit my mother's grave, but not to my fancy, I do not
know where the graves are around the Utlands. I don't suppose you could show me, in turn for a
spot of poetry?" kindly she smiled, looking around as Kita took to the skies. <P>

"Many people that are much more dence than I must have traveled here on such missions, it's
a rare few that actually come here looking for another's grave and not their own, aie?" Kiwi
chuckled, bright and happy, her green eyes sparkling through the mist. <P>

"I'd make a bit more small chat, but I do have a mission to complete in the Utlands today, merry
meet, my two Fire-foxes." surprising herself with the knowledge of the prophets, she took a step
backwards, wondering if the female, who's name she had forgotten to ask, to accept the offer
for a walk to a grave. <BR> -Courtney <P>


"What did your mother do to wind up having a grave in Utland?" Yumie scoffed while still
looking around for this <I>Rendel</I> character that wanted to see Rane and herself. "I can't be
of much help though, graves around here aren't marked and more than enough don't even have
stones to let you know they are graves. Plus, wondering in Utland is sure to get you killed." <P>

Yumie glanced around again. This time due to a point she herself had unknowingly brought up.
Just why weren't all the Utlandian beings gnawing at her flesh yet? Perhaps the goblin had
spoken the truth about this mysterious prince figure. Someone she had never heard of
throughout all the histories of Exoticus Alterare. If Utland did have a prince . . . just what else
was going on that the mainland didn't know? <P>

There was another fact that disturbed her. With all the ancestral memories passed down to her,
why had she little to no knowledge about the history of Utland. Somehow the thought frightened
her. But that's why she was here, to gain knowledge even if she expected to only live for a day
or two before she was inevitably killed. Firefoxes were never bothered with death; they would
die but the next ancestor would take over once again. Born always in the place where the first
firefox was born so it was also no matter where she died. Then again, if the black magic was
strong enough to prevent a soul from leaving could it also prevent thoughts from being reborn?
Maybe this was why they gained no knowledge of Utland. Then that would mean the history,
which she always believed to know, had holes--a great many holes. <P>

That's when Yumie glanced back to the traveler. She had said 'firefoxes.' "You know of the
firefoxes?" She quickly struck back. <BR> -Mina <P>


"Oh yes, the term for the foxes who would set the world on fire. Your job is dangerous, your
history perilous, and of course, the fire you hide." She smiled, "If you are indeed much to afraid
to travel the Utlands with a stranger you must be somewhat important to the world." Taking a
small glance at Kita, she walked along about a foot, then turning. <P>
"My mother's grave is marked with an hour glass, the one passed down as a family heirloom,
have you seen such a stone?" she asked politely, looking into the shifter's eyes. <P>

"Perhaps, it is close? I have to get moving to the castle, it is a long ways away." she waited,
incase the female shifter had an answer that would suit to her, if not, she was sure that her
heart would lead her. <P>

"On the grave is a poem, it enscribes: <BR>

When the clock turns The birds decend One girl holds time End in End <P>

She doesn't know what She holds but time is Forever ending' - Do you know it?" <BR>
-Courtney <P>


Rendel stepped out of the sky landing as lightly as a feather upon the ground. His wings didn't
even stir the air as they flapped. If anyone had seen his arrival, he could have very well been
mistaken for a spirit based on the way he seemed to hover effortlessly. The pale skin he sported
also alluded to to that of the dead. <P>

Dark orange eyes run up the body of the girl he knew had arrived only moment earlier. Upon
receiving news of his newcomer, Rendel decided it was due time to meet all of his guests. Fate
certainly was playing around. If at all possible Rendel would say he now held five aces; he was
never one to play fair in any case. <P>

"The stone, my dear, is quite close to my home," Rendel spoke in a deep voice seeming to
belong to someone much older than him. "Welcome to Utland young ones," Rendel brought his
hand to his chest and bowed, "I am Rendel." <BR> -Mina <P>


Stunned with her likness twords the Rendel, she asked quietly, "Demon?" then took a hand
twords her hour glass through the tangle of necklaces that wrung her neck like a collar. <P>

"My name is Kiwi, I hold the Human race, you seem to know the Fire-foxes?" she hinted twords
her knowledge she had only recently aquired. She knew that this demon held great importance,
not knowing where, or what, not yet. <P>

"You doth know the grave stone where my mother is buried? Is it far?" Kiwi pointed to her
bloody ankle as if noting that she had walked through thorns and other sharp plant life to get
here. <P>

Turning her attention to the Fire-foxes, she bowed, her head slipping down lightly, her hands
reaching for her skirts, pulling them up in a mopped mess.
<BR> -Courtney <P>


"Demon, of course." Rendel smiled warmly. "I do hope you hold no grudges against demons,
not all are servants of the underworld." <P>

Rendel moved to Yumie taking her hand lightly and kissing it as if she were a queen. "Yes, I do
know the firefoxes, they are my guests tonight. You too may stay with me if you like Kiwi." <P>

Yumie stood still, staring at the man named Rendel. She had only met one demon before in her
entire life. That demon had died in her presence and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
Yumie held grudges against no one, in fact, she was in Utland to find a way to help the beings
here. The goblin had mentioned that Rendel was aware of this as well. Somehow this made a
chill run down her spine but it was quickly washed away with the warmth of the kiss. <P>

"The grave is on the way to my quarters miss. It isn't safe to be here at night. Would you like
assistance?" <BR> -Mina <P>


"Assistance? Miss?" she laughed, "so formal eh? KITA! Get down here!" she called to her bird,
who landed right on her shoulder. <P>

"I shall trail along, I suppose. I WAS needed at the Heorte De Planeta today, I hope they'll be
alright with waiting..." She smiled, tucking the Hour Glass back under her shirt, and walking the
way she had been headed. <P>

Stopping at a small puddle, she glanced at her apperance, it had shifted to reveal a black tattoo
under her right eye, "AHH! What the--?" she yelped, landing on her butt in the mud. "Just great."

Kiwi began thinking to herself <I>I can't believe I am going... topsy-turvy on my BUTT for this
guy.</I> "Erg..." she growled to herself, looking up while getting ahold on dry land, pulling
herself to her knees. <P>

"I really can't believe I just did that." she said out loud. "Your... quarters it is." growling to
herself. <P>

"Hey, uhm... Rendel, have there, perhaps... been anybody claiming to have <I>changed</I> in
the Utlands?" <BR> -Courtney <P>

"Formality is always required of a prince," Rendel said softly as he moved to rub his thumb
against her cheek, wiping away a small spot of mud that had splattered there. "A warm bath and
a fresh change of clothes will be awaiting you when we arrive." <P>

Rendel turned to look at the two firefoxes following closely behind. "There will also be more food
seeing as you, Rane, Yumie, were unable to finish your last meal." <P>

Yumie was close to asking how the demon knew both of their names. Instead she opted to
remain silent. She was used to much stranger things in all the time she had been around. <P>

Rendel turned on his heel and proceeded to lead the three towards the Castle in the Rock. A
place he would like compare to that of Heorte, even though he knew they didn't even begin to
match up. <P>

"Dear Kiwi, I have not known a soul that has not changed upon entering Utland. It is a
dangerous place that toys with the mind as well as the soul itself. Everyone changes here."
Rendel smirked though he knew no one could see it. The expression was more to himself
reflecting on his own experiences than anything else. <BR> -Mina <P>


"If you insist, that the insides of a creature change, with out the outside resenting it, then I doth
believe you. Sir." Kiwi said with mock enlightment, "Somehow, I believe I know more about you
than you think..." she closed her eyes as his hand creased her cheek. <P>

It all swamped her mind, his heavy history. She realized that he was for justice, a demon, for
justice? How very intricate. <P>

"It seems, that you have also changed." Kiwi ran a finger acrossed the crest of his right wing,
her other hand on the black tattoo under her right eye. <BR> -Courtney <P>


"You know no more than you see for the eye can only see so far. I shall do the pleasure of
allowing you to think you know me. Though the reality of that is quite unlikely, even I don't know
myself," Rendel spoke with no remorse or any emotion for that matter. <P>

"As I said before, everyone changes here. I am certainly no exception. Some change for the
better, some for the worse." <P>

The demon felt like laughing but he kept a calm mask as always. Every move he made was all
about composure. He could make himself trusted or feared with just a simple change if he felt
the need. Yes, humans were certainly good for teaching some things. <P>

"Rane, when the ladies are busy dressing up for dinner would you like to share a glass of wine
with me?" Rendel asked friendlily. <BR> -Mina <P>

"Wait? Dressing?" Kiwi started laughing, then she realized he wasn't kidding. "I'm not the uhm...
fancy type." she shyed away, regaining her temper, "Wait... I have something to do before I go
anywhere." she said, running off as she realized where she was. The tree that was bare of
evrything next to the rock that loked like a pile of mud. <P>

She ran over the stones bare foot, as she always walked, finally coming to rest at the stone in
front of her. She rested a moment to catch her breath, while tracing the hour glass. The prince
of the Utlands was not a good friend to make, even if if past spoke for it's self. Justice has
nothing to do with honesty. <P>

She read the poem out loud, as she had been doing lately, and then got up, looking around and
pulling her sword from under her clothing. The long, elf-made sword that was balanced for her.
She glanced back, then walked forward through the nettles and briers that scraped against her
clothing. <P>

"Kita!" she yelped, the kiwi flew onto the near-by branch, "keep watch here untill you feel you
have neccisary information, the Utlands are not for trusting." <P>

She picked up a slow jog and ran thorugh the mud. Hospitality can only go so far. No matter
how cute he... Stop that! She yelled at herself. She wasn't far form the road that they traveled,
but she needed to get further away. It wasn't like the prince would need her for anything, she
wasn't in any importance, as far as she knew. <P>

She stumbled into a grave yard, recognizing it from the news story told by Aria, she sat down to
rest. The shadows seeming to creep around her while she pulled out the hour glass. Looking at
the intricate carving that all lead up to the top where a blood red ball about the size of a big-toe
nail was fastened to the top. She laughed, it was obviously a replica. "Well, Kiwi don't start
talking to yourself. It's not a good thing." She laughed. <P>

"If only mother wasn't dead..." <P>

She finally got up, tucking the hour glass under her shirt, and picked up the jog, sword in her
right hand. She needed to get back to the castle for which she was awaited. The boy king, only
two years younger than herself awaited her for a small poetry session. <P>

Kiwi never once stopped to check her apperance, though she knew she looked dreadful.
droping to her knees at the steps of the huge castle, she panted, her clothing was in shreads,
her ankles bleeding and sore, and her hair had more tree in it than the forest it's self had. <P>

After half an hour's rest, she got up and walked into the building, the stone floors cold on her
feet. She did not come from a poor family, so most of the passing servants and maids were
staring, though her gaze didn't dart from the empty seat in front of her. It was embetted with
many fabulous jewles. She didn't admire them, or the scale of he room, her sharp tounge never
failed her, and she awaited a single undoubted question; What has happened to you?
Something that agrivated her, she was not untruthfull. <P>

She would be forced to tell the truth, besides the boy king has eyes the the lies of his people,
even though Kiwi was not anybody's people. She smiled as she came within five feet of he
raised throne. <BR> -Courtney <P>


Leika traced her fingers along the line of blood that ran down her neck, then brushed the now-
healed wound on her abdomen. She smiled softly still. <P>

<I>To track me down. . . I see her methods are as useful as they ever were. That's valuable.
Very valuable.</I> Unbeknownst to her, she was thinking along the same lines as Senka was,
though the other woman's face had remained passive while in thought. "I was off to nowhere in
particular," she replied easily. "There are some. . . supplies"--possible allies such as the
ignorant boy king, whose name she hadn't yet bothered to learn--"I considering getting in Heorte
de Planeta, but there was a small distraction, as you can tell." <P>

Leika ran her fingers along her dress, smoothing out the crinkles. Small things like that irritated
her to no end. <P>

Now that power was within reach, she was itching to get started on something. <I>All in good
time,</I> she told herself. <I>All in good time.</I> <BR> -Kira <P>


Jarl walked into the throne room rather quickly, with an air of importance and arrogance, his two
best servants on either side of him. He was only fifteen, yet had learned the ways of a king in
the six years he had been one. He was crueler, colder, and much more impatient now than he
ever was. <P>

He sat in the elevated jeweled throne and glanced at the young poet distastefully. "Why are you
so filthy?" he questioned. He was already in a foul mood due to a servant's murder; the state
this girl was in did nothing to improve it. "Have I not told all of you blasted poets before that you
must be clean when reciting?" He looked at the servants, who cowered under his emotionless
stare. <P>

<I>Fools, every one of them. They still have no backbone. Their lives are worthless.</I> The
thought deepened the scowl adorning the teenager's face. <P>

"Go fetch the girl a wet rag. If nothing else, she will be able to clean her face off," he
commanded of the left servant. "And you," he said, turning his head to the right, "leave us. One
archer is quite enough to protect me during a harmless poetry reading." <P>
The servants scurried off to do Jarl's bidding, and he turned back to the poet, getting situated
enough in the throne to be comfortable, but not enough so that if an attack came he would be
unprepared. Jarl steepled his hands underneath his chin and waited for the girl to recite or say
something; whichever came first. <BR> -Kira <P>


While Kiwi and Rendel made their unexpected appearances, Rane kept silent and never strayed
from Yumie's side. Both the demon and human seemed well-mannered, yet he felt intimidated
by them. Intimidation and poor social skills held his tongue still. He'd only spoken with one or so
other creatures besides Yumie, and his shyness didn't help much. As their conversation
continued, Rane idly looked about the area. <P>

From the corner of his eyes Rane caught a glimpse of Rendel's lips lightly touching Yumie's
hand. It was a simple, innocent gesture but something about it made his mood wane. He
subconsciously wished that he was in the other man's position, giving Yumie a kiss. Envy was a
new emotion for him, one of the less pleasant ones on the spectrum. For once he actually kept
his thoughts concealed, preventing them from shaping his facial expression into a pouty look.

Rendel's voice seized his attention, especially the tone he used. It was difficult to dislike him,
even after the spur of envy. A timid smile came over the firefox's face, "I don't see why not." <P>

He risked a look at Yumie, just to confirm her approval. <BR> -Lita <P>

Kiwi was stunned, this was not behavour meant from a king, "How dare you!" she got up, her
mind set on fire, long sword in hand. <P>

She unlatched her hilt and the thing came lose in her fist, she held it as if ready to strike. "If you
weren't my king, I would have killed you, I don't wish to risk my life for an insuferable fool like
yourself. Now, I actually have important news, if you are willing to hear it?" she took a look back
over her adventure through the Utlands, and she remembered Kiwi who had stayed guard there.

"I have traveled to the Utlands, not a perelous feat, but one worth mentioning. I have seen both
the fire-foxes with my own eyes, they are indeed quite well. Alas, the most importnat news of all,
a certain prince doth roam those lands." She smiled, not bothering to curtsy, or even give him a
slight bow. <P>

If it were her choice, she would have made him go to some sort of military camp. She walked to
the end of the hall way, "If you wish to know his name, then you will ask me to betray an
unkown stranger to a king, and I am simply not that sort of person. Now, Jarl." she spoke his
name without proper titles, disrepect in all countries. <P>

Though what Kiwi lacked, was indeed, respect. <BR> -Courtney <P>

Yumie nodded lightly to Rane approving of his time with Rendel while she was cleaning up. It
was odd to find such hospitality in Utland. Even stranger yet that they had a prince. Prince.
What an odd title, considering there was no king as far as Yumie was aware. Then again, she
had already been surprised to find how little she truly knew about this place. <P>

Things had changed quite a lot over the years. Last time she was reborn and entered the
Utlands, the creatures were far more hostile and barely had an air of humanity to them. Now,
however, a single person had brought the Utlands under complete and total control. With a
single command he could prevent any being from so much as touching her or Rane. <P>

It was always her belief that the Utlandians were not evil. This had all but proven her theory.
More than ever now, she was willing herself to find a way to help all these creatures. <P>

"It seems that I shall only be dining with two tonight." The prince spoke suddenly breaking the
short silence that had fallen upon them. <P>

Rendel had hoped to entertain more guests but as Fate should have it, one had more important
things to attend to. <P>

<I>Keep safe now Kiwi. We shalln't have that precious object fall into the wrong hands.</I> He
smiled just enough so that the corners of his mouth raised. <P>

Rendel then turned around facing his two followers, if he could so call them that. "We have
arrived." <P>

Once again, in that maestro like conjuring, the demon snapped his fingers and away fell the
mask from the castle. <P>

Yumie's amber eyes scanned the horizon, looking for what it was that they had arrived at. Then
they stopped. They stopped when she gazed upon a magnificent black onyx tower which was
slowly being revealed as if a sheet had been pulled away from it. <P>

She followed the length of the tower upwards as it reached out to grab the heavens. The thick
base narrowed as it reached the top; finally, the tower came at a point were then Yumie laid
eyes upon the large transparent orb balancing magically upon the point. The orb was like that of
a crystal ball she thought. The only thing that took away from the appearance of a crystal was in
the center of the ball. Here a smaller jet black orb hovered around in the crystal. This made the
tower look eerily like an eye, watching their every move. <P>

Further in the distance she could see stone archways jutting out from where the sand dunes ran
into the mountain side. Just beyond the arches was a castle which seemed to be built straight
into the mountain. Apart from the apparent ruins around the building, the scene was like that
straight from a story book. <P>
Yumie stood in complete awe. <BR> -Mina <P>


Kiwi called to Kita, though she was too far away to hear, the Utlands were half a days walk from
the castle for which she stood. <P>

She knew, an important role the prince played in the Utlands, though from his touch on her
cheek, she realized two things, the prince does not know Justice from Revenge. <P>

She could quite possibly use that against him, and his plan to throw over her king, who she
wasn't liking too much at the moment. <P>

A flash of light, the moment in time seeming to stop, and two bright white wings flapped infront
of her. She looked at the creature, and would have laughed, had her chance encounter with
Rendal not persuaded her that laughed was not what the world needed. <P>

"Who are you?" she asked the creature, suddenly realizing that he was seriously wounded, "oh
my!" she yelped as he slumped to the ground, "who did this to you?" but only mumbles words
came form his mouth. <P>

"Maid!" she called, "Soldier, tell your king I request a room in the palace, as I have no place of
my own, "Maid, If you can help me take this poor creature to a room in the castle. Eventually
getting him there, she pulled over a bucket of water, and a piece of cloth, rubbing it ovr the
wounds and washing the grime off of the angel's body. <P>

"What is your name?" she asked him quietly, her body shaking slightly. <BR>
-Courtney <P>


<I>Supplies? What supplies could she possibly need?</I> In a smooth motion Senka tilted her
head to the side, pale eyes steadily meeting Leika's. After a few moments the thought was
discarded, at least temporarily. There was something more on Leika's mind than mere
'supplies'. But Senka didn't feel the need to pry more information. Perhaps the other women
would explain further on her own. "Ah, the grand city Heorte. I've been due for another visit."

Senka walked back a few paces to the tree her staff was leaned against, she looked over her
shoulder as she went, "I assume you'd like to continue your travel?" Gingerly she took the
weapon up in her hand and stroked the length of it. In the darkness the crystal emitted a faint
glow of purple, Senka seemed entranced by it. <BR> -Lita <P>

*<P> Jarl sat on the throne in silence. <I>Firefoxes? Two of them? And both still alive in the
presence of one another? Could it be that the prophecy is indeed coming true? And what
of...</I><P> "A prince," he said aloud. "A prince, in the Utlands? How simply. . . divine." He
stood gracefully and clapped his hands once; at the sound, the two servants reappeared, one
with a wet cloth in hand. <P> "Sire?" he asked. "Where did the lady go?" <P>

"Never mind that, fool! There is a prince in the Utlands. Do you know what this means?" Jarl's
voice was excited; he was twirling a short knife from hand to hand as he spoke. "It means that
some creature has brought order over the Utlands!" And that, consequently, meant that there
would be a war of sorts soon. An animal, for that is what they all were in the Utlands, bringing
complete control over the land of demons and monsters. . . Oh, it was wonderful to Jarl. <P>

His mind returned then to the young lady that had called on him; the thought made his eyes
narrow. "And let the girl have a chamber. She's far too ambitious for her own good, but could be
of some use in later times." He did, after all, have to show some decency, even to those that
deserved none. That was what being king meant. "I expect four guards to be at her doors for the
remainder of her stay. If she escapes, there will be trouble. Is that understood?" The servants
nodded, and Jarl turned his back on them, walking to his chambers, the soft sound of leather-
clad servants' feet following him the only noise. <BR> -Kira <P>


Rane was forced to turn his head upward to see the tower's point, on which rested a peculiar
glass-like sphere with a moving black core. He backed up a bit, taken in by the wonder of the
scene at hand. It struck up curiosity within him. A thirst for knowledge was a typical thing for a
fire fox to have, Rane felt it nagging at him. How long had it taken to create such a
masterpiece? Generations possibly. Even with magic and master architects contributing, such a
tower seemed impossible. Perhaps the Utlandian's had more advanced technology than he
suspected, or the tower was there before they came to be. Rane blinked a few times but it didn't
vanish. The dark structure remained in view, its shear height remained stunning. It was real.
Unbelievable, impossible, yet real. <P>

It appeared that Yumie was experiencing a similar captivation. He smirked and proceeded to
gaze at the palace, it looked to be partially buried in a mountain's stone face. A few steps
brought him ahead of Yumie and Rendel. Eagerly Rane kept going, more than ready to enter
the Prince's castle. <BR> -Lita <P>


Leika nodded her answer, giving Senka's staff a quick glance as the other woman picked it up.
It was as beautiful in its horror as it ever was, and by the look Senka's face she could tell her
companion thought the same. <P>

"In return, I assume you have heard of the charming demon prince of the Utlands?" The two
weren't very deep into the forest, but it was still pitch black save for the faint silvery moonlight
shining through the canopy of the trees, creating eerie patterns on the forest floor. <P>
Leika turned from Senka, pausing to look over her shoulder as she began walking slowly. "Shall
we begin our journey to Heorte?" she suggested. <BR> -Kira <P>


Kiwi turned as the sound of footsteps echoed to the front of her door, "Crap!" she yelped,
turning, "I think that you need rest more than I." Kiwi ran to the window, "What a long way
down..." she mumbled. <P>

Though it was better than being trapped, she still did not like it. Kiwi managed a short squeek as
she slid down the side of the stone building, her hands on the vine nearest her. The only
problem with her escape plan? Well, it was right next to the front doors. <P>

She hid behind well trimmed bushes as she slid out of the castle, finally making it to the front
door, when she heard footsteps. <I>I can run and get shot at with arrows, or give myself up, and
be put into the dungeons.</I> She choose run, the probably of getting shot with arrows was
high, but freedom was still there. Besides, if she turned, there was no probability of escaping.

The arrows shot, and she expected herself to run faster than she was, the first arrow ran past
her head, the second landed short of her feet, and the third buiried it's self into her shoulder.
"Ow!" she yelped, tearing the thing form her skin. A red liquid poured down her back. <P>

Making it to a small cave, she tended to her wound with old wet scraps of cloth and stagnant
water. "This is disgusting." she said quietly.<P>

Kiwi came to the base of a tree, and rested there, keeping quiet. <P>

"This is just great..." she said said to nobody in particular, getting up again and ready to jog.
<BR> -Courtney <P>


Myari ran to the main room of her tree/house. Opening up a couple cupboards, she grabbed
some linen bandages and a couple small vials of medicine. She mixed some of the medicine
into water, setting the cup where she could grab it when she left. She also grabbed a small
apple and part of a loaf of bread, knowing the stranger would be hungry when he woke. She
paused, thinking. 'If he is still delirious, it's going to be hard to get him to drink the medicine, or
even to deal with his cut.' <P>

Myari felt the vibrations of movement through the tree. 'Well, our guest is awake.' She thought to
Ryul, who ignored her, curling up on one of the big chairs. 'Ryul, I made need help.' She thought
exasperatedly, 'You may need to hold him down, but don't hurt him.' She grabbed the
bandages, medicine and food, pausing and remembering the cup at the last second. <P>
Ryul sighed, hopping down from the chair he had just settled into. 'If he acts up, I'll deal with
him.' He thought, his claws clicking on the wooden floor. Ryul led the way back over to the guest
room, growing slightly until he was a bigger, fiercer looking, but still small enough to fit through
the doorway. He waited as Myari opened the door and stood back so Ryul could go in first, just
in case of trouble. Ryul moved forwards, studying the wounded stranger as Myari peered
around his shoulder. <br> -Solar <P>


"Yah!" Yumie exclaimed when she saw the younger trail out ahead of them. <P>

She reached out to take hold his hand and gently wrap her fingers around his palm. "Wait up
will you?" <P>

Yumie smiled warmly, it was genuine this time. There was no worry that she had drug an
innocent firefox to his death now that Rendel had promised their protection. The guilt that had
racked her mind earlier was washed away with a sense of accomplishment. Finally she was
going to be able to help the Utlandians coexist with the rest of the world. <P>

She glanced back making sure that the prince was following them. He was. An amused
expression was apparent on his features as he made eye contact with Yumie. <P>

<I>My, my. Do you know what a slippery slope you are walking on? A single push and you'd be
spiraling down a deep pit of no return.</I><P>

Of course, Rendel know that there were still other prophecies needing to be fulfilled before he
worried about the firefoxes. He wondered briefly how many prophecies there were and if the
firefoxes, and all their knowledge, even were aware of the world's end. Perhaps he would bring
this point up at the dinner table. <P>

Rendel continued on, following slowly behind the two excited creatures. Knowledge may be
harbored within their minds, however, knowledge certainly did not cure ignorance. <Br> -Mina


Narinth backed into the headboard a little more as he saw the jade dragon enter through the
doorway. If the creature decided to attack him now, there would certainly be no hope. <P>

Then, the thief caught a glimpse of the cautious expression of a blonde woman from behind the
being. Silently he laughed at himself for being worried. The dragon was simply a guardian, not a
ravage beast. <P>

Feeling lighthearted, apart from the burning pain in his leg, Narinth decided to play around like
he used to with his guild partners. Nothing like a little bit of fun to get your mind off the pain. <P>
"What have we here? A vicious dragon!? Oh no, of course, how could I be so stupid? You're a
magician aren't you? Yes, you're here to tend to my leg," He smiled playfully with a small bit of
laughter in his voice. <P>

That's when his excitement caused him to move suddenly tearing at his wound. <P>

"Dammit!" His face had quickly dropped its happiness as he grimaced and grabbed at his thigh.
<I>Yeah, fun didn't help so much.</I> <BR>-Mina <P>


Kiwi felt suddenly lost, without the aid of her precious Kita, and no map to guide her. She felt
lonely. <P>
"I just gave up, lets see, the king with his courters, the prince of Utland and dinner, and now I'm
working twords who knows where!" she yelped, then hearing a loud <I>dammit</I> coming from
the tree. She laughed, just her imagination again. Kiwi kept walking, feeling more alone than
ever. <P>

The hour glass hung visably from her neck, she stopped trying to hide it, besides who would see
it? Maybe the talking tree, perhaps? <P>

She growled softly to herself, keeping on her toes. The Utlands were not so far away now, and
night was closing in. She sighed and found a small cave, taking the time to remove the rocks,
she found an area that was soft and has a few pathetic tufts of grass poking out. <P>

Kiwi was resting, trying to find her place in the world. It would seem, she was a loose spring, or
the one button that didn't quite match. <P>

Sleep came easily, but lightly that night, and soon the sun doth rose. <P>

Kiwi got up, collected her things and began to mope around the terrain like a ghost. Her back
hurt her, and she still needed to find Kita. "Kita!" she yelled, but it was a lost cause.<P>

Kiwi seemed to remember a story her mother had once told her, a story of the first bearer of the
hour glass. <P>

<I> "Ki?" her mother called to her from the drifing sleep, "Would you like to know the story of our
gift?" she cooed, brushing a strand of hair away from her face, "Yes, please mother." Kiwi said
softly in the echos of her mother's words.<P>

"The story goes like this, a while ago, a young woman by the name of Raven existed, her
adventures were great, she traveled to many of the places in our world, but she was always
alone. Raven never trusted anyone, and she was right not to. Indeed, she made and left many
friends, though there was only one friend that she made, and kept. It was as if he were form
another world, his hair dark silky black, a tattoo on his hand. Normally, the people of the past
wore lighter hair, though her new friend did not. He said they were to unite an old fracture. And
she did believe him, untill she heard him talking one day, to a friend about the lie he told. Poor
Raven took a knife to her own heart, but not before she blessed her only female child with the
hour glass. The child promised to not trust anybody, and to this day, that is the vow our faimly
takes." </I>

<BR> -Courtney <P>

<br><P><h1>4/10/10</h1><br>The darkness taunted Telum. It twisted and turned, shaping

images of happiness, of love, and of horror. Dark creatures stalked him, spectres of this abyss.

Telum reached out to Wind; he could feel it but he could not touch it. He missed the gentle
breeze, the tingle of Wind dancing at his fingertips. He missed the lightness in his chest. <P>

He did not know how long he has been suspended in nothingness. He did not know if his
physical body was even safe. He did not know of the darkness slowly devouring him. <P>

His mind was slipping. The Enchantress had warned his mother of this fate if he were to go on
without the Wind Spirit. <I>It isn't my time yet</I> he told the darkness, <I>there is more for me
in this life.</I> Telum could not be defeated like this, he would not have it. To be destroyed by
his own impediment would not be an honourable way to end, not for a noble like himself. He has
a destiny, and this was not his ultimate moment. <P>

Telum extended the fingers of his mind to the Wind, this manifestation of his body almost
completely engulfed in the Black. He further extended his reach, straining his mind, his body
further fading. <P>

And then he felt it. He felt Wind and wrapped his mind around its essence and pulled it back to
him. A bright light filled his vision as body and Spirit merged once more. The darkness faded
away, and his eyes focused on the light - it was daylight sky beyond the canopy of trees. He
took it in and then looked around; he saw Brone and he saw a wolf, and he saw rope wrapped
around his body, binding him. <P>

"What are you playing at?" he accused Brone, calling Wind forth preparing to attack. "Untie
me." He glanced back and forth between Brone and the wolf, his eyes still focusing, anticipating
which one will attack him first. <BR> -John <P>


Kiwi pushed back tears, trying to make out the three figures that stood ahead, a wolf, a man
who loked as if he played dress up with a pirate, and another human wrapped in rope. This one
seemed to be wearing full body armor, with a bird helmet. <P>

Kiwi couldnt help but chuckle, "What an odd trio you three are." she smiled, then realizing, the
pirate-man and the wolf were the attackers, her face turned grave. <BR> -Courtney <P>

Brone arched an eyebrow. "Why does everyone think I'm out to kill poor Telum?" he questioned
to no one in particular. He then turned to the tied man and explained, "You passed out; some
sprites slipped you sap, and you ate it. I brought you up in the tree in the event that we had to
stay the night with you unconscious, and we did, and tied you to prevent you from falling." He
smirked. "Don't worry; neither of us is out to kill you." <P>

By the time he was done explaining, Brone was balancing precariously on the branch they were
all on, and walked carefully around the tree trunk, ever-conscious of the way the limb wobbled.
With care he was able to untie the rope that secured Telum, and within a minute it was back
around his waist. <P>

Brone turned to the newcomer then, a tall, dirt-covered blonde teenage girl; he walked as he
spoke. "We're not attackers. Is that satisfac--" He was cut short as the branch dipped down,
came back up, then dipped down again. This time, it didn't come back up--it broke with a loud
crack. <P>

Humans and Shaman wolf went sprawling to the ground, a thirty-foot drop onto the hard forest
floor that would have left even the most prepared creature breathless and gasping. On top of
falling, the broken limb landed sideways on top of the three travelers. It ended up halfway on
Brone's legs, pinning Telum's right arm, and covering Feaglo's, who had become stuck in the
middle of the two humans, front paws. <P>

Brone coughed as black dotted his vision, trying to regain his breath; it took a while to happen,
but eventually he could breathe again. Groaning and trying to pull out from under the branch, he
realized that until one of the other two moved he could go nowhere. <BR> -Kira <P>


A slur of curses escaped the shaman's muzzle as soon as the branch gave way with a
sickening snap. The snap made Feaglo think straight to the sound his bones would most likely
be making as he hit the ground. <P>

Luckily, the collision with the softened earth prevented any of his own bones from breaking.
However, Fealgo noticed that he was in a sticky situation. Both of his front limbs were trapped
underneath the thick branch. The wolf tried to pull out but his struggle was to no avail. On either
side of him, Brone and Telum seemed to be just as stuck as he. <P>

Curse himself for deciding to stop and help these two. He obviously hadn't gotten any wiser
since his previous encounters with humans. All he could hope for was that there weren't any
sprites or faeries residing within the tree. Then the fact that they hadn't died from the fall
wouldn't matter so much. <P>

Feaglo recalled seeing the blonde woman appear, however, he couldn't see her in his current
position. Blindly he called out, "Young lady, could you give us a hand here?" <BR> -Mina <P>

"Now why would I give a pirate, wolf and... some sort of drunk human a hand?" she asked out
loud, walking over, "I suppose I must." she sighed, grabbing onto the branch and puling with all
of her might. <P>

"This is useless..." she groaned, pulling harder, "If I lift it enough for one of you to get out, you
better hurry." she sighed, "I might drop it back ontop of you." <P>

Doing what she said, lifting it as much as she can, hopefully enough for the three of them to get
out, she strained her small body, and even smaller muscles. <BR> -Courtney <P>


Myari chuckled quietly at the joke, carefully watching the stranger's reaction as she moved
around Ryul and over to the bed. She set her armload at the foot of the bed, sorting the different
things with a quick efficiency. She winced slightly as he moved his leg, causing him to swear. "I
hope you don't mind, but I brought you here to treat your wounds." She said, her light soprano
voice echoing softly around the room. It was a little dark, and Myari just glanced at the windows
before they grew, letting in the light from the setting sun. <P>

"I also brought some food for you, though I didn't know if you were going to be conscious. I also
made an herbal mixture for when you woke up. It will help the wound heal faster and keep it
from getting infected." Myari murmured, pushing the plate of food forwards with the cup so the
guy could reach it without straining. <P>

"I should probably wait outside." Ryul thought to Myari, watching Narinth's reactions closely.
There didn't seem to be too much danger, the guy was even cracking jokes. There was no
reason to make him more uncomfortable than he already was. Without even waiting for Myari's
answer, he turned and walked out of the room. He curled up on the small porch outside the
doorway, blocking the path to the wood bridge. <P>

Myari didn't react at all as Ryul left, busy unwrapping the small roll of cloth bandage. "Can you
wrap it yourself, or should I?" She asked hesitantly, unsure. It was very strange, talking to a
random stranger who was wounded and needed help. It might have even been easier if he was
still delirious. 'Oh well, it was my choice to bring him here.' Myari thought to herself, sighing
internally. <BR> -Solar <P>

Narinth nodded thankfully as the woman placed the plate and cup on the table beside him. It
was odd having someone take care of him. Coming from a thieves' guild, he had gotten used to
the prospect of every man for himself. Certainly he had friends there, but even they didn't really
care. <P>
He reached out to grab the glass, noting that his skin was slightly pale--a sign of blood loss.
Briefly, Narinth thought that maybe it was a good thing he wasn't still in Fortis. Perhaps he owed
this woman more credit for saving him than he previously had decided. Narinth took a small sip,
watching as the dragon ambled away, and then returned the cup to the table.<P>

"That's certainly a nifty gift you have there." Narinth noted as light filled the room. "Hm, if you
wouldn't mind you can do the bandaging. Women are always much gentler when it comes to
being an aide." <P>

That, and the last time he moved much it hadn't turned out so well. Narinth let out a deep sigh
resting back against the headboard again. His thigh wasn't the only thing bothering him at the
moment. The aqua blue of his left eye seemed to be burning. He closed his eyes, feeling the
warmth of the sun's rays on his body. <P>

"I'm Narinth," he said softly, surprised that he couldn't hide the slight discomfort he was feeling.
<BR> -Mina <P>


"Ok. My name is Myari." Myari said, picking up one of the bandages. She pulled out a small
knife from it's holder in her boot. "I am going to have to cut the pant leg away from the wound."
She said, moving around so she was next to the bed, near his injured leg, "We can't have any
dirt or strings from it getting into the wound." Carefully, she cut the pant leg open, pealing it
away from the wound gently. 'Cotton, that's good.' Myari thought. It was easy to mend cotton
clothes, because the thread came from plants. After she was done, she could just make the
threads weave themselves back together. <P>

Myari turned and grabbed a small vial from the end of the bed, uncorking it. "This might sting a
little at first, but it will numb the wound and help clean out any dirt or grime." She said, upturning
the vial and rubbing a few drops of the mixture into the wound. She waited a couple seconds, so
the mixture would take effect, then rubbed a different lotion into the cut, to clean the wound and
help it to heal. She carefully lifted the injured leg, placing a layer of cloth on top of the wound
and wrapping the cloth bandage around to hold the layer in place. She finished the bandage
quickly, cutting the roll of bandage and using her power to weave the loose end back into the
bandage. <P>

"There we go." Myari said, setting down the rest of the roll of cloth and wiping her hands on a
rag cloth. "Finish drinking the medicine, it will help keep the pain dulled." She instructed,
pushing herself to her feet. She pulled the two edges of the cut pant leg together and ran her
finger down the middle, seamlessly weaving them back together. "Once you rest up, Ryul and I
can give you a ride anywhere you want to go." She offered, gathering the left-over medicines
back into a bundle. <Br> -Solar <P>

Narinth watched carefully as Myari tended to his wound. The woman obviously had quite a lot of
experience with care taking. Her mastery of nature was quite impressive as well. He wondered
briefly if it was simply this tree that gave her powers or if she was really that talented. <P>

The answer came as Myari brought the strands of fabric in his pant leg back together
seamlessly. Oddly enough she didn't seem to be asking for anything after giving these services.
Subconsciously, Narinth reached to his gold pouch, finding it still in its place. Myari was a model
citizen if he had ever seen one. Not only that, now she had offered to take him back to Fortis.
He smiled to himself. There would be no reason to harm her now, his anger had subsided. <P>

"Thank you very much," he nodded in a slight bow. "If you don't mind I need to get back to
Fortis. You were there too, I assume you have business there?" <P>

Narinth obliged Myari's request that he take the medicine as well, while waiting for her
response. <BR> -Mina <P>


"I work in Fortis as a fletcher. I also help straiten the arrows, removing kots and the like." Myari
said, smiling. She set the bundle of medicine and bandages on a small shelf that appeared out
of the wall. A small chair also moved out of the wall, sitting at just the right angle so Myari could
talk to Narinth. <P>

"What about you? Why do you need to go to Fortis? Looking for a job? Meeting someone?"
Myari guessed, curious. If there was one thing about Myari that really annoyed people, it was
that she always asked questions. No question was un-imortant enough for Myari to leave out.
She loved learning new things. <P>

Ryul padded into the room, finally tired of just waiting outside. 'How's it going?' He asked Myari,
hi mind-voice dry. He wandered over to the bed, sitting next to Myari and setting his head on the
arm of her chair, his emerald eyes glittering. 'Don't bother the guy too much, he might not want
to tell you his buisness.' He told Myari, amusment evident in his voice. He helped balance Myari
in many ways, like when she was adventurous, he would remind her of the risks. <P>

'Oh, yeah.' Myari thought back, frowning slightly before perking back up again. "Sorry if I was a
little nosy there, your buisness is your buisness." She said, blushing slightly. <BR> -Solar <P>


"Quite a lot of handy work you do then. They should hire you to man the ships, wouldn't have to
deal with the wood falling apart then." Narinth chuckled lightly watching Myari's continuous
display of her skills. <P>

It was interesting just observing her. Everything she did was just second nature. Anyone else
Narinth would have read it as he or she just being a show off; Myari though, she was just doing
what she always did. <P>
The shadow thief had to take note however, that dragon was a slightly intimidating beast. He
had never encountered many tame ones, in fact, he wasn't sure they could ever truly be tamed--
must like any wild creature. <P>

"No, it's no trouble you asking me at all," Narinth thought it only fair seeing as he had asked
Myari her business there. "I am on a job actually. Trying to get something back which was stolen
from its rightful owner." <BR> -Mina <P>


"Really? That must be an interesting job." Myari said, smiling. Se tensed slightly inside at his
words though, carefully keeping her reactions from her face. 'Theif?' She thought to Ryul, her
mind-voice asking for confromation. <P>

Ryul's mind-voice sent back a growl, a positive. He tensed slightly next to Myari, growing
slightly, not enough for someone not used to his powers to notice. He tilted his head to one side,
to the unknowing person it looked as if the dragon was curious, but behind his tilted her, his
horns grew, shedding a couple thin layers of scales in a couple seconds. <P>

"How do you get back the item?" Myari asked, her face displaying open curiosity. 'By sneaking
in and stealing it?' She thought sarcasticly, careful to let none of the sarcasm show. <BR>
-Solar <P>


Narinth liked the open curiosity of this girl. She seemed to enjoy tying to find out as much as she
could about a person. Most people could care less about others lives anymore. <P>

"How else? If they stole something of mine it's only fair to take it back. Guards would do nothing
to help you. It's up to you to get anything accomplished," he stated quite bluntly, not hesitating
to give out his methods at all. <P>

Of course, there was a lot more behind him going to Fortis. After all, he wouldn't have risked his
life just to steal a shard of <I>his</I> pearl, then again, maybe he would. <P>

In any case, all of his goals laid within the holy city of Fortis. One way or another, Narinth would
be sure to get those goals attained. <BR> -Mina <P>


Myari frowned. 'Well, he admitted it.' She thought, slightly annoyed to be helping a thief. She
wasn't too concerned, if he tried something, she had plenty of power to deal with him, especially
in her own home. Plus, there was Ryul. <P>
Ryul shifted, his claws clicking on the wood floor, leaving small furrows. Growing another couple
inches quickly, his shoulder was on level with Myari's eyes. Surprisingly, his head did not brush
the ceiling, the roof having moved up a couple feet. His scales were rattling, the dragon symbol
of agitation. He growled, the sound echoing around the small room. 'He admitted it!' He thought
to Myari, his head moving down so one of his eyes could look at Myari. <P>

Myari sighed, Ryul was over-reacting. 'Calm down. He said he just wanted something of his
back. Plus, he doesn't seem all that dangerous right now, with his injured leg and all. You can
handle him if something happens.' She thought, her mind-voice admonishing. <P>

Ryul growled again, but his scales quieted and he shrunk a couple inches, his eye never leaving
Myari's face. <P>

"Sorry, Ryul is a little sensitive about thieves and thieving and the like. Any sort of crime really."
Myari said smoothly, as if the dragon hadn't been ready to keelhaul Narinth. "He is my
'Protector' and he takes his job very seriously." She said, shrugging. "It's no big deal. You just
surprised him a little." Myari cracked a small smile; it was rare that anyone ever caught Ryul
unawares. <BR> -Solar <P>

Brone groaned again as he tried to move out from underneath the branch the blonde teenager
was lifting, an absent thought crossing his mind. <I>She's strong for her build.</I><P>

It was still a useless attempt, though; one of the others would have to move first. And probably
quickly, judging by the struggle the girl seemed to be having with keeping the limb from
collapsing back onto the travelers. <P>

Once again he found himself wondering about his motives for agreeing to help Telum. So far it
had caused him nothing but trouble. Brone, though, wasn't one to back out on his word, and
leaving the man would be breaking it. <P>

"Someone else move out first," he said, briefly grateful that he could breathe again. <BR> -Kira


Jarl's chambers were truly magnificent. A large two-person bed was nestled in the left corner,
covered in sheets made of the finest dark silk Exoticus Alterare had to offer. The floors were of
black stone, polished to be as smooth as shining as they could. An oak door led to a closet
brimming with clothes for all occasions--not that Jarl went to many of these said occasions.
There were personal battle relics that had been passed down for generations as well as "prized"
family possessions that were of no value to Jarl himself, but rather to the kingdom. A false
bottom in one of the bureau drawers hid his collection of knives; likewise, a sword hung on the
concrete walls. The chambers were almost unnaturally clean, for the young king hated dirtiness
and unorganization. <P>
But, as luck would have it, just as Jarl was taking a seat in a regal-looking chair by the largest
window {which was, as all windows, guarded by archers throughout the day}, a nervous-looking
servant entered the room and kneeled in front of him. <P>

She informed him of the girl's escape, but then added, almost hesitantly, "There was something
found in the bed, some sort of winged creature with golden blood." <P>

<I>An angel.</I> The thought was immediate and intriguing. They were the only creatures,
prophesied or not, that bled golden liquid. But there was no use in informing the servant of that.
Rather, he was outraged at the poet's escape. <P>

"Order the guards to gather some hunters and hunt down this girl. She is to be brought back
alive." Within minutes, a patrol had been formed and was on its way out of Heorte de Planeta.
<BR> -Kira <P>


Narinth nodded to Ryul with a friendly grin on his face. He obviously wasn't worried about the
dragon at all. Normally, the sight would have been quite frightening to him; now, though, he took
note that as long as Myari accepted him, Ryul would have to as well. <P>

He supposed that it wouldn't be too hard to manipulate these two into aiding him. It would just
take the right amount of convincing, particularly convincing the dragon. If he could find a just
way to show his reasons were within the realm of the law, where the law had lacked proper
action. <P>

This thought, however, quickly escaped him as he recalled what happened to his friend, Tooru.
It was never good to get people involved with these shards, unless he want more innocent's
blood on his hands. <P>

Narinth turned away from the dragon to look at Myari. His aqua colored eye seeming to glow in
the lighting. "Don't worry about it. Always safe to be wary of strangers." <Br> -Mina <P>


"Yeah." Myari said, conceding the point. She stood, gathering the supplies into her arms. "You
should probably get some sleep." She said, frowning slightly, "The wound will be alot better
when you wake up." <P>

Ryul growled and padded out of the room. Unwilling to let a stranger, and a theif at thsat, stay at
the house unguarded, grew untill he was big ehough to curl around the small room, his tail just a
coule feet from his snout, leaving just a small walkway open at the door. <P>

Myari sighed at Ryul's antics. "Ryul just told me to tell you that you better not try to leave the
room." She said, shaking her head, "And remember, these are his words, not mine. Stay in the
room or there could be trouble. He says you are a guest, but not trustworthy." She shrugged,
indicating her failed efforts to convince Ryul otherwise. <P>

"Oh well. When you wake up, just touch some wood, I'll be able to tell. Or just make some
noise and Ryul will tell me." Myari said, turning as she reached the door to look at Narinth.
"Okay?" She asked, smiling. <BR> -Solar <P>


"That kind of sounds prisoner-esque wouldn't you say?" Narinth remarked though he truly had
no problem with the proposition. <P>

The thief was used to being detained in areas of, so-called, no escape. One of the eases of
being able to blend into the shadows allowed him to slip out of nearly any situation. Some may
call Narinth a coward for some of the things he has hidden from, Narinth simply believes a
coward is better than a dead man any day. <P>

"I suppose that won't be a problem though, considering that I'll just be sleeping." Narinth
scooted down on the bed so he could fully lay on the mattress. <P>

He was looking forward to once again being in top condition. His encounter with the rabid wild
wolf had cost a lot of precious time. Narinth had hoped he could reach Fortis and get the job
done while the Ceremony of the Gods was still going on. It was during this time that Deaglan
would be seeking another prophecy. Narinth scoffed. No, the priest isn't given a prophecy, he
requests it. No one seems to notice the oddity of that. Perhaps they all just have too much blind
faith. What else but faith could lead so many people into ignorance? <Br> -Mina <P>


Feaglo, having only his front paws trapped under the log, quickly made an attempt to escape
from underneath. The wolf pulled himself from the mud, which he had been driven into by the
fall. Some manner of god must have been watching over them to give the girl enough power to
use her blunt strength in lifting the log. <P>

Once out of the situation, Feaglo quickly made an attempt to shove the large rock nearby under
one side of the tree branch. He succeeded in lodging it into place before the branch was once
again let down. Though this wouldn't provide a means for the two humans to escape it could at
least take most of the weight off of their bodies. <P>

Taking a quick moment to himself, Feaglo examined his wrists just checking to make sure
nothing was broken. All appeared fine except that they hurt like hell. It wasn't a time to wine
over his own injuries yet, first he had to work on digging the other two out of the mud. He
proceeded to aid Brone first. <BR> -Mina <P>

"Well, I helped you, and you are a theif, so I think I am entitled to request you stay here." Myari
said, laughing. She turned and walked out, the doorway closing behind her. She turned and
lightly kicked Ryul in the nose. 'Really, it's not that big of a deal.' Myari thought to Ryul, walking
across the bridge, 'Oh well. Wake me when get gets up.' She told him, yawning. She sighed, it
<I>had</I> been a long day. After she had put away the supplies, she lay down, promptly falling
asleep. <BR> -Solar <P>


Narinth drifted off into a dream-like state almost as soon as Myari left the room. Most people
would have thought the shadow thief had passed out again, perhaps he had; Narinth, though,
knew that he was once again not dreaming. <P>

The entire scene was blinding white; he recognized it almost immediately. His cloak was once
again hovering ominously out ahead of him, the necklace hanging around its neck. <P>

"Narinth," the feminine voice spoke with a slight hint of distaste. "Tsk, tsk," clicked her tongue.
"Fate doesn't wait around for your leg to heal. There are plenty of others I could give your
precious pearl shard to." <P>

Narinth tried to walk forward again but found himself in the same invisible trap which held him
before. His voice, however, still seemed to be in working conditions. <P>

"You wouldn't dare," he said simply. <P>

"Wouldn't I? You are but a petty thief. In fact, I think this little gem," delicate fingers reached out
of black pits the sleeves held and took hold of the necklace, "would do much better in the hands
of someone with more . . . power." <P>

"You have no right to—" <P>

"To take what is yours? Is that not your job Narinth? Are you not a—pathetic, little, thieving—
rodent?" Her voice was sweet and filled with laughter. <P>

"Who are you?" Asked his slightly shaking voice. <P>I am someone with much more power
than you can imagine. Though—with all this power—I would much rather play a little game than
fight. I quite like, killing." <P>

Narinth sucked in a bit of air, hoping it was inaudible to the woman. "No, you can't kill me, you
chose to help me. I must mean something to you." <P>

"You have read much too many tales, young boy. No one is indispensable. The Moirae have let
you have your time; Atropos will take pleasure in her snipping game." <P>

The cloaked woman pulled back her hood, now revealing an old, haggard looking face. Bony
fingers reached towards Narinth and slowly closed into a fist, while the thief grasp at his chest
gasping for air. He fell to his knees now, one hand reaching towards the wrinkled figure before
him. <P>

"And so shall the shadow consume the son for all eternity." <P>

For the first time, in all his life, darkness greeted Narinth not as a friend, but an enemy.
<BR> -Mina <P>

Brone muttered a reluctant thanks to Feaglo as he pushed himself out of the hole the wolf had
dug around him. His legs were sore, and would be for most likely weeks to come, but it wasn't
the first time he had been injured without a remedy, and most certainly would not be the last.

The traveler stood slowly and limped to where Telum lay, still underneath the branch. "Are you
well enough to get out, or would you like assistance?" he asked the other man, studying the
hole on one side of him and the emptiness on the other. <Br> -Kira <P>

Rendel excused himself as a few of his tenants attended to the two firefox guests. He was quite
surprised that, despite all the knowledge firefoxes had acquired, these two seemed almost
naive. It was as if they believed there was no evil in the world. <P>

Evil did exist. However, it was not only found within the darkness of the Utland. Utland was
simply a cursed ground, not particularly evil. Evil dwelt within the hearts of beings, it wasn't
breed. Evil existed in the parents who abandon their children, the twisted beings who kill just to
see blood, or those who were ruled by feelings of hatred and wishes for revenge. There is evil.

Rendel, though a demon, could never see himself as evil. He took care of those around him with
compassion and was willing to help the entire Utland escape from their prison. He was more like
a merciful savior and a just warrior. A righteous man who could see the suffering of the world
and was willing to ease some of that pain by bringing the hand of god down upon evildoers. <P>

Rendel smiled warmly as he headed down the stairwell where the air slowly cooled. <P>

"Good evening Paschar," Rendel bowed as he entered the room. <P>

Paschar lifted his head to peer through the now silvered bangs of his host. Golden eyes
sparkled with madness at the flicker of pity in the orange gaze of Rendel. <P>

The magical seal around the room seemed to be draining power from Paschar and he could
almost feel his aura weakening. This demon was clever, the angel would give him that. Blocking
the pure abilities of an angel, Rendel was able to make Paschar feel the pain of a human. Never
in a billion years did Paschar see himself breaking under the hands of a mere demon. It was
slightly sickening but he respected Rendel for his tactics. The boy had a vast amount of
knowledge and knew how to apply it to his advantage. Maybe the Devil himself was aiding the
demon's efforts. <P>

"Now, Paschar, please refrain from expressing your distaste for me. It hurts my feelings,"
Rendel said coolly as he tussled the white feathers. <P>

"As if you have feelings to be hurt," Paschar shot back, licking his lips red with blood. <P>

"I'm not like the demons you're accustomed to." <P>

"You appear just as them whether you believe so or not." <P>

"I'm letting you down." <P>

Paschar's eyed widened immensely. "What?" <P>

"I have no reason to keep you chained unless you prefer to hang there like a puppet--you
formed the contract with me last night," Rendel explained as the magical barrier caging the
angel began to fade. <P>

Paschar felt his human vessel blushing but he still held the maddened gaze. <P>

"You are attending dinner with me. You need to be presentable." <P>

The chains stringing Paschar to the center of the room dissipated. He felt himself falling from his
elevated position and braced himself for the impact until he landed in the arms of the demon.

"I am well aware you are in a weakened state. So I shall assist with the cleaning. I do hope you
can conceal these wings or we will have to remove them." <P>

It sent chills down the angel's back as the demon sported a friendly smile throughout the
disgusting remarks. Still, Paschar found himself making his wings vaporize and clinging onto the
demon for support. <P>

"You have good taste in bodies Paschar. I almost hate to clothe the boy," the demon smirked.

It was nearly time to dine.

<BR> -Mina <P>

Rendel stood outside the door to his room waiting for Paschar to exit. They had cleaned the
body up quite nicely. Angelic properties worked magic with healing wounds. Though,
regrettably, there would still be some cuts that would have to heal naturally. Rendel was quite
good at what skills he had as well, including torture. <P>

Fixing Paschar up for dinner had proven to be a bit of a struggle. Rendel was many sizes too
large for the petite frame of Paschar's vessel. Not a single item in his wardrobe could
accommodate the frame. Except the dresses he commonly allowed his companions to wear to
his dinner table. Paschar would not be dinning without clothes so the flowing red velvet dress
with golden embroidered patterns would have to do. <P>

When Paschar opened the door a grimace was firmly planted on his face. Rendel was all but
ready to fall over laughing from the pure hilarity of the look but retained his composure. <P>

"This is a disgrace," Paschar said flatly. <P>

"Come now, it's not that much different from the robes you holy type wear. It compliments that
body quite well anyways." <P>

Paschar's expression didn't fade. <P>

"Let's head down to dinner now. My other two guests are waiting." <P>

Rendel headed down the stone staircase to the dining room where the firefoxes were currently
seated. <Br> -Mina <P>


Jarl paced the throne room, his stride confident and filled with ease despite the fact that he was
anxious. There was some suspicion rising about the Utland and Deaglan's prophecies; rumors
had started about the supposed two firefoxes meeting and at once signaling the world's end.

"Fools, the lot of them, believing that the world will end because of two humans with furry tails
and fuzzy ears and a supposedly dangerous amount of stored history in their furry heads," he
muttered to himself. "It's a ridiculous notion. A foolish belief." <P>

'Fools' and 'foolish' were possibly two of his favorite words. He believed the two described
many people and ideas or aspects accurately, and used the words many times while speaking,
no matter who he was speaking with. <P>

A guard stepped into the room, standing at attention when Jarl saw him. "Sire, you need a break
from all of this insanity." He paused, as if weighing his words carefully, then continued. "Retire
to your chambers for tonight. The unprobable Utland matters can wait another day." <P>

If it had been any other man but this one, Jarl may have decided to be done with the idiot and
simply have him killed for even thinking of proposing something in the form of a command as he
had done. As it was, this man had proved invaluable when it came to advice, and though he
was an idiot, he was an idiot with loyalty that made the king reluctant to kill him just yet. <P>

"Very well, Jameson. I shall leave the Utland matters for tomorrow in favor of walking the city.
No--I need no guards. I am not stupid enough to let myself be seen by everyone. Now, be gone
to your own chambers, and leave me be. I will be back by morning, and expect no followers. Is
that understood?" Upon seeing the guard nod, Jarl made his way out of the palace, into the
night of Heorte de Planeta. <P>

Jarl had no aimless walking in mind; no, as soon as he left the castle under the guise of a
servant, he knew where his destination was. Heorte had only a few taverns, and they were all
frequented by Jarl, but he had a favorite that he was headed to tonight. <P>

Unknown to all but his three most trusted guards, Jarl quite enjoyed women. But they were
mere toys to him, as some would say. He felt nothing towards his toys, no lasting affection or
attachment, no obligation to protect or secure them, only believing that they had a duty they
were to fulfill to their king. And each of his playmates did fulfill that duty, for they were rewarded
greatly. Each was bound by an oath of secrecy that was backed up by threats of all kinds to
prevent any civilian from learning his whereabouts on these night visits. <P>

Control. He had exercised it even in this matter. <P>

He left the tavern three hours later, his head cleared and his body fighting oncoming exhaustion.
Rather than give into the urge to sleep immediately, Jarl took to walking the city. <P>

The dueling arena was quiet; very few had the taste of dueling in blackness. Some of his best
guards had been obtained from this arena, and it was one of his most watched areas. He would
not let it get destroyed. It provided too much entertainment for that to happen. <P>

The many shops were still open, welcoming late night arrivals. Weapons, armor, potions,
various types of books; they were all being shown off in the windows, beckoning travelers to
come and purchase them. <P>

The few people out were apprentices on errands for their masters. Buying herbs, sneaking
through the streets, and walking with packages, they created a common sight and took no
notice of Jarl as he wandered. <P>

He slipped back into the castle an hour or so later, and immediately went to his chambers to
sleep, knowing that the following day would bring more headaches and stress. <BR> -Kira <P>


The firefoxes were seated across from each other at the massive dining table. An array of food
had been spread out and the aroma was hypnotic. Food quite possibly had never been made to
look more delicious. The entire set up of the room screamed high-class royalty. <P>
It was amazing how civilized Rendel had managed to make the Utlands in his short reign.
Before food would have been eaten from rotting corpses or fresh meat from Heorte prisoners
sent to their death. <P>

Despite the changes in the residents of Utland, the land was still bare and carried omens of
death. It was strange how contrasting the Utland of a few years ago was to today. Even more
changes would be coming shortly. <P>

Rendel was determined to open the heavens and once again allow the sunlight nurture the land,
not bake as it had for centuries. Rain would no longer pour causing floods but rather drizzle
across the land. The barrier would be gone allowing for seeds from across the river to drift into
Utland's soil. He would make his land live again. <P>

The time was so close he could feel the ground beneath him almost shuddering from
excitement. Justice would come soon with the help of the four seated at his table today. <P>

Paschar sat at the far end of the table, avoiding all eye contact out of sheer embarrassment.
The firefox's eyes however were locked simply on Rendel. <P>

A low cut red v-neck shirt that stopped high enough to show off Rendel's abs was the main
attraction. A black long sleeve tux was slung around his shoulders. The light from the hall
illuminated his frame as he stood with a seductive smile aimed at no one in particular. Rendel,
in every bit of his essence, screamed the appearance of a king. The lights dimmed to an almost
romantic setting as he took his throne-like seat at the head of the table. <P>

The deep alluring voice of the demon echoed through the enormous gaudy room, "Welcome,
my friends, to the new world. Let's dine." <P>

The dinning hall was relatively quiet except for the slow melancholy playing of a harp and violin
echoing in the distance. <P>

The dinner was simply delicious and Yumie could hardly believe such things were available in
Utland. She felt like a princess in the castle of a king. She was in the castle of the king, Rendel.

"Now, what is a dinner without a toast?" Rendel suddenly spoke up as a servant entered with
silver chalices filled with red wine. "You three are here today for a simple purpose. You didn't
not happen here by accident. Fate has played her hand in aiding the Utlands and you are here
to continue out the mission you have been set on. <P>While I value you, Rane, Yumie, our main
guest tonight is Paschar. For he is here to free the beings of Utland from their eternal bonds. He
is here to remove the hand of death from this land. <P>Tonight, Paschar, the angel of
prophecies, will sacrifice himself to lift that hand. We toast to Paschar as thanks and we toast to
the freedom Utland deserves and will finally obtain." <P>
Yumie looked towards the mysterious figure named Paschar expecting to see him horrified.
Instead, there was a look of peace across his features as he was the first to follow Rendel in
lifting his chalice. Four cups raised and the music dramatically ceased to play. <P>

Yumie could hardly believe she would be a part of history. The Utlands would be free.<P>

The moon did not aid in lighting the night sky, but it wasn't necessary as numerous crystals
hovered in the air providing ample lighting. <P>

Four figures stood on a plateau looking out across the land where hundreds of thousands had
gathered together. The sight was awe striking. Under the power of Rendel the vile beings had
been brought away from their formal feral state to a loosely civilized congregation. It was hardly
believable. <P>

The king took a step towards the edge of the plateau and addressed his people. "Utlandians,
tonight is the night you and your ancestors have dreamed of since the time the barrier was
placed upon this land. You have undergone torture for far too long and it is time that burden is
removed from this place." <P>

Hollers of the creatures roared through the land. <P>

"There is light to be shed on this world. The barrier has been up for as long as any of you can
remember. But that was not always so. There was a time when this land was green with grass
and colored with blossoms. There was a time when the Holy Church was here. Hm," he scoffed,
"the church is anything but holy. <P>

"Magic was practiced there. Black magic. Sacrifices in order 'appease' the gods, retain eternal
life for the High Priest, and condemn the heretics. Their dealings got out of hand however.
Millenniums ago their practices opened up the gates of hell in Utland. The priests covered up
their mistake by fleeing and blocking Utland from the rest of the world saying your ancestors
had damned themselves. They left every single citizen behind and that is how your ancestors
became trapped in this land." <P>

"How do I know this? I was once human as few of you here know. I came from the heart of
Exoticus Alterare. Born and raised in priesthood, training to become king. King Stephen was my
father and I his first son. My mother was poor and a disgrace to the royal line if anyone were to
find out about her." <P>

"No one but Stephen and Deaglan, the High Priest, knew the truth. While with Deaglan, I
learned what the church was governed by. Black magic and the power of the devil himself.
Perhaps I myself am a creation of the Holy Church, but I will be the one to aid in their downfall.
The churches are corrupt and have cursed us all." <p>

Whispers of rage and hate flowed through the beings bellow throughout the entire speech. <P>
"Tonight, as I promised when you handed me the throne, the barrier will fall. I ask, from the
depths of my soul, that you do not leave this land when the barrier collapses. That you stay and
come together with clear minds to build an army and obtain justice. Repay me by doing this and
we will cause Heorte to tremble at the whisper of our names. We are Utland! We will have our
justice." <P>

How easily the entire land agreed with Rendel. <P>

"The gods did not do this to us. And an angel is here today to prove this. Paschar." <P>

Paschar stepped forward into the view of the Utlandians. Rendel held out a hand towards the
black tower which had greeted Yumie and Rane upon their arrival at the castle. The black orb
inside shook erratically before vanishing from the tower and appearing in front of Paschar. The
crowd was captivated. <P>

Paschar's white wings unfolded showing their magnificent span as he spread his arms in
apparent praise to the heavens. His golden eyes opened, glowing almost as much as the white
crystals around them, and locked onto the black orb. <P>

"The black pearl," Paschar whispered to himself. He had certainly underestimated the demon.
An angel's power infusing with the power of the pearl would contain enough energy to break the
seal of black magic. <P>

Paschar slowly moved his hands towards the pearl. When they made contact it would be the
end of his existence. But this was all he was created for. The angel of prophecies sent to fulfill
the words of the gods. His palms rested on the pearl and a burst of white light blinded the land.

<BR> -Mina <P>

Jarl was awakened early by a rap on his door. A servant called out that he was needed in the
main hall immediately. He dressed quickly, sword and hilt falling easily around his slim waist,
and made his way to the hall. What he saw there made him instantly irritated. <P>

A throng of maybe ten people waited at the doors, barely kept in order by four guards. What
they were upset about Jarl didn't know, but due to their shouts and efforts to push forward it
must have been important to them. <P>

"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded as he walked towards the trouble. <P>

A servant stepped forward. "There is unrest in the city, Your Highness. A man was killed by an
assassin approximately two hours ago; this is his family. They are demanding that you do
something about it quickly or are threatening to riot." <P>
Riots because of murder again. It wasn't uncommon for Jarl to have to calm the people in an
event such as this. Assassins were hired to kill many; it was never a surprise to him. He put on
a cold smile, mustered up charm, and took his place in front of the mass. <P>

"My men and women, I assure you that I will immediately put my best scouts on this case. You
have my word that the assassin and his employer will be found and dealt with accordingly. If you
good people will be so kind as to take your evidence to my men," he gestured to the far side of
the castle entrance where a group of investigators waited, "then we can deal with this
effectively." With that, Jarl gave a small bow to the family, flashed a smile, and turned to go to
the dining hall, summoning a servant and guard with a wave of his hand. <P>

He instructed the guard to keep a watchful eye on the family and the servant to fetch him food.
Within minutes he was seated at the great oak table with a finely prepared meal of breakfast
meats and wine in front of him, readying himself for what was sure to be an interesting day.
<BR> -Kira <P>


Ethereal had woken up at the first light of sun rising over the mountains creating a beautiful pink
sunrise. He pulled the sheet which had been tossed over the rest of his body to the side.
Standing up he almost fell into a freshly dug grave out of lightheadedness. <P>

"Ah!" A squeaky voice had shouted. "He's not dead." <P>

Ethereal had turned around to see two hideous creatures bearing shovels staring at him. He
ran. Didn't stop running until he reached the banks of the river. That's when he remembered
being crossed over on the criminal ship. He was determined to return to Heorte. <P>

He wasn't sure how much time had passed but the sun was now high in the sky and he had
plenty of fresh cuts from branches that seemed to reach towards him. The red dress which had
awoken in was now torn up to his knees to allow for easier mobility. The city walls were within
view and out of excitement he had run towards them with as much energy as he could manage.

Which is what lead him to the current predicament. <P>

Ethereal had forgotten to be wary of the guards and one guarding the front gate had recognized
him. <P>

Ethereal was now sitting in the corner of a small cell. Again. Two men constantly pestering him
for a bit of fun. It was pathetic how, just after being free, he managed to slip into the grasp of
death again. <BR> -Mina <P>

After finishing his meal and bathing, Jarl set out to make the annual check on the city's prison.
He did this more out of tradition than need; he knew that the cells were dirty, small, and
accompanied by guards who were only trying to get one thing out of any prisoner. But it was
necessary for him to do this to appease the people. He took seven of his royal guard and went
to the prison, ignoring the bows and salutes he got from the commoners he passed on the way.

Making his way through the cold stone building, Jarl did a cursory glance in each cell. The
prison had a kind of unspoken rule about it. The ones who had committed petty crimes such as
thievery were in the back of the building; likewise, the ones who were suspected of murder or
treason were towards the front where they could always be supervised. It was a system that cut
down on violence between inmates, thus saving Jarl and his subjects the trouble of more
unneeded trials. <P>

Jarl was striding through the sections of thieves when something caught his eye and made him
stop cold. There, in a small corner cell, was a petite body being wracked in sobs, clothed in a
velvet dress, arms around the knees and head bowed. The sight, though always seen in
prisons, twisted his gut, something that never happened, and made him feel a sense that was
akin longing or anxiousness. <P>

His next decision terrified him, as he made it without even realizing what he was doing. It was
an impulsive decision, the first of many to come. <P>

"Guards," he snapped, pointing to the prisoner, "release that woman immediately." At the
incredulous look the guards gave him, he spurted out the first excuse that popped into his mind.
"She is suspected of treason against the court, and requires careful attention." The guards still
made no move. "Do not make me repeat myself. I could have you killed right here," he warned,
voice growing colder. <P>

They instantly shot to the cell and unlocked it. One of the guards shoved the prisoner roughly to
her feet. Jarl turned and waited for her footsteps to follow those of his own and his guards'.
<BR> -Kira <P>


Ethereal was shocked when he saw the small male, dressed in the robes of royalty, pointing
towards him. 'Release' was the only word that registered in his mind as he was drug to his feet.

He was certain if he hadn't been holding his breath his jaw would be hanging agape at the
actions of the royal man. Releasing a prisoner was almost unheard of. <P>

Then, his mind did a double take as Ethereal realized he wasn't being released to freedom but
being released to the will of the man in the purple robes. Still, Ethereal couldn't help but be
grateful. It was much better being in the company of one in decent quarters than two on the cold
floor of a prison cell. In fact, he was a bit excited which normally didn't happen. Someone had
cared enough to help him out of a sticky situation, even if it was out of pity or simple desire. <P>

Ethereal lowered his head respectfully and let his silvery blonde bangs drape over his eyes. He
slowly followed between the guards carefully testing how close he could get to this savior of his.
<BR> -Mina <P>


The rest of the inspection passed quickly and without incident. An odd twisting sensation had
rooted itself in Jarl's gut and didn't seem to be going away any time soon. It worried the boy, but
he paid little mind to it. Rather, his thoughts were on the prisoner he had released. And
apparently, the thoughts of the guards were as well. They murmured to each other, speculating
on what punishment the prisoner would receive, until Jarl turned and with a look quieted them.

When he turned he got another surprise. The prisoner was closer than he'd realized, really only
a few meters away, and even more feminine up close. The face was delicate and body
accentuated in the dress. But Jarl didn't look at the body; he looked at the guards, who were
doing a poor job of keeping the woman away from him. Immediately they stepped closer to the
prisoner as Jarl sped up his own pace. <P>

They arrived in the castle through one of the side entrances, and were in a corridor that led off
to the servants' chambers. It was here they stopped. <P>

Jarl gave the prisoner, still feet away, another cursory glance. Something was off but he couldn't
decide what it was. "What were you in prison for?" he asked with a blank face. <BR> -Kira <P>


The question surprised Ethereal as did the jade eyes of the royal man which were currently
staring, almost glaring, into his own chocolate colored orbs. He quickly lowered his head again
covering the blush that had crept upon his cheeks. No matter how used this he should be his
cheeks always betrayed him. <P>

Ethereal held back the smart remark he was ready to shoot back feeling it would not be wise to
do so, and he truly felt he should respect this figure. <P>

Now, whether to tell the truth of why he was captured or to lie. <P>

"Mistake," he muttered at a barely audible level.

He had intended to respond in a normal tone but the crying he had been doing caused his voice
to weaken to an almost pathetic squeak. Ethereal gripped the fabric of the dress between his
thin fingers as he thought of how stupid that response was. <BR> -Kira <P>

A "mistake." That was the answer Jarl normally received when asking such a question, and it
annoyed him. The answer was not, however, normally squeaked, and it amused him in a way.

He slowly walked closer to the prisoner, then circled him in an unknowingly predatory way, eyes
trained on the ground. Deciding that this person was most likely harmless in the state they were
in, Jarl absently waved off all of the guards but the one that stood at the entrance. The
remaining man averted his eyes as Jarl circled. Though the situation was interesting in itself, the
circling was everything but. <P>

Jarl stopped in front of the woman again, this time only two feet away. "A mistake," he repeated.
"Do you realize that this is the answer I'm always presented with?" He lowered his voice so that
only the two of them could hear. "Do not make me regret saving you and possibly endangering
both of us." <P>

Jarl glanced at the fingers gripping the velvet and put his voice at a normal pitch. "Relax a bit.
I'm not going to kill you as long as you cooperate. That is beneath me." <BR> -Kira <P>


Ethereal did not enjoy the circling one bit. It reminded him of the time when he was sold by his
father and various people would inspect him. If they were checking him out it was one thing, but
treating him like an animal was something completely different. <P>

He figured the answer he had given wasn't the right one but the man should be glad he had
given an answer at all. Ethereal wasn't in the particular mood for anything at the moment. <P>

All of Ethereal's anger however left as quickly as it had boiled up when the other approached
him. 'Saved.' That was an interesting choice of wording and Ethereal quite liked it since that was
his view of the situation as well. Maybe the mood wasn't completely lost. <P>

Ethereal looked up as the royal figure glanced down. <I>So he is interested.</I> Ethereal
thought to himself as he let a warm smile cross his pink lips. <P>

He would make sure the man did not regret this decision. He let the velvet dress slip from his
fingers. <P>

"A thanks is in order," Ethereal whispered just loudly enough for the boy to hear. <P>

In an instant, Ethereal had lifted his hands and placed them around the fury collar of the robe
and captured the others lips in a kiss with velvety softness much like the dress. <BR> -Mina

The first thing that registered in Jarl's mind was that this prisoner had bravery, and had most
likely had a history of selling himself if this was his idea of a thank you. <P>

The second was that the prisoner wasn't a woman, but a male. And probably not much older
than he himself was, judging by his build. <P>

The third was that he was enjoying the kiss, and wrongly so according to his teachings. <P>

His eyes widened and he noticed that his hands were on the shoulders of the other boy. He
used this to his advantage, pushing the other away after a mere few seconds and openly
gaping. <P>

It took him a minute to regain his thoughts and form them into a slightly coherent sentence.
"That. . . That is not exactly what I meant," he mumbled. <P>

Beneath his surprise, Jarl was intrigued by this man for reasons he didn't know. Before he could
register what he was doing, he offered the man a meal. <Br>

-Kira <P>


Ethereal was genuinely surprised at being pushed away but he didn't let it show on his features
in the least bit. <P>

"I'm sorry. Didn't know you'd rather wait until private," he replied nonchalantly as he shrugged.

It was a shame though. He was enjoying himself for the moment and would rather not overstay
is welcome. At the mention of food, however, Ethereal felt his stomach growling and realized he
hadn't eaten in quite some time. Food was certainly something he would not pass on. <P>

"Mmm. Sounds delicious," Ethereal mused, running the tip of his tongue over his bottom lip and
glancing at the other. <BR> -Mina <P>


<I>Private?</I> Jarl thought. <I>This is going to be interesting...</I> <P>

He chose to ignore the way the boy licked his lips, and instead led him to a smaller room that
was empty save for a dining table and a few chairs. It was one of the rooms in which he often
dined when there was nothing important to miss, and rarely visited by anyone other than himself
and his servants. <P>
Steaming food was brought in on platters and set upon the table by servants that excused
themselves. Finely roasted meats, fruits of all kinds, delicacies that were found only in far-away
cities or towns, and various cakes and sweets for after the main meal. <P>

He smiled at the other tightly, choosing a chair on one of the table's sides. "Eat whatever you
would like, sit wherever you would like. Fill up." Jarl then went back to the thoughts that filled his
mind, thoughts of moral wrongs and morally wrong pleasures, one of which he had taken part
in. <Br>

-Kira <P>


Ethereal's mouth watered at the simple sight of the food placed before them. Brought in by
servants at that. He figured this boy was either the spoiled brat of some nobility or a prince.
Either way it was of no real concern to him. He would get through the night and be on his way.

Choosing the seat directly across from the royal character, Ethereal took his seat and began to
fill his plate with the various foods. <P>

He smiled when he laid eyes on the red apple sitting among the fruit. He had a bit of a fixation
with them ever since being told the biblical stories. Ethereal liked to think of himself as the apple
of mankind. <P>

Swallowing a large piece of pork, Ethereal reached for the apple and twirled it with his fingers as
he looked at the boy seated across from him. He was obviously lost in his own thoughts and
Ethereal didn't like when he wasn't being paid attention to. After all, that's why he was here. <P>

"Do you always treat prisoners to dinner?" He asked with a slight smirk as he bit into the red
fruit. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl matched the prisoner's smirk with his own. "Rarely. But you seemed a special case. Shall
we say, worthy of a meal." He glanced at the food piled on the other's plate. "And in need of
one." <P>

The way the other bit into the food stirred something in Jarl. Desire? <I>No,</I> he told himself.
<I>It can't be.</I> Everything he had been taught by Deaglan went against it. It went against the
gods. Against nature itself. <P>

Right? <P>
Something occurred to him then. "Why are you wearing a dress?" he asked, an eyebrow raised.
It accentuated his figure, but it was still a man in a dress, and still odd, even in Heorte, where
everything had been done before. <Br>
-Kira <P>


'Worthy of a meal.' That was quite funny Ethereal thought. This royal character must not have
gotten around much if the best he'd done lately was Ethereal. <P>

"Oh that," Ethereal said as he looked down at the tattered garments. "I woke up in them." He
said simply as if it was common for him to do so. <P>

Actually, he was quite used to being put into various outfits to appease whatever his patron had
in mind. Dresses, tuxes, wings, and tails. He was used to it. <P>

Ethereal took another bite of the apple licking along the red skin to keep the juices from dripping
to his hand. <P>

"My name is Ethereal by the way. Unless you'd rather call me by some other name." <P>

He looked straight at the others eyes showing no sign of the respect he had been giving when
they first encountered each other. <BR> - Mina <P>


Jarl's eyes followed every movement Ethereal made, whether with his hands or mouth. It was
as if he had no choice in the matter. <P>

Ethereal. An intriguing name to go with an intriguing person. A person who woke up in beautiful
gowns and didn't question why. <P>

"I am Jarl, king of Exoticus Alterare." The last part was added mainly to give himself an air of
importance. Just because he was comfortable {comfortable? since when? he wondered} with
the other didn't mean that his arrogance was going to escape him easily. <P>

The blatant way in which Ethereal stared at him made Jarl both angry and slightly embarrassed,
an emotion he also very rarely felt. Nevertheless he returned the gaze blankly, leaving out any
respect as the other man did. The man was a prisoner, Jarl reminded himself. Not someone
who would necessarily demand respect in most situations. <BR> - Kira <P>


Ethereal cocked his head to the side looking around the dining room and then back to the king.
Luck would have it he would wind up in the home of the most important figure in all of Exoticus
Alterare. <P>
So this was the boy king he had heard so much about. After hearing so, Ethereal found it
surprising the thought hadn't come to him. Honestly, though, he never bothered himself with
following the politics of the land. It was an entirely different world to him. The nobility sat on their
high horse walking all over the poor every day. In fact, in a way Ethereal detested them. They
were a greedy bunch that normally could care less about the street dwellers. It was interesting
that the king would even bother with a prisoner no matter how that person might catch his eye.

<I>He must act on whims.</I> <P> "The king of Heorte de Planeta," Ethereal felt the need to
correct him though he didn't act the least bit cocky in his remark. "I'm sure many would love to
stand in your presence." <P>

Ethereal noticed the kid seemed to have a bit of a superiority complex but he wasn't one to aid
in that personality. The king would be quite interesting to irritate. The kid seemed used to getting
what he wanted and rubbing him the wrong way seemed like a fun idea. Ethereal was in the
mood to be pushed around. <P>

He also took note of the green eyes following most every move he made. Ethereal smiled
flicking his bangs to the side and leaning forward slightly. <P>

"Why did you take me here, Jarl?" He asked letting the king's name roll off his tongue while
taking another slow bite of the fruit. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl's eyes flashed in irritation. He did not enjoy being corrected in the least bit, though he knew
that his title had been exaggerated. Most civilians took no notice; because of this, most civilians
also had some idea that he was king of the land. The fact that this criminal had noticed and
easily corrected it made Jarl even more interested in him. When he replied he unconsciously
leaned forward as well, letting some of his irritation sink into his voice. <P>

"Yes, but many didn't have the determination it took to win the crown. Stephen left behind quite
a mess when he was killed by Myra." He had never called his parents Mother or Father. It was
always King Stephen or Queen Myra. Now that they were both gone, he had done away with
the titles as well. "It was a fight that I won." <P>

When Ethereal asked why Jarl had taken him from the prison, Jarl asked himself the same
thing. It was on an impulse, but he couldn't very well say that, could he? <P>

Jarl sighed. "I have little to no idea why I brought you here, but I did. Many would also love to be
in your place." It was another exaggeration, and he knew it; there were very few who would love
being in Ethereal's place, dining with the king that somehow brought them luck. He was too cold
for most. <Br>

-Kira <P>

Ethereal noticed the slight irritation in Jarl's voice but it was the exact reaction he was looking
for. He had been right, the king was quite fun. His replies were well thought out as well which
did grant him a bit of respect in Ethereal's eyes. He was used to foolish men and women that
were half drunk most of the time. <P>

Though in a way this boy was still ignorant of many things. For one, thinking he was the only
ruler of the land. He didn't seem to realize just how vulnerable he actually was. <P>

Another interesting wording, caught by Ethereal, was that Jarl referred to his parents by their
first names. It was quite disrespectfully, especially seeing as they were dead. <P>

Jarl was also ignorant of emotions. He didn't seem to possess many. Ethereal would have fun
with that as well. For the first time, in a long time, Ethereal felt that he had the upper hand here.
Funny, thinking he had a higher status than a king. <P>

Ethereal took note that Jarl had also leaned forward over the small table. This would be an
interesting time to see if he could break the kid of his high standing. He placed the half-eaten
apple down on his plate. <P>

Brushing his bangs back with his hand, Ethereal leaned a little further forward and placed both
elbows on the table top. He rested his chin on the palms of both hands and looked directly at
the lips of the king and made it obvious he was doing so. Not changing his gaze he spoke with a
smooth voice, "Jarl, how badly would you like to lean forward and capture my lips again?" <P>

He was pushing it, he knew, and he was enjoying every bit of it. <BR> -Mina <P>


The man Jarl was sitting across from was obviously intelligent. His face, though still slightly red
from crying, showed when he calculated something, which also made it obvious that he was
completely sober with a clear head. <P>

That was why his question surprised Jarl. No other person would have even dared to think of
asking Jarl that question; but here was this one that had thought about it and acted upon it.
What was the proper answer to this question? <P>

Emotions and impulse had gotten him in bad situations before, when he was just a child. Still,
he had never completely lost his immediate reactions, and they often came up at the worst
possible times. <P>

"How much I... <I>desire</I> to do just that means nothing. I simply can not, my dear man."
Jarl's eyes narrowed when he heard the words coming out of his mouth. They were a terrible
choice even if very straightforward. But he had been too distracted by staring at Ethereal to
consider this. <Br> -Kira <P>


Ethereal wasn't quite expecting that reply. He had actually hoped the king would act on those
whims as he seemed to have done a few times already. Though it was a good thing the king
didn't work simply on those impulses. In a way, he supposed he expected a response just like
the one he received. <P>

He put on a mask of dejection and leaned away from the table against the back of the chair. It
was childlike, but Ethereal also crossed his arms across his chest. It was odd feeling the slight
bust given by the woman's dress he was still wearing but he ignored the discomfort for the time
being. <P>

At least this king had put up with him so far. He'd been pushing it quite a bit and he was
certainly willing to push further. <P>

"Something the king can't do. Well, well seems you don't get everything you want after all."
Ethereal looked back at Jarl with a pouting face that was obviously a simple act. "I was
expecting to be able to thank you properly for saving me and for this meal," he sighed deeply.
"Guess you have moral bounds, it's a shame. You should think of those morals when you take a
look at the poor state the city is in. Maybe you could put yourself to use." <P>

Ethereal hadn't intended to take it that far but his emotions seemed to actually get the best of
him for once. He was way out of line with that last remark but still he looked at the king with a
challenging stare. <BR> -Mina <P>


The odd pout Ethereal kept during his comments, paired with the stare that said even more than
he had, would have made Jarl snicker had it not been for the other's last opinion. <P>

"You apparently know nothing about royalty. It is very rare that a king or queen gets exactly
what he or she wants one hundred percent of the time." This was something that still irked him,
but Jarl had given up on it. Such was life, he told himself. <P>

"As for my moral boundaries and repairing this city, that is only done through effort of the
citizens as well as effort of myself. And the way I see it, the city can only be improved so much.
There will still be crime, and still be idiots that have no care for anything, including their living
place. This is why I have not tried to apply myself to Heorte more than is necessary." <P>

He glared at the man heavily, disregarding the still-present sinking feeling in his stomach. It was
more than he had told many, yet he had no issue justifying himself to this man. "You are
fortunate that I find you interesting. If not, you would have been killed by now." <BR> -Kira <P>

Ethereal didn't like the response, not one bit. The king was more annoying than most of the
nobility he had laid with even though they were considered swine by his standards. Jarl, he
wasn't even worth the title of an animal. <P>

"And here you sit in the comfort of your home, a palace, that you wouldn't even be able to enter
if it weren't for your last name, while children are living on the streets. They sleep in the rain with
no roof over their heads. <P>

"While you sit here eating a pretty meal given to you on silver platters they are forced to steal
just to get a piece of bread in their stomach, a piece of bread that they very well know might
cost them their life one day," tears welled in his eyes and as much as he wanted to Ethereal
found he couldn't stop. "They do whatever it takes to earn a single gold coin, and not always for
themselves for their family as well, while you bask daily in the royalties of a king. <P>There are
children out there for god sakes. Children living in hell because of those idiots and their king
included. Just how many children have been hung at the gallows? You're doing a fine job, King
Jarl of Heo--no, of simply his palace and only his palace. How you sleep at night, I'll never
know." <P>

Ethereal didn't wait for a response as he stood up and sought to leave with tears beginning to
fall once again. <BR> -Mina <P>

Nobody had ever said anything of that magnitude to Jarl before. If most did, it would earn a swift
death. But here was Ethereal, saying more and more, making Jarl feel small, though still
infuriating him. Why? <P>

Jarl wanted to show the other that he did have compassion in him, that he did care. He didn't
know why, because he didn't like people as a whole. It was an unexplainable feeling. Maybe it
was because Jarl sensed that Ethereal had had experience with what he was talking about;
maybe it was the emotion that he said everything with. And seeing Ethereal in tears made his
heart twist. <P>

<I>Heart? You don't have one.</I> <P>

He hurried up behind Ethereal, placing a hand on his shoulder. "There are two reasons why you
should not leave," he said, careful to keep his voice free of anger. "One, if you step outside of
this door, the guards will have you killed for attempting to escape. And two, even if you do make
it out of the castle, you will be caught again and thrown back into prison." <P>

A third unspoken reason lingered in his mind. Jarl was interested and curious about Ethereal,
and didn't plan on letting him get away easily. At the same time, he had a desire to rid himself of
this man immediately. But he had already told him not to leave, in a way. <BR> -Kira <P>

Both the mind and heart of Ethereal's were filled with hatred for the man that was currently
placing a hand on his shoulder. Still, that unexplainable excitement of the situation ran through
him. <P>

Trying not to sound weak, Ethereal replied coldly, "So either I be imprisoned in a cell or
imprisoned to you? You're lucky I'm used to the latter." <P>

He moved his left hand up to rest on the hand on his shoulder. Once again testing the king. <P>

"If you didn't take me just to use me, then why am I here?" Ethereal asked the question that
had been bothering him since he realized Jarl wasn't approving of the advances he had tried to
make. <P>

Though his words were cold and direct, Ethereal could feel his heart racing. He believed it to be
out of fear that the king would choose to kill him since he wasn't wanting to be pleasured. <BR>
-Mina <P>


Jarl froze a little at the feel of Ethereal's hand over his, but made no move to remove it. He had
no idea what to say; so he went with an approach that most likely wouldn't work, but that he
figured was worth an attempt if nothing else. "You will get decent food and quarters if you stay.
In a prison you would receive neither." <P>

He closed his eyes, breathing deeply to calm himself and in an attempt to clear his mind. Why
<I>had</I> he taken the other man from the small cell? Was it pity? Desire? Fate, though he
had no belief in it? Or was it pure chance? <P>

Jarl sighed, telling a half-truth. His words were still cold but his face was not. "I do not know why
I brought you here, Ethereal. It was an impulse that I followed." <P>

This wasn't something Jarl was used to. He was used to deciding what happened, and feeling
nothing. But the man couldn't be treated as a toy, no matter how much Jarl wished he could. He
couldn't bring himself to do it. It screamed "wrong" at him. <BR> -Kira <P>


Impulse. That was interesting as well. It was the exact thing that brought drunks or any poor
soul looking to forget about her {or his} day to Ethereal's corner of the road. The king ran the
same clockwork as many of the peasants except he was too afraid to act any further upon the
impulse. <P>

Ethereal was truly getting fed up with the situation. Certainly, he had no where to go if he was
freed but accepting the food, while hundreds starved, would be pathetic. Mentally, he was
repeating to himself how pathetic he already was. Those thoughts were enough to make him act
irrationally. <P>

Moving quickly, Ethereal gripped the king's wrist and pushed him up against the wall to the left
while cupping a hand over Jarl's mouth. <P>

Ethereal took a quick glance at the doorway to make sure no guards had noticed the slight
noise made. They hadn't. <P>

Leaning in as if to kiss at first, Ethereal dodged to Jarl's ear and whispered in a low drawn out
tone, "Being a king you should follow through with decisions you make, follow through with
those. . . impulses." <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl absently noted the ease with which Ethereal moved him; he was stronger than he looked,
though Jarl wasn't much to push. Something about the way he moved made Jarl think he'd had
experience in this area. But of course, he realized--the man had, after all, talked of the starving
children and desperate acts rather passionately. <P>

Should he follow through with those impulses? His heartbeat sped up at the thought. His mind
was still telling him no. He was a king, for goodness' sake, and it was immoral. Deaglan would
have his head if he could even glimpse at what these two were getting at. The majority of the
citizens would begin to lose their shaky trust in him. Logically, he should not even be
considering doing anything with Ethereal. <P>

"Very tempting," he murmured against the man's hand, widened eyes staring over his shoulder.
The guards were the furthest thing from his own mind. Had been for the entire time they had
been in this room. "Maybe I will follow through with my decisions. At a later time, when we are
not in the open." <P>

He mentally cursed. It was, again, the wrong thing to say. He seemed to have lost control of his
mouth. It wasn't like him, but then, the entire situation was unfamiliar to him. <BR> -Kira <P>


Ethereal removed his hand from Jarl's mouth and pressed a kiss to the king's neck before he
took a step back. <P>

His own cheeks were still wet with tears and it aggravated him how worked up about the
situation he had been. Showing his true emotions wasn't like him. Generally he would just follow
through with actions and put on various masks for the emotions he was expected to show. <P>

"Private quarters, ah yes, I think we mentioned that earlier. It takes you long enough to get me
alone, Jarl." <P>
Ethereal turned towards the table and bent over to pick up the apple which was now starting to
brown from contact with the air. He felt the torn dress riding up on his thighs and smirked to
himself. <I>How sad, a tainted apple.</I> <BR> -Mina <P>


With the other man farther away from him, Jarl allowed his face to contort into a scowl at the
smart remark. He had gotten himself into a mess, to put it lightly. <I>This is why everybody
despises affection and feelings so much. This is why I have stayed away from them.</I> <P>

He straightened and walked back to the table, idly picking at a piece of beef. Truthfully, he
wasn't hungry in the least, but it felt better to do something than stand completely still. And it
gave him an excuse to study the other without being obvious about it. <P>

Jarl figured that he couldn't get himself into too much more trouble, so ventured another
question. "Why are you so interested in staying, Ethereal? You act as if I deserve to be repaid
for taking you, when for all you know I could be intent on providing you with a worse fate."
<BR> -Kira <P>


Popping a few grapes into his mouth, Ethereal responded, "If you plan on tying me up, I'm fine
with that too." <P>

He knew that wasn't what the king had meant in the least bit but it was fun to toy around. Plus, it
was better to avoid the fact that he really did feel the need to repay the king. Ethereal certainly
hoped that nothing worse was planned. After all, he was only wanted for thievery. Unless of
course they got him on charges of murder. <P>

Maybe he was hoping for something worse to happen. Already he was surprised the king hadn't
decided to kill him for his indecencies. Ethereal knew deep down he was challenging the king to
kill him. Ethereal wanted to be punished for having killed his brothers. <P>

The thought frightened him more than it should. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl leaned on the table and cast Ethereal an irritated look, meat forgotten. Ethereal was
avoiding his questions, which meant that he was hiding something. Whether that something was
an emotion or actual secret Jarl didn't know. At the time, he had no need to find out other than
simple curiosity. But curiosity was something he acted upon. <P>

"Now, why would I tie you up?" he asked. "If you're agreeing there is no need to do anything of
that nature." A risky statement, but one he didn't care about. There wasn't much else he could
do to worsen the situation. <I>I need to quit using that excuse. </I>
He rounded the table, coming closer to Ethereal and leaning once again, calling on his
manipulation skills though he doubted he could get much out of this man. "Tell me, Ethereal. . .
Why is it that I sense you're hiding something from me?" <br> -Kira <P>


He chuckled slightly at the first remark made by the king. Obviously, Jarl hadn't understood
what Ethereal meant. The innocence would have been cute in a way if it hadn't been said with
the coldness that lingered on the spoken words. <P>

Ethereal watched every move Jarl made as he was approached by the king. Silently he wished
that Jarl would stop saying one thing and acting in a complete opposite way. Most people he
encountered were straightforward with what they wanted. Not Jarl. <P>

Smirking, Ethereal pushed himself up on the table and took a seat sitting Indian style. Short
dresses worked wonders. <P>

"Well, of course, I'm hiding many things from you, my king. Take me to your quarters; maybe
you'll get to see a little more." <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl followed everything the other did until Ethereal sat on the table. At that point he trained his
eyes on Ethereal's face lest he lose his head again. <P>

"You seem awfully eager to get this over with, Ethereal. That could be a bad decision, don't you
agree?" The edge was back in his voice, but not as sharp. Jarl was losing the majority of his
doubts, and beginning to enjoy the short conversation they were having. <P>

He questioned his own actions, though. The consequences could be very dire indeed, for both
himself and Ethereal. That would cause trouble and questions. <P>

But then, it was the same argument that he had been having with himself for the past hour. He
was king, correct? Shouldn't that entitle him to more than women? A scowl flitted across his
face before being replaced by the lazy smirk again. <BR> -Kira <P>


A giggle escaped Ethereal's lips as he trained his eyes on the king. The chocolate orbs scanned
every bit of Jarl slowly, every move Ethereal made was obvious. <P>

One thing he had to admit, that smirk was quite fitting to Jarl's features. <P>

"Ah, you've got it all wrong. I'm just eager to get this started," Ethereal purposely lowered his
pitch and leaned back just a bit as his eyes lowered. <P>
A strange thought entered Ethereal's mind. Perhaps it was best not to rush things and leave.
Apart from the fact he had nothing to go back to, Ethereal was in the presence of a king who
seemed to be listening to a simple prisoner. If he was able to stick around longer maybe he
could gain the ability to manipulate the king's actions. <P>

Suddenly, for the first time, Ethereal considered sticking around for a while instead of treating
this as a simple job. <P>

"Then again," he sat up straight and unfolded his legs so they were simply hanging off the
table, "you do have your morals to abide by." <BR> -Mina <P>


The way Ethereal scanned Jarl made a faint pink color rise to Jarl's cheeks. It was the sudden
shift in man's moods that confused him and took the blush away, though; it seemed that he
went from willing to unwilling in the space of a second. <P>

"I don't recall my morals being of your concern earlier. It strikes me as odd that you would
consider them now." An idea occurred to Jarl then. "Ethereal, what do you know of the
teachings a king is provided with when he is still a young prince?" The question was more for
the other man's benefit than his own. He had no intention of allowing Ethereal to answer. A
thoughtful look claimed his features as he talked. <P>

"When we are still children, we are instructed by Deaglan, the High Priest." The fool who
started the nonsense about the prophecies, he wanted to add. "We are taught about the gods,
of how even after their abandonment of us we are still to love them as they once loved us, and
to follow their teachings and beliefs. We are taught that the Holy Church knows what is best one
hundred percent of the time, and that committing even one 'sin' that the Holy Book forbids will
send us into an eternal hell. This is pounded into our brains from the time we can learn until the
time we take the throne. It is backed up by threats and tales of those who went on the wrong
path." <P>

He returned his eyes to Ethereal's face. "Perhaps now you see why my morals are of such
value to me. I am willing to pass over their. . . boundaries--do not question why--but, if the High
Priest is even partially right, it would come at a great cost. The choice to believe and follow was
not my own, but I fear," was that the right word?, "that I can never leave that lifestyle completely
behind, no matter how much I wish to and how much I disagree with many of their teachings."
<BR> -Kira <P>


Ethereal listened intently since it wasn't every day someone told them of their childhood. Then
again, Jarl was still a bit of a child himself. <P>

The name Deaglan, though, that seemed to strike a cord in his memory that seemed to have
faded in and out while he was in Utland. Someone had mentioned that name while he was
there. He couldn't quite piece together what had been said about the man. Was it the angel that
had muttered the name? Or had that demon said it? Whatever the case may be, the name gave
him chills. <P>

He continued listening. Catching up on the fact that the teachings Jarl received hinted at them
having been abandoned. Ethereal had always believed they were being watched over, humans
abandon each other, gods do not. The fact he was alive proved that much. <P>

"I suppose that explains why the 'sin' you mention does bother me. I was born in hell. Grew up
in hell with demons every day." <P>

Ethereal stared into Jarl's eyes he seemed to be staring beyond him. <P>

"I died once. To remain dead, even if it had been to 'eternal hell,' would have been a blessing."

His gaze seemed to gloss over as he suddenly felt tired after all his journey. His body was still
weak from the deep gashes left by whips and knife blades. He noticed red dress seemed
strangely close to the color of blood. <P>

"I traveled to the heart of the flames and returned with less scars than I entered with. Here I am
now, in a haven. I respect your teachings, but for me to sin is to survive. So far, I haven't been
punished by gods. Simply man." <P>

A dizzying feeling swept over him and Ethereal felt the sudden need to reach out towards Jarl to
keep him from falling over the edge. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl placed his hands on Ethereal's shoulders as soon as he saw the man start to sway. It did
little to steady him, so Jarl reverted to placing an arm the other's shoulders and using the free
arm to grip Ethereal's reaching wrist. It was more instinctual than voluntary, but he was
immediately glad he had done it. <P>

Truthfully, the admittance from Ethereal had given Jarl a slight dizzy spell as well. Jarl himself
had been sheltered from the hell others went through, only receiving the bare minimum amount
of information concerning those on the streets. The difference in their childhoods was stark,
obvious. Jarl had grown up in a relatively safe home, and though he hadn't seen his parents
much, he hadn't needed them. He was born with little emotion and was never attached to
anything save for his studies. He had been an independent child who, when given the right
supplies, supported himself very easily and very well with no desire for help. <P>

Ethereal's childhood had clearly been different. From the speech he had given previously about
the starving children, Jarl knew enough and had dealt with enough to piece together that
Ethereal had probably been left by his parents, or his parents had never cared enough in the
first place, and did whatever he could to get enough money to survive. "For their families as
well," he had said. That hinted at siblings, perhaps, or older family members too weak to
support themselves. He was bracing a man who had been through more in a short teenage life
than Jarl probably would ever go through in his entire life, a man that had supposedly died and
been brought back. A man whose idea of a thank you was giving his body away. <P>

This made the decision for Jarl. "You're going to stay at the castle until you regain your
strength," he said softly, wondering if Ethereal could hear him. The thought of Ethereal leaving
in this state--no, leaving at all, frightened him, irrationally so. <BR> -Kira <P>


Warm hands helped to steady Ethereal and he tried to utter a thanks but his lips and vocals
simply wouldn't respond to his wishes. <P>

Logic told Ethereal he most likely had a fever gained from remaining soaked half the day after
swimming the river. The unseen wounds he still bore could have easily been infected. Logic
said he was already physically drained and had pushed his body too far. Irrational thoughts,
however, told him he was finally getting a bit of that punishment he wished for. <P>

Somehow, the overriding factor was telling him that his luck had ran out when the guardian
angel left him. Maybe the angel had been there during most of his life, helping him bear the
beatings and the rough nights. He always thought it a miracle that he walked out of some
situations with only a few tender spots or dark bruises. He probably should have been dead long
ago. <P>

Still, he had always been able to take care of himself. Now here he was with a king having to
support him for he himself could hardly move. Ethereal had never felt more useless in his life.
<BR> -Mina <P>


Hearing no objection from the man, Jarl glanced around the room, taking note that they were
still alone. Upon thinking of the guards, he cursed himself for not considering their possible
presence throughout the time he and Ethereal had been in the room. It was only a fleeting
thought, though; he had more important matters at hand. <P>

Ethereal had still made no move to right himself, which signaled that he was very weak indeed.
The Heorte prison would have been enough to weaken the strongest men, and Jarl had some
idea that the one he was supporting had been through more than just the prison in recent days.

He hooked a chair with his foot and dragged it closer. Then, carefully, he lifted Ethereal's slight
body off of the table--it was light, very light--and sat him on the velvet cushion, placing his arm
back around the shoulders to keep him steady. <I>Think, Jarl. Don't panic. Think.</I> <P>
Panic? Ethereal was weak from a travel, most likely, and probably only needed rest. He
shouldn't worry about that. So Jarl did the first thing that came to mind: after putting on a cold
face, he called in a guard. The man's eyes widened when he saw Jarl's arm around Ethereal's
shoulders, but with luck he wouldn't notice that Ethereal was actually not a woman. Jarl
demanded the guard to open the room next to Jarl's own quarters, and when the door shut
behind him Jarl stared at Ethereal again, arm still balancing the weaker man. <P>

He decided that even if Ethereal wasn't paying attention to what he said it would be best to
explain to the man what he was doing. He spoke in a voice that, though soft, was still almost
completely void of emotion. It wouldn't do to have a guard come in and see Jarl paying kindness
to a prisoner suspected of treason. "Ethereal, I'm going to have you brought to your own
quarters. I doubt you can walk on your own, if at all, so I am going to support you." <BR> -Kira


Soon Ethereal was certain that a fever, infection probably the cause, was to blame for this as
the effects slowly ebbed on what little consciousness he had retained. <P>

Ethereal's body had gone limp while his breathing became erratic. As with most fevers, his skin
was quickly becoming cold with sweat. <P>

The mind was a terrifying place to be trapped in when you lost consciousness. This would be
the third time Ethereal was dragged into his black abyss. <P>

The first occurred when an obsessed woman had decided she would be leaving the world, she
insisted that Ethereal join her because they were destined to be together. The woman had
thought she succeeded in drowning Ethereal. He awoke nearly a minute later sputtering water.
His head was rested on the woman's lap and one hand has resting over his shoulder, dripping
crimson blood from two large cuts on her wrists. <P>

During the time of nearly being dead, his inner demons had caused him more damage than the
woman would have even been capable of. <P>

The second time was the brief moment of death he experienced in Utland. Luckily the angel had
saved him from having to do more than greet the blackness. <P>

Now, he was certain this third time would last much longer than the few minutes he had been
out the other times. <BR> -Mina <P>


The guard came back quickly enough, informing Jarl that the quarters he had requested were
now open and ready. The man glanced at Ethereal. "Sire, is she. . . dead?" Jarl breathed a
mental sigh of relief at hearing "she" rather than "he." <P>
Jarl glared at him. His face was stone-like again; his voice was similar. "Dead? You idiot, she's
only passed out. Now, leave us, and tell the remaining guards that if they so much as come
near the door to her quarters they will be killed." That sounded suspicious. How to refine it?
Quick thinking provided an excuse again. "She's going to be under my eye. I trust no one else
with such a suspect. Now, leave." <P>

Jarl glanced at the unconscious form. The man hadn't been out for long. His breathing was still
quickened, and if it was slowing it was only very gradually so. Jarl groaned softly, lifted Ethereal
again, and half-carried, half-dragged him to the open quarters that were mercifully only down a
corridor and a half, breathing heavily the entire time. The halls were empty of guards and
servants alike; it seemed that they all had decided to live another day. <P>

Jarl entered the room, which had walls decorated with tapestries and paintings. Being next to
his own chambers, the room was given the same attention as Jarl's so that in the event of
something happening he would still have comfort. Ethereal's form fit the bed easily, and after
lying him down Jarl shut the stone door. He then returned to the bed and looked at the man with
narrowed eyes. <P>

<I>I hope he doesn't need a healer. That may create issues.</I> Of course, with the luck he had
been having, the other probably would need a healer--but maybe rest would help him some. Jarl
sat, and waited. <BR> -Kira <P>


The cliff Ethereal had felt earlier turned out to be quite a literal image. He stood a few meters
away from the edge but another figure was a mere step from the drop off. <P>

The person spread their arms like wings and Ethereal's eyes immediately widened as he could
see what was about to occur. A few bounds forward proved to be too short as the other dived off
the cliff. Ethereal was on his knees reaching down in a hopeless attempt to stop the other. Then
the ground beneath him gave way and his own body plunged down to the black water. <P>

Only it wasn't water. It was just darkness. <P>

The laughter of children echoed around him though he could see no one. <P>We know you
killed us," came the snap of an angry voice that he recognized immediately. <P>

A second voice echoed, "You killed us. Do you know what it feels like to have a knife to dig into
your chest?" <P>

Ethereal didn't say a word he just stared into the nothingness. <P>

"You know you missed my heart," the first said in an icy tone void of emotions. "My death was
slow and painful and I saw my brother dead beside me." <P>
"You were dead, I'm sure . . . I . . . I'm sorry," Ethereal gasped finding it hard to breathe in the
darkness. His words unbeknown to him were also heard by Jarl. <P>You killed your own flesh
and blood," the first said again and Ethereal felt a cold breath on his neck. <P>

"This entire time we've been dead, both of us have been thinking of the best way to bring you
pain," the second giggled out. <P>

"You're going to be left all alone in the dark, dear brother. Alone with yourself," the voice faded.

Ethereal reached out in the dark. "Please, don't leave!" Ethereal's hand grasped onto Jarl's
robes but to him it felt as if he was grasping air. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl jumped out of his thoughts at the sudden sharp breathing and grasp on his robes. Dead?
Apologies? Jarl had a feeling that Ethereal was going through torture in his mind, and the cry of
"Please, don't leave!" was plaintive, almost begging. <P>

He brushed a hand across Ethereal's forehead. Underneath the hair his skin was sweaty
burning, hot enough to cause alarm within Jarl. He was about to turn and fetch somebody when
the man's earlier words rang in his mind. "You were dead, I'm sure..." <P>

Had Ethereal left a relation or friend for dead knowingly? Or had he done the killing himself and
not stayed to make sure he had completed it? <P>

The second thought made Jarl stay put for a few moments, unconsciously covering Ethereal's
hand with his own. If Ethereal had murdered somebody, then he had taken a killer out of prison.
He had been with the thieves, though... That either meant he had never been caught, or had
never done it in the first place. <P>

The weight these possibilities carried was immediately there. Still, despite them, Jarl couldn't
bring himself to want to harm Ethereal. It could have been necessary, or... <I>Or it could have
never happened in the first place. </i> <P>

He bent down, hand still on Ethereal's forehead, and gently shook the man. He suddenly lost his
courage. He had to save Ethereal from his mind. And if he wouldn't wake, then it was no
question that a healer was needed. <BR> -Kira <P>


"It's pitiful. What you've turned me into," the boy spoke his voice not reflecting the anger in his
eyes but simply stated. <P>

"It was necessary," Ethereal responded but his words betrayed him by shaking. <P>
"The money was necessary. Your means of obtaining it were not." <P>

Flashes of what Ethereal had done time and time again filed his mind. Tears leaked from the
corner of his eyes. <P>

"You knew how wrong it was in the beginning. You hated yourself . . . in the beginning." <P>

"I still hate myself," Ethereal whispered looking away from more innocent version of himself. He
knew it was pointless to do. You can hide yourself from people on the outside, but inside all your
darkest secrets dwell. <P>

"Don't make me whip you," the voice from the boy for a moment mirrored that of his father's. "I
know what's in here," he pointed to his forehead and then playfully turned the one pointed finger
into two making the common symbol of a gun. "Bang. And everything you once were fell apart.
You started enjoying what you did, didn't you?" <P>

Ethereal looked down, to the side, anywhere to where he wouldn't have to face himself but the
blackness seemed to have no end. The boy would appear in front of him no matter where he
looked. <P>

"You began to enjoy the women, the drinks, the men." The boy grasped his older self's head
and forced their eyes to meet. "You enjoyed screaming at night on a stranger's bed. You turned
us into sinners who no longer asked for forgiveness as we used to. You became our mother and
our father all at once." <P>

Ethereal couldn't speak. There was nothing he could say to weasel his way out of this one. <P>

"I know what you thought about. When you came home drunk on those nights you couldn't get
picked up by anyone and saw your brothers sleeping soundly." <P>

"Dammit, you shut your mouth!" Ethereal pushed away from himself. <P>

"You're lucky you killed their bodies before you destroyed their souls. Who's your next victim?
Jarl." <P>

"Jarl?" <P>

"You saw his innocence. You want to destroy it, don't you?" A smile crept on the boy's lips. "I
show you all this now, but I know as soon as I release you from this prison you won't change a
bit." <P>

"Who are you?" <P>

"I'm you, silly. Humanity's little tainted apple. Time to return to hell." <P>

The darkness began to fade as quickly as it had came and Ethereal slipped into sleep.
<BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl sighed as Ethereal's body became still. The man had been shaking for a few minutes, and
no amount of Jarl's own shaking could wake him. Jarl had wondered what was going on in his
head, what he was dreaming of, that could cause such a reaction. He felt to make sure that
Ethereal hadn't died, gods forbid, and was relieved to feel a heartbeat through the dress'
material, if a rather wild one. It made his own heart slow a little and some of the worry knot in his
stomach loosen. <P>

It was odd, this feeling of being concerned for another. Jarl had never experienced it before, and
it was nearly driving him crazy. Why he had such a protective stance over this particular person
he didn't know, but underneath the oddities of it, Jarl was secretly beginning to get used to it.
The simple relief at seeing Ethereal stop his shaking was amazing. His body was still burning,
though, and the sweating hadn't stopped. <P>

Jarl gently brushed the silver-blonde hair out of Ethereal's eyes again before placing the hand
clutching his robes back on the bed. He spared a thought about what Ethereal would do if he
woke and no one else was present. He left the room, quietly shutting the heavy door after and
locking it, feeling only slightly guilty for doing so. <P>

He was in search of the healer Stephen had often employed, a woman with great knowledge
that knew how to keep her mouth shut about her patients. Hopefully she would have some idea
of how to reduce Ethereal's fever. <BR> -Kira <P>

Ethereal winced as he slowly opened his eyes. His head felt like it had been pounded against a
stone wall. Upon trying to raise his hand to his head, Ethereal realized he was too weak to even
do that simple task. Sitting up would probably send him into another fainting spell and he
certainly wasn't having one of those anytime in the near future. <P>

Lolling his head from one side to the other, Ethereal looked to see who was in the room with
him. It was a disappointment to see he had been left alone. He closed his eyes again, it was too
much of a strain to be looking around and just caused the headache to increase in its intensity.

The taste of salty tears still lingered on his lips. He had cried more tears of sadness in the past
few hours than he had cried throughout most of his life. <I>I'm done with tears now. It's a
wasted emotion. I'm done with weak emotions.</I> Ethereal mentally lectured himself. <P>

It was time to be through with hating himself and just accept that this was who he was. Fate had
thrown him on this path and he hadn't denied it, he embraced it. He might not be a king, but he
had just as much power and resilience . . . assuming he could get off this bed anytime soon.
<BR> -Mina <P>

Jarl unlocked the heavy door, an uncaring expression on his face. The healer, a bag of herbs on
one arm, walked in after him, her own expression thoughtful. She had inquired as to what
symptoms Ethereal had been having, and after Jarl had explained, had come to a conclusion
that what was causing the problem could be infection. Jarl had asked how that could be when
there were no wounds on his body, but by piecing together information the woman decided that
the wounds that had been closed could have been neglected before healing. <P>

Ethereal was lying on the bed with his eyes closed. Did that mean he was still unconscious? A
brisk walk over after re-closing the door did nothing to confirm his suspicions. Maybe he was
awake; maybe he wasn't. Jarl knelt by the bed and placed a hand on Ethereal's upper arm. He
was still burning. "I've brought a healer. In case of infection she will be administering you
treatment." <P>

He beckoned the healer over. She also took up a kneeling position on Jarl's right and began to
place various medicinal plants in a bowl without looking at Ethereal. <BR> -Kira <P>


The boy couldn't find it in him to open his eyes at the sound of the door being opened. As far as
he was aware that stubborn king was the only one allowed in this room. <P>

When the calming hand was placed on his arm it nearly made Ethereal jump. His muscles
seemed to resist the action, though, so he remained still. <P>

What nearly made him sit up off the bed was that Jarl had returned with a healer. The king was
that concerned with his health. He was close to refusing any treatment because no on the
streets received special care, but thinking that much only caused his head to be beating with
stone again. <P>

"Great does that mean I have to strip?" Was the only witty, though slightly hoarse, thing he
could come up with in response. <BR> -Mina <P>


The healer shot Jarl a suspicious glance, making Jarl scowl. "No, stripping is not necessary."

The woman spoke, her voice soft. "You did not tell me this wasn't a woman. The dress fooled
me." She glanced at Ethereal, missing Jarl's smirk. "At least he is conscious. That will make it
much easier to work with him." She placed a hand next to Jarl's and frowned before going back
to her mixing, murmuring to herself as she did so. <P>
Jarl took the time to examine the prisoner. Though he was still undoubtedly weak, at least he
was speaking. Or making an attempt to. <P>

"I am finished," the woman said. She held out a wooden bowl of what appeared to be herbs,
mashed enough so that a person could chew or sip them. It looked rather unappealing to Jarl.
"Drink this." <BR> -Kira <P>


Ethereal kept his eyes closed until the healer commanded him to drink. He opened his eyes
then and looked at Jarl. <P>

"You know, if you would get me out of this dress, it would be quite nice," he remarked and not
at all in his usual joking tone. <P>

He was hoping to get out of the damp fabric and maybe get some actual bandages on the
lashes. It wasn't going to help any infection if they just allowed the wounds to go untreated.
Wounds he wasn't even aware of the severity of apart from the fact they hurt like hell. <P>

Looking back at the healer, Ethereal lifted his head slightly to drink the concoction she was
offering. <BR> - Mina <P>


The healer lifted the soupy mixture up to Ethereal's lips and tilted the bowl so that he could
drink. Jarl frowned again. <P>

"Yes, that probably would be quite nice. I shall have to find you some suitable clothing."
Peasants' clothing, most likely. The man had a similar build to Jarl's own but was taller than he,
and in any case, having Ethereal wear the king's own clothes would most definitely arouse
unneeded suspicion. <P>

He resumed studying the man on the bed. He wondered how many open wounds the dress was
covering, how many bruises and scars both new and old. Scars that could possibly tell a story.

There was a bureau in the room's far corner. Jarl rooted through it until he located a nondescript
pair of trousers that looked as if they would fit the other, and a shirt that was just as nondescript
but hopefully more comfortable. He set the clothes upon the bed's end and turned back to
Ethereal, averting his eyes. "I suppose you should begin to undress if your wounds are to be
treated." <BR> -Kira <P>

Ethereal nearly grimaced at the strange tasting medicine, but he had to admit it wasn't as
horrible as half the food he had put in his mouth in the past. He uttered a light thanks to the
woman before straining to look at Jarl. <P>

"I think you missed the point of my statement. I can hardly move let alone try and take off."
<BR> -Mina <P>

*<P> Jarl scowled again. He had undressed many, to be sure, but never someone in such a
weakened state as Ethereal and never a man. And most certainly never someone that had
affected him, for that just didn't happen to Jarl. But it was necessary. <P>

He then took a cursory glance towards the healer. "You're welcome to stay," he began as if he
had a say in the matter, "if you're curious about my "feminine body." Though I have to say I'm
not much of a sight right now." He would have laughed if he didn't expect it to be painful. <BR>
-Mina <P>


He moved to sit behind Ethereal on the bed and slowly lifted him so that he was in a sitting
position, Jarl's hands on his shoulders to keep him that way. Jarl had a hunch that he was most
likely causing the other even more pain, but ignored it. The healer excused herself to go find
more bandages. <P>

The dress tied in the back. The material the ties were comprised of was velvet as well; it was
slick and soft in Jarl's hands. He began struggling with the lopsided bow, fighting another
traitorous blush as he did so. There was no reason to be embarrassed, he told himself. This
was necessary. <P>

Finally the knot came free. A small smirk founds its way onto Jarl's lips and he untied the
remainder of the dress with soft fingers, letting it go slack on Ethereal's front, revealing his back,
as he did so. Jarl reached around the other man's back as if to embrace him from behind, deftly
undoing the corset. He was much more practiced in that area, and the velvet string came
undone easily in the front. The corset and now-loose dress pooled down around Ethereal's hips.

There were scars along Ethereal's back as well as a few open slashes. It looked as if he had
been whipped. The sight made Jarl breathe in sharply. A glance said that the healer was still
gone. <P>

He didn't look at the other as he spoke, still behind Ethereal. "How are we supposed to finish
this? I'm not going to allow you to fall forward and even an attempt at fixing you up on my part
would probably make you even sicker, so I am not considering that." Even now the sight of
Ethereal's bare back roused something in him, though he tried to hide it. Was he really that
sick? a corset. Hence why I asked <I>you</I> to help," Ethereal spoke as if it were the most
simple explanation. Having to explain himself didn't help with the headache at all. <Br> -Kira

Even though this illness drained him he was thankful it had held off until he was in civilization. If
he had passed out in the woods he would likely have died. <P>

A slow sigh of relief exited Ethereal's lips as the tight fabric was finally removed from his back.
Though a slight burning sensation from the wounds making contact with the cool air caused him
to groan in pain. He did notice, however, that the headache was beginning to ease, the healer
must have known her stuff quite well. <P>

It too him a moment to realize Jarl had spoken to him. He would have turned around to look at
the other if he could have found the strength. <P>

"Here I thought for a moment you were used to undressing people. You can lay me back down
unless you'd rather not get blood on this exquisite bedding." For some reason he wouldn't be
surprised if that was Jarl's exact reason for still supporting him. <BR> -Mina <P>

The man's groan made Jarl wince. He didn't know why, but seeing the other in pain made him
feel something, some emotion possibly akin to sympathy or even empathy though he himself
had never been in a similar situation. It was odd. <P>

"Laying you back down would probably not be a good option either. The blankets could stick in
your wounds and that would cause more complications. Infection could start up again." As he
said the words, his scarce knowledge of flesh wounds came back to him and he knew it was
true, at least partially so. It also struck him as odd that he cared about this thief's
"complications." <P>

Was he supposed to wait for the healer to come back, then? The woman had taken an awfully
long time as it was, and it was beginning to irritate Jarl. There was no reason that finding simple
bandages should take such a long time. <P>

"As it is, I suppose we should wait for that blasted healer to get back. She would know what to
do with you. Probably has more herbs for your back as well." He briefly wondered what
Ethereal's front looked like, if it was scattered with slashes and cuts as well. <BR> -Kira <P>


It was beginning to become hard to believe this was actually the king. The King Jarl he had
always heard about seemed to be a cold-hearted who cared about no one but himself. Not even
Jarl's own parents were safe from him. Ethereal was now doubting this was even the king.
Possibly just some high noble's kid that wanted attention? Perhaps just company. Either way
Ethereal was grateful he had run into Jarl. <P>
He laughed a little, even though it hurt slightly to do so. "Weren't you threatening to kill me a few
hours ago?" He shook his head lightly finding just enough strength. "It won't hurt me to simply lie
down and take a few minutes to allow you to pull off the dress and put on a pair of pants on me.
You might want to forget about the shirt though." <P>

This had to have been the first person Ethereal was ever alone with who wasn't begging to take
his clothes off. It was slightly intriguing why a greedy noble was any different. Normally morals
meant nothing to people in the current age. <br> -Mina <P>

*<P>I can resume those threats if you would like. They're not difficult to carry out." Jarl's tone
was preoccupied. Ethereal had brought something up in his mind again. Too many people had
seen his concern over the prisoner, and many still thought it was a woman whom he had
ordered quarters for; when the guards discovered that it was, in fact, a man he had rescued,
there would be trouble. It was the same argument he had been having with himself, but a
legitimate one. <P>

Because he was lost in thoughts, when Jarl lay the man down again his hands weren't as gentle
as they could have been. Ethereal dropped a few inches onto the mahogany silk bedding. Jarl
didn't mutter an apology, though; that practice was foreign to him. <P>

The man's chest was indeed covered in cuts as well, though less so than his back. The dress
was still situated around his hips, crumpled and loose. Jarl pulled it smoothly down, depositing it
on the floor. What was underneath it made him raise an eyebrow. They were lace underwear,
the exact shade of the dress and obviously a woman's. He glanced further up at the other's
eyes and couldn't contain a slight chuckle. His mouth spoke before he knew it, but this time it
didn't bother Jarl. "You're becoming more interesting every minute, Ethereal. I'm beginning to
wonder about what happened to you before you were put in prison." <P>

It was a double-sided statement. Jarl knew that if he desired to do so he could have a chance at
forcing the information out of Ethereal. But the statement also gave Ethereal a chance to
voluntarily give the story up, though Jarl had no clue as to if he would. Either way, it wasn't a
huge concern at the moment. <P>

As he was pulling the pants tighter around Ethereal's waist so that they would stay put, the
healer walked back in, bandages and yet another bag in hand. She glanced at Jarl then turned
her attention fully onto the lying form. "Would you mind very much if I began with your chest?"
she asked, gesturing with the bandages. <BR> -Kira <P>


As he watched Jarl ease the pants on, Ethereal found it tempting to pull the king back up and
capture his lips again. The thought quickly vanished as Jarl implied a question about his past.
He had also noticed the healer had walked in and it probably wouldn't be the best idea to catch
the king in such a situation. <P>
Ethereal, however, paid no attention to the woman in the room for the moment. A distant
coldness entered his eyes as Ethereal met Jarl's gaze. <P>

"A lot happened. Before I had blood on my hands. Before I was ever taken to prison. Taken
across on the ship," a feeling of pain could almost be felt across his words. "Before I entered
hell. . ." Ethereal found himself pausing for a moment, debating whether he felt anger towards
the king or whether he was to show gratitude. "A lot happened, before you saved me." <P>

<I>Maybe I can save you too.</I> The thought had entered his mind as Ethereal relived pieces
of his life. He knew hundreds who would like to have Jarl dead because of what he had done,
what his family had done, to the kingdom. Now it was obvious that Jarl was simply oblivious to
the emotions. He was disconnected from the peasants life and that was why nothing was ever
done. <P>

He turned his attention away from Jarl, not waiting for a response, and addressed the healer,
"Of course you may ma'am. I'm not likely to turn down such a kind woman." <BR> -Mina <P>


The cold glaze in Ethereal's eyes as he spoke nearly made Jarl blink in surprise, though the
same unattached look forced him to keep the man's eyes. Jarl had had no real inkling of how
difficult life could be for some people. If this was how the life of every peasant was, or even how
the life of half of the peasants was, then he and his family had truly failed as a ruling family for
the past three generations at least. They, Jarl especially, had brought in good fortune and
wealth, but it was apparent now that the wealth was only reaching the upper-class citizens, not
nearly what he had thought. Of course, this didn't meant that he was going to immediately rush
and attempt to fix the lives of every citizen; no, that would require much more thinking and an
even greater amount of planning, something he had no time for. The lives of every peasant
couldn't touch him; that would create chaos within him, and touch emotions that were not meant
to be noticed by Jarl. <P>

He paid only minimum attention to the healer as she worked on Ethereal. In his mind he was
reliving that day's morning, and how easily he had sent away the grieving, furious family of the
murdered man. He wondered, irrationally, what they were doing at this moment. The target's
funeral? Or were they honoring him, as some families took to doing in a last effort of
remembrance? Assassins were common in Heorte. As surprising as it was, the families of
targets often had rituals for their dead. <P>

"Before you saved me." He didn't know if he had repeated the words aloud in a whisper or not,
but they registered in his mind a few moments after Ethereal said them. Yes, Jarl had saved
him, but the prisoner hadn't seemed to care much for that until just now. Why was that? Was it
because he was receiving the attention he needed? Because he was hoping to bed Jarl? Or an
entirely different reason that was somehow, oddly, linked to a real interest in the king? <P>

<I>King.</I> The word sounded in his thoughts. He was still a child, in some respects, and
though he had rightfully won the crown and regretted absolutely nothing he had done, this
prisoner could, in just a few hours, make him rethink his way of ruling. Jarl didn't like this, to put
it lightly, and yet he was still allowing Ethereal to live, was still treating him. <P>

This confusion was giving him a headache. <P>

A hand on his shoulder shook him out of his thoughts. The healer was standing, looking rather
annoyed with Jarl. "Your Highness, I am requesting your assistance with your guest." The words
were obviously carefully picked so as to prevent anger from Jarl. He nodded and sat behind
Ethereal, moving him again to a sitting position. The healer dipped her head and began applying
herbs and bandages to Ethereal's back wounds. She must have been done with his front
already. <P>

Within minutes she was finished completely. Another bowl of mashed plants was placed by
Ethereal on the bed, with instructions to drink it in three hours. Jarl didn't move from his position
behind Ethereal as he spoke. "You are aware, of course, that if any word of this man reaches
the ears of my unsuspecting guards and people, you will be disposed of immediately." It wasn't
a question, and Jarl's eyes made sure that she knew. <P>

"Yes, of course, Your Highness," the woman said, head inclined respectfully. Jarl motioned to a
bag of coins on the bureau and the healer took them, gathered her things, and left, closing the
door behind her. Jarl turned his attention back to the now-patched up man. <P>

His voice was soft. "Are you feeling any better at all?" <BR> -Kira <P>


Ethereal turned slightly and feathered a kiss on the king's cheek before resting back on Jarl's
chest. It was the first time he had heard any emotion from the boy's words and Ethereal found
himself welcoming it. <P>

"I'm doing much better. No more headache and the burning is gone. Some more sleep would
probably do me some good but I don't feel tired in the least bit." <P>

In reality, Ethereal was close to dozing off just from the warmth of Jarl's body. He simply wasn't
in the mood to sleep. Sitting and talking seemed like a much nicer idea, an idea that he nearly
scolded himself for. He never simply talked with anyone, especially someone he was likely to be
in service to for a while. <P>

His mother had taught him long ago that sharing pasts with others was never a wise choice. If
people knew too much about you they could use it against you. It was dangerous. The most
dangerous part of all was sharing emotions, sharing feelings. In the job he worked, Ethereal's
mother warned him against love above all else. <P>

"If you'd like to ask me anything, go ahead. I can tell you're curious," he spoke before his mind
warned him not to. <BR> -Mina <P>

Jarl froze at the contact of Ethereal's lips on his skin again, but then relaxed, unconsciously
settling his hands on Ethereal's hips. The conflicting beliefs could be sorted through at a later
time. "You should really sleep," he murmured, but it was only a half-hearted attempt--especially
when he heard Ethereal's offer of answering questions. <P>

What did Jarl want to ask? Numerous things. He wanted to know why Ethereal was still in the
castle, not fighting to leave as many would do. He wanted to know what Ethereal's past was
like. What he had done specifically to get himself landed in prison--recently and half a lifetime
ago. Jarl wanted to know why Ethereal was still making an attempt at being kind. Why he spoke
so passionately about the lives of others. This was a rare occurrence, someone offering up their
life. Jarl meant to take full advantage of it. <P>

He turned so that he was facing Ethereal more, the bandaged back still halfway pressed against
his chest, and what was left being supported by an arm around the shoulder. Jarl's other hand
still rested on a hip. He looked into Ethereal's eyes as he questioned, intent on getting the truth.
Jarl's lifetime thirst for knowledge was going to come in assistance here. <P>

"I'd like to ask you many, many things. But I'll settle for these. What did you do specifically to
land yourself in prison, every time? Thievery is obvious, but what else? Why did you allow
yourself to be caught? How did you grow up? Why are you still staying at the palace rather than
attempting to leave? Last, why were you in a very exquisite dress--and nothing about a. . .
client." Then Jarl said something that would add to his mental list of statements he shouldn't
have made that day when talking to Ethereal. "You won't be punished for it. You have my word
as king." He cursed again silently at his carelessness, but it was too late to take it back. <BR>
-Kira <P>


The moment Jarl started to list off his questions, Ethereal knew it was a bad idea to have
allowed such freedom of inquiring. Strangely, he found himself not wanting to lie as he normally
would. Jarl at least deserved to know what kind of person he had saved. <P>

Ethereal suddenly felt as if he was in church confessing his sins and being pardoned for
whatever it was he might have done. It was a bit odd how often he had related Jarl to a savior
but he found himself doing it again. <P>

Before he began his explanation, Ethereal promised himself there would be no tears shed while
recalling his past. These demons needed to be faced without cowardice. <P>That was a lot of
questions at once," he found himself smiling into those green eyes despite what he was about
to say. <P>

"Other than thievery, the first time was for selling myself on the streets. Um, and I was with a
man when the guards found me. Your law enforcement doesn't look kindly on that," Ethereal
found himself placing a hand over Jarl's, his subconscious hoping he wouldn't move away. "I
knew that was enough to have me sent to Utland. So I escaped. . . long enough to kill two
people. I knew they'd be better off dead than without me. They were my brothers. At that point I
didn't even think of running. I deserved Utland then." <P>

It was strange how he found himself not looking away from Jarl. He didn't hang his head out of
shame like he had expected. Still, he didn't go into any more detail than necessary. He didn't
feel like explaining Utland either. That wasn't relevant to the question. <P>

"How did I grow up? I think I may have already mentioned I grew up in hell but I suppose you
want more than that. I was born in the slums. My parents had a small shack and that was
enough to have to pay taxes for. Everyone of us had to earn money and since we couldn't find
decent jobs we sought out stealing at first." <P>

"Then my mother began bringing strangers home. She'd give them what they wanted and
they'd pay. After my brothers were born I was always out of the house when she brought a man
home. I kept them away from the evils of our world as much as I could. <P>

"My father soon began spending what he stole at the tavern. I learned quickly he wasn't the
same when he was drunk. <P>

"I guess there are extra taxes for children so I was blamed for keeping my family in the slums.
He punished me for it, every time he came home drunk. Of course, I always kept my brothers
away from him. <P>

"Eventually, my parents stopped coming home. Thievery wasn't enough to get a daily meal for
three mouths. <P>

"I was begging for money the first time a woman offered money if I'd stay the night with her. I
didn't refuse. How could I when my brothers were nearly starving to death? Plus, it was good
money and I knew enough about the practice from my mother. A couple of times I was offered
to the people she picked up too. So I knew enough." <P>

"I wasn't in the dress for a 'client,' as you call it. I wasn't allowed to dinner unclothed so he gave
me a dress since I was too small to fit into his clothes." He almost winced knowing more
questions would probably come with that answer. <P>

Ethereal thought for a moment what the other question was. Why hadn't he left? He wouldn't lie,
but half truth would do. <P>

"I'm not leaving here because I can't leave you. I'm indebted to you and I know my place. Even
if I tried to leave, wouldn't I just be killed?" <BR> -Mina <P>

Jarl didn't shy away from the hand placed over his own. Rather, he turned his own hand over
and laced his fingers through Ethereal's, barely noticing as he did so. He returned his smile as
well. <P>

"No, our law enforcement frowns upon anything but what they define as a 'normal' relationship,"
he agreed with a soft laugh. 'Normal' didn't describe what he was doing right now, but the rules
were at times abandoned with him. He had privileges, he told himself. <P>

Jarl's smile faded as he listened to Ethereal talk. Murder and desperation were clear in his
childhood and even up the point before Jarl had found him. Oddly, the fact that this man had
killed his brothers to save them didn't strike Jarl as unusual. He had heard of the act before, and
at the moment, found it almost noble, if not a little twisted. After all, he hadn't even cried after his
parents had been killed. He could understand, in a distant way. Jarl tightened his hold on
Ethereal's hand the more the other talked. <P>

They had been children, selling themselves on the street and stealing just for food. Was this a
normal occurrence? The slums were distant to Jarl, something far away; he knew little about
them besides that they were exactly what they sounded like: slums. <P>

When Ethereal finished speaking Jarl acted on an impulse again and brought him slowly closer,
so that they were touching even more than before. He considered the question he had been
asked. Incomplete answers seemed to be going; he decided to continue the trend, not letting on
that just by giving Jarl knowledge Ethereal was losing the debt he felt he needed to repay. <P>

"I'm not sure if you would be killed or not. The guards wouldn't hesitate to do so but it would be.
. . unfortunate for me." <P>

Another question entered itself into Jarl's mind. "If not for a client, then who is this 'he' you
speak of? And why did he treat you to such a dinner?" <P>

He still had his hold on Ethereal, but wondered if he would draw away at all when answering
more. He faintly hoped not. <BR> -Kira <P>

Ethereal furrowed his brow in the common contemplating expression. He was trying to figure out
just how to respond to Jarl's comment. <P>

Truthfully, he had the same strange interest in the king. With most people, he most certainly
would have left their home by now and they wouldn't cross his mind again. Jarl was of the few
Ethereal genuinely wished to know more about. Jarl, along with the demon Rendel. <P>

Briefly, he wondered if perhaps he had a thing for kings before shaking the thought away. <P>

"Maybe that's just it. You're interested in me as I am with you and that's simply. . . it." <P>
If Jarl was aware of double meanings to words, Ethereal certainly hoped the king hadn't caught
that one. It was about now Ethereal was telling himself to get up and leave the palace. He was
beginning to walk on dangerous ground. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl let his knees down from under his chin, reverting back to a normal Indian-style sitting
position. Out of habit his back was board-straight and his shoulders squared, hands placed on
the bedsheets at his side. If it weren't for his crossed legs he would have looked ready for a
battle, even if his mind couldn't be farther away from war strategy. <P>

The question now was of what he wanted to do. Did he want to invite Ethereal into his own life
gradually, or rid of the person that had caught his mind? <P>

"Interest is much like an impulse. It should be a guiding force until properly taken care of." <P>

There had really never been two sides to the question anyway, he supposed. Even if Jarl was
slowly losing control--had already lost it in his mind--he was prepared to find out more about
Ethereal, if for no other reason than to satisfy his curiosity. <BR> -Kira <P>

Smiling, Ethereal decided to put in his two cents, which he supposed he had been doing a lot
more than normal lately. <P>

"True as that may be, an interest is simply a thought while an impulse is an action," he smirked.
"I tend to like action better." <P>

His brow creased again but this time it was purely for show. Ethereal quite liked putting on
shows and this was no different. <P>

"So maybe we're both impulsive towards each other. I mean you obviously can't keep your
hands off me for very long." <P>

Ethereal wondered how long he would still be amused by teasing the king. His attention span
was quite short and he never enjoyed the same thing continuously. Even being poor on and on
the streets he was used to variety. <BR> -Mina <P>


This bantering, or casual conversation, was unusual for Jarl. He had little experience in talking
with a person for any other reason than out of necessity. He found himself going with what his
brain told him to despite wanting to think it all over and strip any words of their danger. <P>

"And you obviously can't restrain yourself from thinking of my hands on you," he returned,
matching the others' smirk. Sarcasm, though; sarcasm came naturally to Jarl. It had been that
way since he was a child and just beginning to learn of the idiots he would have as subjects
when king. It was like his way of demeaning people even more than he did on a daily basis. <P>

The mention of his hands on Ethereal had Jarl's mind returning to the previous events. It didn't
surprise him, he was always affected by a night's happenings for a while, but the fact that he
wasn't ashamed did come as a slight shock. <BR> -Mina <P>


A slight giggle escaped Ethereal's lips. He was genuinely enjoying the game of tug-o-war they
seemed to be playing mentally. Of course, he was well aware that he could win at any moment
he wished. It was just a matter of toying with the opponent. <P>

<I>There's that jaguar playing with its prey again.</I> He thought to himself and subconsciously
licked his chops. <P>

Ethereal moved to place both of his hands on Jarl's knees. Leaning forward, his back curved in
with a feline like arch. <P>

"I don't restrain my thoughts. Why should I? I enjoy this," he lowered his voice and if humans
were capable of purring it was just the sound Ethereal made as he rubbed his nose against
Jarl's bare neck. <P>

Breaking the scene he moved away from Jarl and off the bed in nearly an instant. <P>

"But, right now, I would rather go out and get some sun," he laughed turning around to face
Jarl. "I'm still fighting to get well." <P>

How he enjoyed being devious. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl's eyes closed as Ethereal rubbed his nose on his neck. It was such an animal-like gesture,
and cute, in a way. "Not restraining your thoughts could land you in some dangerous places.
We wouldn't want anything else happening to you, would we now?" <P>

There was a slight double-meaning to his words, but for once Jarl didn't mean them in a
threatening way. He was growing affectionate of the other rather quickly, no matter how
reluctant he was to show it. <P>

When Ethereal bounced off of the bed, Jarl sat, blinking for a few moments. A rapid change in
moods didn't seem quite strong enough to describe what the other had gone through. Jarl knew
he was being toyed with; Ethereal didn't hide that, and the laugh encouraged it. And even if the
other wasn't serious about leaving the room, it was time that Jarl began to think of his other
duties anyways. <P>
He raised an eyebrow as he got off the bed, arching his own back in a lazy stretch and sighing
when his muscles relaxed. "In the case of sickness, you don't seem to care much for getting
well until it suits you. Nevertheless, sun may help." His roaming eyes landed on the bowl of
mixed herbs. "Did you drink any of that yet?" <P>

He bent down to pick up his pants, which were lying at Ethereal's feet, not bothering with the
many extra layers. "That reminds me. . . If we go out of the room, you're going to need clothes."
<BR> -Kira <P>


"Mhm," Ethereal nodded as he glanced at the healer's mixture. "Too much if you ask me. I think
your healer drugged it. I was feeling way too good for my own safety. Guess I'm just lucky I
winded up with you." <P>

He slightly wondered if the effects of the herbs were still acting on him. For having just been
bedridden he sure seemed to be up and around quite quickly. Not that he was complaining
specifically. The healer made darn well he didn't feel any pain. But his senses were sure
heightened, or at least it had felt that way with Jarl. <P>

Ethereal caught himself giggling again. He was doing that a lot lately. The game with Jarl was
much more interesting than most he had played before. Then again, maybe it was just the herbs
talking. <P>

"Clothes, yes. So do I get a nice royal gown or a fancy ball dress? Something seductive? Or
casual?" <P>

He slightly hoped there would be a marvelous closet to walk into. Which of course he would
spend half his time picking out an outfit. Ethereal had a certain appreciation for clothes. The
material took so long to put together and it amazed him that something so beautiful could come
out of what used to be a simple thread. Work, lots of hard work also went into the production of
the fabrics. Clothes to him were art. His eyes sparkled with life as he thought about being in a
room with the exquisite material he was so enthralled by. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl chuckled. "You're the only person who has ever even considered feeling lucky to end up
with me." He considered the possibility of having too much of something in the mixture. "I
suppose the woman does have her own methods of healing. To be frank, I would be surprised if
she hadn't slipped something in the bowl when I wasn't looking." There could be a few reasons
for this, none of which Jarl felt like going over at the current time. In all likelihood, if the healer
had drugged Ethereal she had done it out of spite. Seeing Jarl concerned for someone could
have given her the desire to make that concern last longer. If this was this case, then she
wouldn't know that her plan had backfired. <P>
Jarl smiled, sensing Ethereal's enthusiasm for the many possibilities of clothes. The fact that he
was going to have to wear a dress didn't seem to bother him much. "There is a room down this
corridor positively filled with women's clothes. Shall we go?" He tugged on his shirt and mantle
before taking Ethereal's arm. Then he blinked again. <P>Dear, you're going to need to put
something on before we leave. On the off chance of a guard roaming you need to be covered."
<BR> -Kira <P>


{A few missing posts, sorry. ^^;}


Ethereal, with a slightly drowsy appearance, looked up at Jarl as he entered. The drowsy look
was from lack of sleep rather than having just woke up as the king had assumed. <P>

"Mmmhmm," was his throaty response as he rolled on the sheets onto his back. <P>

He gave a nice stretch, which, hopefully, added to the thought that he had just awoken. The
stretch also provided a little bit of movement that would wake him up more than he currently
was. <P>

Ethereal made no point to hide the fact he was studying Jarl's features as he stared through his
lashes. <P>

It was still hard for him to believe a person so young was king--a figure expected to be able to
run an entire country. Though Jarl might act high and mighty, he wasn't fit to run Heorte even in
Ethereal's eyes. Ethereal might even pity Jarl if he himself hadn't grown up in a world where pity
seemed not to exist. <P>

Things in the very heart of Heorte were beginning to fall apart. Ethereal planned not to stay here
any longer than he was forced to now. <P>

"Jarl . . . when am I allowed to leave?" <P>

He hadn't quite expected to pose the question so directly. Normally, he would at least try and
get his way after his customers were in a good mood. Jarl, he certainly couldn't been in a good
mood after all the <I>work</I> he had just done. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl wasn't quite buying that Ethereal had just woken. There were slight circles under his eyes
which could only be from too little sleep, and the six hours he had been gone would have cured
those. <P>
As Ethereal stretched, Jarl thought that he quite missed the view of his skin. The dress was
covering it all. It didn't occur to Jarl that his mind had only one track lately. This fact would not
have really surprised him even if it had made itself present. <P>

The question he was asked did take him by surprise. Jarl had figured that Ethereal didn't want
to stay at the palace for much longer, but had been hoping to change that. Jarl dropped his
head back against the wall as he thought about an answer, only serving to increase his
headache's force. <P>

He would say it again; there was something about this other person that genuinely interested
Jarl. It worried the king, but more than that fueled him. He didn't want to allow Ethereal to leave
just yet, but couldn't provide himself with a good reason why this was so. <P>

He lifted his head again, his eyes roaming Ethereal's face. "How early would you like to leave?"

Maybe he could work around the answer he got. <BR> -Kira <P>

Ethereal pondered for a moment just when he should leave. The earlier the better considering
there was a planned attempt to overthrow the king. That he would not like to be present for.
Blood never sat well with his stomach despite all the times he had seen his own. <P>

"Possibly, after tonight. If you so allow it," he spoke softly as he looked back at the king. <P>

His mind was screaming at him that leaving was wrong. He might not think too highly of nobles
and their sorts, but it wasn't right to walk away knowing what might happen to Jarl. Then again,
it wasn't really his business. <P>

Something else though was driving him. It wasn't that he wanted to prove Gavin wrong that he
would keep his mouth shut, it wasn't that he hoped to stay in a life of luxury, he just didn't want
Jarl to end up dead. Something about that made his heart clench with worry. <P>

He wasn't quite sure how to take his words back though. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl tensed, re-crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. If Ethereal wanted to leave as
quickly as that night, then Jarl would have to consider what to do. <P>

Thinking about Ethereal leaving caused Jarl's stomach to twist. There was an irrational worry for
the boy's safety outside of the palace, for while it wasn't entirely guaranteed in Jarl's presence, if
the other returned to the streets then it would be back to avoiding prison guards and back to
spending the nights with strangers in order to get food. Some wardens had already recognized
him in the royal house alone; there was no telling what the ones roaming the city would do if
Ethereal was spotted. He was likely to be killed or used by guards wanting more than a simple
talk. <P>

Oddly, though, Jarl didn't want to force Ethereal into staying if he didn't at all want to. It seemed
a harsh punishment. Even if Jarl couldn't understand why, Ethereal obviously had no taste for a
noble's life; maybe it would be best to let Ethereal go and be on his own again. <P>

Jarl almost snorted at that thought. There was no use in arguing with himself, he realized, if he
didn't really plan on allowing the other to leave that quickly in the first place. How would he
explain this, though? <P>

"I apologize for it, but I can't allow you to leave so quickly. There would be too many
complications if I did so." <P>

It was a vague excuse, but served as a better one than interest did. <BR> -Kira <P>


An audible <I>hmph</I> escaped from Ethereal's lips as he plopped down on his back. He was
feeling quite moody after having just been treated like a child by Gavin. Now he simply wanted
to have things his way, which was quite childlike in itself. <P>

"Oh, of course, the boy isn't tired of his new toy yet. I should have guessed," he said as he
peered through his lashes and bangs. <P>

The talk was all in jest. If the king didn't want him to leave, there was no arguing with it. Leaving
would most likely mean death--people were cruel when they didn't get what they wanted,
Ethereal being no different. <P>

His mind still screamed at him to get out. Secretly, something deep within was telling Ethereal
that he was happy not to be granted his wishes. His mind would soon follow he was sure, then,
it would reason with him to find a way to keep Jarl's death off his hands. <P>

"Aren't you going to come play with it some more?" <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl smirked at Ethereal's childishness. He had been expecting resistance on the part of the
other, and was relieved that he hadn't gotten any. Perhaps Ethereal wasn't as different from the
rest of the people as Jarl thought; he seemed to take everything Jarl said in stride. <P>

<I>Of course he does. He thinks you're going to kill him if he disobeys.</I> Jarl didn't know if
this was entirely true or not, but it seemed reasonable enough. <P>
He took Ethereal's words, sarcastic as they were, as an invitation and sat on the bed next to the
older boy, bringing up a knee and placing his hands on it. <P>

"My motives aren't entirely for my own gratification, Ethereal. Your safety is being considered
as well." <P>

He blinked at his words. Where had they had come from? It was apparent that his thoughts
weren't paying attention to the danger they created. <BR> -Kira <P>


Safety being considered. Ethereal wasn't sure whether to take that comment as sincere or
simply an addition to the idea that Ethereal was simply a toy the king didn't want broken yet.

"You're a bit late if you wanted to keep others from playing with me first. I've been broken and
mended more times than I remember," he said softly, almost more to himself than Jarl. <P>

Ethereal's mind was running on high power as he digested the many thoughts floating around.
The comment Jarl made could also mean the king was enjoying being around Ethereal. Another
side was telling Ethereal of course the king enjoyed a free ride with which he could do as he
pleased. The former was winning the mental war currently. <P>

"But you wouldn't want to see me hurt anymore?" <BR>

His lips formed the words, once again, before he realized it. It was no use taking them back so
Ethereal sat up next to the king awaiting an answer. <BR> -Mina <P>

* <P>

Jarl could see the confusion on Ethereal's face. He himself didn't quite know why he had said
what he did, so he couldn't imagine what the prisoner was thinking. The stories that circulated
about the king were ones of his arrogant and cold nature--and up until now they had been
precisely true in describing his demeanor. <P>

As it was, he feeling something strange. He couldn't put a name to it, but it wasn't pity, though
he had never had even an inkling of that. It was more as if he wanted to comfort Ethereal, and
understood what he was saying when he spoke of being broken and then mended, but of
course Jarl had never been in a single situation that was remotely similar to Ethereal's life. He
touched his hand to Ethereal's shoulder without knowing why. Maybe it was meant to be a
gesture of comfort; but he'd never known what that was or how to produce it before either. <P>
He had to think about this next answer. If he gave Ethereal too much of a sense of safety, then
he could lose what little control he had, and that would no doubt lead to more issues than were
already present. He couldn't lie and say that he wanted Ethereal to hurt, but if he said that he
wanted the opposite, then what would that cause? For all Jarl knew, Ethereal planned on
overthrowing the kingdom himself. <P>

Jarl sighed. This wasn't his kingdom they were discussing; it was what Jarl wanted. He should
just go with what he meant in this situation, and let things come as they would because of what
he said. <P>

Despite his resolve he hesitated before speaking again, but did manage to get the words out.
"No, I wouldn't want to see you hurt anymore. The breaking should be kept to a minimum." <P>

If Ethereal wanted an explanation, then he would have to ask. Jarl didn't plan on volunteering
one. <P>


The gentle touch to his shoulder almost had Ethereal jumping out of his skin. The atmosphere in
the room had chills running down his spine, or maybe it was Jarl's fingertips that were causing
goosebumps to spread from where they rested. <P>

Ethereal's experience tried to tell him he would turn to see lust filled eyes but when he met Jarl's
gaze it wasn't there. Something was there, but it wasn't lust, and that scared him. Though he
was scared, he couldn't look away from the jade eyes. <P>

Jarl had said he didn't want Ethereal to get hurt. He was the first person to ever say such a
thing. Every person Ethereal had encountered brought him pain or treated him as an object;
then there was Jarl, who saved him from another trip to Utland and seemed to offer himself to
Ethereal's needs. <P>

His mind was now still, no longer running in meaningless circles. If Jarl wasn't going to allow
Ethereal to hurt, Ethereal would do the same for Jarl. Somehow, Ethereal would keep Death's
hand away from the boy. He knew he couldn't bear to see those green eyes lose their sparkle.

Then, before he even realized it, Ethereal was ghosting his lips over Jarl's with a gentleness he
wasn't aware he himself possessed. It was a kiss that only lasted a brief moment yet it seemed
to mean so much more than those that had led him to so much more. <P>

His words were but a whisper yet he knew Jarl would hear them as the entire room was hushed,
"Then if you don't wish for me to hurt, tomorrow night you'll let me take you to my world, so
someone else can see." <P>
It was a half truth, he didn't want to lie, but if it got Jarl out of the palace it was all he wanted.
<BR> -Mina <P>



Here it was again, foreign territory. Jarl wasn't sure about what the exact meaning of Ethereal's
kiss was, whether it was an invitation for more or something entirely different and more
significant. He was leaning towards the latter, but was left confused either way. It was still all so
new. <P>

He ran a hand across Ethereal's shoulder and was comforted by the fact that his goosebumps
were being matched. <P>

He answered without even thinking, flicking bangs out of chocolate eyes as he did so. "It would
be an honor to see your world as it is." <P>

Going with Ethereal to the slums seemed a natural thing to do. He had shown the other his life
already; now it was time for the reverse. Jarl knew he wouldn't find that life to his tastes, but was
willing to go so that he could experience it. Ethereal didn't strike him as the kind of person who
would offer something so private up easily and jokingly; this made the offer even more
appealing. <P>

He reflexively dissected the meaning of the demand, and could sense no hidden motives. If
there were any that he was missing, then he would let them come as they may; he wasn't willing
to give up anything he currently had to accommodate the requirements such motives called for.

Where was Ethereal planning on taking him, though? "Will we be making a stop in your home?"
Those were the wrong words. "Where your home was previously?" They were still wrong, but
were spoken more gently. That could count for something. <BR> -Kira <P>

{Kira: I left for a few days and both of us forgot the roleplay and I the roleplay log I've started...
There are a couple TNT-deleted posts missing between this and the next, sadly.}


Jarl had to admit to himself that he was looking forward to visiting Ethereal's residence. It was
bound to make for an interesting visit. He wondered if there was another reason besides Jarl
that Ethereal wanted to return to the house. From what Jarl had gathered Ethereal didn't care
for the place at all. It was surprising that he would go back. He wanted to offer a word of support
at the tone of Ethereal's voice, but didn't know what to say; his opened mouth let out a sigh
instead of words. <P>

Jarl's eyes widened at Ethereal's statement. He had never been in anything but royal clothing,
and had no desire to change that. "Silk happens to be a favorite choice of mine, thank you. It's
very comfortable. And moves very easily." The double meaning in his words didn't register. <P>

Hearing Ethereal's laughter, Jarl sensed the room's atmosphere lighten. The amusement also
seemed to make Jarl himself a bit happier. He wondered why this was; no one's happiness had
ever affected him in the least bit. He told himself that he should get over the constant surprises
he'd been experiencing with the thief, but it didn't do anything to help. It was all too new. <BR>
-Kira <P>


"We're going to have to sneak out Jarl," Ethereal stated very matter-of-factly. "After all, I'm still
a prisoner and you, being a king, can't be seen wandering the slums like a peasant." <P>

Not only would it make it too easy for any treacherous guards to find Jarl, but also the amount of
danger he would be in just from the common people would be enough to worry Ethereal to
death. <P>

"If you plan on accompanying me, we will do things my way." <P>

Another wave of laughter washed over Ethereal as his mind shuffled through a few of the
disguises they could manage for Jarl. By far the best would be to get Jarl looking like a peasant
girl, which could easily be achieved. <P>

Ethereal already knew his best disguise was none at all. No makeup, no revealing outfits, no
stylish hair. Just plain and simple, slacks and a shirt, and not a single person would recognize
him. <P>

"We should be a couple, I could show my darling fiance around Heorte." By now Ethereal was
howling with laughter but it was hard to tell how much he was joking. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl hadn't considered the risks of going to the slums. Ethereal had a good point. "Sneaking out
should be rather simple. I know which passages aren't heavily guarded." It went unsaid, but
there was the added convenience of the stupidity of the guards he employed. The most efficient
ones were kept to guard his own room and the main halls and major entrances. <P>

"I will have to formulate some excuse as to why I am not to be bothered for the next... How long
will we be away?" <P>
The mention of doing things Ethereal's way still didn't prepare Jarl for the actual suggestion.
Jarl, dressed as a <I>girl</I>? It wasn't feasible in his mind. <P>

"I do hope that you mean you will be showing off your darling <I>male</I> fiance and be kept
as a woman. Is that much of a disguise really necessary?" A faint whining was in his voice, and
he knew it. He also knew that a complete disguise was absolutely necessary if they were to
make it to their destination unnoticed. He had a face that too many recognized, and in some
cases, despised. <P>

Despite this, Jarl couldn't find anything humorous about the current situation. He scowled at
Ethereal, trying to manage a slightly teasing tone to keep the potential harm out of his words.
"And are you to be the one in silk and velvet?" <BR> -Kira <P>


Jarl's whining was simply adorable and made Ethereal even more certain about his plans to get
Jarl back for making him play a woman for so long. <P>

"Any fancy clothes such as that on me would make us stand out too much. Same goes for if
you remain a male while we're in disguise." Ethereal mussed Jarl's brown locks playfully in a
hope to remove that silly pout. "Plus, I'd like to be fit as a common male at some point in my life.
Couldn't you see me fit perfectly with a lucky lady?" He asked lowering his voice a few octaves
to give a more manly sound. <P>

Caught up in the moment Ethereal found himself fitting into the character of a lover. On one
knee Ethereal bowed before Jarl and took the smaller hand into his, placing a light kiss on top.
"I'll ask for your hand in marriage and tomorrow night we shall marvel at the land called Heorte
and I will proudly call you my wife." <P>

Ethereal looked up expectantly into Jarl's eyes. His mind playing games and he felt his heart
had stopped playing long ago. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl pushed away Ethereal's hand as his hair was ruffled, but he had to chuckle at the lowered
voice. "You've already fit as a common male in some place, I'm sure. And oh, of course I can
see you fit with a 'lucky lady' as you say." Then he said something he wasn't sure he had ever
said before. "You're correct, though. I suppose I'll have to be the woman this time." The image
still wouldn't fit in his mind, but it was better to look ridiculous than be captured and killed by his
own men. <P>

He blinked as Ethereal got down on a knee and bowed, kissing his hand. People had done it
before, but never in the same context. He didn't know how seriously to take the implied
question. Nothing was matching up with Ethereal. He had seemed like he was against
everything to do with Jarl just that morning, and now he was sending a message that was the
complete opposite. Something told Jarl that the words weren't a complete joke; so was it a
matter of slipping into a star-crossed lover's character entirely or keeping himself present too
and ignoring the direction they were headed into if they continued with any sort of relationship?

He chose the former, and smiled down at Ethereal. "I'll accept your offer of marriage, and
proudly call you my loving husband as we wander the streets together and elude the people."
He smirked and smoothed his robes, "But first there must be a wedding before we can call each
other anything besides fiance." <BR> -Kira <P>


It was Ethereal's turn to pout at their little game. "I wish with all my heart I could throw you a
glorious wedding. Filled with a royal ball and all, but being so poor I can't even afford a simple
band for you, my dear," he lightly caressed where the wedding band would fit. <P>

Ever since he was a child Ethereal dreamed of meeting the perfect woman and getting away
from his life. Having a person to care for and for that person to care for him. In a way, though,
the thought now scared him. He had seen how happiness could be turned around into pain one
too many times. <P>

Another thought occurred to him as he held Jarl's hand. The fact that there was no ring he kept
on permanently. <P>Jarl, do you have a fiance?" Ethereal heard himself asking as changed his
position to rest his head in Jarl's lap. <P>

Ethereal was aware the king was near his age and it was customary for a person to be married
by now. That held especially true for a king who was expected to have an heir. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl waved a hand. "Oh, a band, a wedding; they're not the important things. Besides, if need
be, I could throw the ball and give the credit to you. After all, I'm sure that your guest list would
be much greater than mine." <P>

Jarl had never really thought a great deal about marriage. It was supposed to be perfect, from
what he had heard, but rarely was. Husbands went to others nightly, women did the same if
they were able, there were scandals considering children and heirs and inheritances, the family
was corrupt on the inside. There was murder and treachery even within the family ties, and
private wars that lasted sometimes centuries over an issue as simple as a property debate. <P>

This was how he viewed it, and why he had put off finding himself a fiancee as long as he had.
He had no interest in marriage, and believed that when the time came for an heir he could
produce one then. Children of his own held no appeal to Jarl; they just appeared to be more
unnecessary responsibility. But as it was, he had had no choice; at fourteen, he had been
forced to choose a woman. <P>
He laced his fingers through Ethereal's, being somehow comforted by the head in his lap.
"Regrettably, I do have a fiancee. I chose her when I was fourteen years of age, but have been
putting off the wedding itself for years while the both of us become accustomed to the idea."
<BR> -Kira <P>


"Oh," Ethereal said simply. <P>

He had been expecting that reply but for whatever reason hearing Jarl say it seemed to hurt. Of
course the king had chosen someone. He had rights to every woman in the entire kingdom. For
him to not have a fiancé would have just been odd. <P>

Ethereal lifted his head slightly off lap and looked at their intertwined fingers in almost a
questioning gaze. It was a simple gesture yet he was aware it was used intimately. <P>

"The woman you chose, do you love her?" He asked after a drawn out moment of silence.
<BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl could see that his answer hurt Ethereal, but wasn't willing to take it back. He felt that
Ethereal had the right to the honest answer. <P>

He followed the chocolate gaze and noticed where it lingered. Jarl himself was aware that it was
a close gesture, and was slightly surprised at the fact that he continued to initiate and go along
with it. It was. . . comforting, he decided. Like someone was there if you needed them. He raked
the bangs off of Ethereal's forehead, pushing his head back down gently. <P>

The question surprised him as well. He had considered love more than marriage, but still saw
little point in it. It seemed to just hinder proper judgment and actions as well and be the base for
more unnecessary complications. His answer seemed honorable to him for more than this
reason, though.

"Love her? Dear, I'm not sure that I could love anyone; and even putting that aside, I am
positive that she doesn't love me. I'm also absolutely sure that she is being unfaithful to our
relationship." <P>

This was possibly saying too much, and only creating deeper hurt, but there it was again: he
didn't think that Ethereal deserved less than the truth after all he had revealed to Jarl. And in
truth, the woman, Clarissa, her name was, being unfaithful to their supposed "relationship" did
nothing more than irritate Jarl. He thought that she had no right, but realized that two years
would be a good length of time for any woman to wait for a man. This didn't excuse her, per se,
but it gave him more of a reason to put off the marriage. <BR> -Kira <P>

Ethereal pondered over Jarl's words for a moment. To him, love was almost always a fairytale. It
was never the happiness people always talked about. Families didn't love each other. His family
fought and would use one another for their own gains. <P>

Other families were being torn apart by husbands and wives who looked for a good time in a
street corner. <P>

Love was simply something humans had lost the ability to hold onto. It would come and go just
as swiftly as the stars that shot across the sky. For a moment there might be joy, but in the next
instant you realize you will never see that same star again. <P>

"I don't believe anyone is capable of love anymore. Love has lot its meaning to most. But it's
just a word. Emotions, actions, those say more than anything else." <Br> -Mina <P>


Jarl smiled, not out of happiness but out of spite. "I believe that some can love. But they love the
wrong things or people, not as you're supposed to. It's not in most to love a person as much as
they love themselves, or to love anything besides themselves. And if they do love, they do
wrong by it and destroy what could have made their life worthwhile." <P>

He tapped his finger against his chin, a habit he'd developed as a child. "Would love be
considered an emotion to you? Or is it beyond that?" <P>

He had never quite deciphered just what love was. It could be doting on someone, caring for
them immensely, or giving a life for someone. For some, such as assassins, it could be having
the one person in a life that you wouldn't kill. There were so many variations and no definite
answer. It was too confusing for Jarl to figure out, and since he didn't believe himself to be
capable of loving he had given up the hunt for an answer long ago. <P>

"You're very right again, though... Emotions and actions are what counts. Those can't lie to any
major extent." He wondered if that was an invitation or plea; decided that it was even if it wasn't
meant to be, and did the least he could think of, squeezing the hand he held gently. <Br> -Kira


Loving yourself. That was one thing Ethereal never was nor wanted to be capable of. He didn't
deserve it. Maybe he didn't deserve to be loved at all. But . . . <P>

"Love is simply a word. It has no meaning other than what people try to give it," Ethereal spoke
as if it were a subject he were familiar with. <P>
In fact, it was familiar. He had spent hours trying to decipher why his mother would say she
loved him when he never felt loved. Why his father said he loved their mother. Why they said
Ethereal was the kind of person many would love. He had meditated on the thought of simply
love for hours on end. His conclusions were his own, but at least they brought him to a point of
understanding. <P>

"Emotions can't be described in words they can only be felt. If I were to ask you to describe
your emotions to me, right now, I would never be able to understand." <P>

<I>Emotions, actions, they are what count.</I> He repeated in his head. His life though had
even caused a road block at that belief he realized. Emotions can be masked and actions can
be controlled. <P>

"You can lie to the world but you can't lie to yourself," he whispered under his breath. <BR>
-Mina <P>


Emotions, or lack thereof, can't be described to anyone but yourself. It's impossible for them to
make perfect sense to any other person, much like thoughts are." <P>

Jarl wondered exactly how he could categorize his history of emotions. There was a disdainful
distance from people, a belief that he was higher above them for more reasons than just being
king, and the nonchalance in his decisions when it came to others. No one's happiness or well-
being had ever been taken into account, had never mattered; he had felt nothing for the poor,
nothing for the homeless, nothing for those working a hundred times harder than he did and not
making enough to support themselves. A human life meant little to him, especially when it
considered Jarl's own convenience. <P>

He had never had to lie to himself about anything, and had rarely been forced to control his
actions or mask his emotions. Just in the past few days he had begun to do both of these, and
perhaps when he was many years younger and without parents to help him. But that possible
sadness had morphed into the same uncaring manner with which he went throughout his daily
life with, and he had no need to hide or disguise that. <P>

Then again, if he thought about as he was now, his entire life could be viewed as false. He had
always plastered on a fake smile and used his known charisma to get what he wanted and what
his kingdom of Heorte needed. There was no authenticity in what he did, no real part of himself
in what he said or commanded. <P>

"Lying to yourself can be achieved. It just takes more to reveal that lie because you force
yourself to believe it." <P>

He wondered just how much experience Ethereal had in the lying department. He appeared to
have genuinely cared for his brothers, but had said that he was forced to put on a new mask
with every customer. Did that mean that Ethereal knew even littler about himself than Jarl knew
about himself? <BR> -Kira <P>


Jarl's comment made Ethereal feel weak inside. All he had ever been was a lie. He hadn't
spoken an honest truth since he could remember. Even to himself Ethereal knew he was a
twisted maze of lies. He desired to know who he was because what he was disgusted him.
Maybe he would never discover who he was because this is who he had became. <P>

He was an empty shell, a doll. A plastered face and a body to be twisted in any way the user
liked. <P>

"No, you know it's a lie. You choose to ignore the fact. You can try and make it a truth but that
voice that calls out the lie is always there." <P>

The discussion had reached a level Ethereal wasn't sure he was comfortable with passing, but
he couldn't seem to stop his thoughts or his words. <P>

"I'm not happy with myself, so I don't deserve happiness," As he kept tears from spilling over
words spilled out. "But. . . but, I think moments with you are the happiest I have been." <P>

For once, he wasn't lying to the world and he wasn't lying to himself. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl shook his head. "Over time, that voice can be quieted. It may always be there, but you can
ignore it. Eventually, you'll forget its existence and convince yourself that the lie is the truth and
the truth the lie." <P>

It was something he wasn't sure was the truth, but it felt right to say it. Perhaps it would prove to
be true later. There was no telling now. <P>

He could see the tears behind Ethereal's eyes and started to panic a little bit. Tears were
something he wasn't comfortable with, and out of Ethereal, they nearly drove him insane with
worry. He searched for something to say to make it seem better, even though it had to be far
from it in the thief's mind. <P>

"Ethereal, you're the only person I've come across that deserves any shred of happiness at all.
You may not be happy with yourself, but think about it; no one is, not entirely." The next words
out of Ethereal's mouth shocked him. <P>

He had never expected, or wanted, anyone's moments with himself to be their happiest. Coming
from Ethereal, they were even more of a surprise. He should say the truth in response if he
wanted to make things better, he realized. <P>
"That can't be considered a good thing. I'm not the best person to be happy around. But I have
to be truthful. The time I've spent with you has been my only truly... happy... time in my
memory." <P>

That was a hell of a lot for Jarl to admit to. Happiness was something he wasn't accustomed to
or knew how to deal with. He was used to feeling absolutely nothing. But maybe happiness was
what had taken him over. <BR> -Kira <P>


There was the quickening pace of his heart thumping loudly in his ears again. It used to be from
fear or nervousness, now, now he just wasn't sure. <P>

The room was silent which only helped to amplify the sound of his heartbeats. Beyond that
sound was the inhale and exhale of two breaths in unison. It was like a symphony played
between just the two of them. <P>

At some point Ethereal had been drawn into the music and into the sparkling display of Jarl's
green eyes. <P>

Their intertwined fingers brought comfort and warmth, it was shared. A comfort that had not
existed in Ethereal's life ever before. <P>

For the first time, he didn't feel the need to repay the other. They were, even though it shocked
him, both happy with each other in this moment. For the first time, Ethereal could give and could
take in the same moment. A shared happiness as he shared a gentle kiss. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl was experiencing the same quickening heart pace. He wasn't sure if it was from fear of
what he had said {which he presumed he would regret later} or anticipation of Ethereal's
response or something entirely different. But whatever it was wasn't unpleasant. It was edgy,
almost, and left him wondering yet again. <P>

If his quick pulse was due to anticipation of an answer, the kiss did nothing to slow the beat
down. If anything, it sped it up, and when he put a hand on Ethereal's chest he felt the pace
being mirrored. <P>

A shared moment of happiness. It was something Jarl didn't think possible. But that was the
name for what he was going through, he decided: happiness. <P>

He smirked into the kiss. "If this is what being happy is, then I'm quite enjoying it." He paused
and opened his eyes, hoping Ethereal would do the same. His words were gentle as well. "And I
hope you have all silly notions of repayment out of your head." He was being open now, there
couldn't be any harm in saying what he meant. "I was surprised when you gave me your form of
'repayment.' But I ask that everything from this point forward be out of your own wishes.
Please." <P>

Ethereal was still in his lap, Jarl leaning over him. Jarl pulled the other up gently to a sitting
position beside him, keeping hold of the hand. There was a calm, comforted atmosphere the
room, and he had no intentions of ruining it quickly. <BR> –Kira <P>

Narinth wandered down the walkways of Fortis's many gardens, his mind was in a completely
relaxed state. A light breeze teased his hair as well as the petals of the sweet smelling flowers,
which crowded around. <P>

Fortis had been his original destination, before he had been taken into the care of the healer
Myari. He was pleased to finally arrive back in the town after a weeks travel. <P>

This was the birthplace of the prophecies. The prophecies that many feared so greatly that they
refused to believe in what had been spoken. <P>

Narinth himself knew very little about the prophecies. They were a dictation that the end was to
come and nothing could stop it from occurring. Other than that, he knew nothing and that was
his reason for coming to Fortis. He was determined to discover the secrets and to listen to the
calling within him that urged him to find the next red shard. <BR> -Mina <P>


After the blinding white light finally faded, Yumie found herself staring at a world that looked
entirely different than from before. <P>

The ominous clouds, that always hung low to the ground, dissipated and revealed the starry
night sky above. Something Yumie was sure the Utlandians hadn't seen in centuries. <P>

Already the river found its way into the enormous cracks, which had been permanently etched
into the landscape due to month long droughts. With the barrier gone the river flowed freely,
bringing the gift of water into the desert. <P>

Even though it was night, you could see the light once again returning to the wasteland. <P>

"It's simply beautiful," she spoke in a quiet voice filled with awe. <BR> -Mina <P>

Rane's hand managed to find Yumie's as they gazed over the transformed land. He allowed his
fingers to become intertwined with hers, as they had done a few times before. History was being
created before them. Experiencing it all first hand was somehow different than finding
knowledge in books. The two were part of it now, breathing and living. <P>
A smile broke over his small features as a breeze swept through him. For a brief moment he
closed his eyes and listened to the gushing river, a torrent of life. <P>

Caught up in the moment he felt his hand let go and suddenly wrapped his arms around Yumie
to form a close embrace. His tails stirred in a wagging motion. <BR> -Lita <P>


New Birth, Re-Birth. Living like birds, in the magnolia trees, she is, a childe of Nyx, and of
something more ancient. The true forms of evil and good. White, and Black, the Bulls of ancient.
The truly horrific white bull, rotting and disease ridden, and the sleek majestic black bull,
powerful muscles, radiating happiness. <BR>
The night was light, with full moon glinting off the frozen pond, the grasses wet with the slush
from yesterday's freeze. Aislinn, a childe of a fine life, with survival bracing her mind, and it also
caged her in. The most she was able to do was ride, ride her horses, magical browns, golden
mains, grey pelts, all-knowing eyes - Wonderful creatures. Something moved in the shadows
besides her. <P>

Sometimes when riding, she even stayed in the forest, while her parents thought that she was
still riding. The fort, she built it herself, in the deep forest, away from the giant Victorian style
house. A round circle, with walls made of the sticks from the forest. She started to cough
roughly, feeling sick, as she has been for the past two days. Tonight, on this cold, wet night, she
planned to ride there, to be alone, to pray to be different, to want to be different. <P>

She saddled the horse, properly reigning it, and took off. Galloping, gaining speed, and moving,
fast, towards the forest. The beat of the silver steed beneath her became her own, th-thump,
thump, th-thump... <P>

She rode to her fort through the midnight fog, with hope on her hands, she needed to be alone,
the race to be alone drove her further to the fort. It stood out in the fog, above all, she entered
upon her horse to see the familiar faces of her bow, arrows, knife, sword... Her weapons, the
place where she trained. She dismounted. The full moon was out, and behind her something
snapped a branch. <P>

The silver of the wolf's glinting fur met her own body with miraculous speed, and then she didn't
know what happened. It was completely black, she couldn't move.

Slowly stirring her mind, she reached for the light of the moon. Groggily, she de-fogged her
eyes and saw the wolf standing over her, she tried to get up, but the wolf protectively nudged
her back down to the earth, which happened to be snowy, though that wouldn't make sense as
the weather was supposed to be hot... A circle was drawn in front of her, she saw as she sat up.
The wolf turned around and quickly scribbled something in another tongue, she quickly
recognized as dragon-tongue. <P>
The harsh light from the moon reflected in the wolf's eyes, and she quickly felt a strange
change, the moon started to grow in her perception, her spine started to change, sullenly, and
slowly, and millions of tiny hairs grew onto her skin. Everything changed from then on. <P>

She started to feel sick, everything, all around her changed, the smell, sweet sickly pines, the
earth covered ground {she had started to believe the snow was a hallucination}, even the
jungle-like canopy above. Skyward, the moon was the apple of the night, and the wispy grey
smears of the clouds moving. Amazing, fearful, intricate, it all started to hit her, the reason why
this happened. <P>

Flashback: "Darling, one day our daughter will turn into, you know... It can't be helped!" <P>

"We could leave her to the humans, however disgusting they are, to see, we might be able to
stall the process." <P>

Present: It hit her like a bus, her gorgeous mother, frantic father, and then her foster parents.
Why me? she thought desperately, trying to figure out how to move her new sets of legs. Deep
within the fores she began to smell the scent of another wolf, besides the white wolf. <P>
"Someone is coming." She said out loud, surprisingly to herself, <P> "Yes, mistress, we must
leave. Come quickly, please." <P> "Wait, <I>mistress</I>?" She asked the white fellow who
stood before her, <P> "Yes, you are the lost priestess of our pack, I'll explain everything, though
we must leave now." <P> "No, tell me more." <P>

"Your parents, your... Real parents are dire werewolves, where do you think you got your
hunting skills from?" <P> "I... never knew." <BR> -Courtney <P>


Feaglo wandered through the thick brush as he made way towards his destination. Heorte de
Planeta. The center of the land, and also the home of the king. <P>

Telum and Brone had pointed him in the direction of the town before he bid them farewell.
Although he had helped them for a short time, his main mission was to share his knowledge of
the prophecies with someone who would have the power to, hopefully, alter the future. <P>

The animals that ran from his presence caused more disturbance than his paws did as they
padded along the forest floor. He ran from the light of the moon, which rained through the small
breaks in the canopy of the forest. <P>

Feaglo slowed as his emerald eyes landed on a man made structure. It was roughly built,
looking remotely like an elven home, though, he was fairly sure they would have been able to do
a finer job. <P>

It was then that he noticed two other wolves partially lighted by the glowing rays of moonlight.
The wind blew away from him, leaving the scent of the two figures a mystery. <P>
With caution he stepped forward into the light as well. <BR> -Mina <P>


Aislinn quickly turned her head towards the dark brown wolf, who looked so mysterious, the way
the wind wove through his fur, the feathers around his neck and head, and the golden bracelets
around his ankles. He was really something to look at, and even through all that, she was
scared. She could somehow sense his power, and with her fear, the alchemy ring around her
eye started to glow a fierce light, her eyes became clearer than before, and her ears perked with
every sound, she was tense. <P>

"Who are you, and why are you in my territory?" she managed to growl, while the other white
wolf who was supposed to bring her back, ended up at her flank, ready to protect with his life.
<BR> -Courtney<P>


Jarl was nearly taken aback at the kindness which Ethereal treated Miranda with. Here she was,
a seemingly ageless healer who could possibly get both of them killed, and he was speaking to
her as if they had known each other for a lifetime and possessed no threat. <P>

He felt that he had to add in something as Ethereal sent the woman off. Arrogance again, but he
didn't realize this. "Make it quick and perfect. If it is so, you will get a double pay; and if not, then
you will get none." Jarl frowned at the threat, much smaller than the ones he normally delivered.
He convinced himself that it was because the healer had become valuable to them, not because
Ethereal had had an effect on him so quickly. <P>

Closing the door behind Miranda, Jarl turned back to Ethereal, who was still standing by the
bed. If they were to go according to plan, then they needed to begin preparation for the trip to
the slums immediately. Even if it did require dressing as a woman, Jarl was ready to do it. He
recognized the rare opportunity. <P>

"Where do we start?" <BR> -Kira <P>


Feaglo took a quick glance at the white wolves, who stood before him in a stance that could be
perceived as threatening to some. To him, it mattered not whether they two were friendly or not.
The wind played in the space between the two parties as fairies played in the thinned canopy of
the forest. <P>

Rudeness, wasn't one of his attributes so he gave a greeting with the nod of his head, "I am
Feaglo. I am passing through the forest in order to greet the king." <P>

There was no need to lie. If they happened to disapprove of his destination he would have no
problem fighting his way towards his end goal. <P>
There was also no apology for trespassing on the land involved. It was his belief that the land
belonged to the gods and the earth before it did lesser creatures. <P>

Feaglo stood, his eyes boring straight into those of the female who had spoken. Whether
challenging, or simply addressing, it was up to her to decide. <BR> -Mina <P>


Ethereal moved away from the bed and to his place in front of Jarl. He gave a playful tug on the
brown bangs that hung over curious green eyes. <P>

"First off, we're going to need to make your hair a bit longer. Straight hair, might I add. Anything
too fancy isn't fit for where we're going.<P>

Then his fingers slipped from the strand of hair he was fiddling with and moved to give a quick
brush across Jarl's lips. <P>

"Now, to decide if you should be the type of girl to want attention or would you like to be more
reserved?" <P>

Of course, many types of women were found in the slums. Those that wore more makeup than
humanly possible in an attempt to attract more customers. Then there were the women that
tried to look decent, perhaps in a denial of the fact they were poor. Finally, some women just
didn't care at all, they had family to worry about more than their appearance. <BR> -Mina <P>


Yumie felt a gasp of air leave her lungs as Rane pulled her in close. Every fiber of her existence
told her to push away, every fiber but her heart that is. Instead, she found herself wrapping her
thin arms around him as well. <P>

<I>It's only the hug of a child.</I> She reasoned with herself. <P>

Yumie wasn't quite sure when her reasoning had gotten to be so deceptive. Still, she felt this
moment deserved a bit of joy. After all, her heart was already pounding at the thought of this
land's heart once again beating as well. The river split into vein-like webs as the life bringing
liquid surged forward. <P>

All of the Utland was taking in a new breath of air. <BR> -Mina <P>


"What king?" She spoke simply. For she was neither addressing this wolf, nor challenging him.
It came from her soul what she had said, and if the wind blew in just the right direction... This
wolf would know. <P>
Her counterpart backed off immediately, and ran to the forest at the sight of this wolf, who
Aislinn's new mind quickly addressed as a shaman, dire wolf, and powerful male. <P>

"I, would be, Aislinn Amara Selene Achelois. Meaning is sealed in the human Gaelic." She said
strongly, trying to show that she wan't weak, yet a leader, even though it was only the feeling in
her new heart that told her this. <P>

"What is this place, where am I, and what king?" She said, her emotions changing as quickly as
she had changed to fit her true self. Confused, frightened, she lay down, showing no
aggression, but submission to the wiser in the situation. <BR> -Courtney <P>


The black wolf walked forward as he watched the white male scuttle off into the thicker wood.
The scent of the female was now able to reach Feaglo's nose. What a strange scent it was.
Remains of a human smell radiated off her coat. <P>

He looked down at her through forest colored eyes. Not since his time down in Suvac had
another bowed before him. <P>

"Stand," he found himself saying more forcefully than originally intended. "I lost the right to be
bowed to when I lost my pack." <P>

Feaglo wasn't quite sure what to make of this creature. One moment she seemed to be full of
power and confidence, the next she was willing to submit to him. <P>

To her question, he tilted his head, "The king of this land, he resides in Heorte de Planeta does
he not? I have no name to call him by as I am new to this world of yours." <BR> -Mina <P>


While standing, almost ashamed, she spoke, "This world does not belong to me. I am newer to
it than even you." Eyes full of her caged human life looked into this 'newcomer's' eyes, Ice blue,
her eyes shone with wildness, freedom, was what her mind spoke. <P>

It was almost as if Aislinn was watching herself from the sidelines now. <P>

"I am the lost priestess, of the dire werewolf packs, leader, counterpart and childe of the moon,
for I was once human, encased, and now this new world shows it's self to me." <P>

The hour glass which was never turned lay upon her neck held by a delicate blue ribbon, while
the sapphire and silver crystals bounced off her pelt at every movement, and the fear she
showed was gone, along with the lighted alchemy circle that shone around her eye. Trust, the
forest whispered to her. <BR> -Courtney <P>
Feaglo let out a snort of sorts. If this female considered herself newer to the land than him, why
had she been so adamant about her territory at first? <P>

He took a glance at the structure which stood near to them. Werewolf. A term he wasn't used to
as they were simply legends from his home world. His first impression was of distaste. A being
not quite wolf and not quite human somehow seemed like they were a mistake. <P>

"Lost priestess? How can you be lost when here you stand?" He asked curiously, obviously not
understanding the other. <P>

His mind was less focused on the conversation and more tuned towards the edge of the forest.
He was nearly out of this woods, known as Forestis Sceadu, and that much closer to the palace.
<BR> -Mina <P>


A shiver ran through Jarl's body at Ethereal's light touch. It was feathery, yet still evoked a
reaction. How odd. <P>

He raised an eyebrow at the question. It didn't seem like it would be hard to guess which type of
woman Jarl would be suited as; he had never settled for anything less than noticeable. "I would
like to be the type that gains attention, of course." Quick reconsideration. "But if that's not a
good decision, then by all means, make me reserved. The attention is supposed to be on you,
anyways. This is your trip." <P>

He thought about what they could do to lengthen his hair. He had very few synthetic hair pieces,
and they were all meant for a man; Stephen had used them on rare occasion. They could work
if touched up. He tugged Ethereal's arm childishly. "There are supplies in Stephen and Myra's
room. It's right down the corridor." <Br> -Kira


Ethereal giggled slightly at the childish tugging of Jarl's. Sometimes it was hard to believe a king
could come this young. <P>

"I was only joking about you having a choice," Ethereal said, as he gave Jarl a light shove from
behind, while following the king down the halls. <P>

"Neither of us should stand out too much. You, for one, are quite possibly the most hated being
in all of Exoticus Alterare," he spoke in a tone suggesting a slight jest. "And I am simply just too
well known there." This time his voice was laced with distaste. "Either way, this is your trip. I'm
simply being your escort along the way." <P>
Ethereal continued behind Jarl towards the room that belonged to the previous rulers. They too
were not looked upon favorably by the peasants. Not that the peasants mattered to them in any
case. Much of the danger Jarl was in currently, Ethereal could attribute to the boy's parents.
<BR> -Mina <P>


What? I shouldn't tell him anything, Mostly because I don't know anything about it. Memory
gone, was I lost in time, or did I just not know? <P>

The words circulated her mind, as Aislinn looked at the wolf, he seemed preoccupied with other
thoughts, so she started to turn away, when the hourglass on her neck fell to the ground, and
the world around her stopped, only about a ten foot bubble, of sorts was around them, and the
rest of the world paused in time. <P>

"Wha-" Her words stopped, her reactions slowed, she didn't know what to do or say, she only
moved towards the hourglass. <P>

Her old, distant memories showed in her mind again, her mother, her father... <P>

"Remember sweetheart, never turn the hourglass upside-down, or leave it on it's side. It must
always stand upright, and always at that." <P>

Her father started speaking, "Listen to your mother, for she is wise, and will aid you in your
adventures." <P>

Back to the present, she stood dumbfounded, inside the bubble of time. <BR> -Courtney <P>


Jarl grinned at the shove he received, but it was gone by the time he turned himself and
continued walking backward. <P>

"Many do hate me. I'm beginning to wonder if it is more because of my parents or myself." It
was a new thing for Jarl to admit that the hate he was the carrier of was his fault. Nothing had,
to him, ever been his fault before. For perhaps the thousandth time he asked himself just what
he had gotten into by rescuing Ethereal. Mere days later and his thought process was already
altering. <P>

"But if you had no desire to return, you wouldn't be 'escorting' me. So the way I see it, it is your
trip, and I am simply. . . I am simply there to provide support and catch a glimpse of what you've
told me." His mouth was taking control, again. It was becoming an issue. <P>

They arrived in the room he had spoken of. The sight of it stopped Jarl. He hadn't been in his
parents' quarters since Myra's execution, when he had taken everything he wanted. The
servants were under no orders to keep the room clean, and that was obvious. A thick layer of
dust covered the fine wood bureau as well as the weapons that hung on the wall. Stephen's
sword appeared to be dull and on the verge of rusting. Myra's clothes still lay draped over an
oak seat, discolored with age. <P>

Jarl walked as if in a daze, leaving Ethereal at the door. Despite their efforts, the king and queen
had hardly been parents to Jarl; perhaps this was the reason he hadn't shed a tear at their
deaths, and why he harbored such coldness. It didn't explain why the state of their quarters
made him so distant. <P>

But this wasn't the time for reflecting or wondering. He shook his head and walked to a large
opening in the castle wall, where clothes and a few wigs hung. <P>

"Is this enough to work with?" he asked, holding up a dusty brown wig. <BR> -Kira <P>


Ethereal was nearly going to make a comment about Jarl being a mind reader, as he mentioned
his parents. All thoughts escaped him as the door to the successors' room was opened. <P>

Somehow it struck him as odd that the room was left untouched. Jarl was regarded as cold-
hearted by most, Ethereal was lucky to see the warmth that resided there. That, however, did
not prevent the room from seeming almost haunted. <P>

A room remaining for those that are already gone from this world. Perhaps Jarl had kept it that
way as a reminder of his parents. Briefly, Ethereal wondered if the room he once shared was
the same. Images of his sleeping brothers flashed in his mind before he registered Jarl had
spoken. <P>

"Ah, yes, I think that should do," he spoke softly as if afraid to awaken whatever spirits lingered
here. His foot still had not slipped through the doorway. <P>


Thin fingers materialized and wrapped around the blue strap that had come undone. Carefully
she lifted the hourglass, holding it still on its side. <P>

She was old and haggard, but that was simply because it was how she chose to appear. Her
clothing still resembled that of a gypsy woman; an appearance she had also chosen to fit into
for most of her existence. <P>

"My dear Aislinn, do try and be more careful with this," she spoke with a crackling voice as she
twirled the object around with her bony digits. <P>

"I'd hate for the story to come to such a boring end. In fact, I shan't allow it." <P>

The woman grinned and held the hourglass out towards Aislinn. <BR> -Mina <P>

Jarl nodded, shaking the hair gently to rid of its dust and musky smell. The abandoned quarters
were eerily silent; it wasn't like the rest of the castle, with a calm feeling of order underneath. It
was just <I> quiet. </I> <P>

A memory flashed in his mind, brief but vivid. A rather unbecoming servant had once attempted
to scare him in this room, when he was no more than three years old. The woman had spoken
on flesh-eaters and unseen things in the night. It was the one experience that Jarl remembered
as frightening in his childhood. He had avoided closets and unlit doorways for days. <I>Maybe
that's why this room still puts me on edge...</I> <P>

He took his place in front of Ethereal, not looking the other in the eye. He moved past the thief
softly, his body tensing as he stepped through the doorway. Jarl yanked the door shut with a
loud bang, sending his memories in with it. <P>

He grabbed Ethereal's hand lightly, keeping his voice hushed still. "Can we find everything else
in my quarters? Or do we need the room where you found your dress?" <BR> -Kira <P>


Almost ashamed, as the gypsy-looking spirit woman came near her, she bent her head down
allowing the woman to re-place the hour glass over her head. he wasn't sure who this lady, or
creature was, though she seemed kind, and Aislinn took great interest in that. "Who are you?"
She asked, quickly, hoping that the lady wouldn't disappear. <P>

At this time, she quickly realized that the dire wolf shaman was still standing behind her, though
she wasn't too sure as to if he was still life, or caught in the bubble of time. <BR> -Courtney <P>


The banging of the now closed door had made Ethereal nearly leap out of his skin. The silence
had him captivated for the moment and the loud disruption shook him more than it should have.
His fingers wrapped more tightly around Jarl's hand as he hoped to calm himself from the
thoughts of spirits lurking about. <P>

Ethereal gave a light nod in response to Jarl's question, "Your room." He felt safer there. <P>

Whether it was his place to ask the next question, that thought had not occurred to him. As
usual he was blunt with his words, this held especially true when he was on edge. <P>

"Why do you not let the maids in their room?" Was the simple question, or maybe not so simple
depending on the way you approached it. <P>
It was a curious question. The look the king had while in that room seemed to reveal many
hidden feelings. Ethereal believed he quite possibly knew the answer. Still, he wanted Jarl to
give his reason, in his own words. <BR> -Mina <P>


"I go by many names," the woman began as she began to slowly right the hourglass, "Who I
am, that is a question I can never answer, dear." <P>

As the sand in the glass began to shift back towards the base, time gradually began correcting
itself and the woman slowly started fading. <P>

There was only one being, though neither living or breathing was this person, that knew who
she truly was. That one woman was working against her. That one woman was also the only
person she couldn't play the hand of fate upon. <P>

The hourglass was once again in the position it was meant to be. The woman vanished from the
forest. <P>

The black wolf spoke, "Wait, do you know of anyone who could bring me to Heorte?" <BR>
-Mina <P>


Jarl pulled Ethereal closer in an attempt at comfort. It seemed he wasn't the only one disturbed
by the room, at least. <P>

"My room it is, then." He was relieved that they could return there. It was the most familiar place
in the palace and therefore the most relaxing. <P>

He glanced at the thief as they walked, contemplating an answer. "I'm not entirely sure why I
don't have them clean in there. It doesn't seem. . . There. . ." Hesitations were evident, making
Jarl groan. It shouldn't be this challenging to get the truth out. "The memories could be it,
maybe. Or maybe I'm just clinging to some lost attachment that shouldn't exist in the first place,
because gods know I didn't love my parents." That was a bit harsh, maybe, but it was the truth
in every way. <P>

He bit his lip and hesitated again. "Do you think... Is it foolish to do that? Should I send them in
to clean?" <BR> -Kira <P>


Astonished, Aislinn just stood there. <P>

Time must have unfroze, as the wolf she had once been talking to seemed to come back to life.
"I'm sorry what?" she said, her eyes glazed over, as if she had seen a ghost, and perhaps she
had. <P>

Heorte, what was that again? She raked her mind trying to find the answer to her questions,
though she found none. The hourglass was righted again, for, was that a meaning of
celebration, or curse? She did not know. <BR> -Courtney <P>


Ethereal shook his head, thinking that it wasn't foolish at all for Jarl to have wanted to keep the
room the way it had been left. <P>

"Memories are important to keep. Some seem to deserve more respect than others. Though,
some remain simply to haunt you," his voice was no more than a whisper, but there was no
need to be any louder seeing as he was within inches of Jarl. <P>

They entered the quarters of Jarl's once again and Ethereal felt relief almost immediately wash
over him. It was strange to feel comfort somewhere as the feeling had never happened to him
before. No place had ever held positive memories that could make the area a sanctuary. Most
places he simply stayed in for one night, the ones he stayed in longer. . . those were memories
that haunted him. <P>

"Some things, you just don't want to have to change. So you hold on, whether it was something
you never had yet wanted or just something you can't bear let go." <P>

Maybe that's why he wanted to visit his own home again. <P>

Ethereal pulled Jarl towards the bed and took a seat. Awaiting a conversation rather than what
he was used to expecting. <BR> -Mina <P>


Feaglo took a step closer to the other seeing such a distant look on her face. For a moment he
feared she might collapse then and there. <P>

"Are you alright?" He found himself asking instead of repeating his previous question. <P>

It was in his nature to care for others. He was strong, yes, but he had a gentle heart and that
was what had earned him as much respect as his sternness had. <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl let himself be pulled down to Ethereal, crossing his legs as he usually did once he sat. This
time he kept his gaze trained on the other, gaining strength from the expectation. <P>
"I don't understand. The only memories I have that are worth respecting are the ones from this
room. You don't realize that when I claim it to be my only happy time, it really is my only happy
time. The rest is. . . forced happiness, if you could call it that. Life as king isn't extremely difficult,
but it calls for at least a facade of pleasantries. If we're going on what you said, then up until
now, my memories deserve no respect and are there only to haunt me." <P>

It was all confusing, disconcertingly so. To think that he had lived his life up until this point in a
state of false contentedness. <P>

"But now it's as if I do have memories worth respecting. I've never respected anything, either,
though, apart from power and nobility. How do you do something without a clue as to how to
properly carry it out? And how does someone such as yourself, with such a haunting past, not
allow the memories to overcome them?" <P>

His words were a jumble in his mind, and even more so when they were spoken. Jarl was being
more honest and open than he had been in his entire life; he wondered if Ethereal knew that.
<BR> -Kira <P>

"I... Didn't you see that?" Her face was very stern now, her heart racing. <P>

"The blue, gypsy lady... ghost thing." <P>

She quickly looked around, seeing her fort, home, saftey... Then she heard the miraculous
sound of her pack, her family, calling her. <P>

"I... I think I might have to go." she said suddenly, just about to turn, when she fell, slipping on
the ice that she had thought she imagined. - It must be connect to that lady. - she thought,
before the startling combination of pain shot through her body. <P>

She didn't yelp, all she did was stand, holding the bloody, probably broken leg to her chest, {Her
front, right leg} and she looked straight into the eyes of the stranger, a move that only a human
would do, as wolves almost never look each other in the eye. <BR> -Courtney <P>


Ethereal laid down so that he was looking up at the ceiling. The mural still glared down upon
him. He supposed not every sanctuary could be perfect. <P>

"What is foolish, is keeping that horrendous image above your bed," he muttered slightly before
pondering Jarl's words. <P>

If being a king wasn't exactly pleasant, why on earth would anyone want the position. Even
more so, why had Jarl chosen to stay. He was capable of getting out, Ethereal believed. Gods
know Ethereal would have gotten out of his life if the opportunity presented itself. <P>
Despite that difference in their thinking, Ethereal saw that the two of them were alike in so many
ways. <P>

"Silly, the same holds true for me. This is the only place I've known happiness." <P>

Ethereal lightly pulled Jarl back so he was lying on his back as well. The two of them staring at
the angels above. <P>

"Don't worry about having to carry anything out. Just act on those impulses. Follow what's in
here," Ethereal rolled to his side and placed a hand over Jarl's chest. A playful kiss on the cheek
followed as if to illustrate his point of impulses. <P>

"As for the memories that plague our minds, I think I realize now the past is past for a reason.
It's the present we live in. Memories that overcome us, should overcome us with happiness." It
was Ethereal's turn to bite his lip in worry as he wasn't quite sure what to say next. "You are
quite possibly the only person who has been able to actually see me. The only person to not
only take, but to give as well. My happiness is wholly credited to you." <P>

This time he fully wrapped his arms around Jarl and held him close. For the moment, it didn't
matter that the healer could walk in at any time. <BR> -Mina <P>


Feaglo was quite certain the other was half mad, at the least. Her speech was broken and made
little sense though they were certainly speaking in the same language. <P>

His head turned towards the calling of a nearby pack. However, his gaze quickly turned back to
the female as he heard a sickening snap. <P>

"Here I was trying to avoid damsels in distress," he grumbled under his breath so the other
couldn't hear. <P>

The nerve she had to focus on his eyes was slightly unsettling. If he had been slightly more
irritated, it was quite likely he would simply continue his journey leaving the other to her pack.

Instead, he let out a long bellowing howl in response to the calls from before. If she was slightly
mad, he could at least aide in bringing safety to her. <BR> -Mina <P>


Time was lost to Rane while he stood, hugging Yumie to him. It felt so natural. Her body against
his, even with their clothes her figure could be felt. While Rane's mind was young, his body was
matured. The two conflicted with each other. <P>
What was this new feeling? <I>Desire.</I>

Thoughts pulsed through his mind, all of them about Yumie. Before that point he'd either
blocked them all off or denied them. His excitement kept building. <P>

With each beat the heart sped up. Blood went straight to Rane's face and quickly flushed his
cheeks red. It was a powerful pulling, unlike any other. The fox inside him wanted out. <P>

Now he was acting out on unbridled instinct. Rane pulled back a bit to look into Yumie's eyes.
Without thinking he leaned forward, ready to catch her full lips in a kiss. <P>

Before he succeeded, the human skin shifted and took on a new form. A rather confused fox sat
on its haunches, now looking up at the taller Yumie. At least the fur could hide Rane's blushing,
but the guilt on his features was evident. <BR> -Lita <P>


She shut her eyes, and knelt to the ground. There was defiantly something strange happening,
though through the pounding blood in her ears, she couldn't think straight, though it wasn't like
she had thought straight to begin with. <BR>
Her first change into the wolf body had completely disoriented her, and time was ticking, as she
was now loosing too much blood. she could feel the affects, her body, her new wolf body, hadn't
properly adjusted.
Switching back and forth was the most painful part of the experience, her spine constantly
changing, her mind and vision shifting. <BR>
Though at one point, she was able to think clearly, and her flashbacks came again. <BR>
'The fortune teller' stories came to her, along with the name of the strange female woman she
had seen. Gypsy-like clothing, warm looking eyes, persuasive hold. Magic? Most likely, if she
was able to somehow get inside of the bubble that had formed it's self around her when time
Opening her eyes slightly, she regarded the dire wolf with a small smile, not quite remembering
his name, but saying the name that formed in her mind, "The fortune teller. She came." <BR>
Did it mean anything to Feaglo? did it mean anything to anyone? She wasn't sure. <BR>
Closing her eyes, her thoughts traveled, as a priestess. Childe of Nyx, gifted, most likely, though
she didn't know the extent to it. - Her body kept shifting. Again and again, though she wasn't
sure if this wolf, the other creature in the area was going to see her fully as human. He probably
had already noticed that she was a dire werewolf. Though, she wasn't sure as to how much her
scent gave off, she was too new to this. <BR>
Visions slowed her mind to a sleep, hiding he pain from her <BR> -Courtney <P>


Diagno had seen this wolf before, as a child, a mere pup. Sweet as candy, strong as an ox.
Though to hear the cry of the other wolf he had seen apear in the clearing, startled him. <BR>
Quickly the white wolf moved through the grasses of the meadows that made up the dire
werewolf population's territory. - I must help her, he thought. <BR>
At the human-made clearing, he saw his Priestess on the ground, while the other wolf stood
near. "What happened?" <BR> -Courtney <P>


Jarl frowned at the ceiling. "I do need to rid the place of that thing. It's unbecoming." <P>

Lying next to Ethereal, staring at the sacrifice mural, Jarl wondered if he was sacrificing
anything. Security, maybe. Or perhaps his life, if they were discovered. Strangely, though, this
didn't bother him as much as it once would have. <P>

His eyes took a glint to them as he leaned into Ethereal's lips. "Impulses can be dangerous, my
dear. That is precisely why they are avoided so often. Perhaps I will follow them, though. . .
They've not caused me too much trouble lately." He grinned. <P>

"But what if only reliving pleasant memories would cause you to forget that life wasn't entirely
pleasant? Once you realized that, you would be lost." <P>

"Your happiness is credited to me entirely?" Jarl had a difficult time believing that, but being
held close was nothing hard to give in to. He wrapped his own arms around Ethereal and rested
his head on the other's, meeting chocolate eyes again. "You're making me dislike the majority of
humans even more. If with everything you did for someone and no one did so much as thank
you, then you deserve happiness even more than I first realized." He pulled him closer, if that
was possible, and gave a gentle kiss. "If you permit it, then I'd like to be part of that happiness."

A minute or two passed; just as Jarl was going to add to his last request, there was a light knock
at the door and the healer entered. There was a brief flash of disgust in her widened eyes, but
she quickly covered it, instead holding out a bag. Jarl made no move to grab it, or to move away
from Ethereal. <BR> -Kira <P>

Yumie simply stared down at the firefox. Her body was so still it was hard to even determine if
she was breathing at all. <P>

The kiss was the catalyst that threw her mind into disarray. There was no possible way this
could happen. Not in this lifetime. Not ever. <P>

The first reaction she showed was the immense widening of her eyes. Then she abruptly
backed up almost as if in terror. Hands clasped around her mouth to keep herself from
screaming. <P>
Her mind had not registered any of Rane's expressions. All her mind was thinking about was
that bringing Rane to Utland was the biggest mistake of her life, her ancestors life, or anyone's
life in the entire history of time. <P>

"What have you done?" She whispered at an almost inaudible level. <BR> -Mina

Feaglo was greatly relieved when the white werewolf appeared once again. He wasn't sure how
much longer he would have stayed around the apparently crazed female as she babbled off
nonsense. <P>

However, it was quite distasteful to Feaglo that so many of these creatures walked this land. He
had yet to run into any wolves that held any merit. <P>

Still, he humbly replied to the other. "The girl simply fell. I think she may be half mad." <P>

The blood that pooled around her leg was a seemingly large amount for that simple fall. It
wouldn't surprise him a bit if a portion of her ulna were jutting through the skin. <BR> -Mina <P>


"You already are a part of that happiness," Ethereal laughed out. <P>

He then promptly jumped away from Jarl, not out of shame obviously but simply to greet the
healer. <P>

He did, however, pause to turn and give another chaste kiss to Jarl. Ethereal whispered lightly
into the king's ear, "Think she'll forgive me for stealing the king away?" <P>

Ethereal didn't wait for a response, instead he turned back to Miranda with a smile worth its
weight in gold. The mood tomorrow would be much different than the one now. For all he knew,
Jarl may hate him with the next setting sun. He wasn't going to let the current moment of pure
joy leave him. <P>

"Thank you kindly Miranda," he let her name roll of his tongue in a sing-song voice. Ethereal
also took the bag containing the clothes from her and placed a light kiss upon her cheek. "You
should stay and help us, I'm certain it would be fun." <br> -Mina <P>


Jarl felt light, lighter than he ever had previously. As if here, in his quarters, nothing could or
would go wrong with anything or anyone. He smiled as Ethereal jumped and bounced, greeting
the healer more positively than she had probably ever been greeted before. <P>

The expression on Miranda's face changed to surprise. Clearly, she had never even considered
the possibility of being asked to stay with a patient after they were properly fixed up. <P>
Jarl stood off the bed and stretched, standing beside Ethereal. He gave Miranda a grin. "Yes, do
stay. I'm sure you could help as well if you wanted to." <P>

The healer blinked. She was having a hard time believing that this boy in front of her was really
King Jarl. He was more animated than he had been in his entire fifteen years, and the grin on
his face made the natural cruelty in his face disappear entirely, giving him the appearance of an
excited child. A glance at the man standing next to him brought on another wave of disgust, but
all the same, it gave her hope. Hope that maybe Heorte wasn't doomed with a forever-uncaring
king. For this reason, she smiled softly at the two, looking at them separately. "I would be
honored to stay, Your Majesty." <P>

Jarl nearly bounced at her answer. It didn't matter that he was ruining his reputation of being
entirely cruel. Where was this feeling coming from, this dangerously good feeling? No matter. It
could be dealt with later. "How are we going to manage doing this?" he asked, turning his eyes
back to Ethereal. "You must realize that I am entirely clueless." <BR> -Kira <P>

Ethereal picked up the brown wig and gave it a hard shake. Dust from the age old accessory
flew in every direction causing the boy to sputter out a half cough half laugh. <P>

"Well, we get to doll you all up," Ethereal said as he then moved to drag Miranda over to the
bed as well. "Er, well, pretty you down." <P>

He pulled out the brown linen, one-piece dress. It was slightly frayed at the ends and had
enough wear in other places, yet it was still in better shape than many of the clothing found in
the slums. <P>

"Jarl gets to change into this. I get the breeches." He pulled out the other clothes. "Then we'll
get you fitted with the wig and makeup. Ah, yes, Miranda can you bring the makeup while we
change?" <BR> -Mina <P>


Jarl waved a hand to clear the dust out of his face. "Pretty me down? I believe you may be
trying to ruin me," he said teasingly, but took the dress anyways. He had never seen one that
was so plain. It was void of jewels or patterns or even laces. Just worn, faded linen. <P>

Miranda nodded her head. "I will bring back as much as I can find, sir." She walked out of the
door shaking her head. <P>

Jarl began removing his clothes when the healer's footsteps were out of earshot. It was a much
shorter process than it had been the first time; he had neglected to wear all of his layers. The
dress went up his body easily, and fit nicely, much to his surprise. It was softer than he had
imagined, too. <P>
That didn't stop him from noticing that he was in a dress, preparing to be turned into a homely
woman and take a trip to the slums. With a sigh he looked at Ethereal, a silent question. <P>

Miranda stopped outside the door, her arms filled with what appeared to be makeup. "Ah," she
said, ducking back out of the room after depositing her load onto the bed, "I will wait until your
companion changes. And, sirs, I would advise a quick change. There are scarcely two hours
until dawn." <BR> -Kira <P>


Ethereal quickly slipped out of his previous clothing and into the commoner's outfit provided by
Miranda. He made quick work of teasing his hair so that it was in a more masculine
arrangement. It was hard to believe he was actually going to wind up being a gentleman on their
trip. He placed a small brown hat on his crown to hopefully hide much of the blonde. <P>

His attention then focused onto the styling of the king's. It would be interesting bringing him into
the slums. Hopefully, it would provide an eye opening experience to the other. The peasants
could use a more aware king, that much was certain. <P>

"Wipe that expression off your face. You look just fine." <P>

Grabbing the wig he fit it onto Jarl's head. He made sure some of the hair flowed over Jarl's
shoulders and a few strands were tucked behind his ear. <P>

"Miranda you can come in again. Oh, and stop it with the sirs. I do have a name, it's Ethereal,"
he grinned as the woman reentered the room. <BR> -Mina <P>

Shimmers of light shown through a the peering plant home of the a banished fairy. She sat in
the corner of the swaying home as breezes blew every now and then. She hugged her knees
sitting there looking at her mud caked feet. It didn't bother her that the earth was stuck to her.
For she felt as if she were to be reborn then she might be part of the earth. She leaned back
and reached toward the ceiling. The light beamed through the leaves down to her slender pale
almost transparent hand. <P>

Feeling a tad of discomfort from her back. Her wings had folded back the wrong way. Sitting up
she stretched and touched her toes before flicking her wings into action. They pulled up her
short tiny figure into the air so she could stand on an invisible nothing. Reaching toward the sky
she bent back stretching the rest of her body. <P>

Grabbing her soft deer skin satchel she pulled it on over her unto her shoulder. Running the
brush of bone through her hair before closing the vine made door behind her.
She let the earth speak to her through her feet. Cool and hot in different places. Plants of all
sorts lightly touching her skin. Hard bark that felt like love to her. She slid her hand on every tree
she passed. <P>
The wind still a light breeze, began rustling her tamed hair. Her smile formed from ear to ear as
dimples pierced her face. She twirled through the forest letting the world cheer up her already
rather happy feelings. Winking at flowers and pressing her lips to the sky she felt like she was
truly at home. Even the birds began to tweet when she sang. <P>

Finding a cool place near a small creek she sat down on a rather large stone. Though she didn't
notice the wolfs near her for she was enjoying the world to much. She laid back and soaked in
the sun. Still singing her old folk tales of the fairies. <P>

"La la there once was a lass for she had a great ask." She continued now chuckling. "She sat
by the river to quiver in the cool of the morn." Giggling she recited her tale over and over. "To
make her beauty far more than a legend she soon knew her age would come to thy end." She
looked into the sun and soaked up the warmth. <P>

She shivered and began to get goosebumps. The sun wasn't yet warm enough. She swung her
head back and looked at the world upside down. "If only others could imagine the world
opposite from what it was." She mumbled. Day dreaming she went back to her childhood just a
mere 300 years ago. <P>

The moon cast enough light on her and the other fairy girls in training. They were bathing in the
creek. Splashing water and dancing. Singing of heroes and old songs. <P>

She smiled to herself coming back to reality. Now sitting cross legged she let her legs drift
towards the creeks side. So her toes would lightly feather the waters top. Small fish swam by
and some nibbled at her toes. She moved her feet in the water to scare them away. <P>

A snap came from beside her a wee bit farther from where she was now. Something or rather
somethings where there. She stood in a hast. Peering over the rock with her hand over eyes
she squinted and stood bent over to see what the somethings were. "Wolves.." She gasped.
<BR> -Ash

<P> *<P>

Jarl pouted, aware of the childishness of the act. "I don't feel fine. I feel like a doll." He was just
being difficult for the sake of being difficult; the only that was bothering him was the wig. He had
never had hair down to his shoulders before, much less locks that fell halfway down his back.

Miranda reentered the room, dipping her head in respect despite Ethereal's request for
informality. "Very well, Ethereal." She ventured a dangerous question as she began to pick out
various supplies from the bed, speaking in his ear. "I see you've captured His Majesty's
attention. Would you mind telling me how you did this and are managing to do this? I can tell
you that he has never before been so kind." <P>

She began to apply makeup to Jarl's face, something powdery and skin-toned. He flinched
when she touched him the first time; she was, after all, a mere peasant woman, and was fixing
him up when he didn't need it. But then, it was for a good purpose. <I>And anyways, you're in
too well of a mood to really care.</I> This surprised him more than a little, but he had to agree
with himself. He still felt oddly light. "The hat suits you, Ethereal," he said, grinning again. "You
look the part of a perfect beau." <BR> -Kira <P>

"Hm, I do agree. Doll is a much better term for this perfection my perfect young lady," Ethereal
said in all seriousness, though a straight face was all he could do to prevent himself from
doubling over in laughter. <P>

He gave a light tip of the had towards Jarl as he watched Miranda apply the powders. He was
glad she seemed to be stepping out of her comfort zone with the questions. <P>

However, her seemingly obvious wish to keep things just between him and herself were not to
be honored. Ethereal replied to her in a casual tone with Jarl situated by the two of them. <P>

"Well, I just happened to be that female prisoner from Utland, wearing a velvet red gown that
was cut too short for its own good. Not to mention Jarl felt the need to rescue me from the
grubby hands of my cell mates," he chuckled this time. It was hard to believe the story had
actually happened that way. <P>

"I also suppose I'm quite good at loosening people up," he said with a smirk. <P>

It was then that Ethereal took the time to see how Jarl had changed. In the short time he had
known the king, Jarl had certainly become a more animated character. He previously was the
king that knew no emotion. Yet, here he was, on the edge of the bed, pouting like a child and
you could see the starry sparkle of excitement in his eyes. Jarl was finally alive. <BR> -Mina


Feaglo's ears stood at attention as he heard a distant surprised voice. What had been said, he
couldn't quite make out, but it certainly wasn't the simple laughing of the sprites above. <P>

Looking away from the white wolf, Feaglo's forest colored eyes scanned through the thick of the
woods. It was a slow scan for he knew most beings in the woods were quite talented at hiding.

This figure, however, had not hidden. Standing out, plain as day against the white river rock,
was what appeared to be a type of fairy. Her long golden hair was lit by the moonlight which
rained down between the gaps in the forest canopy. <P>

The woman quite possibly was ease dropping but Feaglo made no move towards her. He
simply stood still, making it obvious that he was looking in her direction. <P>
Out of the corner of his eye, he could still see the pool of blood slowly spreading outwards from
the female wolf's broken leg. <P>

It could be a good thing if the forest creature came towards them. After all, fairies were much
better at healing creatures than wolves would be. <BR> -Mina <P>


Fayette's eyes lit up when she saw the wolf creature staring at her. Obviously he had heard her.
She sensed no threat from him but, a sort of wanting. She looked right into the eyes of the wolf
and nodded. Her race had spare senses that knew of certain things. Things that could not be
explained scientifically or logical. They where just that. Things. Spare senses. <P>

Prancing off the rock hitting the cool earth floor with the heels of her feet, then leaning onto her
toes. She began to skip over to the creatures. A smile that was once on her dimpled pale face
slid off like hot butter. She paused and looked at the two of them. She knew they weren't
ordinary wolfs. For they would be in a much larger pack. Though that was not what made her
seem to stop. <P>

Blood. She smelt it. Good thing she managed to bring her satchel her brain reacted to say, like it
was not her own but, like she shared it with another. She stood in place looking around the
small confined area of the forest she was in. She was in search for plants, no not only plants
but, bare earth. Just in-case she had to use her power. Though she didn't want to show anyone
her gift. For she did not even show her mother nurse nor the other fairies of what she thought of
as friends. <P>

She was to afraid. She shut her eyes trying not to think back. Though she didn't have the skill to
stop thinking thoughts popped into her head. 'Most of her kind had just simple healing powers or
attractiveness to multiply. She knew some like her that showed of there power.' The thought
pounded into her brain. 'They were sent to a tower to train and become strong. Hopefully one
day to be a party of allegiance to the strongest King. Then a few more found there way in. <P>

Vanishing from her mind finally she sighed and looked back at the wolf who she had noticed
earlier. She had hoped he didn't see her daze out into a minor hysteric. Finishing the short
distance between them. She looked at the wolves and said simply "Eh, tis' happened? How
much blood have ye lost? Is it very quite painful?"

<BR> -Ash <P>


"Wasn't there ice here?" she said to the being who sounded slightly Scottish, from the way she
spoke, though she couldn't lift her head far enough up to actually see what this thing was. <P>

She was so new to this world after all. <P>

"I'm not sure, to be honest, I don't want to know how much I've los-" She stopped in dead
sentence, her form shifting from human to beast once more. <P>

"I don't know what to do. I'm confused." She breathed heavily from her mouth, her motto,
everything happens for a reason, was hard to believe here. <P>

Her mother's old saying popped into her head again, and she cringed, it was taking her energy.

"Darling childe, in life, you don't choose the deer you hunt, or who you hunt it with, but you can
choose to hunt it with all your might, and be true to who you are." <P>

It was over, after that. Her vision had become tunnel-like, and the vision of the gypsy-like
woman flashed through her mind. <BR> -Courtney <P>


Fayette closed her eyes. She knew the poor thing had to be losing life. She fell to her knees a
few inches from the wolf. She pressed around on the wound in a various of ways with her long
slender hands. <P>

She opened her eyes in a flutter. "Somen' is nawt right 'er." She said in a astonished voice.
Feeling around she pulled the wolfs limb toward her. A snap was heard that would bring chills to
anyone who heard it. <P>

Holding down the wound to stop the bleeding she reached into her knapsack and pulled out a
bottle of brown powder. It looked like pepper but, smelled like honey. Pouring it into the wound it
began to fizz and look like a molding of some sort. <P>

She ground around her had began to glow slightly. A group of assorted plants began to grow
just enough where only she could see. Picking a few with purple and yellow tops she pushed
them into wound. <P>

Bringing out a bone fine needle and what looked to be her own hair she sewed the open wound
closed. Though she wasn't finished there was a broken bone. Gliding her hand around she
managed to find a stiff good stick. Placing it next to the leg. Aligning it to a natural position. She
wrapped is with a plant she had manifested. It was wet. It only too a few minutes to dry into a
hard cast like wrap. <P>

"Ah, nows tha be good enough fer now." She smiled. Her accent was thick of forest learning.
"De stick shud keep the wone from getting infect, fer it will keep ta casen from letten the wone
nay breath." <BR> -Ash <P>

"Thank you, and your name would be?" Aislinn said, getting the feel to what this creature was.
"Forest fairy?" She asked quickly, though not trying to stand up. Not yet anyways. <P>

The forest's greens, browns and earthy colors stood out, and the weird snow that has appeared
rapidly was no longer there. Maybe she was supposed to be injured? <P>

Maybe not. <P>

Still, she continued her hunt for information. <P>

Looking at Feaglo, she said, "Why have you come here?" Then she looked at the fairy, and
repeated her words. <BR> -Courtney <P>


Aislinn watched her, such a fun creature. She looked from her to Feaglo, who stood motionless.

"My name, tis Aislinn Amara Selene Achelois. Childe of Nyx, sister to the moon, so I am told."
She laughed, time and time again, the air of distress came bac to her, but it was slowly fading,
her mind was quickly returning, but not long after the fairy sat, her pack came a' running
towards her. <P>

"Mistress?" they yelped, and she obliged to their calls, <P>

"I'm fine, you didn't have to come." She gently cooed to them. As their leader, the dire werewolf
leader, she had to be strong. <P>

She looked from them to this creature that sat crossed on the ground, who just had sang such a
delightful song, and lived three lives, while Aislinn has only lived one. <P>

An old tail her mother had told her about fairies came to her quickly, but left just as fast. <P>

"Fairy?" She asked, still not knowing her name, "What do you plan on doing? Why do you train
your gift?" Aislinn asked, her mind revolving around the few lines her mother, long gone, had
recited. <BR> -Courtney <P>


"Fayette." She said pausing. "I 'ave nay gift ta train bay sides healin'." Her voices was like bells
that blew in the wind. "My species tis' only meant to breed and love." She said the word love
with a harsh tone. <P>

She then began to pluck the greenery around her and braid it into a halo. "'Ave you ever heard
of thee tale song I just sung?" She sighed and looked up at the white wolf with dangerous.
Almost like daggers. "It hast mor' to it. Though expect you've heard of tales and de woman in
white? Tha' what me people call her any way." Finishing the halo of flowers she stood up
Placing it on the dark wolfs head. As she hung her own back in playful laughter. <P>

She then began to mumble to herself in a low tone. "The prophecies eh? Those have been
know since even before thy was created." She smirked and turned around. She fluttered her
wings to gain a little levitation from the ground <BR> -Ash <P>


Feaglo had been relatively disinterested in the conversation between the two forest dwellers, up
until the point the fairy, Fayette, mentioned the prophecies. <P>

At that word his awareness had certainly increased ten-fold. The prophecies were the entire
reason he had ventured away from Suvac and towards Heorte de Planeta. The pearls prophecy
had taken a sudden turn for the worse. Without a doubt the end would come sooner than
anyone had expected. Feaglo was determined to visit the king in hopes of changing the course
of fate. <P>

As the flowers were placed upon his head, he looked up at Fayette with questioning eyes. <P>

"How much do you know of these prophecies?" He found himself asking suddenly, the curiosity
evident in his eyes even in the darkness. <BR> -Mina <P>


She was overwhelmed that he actually spoke. "We'll then." She said. "It speaks." She giggled a
bit frantically. <P>

"De Prophecies aye?" She said with her thick accent and mouth movement that made her look
like she was talking out of the right side of her mouth. "I know of the stories and folk poems."
She began to dance around the wolf. <P>

"Though I get them in dreams to. Heard'em from when I was wee lil' tike, I did." she said while
imitating holding a baby. <BR> -Ash <P>


The mention of the prophecies, was what sparked another flash-back, she knew only of the one
prophecy, which her mother had told her. <P>

"Crumbling stones and shattered bones<BR>

You of the realm will reap what you've sewn<BR>
The river of time will reach it's last bend<BR>
And thus comes the signal of the great end<Br>
The hour glass will run out of sand<BR>
The river will cease to tear through the land<BR>
And those of the blood will heed the call<br>
And Exoticus Alterare shall fall" <P>

She repeated it out loud, as she remembered her mother say it. <P>

The hour glass lifted off her chest, as she laid on the ground, it glowed, only until Ailsinn had
stopped the lithe poem. Time meant nothing to her, only the tales and stories of her past, those
that she could vaguely remember. Time, was that why she was here? <P>

Her spirit lifted, and her eyes, porcelain blue, lifted. Almost sparkling, for she actually had a
purpose, or did she? <BR> -Courtney <P>


Feaglo took a few steps back, as if he could walk away from this new information. There was
more than one prophecy foretelling the end? He had never expected the situation to seem so
dire. He had been under the impression only the pearls were to bring the collapse of the world.
To have more than one event, it seemed like hope was lost for a moment. <P>

"More prophecies. I never thought it possible for the world to be trapped in a web of danger.
Just how many are there? Do you know?" He quickly tried to form his thoughts into coherency.

He was certain only one prophecy was known of in Suvac. The hourglass' ominous glow alone
was enough to make him believe in the possibility of more. <P>

"I must make it to Heorte," he muttered to himself more than towards the others. <BR> -Mina


"You didn't know there was more?" she asked, for neither did she even know that there were
any prophecies. For the hourglass was nearly full, for it must be because time wasn't drawing to
an end, not yet anyways. <P>

"If your going to that place, may I come with you?" She asked suddenly, she wanted to travel,
at least with a friend. <P>

She looked back to her pack, of course they needed her, though whatever information that the
newly found acquaintances can tell her, might be able to keep herself, and her pack out of
danger. <BR> -Courtney <P>

Feeling energetic about the conversation Fayette laughed. "Would ye like to hear of the fairies
doom?" She twirled around making her dress move in a helicopter motion. She then gather
leaves from trees and threw them in the air. <P>

"I shalt tell ye if ye wishes." She winked and hummed. She felt great today. She felt like making
the earth bright as day. Though she knew that since it was night it was a game of trickery for her
race of fairies. <P>

She fluttered her wings once more. Playing in the air while she waited for her answer. She knew
the tale by heart. It was rather long. Though how could you forget when your mother midwife
sand it all the hours of her days? <BR> -Ash <P>


<I>What have I done?</I> Confusion and hurt overwhelmed Rane. Why had Yumie stepped
back in horror? Wheels of thought turned round. The whole time, his feelings must have been
one sided. She never felt anything for him. From the beginning she only took him under her
wings out of pity, nothing more. <P>

Now he'd crossed his boundaries and caused Yumie to be troubled. She had no reason to let
him stay around her. <I>Why am I so ignorant?</I> Eyes downcast, warm tears began to take
shape. <P>

The young fire fox had not been enlightened. The prophecy of love and death had never
reached his ears, Rane didn't know the depth of his own sins. Each step in their relationship
was a step closer to the end. <P> "I-i'm sorry." The words came without eloquence. <BR> -Lita


Feaglo was a loner ever since the tragedy of Suvac. His pack's demise had been the end of his
true leadership abilities. Since then it was rare for him to team up. It always seemed to have an
unfortunate end. <P>

"I don't refute it," he found himself saying to Aislinn before he could decide otherwise. <P>

If it was in her interest to head to Heorte, he supposed they might as well go together. After all,
he in fact, didn't know the correct way to the heart of Exoticus Alterare. <P>

Fayette seemed to be the most knowledgeable of the small party. Either that or she was simply
toying with them as the forest kind liked to do. He knew fairies in Suvac were tricksters of sorts,
it wouldn't surprise him if the same held true here. <P>

"The end of the fairies? Please, share the tale with us." <BR> -Mina <P>

Fayette was about to leave out of boredom. Though when she came back into the picture she
glanced at the wolf. "Ye sure?" She said. Excited she began to sing. She didn't even give him a
second to reply to her random enthusiastic question. <P>

"From love to war it has began." She sang in a hollow tone. "To sing of great songs until the
end." She continued. "What was once full of laughter, will become your own disaster." She
giggled at that part and shook her head. <P>

She paused. Beginning again she sang "The world must crush until it's dust." Winking at the
wolf then pulling her foot in the air and demonstrating crushing a dirt rock. "For then the world
which was here, will vanish into no where." She jumped up and clapped at the end. <P>

If people didn't know her very well, they would guess she was mental. Though the truth was she
just loved songs.<BR> -Ash <P>


"Now, now. No need to dishearten this celebration," Rendel turned his attention towards the
firefoxes and bent down to drape one arm haphazardly over Rane's flanks. <P>

"Please, do apologize dear Yumie. I am well aware you two share each others feelings. Hiding
anything isn't necessary," he worked his words slowly in his brain, lacing them with poison, but
they came out in a flowing array of kind words. <P>

Yumie nearly took another step back before she simply settled on shaking her head in denial.

"Don't tell me this is about that nonsense of prophecies," Rendel threw his head back with a bit
of laughter. "I never could have imagined the age old firefox would believe in such nonsense,"
black strands of hair shook back and forth as he moved his head. "They're nothing but tales told
to scare the weak-minded. The prophecies are nothing but lies." <P>

Words laced with poison. Rendel was a master at that craft. <BR> -Mina <P>


There was that word again, 'prophecy'. Rane heard it once or twice before and took interest in it.
What was a prophecy? He would've asked if he wasn't so depressed. <P>

Rendel's sudden presence was comforting, Rane hoped to the gods that what he was saying
held some truth. Perhaps not all was lost, Yumie might not disown him. It was doubtful that she
shared the same deep emotions, but Rane could live with that. Just staying around her would
suffice. <P>
The tears cleared up, Rendel was right, there was no need for them during such an amazing
moment in history. His eyes met Yumie's again with an apologetic look to them. <br> -Lita <P>


Heorte de Planeta: the heart of the land of Exoticus Alterare. The largest city in the world. A
plethora of people and species came through the city despite the fortification. If one was looking
for even the rarest of reagents, they could find them in Heorte. Weaponry, armor, potions, spell
books, and all sorts of creatures were sold there. The dueling arena brought gladiators and
spectators. Buskers flooded the streets each day to earn their living. Tricks, dances, and songs
were among the most common performances. Every now and then a circus-grade act would
arrive, but anyone could bring in a handsome amount of money so long as they entertained.

Anchored to a patch of cobble stones, a young performer prepared his routine. The sunlight was
waning, and already the taller city buildings were casting deep pools of shadows on the streets.
A staff--knots of damp material secured to each end--the boy held above his head. He looked
down to his feet and mentally walked himself through the motions. There'd be no time to think in
minutes. It would be him and his fire. A crowd lingered in a distinct circle around him, bristling
with anticipation. <P>

This street performer was not yet known. However, his performing name spread like wild fire to
each member of the audience as his act began. Benoni the Fire Dancer. <P>

Moving his fingers, he adjusted the staff--previously parallel to the ground--so that one end
swung down in front of him. Simultaneously the performer drew his bare chest in, his lungs
swelling with air. Benoni was not an ordinary fire manipulator; the fire did not feed off of fuel kept
nearby. He breathed out a jet of crackling fire, igniting one end of the staff. Without pause, the
other end of the staff passed before him and he lit it as well. He was careful not to inhale the
living flame or its smoke. <P>

More than one audience member murmured excitedly. The hum of awe was inviting to people
passing by. His audience grew rapidly, like the flame consuming each end of his staff. There
was no more time to observe, it was time to get lost in the dance. <P>

The long staff whirled as he passed it from one hand to the next behind his back while backing
away to give himself more space to maneuver. He controlled the staff with one hand and
dropped forward, onto his free hand and pivoted: cartwheeling. The lit ends of the staff stayed
parallel to his legs as they passed above him. He was upside down and on his feet in a
heartbeat. Without breaking the momentum, he positioned the fire wheel beneath him and lifted
his feet off the ground, twisting midair to land on the far side of the whirling staff. His body fluidly
straightened. After the curve passed from his feet to his shoulders, his arms flew up, the staff
leaving his fingers. Slowly it spun in the air, and he turned the opposing direction. <P>

As the arc of fire drew closer to the ground, the watching people drew in their breath. The
rhythmic pounding of Benoni's feet on the smoothed stone coupled with the undulating fire,
briefly illuminating and accenting the performer, kept them mesmerized thus far. However, they
were compelled to stay in case he messed up. <P>

According to practice, when the blazing staff landed in his hand he finished by bending back
and letting the staff rotate from a focal point around his arm and then on the side of his torso as
he gracefully swiveled his body to facilitate the motion. <P>

Although the audience did not witness an expected accident, the performer had captivated each
heart. When he unceremoniously put out the fire in waiting containers of water, the people
pressed in. After Benoni--affectionately called Benji by few that knew him--collected the
donations, he fell to his rear and breathed a great sigh. Throughout the show he had been too
excited to remember to breath. <P>

By the container of water was his leather satchel. The vibrant vest that matched the loose pants
he wore was haphazardly throw next to the satchel. He shivered as the cool, night breeze swept
over his bare skin, coated with perspiration. In contrast, the skin of his face was burnt from the
intense heat of the fire passing in close proximity. Dizziness kept him from moving on to another
unofficial stage he frequented in the Heorte. He needed water before the dry coughing started,
even though he wasn't sure he inhaled smoke. He was sure fire would be the death of him.
<BR> -Revv <P>


She wasn't about to give up. Her pack, though it had many a wolves, was lonely, as a, well,
more or less a leader. It wasn't in her greatest interest to travel to the Heorte de Planeta, though
she would if it meant the company of these two, one rather merry, creatures. <P>

"What an interesting song." Aislinn said with glee, after all, the creature was starting to rub off
on her. <P>

Later on, she might find the small fairy to be rather hilarious, though the creature, to her now,
seemed mysterious, and just dripping to give away some of her secrets, though, she only had
several minuets, to an hour of exposure to her. Fayette, such a curious creature. <P>

"Your story reminds me of the Gaelic tales that my mother had once told, once rhymed to me. -
though perhaps," She said sadly, "They were only tales to prepare me for my darned future.
Whatever that might be, as my journey, unless I follow Feaglo, has not yet quite begun." She
laughed, and continued talking, as she did when she was nervous. <P>

{Courtney: Introducing another character, which I shall work on later, as I feel like I don't want to
work on his page right now.} <P>

The minuscule crackling of laugher was all that Lyere heard, and of course, it was his own. He
had been tracking the white wolf, who was the blonde haired girl, for months now. That little
hour glass was more important to him, than she even knew. - But she didn't even know who he
was. <P>
As usual. Serpentine, scaly, he might as well be the true apparatus of evil, though no one, not
even himself could answer that question. <P>

He was on the break of capturing the map to time, the red pearl-like thing on the top of the hour
glass, when these two... rather interesting characters stirred from the depth of the forest, and
met with the wolf at her most needed time. <P>

The ice that only she saw, well, that would be his fault. His gift. His secrets, he would never tell,
though it worked quite well. <P>

Whatever he wanted somebody to see, they physically saw it, they could touch it, smell it,
though only they, and Lyere, could see the object in question. A Greek god's minor power, sure,
if he wanted you to believe it was. <P>

He is the cunning of the cunning, the craftiest of the craft, and the best of the thieves. - Nothing
could stop him, unless they traveled in a group. But he still could try. <P>

Maybe even have some fun while trying? Play mind tricks with the trio, despise a wrong turn for
them, or even, make them believe there was an oracle, that really wasn't there. <P>

He is a shape shifter, a mind controller, in parts, and could play any role that he can devise.
Though power is what he always wanted. <P>

The red pearl, though fake, was modeled to look like the doomsday red pearls from the
prophecy, and of course, it wasn't that at all. <P>

It contained the same stuff that the red pearls do, but it opens up, to reveal a time map,
something that he could use in his devious tricks, something that he could use to control the
world. <P>

Of course he wanted it, but when they teamed up to make a group of three, he needs two more,
who want power, just like him. So his quest from here on out, is simple. Find two others who are
interested in power. <P>

That won't be easy. - Of course it won't be easy. <P>

{Aislinn Amara Selene Achelois}

Time was distant to her now, did it matter, not really. She might have a quest, something, a
purpose. The day was getting dark though, and she was glad for it. Traveling at night in the
dusty light of the moon would be just the thing to ease her mind. Perhaps, ease her soul. <P>

Her mother's darting words came to her again, <P>

"In every life, you have a person that is meant for you, and only you. Soulmates. Your father, is
mine, and one day, you will find yours. - No matter how wrong they feel, you'll be meant to be."

She sighed, one day she'll find hers... Maybe tonight, maybe never, she hoped that it will be her
destiny in this lifetime to find hers. <P>

Before the prophecy ends, and time is stunned, of course. <BR> -Courtney <P>


"Perfection? I believe 'ridiculousness' is the correct word for it. You should feel lucky that I'm
willing to do this just to be courted by you." Jarl had forgotten the healer's presence by saying
that. If she took the information as more than a passing comment, she didn't show it; still, it
worried Jarl. It could be used as leverage later. <I>All of what she has seen could be used as
leverage. You've done yourself in already.</I> <P>

Jarl laughed aloud at Ethereal's recollection of their meeting for the first time. "That dress was
the undoing of everything," he agreed. "You did give off the appearance of a rather wounded
woman. Tugged at my heart. I couldn't let you slip by after you captured my interest like that,
could I?" There was actually a faint tinge of pink to his cheeks when Ethereal mentioned
loosening him up. "You're very, ah, well-versed in that area indeed. It's not always a bad thing."

Miranda shook her head, in irritation or disgust Jarl couldn't tell. He was giving away too much
information, but as he had already established, that didn't matter. If she proved to be difficult
and threatening to Ethereal, then her life could easily be taken, valuable or not. <P>

This was interesting. He had considered Ethereal's safety again. Odd. But he considered it a
positive thing; why, he didn't know, but it seemed like that. <P>

The healer finished up with the powder, nodding at her work. She brought out another mixture,
this one pasty. She began applying it and looked at Ethereal levelly. "So you are the prisoner
that caused so much trouble. Murdering your brothers and giving yourself, then disappearing
and reappearing at the Utland's outskirts. How convenient that His Majesty found and saved
you from that terrible prison. News travels fast when you help more people than anybody
realizes." <P>

There was a slight bite to her words. Jarl glanced at her, an unspoken warning. She hastily
added, "What I mean, Sir Ethereal, is that it is terribly convenient to have been saved and taken
in by His Majesty. You were certainly saved an unsavory fate." <P>

Then she was finished with the paste as well. Jarl felt as if his face was covered by a thin
blanket. It was uncomfortable, but bearable. The excitement was back. "Do I pass as a
woman?" <BR> -Kira <P>

Fayette just stood there. She listened to what the wolf had to say. She had heard there names
several times but, she couldn't remember them. It was near midnight now and the other fairies
would be prancing around looking for any feeble minded man to control. She had thought about
travel but, wasn't sure. She had just met these creatures. How could she trust them? <P>

"Aye young white wolf, ye say your a leader of ye pack eh?" She pointed to the sitting wolfs
behind the white one. "Can ye take human form as well?" She pointed at her self and twirled
around. Her hair began to frizz from the humidity. She wanted to make sure she would be able
to talk as much as possible for she missed it over the last 300 years. <P>

The bottom of her bodice length dress was caking in mud. Though it did bother her some it
wasn't a thorn in her side. She looked up into the sky noticing sparkling things every once in
awhile fluttering by. <BR> -Ash <P>


"Yes. I be the, er, once lost dire werewolf priestess of this pack. I would be in my early twenties,
and..." She stopped herself before saying the rest of her sentence. <P>

The night was perfect for her right now, her new vision was kicking in, and she wanted so badly
to start moving, for she was a creature of the night. <P>

She waited for Feaglo to say something, but she mostly listened to the fairy. <br> -Courtney


Fayette only looked at her strangly. "Ye did not answ'r all of me questions." She said in a hollow
tone. She closed her eyes and laid down on the ground. "Aye, I is gett'n to ol' for this." <P>

She ran her hands beside her in the dirt. Her fingernails caught on roots and other forest
grounded things. She sighed getting bored. <BR> -Ash <P>


The crystal on Senka's staff continued to pulse with a purple glow as she grasped the cool black
wood in her dainty hand. Blue eyes flashed to meet Leika's as the women gave her a new,
valuable piece of information. <P>

“A prince... In the Utlands? Are you certain? I've heard that rumor once before and dismissed it
as false. But if there is a prince we could work that to our advantage.” <P>

Senka licked her lips thoughtfully. The Utlands were a place of death and pain, many had
perished there. Some tormented spirits must have been left behind. And they weren't normal
spirits, they were of those who'd committed unforgivable crimes. If she could travel to the
Utlands and harness all of the spirits' hatred and power, an army could be built. Just the army
she'd been needing to wage war on the living. It was her path in life, the path that Fate told her
of as a child. <P>

Entering the Utlands would be simple, any fool off the streets could accomplish that. But then,
there was the issue of getting out again. The inhabitants wouldn't be a hindrance, it was the
magical barrier surrounding the land that would prove troublesome. <I>The demon prince.
Perhaps he could aid me in leaving his lands after my visit. Surely he wants out, it's only a
matter of time before a caged beast yearns for freedom. All in good time. The Utlands are on my
list of to do.</I> <P>

Now Senka focused back to Leika, a generous smile crossed her lips and touched her briefly
eyes. “So you wish to travel to Heorte? Let's go then, it's not far.” <BR> -Lita <P>

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