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BOOK OF ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart Draft_E-2 19

June 1 7, 2002 (2) Blessed art thou as ye are blessed with understanding this day. Blessed is thy desire to uncover the things
of godliness in thy remembrance capacity as a daughter of the Holy God Almighty, even that ye have overcome the world of
dissention within thy heart and mind and ye come to understanding which ye have gained because it is time that ye mature
in thine understanding of these things given unto thee. Blessed art thou that ye might overcome all worldly perspectives,
even that ye would fight no more against the things which cause thee pain and grief in thy mortal life. Blessed art thou as ye
rejoice in the name of Jesus Christ upon thy brow and come to understanding this day. [2:27 a,m, June 17, 2002 (2)]
Jane 25, 2002 (1)
June 25, 2002 (1) [I awoke from a nap at about 2:30 pjn. and I heard the words in my mind as I had been reading from a
paragraph. These words were on my mind when I awoke:] "The words of Jesus Christ form a relationship." I had an influx
of understanding come over me upon awakening about the process involved which would bind the words of Christ to a
person as personal power and a functioning awareness of all things. I understood the personal nature of the words of Christ
to me that they were a guarding protection around me and I lived in that surrounding light and knowledge as a covering of
understanding. I understood that my relationship with the words of Jesus Christ was a friendship where I was always able to
hear my close Friend speak to me. [June 25, 2002 (1)]
July 1, 2002 (I)
July 7, 2002 (1) [I heard phrases in my sleep over and over.] If the dead rise not at all, wherewith shall the earth be salted? [I
woke up to write down the words which may not be exactly as I heard them because I was still drowsy when I recorded the
words.] [I did not write this correct; see July 9, 2002 (1); July 7, 2002 (1)]
July 9, 2002(1)
July 9, 2002 (1) P heard during sleep in a dream. I awoke to write the words and fell back asleep. These words are written
correctly as I heard them. I recognized that I received another chance to write the words of the Lord.] Cast your mind on the
morrow. Wherewith shall the earth be salted if the dead rise not at all? [July 9, 2002 (1)]

July 9, 2002 (2) Cast thy mind on the morrow. Cast thy mind to the day of thy transition to a place of peace and light What
instruction have you left behind for thy family? Leave behind a tribute offering of the word of the eternal- life promise
granted unto thee. Leave behind the word of the Lord granted to thy posterity for generations of time. Leave behind the
things of a pure heart which have granted thee peace in the world in the throne- theophany knowledge of thy God presented
before thy face. Rejoice for the light of the world hath been granted to thee to gain understanding of the way of the Lord that
ye might leave for thy posterity a way to understand the things of God which have been granted to thee. Cast thy mind on
the morrow wherewith ye have planted the word of God in thy heart which will grant thee a knowledge of the things which
shall be thine inheritance, even an understanding of the eternal world and the things of antiquity which are restored to thee
in the way of an eternal- life remembrance, even the way of the Lord granted to thee in thy weakness to obtain a promise of
inheritance and perfect grace granted to thee. Cast thy mind on the morrow when chaos dots the land and the only peace that
prevails will be in the hearts of the disciples of the Lord who are gathered to the word of God and the way of an eternal- life
inheritance. Cast thy mind to the gratitude of thy posterity who seek the peace of the word of the Lord and who come to a
faith wherewith ye have come to rely upon the way of the word of God casting a direct measure of righteousness to lead thy
children and grandchildren to the fountain of the word of righteousness. Be not afraid in this thing for the hand of
righteousness granteth thee peace in the preserving of thy testimony of the Living Father of the righteous who follow in the
name of righteousness and are granted [(*)] and are given an inheritance of the peace of the word of the Lord. Be not afraid
to leave a living record for thy posterity to grant unto thy children's children and countless generations of the righteous who
love the Lord and the word of the praise of the Lord left as a living testament to the magnificence of the Righteous Father in
granting the children a remembrance of the peace of the worthy Son of God. [Interrupted.] [5:50 a.m.; (*) At 6:20 a.m., I
saw a vision of the continuation of my living record on the earth; July 9, 2002 (2)]
July 17, 2002(1)
July 17, 2002 (1) [I saw that I was responsible to record the precept and pure inspiration.]
Jnfy 18, 2002 (1)
July 1 8, 2002 ( 1 ) Ye are blessed this day with understanding to accompany thee in the pathway of greater knowledge
granted thee this day even as ye have brought forth to the way unto a greater manifestation of the hand of the Lord, even that
ye would write and rejoice in the way opened before thee even in the things which have been granted thee this day. Rejoice
in the way opened before thy view. Rejoice in the way being manifested unto thee. [July 18, 2002 (1)]
July 23, 2002(1)
July 23, 2002 (1) [During my prayer this morning I fell asleep and awoke a short time later with the words going over and
over in my mind:] Learning in his name. [July 23, 2002 (I)]
July 25, 2002(1)

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-219

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