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BOOK OF ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains thp nero- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-2O6

September 2, 2001 (1)

September 2, 2001 (1) [I heard the word of the Lord come into my mind when asking a question.] Ye have feared man.
[6:20 a,m. September 2,2001 (1)]
September 4, 2001 (I)
September 4, 2001 (1) Blessed art thou as ye are brought to the knowledge of the righteousness element of faith
transfigured unto thee in thy heart and mind as ye overcome the fear- anthesis formula of the worldly focus of
unrighteousness which bears its fruit in the pain associated in an expectation of the element of love abiding where the power
of the love of God abides not. For ye need understand that the love of God can fill thee with great satisfaction and joy to
overcome all else in the world for ye shall acknowledge the greatness of the overcoming plan of happiness which grants the
pure in heart to partake of the joy of the Lord. Blessed art thou this day as ye configure the desire to obtain the focus of
eternal life in thy heart. Blessed art thou as ye overcome the world and cast thy focus to the things of the love of God and be
found prepared to arise up and be glad in the trial to learn to focus upon the things of the eternal realm. [2:53 a.m.
September 4, 2001(1)]
September 6, 2001 (1)
September 6, 2001 (1) Rejoice in the name of Jesus Christ for ye shall rejoice and be glad in the understanding of the light
of the faction of the name of universal proportions, even the name of thine overcoming in the tribute of righteousness found
uncovered upon thy countenance. Be bold in thy declaration of the things of God that ye no more fret over the world and the
state of the judgment in the world for I come unto thee and give thee of my peace in my name, and say unto thee: Be at
peace and forsake the interpretation of the worldly focus of unrighteousness for the word of righteousness given unto thee
cleanses the focus of the world from off thy countenance, and ye shall be made whole and prepared to understand the focus
of the things of the focus of righteousness. Be bold in thy declaration of the name of Jesus Christ, even that ye do find thy
sustenance and wholeness in the words of eternal life and obey the prompting of the Spirit of the Lord, even that ye would
overcome all things in the name of Jesus Christ [September 6,2001 (1)]
September 6, 2001 (3)
September 6, 2001 (3) Blessed art thou this day as ye are reminded of the golden heritage of an everlasting focus of
righteousness, even that ye would be welcomed into the knowledge of eternal- life inheritance whereby ye do come to the
table of sacramental knowledge and inheritorship in the name of Jesus Christ Blessed art thou as ye arise up and stand in
the strength to inherit an inheritance of the bounties and promises granted unto the faithful and righteous who endure the
name calling in the world, hurled upon with the words of caustic fiber which maim the brow and cause the attack to be
blood- filled and stain thy clothing with the blood of inheritance and of righteousness. For ye shall endure in the name of
Jesus Christ, and receive the comfort of the word of righteousness and endure the humiliation and linear degree of an
unrighteous focus in the world. So be it granted to thine understanding as ye overcome the fear of caustic words in the
world. So be it granted unto thee to obtain the focus of the faithful approach to the throne of God that ye do find the stature
and nobility to overcome the worldly focus of heretic fraud in the name of Jesus Christ So be it written and sustained upon
thy countenance in the faith of the faithful degree of joy and rejoicing as the revelatory focus of the words of eternal life
heighten thy capacity to experience the peace of the knowledge of the love of God upon thy brow. [September 6,2001 (3)]
September 8, 2001 (1)
September 8, 2001 (1) Blessed art thou. Abide in the peace of the Lord and rejoice in the transfiguring of the knowledge of
eternal life across thy brow. Blessed art thou as ye come to understand the tuning that ye have been willing to abide in the
transfer of the knowledge of an eternal understanding given unto thee in the presence of God. Ye have been faithful and
have not sought thy redemption in the world for the things of an eternal redemption bring not the sorrow of the precepts of
men upon the countenance. For thou hast been willing to abide in the doctrine of the living voice of the name of Jesus
Christ, even the living testament of the throne- dominion- dominant perception of the face of the Lord in the knowledge of
the righteousness of the season of a perfected inheritance granted in the name of the Savior of the repentant of heart. Rejoice
and be glad in the transfer of the righteous name of inheritance and be found hi the household of living faith in the name of
all righteousness. So be it granted unto thee that ye overcome all things in the way and outline of greater faith suffered in the
tribute- monitored righteousness granted unto thee in the household of faith in the name of Christ. So be it written that ye
would come to a stance of rejoicing which rejoicing is of the heart and the eternal- spirit transfer of unsurpassed knowledge
of the redemption sequence of eternal righteousness in the holy name of the name of names, even that thy rejoicing might be
found in the finding of the name of the Judge of Israel, who is set to judge the pure in heart and monitor their rejoicing in
the name of eternal righteousness. So be it granted unto thee to abide in the rejoicing name of righteousness found upon thy
countenance in the name of eternal longevity and eternal knowledge of eternal righteousness. [September 8, 2001 (1)]
September 11, 2001 (I)
September 11, 2001 (1) [I heard the words of the Lord after praying about the terrorist attacks.] Leave the world behind.

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome, 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-206

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