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:-1 BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

'.I- witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart Draft_E-211

December 10,2001 (2)

December 10, 2001 (2) Write and become familiar with the knowledge of discipleship bestowed upon thee in the righteous
name of Jesus Christ that ye would overcome thy pain in the extracting of thy testimony from thy living heart of
remembrance which brings thee forth to the offering that ye be found prepared to overcome all things brought before thy
face as ye overcome all things in the way of the worldly focus of a limited perspective. Rejoice and find the renewal
covenant prepared and find the new day awakened before thy mind and heart as ye partake of peace in the name of Jesus
Christ and look unto the way of selective inheritance reserved for those who have endured the weaknesses of the mortal
understanding brought to bear against the pure of holy heart in the fashioning of a circumstance to refine the witness to be
bom in the day required that the witness be prepared to testify as a redeemed witness selected through great trial and abuse
denigrating the will to abide the infractions of false- witness. For ye shall come to greater understanding and find the way
prepared to speak when called upon to speak and to come forth to greater stewardship in the name of Jesus Christ unto an
acknowledgment granted to testify of the living witness borne unto the lineage of inheritance, even that thy knowledge of
God is given unto thee because of thy willingness to endure the witness- bearing properties gained in conjunction with the
sacrifice required that ye abide the trial in perfect peace unto the clarification of righteousness brought before thy face. So
be it granted unto thee in the holy- discipleship understanding granted because of thy pure heart So be it given unto thee to
find the peace of the words of Jesus Christ. [December 10, 2001 (2)]
December 12, 2001 (I)
December 12, 2001 (1) [I heard the words of the Lord in my mind:] Do you know who I am? [I answered: Lord, Thou art
the Father of my redemption.] Then why do ye forget thy coming unto my face? And I have begotten thee and have prepared
thee to withstand all trial and temptation in the world. Feast upon my name in the day of thy substitution of the things of the
world for the things of my name. I have prepared thee to stand in my name and find the strength to overcome all things
grounded in the world for ye shall rejoice in my name upon thee. And in this substitution, ye shall overcome all that is not
founded in my name, that ye gain the favor of the word of the name of eternal sacrifice, even that ye would feast this day
upon the name of eternal righteousness granted unto thee that ye gain the strength to defend my name among men upon the
earth. So be it given unto thee that ye abide in my presence in peace and confirmation of thy worthiness to abide my voice in
a righteousness granted unto thee. [December 12, 2001 (1)]
December 12, 2001 (2)
December 12, 2001 (2) Write that ye might gain strength to overcome the things of a carnal perspective, even the fear which
attacks thee because ye think that no one understands the trial ye have been waging to attain to greater knowledge bestowed
upon thee in my name unto a desired calibration of power and stewardship granted because of thine asking diligently in the
power obtained through faith granted unto thee according to the way of perfection and of righteousness. Hearken unto these
words which grant thee peace in the world neither shall ye speak of these things unto those who hearken not unto the way
and righteousness of the name of Jesus Christ for ye shall be taken from the minds and hearts of the unrighteousness who
accuse thee of false doctrine, for the light granted to their minds when they ask in My name shall bring thee the honor and
protection granted of the Lord. Believe in the word granted unto thee for the way of righteousness shall be a shield and
protection to thy mind even as ye overcome the negative denigration of the worldly focus. Rejoice in the protection granted
unto thee. So be it written and granted unto tiiee because of thy desire to obtain a witness of the surety of knowledge and
righteousness in thy desire to believe the word of righteousness in the name of Jesus Christ. [December 12,2001 (2)]
December 12, 2001 (3)
December 12,2001 (3) As ye find comfort this day, ye need overcome all fear as ye are beckoned to believe in the things of
an everlasting covenant granted unto thee. So be it granted to thee that ye do remember the feast granted unto thee— for the
bread and wine is laid upon thine understanding in the name and the fece of Jesus Christ for I speak the kind words of the
covenant of the redemptive covenant of new discipleship even as ye are found added upon in thy mind and heart concerning
the faith prerequisite to call upon thine head the ministering of angels who have blessed thee to the obtaining of a sure
witness of the voice of the Redeemer who doth weep with thee in thy trial brought upon thine head in the proving of the
things of righteousness granted unto thee for ye shall rejoice that ye abide in the way of a garnered understanding and are
found prepared to gain understanding and are blessed as ye come to understand the doctrine of the redemption of the name
of Jesus Christ that ye become perfected in the name of the salvation granted unto thee. [3:06 p.m. December 12,2001 (3)]
December 13, 2001 (1)
December 13, 2001 (1) Blessed art thee as ye find grace sufficient to overcome the melancholy state of non- faith wherein ye
have no joy. Blessed art thou this day to find thee filled with the everlasting companionship of love and hope and long-
suffering mixed with a degree of wellness and the companionship of the Holy Spirit of promise that ye might rejoice in the
culminant focus of righteousness and find the new- charted dominion of the face of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Rejoice in the out- pouring of the capacity to see anew in the darkened world of the focus of the pain of the trial, for the trial
shall pass away and ye are rejoined in the focus of righteousness before thy face to face communication of the intent to serve

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-211

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