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BOOK OF ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart Draft_E-224

ye have been instructed in the fees to face righteousness of an everlasting inheritance of the things of an eternal- lives
inheritance brought forth in the way to an everlasting appreciation and an offering made in the focus of eternal life in the
presence of God. Abide the name of the focus of an everlasting inheritance brought forth unto thee this day in the tribute-
offering name of everlasting righteousness, even that ye would awaken to the righteous inheritance granted unto thee as ye
abide the things which have no real understanding brought forth to tread upon thy faith in the living name of eternal- life
inheritance, for ye are granted a space to inhabit the dominion of righteousness granted unto thee in the name of eternal- life
righteousness, even the name of the things of life and property to abide the faith of the premortal- inheritance circumference
reinstalled in thy heart unto a name placed upon thy heart and a name placed upon thy mind to a name of everlasting
endurance in the way of an awakened- heart forgiveness for the things which bring thee pain and suffering in the world of a
carnal- world perspective. Blessed art thou this day as ye find the focus of a righteous- day inheritance and ye overcome the
fruitlessness of the focus of the worid laden with the fear of the pulled faces of discouraging words hurled at thee in thy time
appointed the further- brighter inheritance of the faith of a principle- based understanding, for ye shall abide the way of a
gathered inheritance and come forth to greater peace as ye focus upon the way of eternal- life brightness and the
circumference of the eternal- round inheritance of the words of everlasting dominion and a knowledge of greater-
foundational righteousness abiding in thy premortal understanding of the power gained in a name of inheritance granted
unto thee in this hour of deliverance from the fear and things of a limited perception focussed upon the things which bear
not the light of the name of the inheritance of a greater- priesthood light and dominion of righteousness, for ye shall bear the
chastisement in the way of a delivered- righteousness inheritance and ye shall not focus thy heart upon the ire of another
who has not found the focus of a godly inheritance of the name of an indelible inheritance granted unto thee in the face to
face- forgiving gaze of the eternal heart to the focus of the things of God found abiding the sand of a tribute honor, even as
the words of God granted unto thee abide the name of righteousness found carved across thy brow as ye walk forth in the
joy of an eternal- life name inscribed in thy heart unto a tree- awakened inheritance doth seal thee to the words of an
awakened- heart knowledge of the things of eternal- life inheritance awakened within thee to an appreciation of thy
deliverance from the focus of a worldly standard and fulcrum. Abide the new day of the peace of the words of eternal- life
inheritance brought forth in thy heart that ye would stand in the face to face entreaty of the way of peace brought forth to
thine eternal heart of goodness and life which doth remember the things of an awakened inheritance brought forth upon thy
brow this day. So be it written to grant thee the fruitfulness of an awakened- heart righteousness and endurance in the things
which bring forth the happiness to thy heart as ye see the eternal- life inheritance monitored upon thy brow in the name of
the Son of God, even the monitor of the name of righteousness placed upon thee in the endurance capacity of the sealing of
the face to face inheritance of perfect righteousness granted unto thee in the face of eternal happiness and order brought
forth to declare glad tidings unto thee this day. So be it written to thy remembrance as ye abide the name and face of
righteousness in the way monitored before thine understanding as ye overcome thy discouragement and the battle- fatigue ye
experience in the world. Blessed is thy heart this day in its capacity to be cleansed from the focus of the world. Abide the
day of righteous inheritance as ye are filled with the knowledge of the name of righteousness granted tbee as ye have been
brought forth to declare a union element of sealing to the love of the Father granted thee in the name of inheritance, even the
name of a righteous inheritor who doth inherit the things of a righteousness displayed in the precepts of a faith- monitored
endurance found abiding upon thy brow in the day of thy deliverance from the focus of the worldly inheritance which grants
no good endurance in the name of a righteous name of endurance, even that the name of Jesus Christ offers a righteous
endurance in the face of all trial and hardship ye might encounter in the field of the worldly focus and plan to subdue the
focus of an inheritor of the name of endurance, even the name of the enduring- forever countenance which has awakened to
the righteous word of an everlasting righteousness awakened in the power to sustain a righteous focus of inheritance in the
kingdom of an awakened forever- foundation knowledge of everlasting inheritance and longevity. So be it written to grant
thee peace this day in thy heart and mind focussed upon the name of God brought forth to thee in the inheritance name of
everlasting endurance and eternal- life focus of solemnity and power abiding upon thee in the name of Jesus Christ.
[November 17, 2002 (1)]
November 17, 2002(2)
November 17,2002 (2) Blessed art thou as ye have been brought forth to a new level of understanding as ye acquire the
faith- dominant perception of the things which beckon thee to accomplish in thy mortality. Blessed art thou as ye bring forth
thy testament of the word of righteousness granted unto thee as ye have been slothful in thy duty to clarify the precepts of
the living face of righteousness which ye have been given to offset thy discouragement in the things of the world which
attack thy heart and foundation of righteous endurance and honor sustained in the name of endurance and righteousness
granted the pure who feast in the holy tabernacle of worldly deliverance from the focus of the perception of the way of an
unholy participation in the things which maim the focus of endurance and of an everlasting inheritance in the name of Jesus
Christ. So be it granted to thee that ye would be found in the way of an everlasting inheritance as ye would honor me way of
everlasting life within thy heart that ye abide the new name of inheritance and endurance placed upon thee in the righteous

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZJFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard.?Draft_E-224

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