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Chapter 7 Questions

Read pages 122-139 and answer the following questions.

1) Victory in the seven years war made Britain master of what? In what ways
was it painful for Britain?

Victory made Britain the master of a vastly enlarged imperial domain in North
America; however it was painfully expensive to keep the troops placed on the
Americans frontier.

2) What was the idea of republicanism?

The idea of republicanism is that people fix things for the common good of all
people and not just one group of people. Therefore the government and society
depended on the virtue of citizenry. The people selflessness, self- sufficiency and
civic involvement.

3) What did the radical Whigs warn against?

Warned them to watch for corruption and be eternally vigilant against possible

4) What was the theory of mercantilism all about? More importantly how did it
benefit the “mother country”?

Mercantilism is the theory that a countries power is directly related to how much
money they have. Since Britain possessing the colonies the Britain could export
more then it imported because the colonies could provide Britain with foreign

5) What were the three parts of the Navigation Laws?

Had to import goods only on British ships, European goods destined for America
first had to be landed in Britain, and American merchants must ship certain
products exclusively to Britain even though prices were better elsewhere

6) How were the Americans expected to make up the unfavorable balance of

trade the colonies had with Britain?

In hard cash, which was usually illegally earned from trade with Spanish and
French west indies, creating a money shortage.

7) What “royal veto” did the colonist deeply resent?

If the laws passed by the colonial legislator had anything against the mercantile
system the law could be royally vetoed.

8) How did colonies get around the Navigation Laws?

They protested and they smuggled

9) What were the benefits and hindrances of the mercantilist system for the

It created a money shortage for Currency the colonies usually imported more
from Britain there Americans also reaped direct benefit if the colonies were
all for the British crown .for creating a bad favorable balance of trade.

10) Who was George Grenville?

A prime minster, which imposed the stamp act and the sugar act.

11) What did Sugar Act of 1764 do? How did the colonists react to it and
what did Parliament do when they witnessed the colonial reaction?

The sugar act was the first tax in America raising taxes; it raised the coast
and increased the duty of sugar imported from West Indies.

12) What did the Quartering Act of 1765 do?

The measure required certain colonist to house solders and provide food for
them and shelter.

13) What did the Stamp Act do?

Mandated that colonists stamp almost every piece of paper and pay taxes for it.

14) How were violators of the Sugar and Stamp Acts handled legally? Why
did these Acts upset

15) Colonists?

These acts upset the colonist because they saw it as a direct attack on their

16) What cry arouse with the Stamp Act?

“No Taxation without Representation”

17) How did English Prime Minister Grenville’s “virtual representation”

theory seek to justify Parliament’s taxing power?

Greenville claimed that all the British parliament people represented every British
citizen even those of America therefore the colonist were represented and could be

18) Why was the Stamp Act Congress held? Where was it held and who
Because they drew up a document of grievances to get the stamp act repealed, it
was held in New York and 27 distinguished delegates from nine different colonies.

19) What were the colonial “non-importation” agreements?

Was a protest where American good were used instead of importing British Textiles?

20) How did the sons and Daughters of Liberty enforce the non-importation

They tarred and feathered British officials and led patriotic mobs to ransack
houses of unpopular officials, confiscated their money and etc…

21) Why did Parliament repeal the Stamp Act?

What did they pass in the Stamp Act’s place, and what did the new law

All stamp agents had been forced to resign and Britain was hit hard, however
Britain passed the declaratory acts reaffirming that parliament’s right to bind the
colonies to Britain.

22) What were the Townshend Duties all about? Was it a direct or indirect

The Townshend acts were indirect and the most important of these new legislations
were light import duty on glasses, white lead, paper, paint, etc.

23) What were the Townshend Acts earmarked for?

Earmarked to pay the salaries of the royal government and judges in America.

24) How did the colonist get around smuggling?

25) How did Parliament hope to stop smuggling?

By charging them in a federal court.

26) What happened on March 5, 1770?

The Boston massacre

27) Who were Crispus Attucks and John Adams? How did they appear on
the scene of American history?

28) Who was the King of England at this time?

29) Who was Lord North?

30) When Parliament repealed the Townshend Acts what new tax did they

31) Who was Sam Adams?

32) What were the committees of correspondence?

33) What monopoly was he British East India Company given? Why did this
upset the colonist?

34) What happened on December 16, 1773? How did Parliament respond?

35) What was the Boston Port Act? What were the parts of the other
Intolerable Acts?

36) What was the Quebec Act? Why did colonists not like the Act?

37) What colonial meeting was called to discuss the Intolerable Acts?

38) What colonies attended the First Continental Congress? How many
delegates went?

39) What was The Association?

40) What happened at Lexington and Concord?

41) What advantages and disadvantages would Great Britain have if a war
came against their American colonist? Read page 135-136 really well and
make a chart.

42) What advantages / disadvantages would the American colonists have if

war came against the mother country of Great Britain? Read page 136 really
well and make a chart?

43) What leaders were emerging for the colonist?

44) What did “not worth a continental” mean?

45) What two types of troops did the colonists have?

46) What happened at Valley Forge?

47) How did Blacks serve the colonial cause?

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