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Radio Network parameters for (E) GPRS

Base Transceiver Station parameters

 GPRS non BCCH layer rxlev upper limit (GPU)

 GPRS non BCCH layer rxlev lower limit (GPL)

 direct GPRS access BTS (DIRE)

 max GPRS capacity (CMAX)

 GPRS rxlev access min (GRXP)

 GPRS MS txpwr max CCH (GTXP1)

 GPRS MS txpwr max CCH 1x00 (GTXP2)

 priority class (PRC)

 HCS threshold (HCS)

 RA reselect hysteresis (RRH)

 Routing Area code (RAC)

 GPRS enabled (GENA)

 network service entity identifier (NSEI)

 default GPRS capacity (CDEF)

 dedicated GPRS capacity (CDED)

 prefer BCCH frequency GPRS (BFG)

 transport type (TRAT)

 coding schemes CS3 and CS4 enabled (CS34)

 BTS downlink throughput factor for CS1-CS4

(TFD) (PCU2 only)
 BTS uplink throughput factor for CS1-CS4
(TFU) (PCU2 only)

 BTS uplink throughput factor for MCS1-MCS4

(TFUM1) (PCU2 only)

 BTS downlink throughput factor for MCS1-

MCS9 (TFDM) (PCU2 only)

 BTS uplink throughput factor for MCS1-MCS9

(TFUM) (PCU2 only)

 quality control GPRS DL RLC ack throughput

threshold (QGDRT)

 quality control GPRS UL RLC ack throughput

threshold (QGURT)

 quality control EGPRS DL RLC ack throughput

threshold (QEDRT)

 quality control EGPRS UL RLC ack throughput

threshold (QEURT)

 DL adaption probability threshold (DLA)

 UL adaption probability threshold (ULA)

 DL BLER crosspoint for CS selection no hop


 UL BLER crosspoint for CS selection no hop


 DL BLER crosspoint for CS selection hop


 UL BLER crosspoint for CS selection hop


 coding scheme no hop (COD) (PCU1)

 coding scheme hop (CODH) (PCU1)

 DL coding scheme in acknowledged mode


 UL coding scheme in acknowledged mode


 DL coding scheme in unacknowledged mode


 UL coding scheme in unacknowledged mode


 adaptive LA algorithm (ALA) (PCU2)

 EGPRS inactivity alarm weekdays (EAW)

 EGPRS inactivity alarm start time (EAS)

 EGPRS inactivity alarm end time (EAE)

Adjacent Cell parameters

 adjacent GPRS enabled (AGENA)

 GPRS rxlev access min (GRXP)

 GPRS MS txpwr max CCH (GTXP1)

 GPRS MS txpwr max CCH 1x00 (GTXP2)

 priority class (PRC)

 HCS signal level threshold (HCS)

 GPRS temporary offset (GTEO)

 GPRS penalty time (GPET)

Gb Interface Handling parameters

 data link connection identifier (DLCI)

 committed information rate (CIR)

 network service virtual connection

identifier (NSVCI)

 network service virtual connection name


 network service entity identifier (NSEI)

 bearer channel identifier (BCI)

 bearer channel name (BCN)

Gb Interface Handling parameters (IP)

 network service virtual connection

identifier (NSVCI)
 network service virtual connection name

 network service entity identifier (NSEI)

 BCSU logical index (BCSU)

 PCU logical index (PCU)

 local UDP port number (LPNBR)

 remote IP address (RIP)

 remote host name (RHOST)

 remote UDP port number (RPNBR)

 preconfigured SGSN IP endpoint (PRE)

 remote data weight (RDW)

 remote signalling weight (RSW)

 packet service entity identifier (PSEI)

Power Control Handling parameters

 binary representation ALPHA (ALPHA)

 binary representation TAU (GAMMA)

 idle mode signal strength filter period


 transfer mode signal strength filter period


TRX Handling parameters

 GPRS enabled TRX (GTRX)

 Dynamic Abis pool ID (DAP)

Base Station Controller parameters

 GPRS territory update guard time (GTUGT)

 maximum number of DL TBF (MNDL)

 maximum number of UL TBF (MNUL)

 CS TCH allocate RTSL0 (CTR)

 CS TCH allocation calculation (CTC)

 PFC unack BLER limit for SDU error ratio 1

(UBL1) (PCU2 only)

 PFC ack BLER limit for transfer delay 1

(ABL1) (PCU2 only)

 QC NCCR action trigger threshold (QCATN)

(Applicable if NCCR is activated)

 QC reallocation action trigger threshold


 free TSL for CS downgrade (CSD)

 free TSL for CS upgrade (CSU)

 EGPRS inactivity criteria (EGIC)

 events per hour for EGPRS inactivity alarm


 supervision period length for EGPRS

inactivity alarm (SPL)

 mean BEP limit MS multislot pwr prof 0 with


 mean BEP limit MS multislot pwr prof 0 with


 mean BEP limit MS multislot pwr prof 0 with


 mean BEP limit MS multislot pwr prof 1 with


 mean BEP limit MS multislot pwr prof 1 with


 mean BEP limit MS multislot pwr prof 1 with


 mean BEP limit MS multislot pwr prof 2 with


 mean BEP limit MS multislot pwr prof 2 with


 RX quality limit MS multislot pwr prof 0

with 2 UL TSL

 RX quality limit MS multislot pwr prof 0

with 3 UL TSL

 RX quality limit MS multislot pwr prof 0

with 4 UL TSL
 RX quality limit MS multislot pwr prof 1
with 2 UL TSL

 RX quality limit MS multislot pwr prof 1

with 3 UL TSL

 RX quality limit MS multislot pwr prof 1

with 4 UL TSL

 RX quality limit MS multislot pwr prof 2

with 3 UL TSL

 RX quality limit MS multislot pwr prof 2

with 4 UL TSL

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