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•«, BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative
• ;•< witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart Draft_E-197

^I perfect adherence to the voice of an everlasting inheritance. So be it granted to thee to be bold in thy degree of commitment
; j to the voice of eternal righteousness that ye would no longer fain allegiance to a worldly- focussed voice in the world nor
allegiance to the tribute made to the gods of money and gain which overcome the voice of eternal righteousness and a
measure inheritance granted in the day the focus of righteousness becomes utmost predominant in thy desire to listen to the
1 voice of the right of inheritance which attaches to thy countenance in a prepared- sacrificial compliance to overcome the
voice of the distraction of worldly pleasure and entertainment Be bold in thine adherence to the things of the voice of the
knowledge of the right to a greater circumference and dominion for the things of perfect righteousness are a comfort in the
world and cleanse thy mind and heart of the focus of the worldly preoccupation of a fallen- culture entreaty and captivation.
Rejoice and be believing and come forth to greater understanding and bring forth thy sacrificial adherence to the voice of
; eternal dominion and of the name of everlasting righteousness that ye be strengthened in thy desire for an understanding of
the gifts of the nature of the premortal remembrance of the name of the Eternal Father, who doth welcome thee before the
-5 face of the throne dominant- remembrance capacity of a perfect inheritance of the voice of eternal righteousness. So be it
| granted to thee to stand in the strength of the focus of eternalrighteousnessthat ye would exclaim: Praise be unto the name
"• of the eternal- righteousness inheritance of the preparation to extract a greater boldness to hear and be believing in the focus
of the name and inheritance of the things of the eternal righteousness which is granted unto me in the day of my greater
? degree of faith placed in the wonder and magnitude walk upon the earth in the dominion of an inheritor of the name of
•: perfect- inheritance order of the Sonship of the Son of God even that I might rejoice in the circumference of the fellowship
offered unto me, a woman of the inheritance of perfect righteousness bestowed upon my heart in the function and dominion
of the sacrifice of the world unto a listening to the realm of instruction which awakens in my heart in the name of the name
' of the Royal- Inheritance Recipient who doth offer me a seat in the throne- dominion property of perfect righteousness even
i that I might be found perfected in my offering of the words of eternal life which are found upon my countenance and which
arise upon my countenance and are a tribute offering of eternal righteousness granted unto me. So be it written that ye
overcome all things in the name of God that ye abide the name of God upon thy countenance in the season and
: personification of the name of the Sonship function of an eternal- sacrificial inheritance granted unto thee in the time of an
awakened- remembrance covenant of the premortal culmination of an everlasting- priesthood remembrance granted thee this
day unto a greater- gratitude function of the remembrance covenant of perfect righteousness. So be it written and given unto
thine understanding that ye do feast in the remembrance of a perfect inheritance in the name of God the Father who calleth
thee to a remembrance of the Fatherhood of the sacrificial offering that ye might obtain the measure and promise of an
enlightened countenance in the name of Jesus Christ. So be it written that ye be found prepared to overcome all things in the
world according to thy faith in the right of inheritance wherewith ye are given the knowledge of the Sonship blood of
inheritance, even the perfect- righteousness inheritance granted to thee in the season of the monitored face of righteousness.
[Began 9:35 a.m. and finished 11:22 a.m. April 6,2001 (1)]
April 9, 2001 (1)
April 9,2001 (1)1 have given unto thee my name that ye might overcome all fear in the world that ye hearken to the words
of eternal life in thy mind and heart unto a grateful stance of reckoning in thy mortality. Ye shall be brought to a knowledge
of the righteousness of the Holy Father in the name of the holy Son of God even as ye have my name upon thee, even the
name of Christ that ye know ye will be given the knowledge of what to speak in the day and time that ye ask according to
the covenant of everlasting knowledge and the covenant abiding across thy brow in the manner ascribed denoting an holy
admonition to partake of the knowledge of an everlasting covenant made in the presence of God for ye shall not be
overcome by the unresolved in thy life but ye shall have the sustaining power granted unto thee of the word of eternal
righteousness brought forth to thy remembrance even that thy peace be brought forth according to the premortal knowledge
granted thee when ye stood among the noble and great and voiced the clarion call to arise and partake of the sacrifice
required that of a mortal test with a mortal flesh and blood. For ye did desire to stand true and faithful to the word of eternal
promises that the plan of the Father might be made perfect in the righteous desires brought forth upon the earth, for ye shall
rejoice and be made glad in the trial that ye might overcome all things. For I have spoken unto thee in thy heart and have
made restitution for thee even that ye would prepare thy heart to return to the face to face knowledge of an endowed-
covenant bearer that ye would mind the way opened before thy view and walk forward to a greater understanding of the
things of God in that ye do honor the things spoken unto thee in times past that ye would be found bearing the countenance
of a believer in the promises awakened to thy remembrance, even that all that was promised thee would be thine in the
knowledge of an eternal covenant restored in fullness unto thee. Blessed art thou that ye bear the name of righteousness all
the days of thy life in that ye honor the name of righteousness and are found bearing the name of eternal righteousness in
that ye are brought to the appreciation of the pure- heart covenant of an eternal remembrance restored unto thee in the name
of Jesus Christ. Be it so written that ye would bear witness of the faith required to honor the name of righteousness in that ye
do bear the name of righteousness in the sanctity of a glorified remembrance of the eternal covenant of everlasting days and
an everlasting night where the glory of an awakened face is found in the knowledge- retrieval function of a prepared heart in

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-197

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