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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-57
waters, even the doctrine of eternal progression, and the doctrine of everlasting peace as the Son of God doth visit me and
give unto me the name upon which my faith is built to withstand the doctrine of the sheep who have lost their way; for I
adhere to the voice of many waters which covers my heart and mind in the name of the Lord that I would abide in the
teachings of the Author of my faith to become a mighty ocean of righteousness and a redeemer of element to abide in the
process of transfigured element in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ; for I speak as spoken unto by the spirit of revelation
and of the spirit of renewed- prophetic endurance that the things of righteousness might be my inheritance and shall stand
throughout all generations of transfigured time to abide the reconveying process upon mine brow to exclaim in complete-
sacrificial attitude: My Gody welcome into mine abode and abide with me through the Spirit of eternal righteousness that I
do feast upon the knowledge and companionship of the Savior of my soul and the Redemptor of my flesh to the consuming
of my sins that I might be clean and transfigured in the name of the Father and the Son and in the holy presence of the
Sanctifler, even the Holy Spirit of promise; for I do say unto the elements of my flesh: Be ye at peace; for peace abideth
upon thee in the name of the Eternal Father and in the name of Christ who doth bear upon him the articles of redemption
that the righteous would abide the seasoned way of tribute, that the righteous would be found with the knowledge of the
Eternal Christ upon their head and find eternal joy and rejoicing in the transfigured elements of eternal life in a mortal
frame; for I speak peace and righteousness to thy heart and find the name of righteousness abiding upon thee in perfected
reunion with the things of the eternal focus and longevity. Praise be unto the name of God upon me as I do feast in eternal
seasons of time, even as the premortal season of timelessness is added to my understanding and my foreordained calibration
might ensure a righteous desire for righteousness in the name of the Father upon which the name of Christ is transferred to
abide a knowledge of all single- mindedness concerning the walk of pure discipleship in the name of the Lord; for the
righteous doth inhabit an understanding of the way and sequence of enduring love which over- washes the philosophies of
men as the things of everlasting dominion are granted as a remembrance of the way and avenue of perfected righteousness;
for the voice of perfected righteousness abridges the expanse of time to control the use of the things of the eternal
perspective, even as the Holy Ghost abides and dwells in the midst of the regenerated flesh and blood filled with the
promises given to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob unto the confirming stance of holiness abiding within the sinew and
element surrounded by the things of an eternal dominion and authorship in the name of the Father and the Son and which
attains to the season of usefulness in an eternal element and abides in the transfer of eternal righteousness as an endowment
of calibrated faith unto the sealing of knowledge into the sinew and element of the initiate found inhabiting the way and
r knowledge of the way according to the ancient pattern of perfected righteousness abiding upon the brow of transfigured
compliance to the voice of the Spirit of the Lord in an attitude brought about in harmonious resolution abiding the
transfigured words of eternal life found in compliance to the word of God in perfect peace. And the voice of perfected peace
abides upon the brow to acknowledge the indwelling of the voice of the face of Christ; for the face of Christ abideth upon
the countenance in an attitude of perfected faith to witness the transfigured approach to the things and witness of the
household found in the approach to the knowledge held in reserve to the faithful who knock upon the door and find the way
opened for them to allow the things of the way of righteousness to find complete dominion in the season of preparedness to
dominate the response of obedience to awaken with healing and blessings unnumbered. And unto the faithful is it given to
understand: Blessed art thou, mine obedient friend who I call friend in the confines of the voice of perfected righteousness,
enter into the way opened before thy view in complete- habitation requirements fulfilled that ye do find thy peace in the
things of righteousness upon which ye shall be found exclaiming: O Lord my God, I do accept of the privilege to abide in
the harness with thee and abide the things of godliness upon my countenance. I do acknowledge the great sacrifices in my
behalf and I do favor thy presence through the healing waters of sacrificial service brought to me as I do find my service
bought forth in the name of the Lord God; for I do serve thee in the sacred heart of righteousness, even that I would be
found in the way and season of forgiveness as the love of God doth strengthen me in the things which are given that I might
understand and experience the peace which passeth all understanding; for I do praise thy name in righteousness and do
abide the call to come forth in eternal remembrance to offer unto thee my desire to be found perfected and my desire to
abide in the service of my fellow brethren through the plan rekindled within me to feast and be filled with the light of
everlasting remembrance seen upon my brow unto a regenerated mind and heart found abiding in righteousness and
redeemed remembrance; and the voice of perfected righteousness is brought forth unto me as the Holy Spirit of promised
remembrance is brought to my mind and abideth upon my heart as the scenes are brought to my remembrance of the living-
faithful goodness of God are found abiding upon my mind in perfected righteousness. So be it written and given unto thee to
know the way unsealed before thy path as ye do accompany the voice of righteousness through the mechanism of mortal
endurance to abide a seasoned perspective given of God in the name of God. [October 1, 1996 (1)]
October 2, 1996(1)
October 2, 1996 (1) Rejoice in the name of the Lord upon thee and find thy sustenance recalled upon thine elements in the
holy name of the Father and of the holy Son of righteousness who doth bring thee forward unto the knowledge and
discipleship of the elements of regeneration abiding within thy body unto a new birth of righteousness flowing unto thee in

v j Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-57

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