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1.1 Background of the Study

Flash flood which swept Wasior City, Bay County Wondama, West Papua, not
solely because of natural events. Flood disaster that claimed dozens of casualties
was not separated from the contribution of industrial sector in Papua. The reason,
besides leaving rubble and mud that blankets, thousands of logs also seem swept
away. "It is asserted, the event is not purely due to the wrath of nature. This is
clear evidence of action of logging in the upstream river that divides this city ,Not
only in the area - parts of Indonesia, but flash floods almost every country has
always been a priority problem to be solved and must find another solution for this
problem does not fade for long. When observed more in the year 2010 many
towns are submerged flash floods, hundreds of homes damaged by floods swept
away and submerged in mud, lost possessions swept away, dozens of people were
affected and many more losses that we experience because of it. We know that this
happens because the man himself, who ever not want to think how they must do
something that will not damage the environment of the people, we can’t turn a
blind eye when almost half of Indonesian forests have been unable to have the
potential to absorb water, it is because human actions are not responsible with
what he was doing. Here I will discuss about the social issues that always circulate
widely in the community about the floods that occurred in the region both in the
Indonesian big cities and town located in eastern Indonesia. the partial area is

1.2 formulation of the Problem

- Why floods in Wasior could happen?

- What are the solutions to solve the problem of Flash Flood in Wasior?

1.3 The Objective of the Study

1. To Explain and give the information about flooding in Wasior.

2. To give the solution what we should do for flash floods do not happen again.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

This paper prepared for as a discussion about the problems faced by Indonesian ,
to inform and provide solutions how to solve the problem of natural disasters
INDONESIA especially flood problem that always happens in Indonesia,
including West Papua Wasior area. And as a conduit of information to the public
just how slow the government in tackling the flood problem in Indonesia is no
exception in Wasior.
Because the impact of these disasters is not only material, but most important is
the profound trauma experienced by victims.


2.1 Definition of Flash Flood.

Flash Flood is a flood in the area at low surface caused by the rain which fell
constantly and appear suddenly. Flash floods occur when water saturation of soil
in the region has been extremely fast to not be absorbed anymore. Stagnant water
and gather in areas with low surface and flowing rapidly into the lower regions. As
a result, all sorts of objects in its path surrounded by water with a sudden. Flash
floods can result in big losses. Conservation of nature should be maintained to
prevent flash floods always hit Indonesia. Wasior 2.2 Flash Flood in West Papua.
Devastating flash floods bullion Wasior City, Bay County Wondama, West Papua.
Hundreds of homes and public facilities the city severely damaged by the brunt of
the flood. Flash floods hit three-meter high Wasior City approximately at 07.00
CEST direct leveling residents. To date there are 148 people reported. residents
died from this tragedy. According to the Main Command Post data Flash Flood
Disaster Wasior, Wondama Bay, until at 18:00 CEST, the death toll reached 48
people, lost 123 people, 188 people were seriously injured, slightly injured 665
people and displaced as many as 4625 people. constraints faced by the evacuation
team on the field is still a lack of heavy equipment and access to the location of the
disaster is still difficult. "access road is still tough, heavy equipment was still less
to reach the location,". During this Wasior known as flash flood prone areas.
Recorded three times the magnitude of flood damage settlements in the district.
Most major flash flood occurred in 1955. Similar flooding occurred in 2008.
However, flash flood in 2008 was not as severe as that recently occurred in the
year 2010. Currently about 80 percent of the region devastated Wasior hit due to
floods. Settlement residents and public facilities were severely damaged.
2.3 The Effect of Flash Flood in Wasior.
Flash floods that hit Wasior, Wondama Bay, West Papua, killing 148 people. Many of the
buildings severely damaged by the brunt of the tsunami-like flood. The impact of flooding was
remarkable, often we do not respond to hazards caused by flooding. In addition to infrastructure
damage, flooding can also bring environmental illnesses such as diarrhea and itching due to skin
disease is most common people, whose land flooded or inundated by water. But there is a disease
that needs to watch out for post-flood, namely leptospirosis. Disease in animals that can be
contagious to humans (zoonoses) is even less known and realized by the community.
In the rainy season, especially after the flood, the presence of headache symptoms of fever,
chills, weakness, vomiting, accompanied by sore calf muscles in particular, need to wary of the
possibility of outbreaks of this disease. Actually Leptospirosis is a disease in animals, as anthrax.
However, under certain conditions, the disease can be transmitted to humans yet is still just as
dangerous as other diseases that attack humans, especially because of some vital organs.
Moreover this disease accompanied by symptoms and signs are not different from the disease in
humans, which often cause confusion.

2.4 Solution From Expert

2.4 Solution From Expert

According to Hadi Sutjahjo Surjono Professor of Faculty of Agriculture, IPB floods that
occurred throughout the country is due to the inability of soil to absorb the overflow of rain
water that falls to the ground, which in turn cause erosion due to runoff. Silting of the reservoir
of water such as rivers, reservoirs, lakes and other water flows continuously occur so that the
reservoir water were no longer able to accommodate the rain water. Almost all the events that
occurred in Indonesia floods caused by overflowing rivers. Not only the property, has a lot of
lives were torn due to this disaster. During this time, generally to reduce flooding or inundation
that occurred be repaired section of the river is often called the popular term "normalization".
Repairs are carried out mostly by the river widen or deepen the river (dredging) river. The term
normalization is less precise, because the actual river (naturally) is normal then why should be
normalized. Naturally, the river is almost always alter his physical condition in accordance with
the changes that occur in rivers.
For example, changes in river discharge will be followed by changes in river morphology. This
understanding is more dominant stretch of the river, widen or deepen the cross-section, for more
rapid water flow and water capacity to accommodate the larger river.

Widening of the river depends on the surrounding land use. If the already crowded with people
so that there are prominent problems of land acquisition. The more densely populated and
increasingly strategic location, the fee exemption will be more expensive. In this condition to
widen to twice its original width would be very expensive and face the problem of land
acquisition is quite difficult to solve. In addition to note the availability of water in the watershed
for water supply in the dry season. Enlarging the capacity of the river means to reduce water
suspended in the watershed.

Widening or dredging the river almost linearly with discharge. When the river widened into two
times, then debitnya increased two to four times. Similarly, when the river deepened twice the
discharge was initially also be two to four times the original discharge, but no sedimentation, the
depth of the river is likely to be right again, even if the rate of sedimentation of the river cross-
sectional area will become smaller.

Alternative Solutions Floods

Losses due to flooding are countless more. Not only the property, has a lot of lives were torn due
to this disaster. Several alternative solutions are:

First, the solution is the most inexpensive and easy to harvest rainfall and runoff. This should be
supported by land use management in accordance with its ability to maximize results. This
method can provide benefits to the farmers in reducing the impact of flooding. How easy is to
collect and store some rain water and runoff into embungs-embungs or swimming-pool, this is
just tetntu supported by planting vegetation throughout the watershed. Cistern water in the rainy
season can then be used for additional irrigation water (supplementary irrigation) during the dry
season. For the economic value of water can be improved, selected commodities traded high
economic value (fruits and vegetables). This technology works so well implemented in Wonosari
and Bantul, Yogyakarta (Irianto, 2006). Decrease the volume of rain water harvesting and runoff
due to rain and runoff will be to reduce peak discharge and extend the catchment response time
interval between the maximum rainfall and maximum discharge. Rain harvesting technology
applications and this surface flow is time disseminated for public benefit received can be

Second, other solutions are making holes Resapan Biopori (BAH). Biopori can be formed by
making a hole vertically into the ground. The holes are then filled with organic materials, such as
household organic waste, leaves, grass clippings and so on. Organic material becomes food
organisms in the soil so that their activities will increase. With the increased activity of the
organism, the more biopori formed. Making LRB easy, cheap and does not require a long time.
The price of a Drill LRB approximately USD 200 thousand and can be used by many people.
Some of the equipment needed as follows: drill ground, bucket, scoop, bamboo and PVC pipe.
LRB is created with a depth of 1 m and a diameter of 10 cm to accommodate the volume of
waste and rain water catchment area 7.9 liters and increased from 79 cm to 3218 sq. cm square
(40-fold). For example, in Bandung, with rainfall in the city of Bandung, the average 2,000 mm
per year and 16 767 ha area of Bandung, the potential water that can be absorbed by the ground
is 335 million cubic meters (335 billion liters). Currently, city residents about 2.4 million people
and needs 200 liters of water / person / day. So per day required 480 million liters of water or
175 billion liters of water per year. The number of houses in the city of Bandung, about 460
thousand. If every house each have adequate 10 BAH BAH then there are 4.6 million in the city
of Bandung. If 50% of annual rainfall can be absorbed into the LRB, the Bandung will not
experience flooding during the rainy season and drought will also not occur when the dry season.
The volume of waste that can be accommodated LRB (7.9 liters) x (10 BAH) x (460,000 homes)
= 36.34 million liters (36,340 cubic meters) of organic waste. Per day collected in the city of 7.5
thousand cubic meters. 65 per cent is organic waste (4875 cubic meters). So the volume of
organic waste that can be accommodated by the LRB 7.5 times more than the potential daily

Third, the next solution is reforestation (reforestation) all watershed areas, particularly the
upstream, with various types of forest vegetation and preserved and nurtured until fully grown
and upright, able to grow their own, safe from interference people or animals. Program to plant 1
million or 1 billion trees from President Yudhoyono deserves our support and seriously
implemented in the field.

Fourth. Law enforcement for the destruction of forests and the breaking of spatial planning
(spatial planning). It is time for governments to act decisively against the forest destruction both
legal and illegal, as well RTRW offenders so that the process of degradation (destruction) of
forests in the future could be reduced as small as possible, as well as the process of land
conversion to unplanned need to be minimized. In this case the implementation of Law no. 32 of
2009 on the Protection and Environmental Management and Law. 26 of 2007 on Spatial
Planning should really be implemented in a consistent and inconsistent.
Handling flood can not just rely on government alone, but needs participation from all levels of
society. Environmental preservation campaigns should continue to be encouraged. The concept
of rain harvesting and recharge hole biologic, movement reforestation of barren lands and the
observance of spatial planning, should be applied throughout Indonesia in anticipation of
handling the flood of cheap, easy to effectively and efficiently.

The cause of flash floods are the landslides by the earthquake which is then blocked. "The rain during
the six hours that preceded the rain four days earlier was not possible to produce water flow floods like
that happen. Water supposed to be a normal flood water runoff plus accumulated retained trough
blockage by landslides, thus, stressed the Minister of Forestry, catastrophic floods in the capital
Wondana Bay District was not a result of illegal logging, but the topography. "Suppose there illegal
logging may only occur in the vicinity of the city berpengarug no significant impact on water catchment
We also expect that all parties can participate in disaster management, the article corresponds to
anticipate disasters Development is not just a government responsibility, but also of all parties.
"Learning from this disaster, it's time to correct the existing policies that ignore the environmental
aspects" and "The government should also review the various regulations concerning the environment,
and the enforcement of environmental destroyer"

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