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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-215

things of a lesser understanding that ye might come forth to a greater responsibility to hearken unto the word of everlasting
righteousness, even that ye might come forth and be confirmed in thy righteousness and offer the things of God which ye
have been called upon to write in the name of Jesus Christ as an offering of righteousness in the holy- name circumference
granted unto thee this day as ye come forth to new- tribute acknowledgment declared unto thee of the new and everlasting
tribute- monitoring righteousness granted unto thee in the favored circumference of the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the words of the Lord grant thee the circumference of an eternal inheritance and are for thy progression to understand
the things of righteous dominion and a calibrated understanding of the name of God found upon thy countenance. So be it
written that ye come to this station of experience and gain the season of an everlasting dominion opened unto thy view and
authority to claim the honor of righteousness and the honor of an extended- face to face bounty and dominion, even that the
name of God is an everlasting bounty in the dominion circumference of righteousness. So be it written that ye come to
understanding this day. [December 30,2001 (1)]

-RECORD 2002-
January 1, 2002 (1)
January 1,2002 (1) Blessed is the name of righteousness found inhabiting my heart unto the glory of the Lord abiding
within my heart unto an understanding of the new- awakened day of an everlasting inheritance partaken of according to the
ritual inheritance granted in the name of Jesus Christ Blessed is the day of an everlasting inheritance monitored upon the
brow in recognition of the holy rite of passage granted in the holy- redeemed venue of perfect righteousness. Blessed is the
monitored day of new- heart inheritance granted unto the redeemed who monitor the word of God in their heart. Blessed is
the salutation of a redeemed reunion of the face to face [Interrupted.] [(*) Finished January 2,2002,] transfer of the word of
holy righteousness granted thee in the face- to- circumference- face of the holy word of elevated knowledge and power
inhabiting a dominion of treasured words of everlasting life found upon the heart in the avenue of righteousness and perfect
abiding of the cause of truth and uprightness. Be it granted unto thee that ye would be bold in the documenting of thy face to
face knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, even that ye would submit thy witness to the trial of witnesses as ye overcome thy
fear in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Be it written in the sacred dominion of greater stewardship and righteousness in
the holy- sanction brow of elevated knowledge and righteousness. [Interrupted; (*) finished January 2,2002; January 1,
2002 (1)]
January 1, 2002 (2)
Fanuary 1,2002 (2) [I heard the words of the Lord speak to me when asking about the temple of the Lord:] I am thy temple.
January 1,2002(2}]
January 13,2002 (1)
anuary 13,2002 (1) [I heard after reading December 24,1996 the words:] Ye are a true witness.
January 22, 2002(1)
anuary 22,2002 (2) [During my sleep I dreamt about the tree of the words of eternal life. I understood the fruit of the light-
f the knowledge of the Son of God, even Jesus Christ, to the sanctification of the heart to a knowledge of the pure blood of
ic Fathership of God.] [10:05 am. January 22,2002 (2)]
muary 26,2002 (1) [I heard the words of the Lord in my mind.] Eternal- life measure of the new word of the Lord.
January 27, 2002(1)
muary 27,2002 (1) [I stand as a witness of the testimony of the name of Jesus Christ My experience is based upon a
rvealing of the face of God through the monitored fire- dominion brightness of the voice of everlasting circumference
Mained in the circle of the name of the Righteous Judge in heaven and upon the earth.} [7:37 a.m. January 27,2002 (1)]
February 2, 2002(1)
jbruary 2,2002 (1) [Praise be the name of God upon my countenance for the face- to- brow understanding is awakened
ithin my heart, for I see the eternal understanding of righteousness fbcussed in an element dominion [(*)] within my grasp
I walk forward to the law and sacrificial way of extended- hand dominion as a seal is found binding the law of God to my
iderstanding of the way of perpetual light and knowledge. Praise be the voice of God heard upon the Mount as the vision
'an active conversation is communed unto my heart as a blessing restored through the covenant of rejuvenation and eternal
newal in the function of the pure- heart repetition of the name of a godly tribute to forestall the advance of chaos designed
captivate the lost and nameless found outside the comfort of the awakened way of the name of God.] [(*) I heard on
binary 4,2002 (1): of the name of Jesus Christ and I partake of the new level of praise obtained in an elemental
hteousness with the word of righteousness attached to the understanding dominion of the way of the Lord Jesus Christ]
) added words February 4,2002; February 2,2002 (1)]
ftbruayg, 2002(1)
bruary 8, 2002 (1) [I heard the words:] I have given thee peace which is of my power.

'lease contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
ir review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
rorld through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.cwn. friendship@streamsofrenewal.conj.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-215

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