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' Name of the Script : Master File Profile HOLDR
' Scope of the Script : This test script covers 16 te
st cases related to the MF Profile --> HOLDR
' Author : Shyam H D
' Description : Master File Profile HOLDR
' Date and / or Version : 05-12-2008,version 1.0

Sub MFProfileHOLDR()
'****Declaration of Environmental Variable
Environment.Value("StepExecution_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("strSheetName") = "HOLDR"
'''''''''Test case count
Const TC_COUNT = 16
strVar = Environment("TestDir")
strIndVar = Split(strVar,"\",-1,1)
strBound = UBound(strIndVar)
strAllPath =""
For intCounter = 0 to strBound - 1
strAllPath = strAllPath & strIndVar(intCounter)
strPath = Trim(strPath)
strDataPath = strAllPath & "DataTables\"
strLibPath = strAllPath & "Function_Library\"
'****Adding MFLogin sheet to the dataTable and Importing the Input DataT
DataTable.AddSheet "MFLogin"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "Login.xls","MFLogin","MFLog
DataTable.AddSheet "HOLDR"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "MasterFileProfile.xls","HOL
DataTable.AddSheet "ReportHeader"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "MasterFileReports.xls","Rep
DataTable.AddSheet "HomePageVerification"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "MasterFileReports.xls","Hom
' Logs the Scenario name Execution in a .csv file
Call Execution_log(DataTable.Value("Scenario_Name", "Master"), "
", "", "")
''****Entering username and password and login into the masterfile appli
'Call login("MasterFile","Login Page","User","MFLogin")
Environment.Value("AppURL") = DataTable.Value("URL","MFLogin")
'***************************************** TC Driver Strat *****
For intTCCount = 1 to TC_COUNT
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "True"
If DataTable("TestRunFlag","HOLDR")="Y" Then
''If run flag is Y in test data table
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"######## BEGIN TES
T CASE - '" & DataTable("TestCaseID","HOLDR") & "' ########### ","Execution of T
est Case '" & DataTable("TestCaseDesc","HOLDR") & "' Started"
strFuncName = "MFProfileHOLDR_TC" & intTCCount &
"()" ''Formation of function name
Execute "Call " & strFuncName
If Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "True"
Call Execution_log("",Datatable.
Value("TestCaseID", "HOLDR"), Datatable.Value("TestCaseDesc", "HOLDR"), "PASS")
Call Execution_log("",Datatable.
Value("TestCaseID", "HOLDR"), Datatable.Value("TestCaseDesc", "HOLDR"), "FAIL")
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"######### END OF T
EST CASE - '" & DataTable("TestCaseID","HOLDR") & "###########","The Test Case E
xecution Completed"
End If

''Increment the test data table row
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") = Environment.Value("
While strPrevious = strNext
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") = Environment
.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") + 1
Call logoutfromApp("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's")
End Sub
'***************************************** TC Driver End *******
Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC1()
Call invoke_URL("MasterFile","Login Page",Environment.Value("App
Call pageCheck_WebEdit("MasterFile","Login Page","username;j_pas
Call pageCheck_WebButton("MasterFile","Login Page","Login","")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verfiying if the L
ogin Page is Dispalyed or NOT","The Login Page is Dispalyed successfully with th
e Required Field"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Verfiying if the L
ogin Page is Dispalyed or NOT","The Login Page is NOT Dispalyed successfully wit
h the Required Field"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call login("MasterFile","Login Page","User","MFLogin")
' Step 2:
Call chkADRHomePage("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's",DataTab
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verifying the DR H
ome Page","The DR Home Page is displayed successfully with Home Page Links and t
he User Details"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verifying the DR H
ome Page","The DR Home Page is NOT displayed successfully with Home Page Links a
nd the User Details"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step : 3
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division'
Call chkMFCAHomePage("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuName
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 3: Check for
MF Home Page", "The Required Menu Items and the Version of the Application is d
isplayed correctly"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 3: Check for
MF Home Page", "The Required Menu Items and the Version of the Application is N
OT displayed correctly"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 4:
Call check_Menu("MasterFile", "MasterFile", DataTable.Value("Sel
ectMenu", "HOLDR"))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 4: Check for
HOLDR Sub Menu", "The HOLDR Sub Menu is present in the Profile Menu"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 4: Check for
HOLDR Sub Menu", "The HOLDR Sub Menu is NOT present in the Profile Menu."
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 5:
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile", "MasterFile", DataTable.Value("Se
lectMenu", "HOLDR"))
' Check for the fields present in the Profile - HOLDR Search Scr
Call chkMFProfile_HOLDRPage("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profi
le", DataTable.Value("HOLDRName", "HOLDR"))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 5 & 6 : Chec
k for Fields present in Profile - HOLDR Search Page & Click on HOLDR", "The Name
of the HOLDR is dispalyed as " & DataTable.Value("HOLDRName", "HOLDR") & " with
6 Tabs"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 5 & 6 : Chec
k for Fields present in Profile - HOLDR Search Page & Click on HOLDR", "The Deta
ils in Profile - HOLDR Profile Page is NOT Dispalyed Sucessfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
blnExistFlag = "True"
' Selecting the Details Tab and Chekin for the Fields Present
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail")
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile"
, "Details_Name;Details_BriefName;Details_USTickerSymbol;Details_IntlUSTickerSym
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Checking for the
Fields Present in Detail Tab", "The Required Fields are Present in Detail Tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Checking for the
Fields Present in Detail Tab", "The Required Fields are NOT Present in Detail Ta
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnExistFlag = "False"
End If
' Selecting the Constituent Tab and checking for the Fields pres
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constituen
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile"
, "ConstituentDetails_Name;ConstituentDetails_ShareAmount;ConstituentDetails_Ini
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Checking for the
Fields Present in Constituent Tab", "The Required Fields are Present in Constitu
ent Tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Checking for the
Fields Present in Constituent Tab", "The Required Fields are NOT Present in Cons
tituent Tab"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnExistFlag = "False"
End If
' Select the Cash Delivery Tab and cheking for the Fields Presen
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","CashDelive
Call pageCheck_WebElementinTable("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR
Profile", "Name;CUSIP;Start Date;End Date;Rate/Share;Active Flag","")
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile"
, "CashDeliveryDetails_Name;CashDeliveryDetails_StartDate;CashDeliveryDetails_En
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile"
, "CADetailsCashDelivery_CAType;CADetailsCashDelivery_CADate;CADetailsCashDelive
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Checking for the
Fields Present in Cash Delivery Tab", "The Required Fields are Present in Cash D
elivery Tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Checking for the
Fields Present in Cash Delivery Tab", "The Required Fields are NOT Present in Ca
sh Delivery Tab"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnExistFlag = "False"
End If
' Select the GICSTab and cheking for the Fields Present
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","GI
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile"
, "GICSCode")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Checking for the
Fields Present in GICS Tab", "The Required Fields are Present in GICS Tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Checking for the
Fields Present in GICS Tab", "The Required Fields are NOT Present in GICS Tab"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnExistFlag = "False"
End If
' Select the Fee Tab and cheking for the Fields Present
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fe
Call pageCheck_WebElementinTable("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR
Profile", "Fee Type;Fee Rate","")
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile"
, "Fee_Issuance;Fee_Cancellation")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Checking for the
Fields Present in Fee Tab", "The Required Fields are Present in Fee Tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Checking for the
Fields Present in Fee Tab", "The Required Fields are NOT Present in Fee Tab"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnExistFlag = "False"
End If
' Select the Legal Tab and cheking for the Fields Present
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Le
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile"
, "Legal_LawFirmInitialDepositor;Legal_LawFirmBNY")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Checking for the
Fields Present in Legal Tab", "The Required Fields are Present in Legal Tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Checking for the
Fields Present in Legal Tab", "The Required Fields are NOT Present in Legal Tab"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnExistFlag = "False"
End If
If blnExistFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 7: Checking
for the Fields Present in Various Tabs", "The Required Fields are Present in the
ir Respective tabs"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 7: Checking
for the Fields Present in Various Tabs", "The Required Fields are NOT Present in
their Respective tabs"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

' Modifying the Detail Tab of an Existing HOLDR
Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC2()
'Step 1: Selecting the Details Tab and Cheking for the Values in the De
tail Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail")
strAppValues = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pro
If strAppValues <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verifying the Values prese
nt in the Detail Tab","The Default Values are Present in the respective fields i
n Detail Tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Verifying the Values prese
nt in the Detail Tab","The Default Values are NOT Present in the respective fiel
ds in Detail Tab"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step2
Call FillHOLDRProfileDetailsTab("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile")
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail", DataTabl
e.Value("Details_FieldModified", "HOLDR"),"Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2: Check for the Pending App
roval Flag Next to the Field Changed", "The Pending Approval Flag is Dispalyed
Next to the Field Modified"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Check for the Pending App
roval Flag Next to the Field Changed", "The Pending Approval Flag is NOT Dispal
yed Next to the Field Modified"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If

End Function

' Modifying the Constituent Tab of an Existing HOLDR
Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC3()
' Step 1:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constituen
intRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable
If intRowCount < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number Constituent",
"There are No Constituent to Select and hence can't proceed furthur"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
Call SetChkHOLDRConstitutentTab("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile",
"Constituent", "Constituent_RadioGroup", DataTable.Value("Constituent_Name", "H
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verfiying if the Default V
alues of the Selected Constituent is displayed or NOT","The Default Values of t
he Constituent " & DataTable.Value("Constituent_Name", "HOLDR") & " is Displayed
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Verfiying if the Default V
alues of the Selected Constituent is displayed or NOT","The Default Values of th
e Constituent " & DataTable.Value("Constituent_Name", "HOLDR") & " is NOT Displa
yed Successfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 2:
'Call FillHOLDRProfileConstituentTab("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profi
strOldInitialWeight = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pr
strNewInitialWeight = strOldInitialWeight + 0.1
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constitue
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
strConstituentName = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pro
If UCase(Trim(strConstituentName)) <> UCase(DataTable.Value("Constituent
_Name","HOLDR")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying if the Modified Const
ituent is Selected or Not","The Modified Constituent ' " & DataTable.Value("Con
stituent_Name","HOLDR") & " ' is Not Selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying if the Modified Const
ituent is Selected or Not","Selecting theModified Constituent ' " & DataTable.V
alue("Constituent_Name","HOLDR") & " ' to Proceed Execution"
Call captureScreenShot()
Call SelectRadioButton_ProfileHOLDR("MasterFile","Profile - HOLD
R Profile","Constituent","Constituent_RadioGroup",DataTable.Value("Constituent_N
End If
Call chkFlagImageinTable("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Constitue
nt", DataTable.Value("Constituent_Name", "HOLDR"), "Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2: Check for the Modified Fl
ag for the selected Constituent","The Modified Flag is displayed for the Constit
uent " & DataTable.Value("Constituent_Name", "HOLDR")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Check for the Modified Fl
ag for the selected Constituent","The Modified Flag is NOT displayed for the Con
stituent " & DataTable.Value("Constituent_Name", "HOLDR")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function
Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC4()
'Step 1: Select Cash Delivery Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","CashDelive
intRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebT
If intRowCount < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number Constituent C
ash Delivery","There are No Constituent Cash Delivery to Select and hence can't
proceed furthur"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
Call SetChkHOLDRCashDeliveryTab("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Co
nstituentCashDelivery", "CashDelivery_RadioGroup", DataTable.Value("CashDelivery
_Name", "HOLDR"))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verfiying if the Details o
f the Selected Constituent Cash Delivery is displayed or NOT","The Details of th
e Cash Delivery " & DataTable.Value("CashDelivery_Name", "HOLDR") & " is Displa
yed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Verfiying if the Details o
f the Selected Constituent Cash Delivery is displayed or NOT","The Details of t
he Cash Delivery " & DataTable.Value("CashDelivery_Name", "HOLDR") & " is NOT D
isplayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Fill the Cash Delivery Tab:
strCashDelivery = FillHOLDRProfileCashDeliveryTab("MasterFile", "Profile - H
OLDR Profile")
If UCase(Trim(strCashDelivery)) <> UCase(DataTable.Value("CashDelivery_Name",
"HOLDR")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying if the Modified Const
ituent Cash Delivery is Selected or Not","The Modified Constituent Cash Delivery
' " & DataTable.Value("CashDelivery_Name","HOLDR") & " ' is Not Selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying if the Modified Const
ituent Cash Delivery is Selected or Not","Selecting the Modified Constituent Ca
sh Delivery ' " & DataTable.Value("CashDelivery_Name","HOLDR") & " ' to Proceed
Call captureScreenShot()
Call SelectRadioButton_ProfileHOLDR("MasterFile","Profile - HOLD
R Profile","ConstituentCashDelivery","CashDelivery_RadioGroup",DataTable.Value("
End If
strDisplayedName = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile",
If strDisplayedName = DataTable.Value("CashDelivery_Name","HOLDR") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verfiying if the Selected
Cash Delivery is Displayed or Not","The Selected Cash Delivery '" & DataTable.Va
lue("CashDelivery_Name","HOLDR") & " ' is Displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Verfiying if the Selected
Cash Delivery is Displayed or Not","The Selected Cash Delivery '" & DataTable.Va
lue("CashDelivery_Name","HOLDR") & " ' is NOT Displayed"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
strValue = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "CashD
strValues = Replace(strValue," ","")
strSetDate = DataTable.Value("CashDeliveryDetails_EndDate", "HOLDR")
strInputDate = Split(strSetDate,";",-1,1)
strFinalDate = strInputDate(1) & " " & strInputDate(0) & ", " & strInpu
strFinalDates = Replace(strFinalDate," " ,"")
If Trim(strValues) = Trim(strFinalDates) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verfiying the Value in the
End Date Field","The Value Displayed in the End Date Field is " & strFinalDate
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Verfiying the Value in the
End Date Field","The Value Displayed in the End Date Field is Not " & strFinal
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 2: Select GICS Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","GICSCode")
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","GICSCod
strAppValue = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Prof
If strAppValue <> "" AND Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verfiying the Default Value and Fi
elds Present in the GICS Code tab ","The Default value in the GICS Code tab is "
& strAppValue & " and the Required Fields are Present"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verifying if the Default V
alue and Fields Present in the GICS Code tab","The Default Value is Not displaye
d in the GICS Code tab or the Required Fields are NOT Present"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC5()
' Step 1:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee")
strAppFeeValues = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR
If strAppFeeValues <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verifying the Default Valu
es in the Fee tab","The Default Values are dispalyed in the Fee tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Verifying the Default Valu
es in the Fee tab","The Default Values are NOT dispalyed in the Fee tab"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
strOldFeeIssuance = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile"
strFeeIssuance = strOldFeeIssuance + 0.01
strOldFeeCancellation = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR
strFeeCancellation = strOldFeeCancellation + 0.01
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee_Issua
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee_Cance
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee", DataTable.V
alue("Fee_FieldModified", "HOLDR"), "Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2: Check for the Pending App
roval and the Modified Flag Next to the Field Changed", "The Pending Approval Fl
ag is Dispalyed Next to the Field Modified"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Check for the Pending Approval an
d the Modified Flag Next to the Field Changed", "The Pending Approval Flag is N
OT Dispalyed Next to the Field Modified"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC6()
' Step 1:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Legal")
strLegalValues = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR P
strLegalBNYValue = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profi
strLegalDepositar = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Prof
If strLegalBNYValue <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verifying the Value in the
Field Law Firm BNY","The Value in the Field 'Law Firm BNY' is " & strLegalBNYVa
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Step 1: Verifying the Value in
the Field Law Firm BNY","The Value in the Field 'Law Firm BNY' is ' NULL ' "
Call captureScreenShot()
End If
If strLegalDepositar <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verifying the Value in the
Field Law Firm Initial Depositar","The Value in the Field 'Law Firm BNY' is " &
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Step 1: Verifying the Value in
the Field Law Firm Initial Depositar","The Value in the Field 'Law Firm BNY' is
' NULL ' "
Call captureScreenShot()
End If
' Step 2:
Call FillHOLDRProfileLegalTab("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Lega
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile","Legal", DataTable
.Value("Legal_FieldModified", "HOLDR"), "Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 2: Check for the Pending Approval Fl
ag Next to the Field Changed", "The Pending Approval Flag is displayed Next to t
he Field Changed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 2: Check for the Pending App
roval Flag Next to the Field Changed", "The Approval Flag is displayed Next to t
he Field Changed"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Verifying if Depositary Re
ceipt Division's Page is displayed or Not","The Page 'Depositary Receipt Devisio
n' page is displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Verifying if Depositary Re
ceipt Division's Page is displayed or Not","The Page 'Depositary Receipt Devisio
n' page is displayed Successfully"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function
Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC7()
'Call logoutfromApp("MasterFile", "Depositary Receipt Division's")
Call invoke_URL("MasterFile","Login Page",Environment.Value("AppURL"))
Call pageCheck_WebEdit("MasterFile","Login Page","username;j_password","
Call pageCheck_WebButton("MasterFile","Login Page","Login","")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verifying if the Login Pag
e is Displayed Successfully or Not","The Login Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verifying if the Login Pag
e is Displayed Successfully or Not","The Login Page is Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call login("MasterFile","Login Page","Approver","MFLogin")
Call chkADRHomePage("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's",DataTab
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verifying if DR Home Page"
,"The Required Menu items are Displayed in the DR Home Page"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verifying if DR Home Page"
,"The Required Menu items are Displayed in the DR Home Page"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call ApprovalFunction("MasterFile","HOLDR Profile","Name;CUSIP;US Exchan
ge;Last User Updated;Last Updated",DataTable.Value("HOLDRName","HOLDR"),"Approve
d the Changes","Approved","Pending Approval")
If Environment.Value("StepExecution_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3 to 11: Verifying if the App
roval is done Successfully or Not","The changes made to the HOLDR " & DataTable.
Value("HOLDRName","HOLDR") & " is Approved Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3 to 11: Verifying if the App
roval is done Successfully or Not","The changes made to the HOLDR " & DataTable.
Value("HOLDRName","HOLDR") & " is NOT Approved Successfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("StepExecution_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call logoutfromApp("MasterFile","Approval Queue Item Search")
If Browser("MasterFile").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12: Verifying if Logged out f
rom the Application","Not logged out from the Application Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12: Verifying if Logged out f
rom the Application","Llogged out from the Application Successfully"
End If
' Login Again with User Id:
Call invoke_URL("MasterFile","Login Page",Environment.Value("AppURL"))
Call login("MasterFile","Login Page","User","MFLogin")
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile", "MasterFile", DataTable.Value("SelectMenu", "
Call chkMFProfile_HOLDRPage("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", DataTab
le.Value("HOLDRName", "HOLDR"))
blnFalgExist = "True"
' Select Detail Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Detail")
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail",DataTable
.Value("Details_FieldModified", "HOLDR"),"Not Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Flags are Not Dis
played Next to the Modified Fields in Detail Tab","The Pending Approval Flags ar
e Not Present in the Detail Tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Flags are Not Dis
played Next to the Modified Fields in Detail Tab","The Pending Approval Flags ar
e Present in the Detail Tab"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFalgExist = "False"
End If
' Select Constituent Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Constitu
Call chkFlagImageinTable("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constituen
t", DataTable.Value("Constituent_Name", "HOLDR"), "Not Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Modified and Pend
ing Approval Flags are Not Displayed in the Constituent Tab","The Pending Approv
al Flags are Not Present in the Constituent Tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Modified and Pend
ing Approval Flags are Not Displayed in the Constituent Tab","The Pending Approv
al Flags are Present in the Constituent Tab"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFalgExist = "False"
End If
' Select Cash Delivery Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "CashDeli
Call chkFlagImageinTable("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constituen
tCashDelivery",DataTable.Value("CashDelivery_Name", "HOLDR"),"Not Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Modified and Pend
ing Approval Flags are Not Displayed in the Cash Delivery Tab","The Pending Appr
oval Flags are Not Present in the Cash Delivery Tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Modified and Pend
ing Approval Flags are Not Displayed in the Cash Delivery Tab","The Pending Appr
oval Flags are Present in the Cash Delivery Tab"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFalgExist = "False"
End If
' Select Fee Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Fee")
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee",DataTabl
e.Value("Fee_FieldModified", "HOLDR"),"Not Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Flags are Not Dis
played Next to the Modified Fields in Fee Tab","The Pending Approval Flags are N
ot Present in the Fee Tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Flags are Not Dis
played Next to the Modified Fields in Fee Tab","The Pending Approval Flags are P
resent in the Fee Tab"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFalgExist = "False"
End If
' Select Legal Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Legal")
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile","Legal",DataTa
ble.Value("Legal_FieldModified", "HOLDR"),"Not Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Flags are Not Dis
played Next to the Modified Fields in Legal Tab","The Pending Approval Flags are
Not Present in the Legal Tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Flags are Not Dis
played Next to the Modified Fields in Legal Tab","The Pending Approval Flags are
Present in the Legal Tab"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFalgExist = "False"
End If
If blnFalgExist = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 13, 14: Verifying if the Flag
s are Not Displayed Next to the Modified Fields in Various Tab","The Pending App
roval Flags are Not Present in Various Tab"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 13, 14: Verifying if the Flag
s are Not Displayed Next to the Modified Fields in Various Tab","The Pending App
roval Flags are Present in the Various Tab"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Home;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC8()

Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile", "MasterFile", DataTable.Value("SelectMenu", "
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile Search").WebElement(
"html tag:=TD","innertext:="& DataTable.Value("HOLDRName","HOLDR")).Click
Call MFProfileHOLDR_TC2()
Call MFProfileHOLDR_TC3()
Call MFProfileHOLDR_TC4()
Call MFProfileHOLDR_TC5()
Call MFProfileHOLDR_TC6()
Call logoutfromApp("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's")
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "True"
' Login with Approver ID and Reject all the changes made
Call invoke_URL("MasterFile","Login Page",Environment.Value("AppURL"))
Call login("MasterFile","Login Page","Approver","MFLogin")
' Step 1 to 11: Reject all the Changes made
Call ApprovalFunction("MasterFile","HOLDR Profile","Name;CUSIP;US Exchange;L
ast User Updated;Last Updated",DataTable.Value("HOLDRName","HOLDR"),"Rejecting t
he Changes","Rejected","Pending Approval")
If Environment.Value("StepExecution_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1 to 11: Verifying if the Chn
ages made to the HOLDR is apporved or Not","The changes made to the HOLDR " & Da
taTable.Value("Details_Name","HOLDR") & " is Rejected Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1 to 11: Verifying if the Chn
ages made to the HOLDR is apporved or Not","The changes made to the HOLDR " & Da
taTable.Value("Details_Name","HOLDR") & " is NOT Rejected Successfully"
Environment.Value("Eexcution_Log") = "False"
Environment.Value("StepExecution_Log") = "True"
End If
Call logoutfromApp("MasterFile","Approval Queue Item Search")
If Browser("MasterFile").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12: Verifying if Logged out f
rom Application Successfully","The User is NOT Successfully logged out from appl
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12: Verifying if Logged out f
rom Application Successfully","The User is Successfully logged out from applicat
End If
' Step 13:
Call invoke_URL("MasterFile","Login Page",Environment.Value("AppURL"))
Call login("MasterFile","Login Page","User","MFLogin")
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("SelectMenu",
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile Search").WebElement(
"html tag:=TD","innertext:= " & DataTable.Value("HOLDRName","HOLDR")).Click
' Select Detail Tab
blnFlagExist = "False"
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail")
Call chkRejectedFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Detail Tab","The Rejected Flag is Present next to the Mo
dified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Detail Tab","The Rejected Flag is Not Present next to th
e Modified Fields"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFlagExist = "True"
End If
' Select Constituent Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constituen
Call chkRejectedFlagImageinTable("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile",
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Constituent Tab","The Rejected Flag is Present next to t
he Modified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Constituent Tab","The Rejected Flag is Not Present next
to the Modified Fields"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFlagExist = "True"
End If
' Select Cash Delivery Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","CashDelive
Call chkRejectedFlagImageinTable("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile",
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Cash Delivery Tab","The Rejected Flag is Present next to
the Modified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Cash Delivery Tab","The Rejected Flag is Not Present nex
t to the Modified Fields"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFlagExist = "True"
End If
' Select Fee Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee")
Call chkRejectedFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee",D
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Fee Tab","The Rejected Flag is Present next to the Modif
ied Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Fee Tab","The Rejected Flag is Not Present next to the M
odified Fields"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFlagExist = "True"
End If
' Select Legal Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Legal")
Call chkRejectedFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Legal"
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Legal Tab","The Rejected Flag is Present next to the Mod
ified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Legal Tab","The Rejected Flag is Not Present next to the
Modified Fields"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFlagExist = "True"
End If
If blnFlagExist = "False" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 13, 14: Verfiying if the Reje
cted Flags are Present in various tab after Rejecting the Changes made","The Rej
ected Flags are Present in Various Tabs"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 13, 14: Verfiying if the Rej
ected Flags are Present in various tab after Rejecting the Changes made","The Re
jected Flags are Not Present in Various Tabs"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Home;DR Home")

End Function
Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC9()
' Step 1 to 5
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile", "MasterFile", DataTable.Value("SelectMenu", "
' Step 6:
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile Search","NewHOLDR
Call pageCheck_WebElementOR("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Deta
intColumnCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").W
For intColumnCounter = 1 to intColumnCount
strValue = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile")
strAppValue = strAppValue & ";" & strValue
blnFlag = "False"
strDisplayedValue = "Initial Depositor;Merrill Lynch-HOLDRS;Country of Incor
poration;United States"
If Instr(1,strAppValue,strDisplayedValue) <> 0 Then
blnFlag = "True"
Call captureScreenShot()
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" AND blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 6: Verfiying the Tabs and the
Elements in the Page ' Profile - HOLDR Profile' "," The Initial Depositor Value
is ' Merrill Lynch-HOLDRS ' and the Required Fields are Present"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 6: Verfiying the Tabs and the
Elements in the Page ' Profile - HOLDR Profile' "," The Initial Depositor Value
is NOT ' Merrill Lynch-HOLDRS ' OR the Required Fields are Present"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 7:
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
strMandatoryField = ValidationErrorDetails("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pro
file","ValidationError", DataTable.Value("MandatoryFields","HOLDR"),"Detail")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying if the Mandatory
Fields are Dispalyed in the Validation Error or Not","The Mandatory Fields are
Displayed in the Validation Error Table."
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying if the Mandatory
Fields are Dispalyed in the Validation Error or Not","The Mandatory Fields are
NOT Displayed in the Validation Error Table."
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Required Mandatory Field :
= " & DataTable.Value("MandatoryFields","HOLDR"),"Displayed Mandatory Field : =
" & strMandatoryField
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8 to 14
Call clkValidationErrorElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","V
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 14: Verfiying if the Cor
responding Field is Highlighted after clicking on the Element in the Validation
table","The Corresponding Field is Highlighted after clicking on the Correspondi
ng Element in the Validation Error table"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 14: Verfiying if the Cor
responding Field is Highlighted after clicking on the Element in the Validation
table","The Corresponding Field is NOT Highlighted after clicking on the Corresp
onding Element in the Validation Error table"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Entering the Values for the Elements dispalyed in the Validation Error
strCurrentTime = Time
strCurrentDate = Date
strDate = Split(strCurrentDate,"/" ,-1,1)
strTime = Split(strCurrentTime,":",-1,1)
strDateTimeStamp = strDate(0) &strDate(1)&strDate(2) & " "& strTime(0)
& strTime(1) & strTime(2)
strNewHOLDRName = "QTPHOLDR_" & strDateTimeStamp
strNewHOLDRName = Replace(strNewHOLDRName," ","")
DataTable.Value("Details_Name","HOLDR") = strNewHOLDRName
Environment.Value("ApprovedHOLDR") = strNewHOLDRName
strVar1 = Environment("TestDir")
strIndVar1 = Split(strVar1,"\",-1,1)
strBound = UBound(strIndVar1)
strAllPath1 =""
For intCounters = 0 to strBound - 1
strAllPath1 = strAllPath1 & strIndVar1(intCounters) &"\"
strPath1 = Trim(strPath1)
strDataPath1 = strAllPath1 & "DataTables\"
DataTable.ExportSheet strDataPath1 & "MasterFileProfile.xls","HOLDR"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath1 & "MasterFileProfile.xls","HOLDR","HO
strMandatoryValue = ValidationErrorDetails("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR
' Filling the Effective Date
strDataTableValue = DataTable.Value("Details_EffectiveDate","HOLDR")
strValue = Split(strDataTableValue,";",-1,1)
strDateValue = strValue(0)
strMonthValue = strValue(1)
strYearValue = strValue(2)
Call SelectImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail","Effect
ive Date","show-calendar.gif")
Call ClickIcon_SetDate("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile",strMonthVa
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
strMandatoryValue = Replace(strMandatoryValue,"Effective Date","")
intPos = InStr(1,strMandatoryValue,";")
If intPos = 1 Then
strMandatoryField = Trim(Mid(strMandatoryValue,intPos+1))
End If
strErrorValue = ValidationErrorDetails("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pro
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass," Step 15: Verfiying the Mandatory
Fields dispalyed in the Validation Error Table","The Mandatory Fields are Displa
yed in the Validation Error Table and the Mandatory Fields are " & strErrorValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 15: Verfiying the Mandatory F
ields dispalyed in the Validation Error Table","The Mandatory Fields are NOT Dis
played in the Validation Error Table"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
'Filling the US Exchange
Call SelectImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail","US Exc
strElementName = DataTable.Value("Details_USExchange","HOLDR")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("lookupF
rame").WebElement("html tag:=TD","innertext:="&strElementName).Exist(2) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the WebElement e
xists or Not","The WebElement "&strElementName &"is Present for clicking"
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Fr
ame("lookupFrame").WebElement("html tag:=TD","innertext:="&strElementName).Click
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the WebElement e
xists or Not","The WebElement "&strElementName &"is Not Present for clicking"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
strMandatoryValue = Replace(strErrorValue,"US Exchange","")
intPos = InStr(1,strMandatoryValue,";")
If intPos = 1 Then
strMandatoryField = Trim(Mid(strMandatoryValue,intPos+1))
End If
strErrorValue = ValidationErrorDetails("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pro
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 16: Verfiying the Mandatory F
ields dispalyed in the Validation Error Table","The Mandatory Fields are Display
ed in the Validation Error Table and the Mandatory Fields are " & strErrorValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 16: Verfiying the Mandatory F
ields dispalyed in the Validation Error Table","The Mandatory Fields are NOT Dis
played in the Validation Error Table"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
'Filling ISIN
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Details_I
Call Click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
strMandatoryValue = Replace(strErrorValue,"ISIN","")
intPos = InStr(1,strMandatoryValue,";")
If intPos = 1 Then
strMandatoryField = Trim(Mid(strMandatoryValue,intPos+1))
End If
strErrorValue = ValidationErrorDetails("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pro
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 17: Verfiying the Mandatory F
ields dispalyed in the Validation Error Table","The Mandatory Fields are Display
ed in the Validation Error Table and the Mandatory Fields are " & strErrorValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 17: Verfiying the Mandatory F
ields dispalyed in the Validation Error Table","The Mandatory Fields are NOT Dis
played in the Validation Error Table"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
'Filling HOLDR Name
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Details_N
Call Click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
intLen = Len("Name;")
intPos1 = Instr(1,strErrorValue,"Name;")
If intPos1 <> 0 Then
strMandatoryValue = Trim(Mid(strMandatoryValue,intLen+intPos))
End If
intPos = InStr(1,strMandatoryValue,";")
If intPos = 1 Then
strMandatoryField = Trim(Mid(strMandatoryValue,intPos+1))
End If
strErrorValue = ValidationErrorDetails("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pro
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 18: Verfiying the Mandatory F
ields dispalyed in the Validation Error Table","The Mandatory Fields are Display
ed in the Validation Error Table and the Mandatory Fields are " & strErrorValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 18: Verfiying the Mandatory F
ields dispalyed in the Validation Error Table","The Mandatory Fields are NOT Dis
played in the Validation Error Table"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 18: Displayed Mandatory Detai
ls : = " & strErrorValue," Required Mandatory Field: = " & strMandatoryField
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
'Filling US Ticker Symbol
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Details_U
Call Click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
strMandatoryValue = Replace(strMandatoryField,"US Ticker Symbol","")
intPos = InStr(1,strMandatoryValue,";")
If intPos = 1 Then
strMandatoryField = Trim(Mid(strMandatoryValue,intPos+1))
End If
strErrorValue = ValidationErrorDetails("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pro
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 19: Verfiying the Mandatory F
ields dispalyed in the Validation Error Table","The Mandatory Fields are Display
ed in the Validation Error Table and the Mandatory Fields are " & strErrorValue
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 19: Verfiying the Mandatory F
ields dispalyed in the Validation Error Table","The Mandatory Fields are NOT Dis
played in the Validation Error Table"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 19: Displayed Mandatory Detai
ls : = " & strErrorValue," Required Mandatory Field: = " & strMandatoryField
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
'FIlling CUSIP
strCurrentTime = Time
strTime = Split(strCurrentTime,":",-1,1)
strCUSIPNum = strTime(0) & strTime(1) & strTime(2)
strCUSIPNum = Replace(strCUSIPNum," ","")
intLen = Len(strCUSIPNum)
If intLen =7 Then
strCUSIPNum = "01" & strCUSIPNum
ElseIf intLen = 8 Then
strCUSIPNum = "0" & strCUSIPNum
End If
DataTable.Value("Details_CUSIP","HOLDR") = strCUSIPNum
DataTable.ExportSheet strDataPath1 & "MasterFileProfile.xls","HOLDR"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath1 & "MasterFileProfile.xls","HOLDR","HO
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Details_CUSIP
If Browser("MasterFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").Exist(5)
Browser("MasterFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").WinB
If Browser("MasterFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").E
xist(2) Then
Browser("MasterFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explore
End If
End If
Call Click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
strMandatoryValue = Replace(strMandatoryField,"CUSIP","")
intPos = InStr(1,strMandatoryValue,";")
If intPos = 1 Then
strMandatoryField = Trim(Mid(strMandatoryValue,intPos+1))
End If
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Image("ShowErro
rs").Exist(5) Then
strErrorValue = ValidationErrorDetails("MasterFile","Profile - H
OLDR Profile","ValidationError",strMandatoryField,"Detail")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 20: Verfiying the Man
datory Fields dispalyed in the Validation Error Table","The Mandatory Fields are
Displayed in the Validation Error Table and the Mandatory Fields are " & strErr
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 20: Verfiying the Man
datory Fields dispalyed in the Validation Error Table","The Mandatory Fields are
NOT Displayed in the Validation Error Table"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 20: Displayed Mandato
ry Details : = " & strErrorValue," Required Mandatory Field: = " & strMandatoryF
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 20: Verifying if the Validati
on Error Table is Displayed or NOT","The Validation Error Table is Not Displayed
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 20: No Validation Error tabl
e is Displayed"," Required Mandatory Field: = " & strMandatoryField
End If

'Filling Brief Name

Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Details_B
Call Click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail","Effec
tive Date;US Exchange;ISIN;Name;US Ticker Symbol;CUSIP;Brief Name","Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 21: Verifying if the Flags ar
e Displayed Next to the Modified Field","The Pending Approval Flag is displayed
Next Modified Field"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 21: Verifying if the Flags ar
e Displayed Next to the Modified Field","The Pending Approval Flag is NOT displa
yed Next Modified Field"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If

' Step 22: Filling US Clearing House

Call SelectImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail","US Cle
aring House","info.gif")
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("lookupFrame
").WebElement("html tag:=TD","innertext:="& DataTable.Value("Details_USClearingH
strUSClearingValue = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pro
If UCase(Trim(strUSClearingValue)) = UCase(Trim(DataTable.Value("Details
_USClearingHouse","HOLDR"))) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 22: Verifying the Value in t
he Field 'US Clearing House'"," The Value in the Field ' US Clearing House ' is
" & DataTable.Value("Details_USClearingHouse","HOLDR")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 22: Verifying the Value in th
e Field 'US Clearing House'"," The Value in the Field ' US Clearing House ' is N
OT " & DataTable.Value("Details_USClearingHouse","HOLDR")
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 23:
Call SelectImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail","Agreement
Termination Date","show-calendar.gif")
Call SetDate("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile",DataTable.Value("Det
strAppDate = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","
strAppDate = Replace(strAppDate," ", "")
strDataTable = DataTable.Value("Details_AgreementTerminationDate","HOLDR
strDate = Split(strDataTable,";",-1,1)
intLen = Len(strDate(0))
If intLen < 2 Then
strDate(0) = "0" & strDate(0)
End If
strCheckDate = strDate(1) & " " & strDate(0) & ", " & strDate(2)
strCheckDate = Replace(strCheckDate," ", "")
If strCheckDate = strAppDate Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 23: Verifying if the Agreemen
t Termination Date is dispalyed or Not","The Agreement Termination Date Displaye
d is " & strAppDate
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 23: Verifying if the Agreemen
t Termination Date is dispalyed or Not","The Agreement Termination Date Displaye
d is NOT " & strAppDate
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 24:
Call SelectImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail","Intl Clear
ing House","info.gif")
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("lookupFrame
").WebElement("html tag:=TD","innertext:="& DataTable.Value("Details_IntlClearin
strUSClearingValue = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pro
If UCase(Trim(strUSClearingValue)) = UCase(Trim(DataTable.Value("Details
_IntlClearingHouse","HOLDR"))) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 23: Verifying the Value in t
he Field 'US Clearing House'"," The Value in the Field ' Intl Clearing House ' i
s " & DataTable.Value("Details_IntlClearingHouse","HOLDR")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 23: Verifying the Value in th
e Field 'US Clearing House'"," The Value in the Field ' Intl Clearing House ' is
NOT " & DataTable.Value("Details_IntlClearingHouse","HOLDR")
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 25: Fill ISIN Value
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Details_I
strAppData = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","D
If DataTable.Value("Details_ISIN","HOLDR") = strAppData Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 25: Verifying the ISIN Value"
,"The ISIN Value Displayed is " & DataTable.Value("Details_ISIN","HOLDR")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 25: Verifying the ISIN Value"
,"The ISIN Value Displayed is NOT equal to " & DataTable.Value("Details_ISIN","
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 26:
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Details_Minim
strAppData = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","D
If DataTable.Value("Details_MinimumShareSlot","HOLDR") = strAppData Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 26: Verifying the Minimum Sha
re Slot","The Minimum Share Slot Value Displayed is " & DataTable.Value("Detail
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 26: Verifying the Minimum Sha
re Slot","The Minimum Share Slot Value Displayed is NOT equal to " & DataTable.
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 27: CID Number
If DataTable.Value("Details_CID","HOLDR") <> ""Then
Call SelectImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail"
,"CID #","info.gif")
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("loo
kupFrame").WebEdit("CIDNumber").Set DataTable.Value("Details_CID","HOLDR")
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("loo
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("loo
kupFrame").WebElement("html tag:=TD","innertext:=" & DataTable.Value("Details_CI
strCIDNo = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profi
If DataTable.Value("Details_CID","HOLDR") = strCIDNo Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 27: Verfiying the CID
No","The CID Number displayed is " & strCIDNo
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 27: Verfiying the CID
No","The CID Number displayed is NOT " & DataTable.Value("Details_CID","HOLDR"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End If
' Step 28: Details_TASAccountNumber
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Details_T
strTASAccountNo= get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile
If DataTable.Value("Details_TASAccountNumber","HOLDR") = strTASAccountNo
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 28: Verifying the TAS Account
Number Value","The TAS AccountNumber displayed is " & DataTable.Value("Details_
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 28: Verifying the TAS Account
Number Value","The TAS AccountNumber displayed is NOT " & DataTable.Value("Deta
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 29: Details_LocalTax
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Details_L
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Details_L
intLocalTaxValue = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profi
If INstr(1,intLocalTaxValue,DataTable.Value("Details_LocalTax","HOLDR"))
<> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 29: Verifying Local Tax Value
","The Local Tax Value is " & DataTable.Value("Details_LocalTax","HOLDR")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 29: Verifying Local Tax Value
","The Local Tax Value is NOT " & DataTable.Value("Details_LocalTax","HOLDR")
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 30: Details_SECFileNumber
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Details_S
strSECFileNumber = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profi
If UCase(DataTable.Value("Details_SECFileNumber","HOLDR")) = UCase(strSE
CFileNumber) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 30: Verifying the SEC File Nu
mber","The SEC File Number displayed is " & DataTable.Value("Details_SECFileNumb
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 30: Verifying the SEC File Nu
mber","The SEC File Number displayed is NOT " & DataTable.Value("Details_SECFile
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 31: Details_SECFileDate
Call SelectImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail","SEC Fi
le Date","show-calendar.gif")
Call SetDate("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile",DataTable.Value("Det
strAppDate = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","
strAppDate = Replace(strAppDate," ", "")
strDataTable = DataTable.Value("Details_SECFileDate","HOLDR")
strDate = Split(strDataTable,";",-1,1)
intLen = Len(strDate(0))
If intLen < 2 Then
strDate(0) = "0" & strDate(0)
End If
strCheckDate = strDate(1) & " " & strDate(0) & ", " & strDate(2)
strCheckDate = Replace(strCheckDate," ", "")
If strCheckDate = strAppDate Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 31: Verifying if the SEC File
Date is dispalyed or Not","The SEC File Date Displayed is " & strAppDate
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 31: Verifying if the SEC File
Date is dispalyed or Not","The SEC File Date is NOT Displayed as " & strAppDate
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 32: Details_IntlUSTicketSymbol : BNY Details_IntlUSTicketSymbol

Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Details_I

strIntlTickerSymbol = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pr
If UCase(DataTable.Value("Details_IntlUSTickerSymbol","HOLDR")) = UCase(
strIntlTickerSymbol) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 32: Verifying the Intl Ticker
Symbol","The Intl Ticker Symbol Value displayed is " & DataTable.Value("Details
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 32: Verifying the Intl Ticker
Symbol","The Intl Ticker Symbol Value displayed is NOT " & DataTable.Value("Det
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 33: Details_IntlExchange :Details_IntlExchange
Call SelectImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail","Intl E
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("lookupFrame
").WebElement("html tag:=TD","innertext:="& DataTable.Value("Details_IntlExchang
strIntlExchange = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profil
If UCase(Trim(strIntlExchange)) = UCase(Trim(DataTable.Value("Details_In
tlExchange","HOLDR"))) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 33: Verifying the Value in t
he Field 'Intl Exchange'"," The Value in the Field ' Intl Exchange ' is " & Data
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 33: Verifying the Value in th
e Field 'Intl Exchange'"," The Value in the Field ' Intl Exchange ' is NOT " & D
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
'STEP 32: Select Constituent Tab and Add a New Constituent
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constituen
'Call click_WebButton("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Add")
intInitialRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile
intCounter = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTa
If IntCounter > 0 Then
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable("
End If
Call FillHOLDRProfileConstituentTab("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profil
strConstituentName = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pro
intFinalRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile")
If intFinalRowCount = intInitialRowCount + 1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Number of Rows after
adding a New Constituent"," A New Row is added successfully after adding a New
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Rows after
adding a New Constituent"," A New Row is NOT added successfully after adding a
New Constituent"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call chkFlagImageinTable("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constit
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 32: Verifying if the New Cons
tituent is added Successfully or Not","The New Constituent " & strConstituentNam
e & " is Added Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 32: Verifying if the New Cons
tituent is added Successfully or Not","The New Constituent " & strConstituentNam
e & " is NOT Added Successfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 33: Fill Fee tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee")
Call FillHOLDRProfileFeeTab("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee"
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 33: Verifying if the Pending
Approval Flags are displayed next to the Modified Fields","The Pending Approval
Flags are Displayed Next to the Modified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 33: Verifying if the Pending
Approval Flags are displayed next to the Modified Fields","The Pending Approval
Flags are NOT Displayed Next to the Modified Fields"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 34: Legal Tab:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Legal")
Call FillHOLDRProfileLegalTab("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Legal",DataTab
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 34: Check for the Pending Approval F
lag Next to the Field Changed", "The Pending Approval Flag is displayed Next to
the Field Changed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 34: Check for the Pending Ap
proval Flag Next to the Field Changed", "The Pending Approval Flag is displayed
Next to the Field Changed"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail")
Call Select_Combo_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Details_
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
' Step 35:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","HOLDRSearc
intFoundRow = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile Search").W
ebTable("HOLDR Search Results").GetRowWithCellText(DataTable.Value("Details_Name
If intFoundRow <> - 1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 35: Verifying if the Newly ad
ded HOLDR is displayed in the List or Not","The Newly added HOLDR " & DataTable.
Value("Details_Name","HOLDR") & " is present in the HOLDR Search Result"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 35: Verifying if the Newly ad
ded HOLDR is displayed in the List or Not","The Newly added HOLDR " & DataTable.
Value("Details_Name","HOLDR") & " is NOT present in the HOLDR Search Result"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 36:
Call logoutfromApp("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile Search")
If Browser("MasterFile").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 36: Verfiying if Logged out f
rom application or NOT","User is Not Logged out from application Successfully"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 36: Verfiying if Logged out f
rom application or NOT","User is Logged out from application Successfully"
End If
'Step 37: Log in with Approver Id:
Call invoke_URL("MasterFile","Login Page",Environment.Value("AppURL"))
Call login("MasterFile","Login Page","Approver","MFLogin")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 37: Verifying if the Applicat
ion is launced","The Application is Launced Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 37: Verifying if the Applicat
ion is launced","The Application is NOT Launced Successfully"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call ApprovalFunction("MasterFile","HOLDR Profile","Name;CUSIP;US Exchan
ge;Last User Updated;Last Updated",DataTable.Value("Details_Name","HOLDR"),"Appr
oved the Changes","Approved","Pending Approval")
If Environment.Value("StepExecution_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 38 to 46: Verifying if the Ch
nages made to the HOLDR is apporved or Not","The changes made to the HOLDR " & D
ataTable.Value("Details_Name","HOLDR") & " is Approved Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 38 to 46: Verifying if the Ch
nages made to the HOLDR is apporved or Not","The changes made to the HOLDR " & D
ataTable.Value("Details_Name","HOLDR") & " is NOT Approved Successfully"
Environment.Value("Eexcution_Log") = "False"
Environment.Value("StepExecution_Log") = "True"
End If
' Logout from Application
Call logoutfromApp("MasterFile","Approval Queue Item Search")
If Browser("MasterFile").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 47: Verifying if Logged out f
rom Application Successfully","The User is NOT Successfully logged out from appl
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 47: Verifying if Logged out f
rom Application Successfully","The User is Successfully logged out from applicat
End If
' Step 47:
Call invoke_URL("MasterFile","Login Page",Environment.Value("AppURL"))
Call login("MasterFile","Login Page","User","MFLogin")
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("SelectMenu",
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile Search").WebElement(
"html tag:=TD","innertext:= " & DataTable.Value("Details_Name","HOLDR")).Click
' Select Detail Tab
blnFlagExist = "False"
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail")
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail","Name;
Brief Name;US Ticker Symbol;Intl Ticker Symbol;US Exchange;Intl Exchange;US Clea
ring House;Intl Clearing House;Minimum Share Lot;TAS Account Number;SEC File Num
ber;SEC File Date;CUSIP;Price;Status;Effectiuve Date;Agreement Termination Date;
ISIN;CID #;Local Tax","Not Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Pending Approval
Flag is displayed or NOT in the Detail Tab","The Pending Approval Flag is Not Pr
esent next to the Modified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Pending Approval
Flag is displayed or NOT in the Detail Tab","The Pending Approval Flag is Presen
t next to the Modified Fields"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFlagExist = "True"
End If
' Select Constituent Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constituen
Call chkFlagImageinTable("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constit
uent",strConstituentName,"Not Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Pending Approval
Flag is displayed or NOT in the Constituent Tab","The Pending Approval Flag is N
ot Present next to the Modified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Pending Approval
Flag is displayed or NOT in the Constituent Tab","The Pending Approval Flag is P
resent next to the Modified Fields"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFlagExist = "True"
End If
' Select Fee Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee")
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee",DataTable
.Value("Fee_FieldModified","HOLDR"),"Not Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Pending Approval
Flag is displayed or NOT in the Fee Tab","The Pending Approval Flag is Not Prese
nt next to the Modified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Pending Approval
Flag is displayed or NOT in the Fee Tab","The Pending Approval Flag is Present n
ext to the Modified Fields"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFlagExist = "True"
End If
' Select Legal Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee")
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Legal",DataTab
le.Value("Legal_FieldModified","HOLDR"),"Not Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Pending Approval
Flag is displayed or NOT in the Legal Tab","The Pending Approval Flag is Not Pre
sent next to the Modified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Pending Approval
Flag is displayed or NOT in the Legal Tab","The Pending Approval Flag is Present
next to the Modified Fields"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFlagExist = "True"
End If
If blnFlagExist = "False" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 48: Verfiying if the Flags ar
e Present in various tab after Approving","The Pending Approval Flags are Not Pr
esent in Various Tabs"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 48: Verfiying if the Flags ar
e Present in various tab after Approving","The Pending Approval Flags are Still
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Home;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC10()
' Step 1 to 5
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile", "MasterFile", DataTable.Value("SelectMenu", "
' Step 6:
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile Search","NewHOLDR
Call pageCheck_WebElementOR("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Deta
intColumnCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").W
For intColumnCounter = 1 to intColumnCount
strValue = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile")
strAppValue = strAppValue & ";" & strValue
blnFlag = "False"
strDisplayedValue = "Initial Depositor;Merrill Lynch-HOLDRS;Country of Incor
poration;United States"
If Instr(1,strAppValue,strDisplayedValue) <> 0 Then
blnFlag = "True"
Call captureScreenShot()
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" AND blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 6: Verfiying the Tabs and the
Elements in the Page ' Profile - HOLDR Profile' "," The Initial Depositor Value
is ' Merrill Lynch-HOLDRS ' and the Required Fields are Present"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 6: Verfiying the Tabs and the
Elements in the Page ' Profile - HOLDR Profile' "," The Initial Depositor Value
is NOT ' Merrill Lynch-HOLDRS ' OR the Required Fields are Present"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 7:
strCurrentTime = Time
strCurrentDate = Date
strDate = Split(strCurrentDate,"/" ,-1,1)
strTime = Split(strCurrentTime,":",-1,1)
strDateTimeStamp = strDate(0) &strDate(1)&strDate(2) & " "& strTime(0)
& strTime(1) & strTime(2)
strNewHOLDRName = "QTPHOLDR_" & strDateTimeStamp
strNewHOLDRName = Replace(strNewHOLDRName," ","")
DataTable.Value("Details_Name","HOLDR") = strNewHOLDRName
strCurrentTime = Time
strTime = Split(strCurrentTime,":",-1,1)
strCUSIPNum = strTime(0) & strTime(1) & strTime(2)
strCUSIPNum = Replace(strCUSIPNum," ","")
intLen = Len(strCUSIPNum)
If intLen =7 Then
strCUSIPNum = "01" & strCUSIPNum
ElseIf intLen = 8 Then
strCUSIPNum = "0" & strCUSIPNum
End If
DataTable.Value("Details_CUSIP","HOLDR") = strCUSIPNum
strVar1 = Environment("TestDir")
strIndVar1 = Split(strVar1,"\",-1,1)
strBound = UBound(strIndVar1)
strAllPath1 =""
For intCounters = 0 to strBound - 1
strAllPath1 = strAllPath1 & strIndVar1(intCounters) &"\"
strPath1 = Trim(strPath1)
strDataPath1 = strAllPath1 & "DataTables\"
DataTable.ExportSheet strDataPath1 & "MasterFileProfile.xls","HOLDR"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath1 & "MasterFileProfile.xls","HOLDR","HO
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail")
Call FillHOLDRProfileDetailsTab("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile")
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail","Name;
Brief Name;US Ticker Symbol;Intl Ticker Symbol;US Exchange;Intl Exchange;US Clea
ring House;Intl Clearing House;CUSIP;Price;Effective Date","Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying if the Pending A
pproval Flags are Displayed or Not in Detail Tab","The Pending Approval Flags ar
e displayed Next to the Modified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying if the Pending A
pproval Flags are Displayed or Not in Detail Tab","The Pending Approval Flags ar
e NOT displayed Next to the Modified Fields"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
End If
' Step 8:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constituen
intInitialRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile
intCounter = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTa
If IntCounter > 0 Then
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable("
End If
Call FillHOLDRProfileConstituentTab("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profil
strConstituentName = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pro
intFinalRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile")
If intFinalRowCount = intInitialRowCount + 1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Number of Rows after
adding a New Constituent"," A New Row is added successfully after adding a New
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Rows after
adding a New Constituent"," A New Row is NOT added successfully after adding a
New Constituent"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call chkFlagImageinTable("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constit
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying if the New Const
ituent is added Successfully or Not","The New Constituent " & strConstituentName
& " is Added Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying if the New Const
ituent is added Successfully or Not","The New Constituent " & strConstituentName
& " is NOT Added Successfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
'Step 9: Fill Fee tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee")
Call FillHOLDRProfileFeeTab("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee"
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9: Verifying if the Pending A
pproval Flags are displayed next to the Modified Fields","The Pending Approval F
lags are Displayed Next to the Modified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9: Verifying if the Pending A
pproval Flags are displayed next to the Modified Fields","The Pending Approval F
lags are NOT Displayed Next to the Modified Fields"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10: Legal Tab:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Legal")
Call FillHOLDRProfileLegalTab("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Legal",DataTable.V
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 10: Check for the Pending Approval F
lag Next to the Field Changed", "The Pending Approval Flag is displayed Next to
the Field Changed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 10: Check for the Pending Ap
proval Flag Next to the Field Changed", "The Pending Approval Flag is displayed
Next to the Field Changed"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
' Step 11:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","HOLDRSearc
intFoundRow = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile Search").W
ebTable("HOLDR Search Results").GetRowWithCellText(DataTable.Value("Details_Name
If intFoundRow <> - 1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 11: Verifying if the Newly ad
ded HOLDR is displayed in the List or Not","The Newly added HOLDR " & DataTable.
Value("Details_Name","HOLDR") & " is present in the HOLDR Search Result"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11: Verifying if the Newly ad
ded HOLDR is displayed in the List or Not","The Newly added HOLDR " & DataTable.
Value("Details_Name","HOLDR") & " is NOT present in the HOLDR Search Result"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 12:
Call logoutfromApp("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile Search")
If Browser("MasterFile").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12: Verfiying if Logged out f
rom application or NOT","User is Not Logged out from application Successfully"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12: Verfiying if Logged out f
rom application or NOT","User is Logged out from application Successfully"
End If
' Step 13: Log in with Approver Id:
Call invoke_URL("MasterFile","Login Page",Environment.Value("AppURL"))
Call login("MasterFile","Login Page","Approver","MFLogin")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 13: Verifying if the Applicat
ion is launced","The Application is Launced Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 13: Verifying if the Applicat
ion is launced","The Application is NOT Launced Successfully"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 14 to 20: Reject all the Changes made
Call ApprovalFunction("MasterFile","HOLDR Profile","Name;CUSIP;US Exchange;L
ast User Updated;Last Updated",DataTable.Value("Details_Name","HOLDR"),"Rejectin
g the Changes","Rejected","Pending Approval")
If Environment.Value("StepExecution_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14 to 20 : Verifying if the C
hanges made to the HOLDR is apporved or Not","The changes made to the HOLDR " &
DataTable.Value("Details_Name","HOLDR") & " is Rejected Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 14 to 20 : Verifying if the C
hanges made to the HOLDR is apporved or Not","The changes made to the HOLDR " &
DataTable.Value("Details_Name","HOLDR") & " is NOT Rejected Successfully"
Environment.Value("Eexcution_Log") = "False"
Environment.Value("StepExecution_Log") = "True"
End If
Call logoutfromApp("MasterFile","Approval Queue Item Search")
If Browser("MasterFile").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 21: Verifying if Logged out f
rom Application Successfully","The User is NOT Successfully logged out from appl
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 21: Verifying if Logged out f
rom Application Successfully","The User is Successfully logged out from applicat
End If
' Step 22:
Call invoke_URL("MasterFile","Login Page",Environment.Value("AppURL"))
Call login("MasterFile","Login Page","User","MFLogin")
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("SelectMenu",
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile Search").WebElement(
"html tag:=TD","innertext:= " & DataTable.Value("Details_Name","HOLDR")).Click
' Select Detail Tab
blnFlagExist = "False"
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail")
Call chkRejectedFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Detail
","Name;Brief Name;US Ticker Symbol;Intl Ticker Symbol;US Exchange;Intl Exchange
;US Clearing House;Intl Clearing House;CUSIP;Price;Effective Date","Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Detail Tab","The Rejected Flag is Present next to the Mo
dified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Detail Tab","The Rejected Flag is Not Present next to th
e Modified Fields"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFlagExist = "True"
End If
' Select Constituent Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constituen
strConstituentName = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pro
Call chkRejectedFlagImageinTable("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile",
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Constituent Tab","The Rejected Flag is Present next to t
he Modified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Constituent Tab","The Rejected Flag is Not Present next
to the Modified Fields"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFlagExist = "True"
End If
' Select Fee Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee")
Call chkRejectedFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee",D
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Fee Tab","The Rejected Flag is Present next to the Modif
ied Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Fee Tab","The Rejected Flag is Not Present next to the M
odified Fields"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFlagExist = "True"
End If
' Select Legal Tab
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee")
Call chkRejectedFlagImage("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Fee",D
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Legal Tab","The Rejected Flag is Present next to the Mod
ified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Rejected Flag is
displayed or NOT in the Legal Tab","The Rejected Flag is Not Present next to the
Modified Fields"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnFlagExist = "True"
End If
If blnFlagExist = "False" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 23: Verfiying if the Rejected
Flags are Present in various tab after Rejecting the Changes made","The Rejecte
d Flags are Present in Various Tabs"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 23: Verfiying if the Rejected
Flags are Present in various tab after Rejecting the Changes made","The Rejecte
d Flags are Not Present in Various Tabs"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Home;DR Home")

End Function


Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC11()

' Step 1 to 5
' Call invoke_URL("MasterFile","Login Page",Environment.Value("AppURL"))
' Call login("MasterFile","Login Page","User","MFLogin")
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile", "MasterFile", DataTable.Value("SelectMenu", "
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile Search").WebElement(
"html tag:=TD","innertext:= " & DataTable.Value("HOLDRName","HOLDR")).Click
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constituen
intInitialRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile
intCounter = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTa
If IntCounter > 0 Then
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable("
End If
intFinalRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile")
If intFinalRowCount = intInitialRowCount + 1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying if a New Row is
added after Clicking on Add button","A New Row is added Successfully after click
ing on Add button"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying if a New Row is
added after Clicking on Add button","A New Row is NOT added Successfully after c
licking on Add button"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8:
strConstituentName = FillHOLDRProfileConstituentTab("MasterFile","Profil
e - HOLDR Profile")
blnValue = "True"
' Verifying if the Required Constituent is Selected or NOT
intCUSIPNumber = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile
strConstituentName = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Pr
If UCase(Trim(intCUSIPNumber)) <> UCase(DataTable.Value("ConstituentDeta
ils_CUSIP","HOLDR")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Newly Added Const
ituent is Selected or Not","The Newly Added Constituent with CUSIP No ' " & Da
taTable.Value("ConstituentDetails_CUSIP","HOLDR") & " ' is Not Selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Newly Added Const
ituent is Selected or Not","Selecting the Newly Added Constituent ' " & strCons
tituentName & " ' to Proceed Execution"
Call SelectRadioButton_ProfileHOLDR("MasterFile","Profile - HOLD
R Profile","Constituent","Constituent_RadioGroup",strConstituentName)
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
strShareAmount = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile
If Round(strShareAmount,2) = Round(DataTable("ConstituentDetails_ShareA
mount", "HOLDR"), 2) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Share Amount Value",
"The Share Amount Value is " & strShareAmount
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Share Amount Value",
"The Share Amount Value is NOT " & DataTable("ConstituentDetails_ShareAmount",
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnValue = "False"
End If
strInitialWeight = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profi
If Round(strInitialWeight, 2) = Round(DataTable("ConstituentDetails_Ini
tialWeight", "HOLDR"), 2) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Initial Weight Value
","The Initial Weight Value is " & strInitialWeight
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying theInitial Weight Value"
,"The Initial Weight Value is NOT " & DataTable("ConstituentDetails_InitialWeigh
t", "HOLDR")
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnValue = "False"
End If
strCUSIP = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Con
If strCUSIP = DataTable("ConstituentDetails_CUSIP", "HOLDR") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the CUSIP Number","The C
USIP Number displayed is " & strCUSIP
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying theInitial Weight Value"
,"The CUSIP Number displayed is NOT " & DataTable("ConstituentDetails_CUSIP", "H
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnValue = "False"
End If
If DataTable.Value("ConstituentDetails_DVPFlag","HOLDR") = "Y" Then
blnFlagCondition = "Checked"
blnFlagCondition = "UnChecked"
End If
blnCheckFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebChec
If UCase(blnCheckFlag) = UCase(DataTable.Value("ConstituentDetails_DVPFl
ag","HOLDR")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the DVP Flag Checkbox
is Checked or Unchecked","The DVP Flag is " & blnFlagCondition
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the DVP Flag Checkbox
is Checked or Unchecked","The DVP Flag is Not " & blnFlagCondition
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnValue = "False"
End If
If blnValue = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying if all the Enter
ed values are saved successfully","The Constituent Values are saved successfully
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying if all the Enter
ed values are saved successfully","The Constituent Values are NOT saved successf
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
'Step 9:
Call SetChkHOLDRConstitutentTab("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Cons
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9: Verifying the Value of the
Newly Added Constituent","The entered Data is displayed in the Newly added Cons
tituent " & strConstituentName
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9: Verifying the Value of the
Newly Added Constituent","The entered Data is Not displayed in the Newly added
Constituent " & strConstituentName
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10:
Call chkFlagImageinTable("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constit
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10: Verfiying if the New and
Pending Approval Flag is Displayed or Not","The New and Pending Approval Flag is
displayed in the Newly added Constituent ' " & strNewConstituentName & " ' row"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Verfiying if the New and
Pending Approval Flag is Displayed or Not","The New OR Pending Approval Flag is
NOT displayed in the Newly added Constituent ' " & strNewConstituentName & " ' r
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 11:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 11: Verfiying if the DR Home
Page is dispalyed","DR Home page is displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11: Verfiying if the DR Home
Page is dispalyed","DR Home page is Not displayed Successfully"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function
Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC12()
' Step 1 to 5
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile", "MasterFile", DataTable.Value("SelectMenu", "
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile Search").WebElement(
"html tag:=TD","innertext:= " & DataTable.Value("HOLDRName","HOLDR")).Click
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constituen
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constituen
intInitialRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile
intCounter = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTa
If IntCounter > 0 Then
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable("
End If
intFinalRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile")
If intFinalRowCount = intInitialRowCount + 1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying if a New Row is
added after Clicking on Add button","A New Row is added Successfully after click
ing on Add button"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying if a New Row is
added after Clicking on Add button","A New Row is NOT added Successfully after c
licking on Add button"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8:
strConstituentName = FillHOLDRProfileConstituentTab("MasterFile","Profi
le - HOLDR Profile")
blnValue = "True"
' Verifying if the Required Constituent is Selected or NOT
intCUSIPNumber = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile
If UCase(Trim(intCUSIPNumber)) <> UCase(DataTable.Value("ConstituentDeta
ils_CUSIP","HOLDR")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying if the Newly Added Co
nstituent is Selected or Not","The Newly Added Constituent with CUSIP No ' " &
DataTable.Value("ConstituentDetails_CUSIP","HOLDR") & " ' is Not Selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying if the Newly Added Co
nstituent is Selected or Not","Selecting the Newly Added Constituent ' " & strC
onstituentName & " ' to Proceed Execution"
Call SelectRadioButton_ProfileHOLDR("MasterFile","Profile - HOLD
R Profile","Constituent","Constituent_RadioGroup",strConstituentName)
Call captureScreenShot()
'Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
strShareAmount = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile
If Round(strShareAmount, 2) = Round(DataTable("ConstituentDetails_Share
Amount", "HOLDR"), 2) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Share Amount Value",
"The Share Amount Value is " & strShareAmount
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Share Amount Value",
"The Share Amount Value is NOT " & DataTable("ConstituentDetails_ShareAmount",
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnValue = "False"
End If
strInitialWeight = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profi
If Round(strInitialWeight, 2) = Round(DataTable("ConstituentDetails_Ini
tialWeight", "HOLDR"), 2) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Initial Weight Value
","The Initial Weight Value is " & strInitialWeight
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying theInitial Weight Value"
,"The Initial Weight Value is NOT " & DataTable("ConstituentDetails_InitialWeigh
t", "HOLDR")
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnValue = "False"
End If
strCUSIP = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Con
If strCUSIP = DataTable("ConstituentDetails_CUSIP", "HOLDR") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the CUSIP Number","The C
USIP Number displayed is " & strCUSIP
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying theInitial Weight Value"
,"The CUSIP Number displayed is NOT " & DataTable("ConstituentDetails_CUSIP", "H
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnValue = "False"
End If
If DataTable.Value("ConstituentDetails_DVPFlag","HOLDR") = "Y" Then
blnFlagCondition = "Checked"
blnFlagCondition = "UnChecked"
End If
blnCheckFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebChec
If UCase(blnCheckFlag) = UCase(DataTable.Value("ConstituentDetails_DVPFl
ag","HOLDR")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the DVP Flag Checkbox
is Checked or Unchecked","The DVP Flag is " & blnFlagCondition
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the DVP Flag Checkbox
is Checked or Unchecked","The DVP Flag is Not " & blnFlagCondition
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnValue = "False"
End If
If blnValue = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying if all the Enter
ed values are saved successfully","The Constituent Values are saved successfully
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying if all the Enter
ed values are saved successfully","The Constituent Values are NOT saved successf
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
'Step 9:
Call SetChkHOLDRConstitutentTab("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Cons
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9: Verifying the Value of the
Newly Added Constituent","The entered Data is displayed in the Newly added Cons
tituent " & strNewConstituentName
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9: Verifying the Value of the
Newly Added Constituent","The entered Data is Not displayed in the Newly added
Constituent " & strNewConstituentName
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10:
Call chkFlagImageinTable("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constit
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10: Verfiying if the New and
Pending Approval Flag is Displayed or Not","The New and Pending Approval Flag is
displayed in the Newly added Constituent ' " & strNewConstituentName & " ' row"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Verfiying if the New and
Pending Approval Flag is Displayed or Not","The New OR Pending Approval Flag is
NOT displayed in the Newly added Constituent ' " & strNewConstituentName & " ' r
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 11: Delete the Newly added Constituent
strFileName = "closebutton.jpg"
intGetRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").W
If intGetRowCount > 2 Then
For intGetRow = 3 to intGetRowCount
intColumnCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - H
OLDR Profile").WebTable("Constituent").ColumnCount(intGetRow)
strFindConstituentName = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pro
file - HOLDR Profile").WebTable("Constituent").ChildItem(intGetRow,2,"WebEdit","
If UCase(strFindConstituentName) = UCase(strConstituentName) Then
For intColumnCounter = 1 to intColumnCount
intImageCount = Browser("MasterFile").Pa
ge("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable("Constituent").ChildItemCount(intGetRow,i
If intImageCount > 0 Then
For intCounter = 0 to intImageCo
unt - 1
strAppFileName = Browser
("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable("Constituent").ChildItem
(intGetRow,intColumnCounter,"Image",intCounter).GetROProperty("file name")
If UCase(Trim(strAppFile
Name)) = UCase(Trim(strFileName)) Then
ile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable("Constituent").ChildItem(intGetRo
If Browser("Mast
erFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").Exist(5) Then
redMessage = "Are you sure you want to remove this record from the approval queu
ayedMessage = Browser("MasterFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").Static
If UCase
(Trim(strDisplayedMessage)) = UCase(Trim(strRequiredMessage)) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 11: Verifying if the Dialog is displayed whil
e deleting the Constituent","A Dialog is dispalyed with a Message " & strDisplay
Browser("MasterFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").WinButton("OK").Clic
If Browser("MasterFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").WinButton("OK").E
xist(2) Then
Browser("MasterFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").WinButton("OK").Clic
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11: Verifying if the Dialog is displayed whil
e deleting the Constituent","A Dialog is NOT dispalyed with a Message " & strReq
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11: Verifying if the Dialog is displayed while deleti
ng the Constituent","A Dialog is NOT dispalyed"
Call cap
ent.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
' Step 12: Check if the Constituent is Deleted Successfully
blnFlag = "False"
intRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable
intColumnCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").W
For intRowCounter = 1 to intRowCount
intWebEditCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Pr
If intWebEditCount > 0 Then
strAppCellData = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - H
OLDR Profile").WebTable("Constituent").ChildItem(intRowCounter,2,"WebEdit","0").
If UCase(Trim(strAppCellData)) = UCase(Trim(strConstitue
ntName)) Then
blnFlag = "True"
Exit For
End If
End If
If blnFlag = "False" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12: Verfiying if the Constitu
ent is Deleted or Not","The Constituent is Deleted Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12: Verfiying if the Constitu
ent is Deleted or Not","The Constituent ' " & strConstituentName & " ' is Not De
leted Successfully"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 13:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 13: Verfiying if the DR Home
Page is dispalyed","DR Home page is displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 13: Verfiying if the DR Home
Page is dispalyed","DR Home page is Not displayed Successfully"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC13()

' Step 1 to 5
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile", "MasterFile", DataTable.Value("SelectMenu", "
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile Search").WebElement(
"html tag:=TD","innertext:= " & DataTable.Value("HOLDRName","HOLDR")).Click
strHOLDRStatus = get_WebList_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","CashDelive
intInitialRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile
intCounter = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable(
If IntCounter > 0 Then
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable("
End If
intFinalRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile")
If intFinalRowCount = intInitialRowCount + 1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying if a New Row is
added after Clicking on Add button","A New Row is added Successfully after click
ing on Add button"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying if a New Row is
added after Clicking on Add button","A New Row is NOT added Successfully after c
licking on Add button"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8:
If strHOLDRStatus = "Effective" Then
strCashDeliveryName = FillHOLDRProfileCashDeliveryTab("MasterFi
le","Profile - HOLDR Profile")
If strCashDeliveryName = "False" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verfiying if the Cash Deli
very is Created Successfully","The Cash Delivery is Not Created Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile",
"Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifiying if the Cash Delivery Ta
b Exist or Not","The Cash Delivery Tab does not exist for an ' Committed ' HOLDR
and hence can't proceed furthur"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Home;DR
Exit Function
End If
strCUSIPNum = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","
If UCase(Trim(strCUSIPNum)) <> UCase(DataTable.Value("CashDeliveryDetail
s_CUSIP","HOLDR")) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Newly Added Cash
Delivery is Selected or Not","The Newly Added Cash Delivery ' " & strCashDelive
ryName & " ' is Not Selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Newly added Cash
Delivery is Selected or Not","Selecting the Newly added Cash Delivery ' " & str
CashDeliveryName & " ' to Proceed Execution"
Call captureScreenShot()
Call SelectRadioButton_ProfileHOLDR("MasterFile","Profile - HOLD
R Profile","ConstituentCashDelivery","CashDelivery_RadioGroup",strCashDeliveryNa
End If
blnTestFlag = "True"
strCUSIPNum = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","
If strCUSIPNum = DataTable.Value("CashDeliveryDetails_CUSIP","HOLDR") Th
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verfiying the CUSIP Number in the
Cash Delivery tab","The CUSIP Number displayed is " & strCUSIPNum
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verfiying the CUSIP Number in the
Cash Delivery tab","The CUSIP Number ' " & DataTable.Value("CashDeliveryDetails_
CUSIP","HOLDR") & "' is Not displayed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnTestFlag = "False"
End If
strRate = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Cash
If Round(strRate,2) = Round(DataTable.Value("CashDeliveryDetails_Rate","
HOLDR"), 2) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verfiying the Rate/Share Value in
the Rate Field","The Rate/Share Value in the Rate share Field is " & DataTable.V
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verfiying the Rate/Share Value in
the Rate Field","The Rate/Share Value in the Rate share Field is Not " & DataTa
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnTestFlag = "False"
End If
strDescription = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile
If strDescription = DataTable.Value("CashDeliveryDetails_Description","H
OLDR") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verfiying the Value in the Descri
ption Field","The Description displayed is " & DataTable.Value("CashDeliveryDet
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verfiying the Value in the Descri
ption Field","The Description " & DataTable.Value("CashDeliveryDetails_Descrip
tion","HOLDR") & " is Not dispalyed in the Comments Field"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnTestFlag = "False"
End If
strComments = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","
If strComments = DataTable.Value("CashDeliveryDetails_Comments","HOLDR")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verfiying the Value in the Commen
t Field","The Comment displayed is " & DataTable.Value("CashDeliveryDetails_Com
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verfiying the Value in the Commen
t Field","The Comment " & DataTable.Value("CashDeliveryDetails_Comments","HOLD
R") & " is Not dispalyed in the Comments Field"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnTestFlag = "False"
End If
strCAType = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","CA
If strCAType = DataTable.Value("CADetailsCashDelivery_CAType","HOLDR") T
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Value in the CA Type
Field","The Value in the CA Type Field is " & DataTable.Value("CADetailsCashDel
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Value in the CA Type
Field","The Value in the CA Type Field is Not " & DataTable.Value("CADetailsCas
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnTestFlag = "False"
End If
strCACUSIPName = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile
strCADate = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","CA
strCACUSIP = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","C
If strCAType <> "" And strCACUSIPName <> "" And strCADate <> "" And strC
ACUSIP <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verfiying if the CA Details are au
to Populated after selecting CA Type","The CA Details are Auto Populated after S
electing the CA Type"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verfiying if the CA Details are au
to Populated after selecting CA Type","The CA Details are Not Auto Populated aft
er Selecting the CA Type"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnTestFlag = "False"
End If
If blnFalg = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying if all the Enter
ed Data is Saved Successfully","The Entered Data is Saved Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying if all the Enter
ed Data is Saved Successfully","The Entered Data is Not Saved Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 9
blnFlag = "False"
intRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable
intColumnCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").W
For intRowCounter = 1 to intRowCount
intWebEditCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Pr
If intWebEditCount > 0 Then
strAppCellData = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - H
OLDR Profile").WebTable("ConstituentCashDelivery").ChildItem(intRowCounter,2,"We
If UCase(Trim(strAppCellData)) = UCase(Trim(strCashDeliv
eryName)) Then
blnFlag = "True"
Exit For
End If
End If
If blnFlag = "False" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9: Verifying if the Newly ad
ded Cash Delivery is added to the list or Not"," The Newly added Cash Delivery i
s added to the List"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9: Verifying if the Newly add
ed Cash Delivery is added to the list or Not"," The Newly added Cash Delivery i
s Not displayed in the List"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call SetChkHOLDRCashDeliveryTab("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Cons
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9: Verifying if the Entered D
ata is displayed in the Newly added Row","The Entered Values are updated in the
Newly Added Row " & strCashDeliveryName
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9: Verifying if the Entered D
ata is displayed in the Newly added Row","The Entered Values are Not updated in
the Newly Added Row " & strCashDeliveryName
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10:
Call chkFlagImageinTable("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constit
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10: Verfiying if the New and
Pending Approval Flag is Displayed or Not","The New and Pending Approval Flag is
displayed in the Newly added Constituent ' " & strCashDeliveryName & " ' row"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Verfiying if the New and
Pending Approval Flag is Displayed or Not","The New OR Pending Approval Flag is
NOT displayed in the Newly added Constituent ' " & strCashDeliveryName & " ' row
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 11: Delete the Newly added Constituent
strFileName = "closebutton.jpg"
intGetRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").W
If intGetRowCount > 2 Then
For intGetRow = 3 to intGetRowCount
intColumnCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - H
OLDR Profile").WebTable("ConstituentCashDelivery").ColumnCount(intGetRow)
strFindConstituentName = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pro
file - HOLDR Profile").WebTable("ConstituentCashDelivery").ChildItem(intGetRow,2
If UCase(strFindConstituentName) = UCase(strConstituentName) Then
For intColumnCounter = 1 to intColumnCount
intImageCount = Browser("MasterFile").Pa
ge("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable("ConstituentCashDelivery").ChildItemCount
If intImageCount > 0 Then
For intCounter = 0 to intImageCo
unt - 1
strAppFileName = Browser
("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable("ConstituentCashDelivery
If UCase(Trim(strAppFile
Name)) = UCase(Trim(strFileName)) Then
ile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable("Constituent").ChildItem(intGetRo
If Browser("Mast
erFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").Exist(5) Then
redMessage = "Are you sure you want to remove this record from the approval queu
ayedMessage = Browser("MasterFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").Static
If UCase
(Trim(strDisplayedMessage)) = UCase(Trim(strRequiredMessage)) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 11: Verifying if the Dialog is displayed whil
e deleting the Constituent Cash Delivery","A Dialog is dispalyed with a Message
" & strDisplayedMessage
Browser("MasterFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").WinButton("OK").Clic
If Browser("MasterFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").WinButton("OK").E
xist(2) Then
Browser("MasterFile").Dialog("Microsoft Internet Explorer").WinButton("OK").Clic
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11: Verifying if the Dialog is displayed whil
e deleting the Constituent Cash Delivery","A Dialog is NOT dispalyed with a Mess
age " & strRequiredMessage
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11: Verifying if the Dialog is displayed while deleti
ng the Constituent Cash Delivery","A Dialog is NOT dispalyed"
Call cap
ent.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Save")
' Step 12: Check if the Constituent is Deleted Successfully
blnFlag = "False"
intRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebTable
intColumnCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").W
For intRowCounter = 1 to intRowCount
intWebEditCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Pr
If intWebEditCount > 0 Then
strAppCellData = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - H
OLDR Profile").WebTable("ConstituentCashDelivery").ChildItem(intRowCounter,2,"We
If UCase(Trim(strAppCellData)) = UCase(Trim(strCashDeliv
eryName)) Then
blnFlag = "True"
Exit For
End If
End If
If blnFlag = "False" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12: Verfiying if the Constitu
ent Cash Delivery is Deleted or Not","The Constituent Cash Delivery is Deleted S
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12: Verfiying if the Constitu
ent Cash Delivery is Deleted or Not","The Constituent Cash Delivery ' " & strCas
hDeliveryName & " ' is NOt Deleted Successfully"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 13:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 13: Verfiying if the DR Home
Page is dispalyed","DR Home page is displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 13: Verfiying if the DR Home
Page is dispalyed","DR Home page is Not displayed Successfully"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC14()
' Step 1 to 5
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile", "MasterFile", DataTable.Value("SelectMenu", "
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile Search").WebElement(
"html tag:=TD","innertext:= " & DataTable.Value("HOLDRName","HOLDR")).Click
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Related")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("lookupFr
ame").Exist(5) Then
strRelatedProfiles = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR
If Trim(strRelatedProfiles) = "Related Profiles" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Func
tionality of Related Button","There are No Related Profiles for the HOLDR Select
intLen = Len("Related Profiles")
strRelatedProfile = Mid(strRelatedProfiles,intLen+1)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Func
tionality of Related Button","The Profile related to HOLDR ' " & DataTable.Value
("HOLDRName","HOLDR") & " ' is '" & strRelatedProfile
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Functionalit
y of Related Button","The Related Profile Window is not Displayed"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebEdit("Details_E

End Function


Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC15()

' Step 1: Click on Preview Button
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Constituent")
intRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebT
intConstituentRowCount = intRowCount -2
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","CashDelive
intRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").WebT
intCashDeliveryRowCount = intRowCount -2
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Preview")
blnExistFlag = "True"
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("Frame").WebT
able("index:= 2","html tag:=TABLE").Exist Then
strTableName = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profi
le").Frame("Frame").WebTable("index:=2","html tag:=TABLE").GetCellData(1,1)
If strTableName = "Detail" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Detail Ta
ble is displayed or Not in Printable Format","The Detail Table is Displayed Succ
essfully in Printable Format"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Detail Ta
ble is displayed or Not in Printable Format","The Detail Table is Not Displayed
Successfully in Printable Format"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnExistFlag = "False"
End If
End If
' Constituent Tab
intFinalTotalRow = 5+intConstituentRowCount+intCashDeliveryRowCount
intCounter = 0
For intTableIndex =1 to intFinalTotalRow
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("
Frame").WebTable("index:="& intTableIndex,"html tag:=TABLE").Exist Then
strTableName = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOL
DR Profile").Frame("Frame").WebTable("index:="& intTableIndex,"html tag:=TABLE")
If strTableName = "Constituent Detail" Then
blnFlag = "True"
intCounter = intCounter+1
End If
End If
If intCounter = intConstituentRowCount Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the ' Constituent ' t
ab is displayed or Not","The 'Constituent Detail' Tab is Displayed for all the C
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the ' Constituent ' t
ab is displayed or Not","The 'Constituent Detail' Tab is Not Displayed for all t
he Constituents"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnExistFlag = "False"
End If
' Cash Delivery Tab
intTotalRow = 2+intConstituentRowCount
intCounter = 0
For intTableIndex =intTotalRow to intFinalTotalRow
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("
Frame").WebTable("index:="& intTableIndex,"html tag:=TABLE").Exist Then
strTableName = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOL
DR Profile").Frame("Frame").WebTable("index:="& intTableIndex,"html tag:=TABLE")
If strTableName = "Constituent Cash Delivery Detail" The
blnFlag = "True"
intCounter = intCounter+1
End If
End If
If intCounter = intCashDeliveryRowCount Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the ' Constituent Cas
h Delivery ' table is displayed or Not","The 'Constituent Cah Delivery ' Table i
s Displayed for all the Constituent Cash Delivery"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the ' Constituent Cas
h Delivery ' table is displayed or Not","The 'Constituent Cash Delivery ' Table
is Not Displayed for all the Constituent Cash Delivey"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnExistFlag = "False"
End If

' GICS Code

intTotalRow = 2+intConstituentRowCount+intCashDeliveryRowCount
intCounter = 0
For intTableIndex =intTotalRow to intFinalTotalRow
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("
Frame").WebTable("index:="& intTableIndex,"html tag:=TABLE").Exist Then
strTableName = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOL
DR Profile").Frame("Frame").WebTable("index:="& intTableIndex,"html tag:=TABLE")
If strTableName = "GICS Code" Then
blnFlag = "True"
intCounter = intCounter+1
End If
End If
If intCounter = 1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the ' GICS Code ' tab
le is displayed or Not","The 'GICS Code ' Table is Displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the ' GICS Code ' tab
le is displayed or Not","The 'GICS Code ' Table is Not Displayed"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnExistFlag = "False"
End If

' Fee
intTotalRow = 2+intConstituentRowCount+intCashDeliveryRowCount
intCounter = 0
For intTableIndex =intTotalRow to intFinalTotalRow
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("
Frame").WebTable("index:="& intTableIndex,"html tag:=TABLE").Exist Then
strTableName = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOL
DR Profile").Frame("Frame").WebTable("index:="& intTableIndex,"html tag:=TABLE")
If Trim(strTableName) = "Fee" Then
blnFlag = "True"
intCounter = intCounter+1
End If
End If
If intCounter = 1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the ' Fee ' table is
displayed or Not","The 'Fee ' Table is Displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the 'Fee ' table is d
isplayed or Not","The 'Fee' Table is Not Displayed"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnExistFlag = "False"
End If
' Legal
intTotalRow = 2+intConstituentRowCount+intCashDeliveryRowCount
intCounter = 0
For intTableIndex =intTotalRow to intFinalTotalRow
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("
Frame").WebTable("index:="& intTableIndex,"html tag:=TABLE").Exist Then
strTableName = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOL
DR Profile").Frame("Frame").WebTable("index:="& intTableIndex,"html tag:=TABLE")
If Trim(strTableName) = "Fee" Then
blnFlag = "True"
intCounter = intCounter+1
End If
End If
If intCounter = 1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the ' Legal ' table i
s displayed or Not","The ' Legal ' Table is Displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the ' Legal ' table i
s displayed or Not","The ' Legal ' Table is Not Displayed"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
blnExistFlag = "False"
End If
blnReturnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Fr
blnPrintFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Fra
If blnReturnFlag = "True" And blnPrintFlag = "True" And blnExistFlag = "
True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2:Verifying if the HOLDR Deta
ils are Present or Not","The HOLDR Details are displayed Successfully with all
the Required Tables"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verifying if the HOLDR Det
ails are Present or Not","The HOLDR Details are Not displayed Successfully with
all the Required Tables"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 2: Click on Print Button
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("Frame").Ima
If Dialog("Print").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Step 2: Verify for the Print of
the HOLDR Details Manually","Print Dialog is Displayed and plz verify the Detai
ls Manually"
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Step 2: Verify for the Print of
the HOLDR Details Manually"," Print Dialog is Not Displayed"
End If
If Dialog("Print").Exist(2) Then
End If
' Step 3:
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("Frame").Ima
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Verifying if the HOLDR Pro
file Page is displayed or Not","The Profile HOLDR Page is displayed successfully
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Verifying if the HOLDR Pro
file Page is displayed or Not","The Profile HOLDR Page is displayed successfully
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Home;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function MFProfileHOLDR_TC16()
' Step 1 to 5
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile", "Depositary Receipt Division's", "Maste
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile", "MasterFile", DataTable.Value("SelectMenu", "
Wait (5)
Call chkMFProfile_HOLDRPage("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", Environ
ment.Value("ApprovedHOLDR")) ' We get Approved Holdr from Test Case 9
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 1 to 5: Verfiying if the Required Fi
elds are Present or Not", "The Required Fields are Present in the Page ' Profile
- HOLDR Profile Search and Profile - HOLDR Profile ' and the HOLDR ' " & Enviro
nment.Value("ApprovedHOLDR") & " ' is Opened Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step 1 to 5: Verfiying if the Required Fi
elds are Present or Not", "The Required Fields are Not Present in the Page ' Pro
file - HOLDR Profile Search and Profile - HOLDR Profile '"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Changing the
intOldPriceValue = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile"
, "Details_Price")
intNewPriceValue = intOldPriceValue + 0.5
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Details_Pri
ce", "")
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Details_Pri
ce", intNewPriceValue)
' Changing Miniumum Share Slot
intOldShareValue = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile"
, "Details_MinimumShareSlot")
intNewShareValue = intOldShareValue + 2
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Details_Min
imumShareSlot", intNewShareValue)
'Call select_Combo_Value("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Details_S
tatus", "Effective")
Wait (2)
' Saving the Chnages made
Call click_Image("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Save")
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Detail", "Minimu
m Share Lot;Price", "Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 6: Verifying if the Pending Approval
Flags are Displayed Next to the Modified Fields", "The Pending Approval Flags a
re Dispalyed Next to the Modified Fields"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Step 6: Verifying if the Pending Approval
Flags are Displayed Next to the Modified Fields", "The Pending Approval Flags a
re Dispalyed Next to the Modified Fields"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
End If
Call logoutfromApp("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile")
' Login with the Approver ID and approve the changes made
Call invoke_URL("MasterFile", "Login Page", Environment.Value("AppURL"))
Call login("MasterFile", "Login Page", "Approver", "MFLogin")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Verifying if Application is opened succes
sfully", "The Applicaion is Opened Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verifying if Application is opened succes
sfully", "The Applicaion is Not Opened Successfully"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call ApprovalFunction("MasterFile", "HOLDR Profile", "Name;CUSIP;US Exchange
;Last User Updated;Last Updated", Environment.Value("ApprovedHOLDR"), "Approved
the Changes", "Approved", "Pending Approval")
If Environment.Value("StepExecution_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Verifying if the Approval is done Success
fully or Not", "The changes made to the HOLDR " & Environment.Value("ApprovedHOL
DR") & " is Approved Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Step: Verifying if the Approval is done S
uccessfully or Not", "The changes made to the HOLDR " & Environment.Value("Appro
vedHOLDR") & " is NOT Approved Successfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("StepExecution_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call logoutfromApp("MasterFile", "Approval Queue Item Search")
Wait (2)
If Browser("MasterFile").Exist(2) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verifying if Logged out from the Applicat
ion", "Not logged out from the Application Successfully"
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Verifying if Logged out from the Applicat
ion", "Logged out from the Application Successfully"
End If
' Login Again with User Id:
Call invoke_URL("MasterFile", "Login Page", Environment.Value("AppURL"))
Call login("MasterFile", "Login Page", "User", "MFLogin")
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile", "Depositary Receipt Division's", "Master
Wait (5)
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile", "MasterFile", DataTable.Value("SelectMenu", "
' Select the Modified HOLDR
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLDR Profile Search").WebElement("htm
l tag:=TD", "innertext:=" & Environment.Value("ApprovedHOLDR")).Click
Wait (5)
Call chkFlagImage("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Detail", "Minimu
m Share Lot;Price", "Not Exist")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Verifying if the Pending Approval Flag is
Displayed or Not", "The Pending Approval Flag is Not Displayed next to the Modi
feid Field after Approving"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verifying if the Pending Approval Flag is
Displayed or Not", "The Pending Approval Flag is Displayed next to the Modifeid
Field after Approving"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Click on the Audit Button
Call click_Image("MasterFile", "Profile - HOLDR Profile", "Audit")
For index = 1 to 2
intRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - HOLD
R Profile").Frame("lookupFrame").WebTable("index:= " & Index).RowCount
For intRowCounter = 1 To intRowCount
strFieldName = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profi
le - HOLDR Profile").Frame("lookupFrame").WebTable("index:= " & Index).GetCellDa
ta(intRowCounter, 1)
If strFieldName = "Price" Then
strNewValue = Browser("MasterFile").Page
("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("lookupFrame").WebTable("index:= " & Index).Ge
tCellData(intRowCounter, 2)
strOldValue = Browser("MasterFile").Page
("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("lookupFrame").WebTable("index:= " & Index).Ge
tCellData(intRowCounter, 3)
If Round(strOldValue,2) = Round(intOldPr
iceValue,2) And Round(strNewValue,2) = Round(intNewPriceValue,2) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent mic
Pass, "Verfiying the Old and New Values", "The Old Value is " & intOldPriceValue
& " and New Value is " & intNewPriceValue & " in the Field " & strFieldName
Reporter.ReportEvent mic
Fail, "Verfiying the Old and New Values", "The Old Value is Not " & intOldPrice
Value & " Or New Value is Not " & intNewPriceValue & " in the Field " & strFiel
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End If
If strFieldName = "Minimum Share Lot" Then
strNewValue = Browser("MasterFile").Page
("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("lookupFrame").WebTable("index:= " & Index).Ge
tCellData(intRowCounter, 2)
strOldValue = Browser("MasterFile").Page
("Profile - HOLDR Profile").Frame("lookupFrame").WebTable("index:= " & Index).Ge
tCellData(intRowCounter, 3)
If Round(strOldValue,2) = Round(intOldSh
areValue,2) And Round(strNewValue,2) = Round(intNewShareValue,2) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent mic
Pass, "Verfiying the Old and New Values", "The Old Value is " & intOldShareValue
& " and New Value is " & intNewShareValue & " in the Field " & strFieldName
Reporter.ReportEvent mic
Fail, "Verfiying the Old and New Values", "The Old Value is Not " & intOldShare
Value & " Or New Value is Not " & intNewShareValue & " in the Field " & strFie
Call captureScreenShot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End If
If Instr(1,strFieldName,"Approved By") <> 0 Then
strApproverName = Environment.Value("App
strCheck = Split(strApproverName," ",-1,
strFinalApproverName = strCheck(1) & " ,
" & strCheck(0)
If instr(1,strFieldName,strFinalApprover
Name) <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Ve
rfiying the Approval Details","The Details are Approved by the User ' " & strFin
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Ve
rifying the Approval Details","The Details are Not Approved by the User ' " & st
Call captureScreenShot()
") = "False"
End If
End If
If Instr(1,strFieldName,"Updated By") <> 0 Then
strUserName = Environment.Value("NormalU
strChecks = Split(strUserName," ",-1,1)
strFinalUserName = strChecks(1) & " , "
& strChecks(0)
If instr(1,strFieldName,strFinalUserName
) <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Ve
rfiying the User Details","The Updated User is " & strFinalUserName
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Ve
rfiying the User Details","The Updated User is NOT " & strFinalUserName
Call captureScreenShot()
") = "False"
End If
End If
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Profile - HOLDR Profile","Home;DR Home")
End Function

'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ End of Script ++++++++++++++++++++++


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