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Pioneer '10 hurtled 81,000 miles above that Pioneer 10 will be able to detect such Zodiacal Light is concentrated in the
the cloud tops of Jupiter, giant of the cosmic rays, should they exist In interstel- Inner Solar System, and It fades almost
Solar System, at 6:26 p.m. PDT on De- lar space, until the spacecraft has completely at just over 3 astronomical
cember 3, 1973. But the total period of reached 20 to 30 astronomical units, units from the Sun.
eneonnter with the largest planet and its where the solar wind scattering regions
miniature solar system of 12 largo and most likely subside. The 175 million mile wide asteroid bell
small satellites lasted for several months. did not prove to be as hazardous to
Inbound, Pioneer 10 crossed the orbit of N low energy cosmic rays are deteL'..J by spacecraft as some speculations had
the outermost satellite, Hades, on Pioneer, they will help to throw light on suggested prior to Pioneer 10's epic voy-
November 8, Outbound, the spacecraft the Y uzzle of why the flow of cosmic rays age. Some astronomers had theorized
obtained its final Pmage of Jupiter on New Into toe Solar System is about equal in that collisions of asteroids over billions of
Years' Eve 1973 as Pioneer 10 headed to energy to the incoming light from all the years might have produced a zone of de-
the outer Solar System and onward into stars, whereas the output of cosmic rays structive dust particles. Pioneer 10
Interstellar space, man's first emissary to from our Sun Is only small compared with penetrated the asteroid belt safely and
the stars. its output )f light energy. Scientists have emerged undamaged. So did Its sister
speculated that the Inpouring cosmic spacecraft, Pioneer 11. The asteroid belt
Scientists have analyzed some of the rays from We Galaxy might be purely a is not a serious hazard to spacecraft
vast quantity of new information radioed local effect from the violent explosion of passing through it.
to Earth by Pioneer 10., This sixth In a an abnormal star or group of stars In our
series of leaflets on the Pioneer mission part of the Ga xy Alternatively the in- However, Pioneer 10 did find a concen-
summarizes results of the science exper- tense cosmic ray flux may be the residue tration of dust particles around Jupiter
iments. But Pioneer 10 will continue to of charged partiles from the explosive which, although not a hazard to Pioneer-
gather information about the outer Solar death of stars formed billions of years be- type flybys, might represent a danger to
System until it passes the orbit of Uranus fore the Sun and now extinguished, par- spacecraft in some orbits about Jupiter.
where its radio signals will become too ticles that became trapped In the mag-
faint to be received by the big antennas netic fields of the Galaxy.
of the Deep Space Net: the time, 1980;
the distance from Earth, almost 2 billion Scientists found, too, that the solar wind
miles. streams change as they move out from
the Sun. At the distance of Jupiter the
Pioneer results have contributed to a high speed gusts level out and the solar
new understanding of the Solar System wind becomes less variable than at
beyond Mars, of interplanetary space Earth's orbit. Stream energy is converted
and the asteroid belt, and of the envi- to heat energy with the result that the
ronment of the Jovian system. Pioneer solar wind does not cool down as rapidly
10 also provided new information about as might be expected. THE JOVIAN SYSTEM
Jupiter and Its big satellites.
Additionally, the science experiments of
Pioneer 10 recorded an interstellar wind SIZE OF JUPITER
INTERPLANETARY flowing into the Solar System along the Pioneer 10's path through the Jovian sys-
SPACE BEYOND THE plane of the Earth's orbit. This'interstellar tem, observed by tracking and analyzing
wind, consisting of uncharged hydrogen changes to the spacecraft's radio signal,
ORBIT OF MARS atoms together with a smaller quantity of reveals that Jupiter, together with its
helium atoms, originates from the gas be- satellites, is heavier than previously cal-
COSMIC RAYS tween the stars. culated by about twice the mass of
Cosmic rays are actually particles, the Earth's Moon. Jupiter itself is 317.8 Earth
charged nuclei of atoms, moving at very DEBRIS IN SPACE masses—about one Moon mass heavier
high velocities and therefore possessing Sunlight reflected from and scattered by than previously thought. The Earth con-
large kinetic energy. Low energy cosmic dust particles in space produces faint tains 81 Moon masses.
rays seem to be prevented from entering glows in the dark sky known as the
the inner Solar System, possibly by scat- Zodiacal Light and the Gegenschein, or A new measurement of the diameter of
tering regions of the solarwind. This wind counterglow. An astronomical theory that Jupiter and of the planet's polar flattening
consists of streams of electrons and pro- the Gegenschein, which is opposite to gives the polar diameter as 82,967 miles
tons and other ionized atoms emitted by the Sun in the sky, might consist of sun- and the equatorial diameter, 68,734
the Sun. Fast and slow streams interact light reflected from small particles in miles. Jupiter is ten times as flattened as
to produce magnetic scattering regions in space beyond Earth's orbit, was con- Is Earth, probably because it is nearly all
interplanetary space which would scatter firmed. Its faint glow extends even liquid and is rotating very rapidly. An ob-
low energy cosmic rays. Pioneer 10 beyond the orbit of Mars and Into the as- ject on the topmost clouds of Jupiter at
shows that to a distance of at least five teroid belt, but not beyond. Scientists the equator travels at 22,000 miles per
times that of Earth from the Sun (5 as- also found that the Zodiacal Light de- hour because of the plane t ', spin, com-
tronomical units) scattering regions are creases, as does the Gegenschein, with pared with only 1,000 miles :^r hour for
being generated and no significant increasing distance from the Sun, except an object on Earth's equator. Centripetal
number of low energy cosmic rays enter for some brightening within the inner forces oppose gravity and allow the
from the Galaxy. Scientists do not expect zones of the asteroid belt. Thus the equator to bulge.
Pioneer 10 provided new information
about the large satellites of Jupiter, often
referred to as the Galilean satellites In
terms of the mass of Earth's Moon, the
big Jovian satellites are, lo. 1.22, Europa,
0.67, Ganymede, 2.02, and Callisto. 1 44
lunar masses. The new measurement of
the mass of to is 22 percent greater than
before Pioneer 10

The density of the big Jovl -in satellites

decreases. like the planets, with increas-
ing distance from the central body. lo's
density is 3.5 times that of water, Euro-
pa's, 3.14; Ganymede's, 1.94, and Callis- Figure 1 Ganymede. Jupiter a largest satellite.
to's 1.62 The two inner satellites might
accordingly be rocky bodies swept free of
water ice by primordial heat of Jupiter As Pioneer 10 hurtled through the Jovian THE MAGNETIC FIELD
soon after the big planet formed, whi'e system it passed behind to and was oc- OF JUPITER
the outer satellites might contain a large culted. Ar, the spa-,ecraft's radio signals Like the Earth, Jupiter has a magnotic
proportion of water ice. All the satellites to Earth p ,,sed through the atmosphere held Pioneer 10's measurement shows
now have very cold surfaces, even on of to they were changed, and from the that this field at Jupiters cloud tops is
their sunlit hemispheres the temperature changes scientists are able to determine probably ten times the strength of Earth's
s only - 245f. that lo's atmosphere is 20.000 times le,_ surface held. The Jovian magnetic held is
dense than Earth's atmosphere, but tilled about 10 degrees to the axis of rota-
Pioneer 10 obtained images of reaches some 70 miles above the satel- tion of Jupiter (Figure 2), and the center
Ganymede (Figure 1) and of Europa. lites surface. lo's ionosphere was dis- of the field is offset from the center of the
Ganymede has large flat circular plains. covered to be 450 miles high above the planet about 1,320 miles north and 4,850
hundreds of miles across, somewhat dayside of the satellite, which makes to a miles out toward the equator. Because of
similar to those of Mars, Mercury, and the unique body in the Solar System be- the tilt, a passing spacecraft sees the
Moon. There are also bright and dark cause it possesses an ionosphere while field wobble up and down through an arc
areas on the satellite, and markings that immersed In the strong magnetic field of of 20 degrees once every 10-hour rota-
might be impact craters. Europa was too its mother planet Scientists were sur- tion of the planet.
far away from Pioneer to provide an prised to discover that to is also embed-
image showing more than vague mark- ded in a vast cloud of hydrogen gas that A magnetosphere surrounds Jupiter, as
ings, like a view of Mercury as seen from extends a third of the way around the one surrounds the Earth, and protects
Earth. orbit of the satellite. the planet from the solar wind. And like
the Earth, Jupiter has a bow shock pro-
duced when the high speed solar wind,
carrying its magnetic field, interacts with
the strong magnetic field of Jupiter The
solar wind is abruptly slowed down.
thereby increasing its temperature ten
Between the magnetosphere and the
SNEET OF bow shock is a turbulent region called the
magnetosheath in which the solar wind is
deflected around the magnetosphere All
these phenomena are experienced on
Jupiter on a scale vastly greater than
` OU TFR around Earth. Pioneers points of cross-
i__—^/ //
ing Jupiter's bow shock showed it to be
about 16 million miles wide along the
INNER RADIATION DEL trajectory. But the magnetosphere
r,:• stretches three-dimensionally around
Dow SHOCK Jupiter and if it could be seen from Earth
as a visible object it would appear four
a times as big as the Sun or Moon appears
ROTATRIN in Earth's skies.

The magnetosphere consists of an inner

region shaped something like a

Figure 2 The magnetosphere of Jupiter doughnut, with Jupiter in the hole. Out-
__ I

side of the doughnut ring is an unusual 10,000 times greater for electrons there
outer region caused in part by Ionized than in Earth's belts. Protons are several
gas being thrown into space as a con- thousand times as intense as In Earth's .ISS°C PISS°q TRANSPARENT AIYOSPN[R[
sequence of the magnetosphere's rapid bells. Such high radiation Intensities HVDRUDENIIIII CAB--- '•RC .VISIBLE CLOUDS
''`- ' ENStAKE, Lm
rotation with the planet. Very different have previously been measured only TRANSITION ZONE— I01,00
from Earth's magnetosphere, this outer after a nuclear explosion in Earth's upper
region is flattened. Within It Ionized parti- atmosphere. 19.0-C d6w-r h
cles form an electric current sheet LIQUID HYDAGUIN i
around the planet, a sheet which flops In the outer belt, corresponding to the
around like the brim of a fedora hat as brim of the fedora, a region of high I,OW°C i A g OINLLION
energy electrons is surrounded by an ex- y1UzLIMX
Jupiter rotates Its tilted magnetic field. PRESSURE

tensive cloud of less energetic protons --

At times the solar wind pushes strongly and electrons.
on the magnetosphere so that the outer LIQUID ___ _ -ZDrwD
magnetic field collapses and accelerates While Earth's Moon is far beyond Earth's H YDROGEN
low energy particles to such high veloc- radiation belts, the large Galilean satel-
ities that they are s q uirted in pulsar-like lites of Jupiter (I, II, III, and IV) are im- POS SIBLE• SILA •t'
jets from Jupiter. A new discovery by mersed In the Javian belts and sweep up tlr HELNY
Pioneer 10, these particle jets make Jupi- particles, thereby reducing the total radi-
30.00114.}NNy rl l OLIO C0
ter the second source in the Solar ation near Jupiter to many times less r e4ua cORE

System—the Sun being the first—of high than what it would be without the pres-
energy particle radiation. Scientists have ence of the satellites.
now confirmed that these particles have
been detected at Earth's orbit for several JUPITER'S INTERIOR
years, but before Pioneer's discovery, Figure 4. Pioneer 10 confirms models of Jupiter
their origin was unknown. Pioneer 10 has shown that Jupiter is a that suggest the planet Is nearly all liquid with a
huge spinning ball of liquid hydrogen very small core and a deep atmosphere.
Jupiter's inner magnetic field extend3 without any detectable solid surface. The
from the center of the planet to about planet may have a small rocky core, but
this is still uncertain. Also, Jupiter was total mass. The planet is about 82 to 87
880,000 miles, while the outer field varies percent hydrogen and 12 to 17 percent
between 2 and 4 million miles or more. probably very much hotter when first
formed. Billions of years ago its radiation helium, with traces of other gases such
Because the poles of Jupiter's field are as ammonia and methane. The atmos-
reversed compared with Earth's poles, a was probably intense enough to sweep
its 'inner satellites free of water ice, leav- phere is probably not more than 600
north-seeking magnetic compass would miles deep. At its bottom there is not a
point south on Jupiter. ing them denser than the outer satellites.
liquid surface like Earth's ocean, but a
Jupiter's gray-white zones are cloud gradual transition from gas to liquid at a
RADIATION BELTS temperature of about 3,600''F (Figure 4)..
ridges of rising atmosphere circling the
Al 1,800 miles depth, Jupiter is entirely
Particles from the solar wind, trapped in planet. They project about 12 miles
liquid, while at 15,000 miles below the
the magnetosphere of Jupiter, produce above the belts which are cloud troughs
radiation belts as they do in Earths mag- of descending atmosphere.
cloud tops the pressure from the weight
of hydrogen above is so great that liquid
netosphere (Figure 3). An inner belt cor-
responds to the inner magnetosphere Jupiter is too hot to solidify. It is almost hydrogen changes into a form which
and traps electrons and protons of a wide certainly nearly all liquid with its atmos- readily conducts heat and electricity and
phere being only about 1 percent of its is called metallic hydrogen. But 'it'is still a
ranga of energies. Intensities are some
liquid because temperatures are too
high—estimated at 20,000'F—for hy-
drogen to become a solid.
WIDE SPECTRUM OF Radiating heat at 2.3 times what it re-
LOWER ENERGY ELECTRONS ceives from the Sun, Jupiter loses heat
11° into space at an enormous rate. Temper-
COMPLETE SPECTRUM ature at the center of the planet must be
OF PROTONS about 54,000'F to maintain the heat flow.
AND ELECTRONS/ This Is six times the temperature of the
bright surface of the Sun (the photo-
CONCENTRATION sphere). But at the cloud tops of Jupiter
OF HIGH ENERGY the temperature is only –184°F. Be-
tween these two extremes there must be
vast regions of Jupiter where tempera-
tures could be suitable for life, providing
such life could live in a hydrogen rich at-
mosphere and resist rising and failing air
Figure 3. The radiation belts of Jupiter and Its magnetic field with the oosltion of the Galilean currents carrying it to too hot or too cold
satellites (1,11, 111 and IV) relative to the belts. levels of the atmosphere.

Spin-scan image-, of Jupiter provided vian atmosphere Clouds form in Jupi- compounds as well as water The top-
close-ups not possible from Earth (Figure ter s atmosphere by condensation as most clouds Pie thought to be crystals of
5 and 6) and allowed scientists to under- they do on Earth But Jupiter s clouds are ammonia
stand the circulation patterns in the Jo• probably of ammonia and ammonium

Figures 5 & 6 Close-up spin scan images of Jupiter showing detai l s of the belts and the spots



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Figure 7, Atmosphere gas, which would move toward the equator by convection, instead, due to canons force, moves around the planet against the direction of
rotation. Gas which would move toward the poles Instead moves around Jupiter In the rotation direction.

The semi-permanent belts and zones of Sputs on Jupiter, including the Great Red is evenly distributed night and day
Jupiter (Figure 7) seem s'im'ilar to Earth's Spot, are now thought to be hurricane- around the planet. By contrast, Earths
cyclones and anticyclones—regions of type features consisting of groups of per- weather patterns derive their energy from
rising and falling gas—distorted by sistent thunderstorms. Pioneer 10 allso the Sun which Is concentrated in the
forces produced by the rotation of the confirmed that red spots which have tropics on the daylight hemisphere of the
planet coupled with movements of the been seen for some time in the northern planet. It is because of the internal
atmosphere up and down and northward hemisphere of Jupiter are small replicas energy source that prominent weather
and southward. On Earth these forces, of the Great Red Spot. They behave as systems on Jupiter, such as the Great
known as corlolis forces, produce the cir- ascending masses of gas flowing out Red Spot, can last for many years.
cular wind patterns of cyclones and an- from tops which poke several miles
ticyclones and trade wind patterns. On above surrounding clouds.
Jupiter the forces are much greater and
stretch the cyclones and anticyclones Jupiter duffers from Earth in its cloud pat-
around the planet into the distinct belts terns because the energy droving them
and zones of Jupiter. comes mainly from inside the planet and
As a result of information gained by 1. An Exercise in Encounter by Sensors; Various authors, SCIENCE„ hernrts of
Pioneer 10's encounter with Jupiter, For this classroom project the teacher the science experiments and ground
space mission planners can now devise should provide three pairs of objects based experiments with Pioneer 10, v.
trajectories for spacecraft that take them such a% a) football and Inflated rubber 163, January 25, 1974, pp. 301-324..
quickly through the regions of 'intense balloon, b) clear bottle containing vinegar
radiation. They now know how to and clear bottle containing cold coffee, Simmons, H.To, Wghty Jupiter Could be
safeguard spacecraft that are to use the and c) block of natural sponge and block a Star that Didn't Make Ito SMITHSON-
gravity slingshot of Jupiter to reach the of plastic foam rubber. IAN, v. 5, no. 6, Sept. 1974, pp. 30-39.
outer planets of the Solar System..
Pioneer 10 has thus opened a gateway to The objects are screened from the class Gehrels, T., The Flyby of Jupiter, SKY
the outer planets. in general and each student 1s allowed to AND TELESCOPE, Feb. 1974.
inspect them individually and make notes
Pioneer's confirmation that Jupiter has a of his observations by three sense% first Burgess, E., Space Probe, The Pioneer
warm extended atmosphere of hydrogen sight, next touch, and third, smell. The Jupiter Spacecraft, McGraw-Hill Science
causes space experts to enthuse about student is asked to write down a descrip- and Technology Yearbook, 1975.
opportunities for further exploration of the tion of the obtects in terms of these three
giant planet. Measurements of the envi- sensors and to describe how the objects Flmmel, R.O., Sw'IndeVl, W.., and Bur-
ronment of the Jovian system have In each pair diffeet gess, E., PIONEER ODYSSEY, Encoun-
shown that spacecraft can be placed into ter With a Giant, NASA Special Publica-
elliptical orbits around Jupiter and sur- The student ij finally asked to write a tion SP-349, GPO, 1974„
vive. And the hydrogen rich, hot atmos- short report tsxplain'ing how this exercise
phere, makes it feasible to use probes is an&9nas to a spacecraft's instru-
dropped from such an orbiter to pene- ments probing a distant planet to deter-
trate deep without burning up. Such mine its physical characteristics and
probes stand a good chance of surviving composition.
entry into the atmosphere and making
measurements within it. 2. Defining Environments; IndNiduai
students are asked to compile a table
They might even sample the Jovian at- showing the way in which the student
mosphere. Since some modern theories would express the environment in terms
suggest that Jupiter may have formed of the five senses sight, touch, taste,
before the Sun itself, Pioneer 10's explo- smell, and hearing, for the follow'ong:
ration of Jupiter may have opened the a) Surface of the Sun
way to sample material from the proto- b) Land surface of the Earth
solar nebula. c) Interplanetary space
d) The asteroid belt
e) Atmosphere of Jupiter
f) Radiation belts of Jupiter
g) Interstellar space.
The student his also asked to describe
what 'important elements of the environ-
merit would be missed by observations
with the five human senses in each of the


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