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Understanding the Enterprise

HCM Person Model in Release 8.9

An Oracle Red Paper

[August] [2005]
Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9

Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
What is the Person Model?............................................................................................................................................ 1
Terminology..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Models .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Person Object Model ERD– Core Entities ........................................................................................................... 5
Person Object Model ERD –Country and Product Extensions....................................................................... 10
Organizational Relationships ................................................................................................................................. 13
Persons of Interest............................................................................................................................................. 14
Organizational Relationship Model ERD – Overview....................................................................................... 17
Organizational Relationship Model ERD – Relationships with Assignments ................................................ 19
Understanding the design of PER_ORG_INST ................................................................................................ 21
Organizational Relationship Model ERD – Relationships with Assignments (with Extensions) ................ 24
Organizational Relationship Model ERD – Relationships without Assignments .......................................... 27
Online Functionality..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Creating a Person..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Person Checklist ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
Creating Organizational Relationships ................................................................................................................. 36
Creating Worker Organizational Relationships and Instances .......................................................................... 39
Additional Assignment or New Instance? ........................................................................................................... 42
Instance Dates versus Assignment Dates ............................................................................................................ 44
Promoting an Assignment to an Instance............................................................................................................ 51
Reviewing a Person’s Organizational Relationships ........................................................................................... 52
Setup Tables................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Person of Interest Type Setup Table .................................................................................................................... 55
Person Object Installation Setup Table................................................................................................................ 58
JOB Actions ............................................................................................................................................................. 58
PERSONAL_DATA Snapshot Reporting Table ............................................................................................... 65
POI Organization Summary Views....................................................................................................................... 69
Appendicies ................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Appendix A: Adding a New POI Type ....................................................................................................... 73
Appendix B: Job Action Table Values ........................................................................................................ 75
Appendix C: New Assignment Decision Matrix.......................................................................................... 1

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 1
Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM 8.9 provides enhancements enabling you to handle different types
of people in your system. You are no longer limited to tracking just your workforce. This document will
explain these improvements and discuss how you can use the new model. Upgrade specific information is
not included here.

Note. For information about how the Person Model impacts upgrades, please refer to the
Understanding the Person Model Changes appendix in the upgrade documentation.

The major enhancements delivered by the Person Model for Enterprise HCM 8.9 are:
• The ability to track a person without having to create a JOB record.
• The ability to use the same ID for a person across multiple relationships to the organization. For
example, you can use the ID of a former employee who joins the organization as a contingent
• Improved handling of Global Assignments
• Improved handling of Additional Assignments.
• The separation of the creation of a person in the system from the creation of that person’s
relationships with the organization.
• Real-time updates of the snapshot reporting table PERSONAL_DATA.
• Capture and use of people’s name in a user-friendly manner.
• Greater tracking capability for your workforce


The Person Model is a term used to describe the information captured about a person and how the
person is related to the organization. This model includes the core tables that are used by all products that
are directly related to a person and their organizational relationships in the Enterprise HCM system. This
document describes these tables, the relationships, and what this functionally enables you to do.


Term Definition
Person Any human being with a relationship to the organization that you
wish to track in your system.
Organizational Relationship How a person is related to the organization as represented in the
database. There are three major categories of people that HCM
Field: PER_ORG
tracks information on:

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 1
Term Definition
• Employee
• Contingent Worker
• Person of Interest
A person can have one or more of these relationships at any one
time, including multiple occurrences of the same relationship.
Each distinct relationship that includes a Job Data record is
uniquely identified by an EMPL_RCD.
Note. The relationships of people of interest do not always include
a Job Data record.
Employee (EMP) (Plural: Employees / Employed Workforce)
Field: PER_ORG The relationship of a person who is hired to provide services to a
company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and
who does not provide these services as part of an independent
An employee can work under a contract.
The exact definition of what defines an employee is left to the
customer since each country has different rules. You will want to
make the determination based on your regulatory requirements.
Each employee relationship must have a distinct EMPL_RCD.
Contingent Worker (CWR) (Plural: Contingent Workers / Contingent Workforce)
Field: PER_ORG The relationship of a person who provides services to another
entity under terms specified in a contract on a non-permanent
basis. Contingent workersinclude independent contractors,
temporary workers, and leased workers.
The exact definition of what defines a contingent worker is left to
the customer since each country has different rules. You will want
to make the determination based on your regulatory requirements.
Each Contingent Worker’s relationship must have a distinct
Person of Interest (POI) A person who does not have aan employment or a contingent
worker relationship but who is still of interest to the organization.
Field: PER_ORG
HRMS has the need to track information on non-workforce
people in many areas such as Cobra Participants, Pension Payees,
GP Dependents, External Students and Instructors, and so on.
Some POI relationships have job data records that are identified
with a distinct EMPL_RCD.
Others (the ones that do not need JOB information) areidentified

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 2
Term Definition
by the POI_TYPE.
Person of Interest Type POI_TYPE
Field: POI_TYPE This field identifies the different types of Persons of Interest that
you need to track. PeopleSoft supplies many defined POI types to
which you can add others.
Some POI Types will require JOB information and others will not.
This is defined as an attribute of the POI_TYPE.
Workforce The combination of your employees and contingent workers is
collectively called your workforce (singularly, they are known as
Field: PER_ORG (values EMP,
Organizational Instance An occurrence of an organizational relationship.
Also known as Controlling Also referred to as an Employment Instance, a Contingent
Instance Workforce Instance, or a POI Instance.
Organizational instances can be limited to one assignment
(EMPL_RCD) or include multiple assignments, depending on
your needs.
When an organizational instance includes more than one
assignment, one of those assignments is identified as the
controlling instance. This EMPLID/EMPL_RCD combination
stores the HIRE_DT, general SERVICE_DT, and the
For example, a person can have a single Employment Instance
with a company, but as part of that employment instance, they
have three separate assignments, each identified by different
EMPL_RCD numbers. One of these EMPL_RCDs is identified as
the controlling instance containing the overall dates. The others
refer only to the particular assignment.
Assignment A unique numeric identifier for each relationship that a person has
that requires JOB information. The value of the EMPL_RCD is
not used for anything other than to identify a separate relationship;
it does not rank or otherwise give precedence to one assignment
over another
Additional Assignment An concurrent assignment in addition to, and under an existing
Also referred to as Multiple Assignments.
Identified by the EMPL_RCD
and the Some organizations allow their workforce to have multiple,
ORG_INSTANCE_ERN concurrent assignments. Each of these assignments needs to be
combination. tracked under a distinct EMPL_RCD. In cases where the customer

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 3
Term Definition
does not want to treat these additional assignments as a new
employment relationship (with a Hire action), they can be tied to a
controlling instance, the first assignment the person had
(containing the Hire Date). Additional assignments are treated
specially in certain situations.
Multiple Instances An concurrent assignment in addition to an existing assignment
EMPL_RCD will always equal Some organizations allow their workforce to have multiple,
the ORG_INSTANCE_ERN. concurrent assignments and do wish to track each as a separate
assignment with an action of hire. In this case, create each
assignment as a separate instance (either of Employment or
Contingent Workforce). The multiple instances are not related in
any way to the others instances this person has.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 4

Person Object Model ERD– Core Entities

This diagram shows the core records that store the data of a person and his organizational relationships:

Figure 1: Person Object Model – Core Entities

The solid red relationship lines represent required data. A Person is required to have at least one of the
following records:
• PERS_DATA_EFFDT (person history)
• A record for at least one organizational relationship.
The sub-type of the organizational relationship is determined by whether an assignment (JOB) record
is needed or not:
• If a JOB record is needed, then an assignment record is (PER_ORG_ASGN) used.
• If not, a non assignment person type record (PER_POI_TYPE) is created.
A person can have multiple organizational relationships. Organization relationships will be discussed
in detail later.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 5
Not all of the attributes of the entities are required. For example, the only field in the PERSON record
that requires data is EMPLID and only EMPLID and EFFDT are required in the PERS_DATA_EFFDT
When you first create a person in the system you need to enter:
• A primary name.
• The date that the person’s record is available in the system (the PERS_DATA_EFFDT.EFFDT)
which will default to the current date.
• An indication of the organizational relationship you will be creating.
It is important to understand that the PERS_DATA_EFFDT.EFFDT value is not the date of hire,which
may be in the future. This date represents the earliest date upon which that the person is entered in the
system. Therefore, this date cannot be future dated. The hire date can still be future dated as this date is
related to a specific organizational relationship.
There is no attribute that identifies the status of a person in the system at this level. However, you can
track the status of each organizational relationship. One person might have an active employment
relationship and an inactive contingent worker relationship. Another person might have one active
employment relationship and one active contingent worker relationship (this is not a common situation,
but is allowed). A third person might have two active employment relationships.

Core Person Tables Detail

Record Name Category Description
PERSON Core Person
Required Contains the ID and a person’s static data (such as
birthdate and birthplace).
Every person you enter will have one record in
PERS_DATA_EFFDT Core Personal History
Required Contains a person’s core personal data that can
change over time and on which we want to keep a
history of these changes.
There will be at least one record in
PERS_DATA_EFFDT for every person.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 6
NAMES Core Person Names.
Required Contains a person’s name data. You can capture
multiple types of names (NAME_TYPE) and maintain
history for each name type.
Each person must have at least one row for the primary
name type. The system uses the primary name
throughout the database. The other name types are for
informational use and you can add additional name
ADDRESSES Core Person Addresses.
Not Required Contains a person’s address data . You can enter data
for multiple address types (ADDRESS_TYPE) and
track them historically. Address types include Home,
Mailing, Business, and Check. You can add additional
address types.
Address information is not required except if the
person has an employee instance and you use
PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America.
PERSONAL_PHONE Core Person Phone Numbers.
Not Required Contains a person’s telephone data. You can enter data
for multiple phone types (PHONE_TYPE) and flag
one of them as the primary phone number to indicate
which phone number should be used in the system
when a type is not specified.
Phone information is not kept historically.
Phone information is not required for a person but if
any is entered, then one (and only one) must be marked
as primary.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 7
EMAIL_ADDRESSES Core Person Email Addresses
Not Required Contains a person’s email address data. You can track
data for multiple email types (EMAIL_TYPE) and flag
one of them as the primary address to indicate which
email address should be used in the system when a type
is not specified
Email address information is not kept historically.
Email address information is not required for a person
but if any are entered, then one (and only one) must be
marked as primary.
These are email address are separate from the email
address captured for a user ID in the PSUSEREMAIL
table. This is because not all people are users and not all
users are people tracked in the system.
PERS_NID Core Person National Identifiers.
Not Required Contains the regulatory identifiers required by
countries, such as Social Security Number (USA) or
Social Insurance Number (Canada).
A person can have multiple NIDs with one marked as
Organizational One row is required Each person must have at least one organizational
Relationship in either relationship defined. These relationships are defined in
PER_ORG_ASGN one of two tables, depending on whether assignment
or data (JOB) is required:
When assignment data is required, the relationship is
defined in PER_ORG_ASGN with the unique
identification of an EMPL_RCD.
An EMPL_RCD is a unique identifier within an
EMPLID for separate assignments. The default starting
number is 0, but that can be changed by the user when
creating an assignment.
When a JOB row is not required, the relationship is
defined in PER_POI_TYPE with the unique
identification of a POI_TYPE.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 8
PER_ORG_ASGN Core Person Organizational Assignment
This contains the unique identification of a person and
an organizational relationship. Each separate
relationship has an identification id (EMPL_RCD field)
and has one, and only one, row in PER_ORG_ASGN.
The primary key for an assignment is the combination
of the EMPLID and EMPL_RCD.
PER_POI_TYPE Core Person Organizational Non-Assignment type.
This record contains a unique identification of a person
and a non-assignment type of relationship to the
organization. The primary key for this record is the
combination of EMPLID and POI_TYPE.
A person may have multiple POI_TYPE relationships.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 9
Person Object Model ERD –Country and Product Extensions
This diagram shows the difference between the entities that are part of the core person model and those
that extend the model for a specific country or product:

Figure 2: Person Object Model –Country and Product Extensions

Extensions are entities that are country or product specific. Keeping them separate from the core entities
enables changes to be made to the extensions without impacting the core records. Changes to the
extensions happen more frequently than do changes to the core (for example, when support for a new
country is added). Another benefit of this componentization of the entities is that customers who do not
need to capture Brazilian specific data or have a legal restriction about tracking religion data do not have
to store any data in these records.
The extensions can have a zero too, zero to many, or zero to many over time type of relationships. Those
relationships tracked over time will have the EFFDT field. Note that the EFFDT in these records is
distinct from the EFFDT in the PERS_DATA_EFFDT. They are not related. This means that there
might be five EFFDT rows in PERS_DATA_EFFDT but only one in PERS_SMOKER.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 10
Person Extension Tables Detail
Record Name Category Description
DIVERSITY Extension Diversity information for Canada, the United Kingdom,
and the Netherlands.
A person has only one DIVERSITY row.
DIVERS_ETHNIC Extension Ethnic diversity information is used by some countries.
The zero to many relationship enables you to track
0 to many
multiple ethnicities for a person. For the US, a primary
ethnicity must be indicated. For Australia, there is an
indicator to capture that the person has refused to
specify their ethnicity.
Used by: Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand,
and the United States.
DIVERS_RELIGION Extension Religion information used by some countries. The zero
to many relationship enables you to track multiple
0 to many
religions for a person.
Used by: Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand,
and India
PLACE_ORIG_CHE Extension Switzerland specific extension that captures the places
of origin for a person. One place must be specified as
0 to many
the main place of origin.
NATIONALITY_GER Extension German specific extension that captures nationality
information for a person.
0 to many
Multiple nationalities can be entered.
PERSON_BRA Extension Brazilian specific extension for a person that captures
voter, military, RG, and CTSP information.
0 to 1
Only one row can be entered.
PERSON_FRA Extension French extension for a person that captures previous
experience information.
0 to 1
Only one row can be entered.
PERS_SMOKER Extension Benefits extension for a person that captures smoking
PERS_DATA_BRA Extension Brazilian extension for a person that captures
information such as ethnicity, education level, and
nationality, and tracks it historically. .
PERS_DATA_MEX Extension Mexican extension for a person that captures

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 11
Person Extension Tables Detail
Record Name Category Description
Historical information such as Medic region and the AFORE code
and tracks it historically. .
PERS_DATA_IND Extension Indian extension for a person that captures caste
information and tracks it historically.
PERS_DATA_DEU Extension German extension for a person that captures military
status information and tracks it historically.
PERS_DATA_FRA Extension French extension for a person that captures information
such as includes military status, entry date to France,
and CPAM data and tracks it historically. .
PERS_DATA_JPN Extension Japanese extension for a person that captures honseki
prefecture information and tracks it historically.
PERS_DATA_USA Extension United States extension for a person that captures
information such as proof of citizenship, military status,
the Medicare entitlement date, and the proof of work
eligibility and tracks it historically..
PERS_DATA_CHE Extension Swiss extension for a person that captures Guardian
information and tracks it historically.
PERS_DATA_ITA Extension Italian extension for a person that captures military
information and tracks it historically.
PERS_DATA_CAN Extension Canadian extension for a person that captures
information such as health care and bilingualism data
and tracks it historically.
PERS_DATA_ESP Extension Spanish extension for a person that captures military
and Social Security Affiliation and tracks it historically.
PERS_DATA_FPS Extension French Public Sector extension for a person that
captures information and tracks it historically.
PERS_DATA_USF Extension US Federal extension for a person that captures
information and tracks it historically.
This record is only used when the US Federal product is
installed. When it is, this record is required.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 12
Organizational Relationships
A person can be important to an organization for many different reasons at many different times
throughout their lifetime. Each relationship may require different attributes and different processing.
With the Enterprise HCM 8.9 Person Model, you can track the personal information about a person in
one place with no redundant data. The relationships that a person has to the organization is tracked in a
different area of the system. For example, you might have a person who has is now an employee but used
to be a contingent worker. The system tracks this person using one ID, which enables their history as a
contingent worker to exist along with their history as an employee.

While Enterprise HCM 8.9 is primarily a Human Resource based system, we recognize that you may want
to track people that have more than just a worker type of relationship to your organization and you also
need to provide secure access to their data just as you would for a worker. The Enterprise HCM 8.9
Person Model allows you to do this. A single person can have many different types of relationships with
your organization and you can provide security based on these relationships and their attributes.
A person can have one or more of the following three relationships :
• Employee:
The relationship of a person hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in
exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent
• Contingent Worker:
The relationship of a person who provides services to another entity under terms specified in a
contract on a non-permanent basis.
• Person of Interest:
Any other non-worker relationship that a person can have with your organization. This
relationship has sub-types to allow for different processing within the system. Person of Interest
Types (POI Type) are also defined as either requiring a JOB record or not (known as POIs with
jobs and POIs without jobs). Those that need a JOB record are identified by an EMPL_RCD.

The employee and contingent worker relationships represent your workforce and are the main focus of
the business processes in Enterprise HCM. Most of the processes that are designed for employees are also
available for contingent workers with the following exceptions:
• Payroll for North America
• Plan Salary
• Plan Careers and Successions
• Variable Compensation.
People of interest are not generally included in HCM business processes, except those that are designed to
manage this specific relationship (such as COBRA participants or Pension payees).

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 13
Persons of Interest

HCM 8.9 delivers pre-defined person of interest types but you can easily add their own.
The following table lists the POI types delivered with the system. You can create additional types for
POIs without jobs at any time using the Person of Interest Types component (Set Up HRMS, Foundation
Tables, Organization, Person of Interest Types).

Person of Interest Types

POI_TYPE Description Reqd Comment
00000 Unknown N This POI type is used when a user creates a
person is created but does not create an
organizational relationship.
Having this POI_TYPE will ensure that some
user will be able to access these people. Once a
known organizational relationship is created the
system deletes the Unknown one.
00001 COBRA Qualified Beneficiary Y Used by PeopleSoft Benefits Administration for
COBRA beneficiaries. These relationships can
only be created on the components on the
COBRA menu.
00002 Pension Payee Y Used by PeopleSoft Pension Administration.
This relationship can only be created on the
components on the Pension Administration
00003 Stock - Board Member Y Used by PeopleSoft Stock Administration.
00004 Stock - Non-HR Employee Y Used by PeopleSoft Stock Administration.
00005 Global Payroll Payee Y Used by the PeopleSoft Global Payroll
00006 Student Refund Y Used by PeopleSoft Campus Solutions
This POI_TYPE is created in the JOB table to
process students who need to receive a refund
payment using PeopleSoft Payroll for North
America. Payroll for North America requires that
people have a JOB record in order to process
their check.
00007 External Trainee N Used by PeopleSoft Human Resources
Administer Training . This relationship can be
created in components on the Administer
Training menu, the Administer Workforce menu,
and also on Recruiting Solutions menus for
people who need training prior to being hired.
00008 External Instructor N Used by PeopleSoft Human Resources
Administer Training.
While some external instructors are entered into
the system as contingent workers and have a JOB
record, some external instructors do not need a
JOB record. This POI_TYPE relationship is used
for external instructors who are not contingent

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 14
Person of Interest Types
POI_TYPE Description Reqd Comment
00009 Campus Solution Person N Used by PeopleSoft Campus Solutions
applications. This relationship is created and
maintained on the components on the Campus
Solutions menus.
00010 Other N Any other person that you need to track within

The following table lists the self-service components that a person, regardless of relationship, can access
and update if given a user ID and access to the Self Service components:

Self Service Transactions in HRMS accessible by any Person in the PERSON table
Component Description Component Name
Home and Mailing Address HR_HOME_MAILING
Emergency Contacts HR_EMERGENCY_CNTCT
Marital Status HR_EE_MAR_STATUS
Name Change HR_EE_NAME
Professional Training HR_PROF_TRAINING
Honors and Awards HR_HONORS_AWARDS
Licenses and Certificates HR_LIC_CERT

Persons of Interest are not available in all components of the system (since HRMS is primarly concerned
with workers). The following table lists the components where the data on the POIs can be accessed in
addition to the employees and contingent workers. Normal row level security is also applied.

Administrator components in HRMS accessible for any Person in PS_PERSON

Component Description Component Name
Modify a Person PERSONAL_DATA
Disabilities DISABILITY
Prior Work Experience PRIOR_WORK_EXPER
Credit Cards CC_CARD_DATA
Emergency Contacts EMERGENCY_CONTACT

Identification (Visa, Passport, Citizenship, Photo) IDENTIFICATION_DATA

General Comments GENL_COMMENTS
Bank Accounts PYE_BANKACCT

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 15
Administrator components in HRMS accessible for any Person in PS_PERSON
Component Description Component Name
Training Summary TRN_STUDNT_CRS_SU3
Licenses and Certificates LICENSES_CERTIFS
Honors and Awards HONORS_AWARDS
Significant Special Projects SPECIAL_PROJECTS

Health and Safety
Audiometric Exam HS_EXAM_AUDIO
Respiratory Exam HS_EXAM_RESPIRE

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 16
Organizational Relationship Model ERD – Overview
The organizational relationship defines the relationship or relationships that a person has with your
organization. These may be worker or non-worker relationships and a single person can have many
different relationships at the same time or over a lifetime.
Each person must have at least one defined organizational relationship. These relationships are defined in
one of two tables depending on whether assignment data (JOB) is required. When assignment data is
required, the relationship is defined in PER_ORG_ASGN with the unique identification of an
An EMPL_RCD is a unique identifier for separate assignments within an EMPLID. The value of the
EMPL_RCD itself does not indicate anything or carry any processing. The default starting number is 0,
but that can be users can change this creating an assignment.
When an assignment is not required, the relationship is defined in PER_POI_TYPE with the unique
identification of a POI_TYPE.
There are some non-worker relationships that do require assignment information. These are the
relationships that are supported by various HCM products such as PeopleSoft Benefits Administration
(Cobra Participants) and Pension Administration (Pension Payees). These relationships have special
processing that requires data that is associated with an assignment. Therefore, these relationships will have
an assignment (and EMPL_RCD), but are still non-workers. We will cover each type of relationship

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 17
Figure 3: Person Model –Organizational Relationship Summary

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 18
Organizational Relationship Model ERD – Relationships with Assignments
This model illustrates the core records that the system uses to define any organizational relationship that
requires an assignment.

Figure 4: Person Object Model – Organizational Relationship with Assignments

Before we discuss the individual records, we need to understand the implied and enforced relationships
In the figure above, there is a foreign key relationship between the PER_ORG_INST
actually an implied parent/child relationship between these records that is enforced by business logic.
• Each controlling instance (PER_ORG_INST) controls one or more assignments
• Each assignment (PER_ORG_ASGN) has one, and only one, controlling instance

A PER_ORG_INST is a single instance of an organizational relationship (with a job), as defined by the

customer. The instance enables us to distinguish between assignments that represent a true new-hire type

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 19
relationship as opposed to just an additional assignment. The key distinguishing factor is whether the
person’s assignment should be treated as a new-hire or not.
For example, Kelly Jones is hired into the organization as an employee on January 14, 2003 and her
assignment is as a clerk in department A. On July 1, 2000, she takes on another job in department B.
If the second job is tied to Kelly’s first job and you do not want it identified as a hire, then you create the
second job as an additional assignment to the first job, making the first job the controlling instance.
When you report on the new hires in your organization, the system will not include the second job .
Likewise, when you terminate the position, the system does not count it as a termination since Kelly is
still employed with the organization through the controlling instance. All of Kelly’s service dates are
determined by the controlling instance.

To process the two assignments as completely separate relationships with the organization (each having
its own set of hire and service dates), then you create them as separate organizational instances.

There are several reasons for creating the link between an additional assignment and an instance;
• You can see the person’s date of hire even when looking at the additional assignment data.
• The system will automatically terminate all of a person’s additional assignments when you terminate
the controlling instance.
• Using data permission security, you can give a user access to the controlling instance if they have
data permission access to one of its additional assignments (or the other way around).
• With Global Assignments, you need to indicate that a Host assignment is controlled by a specific
Home assignment.

Whether you use separate instances or additional assignments is up to you to determine based on your
workforce policies. Most processing within HRMS does not distinguish between controlling instances
and additional assignments. The business processes where this is distinction is important are:
• Regulatory reporting such as new hire and termination reporting.
• Global Assignment host tracking .
• Temporary assignment processes (where an instance is put on a temporary suspension during
which another assignment is performed).
• Japanese Kenmu additional assignments
• Termination of a controlling instance

For Customers who are upgrading from a previous release:

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 20
The controlling instance is analogous to creating an additional job with the Action of HIR (Hire).
The additional assignment is analogous to creating an additional job with the Action of ADL –
additional assignment. The big differences are that now we require that you indicate what job will
be the controlling instance for an additional job and we will automatically terminate all additional
instances for you. The upgrade process will identify these relationships for you, but you may
need to make some corrections to orphaned assignments. Please refer to the Upgrade Appendix

Understanding the design of PER_ORG_INST

The reason we did not make PER_ORG_INST a physical parent of PER_ORG_ASGN was to limit the
huge impact that this would have had both within HRMS and when integrating to other systems. Using
the two keys EMPLID and EMPL_RCD to uniquely identify a job has been in place in PeopleSoft
products for many releases. Adding a new key (ORG_INSTANCE_ERN) would require an enormous
amount of changes within HRMS and within any system that is integrated with it.
Because most products that use the EMPLID/EMPL_RCD combination have no need to know or
worry about the difference between an instance and an assignment, making PER_ORG_INST a parent
of PER_ORG_ASGN would have caused enormous changes without much benefit. It is only the
Human Resource product (and only in some very specific situations) that needs to know when a
particular EMPL_RCD is an instance or an additional assignment. For this reason, PeopleSoft decided to
put the onus on those specific areas of the Human Resource product to deal with the difference instead
of all other products.
Users who can create organizational relationships do need to understand the difference (or the
implementation team needs to have made a decision on which method to use, if only one is to be used)
because it impacts which component users use to create a new assignment.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 21
The logical model is this:

Figure 5: Logical relationship between PER_ORG_INST and PER_ORG_ASGN

There are three core JOB relationship records. These are described in the table below. Again, most
processes only use PER_ORG_ASGN and JOB. Only those few processes that need to identify when
something is a controlling instance versus and additional assignment will need to use PER_ORG_INST.

Core JOB Relationship tables

Record Name Category Description
PER_ORG_INST Core Person Organizational Instance
A single instance of an organizational relationship as
defined by the customer. This organizational instance
may include more than one assignment
Each controlling instance (PER_ORG_INST) controls
one or more assignments (PER_ORG_ASGN).
Each assignment (PER_ORG_ASGN) has one, and
only one, controlling instance (PER_ORG_INST).
PER_ORG_ASGN Core Person Organizational Assignment
This record provides a unique identification of a person
and an organizational relationship. Each separate
relationship has a unique identification ID
(EMPL_RCD field) and has, one and only one, row in

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 22
Core JOB Relationship tables
Record Name Category Description
JOB Core Person Organizational Assignment History.
This record provides an historical record of information
directly related to one assignment (EMPLID /
EMPL_RCD). Each PER_ORG_ASGN parent has at
least one JOB child row. Multiple rows can be entered
for the same day.
PER_POI_TYPE Core Person Organizational Non-Assignment Relationship.
This record defines a person’s organizational
relationships that do not require an assignment (i.e. JOB
data). Each row is uniquely identified by the EMPLID
and the POI_TYPE (the person of interest type). Each
separate (non-JOB) POI relationship has a single row
PER_POI_SCR_DT Core Person Organizational POI Security
PER_POI_SCRTY This record provides an historical record of information
directly related to one Person of Interest relationship
without a job. Each PER_POI_TYPE parent has at
least one PER_POI_SCR_DT child row, which can
have one or more PER_POI_SCRTY rows.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 23
Organizational Relationship Model ERD – Relationships with Assignments (with
This section covers the entire JOB core model with some extensions.

Figure 6: Person Model - Organizational Relationships with Assignments – with Extensions

Assignment Tables – Core and Extension

Record Name Category Description
PER_ORG_INST Core Person Organizational Instance
Required A single instance of an organizational relationship as
defined by the customer.
PER_ORG_ASGN Core Person Organizational Assignment
Required This record provides a unique identification of a person and
an organizational assignment.
JOB Core Person Organizational Assignment History
Required This record provides an historical record of information
directly related to one assignment (EMPLID /

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 24
Assignment Tables – Core and Extension
Record Name Category Description
JOB_JR Core Extension of JOB
Required This record has a mandatory one to one relationship with
JOB. It is a true sibling of the JOB record and was originally
created to allow more than 250 fields to be associated with a
JOB_USF Product Extension of Job for US Federal Data.
Extension This record has a mandatory one to one relationship with
Required if JOB but only if US Federal is installed. If it isn’t installed,
US Federal is then no data is loaded into this record. These fields used to
installed. be directly on the JOB record but have now been moved to
this extension record instead.
COMPENSATION Core Person Job Compensation and History
Not Required This record contains the components of a person’s
compensation-related data. It is a child of JOB, so it also
provides a history as well as a moment in time snapshot of
compensation data. Each JOB row can have zero, one, or
HR_EE_SNR_DTS Core Person Job Seniority Dates and History
Not Required This record contains Labor Agreement and Seniority date
information for a JOB row. Each JOB row can have zero,
one, or more HR_EE_SNR_DTS rows.
JOB_IND Country Person Job Extension for India
Extension Contains specific data for India. This is an extension of JOB
Not Required with a one-to-one relationship. If no data is needed for
India for a specific assignment, then this record will not
have a row.
Data includes Union Membership Status and Category.
JOB_AUS Country Person Job Extension for Australia and Australia
Extension Higher Education
Not Required Contains specific data for Australia such as Salary packaging
indication, Casual Job indicator, and Payroll Tax State. This
is an extension of JOB with a one-to-one relationship. If no
data is needed for Australia for a specific assignment, then
this record will not have a row.
PER_ORG_ASG_BEL Country Person Org Assignment Extension for Belgium
Extension Contains specific non-historical official language data for
Not Required Belgium. This is an extension of the PER_ORG_ASGN
record and has a one-to-one relationship (when data is
PER_ORG_ASG_BRA Country Person Org Assignment Extension for Brazil
Extension Contains specific non-historical INSS data for Brazil. This is
Not Required an extension of the PER_ORG_ASGN record and has a
one-to-one relationship (when data is entered).
PER_ORG_ASG_HP Industry Person Org Assignment Extension for the Education
Extension and Government industry
Not Required Contains specific non-historical tenure data for E&G. This
is an extension of the PER_ORG_ASGN record and has a
one-to-one relationship (when data is entered).
PER_ORG_ASG_JPN Country Person Org Assignment Extension for Japan
Extension Contains specific non-historical education level data for
Not Required Japan. This is an extension of the PER_ORG_ASGN
record and has a one-to-one relationship (when data is

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 25
Assignment Tables – Core and Extension
Record Name Category Description
PER_ORG_ASG_NLD Country Person Org Assignment Extension for the Netherlands
Extension Contains specific non-historical owner relationship data for
Not Required the Netherlands. This is an extension of the
PER_ORG_ASGN record and has a one-to-one
relationship (when data is entered).
PER_ORG_ASG_FA Country Person Org Assignment Extension for the Malaysia
Extension and Singapore
Not Required Contains specific non-historical festive advancement data.
This is an extension of the PER_ORG_ASGN record and
has a one-to-one relationship (when data is entered).

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 26
Organizational Relationship Model ERD – Relationships without Assignments

This model illustrates the core records that are used to define an organizational relationship that does not
require a JOB record.

Figure 7: Person Object Model – Organizational Relationship without Assignments

Person Relationships without Assignments Tables

Record Name Category Description
PER_POI_TYPE Core Person Organizational Non-Assignment Relationship
This record defines the organizational relationships
that a person can have that do not require an
assignment (i.e. JOB data). Each row is uniquely
identified by the EMPLID and the POI_TYPE (the

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 27
Person Relationships without Assignments Tables
Record Name Category Description
person of interest type). Each separate POI without
job relationship has a single row in PER_POI_TYPE.
PER_POI_SCR_DT Core Person Organizational Non-Assignment Relationship
Required History
This record provides an historical record of
information directly related to one Person of Interest
without job relationship. Each PER_POI_TYPE
parent will have at least one PER_POI_SCR_DT
child row.
PER_POI_SCRTY Core Row Level Security attributes
Required Contains the field and values of data that can be used
to define data permission security access for these
Transaction Record Core and The special Transactional history for this relationship
Extensions is captured in separate records based on the
PER_POI_TRANS Default Default Transactional history record available for
Transaction multiple POI_TYPES. This record is used when there
and History isn’t a product-specific transaction table. It contains
basic historical information such as EFF_STATUS
with an Effective Date and a comment area. This
record can be easily used for customer-created
POI_TYPES without any customization.
CAREER_SDNT Product Campus Solutions transaction record for Campus
specific Solutions persons
TRN_INSTRCT_TBL Product HR Training – Instructor Table – used for the
specific transaction history of External Trainer POI_TYPES
transaction (as well as providing additional information on
and history Employees or Contingent Workers who are Trainers).

The data permission security access for POIs without jobs is based on the data found in
PER_POI_SCRTY. This record has been created with generic field names for the security fields so that
the customer can decide what transaction data they want to use (and capture) for these relationships.
HCM delivers a few security fields already defined, but the customer can create new ones using the Core
Row Level Security components without having to do customizations

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 28

Creating a Person
There are several places on the Enterprise HCM portal menus where you can create a new person. On
each component users can search first to see if the person they want to add already exists in the database.
Encourage users to check for existing person records before adding new ones to prevent creating multiple
IDs for the same person.The system issues a warning if the person may already be in the database, but the
user can continue with the new ID. It is possible to create multiple IDs for a person if it is necessary due
to integration or functional needs.

Note. Please refer to the PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS 8.9 Application Fundamentals PeopleBook,
“Setting up and Using Search Match” for more information.

Components on some menus allow users to create only one specific organizational relationship for a
person. For example, on the Add a Person component on the Enterprise Learning menu, you can only
create a POI without job with a POI type of either External Trainees or External Instructors. However,
on the component on the Administer Workforce menu, there are more POI types available. Some
components, such as PERSONAL_DATA, update the core person and relationship records directly while
others use a service or component interface to update the core tables at save time. This ensures that all
updates to the core tables apply the same business rules and processing.

Navigation: Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Add a Person

When you create a person for the first time using the Add a Person component, the search page looks like

If you use automatic numbering, leave NEW as the Person ID and the system will use the next available
ID when you save the person. Enter a specific new ID to use your own numbering scheme.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 29
When you click on the Add the Person link, the system displays the Add a Person (PERSONAL_DATA)
component. This component contains a person’s basic, personal information on the first three pages:

Biographical Details Page:

The Biographical Details page displays biographical details, such as primary name, date and place of birth,
and national ID.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 30
Contact Information Page

The Contact Information page displays a person’s addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 31
Regional Page

The Regional page contains the country extension information for a person.

Note. The system only displays the countries that you have installed and to which the user has
security access.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 32
Organizational Relationships Page

The fourth page, Organizational Relationships, is only available in the PERSONAL_DATA component
when in add mode. Use this page to create the initial organizational relationship for the person.

Select one of the three types of relationships for this person. Depending on the option you choose, the
system may display additional fields, such as the Person of Interest Type field if you select Person of
Interest. If you select Employee or Contingent Worker, the system will enable you to enter the initial
EMPL_RCD. The system enters the 0 (zero) to start with, but you can override this value. This feature is
delivered in the Resolution: 610712 (Bundle 601072).
After you specify the relationship you are adding for the person and click the Add the Relationship
button, the system saves the PERSONAL_DATA component and moves you to the one of the following
components, according to the relationship you choose, upon which you can create the relationship:
• New Employment Instance component (JOB_DATA_EMP), when you add an employee
• New Contingent Worker Instance component (JOB_DATA_CWR), when you add a contingent
worker instance.
• New POI Instance component (JOB_DATA_POI), when you add a POI with a job.
• Add a POI Relationship component (PERS_POI_ADD), when you add a POI without a job.

Note. The system determines whether the POI has a job by the POI type

Note. You can determine which POI types should be available on the components that add
people to the system on the Person of Interest Types component. For example, you can limit
the Global Payroll Payee POI type to the component on the Global Payroll menu but make the
External Trainee and External Instructor POI types available on the component on the
Enterprise Learning menu and the component on the Administer Workforce menu. Use the
Person of Interest Type component to create additional POI types as needed.

After you have entered the appropriate relationship data and saved the component, the system returns
you to the the Organizational Relationship page.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 33
If you save the PERSONAL_DATA component before adding a relationship, the system issues a
warning but continues with the save. You can still choose to add a relationship at that time by clicking the
Add a Relationship button on the Organizational Relationships page or by selecting one of the
components from the menus.
HCM data permission uses the data in a person’s organizational relationship transaction record to control
access to the person’s record so every person in the system must have at least one organizational
If you save a person without creating a record for the relationship, the system saves the person with a
POI type of Unknown so that you can still make the record available to users with access to people with
the POI type of Unknown using data permission security. The system deletes the Uknown POI
relationship when you create a relationship.

Person Checklist
When you select a person’s relationship on the Organizational Relationships page, you can also select and
create a checklist for them. A checklist is a list of additional components that need to be completed for a
person. When you select a checklist code for a person and create the relationship, the system also creates
a record in the Person Checklist component (PERSON_CHECKLIST on the Workforce Administration,
Personal Information, Organizational Relationships menu).
The system enters a default checklist in the Checklist Code field when you select a relationship. For
example, when you select Employee, the system enters the Add Employment Instance checklist.

Select the Checklist Code when you add an organizational relationship.

Click the Go to Person Checklist link to go to this person’s checklist on the Person Checklist

Person checklists are similar to assignment except that these are keyed by EMPLID only while assignment
checklists are keyed by the EMPLID/EMPL_RCD combination. The assignment checklist component
(EMPLOYEE_CHECLIST) is located on the Workforce Administration, Personal Information,
Organizational Relationships menu. A person can have multiple checklists either at the same time or over
time. Review a person’s checklist(s) in the Person Checklist component. (PERSON_CHECKLIST):

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 34
Navigation: Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Organizational Relationships, Person

Person Checklist page

For example, the Add Employment Instance checklist (HCEMP) has three items that contain
components that might be needed for a person with an employee relationship. When you click on this
checklist item, the system opens another window and displays the Add Employment Instance component
(JOB_DATA_EMP). Click the Person Identification checklist item and the system opens a window
displaying the Identification Data component (IDENTIFICATN_DATA).

The Person Checklist functionality gives your organization a way to organize the type of data that is
needed for a particular person or relationship. We deliver several checklists with the system, but you can
easily create your own and use those for defaults on the Organizational Relationships page.

You can define checklists on the Checklist component (CHECKLIST_TABLE, on the Set Up
HRMS:,Common Definitions menu) and associate them with POI types on the Person of Interest Types
component (POI_TYPE_TBL, on the Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization menu).

Note. Refer to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources 8.9 PeopleBook: Administer Workforce,
“Setting up the Administer Workforce Business Process,” Creating Checklists for more
information on how to create checklists.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 35
Creating Organizational Relationships
All the components that enable you to add a person to the system also enable you to create their
organizational relationship. There are additional components that allow you to create new organizational
relationships for an existing person. See Appendix C for a Decision Matrix on how to determine what
relationship to create.

Components where a person can be created and/or given a new organizational relationship
Menu Location Used to Create Component Name
Workforce Administration, Create a person. PERSONAL_DATA
Personal Information, Add a Create any organizational Transfers to:
Person relationship. JOB_DATA_EMP
Workforce Administration, Create a person. PERSONAL_DATA
Personal Information, Create any organizational Transfer to:
Biographical, Add a Person relationship. JOB_DATA_EMP
Workforce Administration, Create a POI without job PERS_POI_ADD
Organizational Relationships, relationship for an existing
Add a POI Relationship person.
Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Create a person. GP_ADD_PERSON
Payee Data, Add a POI Payee Create a POI with job This is a front end to the
relationship for Global Payroll. PERSONAL_DATA and/or
JOB_DATA_POI components.
Stock, Add a Person Create a person. ST_ADD_PERSON
Create a POI without job This is a front end to the
relationship for Stock. PERSONAL_DATA and/or
PERS_POI_ADD components.
Enterprise Learning, Add a Create a person. TRN_ADD_PERSON front end
Person Create a POI without job to PERSONAL_DATA and/or
relationship for Administer PERS_POI_ADD

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 36
Components where a person can be created and/or given a new organizational relationship
Menu Location Used to Create Component Name
Benefits, Administer COBRA Create a person from an existing MANUAL_COBRA
Benefits, Maintain COBRA Non- dependent record. This component uses
Employees, Create COBRA Create a POI with job component interfaces:
Non-Employee relationship of COBRA To create the person using the
participant. information on the Dependent
Beneficiary component.
Create the POI with job
relationships using the
employee’s base data.

Pension, Payments, Create a person from an existing PA_RT_EMP_SETUP

Create Payee dependent record. Transfers to:
Create a POI with job RA_PERS_DATA
relationship for a Pension payee. PA_JOB
Workforce Administration, Create an employee relationship JOB_DATA_EMP
Organizational Relationships, for an existing person.
New Employment Instance
Workforce Administration, Create a contingent worker JOB_DATA_CWR
Organizational Relationships, relationship for an existing
New Contingent Worker person.
Recruiting Solutions Create a new person from an HRS_PREP_FOR_HIRE
existing Applicant record.
Create a new employee
relationship for a person.
Create a new contingent worker
relationship for a person.
Recruiting Solutions Create an external trainee HRS_ADD_EXT_TRN
relationship for a person.
Campus Community, Personal Create a person. SCC_BIO_DEMO
Information, Add/Update a Create a POI without job Uses component interfaces to:
Person relationship. Create a record in
Create the campus solutions POI
relationship data.
Campus Community, Personal Create a person. SCC_BIO_DEMO
Information (Student), Create a POI without job Uses component interfaces to:
Add/Update a Person relationship. Create a record in
Create the campus solutions POI
relationship data.

Assignment Relationship Example

This is an example of the JOB_DATA_EMP component where you enter the details of a person’s
employee relationship:

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 37
JOB_DATA_EMP component

A relationship with an assignment (job) has many attributes. Please refer to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Human
Resources 8.9, Administer Workforce PeopleBook for information on this and the other JOB components.

Non-Assignment Relationship Example

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 38
This is an example of the PER_POI_TRANS component where you would enter the details of a person’s
non-assignment relationship. In this case, we are adding an External Trainee POI relationship. This POI
type will use just this main page.

Add Person of Interest Page

Other POI types may use a different transactional record. If this is the case, then a link to that component
will appear in place of the Person of Interest History Grid.

Creating Worker Organizational Relationships and Instances

People who will have an employee or contingent worker relationship with the organization need to have
data in the core JOB tables. For these workers, it is easier to talk about organizational instances and
organizational assignments. The description of these is repeated below.

Core Job Relationship Records

Record Name Description

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 39
PER_ORG_INST Person Organizational Instance
A single instance of an organizational relationship as
defined by the customer. This organizational instance may
include more than one assignment
Each controlling instance (PER_ORG_INST) controls one
or more assignments (PER_ORG_ASGN).
Each assignment (PER_ORG_ASGN) has one, and only
one, controlling instance (PER_ORG_INST).
PER_ORG_ASGN Person Organizational Assignment
This record provides a unique identification of a person and
an organizational relationship. Each separate relationship
has a unique identification ID (EMPL_RCD field) and has,
one and only one, row in PER_ORG_ASGN.
JOB Person Organizational Assignment History
This record provides an historical record of information
directly related to one assignment (EMPLID /
EMPL_RCD). Each PER_ORG_ASGN parent has at least
one JOB child row. Multiple rows can be entered for the
same day..

Department, location, business unit transfers can all be done within the history of one assignment
(EMPL_RCD), so for many people you might only ever have one instance with one assignment. The
additional instances and assignments are available when you have more complex relationships. When you
need to be able to capture different JOB attributes for someone, then you need to create a new instance
or an additional assignment. Which you create depends on your needs. The usage of different
EMPL_RCDs is required for any person who has more than one relationship type. Each EMPL_RCD
will be for one and only one PER_ORG (EMP/CWR/POI). For this reason, the HRMS system is
delivered with the PeopleTools PSOPTIONS MULTIJOB flag turned on. This flag must be ‘Y’ for the
HRMS system to work. However, you will still need to make a decision on whether you will allow
multiple EMPL_RCDs with the same PER_ORG. When we talk about ‘multiple jobs’, we are referring to
the practice of allowing multiple EMPL_RCDs within the same PER_ORG (for example, a Employee is
actively working two different assignments – both or which are employee assignments).
If you are not going to use true ‘multiple jobs’, then you will want to not give any user access to the
Global Assignments, Add Additional Assignments, Temporary Assignments, or the Additional
Appointment Japan components. You should also restrict the access to the Add Employment Instance
and Add Contingent Workers only to users who understand the way assigments work.
When a person needs to have different values for the following data active at the same time, then a new
EMPL_RCD will need to be created. If the data is just changing as a result of some event, and only one
will be active, then you would enter the change on the person’s existing EMPL_RCD in the JOB_DATA
• Benefit plans
• Payroll needs
• Location, department, business unit, jobcode, salary grade etc are needed.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 40
For many people, there will never be more than one assignment for an instance. Multiple jobs are required
where there is some special relationship between two assignments such as:
• Global home and host assignments
• Japan Kenmu appointments or Intercompany Transfers
• Temporary assignments
• Additional assignments that should not be treated as ‘hires’

You will always create a new instance when

• A new PER_ORG is used (EMP, CWR) that the person has never had
• Any new POI with a job is needed. POIs are always created as separate instances.
• Anytime you want the new assignment to be treated as a new hire (with its own hire and service
dates) and you don’t want to reactivate a terminated assignment.

We use different components to handle the different situations. This allows us to give a functional
description of the situation and a navigation reference with a more understandable name. This will hide
the complexity of the instances and assignments to some degree. You will also want to determine which
of these situations you even want to allow in your system.

Components where a new instance or assignment can be created

Component Comment
Add a Person Used when the person does not already exist in the system (does not
From within this component, the user will transfer to the appropriate
Navigation: component to create the organization relationship the user has
Workforce Administration, chosen.
Personal Information,
Add a Person For an EMP, the component will transfer to JOB_DATA_EMP.
For a CWR, the component will transfer to JOB_DATA_CWR.
For a POI, the component will transfer to PERS_POI_TRANS.
New Employee Instance This component will create a new instance and its assignment
JOB_DATA_EMP information for the EMP PER_ORG. This creates a new
Navigation: Allows only the action of HIR.
Workforce Administration, This component can be accessed from the left navigation directly
Job information, and from within the Add a Person component.
New Employee Instance
New Contingent Worker This component will create a new instance and its assignment
Instance information for the CWR PER_ORG. This creates a new

Navigation: Allows only the action of ADD.

Workforce Administration,
Job information, This component can be accessed from the left navigation directly
New Continent Worker and from within the Add a Person component..

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 41
Components where a new instance or assignment can be created
Component Comment
Add Additional Assignment Creates a new assignment under an already existing (and active)
ADD_PER_ORG_ASGN instance. This is referred to as a true multiple job.

Navigation: Allows only the action of ADL.

Workforce Administration,
Job information, The user choose which instance to use and what EMPL_RCD to
Add Additional Assignment create and then transfers to the JOB_DATA_CONCUR
Add Host Assignment This component is used to create a new host assignment in the
ADD_HOST_ASGN Global Assignment feature.

Navigation: Allows only the action of ASG.

Workforce Administration ,
Global Assignments The user choose which instance (Home record) to use and what
, Add a Host Assignment EMPL_RCD to create and then transfers to the
HOME_HOST_DATA component
Add an Additional This component is used to create an additional appointment for
Appointment (Japan only) Japan.

Workforce Administration ,
Job Information ,
Additional Appointment

Additional Assignment or New Instance?

The additional assignment relationship concept allows you to create a new assignment for a person when
they already have an existing instance and you do not want to count this new assignment as a ‘hire’.
These assignments must be tied to an existing active instance of the same PER_ORG type (employee or
contingent worker) and they will be ended if that instance is terminated. They may also be ended prior to
the instance being terminated.

Additional assignments might also be related for security access purposes. You have the ability to indicate
that you want to allow a user who has access to an instance to also have access to its assignments, or allow
a user who has access to an assignment to also have access to its instance. This makes it possible for these
users to see this related information even if they would normally not have access that row. Refer to the
PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS 8.9: Application Fundamentals PeopleBook for more information on setting up
row level security.

There are three types of additional assignment relationships which have additional special rules. These
relationships are used under specific circumstances in order to support additional processing or data.

Global assignments enable you to assign employees to a global assignment and to monitor,
compensate, and track education and qualification for the employees and their dependents as
they move from project to project in your organization's operations in multiple countries. The

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 42
instance is also referred to as the HOME assignment and the additional assignment as the HOST
assignment within this module. Refer to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources 8.9: Track Global
Assignments PeopleBook for more information.

Japan additional assignments (also known as Kenmu) are special relationships used by Japanese
companies. These may include intercompany transfers or external company transfers. When
additional appointments exist in conjunction with intercompany transfers, for example when you
serve as a hosting company, you can store information about additional appointments that your
transferee may have in the home company, as well as any additional appointment information
within your company as host. It also allows you to track cost distributions among a main
appointment (the instance) and its additional assignments. Refer to PeopleSoft Enterprise Human
Resources 8.9: Administer Workforce PeopleBook Section (JPN) Tracking Additional Appointments (Kenmu).

Temporary assignments are a special type of relationship where the person’s substantive job
(the Instance) is put on hold for the duration of the temporary assignment. When a worker
covers the responsibilities of another job besides the substantive job, the worker works a
temporary assignment. Temporary assignment data must be tracked the same way that
substantive job data is tracked.
For example, a person hired into a teaching appointment takes this as the substantive job. The
person then receives a one month temporary assignment as a department head. The original
teaching position is suspended for the duration of the temporary assignment.
It is also possible that the person takes a temporary assignment on a partial basis. The person
might retain the substantive teaching position for twenty hours a week while also working the
temporary assignment as department head for the other twenty hours. The person cannot work
beyond the forty-hour workweek, but any combination of assignments might be entered to fill
the forty hours. Please refer to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources 8.9: Administer
Workforce PeopleBook Section Entering Additional Information in Human Resources Records
for more information.
The fourth type of additional assignment is used when you want to give a worker a new assignment at the
same time that he is still active in another assignment. You can choose to create this new assignment as a
new instance or as an additional assignment for a controlling instance. Which you choose will depend on
whether you want to take advantage of the benefits of relating two assignments. However, there are also
some restrictions on additional assignments.
Benefits of additional assignment relationships are:
• The new assignment will not be counted as a ‘hire’ for regulatory reporting and date setting
• The new assignment will be automatically terminated when the controlling instance is
• You can allow the users who have access to the controlling instance to also have access to
the additional assignment or vica versa with just a installation setting on security.
The restriction of using the additional assignment relationships is:
• The additional assignment cannot remain active, or be reactivated if the controlling instance
is in an inactive status.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 43
You should always create a new instance unless the benefits are worth it.

Instance Dates versus Assignment Dates

An assignment is related to an instance because it is not a true ‘hire’ record. Therefore, it doesn’t have a
hire or latest hire date. It inherits those dates from its controlling Instance. There are also dates that are
stored at the instance level that are used for other purposes. It is important to understand the difference
between these dates when you use them for reporting.

Field Meaning
HIRE_DT First date that this EMPLID/EMPL_RCD was hired (or started as a
CWR) into an instance. Does not get a value for EMPL_RCDs
created as ADL or ASG. Set when action of HIR is used.
LAST_HIRE_DT Latest date that this EMPLID/ EMPL_RCD was hired or re-hired
(or started or re-started as a CWR) into an instance. Does not get a
value for EMPL_RCD s created as ADL or ASG. Set when action of
HIR or REH is used.
ASGN_START_DT First date this EMPLID/ EMPL_RCD was started (either as hire or
additional assignment).
Always gets a value.
LST_ASGN_START_DT Latest date that this EMPLID/ EMPL_RCD was started or restarted.
Always gets a value.
TERMINATION_DT If on the instance, then this is the also the date the instance was
terminated or completed.
ORIG_HIRE_DT Earliest date that this EMPLID/ERN INSTANCE was associated
with the organization - regardless of what the EFFDT is for the first
row in JOB. Customers can enter an earlier date here than the earliest

Hire versus Latest Hire

In this example, EMPLID A001 was first hired into the organization on May 1, 1960. He then terminated
on Oct 01, 1970 and then rehired on Nov 01, 1980.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 44
Because the action of REH (Rehire) was used to bring him back on the same instance, the HIRE_DT is
not changed. The LAST_HIRE_DT is changed to be the effective date of the rehire. If you ran a report
that used the HIRE_DT field it would show May 1, 1960 – not the latest hire date of Nov 01, 1980. Note
the same relationship between the ASGN_START_DT and LST_ASGN_START_DT fields.
LST_ASGN_START_DT will reflect the latest start date.

Instance dates versus the Assignment dates

When you look at the JOB row of an instance, you see that the instance dates are the same as the
assignment dates. But when you look at an additional assignment row, there are no values in the
HIRE_DT and LAST_HIRE_DT fields. This is because the additional assignment record does not get
these dates because it does not constitute a hire.

Instance Dates Assignment Dates

When you use a view like EMPLOYMENT or PER_ORG_ASGN_VW, the fields HIRE_DT and
LAST_HIRE_DT on an Assignment row will be populated from that assignments Instance record fields.
For most reporting using the fields ASGN_START_DT or LST_ASGN_START_DT will be sufficient.
But if you need to report the actual legal hire (or latest hire) for an additional assignment, you should use
the HIRE_DT or LAST_HIRE_DT from the view PER_ORG_ASGN_VW.

Instance and Assignment on the EMPLOYMENT Information Page in JOB_DATA

You can see the values for these fields in the JOB_DATA Component on the Employment Information
data page.
On an instance record, the data in both group boxes will have the same dates. Note that you can modify the
ORIG_HIRE_DT (Original Start Date field) and ORG_INST_SRV_DT (Org Instance Service Date
field) dates if you wish.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 45
Employment Information page with an instance row

On an additional assignment record, the data in the organizational instance will be displayed from the instance
record – and is not updateable.

Employment Information for an additional assignment record

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 46
Multiple Organizational Relationships – an Example

A person can have many different organizational relationships either concurrently or consequently. This
section will give you an example of how this might happen. The diagram below shows the different
relationships that John Summers has had with the organization.

Multiple organizational assignments

1. John Summers attends a training class at company XYZ on May 1, 1995 as an external trainee.
1b The external trainee instance is closed
2. John Summers becomes a contingent worker at company XYZ on Oct 10, 1996.
2b He completes his contingent worker assignment on Aug 20, 1999.
3. John Summers becomes an employee at company XYZ on Sept 3, 1999
4. John Summers gets an additional assignment at company XYZ in his original business unit on
Nov 1, 2001 that should not be counted as a new hire
4b He completes his additional assignment on Mar 4, 2001.
5. John Summers starts as an employee on Feb 2, 2002 in a different business unit with the
organization that requires this start to be counted as a new hire.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 47
The actual completion dates of each assignment are irrelevant to the relationships of the instances
and assignments except for the additional assignment in #4. John could have an active contingent
worker instance and an active employment instance at the same time. However, to add the additional
assignment to the employment instance with the OIN (Org Instance ERN) of 1, that instance must
still be active. Each instance is treated completely separately. There are no connections between
Additional assignments are directly related to their controlling instance. They can only be active if the
controlling instance is active. They can be terminated prior to the controlling instance, but if the
instance is terminated then any active additional assignments for it will also be terminated by the

Note: The value that is used for the next instance’s ORG_INSTANCE_ERN is whatever the
next available EMPL_RCD is for this person. We could not add an additional key to the JOB (or
PER_ORG_ASGN) records so the relationship between the instance and its assignments is via a
logical foreign key (the ORG_INSTANCE_ERN). To make the numbering simplier (and to
allow for changes to the relationships between instances and assignments in the future), we chose
to always have the controlling assignment for an instance have the same value in its EMPL_RCD

The ORG_INSTANCE_ERN is not a sequence number – as in “This is the John’s second

instance”. It is just a unique identifier that ties an assignment with its instance and identifies
which assignment is the controlling assignment. Likewise, the value of the EMPL_RCD does
not have any functional meaning – it is just a way of choosing a unique identifier for an
assignment. EMPL_RCD 0 (zero) does not have any significance in the Enterprise HCM
products – its simply where we chose as the default to start the automatic numbering.

Here is what happens in the database at each step.

(1) John Summers attends a training class at company XYZ on May 1, 1995 as an external
We determine that John Summers does not already exist as a person in the database, so we create
a Person ID for John Summers and an organizational relationship of External Trainee using the
Add a Person menu item. This POI type does use a JOB row so no EMPL_RCD is assigned to
this instance.
Record Fields



1001 5/1/1995


1001 Primary 5/1/1995 Summers,John

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 48

1001 External


1001 External 5/1/1995 Active


1b. When we want to inactivate this external trainee instance we would enter a row in
PER_POI_TRANS for that date and an effective status of inactive.
1001 External Trainee 5/2/1995 Inactive

(2) John Summers becomes a contingent worker at company XYZ on Oct 10, 1996.
John Summers already exists in the system so a new ID is not created (although the person
information would be updated at this point to make sure that it is current). John does not have a
Contingent Worker instance at this time, so we create a new contingent worker instance for
EMPLID 1001. The next available EMPL_RCD for this person is 0 (zero). This will be used for
both the instance and the assignment. We would use the New Contingent Worker Instance menu

Record Fields

1001 0 CWR


1001 0 0 CWR

JOB EMPLID ERN EFFDT Action Hire/Start Asgn Start Term

Date Dt Dt

1001 0 10/10/1996 ADD 10/10/1996 10/10/1996

2b. When John Summers completes his contingent worker contract we would enter a
row into JOB with the completion action.
EMPLID ERN EFFDT ACTION Hire Dt Asgn start Term Date
1001 0 8/20/1999 COM 10/10/1996 10/10/1996 8/19/1996

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 49
(3) John Summers becomes an employee at company XYZ on Sept 3, 1999
We find John Summers exists as a person under ID 1001. He does not have an active Employee
Instance, so we need to create a new one using the New Employee Instance menu item. The next
available EMPL_RCD for him is 1.

Record Fields

1001 1 EMP


1001 1 1 EMP

JOB EMPLID ERN EFFDT Action Hire Dt Asgn Start Term


1001 1 9/3/1999 HIRE 9/3/1999 9/3/1999

(4) John Summers gets an additional assignment at company XYZ on Nov 1, 2001
John has an active employee instance under the Org Instance 1. We decide that we want this new
assignment to be treated as an additional assignment not as a separate hire. We use the Add
Additional Assignment menu item and choose the employee instance that we want this
assignment associated with. The next available EMPL_RCD will be defaulted in (in this case 2).
Nothing will be altered on the PER_ORG_INST record for 1001/1, but the system does create
a new PER_ORG_ASGN and JOB rows.

Record Fields

1001 1 EMP


1001 2 1 EMP

JOB EMPLID ERN EFFDT Action Hire Date Asgn Start Term

1001 2 11/1/2001 ADL 11/1/2001

Note: if you asked for ERN 2’s Hire date it would be Sept 3, 1999 (the one under the
controlling instance #1). If you ask for ERN 2’s Assignment Start date, it would be Nov 1, 2001.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 50
(5) John Summers starts as an employee on Feb 2, 2002 with company XYZ in another business
unit where we want to treat this as a new hire there.
John does have an active employment instance that we could make this new assignment an
additional assignment under. But in this case, it is another Business Unit which has a
requirement to report this as a new hire. We would use the New Employment Instance menu
item to create a new employment instance for EMPLID 1001. The next available EMPL_RCD
will be defaulted in (which is now 3).

Record Fields

1001 3 EMP


1001 3 3 EMP

JOB EMPLID ERN EFFDT Action Hire Dt Asgn Start Term


1001 3 2/2/2002 HIRE 2/2/2002 2/2/2002

Note: if you asked for ERN 3’s Hire Date it would be Feb 2, 2002

Using a Component Interface or service to create a person.

If you are using a component interface process to create a person, the process is responsible for
creating at least one organizational relationship at the time it creates the person. The system does
not automatically create an Unknown POI row for a person when you use a component interface
process because of performance considerations. There are many batch processes that can create
many people at a time and the overhead of creating the Unknown POI and then later deleting it
is unwanted when the batch process is capable of generating the Unknown POI only if it fails to
create another relationship.

Promoting an Assignment to an Instance

Note: The ability to promote an assignment to an instance requires the application of the 8.9
resolution 627868 when it is available – currently targeted for inclusion in the HRMS HR 8.9
Product Resolution Bundle #4 (as of August 2005).

Sometimes you will want to take an additional assignment and remove its relationship to its controlling
instance. This is possible to do under certain circumstances for normal additional assignments and host

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 51
• Japan additional appointments cannot be promoted
• Temporary assignments cannot be promoted
• Host assignments must be inactive at the time of the promotion
• Normal additional assignments can be promoted when active or inactive.

To promote a Host assignment, an assignment complete action (ASC) must first be entered in the
HOME_HOST_DATA component. You then enter the promotion in JOB_DATA followed by a HIR

The JOB_DATA component can be used to promote the assignment.

Enter a new JOB effective dated row, and choose the “Promote Assignment to Instance” action (OCA)
and save the component. A new Instance will be created with the same number as the EMPL_RCD, the
Original Start Date and First Start Date on the Instance will be set to the First Assignment date of the
original assignment. These can be overridden as normal on the EMPLOYMENT page.

Note: Once an assignment has been promoted, it cannot be returned to an additional

assignment relationship. There is no history of the instance it used to be associated with. An
enhancement that is being considered is the ability to demote an instance to be an assignment
related to another instance. This has not been approved as of yet.

Reviewing a Person’s Organizational Relationships

Because a single person can have many different relationships some of which have additional assignments,
we created a component that will allow a user to see all of these relationships with basic information on
each. The user must have access to this person through row level security, but if they do they will be able
to see this information on all of the relationships the person has.

Navigation: Workforce Administration, Person Organizational Summary

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 52
Person Org Summary page

Notice that there are two rows in the Employment Instances group box. This means that Joel Summers
has two separate employment instances. The first one has two assignments related to it – the main one
and an additional assignment.

If we click on the next icon we can see his other employment Instance.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 53
Person Org Summary page

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 54

Person of Interest Type Setup Table

Description This setup table holds the definition of the person of interest types. Each POI
type has several attributes, which determine how they are used in the system.
You can make any of the delivered types inactive ( except the Unknown type) ,
change the descriptions, and add additional types.
Related Language POI_TYPE_LNG
Component POI_TYPE_TBL
Navigation Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Person of Interest Type

POI_TYPE_TBL Record field display

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 55
Person of Interest Type table page

Description and Short Description (required)

The description for the type – this will be used in drop downs for the POI_TYPE field.
Effective Status (required)
Determines whether this POI type is allowed in the your database.
Job Record Required
Indicates whether this POI_TYPE will need an assignment (JOB) or not.
Record for POI Transaction:
This is the transaction record that the history, status or other information can be captured for
this POI type. Either a product specific record or the generic PER_POI_TRANS record must
be specific.
Component Name:
The component where the POI transaction record is maintained.
Menu/Page Info:

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 56
The specific location in the menuing system where this component is located. The component
will be transferred to using the PeopleCode TransferComponent command.
Record for the POI Summary View:
This is the view used in the PERSON_ORG_SUMM component to populate the POI
Relationships group box. Each POI_TYPE needs to have a summary view in the proper format
for it to be reflected on the summary page. This view must use the POI_VW_SBR as its record
definition and map the proper data into the fields (if available – otherwise map a blank).

POI_OTH_VW: Record Use View

Person of Interest Checklist:

What checklist to default in on the Add a Person Relationship pages when this POI type is
chosen. These pages vary based on the product. Examples are TRN_ADD_PERSON and
Allow in Generic Add Component:
Determines whether this POI type will be available in the dropdown list of types in the
PERSONAL_DATA component. Since some POI types must be created via specific product
specific components, we need to be able to restrict those from being chosen here.
Allow in Generic Update Component:
Determines whether this POI type will be maintainable in the PERS_POI_MAINTAIN
component. Some POI types must be modified via specific product specific components; we
need to be able to restrict those from being chosen here.
Additional notes on the POI type.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 57
Person Object Installation Setup Table
Description This setup table is used define how (or if) the person checklist feature will be
used within PERSONAL_DATA and also whether an automatic search/match
of possible duplicate people will be done when you save a person.
There will be only one row in INSTALL_PERSON
Related Language none
Navigation Set Up HRMS, Install, Person Object Installation

INSTALL_PERSON Record Field Display

JOB Actions
Every JOB row requires an ACTION field to be captured to explain what is changing. These actions have
a lot of rules associated with them that may determine the setting of the HR_STATUS and
EMPL_STATUS fields, the assignment dates, and validation rules. In HRMS 8.9, we have captured these
rules in a table associated with the ACTION value instead of being hardcoded in PeopleCode. The
ACTION_TBL contains the actions and whether they are active (not all actions are needed by all
customers or products). The rules that are applied based on the actions are in a new table called
ACTION_STAT_TBL. This table has one row per action.

Description This setup table contains the actions that are available in the JOB pages.
Related Language ACTION_LNG
Component ACTION_TBL
Navigation Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Actions

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 58
ACTION_TBL Record use display

Description This setup table contains the rules for status and validation of actions that are
available in the JOB pages.

ACTION_STAT_TBL Record field display

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 59

Actions page

The ACTION_TBL is updated in the first group box. The ACTION_STAT_TBL table is updated in the
other sections. If the Action sets Status Fields checkbox is on, then you will see the status and date group

Status and Dates

An action can affect the status fields by causing a change in the Payroll Status (Active, Leave, Leave with
Pay, Suspended, Retired, Retired with Pay, Terminated, etc.) and the HR Status (Active, Inactive).
When these statuses are changed, the various dates associated with the assignment may change as well.
These effects are identified on this page.
For example, the action HIR (Hire) will cause the Payroll Status and the HR Status to be set to active.
The Instance Start Date field and Instance Latest Start Date field will be set to the JOB.EFFDT. The
Instance Termination Date field will be set to null. The Assignment Start field and Latest Start Date field
will also be set to the JOB.EFFDT and the other assignment dates will be set to null.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 60
But if we look at the action of ADL (Additional Job) below, the instance dates are not affected.
Remember that an additional job does not store hire dates – it uses the hire dates of the instance that it is
related to.

Action page (partial)

And if we look at the LOA (Leave of Absence) action, the only date it causes to change is the Last Date
Worked field – but notice that the Payroll Status field is set to Leave of Absence while the HR Status field
is still active. A person who is on leave of absence still has an active employment relationship.

Action page (partial)

Validation Rules

The final group box on the action page shows the validation rules for this action.

Action page (partial)

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 61
If we return to the HIR action, we can see that this action is only valid for the Organizational Relationship
of employee. The HIR action cannot be used for contingent workers or persons of interest. Another rule
is that the previous HR Status must be inactive. You cannot use HIR on the same EMPL_RCD if it is
already active. The error message for the Valid if PER_ORG is field is hardcoded in the PeopleCode, but
the message for the Previous HR or Pay status fields are identified on this table.
If we look at the LOA (leave of absence without pay) action validation rules,

Action page (partial)

we can see that this action is valid for any organizational relationship. But it is only valid if this
EMPLID/EMPL_RCD is currently in an active HR status. Note that there is no validation on the pay
status which means that if the previous payroll status was leave with pay, it is okay to change to leave
without pay.

Actions that are delivered as system data cannot be modified by the customer except to change the
description or to make them active or inactive. But with the addition of this table, it is easier for you to
create their own actions without having to customize any PeopleCode. There are some rules that cannot
be changed (such as the relationship between the payroll status and the HR status) and some of the date
relationships. This is because this data is assumed throughout the system in processing and views and
would require customization to change.

Creating your own Action

If you wanted to create a Leave of Absence action that was valid for only employees, you could make the
system delivered LOA inactive and create your own version.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 62
Actions page

The values you choose on the instance dates will set the values for the assignment dates – you cannot
override those. There needs to be a very specific relationship between instances and assignments.

Relationships between actions

There are many different business relationships that occur between specific actions. The following table
lists the actions that are used to “start” a particular status and what actions can be used to “end” that

Pairs of Actions that have an effect on the fields HR_STATUS and EMPL_STATUS
PER_ORG Use this Action to Start Use this Action to End
Employee HIR - Hire TER - Termination
To create a new instance TWP – Term with Pay
Or to force the hire and service dates TWB – Term with Benefits
to restart RET – Retirement

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 63
Pairs of Actions that have an effect on the fields HR_STATUS and EMPL_STATUS
PER_ORG Use this Action to Start Use this Action to End
RWP – Retirement with Pay
Contingent Worker ADD – Add COM - Completion
To create a new instance TER - Termination
Or to force the start and service dates TWP – Term with Pay
to restart TWB – Term with Benefits
RET - Retirement
RWB – Retirement with Benefits
Employee or ADL – Additional Job COM – Completion
Contingent Worker Create an additional assignment related TER - Termination
to aniInstance.
Employee REH – Rehire TER - Termination
To rehire an employee using an TWP – Term with Pay
existing instance TWB – Term with Benefits
RET - Retirement
RWB – Retirement with Benefits
Contingent Worker RNW – Renew COM - Completion
To restart a contingent worker using TER - Termination
an existing instance TWP – Term with Pay
TWB – Term with Benefits
RET - Retirement
RWB – Retirement with Benefits
Employee ASG – Assignment ASC – Assignment Completion
Create a host assignment related to a
home assignment

The next table lists other types of relationships between specific actions.
Other Core Action value Pairs
Action Reversal Action Comment
LOA – Leave of Absence RFL – Return from Leave These leave actions can only be
stopped using the RFL action.
LWP – Leave with Pay
LTD – Long Term Disability RFD – Return from Disability These leaves that are caused by a
with Pay disability can only be stopped by
the RFD action.
LTO – Long Term Disability
STO – Short Term Disability
STD – Short Term Disability
with Pay
SWB – Short Work Break RFW – Return from Short Work These actions are used by the
Break Education and Government
LOF – Layoff REC – Recall from Layoff of These actions are used to put an
Suspension assignment into a suspended or
SUS – Suspension
laid-off status and then return

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 64
Other Core Action value Pairs
Action Reversal Action Comment
the assignment to an active
TAS – Create Temporary RFA – Return from Temporary These are the actions that will
Assignment Assignment create and stop the special
temporary assignment
relationship that puts the original
instance in a suspended status
while the person works on a
temporary assignment.
SUB – Create Substantive Job RTS – Return to Substantive Job These are the actions that will
create and stop the special
temporary assignment
relationship that puts the original
instance in a suspended status
while the person works on a
temporary assignment.

PERSONAL_DATA Snapshot Reporting Table

In Release 8.3, the physical PERSONAL_DATA core record was replaced by the PERSON core table.
The PERSONAL_DATA table is now used for two purposes. The first is for the related display of the
NAME field in the PeopleTools User Profile page (USER_MAINT component) The second is for
customer written processes and pages. In order to support these usages, the PERSONAL_DATA table
needs to be kept in sync with the core and extension PERSON tables. Other than the PeopleTools usage,
HRMS does not use this table for reporting.
The data in this snapshot is always the current data for all persons in the PS_PERSON table – this
includes workers and non-workers, active or not. You can choose what data will actually be stored using
this setup page. The settings are stored in the PERSON_DT_SETUP record, which will have one row.
This row is delivered as system data with the default settings.
Description This setup table which defines what fields will be maintained in the
PERSONAL_DATA snapshot table.
Related Language none
Navigation Set Up HRMS , System Administration, Database Processes,

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 65
PERSON_DT_SETUP Record field display

PERSONAL_DATA settings page

If your site does not have your own references to PERSONAL_DATA, then you should not turn on any
of the additional data settings in the PERSONAL_DATA options setup page. This will reduce the size
and the processing time needed for the table. If you do have your own references to
PERSONAL_DATA, then you can minimize the size and processing time by choosing to have only the
data that you need updated in the snapshot table. You do need to create the table with the minimum data

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 66
values for the EMPLID and NAME fields in order to have the related display for a User’s name in the
USER_MAINT component.

The PERSONAL_DATA table always stores the current data for a person with data coming from the
following tables:

Table where data for the PERSONAL_DATA snapshot fields will come from
Field Name Table the data is loaded from
Address Type ADDRESSES where ADDR_TYPE = ‘your choice’
Other Address Type ADDRESSES where ADDR_TYPE = ‘your choice’
Include Installed Countries PERS_DATA_CAN
Include Primary Phone Data PERSONAL_PHONE where PREF_PHONE_FLAG = ‘Y’
Include Smoker Data PERS_SMOKER
Include Campus Solutions Data PERSON_SA
Include US Federal Data PERS_DATA_USF

How the PERSONAL_DATA table is updated

The PERSONAL_DATA snapshot table is updated in real-time from the PERSONAL_DATA
component and it’s component interfaces. These processes cause an Application Engine to be run for the
EMPLID that was modified. This process is PERS_REFRESH. The process will check what the settings
are in PERSON_DT_SETUP to determine which table(s) to load data from.

The PERS_REFRESH process can be run at any time to refresh the entire PERSONAL_DATA
snapshot table. Navigate to Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Database Processes, Refresh Personal
Data. Create a run control record and run the process. All people in the PERSON table will be inserted
into a temp table and then the data from the other records is updated to that temp table. When all data
has been inserted, the PERSONAL_DATA table is truncated and the data from the temp table is copied

Future-dated rows

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 67
Several of the tables that have data that are copied to the PERSONAL_DATA table have effective dating.
This means future dated rows can be entered. The PERSONAL_DATA table only contains the current
data. To capture the future dated rows when they become effective, we need a process that will run every
night. This Application Engine process is called HR_PERSDATA. In addition to catching the newly
current data, the process will also capture any changes made to the records that weren’t captured by the
real-time process (in case something was updated outside of the core component or its interfaces).
Navigate to Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Database Processes , Update Personal Data - Future.
Create a run control and create a daily recurrence to run shortly after midnight.
The process will identify all people who:
• Are not already in the PERSONAL_DATA record
• Have had a data change in the PERSON table or its non-effective dated children that have been
changed since the last time the row in the PERSONAL_DATA table was changed on that
• Have a max(EFFDT) less than or equal to the rundate and aren’t reflected in the
PERSONAL_DATA table yet.

If you are using a version of the PERSON_BASIC_SYNC message that uses the
PERSONAL_DATA record, this message will also be published so that the systems using it will
get the newly effective data.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 68
POI Organization Summary Views
Each POI type must have its own view that is used in the PERSON_ORG_SUMM (Person
Organizational Summary) Component. This view needs to have a standard structure for each even though
the data will come from different places.

Summary Views for each POI type

POI Type Description Transaction Record Summary View


00001 COBRA Qualified Beneficiary JOB POI_CBR_VW

00002 Pension Payee JOB POI_PA_VW

00003 Stock - Board Member JOB POI_ST1_VW

00004 Stock - Non-HR Employee JOB POI_ST2_VW

00005 Global Payroll Payee JOB GP_POI_VW

00006 Student Refund JOB POI_CS2_VW

00007 External Trainee PER_POI_TRANS POI_TRN1_VW

00008 External Instructor TRN_INSTRCT_TBL POI_TRN2_VW

00009 Campus Solution Person STDNT_CAREER POI_CS1_VW


All of the views must use the POI_VW_SBR as its record definition

POI_OTH_VW view showing the POI_VW_SBR subrecord

and map the proper data into these fields. The views will be loaded into one grid in the component where
we show the POI type and the EMPL_RCD (if any). In addition we show the effective status, the start

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 69
date and the end date (or expected end date) if this information can be obtained from the POI type’s
transaction record.

Summary view name and SQL for each POI Type

Summary View SQL Text
, ' '
AND B.EFFDT <= %CurrentDateIn)
, %NumToChar(O.EMPL_RCD)
, %DateNull
AND J.POI_TYPE = '00002'
, %NumToChar(J.EMPL_RCD )
AND J.POI_TYPE = '00003'
, %NumToChar(J.EMPL_RCD )
AND J.POI_TYPE = '00004'

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 70
Summary view name and SQL for each POI Type
Summary View SQL Text
AND J.POI_TYPE = '00005'
, %NumToChar(J.EMPL_RCD )
AND J.POI_TYPE = '00006'
, ' '
WHERE B.POI_TYPE = '00007'
AND B.EFFDT <= %CurrentDateIn)
, ' '
AND B.EFFDT <= %CurrentDateIn)
WHERE P.POI_TYPE = '00008'
, ' '
WHERE P.POI_TYPE = '00009'
, ' '

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 71
Summary view name and SQL for each POI Type
Summary View SQL Text
AND B.EFFDT <= %CurrentDateIn)

The POI_OTH_VW does not hardcode in a specific POI_TYPE. This is so that it can be used by
customer created POI types that use the generic PER_POI_TRANS record. This way you do not have to
create your own view if you create new POI_TYPES.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 72

Appendix A: Adding a New POI Type

You can easily add new person of interest types that do not need an assignment record.
Customers may want to track data on a person for many different reasons beyond those people who are
part of their workforce. For example, a casino may want to track their High Rollers; or a university may
want to track library cardholders. If all you need to do is to capture some very basic information on these
people, you may not need to do any customizations.
Component: POI_TYPE_TBL
Navigation: Set Up HRMS ,Foundation Tables, Organization, Person of Interest Type

Enter a new POI_TYPE code.

We recommend that you start your numbers at 10000 or above – or use a letter prefix to avoid
being overwritten by later System delivered values.
Enter a Description and Short Description.
Identify if a Job record is required.
We do not recommend that customers create new POI rypes that use an assignment/JOB
record. The reason for this is that this would also require customizing PeopleCode within the
JOB_DATA components or batch processing as well.

For the Record for POI Transaction, enter PER_POI_TRANS.

This is the generic transaction history record for persons of interest. When you tab out of this
field, the system will enter the component information that is used for this table for you along
with the Record for the POI Summary View.
If you have your own specific transaction record and component, then enter that data here
instead. You would do this if you wanted to capture additional information for the Type that isn’t
in PER_POI_TRANS. Doing this does require customization, as you must create the record,
the component, and the summary view.

Record for POI Summary View

If you chose PER_POI_TRANS as the transaction record, then this field will be set to
POI_OTH_VW as this view can be used for any POI type that uses that transaction record.
If you created your own POI transaction record though, you will need to also create this
summary view as well.
Person of Interest Checklist:

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 73
What checklist to default in on the PERSONAL_DATA component when this POI type is
chosen. You can create your own checklist or use one that has already been set up. This field is
not required.

Allow in Generic Add Component:

Determines whether this POI type will be available in the dropdown list of types in the
PERSONAL_DATA component. You should turn this on to allow your POI type to be
Allow in Generic Update Component:
Determines whether this POI type will be maintainable in the PERS_POI_MAINTAIN
component. You should turn this on to allow your POI type to be selected.
Additional notes on the POI type.

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 74
Appendix B: Job Action Table Values
Some actions have specific validation rules regarding when they are valid for a specific assignment as of
the JOB.EFFDT being entered or modified. These actions are described in the table below.

Table of Actions and Status and the impact and validation rules
Valid For Valid for Valid for
Action Description Pay Status HR Status PER_ORG HR Status Pay Status

ADD Add Contingent Worker Active Active CWR only Inactive

ADL Additional Job Active Active EMP, CWR or POI Inactive
ASC Assignment Completion d Inactive Employee Only Active
ASG Assignment Active Active Employee Only Inactive
AWD Award - Monetary EMP, CWR or POI Active
AWH Award - Non Monetary EMP, CWR or POI Active
Beginning of Notice
BNP Period EMP, CWR or POI Active
BON Bonus EMP, CWR or POI Active
COM Completion d Inactive CWR or POI Active
DEM Demotion EMP, CWR or POI Active

DET Detail EMP or CWR Active

DTA Data Change EMP, CWR or POI
EDT End of Detail EMP, CWR or POI Active
EXT Extension of NTE Date EMP, CWR or POI
FSC Family Status Change EMP, CWR or POI
HIR Hire Active Active Employee Only Inactive
Completion of
INT Introductory Period EMP, CWR or POI Active
Earnings Distribution
JED Change EMP, CWR or POI
JRC Job Reclassification EMP, CWR or POI Active
Leave of
LOA Leave of Absence Absence Active EMP, CWR or POI Active
LOF Layoff Suspended Active EMP, CWR or POI Active
Paid Leave
Long Term Disability of
LTD with Pay Absence Active EMP, CWR or POI Active

LTO Long Term Disability Leave of Active EMP, CWR or POI Active

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 75
Table of Actions and Status and the impact and validation rules
Valid For Valid for Valid for
Action Description Pay Status HR Status PER_ORG HR Status Pay Status

PAY Pay Rate Change EMP, CWR or POI

Paid Leave
PLA Paid Leave of Absence Absence Active EMP, CWR or POI Active
Person of Interest
POI Add Person of Interest Active Active Only Inactive
POS Position Change EMP, CWR or POI Active
PRB Probation EMP, CWR or POI Active
PRC Completion of Probation EMP, CWR or POI Active
PRE FPS Prehire d Inactive Employee Only Inactive
PRO Promotion EMP, CWR or POI Active
PSF Change of Pay System EMP, CWR or POI
Recall from
REC Suspension/Layoff Active Active EMP, CWR or POI Suspended
REH Rehire Active Active Employee Only Inactive
RET Retirement Retired Inactive EMP, CWR or POI
Return from Temp
RFA Assignment EMP, CWR or POI
RFD Return from Disability Active Active EMP, CWR or POI Leave
RFL Return from Leave Active Active EMP, CWR or POI Any Leave
Contingent Worker
RNW Renewal Active Active or POI Inactive
Return to Substantive Terminate
RTS Job d Inactive EMP, CWR or POI Suspended
Short Work
RWB Return from Work Break Active Active EMP, CWR or POI Break
RWP Retirement with Pay with Pay Inactive Employee Only
Paid Leave
Short Term Disability of
STD with Pay Absence Active EMP, CWR or POI Active
Leave of
STO Short Term Disability Absence Active EMP, CWR or POI Active
SUB Hold Substantive Job Suspended Active EMP, CWR or POI
SUP Retroactive Delete Employee Only

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 76
Table of Actions and Status and the impact and validation rules
Valid For Valid for Valid for
Action Description Pay Status HR Status PER_ORG HR Status Pay Status
SUS Suspension Suspended Active EMP, CWR or POI
SWB Short Work Break Break Active EMP, CWR or POI Active
TAS Temporary Assignment Active Active EMP, CWR or POI Active
Terminate Detail
TDL Assignment EMP, CWR or POI
TER Termination d Inactive EMP, CWR or POI
TWB Terminated with Benefits U Inactive EMP, CWR or POI
TWP Terminated with Pay U Inactive EMP, CWR or POI
XFR Transfer EMP, CWR or POI

Some actions will have an effect on the various dates that are associate with an assignment. The
Termination, Assignment End Date and Last Date Worked will be set to the JOB.EFFDT less one day.
The Hire, Latest Hire, Assignment Start, Latest Assignment Start will be set to the JOB.EFFDT.

Table of Actions that have an effect on the Assignment dates

Set Last
Set Set Last Set Asgn Asgn Set Asgn Set Last Date
Action Description Hire Hire Set Term Start Start End Worked
Add Contingent
ADD Worker Yes Yes Clear Yes Yes Clear Clear
ADL Additional Job Clear Yes Yes Clear Clear
ASC Completion Yes Yes Yes
ASG Assignment Clear Yes Yes Clear Clear
COM Completion Yes Yes Yes
HIR Hire Yes Yes Clear Yes Yes Clear Clear
Leave of
LOA Absence Yes
LOF Layoff Yes Yes Yes
Long Term
Disability with
LTD Pay Yes
Long Term
LTO Disability Yes
PLA Paid Leave of Yes

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 77
Table of Actions that have an effect on the Assignment dates
Set Last
Set Set Last Set Asgn Asgn Set Asgn Set Last Date
Action Description Hire Hire Set Term Start Start End Worked
Add Person of
POI Interest Yes Yes Clear Yes Yes Clear Clear
PRE FPS Prehire Yes Yes Yes
Recall from
REC ff Clear Clear Clear
REH Rehire Yes Clear Yes Clear Clear
RET Retirement Yes Yes Yes
Return from
RFD Disability Clear
Return from
RFL Leave Clear
RNW Renewal Yes Clear Yes Clear Clear
Return to
RTS Substantive Job Yes Yes Yes
Return from
RWB Work Break Clear
Retirement with
RWP Pay Yes Yes Yes
Short Term
Disability with
STD Pay Yes
Short Term
STO Disability Yes
SUS Suspension Yes
Short Work
SWB Break Yes
TER Termination Yes Yes Yes
Terminated with
TWB Benefits Yes Yes Yes
Terminated with
TWP Pay Yes Yes Yes

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 78
Appendix C: New Assignment Decision Matrix
Main Drawing

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 1
Handle Special Assignments

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 2
Is this an Additional Assignment?

August 2005 Understanding the Enterprise HCM Person Model in Release 8.9 Page 3

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