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6-1. ACCESSORIES CONTROLLING THE FLOW stlearn system. Since t h e stop valve closes against
boiler pressure, the resistance to closing increases
Those accessories controlling t h e flow of steam as the cross-sectional area of t,he valve opeiliilg
to be discussed ill this test are: decreases, reaching a, maximum just a t t,he in-
1. Maill Steam Stops coilt,rolling flow t o t h e stant of complete closure. This makes i t ex-
maill engines. tremely difficult to close a.n ordinary screw-
2. Auxiliary Steam Strops controllillg flow to down type of valve on a high-pressure boiler.
auxiliary machinery. A mechanism, such as toggles or gears, to increase
3. TTalves controlling steam flow through the t h e mechallical advantage, may be used t o assist
superheater and desuperheaters and t o t h e t,urbo- va,lve closure. A toggle operated globe valve de-
genera,tor. signed for high pressure &earn servicz is shown
in Fig. 5-1. With t h e toggle operating gear, t,he
mechanical advantage between tjhe handwheel
The main steam stop valve is located a t or near and t h e va.lve stem increases as t h e valve ap-
the stlearn outlet of t h e boiler drum on saturated proaches t h e fully closed positmion,so t h a t t h e
steam boilers, and a t or near t h e superheater maximum force is exerted on the stem a t the
outlet of boilers fitted with superheaters, t o con- same ii~stalltt h a t t h e resistance reaches its maxi-
nect and disconilect t h e boiler and the main mum value. For safety and for damage control


FIG. 6-1.Main Steam Stop Valve.

purposes, main steam stop valves are fitted with steam stop, like the main steam stop, always is
distant cont,rol gear, by means of which they either fully opened or fully closed.
can be closed or opened from the deck above or Depending on thc size and desigil of the boiler,
from an adjacent compartmei~t. the auxiliary steam stop may or may not be tog-
The main steam stops are used either fully gle, gear, etc., operated and mag or may not be
open or fully closed. The seating surfaces on of the stellited valve seat construction. I n most
the valve disc and seat of modern high pressure cases i t is fitt,ed with distant co~ltrolgear, per-
steam valves usually are made of the very hard, mitting operation of the valve from outside the
erosion-resisting alloy, stellite. The seat and disc fireroom space. Also, on most installations, there
are mailufac,tured of steel and turned t,o approxi- is a guarding v a l ~ eill the ausiliary steam line
mate size. A shallonr groove is cut in each. These which is placed adjacent tlo tlhe auxiliary steam
grooves are filled with stellite by fusing stellite stop valve and is not distant operated. This
welding rod met,al into the grooves. The meld arrangement allows the boiler t o be cut off the
metal is turned down in a lathe, using a grinding auxiliary steam line from outside the fil.eroom
attachment on the lathe t o remove t h e excess space hut does not allow it t o be put on the line
stellite and attain a highly polished surface. unless the guarding valve is opened in the fire-
Many main steam stop valves have b y p a s s room.
connections built into the valve body (not shown 6-4. OTHER VALVES CONTROLLING STEAM
iu Fig. 5-1). The by-pass coilnectioil consists of FLOW.
a small line and v a l ~ leading
e from t h e low-er side Boilers with uilcontrolled ttype superheaters,
of the valve disc (inlet side) t o the upper or stem Fig. 5-2, require "cooling stea.mV for the pro-
side of the disc (outlet side). When the propul- tection of the superheater tubes when lighting
sion plant is being warmed u p this by-pass is off (no flow conditioils in the superheater). When
opened, allo~vingsteam t o warm the steam linc a boiler is lighted-off cold, for a period of time,
slo~vly.If such a valve were not provided, t,he no steam is available within the drum t o pass
main steam stop itself would have to be used, in- through the superheater and, therefore, there is
creasing the danger of crodiilg the valve seat and no means of carrying off the heat absorbed by the
the possibility of warming the steam lines too superheater tubes from t,he gases of combustion.
quickly, causing leaks resultii~gfrom ullequal ex- T o provide a flow of "cooling1' steam through the
pansion. A drain connection is provided t o drain ~uperheat~er tubes, prior t o lighting fires under
water which has condensed and collectcd in the the cold boiler, steam from another steaming
valve. Should water be carried by the steam to boiler (from the shipyard or tender, if there is
the main engines when the valve is opened, it is no other steaming boiler) sometimes is bled from
likely t o damngc the turbine blading. Valves hav- the auxiliary steam line, through the superheater i stearr
ing drain connections a,re illstalled w;it,h t,he drain protection steam valve (S.P.S.), to the super- ing t,l
coilnections on the under side of the valve body. heater inlet. The steam passes through the contr
superheater tubes (S.H.), out the superheater ator
5-3. AUXILIARY STEAM STOP VALVE. outlet, through the desuperheater (D.S.H.) and,
I to thc
A11 auxiliary steam stop valve, of similar con- thencc, into the auxiliary eshaust line via the
struction but smaller size than the main steam superheater protection exhaust valve (S.P.E.). 6-6. A
stop valve, is installed for the purpose of con- After steam has formed in the boiler drum and AIR
necting or discon~lectingthe boilcr t o or frorn the pressure has built u p t o about 100 psi, the Sir
the auxiliary steam line. I n saturated steam superheater protection steam valve may be leadir
boilers and in integral controlled superheat closed. The boiler then furnishes its onrn protec- tranc
boilers, the auxiliary stearn stop is connected t o tion steam. After the boiler has been cut-in oil draw
the auxiliary steam outlet of the boiler steam the auxiliary steam line, the superheater protec-
i draft
drum. On integral uncoiltrolled superheater tion exhaust valve may be closed. T h c super- I
t (simil
boilers, the auxiliary steam stop is located at, the heater protection exhaust valve also is opened
desuperheater outlet connection. The auxiliary when a boiler is secured and remains open to

FIG. 6-2. Destroyer-Escort Boiler (Modified D-Type) with Uncontrolled, Integral, Interdeck, Convection
Type Superheater and Economizer.
provide a cooling flow of steam through t h e super- ing. These flaps allow air to pass in only one direc-
heater tubes as long as the furnace brick walls tion and are necessary, when two or more forced
radiate heat. draft blowers are provided for each boiler, to
Most naval boiler iilstallatioils have a sepa- prevent air from flowing backwards from t h e
rate system for supplying steam t o t h e turbo- boiler double casing through the idle blowers,
generators. Steam for the turbogenerators is when all blowers are not in operation.
taken from the main steam line just after the Air enters t h e furnace through an air register
superheater and prior t o t h e main steam stop. having doors capable of being operated from t h e
This arrangement allows t h e use of superheated boiler front. T h e register doors permit t h e en-
steam in the turbogenerator, without pressuriz- trance of air t o t h e operating burners and ex-
ing t h e larger main steam line. T h e valve which clude air from the unlighted burners. Close con-
coiltrols this steam flow is called t h e turbogener- trol of the air supply m a y be attained by varying
ator steam stop, and is of coilstrl~ctionsimilar the speed of t h e forced draft blowers through ma-
t o the auxiliary steam stop. ~iipulationof t h e blower throttle (valve which
controls steam t o blower turbines). Each boiler
5-6. ACCESSORIES CONTROLLING T H E FLOW OF has one blower throttle valve which coiltrols all
-,AIR forced draft blowers for t h a t boiler.
Air for combustion is drawn through ducts Motor-driven forced draft blowers, of small ca-
leading from topside locatiolls protected from en- pacity, are illstalled in some vessels and are in-
trance of sea water, in case of heavy seas. Air is tended for in-port use or for lighting off purposes.
drawn into turbine driven fans, called forced These blowers can be operated from an emer-
draft blowers, m~hichdischarge air through flaps gency power system or diesel generators t o facili-
(similar in construction t,o Veiletian blinds) lo- tate lighting off a cold plant when there is no
cated in the duct leading to the boiler double cas- steam available t o run the turbogenerators.

6-6. ACCESSORIES CONTROLLING T H E FLOW erated remotely to shut down the fires and stop
O F OIL. (SEE FIG. 6-15 FOR DIAGRAMMATIC ' the flow of fuel oil in emergencies ~1-henthe fire-
room must be abandoned. Other valves are used
Oil for combustioil is pumped by the fuel oil t o isolate or by-pass the fuel oil meter when the
service pump from the fuel oil service tank to fuel oil is being recirculated and not being con-
the burners for consumption in the furnace. The sumed in the furnace, t o by-pass portioils or all of
fuel oil passes first through a fuel oil meter which the fuel oil heater in order t o regulate properly
measures the amount of fuel oil used in the the temperature of the fuel oil, t o recirculate oil I

boilers. It is a positive displacemeilt type meter back to the pump suction mrheil warming the
~vhichrecords, in gallons, the amouilt of oil pass- fuel oil t o proper lighting off temperature in
ing through the fuel line. This meter is much preparatioil for lighting off the boiler, and t o
like those comnlonly used in the city mater enable rapid clearing of coiltaminated oil from
systems. For proper atomization, the fuel first the fuel lines, when such coiltamiilated oil causes
must be heated ill the fuel oil heater t o the re- the furnace fires t o be extinguished. 1 E
quired viscositj~.The fuel oil heater is a heat
exchange unit consistiilg of corlcentric tubes O F FEED WATER
through which the fuel oil to be heated and the
heating steam pass. Fuel oil flows through the an- The boiler feed system which supplies mater
nuhis between the outer and iililer tubes. Stea.m to the boiler was described in Chapter I . Further
is passed through the inner tube in the opposite study of the feed pumps is beyond the scope of
direction from the oil flow and gives off its heat this text. The valves and coiltrols associated with
t o the fuel oil. feeding the boiler ~villbe discussed in the follo\i--
The fuel oil a.lso must be strained t o preveilt ing order :
solid particles from scoring or clogging the atom- 1. Feed stop and check valve
izing elements. A basket type strainer in the 2. Single element feed mater regulators
line leading to the burners provides this service. 3. Two element feed water regulators
It is constructed so tha.t there are two complete 4. Three element feed water regulators
units through which the oil may pass. This provi- 5 . Feed water regulator valves
sion allows for chail~lelingthe fuel oil through-one
unit while the other strainer is cleailsed a.nd read- 6-8. FEED S T O P AND CHECK VALVES.
ied for use. The feed stop and check valves coiltrol the
Oil leaving the fuel oil strainer passes through flow of feed nrater t o the boiler. Fig. 5-3 illus-
a gate valve capable of being closed quickly in trates a type of combiiled feed stop-a,nd-check
an emergency. This valve is springloaded and to valve installed on na.i~alboilers. The valve body
close it, when the boiler fires must be shut down consists of either a single casting, housing both
rapidly, one needs only to release the handle. the stop valve and the check valve, or two sepa-
The fuel oil manifold, located on the boiler rate, flanged castings bolted together. The com-
front, receives the oil and distributes it to the bined valve body is secured t o {;he steam drum
various burners via the root valves. Each burner (or economizer inlet line) so that the stop valve
has a root valve which must be opeiled prior t o always lies b e t ~ i ~ e ethe
n check valve and the
operating that burner. The fuel oil atomizer as- drum. This permits closing the stop valve should
sembly receives the oil and atomizes i t for burn- the check valve fail t o function, or if emergency
ing in the furnace. (A special type of atomizer repairs to the check valve or ally part of the feed
for smoke making is an accessory which is pecul- system are required while the boiler is under
iar t o naval boilers.) The various parts of the pressure or when the boiler is dead but is filled
atomizer \?rill be studied in Chapter VI. with mater. When the boiler is steaming, the stop
There are several stop valves to isolate sec- valve of the feed system in use remains fully
tions of the fuel oil system. One valve, located in opened a t all times, and the check valve is used
the fuel oil service line just after the pump dis- to regulate the feed mater supply to the boiler.
charge, is a quick-closing valve which call be op- Since the pressure in the boiler drum acts on the

FIG. 6-3. Combined Feed Stop and Check Valve.

top of the checli valvc disc, the check valve will in case of casualty t o either the valve or the feed
close if feed line pressure drops below the drum water system in use.
pressure. When feed line pressure rises above I n boilers fitted with economizers, thc fced
drum pressure, the valve opens, admitting water stop-and-check valves discharge t o the economiz-
to the drum. It is necessary t,o mahltain the pres- er inlet. I n this case, a lift check valve usually is
sure in the feed system above that in the hoiler installed between the ecollomizer outlet line and
111 order t o feed the hoilcr. With the feed pressure the internal feed pipe connection. This check
so maiatained, the rate of water flow illto the valve permits water t o flow in hut one direction;
holler is controlled by regulating the amourlt of into the boiler. Should damage occur t o the ecoll-
opei~illgof the check valve. This is accon~plished omizer, the check valve closcs, preventing tlhe
by turning the check valve hand ~vheel, t h l ~ s water and steam in the boiler from flowing back
moviilg the valve stem in or out, so that the and out t,hrough the ruptured economizer.
flanged end of the valve stem limits the distance
the valve call open. 6-9. AUTOMATIC FEED WATER REGULATORS.
TM-ocombined feed stop-and-check valves may During the era of moderate steam pressures, I i [I
be installed on a boiler. When two cornbilled regulators actuated b y floats in the steam drum ri
valves are installed, each is connected t o a sepa- ur in the feed system hot-well were employed in , 1'

rate feed line, one to the main feed line, the other a few merchant vessels. With the advent of pres- ft
t o the auxiliary feed line. Both discharge t o the sures over 400 psi, this type of regulator proved
intenla1 feed pipc con~lection.Only one combined inadequate. Modern boiler design has resulteci in
feed stop-and-check valve is in use a t ally given reducing the ratio of contained water to "ivatcr
time, the other being available for immediate use rate." (Water rate is similar in meaning t o steam

rate and refers to the amount of water fed to a 2. Thermo-expansion

boiler to replace the amount evaporated per unit 3. Marine rhomboid
of time.) In a modern boiler, safety, as well as
Thermo-Hydraulic Feedwater Regulator.-
efficient operation, demands an accurate, rapid
The thermo-hydraulic feed water regulator con-
response in feedmater flow. T o meet this demand,
sists of a generator and a regulator valve (Fig.
automatic feedwater regulators are being used
5 4 ) . The generator is a tube within a tube.
in increasing numbers.
The inner tube is coilnected to the steam drum
Automatic feedwater (boiler water level) regu-
with one end above and one end below the water
lators replace or supplement the feed check
level, so t h a t any change in water level in the
valves. Feed check valve opening is adjusted
drum correspondi~lgly changes the water level
manually by the water tender stationed a t the
inside the tube. The outer tube forms an ailnulus
valve in response t o water level changes in the
between itself and the inner tube and, together
gage glass while automatic feedwater regulators
with the connecting copper tubing and the metal
are controlled by reactions of the boiler t o
bellows of the regulating valve, forms a closed
changes in steam demand, as reflected by one
system. Attached to the outer tube are fins to
or more of the following:
assist cooling- by heat radiation, thereby- i m ~ r o v -
" A

1. Steam drum water level ing speed of response of the system to temper-
2. Steam rate leaving the boiler ature changes.
3. Feed water rate entering the boiler The closed system is filled with water t o the
filling plug a t the top of the outer tube. The
There are three general types of automatic
inner tube, open to water and steam in the
feedwater regulators, which differ only in the
steam drum, contains water and steam a t a
number of co~ltrollingfactors used t o regulate
much higher temperature than the water in the
the amount of water entering the boiler. These
outer tube. Therefore, the inner tube continually
are :
transfers heat which is absorbed by the water
Type Controlling factor ( s ) in the closed system. A portion of the water in the
1. Single Element Steam drum water level closed system is vaporized, forming a vapor pres-
sure which eserts a positive pressure on the closed
2 . Two Element Steam flow from boiler and steam
drum water level
system. The pressure in the closed system acts
upon the bellows of the regulating valve which,
3. Three Element m7ater flow t o boiler, steam flow in turn, operates the regulating valve itself. The
from boiler, and steam drum temperature of the steam in the inner tube will
water level be equal t o the steam temperature in the steam
When properly maintained and operated, drum, since all steam in the entire steam-water
automatic feedwater regulators have the follow- system is a t saturation temperature and any cool-
ing advantages over manual operation, because ing would cause condeizsation in the piping lead-
of more even water level regulation : ing from the steam drum t o the inner tube. The
water temperature in the inner tube is somewhat
1. Higher operating efficiencies less than t h a t of the water and steam in the steam
2. Reduced wear on valves drum because of the exposed run of piping and
3. Smoother control of steam pressure attached radiating fins.
4. Less moisture carry-over Heat transfer from the steam in the inner tube
5. Continued safe operation during battle in t o the water in the closed system occurs a t a
event of personnel casualties. greater rate than does heat transfer from the
water in the inner tube to the water in the closed
6-10. SINGLE ELEMENT FEEDWATER REGULA- system for three reasons. :
1. The steam is a t a higher temperature than
There are three types of single element feed- the water, as explained above.
water regulators used in the Navy: 2. Heat transfer is retarded in the lower por-
tion of the inner tube, contailling water, because



Courtesy Bailey Blrter Co.

FIG. 6 4 . Thermo Hydraulic Feed Water Regulator.

of the presence of a stagnant film of water along change the length of water and steam columns
the tube walI. This film has a high resistailce to in the inner tube, consequently changing the heat
heat transfer. transfer area of each portion of the tube. There-
3. Heat transfer is accelerated in the upper fore, the total heat liberated from the inner tube
portion of the inner tube, containing steam, depends on the water level in the steam drum.
as a result of steam condensation trickling rap- The regulating elenlent (generator) is inclined at
idly down the inner tube mall removing the stag- an angle of approximately 20' to increase the
nant film on one side of the inner tube mall, creat- length of the tube so as to magnify the effect of
ing better heat transfer conditions. changes in water level. The amount of heat liber-
Changes in the water level in the steam drum ated from the inner tube controls the tempera-
ture of the closed system and thus coiltrols the until the regulator valve is opened sufficieiltly
vapor pressure iir the closed system. The lower t o replace the water being evaporated in the
the water l e ~ ~in e lthe iililer tube, the greater will boiler. Equilibrium ill be reached a t a lower
be the heat transfer aiid the temperature and water level than existed previously since more
pressure in the closed system will increase. The steam is being used and t o replace the water
pressure is transmitted through the copper tubing evaporated, a larger quantity of feed water is
t o the effective area of the bellows. The product needed. This requires t h a t the regulator ~ ~ a l v e
of this pressure times the effective area of the bel- reach equilibrium a t a wider opening t o provide
1 0 ~ exerts
~s a force which opposes the regulator the proper amouilt of water. I11 order for it tJo
valve spriiig. Tihen the bellows and the valve reach equilibrium a t a wider opening, the vapor
spring f orces are in equilibriun~, the regulator valve pressure in the closed system must be higher than
has a definite position, uncovering a certain valve i t was previously t o couilteract the spring pres-
area through which the water under feed pump sure tending t o close the valve. This, in turn, re-
pressure can flow. The regulator valve is a bal- quires a lower water level in the steam drum and
anced valve, so constructed t h a t the pressure the inner tube t o provide sufficient heat transfer,
above and below the double valve disc are the from a longer columil of steam, t o produce the
same and very little force is required to change higher vapor pressure in the closed system.
the valve setting. A change in closed system Now assume a full load condition. The water
pressure of 1 psi 15 ill move the regulating valve level drops still further as a larger quantity of
1/16 of an inch. This pressure change can occur steam is m~ithdra~vn from the boiler (again neg-
~ ~ i t h two
i n or three secoilds as a result of a slight lecting the effect of wvell) and the increased
vaiiation of boiler level. With a higher water pressure in the closed syst>einopens the valve still
level in the inner tube, the temperature in the further until equilibrium again is reached. Opera-
closed system decreases, some coildeilsatioil of tion of this system depends on a variable water
water vapor occurs, and the vapor pressure de- level, each level correspoildiilg t o a definite power
creases. The bello~vsforce opposing the valve output and a definite valve opening. I11 other i
spring decreases and the regulator valve unco~lers T T T Ofor~ ~each
S , steam generation rate, a different, sta
a smaller valve area. water level is mailltailled by the regulator. The re@
The volume of water in the closed system a t difference bet~veenno load and full load is about in
different temperatures is proportioned so that, 4 inches in the boiler drum. thc
~ ~ r h ethe
i l TT-aterlevel in the steam drum is high When this type of regulator first was used for
marine service, trouble was ellcountered as a T T
and the inner generator tube is entirely full of
water, the regulator valve is in its extreme up- result of the rolling and pitching of the ship. mc
ward position and a t miilimum opening. The Rolling caused a consta.nt surging of water and fer
regulator valve is co~istructedso t h a t an upward steam in t h e iililer tube of the generator and the dr,
movement closes the openings in the ports of the steam touched a larger, but coilstantly changing, 1T.l

~ ~ a l vcagee through which tlie water flows. The percentage of the tube. This surging raised the Pe
valve should never be allowed t o close completely temperature of the closed system and had the to
causing a cessation of water flow which eildailgers same effect oil the regulator valve as did IOTV wa- Pa
the economizer. When the water level is so lorn. ter. This condition was improved greatly by the tei
t h a t the entire iiliier tube is filled with steam, insertion of a small orifice in the steam line lead- is
the regulator valve rill be opened wide. ing t o the generator, restricting the surging and I ra
The operation of the system is as follonrs: As- aiding in maintenance of a more stable water i el(
sume a load t h a t requires a partial regulator level in the inner tube during heavy seas. I uY
~~alv opening.
e If the steam rate being drawn off Thermo-Expansion Feed Water Regulator.- I cr
is increased, the water level in the boiler is low- The therino-expansion feed water regulator first OF
ered. (Neglect the effect of STT-elland shrink mrill be described in its simplest form, the straight i
which will be discussed i11 a later article.) As the tube thermostat (Fig. 5-5). I11 this system, a
water level falls in the drum and the inner tube,
a rise in pressure in the closed system follo~vs,
thermostat, consisting of a steel tube about four
feet long is placed aloilgside the drum. The top is

as discussed above. Equilibrium is not reached open t o the steam space and the bottom is open


Courtesy Northern Equifimct:t C o .

FIG. 6-6.Thermo-Expansion Feed Water Regulator with Straight Tube Thermostat.

to the water space. The upper end of the thermo- illto the boiler. The water level-steaming rate
stat is connected mechanically by linkages to a characteristics of the thermo-expansion type
regulating valve in the feed line. The water level feed water regulator are similar to those of the
in the tube approximates the level of the water in thermo-hydraulic type. Both depend on a vari-
the boiler. able water level, each level corresponding t o a
The tube, being filled with water and steam definite power output and a definite valve open-
which is much hotter than the surrounding at- ing. Provision is made for adjusting the water
mosphere, coiltinually radiates heat. The trans- level for any firing rate by means of an adjust-
fer of heat is as described for the thermo-hy- ment nut a t the fixed end of the thermostat tube.
draulic regulator and the upper end of the tube, Turning this nut has the same effect as elongat-
which is exposed to the steam, is a t a higher tem- ing or shortening the thermostat tube.
perature than the lower part, which is exposed Marine Rhomboid Feed Water Regulator.-
to the water. By virtue of its coefficient of ex- The thermo-expansion type of regulator described
pansion, the thermostat length varies with its above is unsatisfactory when coilsidered from the
temperature, xvhich increases as the water level standpoiilt of pitching and rolling. Its principle
is lowered and decreases as the water level is of operation has been discussed to provide a
raised. The tuhe is fixed a t the lower end and background for the esplailation of the marille
elongatioil of the tube causes a bell crank a t the rhomboid feed water regulator, which takes its
upper end t,o turn counterclockwise. As the bell name from the shape of the linkage which trans-
crank arm rotates, it turns the valve arm and m i t , ~motion to the regulator valve. The marine
opens the regulating valve, permittillg more rhomboid thermostat, Fig. 5-6, is mounted in
water to flow into the boiler. As the water level front of the hoiler drum and co~isistsof txvo stain-
rises, the steam space in the tube decreases, less less steel tuhes inclined a t 45' angles and mount-
heat is given off, and the tuhe contracts. The ed in a rigid triangular shaped channel frame.
valve opening is reduced and less water flows The upper ends are connected t o the steam space
and the lower ends t o the water space. For a boil- . t> l ':

er drum located in a fore-and-aft direction, the

thermostat is installed with its center line on the I
q :

vertical center line of the drum. The thermostat
is set a t an elevation such that, for normal boiler .g
water level, the upper halves of the expansion
tubes are filled with steam and the lower halves f
with water.
The water level rises and falls correspondingly
in the expansion tubes as the level in the boiler ii ,
drum changes. The tubes contract or expand as p
the water level rises or falls, because of the '1!:i
changing average tube temperature. The reason i!

for the change in length is similar to that ex- !!

plained above for the straight tube thermostat.
Levers A and B, shown in Fig 5-6, magnify the jj
motion of the two expansion tubes. Their mo- I

tions are added and further multiplied by lever i

C which actuates the feed water control valve. !I
To illustrate, using Fig. 5-6, should the water ii',
, , .

level drop in the drum, the level in the expansion !I,

tubes falls a corresponding amount. This in- ji
creases the average temperature of the expansion
tubes and tube expansion causes right-hand mo- il

tion of lever A and left-hand motion of lever B. I ;

The resultant of these motions is a clock15llse' or :1

downwards rotation of lever C. The feed water i!

control valve is arranged to open as C moves

downward, thereby increasing feed water flow.
When the ship rolls, the quantity of water in the j4
drum a t that instant does not change but the
level in each leg of tlle thermostat changes, as /iii
shown ill Fig. 5-6. As the ship rolls t o the right, il
the water level in the left-hand expansion tube
drops, while the level in the right-hand tube 1;:/
rises. This causes right-hand motion of levers L.I

A and B. Since both A and B move in the same I

direction, there is no resultant rotation of C; iI

thus, the control valve opening and feed water
flow are not affected by rolling of the ship. . iIi
Single element feed water regulators are in- !/
tended primarily for the purpose of keeping the
boilers supplied with water under battle condi- I

tions when manual feeding may become difficult

or inlpossible. BuShipJs Manual instructs all en-
gineering officers that single element feed water .. .
regulators : I;
1. Shall be cut in immediately when "general
Courtesy North~rriEqzriprnmt Cu. quarters,' is sounded' 1;
FIG. 5-6. Marine Rhomboid Thermo- 2. If the regulators are not employed con- . !,

Expansion Feed Water Regulator. stantly, they shall be operated in full control i'

of the boilers for a reasonable period each day than previously. Similarly, the water level will
to insure that t,hey will be in operable condition momentarily fall when the firing rate is decreased
when cut in. and then rise rapidly unless the rate of feeding
3. Control elements shall be cut in a t all times is decreased.
and shall be blown down regularly in accordancc When feeding t,he boiler by hand, i t is difficult
with illstructions in manufacturer's instruction to maintain the apparent water level constant
books. under maneuvering- collditiolls and a considerable
amount of skill and attentior1 is recluired.Whcn
Single element feed watcr regulators may be
feeding by means of a single element aut,omatic
used a t other times but, shall not be relied upon
feed water regulator, swell, resulting from a n in-
entirely. The feed check valve remains the chief
crease I11 firing rate, is relayed t o the feed water
reliance in maintaining the proper wa,ter level
regulatol, which will react to "high water." This
on boilers not equipped with multiple element
reaction causes the regulator t o close, which is in
feed water regulators. Howevcr, nonuse of the
error, since the higher firing rate recluires more
singlc element feed water regulator will result in
water, not less. Shrink also causes the regulator
accumulations of scale in the feed water regu-
t,o react in the wrong direction. If steam denland
lating control valves preventing proper func-
changes are not too large and not too frequent,
tioning when required during "general quarters."
the regulator valve reacts correctly before thc
These regulators will not and should not be
expectcd t o hold the wat,er level exactly a t the level changes too much. If the rating changes are
rapid and large, the single elenlent feed water reg-
design water level as they depend upon a differ-
ulat,or lags behind and a lorn water casualty or
ence in level from the design level to operate the
control valve. Single element regulators tend t o high water casualty is likely. Because of this pos-
carry an increasingly l o ~ ~ r ewater
r level as the sibility, the Bureau of Ships il4anual requires
t h a t a qualified water tender be kept on watch a t
steaming rate is increased. Generally, this vari-
ation in water level is within acceptable limits. the feed checks a t all times while single element
These regulators will maintain the water level feed wat,er regulators are in operation in order t o
within reasonably close limits under steady take over the feeding of the boiler mailually
steaming and under all but severc malleuvering should the need occur.
~ondit~ioilsa t which times i t may be necessary t o
resort t,o hand control.
The regulators previously described are single-
5-11. SWELL AND SHRINK. element regulators, i.e., they have only one con-
T o explain fully the water feeding of any trolling feature, the level of t h e water in the
boiler, the phenomella called "swell" and "shrink" steam drum. hfulti-element (two or three control-
must be considered. These terms refer to a ling features) feed water regulators provide water
change in the water level resulting from a change level control superior t,o t h a t possible with
in steaming rate without a change in thc weight manual operation of the feed check valves and
of water in .the boiler. Swell and shrink are re- the single element regulator.
sultants d the larger volume occupied by steam The three element regulators coiltrol mater
bubbles l)elow the water surface a t high evapora- level by combining the iliflueiiccs of steam flow,
tion rates as compared t o low evaporation rates feed water flow, and n~at~er level. Measurement
(Fig. 4 2 ) . When the load is increased suddenly, of steam flow gives an immediate and accurat,e
more steam bubbles are formed in the boiler il~dicationof change in boiler steam demand and
tubes The steam bubbles increase the total begins positioning the regulating valve in the
volume of steam and water mixture in the gen- direction desired regardless of t h e action of smell
erating tubes and displace some water from the and shrink. By measuring feed water flow, a
tubes forcing it into the 1)oiler drum and causing balance can be maintained between stea,m taken
a sudden rise in thc water level If the feed is de- out and water brought in. Any change in steam
creased when swell occurs, the level may fall Aow or feed water flomr upsets the balance and
dangerously low after the momentary rise, since the control system acts in thc direction required
steam is leaving the boiler a t a much faster rate to restore thc balance. The measurement of water

level resets the water level in the steam drum a t lation. the water level ca.nnot be maintained, or
the design point and corrects any deficiencies in continually fluctuates, the regulator shall be
the measurement of steam and feed water flow. s ~ t c h e dfrom automatic t o remote manual and
The two element feed water regulator func- operated manually from the control panel. If,
tions similarly to the three element regulator but the water level still cannot be maintained, the
does not utilize feed water flow measurement. feed check station shall be manned and the water
With this type of regulator, the water level level controlled by manual operation of the feed
measurement exerts a greater influence on the check valve.
oweration of the r e ~ u l a tui nvalve.
Most three element and many two element 6-13. ACCESSORIES MEASURING BOILER OPER-
feed water regulators are pneumatically con- ATING CONDITIONS.
trolled systems. I n such a system, as shown in To provide operating personnel with informa-
Fig. 5-7, three instruments, the steam flow in- tion required for intelligent boiler operation, ac-
dicator-transmitter, the feed water flow indi- cessories which measure boiler operating condi-
cator-transmitter, and the drum water level tions are a necessity. The following accessories
indicator-transmitter, measure their respective will be discussed with respect to their basic use
rates of flow and water level. Air pressures, called in anjr control system.
loading pressures, proportional to the measured 1. Pressure gages
rates of flow and water level, are transmitted t o 2. Water level gages
relay stations which balance and compare incom-
ing loading pressures and transmit corrected load-
ing pressures, through a control station, t o a
pneumatically operated feed water regulating
valve (Fig. 5-8). The operator also may control
the feed water regulating valve manually from a
remote station (feed water selector valve) by
controlling the air loading pressure transmitted
to the regulating valve.
The multi-element regulators have an emer-
gency device similar to a single element regulator
which, in event of failure of the control air sup-
ply, provides a secondarjr control of the boiler
water level until such time as a supply of control
air is restored. The concept of secondary control
is pursued by the Navy in all shipboard systems
to insure reliability of equipment in times of
Bureau of Ships Jfa?aual instructs t h a t on boil-
ers equipped with multi-element feed water
regulators personnel shall use these regulators a t
all times. Prime reliance for control of \?later
level shall be placed in the automatic regulator
and not in manual operation of the feed check
valve. While the regulator is in service, a feed
check operator need not be stationed a t the feed
check valve. All boilers equipped with multi-
element feed water regulators have remote read-
ing water level indicators installed a t the lower
operating level in vie\?. of the man in charge of Courtesy J. J. H e m y Co, Ivc Nrir~ J ' o ~ f i
the steaming watch. If, while on automatic regu- FIG. 6-8. Feed Water Regulating Valve.




d .


Bureau of Ships
FIG. 6-7. Control Diagram for Three-Element Feed Water Control.

3. Thermometers
4. Temperature alarms
5. Steam flow indicators
6. Smoke indicators
7. Automatic controls
Pressure enters as a variable factor in a vast
number of physical phenomena, and there is
frequent need for its measurement over a very
wide range. For ordinary pressures, there are
two chief types of gage; viz., the liquid man-
ometer, of urhich the mercury barometer is a n
example, and the Bourdon type u~hichis widely
used because of its simplicity and rugged con-
struction. As shown in Fig. 5-9, the Bourdon
type gage collsists of a metal tube having a n oval
cross section, bent to form a n arc of a circle and
sealed a t one end. The other end is connected t,o
the region whose pressure is t o be measured. If FIG. 6-9. Pressure Gage.
that pressure is above atmospheric, t h e pressure
exerted on the tube tends t o change i t from an
oval t o a circular cross-section, accompanied by throttle, a n y variation in boiler drum pressure
an ullcurling action. The motion of the sealed end will change the ship's speed; hence, t h e burner-
is amplified by a lever and gear mechanism, so man tries t o hold the drum pressure constant by
t h a t the limited movement of the tip of t h e tube adjusting the oil pressure and the throttleman
may be converted into a full swing of the indicat- will meet ally change in main steam line pressure
ing needle. This type of gage is termed a second- by varying t h e throttle opening.
ary illstrument in that it must be calibrated by
comparison t o a primary gage, such a s a manom- 6-16. WATER GAGES.
eter which measures pressure directly b y the Water gages are installed in pairs on the steam
height of a liquid in a tube. drums of naval boilers t o indicate the height of
When properly calibrated and installed, pres- water in the drum. Fig. 5-10 shows the con-
sure gages provide operating personnel with struction of a steel water gage, consisting of the
useful information, provided t h a t they under- frame and front and back covers. Thick glass
stand what is being measured. For example, if strips, ground true t o flat, parallel faces, are
oil flow in the fuel oil manifold leading t o the held between the frame and the front and back
burners is sufficient t o carry the load under which covers, as shorn11 in the cross-sectional view. T h e
the boiler is operating, the operator knours t h a t , glass strips are backed by sheets of mica, which
with the same physical apparatus, he can dupli- serve as a gasket to prevent etching of the glass
,_-- cate that oil flow a t any time by carrying the in operation and prevent shattering of the glass in
same oil pressure. A change in manifold pressure case of breakage. Usually, a light is placed be-
will cause a change in the oil flow rate. I n like hind this type of mater gage to facilitate observa-
manner, when the feed check man adjusts the tion of the water level. TTarious types of glasses
check valve for proper feeding of the boiler under are used, some of which have corrugatioils on the
certain 1oa.d conditions, he knows t h a t if the feed outer side. These are known as "refles" glasses,
water pressure should drop, the boiler will not re- because they refract the light in such a way t h a t
ceive the amount of water necessary and a casu- the part covered by mrat,er, ~vithinthe colunln,
altmywill occur if the situation is allowed to con- appears darker than the rest of the glass.
tinue. Similarly, the throttleman and the burner The handles of the top and bottom cut-out
man kilom that for a given opening of the turbine valves consist of short levers connected by


Bureau of N a n d Personnel

FIG. 6-10. Water Gage Column.

chains. The threads on the valve stein are quad- age t o material. Further, the chain operated cut
ruple threaded and have a steep pitch so that out valves can be closed immediately from the
less than a half turn gives the valve full travel. lower level without danger from falling hot water.
The ends of the levers are connected by chains. Water gages are located so that the middle of
Also connected to the ends of the bottom lever is the glass is a t the normal water level of the
a long loop of chain mrhich reaches to the lower boiler. If either the top or bottom connection of
floor plates of the fireroom. I n case the gage a water gage is closed or partially obstructed by
glass should break or leak, personnel on the scale or other solid matter entering from the
lower grating can close both the top and bottom boiler, a false indication of the water level results.
gage cut-out valves in one operation. Gage glasses, therefore, must be "blo\?-n down"
The steel water columil has a check valve in before the boiler is connected to the steam line
the bottom connection. The check consists of a a t the end of each watch and at frequent intervals
hall which rests on a holder just above the bottom thereafter whenever there is any questioil as to
valve stem. With the pressure on each side of the the correct water level in the steam drum.
ball in equilibrium, the ball rests in the holder. Blowing of gage glasses is acuoiuplished by first
I n case of gage glass breakage, the sudden rush disconnecting the chains between the top and
of water through the bottom coilnection forces bottom valve handles, then closing the top shut-
the ball up onto its spherical seat, preventing the off valve and opening the drain valve at the
flow of hot water through the break. There is no bottom of the gage glass assembly. This permits
provision for preventiilg the escape of steam water t o flow through the bottom connection to
through the top coilnection because, if the glass the drain, clearing it of ~bst~ructions. The top
breaks, the relatively small volume of escaping shut-off valve then is slightly opened and the
steam creates little hazard t o personnel or dam- bottom shut-off is closed. This permits steam t o

flow through the top connection, clearing it of upoil the optical principle t h a t refraction of a
obstructions, thence through the glass to the light ray differs as it passes obliquely through
drain. The drain valve is then closed and the different media (steam and wat,er in this case).
bottom shut-off valve opened fully. After blow- Parallel strips of red and green glass are placed
ing, care must be taken t o see t h a t both valves between the illuminator lamps and the strip lens
are opened wide, the chains between the t o p and adjacent t o the gage. The windows of the gage
bot,tom valve handles are replaced and t h a t the are set a t angles with each other to utilize the
water level indicated is accurate. If the return difference in light refraction between water and
of the mater level in the glass after blo~vingis steam. Beams of red and green light, projected
a t all sluggish, the cause should be determined through the entire length of the strip lens, strike
and correct,ed a t once. the faces of the gage windours a t different angles,
Two direct reading water level gage glasses each color beam being refracted as indicated in
are installed on each boiler t o insure correct Fig. 5-11 shown when the gage is filled with
knowledge of the true water level in case one steam. When steam fills the space between the
gage fails or sho~vsa false water level. Older con- gage windows, the green light beam is bent out
structioil mounted one 10" gage and one 18" of t,he field of vision, and the red light beam is
gage, the latter consistiilg of two standard 10" bent into the field of vision. Conversely, when
gage glasses overlapped so t h a t the distance water fills t h e space between the gage a~indows,
from the bottom of the lower glass t o the top of the red light is bent out of and the green light is
the upper glass is 18". More recent design re- bent into the field of vision. At intermediat,e
quires t h a t two 18" gage glasses be installed on conditions, the water level is indicated by the
each steam drum. bouildary line between the two colors.
I11 some cases, one of the two 18" gage glasses Recent boiler designs equipped with multi-
is a Bi-Color gage (Fig. 5-11). The Bi-Color gage element feed water regulators also include a
is of similar construction to t h a t previously remote reading water level indicator. This instru-
described with exception of the method of illumi- ment indicates the water level in the boiler drum
nation l o facilitate observation of the water a t a convenient location, a s on a n instrument
level. Illumiiiatioii of the Bi-Color gage is based panel. When installed on naval boilers, remote


I\ / / G R E E N GLASS S T R I P


Couvtesy I . I . Ilenvy Co., Ilir., Nrzo I'ovk
FIG. 5-11. Bi-Color Water Gage.

reading water level indicators also equipped At times, the temperature measurement point
with visual alarms and u~it11provisio~lfor audio is a t an iilcoilvenient or rern0t.e location. I11 such
alarms for high and low water. cases, a distant reading thermometer is used, in
R.emot,e reading water level indicators are which the nlercurjr is led through a length of cap-
usually of the manometer type actuated by the illary tubing t o a distant reading thermometer.
differential pressure head existing between a Some distant reading thermometers have a dial
fixed water column and a variable water columil and are similar in construction t o a pressure gage.
dependent upoil nTater level in the steam drum. T h e latter type of thermometer f r e q ~ e n t ~isl yused
naval boiler spccificatioils require that, remote t o measure the steam temperature a t the super-
water level indicators be independent of external heater outlet for superheat control and the oil
sources of energy so that they may be safely used temperature for control of fuel oil heaters.
in lieu of tlie water gage glasses.
One type of remote water level device has a 6-17. HIGH TEMPERATURE ALARMS.
dial and pointer indicator showing steam drum A high temperature alarni is i~lst~alled t o warn
water level and three colored warning lights when the stlearn temperature a t the superheater
(white, red and blue) mounted adjacent t o the outlet exceeds a predetermined safe limit. I t
indicator. The white light remains lighted a t all esseiltially is a distant reading thermometcr in-
times as a signal of "Power On," and goes out if stalled a t the superheater outlet. As the mercury
there is a power failure or if the indicator bulb expands with increase in temperature, it actuates
burns out. The red light is an indication of a n electric switch which is adjusted t o malie con-
critically high drum water level, arid t h e blue tact whenever t h e temperat,lire exceeds a fixed
light is ail indication of critically low drum water limit. T h e electric circuit which is controlled by
level. the switch call be utilized to sound a n alarm, such
as a klaxon, and light a red danger light. I11 some
6-16. THERMOMETERS. installations, a solenoid-operated, quick-closing
Temperature control of the crit,eria most valve is energized by the circuit, causing the fuel
important in determining plant efficiency. Ther- oil to be shut off instantly from all or nearly all
mometers which measure the te~nperatures of the superheater burners.
water, steam, air, and oil keep the operator in-
formed as to the efficiency with which the plant =-I8- STEAM INDrC*TORS-
is operating. I11 double furnace, single uptake, coiltrolled
Many of these thermometers are similar in superheat boilers, to avoid damage t o the super-
principle t o the ordiilarg household liquid column heater tubes through overheating, a certain mini-
thermometer but vary in regard t o rigidity of mum flow of steam must be established before
construction and type of inaterial used. Use of the superheater furnace may be lit off. The tem-
uilprotccted glass thermometers is restricted perature of the steam a t the superheater outlet
to laboratory or field research applications. docs not necessarily indicate the conditions exist-
Thcrmorneters measuring high temperatures ing within the superheater especially ~ v h e nthe
must be made of material which can ~vithstand steam flow is reduced or stopped entirely. There-
such temperatures. Many thermometers are fore, in order t o enable the operators t o deter-
installed in locations where t,he bulb is subjected mine when this minimum steam flow has been
t o high velocities of flow and where personnel established, this type boiler is equipped with
might strike the thermometer while working steam flow indicators.
~ ~ i t lother
i equipment. Mercury filled glass The steam flow indicator, illustrated in Fig.
thermometers are protected by a metal casing 5-12, measures the steam flow through t'he super-
and the bulb is inserted in a thermometer well heater b y measuring the steam pressure drop be-
fitted into the pipe or unit where the temperature tween superheater inlet and outlet. The pressure
is being measured. However, where quick re- drop across the superheater is indica'ted 011 a
sponse is required, such as a t the superheater transparent scale graduated in inches of water.
out,let, quick-readii~g bare-bulb thermon~eters Rehind the transparent scale, a movable red and
are used without thermometer wells. green st,rip is located so that the division line

I. Lamp 1 B u l l r r r l m ~ 6 Corcrrlxnm
L UpUbooslw 4 \ Ilunll... I.Lnt nu,
L Ad>u.Ublruntm

FIG. 6-13(a). Details of Lamp and Reflector Units.

presence of smoke in the uptakes indicates in-

complete combustion, dirty burners, or ot,her
abnormal collditioils in the funlace. The most
common type of smoke indicator is illustrated in
Fig. 5-13(a) and (b). This indicator consists of a
lamp, installed in a cylindrical casing fitted over
a hole in the rear of the uptake, with a lens in
front of the lamp. A second casing fits over a hole
in t h e front of the uptake, exactly opposite t h e
lamp unit. The second casing coiltains a mirror,
which reflects the light beam from the lamp
downward through a vertical tube, a t t h e bottom
of which a second mirror is positioned t o reflect
the beam horizontally through an eyepiece. By

B ~ L Fof~.S/I<~.<
~ I
FIG. 6-12. S t e a m Flow Indicator.

between the upper green and t h e lower red por-

tion is a t the pressure drop graduation which
represeilts the specified minimum steam flow re-
quired t o safely light off the superheater fur-
nace. Thus, the operator should not light off t h e
superheater furnace until the indicator is in the
green area.
Smoke indicators, commonly called smoke
periscopes, are fitted on all modern naval boilers.
This device permits observation of the com-
bustion gases as they pass through the uptakes
in order t o determine whether or not complete
combustion is taking place in the furnace. The FIG. 6-13(b). Periscope Smoke Indicator Installation. ti

looking int,o the eyepiece, operating persoi~nel

call see any smoke preseiit as it passes in front,
of the lamp, and, from the amount and density
of the smoke, determine whether or not furnace
coilditiolls are normal. Each naval boiler has two
or more smoke indicators to determine collditiolls
in different areas of the gas pa,th.
Recent boiler accessory developmellts have
brought forth an automatic smoke density indi-
cator suitable for naval use. This instrument is
designed for use on boilers with remote automatic
coiltrols in order t o furnish informat,ion about,
the conditio~lof the stack gases a t the remote
control st,at,ion. The automatic smoke indicator
operates with a photo-electric cell which responds
mrhen the density of tlhe smoke present between
the light source and the photo-electric cathode
receiver becomes a certain density.
Automatic colltrols for steam generating units
are operat'ional accessories which enable person-
1x1 t,o operate boiler units over long periods a t
high efficiencies, regardless of variations in load Courtesy The Babcock 6. W i l c o x Co., and Bailry Mcter Co.
and ot,her operating factors. FIG. 6-14. Automatic Recorder.
The Navy has employed autlomatic controls to
some degree for many years. Feed water regula-
tors have been conlmon since the first years of 4. Better regulation of steam pressure.
World War 11. The increased pressures and t,em 5. Less likelihood of overheating superheater
peratures, higher combustion rat,es, smaller size, tubes and producing excessive superheated
and lighter coilstructio~lof modern boiler units steam temperatures bccause of too high ex-
cause load changes and casualties t o be reflected cess air.
in boiler operat,ing characteristics with utmost
Operationally, automatic co~ltrolsserve three
rapidity. I n many i~~st,ances, i t is extremely dif-
principal purposes :
ficult for the operator t o mailually co~ltrolboilers
of recent design. Even with manual control possi- 1. T o regulate steam pressure and tempera-
ble, such control would not be sufficiently re- ture.
sponsive t o boiler needs and efficiency losses 2. T o control smoke by regulating oil-air
mould result).-41~0,the single furnace boilers now ratios.
employed lend themselves more readily to such 3. T o maintain wat,er level.
regulatioil than do the douhle furnace, superheat The automatic feed water regulators which
control units. H e i ~ c ethe present t'rend in boiler have already becn discussed are considered part
operation is t,omrard automatic controls. of a st,eam ge11erat)ing automatic control system.
The use of automatic cont,rols offers five dis- The combustion controls to regulate steam pres-
tinct advantages a s compared with manual con- sure and temperature and to control fuel-air
trol: ratios will be discussed in Chapter VI along with
1. Ability t o colltiilue steaming the boiler manual combustion control.
when the fireroom becomes untenable. Several types of flow ~ n e l e r sare used t o meas-
2. A decreased numher of operating personnel. ure fluid flow on the basis of volume or weight
3. More efficient operation of the boiler during per unit of time to provide illformatio~lfor use
all conditions of operations. in automatic boiler controls. Flow meters measure
the pressure drop across calibrated orifices and I-Io~vever,wit11 automat,ic coiltrol devices, i t
flow nozzles in a pipe line. They normally are is highly desirable, if not imperative, t h a t all
employed in automatic control sj~stemsand in watchstanders know a t least the rudiments of
systems where automatic recorders for pressures, what takes place in boilers and where the major
temperatures, arid fluid flow rates are illstalled automatic coiltrol overides are and how t o use
(Fig. 5-14). Such iilstrumcilts give the operator them. For example, the operator must k n o ~ vt h a t
iilsta~ltaileous readings of all illformation re- the water level will vary on a large steaming rate
quired for a thorough ullderstaildiilg of boiler change atld t h a t by observiilg the iildicators on
operating conditions. These instruments are the feed control panel, he can tell ~vliethertlhe
mounted on control panels or coilsoles located a t device is respondiilg correctly. I11 this way he
the main coiltrol station for the particular
machinery space \vhich t h e boiler units service.
Also a t this station are the throttle coiltrols
need not wait for the low or high water level
alarm signal t o ring. If the indicator does not
respoild correctly for the steam rate change, he
and coiltrol instrumellts for operating the maill may introduce a bias upon the coritrol system a t
engines. Thus, close liaison between maill engines the remote control station and prevent the ab-
and the boiler unit is possible. iiormal ~ v a t e rcondition.

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