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Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215

Theory of dielectric relaxation in non-crystalline solids:

from a set of micromotions to the averaged collective
motion in the mesoscale region
R.R. Nigmatullin
Department of Theoretical Physics, Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya str., 18, Kazan, 420008, Tatarstan, Russian Federation
Received 23 October 2004; received in revised form 8 January 2005; accepted 8 January 2005


Based on the rather general decoupling procedure that reduces a set of micromotions to the averaged collective
motion in the mesoscale region, a consistent and general theory of dielectric relaxation describing a wide set of dielectric
spectroscopy (DS) data measured in a certain frequency/temperature range can be developed. The new theory explains
and generalizes the Vogel–Fulcher–Tamman (VFT) equation and leads to the new type of kinetic equation, containing
non-integer operators of differentiation and integration combined in the specific triads. Each triad combines three
operators: the first non-integer operator has a real exponent, the other two form a pair of non-integer operators having
the complex conjugate power-law exponents. This approach explains naturally the ‘universal response’ (UR)
phenomenon discovered by Jonscher in a wide class of heterogeneous materials and confirms the justified data-curve
fitting approach developed previously as a phenomenological tool for the analysis of raw complex permittivity data. It
explains and generalizes some well-established experimental facts and contains also new predictions that can be verified
in the experiment. This general approach helps to find the proper place for the DS as a science studying the different
types of the ‘reduced’ collective motions and their various interactions with each other in the mesoscale region. This new
theory explains also the fact why kinetic equations containing non-integer operators are realized in reality. They are
necessary for description of slow collective motions which are probably realized in the intermediate range of scales not
only in DS. Reology and mechanical relaxation represent also interesting and not well-understood phenomena, where
the ‘fractional’ kinetics will find its proper place.
r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 61.25.Em; 77.22.Gm; 02.60.Ed; 06.20.Dk; 07.05.Kf

Keywords: Theory of dielectric relaxation of non-crystalline materials; The generalized reind/recap element; Kinetic equations with
non-integer real and complex-conjugate exponents

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0921-4526/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

202 R.R. Nigmatullin / Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215

1. Introduction a wide class of glass-forming systems and other

non-crystalline materials.
Despite substantial progress in experimental 3. It should explain why empirical expressions
measurements in dielectric spectroscopy (DS) [1] suggested previously by Cole and Cole or Cole
the modern state of the theory of dielectric relaxa- and Davidson [2] chosen for the analytical
tion remains unsatisfactory. At present (as before) a description of complex permittivity fit closely
number of empirical relationships exist in order to fit certain DS data.
the broadband dielectric spectra of a wide class of 4. It should explain the ‘universal’ response phe-
heterogeneous materials. The most popular empiri- nomenon discovered by Jonscher [5] and ob-
cal expression which is used to describe the general- served in a wide class of heterogeneous materials.
ized broadened asymmetric relaxation loss peak is 5. This theory should describe the measured
the Havriliak–Negami (HN) expression [2] complex permittivity of numerous heteroge-
neous materials in a wide frequency/tempera-
HN ðjoÞ ¼ 0 ðoÞ  j00 ðoÞ ture range.
s  1 6. The suggested theory should not contradict the
¼ 1 þ . ð1Þ
ð1 þ ðjotÞn Þb basic principles of the existing theory of non-
equilibrium processes.
Here, HN ðjoÞ is the HN complex permittivity with
real and imaginary components 0 ðoÞ and 00 ðoÞ;
respectively. Traditionally, the measured permittiv- Only if these points are satisfied, the new theory
ity-frequency data are interpreted and analyzed can be valid for the treatment of experimental data
quantitatively using expression (1) or its linear and practical applications in the modern broad-
combinations. However, in this description the band dielectric spectroscopy.
fitting parameters n and b are empirical and the Thus, the construction of such a theory (which
desired relationship with structural or microscopic should be derived from the first principles) is the
motion parameters of the material considered is not basic problem of the DS.
known. The main object of this paper is to develop a new
Other approaches such as the mode-coupling theory of dielectric relaxation satisfying the require-
theory [3] and the concentration fluctuation model ments mentioned above. Our consideration is based
[4] allow one to understand qualitatively only a on the Mori–Zwanzig formalism [6]; however, the
part of the dielectric spectra of glass-forming decoupling procedure for the memory function is
systems and at present they cannot be used for new and original. It uses a hypothesis connecting the
the description of the measured complex permit- self-similar cluster structure of a medium and is valid
tivity in a wide frequency/temperature range for for some intermediate (mesoscale) region located
other heterogeneous materials. between omin n and oMxx frequencies, respectively.
In our opinion, any new theory providing a One can prove mathematically that summation over
description of the given dielectric spectrum in a partly correlated self-similar clusters constructing a
broad frequency range should satisfy the following possible structure for a heterogeneous medium,
conditions: where microprocesses of relaxation/exchange (they
will be specified below) with thermostat occur, leads
in the frequency domain to the generalized element
1. It should explain how the numerous micro- coinciding with the memory function and having the
scopic motions observed in disordered materials following analytical expression:
may be reduced to a few power-law exponents
occurring in analytical expressions for the K 1 ðjoÞ ¼ K 0 þ C 0 ðjoÞ n
complex permittivity chosen for the fitting of þ C 1 ðjoÞ nþjhOi þ C n1 ðjoÞ njhOi . ð2Þ
the measured data.
2. It should explain the empirical Vogel–Fulcher– It is natural to define this function as the general-
Tamman (VFT) equation, which is observed in ized (when hOia0) impedance function describing

R.R. Nigmatullin / Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215 203

the behavior of the so-called reind (resistance+in- of kinetic properties of complex systems [11–14].
ductance, n40) and recap (resistance+capacitance, In DS this approach was applied recently to the
no0) two-pole element, respectively. Below we shall description of the properties of water molecules
use the abbreviation, the generalized recap/reind [15]. The chain of equations for an arbitrary time
element (GRE), for the memory function satisfying correlation function (in our case proportional to
relationship (2). Here, the frequency o is located in the total polarization) can be written as [15,16]
the interval omin ooooMxx : The temperature- Z t
dependent constants K0, C0, C1 are determined by dPðtÞ
¼ k1 ðt  uÞPðuÞ du,
a microscopic function, describing the relaxation/ dt t0
Z t
exchange process of a correlated cluster of dipoles dk1 ðtÞ
¼ k2 ðt  uÞk1 ðuÞ du,
with a thermostat. The power-law exponent n with dt t0
possible complex part hOi determines the complex
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, ð4Þ
fractal dimension of the self-similar region con-
sidered. This basic mathematical result allows one where k1(t), k2(t) are the memory functions of the
to justify linear kinetic equation for the macro- corresponding orders including the equilibrium
scopic polarization P(t) containing non-integer frequency moments. The basic problem in using
operators of differentiation and integration: the Mori–Zwanzig formalism is to make a reason-
n able decoupling ansatz for the memory function in
tnkk Dnt0k ½PðtÞ  Pðt0 Þ þ PðtÞ ¼ 0: (3) order to truncate the infinite chain of integro-
k¼1 differential equations.
Here, P(t) is the total polarization, Dnt0 the Having in mind the confirmation of the DCFA
Riemann–Liouville fractional integral (no0) or developed in Refs. [8–10] from the basic statistical
derivative (n40) [7]. Initially, this type of linear principles, we present the first equation in the form
kinetic equation was developed as a phenomen- Z t
ological approach. It follows from a data-curve PðtÞ  Pðt0 Þ þ Mðt  uÞPðuÞ du ¼ 0,
fitting approach (DCFA), developed initially as a Z t
phenomenological tool for analysis of raw di- MðtÞ ¼ ðt  uÞk1 ðuÞ du. ð5Þ
electric data [8–10]. The procedure of reduction of t0
a set of partly correlated micromotions to the The reason for such presentation is that the
averaged collective motion described by the mem- Mori–Zwanzig equations cannot describe broa-
ory function (2) helps one to understand many dened dielectric spectra. Any attempt to recover
hidden features of dielectric relaxation for a wide the broadened spectra from the Mori–Zwanzig
range of heterogeneous materials and to prove that equations presented in form (4) for different
dielectric relaxation in disordered materials takes memory functions was unsuccessful [17]. Probably,
place on an intermediate (mesoscale) interval it is related to the fact that in nature there is a wide
(omin ooooMxx ). It is described in many cases class of processes which are changed more slowly
by kinetic equations of form (3) or its general- in comparison with the velocity of a relaxation
izations containing a set of non-integer operators process, which is usually associated with the first
with real and complex-conjugate exponents. derivative. Such relaxation process should be
described by kinetic equation with a derivative
less than the first order
2. Decoupling of the memory function and Dn0 tn PðtÞ þ PðtÞ ¼ 0. (6)
reduction of a set of micromotions to the averaged
collective motion in the region of mesoscale Eq. (6) leads in the frequency domain to the well-
known Cole–Cole expression for the complex
It is well-known that the Mori–Zwanzig theory susceptibility [18]. Such type of kinetic equations
[6] has many important applications in description cannot be derived directly from the conventional

204 R.R. Nigmatullin / Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215

Mori–Zwanzig formalism [19] and new investiga- with KpP+1 and the polynomial in the denomi-
tions in this direction are necessary. nator has only a negative and complex-conjugate
In this paper, we suggest a rather general root.
decoupling procedure related to the calculation Case (a): ReðzÞ51ðc0 ¼ a0 =b0 ; c1 ¼ a1 =b0 
of the memory function M(t). Thus, it is con- b1 =b20 Þ
venient to consider the memory function M(t) as a
function of the Laplace parameter s. Putting t0 ¼ 0 f ðzÞ ¼ c0  c1 z þ c2 z2 þ    . (10a)
and applying the Laplace transform to Eq. (5) we Case (b): ReðzÞb1ðA1 ¼ aK =bP ; A2 ¼
obtain aK bP1 =b2P Þ
Pð0Þ A1 A2
PðsÞ þ MðsÞPðsÞ ¼ . (7) f ðzÞ ¼ þ þ . (10b)
s z PK z PKþ1

In order to find an analytical expression for the For K ¼ P+1 we define f(z) as a relaxation
Laplace image of the memory function M(s) function describing the process of interaction of a
describing a relaxation/exchange process with dipole with a thermostat. If KoP+1 and the
thermostat we suppose that: denominator of polynomial (9) has divisible roots,
A1: We consider a heterogeneous material then we define f(z) as an exchange function
having a self-similar structure. This structure can describing the interaction process of a dipole with
be presented by a set of electrically active clusters. thermostat. The reason for such division is that the
Each cluster includes a group of strongly corre- minimal value of the function f ðtÞ ¼ f ðsÞ in the
lated dipoles. However, different clusters are first case is f ð0Þa0 and moreover f(t) goes to zero
weakly correlated with each other. as t ! 1 monotonically. In the exchange case,
A2: The relaxation/exchange process with a however, the value f ð0Þ ¼ 0 and the microscopic
thermostat in some volume Vn is described by a function f(t) has at least one maximum and so may
microscopic function f ðstn Þ: Here, tn is a char- tend to zero monotonically or non-monotonically
acteristic relaxation time describing the relaxation/ as t ! 1:
exchange process with the thermostat for a group A4: We assume that the distributions of the
of strongly correlated dipoles located in a cluster values Nn and the set of relaxation times tn obey
having the volume Vn. If the nth cluster contains the following scaling conditions:
Nn number of dipoles, then the relaxation/
exchange process with the thermostat of a set of N n ¼ N 0 bn ,
weakly correlated clusters is described by the tn ¼ t0 xn ðNonoN; Nb1; b; x40Þ. ð11Þ
At n ¼ 0 we define the number of dipoles N0 and
MðsÞ ¼ N n f ðstn Þ. (8) the characteristic relaxation time t0 ; respectively,
n for the cluster having a minimum number of
correlated dipoles. Without loss of generality one
This expression increases the limits (when N n a1)
can assume that the volume of the minimum
of applicability of the additivity hypothesis widely
cluster coincides with one dipole. So, N 0 ¼ 1 and
used in statistical mechanics for a set of weakly
t0 defines the characteristic time of relaxation/
correlated physical values.
exchange process with thermostat of a single
A3: Without loss of generality we may suppose
that the Laplace image of the function f(z)
The above suppositions mean that the expres-
depending on the complex variable z and describ-
sion for the Laplace image of the memory function
ing the microscopic act of interaction of an electric
M(t) assumes the form
dipole with the thermostat has the following form:
N 1
a0 þ a1 z þ    þ aK z K MðzÞ  SðzÞ ¼ bn f ðzxn Þ; ðNb1Þ: (12)
f ðzÞ ¼ (9)
b0 þ b1 z þ    þ bP z P n¼ðN1Þ

R.R. Nigmatullin / Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215 205

Here z  st0 : Moreover, the function S(z) at any By analogy with these calculations one can
fixed N satisfies the functional equation consider other conditions imposed on parameters
1 b and x: All these cases have been considered and
SðzxÞ ¼ SðzÞ þ bN1 f ðzxN Þ presented in Table 1.
Analyzing these cases one can say that relaxa-
 bN f ðzxNþ1 Þ. ð13Þ
tion/exchange processes with thermostat taking
We consider the asymptotic solution of this scaling place in a system of self-similar clusters are
equation at Nb1 for b and xo1: reduced to the GRE (coinciding with the corre-
Taking into account the asymptotic behavior of sponding memory function (2)) if the Laplace
the function f(z) at small (10a) and large (10b) image parameter is identified with the complex
values of Re(z), the contribution of the last two frequency s  jo:
terms in Eq. (13) becomes negligible for the
zmin 5jzj5zMx . (14) 3. The meaning and evaluation of the log-periodic
function pm (ln z)
 1=ðPKÞ Solution (17) of scaling equation (16) of the
A1 b
zmin ¼ xN1 ; zMx ¼ . (15) previous section and all other possible solutions
bN ðbxÞN
(presented in Table 1 for a wide class of functions
For interval (14) at Nb1 the scaling equation (13) f(z) with variable z taking on real or complex
is simplified and takes the form values) allow one to interpret the meaning of the
1 fractional integrals with the complex exponents.
SðzxÞ ¼ SðzÞ. (16) Following the ideas developed in Ref. [20], the
periodic function with unit period can be ex-
The general solution of this scaling equation can
panded as the Fourier series
be written as [19]
lnð1=bÞ lnðzÞ lnðzÞ
SðzÞ ¼ pn ðln zÞzn ; n¼ . (17) pn ¼ C n exp 2pnj . (20)
lnð1=xÞ lnðxÞ n¼1

Here pn ðln z ln xÞ ¼ pn ðln zÞ is a complex log- Taking into account definition (17) for n and the
periodic function with real period lnðxÞ: The last expression one can present expression for S(z)
geometrical/physical meaning of this function and in the form
methods for its calculation will be considered in the X1     
1 lnðzÞ
next section. If we approximately replace S(z) in SðzÞ ¼ C n exp ln þ 2npj
b lnðxÞ
Eq. (12) by integration, then one can evaluate the n¼1
zeroth Fourier component of the function pn ðln zÞ: X1
 C n exp½ðn þ jOn Þ lnðzÞ . ð21Þ
We define this component using condition
hpn ðln zÞizn Here, the real exponent n is defined by expression
Z N1
(17), On ¼ 2pn=lnðxÞ defines a set of frequencies
 bu f ðzxu Þ du. ð18Þ leading to a period lnðxÞ for sum (17). Let us
suppose that this infinite series can be replaced
Taking into account the asymptotic decomposi- approximately by three terms
tions (10) and condition b, xo1; one can obtain the
following expression from (18): SðzÞ ffi zn ðC 0 þ C 1 expðjhOi ln zÞ
hpn ðln zÞi  C 0 ðnÞ þ C 1 expðjhOi ln zÞÞ
Z 1 ¼ zn ðC 0 þ jC 1 j cosðhOi ln z  cÞÞ
¼ xn1 f ðxÞ dx. ð19Þ
lnð1=xÞ 0 ¼ C 0 zn þ C 1 znþjhOi þ C 1 znjhOi . ð22Þ

206 R.R. Nigmatullin / Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215

Table 1
Various solutions of the asymptotic scaling equation (16) for particular values of the scaling parameters b and x

Case Values of b Values of x omin n oMxx Functional equation Solution

1. bo1 xo1  1=ðPKÞ b 1 SðzÞ ¼ pn ðln zÞzn

A1 SðzxÞ ¼ SðzÞ
xN1 ðbxÞN b

2. b41 xo1  1=ðPKÞ b 1 br0
A1 SðzxÞ ¼ SðzÞ+r0 SðzÞ ¼ pn ðln zÞzn þ
xN1 ðbxÞN b b1
r0 ¼ c0 bN1 is finite value n¼
3. bo1 x41 ðA1 bN1 Þ1=ðPKÞ ðbxÞN 1
SðzxÞ ¼ SðzÞ+r0 SðzÞ ¼ pn ðln zÞzn 
xN c1 x b 1b
r0 ¼ c0 bN1 is finite value lnð1=bÞ

4. b41 x41 ðA1 bN1 Þ1=ðPKÞ ðbxÞN 1 SðzÞ ¼ pn ðln zÞzn
SðzxÞ ¼ SðzÞ
xN c1 x b

5. b¼1 xo1 ðA1 Þ1=ðPKÞ xN1 c1 xN SðzxÞ ¼ SðzÞ þ c0 lnðzÞ
SðzÞ ¼ p0 ðln zÞ þ c0

Here, hOi is the averaged frequency (mode) the ECs for the function
referring to the leading term with the averaged yðzÞ ¼ C 0 þ jC 1 j cosðhOi lnðzÞ  cÞ,
value of n and the complex amplitude C 1 ¼
SðzÞ  zn yðzÞ. ð24Þ
jC 1 j expðjcÞ: These parameters determine the con-
tribution of the leading term of the corresponding In accordance with the ECs method expression
series (20). The average value of the mode hOi is (24) initially including some nonlinear fitting
defined as parameters, (hOi; c) can be transformed identically
into the basic linear relationship (BLR)
hOi ¼ . (23) Y ðxÞ ¼ D1 X 1 ðxÞ þ D2 X 2 ðxÞ þ D3 X 3 ðxÞ. (25)
ln x
It is natural to denote expression (22) as a one-
mode approximation (OMA) used for the evalua- Y ðxÞ ¼ y  h  i,
Z x
tion of the exact expression (20), which contains in
X 1 ðxÞ ¼ ðx  uÞyðuÞ du  h  i,
principle an infinite set of modes. x0
For verification of expression (22) one can use
D1 ¼ hOi2 ,
the eigen-coordinates (ECs) method and consider
the values C0, |C1|, hOi and c as a set of unknown X 2 ðxÞ ¼ x2  h  i,
fitting parameters. hOi2 C 0
The basic principles of the ECs method with D2 ¼ ,
application to analysis of DS data have been X 3 ðxÞ ¼ x  h  i,
considered in papers [21–24]. So, it is not necessary
to repeat here the basic ideas. Here, we give only D3 ¼ ðhOi2 C 0 x0 þ y0 ðx0 ÞÞ. ð26Þ

R.R. Nigmatullin / Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215 207

The latter expression defines a linear combination b=0.1

depending on the variable x ¼ lnðzÞ and enters into
the desired BLR. Relationship (25) helps one to 0.535
identify two important fitting parameters C0 and
hOi: Other two parameters |C1| and c are found 0.530
from another BLR

UðxÞ ¼ C 1 cosðhOixÞ þ C 2 sinðhOixÞ, (27)
where 0.520
UðxÞ ¼ yðxÞ  C 0 ,
C 1 ¼ jC 1 j cos c; C 2 ¼ jC 1 j sin c. ð28Þ
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
With the help of these expressions one can verify (a) x=ln(z)
numerically the OMA and calculate the values of
the fitting parameters C0, hOi; |C1| and c: b=1
For numerical verification of the applicability of 19.250 Ft.function
the OMA we chose the Laplace image correspond-
ing to the microscopic relaxation function f(t) in 19.245
the form

f ðzx Þ ¼ ,
1 þ zx þ ðzxn Þ2
LT 2 t 3 t
f ðzÞ ¼ f ðtÞ ¼ pffiffiffi exp  sin . ð29aÞ 19.230
3 2t0 2 t0
In order to extract the pure oscillations caused by
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
the function pn ðlnðzÞÞ we fixed the parameter b in
(b) x=ln(z)
the interval (0.05pbp1) and put x ¼ 0:1: The
variable z was located in the interval Fig. 1. (a) Verification of log-periodic oscillations calculated
(0.1p|z|p10,000). for b ¼ 0:1; x ¼ 0:1 (n ¼ 1). The solid line is the fitting function
calculated in a OMA and (b) verification of oscillations for
The numerical calculations realized have the
b ¼ 1:0; x ¼ 0:1 (n ¼ 0). Unfortunately these two plots cannot
following objects: be displayed in one figure. The remaining plots also demon-
strate the effectiveness of a OMA. All fitting parameters for
1. Direct calculation of sum (12) and its verifica- different b are collected in Table 2.
tion with approximate solution (17) including
conditions (15).
2. Calculation of the functions S(z) and y(x) in
accordance with definitions (22) and (24). lines) for different values of b is presented in
3. Calculation of the fitting constants Dk ðk ¼ Fig. 2. Fig. 3 show the influence of oscillations
1; 2; 3Þ in accordance with the BLR (25) by the on behavior of S(z), caused by another probe
linear least-square method (LLSM). They function for b ¼ 0:1:
should present a set of sloping lines if the
OMA is correct. sin2 ðzxn Þ
f ðzxn Þ ¼ . (29b)
4. Calculation of the necessary set of fitting 1 þ zx þ ðzxÞ2
parameters (C0, hOi; |C1|, c). The verification
of log-periodic oscillations defined by Eq. (24) It is also reasonable to introduce other solutions of
at different b is presented in Fig. 1. The fitting scaling equation (13) which were found in numer-
of the function (12) (shown by points) by the ical verifications. If the limiting values of the
approximate expression (22) (expressed by solid function f(z) in (12) are not negligible, we have a

208 R.R. Nigmatullin / Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215

6 b=0.1
S (b=0.1)
4 Ft.function 0.35
b=0.1 S (b=0.5) 0.30


2 b=0.5 0.20
1 0.15
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 0.00
(a) ln(z)
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
21 (a) x=ln(z)
19 3.5
17 3.0
15 b=1.0 2.5
14 S (b=0.1)

13 S (b=1.0) 2.0 Ft.function

12 Ft.function

11 1.5
b=0.9 S (b=0.9)
10 Ft. function
9 1.0
7 0.5
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
(b) ln(z) -0.5
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 2. (a) The calculated values of the sum S(z) and its fit (b) x=ln(z)
(shown by solid lines) in the OMA for two values of b ¼ 0:1 and
0.5 and (b) the calculated values of the sum S(z) and its fit in the Fig. 3. (a) The verification of the OMA for the function defined
OMA for two values of b ¼ 0:9 and 1.0. For b ¼ 1 the behavior by expression (29b) and containing oscillations (b ¼ 0:1). The
of S(z) collapses in a straight line. quality of the fitting is not so good in comparison with previous
plots calculated for function (29a). So for this case the OMA is
not sufficient and (b) the calculation of the sum S(z) and its fit
functional equation with solution by the function y(x) shows that log-periodic oscillations reflect
the influence of some random components. Probably, in real
1 experiments the discrete fractal structure is masked by such
SðzxÞ ¼ SðzÞ þ a,
b ‘random’ behavior.
SðzÞ ¼ pn ðln zÞzn þ ,
n¼ . ð30aÞ
lnðxÞ numerical calculations prove that the OMA is
correct and physically reflects the discrete structure
For b ¼ 1; the solution of the scaling equation
of the fractal considered. It is interesting to note
(30a) is given by
from analysis of the parameters given in Table 2
SðzxÞ ¼ SðzÞ þ a, that the basic contribution to the approximate
lnðzÞ expression (23) comes from the first Fourier
SðzÞ ¼ p0 ðln zÞ þ a ; n ¼ 0. ð30bÞ components (hni ffi 1).
Based on Laplace image (22) it is easy to
The values of the fitting parameters for various b obtain in time domain the generalized value of
and x ¼ 0:1 are collected in Table 2. These the fractional Riemann–Liouville integral for a

R.R. Nigmatullin / Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215 209

Table 2
The values of the fitting parameters obtained in the verification of sum (19) with function (29a) by the ECs method (x ¼ 0:1)

Case b n hOi C0 C1 C2 c hni Std. dev.

0 0.05 1.30103 2.71757 0.60239 0.00862 0.00574 0.58798 0.9959 0.05935

1 0.1 1 2.7176 0.52519 0.01036 3.98995E4 0.03851 0.99591 0.05175
2 0.2 0.69897 2.71757 0.60239 0.00815 0.00639 0.66521 0.9959 0.05935
3 0.3 0.52288 2.71754 0.75679 0.0053 0.00889 1.03337 0.99589 0.07457
4 0.4 0.39794 2.71746 0.97866 0.00281 0.00996 1.29561 0.99586 0.09643
5 0.5 0.30103 2.71447 1.29843 6.3437E4 0.01032 1.50941 0.99476 0.12793
6 0.6 0.22185 2.71751 1.78592 9.79814E4 0.01031 1.47607 0.99588 0.17596
7 0.7 0.1549 2.71751 2.60713 0.00242 0.01008 1.33525 0.99588 0.25688
8 0.8 0.09691 2.71752 4.26176 0.00363 0.00972 1.21327 0.99588 0.4199
9 0.9 0.04576 2.71753 9.24966 0.00465 0.00928 1.10571 0.99589 0.91135
10 1 0 2.71753 19.2374 0.00553 0.00879 1.00953 0.99589 0.99543

The last column expresses the value of the standard deviation calculated for absolute value between S(z) and its fitting value calculated
in the OMA.

complex fractional exponent. Using relation- pears (C 1 ¼ 0; hOi ¼ 0) and so the last equation
ship [25] reduces to Eq. (6) yielding in the frequency domain
the generalized Cole–Cole expression for the
ta1 LT a
¼p , (31) complex susceptibility.
one can present the memory function in time
domain as 4. The confirmation of the justified data-curve
fitting approach and new expressions for complex
tn1 tnþjhOi1
MðtÞ ¼ C 0 þ C1 susceptibility
GðnÞ Gðn þ jOÞ
t In papers [8–10] based on analysis of raw
þ C 1 . ð32Þ
Gðn  jOÞ available DS data obtained from different inter-
national laboratories, we developed the special
The first term in the last expression represents by
recognition procedure and suggested the phenom-
itself the evaluation of the kernel M(t) in the
enological approach, which leads to the new
continuous approximation and is correct for
kinetic equation (3) for the total polarization
collective motions distributed on random fractals;
containing fractional integral and derivatives.
other two terms in the OMA reflect the existence
The recognized complex permittivity expressions
of log-periodic structure existing for true discrete
fit DS data well and allow a generalization of the
fractals and modifying the collective motion
VFT equation for the description of the tempera-
taking place in such structures. Using the defini-
ture dependence of a loss peak. In the previous
tion of the Riemann–Liouville integral, kinetic
section, we reduced a set of micromotions dis-
equation (7) for the total polarization with one
tributed over different scales and described in the
collective motion distributed over a discrete fractal
frequency domain by the function f ðjoÞ to a single
structure takes the form
collective motion, corresponding to a single GRE
ðPðtÞ  Pð0ÞÞ þ ½C 0 Dn
0 þ C 1 D0 (Eq. (2)). It is reasonable to assume that in the
structure considered one can have several types of
þ C 1 DnjhOi
0 PðtÞ ¼ 0. ð33Þ
collective motions described by the different GRE.
For a random fractal structure, the log-periodic If, for example, we have two types of collective
effect evoked by discrete fractal structure disap- motions, then we have two possibilities: they can

210 R.R. Nigmatullin / Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215

be connected in series or in parallel. For the first 100

case we have the following expression for complex
susceptibility [8,9] 80
Re(ε) in series
ð0Þ  1 60 Re(ε) in parallel

ðjoÞ ¼ 1 þ ,
1 þ RðjoÞ 40
RðjoÞ ¼ ½ðjot1 Þn1 þ ðjot2 Þn2 1 , ð34Þ
corresponding to a linear combination of two
memory functions. In order to derive expression
for ðjoÞ connecting two GRE in parallel we -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
suppose that the Laplace function describing an (a) lg(ω)
exchange process with thermostat has the form
'alpha' peak
f ðsÞ ¼ sf 1 ðsÞ. (35) 10

For this case the sum S(z) is defined by the 8 Excess wing
Im(ε) 6 Im(ε) in series
N 1 Im(ε) in parallel
n n n 4
SðzÞ ¼ b zx f 1 ðzx Þ
¼z ðbxÞn f 1 ðzxn Þ ¼ zS1 ðzÞ: ð36Þ 0
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
If the sum S1(z) satisfies again conditions (15), then (b) lg(ω)
for an additive combination of two memory
Fig. 4. (a) The calculated values of the real part of complex
functions satisfying condition (36) we obtain an permittivity presented correspondingly by expressions (34) and
expression for the complex susceptibility describing (37) and (b) the imaginary parts of these functions mimic the so-
two collective motions connected in parallel, viz. called ‘excess wing’ observed in glass-forming systems. So, these
functions can be used for the fitting of the measured DS data in
ð0Þ  1 frequency range for glass-forming materials. The chosen
ðjoÞ ¼ 1 þ ,
1 þ RðjoÞ parameters are as follows: n1 ¼ 0:21; n2 ¼ 0:95; t1 ¼ 0:5 
102 ; t2 ¼ 0:4  105 ; 1 ¼ 3; s ¼ 100 (two GRE in series);
RðjoÞ ¼ ½ðjot1 Þn1 þ ðjot2 Þn2 . ð37Þ
n1 ¼ 0:21; n2 ¼ 0:9; t1 ¼ 0:5  105 ; t2 ¼ 0:4  103 ; 1 ¼ 3;
From analysis of available DS data given in papers s ¼ 100 (two GRE in parallel).
[8–10], it follows that the first combination of two
collective motions (34) is more preferable than the In this case the Laplace variable is shifted on the
combination (37), which has been identified only in value z þ lt0 : If we suppose that only one
one case [26]. It is interesting to note that the collective mode exists, then the reduction proce-
complex parts of expressions (34) and (37) reproduce dure described above leads to the following
the so-called ‘excess wing’ observed in many glass- expression for the complex permittivity:
forming materials [27]. The corresponding plots of
ð0Þ  1
functions (34) and (37) imitating ‘excess wing’ are ðjoÞ ¼ 1 þ
presented by Figs. 4a and b, correspondingly. ðlt þ iotÞn þ 1
Suppose now that the initial memory function ð0Þ  1
 1 þ ,
M(t) in Eq. (5) is modified by an exponential ½1 þ að1 þ io=lÞn
damping function and is written as a ¼ ltn ; tn ¼ hpn ðlnðz þ lt0 Þi. ð39Þ
Z t
MðtÞ ¼ ðt  uÞk1 ðuÞelu du. (38) The last expression at ab1 becomes the
0 empirical Cole–Davidson expression for complex

R.R. Nigmatullin / Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215 211

permittivity. If a medium, has a memory about a set where t is the mean relaxation time, characterizing
of scales forming discrete fractals that can be some collective motion, t0 is the cutoff scaling time
generated in this medium, then one can expect that related to the collective motion. Parameter b is
the OMA will be acceptable for description of such a connected to a scaling factor associated with the
quasi-regular structure. In this case, following the relative number of dipoles located in some
procedure described in the previous section, the correlated cluster. One can write the following
GRE with real exponent should be replaced by the expression for b keeping in mind that the mean
corresponding expression (2) containing a linear relaxation time can be related to the possible
combination of a pair of the complex-conjugate quasi-diffusion motion inside a group of corre-
exponents. For example, the usual Cole–Cole lated dipoles forming an isotropic cluster of the
expression for the complex permittivity is replaced by size R. One can write the following relationship for
ð0Þ  1 the value b:
ðjoÞ ¼ 1 þ ,  d f
1 þ RðjoÞ R
b¼G , (43)
RðjoÞ ¼ ½C 0 ðjoÞn
þ C 1 ðjoÞnþjhOi þ C 1 ðjoÞnjhOi . ð40Þ where df is the fractal dimension, G is the
geometrical coefficient equaled unity and, more-
So the reduction procedure realized for one memory over, depending on the geometrical form of the
function or for their linear combinations helps to cluster considered. R0 is the cutoff size of a cluster
understand the DCFA and predicts new kinetic in the 3D-space. For bo1, the cluster of the size R0
equations for the total polarization containing non- should be chosen as the maximum size cluster, in
integer derivatives or integrals combined in the the opposite case b41 this cluster should be
specific triads. Each triad contains a linear combina- chosen as the minimum. One can generalize the
tion of non-integer operators: one with real exponent relationship between R and t; taking into account
and a pair with the complex-conjugate exponents. the anomalous diffusion process
These equations are applicable to the description of
relaxation phenomenon in heterogeneous media R2 ¼ Dy ty , (44)
having a specific memory about the countable set where the exponent y ¼ 1=2 corresponds to
of scales generating by a true fractal structure. The normal diffusion process, for y41=2 we obtain
complex-conjugate exponents disappear if the corre- superdiffusion and yo1=2 corresponds to sub-
sponding medium becomes completely random and diffusion [29]. We should mark also the recent
the set of scales generating the corresponding fractal paper [30], where anomalous diffusion process has
structure is continuous. been considered and some anomalous relaxation
functions have been derived from kinetic equa-
5. The temperature dependence of the power-law tions. The parameter Dy; in Eq. (44) can be
exponents and the generalized VFT equation associated with the self-diffusion coefficient. Com-
bining the latter expressions, one can write the
In Ref. [28] the expression for the power-law relationship between the power-law exponent n
exponent n (in notation (11) of this paper) can be and mean relaxation time t in the form
rewritten as  2=y
lnðt=ts Þ yd f R0 D2
lnðbÞ n ¼ n0 ; n0 ¼ ; ts ¼ .
n¼ . (41) lnðt=t0 Þ 2 G 1=d f
lnðxÞ (45)
Following the basic ideas of this paper one can In spite of simplicity of these equations, they admit
write the scaling parameter x as new interpretation and generalization (with ya12)
t for a set of correlated clusters and are confirmed
x¼ , (42)
t0 by experimental measurements (at y ¼ 12) [28].

212 R.R. Nigmatullin / Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215

Following these simple ideas one can consider the a triad with a pair of complex-conjugate values
dependence of the average mode hOi on t: It (similar to expression (2) at K 0 ¼ 0) and to
follows from expression (23) that interpret the exponent-dependent constants Am,
2phni 2phni Bm and Cn. The VFT equation and the UR
hOi ¼ ¼ . (46) phenomenon help in the interpretation of DS
ln x lnðt=t0 Þ
spectra over a wide range of frequencies. The UR
We suppose [10] that the possible connection behavior at certain frequency range characterizes
between mean relaxation time t and temperature in the reduced (averaged) form a collective motion
T is given by the Arrhenius relationship on mesoscale and is observed presumably in the
tðTÞ ¼ tA expðE=TÞ, (47) wings (branches) of a spectrum surrounding a
transition region. In turn, the transition region is
where E defines the mean reorientation energy of located in the vicinity of an extremum character-
the fractal subsystem considered and characterizes ized by a local peak or a minimum. As it was
a collective motion. Based on expressions (45) and mentioned above, the VFT equation in a new
(47) in paper [10] we derived mathematically the interpretation reflects a transition from one
VFT equation and its possible generalizations collective motion to another for a certain range
from expressions (41) and (47). The parameters of temperatures. Thus, the VFT equation should
of the VFT equation in a new possible interpreta- be correct not only for the peaks of dielectric losses
tion reflect a specific transition from one type of (usually only the so-called ‘alpha peak’ is verified)
collective motion to another one. So, from this but for the minima points also, for example, lying
point of view, glass–gel transition can be consid- between the branch belonging to the low-fre-
ered as an intermediate case between two types of quency dispersion located on the left at low
collective motions expressed in terms of the VFT frequencies and the beginning of the alpha peak
equation [27]. In the case of a simple collective located on the right at higher frequencies. We
motion, the two power-law exponents describing received the measured complex permittivity data
the left and right branches surrounding an from Dr. G. Smith (De Monfort University,
extremum point will coincide with each other Leicester, UK). These data concern the liquid melt
(for example, if the DS spectrum is described by of polymethylmethacrylate without placticizer
Cole–Cole or Cole–Davidson expressions). The (Eudragit RS Melt) measured in the frequency
temperature-dependent peak for one type of range (0.1–106 Hz) and temperature range
collective motion will be described by Eq. (47) (353.15–403.15 K with step 2.5 K). The complete
written for op ðTÞ ¼ 1=tðTÞ and for this case the treatment of these data has been given in the Ph.D.
Vogel–Fulcher temperature T VF ¼ 0 and D ¼ E: Thesis of Dr. S.I. Osokin. However, here it is
This approach allows one to explain naturally reasonable to give only the temperature depen-
the so-called ‘universal response’ (UR) observed dence of the minimum frequency located between
by Jonscher with co-authors in many heteroge- the low-frequency dispersion (LFD) branch at low
neous materials. In accordance with the Jonscher’s frequencies and the beginning of the so-called
observations [5], the behavior of the complex ‘alpha’ peak at higher frequencies. The tempera-
susceptibility at frequency range omin ooooMxx is ture dependence is well described by the VFT
wðjoÞ ¼ C n ðjoÞ1þn , equation with parameters T VF ¼ 262:6 10:6 ðKÞ;
o0 =2p ¼ 4:4768  104 ðs1 Þ D ¼ 4:823: The valid-
wðjoÞ ¼ Am  Bm ðjoÞm ; 0om; no1 ð48Þ
ity of the corresponding VFT plot is confirmed by
and may be defined as the UR. If we compare Fig. 5. We expect that the validity of the VFT
expressions for the memory function MðjoÞ given equation for local minima will be confirmed also
in Table 1 with expressions (48), we see that these for other DS data. This consideration allows one
expressions formally coincide with each other. to identify number of new processes in the analysis
Our approach allows one to understand the of DS spectra. Usually each process is identified
values of power-law exponents when they combine with a possible peak, but this identification will be

R.R. Nigmatullin / Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215 213

correct if the branches surrounding the peak are 2. Each GRE reflects in a mathematical form a
symmetrical and described by the same power-law collective relaxation/exchange process of a set
exponent. It is natural to associate a collective of self-similar microscopic motions with ther-
motion with the branch that can form a possible mostat (representing other degrees of freedom
peak or minimum. The detection of the number of existing in the material considered). Each
processes associated with a number of branches microscopic motion is characterized in fre-
will be correct if any two branches surrounding an quency domain by the function f ðjoÞ; repre-
extremum are asymmetrical and the temperature senting the Fourier component of the function
dependence of transition region follows the VFT f(t), ½f ðtÞ ¼ f ðjoÞ describing the relevant micro-
equation or its generalizations. motion.
3. The results of such a reduction of the micro-
scopic motions is presented in Table 1 and can
6. Results and discussion be considered as theoretical evidence for the
UR phenomenon discovered exper imentally in
In conclusion, we want to stress some basic many heterogeneous materials.
points that help us to construct a consistent and 4. Each local extremum (max/min) located be-
more or less general theory of dielectric relaxation tween the frequency branches of a dielectric
in non-crystalline materials. spectrum can be considered as a transition
region separating two types of collec tive
1. Based on the supposition that the structure of motions. This transition region is described by
non-crystalline material is composed of a set of the generalized VFT equation that receives
weakly correlated clusters and each cluster, in extended interpretation in this approach.
turn, is composed of a group of strongly 5. This theory predicts the existence of a specific
correlated dipoles, it is possible to prove that triad resulting from one real and a pair of the
memory function in frequency domain is complex conjugate power-law exponents. This
reduced to the GRE (Eq. (2)). triad should appear in cases where a discrete
fractal structure is predominant and only a
countable set of scales is needed. For a
completely random fractal structure a contin-
uous set of scales is possible. The sum (12) can
be replaced approximately by an integral (18)
and here the log-periodic function is averaged

1 and only the real power-law exponent from

each triad survives.
data 6. This theory predicts generalizations of the
the VFT_fit Cole–Davidson (39) and Cole–Cole expressions
(40) for complex susceptibility that are neces-
0.1 sary in experimental verifications.
2.45 2.50 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 2.75 2.80 7. The theory predicts also the temperature
1000/T(K) dependence of the leading mode hOi (46) needed
Fig. 5. Confirmation of the VFT equation obtained for a for experimental verification in the case of
minimum frequency located between LFD branch (on the left) detection of a discrete fractal structure.
and the beginning of the alpha peak (on the right). These 8. The most important prediction is related to the
data belong to the liquid melt of polymethylmethacrylate explanation of the previously developed DCFA
without placticizer (Eudragit RS melt) measured in frequency
leading to new kinetics equation containing
range (0.1–106 Hz) and temperature range (353.15–403.15 K
with step 2.5 K). The fitting parameters of the VFT equation non-integer derivatives or in tegrals forming
are as follows: T VF ¼ 262:6 10:6 ðKÞ; o0 =2p ¼ 4:4768  triad from real and pairs of the complex-
104 ðs1 Þ D ¼ 4:823: conjugate exponents. Probably, the rather

214 R.R. Nigmatullin / Physica B 358 (2005) 201–215

unusual form of kinetic equation (3) explains power-law functions as follows from the DCFA.
why previous attempts to derive a consistent So this approach helps to find independently the
and a general theory of dielectric relaxation function RðjoÞ from conductivity measurements
using conventional ‘integer’ calculus have been also and confirms the Taylor–Isard scaling phe-
unsuccessful. nomenon [32]. However, relationship (49) cannot
9. From this theory it follows that a wide class of explain the low-frequency dispersion (LFD) phe-
micromotions are not directly detectable. The nomenon, when in the low-frequency domain it
dielectric spectrum in frequency domain con- modifies the expression for the complex permittiv-
tains only information about a set of the ity by the additive term sy =ðjoÞy
‘reduced’ (averaged) collective motions. So, this sy ð0Þ  1
theory helps one to identify the DS as an ideal ðjoÞ ¼ 1 þ y
þ . (52)
ðjoÞ 1 þ RðjoÞ
tool for studying collective motions and their
various interactions with each other in the In our opinion, this LFD phenomenon is gener-
mesoscale region. ated by strongly correlated collective motion
taking place in groups of ions/dipoles and merits
We suppose that this theory, which at the special consideration.
present stage cannot be considered as pure
microscopic and derived directly from the first
principles, nevertheless can receive wide applica- Acknowledgements
tions in description and interpretation of different
DS spectra, representing the behavior of different The author wants to thank sincerely Prof. W.T.
collective motions in a wide frequency/tempera- Coffey for attentive reading of the manuscript
ture range. during the submission process. The author also
In conclusion, it is necessary to recall an wants to express his sincere thanks to Prof. Yu.
important problem that should be considered in Feldman for sending his recent publications and
further investigations. constant stimulating discussions related to the
Following Ref. [31], one can write the relation- construction of the general theory of dielectric
ship connecting the complex conductivity with relaxation.
permittivity in the form
sðjoÞ ¼ sð0Þ þ jo½ðjoÞ  1 . (49)
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