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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-101

May 15, 1997 (1) Ye have been blessed to understand the spirit of sacrifice from another dimension to give thee the
knowledge of the timing of the plan of order set forth from the foundation of the earth. Ye shall be shown the things that ye
need understand as the things of godliness are prepared for thine understanding. Ye shall stand strong and go forth and put
order into thy life and continue on the path outlined that ye gain confidence and experience and find the common
denominator between the things which are brought forward for thee to understand. Go forth and prepare the hearts of those
who have been brought to greater understanding in the name of the Lord. So be it written to grant thee peace in the Spirit of
the Lord that ye gain experience in the sacrifice of righteousness. [May 15, 1997 (1)]
Juty 3, 1997(1)
July 3, 1997 (1) I would have thee write in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that ye might obtain the peace that passeth all
understanding even that ye would be prepared for an influx of experiences which shall give thee compassion for the frailties
of others, for ye have been strengthened to overcome the world and ye are brought to greater understanding in the name of
the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed art thou that ye might be found well- versed in the word of the Lord. So be it written that ye
might be willing to have the revealing of the words of the Lord unto thine understanding illuminated before thy view. [July
July 6, 1997(1)
July 6, 1997 (1) Write in the name of the Lord thy God that ye might gain understanding based upon the name of
righteousness which enlightens thy heart with the things of an enlightened countenance. Blessed art thou as ye have
experienced the saving grace of understanding which has sheltered thee from the storm and has given thee the weathering
word of the Lord to overcome all things placed upon thee which would seek to thwart thine understanding. Blessed art thou
in thy determination to serve thy fellow brothers and sisters in finding the illuminated pearl of greatest price to the
overcoming of the word of discouragement and harshness in the world. Blessed art thou that ye might be found in the
remembrance of righteousness placed upon thy brow as holiness unto the Lord. So be it written to give thee acceptance in
the covenant circle of participation to gather the word of purity and of guilelessness and offer unto the Lord an acceptable
offering of the fruit of thy heart which has overcome the world. So be it given unto thee to honor the name of perfected
righteousness as ye write in the name of the Lord thy God even the Father of thy rebirth into the knowledge and season of
revelatory thought and reconciled- revelatory experience in the household of faith given unto thee as an endowment of
greater opportunity to understand the mind and will of God. So be it written to thine understanding that ye might be found
prepared to break forth into singing of heart and be willing to find the joy of the Lord accompanying thy walk in the shadow
of everlasting sadness and misery, for the joy of the Lord illuminates the love of God in thy heart and ye are made whole and
are returned to the primordial purposes of thy foreordination and calling to bear the word of the Lord in all righteousness.
So be it granted unto thee to be found writing with pure intent to discover the purposes ahead of thy feet which hearken to
the holy word of righteousness. So be it written to give thee acceptance hi the covenant circles which are being prepared to
enlighten the world with the knowledge of the living God. So be it written to find the peace which passeth all understanding
as ye are granted the fullness of the word of righteousness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for ye have been brought to
greater understanding this day in the holy name of perfected righteousness, even Jesus Christ who speaketh unto thy spirit in
the holy- transfigured appearance upon thy brow unto a greater dominion and revealed understanding granted in the name of
Christ who beareth thy sins in similitude of the covered pavilion which shields thee from the fullness of the pain in the
world, for I have overcome the world for thee that ye might not experience the depravation and solitude without the comfort
of knowledge that I am with thee and uphold thee and do sustain thee in thy trials and through thy tribulations associated
with the pure- heart retrieval of knowledge granted in the name of the Lord. So be it granted to give thee association with
the church of the First Born unto a greater participation in the knowledge of the things of the last days in preparation for my
return to the earth and to those who call upon my name in righteousness. So be it granted to thee to find the love of God
awakened in thy heart to an everlasting appreciation for the things of eternity which open to thy view. [July 6,1997 (1)]
July 8, 1997 (1)
July 8, 1997 (1) Praise be unto the Lord for the tender mercy extended to the righteous who call upon the name of the Lord
with a sound mind and a grateful heart prepared to receive all glory from his hand extended in righteousness to bring forth
the everlasting knowledge of the Son of Redeeming Heritage even the Savior of all mankind who extends a lawful arm of
mercy to the chosen house who find peace extended in the midst of the trial unto greater faith. Blessed art thou as ye desire
righteousness brought forth to bless thy posterity inasmuch as ye write to extend the message of the love of God to those
who would receive the voice of the Holy Spirit who is promised to attend all sealing and sanctification procedures in the
holy name of righteousness even the voice and tribute awareness of the Son of God brought to bring an element of peace to
thy heart as ye do come to the premise extended in the name of Jesus Christ and offered to all who would covenant in the
name of the Holy Father of righteousness and covenant in the name of the Holy Ghost and covenant in the name of the
Redeemer of element and receive a fullness extended as a rejoicing element of perfected peace. So be it written and given
unto thee that ye would be found purified in the waters of new birth even that the waters of new life are extended to the

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-101

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