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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-24

sanctified heart where perfect followership is the capacity uncovered in mildness and meekness to abide the taunting and
degradation inflicted upon the meek and holy of heart. And the meek inherit a knowledge of the plan of redemption and are
covered with the word of the Lord in perfect mildness and are able to receive the strength of the Lord in perfect faith
necessary to abide the last day when the burning of the faithless devours their spiritual knowledge of God held in the
premortal remembrance capacity. And the premortal- remembrance capacity remembers the righteousness of the sacrifice of
the Only Begotten Son of the Father who took upon him the sins of the world who repent and come to abide in the perfect
sacrifice unto knowledge given of God to thwart the plan of carnal dwelling, even the carnality of the thoughts and feelings
given as an interruption of joy which destroy the plan of happiness found in the purified heart. And the plan of happiness
found in the purified heart abides the knowledge given in the premortal preparation as a gift of spiritual preparedness to
abide the burning of the wicked who have lost their capacity to remember righteousness in the presence of God.] [THE
January 8, 1995 (3) [PURE RIGHTEOUSNESS ADMINISTERED BY CHRIST. Rebirth of spiritual capacities entitle a
born- again- unto- God newness- preferred awareness which is found wholly abiding in the purified heart. Purity of heart
and mind fixate repentance in the feelings as one desires to seek the Christ, or Cornerstone of revealed religion. The purified
heart unto baptism of water and spirit results in the sealing of the countenance to receive the baptism of the fire, or power of
the spiritual Father, even Jesus Christ who awakens within the initiate transferred by power and authority to preside in
contact with the Holy Son of the Living God. Although the power and authority to preside in one's own arena of mind and
heart to call forth the latent knowledge of the premortal standing of awareness is conditional to obedience displayed to the
new direction given of the still small voice of prophetic utterance, the disciple of righteousness awakens to views and scenes
of the premortal preparation. The holy endeavor of righteousness seals spiritual principle upon the believing heart and the
facets of revealed religion are found upon the brow of the holy tenement of tenured compliance to righteousness. As the
facets of purified light and concept arise from the purified heart, the new awareness is coupled with gratitude arising upon
the brow which gratitude finds the world a testing environment for the purified- discipleship awareness of righteousness,
righteousness of purified heart and mind give way to the softened procedure of manna in the presence of God, receiving the
words of confirmation and discipleship awareness which beckon the mind to accept the purified doctrine of Christ
Awareness of divine principle is inculcated to bring celestial glory and dominion upon the brow which disciples the Christ
in demeanor and resonance. Purified doctrine aids the abiding factors of righteousness to be transported in heart and mind
unto the presence of holy administrators designed to administer pure righteousness.] [PURE RIGHTEOUSNESS
ADMINISTERED BY CHRIST; January 8,1995 (3)]
January 10, 1995 (8)
January 10, 1995 (8) [I asked in prayer to have the same dream that a friend had of an understanding of Isaiah. (I don't know
if this was the same dream). In the dream I remember the field- like uterus which was planted with corn seed very close
together in rows, so close to each other. To separate them to give them growing room, a foot was stomped between the corn
seed and the earth- like uterus which made room for the foot to separate the closely planted seed which was now separated
by the width of a foot, or a shoe from the narrow side measurement. The imprint stayed giving the seed further space to find
root and water between each seed. The imprint spacing was done across the whole line of seed which was planted in the
uterus field- like ground. The ground where the seed was planted was in a shape of a uterus lying on its side and the seed
was planted on the flat side as it lay flat. [January 10, 1995 (8); I wrote the following a minute later after writing my dream.]
[The planting of the seed of the Lord is likened to corn seed which bears more corn seed which is planted in the human
heart. The corn seed represented the living word of the Lord which is planted in the human heart which is likened to the
uterus which is the bearing place of children, the greater seed capable of bearing the planting of the word of the Lord. The
uterus is symbolic of the field of the earth where new life springs forth like a womb which is brought to knowledge of the
word of the Lord by the planting of the word of the Lord. The corn seed planted in the uterus represents the spacing of
knowledge line upon line which is necessary to receive in the holy atmosphere of receptiveness to the planting process.]
[January 10,1995 (8)]
January 10, 1995 (9)
January 10,1995 (9) Ye have been warned in the day of thy probation to seek the good and listen to the good which will
further thy receptiveness to the word of the Lord thy God. Speak the good word of the Lord and forsake the evil of the
world. Be at peace; for thy heart is pure and ye shall ye obtain the glorious resurrection of the celestial body designed to
inhabit a purified knowledge of eternal purposes of the Lord. Be at peace and find rest in the words of eternal life. Be at
peace and declare the process of repentance unto thy posterity in the name of the Lord thy God. Be at peace and find the rest
of the Lord within the knowledge of the word of the Lord. [January 10,1995 (9)]
January 16, 1995 (1)

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-24

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