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PAPER 2003-203


PVT Error Analysis for

Material Balance Calculations
R.O. Baker, C. Regier, R. Sinclair
Epic Consulting Services Ltd.

This paper is to be presented at the Petroleum Society’s Canadian International Petroleum Conference 2003, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, June 10 – 12, 2003. Discussion of this paper is invited and may be presented at the meeting if filed in writing with the
technical program chairman prior to the conclusion of the meeting. This paper and any discussion filed will be considered for
publication in Petroleum Society journals. Publication rights are reserved. This is a pre-print and subject to correction.

ABSTRACT performed using the erroneous PVT data and the

Very often non-representative/“untuned” PVT resulting original oil in place (OOIP) and, where
correlations or incorrect PVT data are selected for use in applicable, water influx (We). These error-influenced
material balance calculations. Although the effect of results were then compared to a base case. The effects of
pressure errors on material balance has been extensively different parameters on the errors in calculated OOIP
studied, there is very little discussion of the effect of PVT were examined, including introducing systematic error to
errors on material balance calculation in the petroleum only one PVT property at a time, and using PVT
engineering literature. This paper emphasizes the need to correlations in place of actual lab data. We also observed
make corrections to laboratory data or correlations to differences in calculated OOIP errors for different
field data. reservoir drive mechanisms.

This paper therefore addresses the accuracy of the The average error observed in the OOIP calculated
material balance calculations due to errors in PVT from a random +/-0 to 2% error introduced to all PVT
properties. Systematic and random errors were parameters varied from +/-2.7% for a solution gas drive
intentionally introduced into reservoir properties such as reservoir with a large total pressure drop, to +/-27.6%
oil, gas, and water formation volume factors (Bo, Bg, Bw), for a solution gas drive reservoir with a small total
solution gas oil ratio (Rs), bubble point pressure (Pb), and pressure drop. Results did not appear to depend directly
API gravity. The amount of systematic error introduced on reservoir drive mechanism, but rather were dependent
was +/-2 and +/-10 percent. A random error from +/-0 to on the degree of pressure support or total pressure drop
2% was applied to each PVT value to account for typical in the reservoir. The larger the decrease in reservoir
laboratory error. Material balance calculations were pressure, the less sensitiveOOIP calculations are to PVT
error. Also, solution GOR had by far the largest impact analysis of fluid samples. This reservoir has therefore not
of any PVT parameter on the material balance had any secondary recovery methods applied yet. The
calculations. These observations indicate systematic or PVT data for this reservoir was acquired using laboratory
random PVT error can cause significant inaccuracies analysis of fluid samples.
when using material balance to estimate OOIP and water
The second is also a solution gas drive system. This
influx in certain reservoir situations.
reservoir passed through the bubble point pressure during
Finally, this paper discusses the use of diagnostic its production history and has experience a large degree
plots such as OOIP versus time or cumulative oil, of pressure depletion throughout the field. The final
Havlena and Odeh, and measured versus calculated example reservoir is a combination drive reservoir with
pressures for showing the impact of error on OOIP an initial gas cap which provides most of the pressure
calculations. support for the reservoir.

Introduction of Systematic Errors

Laboratory events that may cause these types of error
To perform material balance calculations, production include instruments calibrated incorrectly or errors in
data, pressure data, PVT data, and any remaining measurement procedures (human error) (3).
reservoir characteristics are required. If any one of these
Systematic errors were introduced into the reservoir
data sets contains errors or inaccuracies, it will have an
PVT properties of the three example reservoirs in two
effect on the outcome of the material balance equation.
different ways:
This paper will investigate the effects and show the
consequences of these errors. • One PVT property contained error while all other
PVT properties were held constant at their true
Oil and gas companies earn revenue based on the
amount of oil or gas they produce; accordingly, oil and
gas production is in general measured quite accurately • All reservoir PVT properties contained error.
and the errors in production data are small. As production
An example of how systematic errors were defined is
data is acquired, it can be used to reduce the uncertainty
shown in Figure 1.
of prior original oil in place (OOIP) calculations. One of
the most commonly used techniques to re-evaluate the For all three cases (where the foregoing example
OOIP uses some form of a material balance calculation to reservoirs are respectively designated Case 1, 2, and 3),
estimate OOIP and production. The effects of pressure systematic errors included sets of values 2% and 10%
errors on material balance calculations have been above and below the true values of Rs, Bo, Bg, and Bw. As
examined by many different individuals, and are well, a 2% increase and decrease and a 5% increase and
relatively well documented(1,2). This paper will examine decrease in bubble point pressure were examined. Errors
the errors introduced to OOIP and water influx were calculated for each PVT parameter individually as
calculations when there are various systematic and well as all PVT parameters collectively.
random errors introduced into the PVT data for three For Case 2, in addition to systematic errors, the use of
example reservoirs.
correlations for values of Rs, Bo, and Bg individually in
place of the true values was examined. Trials were
CASE STUDIES performed using the correlation-generated data, and using
Three example reservoirs were selected for use in the the same correlation-generated data but with corrections
material balance calculation. The first is an Alberta applied based on the observed field production data for
Cardium solution gas drive system. This example the case. The latter method assumes that, because the
reservoir has shown little pressure depletion throughout reservoir is initially above the bubble point pressure, the
its history and its PVT data was acquired using laboratory initial production GOR is equal to the initial Rs. To adjust

the data, each Rs value is multiplied by the ratio of the gas cap volume more accurately than it will calculate
correlation-generated Rsi to the actual GOR determined OOIP. In other words, the error bars will be much smaller
Rsi. Thus the correlation-generated Rs values are adjusted for original gas in place (OGIP) than for the OOIP.
to reflect this initial GOR, and values for Bo are
A base case calculation was performed for each
readjusted accordingly.
reservoir using the existing PVT data to determine the
Introduction of Random Errors original oil in place and the water influx for each. The
Random errors were also introduced into the PVT data. base case calculations were later used to evaluate the
These errors were generated using a computer program percentage error in the OOIP and We calculations when
designed specifically for this purpose. The program erroneous PVT was used.
examined each PVT value and randomly selected a new Once error was introduced into the PVT properties, the
value, which was between +/-0 and 2% error from the new data sets were used to recalculate the MBE, which
correct value. The range of +/-0 to 2% was chosen provided the new OOIP and, in Case 3, water influx
because typical lab data typically accounts for a values. Systematic percentage errors were calculated for
maximum of +/-1% to 2% error in PVT measurements(4). all cases using Equation 3.
An example of random errors introduced into PVT
parameters is shown in Figure 2.
Trial Value - Base Case Value .....................................(3)
% Error =
The random error generation program was used to Base Case Value
create 20 sets of erroneous PVT data for each of the cases
examined. This allowed for enough trials to obtain a good Each random error trial was also evaluated using
average of how random errors in PVT data can affect Equation 3. However, the random error trials were all
material balance results. averaged together for each case study using the formula:

Calculation Method T

The general form of the material balance equation  % Error , ...........................................(4)

n =1
% Absolute Error =
(MBE) is commonly expressed as: T

È Ê Bg ˆ Êc S +c ˆ ˘ where “n” represents the trial number and “T” is the total
N Í(Bo - Boi )+ (R si - R s )Bg + mBoi ÁÁ - 1˜˜ + (1 + m )Boi ÁÁ w wc f ˜DP ˙ + We
˜ ˙
ÍÎ Ë Bgi ¯ Ë 1 - Swc ¯ ˚ number of trials.

= Np (Bo + (Rp – Rs)) Bg + Wp – Wi – Gi Bgi.............. (1) Results of Systematic Error Trials

Case 1
Examining Equation 1 reveals that there are several As indicated, the first case examined was a solution
components of material balance that can cause errors in gas drive Cardium pool located in Alberta, Canada.
the result. The error in OOIP (N in Equation 1) depends Historically, the pressure depletion is relatively small,
on drive mechanism, total pressure drop in the reservoir, having fallen only 14% from initial reservoir pressure.
pressure measurement accuracy, PVT accuracy, and The pool’s pressure profile is shown in Figure 3. The
production measurement accuracy, or in equation form: reservoir fluid approaches the character of a volatile oil,
considering the values of Bo (e.g., Bob > 2.0 as shown in
±OOIP = f (drive mechanism, DP, Pressure errors, PVT Figure 6), with an API gravity of 46.1°. The average
errors, Production data errors)......................................... (2) reservoir porosity is 12%. This pool started producing in
1974 and secondary recovery methods have not yet been
Drive mechanism is a major influence on the error in
applied to the reservoir because of the relatively low
OOIP. For example, if a reservoir is under the influence
pressure depletion.
of a strong gas cap drive mechanism, gas cap expansion
will dominate the MBE. Thus, the MBE should calculate

The MBE calculated a base case OOIP of 27.6 MMstb, 1 is that there is a much greater degree of pressure
which agrees reasonably closely with the government depletion and in fact the pressure profile passes through
record of 30 MMstb. the bubble point (see Figure 7). This case is a textbook
example from Dake(5). The pool is a tight (K ~5mD),
The pool has produced about 800 Mstb during primary
naturally fractured chalk reservoir located in Texas. The
production resulting in a recovery factor to date of about
MBE calculated a base case OOIP of 568 MMstb, which
3%. The production profile and drive indices plots are
agrees closely with the value in the textbook of
shown in Figures 4 and 5.
570 MMstb. This reservoir oil is also somewhat volatile
The drive indices plot shown in Figure 5 indicates that (Bob = 1.85 rbbl/stb).
the solution gas drive mechanism is the dominant drive
The pool has produced 86.4 Mstb during its production
index for this system.
history resulting in a recovery factor to date of about
The Bo versus pressure is plotted in Figure 6 and 15%. The production profile and drive indices plots are
shown to indicate the volatility of the reservoir oil, as shown in Figures 8 and 9.
suggested before. The oil formation volume factor
The drive indices plot for Case 2 indicates a dominant
reaches a maximum value at the bubble point of 2.13.
solution gas drive mechanism for this system as shown in
The systematic errors introduced to the PVT data Figure 9. Compressible drive energy is also noticeable,
resulted in a range of errors in calculated OOIP and water but its influence decreases once the bubble point pressure
influx values. Table 1 summarizes the systematic error is reached (in July 1996).
results for Case 1.
Errors in OOIP were also noticed in Case 2. Table 2
It can be observed from Table 1 that errors in Rs summarizes the systematic error results for Case 2.
dominate the errors in OOIP; nevertheless, errors in Bo
Since the reservoir pressure in Case 2 drops below the
and Pb are also quite significant. When all PVT values are
bubble point, the effect of introducing error into Bg was
increased by 10%, the error in OOIP is negative, just as
also examined. As expected, results showed that it has an
the error in OOIP is when Rs alone is increased. This
impact in this case.
effect is mirrored for the trials where all PVT and Rs
alone are decreased. In Table 2, variances in Rs dominate the errors, but in
this case it is even more pronounced (in proportion to the
The smaller errors for the trials when all PVT values
magnitudes of the other errors) than in Case 1. The
are raised or lowered can be explained by observing that
creation of a secondary gas cap is potentially the source
errors in Bo have the opposite effect on OOIP than errors
of this difference between the two cases. This example
in Rs. Thus, when both parameters are changed together,
also shows that an increase in Rs causes a decrease in
the effects of one parameter act to offset the effects of the
OOIP, and vice versa.
Errors in PVT Correlations
Finally, we note that for most of the Case 1 systematic
error trials, a +/-2% or +/-10% PVT error resulted in a Trials were also conducted using “uncorrected” and
much higher degree of error in OOIP. In other words, “corrected” correlations in place of various PVT
there was an amplification of PVT error (% error in OOIP parameters for Case 2. The corrected versions were
> % error in PVT). This result is due to the relatively obtained by matching the solution GOR. Table 3 shows
small total pressure drop experienced by the Case 1 the resulting errors in OOIP using correlations in place of
reservoir over its production life. actual Rs data for Case 2.

Case 2 Use of any of the correlations resulted in substantial

The second case examined was also a solution gas errors if they were not corrected to match solution GOR.
drive reservoir. The difference Case 2 compared to Case However, when the corrections were applied, the
resulting OOIP values calculated were much closer to the

true value. Because the oil in this example is a lighter When systematic error was applied to Bw in Case 3,
Texas oil, the Lasater (for Rs) and Dindoruk (for Bo) very little error in OOIP and We was observed. Error in
correlations (both tuned to that type of crude) are the OOIP was minimal, ranging +/-0.4%. The error in the
most appropriate in this case. calculated water influx was also minimal compared to
Cases 1 and 2. Error in We was +/-7% when compared to
Table 4 summarizes errors in OOIP calculated for
the base case. The explanation as to why Bw has such a
Case 2 when various Bo correlations were used in place
minimal effect on the MBE is that Bw is only encountered
of the actual PVT data.
in the underground removal term of the MBE. Although
The results listed in Table 4 indicate that Bo the water formation volume factor introduces error into
correlations do not cause major errors in OOIP calculated the water production and injection values, considering
using material balance, especially if the correlation used that Bw is usually a small number (Bw ª 1.01), a +/-2% or
is the most applicable to the type of oil being studied. +/-10% error in Bw is trivial to the overall MBE.
Case 3 Errors in Bo did not significantly impact the OOIP
The final reservoir examined has a combination drive calculated in Case 3 as compared to errors in Rs. Error in
mechanism with an initial gas cap. The reservoir is Bo did, however, have the greatest impact on the water
located in the Westerose Field in central Alberta, Canada. influx calculated when it was increased or decreased by
The pool’s pressure profile is shown in Figure 10. It is a 10%.
light oil with a gravity of 42° API. The initial gas cap has
a free gas to oil volume ratio m ~ 0.48. This pool started
producing in 1954 and has had gas and water injection as
secondary recovery methods. The MBE calculated a base Discussion
case OOIP of 188 MMstb, which agrees closely with the Table 6 lists the maximum, minimum, and average
known value of 185 MMstb. errors in OOIP over the 20 random error trials for each of
the three cases.
The reservoir has produced a total of 146 MMstb of oil
and 269 Bscf of gas. The recovery factor to date is The errors in Case 1 were much larger than the errors
approximately 79% OOIP. observed for Cases 2 and 3. As noted, the explanation for
this is that the pressure drops over the production history
The production profile and drive indices plots are
in Cases 2 and 3 were much larger than the pressure
shown in Figures 11 and 12.
drops over the production history of Case 1. The larger
The drive indices plot shows that there is influence pressure drops in Cases 2 and 3 mean that the differences
from solution gas, the gas cap, and the aquifer. However, in PVT values used to calculate the OOIP over various
the gas cap influence is the most significant. The aquifer points in the production history are larger in proportion to
provides only moderate support. the size of the errors; thus, the errors in the PVT values
have less of an impact on the overall result. Case 3 had
Systematic error results for OOIP and We are shown in
the lowest errors in OOIP due to randomly induced PVT
Table 5.
errors because it is the least volatile of the three oils and
In Case 3, it is evident that the systematic errors in Bg also had a substantial pressure decrease. As previously
have a huge impact on OOIP. This is to be expected for noted in the Case 1 discussion, lack of pressure drop
this case: the reservoir was initially at the bubble point amplifies errors in PVT (%error in OOIP > % error in
pressure, and there was a large primary gas cap (m = PVT); in Cases 2 and 3 with larger pressure drops
0.48). Also, the most significant drive mechanism for this (greater than 30%), the error in PVT is roughly equal to
reservoir is gas cap expansion, indicating that the MBE the error in OOIP.
should be much more sensitive to Bg than to the other

Diagnosing Errors which are more heavily weighted and therefore the error
If there are sufficient pressure measurement points, it is dampened and not as visible(8).
is convenient to use a plot such as OOIP versus time(6) (or Another diagnostic tool used to evaluate the accuracy
cumulative oil produced), pressure versus time, or of the MBE is a plot of both actual pressure (field data)
Havlena and Odeh(7) to show the amount of total error in and calculated pressure (from MBE) versus time.
the OOIP values calculated, and thus to help indicate the Generally, if there is a good pressure match between the
magnitude of errors that may exist in PVT values, two curves, there can be more confidence in the MBE.
pressure measurements, and production. It is also very Shown in Figure 15 is a plot of measured pressure and
common that, on plots of OOIP versus time or cumulative calculated pressure for Case 2. Initially, the curves do not
oil, the early time points show a wide range of OOIP, but match exactly due to some uncertainty in OOIP. Once
with elapsed time or pressure depletion, the that range of this uncertainty (error) is minimized, the match between
OOIP narrows. Figure 13 shows a plot containing two the pressures significantly improves.
sets of OOIP versus time data for Case 2. One data set
(the more consistent one) is the calculation of OOIP at
each time interval using the actual PVT data for Case 2.
The other (more erratic) data set is the same plot with The results from this work indicate that the impact of
random +/-0 to 2% errors in the PVT data. PVT errors on material balance calculations can be
significant if the decrease in reservoir pressure over the
Note that, for each data set, the initial computed OOIP production history of the reservoir is quite small, or if the
values in Figure 13 are generally too high, but as time oil is highly volatile. These results are also a good
progresses, the material balance calculation settles out to indication of one of the reasons why a reservoir should
its reasonably consistent value. This is because the have a significant amount of production and pressure loss
reservoir initially has only experienced a small total before it becomes a good candidate for analysis using the
pressure drop at these early points in time, and therefore MBE.
small errors in PVT or pressure measurements are greatly
amplified during the initial part of the curve. This is Making use of available information such as
another demonstration of how material balance production data, results from infill drilling and
calculations can contain large errors for reservoirs with a surveillance measurements (current reservoir pressure
small total pressure drop, and how large pressure drops and contact levels), as well as ensuring that the PVT data
help make the material balance more accurate. for the field agrees with that from the production data can
help to narrow down the possible results for a material
From Figure 13, it is also easy to see that random balance calculation. It is also important to compare initial
errors in the PVT data translate into random errors in the produced gas oil ratio to PVT data and make necessary
computed OOIP with time and wider error bars for OOIP. corrections(9). Using diagnostic plots such as OOIP versus
The Havlena and Odeh plot shown in Figure 14 time, Havlena and Odeh, or calculated pressure with
demonstrates the effect of PVT error as well. We have measured pressure can help indicate how much error
found the use of Havlena and Odeh plots to be a valuable there is in a material balance calculation, and therefore
diagnostic tool when examining results from the MBE can help determine the reliability of the results of the
solution. When error was introduced into the PVT data, calculation.
the curve did not fit the data as accurately. Caution must While software packages exist that greatly simplify the
be used when interpreting the plot. Unlike an OOIP task of performing material balance calculations, these
versus time plot, where the uncertainty in OOIP can be packages cannot be used blindly. A reservoir engineer
clearly seen, the uncertainty shown on a Havlena and must have a good understanding of the fundamentals of
Odeh plot is not as obvious. This is due to the later points the MBE, and apply this knowledge to the software
package to produce the best results in cases with small

pressure depletion. In particular, this applies to the REFERENCES
selection and adjustments of any correlations used in the 1. Walsh, M.P., “Effect of Pressure Uncertainty on Material-
calculations. Balance Plots,” SPE paper 56691, 1999.

2. McEwan, C.R., “Material Balance Calculations with Water

NOMENCLATURE Influx in the Presence of Uncertainty in Pressures,” SPEJ,
N = volume of original oil in place in the reservoir, June 1962.

stb 3. Williams, J.M., “Getting the Best Out of Fluid Samples,”

Bo = oil formation volume factor, rbbl/stb JPT, September 1994.
Boi = initial oil formation volume factor, rbbl/stb 4. Bu, T. and Damsleth, E., “Errors and Uncertainties in
Rsi = initial solution gas oil ratio, scf/stb Reservoir Performance Predictions,” SPE paper 30604
Rs = solution gas oil ratio scf/stb presented at the 1995 SPE Annual Technical Conference
Bg = gas formation volume factor, rbbl/scf and Exhibition, Dallas, TX, October 22-25, 1995.
m = ratio of the volume of the initial reservoir gas 5. Dake, L..P., The Practice of Reservoir Engineering, Elsevier
cap to the volume of the original oil in place, Science B.V., 1994.
6. Campbell, J.M.: Oil Property Evaluation, Prentice-Hall Inc,
Bgi = initial gas formation volume factor in the
September 1959.
reservoir, rbbl/scf
cw = compressibility of the water in the aquifer,psi-1 7. Havlena, D. and Odeh, A.S., “The Material Balance as an
Equation of a Straight Line—Part II, Field Cases,” JPT, July
Swc = connate water saturation, fraction
cf = compressibility of the formation rock, psi-1
∆P = change in volumetric average reservoir pressure, 8. Tehrani. D.H., “An Analysis of Volumetric Balance
Equation for Calculation of Oil-in Place and Water Influx,”
SPE paper 5990.
We = cumulative water influx, rbbl
Np = cumulative volume of oil produced, stb 9. Clark, N.J., “Adjusting Oil Sample Data for Reservoir
Rp = ratio of cumulative gas produced to cumulative Studies,” JPT, February 1962.
oil produced, scf/stb 10. Wang, B., and Hwan, R.R., and Bowman II, G.W.
Wp = cumulative produced water, stb “OILWAT: Microcomputer Program for Oil Material
Wi = cumulative injected water, stb Balance With Gascap and Water Influx,” SPE paper 24437
Gi = cumulative injected gas, scf presented at the Seventh SPE Petroleum Computer
Conference, Houston, TX, July 19-22, 1992.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 11. Pletcher, J.L., “Improvements to Reservoir Material Balance
The authors would like to acknowledge the fine Methods,” SPE paper 62882 presented at the 2000 SPE
contributions of many individuals in the reservoir Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, TX,
engineering literature regarding the techniques of October 1-4, 2000.

material balance analysis as well as the Alberta 12. Carlson, M.R., “Tips, Tricks and Traps of Material Balance
Energy and Utilities Board for providing an excellent Calculations,” JCPT, December 1997.
database for production data. The authors would also like 13. Galas, C.M.F., “Confidence Limits of Reservoir Parameters
to acknowledge Eric Denbina and Trisha Anderson for by Material Balance,” paper 94-035 presented at the 45th
their assistance and many helpful suggestions in making Annual Technical meeting of the Petroleum Society of CIM,
this paper a reality. Calgary, AB, June 12-15, 1994.

14. Epic Consulting Services Ltd., “Theory and Practice of

Material Balance User Manual,” internal company
publication, 2001; Public version, May 2002.

15. Craft, B.C. and Hawkins, M.F., Applied Petroleum
Reservoir Engineering, Second Edition revised by R.E.
Terry, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991.

16. Hwan, R.R., “Improved Material Balance Calculations by

Coupling with a Statistics-Based History Matching
Program”, SPE 26244, presented at SPE Petroleum
Computer Conference, New Orleans, July 11-14, 1993.

Trial Error In OOIP
All PVT +10% -6.5%
All PVT -10% 8.0%
Rs +10% -28.3%
Rs -10% 54.7%
Bo +10% 38.8%
Bo -10% -24.6%
Pb +2% -18.1%
Pb -2% -4.7%
Table 1: Systematic Case 1 Trials and Result

Trial Error In OOIP

All PVT +10% -16.0%
All PVT -10% 22.5%
Rs +10% -16.0%
Rs -10% 22.5%
Bo +10% 10.0%
Bo -10% -8.6%
Bg +10% -7.9%
Bg -10% 11.3%
Pb +2% -3.5%
Pb -2% 11.1%
Table 2: Systematic Case 2 Trials and Results

OOIP Error for OOIP Error for

Rs Correlation
Uncorrected Corrected
Correlation Correlation
Standing 121.3% 56.9%
Vasquez & Beggs 194.7% 50.3%
Lasater 66.1% 9.4%
Petrosky 257.0% 42.4%
Dindoruk 46.3% -1.24%
Table 3: Errors in OOIP Using Correlations for Rs

Bo Correlation Used OOIP Error

Standing -3.3%
Vasquez & Beggs -8.3%
Petrosky -14.2%
Dindoruk 0.9%
Table 4: Errors in OOIP Using Correlations for Bo

Trial OOIP Error We Error
All PVT +10% -7.9% 39.7%
All PVT -10% 9.7% -39.7%
Rs +10% -9.4% -45.5%
Rs -10% 10.6% 48.7%
Bo +10% 1.2% 88.1%
Bo -10% -1.3% -87.6%
Bg +10% 17.1% -394.0%
Bg -10% 2.4% 196.4%
Bw +10% 0.4% -6.9%
Bw -10% -0.4% 6.8%
Table 5: Systematic Case 3 Trials and Results

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Maximum 56.9% 9.5% -2.4%
Minimum 0.0% 0.2% 0.1%
Average 27.4% 3.0% 1.2%
Table 6: Max, Min, and Average Random Errors for OOIP for each Case for ±2% PVT Error

+10% ofTrue value

True value
-10% of True value

Bubble pt.

Figure 1: Example of Systematic Error

True value

Bubble pt.

Figure 2: Example of Random Error

Pressure vs Time
Pressure (psia)

1973 1975 1976 1978 1979 1980 1982 1983

Figure 3: Pressure Profile of Case 1 Reservoir

Cumulative Production
Oil Water Gas

900 2,000
Liquid Production

700 1,500
Gas Production


200 500
0 0
1973 1976 1979 1982 1984

Figure 4: Cumulative Production for Case 1

Calculated Drive Indices
Solution Gas Gas Cap Sum Indices



Drive Indices 0.8




1974 1975 1977 1978 1979 1981 1982

Figure 5: Drive Indices Plot for Case 1

Bo vs. Pressure


1.5 Bo



0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Pressure (psia)

Figure 6: Plot of Bo vs. Pressure for Case 1

Pressure vs Time
Pressure (psia)

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Figure 7: Pressure Profile for Case 2

Cumulative Production
Oil Gas
100 300000

Gas Production (MMscf)

80 250000

Liquid Production

20 50000

0 0
1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2001

Figure 8: Cumulative Production for Case 2

Calculated Drive Indices vs Time

Solution Gas Compressible Sum Indices

Drive Indices

1995 1995 1996 1997 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000

Figure 9: Drive Indices Plot for Case 2

Pressure vs Time

Pressure (psia)





1954 1960 1966 1972 1978 1984 1990 1996

Figure 10: Pressure Profile for Case 3

Cumulative Production
Oil Water Gas
160 300

Gas Production (Bscf)


Liquid Production
100 200
(MMstb) 80 150
60 100
20 50

0 0
1952 1957 1962 1968 1973 1979 1984 1990 1995 2001

Figure 11: Cumulative Production for Case 3

Calculated Drive Indices

Soln' Gas Gas Cap Water Sum Indices


Drive Indices




1952 1957 1962 1968 1973 1979 1984 1990 1995

Figure 12: Calculated Drive Indices for Case 3

(OOIP) MB=570MMstb
= 570MMstb

(OOIP) MB=568MMstb

Figure 13: OOIP vs. Time for Case 2, With and Without PVT Error

F vs Et
No error in PVT Error in PVT

F (bbl)
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70
Figure 14: Halvena and Odeh Plot for Case 2

Field vs. Calculated Pressure

Field Values Calculated
Pressure (psia)

1994 1996 1997 1998 2000

Figure 15: Field vs. Calculated Pressure for Case 2


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