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CHAPTER 1 Learning Objectives

As you work through the activities and practice quizzes for this chapter, keep the
following learning objectives in mind. Once you have mastered this chapter, you
should be able to:

Describe the world-changing scientific contributions of Leeuwenhoek.

Invented microscope, proprietary, never trained anyone, notes “public” post death,
made over 500 microscopes, one for each specimen

Define microbes in the words of Leeuwenhoek and as we know them today.

Leeuwenhoek called them animalcules and we know them today as microbes.

Microbes are small life forms not visible to the naked eye but thru the invention of
the microscope there was another world opened up

List five groups of microorganisms.

Fungi, Algae, Protozoa, Prokaryotes (Bacteria & Archea), Viruses

Explain why protozoa, algae, and non-microbial parasitic worms are studied in

These are microscopic beings that can be studied and analyzed only microscopically
and for the worms, they eggs are microscopic and that is where diagnosis of the
parasite if often done thru stool samples

Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.

Prokaryotic –unicellular, lack nucli, small, found everywhere there is H2O, asexual

Eukaryotic – membrane bound with nucleus, gets nutrition from other organisms,
asexual and sexual reproduction,

List four questions that propelled research into what is called "the Golden Age of

Spontaneous generation? Causes Fermentation? Causes Disease? Prevent


Identify the scientists who argued in favor of spontaneous generation.


Compare and contrast the investigations of Redi, Spallanzani, and Pasteur to

disprove spontaneous generation.
Redi – meat in 3 tubes, uncovered, corked and gauze (no spontaneous gen in cork
or gauze)

Spallanzani – beef gravy (like Needham) but sealed necks of vials (no spontaneous
gen unless broken)

Pasteur – PROVED no spontaneous generation with gooseneck bottle, bacteria could

not get in but air could (definitive answer, no spon. gen)

List four steps in the scientific method of investigation.

Question, hypothesis, experiment, accept/reject/modify

Discuss the significance of Pasteur’s fermentation experiments to our world today.

Experimentation of fermentation lead to the discovery of pasteurization a practice

that is widely used today in so many food/drink products making them have a
longer shelf life and safer produts

Identify the scientist whose experiments led to the field of biochemistry and the
study of metabolism.

Pasteur’s work on fermentation and Buchner’s discovery of enzymes in yeast


List at least seven contributions made by Koch to the field of microbiology.

Simple staining techniques

First photomicrograph

Est techniques for estimating CFU

Use of steam in sterilization

Use of petri dishes (Petri guy on Kock’s team)

Aseptic techniques

Bacteria as distinct species

Koch’s postulates (steps below)

List the four steps that must be taken to prove the cause of a contagious disease.

1. Cause of dx found in EVERY case and absent in healthy host

2. Agent isolated and purified outside host

3. If Agent given to healthy but susceptible , host gets disease

4. Same agent re-isolated from diseased experimental host

Describe the contribution of Gram to the field of microbiology.

Gram developed a 4 part staining technique; this technique makes it possible to

differentiate between structures and able to then classify between gram + (purple)
and gram- (pink)

Identify four health care practitioners who did pioneering research in the areas of
public health microbiology and epidemiology.

Semmelweis = handwashing (maternity ward 18% down to 1%)

Lister = antiseptic technique (phenol/carbolic acid)

Nightingale = nursing and cleanliness

Snow=Epidemiology (cholera epidemic/Broad St)

Jenner = vaccine for smallpox (cowpox/milkmaids)

Erlich = “magic” bullets

Name two scientists whose work with vaccines began the field of immunology.



Describe the quest for a "magic bullet."

Medicines that can be utilized to kill microorganismism. Utilized phenol.

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