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Assessment Plan, UPR, RRP (2011-2015)

School of Communication

Information and Journalism – Tabla preparada y organizada de acuerdo al Plan de Assessment requerido por la ACEJMC:
Type of Instance of Assessment
Relevant learning* 2009-10* 2010-11* 2011-12** 2012-13** 2013-14** 2014-15** 2015-16**
ACEJMC course(s)*
Student learning outcomes (SLOs)* Values* K S A Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
1. Have an awareness of the new theoretical 4 INFP 4059, X INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP
trends and practices in communication, INFP 4809, 4809, 4001 4002, 4205, 4001 4002, 4205, 4001 4002,
particularly in the areas of information and COPU 4086, 4205 4148 4809 4148 4809 4148
journalism. COPU 4148,
INFP 4001,
INFP 4002
2. Acquire a broad and comprehensive 2 COPU 4017, X INFP COPU COPU
understanding of the historical, economic, COPU 4355, 4809 4017, 4017,
technical, artistic, and professional INFP 4809 4355 4355
development of communication media in
general and of the press in particular, in
Puerto Rico and abroad.
3. Examine the social and cultural 3, 6 COPU 4017, X COPU COPU COPU
implications of journalistic texts and COPU 4355, 4017, 4017, 4017,
discourses. COPU 4365, 4008, 4355 4355
4. Value ethical and social responsibility as 1, 5, 6 COPU 4365, X COPU COPU INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP
fundamental aspects of all communication COPU 4045, 4365, 4365, 4001 4002, 4036 4001 4002, 4036 4001 4002,
processes. INFP 4001, 4045 4045 4148, 4148, 4148,
4045 4045 4045
5. Apply, from a critical perspective, the basic 1, 6 COPU 4148, X X COPU COPU COPU INFP COPU INFP COPU
legal and ethical concepts related to INFP 4001, 4365 4365 4365 4059 4365 4059 4365
INFP 4002,
freedom of information and the press in the COPU 4086,
production of news information. INFP 4059,
COPU 4036,
COPU 4045,
COPU 4365
Assessment Plan, UPR, RRP (2011-2015)
School of Communication
Type of Instance of Assessment
Relevant learning* 2009-10* 2010-11* 2011-12** 2012-13** 2013-14** 2014-15** 2015-16**
ACEJMC course(s)*
Student learning outcomes (SLOs)* Values* K S A Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
6. Generate knowledge and analyze 5, 6, 10 ESIN 4077 X X COPU ESIN COPU ESIN COPU ESIN
information through various basic research 4045 4077 4045 4077 4045 4077
7. Master the basic principles of writing for 7, 8 COPU 4148, X INFP COPU INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP
different formats and styles, taking into INFP 4001, 4001, 4148 4001, 4001 4002, 4059 4001 4002, 4059 4001 4002,
consideration the particularities of media COPU 4086, 4002, 4002 4148 4148 4148
used and the different tasks of the INFP 4059 COPU
journalism profession. 4148,
8. Understand and apply diverse graphic 11 INFP 4036, X INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP INFP
elements and new information technologies COPU 4148, 4036 4001 4002, 4036 4001 4002, 4036 4001 4002,
as they apply to the practice of journalism. INFP 4002 4148 4148 4148

* = Datos presentados en el Informe de Auto Estudio, EC, 2010.
** = El acopio de datos se llevará a cabo mediante rúbricas estándar diseñadas para avaluar el aprendizaje en cada curso identificado en el Plan 2011-2015.
Type of learning: Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes
Texto en rojo = Recomendación de la profesora Milagros Acevedo (Marzo 2011).
Texto en amarillo = Cursos Medulares de BA
Assessment Plan, UPR, RRP (2011-2015)
School of Communication

Audiovisual Communication – Tabla preparada y organizada de acuerdo al Plan de Assessment requerido por la ACEJMC:
Instance of Assessment
Type of
learning* 2009-10* 2010-11* 2011-12** 2012-13** 2013-14** 2014-15** 2015-16**
ACEJMC course(s)*
Student learning outcomes (SLOs)* Values* K S A Fall Sprin Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
1. Have a comprehensive view of media in general, 1, 2, 8, COPU 4017; X COMA COPU COM COPU COM COPU COPU COM COPU
including historical, economic, technical, 10, 11 COPU 4045; 4315, 4017 A COPU 4017 A 4148 4017 A 4148
artistic, and professional considerations. COMA 4315; COPU 4315 4148 4315 4315
COPU 4148. 4148
2. Understand new trends and theories in the study 3, 4, 5, 7, COMA 4810; X COMA COM COM
and practice of radio, television, film, and 11 COMA 4815; 4815 A A
graphic communication and emerging COMA 4817 4810; 4810;
technologies. COM COM
4815; 4815;
4817 4817
3. Understand the ethical, esthetic, and economic 4, 5, 8, COPU 4365; X COMA COPU COPU COM COPU COM COPU
dimensions related to radio, film, television, and 10, 11 COMA 4011; 4341, 4355 4365, A 4365, A 4365,
graphic production and emergent technologies. COMA 4315; COMA COM 4011; COM 4011; COM
COMA 4317 4361 A COM A COM A
4315 A 4315 A 4315
4317 4317
4. Operate the necessary technical equipment for 9, 11 COMA 4341; X COMA COMA COM COM COM COM COM
the management, production, and post COMA 4351; 4351, 4351, A A A A A
production of radio, television, and film projects, COMA 4361; COMA COMA 4341; 4342; 4341; 4342; 4341;
including the use of digital and new information COMA 4342; 4362 4361 COM COM COM COM COM
equipment and technologies. COMA 4352; 4351;
A 4351;
A 4351;
COMA 4362; COM 4352; COM 4352; COM
COMA 4815; 4361; A 4361; A 4361;
COMA 4817. 4362 4362
5. Ponder the social and cultural implications of 1, 2, 3, 4, COMA 4810; X X COPU COPU COM COPU COM COPU
audiovisual text and discourses. 5, 6, 9 COMA 4815; 4045, 4045 A 4045 A 4045
COMA 4817; ESIN 4342; 4342;
Assessment Plan, UPR, RRP (2011-2015)
School of Communication
Instance of Assessment
Type of
learning* 2009-10* 2010-11* 2011-12** 2012-13** 2013-14** 2014-15** 2015-16**
ACEJMC course(s)*
Student learning outcomes (SLOs)* Values* K S A Fall Sprin Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
4352; 4352;
4362 4362
6. Value ethical and social responsibility as 1, 3, 4, 5, COPU 4148; X X COPU COPU COPU COPU COPU COPU COPU COPU
fundamental aspects of all communication 6, 9 COPU 4365; 4365 4045 4365 4148, 4365 4148, 4365 4148,
processes. ESIN 4077; ESIN ESIN ESIN
COPU 4045 4077, 4077, 4077,
4045 4045 4045
7. Apply basic communication research methods 4, 5, 6, 7, ESIN 4077; X X COM COMA ESIN COM COPU COM COPU COM COPU
from an ethical and critical perspective. 8, 9, 10, COPU 4045; A 4315 4077 A 4045 A 4045 A 4045
11 COMA 4315 4315 4315 4315 4315

* = Datos presentados en el Informe de Auto Estudio, EC, 2010.
** = El acopio de datos se llevará a cabo mediante rúbricas estándar diseñadas para avaluar el aprendizaje en cada curso identificado en el Plan 2011-2015.
Type of learning: Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes
Texto en amarillo = Cursos Medulares de BA
Assessment Plan, UPR, RRP (2011-2015)
School of Communication
Advertising and Public Relations – Tabla preparada y organizada de acuerdo al Plan de Assessment requerido por la ACEJMC:
Type of Instance of Assessment
Relevant learning* 2009-10* 2010-11* 2011-12** 2012-13** 2013-14** 2014-15** 2015-16**
ACEJMC course(s)* K S A Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
Student learning outcomes (SLOs)* Values*
1. Understand the theoretical, research, and 2, 3, 4 COPU 4355; X ESIN COPU COPU
practical considerations related to human ESIN 4008; 4008, 4017, 4017,
communication and media which influence the COPU 4017 COPU COPU COPU
practice of his or her profession. 4355 4355 4355
2. Acquire a comprehensive vision of media 3, 4, 5 COPU 4355; X COPU REP COPU REP COPU REP
communication that takes into consideration COPU 4017; 4355, U 4017 U 4017 U
historical, economic, technical, artistic, and REPU 4018 COPU 4018 4018 4018
industrial aspects. 4017
3. Comprehend the development, creation, and 4, 11 COPU 4215; X REP REPU REPU REPU COPU REPU REPU COPU REPU REPU
production processes of advertisements for REPU 4076; U 4155 4076 4155 4017, 4076 4155 4017, 4076 4155
various traditional and nontraditional media. REPU 4155; 4155 COPU COPU
REPU 4087; 4355 4355
REPU 4157;
REPU 4069
4. Understand the managerial function of public 5, 7, 9, REPU 4018; X REP REPU REP REP REPU REP REP REPU REP
relations and advertising professionals as well 10 REPU 4165; U 4018 U U 4165 U U 4165 U
as the ethical responsibility and social impact REPU 4166; 4018 4018 4166 4018 4166 4018
related to the exercise of their profession. REPU 4087;
REPU 4157
5. Recognize the communication processes that 1, 3, 5, COPU 4355; X REP COPU COPU REP REPU COPU REP REPU COPU
are directed to, and generate from, audiences as 11 ESIN 4008; U 4045 4148 U 4165 4148 U 4165 4148
well as their organization and socio-cultural REPU 4165; 4165, 4166 4166
implications REPU 4166; REP
COPU 4148; U
COPU 4045 4166
6. Value and understand the ethical, legal, and 1, 5, 6, 7, COPU 4365; X COPU COPU COPU COPU COPU COPU COPU COPU
social responsibility considerations related to 10 ESIN 4008; 4365 4045 4365 4045 4365 4045 4365 4045
the freedom of and right to information of the COPU 4355;
public or audience he or she serves. COPU 4045
Assessment Plan, UPR, RRP (2011-2015)
School of Communication
Type of Instance of Assessment
Relevant learning* 2009-10* 2010-11* 2011-12** 2012-13** 2013-14** 2014-15** 2015-16**
ACEJMC course(s)* K S A Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
Student learning outcomes (SLOs)* Values*
7. Demonstrate competence in the ethical and 1, 5, 7, COPU 4365; X COPU COPU COPU COPU COPU COPU COPU COPU
legal use of information and communication 10, 11 COPU 4045 4365 4365 4365 4045 4365 4045 4365 4045
8. Have competency in basic language and writing 4, 7, 8, COPU 4148; X COPU COPU COPU COPU
skills and the formats and styles of various 11 ESIN 4008; 4148 4148, 4148, 4148,
media. COPU 4215; REPU REPU REPU
REPU 4147; 4147 ó 4147 ó 4147 ó
REPU 4025 4025 4025 4025
9. Master the processes leading to the 5, 6, 7, 9, REPU 4075; X REPU REPU REP REPU REPU REP REPU REPU
development and formal presentation of 10, 11 REPU 4165; 4165, 4076 U 4165 4076 U 4165 4076
advertising and public relations programs and REPU 4166; REPU 4166 4166
campaigns, as well as the creation and design of REPU 4087; 4166
advertisements and messages in relation to the REPU 4157,
media and information technologies employed. REPU 4076
10. Conduct research and analysis of information 6, 7, 9, REPU 4165; X REPU ESIN REP REPU ESIN REP REPU ESIN
by means of both traditional research methods 10, 11 REPU 4166; 4165, 4077 U 4165 4077 U 4165 4077
and new information technologies. REPU 4087; REPU 4166 4166
REPU 4157; 4166
COPU 4045;
ESIN 4077

* = Datos presentados en el Informe de Auto Estudio, EC, 2010.
** = El acopio de datos se llevará a cabo mediante rúbricas estándar diseñadas para avaluar el aprendizaje en cada curso identificado en el Plan 2011-2015.
Type of learning: Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes
Texto en amarillo = Cursos Medulares de BA
Assessment Plan, UPR, RRP (2011-2015)
School of Communication
Tabla: Lineamiento entre los Dominios del Recinto y los Valores y Destrezas de la ACEJMC (Values)
Dominios del Recinto
Razonamiento Destrezas
Valores y Destrezas de la ACEJMC Comunicación Pensamiento social (Etica, Investigación
lógico de
efectiva crítico Diversity and y creación
matemático información
1. Understand and apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press,
including the right to dissent, to monitor and criticize power, and to assemble and X X X
petition for redress of grievances.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the history and role of professionals and
institutions in shaping communications.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of groups in a global society in
relationship to communications.
4. Understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images
and information.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work
ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity, in the context of X X
social responsibility*.
6. Think critically, creatively and independently. X X
7. Conduct research and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the
communications professions in which they work. X X
8. Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the
communications professions, audiences and purposes they serve.
9. Critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness,
clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness.
10. Apply basic numerical and statistical concepts. X X
11. Apply tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in
which they work.

Revisado por E.R.C.Z – marzo 2011

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