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BOOK OF ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-218

illuminated righteousness. Hearken to the safety of the focus of a worldly knowledge of the Living Son of God. Behold the
word of the Lord upon thy brow and write in the sacred name of endurance and longevity of testimony and of the new
renewal- monitored standard of the righteous heart. [1:56 a.m. April 18, 2002 (1)]
June 5. 2002 (I)
June 5, 2002 (1) Blessed art thou even as ye have faith to write in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for thou hast provided
the things of concept and principle, even that ye would be found prepared to find the words of greater understanding this
day in the presence of God— even that ye would write and comprehend the way of the righteous Son of God. So be it
written to explain the procedure and extraordinary capacity to further the work of light and bring forth the new day in thine
own heart. [June 5, 2002 (1)]
June 14, 2002 (I)
June 14, 2002 (1) [The tree of living light is a veiled and hidden knowledge of the principles of everlasting life which when
partaken of fill the heart and mind with a living light of knowledge and the principles of an everlasting inheritance in the
presence of God. The tree of the principle of the word of God calibrates the experience of man to be a connection between
heaven and earth while feasting upon the light and tribute awareness of the presence of God. The fascination surrounding
the tree of living life as a tree of living light is an ancient symbol to evoke the veiled understanding of the way of eternal
inheritance in the presence of God.] [June 14, 2002 (1)]
June 16, 2002 (1)
June 16, 2002 (1) [I felt the Spirit of the Lord prompt me to write this day. I do so in the name of Jesus Christ. 1 write in the
hope that I will learn something valuable which will help me accomplish this task which encroaches upon my mind, my
time, and my life. I pray that I will come to understanding.] Blessed art thou as ye order thy Record of the knowledge of
God as given unto thee. Ye shall come to understanding this day and come to feast upon the knowledge of the wisdom and
grace granted thee to write in the beloved name of goodness and light, even the name of light and wisdom, even the name
granted unto thee that ye acquire a dominion and a semblance of order in thy life in the word granted unto thee of the
wisdom and revelation granted unto the pure of heart in the time of tribulation upon the earth— even that ye fight no more
against the hardness of the way, even that ye look with happiness upon the length and breath of eternal knowledge granted
unto thee even in thy distress and mortal failings. Be at peace and be comforted as ye arise out of the mortal view and cast
thine eye to the view of those who view thee in thy mortality. For ye are viewed as one sturdy and strong to overcome all
things in the name of Jesus Christ. Blessed art thou as ye prepare for the day that ye will join the seeing amidst the
unbelieving, and see the distant message of eternal- life awareness. Be believing and see the things of an eternal focus and
rely not upon the things of the world for ye cannot find peace in the world, neither can ye acquire the traits of eternal vision
amidst an unbelieving heart. Prepare thy Record of the word of the Lord and grant no one access to this Record except ye
gain the permission of the voice of eternal righteousness, even that ye shall test the unbelieving heart with the word of the
Lord as granted unto thee. Say unto those who inquire of thee: Hast thou been born again and receive the voice of the Lord
as in the day of creation when ye heard the voice of eternal righteousness? Hast thou been privileged to acknowledge the
hand of God in all things? Hast thou been bom unto the voice of eternal freedom and knowledge granting thee the things of
an eternal inheritance in the name of Jesus Christ, even that ye awake unto the name of the voice of eternal righteousness in
the midst of mortal covering and darkness? Hast thou been granted the peace which passeth understanding, and passeth
understanding unto thy mind and heart, even the peace of the name of God found written across the brow in the name of the
Deliverer of the word unto the righteous? And ye inquire of those who would press thee in thy diligence to be about the
work of deliverance, even that ye would be bold in thy meek reply that ye do as ye have been instructed in thy privation and
desolate wilderness experience with the returning desire to glorify the name of the Lord in thy knowledge partaken of in
thine extremity that ye might overcome the world, and bask in the seasoned deliverance of purity and guilelessness in thy
reliance upon the further light and knowledge granted to those who wait upon the name of the Lord in righteous thought and
deliverance. Blessed art thou this day as ye find peace in the refuge of the name of righteousness this day and find the way
opened for thy walk through the way of the Lord. Blessed art thou this day and rest in the circumference dominion of a
righteous heart and a righteous dominion perused even at ye find renewal and tempered deliverance in thy mortal walk in
the wilderness. Blessed art thou this day. [Written from 10:46 a.m. - 11:07 a.m. June 16, 2002 (1)]
June 16. 2002 (3)
June 16, 2002 (3) [I heard the words in my sleep upon awakening:] This is the beginning.
'June 16, 2002 (4)
June 16, 2002 (4) [I saw a vision of a Book in my mind when I read my poem, THE NEW- HEART SEER- STONE, dated,
August 4, 1999 (1). I had understood that this Book would be a collection of sacred writing, or a combination of writings
which would include things that 1 have written in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was a Book of such glorious
brilliance and shone with great light. 1 have seen this Book before and the responsibility to understand correctly is more than
I comprehend.] [June 16, 2002 (4)]
June 17,2002 (2)

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF Z1FFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231. Anchorage. Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Drafl_E-218

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