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U : Cowok ubanan (Ami) B : Penjual tiket (Jose)

C : Cewek si ubanan (Maria) J : Penjual ‘hairstick‘ (Cella)

1. U dan C lagi jalan berdua mau beli tiket bioskop, sambil romantis2 gitu. U pake topi jadi gak
keliatan ubannya.

U : honey, what do you wanna watch ?

C: Uum, what about ‘The King’s Speech’?
U: I don’t think they still play ‘The King’s Speech’ here.
C: Aaah..
U: What about ‘No Strings Attached’?
C: Is it the film with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman in it?
U: Yes it is.
C: Well, let’s buy the tickets then.

2. Trus mereka jalan beli tiket. U lepas topi, keliatan ubannya.

B: Good evening, which ticket do you wanna buy?

C: 2 tickets for ‘No Strings Attached’ please.
B: Are you sure you wanna watch ‘No Strings Attached’ with your father? It’s got some pretty
explicit sexual contents. I don’t recommend it.
C: (sebel) Duh, I’m not watching with my father, you movie-ticket seller!
B: I’m sorry; I thought you’re watching with your father.
U: I’m hurt.
B: My deepest apology, Sir.
C: Don’t call him ‘Sir’! He’s my boyfriend!
B:Oh, sorry I didn’t know, You, um, you have grey hair, so I thought…
U: What?
trus C ngecek kepalanya U
C: Oh my God, I didn’t realize!
U: I have grey hair?
C: Yes, baby!
B: Uh, excuse me, what about the tickets?
C: Cancel them. We’ll go.
B: Are you sure? The movie’s very good. You two will like it.
C: (ngomong ke B) watch it with your father!

3. Trus mereka pergi jalan ke toko obat. Pas mereka lagi jalan..

U: I’m very sorry, baby.. But that’s just the way I am.
C: I don’t want you the way you are. I want to look like I’m dating a teenager, not some rich 60-
year-old grandpa!
U: What can I do? My dad had grey hair at a very young age. So did my mom.
C: I don’t like that. I look like a gold digger. I, um, I don’t think it’s working.
U: What’s not working?
C: Us! I, I don’t want to be with you anymore.
U: What?
C: Not until you fix that hair. If it goes back to black, then call me.
4. Trus C pergi, U ngejar.

U : Baby, baby, let’s think of something to solve this thing.

C: How?
U; Let’s go to the drugstore.
C: What for?
U: Maybe, there’s a cure.
C: A cure for grey hair?
U:Yeah. Come on!

5. Di toko obat. Si J rada banci gitu.

J: Good evening, can I help you?

C; Yeah, we need a cure for grey hair.
J: Cure?
U: Something to cover my ugly hair (ngeliat C)
C: I never said you had ugly hair.
U: You sounded like saying that.
C: Whatever. Anything?
J: We have ‘Hairstick’
C: Hairstick?
J: Like lipstick to color you lips, hairstick is to color your hair.

6. J ngasih hairstick

J; It’s called ‘Love me’ hairstick, just roll it on the grey spot, like that one on your head (sambil
megang rambutnya U, trus si C nepis)
C; Don’t touch my boyfriend’s body part.
J: It’s just… Grey hair is very common for adults above 30.
C: He is my boyfriend! Gosh!
J: Oh yeah? I’m sorry I didn’t know. But you do look very handsome, boy, you have to use this
‘love me’ hairstick if you wanna hang out with girls!
U: Excuse me,,I’m commited to this girl! I’m his boyfriend!
J: All I know is, this ‘love me’ hairstick works really well. Your hair will turn black in less than 1
minute. Isn’t it great?
U: All right then, I’ll buy one.
C: No, you’re not buying it here! Let’s go some place else!
J: Up to you.. ‘Love me’ hairstick is sold everywhere in this entire world. Enjoy!
U: no, no I’ll buy it here, just to be quick. Here’s the money.
J: Good luck!

7. C ngambek trus narik U keluar drugstore.

U: Baby, can you roll it on my hair?

C: (sambil ngambek gitu) Yes, (trus ngeroll) (U ngambil kaca)
U: Oh, honey, look at this, my hair turns black!
C: (sambil seneng) Oh yeah? Right! That’s right! I just won my boyfriend back!
U: I love you, baby! ( pelukan)


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