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S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G M A Y 2 0 1 1

Get ready, get set… Garage Sale!
Clothing, toys, books, furniture, sporting goods – Donations: Sun., May 29
those are just a few of the items being collected All members are encouraged to donate items to
Announcements: 2 for St. Martin’s Garage Sale the first weekend of the sale (see page 12 for a list of items accepted).
Service Day
Estate Planning June. This will be the 38th year St. Martin’s has A trailer is now in the parking lot for early drop-
Bunco Night hosted the fundraiser. After taking a few years off, offs, but Judi says she hopes most people will wait
Mary & Martha
organizers are excited about the prospects for to bring their donations until Sunday, May 29.
Book Club
this year’s event. Judi and Wear casual clothes to church that
Fr. Jon: 3 Chuck Batch are co- day and stay after the service to
Spiritual Ground
chairs. “It really was a begin collecting the donations and
Financial Report 4
tradition,” says Judi. “It’s setting up for the sale. Come over
St. Martin’s
Scholarship a real service to the com- to the “Holy Cow Grill” for a $4
munity. People are so lunch special, cooked up by the
Mission Trips 5
Youth Group excited we’re having it Youth Group.
again.” Judi says the sale not only provides our
Adult Classes 6 Set-up: Sun., May 29 – Thurs., June 2
Stewardship community with a place to purchase quality goods
Spotlight at great prices, it also brings St. Martin’s members Volunteers are needed throughout the week lead-

together as we prepare for the event. All the pro- ing up to the sale to organize areas and price
Christian 7
Formation ceeds from this year’s garage sale will go to out- items. If you would like to help, please sign up for

reach projects including youth mission trips and a shift at the church.
New Planning 8
Procedures Circle of Concern. (Continued on back cover)

Register now for Vacation Bible School

Milestones: 9
Graduations by Susan Gillies Register (either as a participant or
New Babies
It’s time for SVB. BSV, that is. volunteer) at
Lay Ministry 10 Oops, VBS we mean! Sorry
for the confusion, but we got stmartinschurch or by contacting
May 11 a little turned around because Colleen Hall at 636-273-3996 or Mi-
Calendar chelle Magee at 636-273-1319. All chil-
we’re going “Inside Out and
Garage Sale 12 dren ages 3 through 5th grade are wel-
Upside Down” on Main
Street for Vacation Bible come and nursery care is available for
School this year! Come find out what we mean by children 3 and under. Cost is $20 per child / $40
joining us the week of June 13-17 from 9 a.m. till max per family (scholarships are available).
noon. Registration deadline is May 15.
See you there!

Announcements and Events

SERVICE DAY flects your values, dreams and Anyone who prefers to meet at
the full life you’ve lived. Estate the Grill, please let Anne or
by Sherrie Algren
planning can also help you take Phyllis know. Reservations
Please join us Sunday, May 1 care of your family when you’re need to be made by Monday,
for our Spring Service Day. All no longer able to do so your- May 9. This is our last regu-
ages and talents are appreci- self. larly scheduled meeting. We
ated. A light breakfast will be will have informal get-togethers
This will be an interactive ses-
provided following the 8 a.m. during the summer.
sion with great handouts, so
service and a light lunch will be
bring your questions and mark
provided following the 10:15
your calendars for Wednesday, MAY BOOK CLUB
a.m. service. The children will
May 4 at 7 p.m. by Ruby Downs
be painting with real outdoor
paint (so please dress them St. Martin's Book Club meets
accordingly). We will break out on Tuesday, May 24, from 7
by Jeanne King till 8:30 p.m. in Packwood
the handicap sidewalk in prepa-
ration for a new, improved St. Martin’s ECW is hosting a Library. Pick up a copy of this
sidewalk. Some yard work will Bunco night Friday, May 6 at month’s book, Handle with
be done, blankets tied (for Pro- 7 p.m. All St. Martin’s women Care, by Jodi Picoult, and come
ject Linus) and cards made for are invited and are encouraged join the discussion. Newcom-
the card ministry. We will have to ask friends and neighbors to ers are always welcome.
various chores for those able join in the fun and sisterhood.
and willing. Come, have fun Admission is $10 at the door.
meeting new people and being Beverages will be provided.
of service to your church and Bring an appetizer or dessert

Be a Messages your community. to share. Cash prizes will be

contributor! awarded. You can sign-up for
Send articles, pictures, ESTATE PLANNING Bunco in Park Hall or e-mail
announcements and DESSERT AND
anything you’d like Susan Gillies at
DISCUSSION Review (from Publishers
published in the June
issue of Messages to Weekly): Perennial bestseller
by Beverly Kinkade Remember all women of the
Picoult (Change of Heart) deliv-
by May 18. Everyone needs a will! Join at- Episcopal Church are automati-
ers another engrossing family
torney Larry Robertson and St. cally members of ECW. Enjoy
drama, spiced with her trade-
Martin’s Legacy Committee for this fact.
mark blend of medicine, law
an interactive session on estate and love. Picoult individualizes
planning Wednesday, May 4 the alternating voices of the
from 7 till 8 p.m. narrators more believably than
by Phyllis Duff
While an estate plan can’t pass she has previously, and weaves
Mary and Matha Guild will
on your memories and experi- in subplots to underscore the
meet at church on May 11 at
ences, it can help you pass on themes of hope, regret, identity
11 a.m. to caravan to
your assets in a way that re- and family, leading up to her
Wildhorse Grill for a luncheon.
signature closing twists.

Living on solid spiritual ground

Dear brothers and for all of us, as interviewed in November
sisters in Christ, that spiritual 2009. I am very much aware
source for our that adding a full-time position
Spring is in bloom! And
various minis- may not happen in the next
just like the signs of
tries? year, but I think we can be Join us for
new life in nature, I am
creative with some part-time Holy Eucharist
very pleased with the I think it has to
at St. Martin’s
do with our positions to add depth to our
growth in our parish.
life of worship spiritual life, particularly in the
We are gathering
as individuals areas of weekly Bible studies,
strength with new
Contact The Rev. Jon Hall at
and as a con- worship opportunities and
members, programs,
gregation. I pastoral care.
and leadership by the Sundays
laity. I enjoy being around St. believe the source of a faith- I hope that you will pray for at 8 & 10:15 a.m.
Martin’s because of the energy oriented life has to do with a our church and the wonderful and
that you give to our church. You combination of prayer, devotional call that God gives us to serve Wednesdays
are making a difference not only reading, fellowship and action. the wider congregation and the at Noon
within the congregation, but in Much of my focus as a priest is West County area. I give God
the community. I am proud of about encouraging the spiritual the praise for who we are and
our staff and the work it takes to work first, whether it is with the who we are becoming. Please
offer the array of ministries we staff, vestry members, or any consider adding at least one or
have on an ongoing basis. Indeed, other groups, and then order the two more priests at St. Mar-
one of the things that attracted steps for ministry. The sacramen- tin’s in your daily prayers. I
me to St. Martin’s was the tal life is our foundation as wit- believe this would deepen and
amount of lay leadership and the nesses to God’s love in action. strengthen our faith and wit-
possibilities of a congregation There are also times I need to be ness as a church who is so
working in a community like reminded of this ordering so that very blessed to be a blessing.
West County. my church involvement keeps a Happy Eastertide, Fr. Jon
healthy perspective maintaining
However, one question that
the spiritual life as a priority.
keeps coming up for me is: how
Otherwise the busyness of
are we spiritually grounded? Pro-
church can take over the motiva-
grams and leadership are impor-
tions derived from paying atten-
tant tools for discipleship but
tion to what the Spirit of God is
they are not the foundation of
saying to me and God’s people.
our identity as God’s church. I
love outreach and missions and Therefore, I believe that it is time
know them to be instruments of for St. Martin’s to bring on board
God’s grace in the world, but at least one or two part-time
they are the branches and fruit of priests in this calendar year. The
the spiritual tree, not the trunk as vestry has been addressing the
the source of life. So what serves, topic of an associate priest since I

Financial update
I appreciate everyone for helping us finish I want to put in a plug for the HVAC Fund that
2010 very close to financial break-even. Addi- allowed us to replace many of the heating and
tionally, the congregation responded faithfully air conditioning units last year. We borrowed
to the fall Stewardship Campaign. This al- approximately $48,000 from the Packwood
lowed the vestry to approve a budget for Fund, which we agreed would be paid back with
2011 that includes additional needed pro- interest in five years or less. We have already
grams and projects while remaining close to collected 50% of this amount in donations and I
break-even. And through the first quarter of want to encourage the congregation to help get
the year, we are ahead of budget. Thank you this amount paid back well in advance of the five
to all. year goal. We benefit each week from the use
Keep up with all the
The financial information for the church is of this equipment.
latest news and
information online. maintained on a cash basis and the numbers Finally, we are all hopeful and excited about the

St. Martin’s: you see weekly are reflective of our cash po- future of St. Martin’s, but it will take time and sition. Without borrowing from ourselves the faithfulness of all of us to make it happen.

Diocese of Missouri:
(the Packwood Fund) or drastically control- Father Jon Hall and the vestry are planning for ling payments, we must try to maintain a con- the future. However, the growth and expanded
stant flow of income and manage spending ministries we all desire and pray for need to be
Episcopal Church U.S.A: throughout the year. We simply do not have supported with our time, talents, and yes, our
a lot of flexibility. I encourage all of you to treasures. Please help us build on the progress
help by keeping up pledge payments during we have made to become financially healthy. I
the historically lean months of summer and dream of a thriving church which shares our
early fall when attendance is lower. We are good fortune with the diverse communities
working on some electronic capabilities that where we have ministries and missions. Let’s
will allow you to pay your pledge even if you make this dream a reality.
are out of town. More on this in future arti- Best regards in Christ,
cles. Larry Cornelius, Treasurer

St. Martin’s scholarship program

by Dana Griggs with college. Glenn Koenen, Executive Direc-
tor of Circle of Concern, will be attending
St. Martin’s Church, in conjunction with Cir-
both services on May 1 to explain the oppor-
cle of Concern, will again sponsor a scholar-
tunity this program provides. Please consider
ship for high school seniors. This will be the
supporting this scholarship with your dona-
tenth consecutive year St. Martin’s has partici-
tions. This program not only supports a de-
pated in this program. Sunday, May 1 will
serving student but also publicizes St. Martin’s
be the kick-off for this year’s scholarship pro-
Church within our local schools and specifi-
gram. The St. Martin’s Scholarship will be
cally the senior class as they apply for college
granted to a west county high school senior
funding. Special envelopes will be provided
from the Valley Park, Rockwood or Parkway
May 1 for your giving.
school districts. The scholarship is to help a
MESSAGES student with financial needs get a good start

Mission trip = Transformation

An interminably long car Say a prayer for
ride… sleeping on con- Sarah Barger and
crete floors… sore mus- Gina Garbo as they
cles, sweaty limbs and join 15 youth from
cold showers… meeting across the Diocese.
people from different Say a prayer for me
walks of life… being too! I’m one of the
physically, emotionally leaders.
Contact Director of Youth
and spiritually challenged Ministries Heidi Gioia at Urban Mission
with hard work and new
Experience St.
experiences… and being Louis, June 19 – 22
changed forever… ah…. the quin-
A second Diocesan-wide trip is
tessential mission trip!
being offered. This three-night trip
For many teens, it’s the highlight of will be based in a UCC church in
their church life, something that Benton Park and will partner with
they’ll remember and reference area agencies to perform a variety
throughout their lives. Mission of work projects. Open to 8th
trips are so transformational be- grade graduates and up. Cost of
cause they are all-encompassing. trip is $100 per person.
It’s a 24-7 immersion. They chal-
Mini-Mission Trip, Shannon- Kiki Cogan, Lindsey Peters, Grace Gerretsen, Sarah
lenge limits and comfort zones just Barger and Gina Garbo huddle together to stay warm
dale Community Center,
as Jesus did with his disciples. while cleaning up the College Hill neighborhood in St.
Ozarks, June 24 - 26 Louis. They were part of about 500 youth members
When our hands are busy with a
around the area participating in “1 by Youth Service Day”
hammer, we’re often open to lis- Our very own St. Martin’s trip!
on April 16.
tening to Christ. Lifelong friend- This trip will offer a taste of what

ships are formed on these trips,

often with someone who at first
mission is all about. Open to stu-
dents who have completed 6th May Youth Events
glance seemed so completely dif- through 12th grades. Cost of trip is May 15 - Field Day at Babler State Park
ferent than ourselves. They are a $50 per person. 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
chance to embody one’s faith My hope is that these trips trans- An end-of-the-school-year bash! Teens, family and friends
through work and relationships, form our youth’s lives, making are invited to join the Kellogg’s for a day of fun. Picnic
lunch will be served. Open to 5th – 12th grade. Sign up in
with all of the accompanying pains their faith stronger and deeper. I
Park Hall.
and joys. It’s a transformation from pray that their transformations
May 29 - The Holy Cow Grill
a learned faith to a living faith. inspire all of us to see mission all
(during Garage Sale Set-up)
The youth at St. Martin’s have around us here in Ellisville. It’s in
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
three opportunities to experience the way that we greet the
Refuel during the mega drop-off day while supporting our
Mission trips this summer! stranger, the care we give to those
mission trips. The $4 meal deal includes: hamburgers, veg-
in need, and the healing that we gie burgers or hot dogs; chips or potato salad, Rice
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation,
offer to ourselves and others. Krispies treats or cookies and assorted sodas.
South Dakota, June 4 – 11

Growing in faith with adult formation classes

Join us for faith, fellowship and even a little fun tempting to put the messages of the Psalms in
as our Adult Christian Formation Committee conversation with the messages that we regu-
presents the following opportunities Sunday larly receive from contemporary culture. Be
mornings at 9:00 in May: sure to join us for this wonderful educational
Sunday, May 1:
In the Shelter of Each Other: The Psalms of Read McCann’s bio at
Assurance (Psalms 23, 73) 20Clinton%20McCann.aspx.
Sunday, May 8: Sunday, May 15:
The Most Important Text in the Bible: The Marcus Borg: Embracing an Adult Faith
Psalms of Justice (Psalms 72, 82, 96-99)
Join us for a video presentation and discussion
Professor Clint McCann returns to St. Martin’s featuring theologian Marcus Borg on the im-
Eden Seminary this month to continue his widely popular portance of community.
Professor Clint McCann
classes on the Psalms. McCann is a noted bibli-
highlights our Adult Sunday, May 22:
Christian Formation cal scholar and the Evangelical Professor of
Christian Formation Recognition Sunday
classes in May. Biblical Interpretation at Eden Seminary in
All ages are invited to join us in Park Hall for a
Webster Groves. He last visited us in Febru-
celebration of ministry service, student gradua-
ary, 2010. As before, McCann’s approach to
tions and the completion of another school
the Psalms will be explicitly theological, at-

Stewardship spotlight
Christian stewardship is the grateful and responsible use of God's gifts in
the light of God's purpose as revealed in Jesus Christ. Christian stewards,
empowered by the Holy Spirit, commit themselves to conscious, purpose-
ful decisions.

Have you noticed a fresh, new look in Park Doug Algren, Rich Luebcke, Steve Lyle, Mick
Hall, the Narthex and our main hallway lately? McCann, Jim & Alice McLaughlin, Bob
That new look comes from a fresh coat of Pomeroy and Mike Reeves.
paint… and that fresh coat of paint comes Scott Pattengill is a painter by profession. He
from the hard work of a dedicated group of says he sees this work as a part of his stew-
church members donating their time and ardship to the church. “This is what I can do,
painting skills to get the job done. so it’s my way to contribute,” Scott said.
Scott Pattengill and Sherrie Algren recently “With Park Hall, the hallway and the Narthex
Scott Pattengill and Sherrie completed the hallway and the Narthex. That repainted — Wow! The church really looks
Algren worked for two weeks
painting job took 16 gallons of paint and re- refreshed!”
in April to paint the Narthex
and the hallway at St. Martin’s. quired some delicate and brave work on scaf-
Scripture tells us that blessings shared,
folding. multiply and multiply and multiply.
If you have a story you’d like to share,
Another group of hard-working painters took
please contact a member of our Stewardship Committee:
on the huge walls of Park Hall: Sherrie & Jeff & Jane Klieve (co-chairs),
Murrell Cunningham, Mary Drastal, Janis Greenbaum.
ESM offe

Recognizing service in Christian Formation

I am truly amazed and Sunday School Teachers: Poppy Parker, Mary Richardson,
humbled by the dedi- Susan Gillies, Heidi Gioia, Col- Abby Trieschman, Michelle Triesch-
cation of so many leen Hall, Michelle Magee, Kim man, Michael Wiles, Stephanie Wiles
members who share Montgomery, Poppy Parker, Carrie Wilkins
their time and talent in Mike Reeves Inquirers’ / Confirmation Class:
our Christian Forma- Children’s Worship Murrell Cunningham, The Rev. Jon
Contact Christian
tion ministries. As we Leaders: Hall, The Rev. Susan Naylor
Formation Director
prepare to say good- Janis Greenbaum at Judi Batch, Julie Clark, Terri Youth Group:
bye to another school jgreenbaum@
Garbo, Debbie Glazer, Teresa Heidi Gioia, Ashleigh & Mike Kellogg,
year, I want to say Reeves, Kathy Willis Sean Parker
“thank you” to everyone who has
Children’s Worship College Outreach:
answered a call to serve our chil-
Assistants: Rebecca Barger, Barbara Bartels-
dren, youth, families and adults in
Kiki Cogan, Grace Gerretsen, Will mayer, Lin Edwards, Tori Fencl, Alice
our many ministries. As clichéd as it
Gerretsen, Matthew Greenbaum, McLaughlin, Stephanie Wiles
sounds, none of this would happen
Mackenzie Morrison, Mike Peters,
without your support. Adult Christian Formation:
Abby Trieschmann
Be sure to join us for a special event Carole Clary, Esther Cornelius,
Special Events: Larry Cornelius, Kurt Greenbaum,
to recognize the service of these
Mary Drastal, Mary Edmonson, Ralph Jeanne King, John Lange, Leslie Lenz
generous Christians on Sunday, May
22 at 9 a.m. in Park Hall. Of course, Bible Studies:
you don’t need a special event to say Vacation Bible School The Rev. Jon Hall, John Lange, The
“thank you.” Take a look at this list Directors: Susan Gillies, Colleen Rev. Virginia Noel, Mary Richardson
(my apologies to anyone I may have left Hall, Michelle Magee
Bless you all for your service!
out) and be sure to keep these faith- Support: Sherrie Algren, Julie Clark,
Faithfully yours,
ful servants in your prayers: Kaine Cogan, Kiki Cogan, Mary
Nursery Caregivers: Drastal, Grace Gerretsen, Rich

Alice McLaughlin, Jody Mena, Chen Luebcke, Susan Merchak, Kim Mont-

Nelson, Mary Kate Turntine gomery, Judi Moon, Adele Niblack,

Music Director Earl Naylor leads the children in a special performance for the
congregation March 20.

Mary Drastal leads a special art lesson in Sunday school March
New procedures for planning church events

by Janet Theiss, Parish Administrator All new ministry events should have a Ministry

A new Campus Use Policy has been ap- Reservation Request completed six weeks in

proved by the Vestry. This comprehensive advance of the event. Once received by the

policy document guides the use of St. Mar- church office, the request will be brought to

tin’s building and grounds by ministries, the next staff meeting for clearance with the

members and outside groups who might parish calendar. After approval, the event will
Copies of the
wish to hold activities and events at St. Mar- be posted to the calendar and confirmed with
Campus Use Policy,
Ministry Reservation tin’s. The policy’s stated goal is to “utilize the ministry leader so that the committee can
Request Form and
the space in a manner that supports our confidently proceed with planning and pro-
the Campus Use
Christian Mission and to provide a positive moting the event.
are available at the experience for the individuals and groups Requests for use of the facility by St. Martin’s
church or on
that utilize our facility.” members for non-ministry events should be
our website.
All ministry leaders are urged to read this made using the Campus Use Agreement

policy which covers processes, risk, guide- booklet (white, has icon with cross at the top

lines for safety and more. A copy is posted on cover). This booklet is taken directly from

on St. Martin’s website under Schedules– the main policy and contains the pages perti-

Forms–Policies in the column on the left side nent for members who wish to hold a private

of the webpage. Hard copies of the Campus social event or secure space for another or-

Use Policy are available in the narthex. ganization of which they may be a member.
The Campus Use Agreement booklet is also for
In light of this new policy, the old “pink
use by outside persons or groups who would
form” titled Event Planning Form has been
like to rent space for a meeting or other ac-
replaced by the Ministry Reservation Re-
tivity. The Campus Use Agreement informs the
quest Form. This new form is also printed
potential user of terms which will govern
on pink paper with the diagram of Park Hall
activities held at St. Martin’s and gives details
on the back for your convenience. This Min-
regarding liability and fees. This Campus Use
istry Reservation Request form is available on
Agreement booklet should be used for all non-
the bulletin board in the corridor, from the
ministry requests.
church office or may be printed from the
website under Schedules–Forms–Policies. If you have questions, you may direct them to

Shannon Gould (left) enjoys the
dessert table while Abbey Hall
and Murrell Cunningham (right)
are all smiles during our
Wednesday evening Lenten pro-
gram. About 40 people attended
the program each Wednesday
evening during Lent.


Milestones at St. Martin’s

MAY May 9 - Joan Fricke May 20 - Natalie Buehler DEATHS
BIRTHDAYS - Michael Fortune May 21 - Renny Esser
May 11 - Heather Bollinger May 22 - Jane Defalco
May 1 - Susan Naylor - Lily Hollenbeck May 23 - Elin CoganAdewunmi John Garbo
- Austin Lockhart May 12 - Susan Shepperd - Todd Frerichs March 22
May 2 - London Smith - Andrea Wilson May 24 - Ramon Miraflores III Father-in-law of
May 4 - Barbara Bartelsmeyer - Katie Horzmann May 25 - Sofie Magee Terri Garbo
- Kathy Willis May 13 - Michael Kellogg May 26 - Julie Clark
May 5 - Jill Gould May 14 - Samantha Dockweiler May 28 - Jacob Drake William (Bill) Steinlage
- Allison Naber May 15 - Theodore Miraflores - Jeremy Drake April 1, 2011
May 6 - Clem Brooke May 17 - Ty Bellem May 31 - Rich Hebenstreit Husband of Sandy Steinlage
May 7 - Lynde Mena May 19 - Dean Denardi - Heather Buchman
May 8 - Carole Masotto - Demi Bollinger

Oh baby, baby, baby!

Congratulations to Mary Jane and Lincoln Drake who
became grandparents X 3 on April 5, welcoming
Sarah Elizabeth, Lincoln Phillip Thomas and Abigail
Jane to the family.

The Drake family would like to thank all in the congrega-

tion who have supported Tina and the triplets these last
several months. All your prayers have been answered with
the birth of three healthy babies.

With great appreciation,

Lincoln, Mary Jane, Jerry, and Tina

A special Thank You from Tina, Sarah, Phillip, and Abigail.

Retiring (again) Congratulations, graduates

by Ruby Downs St. Martin’s congratulates all the High School Graduates
students and families celebrating Kyle Bailey
Upon returning to work in the church office after my suc- Emma Bellingan
cessful shoulder replacement surgery, I discovered I wasn’t graduations this spring. Our
Tyler Dupont
as young as I used to be and it was time for me to retire apologies to anyone we may Drew Ford
again. It has been my pleasure to serve this part of Christ’s have missed on our list. Gina Garbo
Christopher Lenz
church for seven and a half years, but it is now time for me
Rebecca Lee
to have my own schedule and not a time clock. 8th Grade Graduates
Savanna Lee
Kaine Cogan
Speaking of my surgery, thank you for your prayers, cards, Austin Lockhart
Ellie Ecker
phone calls, visits, and food. Each was a great support for Madison Lee
College Graduate
which I am grateful. A special thank you to Meals by ECW. Lexie Jackson
Mia Bellingan
Lindsey Peters
The meals were wonderful – and lasted for days. Ashley Edwards
Michael Wiles
Lay Ministries Schedule for May
(May 15, 10:15 continued)
Ushers: Jean DuPont, Mark Edwards, Steve Gillies, Bob Pomeroy
8 a.m. Healing Ministers: Mary Pomeroy, Bev Weaver
Lector: Bob Elsperman Chalice Bearers: Jane Klieve, Mary Edmonson
Chalice Bearer: D’Arcy Elsperman Acolytes:
Ushers: Jim & Bette Crabtree Greeters: Mary K and Erv Heyde
Greeter: Elin Cogan-Adewunmi Children’s Worship Leader: Terri Garbo
10:15 a.m. CW Assistants: Kiki Cogan, Will Gerretsen
Nursery: Jody Mena, Mary Kate Turntine
1st Lesson: Ruby Downs
Eucharistic Visitors: Rebecca Barger, Nancy Young
2nd Lesson: Tom Allen
Prayer Leader: Ray Harbert
Ushers: Sarah Aleman, Tom & Sandy Baranowski, Chuck Batch MAY 22
Healing Ministers: Judi Batch, Diana Hauser
Chalice Bearers: Tom Allen, Ray Harbert 8 a.m.
Acolytes: Lector & Chalice Bearer: Carolann Sternberg
Greeters: Carole Gerretsen Ushers: Bob & Jan Waters
Children’s Worship Leader: Kathy Willis Greeter:
CW Assistants: Matthew Greenbaum, Abby Trieschmann
Nursery: Jody Mena, Mary Kate Turntine 10:15 a.m.
Eucharistic Visitors: Phyllis Duff, Diana Hauser 1st Lesson: Maxine Heller
2nd Lesson: Kurt Greenbaum
Prayer Leader: Janis Greenbaum
Ushers: Bob & Linda Huheey, Rich Eidson, Bob McElroy
Healing Ministers: Judi Batch, Leanne Lyle
8 a.m. Chalice Bearers: Kurt & Janis Greenbaum
Lector & Chalice Bearer: Jim Crabtree Acolytes:
Ushers: Rich & Honor Hebenstreit Greeters: Rene & Tim Jerry
10:15 a.m. Children’s Worship Leader: Julie Clark
CW Assistants: Mike Peters, Abby Trieschmann
1st Lesson: Rina Chittooran
Nursery: Jody Mena, Chen Nelson
2nd Lesson: Judi Batch
Eucharistic Visitors: Leslie Pattengill, Phyllis Duff
Prayer Leader: Chuck Batch
Ushers: Joe & Lana Biondo, Rich Brown, Larry Cornelius
Healing Ministers: Leanne Lyle, Barb McCann MAY 29
Chalice Bearers: Judi & Chuck Batch
Acolytes: 8 a.m.
Greeters: Mopsi & Jack Hanley Lector & Chalice Bearer: Loretta Go
Children’s Worship Leader: Terri Garbo Ushers: Jim & Bette Crabtree
CW Assistants: Grace Gerretsen, Mackenzie Morrison Greeter: Elin Cogan-Adewunmi
Nursery: Jody Mena, Chen Nelson
Eucharistic Visitors: Mary K Heyde, Ray Harbert 10:15 a.m.
1st Lesson: John Lange
2nd Lesson: Jack Hauser
MAY 15 Prayer Leader: Mary K Heyde
Ushers: Jeff Nordeen, Deanne Orris, Wayne Peters, Steve Young
8 a.m. Healing Ministers: Diana Hauser, Bev Weaver
Lector & Chalice Bearer: Daryl Norman Chalice Bearers: Jack hauser, Mary K Heyde
Ushers: Bob & Ginny Marchetto Acolytes:
Greeter: Elin Cogan-Adewunmi Greeters: Theresa & Rich Luebcke
10:15 a.m. Children’s Worship Leader: Debbie Glazer
CW Assistants: Matthew Greenbaum, Gina Garbo
1st Lesson: Doug Edmonson
Nursery: Jody Mena, Mary Kate Turntine
2nd Lesson: Jane Klieve
Eucharistic Visitors: Mary K Heyde, Ray Harbert
Prayer Leader: Mary Edmonson

If you cannot serve on an assigned date, please get a substitute and notify the church of the change (636-227-1484).
If you have any special scheduling needs please contact:
Readers, Chalice Bearers, Ushers: Susan Naylor, 636-227-1484 /
Acolytes: Bob Ecker, 636-230-7302 /;
Greeters: Mary K Heyde, 636-532-9345 /;
Children’s Worship & Nursery: Janis Greenbaum, 314-651-1843 /
May 2011
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 Scholarship Sunday & 2 3 4 5 6 7

Service Day 10:30am - Bible Study 9:30am - Tuesdays with ECW* 6:30am - Men’s Bible Study Office Closed
8am - Holy Eucharist 1:15pm - Staff Meeting 10am - Women’s Bible Study Noon - Holy Eucharist 9am - Morning Prayer **
9am - Service Day Activities 10am - Beginners Bible Study
9am - Christian Formation
6:30pm - VBS meeting
10:15am - Holy Eucharist
11:30am - Service Day Activities 7pm - Outreach Committee 7pm - Evangelism Committee 6:30pm - Bell Choir
7pm - Garage Sale Meeting 7pm - Stewardship Committee 7pm - Estate Planning Seminar 7pm - Choir 7pm - ECW Bunco Night

8 Food Pantry Sunday 9 10 11 12 13 14

10:30am - Bible Study 9:30am - Tuesdays with ECW* 6:30am - Men’s Bible Study Office Closed 9am - Men’s Group
8am - Holy Eucharist 1:15pm - Staff Meeting 10am - Women’s Bible Study Noon - Holy Eucharist 9am - Morning Prayer ** Breakfast
9am - Christian Formation 9am - Clergy Day
10:15am - Holy Eucharist 6:30pm - Bell Choir 10am - Beginners Bible Study
7pm - Finance Committee 7pm - Choir Diocesan Youth Mission Trip
Happy Mother’s Day! 7pm - Outreach Committee 7:15pm - Legacy Committee 7pm - Stephen Ministry Lock-in

15 PDF Sunday 16 17 18 Newsletter Deadline 19 20 21

8am - Holy Eucharist 10:30am - Bible Study 9:30am - Tuesdays with ECW* 6:30am - Men’s Bible Study Office Closed
9am - Christian Formation 1:15pm - Staff Meeting 10am - Women’s Bible Study Noon - Holy Eucharist 9am - Morning Prayer ** 11am - Diocesan Confirmation
9am - Investment Club
10:15am - Holy Eucharist Service at
10am - Beginners Bible Study
11:30am - Confirmation 7pm - Christian Formation 5pm - Executive Committee Christ Church Cathedral
Brunch Committee 6:30pm - Bell Choir 7pm - Choir
11:30am - Youth Field Day 7pm - Hospitality Committee 7pm - ECW

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
8am - Holy Eucharist 10:30am - Bible Study 9:30am - Tuesdays with ECW* 6:30am - Men’s Bible Study Office Closed
9am - End-of-the-year 1:15pm - Staff Meeting 10am - Women’s Bible Study Noon - Holy Eucharist 9am - Morning Prayer **
10am - Beginners Bible Study
Celebration Noon - Diocesan Standing
11:30am - Lunch Bunch
10:15am - Holy Eucharist Committee 5pm - Garage Sale Set-up
6pm - Vestry Meeting 6:30pm - Bell Choir 7pm - Choir
7pm - Book Club 7pm - Facilities Committee

* Tuesdays with ECW meets at

29 Garage Sale 30 31 members’ homes. Contact
Susan Gillies for info.
Donation Day Office Closed for Holiday 9:30am - Tuesdays with ECW*
8am - Holy Eucharist 10am - Women’s Bible Study
** Thursday Morning Prayer
9am - Christian Formation All day - Garage Sale Set-up All day - Garage Sale Set-up
meets at the home of Colleen

10:15am - Holy Eucharist Hall, 16644 Green Pines Dr.,

11:30am - Garage Sale Set-up Wildwood
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
15764 Clayton Road
Ellisville, Mo., 63011-2330
Phone: 636-227-1484 PERMIT NO. 57


8 a.m. - Holy Eucharist I
9 a.m. - Christian Formation
10:15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist II
Noon - Holy Eucharist II

Get ready for St. Martin’s Garage Sale

(Continued from page 1) Donations accepted May 29 - June 1

Members Sale: Thurs., June 2 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. A trailer is available in the church parking lot for early donations.
For large-item pick-ups, contact Mike Reeves at 636-394-0312.
The doors open for a special preview sale to St. Martin’s mem-
The following items will be accepted for the sale:
bers only.
- Clothing (adult & children’s)
The Sale: Fri., June 3 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. - Bakery (pre-packaged for sale in baggies/plates/containers;
and Sat., June 4 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. homemade preferred)
- Books / DVDs / CDs / Records (no magazines or VHS tapes)
Volunteers are needed to work shifts throughout the sale. If - Boutique / Gifts / Jewelry / Art
you would like to help, please sign up at the church. - Holiday Decorations (no trees, please)
- Furniture
Clean-up: Sat., June 4 1 p.m. until finished - Kitchen / Housewares
- Linens
We will thoroughly clean the entire church, with everything put - Toys / Games
back in its place for Sunday church services. - Sporting Goods
* No electronics this year!
Party: Sat., June 4 (evening)

Have a little fun after a long week of faithful service. Please use the list above to label your donation bags so we know what
department they should go.

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