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Lydia Hall: Core, Care and Cure Model

Lydia Hall’s model for nursing provides a framework to encourage open communication
between patients and nurses. The model has three interrelated circles that represent
medical and clinical management nurses give to patients.
The care circle is the intimate care nurses provide to patients to assist in bathing, dressing
and assistance with daily activities. The disease management and treatment of the patient
is addressed in the cure circle of the framework. The core circle symbolizes the emotional
and social structure of the patient. The model is not static, but rather the patient can be in
an individual circle or the circles can overlap depending on the needs of the patient during
management of their disease. Patients who have their care, cure, and core needs met have
improved self-esteem and awareness of the importance of disease management and
improved quality of life. The care, cure, core model provides an opportunity for Patients to
develop trust and communicate their fears and concerns in relation to disease management.
The Core
The core refers to the person or client to whom the nursing care would be
delivered. Also he sets his own goals and has his own limits. Lastly, he acts
base on his own feelings and value system.The nurse should address the
social and emotional needs of the patient for effective communication and a
comfortable environment.
– Therapeutic use of self-aspects of nursing

The Care
The care explains the role of the nurses. The role to give a “motherly” care to
the client that may include the provision of comfort measures and health
teaching. The nurse gives hands-on bodily care to the patient in relation to
activities of daily living.
– Intimate bodily care aspects of nursing

The Cure
The cure on the other hand is the attention given to the patient by the
medical professionals. The nurse applies medical knowledge in the treatment
of the patient and at the same time sharing the job with other members of the
medical team. This refers to the interventions and actions given to the patient
in order to treat his disease.
– Seeing the patient and family through the medical care aspects of nursing

Application of Nursing Theory

Core – Patient AA’s was unable to socialize well with others because of his illness.
The only person he usually talks to is his wife. His wife stated that since he had his stroke
attacks he became depressed and only spends time alone at their backyard sitting and
watch people come and go. He can’t dress himself alone, feed himself alone, bathe and walk
without the assistance from his wife. He can’t perform things independently, felt to weak to
care himself. The patient verbalized that he is having 10/10 pain scale.
– An essential role of nurses in the healthcare plan is to assist with management of congestive
heart failure patients by providing medical, physical, and social care.
– Know patients emotions and concerns which could effect compliance to the medical plan and
quality of life.
Care – Before patient AA’s was admitted, there are only few activities he needed
assistance with. But because of his weakness and progression of his disease, more activities
were added on the things he can’t perform. He could stand up (when being assisted), but
cannot walk. He can’t go to the bathroom, so he was given diapers. Bathing is also
impossible so the nurse assists the relative on giving a tepid sponge bath. He can’t feed
himself and tolerates few amount of foods, the nurse’s role is to educate the relative on the
foods they could give to the patient, and also assist and encourage the patient on eating.
The nurse needs to provide the patient comfort, health teaching activities, help the patient
meet their needs where help is needed, and assist the relative on caring for the patient.
– Hands on care for patients produces an environment of comfort and trust and promotes open
communication between nurses and patients.
– During this phase, nurses have the primary role of answering questions and address concerns
in relation to disease process, disease management. Congestive heart failure patients’ needs
are addressed as nurses and patients develop both interpersonal and professional working
Cure – Patient AA’s previous job was awelder. Base on his occupation, since it’s not
directly connected to the medical field, he may have a limited knowledge regarding his
disease. The rationale for every intervention that’s being delivered to him was explained,
the importance and purpose of the drugs that he will take, and a brief explanation of his
disease then let the doctor do the whole explanation to him. Strict compliance with the
doctor’s prescribed diet must be observed and explained to the client. Refer problems to
pharmacist, dietitian, doctors and consultants as well as nursing aids.

– During this phase, nurses assess patients’ ability to perform activities of daily living based on
physical changes that occur during walking, talking or bathing.
– urses monitor patients fatigue level, respiratory status, blood pressure and oxygen saturation
to determine patients’ tolerance level and need for supplemental oxygen.
– congestive heart failure patients’ pulse strength, edema, and temperature are assessed to
monitor circulation status secondary to decrease cardiac output and potential of pooling of
fluid in the lower extremities

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