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such as poetic lines in middle of poetic page,
which would become profound and attractive because of the norm). e.g. Norm in diction and then
foregrounding something (rebellious protest towards norm)



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%#The poem Chaucer starts from deviation in register. Deviation in mode as
starting from written mode but then shifting towards spoken mode. Hence unique in this respect as
norm follows afterwards. Then at first there is mid English then modern English.

(    and Hughes͛ deviation is in traditions of poetry as he does not
observe all formal demands such as rhyme scheme but has natural flow of thinking. He is favour of
poetry that is spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings as he is champion of Wordsworthian concept
of poetry as he would be reviving romanticism once again after Larkian Movement Realistic Poetry
(revolt to neo-romanticism e.g. Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot). He revolts against the Movement Poets͛
robbing off of poetic beauty from genre poetry which is devoid of images/lyricism/poetic touch and is
common vernacular spoken form which is not needed in poetic work. Contrast of Virginia Woolf with
Dickens as Dickens used vernacular whereas Virginia Woolf uses poetic prose language. Poetic spirit is
jeopardized in Larkin and if tradition of Larkin is prolonged poetry would be deprived of that traditional
poetic spirit which is being revived by Ted Hughes. Romantic poetry is kind of revolt against the
constraints of formal patterns upon thematic concerns since prior to that the poetry was meant for
scholarly people (chosen sect) such as that of Chaucer, Milton. That particular cult was revolted by
revolutionary cult of romanticism which rendered poetry for ordinary person as well. Romanticism was a
revolt against rigidity of formal patterns.

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  '%    # But at the same time although reviving romanticism he is also in favor of
that craftsmanship of Chaucer as Chaucer was realist who also observed a poetic pattern that was
matchless. Chaucer was considered as classical master of poetry (although not actually classical like
Homer and Virgil) due to his matchless craftsmanship. Ted Hughes is a fan of Chaucer and is couching
ideas in the natural flow of thinking as there is not artificiality or tampering of ideas i.e. the ideas that
are there is deep structures of mind are rendered on page and no tampering is done quite opposite to
Larkin who endeavours to suppress ideas to ban the war images not in demand of public but having
been in war how could he avoid the ideas. So there is kind of tampering with natural flow of ideas and
that is endeavoured poetry of Larkin or hiding or fakery in poetry of Larkin although written in
vernacular. Suppression can be derived out of fakery or fake impression of Larkin͛s poetry.
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 %#(Contrastive relationship between Larkin and Hughes). Hughes romanticizes familiar
phenomenon of life such as cows grazing in fields. The angles that he adopts to look at ordinary
phenomenon is an attempt to defamiliarize the familiarized phenomena encountered in real life. This is
romanticizing ideas. Romance is to have new look on ideas that are stereotypical. So he would say that
they are not cows but black river of blood. This is romantic approach to look upon ordinary
phenomenon of grazing of cows. Romanticisation͛s best example in Hughes͛ poetry is personification or
humanized representation/metaphor for the moon in ͞Full Moon and Little Frieda͟. He gives human
organs of body to that inanimate moon. Moon is hereby represented in that figure of artist who would
be painting some painting and after completion of that painting would be having a look stepping
backwards. So that idea of emergence of moon in the evening is beautifully romanticized so as to
defamiliarize it in a defamiliarized angle to look at it. Larkin would not look at mundane view of cows or
marriages, or decay of Church (greatest loss of a Christian person which could be realized being felt by
cardinals in Life of Galileo who are not ready to accept his views as this would entail clash clash with
theology) in a new or refresh look as he has been a member of lost generation and been disillusioned of
the existence of humanity being an existentialist. For existentialist, all the other things would be
discarded by that person owing to the consciousness of loss in mentality as permanent furniture and
would not look at anything optimistically. However, romantic poets like Shelley would have done
mourning in reaction, wailing over the losses. Difference between romantic person and realistic person
is that going through a garden would take less time for realistic person while a large appreciation from
romantic person. For Larkin this world is nothing.

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# There is romanticisation in Ted Hughes͛ life but then there is sudden retreat
into the world of reality. In Ted Hughes the captured phase of land of innocence is permanent though
although yearned by Keats but unattained by Keats. In Hughes, there is seeming impression that he has
attained that luxury and happiness of life in that countryside area of Yorkshire (full of forests and that͛s
why he is called animal poet). He celebrates innocence in animals and energy in jaguar, and celebrates
energy of fox in Though-Fox, and then as well in Full Moon and Little Frieda, the web of spider shows
and gives message of consistency of animal which is missing in human life. In the modern era there has
been disillusioned wishes owing to existentialism and nihilism (belief in unattainability of wishes and
people would be retreating from wishes due to belief that nothing is attainable in this life and hence
perishing wishes and inconsistent due to nihilism) in modern era being disillusioned. But Hughes gives
message that humanity must be revived and despite the concerns of existentialism humanity can enjoy
its spirit and its reality.

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