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' Name of the Script : Master File Reports CUSIP
' Scope of the Script : This test script covers 33 te
st cases related to the MF Reports --> CUSIP
' Author : Shyam H D
' Description : Master File Reports CUSIP
' Date and / or Version : 21-02-2009,version 1.0

Sub MFReportsCUSIP()
'****Declaration of Environmental Variable
Environment.Value("strSheetName") = "CUSIP"
'''''''''Test case count
Const TC_COUNT = 33
strVar = Environment("TestDir")
strIndVar = Split(strVar,"\",-1,1)
strBound = UBound(strIndVar)
strAllPath =""
For intCounter = 0 to strBound - 1
strAllPath = strAllPath & strIndVar(intCounter)
strPath = Trim(strPath)
strDataPath = strAllPath & "DataTables\"
strLibPath = strAllPath & "Function_Library\"
'****Adding MFLogin sheet to the dataTable and Importing the Inp
ut DataTable
DataTable.AddSheet "MFLogin"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "Login.xls","MFLogin","MFLog
DataTable.AddSheet "CUSIP"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "MasterFileReports.xls","CUS
DataTable.AddSheet "ReportHeader"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "MasterFileReports.xls","Rep
DataTable.AddSheet "HomePageVerification"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "MasterFileReports.xls","Hom
' Logs the Scenario name Execution in a .csv file
Call Execution_log(DataTable.Value("Scenario_Name", "Master"), "
", "", "")
''****Invoking IE and navigating to the ADR Login page
Call invoke_URL("MasterFile","Login Page",DataTable.Value("URL",
''****Checking the username, password and login objects in the l
ogin page
'Call pageCheck_WebEdit("MasterFile","Login Page","username;j_pa
' Call pageCheck_WebButton("MasterFile","Login Page","Login","")
''****Entering username and password and login into the masterfi
le application
Call login("MasterFile","Login Page","User","MFLogin")
'***************************************** TC Driver Strat *****
For intTCCount = 1 to TC_COUNT
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "True"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "True"
If DataTable("TestRunFlag","CUSIP")="Y" Then
''If run flag is Y in test data table
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"######## BEGIN TES
T CASE - '" & DataTable("TestCaseID","CUSIP") & "' ########### ","Execution of T
est Case '" & DataTable("TestCaseDesc","CUSIP") & "' Started"
strFuncName = "MFReportsCUSIP_TC" & intTCCount &
"()" ''Formation of function name
Execute "Call " & strFuncName
If Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "True"
Call Execution_log("",Datatable.
Value("TestCaseID", "CUSIP"), Datatable.Value("TestCaseDesc", "CUSIP"), "PASS")
Call Execution_log("",Datatable.
Value("TestCaseID", "CUSIP"), Datatable.Value("TestCaseDesc", "CUSIP"), "FAIL")
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"######### END OF T
EST CASE - '" & DataTable("TestCaseID","CUSIP") & "###########","The Test Case E
xecution Completed"
End If

''Increment the test data table row
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") = Environment.Value("
While strPrevious = strNext
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") = Environment
.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") + 1
Call logoutfromApp("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's")
'***************************************** TC Driver End *******

End Sub


Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC1()

' Step 1:
Call invoke_URL("MasterFile","Login Page",DataTable.Value("URL","MFLogin
' Checking the Login page for the USerName, Password and Login elements
Call pageCheck_WebEdit("MasterFile","Login Page","username;j_password","
Call pageCheck_WebButton("MasterFile","Login Page","Login","")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verifying if the Login Pag
e is Displayed Successfully Not","The Login Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Verifying if the Login Pag
e is Displayed Successfully Not","The Login Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 2:
Call login("MasterFile","Login Page","User","MFLogin")
Call chkADRHomePage("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's",DataTab
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verifying the Home Page","
The Required Menu Items are Present in the Home Page and the User Name displayed
is " & Environment.Value("NormalUser")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verifying the Home Page","
The Required Menu Items are NOT Present in the Home Page OR the User Name displ
ayed is " & Environment.Value("NormalUser")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 3:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call chkMFCAHomePage("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuName
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Verifying the MF Home Page
","The Required Menu Items are Present in the Home Page and the Application vers
ion is : = " & Environment.Value("Env_MFVersion")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Verifying the MF Home Page
","The Required Menu Items are NOT Present in the Home Page OR the User Name di
splayed is " & Environment.Value("NormalUser")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 4,5:
Call check_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile","Reports;CUSIP;Search:Pre-Defi
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4, 5: Verify if the Menu 'CUS
IP' is Present in the Reports Menu or Not","The Menu 'CUSIP' is dispalyed in the
Reports Menu"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 4, 5: Verify if the Menu 'CUS
IP' is Present in the Reports Menu or Not","The Menu 'CUSIP' is NOT dispalyed in
the Reports Menu"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 6:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","CusipNam
Call pageCheck_WebListOR("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","ActiveFl
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 6: Verifying if the Required
Fields are Present in the Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search'","The Required Fields ar
e Present in the Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 6: Verifying if the Required
Fields are Present in the Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search'","The Required Fields ar
e NOT Present in the Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search'"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 7:
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkReportLinks("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP"
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result"
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links, time Stamp, Report Headers and the
Search Criteria are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links OR time Stamp OR Report Headers OR
the Search Criteria are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Filt
Call pageCheck_WebListOR("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","F
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","V
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying if the Required
Fields are Present in the when clicked on Filter","The Required Fields are prese
nt when clicked on Filter Element"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying if the Required
Fields are Present in the when clicked on Filter","The Required Fields are NOT p
resent when clicked on Filter Element"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 9:
strAppFilterColumnValues = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP S
earch Result").WebList("FilterColumn").GetROProperty("all items")
'strDataFilterColumnValues = GetValuesFromDataTable("CUSIPReportSearchHe
strColumnName = "CUSIPReportSearchHeader"
strSheetName = "ReportHeader"
strDataTableFilterColumnVal = ""
intDataRowCount = DataTable.GetSheet(strSheetName).GetRowCount
For intDataRowCounter = 2 to intDataRowCount
If strDataValue = "" Then
Exit For
End If
strDataTableFilterColumnVal = strDataTableFilterColumnVal & strD
ataValue & ";"
intLength = Len(strDataTableFilterColumnVal)
If Instr(intLength,strDataTableFilterColumnVal,";") <> 0 Then
strDataTableFilterColumnVals = Mid(strDataTableFilterColumnVal,1
strDataTableFilterColumnVals = strDataTableFilterColumnVal
End If
strDataFilterColumnValues = strDataTableFilterColumnVals

If UCase(Trim(strAppFilterColumnValues)) = UCase(Trim(strDataFilterColum
nValues)) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9: Verifying if the Items in
the Filter Column Drop down is Same as the Report Headers","The Items in the Fil
terColumn Drop down is same as the Report Headers"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9: Verifying if the Items in
the Filter Column Drop down is Same as the Report Headers","The Items in the Fil
terColumn Drop down is Not Matches with the Report Headers"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Filter_CloseBu
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Resu
If intAppRowCount < 2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Verifying the Number of R
ecords","There are No Results dispalyed for the Search Criteria and Can't Contin
ue Furthur Execution"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Step 10 to 14:
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTa
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10 to 14: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same
in both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10 to 14: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same
in both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If

End Function


Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC2()

' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7: ' Blank Search
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Res
If intAppRowCount < 1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Number of Re
cords","There are No Results dispalyed for the Search Criteria and Can't Continu
e Furthur Execution"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8 to 12:
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTa
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function


Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC3()

' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7: ' Blank Search
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result")
If intAppRowCount < 2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Number of Re
cords","There are No Results dispalyed for the Search Criteria and Can't Continu
e Furthur Execution"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8 to 12:
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTa
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function


Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC4()

Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 1:
Call Select_Combo_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","CusipType
Call Select_Combo_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Effective
Call Select_Combo_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","SponserUn
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Search")
'Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item"
Call chkResultinTable("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verify the Value in the Co
lumn 'Type'","The Value in the Column 'Type' is " & DataTable.Value("CUSIPType
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Verify the Value in the Co
lumn 'Type'","The Value in the Column 'Type' is NOT " & DataTable.Value("CUSIP
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call chkResultinTable("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item
","Effective Flag",DataTable("EffectiveFlagValue","CUSIP"))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verify the Value in the Co
lumn 'Effective Flag'","The Value in the Column 'Effective Flag' is " & DataTa
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Verify the Value in the Co
lumn 'Effective Flag'","The Value in the Column 'Effective Flag' is NOT " & Da
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call chkResultinTable("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Verify the Value in the Co
lumn 'S/U'","The Value in the Column 'S/U' is " & DataTable.Value("CUSIPSUValu
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Verify the Value in the Co
lumn 'S/U'","The Value in the Column 'S/U' is NOT " & DataTable.Value("CUSIPSU
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Sear
' Step 2:
Call Select_Combo_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","HomeCount
Call Select_Combo_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Depositar
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkResultinTable("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item
","Home Market Country",DataTable("CUSIPHomeMarketCountry","CUSIP"))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verify the Value in the Co
lumn 'Home Market Country'","The Value in the Column 'Home Market Country' is
" & DataTable.Value("CUSIPHomeMarketCountry","CUSIP")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verify the Value in the Co
lumn 'Home Market Country'","The Value in the Column 'Home Market Country' is NO
T " & DataTable.Value("CUSIPHomeMarketCountry","CUSIP")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call chkResultinTable("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verify the Value in the Co
lumn 'Depositary'","The Value in the Column 'Depositary' is " & DataTable.Valu
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verify the Value in the Co
lumn 'Depositary'","The Value in the Column 'Depositary' is NOT " & DataTable.
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Sear
' Step 3:
Call Select_Combo_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","CommonDep
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkResultinTable("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item
","Common Depository",DataTable("CommonDepositoryValue","CUSIP"))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Verify the Value in the Co
lumn 'Common Depository'","The Value in the Column 'Common Depository' is " &
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Verify the Value in the Co
lumn 'Common Depository'","The Value in the Column 'Common Depository' is NOT
" & DataTable.Value("CommonDepositoryValue","CUSIP")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Sear
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Home;DR Home")
End Function


Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC5()

' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7:
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result")
If intAppRowCount < 2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Number of Re
cords","There are No Results dispalyed for the Search Criteria and Can't Continu
e Furthur Execution"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8 to 12:
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTa
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC6()

' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7:
'Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","CusipNo",
'Call Select_Combo_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","ActiveFl
'Call click_Image("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Search")
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkReportLinks("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP"
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result"
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links, time Stamp, Report Headers and the
Search Criteria are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links OR time Stamp OR Report Headers OR
the Search Criteria are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTable.
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying if the Page 'Rep
orts - CUSIP Search' is Dispalyed or NOT","The Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search' is
Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying if the Page 'Rep
orts - CUSIP Search' is Dispalyed or NOT","The Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search' is
Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 9:
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW")=Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") +
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkReportLinks("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP"
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result"
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links, time Stamp, Report Headers and the
Search Criteria are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links OR time Stamp OR Report Headers OR
the Search Criteria are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result")
If intAppRowCount < 2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Verifying the Number of R
ecords","There are No Results dispalyed for the Search Criteria and Can't Contin
ue Furthur Execution"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Step 10 to 14 :
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTa
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10 to 14: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same
in both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10 to 14: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same
in both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC7()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7:
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
'Call click_Image("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkReportLinks("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP"
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result"
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links, time Stamp, Report Headers and the
Search Criteria are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links OR time Stamp OR Report Headers OR
the Search Criteria are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Resu
If intAppRowCount < 2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Number of Re
cords","There are No Results dispalyed for the Search Criteria and Can't Continu
e Furthur Execution"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8 to 12:
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTa
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC8()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7:
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkReportLinks("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP"
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result"
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links, time Stamp, Report Headers and the
Search Criteria are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links OR time Stamp OR Report Headers OR
the Search Criteria are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Res
If intAppRowCount < 2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Number of Re
cords","There are No Results dispalyed for the Search Criteria and Can't Continu
e Furthur Execution"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8 to 12:
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTa
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC9()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7:
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkReportLinks("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP"
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result"
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links, time Stamp, Report Headers and the
Search Criteria are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links OR time Stamp OR Report Headers OR
the Search Criteria are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Res
If intAppRowCount < 2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Number of Re
cords","There are No Results dispalyed for the Search Criteria and Can't Continu
e Furthur Execution"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8 to 12:
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTa
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC10()

' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7:
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkReportLinks("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP"
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result"
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links, time Stamp, Report Headers and the
Search Criteria are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links OR time Stamp OR Report Headers OR
the Search Criteria are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Res
If intAppRowCount < 2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Number of Re
cords","There are No Results dispalyed for the Search Criteria and Can't Continu
e Furthur Execution"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8 to 12:
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTa
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC11()

' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7:
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkReportLinks("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP"
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result"
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links, time Stamp, Report Headers and the
Search Criteria are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links OR time Stamp OR Report Headers OR
the Search Criteria are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Res
If intAppRowCount < 2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Number of Re
cords","There are No Results dispalyed for the Search Criteria and Can't Continu
e Furthur Execution"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8 to 12:
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTa
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC12()

' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7:
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkReportLinks("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP"
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result"
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links, time Stamp, Report Headers and the
Search Criteria are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The Required Links OR time Stamp OR Report Headers OR
the Search Criteria are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Res
If intAppRowCount < 2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Number of Re
cords","There are No Results dispalyed for the Search Criteria and Can't Continu
e Furthur Execution"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8 to 12:
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTa
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function
' Filter Functionality
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC13()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7:
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp, Report Headers and the Search Criteria
are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers OR the Search Criter
ia are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Spliting Filter COlumn Value
strFilterColumn = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterColumn","CUSIP"),";",-1,1
strFilterExpression = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP"),
strFilterValue = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterValue","CUSIP"),";",-1,1)
' Step 8
Call FilterCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Filter
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Column
' " & strFilterColumn(0) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column '" & strFilterCo
lumn(0) & " ' is Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(0) & " and
Value = " & strFilterValue(0)
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Colum
n ' " & strFilterColumn(0) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column ' " & strFilter
Column(0) &" ' is Not Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(0) &
" and Value = " & strFilterValue(0)
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10
Call FilterCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Filter
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10: Verifying if the Column '
" & strFilterColumn(1) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column '" & strFilterColu
mn(1) & " ' is Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(1) & " and V
alue = " & strFilterValue(1)
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Verifying if the Column
' " & strFilterColumn(1) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column ' " & strFilterCo
lumn(1) & " ' is Not Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(1) & "
and Value = " & strFilterValue(1)
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW")= Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") + 1
' Step 11, 12, 13
Call MultipleFilterCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result"
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 11, 12, 13: Verifying if the
Columns are Filtered as per the Filter Criteria","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Va
lue("FilterColumn","CUSIP") & " ' are Filtered with Expression: = " & DataTable.
Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP") & " ' and Value = " & DataTable.Value("FilterV
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11, 12, 13: Verifying if the
Columns are Filtered as per the Filter Criteria","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Va
lue("FilterColumn","CUSIP") & " ' are Not Filtered with Expression: = " & DataTa
ble.Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP") & " ' and Value = " & DataTable.Value("Fil
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 14:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Home;DR H
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 14: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

' Sort:
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC14()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7:
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp, Report Headers and the Search Criteria
are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers OR the Search Criter
ia are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8, 9:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","DRIS
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item","D
R ISIN","Ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Column
'DR ISIN' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' DR ISIN' is Sorted in Asc
ending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Column
'DR ISIN' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' DR ISIN' is Not Sorted in
Ascending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10, 11
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","DRIS
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item","D
R ISIN","Descending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10, 11: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'DR ISIN' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column ' DR ISIN' is Sorted in
Descending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10, 11: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'DR ISIN' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column ' DR ISIN' is Not Sorted
in Descending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 12, 13
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Unde
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item","U
nderlying SEDOL","Ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12, 13: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Underlying SEDOL' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Underlying SED
OL' is Sorted in Ascending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12, 13: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Underlying SEDOL' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Underlying SED
OL' is Not Sorted in Ascending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 14, 15
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Unde
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item","U
nderlying SEDOL","Descending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14, 15: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Underlying SEDOL' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column ' Underlying SE
DOL' is Sorted in Descending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12, 13: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Underlying SEDOL' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column ' Underlying SE
DOL' is Not Sorted in Descending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 16, 17
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Name
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item","N
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 16, 17: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'Name' is Sorted in Ascendin
g Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 16, 17: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Name' is Not Sorted in Asc
ending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 18, 19
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Name
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item","N
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 18, 19: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'Name' is Sorted in Descend
ing Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 18, 19: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column ' Name' is Not Sorted in De
scending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 20:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Home;DR H
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item","Ite
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result"
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 20, 21: Verifying the Results
as per the Search Criteria","The time Stamp, Report Headers and the Search Crit
eria are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 20, 21: Verifying the Results
as per the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers OR the Search C
riteria are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 22, 23
Call SortCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Sort","C
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 22, 23: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' CUSIP ' is Sorted in asce
nding order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 22, 23: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' CUSIP ' is Not Sorted in
ascending order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 24
Call SortCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Sort","R
atio DRs","ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 24: Verifying if the Column '
Ratio DRs' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Ratio DRs ' is Sorted in
ascending order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 24: Verifying if the Column '
Ratio DRs' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Ratio DRs ' is Not Sorted
in ascending order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 25, 26, 27
Call MultipleSortCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 25, 26, 27:Verifyin the Sort
Functionality","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Value("SortColumn","CUSIP") & " ' a
re Sorted in Order: = " & DataTable.Value("SortOrder","CUSIP")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 25, 26, 27:Verifyin the Sort
Functionality","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Value("SortColumn","CUSIP") & " ' a
re Not Sorted in Order: = " & DataTable.Value("SortOrder","CUSIP")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 28
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Home;DR H
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 28: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 28: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

' Save As Excel
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC15()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7:
Call CUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp, Report Headers and the Search Criteria
are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers OR the Search Criter
ia are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Name
' Step 8 to 11
var_X = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").WebE
var_Y = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").WebE
Window("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer", "regexpwndclass:=I
EFrame").WinObject("regexpwndclass:=Internet Explorer_Server").Click var_X+10, v
Call SaveASExcel("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP","S
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 11: Verifying if the Rep
ort is Exported to xls Successfully or Not","The Result is Exported to xls Succe
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 11: Verifying if the Rep
ort is Exported to xls Successfully or Not","The Result is NOT Exported to xls S
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 12:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Home;DR H
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

' Pre Defined
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC16()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying if the Required
Pre-Defined Links are Present or Not","The Required Pre-Defined Links are Presen
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying if the Required
Pre-Defined Links are Present or Not","The Required Pre-Defined Links are NOT Pr
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying if the DR Home P
age is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying if the DR Home P
age is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function
' Link: Active Orphan CUSIPs
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC17()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Repor
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Repo
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs R
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Or
phan CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results disp
alyed","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results disp
layed","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8 to 12:
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Repo
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

' Filter
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC18()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",DataT
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Repor
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Repo
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs R
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Or
phan CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Requ
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Orphan C
USIPs Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Spliting Filter Column Value
strFilterColumn = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterColumn","CUSIP"),";",-1,1
strFilterExpression = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP"),
strFilterValue = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterValue","CUSIP"),";",-1,1)
' Step 8
Call FilterCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Repor
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Column
' " & strFilterColumn(0) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column '" & strFilterCo
lumn(0) & " ' is Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(0) & " and
Value = " & strFilterValue(0)
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Colum
n ' " & strFilterColumn(0) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column ' " & strFilter
Column(0) &" ' is Not Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(0) &
" and Value = " & strFilterValue(0)
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10
Call FilterCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Repor
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10: Verifying if the Column '
" & strFilterColumn(1) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column '" & strFilterColu
mn(1) & " ' is Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(1) & " and V
alue = " & strFilterValue(1)
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Verifying if the Column
' " & strFilterColumn(1) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column ' " & strFilterCo
lumn(1) & " ' is Not Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(1) & "
and Value = " & strFilterValue(1)
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW")= Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") +1
' Step 11, 12, 13
Call MultipleFilterCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSI
Ps Report",DataTable.Value("FilterColumn","CUSIP"),DataTable.Value("FilterExpres
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 11, 12, 13: Verifying if the
Columns are Filtered as per the Filter Criteria","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Va
lue("FilterColumn","CUSIP") & " ' are Filtered with Expression: = " & DataTable.
Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP") & " ' and Value = " & DataTable.Value("FilterV
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11, 12, 13: Verifying if the
Columns are Filtered as per the Filter Criteria","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Va
lue("FilterColumn","CUSIP") & " ' are Not Filtered with Expression: = " & DataTa
ble.Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP") & " ' and Value = " & DataTable.Value("Fil
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 14:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Report",
"Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 14: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

' Sort: ACtive Orphan Link
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC19()
'Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Repor
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Repo
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs R
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Or
phan CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results disa
plyed","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results disp
layed","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Orphan C
USIPs Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8, 9:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Rep
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Report"
,"Item","Underlying ISIN","Ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Column
'Underlying ISIN' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Underlying ISIN'
is Sorted in Ascending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Column
'Underlying ISIN' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'UnderlyingISIN' is
Not Sorted in Ascending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10, 11
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Rep
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Report"
,"Item","Underlying ISIN","Descending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10, 11: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Underlying ISIN' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'Underlying ISIN
' is Sorted in Descending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10, 11: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Underlying ISIN' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'Underlying ISIN
' is Not Sorted in Descending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 12, 13
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Rep
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Report"
,"Item","Underlying SEDOL","Ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12, 13: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Underlying SEDOL' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Underlying SED
OL' is Sorted in Ascending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12, 13: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Underlying SEDOL' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Underlying SED
OL' is Not Sorted in Ascending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 14, 15
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Rep
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Report"
,"Item","Underlying SEDOL","Descending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14, 15: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Underlying SEDOL' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column ' Underlying SE
DOL' is Sorted in Descending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12, 13: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Underlying SEDOL' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column ' Underlying SE
DOL' is Not Sorted in Descending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 16, 17
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Rep
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Report"
,"Item","Insert Date","Ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 16, 17: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Insert Date' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'Insert Date' is Sort
ed in Ascending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 16, 17: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Insert Date' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Insert Date' is Not
Sorted in Ascending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 18, 19
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Rep
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Report"
,"Item","Insert Date","Descending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 18, 19: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Insert Date' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'Insert Date' is Sor
ted in Descending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 18, 19: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Insert Date' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column ' Insert Date' is No
t Sorted in Descending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 20
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Report",
"Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 20: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 20: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 21, 22
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Repor
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Repo
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs R
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Or
phan CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 21, 22: Verifying the Results
disaplyed","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 21, 22: Verifying the Results
displayed","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 23, 24
Call SortCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Report"
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 23, 24: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' CUSIP ' is Sorted in asce
nding order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 23, 24: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' CUSIP ' is Not Sorted in
ascending order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 25
Call SortCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Report"
,"Sort","Underlying ISIN","ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 25: Verifying if the Column '
Underlying ISIN' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Underlying ISIN ' i
s Sorted in ascending order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 25: Verifying if the Column '
Underlying ISIN' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Underlying ISIN ' i
s Not Sorted in ascending order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 26, 27, 28
Call MultipleSortCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 26, 27, 28:Verifyin the Sort
Functionality","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Value("SortColumn","CUSIP") & " ' a
re Sorted in Order: = " & DataTable.Value("SortOrder","CUSIP")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 26, 27, 28:Verifyin the Sort
Functionality","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Value("SortColumn","CUSIP") & " '
are Not Sorted in Order: = " & DataTable.Value("SortOrder","CUSIP")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 29
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Report",
"Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 29: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 29: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If

End Function

' Save As Excel
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC20()
'Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Repor
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Repo
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs R
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Or
phan CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Requ
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Orphan C
USIPs Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8 to 11
var_X = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Rep
var_Y = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Rep
Window("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer", "regexpwndclass:=I
EFrame").WinObject("regexpwndclass:=Internet Explorer_Server").Click var_X+10, v
Call SaveASExcel("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Report",
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 11: Verifying if the Rep
ort is Exported to xls Successfully or Not","The Result is Exported to xls Succe
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 11: Verifying if the Rep
ort is Exported to xls Successfully or Not","The Result is NOT Exported to xls S
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 12:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Active Orphan CUSIPs Report",
"Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

' Link : Duplicate Priced Issues Report
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC21()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CU
SIPs Report","Item","Item")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues C
USIPs Report","CUSIPReportPredefinedDuplicateIssueHeader")
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issue
s CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate
Priced Issues CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results Disp
layed","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results Disa
plyed","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate Price
d Issues CUSIPs Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call captureScreenShot()
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issu
es CUSIPs Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8 to 12:
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues C
USIPs Report",DataTable.Value("SelectColumnValue","CUSIP"))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 12: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

' Filter Opreation
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC22()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CU
SIPs Report","Item","Item")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues C
USIPs Report","CUSIPReportPredefinedDuplicateIssueHeader")
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issue
s CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate
Priced Issues CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results disp
layed","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results disp
layed","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate Price
d Issues CUSIPs Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call captureScreenShot()
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issu
es CUSIPs Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
' Spliting Filter Column Value
strFilterColumn = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterColumn","CUSIP"),";",-1,1
strFilterExpression = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP"),
strFilterValue = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterValue","CUSIP"),";",-1,1)
' Step 8
Call FilterCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CU
SIPs Report","Filter",strFilterColumn(0),strFilterExpression(0),strFilterValue(0
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Column
' " & strFilterColumn(0) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column '" & strFilterCo
lumn(0) & " ' is Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(0) & " and
Value = " & strFilterValue(0)
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Colum
n ' " & strFilterColumn(0) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column ' " & strFilter
Column(0) &" ' is Not Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(0) &
" and Value = " & strFilterValue(0)
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10
Call FilterCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CU
SIPs Report","Filter",strFilterColumn(1),strFilterExpression(1),strFilterValue(1
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10: Verifying if the Column '
" & strFilterColumn(1) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column '" & strFilterColu
mn(1) & " ' is Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(1) & " and V
alue = " & strFilterValue(1)
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Verifying if the Column
' " & strFilterColumn(1) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column ' " & strFilterCo
lumn(1) & " ' is Not Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(1) & "
and Value = " & strFilterValue(1)
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW")=Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") +
' Step 11, 12, 13
Call MultipleFilterCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced I
ssues CUSIPs Report",DataTable.Value("FilterColumn","CUSIP"),DataTable.Value("Fi
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 11, 12, 13: Verifying if the
Columns are Filtered as per the Filter Criteria","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Va
lue("FilterColumn","CUSIP") & " ' are Filtered with Expression: = " & DataTable.
Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP") & " ' and Value = " & DataTable.Value("FilterV
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11, 12, 13: Verifying if the
Columns are Filtered as per the Filter Criteria","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Va
lue("FilterColumn","CUSIP") & " ' are Not Filtered with Expression: = " & DataTa
ble.Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP") & " ' and Value = " & DataTable.Value("Fil
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 14:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CUSIP
s Report","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 14: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

' Sort Opreation
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC23()
'Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CU
SIPs Report","Item","Item")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues C
USIPs Report","CUSIPReportPredefinedDuplicateIssueHeader")
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issue
s CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate
Priced Issues CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Requ
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate Price
d Issues CUSIPs Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issu
es CUSIPs Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8, 9:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues
CUSIPs Report","Price")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CUSI
Ps Report","Item","Price","Ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Column
'Price' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'Price' is Sorted in Ascendin
g Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Column
'Price' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'Price' is Not Sorted in Asce
nding Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10, 11
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues
CUSIPs Report","Price")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CUSI
Ps Report","Item","Price","Descending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10, 11: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Price' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'Underlying ISIN' is Sorte
d in Descending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10, 11: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Underlying ISIN' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'Underlying ISIN
' is Not Sorted in Descending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 12, 13
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues
CUSIPs Report","Name")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CUSI
Ps Report","Item","Name","Ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12, 13: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Name' is Sorted in Ascendi
ng Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12, 13: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Name' is Not Sorted in Asc
ending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 14, 15
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues
CUSIPs Report","Name")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CUSI
Ps Report","Item","Name","Descending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14, 15: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column ' Name ' is Sorted in Desce
nding Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 14, 15: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column ' Name' is Not Sorted in De
scending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 16, 17
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues
CUSIPs Report","CUSIP")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CUSI
Ps Report","Item","CUSIP","Ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 16, 17: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'CUSIP' is Sorted in Ascend
ing Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 16, 17: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'CUSIP' is Not Sorted in As
cending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 18, 19
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues
CUSIPs Report","CUSIP")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CUSI
Ps Report","Item","CUSIP","Descending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 18, 19: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'CUSIP' is Sorted in Desce
nding Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 18, 19: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column ' CUSIP' is Not Sorted in
Descending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 20
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CUSIP
s Report","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 20: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 20: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 21, 22
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CU
SIPs Report","Item","Item")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues C
USIPs Report","CUSIPReportPredefinedActiveOrphanHeader")
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issue
s CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate
Priced Issues CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 21: Verifying the Results dis
aplyed","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 21: Verifying the Results dis
played","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 22, 23
Call SortCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CUSI
Ps Report","Sort","Name","ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 22, 23: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Name ' is Sorted in ascend
ing order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 22, 23: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Name ' is Not Sorted in as
cending order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 24
Call SortCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CUSI
Ps Report","Sort","Price(USD)","ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 24: Verifying if the Column '
Price(USD)' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Price(USD) ' is Sorted i
n ascending order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 24: Verifying if the Column '
Price(USD)' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'Price(USD) ' is Not Sorte
d in ascending order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 25, 26, 27
Call MultipleSortCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Iss
ues CUSIPs Report","Sort",DataTable.Value("SortColumn","CUSIP"),DataTable.Value(
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 25, 26, 27: Verifyin the Sort
Functionality","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Value("SortColumn","CUSIP") & " '
are Sorted in Order: = " & DataTable.Value("SortOrder","CUSIP")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 25, 26, 27: Verifyin the Sor
t Functionality","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Value("SortColumn","CUSIP") & " '
are Not Sorted in Order: = " & DataTable.Value("SortOrder","CUSIP")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 28
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CUSIP
s Report","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 28: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 28: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

' Save As Excel
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC24()
'Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CU
SIPs Report","Item","Item")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues C
USIPs Report","CUSIPReportPredefinedDuplicateIssueHeader")
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issue
s CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate
Priced Issues CUSIPs Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Requ
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate Price
d Issues CUSIPs Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issu
es CUSIPs Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8 to 11
var_X = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues
CUSIPs Report").WebElement("SaveAsExcel").GetROProperty("x")
var_Y = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues
CUSIPs Report").WebElement("SaveAsExcel").GetROProperty("y")
Window("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer", "regexpwndclass:=I
EFrame").WinObject("regexpwndclass:=Internet Explorer_Server").Click var_X+10, v
Call SaveASExcel("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CUSIP
s Report","CUSIP","SAVE")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 11: Verifying if the Rep
ort is Exported to xls Successfully or Not","The Result is Exported to xls Succe
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 11: Verifying if the Rep
ort is Exported to xls Successfully or Not","The Result is NOT Exported to xls S
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 12:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined Duplicate Priced Issues CUSIP
s Report","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

' Link: List of Effective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC25()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
' strFistColumnValue = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Eff
ective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebTable("Item").GetCellData(1,1)
' If UCase(Trim(strFirstColumnValue)) <> UCase("Item") Then
' Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Item Table is Dis
played or Not","Item Table is Not Displayed"
' Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
' Call Select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
' Exit Function
' End If
'Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wit
h Inactive CUSIP Report","Item","Item")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wit
h Inactive CUSIP Report","CUSIPReportEffectiveInActiveDRsHeader")
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of E
ffective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty(
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Requ
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effecti
ve DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
strRequiredSelectValue= Split(DataTable.Value("SelectColumnValue","CUSIP
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wit
h Inactive CUSIP Report",strRequiredSelectValue(0))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 11: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 11: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is NOT Sa
me in both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","MasterFi
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wit
h Inactive CUSIP Report","CUSIPReportEffectiveInActiveDRsHeader")
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of E
ffective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty(
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12, 13: Verifying the Results
as per the Search Criteria","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12, 13: Verifying the Results
as per the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalye
d as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effecti
ve DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
' Select DR Name
strSelectedDRName = SelectElementValueinTable("MasterFile","Pre-Defined
List of Effective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report","Item",strRequiredSelectValue(
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("DR Profile").Exist(5) Then
strAllWebEditDRDetails1 = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFile","DR Profi
strAllWebListDRDetails1 = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFile","
DR Profile","Detail","WebList","SELECT")
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","DR Profile","CUSIPSummaryAdd
strAppValue1 = ""
intRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("DR Profile").WebTable("CUSIPSu
intColumnCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("DR Profile").WebTab
strAppValue1 = ""
For intColumnCounter = 1 to intColumnCount
intCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("DR Profile").WebT
If intCount > 0 Then
strCellData2 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("DR P
strAppValue1 = strAppValue1 & strCellData2 & ":
End If
strAllWebEditCUSIPSummary1 = Trim(strAppValue1)
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","DR Profile","Offerings")
intRowCountOfferings = Browser("MasterFile").Page("DR Profile").
If intRowCountOfferings <=2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Noting the Value in Off
ering Tab","No Record Exist in Offering Tab"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","DR Profile","AdditionalDRExc
intRCAdditionalExchange = Browser("MasterFile").Page("DR Profile
If intRCAdditionalExchange <=2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Noting the Value in Off
ering Tab","No Record Exist in Offering Tab"
End If
If strAllWebEditDRDetails1 <> "" AND strAllWebListDRDetails1 <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14: Verifying if the
Values are Noted","The Values in the ' Page DR Profile ' is noted"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 14: Verifying if the
Values are Noted","The Values in the ' Page DR Profile ' is Not noted"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","DR Profile","Profile;DR")
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile","Profile - DR Search","DRN
Call pageCheck_WebListOR("MasterFile","Profile - DR Search","Cou
Call pageCheck_WebElementinTable("MasterFile","Profile - DR Sear
ch","Name;Country of Management;Type;Status;Sub-Status;S/U;Effective Date;Termin
ation Date;Depositary;Origin;Structure","")
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - DR Search","DRNam
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - DR Search","Search")
intPos = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - DR Search").WebTa
If intPos <> -1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 15: Verifying if the
DR is Dispalyed or Not","The DR ' " & strSelectedDRName & " ' is displayed in th
e Result"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 15: Verifying if the
DR is Dispalyed or Not","The DR ' " & strSelectedDRName & " ' is Not displayed i
n the Result"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
strSelectedDRName = Replace(strSelectedDRName,"^","\^")
strSelectedDRName = Replace(strSelectedDRName,"&","\&")
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - DR Search").WebElement("html tag:=
TD","innertext:= " &strSelectedDRName,"index:=1").Click
strAllWebEditDRDetails2 = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFile","
DR Profile","Detail","WebEdit","INPUT")
strAllWebListDRDetails2 = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFile","
DR Profile","Detail","WebList","SELECT")
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","DR Profile","CUSIPSummaryAdd
strAppValue2 = ""
intRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("DR Profile").WebTable("CUSIPSu
intColumnCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("DR Profile").WebTab
strAppValue1 = ""
For intColumnCounter = 1 to intColumnCount
intCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("DR Profile").WebT
If intCount > 0 Then
strCellData = Browser("MasterFile").Page("DR Pr
strAppValue2 = strAppValue2 & strCellData & ":"
End If
strAllWebEditCUSIPSummary2 = Trim(strAppValue2)
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","DR Profile","Offerings")
intRowCountOfferings2 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("DR Profile")
If intRowCountOfferings2 <=2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Noting the Value in Off
ering Tab","No Record Exist in Offering Tab"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","DR Profile","AdditionalDRExc
intRCAdditionalExchange2 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("DR Profil
If intRCAdditionalExchange2 <=2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Noting the Value in Off
ering Tab","No Record Exist in Additional DR Exchanges Tab"
End If
If strAllWebEditDRDetails1 = strAllWebEditDRDetails2 AND strAll
WebEditDRDetails1 = strAllWebEditDRDetails2 And intRowCountOfferings2 = intRowCo
untOfferings And intRCAdditionalExchange2 = intRCAdditionalExchange Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 15: Verifying if the
Values are Noted","The Values in the ' Page DR Profile ' is noted and is same as
the Value Noted above"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 15: Verifying if the
Values are Noted","The Values in the ' Page DR Profile ' is Not noted Or the Va
lue Noted is not same as above"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile","DR Profile","Home;DR Home")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if DR Profile page is di
splayed or Not","The Page ' DR Profile ' is not displayed and Not clicked on DR
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
End If
' Click on Issuer Name
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wit
h Inactive CUSIP Report","CUSIPReportEffectiveInActiveDRsHeader")
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of E
ffective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty(
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 16, 17: Verifying the Results
as per the Search Criteria","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 16, 17: Verifying the Results
as per the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalye
d as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effecti
ve DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
' get the Issuer Name
strSelectedIssuerName = SelectElementValueinTable("MasterFile","Pre-Defi
ned List of Effective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report","Item",strRequiredSelectVa
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").Exist(5) Then
' Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Details_
' Call pageCheck_WebListOR("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Details_
' If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
' Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 18: Verfiying if the
Required Elements are Present in Issuer Profile page","The Required Fields are p
resent in the Details tab of the Issuer Profile Page"
' Else
' Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 18: Verfiying if the
Required Elements are Present in Issuer Profile page","The Required Fields are N
ot present in the Details tab of the Issuer Profile Page"
' Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
' Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
' End If
strFirstIssuerName1 = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Issuer Pro
If strSelectedIssuerName <> strFirstIssuerName1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Selected
Issuer Name is Dispalyed","The Selected Issuer Name is Not as Same the Displayed
Issuer Name"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Selected Issuer Name : = "
& strSelectedIssuerName,"Displayed Issuer Name : = "& strFirstIssuerName1
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
strAllWebEditIssuerDetails1 = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFil
e","Issuer Profile","Detail","WebEdit","INPUT")
strAllWebListIssuerDetails1 = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFil
e","Issuer Profile","Detail","WebList","SELECT")
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","BNYContacts
intRCBNYContact1 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").
WebTable("BNY Contacts").RowCount
If intRCBNYContact1 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the BNY Contact Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Und.Sec.Mar
intRCUSM1 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").WebTabl
If intRCUSM1 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the UnderlyingSecurityMarket Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Custodians"
intRCCustodian1 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").W
If intRCCustodian1 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the Custodian Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Advisers")
intRCAdviser1 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").Web
If intRCAdviser1 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the Advisers Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Products")
intRCProducts1 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").We
If intRCProducts1 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the Products Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","DRServices"
intRCDRServices1 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").
If intRCDRServices1 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the DR Service Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Comments")
intRCComments1 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").We
If intRCComments1 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the Comments Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If strAllWebEditIssuerDetails1 <> "" AND strAllWebListIssuerDetails1 <>
"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 18: Verifying if the
Values are Noted","The Values in the ' Page Issuer Profile ' is noted"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 18: Verifying if the
Values are Noted","The Values in the ' Page Issuer Profile ' is Not noted"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Profile;Company;
Call PageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile","Profile - Company Search"
Call PageCheck_WebListOR("MasterFile","Profile - Company Search"
Call PageCheck_WebElementinTable("MasterFile","Profile - Company
Search","Name;CID #;Status;Country of Incorporation;Company;Type;Effective Date
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 19: Verifying the Fie
lds in the Page ' Profile - Company'","The Required Fields are Present in the Pa
ge 'Profile - Company Search'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 19: Verifying the Fie
lds in the Page ' Profile - Company'","The Required Fields are Not Present in th
e Page 'Profile - Company Search'"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Profile - Company Search","Enterpri
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Profile - Company Search","Search
intPos = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - Company Search").
WebTable("Company Search Results").GetRowWithCellText(strSelectedDRName)
If intPos <> -1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 19: Verifying if the
DR is Dispalyed or Not","The DR ' " & strSelectedDRName & " ' is displayed in th
e Result"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 19: Verifying if the
DR is Dispalyed or Not","The DR ' " & strSelectedDRName & " ' is Not displayed i
n the Result"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
strSelectedIssuerName = Replace(strSelectedIssuerName,"^","\^")
strSelectedIssuerName = Replace(strSelectedIssuerName,"&","\&")
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Profile - Company Search").WebElemen
t("html tag:= TD","innertext:= " &strSelectedIssuerName,"index:=2").Click
strFirstIssuerName2 = get_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Issuer Pro
strAllWebEditIssuerDetails2 = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFil
e","Issuer Profile","Detail","WebEdit","INPUT")
strAllWebListIssuerDetails2 = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFil
e","Issuer Profile","Detail","WebList","SELECT")
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","BNYContacts
intRCBNYContact2 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").
WebTable("BNY Contacts").RowCount
If intRCBNYContact2 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the BNY Contact Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Und.Sec.Mar
intRCUSM2 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").WebTabl
If intRCUSM2 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the UnderlyingSecurityMarket Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Custodians"
intRCCustodian2 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").W
If intRCCustodian2 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the Custodian Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Advisers")
intRCAdviser2 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").Web
If intRCAdviser2 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the Advisers Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Products")
intRCProducts2 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").We
If intRCProducts2 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the Products Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","DRServices"
intRCDRServices2 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").
If intRCDRServices2 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the DR Service Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Click_WebElement("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Comments")
intRCComments2 = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Issuer Profile").We
If intRCComments2 < 3 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Verifying the Records d
isplayed","No Records are Displayed in the Comments Tab"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
strAllWebEditIssuerDetails2 = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFil
e","Issuer Profile","Detail","WebEdit","INPUT")
strAllWebListIssuerDetails2 = GetAllFieldValueInTable("MasterFil
e","Issuer Profile","Detail","WebList","SELECT")
If strAllWebEditIssuerDetails1 = strAllWebEditIssuerDetails2 AN
D strAllWebListIssuerDetails1 = strAllWebListIssuerDetails2 And intRCBNYContact2
= intRCBNYContact1 And intRCUSM2 = intRCUSM1 And intRCCustodian2 =intRCCustodia
n1 And intRCAdviser2 = intRCAdviser1 And intRCProducts2 = intRCProducts1 And int
RCDRServices2 = intRCDRServices1 And intRCComments2 = intRCComments1 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 20, 21: Verifying if
the Values are Noted","The Values in the Profile - Isser is Not Same as Values i
n the Reports for Issuer Report"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 20, 21: Verifying if
the Values are Noted","The Values in the ' Page Issuer Profile ' is Not noted or
is Not same as Noted above"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile","Issuer Profile","Home;DR Home")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Issuer Profile Pa
ge is displayed or Not","Issuer Profile Page is not displayed after clicking on
the Issuer name"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call Select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP ","Home;DR Home")
End If
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(2)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 22: Verifying if the ADR Home
Page is displayed","ADR Home Page is Displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 22: Verifying if the ADR Home
Page is displayed","ADR Home Page is Not Displayed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function
' Filter
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC26()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
' strFistColumnValue = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Eff
ective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebTable("Item").GetCellData(1,1)
' If UCase(Trim(strFirstColumnValue)) <> UCase("Item") Then
' Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Item Table is Dis
played or Not","Item Table is Not Displayed"
' Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
' Call Select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
' Exit Function
' End If
'Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wit
h Inactive CUSIP Report","Item","Item")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wit
h Inactive CUSIP Report","CUSIPReportEffectiveInActiveDRsHeader")
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of E
ffective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty(
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results disp
layed","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results disp
layed","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effecti
ve DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
' Spliting Filter Column Value
strFilterColumn = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterColumn","CUSIP"),";",-1,1
strFilterExpression = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP"),
strFilterValue = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterValue","CUSIP"),";",-1,1)
' Step 8
Call FilterCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With
Inactive CUSIP Report","Filter",strFilterColumn(0),strFilterExpression(0),strFi
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Column
' " & strFilterColumn(0) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column '" & strFilterCo
lumn(0) & " ' is Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(0) & " and
Value = " & strFilterValue(0)
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Colum
n ' " & strFilterColumn(0) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column ' " & strFilter
Column(0) &" ' is Not Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(0) &
" and Value = " & strFilterValue(0)
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10
Call FilterCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With
Inactive CUSIP Report","Filter",strFilterColumn(1),strFilterExpression(1),strFi
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10: Verifying if the Column '
" & strFilterColumn(1) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column '" & strFilterColu
mn(1) & " ' is Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(1) & " and V
alue = " & strFilterValue(1)
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Verifying if the Column
' " & strFilterColumn(1) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column ' " & strFilterCo
lumn(1) & " ' is Not Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(1) & "
and Value = " & strFilterValue(1)
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW")= Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") +
' Step 11, 12, 13
Call MultipleFilterCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective
DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report",DataTable.Value("FilterColumn","CUSIP"),DataTabl
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 11, 12, 13: Verifying if the
Columns are Filtered as per the Filter Criteria","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Va
lue("FilterColumn","CUSIP") & " ' are Filtered with Expression: = " & DataTable.
Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP") & " ' and Value = " & DataTable.Value("FilterV
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11, 12, 13: Verifying if the
Columns are Filtered as per the Filter Criteria","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Va
lue("FilterColumn","CUSIP") & " ' are Not Filtered with Expression: = " & DataTa
ble.Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP") & " ' and Value = " & DataTable.Value("Fil
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 14:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With In
active CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 14: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If

End Function

' Sort Operation
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC27()
'Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
' strFistColumnValue = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Eff
ective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebTable("Item").GetCellData(1,1)
' If UCase(Trim(strFirstColumnValue)) <> UCase("Item") Then
' Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Item Table is Dis
played or Not","Item Table is Not Displayed"
' Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
' Call Select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
' Exit Function
' End If
'Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wit
h Inactive CUSIP Report","Item","Item")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wit
h Inactive CUSIP Report","CUSIPReportEffectiveInActiveDRsHeader")
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of E
ffective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty(
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Requ
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effecti
ve DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
' Step 8, 9:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wi
th Inactive CUSIP Report","DRName")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With I
nactive CUSIP Report","Item","DR Name","Ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Column
'Name' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'Name' is Sorted in Ascending
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8, 9: Verifying if the Column
'Name' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'Name' is Not Sorted in Ascend
ing Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10, 11
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wi
th Inactive CUSIP Report","DRName")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With I
nactive CUSIP Report","Item","DR Name","Descending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10, 11: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'Name' is Sorted in Descend
ing Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10, 11: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'Name' is Not Sorted in Des
cending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 12, 13
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wi
th Inactive CUSIP Report","CUSIP")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With I
nactive CUSIP Report","Item","CUSIP","Ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12, 13: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'CUSIP' is Sorted in Ascend
ing Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12, 13: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'CUSIP' is Not Sorted in As
cending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 14, 15
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wi
th Inactive CUSIP Report","CUSIP")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With I
nactive CUSIP Report","Item","CUSIP","Descending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14, 15: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'CUSIP' is Sorted in Desc
ending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12, 13: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'CUSIP' is Not Sorted in D
escending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 16
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With In
active CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 20: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 20: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 17
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With
Inactive CUSIP Report","Item","Item")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wit
h Inactive CUSIP Report","CUSIPReportEffectiveInActiveDRsHeader")
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of E
ffective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty(
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 17: Verifying the Results dis
aplyed","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 17: Verifying the Results dis
played","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 18, 19
Call SortCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With I
nactive CUSIP Report","Sort","CUSIP","ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 18, 19: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' CUSIP ' is Sorted in asce
nding order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 18, 19: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' CUSIP ' is Not Sorted in
ascending order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 20
Call SortCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With I
nactive CUSIP Report","Sort","DR Exchange","ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 20: Verifying if the Column '
DR Exchange' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' DR Exchange' is Sorted
in ascending order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 20: Verifying if the Column '
DR Exchange' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' DR Exchange ' is Not So
rted in ascending order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 21,22, 23
Call MultipleSortCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DR
s With Inactive CUSIP Report","Sort",DataTable.Value("SortColumn","CUSIP"),DataT
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 21, 22, 23:Verifyin the Sort
Functionality","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Value("SortColumn","CUSIP") & " ' a
re Sorted in Order: = " & DataTable.Value("SortOrder","CUSIP")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 21,22, 23:Verifyin the Sort
Functionality","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Value("SortColumn","CUSIP") & " ' a
re Not Sorted in Order: = " & DataTable.Value("SortOrder","CUSIP")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 24
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With In
active CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 24: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 24: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If

End Function

' Save As Excel
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC28()
'Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
' strFistColumnValue = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Eff
ective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebTable("Item").GetCellData(1,1)
' If UCase(Trim(strFirstColumnValue)) <> UCase("Item") Then
' Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Item Table is Dis
played or Not","Item Table is Not Displayed"
' Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
' Call Select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
' Exit Function
' End If
'Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wit
h Inactive CUSIP Report","Item","Item")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wit
h Inactive CUSIP Report","CUSIPReportEffectiveInActiveDRsHeader")
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of E
ffective DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty(
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Requ
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effecti
ve DRs With Inactive CUSIP Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs
With Inactive CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With Inact
ive CUSIP Report").WebElement("DRName").Click
' Step 8 to 11
var_X = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wi
th Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("SaveAsExcel").GetROProperty("x")
var_Y = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs Wi
th Inactive CUSIP Report").WebElement("SaveAsExcel").GetROProperty("y")
Window("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer", "regexpwndclass:=I
EFrame").WinObject("regexpwndclass:=Internet Explorer_Server").Click var_X+10, v
Call SaveASExcel("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With In
active CUSIP Report","CUSIP","SAVE")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8 to 11: Verifying if the Rep
ort is Exported to xls Successfully or Not","The Result is Exported to xls Succe
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8 to 11: Verifying if the Rep
ort is Exported to xls Successfully or Not","The Result is NOT Exported to xls S
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 12:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined List of Effective DRs With In
active CUSIP Report","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

' Link: CUSIP Pending Transaction Report
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC29()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
' blnExistFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transa
ction Search").WebElement("Sorry! Invalid access!").Exist(5)
' If blnExistFlag = "False" Then
' Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"The User ID does not have access t
o this link","The User ID does not have access to the Link " & DataTable.Value("
SelectPredefinedLink","CUSIP") & " and hence can't continue"
' Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
' Call Select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transac
tion Search","Home;DR Home")
' Exit Function
' End If
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
Call pageCheck_Image("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verfying if the Required F
ields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Search'","T
he Required Fields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transactio
n Search'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verfying if the Required F
ields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Search'","T
he Required Fields are NOT present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transa
ction Search'"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8:
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transacti
on Search","CusipNo",DataTable.Value("CUSIPNumber","CUSIP"))
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Sea
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Tran
saction Report")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Rep
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transact
ion Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pen
ding Transaction Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Requ
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending T
ransaction Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transac
tion Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
' Step 9 to 12
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9 to 13: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same i
n both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9 to 13: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is NOT Sa
me in both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW")=Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") +
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","MasterFi
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",Data
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
Call pageCheck_Image("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verfying if the Required Fields ar
e present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Search'","The Requi
red Fields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Search
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verfying if the Required Fields ar
e present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Search'","The Requi
red Fields are NOT present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Se
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 13:
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transacti
on Search","CusipNo",DataTable.Value("CUSIPNumber","CUSIP"))
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Sea
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Tran
saction Report")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Rep
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transact
ion Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pen
ding Transaction Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 13: Verifying the Results dis
played","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 13: Verifying the Results dis
played","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending T
ransaction Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transac
tion Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
' Step 14 to 18
Call SelectCUSIPName("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14 to 18: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is Same
in both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 14 to 18: Verifying the CUSIP
Details in Reports - > CUSIP and Profile - > CUSIP","The CUSIP Details is NOT S
ame in both Profile - >CUSIP and Reports - > CUSIP"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

' Filter Operation
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC30()
' Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
' blnExistFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Tr
ansaction Search").WebElement("Sorry! Invalid access!").Exist(5)
' If blnExistFlag = "False" Then
' Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"The User ID does not have access t
o this link","The User ID does not have access to the Link " & DataTable.Value("
SelectPredefinedLink","CUSIP") & " and hence can't continue"
' Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
' Call Select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transac
tion Search","Home;DR Home")
' Exit Function
' End If
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transac
tion Search","CusipNo")
Call pageCheck_Image("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verfying if the Required F
ields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Search'","T
he Required Fields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transactio
n Search'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verfying if the Required F
ields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Search'","T
he Required Fields are NOT present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transa
ction Search'"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8:
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transacti
on Search","CusipNo",DataTable.Value("CUSIPNumber","CUSIP"))
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Sea
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Tran
saction Report")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Rep
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transact
ion Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pen
ding Transaction Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying the Results Disp
layed","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Results Disp
layed","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending T
ransaction Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transac
tion Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
' Spliting Filter Column Value
strFilterColumn = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterColumn","CUSIP"),";",-1,1
strFilterExpression = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP"),
strFilterValue = Split(DataTable.Value("FilterValue","CUSIP"),";",-1,1)
' Step 9, 10
Call FilterCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9, 10: Verifying if the Colum
n ' " & strFilterColumn(0) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column '" & strFilterC
olumn(0) & " ' is Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(0) & " an
d Value = " & strFilterValue(0)
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9, 10: Verifying if the Colu
mn ' " & strFilterColumn(0) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column ' " & strFilte
rColumn(0) &" ' is Not Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(0) &
" and Value = " & strFilterValue(0)
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10
Call FilterCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 11: Verifying if the Column '
" & strFilterColumn(1) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column '" & strFilterColu
mn(1) & " ' is Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(1) & " and V
alue = " & strFilterValue(1)
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11: Verifying if the Column
' " & strFilterColumn(1) & " ' is Filtered or Not","The Column ' " & strFilterCo
lumn(1) & " ' is Not Filtered with Expression : = " & strFilterExpression(1) & "
and Value = " & strFilterValue(1)
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW")= Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") + 1
' Step 12, 13, 14
Call MultipleFilterCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Tran
saction Report",DataTable.Value("FilterColumn","CUSIP"),DataTable.Value("FilterE
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12, 13, 14: Verifying if the
Columns are Filtered as per the Filter Criteria","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Va
lue("FilterColumn","CUSIP") & " ' are Filtered with Expression: = " & DataTable.
Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP") & " ' and Value = " & DataTable.Value("FilterV
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12, 13, 14: Verifying if the
Columns are Filtered as per the Filter Criteria","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Va
lue("FilterColumn","CUSIP") & " ' are Not Filtered with Expression: = " & DataTa
ble.Value("FilterExpression","CUSIP") & " ' and Value = " & DataTable.Value("Fil
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 15
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Rep
ort","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 15: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 15: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If

End Function

' Sort Operation
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC31()
'Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
' blnExistFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Tr
ansaction Search").WebElement("Sorry! Invalid access!").Exist(5)
' If blnExistFlag = "False" Then
' Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"The User ID does not have access t
o this link","The User ID does not have access to the Link " & DataTable.Value("
SelectPredefinedLink","CUSIP") & " and hence can't continue"
' Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
' Call Select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transac
tion Search","Home;DR Home")
' Exit Function
' End If
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transac
tion Search","CusipNo")
Call pageCheck_Image("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verfying if the Required F
ields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Search'","T
he Required Fields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transactio
n Search'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verfying if the Required F
ields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Search'","T
he Required Fields are NOT present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transa
ction Search'"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transacti
on Search","CusipNo",DataTable.Value("CUSIPNumber","CUSIP"))
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Sea
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Tran
saction Report")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Rep
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transact
ion Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pen
ding Transaction Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Requ
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending T
ransaction Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transac
tion Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If

' Step 9, 10:

Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transactio
n Report","TransactionNumber")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Re
port","Item","Transaction Number","Ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9, 10: Verifying if the Colum
n 'Transaction Number' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Transaction N
umber' is Sorted in Ascending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9, 10: Verifying if the Colum
n 'Transaction Number' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'Transaction Nu
mber' is Not Sorted in Ascending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 11, 12
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transactio
n Report","TransactionNumber")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Re
port","Item","Transaction Number","Descending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 11, 12: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Transaction Number' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'Transaction
Number' is Sorted in Descending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11, 12: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Transaction Number' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'Transaction
Number' is Not Sorted in Descending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 13, 14
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transactio
n Report","Name")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Re
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 13, 14: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'Name' is Sorted in Ascendin
g Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 13, 14: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'Name' is Not Sorted in Asce
nding Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 15, 16
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transactio
n Report","Name")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Re
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 15, 16: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'Name' is Sorted in Descend
ing Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 15, 16: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'Name' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column ' Name' is Not Sorted in De
scending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 17, 18
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transactio
n Report","DRBalance")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Re
port","Item","DR Balance","Ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 17, 18: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'DRBalance' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'DRBalance' is Sorted i
n Ascending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 17, 18: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'DRBalance' is sorted in Ascending Order","The Column 'DRBalance' is Not Sort
ed in Ascending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 19, 20
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transactio
n Report","DRBalance")
Call chkSortOrder("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Re
port","Item","DR Balance","Descending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 19, 20: Verifying if the Colu
mn DR Balance' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column 'DRBalance' is Sorted
in Descending Order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 19, 20: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'DR Balance' is sorted in Descending Order","The Column ' DRBalance' is Not S
orted in Descending Order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 21
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Rep
ort","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 21: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 21: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If

' Step 22
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transac
tion Search","CusipNo")
Call pageCheck_Image("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 22: Verfying if the Required
Fields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Search'","
The Required Fields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transacti
on Search'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 22: Verfying if the Required
Fields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Search'","
The Required Fields are NOT present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Trans
action Search'"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 23
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transacti
on Search","CusipNo",DataTable.Value("CUSIPNumber","CUSIP"))
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Sea
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Tran
saction Report")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Rep
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transact
ion Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pen
ding Transaction Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 23: Verifying the Results as
per the Search Criteria","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Req
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 23: Verifying the Results as
per the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 24, 25
Call SortCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Re
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 24, 25: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' CUSIP ' is Sorted in asce
nding order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 24, 25: Verifying if the Colu
mn 'CUSIP' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' CUSIP ' is Not Sorted in
ascending order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 26
Call SortCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Re
port","Sort","Transaction Number","ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 26: Verifying if the Column '
Transaction Number' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Transaction Numb
er ' is Sorted in ascending order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 26: Verifying if the Column '
Transaction Number' is Sorted in Ascending Order","The Column ' Transaction Numb
er ' is Not Sorted in ascending order"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 27, 28, 29
Call MultipleSortCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transa
ction Report","Sort",DataTable.Value("SortColumn","CUSIP"),DataTable.Value("Sort
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 27, 28, 29:Verifyin the Sort
Functionality","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Value("SortColumn","CUSIP") & " ' a
re Sorted in Order: = " & DataTable.Value("SortOrder","CUSIP")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 27, 28, 29:Verifyin the Sort
Functionality","The Columns ' " & DataTable.Value("SortColumn","CUSIP") & " '
are Not Sorted in Order: = " & DataTable.Value("SortOrder","CUSIP")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 30
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Rep
ort","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 30: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 30: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If

End Function

' Save As Excel
Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC32()
'Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7
Call chkPreDefinedReports("MasterFile","Reports - Pre-defined","Report",
' blnExistFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Tra
nsaction Search").WebElement("Sorry! Invalid access!").Exist(5)
' If blnExistFlag = "False" Then
' Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"The User ID does not have access t
o this link","The User ID does not have access to the Link " & DataTable.Value("
SelectPredefinedLink","CUSIP") & " and hence can't continue"
' Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
' Call Select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transac
tion Search","Home;DR Home")
' Exit Function
' End If
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transac
tion Search","CusipNo")
Call pageCheck_Image("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verfying if the Required F
ields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Search'","T
he Required Fields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transactio
n Search'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verfying if the Required F
ields are present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Search'","T
he Required Fields are NOT present in the Page 'Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transa
ction Search'"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transacti
on Search","CusipNo",DataTable.Value("CUSIPNumber","CUSIP"))
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Sea
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Tran
saction Report")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Rep
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transact
ion Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").Exist(5)
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pen
ding Transaction Report").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp and Report Headers are Dispalyed as Requ
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers are NOT Dispalyed as
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
intAppRowCount = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending T
ransaction Report").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intAppRowCount <2 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Number of Records","
There are No Records to Perform the Operation and hence can't continue Execution
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transac
tion Report","Home;DR Home")
Exit Function
End If
' Step 9 to 12
var_X = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transactio
n Report").WebElement("SaveAsExcel").GetROProperty("x")
var_Y = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transactio
n Report").WebElement("SaveAsExcel").GetROProperty("y")
Window("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer", "regexpwndclass:=I
EFrame").WinObject("regexpwndclass:=Internet Explorer_Server").Click var_X+10, v
Call SaveASExcel("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Rep
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9 to 12: Verifying if the Rep
ort is Exported to xls Successfully or Not","The Result is Exported to xls Succe
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9 to 12: Verifying if the Rep
ort is Exported to xls Successfully or Not","The Result is NOT Exported to xls S
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 13:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Pre-Defined CUSIP Pending Transaction Rep
ort","Home;DR Home")
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Depositary Receipt Division's").Exist(5)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 13: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 13: Verifying if the DR Home
Page is Displayed or NOT","DR Home Page is NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
End Function

Public Function MFReportsCUSIP_TC33()
'Step 1 to 6:
Call click_WebElement("MasterFile","Depositary Receipt Division's","Mast
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","MasterFile",DataTable.Value("MenuPath","C
' Step 7:
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","CusipName"
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkCUSIPSearchCriteria("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result")
Call chkReportHeader("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","CUSIP
blnFlag = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search Result").We
If blnFlag = "True" Then
strTimeStamp = Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Searc
h Result").WebElement("TimeStamp").GetROProperty("innertext")
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp dispalyed is " & strTimeStamp
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying the Time Stamp dispalyed
","The Time Stamp is Not dispalyed"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call chkResultinTable("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verifying if the Record are Genera
ted as per the Search Criteria","The Records are Generated with Name = "& DataTa
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verifying if the Record are Genera
ted as per the Search Criteria","The Records are Generated with Name = "& DataTa
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" And blnFlag = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp, Report Headers and the Search Criteria
are Dispalyed as Required"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Verifying the Results as p
er the Search Criteria","The time Stamp OR Report Headers OR the Search Criter
ia are NOT Dispalyed as Required"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 8:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTable.
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Verifying if the Page 'Rep
orts - CUSIP Search' is Displayed or Not","The Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search' is
Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Verifying if the Page 'Rep
orts - CUSIP Search' is Displayed or Not","The Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search' is
NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 9:
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW")= Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") +
Call set_WebEdit_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","CusipNo",D
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkResultinTable("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9: Verifying if the Record ar
e Generated as per the Search Criteria","The Records are Generated with CUSIP Nu
mber = "& DataTable.Value("CUSIPNumber","CUSIP")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9: Verifying if the Record ar
e Generated as per the Search Criteria","The Records are NOT Generated with CUSI
P Number = "& DataTable.Value("CUSIPNumber","CUSIP")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 10:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTable.
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10: Verifying if the Page 'Re
ports - CUSIP Search' is Displayed or Not","The Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search' is
Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Verifying if the Page 'Re
ports - CUSIP Search' is Displayed or Not","The Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search' is
NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 11:
Call Select_Combo_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","CusipType
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkResultinTable("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 11: Verifying if the Record a
re Generated as per the Search Criteria","The Records are Generated with Type =
"& DataTable.Value("CUSIPType","CUSIP")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 11: Verifying if the Record a
re Generated as per the Search Criteria","The Records are NOT Generated with Typ
e = "& DataTable.Value("CUSIPType","CUSIP")
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 12:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTable.
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 12: Verifying if the Page 'Re
ports - CUSIP Search' is Displayed or Not","The Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search' is
Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 12: Verifying if the Page 'Re
ports - CUSIP Search' is Displayed or Not","The Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search' is
NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 13:
Call Select_Combo_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","CusipType
Call Select_Combo_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","ActiveFla
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkResultinTable("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item
","Active Flag",DataTable.Value("ActiveFlagValue","CUSIP"))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 13: Verifying if the Record a
re Generated as per the Search Criteria","The Records are Generated with "& Dat
aTable.Value("CUSIPActiveFlag","CUSIP") & " Active Flag"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 13: Verifying if the Record a
re Generated as per the Search Criteria","The Records are NOT Generated with "&
DataTable.Value("CUSIPActiveFlag","CUSIP") & " Active Flag"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 14:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTable.
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 14: Verifying if the Page 'Re
ports - CUSIP Search' is Displayed or Not","The Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search' is
Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 14: Verifying if the Page 'Re
ports - CUSIP Search' is Displayed or Not","The Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search' is
NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 15
Call Select_Combo_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","CusipType
Call Select_Combo_Value("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Effective
Call click_Image("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Search")
Call ReportLoadWait("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item",
Call chkResultinTable("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result","Item
","Effective Flag",DataTable.Value("EffectiveFlagValue","CUSIP"))
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 15: Verifying if the Record a
re Generated as per the Search Criteria","The Records are Generated with "& Dat
aTable.Value("CUSIPEffectiveFlag","CUSIP") & " Effective Flag"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 15: Verifying if the Record a
re Generated as per the Search Criteria","The Records are NOT Generated with "&
DataTable.Value("CUSIPEffectiveFlag","CUSIP") & " Effective Flag"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log") = "True"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
' Step 16:
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search Result",DataTable.
If Browser("MasterFile").Page("Reports - CUSIP Search").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 16: Verifying if the Page 'Re
ports - CUSIP Search' is Displayed or Not","The Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search' is
Displayed Successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 16: Verifying if the Page 'Re
ports - CUSIP Search' is Displayed or Not","The Page 'Reports - CUSIP Search' is
NOT Displayed Successfully"
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "False"
End If
Call select_Menu("MasterFile","Reports - CUSIP Search","Home;DR Home")
End Function

'+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ End of Test C

ase +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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