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AE Reading 6: Gbagbo negotiating surrender, Ivory Coast foreign minister says

By the CNN Wire Staff

April 6, 2011 -- Updated 0415 GMT (1215 HKT)

(CNN) -- After days of heavy fighting, forces loyal to Ivory Coast's Laurent Gbagbo laid down their
arms Tuesday, and the self-declared president was negotiating the terms of his surrender, his foreign
minister said.

Calm was reported Tuesday afternoon in Abidjan, the West African nation's largest city and the center
of the battle between Gbagbo's military and those loyal to his rival, Alassane Ouattara, who is
recognized internationally as the legitimate president.

"We must now do what we can do to have lasting peace," said Alcide Djedje, the foreign minister, who
participated in talks at the French ambassador's residence in Abidjan.

Two of Gbagbo's generals were in "the process of negotiating a surrender," French Prime Minister
Francois Fillon told parliament Tuesday. A U.N. official said that Gbagbo asked for U.N. protection for
himself during the negotiations.

Ouattara's camp said it was sticking to a demand it has made all along: that Gbagbo recognize
Ouattara's victory at the polls, said spokesman Patrick Achi.

"I think it is something very important," Achi said. "The military fight is almost over. As soon as he
surrenders, all the fighting will stop."

French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said Ouattara wants Gbagbo to sign a letter saying he
recognizes his rival as president.

In a phone interview with French news channel LCI, a man claiming to be Gbagbo said he would not
sign the paper because he does not acknowledge his rival's victory and that he demands "the truth of
the ballot box." But, he said, he is willing to meet with Ouattara.

He also said the French have inserted themselves into the war.

"My problem is not to stay in a building or not," the man said. "My problem is that we find an exit from
this crisis."

A key question is whether Gbagbo will remain in the Ivory Coast, said Choi Young-jin, head of the
U.N. mission in the country.

"Gbagbo had many options after the election, but he squandered his opportunities," said Choi, who
has been speaking with Ouattara as well as Gbagbo's advisers. "I don't know what options he has

"I think he (Gbagbo) knows everything is over for him," said Youssoufou Bamba, Ivory Coast's
ambassador to the United Nations. "His military forces have been defeated. He is alone now."

Bamba said Gbagbo should go on trial "because he has committed so much crime" against civilian
and peaceful demonstrators.
But Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga, who served as the African Union's main negotiator in Ivory
Coast, said Ouattara and others should consider allowing safe passage for Gbagbo to Angola, South
Africa or another country.

Choi said the combat is over and that only a few elements were out on the streets. An American
resident of Abidjan, who did not want to be identified, said she could hear sporadic gunfire from her
apartment but the heavy shelling and mortars had stopped.

Choi said Gbagbo was hunkered down in the basement of his Abidjan residence with his family. He
said there were still guards posted around the house, but not many.

U.S. President Barack Obama called Tuesday for Gbagbo to "stand down immediately."

"Tragically, the violence that we are seeing could have been averted had Laurent Gbagbo respected
the results of last year's presidential election," Obama said. "To end this violence and prevent more
bloodshed, former President Gbagbo must stand down immediately, and direct those who are fighting
on his behalf to lay down their arms."

Ouattara's forces entered Abidjan on Thursday after an offensive that swept across the country. When
they arrived, the sporadic post-election violence that had plagued Abidjan for four months escalated
into war.

By Tuesday, they had surrounded the presidential palace.

"We do not see why he shall not surrender," Achi said earlier, adding the new government may seek
trial for Gbagbo in the International Court of Justice.

An Abidjan resident said state-run television, which has served as a powerful mouthpiece for Gbagbo,
went dark Monday, a sign that Ouattara's forces had overrun the building.

Gbagbo's forces suffered a setback Monday when U.N. helicopters fired on one of its camps to
prevent the use of heavy weapons against civilians and U.N. peacekeepers.

Djedje, the foreign minister, said the U.N. attack prompted Gbagbo's forces to stop fighting.

"Since there was no more ammunition and weapons, they decided to lay down the arms and negotiate
a cease-fire," he said.

U.N. peacekeeping director Alain Le Roy told reporters the United Nations was not taking sides in the
conflict, but had to act after three days of fire from Gbagbo's forces left four U.N. peacekeepers
seriously injured.

"We are shooting at heavy weapons. We are not shooting at the presidency," Le Roy said.

The political chaos and violence has claimed hundreds of lives in Ivory Coast. In one of the bloodiest
incidents yet, the International Committee of the Red Cross reported the killings of 800 people last
week in the western cocoa-producing town of Duekoue.

To negotiate /nû"go|Ðieût/ (v) đàm phán, civilian /sÂ"vûljën/ (n) dân thường
thương lượng
negotiation /nû;go| (n) cuộc đàm peaceful /"pi:sfÊl (n) người biểu
Ði"eûÐÊn/ phán, thương demonstrator "demënstreût tình vì hòa bình
lượng ër /
To surrender /së"render/ (v) đầu hàng To serve as /sî:rv/ (v) đóng vai trò
Ivory Coast /"aûvÊri ko|st (n) nước Bờ biển main /meûn/ (adj) chính
/ Ngà
Foreign /"fé:rÂn (n)Ngoại trưởng negotiator /nû"go| (n) người đàm
Minister "mûnÂstër/ Ðieûtër/ phán

To lay down /leû da|n ( hạ vũ khí African Union /"æfrûkën (n) Liên Hiệp
one’s arms wšnz ä:rmz/ "ju:njën Châu Phi

Arms /ä:rmz/ (n) vũ khí To consider /kën"sûdër/ (v) xem xét, cân
Tuesday /"tu:zdei/ (n) thứ 3 To allow /ë"la|/ (v) cho phép

Self-declared /self (adj) tự tuyên bố safe /seif/ (adj) an toàn

president /"prezÂdÊnt/ (n) chủ tịch, tổng passage /"pæsûdž/ (n) lối đi
terms /tî:rmz/ (n) điều kiện, điều South Africa /sa|Ø "æfrûkë/ (n) nước Nam
khoản Phi
Calm /kä:lm/ (n) tình trạng yên combat /"kä:mbæt/ (n) trận chiến
ổn, êm ả
West African /west (n) Tây Phi a few /ë fju:/ (det) một ít, một
"æfrûkën/ vài (+ danh từ
đếm được số
largest /’lä:rdžist/ (adj) rộng nhất element /"elÂmënt/ (n) đơn vị không
center /"sentër/ (n) trung tâm sporadic /spë"rædûk/ (adj) thưa thớt
lác đác
battle /"bætl/ (n) cuộc chiến, gunfire /"gšnfaûr/ (n) cuộc nổ súng
trận chiến
between /bû"twi:n/ (pre) ở giữa (hai apartment /ë"pä:rtmënt/ (n) căn hộ
vật hoặc 2 người)
military /"mûlÂteri/ (n) quân đội hunker down /"hšÅkër/ (ph.v) ẩn náu, trú
rival /"raûvÊl/ (n) kẻ thù, kẻ basement /"beûsmënt/ (n) tầng hầm
địch, người
chống lại
To recognize /"rekënaûz/ (v) nhận ra guard /gä:rd/ (n) người bảo về

internationally /;ûntër"næÐÊ (adv) trên toàn To post around /po|st ë"ra|nd/ (v) được giao
nëli/ thế giới, có quy nhiệm vụ bảo vệ
mô quốc tế ai đó
legitimate / (adj) hợp pháp U.S. /ju:"naûtÂd (n) nước Mỹ
lÂ"džûtÂmÂt/ United States steûtz /
lasting /"læstûÅ/ (adj) lâu dài, bền To stand down /stænd/ (v) chấp nhận từ
vững chức

To participate / (v) tham gia Tragically /"trædžûkli/ (adv) thật thảm

pä:r"tûsÂpeût thương, thật bi
/ thảm
talk /tã:k/ (n) cuộc đàm presidential /;prezÂ"denÐÊ (n) cuộc bầu cử
phán, cuộc thảo election l/ tổng thống
luận, bài phát
residence /"rezÂdÊns/ (n) chỗ ở, nơi ở, bloodshed /"blšdÐed/ (n) sự đổ máu,
nơi cư trú sự chém giết
French /frentÐ/ (adj) thuộc Pháp former /"fé:rmër/ (adj) trước kia,
general /"dženÊrël/ (n) (quân đội) To direct /daû"rekt/ (v) chỉ đạo
process /"prä:ses/ (n) quá trình, tiến on one’s behalf/ /bû"hæf/ (idm) thay mặt
trình on behalf of smb

parliament /"pä:rlëmënt/ (n) nghị viện To enter /"entër/ (v) tiến vào

To ask for /æsk/ (ph.v) yêu cầu offensive /ë"fensûv/ (n) cuộc tấn
during /"d|ërûÅ/ (pre) trong suốt To sweep across /swi:p ë"krã:s ( càn quét
một khoảng thời the country "kšntri / để chiếm giữ các
gian nào đó vùng của đất
camp /kæmp/ (n) (quân đội) phe To arrive /ë"raûv/ (v) đến
To stick to /stûk/ (v) trung thành post-election /po|st (n) thời kỳ hậu
với, kiên trì với û"lekÐÊn/ bầu cử
demand /dû"mænd/ (n) yêu cầu To plague /pleûg/ (v) gây tai họa

All along /ã:l ë"lã:Å/ (idm) mọi lúc To escalate into /"eskëleût/ (v) chiến tranh
leo thang
victory /"vûktÊri/ (n) chiến thắng presidential palace /"pælÂs/ (n) dinh, phủ
tổng thống
polls /po|lz/ (n) cuộc tham dò early /"î:rli/ (adj) sớm
ý kiến của dân,
cuộc bầu cử
spokesman /"spo|ksmën/ (n) người phát To add /æd/ (v) dẫn thêm
important /ûm"pé:rtÊnt/ (adj) quan trọng To seek /si:k/ (v) tìm kiếm

something /"sšmØûÅ/ (pro) điều gì đó trial /"traûël/ (v) sự xét xử

almost /ã:l"mo|st/ (adv) gần như Court of Justice /ké:rt (n) Tòa án Quốc
"džšstÂs/ tế
be over /"o|vër/ (adv) kết thúc state-run television /steit ršn (n) kênh truyền
telÂ"vûžÊn/ hình của nhà
nước, chính phủ
As soon as / æz su:n (adv) ngay sau powerful /"pa|rfÊl/ (adj) mạnh mẽ,
æz / khi có uy thế, có
quyền lực
To sign /sain/ (v) ký tên vào một mouthpiece /"ma|Øpi:s/ (n) (nghĩa bóng)
văn bản người phát
ngôn, tiếng nói
riêng của ai
interview /"ûntërvju: (n) phỏng vấn To go dark /dä:rk/
news channel /nu:z "tÐænl/ (n) kênh thời sự To overrun /;o|vë"ršn/ (v) tràn qua, tàn
To claim /kleûm/ (v) khẳng định setback /"setbæk/ (n) sự thất bại

To /ëk"nä:lûdž/ (v) thừa nhận helicopter /"helÂkä:ptër/ (n) trực thăng


ballot /"bælët/ (n) lá phiếu peacekeeper /"pi:ski:për/ (n) người gìn giữ
hòa bình
Be willing to do /"wûlûÅ/ (adj) sẵn sàng To prompt /prä:mpt/ (v) thúc đẩy
smth làm gì

To meet with /mi:t/ (v) có cuộc họp Since /sûns/ (pre) bởi vì
với ai đó
To insert /ûn"sî:rt/ (v) đặt ai/cái gì ammunition /;æmjÁ"nûÐÊ (n) đạn dược
sb/smth into vào… n/
problem /"prä:blëm/ (n) vấn đề cease-fire /"si:sfaûër/ (n) sự ngừng
exit /"eksÂt/ (n) lối thoát take sides in /teik saûds in/ (idm) ủng hộ một
phe nào đó
find /faûnd/ (v) tìm thấy conflict /"kä:nflûkt/ (n) cuộc xung
crisis /"kraûsÂs/ (n) cuộc khủng seriously /"sûriësli/ (adv) một cách
hoảng nghiêm trọng
key /ki:/ (adj) rất quan presidency /"prezÂdÊnsi/ (n) phủ, dinh
trọng, thiết yếu tổng thống
remain /rû"meûn/ (v) duy trì political /pë"lûtûkÊl/ (adj) thuộc, liên
quan đến chính
head /hed/ (n) người đứng chaos /"keûä:s/ (n) sự hỗn loạn,
đầu (một cơ sự lộn xộn
quan, tổ chức)
option /"ä:pÐÊn/ (n) sự lựa chọn bloody /"blšdi/ (adj) đấm máu

election /û"lekÐÊn/ (n) cuộc bầu cử incident /"ûnsÂdÊnt/ (n) sự kiện, sự

squander /"skwä:ndër/ (v) phung phí, bỏ Committee /kë"mûti/ (n) Ủy ban
opportunity /ä:për"tu: (n) cơ hội Red Cross /red krã:s / (n) Hội chữ Thập
nÂti/ đỏ
as well as /æz wel æz/ (adv) cũng như killing /"kûlûÅ/ (n) vụ tàn sát

adviser /ëd"vaûzër/ (n) cố vấn cocoa-producing /"ko|ko| (adj) chuyên sản

prë"du:siÅ/ xuất ca cao
military force /"mûlÂteri (n) lực lượng
fé:rs/ quân đội
alone /ë"lo|n/ (adj) cô độc, đơn
độc, đơn thương
độc mã
To go on trial /"traûël/ (idm) ra hầu tòa

To commit /kë"mût ( gây ra tội

crime against kraûm/ lỗi hoặc phạm tội
sb/smth đối với ai/điều gì

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