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The Power of Drugs Will Harm Lives and Bodies

Brian Irons wrote the book, I Did Not Know. Brian’s reason for writing the I Did N
ot Know story is to give people who use and abuse Chemical Controlled Substances
a bird’s eye view of drug’s power. The I Did Not Know book highlights many experien
ces Brian encountered, due to substance usage and abuse.
April 04, 2011 -- Chemical Controlled Substances were on earth before many peopl
e were born. Many people began using and abusing drugs in the days of their yout
h. When young people participate in using Chemical Controlled Substances, they a
re putting inside their brains something that’s older than they are. Controlled Su
bstances are more than one thousand years old. Since that is so, who do you thin
k is more subtle and cleverer? Well, drugs are.
Brian Irons first time using drugs was at the age of 14. When Brian woke up on h
is 24th birthday, he was still using and abusing drugs. An addiction always open
s doors for another addiction. Never in a million years did Brian believe he’d eve
r be a user of Heroin, Cocaine, Dippers, Pre-mo, Valiums, Tylenol 3’s & 4’s, Codeine
Pills, Syrup, Hard Liquor, and Beer. After using all those drugs, do you think
Brian Irons brain system is normal? Wow, marijuana surely worked a subtle and cl
ever work on Brian Irons.
One of the clever works drugs performed on Brian Irons was to cause him to keep
using and abusing drugs, until his heart stop beating for 11 minutes. After that
, he went into a coma, and stayed in for ten days. After experiencing a horrible
tragedy such as this, Brian Irons was left with only these words to say, "I Did
Not Know" drugs would cause my life to experience such horror. "It seemed as if
drugs were a cool thing to do, until disaster broke through". Wow, what great p
ower drugs have!
Being on drugs only makes life much harder. Life is not supposed to be as rough
as it is. If a brain controls a person every move and way, then why do people pu
t drugs in it? Many people were once on the road of fulfilling their dreams and
goals, until drugs rerouted their steps.
Below are many experiences people automatically are enrolled in, when living wit
h a brain that’s operating from Chemical Control Substances.
In St. Louis, Mo, in the year of 2009, there was a recorded 143 murders. In 2008
, there were 167 murders, 237 forcible rapes; 2, 634 robberies; 4, 345 aggravate
d assaults; 7, 274 burglaries; 17, 328 larceny thefts; 5, 841 vehicle thefts. Wo
w, look at what drugs caused to happen in your city. Take your brain to Jesus to
Book title: I Did Not Know
Price: $18.95
Order book or donate:
Press Contact:
Brian Irons
Saint Louis, MO

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