You are on page 1of 57


' Name of the Script : Corporate Actions Profille Un
derlying Notification
' Scope of the Script : This test script covers 19 te
st cases related to the CA Profile Underlying Notification
' Author
: Shyam H D
' Description : Corporate Acti
ons Profille Underlying Event --> Bulk Move
' Date and / or Version : 10-12-2008,version 1.0
Sub CAProfileUnderlyingNotification()
'****Declaration of Environmental Variable
'''''''''Test case count
Const TC_COUNT = 19
strVar = Environment("TestDir")
strIndVar = Split(strVar,"\",-1,1)
strBound = UBound(strIndVar)
strAllPath =""
For intCounter = 0 to strBound - 1
strAllPath = strAllPath & strIndVar(intCounter)
strPath = Trim(strPath)
strDataPath = strAllPath & "DataTables\"
strLibPath = strAllPath & "Function_Library\"
' Including the Library files where all the Scripts are saved
'ExecuteFile strLibPath & "CAReportsUnderlyingNotificationTC.vbs
'****Adding MFLogin sheet to the dataTable and Importing the Inp
ut DataTable
DataTable.AddSheet "CALogin"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "Login.xls","CALogin","CALog
DataTable.AddSheet "UnderlyingNotification"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "CorporateActionsProfile.xls
DataTable.AddSheet "ReportHeader"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "CorporateActionsProfile.xls
DataTable.AddSheet "HomePageVerification"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "CorporateActionsProfile.xls
' Logs the Scenario name Execution in a .csv file
Call Execution_log(DataTable.Value("Scenario_Name", "Master"), "
", "", "")
'****Invoking IE and navigating to the ADR Login page
Call invoke_URL("CorporateActions","Login Page",DataTable.Value(
'****Checking the username, password and login objects in the lo
gin page
Call pageCheck_WebEdit("CorporateActions","Login Page","username
Call pageCheck_WebButton("CorporateActions","Login Page","Login"
'****Entering username and password and login into the masterfil
e application
Call login("CorporateActions","Login Page","User","CALogin")
'***************************************** TC Driver Strat *****
For intTCCount = 1 to TC_COUNT
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = True
If DataTable("TestRunFlag","UnderlyingNotification")="Y"
Then ''If run flag is Y in test data table
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"######## BEGIN TES
T CASE - '" & DataTable("TestCaseID","UnderlyingNotification") & "' ###########
","Execution of Test Case '" & DataTable("TestCaseDesc","UnderlyingNotification"
) & "' Started"
strFuncName = "CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC" & intTCCount
& "()" ''Formation of function name
''Call Function
Execute "Call " & strFuncName
If Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = True Th
Call Execution_log("",Datatable.
Value("TestCaseID", "UnderlyingNotification"), Datatable.Value("TestCaseDesc", "
UnderlyingNotification"), "PASS")
Call Execution_log("",Datatable.
Value("TestCaseID", "UnderlyingNotification"), Datatable.Value("TestCaseDesc", "
UnderlyingNotification"), "FAIL")
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"######### END OF T
EST CASE - '" & DataTable("TestCaseID","UnderlyingNotification") & "###########"
,"The Test Case Execution Completed"
End If

''Increment the test data table row
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") = Environment.Value("
While strPrevious = strNext
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") = Environment
.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") + 1
Call logoutfromApp("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Divisi
'***************************************** TC Driver End *******

End Sub

Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC1()
' Step 1
Call chkCAHomePage("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Divisi
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Check for DR Hom
e Page","The Required Links and the User Details are displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Check for DR Home
Page","The Required Links and the User Details are NOT displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
End If
' Clicking on the Corporate Action Element
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
' Step 2
Call chkCAPage("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable.Value("Me
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Click on Corporat
e Action Element and Check for CA Home Page","The Required Menu Items are Displa
yed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Click on Corporate
Action Element and Check for CA Home Page","The Required Menu Items are Display
ed Successfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 3
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
Wait 5
Call pageCheck_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying No
tification Search","Search;Clear","")
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlyin
g Notification Search","ReceivedDate;ReceivedEndDate;ISIN;UnderlyingSecurityName
Call pageCheck_WebListOR("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlyin
g Notification Search","ProcessingStatus;AssignedtoUserGroups;Source;Exception")
Call pageCheck_WebTableOR("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlyi
ng Notification Search","SearchBy;UnderlyingNotification")
' Checking for the Columns in the Table Underlying Notification
strAppValue = ""
blnExistFlag = "False"
intColumnCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Und
erlying Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").ColumnCount(2)
For intColumnCounter = 1 to intColumnCount
strValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - U
nderlying Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").GetCellData(2
strAppValue = strAppValue & strValue & ";"
strCheckValue = "Received Date;Processing Status;Corporate Actio
n Type;ISIN;Underlying Security;Event Date;Source;Sender BIC"
If Instr(1,strAppValue,strCheckValue) <> 0 Then
blnExistFlag = "True"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True AND blnExistFlag = "
True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Verfiying if the R
equired Fields are Present in the Page 'Profile Underlying Notification'","The R
equired Fields are Present in the Page 'Profile Underlying Notification'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Verfiying if the R
equired Fields are Present in the Page 'Profile Underlying Notification'","The R
equired Fields are NOT Present in the Page 'Profile Underlying Notification'"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 4
IntialRowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Und
erlying Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").RowCount
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notificat
ion Search").Image("Search").Submit
Wait 5
FinalRowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Unde
rlying Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").RowCount
If FinalRowCount > InitialRowCount Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Verfiying if the R
esult are displayed or Not when clicked on 'Enter Key' with the Default Value in
the Fields","The Result are displayed when clicked on 'Enter Key' with the Defa
ultValue in the Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 4: Verfiying if the R
esult are displayed or Not when clicked on 'Enter Key' with the Default Value in
the Fields","The Result are NOT displayed when clicked on 'Enter Key' with the
DefaultValue in the Fields"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search","Home;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC2()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search","Home;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC3()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", "PROFILE;Upload
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Upload Notification").Exi
st(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le - Upload Notification ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Underlying
Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le - Upload Notification ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Underlying
Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2
Call CreateNewFolder("UploadFiles")
strFilePath = CreateFile("UploadFiles",DataTable.Value("TestCaseID","Und
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificatio
' Entering the path of the File and clicking on Save
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Upload Notification"
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("Choose file").WinEdit("File
name:").Set strFilePath
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("Choose file").WinButton("Ope
' Selecting Underlying Security
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificati
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions","Prof
ile - Upload Notification","lookupFrame","WebEdit","divNm",DataTable.Value("Unde
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions","Prof
ile - Upload Notification","lookupFrame","Image","Go","")
Call SelectValueinFrame("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificatio
' Entering the Corporate Action Type
Call SelectCorporateActionType("CorporateActions","Profile - Upl
oad Notification","CorporateActionType",DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType","U
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Not
' Setting thr Local Record Date
Call click_image("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificati
'strDate= DataTable.Value("LocalRecordDate","UnderlyingNotificat
Call SetDate("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notification",
' Saving the Changes made
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificati
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Upload Notificat
ion").Exist(5) Then
strAppValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlyi
ng Upload Notification").Frame("msgFrame").GetROProperty("innertext")
strValue = ReadTextFile(strFilePath)
strAppValue = Replace(strAppValue," ","")
strValue = Replace(strValue," ","")
If Trim(strAppValue) = Trim(strValue) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verifying
if the Document is Uploaded or Not","The Document is Uploaded Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verifying
if the Document is Uploaded or Not","The Document is NOT Uploaded Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Underlying Upload N
otification","Home;DR Home")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verifying if the D
ocument is Uploaded or Not","The Document is NOT Uploaded Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload No
tification","Home;DR Home")
End If
End Function
Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC4()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
strAppValues = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying No
tification Search").webList("ProcessingStatus").GetROProperty("all items")
intPos = InStr(1, strAppValues, DataTable.Value("AllItemsofVariousField"
, "UnderlyingNotification"))
If intPos <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2: Verifying if the Field ' Proc
essing Staus ' has the required Items or NOT", "The Field ' Processing Status '
contains the following items: " & strAppValues
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Verifying if the Field ' Proc
essing Staus ' has the required Items or NOT", "All the Required items are not P
resent in the Field ' Processing Status ' "
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
strDefaultValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying
Notification Search").webList("ProcessingStatus").GetROProperty("value")
If InStr(1, strDefaultValue, "All") <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 3: Verifying the Default value i
n the Field ' Processing Status '", "The Default Value in the Field ' Processing
Status ' is " & strDefaultValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 3: Verifying the Default value i
n the Field ' Processing Status '", "The Default Value in the Field ' Processing
Status ' is NOT " & strDefaultValue
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = F
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Home;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC5()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call EnterDetailsinUnderlyingNotification("Assigned", "", "")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2, 3, 4: Verifying the Details f
or the Processing Status ' Assigned ' ", "The Notification Details for the Proce
ssing Status Assigned is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2, 3, 4: Verifying the Details f
or the Processing Status ' Assigned ' ", "The Notification Details for the Proce
ssing Status Assigned is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call EnterDetailsinUnderlyingNotification("No Action Needed", "", "")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 5, 6, 7: Verifying the Details f
or the Processing Status 'No Action Needed' ", "The Notification Details for the
Processing Status 'No Action Needed' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 5, 6, 7: Verifying the Details f
or the Processing Status 'No Action Needed' ", "The Notification Details for the
Processing Status 'No Action Needed' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call EnterDetailsinUnderlyingNotification("Return to IMMR", DataTable.Va
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 8, 9, 10: Verifying the Details
for the Processing Status 'Return to IMMR' ", "The Notification Details for the
Processing Status 'Return to IMMR' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 8, 9, 10: Verifying the Details
for the Processing Status 'Return to IMMR' ", "The Notification Details for the
Processing Status 'Return to IMMR' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call EnterDetailsinUnderlyingNotification("Unassigned", DataTable.Value(
"FromDate", "UnderlyingNotification"), DataTable.Value("ToDate", "UnderlyingNoti
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 11,12: Verifying the Details for
the Processing Status 'Unassigned' ", "The Notification Details for the Process
ing Status 'Unassigned' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 11, 12: Verifying the Details fo
r the Processing Status 'Unassigned' ", "The Notification Details for the Proces
sing Status 'Unassigned' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Home;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC6()
' Step 1
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Clear")
strReceivedDate1 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Unde
rlying Notification Search", "ReceivedDate")
strReceivedDate2 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Unde
rlying Notification Search", "ReceivedEndDate")
If strReceivedDate1 = "" And strRececivedDate2 = "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2: Verifying if the Values in th
e Date is Cleared or NOT", "The Values are Cleared after clicking on Clear butto
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Verifying if the Values in th
e Date is Cleared or NOT", "The Values are NOT Cleared after clicking on Clear b
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 3
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "ReceivedDate")
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
strReceivedDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Under
lying Notification Search", "ReceivedDate")
strConvertedDate = DateValue(strReceivedDate)
If strConvertedDate = Date Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 3: Verifying if the Current Date
is Displayed in the Received Date Field or Not", "The Current Date is Displayed
in the Received Date Field"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 3: Verifying if the Current Date
is Displayed in the Received Date Field or Not", "The Current Date is NOT Displ
ayed in the Received Date Field"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 4
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "ReceivedDate")
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
strReceivedDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Under
lying Notification Search", "ReceivedDate")
If strReceivedDate = "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 4: Verifying if the Date is Clea
red in the Received Date Field", "The Date is Cleared in the Received Date Field
when Clicked on the Clear Image in the Calender"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 4: Verifying if the Date is Clea
red in the Received Date Field", "The Date is NOT Cleared in the Received Date F
ield when Clicked on the Clear Image in the Calender"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
'Step 5
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "ReceivedEndDate")
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
strReceivedDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Under
lying Notification Search", "ReceivedEndDate")
strConvertedDate = DateValue(strReceivedDate)
If strConvertedDate = Date Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 5: Verifying if the Current Date
is Displayed in the Received Date Field or Not", "The Current Date is Displayed
in the Received Date Field"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 5: Verifying if the Current Date
is Displayed in the Received Date Field or Not", "The Current Date is NOT Displ
ayed in the Received Date Field"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 6
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "ReceivedEndDate")
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
strReceivedDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Under
lying Notification Search", "ReceivedEndDate")
If strReceivedDate = "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 6: Verifying if the Date is Clea
red in the Received Date Field", "The Date is Cleared in the Received Date Field
when Clicked on the Clear Image in the Calender"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 6: Verifying if the Date is Clea
red in the Received Date Field", "The Date is NOT Cleared in the Received Date F
ield when Clicked on the Clear Image in the Calender"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 7
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "ReceivedDate")
Call SetDate("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
ch", DataTable.Value("FromDate", "UnderlyingNotification"))
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "ReceivedEndDate")
Call SetDate("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
ch", DataTable.Value("ToDate", "UnderlyingNotification"))
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Search")
strFromDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - U
nderlying Notification Search","ReceivedDate")
strToDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Und
erlying Notification Search","ReceivedEndDate")
Call chkDateRangeinTable("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlyi
ng Notification Search","UnderlyingNotification","Received Date",strFromDate,str
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying if the R
esults are Displayed within the Date Range","The Results are Displayed in the Da
te Range " & strFromDate & " - " & strToDate
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying if the R
esults are Displayed within the Date Range","The Results are NOT Displayed in th
e Date Range " & strFromDate & " - " & strToDate
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notif
ication Search", "Home;DR Home")

End Function

Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC7()
' Step 1
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2
strAssignedUserValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Under
lying Notification Search").WebList("AssignedtoUserGroups").GetROProperty("all i
If InStr(1, UCase(strAssignedUserValue), UCase(DataTable.Value("AllItems
ofVariousField", "UnderlyingNotification"))) <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2: Verifying if all the Items ar
e Present in the Field 'Assigned to User Group'", "All the Items namely " & strA
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Verifying if all the Items ar
e Present in the Field 'Assigned to User Group'", "All the Items namely " & strA
ssignedUserValue & " are NOT Present in the Field ' Assigned to User Groups ' "
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 3
strValue = "All"
strAssignedValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Unde
rlying Notification Search", "AssignedtoUserGroups")
If InStr(1, strAssignedValue, strValue) <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 3: Verifying the Default Value o
f Assigned to User Group", "The Default Value of the Field 'Assigned to User Gro
ups' is' " & strAssigedValue '
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 3: Verifying the Default Value o
f Assigned to User Group", "The Default Value of the Field 'Assigned to User Gro
ups' is NOT ' " & strAssigedValue '
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Home;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC8()
' Step 1
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
strAssignedValues = "Corporate Actions and Unsponsored;Dividends
;Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs;Proxy;Relationship Management"
strAssignedValue = Split(strAssignedValues,";",-1,1)
For intValCounter = 0 to UBound(strAssignedValue)
intCount = intValCounter + 2
strSelectValue = strAssignedValue(intValCounter)
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlyin
g Notification Search","Search")
InitialRowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Prof
ile - Underlying Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").RowCou
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Un
derlying Notification Search","AssignedtoUserGroups",strSelectValue)
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlyin
g Notification Search","Search")
FinalRowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profil
e - Underlying Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").RowCount
If FinalRowCount <= InitialRowCount Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step : " & intCoun
t & " Verifying if the Results are displayed","The Result are Displayed accordi
ng to the Search Criteria Assigned to User Groups: " & strSelectValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step : " & intCou
nt & " Verifying if the Results are displayed","The Result are NOT Displayed acc
ording to the Search Criteria 'Assigned to User Groups: " & strSelectValue
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
If intValCounter = UBound(strAssignedValue) Then
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Profile - U
nderlying Notification Search","Home;DR Home")
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Profile - U
nderlying Notification Search","Home;DR Home")
Wait 2
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Deposi
tary Receipt Division's","CorporateActions")
Wait 2
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateA
ctions", DataTable.Value("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
End If

End Function

Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC9()
' Step 1
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2
strSourceAllValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlyi
ng Notification Search").WebList("Source").GetROProperty("all items")
If InStr(1, strSourceAllValue, DataTable.Value("AllItemsofVariousField",
"UnderlyingNotification")) <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2: Verifying if all the Items ar
e Present in the Field 'Source'", "All the Items namely " & strSourceAllValue &
" is Present in the Field 'Source' "
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Verifying if all the Items ar
e Present in the Field 'Source'", "All the Items namely " & strSourceAllValue &
" are NOT Present in the Field 'Source' "
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 3
strValue = "All"
strSourceValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underl
ying Notification Search", "Source")
If InStr(1, strSourceValue, strValue) <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 3: Verifying the Default Value o
f Source Field", "The Default Value of the Field 'Source' is' " & strSourceValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 3: Verifying the Default Value o
f Source Field", "The Default Value of the Field 'Source' is NOT ' " & strSource
Value '
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Home;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC10()
' Step 1
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 4,5,6,7
strSelectValue = "Fax"
strException = Split(DataTable.Value("Exception", "UnderlyingNotificatio
n"), ";", -1, 1)
For intValCount = 0 To UBound(strException)
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying No
tification Search", "Source", strSelectValue)
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying No
tification Search", "Exception", strException(intValCount))
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notificat
ion Search","Search")
Wait (5)
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Noti
fication Search","UnderlyingNotification", "Source", strSelectValue)
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Verifying if the Results are disp
layed with Source as " & strSelectValue, "The Results are displayed as per the S
earch Criteria: 'Source " & strSelectValue '
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verifying if the Results are disp
layed with Source as " & strSelectValue, "The Results are NOT displayed as per t
he Search Criteria: 'Source " & strSelectValue '
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
intRowCounts = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlyin
g Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").RowCount
If intRowCounts > 2 Then
Call SelectElementValueinTable("CorporateActions", "Profile - Un
derlying Notification Search", "UnderlyingNotification", "Received Date")
Wait (5)
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").E
xist(5) Then
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("F
ile Download").Exist(5) Then
og("File Download").WinButton("Cancel").Click
End If
strSourceValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Unde
rlying Notification", "Source")
If UCase(Trim(strSourceValue)) = UCase(Trim(strSelectValue))
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Verifying the Value displ
ayed in the ' Source ' Field", "The Value displayed in the 'Source' Field is " &
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verifying the Value displ
ayed in the ' Source ' Field", "The " & strSourceValue & " is Not the Value disp
layed in the 'Source' Field "
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Underlying Notificatio
n", DataTable.Value("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verifying if the Page 'Underl
ying Notification' is displayed or NOT", "The Page 'Underlying Notification' is
Not displayed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verifying the Search Result", "No
Results are displayed for the Search Criteria :'Source - " & strSelectValue '
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 4 to 7 : Verifying if the Result
s are displayed with Search Criteria: Source - " & strSelectValue & " and Except
ion Value as Yes and No", "The Results are displayed with Search Criteria: Sourc
e - " & strSelectValue & " and Exception Value as Yes and No"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 4 to 7 : Verifying if the Result
s are displayed with Search Criteria: Source - " & strSelectValue & " and Except
ion Value as Yes and No", "The Results are displayed with Search Criteria: Sourc
e - " & strSelectValue & " and Exception Value as Yes and No"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2,3,8 to 17
strSelectValues = Split(DataTable.Value("Source", "UnderlyingNotificatio
n"), ";", -1, 1)
For intValCounter = 0 To UBound(strSelectValues)
strSelectValue = strSelectValues(intValCounter)
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying No
tification Search", "Source", strSelectValue)
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notificat
ion Search","Search")
Wait (5)
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Noti
fication Search","UnderlyingNotification", "Source", strSelectValue)
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Verifying if the Results are disp
layed with Source as " & strSelectValue, "The Results are displayed as per the S
earch Criteria: 'Source " & strSelectValue '
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verifying if the Results are disp
layed with Source as " & strSelectValue, "The Results are NOT displayed as per t
he Search Criteria: 'Source " & strSelectValue '
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
intRowCounts = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlyin
g Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").RowCount
If intRowCounts > 2 Then
Call SelectElementValueinTable("CorporateActions", "Profile - Un
derlying Notification Search", "UnderlyingNotification", "Received Date")
Wait (10)
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").E
xist(2) Then
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("F
ile Download").Exist(5) Then
og("File Download").WinButton("Cancel").Click
End If
strSourceValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Unde
rlying Notification", "Source")
If UCase(Trim(strSourceValue)) = UCase(Trim(strSelectValue))
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Verifying the Value displ
ayed in the ' Source ' Field", "The Value displayed in the 'Source' Field is " &
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verifying the Value displ
ayed in the ' Source ' Field", "The " & strSourceValue & " is Not the Value disp
layed in the 'Source' Field "
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Underlying Notificatio
n", DataTable.Value("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verifying if the Page 'Underl
ying Notification' is displayed or NOT", "The Page 'Underlying Notification' is
Not displayed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verifying the Search Result", "No
Results are displayed for the Search Criteria :'Source - " & strSelectValue '
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2,3,8 to 17 : Verifying if the R
esults are displayed when other items in the 'Source' Field are Selected", "The
Results are displayed with other items in the 'Source' Field"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2,3,8 to 17 : Verifying if the R
esults are displayed when other items in the 'Source' Field are Selected", "The
Results are NOT displayed with other items in the 'Source' Field"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").Exist(2)
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Underlying Notification", "Hom
e;DR Home")
ElseIf Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notificati
on Search").Exist(2) Then
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notificat
ion Search", "Home;DR Home")
End If
End Function

Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC11()
' Step 1
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2
strExceptionAllValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Under
lying Notification Search").WebList("Exception").GetROProperty("all items")
If InStr(1, strExceptionAllValue, DataTable.Value("AllItemsofVariousFiel
d", "UnderlyingNotification")) <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2: Verifying if all the Items ar
e Present in the Field 'Exception'", "All the Items namely " & strExecptionAllVa
lue & " is Present in the Field 'Exception' "
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Verifying if all the Items ar
e Present in the Field 'Exception'", "All the Items namely " & strExecptionAllVa
lue & " are NOT Present in the Field 'Exception' "
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 3
strValue = "All"
strExceptionValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Und
erlying Notification Search", "Exception")
If InStr(1, strExceptionValue, strValue) <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 3: Verifying the Default Value o
f Exception Field", "The Default Value of the Field 'Exception' is' " & strExcep
tionValue '
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 3: Verifying the Default Value o
f Exception Field", "The Default Value of the Field 'Exception' is NOT ' " & str
ExceptionValue '
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Home;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC12()

' Step 1
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "ISIN")
Call pageCheck_Frame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notificat
ion Search", "lookupFrame", "ISIN;SEDOL;UnderlyingSecurityName", "Go;Clear", "IS
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2: Verifying the Fields inside t
he Frame", "The Required Fields are Present in the Frame"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Verifying the Fields inside t
he Frame", "The Required Fields are NOT present in the Frame"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 3
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
ch").Frame("lookupFrame").WebEdit("ISIN").Set DataTable.Value("ISIN", "Underlyin
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions", "Profile - U
nderlying Notification Search", "lookupFrame", "Image", "Go", "")
Call ReportLoadWaitinFrame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Not
ification Search", "lookupFrame", "ISIN", "ISIN")
Call chkResultinFrame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notifica
tion Search", "lookupFrame", "ISIN", "ISIN", DataTable.Value("ISIN", "Underlying
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 3: Verifying the ISIN Values in
the Table", "The Value in the ISIN Column is " & DataTable.Value("ISIN", "Underl
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 3: Verifying the ISIN Values in
the Table", "The Value in the ISIN Column is NOT displayed as " & DataTable.Valu
e("ISIN", "UnderlyingNotification")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 4
strApp = SelectValueinFrame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying No
tification Search", "lookupFrame", "ISIN")
strISINValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlyi
ng Notification Search", "ISIN")
strUndSecName = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underly
ing Notification Search", "UnderlyingSecurityName")
If InStr(1, UCase(Trim(strApp)), UCase(Trim(strISINValue))) <> 0 And InS
tr(1, UCase(Trim(strApp)), UCase(Trim(strUndSecName))) <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 4: Verifying if the ISIN and Und
erlying Security Name values are filled or NOT", "The Value of ISIN is " & strIS
IN & " and Underlying Security Name is " & strUndSecName
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 4: Verifying if the ISIN and Und
erlying Security Name values are filled or NOT", "The Values are not filled in I
SIN or Underlying Security Name Field"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 5
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Search")
Wait (5)
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notifica
tion Search", "UnderlyingNotification", "ISIN", DataTable.Value("ISIN", "Underly
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 5:Verifying if the Result are di
splayed with ISIN Value = " & DataTable.Value("ISIN", "UnderlyingNotification")
& "or NOT ", "The Results are Displayed with Search Criteria as : " & DataTable.
Value("ISIN", "UnderlyingNotification")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 5:Verifying if the Result are di
splayed with ISIN Value = " & DataTable.Value("ISIN", "UnderlyingNotification")
& "or NOT ", "The Results are NOT Displayed with ISIN Value = " & DataTable.Valu
e("ISIN", "UnderlyingNotification")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If

intRowCounts = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying No

tification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").RowCount
If intRowCounts > 2 Then
Call SelectElementValueinTable("CorporateActions", "Profile - Un
derlying Notification Search", "UnderlyingNotification", "Received Date")
Wait (10)
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").E
xist(5) Then
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("F
ile Download").Exist(5) Then
og("File Download").WinButton("Cancel").Click
End If
strISINValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Underl
ying Notification", "ISIN")
If UCase(Trim(strISINValue)) = UCase(Trim(DataTable.Value("I
SIN", "UnderlyingNotification"))) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 6: Verifying the Val
ue displayed in the ' ISIN ' Field", "The Value displayed in the 'ISIN' Field is
" & strISINValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 6: Verifying the Val
ue displayed in the ' ISIN ' Field", "The " & strISINValue & " is Not the Value
displayed in the 'ISIN' Field "
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Underlying Notificatio
n", DataTable.Value("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 6: Verifying if the Page
'Underlying Notification' is displayed or NOT", "The Page 'Underlying Notificat
ion' is Not displayed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
End If
Repoter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 5: Verifying the Search Resul
t", "No Results are displayed for the Search Criteria :'ISIN - " & strSelectValu
e '
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Home;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC13()
' Step 1
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "UnderlyingSecurityName")
Call pageCheck_Frame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notificat
ion Search", "lookupFrame", "ISIN;SEDOL;UnderlyingSecurityName", "Go;Clear", "IS
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2: Verifying the Fields inside t
he Frame", "The Required Fields are present in the Frame"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Verifying the Fields inside t
he Frame", "The Required Fields are NOT present in the Frame"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 3
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
ch").Frame("lookupFrame").WebEdit("UnderlyingSecurityName").Set DataTable.Value(
"UnderlyingSecurity", "UnderlyingNotification")
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions", "Profile - U
nderlying Notification Search", "lookupFrame", "Image", "Go", "")
Call ReportLoadWaitinFrame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Not
ification Search", "lookupFrame", "ISIN", "ISIN")
Call chkResultinFrame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notifica
tion Search", "lookupFrame", "ISIN","Und. Security Name",DataTable.Value("Underl
yingSecurity", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 3: Verifying the Underlying Secu
rity Name in the Table", "The Value in the Underlying Security Name Column is "
& DataTable.Value("UnderlyingSecurity", "UnderlyingNotification")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 3: Verifying the Underlying Secu
rity Name in the Table", "The Value in the Underlying Security Name Column is NO
T " & DataTable.Value("UnderlyingSecurity", "UnderlyingNotification")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 4
strApp = SelectValueinFrame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying No
tification Search", "lookupFrame","ISIN")
strISINValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlyi
ng Notification Search", "ISIN")
strUndSecName = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underly
ing Notification Search", "UnderlyingSecurityName")
If InStr(1, UCase(Trim(strApp)), UCase(Trim(strISINValue))) <> 0 And InS
tr(1, UCase(Trim(strApp)), UCase(Trim(strUndSecName))) <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 4: Verifying if the ISIN and Und
erlying Security Name values are filled or NOT", "The Value of ISIN is " & strIS
IN & " and Underlying Security Name is " & strUndSecName
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 4: Verifying if the ISIN and Und
erlying Security Name values are filled or NOT", "The Values are not filled in I
SIN or Underlying Security Name Field"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 5
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Search")
Wait (5)
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notifica
tion Search", "UnderlyingNotification", "Underlying Security", DataTable.Value("
UnderlyingSecurity", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 5:Verifying if the Result are di
splayed with Underlying Security Name = " & DataTable.Value("UnderlyingSecurity"
, "UnderlyingNotification") & "or NOT ", "The Results are Displayed with Search
Criteria as Underlying Security Name: " & DataTable.Value("UnderlyingSecurity",
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 5:Verifying if the Result are di
splayed with Underlying Security Name = " & DataTable.Value("UnderlyingSecurity"
, "UnderlyingNotification") & "or NOT ", "The Results are NOT Displayed with Und
erlying Security Name = " & DataTable.Value("UnderlyingSecurity", "UnderlyingNot
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
intRowCounts = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying No
tification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").RowCount
If intRowCounts > 2 Then
Call SelectElementValueinTable("CorporateActions", "Profile - Un
derlying Notification Search", "UnderlyingNotification", "Received Date")
Wait (10)
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").E
xist(2) Then
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("F
ile Download").Exist(5) Then
og("File Download").WinButton("Cancel").Click
End If
strUnderlyingSecurityNameValue = get_WebEdit_Value("Corporat
eActions", "Underlying Notification", "UnderlyingSecurityName")
If UCase(Trim(strUnderlyingSecurityNameValue)) = UCase(Trim(
DataTable.Value("UnderlyingSecurity", "UnderlyingNotification"))) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 6: Verifying the Valu
e displayed in the ' UnderlyingSecurityName ' Field", "The " & strUnderlyingSecu
rityNameValue & " is the Value displayed in the 'UnderlyingSecurityName' Field "
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 6: Verifying the Val
ue displayed in the ' UnderlyingSecurityName ' Field", "The " & strUnderlyingSec
urityNameValue & " is Not the Value displayed in the 'UnderlyingSecurityName' Fi
eld "
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Underlying Notificatio
n", DataTable.Value("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 6: Verifying if the Page
'Underlying Notification' is displayed or NOT", "The Page 'Underlying Notificat
ion' is Not displayed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
End If
Repoter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 5: Verifying the Search Resul
t", "No Results are displayed for the Search Criteria :'UnderlyingSecurityName -
" & strSelectValue '
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
End If

Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification

Search", "Home;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC14()
' Step 1
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "CorporateActionType")
Call pageCheck_Frame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notificat
ion Search", "lookupFrame", "CorporateActionType", "Go;Clear", "CorporateActionT
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
blnFlag = "True"
blnFlag = "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
End If
strDataValue = ""
intDataRowCount = DataTable.GetSheet("ReportHeader").GetRowCount
For intCounter = 1 to intDataRowCount
strDataValues = Trim(DataTable.Value("UploadNotification
strDataValue = strDataValue & strDataValues & ";"
strDataValue = Replace(strDataValue," ","")
intRowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underl
ying Notification Search").Frame("lookupFrame").WebTable("ISIN").RowCount
strAppValue = ""
blnTestFlag = "True"
For intRowCounter = 2 to intRowCount
strAppValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile
- Underlying Notification Search").Frame("lookupFrame").WebTable("ISIN").GetCell
strAppValue = Replace(strAppValue," ","")
If Instr(1,strDataValue,strAppValue) = 0 Then
blnTestFlag = "False"
Exit For
End If
If blnTestFlag = "True" AND blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verifying if the r
equired Items are Present in the Table and the Required Fields are Present in th
e Frame","The Required Items are Present in the Table are " & strAppValue & " an
d the Required Fields are Present in the Frame"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verifying if the r
equired Items are Present in the Table","The Required Items are NOT Present in t
he Table or the Required Fields are Present in the Frame"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 3
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
ch").Frame("lookupFrame").WebEdit("CorporateActionType").Set DataTable.Value("Se
lectCAType", "UnderlyingNotification")
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions", "Profile - U
nderlying Notification Search", "lookupFrame", "Image", "Go", "")
Call ReportLoadWaitinFrame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Not
ification Search", "lookupFrame", "ISIN", "Corporate Action Type")
Call chkResultinFrame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notifica
tion Search", "lookupFrame","ISIN","Corporate Action Type", DataTable.Value("Sel
ectCAType", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 3: Verifying if the Results are
displayed or NOT", "The Value in the Corporate Action Type Column is " & DataTab
le.Value("SelectCAType", "UnderlyingNotification")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 3: Verifying if the Results are
displayed or NOT", "The Value in the Corporate Action Type Column is NOT " & Dat
aTable.Value("SelectCAType", "UnderlyingNotification")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
ch").WebElement("html tag:=TD", "innertext:=" & DataTable.Value("CorporateAction
Type", "UnderlyingNotification")).Click
' Step 4
strCATypeValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underl
ying Notification Search", "CorporateActionType")
If UCase(strCATypeValue) = UCase(DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType",
"UnderlyingNotification")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 4: Verifying the Corporate Actio
n Type Value", "The Corporate Action Type Value is " & strCATypeValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 4: Verifying the Corporate Actio
n Type Value", "The Corporate Action Type Value is NOT " & strCATypeValue
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 5
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Search")
Wait (5)
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notifica
tion Search", "UnderlyingNotification", "Corporate Action Type", DataTable.Value
("CorporateActionType", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 5:Verifying if the Result are di
splayed with Corporate Action Type Value as = " & DataTable.Value("SelectCAType"
, "UnderlyingNotification") & "or NOT ", "The Results are Displayed with Search
Criteria as Corporate Action Tyep: " & DataTable.Value("SelectCAType", "Underlyi
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 5:Verifying if the Result are di
splayed with Corporate Action Type value as = " & DataTable.Value("SelectCAType"
, "UnderlyingNotification") & "or NOT ", "The Results are NOT Displayed with Cor
porate Action Type = " & DataTable.Value("SelectCAType", "UnderlyingNotification
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 6, 7
intRowCounts = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying No
tification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").RowCount
If intRowCounts > 2 Then
Call SelectElementValueinTable("CorporateActions", "Profile - Un
derlying Notification Search", "UnderlyingNotification", "Received Date")
Wait (10)
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").E
xist(2) Then
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("F
ile Download").Exist(5) Then
og("File Download").WinButton("Cancel").Click
End If
strCorporateActionTypeValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateAc
tions", "Underlying Notification", "CorporateActionType")
If UCase(Trim(strCorporateActionTypeValue)) = UCase(Trim(Dat
aTable.Value("CorporateActionType", "UnderlyingNotification"))) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 6: Verifying the Val
ue displayed in the ' CorporateActionType ' Field", "The Value displayed in the
'CorporateActionType' Field is " & strCorporateActionTypeValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 6: Verifying the Val
ue displayed in the ' CorporateActionType ' Field", "The " & strCorporateActionT
ypeValue & " is Not the Value displayed in the 'CorporateActionType' Field "
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions", "Underlying Notifi
cation", "UnderlyingNotificationSearch")
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("M
icrosoft Internet Explorer").Exist(5) Then
og("Microsoft Internet Explorer").WinButton("Cancel").Click
End If
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying No
tification Search").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 7: Verifying if the
Page 'Profile - Underlying Notification Search ' is displayed or NOT", "The Page
'Profile - Underlying Notification Search ' is displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 7: Verifying if the
Page 'Profile - Underlying Notification Search ' is displayed or NOT", "The Page
'Profile - Underlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed or NOT"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 6: Verifying if the Page
'Underlying Notification' is displayed or NOT", "The Page 'Underlying Notificat
ion' is Not displayed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
End If
Repoter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 5: Verifying the Search Resul
t", "No Results are displayed for the Search Criteria :'CorporateActionType - "
& DataTable.Value("SelectCAType", "UnderlyingNotification")
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Home;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC15()
' Step 1
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Custodian")
Call pageCheck_Frame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notificat
ion Search", "lookupFrame", "Custodian", "Go;Clear", "Custodian")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2: Verifying the Fields inside t
he Frame", "The Required Fields are present in the Frame"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Verifying the Fields inside t
he Frame", "The Required Fields are NOT present in the Frame"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 3
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
ch").Frame("lookupFrame").WebEdit("Custodian").Set DataTable.Value("Custodian",
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions", "Profile - U
nderlying Notification Search", "lookupFrame", "Image", "Go", "")
Call ReportLoadWaitinFrame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Not
ification Search","lookupFrame","ISIN","Custodian")
Call chkResultinFrame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notifica
tion Search", "lookupFrame", "ISIN", "Custodian", DataTable.Value("Custodian", "
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 3: Verifying if the Results are
displayed or NOT", "The Value in the Custodian Column is " & DataTable.Value("Cu
stodian", "UnderlyingNotification")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 3: Verifying if the Results are
displayed or NOT", "The Value in the Custodian Column is NOT " & DataTable.Value
("Custodian", "UnderlyingNotification")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 4
Call SelectValueinFrame("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search", "lookupFrame", "ISIN")
strCustodianValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions", "Profile - Und
erlying Notification Search", "Custodian")
If InStr(1, strCustodianValue, DataTable.Value("Custodian", "UnderlyingN
otification")) <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 4: Verifying the Value in the Cu
stodian Field", "The Value in the Custodian Field Contains " & DataTable.Value("
Custodian", "UnderlyingNotification")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 4: Verifying the Value in the Cu
stodian Field", "The Value in the Custodian Field Contains " & DataTable.Value("
Custodian", "UnderlyingNotification")
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 5
Call click_Image("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying Notification
Search", "Search")
RowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlyin
g Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").RowCount
If RowCount > 2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 5: Verfiying if the R
esults are displayed or Not","The Results are Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 5: Verfiying if the R
esults are displayed or Not","The Results are NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search","Home;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC16()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", "PROFILE;Upload
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Upload Notification").Exi
st(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Upload Notification ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Upload Notifi
cation ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Upload Notification ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Upload Notifi
cation ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2
Call CreateNewFolder("UploadFiles")
strFilePath = CreateFile("UploadFiles",DataTable.Value("TestCaseID","Und
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificatio
' Entering the path of the File and clicking on Save
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Upload Notification"
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("Choose file").WinEdit("File
name:").Set strFilePath
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("Choose file").WinButton("Ope
' Selecting Underlying Security
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificati
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions","Prof
ile - Upload Notification","lookupFrame","WebEdit","divNm",DataTable.Value("Unde
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions","Prof
ile - Upload Notification","lookupFrame","Image","Go","")
Call SelectValueinFrame("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificatio
' Entering the Corporate Action Type
Call SelectCorporateActionType("CorporateActions","Profile - Upl
oad Notification","CorporateActionType",DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType","U
strISINValue1 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile -
Upload Notification","ISIN")
strUSName1 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Upl
oad Notification","UnderlyingSecurity")
strCAType1 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Upl
oad Notification","CorporateActionType")
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Not
' Setting thr Local Record Date
Call click_image("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificati
Call SetDate("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notification",
strLocalDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - U
pload Notification","LocalRecordDate")
' Saving the Changes made
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificati
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Upload Notificat
ion").Exist(5) Then
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("File Download").E
xist(5) Then
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("File Downloa
End If
strAppValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlyi
ng Upload Notification").Frame("msgFrame").GetROProperty("innertext")
strValue = ReadTextFile(strFilePath)
strAppValue = Replace(strAppValue," ","")
strValue = Replace(strValue," ","")
If Trim(strAppValue) = Trim(strValue) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verifying
if the Document is Uploaded or Not","The Document is Uploaded Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verifying
if the Document is Uploaded or Not","The Document is NOT Uploaded Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Underlying Upload N
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verifying if the D
ocument is Uploaded or Not","The Page 'Underlying Upload Notification is Not Dis
played and the Document is NOT Uploaded Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
'Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload N
Exit Function
End If
' Step 3
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Verifying if the P
age 'Profile - Underlying Notification Search' is Displayed or NOT","The Page 'P
rofile - Underlying Notification Search' is Displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Verifying if the P
age 'Profile - Underlying Notification Search' is Displayed or NOT","The Page 'P
rofile - Underlying Notification Search' is Displayed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 4
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying
Notification Search","ProcessingStatus",DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","Und
strValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Under
lying Notification Search","ProcessingStatus")
If Trim(strValue) = Trim(DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","Und
erlyingNotification")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Verifying the Valu
e in the Processing Status Field","The Value in the Processing Status Field is "
& DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","UnderlyingNotification")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 4: Verifying the Valu
e in the Processing Status Field","The Value in the Processing Status Field is N
OT " & DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","UnderlyingNotification")
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 5
Call click_image("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search","ReceivedDate")
Call SetDate("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying Notificati
on Search",DataTable.Value("FromDate","UnderlyingNotification"))
Call click_image("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search","ReceivedEndDate")
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
strReceivedDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile
- Underlying Notification Search","ReceivedDate")
strReceivedEndDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profi
le - Underlying Notification Search","ReceivedEndDate")
strDates1 = Replace(DataTable.Value("FromDate","UnderlyingNotifi
If DateValue(strDates1) = DateValue(strReceivedDate) AND DateVal
ue(strReceivedEndDate) = DateValue(Date) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 5: Verifying the Ente
red Date","The Date entered in Received Date is " & strReceivedDate & " and the
Date Entered in Received End Date is " & strReceivedEndDate
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 5: Verifying the Ente
red Date","The Date entered in Received Date is NOT " & strReceivedDate & " OR t
he Date Entered in Received End Date is NOT " & strReceivedEndDate
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 6
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying
Notification Search","AssignedtoUserGroups",DataTable.Value("AssignedtoUserGrou
strValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Under
lying Notification Search","AssignedtoUserGroups")
If Trim(strValue) = Trim(DataTable.Value("AssignedtoUserGroups",
"UnderlyingNotification")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 6: Verifying the Valu
e in the Assigned to User Groups Field","The Value in the Assigned to User Group
s Field is " & DataTable.Value("AssignedtoUserGroups","UnderlyingNotification")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 6: Verifying the Valu
e in the Assigned to User Groups Field","The Value in the Assigned to User Group
s Field is NOT " & DataTable.Value("AssignedtoUserGroups","UnderlyingNotificatio
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 7
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying
Notification Search","Source",DataTable.Value("Source","UnderlyingNotification"
strValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Under
lying Notification Search","Source")
If Trim(strValue) = Trim(DataTable.Value("Source","UnderlyingNot
ification")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Valu
e in the Source Field","The Value in the Source Field is " & DataTable.Value("So
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Valu
e in the Source Field","The Value in the Source Field is NOT " & DataTable.Value
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 8
Call SelectCorporateActionType("CorporateActions","Profile - Und
erlying Notification Search","CorporateActionType",DataTable.Value("CorporateAct
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search","UnderlyingSecurityName")
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
ch").Frame("lookupFrame").WebEdit("UnderlyingSecurityName").Set DataTable.Value(
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions","Prof
ile - Underlying Notification Search","lookupFrame","Image","Go","")
Call SelectValueinFrame("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying
Notification Search","lookupFrame","ISIN")
strISINValue2 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile -
Underlying Notification Search","ISIN")
strUSName2 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Und
erlying Notification Search","UnderlyingSecurityName")
strCAType2 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Und
erlying Notification Search","CorporateActionType")
If strISINValue2 = strISINValue1 AND strUSName2 = strUSName1 AN
D strCAType2 = strCAType1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying the Ente
red Details","The Entered Details are Same as the Details entered to Upload the
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Ente
red Details","The Entered Details are NOT Same as the Details entered to Upload
the Document"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 9
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search","Search")
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying N
otification Search","UnderlyingNotification","Processing Status",DataTable.Value
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying N
otification Search","UnderlyingNotification","Corporate Action Type",DataTable.V
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying N
otification Search","UnderlyingNotification","ISIN",DataTable.Value("ISIN","Unde
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying N
otification Search","UnderlyingNotification","Underlying Security",DataTable.Val
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying N
otification Search","UnderlyingNotification","Source",DataTable.Value("Source","
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9: Verifying if the R
esults are Displayed as per the Search Criteria","The Results are Displayed as p
er the Search Criteria"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9: Verifying if the R
esults are Displayed as per the Search Criteria","The Results are NOT Displayed
as per the Search Criteria"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 10
blnTestFlag = "False"
strLocalRecordDate = DateValue(strLocalDate)
intRowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underl
ying Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").RowCount
For intRowCounter = 3 to intRowCount
strReceivedDate = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Prof
ile - Underlying Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").GetCel
strEventDate = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile
- Underlying Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").GetCellDa
If strEventDate <> "" AND strReceivedDate <> "" Then
If DateValue(strReceivedDate) = DateValu
e(Date) AND DateValue(strEventDate) = strLocalRecordDate Then
("Profile - Underlying Notification Search").WebElement("html tag:= TD","innerte
xt := " & strReceivedDate).Click
Wait 5
blnTestFlag = "True"
Exit For
End If
End If
If blnTestFlag = "False" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9: Verfiying if the R
eceived Date Field","There is No Record with Event Date Equal to Local Record Da
te and Received Date Equal to Today's Date, so Selecting some other Data to Cont
inue Execution"
If intRowCount > 2 Then
Call SelectElementValueinTable("CorporateActions
","Profile - Underlying Notification Search","UnderlyingNotification","Received
End If
' Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlyin
g Notification Search","Home;DR Home")
' Exit Function
End If
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").Exist(5) T
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10: Verifying if the
Page 'Underlying Notification' is Dispalyed or Not","The Page 'Underlying Notifi
ction' is Displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Verifying if the
Page 'Underlying Notification' is Dispalyed or Not","The Page 'Underlying Notifi
ction' is NOT Displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 11
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").
Exist(5) Then
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("File Download").
Exist(5) Then
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("File Downlo
End If
strProcessingData = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions", "Underlyin
g Notification", "ProcessingStatus")
Call pageCheck_WebElementinTable("CorporateActions", "Underlying Not
ification", "Corporate Action Events this Underlying Notification is Assigned to
;Corporate Action Event Details", "")
strCellData1 = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notifica
tion").WebTable("DetailTable").GetCellData(1, 1)
strCellData2 = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notifica
tion").WebTable("DetailTable").GetCellData(2, 1)
If InStr(1, strCellData2, "Created") <> 0 And InStr(1, strCellData2,
"Updated") <> 0 And Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True And strProcessingD
ata = DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","UnderlyingNotification") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 11: Verifying if the Details
of the Notification is displayed or NOT", "The details of the Notification is d
isplayed in the Page 'Underlying Notification' "
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 11: Verifying if the Details
of the Notification is displayed or NOT", "The details of the Notification is N
OT displayed in the Page 'Underlying Notification' "
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 11: Verifying if the Page ' Unde
rlying Notification' is displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Underlying Notification'
is NOT displayed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Exit Function
End If
' Step 12
strAllItems = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notif
ication").WebList("ProcessingStatus").GetROProperty("all items")
strReqValue = "Deleted;No Action Needed;Unassigned"
If InStr(1,strAllItems,strReqValue) <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12: Verifying if the
Required Items are Present in the Field Processing Status","The Required Items:
" & strReqValue & " are Present in the Field Processing Status"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12: Verifying if the
Required Items are Present in the Field Processing Status","The Required Items:
" & strReqValue & " are NOT Present in the Field Processing Status"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 13
strProcessValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions","Underlyi
ng Notification","ProcessingStatus")
If Trim(strProcessValue) = Trim(DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatu
s","UnderlyingNotification")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 13: Verifying the Val
ue in the Processing Status Field","The Value in the Processing Status Field is
" & DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","UnderlyingNotification")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 13: Verifying the Val
ue in the Processing Status Field","The Value in the Processing Status Field is
NOT " & DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","UnderlyingNotification")
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 14
Call pageCheck_ImageOR("CorporateActions","Underlying Notificati
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14: Verifying if the
Save Image exist at the Top and Bottom on the Page","The Save Image Exists at bo
th Top and Botton of the Page"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 14: Verifying if the
Save Image exist at the Top and Bottom on the Page","The Save Image does not Exi
sts at both Top OR Botton of the Page"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
End If
' Step 15
InitialCARowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying
Call click_WebButton("CorporateActions","Underlying Notification
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("CorporateActions","Underlying Notifica
Call pageCheck_WebListOR("CorporateActions","Underlying Notifica
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 15: Verifying if the
Required Fields are Displayed in 'Corporate Action Event Details","The Required
Fields are Present in the Corporate Action Event Details"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 15: Verifying if the
Required Fields are Displayed in 'Corporate Action Event Details","The Required
Fields are NOT Present in the Corporate Action Event Details"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 16
strAllTypeValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying N
otification").WebList("CA_Type").GetROProperty("all items")
If Trim(strAllTypeValue) = Trim("Existing Event;New Event") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 16: Verifying if all
the Items are Present in the Field Event Tye","The Required items : =" & strAllT
ypeValue & " is Present in the Field Event Type"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 16: Verifying if all
the Items are Present in the Field Event Tye","The Required items : =" & strAllT
ypeValue & " are NOT Present in the Field Event Type"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 17
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Underlying Notificat
strTypeValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions","Underlying
If strTypeValue = DataTable.Value("EventType","UnderlyingNotific
ation") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 17: Verifying the Val
ue in the Field Event Type","The Value in the Field Event Type is " & DataTable.
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 17: Verifying the Val
ue in the Field Event Type","The Value in the Field Event Type is NOT " & DataTa
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 18
blnFlag = "False"
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Underlying Notification","C
Call pageCheck_Frame("CorporateActions","Underlying Notification
strDataValue = ""
intDataRowCount = DataTable.GetSheet("ReportHeader").GetRowCount
For intCounter = 1 to intDataRowCount
strDataValues = Trim(DataTable.Value("UploadNotification
strDataValue = strDataValue & strDataValues & ";"
strDataValue = Replace(strDataValue," ","")
intRowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notif
strAppValue = ""
blnTestFlag = "True"
For intRowCounter = 2 to intRowCount
strAppValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlyi
ng Notification").Frame("lookupFrame").WebTable("ISIN").GetCellData(intRowCounte
strAppValue = Replace(strAppValue," ","")
If Instr(1,strDataValue,strAppValue) = 0 Then
blnTestFlag = "False"
Exit For
End If
If blnTestFlag = "True" AND Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") =
True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 18: Verifying if the
required Items are Present in the Table","The Required Items are Present in the
Table are " & strAppValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 18: Verifying if the
required Items are Present in the Table","The Required Items are NOT Present in
the Table "
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
End If

' Step 19
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").Fram
e("lookupFrame").WebEdit("CorporateActionType").Set DataTable.Value("CorporateAc
tionType", "UnderlyingNotification")
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions","Unde
rlying Notification","lookupFrame","Image","Go","")
Call chkResultinFrame("CorporateActions","Underlying Notificatio
n","lookupFrame","ISIN","Corporate Action Event Type",DataTable.Value("Corporate
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 19 : Verifying the Re
sults in the Frame","The Results are displayed as per the Search Criteria : " &
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 19 : Verifying the Re
sults in the Frame","The Results are NOT displayed as per the Search Criteria :
" & DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType","UnderlyingNotification")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 20
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").WebE
lement("html tag:=TD","innertext:= " & DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType","Un
strCAType = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Underlying Not
If strCAType = DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType","Underlying
Notification") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 20: Verifying the Val
ue Present in the Corporate Action Type Field","The Value Present in the Field C
orporate Action Type is " & DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType","UnderlyingNot
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 20: Verifying the Val
ue Present in the Corporate Action Type Field","The Value Present in the Field C
orporate Action Type is NOT " & DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType","Underlyin
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 21
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Underlying Notification","I
Call pageCheck_Frame("CorporateActions","Underlying Notification
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 21: Verifying if the
Required Fields are Present in the Frame","The Required Fields are Present in th
e Frame"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 21: Verifying if the
Required Fields are Present in the Frame","The Required Fields are Present in th
e Frame"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
End If
' Step 22
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").Fram
e("lookupFrame").WebEdit("UnderlyingSecurityName").Set DataTable.Value("Underlyi
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions","Unde
rlying Notification","lookupFrame","Image","Go","")
Call SelectValueinFrame("CorporateActions","Underlying Notificat
strISINValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Underlying
strSEDOLValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Underlying
strEventNameValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Underl
ying Notification","CA_EventName")
If strISINValue <> "" AND strSEDOLValue <> "" AND strEventNameVa
lue <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 22: Verifying if the
ISIN, SEDOL and the Event Name Fields are Filled","The ISIN, SEDOL and Event Nam
e fields are Filled,ISIN Value := " & strISINValue & " SEDOL Value : = " & strSE
DOLValue & " and Event Name := " & strEventNameValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 22: Verifying if the
ISIN, SEDOL and the Event Name Fields are Filled","The ISIN, SEDOL OR Event Name
fields are NOT Filled and the ISIN Value := " & strISINValue & " SEDOL Value :
= " & strSEDOLValue & " and Event Name := " & strEventNameValue
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 23
strDate = DataTable("EventDate","UnderlyingNotification")
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Underlying Notification","E
Call SetDate("CorporateActions","Underlying Notification",DataTa
strEventDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Underlying
strDates = Replace(strDate,";","-")
If DateValue(strDates) = DateValue(strEventDate) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 23: Verifyng the Valu
e in the Event Date Field","The Value in the Event Date Field is " & strEventDat
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 23: Verifyng the Valu
e in the Event Date Field","The Value in the Event Date Field is NOT " & strEven
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 24
strAllComparisonValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underl
ying Notification").WebList("CA_Comparison").GetROProperty("all items")
strCompValue = "No;Yes"
If Trim(strAllComparisonValue)= Trim(strCompValue) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 24: Verifying the Ite
ms Present in the Comparison Field","The Required Items " & strAllComparisonValu
e & " is Present in the Comparison Field"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 24: Verifying the Ite
ms Present in the Comparison Field","The Required Items " & strAllComparisonValu
e & " is NOT Present in the Comparison Field"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 25
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Underlying Notificat
strValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions","Underlying Not
If strValue = DataTable.Value("Comparison","UnderlyingNotificati
on") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 25: Verifying the Val
ue in the Comparison Field","The Value in the Comparison Field is " & DataTable.
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 25: Verifying the Val
ue in the Comparison Field","The Value in the Comparison Field is NOT " & DataTa
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 26
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Underlying Notification","S
strProcessingValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlyin
g Notification Screen").WebList("ProcessingStatus").GetROProperty("value")
If strProcessingValue = "Assigned" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 26: Verifying the Val
ue in the Processing Status Field","The Value in the Processing Staus Field is C
hanged to Assigned"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 26: Verifying the Val
ue in the Processing Status Field","The Value in the Processing Staus Field is N
OT Changed to Assigned"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Underlying Notification Scr
een","Home;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC17()

' Step 1
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions",DataTable.Value(
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying
Notification Search","ProcessingStatus",DataTable.Value("InitialProcessingStatu
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search","Search")
Call chkProcessingStatusResult("CorporateActions", "Profile - Un
derlying Notification Search", "UnderlyingNotification", DataTable.Value("Initia
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2: Verifying if the Results are
displayed based on the Processing Status criteria " & DataTable.Value("InitialPr
ocessingStatus","UnderlyingNotification") , "The Results are displayed based on
the Status " & DataTable.Value("InitialProcessingStatus","UnderlyingNotification
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Verifying if the Results are
displayed based on the Processing Status criteria " & DataTable.Value("InitialPr
ocessingStatus","UnderlyingNotification") , "The Results are NOT displayed based
on the Status " & DataTable.Value("InitialProcessingStatus","UnderlyingNotifica
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
End If
' Step 3
Call SelectElementValueinTable("CorporateActions", "Profile - Un
derlying Notification Search", "UnderlyingNotification", "Received Date")
blnExistFlag = "False"
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").E
xist(5) Then
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("File Download").E
xist(5) Then
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("File Downloa
End If
blnExistFlag = "True"
strProcessingData = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions", "Underlyin
g Notification", "ProcessingStatus")
Call pageCheck_WebElementinTable("CorporateActions", "Underlying Not
ification", "Corporate Action Events this Underlying Notification is Assigned to
;Corporate Action Event Details", "")
strCellData1 = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notifica
tion").WebTable("DetailTable").GetCellData(1, 1)
strCellData2 = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notifica
tion").WebTable("DetailTable").GetCellData(2, 1)
If InStr(1, strCellData2, "Created") <> 0 And InStr(1, strCellData2,
"Updated") <> 0 And Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True And strProcessingD
ata = DataTable.Value("InitialProcessingStatus","UnderlyingNotification") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Verifying if the Details of the N
otification is displayed or NOT", "The details of the Notification is displayed
in the Page 'Underlying Notification' "
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verifying if the Details of the N
otification is displayed or NOT", "The details of the Notification is NOT displa
yed in the Page 'Underlying Notification' "
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Verifying if the Page ' Under
lying Notification' is displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Underlying Notification' i
s NOT displayed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = False
End If
' Step 4, 5
If blnExistFlag = "True" Then
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Underlying N
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Underlying Notifica
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("Microsoft Interne
t Explorer").Exist(5) Then
strMessageValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Di
alog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").Static("MessageText").GetROProperty("text")
strReqMessageValue = "Warning: Underlying Notifi
cation has Processing Status No Action Needed. Click OK to save changes you mad
e, or click Cancel to discard them."
If Trim(strMessageValue) = Trim(strReqMessageVal
ue) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Ve
rifying the Message in the Dialog","The Message displayed in the Message box is
" & strMessageValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Ve
rifying the Message in the Dialog","The Message displayed in the Dialog is Not "
& strMessageValue
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = Fals
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = Fal
End If
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("Microsoft In
ternet Explorer").WinButton("OK").Click
strProcessingStatus = get_WebList_Value("Corpora
teActions","Underlying Notification Screen","ProcessingStatus")
If Trim(strProcessingStatus) = Trim(DataTable.Va
lue("FinalProcessingStatus","UnderlyingNotification")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 5: Ve
rifying if the Value in the Processing Status Field","The Value in the Processin
g Staus field is " & strProcessingStatus
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 5: Ve
rifying if the Value in the Processing Status Field","The Value in the Processin
g Staus field is NOT " & strProcessingStatus
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = Fal
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Underlying
Notification Screen","Home;DR Home")
End If
End If
End Function


Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC18()

' Step 1
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", DataTable.Value
("MenuPath", "UnderlyingNotification"))
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification S
earch").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Underlying Notification Search ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Un
derlying Notification Search ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying
Notification Search","ProcessingStatus",DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","Und
strProcessValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions","Profile
- Underlying Notification Search","ProcessingStatus")
If Trim(strProcessValue) = Trim(DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatu
s","UnderlyingNotification")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verifying the Valu
e in the Processing Field","The Value in the Processing Field is " & strProcessV
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verifying the Valu
e in the Processing Field","The Value in the Processing Field is NOT " & strProc
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 3
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying
Notification Search","AssignedtoUserGroups",DataTable.Value("AssignedtoUserGrou
strValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Under
lying Notification Search","AssignedtoUserGroups")
If Trim(strValue) = Trim(DataTable.Value("AssignedtoUserGroups",
"UnderlyingNotification")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Verifying the Valu
e in the Assigned to User Groups Field","The Value in the Assigned to User Group
s Field is " & strProcessValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Verifying the Valu
e in the Assigned to User Groups Field","The Value in the Assigned to User Group
s Field is NOT " & strProcessValue
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 4
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search","Search")
intRowCounts = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Under
lying Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").RowCount
If intRowCounts > 2 Then
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions","Profile - Unde
rlying Notification Search","UnderlyingNotification","Processing Status",DataTab
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Verfiying
the Result in the Table","The Result are displayed as per the Search Criteria '
Processing Status : ' " & DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","UnderlyingNotifica
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 4: Verfiying
the Result in the Table","The Result are NOT displayed as per the Search Criteri
a ' Processing Status : ' " & DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","UnderlyingNoti
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 4: Verifying the Resu
lts","There are No Resuts Displayed for the Search Criteria"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 5: Verifying the Sear
ch Results","There are No Result Displayed and hence can't Select any Link in th
e Result"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlyin
g Notification Search","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
' Step 5
Call SelectElementValueinTable("CorporateActions", "Profile - Underlying
Notification Search", "UnderlyingNotification", "Received Date")
blnExistFlag = "False"
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").E
xist(5) Then
blnExistFlag = "True"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 5: Verifying if the P
age 'Underlying Notification' is displayed or NOT","The Page 'Underlying Notific
ation' is Displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 5: Verifying if the P
age 'Underlying Notification' is displayed or NOT","The Page 'Underlying Notific
ation' is NOT Displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
If blnExistFlag = "True" Then
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("File Download").E
xist(5) Then
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("File Downloa
End If
Call pageCheck_WebTableOR("CorporateActions","Underlying
strReqAppValue = "Corporate Action Type;ISIN;SEDOL;Event
Name;Event Date;Comparison"
Call pageCheck_WebElementinTable("CorporateActions","Und
erlying Notification",strReqAppValue,"")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 6,7: Verifyin
g the Header in the Table 'CorporateActionEvents'","The Required Headers namely
" & strReqAppValue & " is displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 6,7: Verifyin
g the Header in the Table 'CorporateActionEvents'","The Required Headers namely
" & strReqAppValue & " is NOT displayed"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
InitialCARowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Un
derlying Notification").WebTable("CorporateActionEvents").RowCount
' Step 8
Call click_WebButton("CorporateActions","Underlying Noti
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("CorporateActions","Underlying
Call pageCheck_WebListOR("CorporateActions","Underlying
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying
if the Required Fields are Displayed in 'Corporate Action Event Details","The Re
quired Fields are Present in the Corporate Action Event Details"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying
if the Required Fields are Displayed in 'Corporate Action Event Details","The Re
quired Fields are NOT Present in the Corporate Action Event Details"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 9
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Underlying N
strTypeValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions","Und
erlying Notification","CA_Type")
If strTypeValue = DataTable.Value("EventType","Underlyin
gNotification") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9: Verify the
Value in the Type Field","The Value in the Type Field is " & DataTable.Value(
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9: Verify the
Value in the Type Field","The Value in the Type Field is NOT " & DataTable.Val
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 10
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Underlying Notification","Corpo
strDataValue = ""
intDataRowCount = DataTable.GetSheet("ReportHeader").Get
For intCounter = 1 to intDataRowCount
strDataValues = Trim(DataTable.Value("UploadNoti
strDataValue = strDataValue & strDataValues & ";
strDataValue = Replace(strDataValue," ","")
intRowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlyi
ng Notification").Frame("lookupFrame").WebTable("ISIN").RowCount
strAppValue = ""
blnTestFlag = "True"
For intRowCounter = 2 to intRowCount
strAppValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("
Underlying Notification").Frame("lookupFrame").WebTable("ISIN").GetCellData(intR
strAppValue = Replace(strAppValue," ","")
If Instr(1,strDataValue,strAppValue) = 0 Then
blnTestFlag = "False"
Exit For
End If
If blnTestFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10: Verifying
if the required Items are Present in the Table","The Required Items are Present
in the Table are " & strAppValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Verifying
if the required Items are Present in the Table","The Required Items are NOT Pre
sent in the Table "
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notificatio
n").WebElement("html tag:=TD","innertext:= " & DataTable.Value("CorporateActionT
' Step 11
strCATypeValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","U
nderlying Notification","CA_CorporateActionType")
If strCATypeValue = DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType
","UnderlyingNotification") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 11: Verify th
e Value in the Corporate Action Type Value","The Value in the Corporate Action T
ype Field is " & DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType","UnderlyingNotification")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11: Verify th
e Value in the Corporate Action Type Value","The Value in the Corporate Action T
ype Field is NOT " & DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType","UnderlyingNotificati
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 12
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Underlying Notifica
Call pageCheck_Frame("CorporateActions","Underlying Noti
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12: Verifying
if the Required Fields are Present in the Frame or Not","The Required Fields ar
e Present in the Frame"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12: Verifying
if the Required Fields are Present in the Frame or Not","The Required Fields ar
e NOT Present in the Frame"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 13
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notificatio
n").Frame("lookupFrame").WebEdit("UnderlyingSecurityName").Set DataTable.Value("
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notificatio
Call chkResultinFrame("CorporateActions","Underlying Not
ification","lookupFrame","ISIN","Und. Security Name",DataTable.Value("Underlying
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 13: Verifying
the Results in the Frame","The Results are displayed with Search Criteria as '
Underlying Security Name : = " & DataTable.Value("UnderlyingSecurity","Underlyi
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 13: Verifying
the Results in the Frame","The Results are displayed with Search Criteria as '
Underlying Security Name : = " & DataTable.Value("UnderlyingSecurity","Underlyi
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 14
Call SelectValueinFrame("CorporateActions","Underlying N
'strCATypeValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","
Underlying Notification","CA_CorporateActionType")
strISINValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Und
erlying Notification","CA_ISIN")
strSEDOLValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Un
derlying Notification","CA_SEDOL")
If strISINValue <> "" AND strSEDOLValue <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14: Verifying
if the Values are Automatically Populated","The Values in the Field ISIN and SE
DOL are automatically Populated"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 14: Verifying
if the Values are Automatically Populated","The Values in the Field ISIN and SE
DOL are NOT automatically Populated"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 15
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Underlying Notifica
Call pageCheck_Frame("CorporateActions","Underlying Noti
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 15: Verifying
if the Required Fields are Present in the Page or Not","The Required Fields are
Present in the Frame"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 15: Verifying
if the Required Fields are Present in the Page or Not","The Required Fields are
NOT Present in the Frame"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 16
Call SelectValueinFrame("CorporateActions","Underlying N
strEventName = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Und
erlying Notification","CA_EventName")
strEventDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Und
erlying Notification","CA_EventDate")
strProcessing = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Un
derlying Notification","CA_ProcessingStatus")
strStatusChangeDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateAction
s","Underlying Notification","CA_StatusChangeDate")
If strEventName <> "" AND strEventDate <> "" AND strProc
essing <> "" AND strStatusChangeDate <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 16: Verfiying
if the Required Details are Dispalyed or Not","The Event Name, Event Date, Proc
essing Status and Status Changed Date Details are Displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 16: Verfiying
if the Required Details are Dispalyed or Not","The Event Name or Event Date or
Processing Status or Status Changed Date Details are NOT Displayed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 17
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Underlying N
strValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions","Underly
ing Notification","CA_Comparison")
If strValue = DataTable.Value("Comparison","UnderlyingN
otification") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 17: Verifyng
the Value in Comaprison Field","The Value in the Comparison Field is " & DataTab
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 17: Verifyng
the Value in Comaprison Field","The Value in the Comparison Field is NOT " & Dat
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 18
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Underlying Notifica
FinalCARowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notif
strCellData = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlyi
ng Notification").WebTable("CorporateActionEvents").ChildItem(FinalCARowCount,2,
If Trim(strCellData) = DataTable.Value("CorporateActionT
ype","UnderlyingNotification") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 18: Verifying
if the Newly Added CA is Displayed in the List or Not","The Newly Added CA " &
DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType","UnderlyingNotification") & " is Displayed
in the List"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 18: Verifying
if the Newly Added CA is Displayed in the List or Not","The Newly Added CA " &
DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType","UnderlyingNotification") & " is NOT Displ
ayed in the List"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 19
FinalCARowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Unde
rlying Notification").WebTable("CorporateActionEvents").RowCount
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notificatio
blnTestFalg = "False"
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("Microsoft Interne
t Explorer").Exist(5) Then
strMessageValue = "Data has been modified. Plea
se save your changes or click Cancel to discard changes"
strAppValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog
("Microsoft Internet Explorer").Static("MessageText").GetROProperty("text")
If Trim(strMessageValue) = Trim(strAppValue) Th
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 19: V
erifying the message in the Dialog","The Message Displayed in the Dialog is " &
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 19: V
erifying the message in the Dialog","The Message Displayed in the Dialog is NOT
" & strAppValue
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = Fal
End If
blnTestFalg = "True"
End If
' Step 20, 21
If blnTestFalg = "True" Then
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("Microsoft In
ternet Explorer").WinButton("Cancel").Click
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying
Event").Exist(5) Then
Call pageCheck_WebTableOR("CorporateActi
ons","Underlying Event","CorporateActionEvent;NotificationsAssigned")
Call pageCheck_ImageOR("CorporateActions
","Underlying Event","Save;Delete")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = T
rue Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"St
ep 20: Verfiying the Fields Present in the Page 'Underlying Event'","The Require
d Fields are Present in the Page 'Underlying Event'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"St
ep 20: Verfiying the Fields Present in the Page 'Underlying Event'","The Require
d Fields are NOT Present in the Page 'Underlying Event'"
) = True
") = False
End If
strCAValue = get_WebEdit_Value("Corporat
eActions","Underlying Event","CorporateActionType")
strISINSEDOLValues = get_WebEdit_Value("
CorporateActions","Underlying Event","ISINSEDOLValues")
If strCAValue = DataTable("CorporateActi
onType","UnderlyingNotification") AND InStr(1,strISINSEDOLValues,strISINValue) <
> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"St
ep 21: Verfiying if the Page 'Underlying Event' exists and the Corporation Actio
n Type, ISIN Value","The Corporate Action Type Value displayed in the Page ' Und
erlying Event ' is " & DataTable("CorporateActionType","UnderlyingNotification")
& " and the ISIN Value is " & strISINValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"St
ep 20: Verfiying if the Page 'Underlying Event' exists and the Corporation Actio
n Type","The Corporate Action Type Value displayed in the Page ' Underlying Even
t ' is NOT " & DataTable("CorporateActionType","UnderlyingNotification") & " OR
the ISIN Value is " & strISINValue
") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Und
erlying Event","Home;DR Home")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 20: V
erifying if the Page 'Underlying Event' is dispalyed or Not","The Page 'Underlyi
ng Event' is Not displayed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = Fal
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Und
erlying Notification","Home;DR Home")
End If
End If
End If
End Function


Public Function CAProfileUnderlyingNotification_TC19()

Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Division's"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions", "CorporateActions", "PROFILE;Upload
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Upload Notification").Exi
st(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Upload Notification ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Upload Notifi
cation ' is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1: Verifying if the Page ' Profi
le Upload Notification ' is Displayed or NOT", "The Page ' Profile Upload Notifi
cation ' is NOT displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 2
Call CreateNewFolder("UploadFiles")
strFilePath = CreateFile("UploadFiles",DataTable.Value("TestCaseID","Und
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificatio
' Entering the path of the File and clicking on Save
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Upload Notification"
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("Choose file").WinEdit("File
name:").Set strFilePath
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("Choose file").WinButton("Ope
' Selecting Underlying Security
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificati
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions","Prof
ile - Upload Notification","lookupFrame","WebEdit","divNm",DataTable.Value("Unde
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions","Prof
ile - Upload Notification","lookupFrame","Image","Go","")
Call SelectValueinFrame("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificatio
' Entering the Corporate Action Type
Call SelectCorporateActionType("CorporateActions","Profile - Upl
oad Notification","CorporateActionType",DataTable.Value("CorporateActionType","U
strISINValue1 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile -
Upload Notification","ISIN")
strUSName1 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Upl
oad Notification","UnderlyingSecurity")
strCAType1 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Upl
oad Notification","CorporateActionType")
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Not
' Setting thr Local Record Date
Call click_image("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificati
Call SetDate("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notification",
strLocalDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - U
pload Notification","LocalRecordDate")
' Saving the Changes made
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload Notificati
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Upload Notificat
ion").Exist(5) Then
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("File Download").E
xist(5) Then
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("File Downloa
End If
strAppValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlyi
ng Upload Notification").Frame("msgFrame").GetROProperty("innertext")
strValue = ReadTextFile(strFilePath)
strAppValue = Replace(strAppValue," " ,"")
strValue = Replace(strValue," " ,"")
If Trim(strAppValue) = Trim(strValue) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the D
ocument is Uploaded or Not","The Document is Uploaded Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the D
ocument is Uploaded or Not","The Document is NOT Uploaded Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Underlying Upload N
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Document
is Uploaded or Not","The Document is NOT Uploaded Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Profile - Upload No
End If
' Step 2
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying
Notification Search","ProcessingStatus",DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","Und
strValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Under
lying Notification Search","ProcessingStatus")
If Trim(strValue) = Trim(DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","Und
erlyingNotification")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verifying the Valu
e in the Processing Status Field","The Value in the Processing Status Field is "
& DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","UnderlyingNotification")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verifying the Valu
e in the Processing Status Field","The Value in the Processing Status Field is N
OT " & DataTable.Value("ProcessingStatus","UnderlyingNotification")
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search","ReceivedEndDate")
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notificat
ion Search").Frame("PopCalFrame").WebElement("Today").Click
' Step 3
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying
Notification Search","AssignedtoUserGroups",DataTable.Value("AssignedtoUserGrou
strValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Under
lying Notification Search","AssignedtoUserGroups")
If Trim(strValue) = Trim(DataTable.Value("AssignedtoUserGroups",
"UnderlyingNotification")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Verifying the Valu
e in the Assigned to User Groups Field","The Value in the Assigned to User Group
s Field is " & DataTable.Value("AssignedtoUserGroups","UnderlyingNotification")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Verifying the Valu
e in the Assigned to User Groups Field","The Value in the Assigned to User Group
s Field is NOT " & DataTable.Value("AssignedtoUserGroups","UnderlyingNotificatio
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 4
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying
Notification Search","Source",DataTable.Value("Source","UnderlyingNotification"
strValue = get_WebList_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Under
lying Notification Search","Source")
If Trim(strValue) = Trim(DataTable.Value("Source","UnderlyingNot
ification")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Verifying the Valu
e in the Source Field","The Value in the Source Field is " & DataTable.Value("So
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 4: Verifying the Valu
e in the Source Field","The Value in the Source Field is NOT " & DataTable.Value
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 5
Call SelectCorporateActionType("CorporateActions","Profile - Und
erlying Notification Search","CorporateActionType",DataTable.Value("CorporateAct
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search","UnderlyingSecurityName")
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underlying Notification Sear
ch").Frame("lookupFrame").WebEdit("UnderlyingSecurityName").Set DataTable.Value(
Call operation_on_FrameObjects_WithName("CorporateActions","Prof
ile - Underlying Notification Search","lookupFrame","Image","Go","")
Call SelectValueinFrame("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying
Notification Search","lookupFrame","ISIN")
strISINValue2 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile -
Underlying Notification Search","ISIN")
strUSName2 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Und
erlying Notification Search","UnderlyingSecurityName")
strCAType2 = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Profile - Und
erlying Notification Search","CorporateActionType")
If strISINValue2 = strISINValue1 AND strUSName2 = strUSName1 AN
D strCAType2 = strCAType1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 5: Verifying the Ente
red Details","The Entered Details are Same as the Details entered to Upload the
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 5: Verifying the Ente
red Details","The Entered Details are NOT Same as the Details entered to Upload
the Document"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 6
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying Notifi
cation Search","Search")
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying N
otification Search","UnderlyingNotification","Processing Status",DataTable.Value
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying N
otification Search","UnderlyingNotification","Corporate Action Type",DataTable.V
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying N
otification Search","UnderlyingNotification","ISIN",DataTable.Value("ISIN","Unde
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying N
otification Search","UnderlyingNotification","Underlying Security",DataTable.Val
Call chkResultinTable("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlying N
otification Search","UnderlyingNotification","Source",DataTable.Value("Source","
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = True Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 6: Verifying if the R
esults are Displayed as per the Search Criteria","The Results are Displayed as p
er the Search Criteria"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 6: Verifying if the R
esults are Displayed as per the Search Criteria","The Results are NOT Displayed
as per the Search Criteria"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
' Step 7
blnTestFlag = "False"
strLocalRecordDate = DateValue(strLocalDate)
intRowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile - Underl
ying Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").RowCount
For intRowCounter = 3 to intRowCount
strReceivedDate = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Prof
ile - Underlying Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").GetCel
strEventDate = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Profile
- Underlying Notification Search").WebTable("UnderlyingNotification").GetCellDa
If strEventDate <> "" AND strReceivedDate <> "" Then
If DateValue(strReceivedDate) = DateValu
e(Date) AND DateValue(strEventDate) = strLocalRecordDate Then
("Profile - Underlying Notification Search").WebElement("html tag:= TD","innerte
xt := " & strReceivedDate).Click
Wait 5
blnTestFlag = "True"
Exit For
End If
End If
If blnTestFlag = "False" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verfiying if the R
eceived Date Field","There is No Record with Event Date Equal to Local Record Da
te and Received Date Equal to Today's Date, so Selecting some other Data to Cont
inue Execution"
If intRowCount > 2 Then
Call SelectElementValueinTable("CorporateActions
","Profile - Underlying Notification Search","UnderlyingNotification","Received
End If
' Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Profile - Underlyin
g Notification Search","Home;DR Home")
' Exit Function
End If
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").Exist(5) T
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying if the P
age 'Underlying Notification' is Dispalyed or Not","The Page 'Underlying Notific
tion' is Displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying if the P
age 'Underlying Notification' is Dispalyed or Not","The Page 'Underlying Notific
tion' is NOT Displayed successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If

' Step 8
If Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notification").W
ebTable("CorporateActionEventDetails").Exist(2) Then
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("CorporateActions","Underlying
strSEDOL = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Underly
ing Notificaiton","CA_SEDOL")
strEventName = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Und
erlying Notificaiton","CA_EventName")
strEventDate = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Und
erlying Notificaiton","CA_EventDate")
If strISIN <> "" AND strSEDOL <> "" AND strEventName <>
"" AND strEventDate <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying
if the Fields are Displayed or NOT","The Fields are dispalyed with the Details"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying
if the Fields are Displayed or NOT","The Fields are NOT dispalyed with the Detai
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
End If
' Step 9
intRowCount =Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underlying Notifi
If intRowCount > 2 Then
intColumnCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Under
lying Notification").WebTable("CorporateActionEvents").ColumnCount(intRowCount)
For intColumnCounter = 1to intColumnCount
intImageCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page
("Underlying Notification").WebTable("CorporateActionEvents").ChildItemCount(int
If intImageCount > 0 Then
strFileName = Browser("CorporateActions"
).Page("Underlying Notification").WebTable("CorporateActionEvents").ChildItem(in
tRowCount,intColumnCounter,"Image",0).GetROProperty("file name")
If strFilename = "closebutton.jpg" Then
("Underlying Notification").WebTable("CorporateActionEvents").ChildItem(intRowCo
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
blnExistFalg = "False"
If Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explor
er").Exist(5) Then
blnExistFalg = "True"
strRequiredValue = "Are you sure you want to delete this
strAppValue = Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("Micros
oft Internet Explorer").Static("MessageText").GetROProperty("text")
If Trim(strRequiredValue) = Trim(strAppValue) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9: Verifying
the Message in the Dialog","The Message displayed in the Dialog is " & strAppVal
Reporter.ReportEvent micFaile,"Step 9: Verifying
the Message in the Dialog","The Message displayed in the Dialog is NOT " & strA
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
End If
' Step 10
If blnExistFalg = "True" Then
Browser("CorporateActions").Dialog("Microsoft Internet E
FinalRowCount = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Underl
ying Notification").WebTable("CorporateActionEvents").RowCount
If FianlRowCount < intRowCount Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10: Verifying
if the Corporation Action Type is Deleted or Not","The Corporation Action Type
is Deleted Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Verifying
if the Corporation Action Type is Deleted or Not","The Corporation Action Type
is NOT Deleted Successfully"
End If
End If
' Step 11
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Underlying Notification","S
strProcessValue = get_WebEdit_Value("CorporateActions","Underlyi
ng Notification Screen","ProcessingStatus")
If Trim(strProcessValue) = "Unassigned" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 11: Verifying the Val
ue in the Processing Status Field","The Value in the Processing Status Field is
" & strProcessValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11: Verifying the Val
ue in the Processing Status Field","The Value in the Processing Status Field is
NOT " & strProcessValue
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = False
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Underlying Notification Sea
rch","Home;DR Home")

End Function

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