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Sixth Edition
Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, and
Drugs from New Biology

Edited by

Donald J. Abraham
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
School of Pharmacy
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia

A John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Publication

The Sixth Edition of Burger's Medicinal laboratories, brought to market [Parnate,

Chemistry and Drug Discovery is being desig- which is the brand name for tranylcypromine,
nated as a Memorial Edition. Professor Alfred a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor]. Dr.
Burger was born in Vienna, Austria on Sep- Burger was a visiting Professor at the Univer-
tember 6, 1905 and died on December 30, sity of Hawaii and lectured throughout the
2000. Dr. Burger received his Ph.D. from the world. He founded the Journal of Medicinal
University of Vienna in 1928 and joined the Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Research,
Drug Addiction Laboratory in the Department and published the first major reference work
of Chemistry at the University of Virginia in "Medicinal Chemistry" in two volumes in
1929. During his early years at UVA, he syn- 1951. His last published work, a book, was
thesized fragments of the morphine molecule
written at age 90 (Understanding Medica-
in an attempt to find the analgesic pharma-
tions: What the Label Doesn't Tell You, June
cophore. He joined the UVA chemistry faculty
in 1938 and served the department until his 1995). Dr. Burger received the Louis Pasteur
retirement in 1970. The chemistry depart- Medal of the Pasteur Institute and the Amer-
ment at UVA became the major academic ican Chemical Society Smissman Award. Dr.
training ground for medicinal chemists be- Burger played the violin and loved classical
cause of Professor Burger. music. He was married for 65 years to Frances
Dr. Burger's research focused on analge- Page Burger, a genteel Virginia lady who al-
sics, antidepressants, and chemotherapeutic ways had a smile and an open house for the
agents. He is one of the few academicians to Professor's graduate students and postdoc-
have a drug, designed and synthesized in his toral fellows.


The Editors, Editorial Board Members, and sixth edition, we devote an entire subsection
John Wiley and Sons have worked for three of Volume 4 to cancer research; we have also
and a half years to update the fifth edition of reviewed the major published Medicinal
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Dis- Chemistry and Pharmacology texts to ensure
covery. The sixth edition has several new and that we did not omit any major therapeutic
unique features. For the first time, there will classes of drugs. An editorial board was consti-
be an online version of this major reference tuted for the first time to also review and sug-
work. The online version will permit updating gest topics for inclusion. Their help was
and easy access. For the first time, all volumes greatly appreciated. The newest innovation in
are structured entirely according to content this series will be the publication of an aca-
and published simultaneously. Our intention demic, "textbook-like" version titled, "Bur-
was to provide a spectrum of fields that would ger's Fundamentals of Medicinal Chemistry."
provide new or experienced medicinal chem- The academic text is to be published about a
ists, biologists, pharmacologists and molecu- year after this reference work appears. It will
lar biologists entry to their subjects of interest also appear with soft cover. Appropriate and
as well as provide a current and global per- key information will be extracted from the ma-
spective of drug design, and drug develop- jor reference.
ment. There are numerous colleagues, friends,
Our hope was to make this edition of and associates to thank for their assistance.
Burger the most comprehensive and useful First and foremost is Assistant Editor Dr.
published to date. To accomplish this goal, we John Andrako, Professor emeritus, Virginia
expanded the content from 69 chapters (5 vol- Commonwealth University, School of Phar-
umes) by approximately 50% (to over 100 macy. John and I met almost every Tuesday
chapters in 6 volumes). We are greatly in debt for over three years to map out and execute
to the authors and editorial board members the game plan for the sixth edition. His contri-
participating in this revision of the major ref- bution to the sixth edition cannot be under-
erence work in our field. Several new subject stated. Ms. Susanne Steitz, Editorial Program
areas have emerged since the fifth edition ap- Coordinator at Wiley, tirelessly and meticu-
peared. Proteomics, genomics, bioinformatics, lously kept us on schedule. Her contribution
combinatorial chemistry, high-throughput was also key in helping encourage authors to
screening, blood substitutes, allosteric effec- return manuscripts and revisions so we could
tors as potential drugs, COX inhibitors, the publish the entire set at once. I would also like
statins, and high-throughput pharmacology to especially thank colleagues who attended
are only a few. In addition to the new areas, we the QSAR Gordon Conference in 1999 for very
have filled in gaps in the fifth edition by in- helpful suggestions, especially Roy Vaz, John
cluding topics that were not covered. In the Mason, Yvonne Martin, John Block, and Hugo

Kubinyi. The editors are greatly indebted to Dukat, Martin Safo, Jason Rife, Kevin Reyn-
Professor Peter Ruenitz for preparing a tem- olds, and John Andrako in our Department
plate chapter as a guide for all authors. My of Medicinal Chemistry, School of Pharmacy,
secretary, Michelle Craighead, deserves spe- Virginia Commonwealth University for sug-
cial thanks for helping contact authors and gestions and special assistance in reviewing
reading the several thousand e-mails gener- manuscripts and text. Graduate student
ated during the project. I also thank the com- Derek Cashman took able charge of our web
puter center at Virginia Commonwealth Uni- site,, an-
versity for suspending rules on storage and other first for this reference work. I would es-
e-mail so that we might safely store all the pecially like to thank my dean, Victor
versions of the author's manuscripts where Yanchick, and Virginia Commonwealth Uni-
they could be backed up daily. Last and not versity for their support and encouragement.
least, I want to thank each and every author, Finally, I thank my wife Nancy who under-
some of whom tackled two cha~ters.Their stood the magnitude of this project and pro-
contributions have provided our-field with a vided insight on how to set up our home office
sound foundation of information to build for as well as provide John Andrako and me
the future. We thank the many reviewers of lunchtime menus where we often dreamed of
manuscripts whose critiques have greatly en- getting chapters completed in all areas we se-
hanced the presentation and content for the lected. To everyone involved, many, many
sixth edition. Special thanks to Professors thanks.
Richard Glennon, William Soine, Richard
Westkaemper, Umesh Desai, Glen Kel- DONALD J. ABRAHAM
logg, Brad Windle, Lemont Kier, Malgorzata Midlothian, Virginia
Dr. Alfred Burger

graph of Professor Burger followed by his comments to the American Chemical Society 26th Medicinal
listry Symposium on June 14, 1998. This was his last public appearance at a meeting of medicinal
ists. As general chair of the 1998 ACS Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, the editor invited Professor
?r to open the meeting. He was concerned that the young chemists would not know who he was and he
t have an attack due to his battle with Parkinson's disease. These fears never were realized and his
ients to the more than five hundred attendees drew a sustained standing ovation. The Professor was 93,
;was Mrs. Burger's 91st birthday.
Opening Remarks

ACS 26th Medicinal Chemistry Symposium

June 14, 1998
Alfred Burger
University of Virginia

It has been 46 years since the third Medicinal Chemistry Symposium met at the University of
Virginia in Charlottesville in 1952. Today, the Virginia Commonwealth University welcomes
you and joins all of you in looking forward to an exciting program.

So many aspects of medicinal chemistry have changed in that half century that most of the
new data to be presented this week would have been unexpected and unbelievable had they
been mentioned in 1952. The upsurge in biochemical understandings of drug transport and
drug action has made rational drug design a reality in many therapeutic areas and has made
medicinal chemistry an independent science. We have our owri journal, the best in the world,
whose articles comprise all the innovations of medicinal researches. And if you look at the
announcements of job opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry as they appear in
Chemical & Engineering News, you will find in every issue more openings in medicinal
chemistry than in other fields of chemistry. Thus, we can feel the excitement of being part of
this medicinal tidal wave, which has also been fed by the expansion of the needed research
training provided by increasing numbers of universities.

The ultimate beneficiary of scientific advances in discovering new and better therapeutic
agents and understanding their modes of action is the patient. Physicians now can safely look
forward to new methods of treatment of hitherto untreatable conditions. To the medicinal
scientist all this has increased the pride of belonging to a profession which can offer predictable
intellectual rewards. Our symposium will be an integral part of these developments.


Mark Sleevi Maria Elena Fuentes
Insmed Incorporated Tara Mirzadegan
Richmond, Virginia Robert S. Wilhelm
Roche Bioscience
Palo Alto, California
Victor J. Hruby
Catherine Gehrig de Chavez Randy L. Bell
Malcolm Kavarana Richard R. Harris
University of Arizona Andrew 0.Stewart
Department of Chemistry Abbott Laboratories
Tucson, Arizona Abbott Park, Illinois


Sonia Roberts David W. Jenkins
Iain M. McDonald Patrick P.A. Humphrey
James Black Foundation University of Cambridge
London, United Kingdom Glaxo Institute of Applied
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Robert A. Coleman
Pharmagene Laboratories Ltd.
Royston, United Kingdom



Oregon State University 599
Laboratory of Molecular
Pharmacology Brad Windle
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Department of Pharmaceutical
Center for Bioelectronics, Biosensors
Sciences and Biochips (C3B)
College of Pharmacy Virginia Commonwealth University
Corvallis, Oregon Richmond, Virginia
Anthony Guiseppi-Elie
8 VITAMINS, 359 Department of Chemical
John H. Block Engineering
Oregon State University Center for Bioelectronics, Biosensors
College of Pharmacy and Biochips (C3B)
Corvallis, Oregon Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia


Sanofi-Synthelabo Research INDlVIDUALLY DESIGNED
Malvern, Pennsylvania DRUG THERAPY, 617
Vincent Li Brian J. Puckett
Wyeth Consumer Healthcare MCV Campus
Richmond, Virginia Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia
Graham Parr
Wyeth Consumer Healthcare Steven G. Terra
JHM Health Science Center
Hampshire, United Kingdom
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
Joe Walker
C. T. Peng Orchid BioSciences
University of California Princeton, New Jersey
Department of Pharmaceutical
School of Pharmacy GENE THERAPY, 651
San Francisco, California
Rajkumar Banerjee
and Leaf Huang
San Jose State University Center for Pharmacogenetics
Nuclear Science Facility School of Pharmacy
San Jose, California University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

INDEX, 679

Insulin and Hypoglycemic

Insmed Incorporated
Richmond, Virginia

1 Introduction, 2
2 Current Drugs on the Market, 4
2.1 Insulin and Its Analogs, 4
2.1.1 Side Effects, Adverse Effects, 5
2.1.2 Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism,
and Elimination, 5
2.1.3 Physiology and Pharmacology, 8
2.1.4 Structure-Activity, 9
2.2 Insulinotropic Agents, 11
2.2.1 Side Effects, Adverse Effects, 15
2.2.2 Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism,
and Elimination, 15
2.2.3 Physiology and Pharmacology, 17
2.2.4 History, 18
2.2.5 Structure-Activity, 18
2.3 Insulin-Sensitizing Agents, 20
2.3.1 Biguanides, 21 Side Effects, Adverse Effects, 21 Absorption, Distribution,
Metabolism, and Elimination,
21 Physiology and Pharmacology, 23 Structure-Activity, 23
2.3.2 Thiazolidinediones, 24 Side Effects, Adverse Effects, 24 Absorption, Distribution,
Metabolism, and Elimination,
24 Physiology and Pharmacology,
24 History, 28 Structure-Activity, 28
2.4 a-Glucosidase Inhibitors, 31
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery 2.4.1 Side Effects, Adverse Effects, 31
Sixth Edition, Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, 2.4.2 Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism,
and Drugs from New Biology and Elimination, 31
Edited by Donald J. Abraham 2.4.3 Physiology and Pharmacology, 33
ISBN 0-471-37030-4 O 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2.4.4 Structure-Activity, 34
Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

1 INTRODUCTION output by stimulating glycogenolysis and glu-

coneogenesis and also inhibit glucose uptake
Insulin is a 58-kDa polypeptide hormone pro- and utilization in peripheral tissue. This is
duced by p-cells in pancreatic islets of Langer- critical because, while most peripheral tissue
hans regulating, in vivo, the storage, release, can utilize either glucose or fatty acids as fuel
and utilization of nutrient energy, carbohy- for energy metabolism, the brain relies almost
drate in the form of glucose, fat, and protein, exclusively on glucose, requiring 100-150
in response to changing supply and demand. glday. For comparison, typical dietary intake
Pancreatic p-cells respond to an increase in of carbohydrate is about 300-400 glday, and
circulating levels of glucose as occurs after in- total hepatic glycogen content is approxi-
gestion of a meal by increasing the rate of in- mately 100 g. The brain has little capacity for
sulin release. The major metabolic actions of glucose storage, and hypoglycemia, depending
insulin include the following: (1)promotion of on degree and duration, can result in dizzi-
uptake and storage of glucose in liver and ness, seizures, coma, or death.
muscle in the form of glycogen, (2) suppres- The term diabetes mellitus refers to a
sion of hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeo- group of disorders that are characterized by
genesis, (3)increasing the rate of glucose oxi- hyperglycemia resulting from inadequate in-
dation in muscle, (4) suppression of lipolysis sulin secretion, failure of insulin to elicit nor-
and release of fatty acid from adipose tissue, mal level of response in insulin sensitive tissue
(5)enhancing triglyceride synthesis and stor- (insulin resistance), or both. The vast majority
age and de novo lipogenesis from carbohydrate of cases of diabetes mellitus fall into two main
in liver and fat, and (6) promotion of amino categories (1, 2), type 1 and type 2. In type 1
acid uptake and protein synthesis in muscle. diabetes, which is also called insulin depen-
Thus, in normal individuals, the postprandial dent diabetes mellitus or IDDM, there is an
increase in insulin suppresses the release and absolute deficiency in insulin secretion usu-
utilization of nutrient energy substrate (glu- ally caused by autoimmune destruction of the
cose, fatty acids, and amino acids) from he- insulin producing p-cells. Type 2 diabetes, also
patic and muscle glycogen, fat depots, and called non-insulin dependent diabetes melli-
muscle protein, because these substrates are tus or NIDDM, is characterized by both tissue
temporarily plentiful due to digestion and ab- insulin resistance and an insulin secretory
sorption of the meal. Insulin also stimulates deficit (3-5). Insulin resistance, particularly in
the conversion of excess energy nutrient into liver and muscle tissue, plays a major role in
storage forms (glucose into glycogen, fatty ac- the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. The ele-
ids into triglyceride, amino acids into protein) vated fasting plasma glucose levels used to di-
and the sequestration of these in storage de- agnose the disease result primarily from fail-
pots for later use. In addition, elevated post- ure of insulin, often a t several times normal
prandial insulin increases oxidation of glucose concentrations, to adequately suppress he-
and decreases use of fatty acids in tissues (e.g., patic glucose output from gluconeogenesisand
skeletal muscle) that can use either as meta- glycogenolysis (3,6).Postprandial hyperglyce-
bolic fuel. Under fasting conditions when in- mia is caused by both impaired suppression by
sulin levels are low, these processes are re- insulin of hepatic glucose output and by the
versed, and metabolic fuel substrates are diminished ability of insulin to stimulate glu-
released from storage and used to provide the cose uptake, storage and utilization, particu-
energy necessary for life processes. larly in skeletal muscle, which is the primary
Opposing the actions of insulin are the site of postprandial glucose disposal (7). At the
counterregulatory hormones, glucagon, epi- cellular level, insulin stimulates several pro-
nephrine, growth hormone, and cortisol. In re- cesses required for glucose disposal including
sponse to low blood glucose, the counterregu- glucose transport and phosphorylation, glyco-
latory hormones increase hepatic glucose gen synthesis, and glucose oxidation. Defects
1 Introduction

in the insulin activation of these processes are of triglycerides and fatty acid metabolites (li-
present with insulin resistance in type 2 dia- potoxicity) in p-cells may also be important (4,
betes (3, 8-12). While the cause(s1 at the mo- 20).
lecular level for the impairment in glucose dis- Acute complications of hyperglycemia in-
posal are not completely understood, insulin clude thirst, polyuria, glucosuria, hunger, and
resistance is highly correlated with obesity. with severe elevations, hyperosmolar hyper-
There is good evidence supporting the hypoth- glycemic nonketotic coma, an often fatal re-
esis that abnormalities in fatty acid metabo- sult of osmotic diuresis and dehydration. Pri-
lism leading to elevated circulating free fatty marily in type 1 diabetes, ketoacidosis, caused
acids and to nonadipose tissue accumulation by a near total lack of insulin to suppress ex-
of triglyceride and fatty acid metabolites con- cessive lypolysis, hepatic oxidation of the re-
tribute significantly to insulin resistance (8,9, sulting fatty acids to acetoacetic and 3-hy-
13-16). Thus, insulin resistance is probably in droxybutyric acids, and accumulation of these
part a consequence of action of excessive fatty substances in circulation, is also potentially
acids and fatty acid metabolites on complex fatal. Late complication with both type 1 and
signaling pathways and feedback loops that type 2 diabetes are classified as microvascu-
regulate metabolic fuel utilization and stor- lar-retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropa-
age. thy, and macrovascular-ischemic heart dis-
Insulin resistance is relatively common, ease, peripheral vascular disease, and stroke.
and it alone does not produce hyperglycemia. Prevention of late complications presents the
Obesity, for instance, is almost always accom- greatest therapeutic challenge because it re-
panied by some degree of insulin resistance, quires near normalization of the elevated
but only a small proportion of obese individu- blood glucose levels associated with the dis-
als develop type 2 diabetes (8). This is because ease. Large randomized prospective clinical
a compensatory increase in circulating insulin trials have established that therapeutic inter-
prevents hyperglycemia. In a population of vention to reduce hyperglycemia significantly
nondiabetic individuals with normal blood decreases microvascular complicationsin both
glucose levels but a wide range of insulin sen- type 1 and type 2 diabetes (23).Although data
sitivity, insulin secretion is inversely propor- from large interventional trials focused on
tional to insulin sensitivity and the product of postprandial glucose control are not available,
these two parameters is a constant (4,17-19). epidemiological studies show a clear associa-
Thus, hyperinsulinemia compensates for in- tion between macrovascular risk and post-
sulin resistance and normal glycemic control prandial hyperglycemia (23,24).Management
is maintained. Hyperglycemia occurs when of late complications of diabetes is a major
this compensation process fails, and further health care problem. Diabetic retinopathy is
decline in p-cell function is associated with the the leading cause of blindness in the United
progression of type 2 diabetes. Compensatory States, and diabetic nephropathy is responsi-
hyperinsulinemia is the result of increased ble for one-third of all patients requiring kid-
p-cell mass (19,20), reduced insulin clearance ney transplants or dialysis (3, 25). Some
(19,21,22),and increased expression relative 50,000 lower-extremity amputations per-
to the normal glucokinase of a low K, p-cell formed annually in diabetic individuals, re-
hexokinase, which catalyzes the first rate-lim- sulting from neuropathies and vascular insuf-
iting step of glucose metabolism in the p-cell, ficiency (26).
lowering the set point for insulin secretion in At the cellular and molecular level, hyper-
response to glucose (19,21).In type 2 diabetes, glycemia is believed to cause late complica-
the insulin secretory deficit is generally be- tions in diabetes through a number of mecha-
lieved to be due to both loss of p-cell mass and nisms (27). First, glucose is a low affinity
insulin secretory function, but the underlying substrate for aldose reductase, and hypergly-
causes are not well established. Chronic hy- cemia drives the reduction of glucose to sorbi-
perglycemia (glucose toxicity) may be a factor to1 catalyzed by this enzyme. Excess flux
in reducing p-cell function as type 2 diabetes through this pathway results in cellular deple-
becomes fully developed (4), and accumulation tion of reduced glutathione, rendering the cell
4 Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

susceptible to damage from oxidative stress. betes Association (ADA) recommends goals of
Secondly, auto-oxidation of glucose is en- achieving average preprandial plasma glucose
hanced in hyperglycemia and results in the concentrations of 5.0-7.2 mM, and 6.1-8.3
formation of reactive dicarbonyl compounds mMat bedtime (30). Guidelines of the Ameri-
which in turn react with amino groups in pro- can College of Endocrinology (ACE) recom-
teins to form covalently bonded adducts mend targets of less than 6.1 mM for fasting
termed advanced glycation end-products plasma glucose and 2-h postprandial blood
(AGES).Modification of proteins alters their glucose concentrations of less than 7.8 mM
function, both intracellularly and in the extra- (23).The utility of measures of plasma glucose
cellular matrix. Thirdly, hyperglycemia en- in assessing the efficacy of treatment regi-
hances glycolysis and increases intracellular mens is limited in that these measures reflect
diacylglycerol through increased precursor only the state of glycemia at the time of mea-
availability. Elevated diacylglycerol causes surement. Hemoglobin is nonenzymatically
abnormal stimulation of various isoforms of glycosylated on the amino group of its termi-
protein kinase C, leading to decreased produc- nal valine at a rate proportional to the concen-
tion of nitric oxide and other abnormalities tration of glucose. Because 2-4 months are
affecting blood flow and capillary permeabil- required for complete turnover of hemoglobin,
ity. Finally, hyperglycemia enhances the flux determination of the fraction of hemoglobin
of glucose through the hexosamine pathway glycosylated in this way (HbA,, or AlC, usu-
increasing production of glucosamine and its ally expressed as percent) is used as a measure
derivatives. The hexosamine pathway is prob- for assessing glycemic control over time. In
ably important in regulation of both carbo- normal individuals, HbA,, is in the range of
hydrate and fat metabolism, and increased 4.0-6.0%. The goal for treatment recom-
flux through this pathway may be an impor- mended by the ADA is achievement of HbA,,
tant contributor to insulin resistance (28). less than 7%, while the ACE targets less than
Through increased availability of cofactors, it 6.5%. The change in percent HbA,, is the gold
is also believed to lead to modification of tran- standard by which the efficacy of therapeutic
scription factors and other proteins by agents and treatment programs are assessed.
0-acetylglucosaminylation,altering both gene These therapeutic targets are difficult to
expression and protein function. Inhibition of achieve. In a large U.S. epidemiological study,
endothelial nitric oxide synthase by this pro- mean HbA,, values for diabetic individuals
cess may be relevant to diabetic complications. followed over a 10-year period and under a
Each of these four pathogenic mechanisms variety of treatment regimens exceeded 9%
may reflect a single hyperglycemia-induced (31).
process, overproduction of superoxide by the
mitochondrial electron transport chain (27).
The efficacy of therapeutic intervention in 2 CURRENT DRUGS O N THE MARKET
the treatment of diabetes can be assessed by
monitoring plasma glucose levels in the fasted Drugs currently available for treatment of hy-
state, but postprandial and bedtime measures perglycemia associated with diabetes mellitus
are also common. In normal individuals, fall into four classes:
plasma glucose concentrations are maintained
within a narrow range of about 3.5-7.0 mM 1. Insulin and its analogs
throughout the day (29). Fasting or prepran- 2. Insulinotropic agents
dial plasma glucose concentrations are usually 3. Insulin-sensitizing agents
less than 6.1 mM. After a meal, plasma glucose 4. a-Glucosidase inhibitors
levels rise and peak, usually within 30-60 min
and return to basal concentrations within 2-3
2.1 Insulin and its Analogs
h. It is rare for 2-h postprandial glucose con-
centrations to exceed 7.8 mM in nondiabetic Insulin replacement therapy is the only effica-
individuals. For treatment regimens in both cious treatment for type 1 diabetes and is also
type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the American Dia- useful for treatment of type 2 diabetes when
2 Current Drugs on the Market

Animal lnsulins Amino acid residues differing from human insulin:
porcine 830 Ala
bovine A8 Ala, A10 Val, 830 Ala

Insulin Analogs - Amino acid residues differing from human insulin:

lispro 828 Lys, 829 Pro
aspart 828 Asp
glargine A21 Gly, 831 Arg, 832 Arg

Figure 1.1. Amino acid sequence of human insulin and differences from the human sequence

for animal insulins and marketed insulin analogs.

poor p-cell function limits the efficacy of oral fered at least one episode of severe hypoglyce-
medications. Insulin isolated from beef or mia (33). The incidence of severe hypoglyce-
pork was used for many years to treat diabetes mia is lower in type 2 diabetes, due to both
mellitus. Animal insulins have largely been re- insulin resistance and less compromise of glu-
placed by the human hormone, manufactured cose counterregulation. After 10 years of
by recombinant methods. Porcine insulin is treatment in the United Kingdom Prospective
still available in the United States. Human in- Diabetes Study (UKPDS) in type 2 diabetics,
sulin is a 51 amino acid polypeptide and differs 2.3% of the patients receiving insulin experi-
from the porcine hormone by substitution of enced at least one hypoglycemic episode re-
one amino acid. It is composed of a 21 amino quiring the help of a third-party or hospital-
acid A-chain and a 30 amino acid B-chain ization (3).
joined together by a pair of disulfide linkages. When administered acutely by intravenous
Three new insulin analogs with pharmacoki- infusion to type 1 diabetics, the newer insulin
netic profiles considerably different than the analogs elicit responses very similar to insulin
natural hormone have recently become avail- with respect to hypoglycemia and hormonal
able. Amino acid sequences for human and counterregulation (34, 35). When adminis-
porcine insulins along with marketed insulin tered subcutaneously in diabetes therapy, the
analogs are given in Fig. 1.1. pharmacokinetic profiles of insulin analogs fa-
cilitate their use in treatment regimens de-
2.1 .I Side Effects, Adverse Effects. Hypo- signed to closely mimic the natural variations
glycemia is the major and potentially very se- circulating insulin-the pancreatic response
rious side effect of therapeutic use of insulin to meals. As a consequence, some reduction in
and its analogs. This is particularly true in the risk of hypoglycemia would be expected,
type 1 diabetes, where it is the major limiting and this seems to be the case.
factor in glycemic management (32). The fre- Insulin promotes the sequestration of fat,
quency of severe hypoglycemia increases with and weight gain is a common side effect. This
intensive insulin therapy designed to main- is a concern particularly in type 2 diabetes in
tain near normal plasma glucose concentra- which obesity is common. In the UKPDS,
tions. A meta-analysis of 14 clinical trials of at obese patients on insulin therapy gained an
least 6 months duration that included 1028 average of 4 kg more than those treated by diet
type 1 patients intensively treated with insu- adjustment only.
lin and 1039 patients treated with insulin in
less intense conventional regimens found that 2.1.2 Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism,
intensive therapy increased the risk of a se- and Elimination. The plasma half-life of insu-
vere hypoglycemic episode by approximately lin is quite short, 4-6 min, and the plasma
threefold. A total of 846 of these patients suf- concentration of the hormone after subcuta-
Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

neous administration is largely determined by press excessive lipolysis and hepatic glucose
the rate of absorption from the subcutaneous output without inducing hypoglycemia. The
depot. Depending on concentration, the pres- pharmacokinetic profiles of human insulin
ence of certain divalent metal ions, especially preparations are not ideal for use in dosing
zinc, and pH, insulin may exist as a monomer regimens designed to provide constant basal
or self-associate in dimeric or hexameric struc- circulating levels of the hormone and rapid,
tures. Zinc is usually found in insulin pharma- but relatively brief, increases associated with
ceutical formulations to encourage hexamer meals. Regular insulin has too slow an onset
formation and increase stability. Hexameric and too long a duration to match the natural
zinc containing insulin formulations can be mealtime response, and peaks in insulin levels
prepared as solutions or as suspensions of with the longer duration preparations are un-
solid material obtained by crystallization, pre- desirable in formulations providing the basal
cipitation as an amorphous solid, or co-crystal- component. The insulin analogs lispro and as-
lization with the basic protein protamine. So- part are more suitable than human insulin for
lutions have relatively rapid onset and short use in rapid onset, brief duration formula-
duration, while the rate of absorption of insu- tions, while glargine is formulated for long du-
lin from solid suspensions depends on the dis- ration and is nearly peakless (Table 1.1).
solution rate of the solid in the subcutaneous With soluble regular insulin, the transport
depot. There are about 180 different formula- of insulin hexamers from the subcutaneous
tions of insulin marketed worldwide (29). depot into the microcirculation is sterically re-
Properties of the most widely used formula- stricted, and a lag occurs as the hexamers
tions are shown in Table 1.1. slowly dissociate on dilution in the interstitial
Regular insulin (human) is clear solution of space into smaller species which can be ab-
zinc insulin. Its time of onset is 30-60 min sorbed (38). Insulins lispro and aspart are for-
with peak activity at 2-3 hand duration of 3-6 mulated with zinc and also form hexamers,
h. The widely used insulin NPH (neutral prot- but the slight amino acid sequence alterations
amine Hagedorn) is a suspension of zinc insu- in analogs promote more rapid dissociation
lin co-crystallized with protamine and has a and thus faster absorption. With insulin
slower onset (2-4 h) with longer time to peak glargine, which is intended to provide a pa-
(4-10 h) and duration of action (10-16 h). In- tient's basal requirements, the modified
sulin lente is a suspension of mixed amor- amino acid sequence of the peptide increases
phous and crystalline zinc insulin, with onset the iso-electric point from pH 5.4 for human
time of 3-4 h and a duration of 12-18 h. Insu- insulin to 6.7. Because peptides are less solu-
lin ultralente, which is a suspension of crystal- ble at a pH near their iso-electric point,
line insulin with a high zinc content, is the glargine, which is formulated as a solution at
slowest onset (6-10 h) and longest duration pH 4, forms a microprecipitates after subcuta-
(18-20 h) of these preparations. Peak plasma neous injection as the pH increases to the
concentrations occur after about 10 h with in- physiological level of 7.4. The slow dissolution
sulin ultralente (36). of these microprecipitates provides a rela-
In recent years, results from large prospec- tively constant delivery of insulin glargine
tive clinical trials have shown the benefit of into the circulation over an extended -period of
maintaining near normal glycemia with inten- time. Comparative time-course parameters of
sive insulin therapy in reducing diabetic late the marketed insulin analogs in formulations
complications. Ideally, insulin formulations for subcutaneous injection are shown in Table
used in intensive therapy should be able to 1.1.
mimic the normal variations in circulating in- Insulin is rapidly removed from circulation
sulin levels. In nondiabetic individuals, and distributed into tissue by a process medi-
changes in insulin closely follow glucose, ris- ated by its receptor, and thus all insulin sensi-
ing rapidly to a peak 30-45 min after inges- tive tissue take up the hormone (39). The pri-
tion of food and then rapidly returning to mary site of clearance is the liver which
basal levels within 2-3 h. Basal levels of insu- removes about half of portal insulin during
lin are relatively stable and sufficient to sup- first-pass transit, but hepatic fractional ex-
Table 1.1 Insulin Formulations for Subcutaneous Iqjection (37)
USP or
Nonproprietary Trade Peak Usual Effective Usual Maximum
Name Name Manufacturer Formulations Onset (h) Duration (h) Duration (h)
Insulin (human) Humulin Lilly R (Regular) 0.5-1 h
Novolin Novo Nordisk N (NPH) 2-4 h
v L (Lente) 3-4 h
U (Ultralente) 6-10 h
Insulin (porcine) Iletin I1 Lilly Regular 0.5-2 h
NPH 4-6h
Lente 4-6h
Lispro Humalog Lilly <15 min
Aspart Novolog Novo Nordisk 5-10 min
Glargine Lantus Aventis 1.1 h
8 Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

traction is controlled to some degree by a va- insulin dosage, dramatically decreases micro-
riety of physiological factors. Absorption of vascular complications. In the landmark
glucose in the intestinal tract increases he- Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
patic uptake of insulin, presumably mediated (DCCT) intensive treatment reduced the risk
by release of signaling factors from the intes- of retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy
tines since this does not occur when glucose is by 35-90% compared with conventional ther-
administered by other routes. Free fatty acids apy of one or two insulin injections per day. A
decrease insulin binding, degradation, and ac- median HbA,, level of 7.3% was obtained with
tion in the liver. On binding, the insulin-recep- intensive therapy while that for the conven-
tor complex can dissociate and return insulin tionally treated group was 9.1% (43). How-
into circulation or it can be internalized by ever, the median HbA,, level for intensive in-
endocytosis. Most receptor bound insulin is in- sulin therapy group shows that less than half
ternalized into endosomes and some insulin achieved the ADA goal for HbA,, in the rigor-
signal transduction processes may occur ous environment of a clinical trial, and by
there. Endosomal insulin is either dissociated 5-years poststudy, the mean HbA,, for a sub-
from its receptor and returned to circulation set of the intensively treated cohort was 8.1%.
via retroendocytosis or partially degraded by Insulin is commonly used in the treatment
insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) and the frag- of type 2 diabetes, but is most often introduced
ments delivered to lysosomes for complete when oral agents fail to adequately control hy-
degradation. Another enzyme, endosomal perglycemia. A decrease in HbA,, of about 2%,
acidic insulinase or EAI may also be important similar to that found with the most efficacious
in this process (40). The kidney is also a major oral agents, can be achieved with intensive in-
site for insulin clearance, removing about one- sulin therapy, although a lesser reduction is
half of the insulin in the peripheral circulation probably the norm in general practice (3). Af-
by a receptor mediated process (39,411. Most ter 6 years in the UKPDS, insulin treated type
endosomal insulin in the kidney is delivered to 2 diabetics, newly diagnosed at the beginning
lysosomes where it is ultimately degraded. In- of the study, had lower fasting plasma glucose
sulin analogs, as well, are cleared and de- levels, but similar HbA,, concentrations to pa-
graded in the kidney (41). On subcutaneous tients treated with oral agents (44). The inva-
administration, renal clearance of insulin is a sive nature of subcutaneous administration,
higher portion of the total than with the endo- greater weight gain and increased risk of hy-
genously produced hormone because the nor- poglycemia relative to oral agents may dis-
mal process in which high concentrations of courage the early use of insulin. Therapy for
newly secreted insulin are delivered directly type 2 diabetes usually begins with lifestyle
from the pancreas to the liver via the portal interventions, particularly changes in diet and
circulation is bypassed. Renal failure may sig- exercise. In the UKPDS, only about 15% of
nificantly reduce insulin requirements. newly diagnosed patients were able to reach
target levels of glycemic control in 3 months of
2.1.3 Physiology and Pharmacology. Be- intensive dietary therapy, and there was fur-
fore the discovery and introduction of insulin ther decline after l year (45). Oral agents are
as a therapeutic agent, the only available introduced as monotherapy if lifestyle adjust-
treatment for type 1 diabetes was a starvation ments are unsuccessful (46,47). Type 2 diabe-
diet and the life expectancy for a child diag- tes is usually progressive with loss of p-cell
nosed with the disease was 1.3 years (42). mass and function, and oral agents that stim-
Judged against this standard, insulin therapy ulate or rely on endogenous insulin produc-
for type 1 diabetes is hugely successful. Inten- tion become less efficacious over time. Glyce-
sive insulin therapy, usually three or more in- mic control with monotherapy in the UKPDS
sulin injections per day of regular insulin in deteriorated such that after 3 years, only
association with meals along with a longer act- about one-half of the patients treated with a
ing insulin to supply basal requirements or single agent were able to achieve HbA,, less
continuous subcutaneous infusion both with than 7% (48). After 9 years of monotherapy,
frequent monitoring of blood glucose to adjust only one-quarter were able to maintain this
2 Current Drugs on the Market

level of control, and the majority of patients both intracellular and extracellular portions,
required multiple therapies. Ultimately insu- with the tyrosine kinase domain located intra-
lin is almost always required to achieve opti- cellularly in this subunit. Extracellular bind-
mal glycemic goals (46). Insulin can be intro- ing of insulin activates the receptor kinase ac-
duced in place of or in combination with oral tivity, and the receptor is autophosphorylated
agents, but better results are often obtained on multiple intracellular /3 subunit tyrosine
with combinations of insulin and oral agents residues (13,57). The insulin receptor shares
than with insulin alone (49-52). about 50% amino acid sequence homology
The rapid onset, short acting insulin lispro with the IGF-I receptor. Insulin and IGF-I
and aspart are used in treatment of both type bind and activate both types of receptors, but
1 and type 2 diabetes in place of regular insu- each has 2-3 orders of magnitude preference
lin in intensive therapy regimens. The bene- for own receptor (58). There are two isoforms
fits of these newer agents used by injection at of the insulin receptor differing by the pres-
mealtime with optimized basal therapy in re- ence or absence of 12 amino acids in the C-
duction of HbA,, in the rigorously controlled terminus of the a subunit. The smaller iso-
environment of clinical trials are modest, 0.1- form has about a two-fold higher affinity for
0.4% when compared with regular insulin insulin than the longer, and this difference is
(53). Reductions of up to 0.8% in HbA,, com- paralleled in sensitivity for metabolic actions
pared with regular insulin have been obtained of insulin (59).
with insulin lispro administered continuously Ligand affinities for the insulin receptor
by infusion pump. When the long-acting insu- can be measured in binding assays based on
lin glargine is used as the basal component of displacement of [1251]-labeledinsulin. The rel-
insulin therapy, HbA,, levels are usually very ative affinities for insulin and the insulin an-
similar to those obtained with insulin NPH or alogs used clinically are shown in Table 1.2.
ultralente (531, although less weight gain in Many cell based assays can be used to assess
type 2 diabetics and decreased frequency of the functional potency of insulin and its ana-
nocturnal hypoglycemia have been reported logs. Primary adipocytes are exquisitely sensi-
with use of the analog. While the reductions in tive to insulin and are often used for this pur-
HbA,, achieved with insulin analogs are mod- pose. The relative potency of human insulin
est when compared with human insulin ther- and analogs in stimulating lipogenesis in pri-
apy, even small improvements are believed to mary rat adipocytes is also shown in Table 1.2.
reduce the risk of microvascular complications The receptor affinities and functional poten-
in diabetes, and a survey of diabetic patients cies of these analogs are similar to insulin,
suggests that a reduction in hypoglycemic ep- with the exception that insulin glargine has
isodes, better glycemic control, and improved about a sixfold higher affinity for the IGF-I
quality of life can often result from the use of receptor. To date, neither benefit nor risk has
these agents (53,541. been clearly demonstrated to be associated
At the cellular and molecular level, the with this higher affinity.
binding of insulin to a specific membrane
spanning receptor initiates a signal transduc- 2.1.4 Structure-Activity. The structural ba-
tion cascade which ultimately produces the bi- sis and especially the role of specific amino
ological actions of the hormone. The insulin acid residues in the interaction of insulin mol-
receptor is a tetrameric protein comprised of ecules in forming dimers and hexamers or
two a subunits that bind to insulin and two P binding to and activating insulin receptors
subunits that are linked by disulfide bonds have been studied extensively by comparing
(55,561,and belongs to a subfamily of receptor amino acid sequences from different species,
typrosine kinases which also includes the in- in structure-function studies using insulin an-
sulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptor. alogs, and with X-ray crystallography and mo-
The a subunits are extracellularly located, lecular modeling. The insights gained have
while /3 subunits span the membrane and have been used primarily to design therapeutic
10 Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

Table 1.2 Relative Receptor Binding Affinities and Metabolic Potency for Human Insulin
and Analogs Used Clinically
Insulin Receptor IGF-I Receptor Lipogenesis
Affinity % AMinity % Potency %
[mean (SE)I [mean (SE)I [mean (SE)I
Human insulin 100 100 100
Lispro 84 (6) 156(16) 82 (3)
Aspart 92 (6) 81 (9) 101(2)
Glargine 86 (3) 641 (51) 60 (3)
- - - - -

Values are calculated as the ratio between EC,, for human insulin and EC,, for the analog. Binding affinities were
determined using solubilized human insulin and IGF-I receptors, employing TyrA14[12511-humaninsulin and Tyr31[1251]-
IGF-I as radioligands. Potency in lipogenesis is based on stimulation of incorporation of the label from D-[3Hl-glucoseinto
lipid in primary rat adipocytes. EC50 values for human insulin are 0.01 and 200 nM for insulin and IGF-I receptor binding
respectively, and 45 pM in lipogenesis (60).

agents with improved pharmacokinetic pro- subunit to a dissimilar site in the second a
files,but which mimic the natural hormone in subunit of the receptor dimer. Insulin resi-
other ways as closely as possible. dues at positions A4, A8, A17, A.21, and B29
Insulin forms both dimers and hexarners, interact with polar amino acids in one a sub-
and dimerization occurs mainly through inter- unit primarily through electrostatic salt
actions of certain B-chain residues (Fig. 1.1), bridges, while there are both hydrophobic and
involving amino acids at positions B8, B9, B12, polar interactions between insulin residues at
B13, B16, and B23-28 (61, 62). Hexamer for- positions B9, B10, B12, B13, B16, B17, B21,
mation is stabilized mainly through coordina- B22, B24, B26, A5, and A15 and the other cu
tion of the six HisBlO residues (one from each subunit. There is only a modest correlation
monomer) to two zinc ions, but burial of a non- between insulin amino acid residues found to
polar surface made up by amino acids at posi- contribute significantly to binding af!inity
tions A13, A14, B1, B2, B14, B17, and B18 also based on structure-activity studies and those
contributes (62, 63). The amino acid residues which closely interact with the receptor in the
that are considered most essential for high three dimensional structure. Not all close con-
binding affmity of insulin to its receptor are at tacts observed in the structure necessarily
positions A1-A3, A16, A19, A21, B6, B12, B15, make large contributions to binding energy,
B23-B25, and perhaps A13 and B17. Minor and factors such as change in conformation
contributions are made by residues at A8, B9- induced by substitution of residues not di-
10, B13, and B16 (64, 65). Substitutions for rectly interacting with the receptor may also
residues at B26-30 are often possible while contribute to changes in binding affinity.
maintaining high affinity for the insulin re- Recombinant methods have enabled the
ceptor, but mainly effect IGF-I receptor preparation of a very large number of insulin
binding. analogs, but relatively few have been exten-
X-ray crystallography has yet to provide de- sively characterized pharmacologically. A sin-
tailed information at the atomic level for insu- gle point mutation in the proinsulin gene
lin bound to its receptor, due to difficulties in identified as cause of a case of familial hyper-
obtaining X-ray crystal structures of mem- proinsulinemia led to the synthesis of
brane-spanning ligand-receptor complexes. [AspBlOI-insulin(68-70)and some related in-
The three-dimensional structure of the com- sulin analogs. Lacking the HisBlO residue
plexed receptor has been obtained with a com- which stabilizes hexamer formation through
bination of electron cryomicroscopy using Zn2+ binding, [AspBlO-insulin is absorbed
gold-labeled insulin to locate the binding do- about twice as rapidly as regular insulin. It
main and high resolution structures of insulin exhibits a 3.5-fold increased binding affhity
and individual subdomains of the receptor (66, for the insulin receptor and is about twice as
67). In this structure, insulin binds by bridg- potent as insulin in metabolic assays. Surpris-
ing from a binding site on one extracellular a ingly, [AspBlOI-insulinis 10- to 20-fold more
2 Current Drugs on the Market

potent than the parent in mitogenic assays -

two basic arginine residues to the C-terminus
(71,72).While [AspBlOI-insulinhas increased of insulin and substitution of glycine for
affinity for the IGF-I receptor relative to insu- AspA21 gave the long acting [GlyA21ArgB31
lin; its relative affinity for this receptor is ArgB321-insulin (insulin glargine) with an iso-
about 1000-fold lower than for the insulin re- electric point near pH7.0 (29, 76). Long acting
ceptor, and enhanced mitogenic potency has insulin analogs also result from fatty acid ac-
been observed in a cell line lacking IGF-I re- ylation of the side-chain amino group of
ceptors. The mitogenic/metabolic potency ra- LysB29, increasing size and promoting bind-
tios of [AspBlOI-insulin and several other in- ing of these analogs to albumin, thus delaying
sulin analogs are inversely correlated with absorption from the subcutaneous injection
their insulin receptor dissociation rate con- site (29, 77, 78). [LysB29-tetradecanoyl des-
stants (71), suggesting that increased mito- B301-insulin (insulin detemir) in which albu-
genic potency results primarily from sus- min binding is further enhanced by deletion of
tained activation of the insulin receptor the terminal threonine at B30 is undergoing
tyrosine kinase through formation of long- clinical evaluation.
lived ligand-receptor complexes. A dose-
2.2 lnsulinotropic Agents
dependent increase in incidence of adenocar-
cinomas in laboratory animals treated with Insulinotropic agents directly stimulate the
suprapharmacological doses of [AspBlOI- release of insulin from pancreatic p-cells, and
insulin prevented development of this analog are thus useful only in the treatment of
as a therapeutic agent (65).Thus, the pharma- NIDDM. The drugs in this class are often di-
cologic actions produced on administration of vided into the subclasses of sulfonylureas and
a particular insulin analog may depend not glinides. These compounds are structurally re-
only on insulin receptor affinity, intrinsic ac- lated and share a common mechanism of ac-
tivity and selectivity, but also half-life of the tion, and are described together.
ligand-receptor complex. Sulfonylureas have been used as hypogly-
Modifications of the native insulin se- cemic agents since the mid-1950s. They act by
quence at the C-terminus in the B26 to B30 closing membrane-bound ATP-sensitive po-
region have led to all of the marketed insulin tassium (KATp)channels on the p-cell, causing
analogs. This region is not critical for binding depolarization and the opening of voltage-
to the insulin receptor (65, 731, but sequence gated calcium channels. The resulting influx
modifications here often yield analogs with al- of Ca2+ triggers exocytosis of insulin. The
tered tendencies to form aggregates. A sys- structures and properties of the major mar-
tematic investigation (61) of amino acid sub- keted sulfonylureas are shown in Tablel.3,
stitutions in the insulin B-chain with the roughly in order of increasing potency. Com-
intent of reducing dimer stability by introduc- pounds in the first generation of this class
ing charge-charge or steric repulsion led to re- such as chlorpropamide, tolbutamide, and to-
placement of ProB28 with aspartic acid to af- lazamide are still in use, but are less potent
ford [AspB28]-insulin(insulin aspart). Insulin than the more recently introduced second-
aspart retains the biological profile of insulin, generation drugs like glipizide, glyburide, and
but is more rapidly absorbed. Synthesis of a glimepiride. Treatment regimens with sulfo-
series of analogs having LysB29 replaced with nylureas provide more or less continuous hy-
proline and varying the amino acid at B28 led poglycemic activity with once- or twice-daily
to identification of [LysB28 ProB291-insulin dosing.
(insulin lispro) as a fully potent insulin analog As with the rapid onset, short-duration in-
with decreased association in solution and sulin~,two short-acting glinide insulin secre-
faster onset of action than the parent (38,74). tagogues, repaglinide and nateglinide (Table
Sequence modifications which increase the 1.4), have recently become available. Taken
isoelectric point of insulin from 5.4 toward immediately before meals, these agents pro-
neutrality led to analogs which form micropre- vide increased insulin secretion in the post-
cipitates and have extended duration of action prandial period. Like sulfonylureas, the com-
(29, 75). Following this concept, addition of pounds act by closing pancreatic p-cell KATp
Table 1.4 Structures and Properties of Insulinotropic Agents: Glinides
USP or
Name Trade Name Manufacturer Chemical Class Structure Dose t m t,,, Durationa
Repaglinide Prandin Novo Nordisk Benzoic Acid CH3 0 0.- mg 1h 1-1.4 h 4-6 h
11 2, 3, or 4 x daily

Nateglinide Starlix . Novartis Phenylalanine 120 mg

3 x daily

"Ref. 3.
2 Current Drugs on the Market

channels, but have rapid onset after oral ad- contributors in addition to a variety of struc-
ministration and short duration of action. Re- tural descriptors. The log D,., descriptor is the
paglinide is the more potent of the two, but log of the octanol-water distribution coeffi-
nateglinide reportedly has somewhat faster cient at pH 6.5 and a measure of lipophilicity
onset and shorter duration of action (81). at the pH of the small intestine. The A log D
term is the difference between log D measured
2.2.1 Side Effects, Adverse Effects. Sulfonyl- at pH 6.5 and that measured at pH 7.4, the pH
ureas are generally well tolerated. The major of blood. It has a positive value for acids and is
safety concern is severe hypoglycemia, with negative for bases. The optimum value for log
the longer-acting agents carrying a greater D,,, is about -0.3 and the A log D weighting
risk. In the United Kingdom Prospective Dia- coefficient is positive, indicating that, all
betes Study (UKPDS), the proportion of pa- things being equal, there is better bioavailabil-
tients experiencing major hypoglycemic epi- ity for acids than for neutral or basic com-
sodes was 1.0 and 1.4% per year with pounds. An interpretation of the A log D out-
chlorpropamide and glyburide, respectively, come is that a higher fraction of un-ionized
as compared to 0.7% with diet and 1.8% with compound at pH 6.5 aids absorption, whereas
insulin therapy (82). Sulfonylureas are for the a higher fraction of ionized compound at pH
most part subject to hepatic metabolism, 7.4 aids in preventing first-pass metabolism.
yielding less active or inactive metabolites Sulfonylureas are weak acids, with pK, values
that are then eliminated through the kidney. in the range of 5.0 to 6.3 (85), and values (84)
Patients with impaired hepatic or renal func- for log D,., for glipizide, glyburide, and tolbu-
tion risk severe hypoglycemia because of accu- tamide (1.31,1.85, and 1.11, respectively) pre-
mulation of active drug in circulation. As with dict excellent oral bioavailability in the ab-
insulin, gain in body weight is common. The sence of metabolically labile functionality.
University Group Diabetes Program (UGDP) Although the marketed sulfonylureas are
study found an increased risk of cardiovascu- all well absorbed, they differ in the time re-
lar mortality associated with the treatment of quired to reach maximum blood levels (Table
type 2 diabetes with tolbutamide, although 1.3) and in metabolic fate and in rate and
the methods used have been criticized. The mode of elimination. These differences can
UKPDS showed no increase in cardiac events have important implications for safe use of the
with sulfonylurea treatment (3, 83). Less is various drugs. Accumulation of these agents
known on long-term side effects with the in vivo can lead to extended episodes of serious
newer glinide short-acting insulinotropic or fatal hypoglycemia through overstimula-
agents. Like sulfonylureas, weight gain is a tion of insulin release. Insulinotropic drugs,
side effect of repaglinide or nateglinide ther- for instance. which are metabolized to active
apy. In year-long preapproval clinical trials compounds that are eliminated solely by renal
with repaglinide, 13%of patients discontinued excretion, pose a serious risk of hypoglycemia
the use of the drug because of adverse events, in renally compromised individuals.
most commonly hyperglycemia or hypoglyce- The volumes of distribution for the various
mia. In studies of 6 months or longer with sulfonylureas are similar, with V, values in
nateglinide, 0.3% of patients discontinued be- the range of 0.1-0.3 Lkg, indicating limited
cause of hypoglycemia. distribution beyond extracellular water (86).
They are highly bound to serum protein
2.2.2 Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, (90-99%).
and Elimination. All of the marketed sulfonyl- The older first-generation sulfonylureas
urea are nearly completely absorbed, and the are extensively metabolized and primarily ex-
class has excellent oral bioavailability. A creted renally. Tolbutamide is transformed by
quantitative structure-activity relationship oxidation of the benzylic methyl group, yield-
(QSAR) model for human drug oral bioavail- inga hydroxymethyl metabolite, (la),which is
ability (84) has recently been developed, in further oxidized to the corresponding carbox-
which the descriptors A log D (log D,,, - log ylic acid, (lb). These metabolites have little
D,,4) and log D,,, both proved to be important activity.
Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

route of elimination from the system. About

20%of the dose is excreted as unchanged drug.
With the newer second-generation com-
pounds, glyburide is metabolized by hydroxy-
lation on the cyclohexane ring, yielding
4-trans and 3-cis-hydroxy derivatives. Both of
(la) R = CH20H these metabolites may contribute to the over-
(lb) R = COOH all hypoglycemic activity (90). An elimination
half-life of 15 h, on the basis of an improved
analytical method, is probably more in line
Tolazamide is more slowly eliminated than with the observed duration of action (91).Gly-
tolbutamide, with a half-life of about 7 h. Like buride has been reported to accumulate in
tolbutamide, it is metabolized (87) by oxida- pancreatic islets, a finding'that was unique to
tion of the benzylic methyl group to a hydroxy- this drug (92). It is eliminated as its metabo-
methyl metabolite, which has some activity, lites with approximately equal amounts in
and to the corresponding carboxylic acid. It is urine and bile. Glipizide is similarly metabo-
also hydroxylated on the 4 position of the lized primarily by hydroxylation at the 3 and 4
hexahydroazepine ring and hydrolyzed to p- positions of the cyclohexane ring, although the
toluenesulfonamide. The metabolites are ex- metabolites are not believed to contribute to
creted largely in the urine along with about the activity of the drug. It is eliminated some-
7%of the parent drug. Gliclazide is somewhat what more rapidly than either glyburide or
more slowly absorbed and has a longer half- glimepiride, mainly in the urine as hydroxy-
life (10-12 h) than that of tolbutamide and lated metabolites and polar conjugates. Of the
tolazamide. Excretion is 60-70%in urine and second-generation agents, glipizide has the
10-20%in feces. It is also metabolized (88) by - most rapid onset, but also has a somewhat
oxidation of the benzylic methyl group to a shorter duration than that of either glyburide
hydroxymethyl compound and a carboxylic or glimepiride.
acid, which are the main metabolites in urine. Glimepiride is completely metabolized by
Lesser amounts of five other metabolites,. hy- - oxidation of the pendant methyl substituent
droxylated at various positions on the azabicy- on the cyclohexane ring to a hydroxymethyl
clooctyl ring, have also been identified. The metabolite (2a)and a carboxylic acid (2b).The
metabolites are not believed to have signifi- hydroxymethyl metabolite has about one-
cant hypoglycemic activity (86). Less than 1% third of the hypoglycemic activity of the par-
of the drug is found unchanged in urine. ent in an animal model, whereas the other was
Acetohexamide is metabolized by reduction not active. Glimepiride is eliminated with a
in the liver of its ketone function to an alcohol. half-life of about 9 h, and metabolites, but no
hydroxyhexamide, which is pharmacologically parent drug, are found in both urine (60%)
active (79, 86). After oral administration, the and feces (40%),with (2b) the predominant
plasma concentration of the parent compound species in urine and (2a) in feces.
peaks in 1-2 h, them falls rapidly. The active The short-acting insulinotropic agents re-
metabolite has a longer half-life and prolongs paglinide and nateglinide are rapidly and com-
the duration of action. Hydroxyhexamide is pletely absorbed. After oral administration,
excreted primarily in the urine with a small both drugs reach peak plasma levels in about
amount of the parent and other clinically un- 1 h. Steady-state volumes of distribution (V,,)
important metabolites. Chlorpropamide is after intravenous (i.v.) injection are 31 L for
quite long lived in circulation, with an elimi- repaglinide and 10 L nateglinide, indicating
nation half-life of about 36 h. It is slowly me- little distribution beyond the plasma volume
tabolized by hydroxylation at the 2 or 3 posi- for the latter and a somewhat wider distribu-
tion of the propyl substituent, yielding tion for the former. Both drugs are >98%
metabolites that retain some activity and by bound to serum protein.
N-dealkylation to p-chlorobenzenesulfonyl- Repaglinide is extensively metabolized in
urea (86, 89). Urinary excretion is the main the liver by dealkylation and oxidation to a
2 Current Drugs on the Market

(2a) R = CHzOH
(2b) R = COOH

dicarboxylic acid, (3a),by further dealkylation

of (3a) to amine, (3b),and by formation of an
acyl glucuronide of the parent. Elimination is

2.2.3 Physiology and Pharmacology. Sulfo-

nylureas and the carboxylic acid glinide hypo-
glycemic agents stimulate insulin secretion by
a direct action on pancreatic islet p-cells, and
are a mainstay in treatment of type 2 diabetes
in patients with good p-cell function. The
pharmacologic actions of these drugs are
rapid, with a half-life of about 1 h. About 90%
largely, if not entirely, mediated by increased
of drug-related species are excreted in the fe-
insulin production, and thus are essentially
ces in radiolabeled experiments, mainly as
the same as insulin. Sulfonylurea therapy typ-
(3a) with less than 2%of the parent (93).
ically has been found to reduce fasting hyper-
Nateglinide is metabolized by the mixed-
glycemia by 3.3-3.9 mmol/L and HbA,, by
function oxidase system primarily by oxida-
1.5-2% (3). There is less clinical experience
tion of the isopropyl side chain. It is eliminated
with the short-acting glinides, but repaglinide
mainly in the urine (94), primarily as (4a)
appears to have a similar effect on HbA,, and
the very short acting nateglinide somewhat
less as monotherapy.
Both sulfonylureas and glinides exert their
action by binding to and closing an ATP-sen-
sitive potassium channel (KAT,) in the plasma
membrane of the p-cell (95, 96). Glucose is
transported into these cells predominately by
(4a) R1 = H, Rz = OH the non-insulin-dependent GLUT2 trans-
(4b) R1 = OH, Rz = H porter, and the rate of glucose transport into
(4c) R1 = OH, Rz = OH the cell and metabolism reflect plasma glucose
concentration. At low glucose concentrations,
(33%) and unchanged parent (16%), along the transmembrane potential of pancreatic
with lesser amounts of (4b)and (4c),acyl gluc- p-cells is maintained at about -70 mV by an
uronides, and dehydration or dehydrogena- outward flow of K' ions through the KATp
tion product (5). Metabolite (5) is approxi- channel. After a rise in plasma glucose, the
mately equipotent with nateglinide, but only increase in glucose metabolism leads to a rise
small amounts are formed. in the ATP/ADP ratio and closure of KATp
Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

Table 1.5 Binding Parameters for nous ligand. Two polypeptides isolated from
Sulfonylureas and Glinides with HEK porcine brain, a- and P-endosulfine, have been
EBNA[Human SURl] Cell Membranes found to inhibit sulfonylurea binding to
Ki Hill Coefficient SUR1, although the functional significance is
nM (SEM) (SEW not clear (98, 99).
Glyburide 2.3 (0.4) 1.0 (0.05)
Glimepiride 4.5 (0.9) 1.1(0.13) 2.2.4 History. As early as 1942, Janbon
Glipizide 100 (24) 0.82 (0.12) (100) observed a high incidence of hypoglyce-
Repaglinide 240 (38) 0.90 (0.07) mia in typhoid patients treated with a bacte-
Nateglinide 1300 (110) 0.80 (0.05) riostatic isopropylthiadiazole derivative of
Tolbutamide 270,000 (17,000) 1.05 (0.09)
sulfanilamide. Subsequently, during antibac-
terial clinical testing of N-(4-aminobenzene-
sulfony1)-N'-butylurea, carbutamide (6) was
channels, thus depolarizing the cell. The
change in membrane potential results in the also found to have similar hypoglycemic activ-
opening of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and ity. Structure-activity studies at Boehringer
an increase in intracellular Ca2+,which trig- Mannheim and at Hoechst led to the introduc-
gers insulin release. Sulfonylureas, by block- tion of carbutamide and tolbutamide as antidi-
ingpotassium current through the KATpchan- abetic agents in 1956.
nel, produce the same effect.
The KATpchannel is composed of two pro- 2.2.5 Structure-Activity. The more re-
tein subunits in a ratio of 4:4. One subunit, cently introduced insulinotropic agents are
termed Kir6.2, is a member of the inward rec- complex, richly functionalized molecules, the
tifying potassium channel family. The other optimized products of many extensive syn-
regulatory subunit, SUR1, belongs to the ABC thetic and pharmacological investigations
(ATP-binding cassette)-transporter super- (101-117) of structure-activity relationships
family. Sulfonylureas bind with the KATp (SAR).Common features found in potent com-
channel at both a low aMinity site on Kir6.2 pounds (102, 103, 106) of this class are sum-
and a high affinity site on SUR1, which con- marized in Fig. 1.2, illustrated by the use of
fers the channel-blocking activity. The sulfo- glyburide, repaglinide, and nateglinide as ref-
nylurea binding site appears to be located on erence structures. The relationship to other
the intracellular side of SUR1. The number of compounds in Table 1.3 is readily apparent.
bound sulfonylurea molecules required for Hypoglycemic sulfonylureas and glinides
KATpchannel closure is not known. Because contain an acidic functional group (A in Fig.
there are four SURl subunits in each KATp 1.2) that is required for insulinotropic activity.
channel, binding ratios greater than unity
In all of the marketed drugs of this class, the
may be required to block potassium current.
acidic group is attached to a phenyl ring (B in
The relative potency of various sulfonyl-
ureas and glinides determined by direct com- Fig. 1.2). The acidic group is generally a sulfo-
petitive displacement of [ 3H]glyburide from nylurea, a propionate, or carboxylate, al-
membrane preparations of recombinant hu- though compounds containing other acidic
man embryonic kidney cells expressing high moieties like sulfonylsemicarbazides, sulfo-
levels of SURl is shown in Table 1.5 (97). Both nylaminopyrimidines, sulfonylcyanoguani-
sulfonylureas and the glinides displace r3H]- dines, and sulfonamidonitroethylenes are
glyburide from SUR1-containing membrane quite active.
preparations. Moreover, they appear to oc- Substitution on the acidic function with a
cupy very similar sites on the receptor protein, pendant lipophilic group (C in Fig. 1.2) greatly
given that neither repaglinide nor nateglinide enhances (103) affinity for the SURl and in-
has any effect on the dissociation kinetics of creases selectivity for SURl over related
[3H]glyburide. SUR2A receptors found in heart and skeletal
The high affinity binding of sulfonylureas muscle and SUR2B receptors found in smooth
to SURl suggests the existence of an endoge- muscle. In the earliest sulfonylureas, this sub-
2 Current Drugs on the Market

Amido Linker (D) Phenyl Ring Acidic Head


Aromatic or
Tail with ortho

1 1 Pendant


CH3 Nateglinide

Figure 1.2. Common structural features found in sulfonylurea, benzoic acid, and phenylalanine
derived hypoglycemic agents.

stituent is often an N-propyl or N-butyl group, configuration at this center is required for ac-
whereas cycloalkyl groups are most common tivity (104, 105).
in later compounds. The pendant lipophilic The acidic group in these agents is attached
group cannot be attached to benzoic acid de- to a phenyl ring (C), which is most often'sub-
rivatives like repaglinide, but it has been pro- stituted para to the acidic function. In first-
posed that the alkyl group of the 2-ethoxy sub- generation sulfonylureas, the para-substitu-
stituent on the phenyl ring (C) of this ents are small groups like methyl, acetyl, or
compound occupies a similar site on the recep- chloro. Introduction of larger groups com-
tor (106). Phenylalanine derivatives like posed of an amido linker (D) attached to an
nateglinide have a chiral center adjacent to aromatic or heterocyclic tail (E) greatly in-
the carboxylate. In these compounds, the R creases the potency of the second-generation
20 Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

compounds. In the amido linker, the carbon Nateglinide lacks an equivalent to the
and nitrogen atoms of an amide are incorpo- amido linker (Din Fig. 1.2) and the aromatic
rated into a four-atom chain, with the amido or heterocyclic tail (E). In related N-benzoyl-
nitrogen occupying the third position from the phenylalanine compounds (102), the SAR de-
phenyl ring (C). In the sulfonylureas gly- termined for substitution on phenyl ring C
buride, glipizide, and glimepiride, the carbon parallels that for sulfonylureas, and com-
atom of the amido carbonyl group is a t the pound (9), containing a side chain somewhat
fourth position. Some benzoic acid derivatives
like meglitinide (7), which has tolbutamide-

like those found in the second-generation sul-

like potency (107, 110, 1171, have a similar fonylureas and repaglinide, was active ([3Hl-
arrangement of the amido linker. The ar- glyburide binding inhibition IC,, = 28 fl;
rangement in which the carbonyl is at the sec- inhibition of KATpchannel activity EC,, = 3.5
ond position as in repaglinide or the sulfonyl- fl).
urea (8) [active at 0.25 mg/kg p.0. in rabbits The amido linker found in second-genera-
tion sulfonylureas and repaglinide terminates
in an attachment to an aromatic or heterocy-
clic group (E in Fig. 1.21, which is often substi-
tuted ortho to the point of attachment. Sub-
stituents such as alkyleneimino, alkoxy, or 0x0
having an oxygen or nitrogen atom adjacent to
the ring afford potent compounds (106). Glipi-
zide lacks this ortho substituent, but the
pyrazino nitrogen may serve a similar func-
tion in binding.
Conformational analysis of some second-
generation sulfonylureas and repaglinide
identified low energy conformations of these
(11611 also affords highly potent compounds.
agents, in which the pharmacophoric groups
In this alternative, alkyl substitution of the
derived by SAR studies could be best superim-
carbon at the fourth position improves po-
posed (106). The proposed binding conforma-
tency and activity resides in the S-enantio-
tions for glyburide and repaglinide are shown
mers in both sulfonylurea and benzoic acid
in Fig. 1.3.
derivatives. Within the amido linker, the car-
bony1 group may be more important than the
2.3 Insulin-Sensitizing Agents
amide NH, and it has been suggested that each
alternative chain arrangement positions its Two subclasses of insulin-sensitizing agents
respective 0x0 function to accept a hydrogen are currently available, the biguanides and the
bond from the same donor group in the SURl thiazolidinediones. They are described sepa-
protein (106). rately in this section because drugs in these
2 Current Drugs on the Market

with metformin, with incidence estimated at

0.01 to 0.08 per 1000 patient-years. With met-
formin therapy, lactic acidosis most often oc-
curs in patients with renal insufficiency, prob-
lems with alcohol abuse, or liver and
cardiopulmonary disease (3, 118, 119). Met-
formin is removed from the system almost ex-

elusively by renal elimination of the un-

changed drug. Thus, poor renal function may
lead to accumulation. Hypoglycemia is rare
with metformin monotherapy. Absorption, Distribution, Metabo-
lism, and Elimination. Biguanides are strongly
basic, and metformin (pK, = 11.5) is com-
pletely protonated and cationic over the phys-
iologic pH range. Absorption of metformin
from the GI tract after oral administration is
incomplete, with 20 to 30% recovered in the
feces (120). In single oral dosing studies, a lack
of dose proportionality indicates decreased ab-
sorption with increasing dose. Peak blood lev-
Figure 1.3. Proposed binding conformations (106) els are obtained in 2 to 4 h. The average vol-
for glyburide and repaglinide based on the selection ume of distribution after a single oral dose of
of calculated low energy conformers, which allow 850 mg is 654 L. The pharmacokinetics of met-
approximate superimposition of the major pharma- formin have been described by use of a two-
cophoric groups. compartment model (120), with rapid distri-
bution to a central plasma compartment
subclasses do not share a common mechanism followed by slow transfer to a deep compart-
of action and are not structurally similar. ment. Tissue concentrations higher than that
in plasma are found in liver, kidney, salivary
2.3.1 Biguanides. First introduced in the glands, and the intestinal wall. Metformin
late 1950, metformin (Table 1.6) is best de- does not bind to plasma proteins, but does par-
scribed as an antihyperglycemic agent because tition into erythrocytes. It is not metabolized
it does not normally cause hypoglycemia. It and is excreted unchanged in the urine. After
enhances insulin sensitivity and is not effec- i.v. administration, renal clearance is about
tive in the absence of insulin (118). Metformin 3.5 times creatinine clearance, an indication of
lowers blood glucose levels in NIDDM patients tubular secretion.
by suppressing hepatic glucose output and en- Metformin is slowly and incompletely ab-
hancing peripheral glucose uptake, but the sorbed and rapidly eliminated without hepatic
underlying mechanism(s) is not completely metabolism. This pharmacokinetic profile
understood. Other biguanides produce similar may make drug accumulation and lactic acido-
effects, but concern over potential to cause lac- sis less likely
" to occur with metformin than
tic acidosis has largely led to their removal with other biguanides. Sales of the longer-act-
from the market. ing biguanide phenformin (lo),for instance, Side Effects, Adverse Effects. The which is metabolized in the liver by aromatic
major side effects associated with metformin
therapy are gastrointestinal, including diar-
rhea, nausea, abdominal discomfort, and an-
orexia, which improve with dose reduction
and can be minimized by slow dose titration
(3, 118). Lactic acidosis, a serious often fatal
side effect associated with biguanides, is rare
Table 1.6 Structure and Properties of Metformin
USP or
Nonproprietary Chemical
Name Trade Name Manufacturer Class Structure Daily Dose 4"- t,, Durationa
Metformin Glucophage Bristol-Meyers Biguanide 1500-2550mg 2 4h 6.2 h > 3 4 wk
"Ref. 3.
2 Current Drugs on the Market

hydroxylation, were discontinued in the responds to the AMPIATP ratio. Metformin

United States in 1977 because of its associa- has no direct effect on the activity of partially
tion with lactic acidosis. purified AMPK, but in primary hepatocytes it Physiology and Pharmacology. Used increases the phosphorylation and activity of
in treatment of type 2 diabetes, metformin has AMPK in a time-dependent manner. This may
typically been found to reduce fasting hyper- occur through modulation of AMPK kinase or
glycemia by 1 to 3.9 mmolIL and HbA,, by 1 to PP2C, or through a change in the AMPIATP
2% (3, 119, 121, 122), approximately equally ratio. At relatively high concentrations, met-
efficacious with sulfonylureas, and also to re- formin inhibits respiratory chain complex I in
duce postprandial hyperglycemia. As mono- intact hepatocytes through an unknown sig-
therapy, it generally does not induce hypogly- naling pathway (133), but not in isolated mi-
cemia nor does it increase insulin secretion. It tochondria. Such fnhibition might lead to an
does, however, require the presence of insulin. increase in the AMPIATP ratio and thus
In vivo, the principal antidiabetic effect of account for increased phosphorylation of
metformin is suppression of hepatic glucose AMPK. In any case, activation of AMPK would
output. This could, in theory, arise from either be expected to increase fatty acid oxidation
inhibition of glycogenolysis or gluconeogene- and glucose uptake in muscle, while decreas-
sis or both, and studies examining the relative ing hepatic gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis, a
contribution of each have produced conflicting pattern of activity that is similar to that ob-
results (123, 124). A recent study employing served with metformin.
both 13C-NMR and isotope techniques con- In Xenopus oocytes (126, 134), treatment
cluded that suppression of endogenous glu- with metformin has been shown to increase
cose production with 3 months of metformin insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity asso-
monotherapy in type 2 diabetics was com- ciated with activation of phospholipase C and
pletely attributed to a reduction in gluconeo- increased levels of IP, and intracellular Ca2'.
genesis, although hepatic glycogen content did Thus metformin, through increasing receptor
increase (125). Metformin enhances insulin tyrosine kinase activity, may facilitate IRS
sensitivity and glucose disposal in peripheral protein phosphorylation and activation of
tissue (3, 118). At the cellular level, this ap- phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, leading to in-
pears to be attributable in part to increased creased glucose uptake.
glucose transport (119, 125-129). Metformin Structure-Activity. The available
treatment is often associated with an im- data on the relationship of structure to hypo-
proved plasma lipid profile (121, 1301, lower- glycemic activity for substituted biguanides
ing plasma triglyceride and LDL cholesterol. result from a very limited number of studies,
At the molecular level, precise target recep- generally in healthy animals (135-137). Alkyl
tor(~) have not been identified. Metformin has substitution (structure 11)at R, increases ac-
been reported to activate the AMP-activated
protein kinase system (AMPK) in primary
hepatocytes (131). AMPK has been proposed
as a key regulatory enzyme of carbohydrate
and fat metabolism (132). This kinase is acti-
vated through an allosteric mechanism by
binding 5'-AMP and also by phosphorylation.
Activation of AMPK by phosphorylation is 5'-
AMP dependent because the binding of AMP
to the enzyme makes it a better substrate for
AMPK kinase, which phosphorylates AMPK,
and a poorer substrate for protein phospha- tivity through n-pentyl, but decreases with
tase 2C, which dephosphorylates it. AMPK ki- longer chain length, branching, or with cyclic
nase is also activated by 5'-AMP. These ac- alkyl substituents. When R, is aralkyl, phen-
tions of 5'-AMP are antagonized by high ethyl is the most potent. Potency is highest
concentrations of ATP, and thus the system with a hydrogen or methyl substituent at R,.
Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

2.3.2 Thiazolidinediones. The thiazolidine- Absorption, Distribution, Metabo-

diones (Table 1.7) are the most recently intro- lism, and Elimination. Rosiglitazone is well ab-
duced class of oral agents for treatment of type sorbed, with absolute bioavailability of 99%.
2 diabetes, improving insulin sensitivity and After oral dosing, peak blood levels are ob-
lowering blood glucose, free fatty acid, and tri- served in about 1 h. Rosiglitazone is highly
glyceride levels. The thiazolidinediones are bound to plasma protein (99.8%), with a
PPARy (peroxisome proliferator-activated re- steady-state volume of distribution of appoxi-
ceptor y) agonists. The PPARy receptor is a mately 17.6 L. Pioglitazone is also well ab-
member of the nuclear hormone receptor fam- sorbed, reaching maximum blood levels in
ily of ligand-activated transcription factors about 2 h. Binding to plasma proteins is
that regulates gene expression of several greater than 99%,with a single dose volume of
genes involved in fatty acid and carbohydrate distribution of 0.63 Lkg.
metabolism and adipocyte differentiation Rosiglitazone is metabolized in the liver
(138). primarily by N-demethylation and by hy-
2.3.2. I Side Effects, Adverse Effects. Be- droxylation of the pyridine ring at the 5 posi-
cause of their recent introduction, long-term tion (para to the side chain), followed by con-
side effects are less well known than with the jugation (141, 1421, but the metabolites are
other classes of hypoglycemic agents. Both not believed to contribute significantly to clin-
rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are generally ical effect. The drug is eliminated, with a half-
well tolerated. Weight gain and minor edema life of 3 to 4 h, primarily in the urine (64%),
are associated with thiazolidinedione therapy, with lesser amounts in the feces (23%).Piogli-
and their use in patients with moderate to se- tazone is extensively metabolized (143, 144)
vere chronic heart failure is not advised. De- by 0-dealkylation to (13), by benzylic oxida-
creases in hemoglobin levels and hemocrit tions of methylene groups adjacent to the pyri-
have also been found. The first marketed thia- dine ring (14a, 14b, 14c, and 14e) and by o
zolidinedione, troglitazone (12), was with- oxidation of the pyridine ethyl substituent
Metabolites (14a), (14b), and (14c) have
hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects in
Wistar fatty rats, and may contribute signifi-
cantly to the pharmacological activity of pio-
glitazone in humans. Serum half-life of the
parent drug is 3-7 h, whereas that for total
pioglitazone-related species is 16-24 h. From
15 to 30% of an oral dose is excreted in the
urine, primarily as metabolites and their con-
jugates. The balance is presumably excreted in
the bile. Physiology and Pharmacology. Ro-
siglitazone and pioglitazone have only re-
drawn because of increased risk of hepatotox- cently been introduced for the treatment of
icity. Approximately 1.9% of patients treated type 2 diabetes, and evaluations of the efficacy
with troglitazone in preapproval controlled of these drugs over years of therapy are not yet
clinical trials showed an increase in plasma of available. In large preapproval clinical trials of
the liver enzyme alanine aminotransferase 24-26 weeks in type 2 diabetics (1451, piogli-
(ALT) greater than three times the upper tazone treatment (45 mg, once daily) as mono-
limit of the normal range. In trials with ros- therapy reduced fasting blood glucose by 3.6
iglitizone or pioglitizone, the incidence of sig- and 3.8 mmol/L compared with placebo and
nificantly elevated ALT was low and similar to HbA,, by 1.5 and 1.6%, respectively. In two
that of placebo. However, regular monitoring similar 26-week preapproval studies (1461,
of liver enzymes is recommended when these rosiglitazone monotherapy (4 mg, twice daily)
drugs are used (139,140). resulted in decreases in mean fasting plasma
Table 1.7 Structures and Properties of Thiazolidinediones
USP or
Nonproprietary Trade Daily
Name Name Manufacturer Chemical Class Structure Dose Lax t,, Durationa
Rosiglitazone Avandia SmithKline Thiazolidinedione 4-8 mg 1-1.75 hr 3-4 hr 23-4 wk
h) f NyN-O

Pioglitazone Actos TakedaILilly Thiazolidinedione

"Ref. 3.
Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

glucose levels of 3.4 and 4.2 mmoVL relative to genetic cascade leading to adipogenesis (1541,
a placebo-treated group, with a mean decrease the process of adipocyte differentiation. Acti-
of 1.5% in HbA,, in both. In a 52-week gly- vation of PPARy, which is highly expressed in
buride-controlled study, rosiglitazone at 2 or 4 adipose tissue (155-159), leads to upregula-
mg twice daily was initially less efficacious tion of the expression of genes regulating fatty
than glyburide in reducing hyperglycemia, but acid transport, storage, and oxidation. There
by the end of the study, both drugs produced a are two isoforms of PPARy, termed PPARyl
similar response (change in HbA,,: -0.7% and PPARy2, differingin that PPARy2 has 28
with glyburide and -0.5% with rosiglitazone). additional amino acids at the N-terminus in
This might suggest that the hypoglycemic ac- humans (157).Both PPARyl and PPARy2 are
tivity of rosiglitazone and perhaps other thia- abundant adipose tissue, with mRNA for
zolidinediones, although initially less than PPARy2 generally about 10 to 15% of that of
that of sulfonylureas, is more durable over PPARyl. Lesser amounts of PPARy2 have
time. In addition to hypoglycemic activity, been found in liver, whereas PPARyl appears
thiazolidinediones reduce insulin levels and to be more widely distributed (152, 156, 158-
improve insulin resistance, markedly reduce 160).PPARy activation also leads to decreased
plasma free fatty acids, increase the storage of expression of gene-encoding enzymes re-
fat, and often improve the blood lipid profile quired for gluconeogenesis in the liver and
(139. 147). The thiazolidinediones also in- suppressing glucose oxidation in muscle (150,
crease adipose tissue cell differentiation. Ros- 161).
iglitazone promotes the differentiation of Comprehensive mRNA profiling has been
human subcutaneous preadipocytes into adi- used to identify genes regulated directly or in-
pocytes, but has little effect on preadipocytes directly by PPARy in various tissues in Zucker
from visceral adipose tissue depots (147, 148). diabetic fatty rats (161). Proteins for which
As discussed later in this section, the effects of PPARy activation leads to increased mRNA in
thiazolidinediones on carbohydrate metabo- white adipose tissue include enzymes acetyl-
lism are probably at least in part a result of the CoA carboxylase, fatty acid synthase, and
action of these compounds on the storage and dihydrolipoamide acyltransferase [a compo-
metabolism of fat. nent of the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)
Thiazolidinediones bind to and activate complex] required for lipogenesis, and phos-
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor y phoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK),
(PPARy) (149-152). PPARy is a member of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, and
the PPAR family of nuclear receptors, which long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase for triglycer-
are ligand-activated transcription factors reg- ide biosynthesis. In muscle, expression of
ulating storage and metabolism of fatty acids. pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4) is
The three members of the PPAR family, decreased. PDK4 phosporylates and deacti-
termed a, 6, and y, are activated by fatty acids vates PDH complex, limiting oxidative glucose
and fatty acid metabolites. PPARa is the tar- disposal. Thus, suppression of PDK4 gene ex-
get receptor for the fibrate class of hypolipi- pression would lead to an increase in muscle
demic agents. Activation of this receptor in glucose oxidation. In contrast to adipose tis-
rodents, but not humans, leads to an increase sue, liver expression of PEPCK is suppressed
in the number and size of hepatic peroxi- by PPARy activation along with other
somes, organelles involved in P-oxidation of enzymes required for gluconeogenesis, includ-
fatty acids, a property unique to PPARa, from ing pyruvate carboxylase and glucose-6-
which the name of the receptor family was de- phosphatase.
rived. Less is known about the function of In common with other PPARs, PPARy
PPARS, although a PPARG-selective agonist forms an obligate heterodimer (152,162) with
has been reported to increase reverse choles- 9-cis retinoic acid receptors (RXR) and regu-
terol transport (153). lates gene expression through binding of the
PPARy and transcription factors of the heterodimer to DNA response elements, con-
CCAATIenhancer-binding protein family (C/ taining two copies of the sequence AGGTCA,
EBPa, -P, and -6) are integral members of the separated by a single nucleotide (DR1 motif).
2 Current Drugs on the Market

Specificity is likely a result of small differences Table 1.8 Thiazolidinedione PPARy

in optimal DNA-binding sites and differences Binding Affinity and Cell-Based PPARy
in tissue distribution (150). Agonist binding Agonist Activity
allows recruitment of coactivator proteins PPARy Human PPARy
such as CAMPresponse element binding pro- Binding Agonist Activity
tein (CBP) or steroid receptor coactivator 1 Potency (nM) ECm (a)
(SRC-I), which mediate the transcriptional Troglitazone 7900 0.55
activation of target genes. Coactivator pro- Pioglitazone 5500 0.58
teins contain one or more leucine-rich LxxLL Rosiglitazone 40-200 0.043
motifs known as nuclear receptor (NR) boxes,
which bind to hydrophobic pockets formed on
agonist binding to PPARy and other nuclear mic agents and to improve insulin sensitivity.
receptor proteins. The nature of the xx amino The mechanism(s) by which PPARy activa-
acid residues as well as residues flanking the tion produces these clinically useful effects is
NR box appears to determine the coactivator- not completely established. Although at lower
receptor specificity (163). levels than those in adipose tissue, PPARy is
The affinity of particular agents for binding present in skeletal muscle and liver, tissues
to PPARy can be assessed with conventional primarily responsible for glucose disposal and
binding assays (149) employing radioligands gluconeogenesis. Hence, direct regulation by
such as [3H]rosiglitazone.A scintillation prox- PPARy of expression of key enzymes control-
imity assay (164) amenable to high through- ling these processes cannot be ruled out. On
put screening has also been developed. Varia- the basis of comprehensive mRNA profiling, it
tions of functional transactivation assays are has been estimated that administration of a
used that measure expression of PPARy tar- PPARy agonist in a diabetic rodent model al-
get genes in mammalian cells transfected with tered the expression level directly or indirectly
both a chimeric receptor expression construct, of approximately 10% of all genes in white or
composed of the ligand-binding domain of brown adipose tissue, whereas about 2% of the
PPARy coupled with the DNA-binding do- genes in liver and 1% in skeletal muscle were
main of the yeast transcription factor GAL4, regulated (161). The alteration in specific en-
and a construct containing a GAL4 response zyme levels predicted by the observed changes
element and reporter gene combination (151, in mRNA in liver and muscle (for instance,
152, 165). Reporter genes such as chloram- PEPCK and PDK4) should lead to suppression
phenicol acetyltransferase (1651, secreted pla- of hepatic gluconeogenesis and increased glu-
cental alkaline phosphatase (SPAP) (1511, or cose oxidation in muscle. The administration
firefly luciferase (149) whose products can be of the PPARy agonist troglitazone to mice en-
conveniently assayed have been used. Because gineered to lack adipose tissue improved insu-
GAL4 is not found in mammalian cells, activa- lin sensitivity (166), and preincubation with
tion of other nuclear receptors does not inter- troglitazone increased glucose uptake, glyco-
fere with these assays. Comparative binding gen synthase fractional velocity, and fatty acid
affmities (152) and PPARy agonist activity oxidation in cultured human myotubes (167).
(151) in a PPARy-GAL4ISPAP assay for tro- Thus, PPARy agonists like the thiazol-
glitazone, pioglitazone, and rosiglitazone are idinediones may have a direct action on mus-
shown in Table 1.8. These compounds have no cle and liver that is independent of their action
significant activity in PPARa- or PPARS-spe- on fat.
cific assays, and the relative potencies of these Alternatively, improved insulin sensitivity
thiazolidinedione agents in PPARy assays and lowered blood glucose with these agents in
compares well with in vivo hypoglycemic po- treatment of NIDDM may be an indirect effect
tency in humans. of their action on adipose tissue. Signaling
PPARy has a significant role in adipocyte through a number of adipocyte-derived fac-
differentiation and in the regulation of fat tors, including TNF-a (168),leptin (169-1721,
storage and utilization. However, thiazol- resistin (172) and adiponectin (1731, is altered
idinediones are used elinically as hypoglyce- by PPARy activation in ways that could lead to
Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

enhanced insulin sensitivity. In addition, free Fatty rats (1781, suggesting utility in slowing
fatty acids, triglycerides, and products of fatty or preventing the progression of diabetes.
acid metabolism regulate insulin sensitivity. History. In the course of investiga-
An inverse relationship between insulin sensi- tions on the fibrate class of hypolipidemic
tivity and fasting plasma free fatty acid con- agents at Takeda (179, 1801, a series of 5-
centrations has been observed in offspring of (4-alkoxybenzy1)-2,4-thiazolidinedioneswere
type 2 diabetic parents (8). Increased plasma shown to reduce insulin resistance in geneti-
concentrations of free fatty acids contribute to cally diabetic and obese animals. Ciglitazone
insulin resistance by inhibition of glucose up- (IS),which became the prototype for this class
take, glycogen synthesis, and glucose oxida-
tion in muscle (8, 9, 16, 174) through regula-
tory interaction of fatty acid metabolites with
components of the insulin signal transduction
cascade and enzymes controlling glucose
In normal individuals, skeletal muscle has
the capacity to switch from the predominant
uptake and oxidation of fatty acid as metabolic
fuel under fasting conditions to greater up- of drug, was found to reduce hyperglycemia,
take, storage, and oxidation of glucose under hyperlipidemia, and hypertriglyceridemia in
insulin stimulation. In obesity, which is linked insulin-resistant animal models, but not in
strongly with type 2 diabetes, metabolic in- normoglycemic animals (181, 182). Ciglita-
flexibility in the form of lower fasting rates of zone was taken into human trials in NIDDM
lipid oxidation and failure of insulin to sup- subjects, but was withdrawn because of low
press fatty acid uptake and utilization is be- potency and the appearance of cataracts in an-
lieved to lead to triglyceride accumulation in imals receiving long-term exposure to the
muscle (9, 175). The amount of triglyceride in drug. It was replaced in development with the
skeletal muscle is significantly associated with more potent pioglitazone (183), which has
insulin resistance. Thiazolidinediones pro- subsequently received marketing approval in
mote the storage of fat and also redistribution the United States and much of the world.
of intracellular triglyceride from insulin-re- Structure-Activity. The relationship
sponsive organs into adipose tissue (1751, ac- of structure to hypoglycemic activity and acti-
counting, perhaps, for improved insulin sensi- vation of the various PPARs with substituted
tivity with the use of these drugs. Although thiazolidinediones and related compounds has
increasing the fat store might intuitively seem been the subject of intensive investigation
more likely to increase than to decrease insu- (179, 180, 183-202). Some general structure-
lin resistance, this is thought to be depot spe- activity relationships are apparent (Fig. 1.4)
cific. Visceral adipose tissue volume, rather from a comparison of the common features
than general obesity or subcutaneous adipose of the more potent compounds identified in
tissue volume, appears to correlate with insu- these studies. Thiazolidinedione hypoglyce-
lin resistance (147). After 6 months of rosigli- mic agents can be viewed as being composed
tazone therapy, a modest but significant in- of an acidic head group connected to a li-
crease in subcutaneous fat mass was observed, pophilic tail by a phenoxyalkyl linker. The
with no change in visceral fat. pK, value for thiazolidinediones is about 6.8,
Elevated free fatty acids and intracellular and thus these compounds are partially ion-
accumulation of triglycerides in pancreatic ized a t physiological pH. This appears to be
p-cells may also play a role in loss of p-cell important, given that removal of the acidic
mass and insulin secretory function, which oc- function by N-methylation leads to loss of
cur in NIDDM as the disease progresses (176, activity. Other acidic moieties, heterocyclic
177). In short-term studies, rosiglitazone pre- groups like oxazolidinediones and particu-
vented loss of p-cell mass in Zucker Diabetic larly a-substituted carboxylic acids, can also
2 Current Drugs on the Market

Lipophilic tail Phenoxyalkyl linker Acidic head group


Figure 1.4. Common structural features found in thiazolidinedione PPARy agonists and related

replace the thiazolidinedione ring. The a-sub- in functional transactivation assays for both
stituted carboxylic acids are often highly po- PPARa and -y (EC,, PPARa 13 nM, PPARy 4
tent, but may not be selective for PPARy. nM), whereas farglitazar (17) is highly selec-
Thus compound (16)has similar potency (195) tive (190) for PPARy (EC,, PPARa 450 nM,
Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

PPARy 0.35 nM).Neither (16) nor (17) has limited study (1861, the hypoglycemic potency
significant PPARS activity. in a series of oxazolidinediones with variations
There is a chiral center at the 5 position of in this lipophilic tail was found to increase
the thiazolidinedione ring, but this is not con- with increasing log P.
figurationally stable under physiological con- A small number of 3D-QSAR studies (203,
ditions. For analogous a-substituted carbox- 204) on the thiazolidinediones have been re-
ylic acids, the PPARy activity resides in the ported, but these agents and the PPAR recep-
S-enantiomer. These compounds, including tors are not particularly well suited for this
the thiazolidinediones,can be viewed as deriv- type of analysis. 3D-QSAR studies are highly
atives of phenylpropionic acid by combining dependent on alignment, which can be diffi-
the acidic head group with the phenyl group of
cult with very flexible molecules that bind to a
the linker. Some arylacetic acids (18 and 19)
receptor principally by large regional diffuse
hydrophobic interactions.
X-ray crystallographic studies (205-210) of
thiazolidinedione and related ligands cocrys-
tallized with various PPAR ligand-binding do-
mains (LBDs) and often a fragment of the co-
activator protein SRC-1 have provided the
basis for a detailed understanding of binding
conformation, PPAR receptor specificity, re-
ceptor shape, and the ligand-activation pro-
cess. Rosiglitazone (205) binds to the PPARy
LBD in a roughly U-shaped conformation (Fig.
are also fairly potent PPARy agonists (201, 1.5) in a large (-1440 A3) convoluted pocket.
202), although the SAR has not been as thor- The thiazolidinedione ring binds in a polar
oughly explored. Compound (18)is highly se- site, making hydrogen bonds with groups in
lective for PPARy, whereas (19)activates both the side chains of His-449, Tyr-473, His-323,
PPARS and - y. and Ser-289. Each of these amino acids forms
A phenoxyethyl group (Fig. 1.4, n = 2) as part of a different helical component of the
the central phenoxyalkyl linker is commonly protein. Agonist binding results in the stabili-
found to yield highly active compounds in SAR zation of a conformation in which the terminal
studies of hypoglycemic thiazolidinediones. carboxylate group of the AF-2 helix at the C-
Often shorter chain lengths (Fig. 1.4, n = 1)or terminus of the PPARy LBD is positioned to
inclusion of the phenoxyethyl group into a het- form hydrogen bonds with elements of the
erocyclic ring also leads to active compounds. RXR protein in the heterodimer. In addition,
In the lipophilic tail, incorporation of a wide it places the LxxLL motif of the coactivator in
variety of mostly aromatic and heteroaromatic position to bury its Leu residues in a hydro-
groups has produced active agents. In a very phobic cleft of the LBD. NMR studies (211)
Current Drugs on the Market

2.4.1 Side Effects, Adverse Effects. Gastro-

intestinal disturbances in the form of flatu-
lence, abdominal discomfort, and, to a lesser
extent, diarrhea are common side effects of
therapy with a-glucosidase inhibitors. Use of
acarbose at higher doses (100 mg or greater)
has been associated with a low incidence of
elevated serum transaminase levels, most of-
ten in patients weighing less than 60 kg.

2.4.2 Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism,

and Elimination. a-Glucosidase inhibitors ex-
ert their action in the intestinal tract, and sys-
temic pharmacokinetics do not directly indi-
cate the availability of the drugs at their site of
action. Acarbose is extensively degraded in the
W igure 1.5. A portion of the X-ray structure (205) intestinal tract by digestive enzymes or intes-
of rosiglitazone co-crystallized with the PPARy li- tinal microorganisms, and in humans, less
ga~nd-bindingdomain (LBD) and a fragment of the than 2% of an orally administered 14C-labeled
COactivator protein SRC-1, showing the bound con- dose was absorbed as the intact drug. An av-
fo:rmation of rosiglitazone. Coordinates were ob- erage of 51% of the radioactivity was excreted
tained from the Protein Data Bank (212) and dis- in the feces, whereas 35% was found in urine
pl;ayed with RasMol. as at least 13 metabolites. These metabolites
appear to be various 0-methylated, O-sul-
fated, and 0-glucuronidated derivatives of
SUlggest that agonist ligand binding results in
4-methylpyrogallol (20) (213). Peak plasma
a population shift in a dynamic ensemble of
coinformations rather than a switch between
siingle active and inactive conformations.
PIPARa, -6, and - y are structurally quite simi-
la r, and the agonist-binding conformations of
th e LBD are nearly identical. The P P A R y se-
le,ctivity of the thiazolidinediones manifests
SUlbtle differences (206, 207). The binding
PCcket of PPARS is narrower in the region of
AlF-2 and unable to accommodate the thiazo-
liclinedione ring or large substituents a to the
concentrations of radioactivitv" were found 14
carbonyl in carboxylic acid head groups. In
to 24 h after dosing, whereas the plasma con-
PI'ARa, substitution of a larger tyrosine for
centration of active drug reached a maximum
the histamine (His-323)in P P A R y involved in
in about 1 h. On i.v. administration, 89% of the
h~rdrogen bonding to the thiazolidinedione dose is excreted in the urine as active drug
Prevents binding. within 48 h.
Low doses (25 mg) of miglitol are com-
1. a-Clucosidase Inhibitors
pletely absorbed, but absorption is saturable
a-Glycosidase inhibitors (Table 1.9) delay the and is incomplete at higher doses. Peak
di1gestion of dietary carbohydrate in the form plasma concentrations occur in 2-3 h. The vol-
of starch and sucrose into monosaccharides, ume of distribution, 0.18 Lkg, is consistent
wllich can be absorbed from the small intes- with distribution primarily into extracellular
tirle. By delaying absorption, these agents water and binding to plasma proteins is negli-
101wer postprandial blood glucose and insulin gible. Miglitol is renally excreted as un-
l e~~e l sand are used for this purpose in the changed drug, with a plasma elimination half-
trt?atment of type 2 diabetes. life of 2 h.
Table 1.9 Structure and Pro~ertiesof a-GlucosidaseInhibitors
USP or
Nonproprietary Trade
Name Name Manufacturer Chemical Class Structure Dose Duration

Acarbose Precose Bayer 25-100 mg Postprandial

3x daily

Miglitol Glyset Pharmacia Deoxynojirimycin 25-100 mg Postprandial

W and Upjohn derivative 3x daily
N with meals

Voglibose 0.2-0.3 mg Postprandial

3 X daily
2 Current Drugs on the Market

Voglibose is very poorly absorbed. In ani- or near a glucose attached to the chain by the
mal studies that use radiolabeled compound, it a-amylase inert a(1,6)glycosidic linkage), su-
is excreted primarily in the feces as unchanged crose, and lactose.
drug with less than 5% of the dose excreted These oligosaccharides are hydrolyzed to
renally (214). absorbable monosaccharides by" the action of a
group of enzymes on intestinal brush border
2.4.3 Physiology and Pharmacology. The epithelial cells. Hydrolysis of sucrose and
Western human diet generally includes a daily starch-derived oligosaccharides is accom-
intake of about 400 g of carbohydrate, which is plished by two homologous enzyme com-
approximately 60% starch, 30% sucrose, and plexes, sucrase-isomaltase and maltase-glu-
10%lactose. Before absorption, dietary carbo- coamylase, which have overlapping substrate
hydrates must be hydrolyzed enzymatically to specificities (215). Both are exoglycosidases,
monosaccharides in the gastrointestinal tract. hydrolyzing the terminal glucose from the
The enzymes that cleave a-glycosidic linkage nonreducing end of an oligosaccharide. Su-
between C-1of a glucose unit and C-4 or C-6 of crase-isomaltase cleaves both a(1,4) and
the adjacent glucose in starch or the fructose a(1,6) linkages in small gluco-oligosaccha-
C-2 in sucrose are termed a-glucosidases, and rides, debranching the a-limit dextrins and
temporary inhibition of these enzymes delays hydrolyzing a(l,4)-linked maltose and malto-
the formation of absorbable glucose from triose. The sucrase subunit of the complex hy-
larger carbohydrate species. Competitive in- drolyzes sucrose to fructose and glucose.
hibitors of a-glucosidases are used in the Maltase-glucoamylase also hydrolyzes mal-
treatment of type 2 diabetes to reduce the rate tose and larger linear a(l,4)-linked glucose oli-
of appearance of glucose in circulation after a gosaccharides. In vivo, the maltase-glucoamy-
carbohydrate-containingmeal and thus to re- lase complex is believed to account for almost
duce postprandial hyperglycemia. Clinically, all glucoamylase activity, 20% of maltase, and
acarbose reduces fasting plasma glucose by 1% of isomaltase activity, whereas the sucra-
1.4-1.7 mmol/L, postprandial glucose levels se-isomaltase complex accounts for all of the
by 2.2-2.8 mmol/L, and HbA,, values by sucrase, most of the isomaltase, and about
0.7-1% (3). Miglitol appears to be rather sim- 80% of the maltase activity.- Lactose is cleaved
ilar. Thus these agents, although less effica- by a third enzyme, lactase, to glucose and
cious than sulfonylureas or metformin, reduce galactose.
fasting as well as postprandial hyperglycemia, Therapeutically useful a-glucosidase inhib-
probably through an indirect mechanism. itors delay glucose absorption by temporarily
Several different a-glucosidases are re- inhibiting one or more of these digestive en-
quired for digestion of dietary carbohydrate. zymes. Complete inhibition of extended dura-
Salivary and pancreatic a-amylases are en- tion is not desirable because this leads to
doglycosidases that hydrolyze interior a(1,4) unacceptable symptoms of carbohydrate mal-
glycosidic linkages in the glucose chains of the absorption (cramps, flatulence, abdominal dis-
two major types of starch: (1)amylose, a linear tension, diarrhea) resulting from carbohy-
a(l,4)-linked glucose polymer; and (2) amylo- drate fermentation by colonic bacteria. For in
pectin, a branched glucose polymer containing vitro assessment of a-glucosidase activity, in-
a(1,6)linkages at branch points in addition to hibition of the hydrolytic activities of intesti-
the a(1,4). Pancreatic a-amylase does not nal brush border membrane preparations or
cleave amylopectin chains a t or near the pancreatic homogenates toward various sub-
a(1,6)-linked branch points, and neither su- strates (maltose, isomaltose, sucrose, etc.) are
crose nor lactose is hydrolyzed. The action of used in quantitative assays (216). Table 1.10
pancreatic &-amylaseon dietary carbohydrate lists Ki values (24, 216) for sucrase, isomalt-
thus yields a mixture composed mainly of oli- ase, &d glucoamylase inhibition by acarbose
gosaccharides containing small linear a(1,4)- and miglitol. Perhaps because of its oligosac-
linked glucose polymers (maltose, maltotriose, charide-like structure, acarbose is most potent
etc.), the a-limit dextrins {oligosaccharides at inhibition of glucoamylase activity, whereas
containing 5 to 9 glucose units terminating a t monosaccharide-like miglitol is most active
Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

Table 1.10 a-GlucosidaseInhibition by dent, contradicting the classical model of com-

Acarbose and Miglitola petitive inhibition and suggesting the exis-
Acarbose Miglitol tence of subtrate-induced binding modes.
Ki ( d f l Ki (M Finally, a therapeutically useful a-glucosidase
inhibitor must delay, but not block com-
Sucrase 0.086 0.99
Isomaltase 0.36 46.3
pletely, digestion and absorption of dietary
Glucoamylase 0.21 0.009 carbohydrate. For this reason, favorable on-
off rates and pharmacokinetics are as impor-
"Refs. 143,144. tant as high affinity of the inhibitor for the
target enzymes in the drug optimization
against sucrase. Acarbose also inhibits pan- process.
creatic a-amylase (68% inhibition at 4 N), Enzymatic cleavage of the glycosidic link-
whereas miglitol inhibits this enzyme only at age in the substrates for a-glucosidases is be-
very high concentrations (216). Voglibose is a lieved to proceed through a pair of high energy
very potent inhibitor of maltase and sucrase oxonium ion intermediates (illustrated with
activity (K, values of 3.8 and 2.0 nM, respec- maltose in Fig. 1.6, Intermediates I and 111,
tively), but also has little effect on pancreatic which must be stabilized by interaction with
a-amylase (217). Lactase is inhibited only at the enzyme to increase the rate of the reac-
very high concentrations by miglitol, and not tion. Similar interactions with protonated
inhibited by acarbose. amine functions of a-glucosidase inhibitors oc-
In addition to delaying glucose absorption cupying positions normally filled by the oxo-
by retardation of carbohydrate digestion, the nium ions stabilize the binding of the nonhy-
antidiabetic activity of a-glucosidase inhibi- drolyzable inhibitor to the enzyme (223,226).
tors may be partly mediated by alterations in Historically, the lead compounds in the series
the release of incretins. These intestinal hor- that led to the marketed a-glucosidase inhibi-
mones, such as glucagon-like polypeptide 1 tors in Fig. 1.6 were identified through
(GLP-1) and gastric inhibitory polypeptide random screening, but can be seen as pseudo-
(GIP), are released in response to nutrients glucosylamines related to high energy inter-
and have insulinotropic activity as well as mediate I (inhibitor type I) or as l-deoxynor-
many other regulatory effects. Both acarbose jirimycin derivatives related to high energy
and voglibose increase circulating levels of intermediate I1 (inhibitor type 11).
GLP-1, whereas a-glucosidase inhibition ap- Compounds (211, (221, and (23) are moder-
pears to suppress GIP (218-222). ate to highly potent inhibitors of intestinal su-

2.4.4 Structure-Activity. The structural

requirements for a-glucosidase inhibition,
particularly in series of compounds related to
those in Table 1.9, have been extensively in-
vestigated, and much of this work has been
summarized in an excellent review (223).
Analysis is complicated, however, by a number (21) validamine
of factors. First, several a-glucosidases that 1C50sucrase 7.5 x
have differing but somewhat overlapping sub- IC50 maltase 1.1x
strate specificities and differing affinities for
various inhibitors are involved in intestinal crase and maltase (217,223) and fall into the
carbohydrate digestion. Thus, no single Ki category of inhibitor type I pseudogluco-
value describes "a-glucosidase" inhibition. sylamines. Valiolamine (231, which can be rec-
Second, the inhibition kinetics of the enzymes ognized as a structural component of
are complex (224, 225). The Ki values deter- voglibose, is the most potent of the three, sug-
mined for competitive inhibitors of glucoamy- gesting that the non-glucose-like 5-hydroxyl
lase-maltase, for instance, were substrate substituent greatly enhances affinity for su-
(maltose or maltooligosaccharides) depen- crase. Valienamine (22), a component of acar-
2 Current Drugs on the Market


H h:L
~ ~


s:w >

High energy intermediate I


) High energy intermediate I1


1-Deoxynorjirimycin derivatives
Figure 1.6. Relationship of a-glucosidase inhibitors to high energy intermediates in hydrolysis of

(23) valiolamine
(22) valienamine
sucrase 7.5 x
ICbOsucrase 5.3 x maltase 1.1 x
IC50 maltase 3.4 x 10w4

shown that both the position amine function

bose, is the least potent. SAR studies that use and the presence of glucoselike hydroxyl sub-
derivatives of these compounds in intestinal stituents are essential for good sucrase inhibi-
sucrase and maltase inhibition assays have tion.
Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents

Compounds (24) and (25) are disaccharides but incorporating this feature (e.g., voglibose,
incorporating the methyl glycoside of the sec- 28) are quite potent.

IC50sucrase 5.2 x lo-'
(24) a-methylacarviosin IC50maltase 6.1 x lo-'
IC50sucrase 1.6 x lo-'
ICbOmaltase 3.2 x

(28) voglibose
1C5,sucrase 4.6 x lo-'
1C50maltase 1.5 x lo-'
IC5,sucrase 1.0x lo-'
IC50maltase 4.9 x Acarbose, in vitro, is somewhat less effec-
tive than a-methylacarviosin (24) in sucrase
inhibition (223), and thus the two additional
ond sugar unit in the acarbose tetrasaccharide glucose units in acarbose compared with (24)
structure into the inhibitor structures. Addi- contribute little to the affinity of the inhibitor
tion of the second sugar unit yields a modest for this enzyme. This is in agreement with ki-
improvement in IC,, for sucrase inhibition netic studies showing two saccharide unit
with a much greater improvement in that for binding subsites at the sucrase catalytic cen-
maltase. ter of intestinal sucrase-isomaltase (225).
Interestingly, compounds incorporating a Glucoamylase-maltase appears to have four
glucose-like 6'-hydroxyl group were slightly such sites (227), whereas pancreatic a-amy-
less potent than (24) and (25). In fact, the high lase has five glucose unit binding subsites
potency of (27) for both sucrase and maltase (228). Acarbose derivatives with additional
inhibition suggests little contribution to in- glucosyl substituents are potent inhibitors of
hibitor-binding affinity from groups other pancreatic a-amylase, but have not shown
than the 3'-hydroxyl, which, comparing (26) therapeutic utility.
and (27), must be correctly oriented, and rel- Miglitol is an inhibitor type I1 derivative of
atively simple groups lacking a ring structure 1-deoxynorjirimycin (29). The parent com-

(29) deoxynorjirimycin
Ic5,sucrase 1.6 x pound has potent inhibitory effects in porcine
IC50maltase 1.6 x intestinal mucosal preparations on a-glucosi-

(30) emiglitate

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Peptide and Protein Hormones,

peptide Neurotransmitters, and
Therapeutic Agents
University of Arizona
Department of Chemistry
Tucson, Arizona

1 Introduction, 46
2 Background, 47
3 Methodology, 48
3.1 Peptide Synthesis, 48
3.2 Peptide Conformation, 48
3.3 Peptide Topography, 51
3.4 Topographical and Conformational
Constraints, 52
3.5 Bioassays, 52
4 Examples, 53
4.1 Parathyroid Hormone, 53
4.1.1 Structure and Function, 53
4.1.2Overall View of the Structure of PTH,
4.1.3 Importance of Alal and Val2 in Signal
Transdudion, 55
4.1.4 Importance of A.2' and Arg5in
Receptor/Ligand Interactions, 55
4.1.5 Importance of Gly12 in Ligand-
Receptor Actions, 55
4.1.6 Truncated PTH Analogs: Identification
of the Minimum Sequence
Requirements, 56
4.1.7 Conformationally Constrained Cyclic
Analogs of hPTH(1-31)Amide, 58 In Vitro Agonist Studies, 58 In Vivo Studies, 59
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery 4.2 Melanotropins, 59
Sixth Edition, Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, 4.2.1 Structure-Activity Relationships, 59
and Drugs from New Biology 4.2.2 Studies Leading to the Identification of
Edited by Donald J. Abraham the Minimum Active Sequence of a-
ISBN 0-471-37030-4 O 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. MSH, 60
Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents

4.2.3 Importance of ~ - P hof

e~MT-11 in 4.3.3 Structure-Activity Relationships of
Binding and Biological Activity, 61 Oxytocin, 67
4.2.4 Effects of P-Substituents in Biological 4.3.4 Oxytocin Antagonists, 68
Potency, 62 4.4 Delta Opioid Fteceptor Ligands, 69
4.2.5 Ring-Expanded Analogs of MT-II,63 4.4.1 Analogs of Enkephalins that Lead to
4.2.6 Novel Constrained Cyclic Ladarn Receptor-Specific Ligands and
Analogs of a-MSH. Agonists, 64 Nonpeptide Ligands, 70
4.2.7 Antagonists, 65 5 Things to Come in Peptide and Peptidomimetic
4.3 Oxytocin and Vasopressin, 67 Design, 75
4.3.1 Structure-Activity Relationships, 67
6 Acknowledgments, 76
4.3.2 Oxytocin, 67

1 INTRODUCTION cin, had such a dramatic affect on twentieth

century medicine, with millions of people hav-
It is interesting to contemplate how ignorance ing taken these two hormones, often in life-
and misunderstanding can sect what people saving or enhancing situations, and with min-
learn or do not learn in science, and how this imal toxicity compared to that of most other
influences what gets done in science. No where drugs, it is strange that so many medicinal
is this more evident than in the medicinal chemists, natural products chemists, and or-
chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemis- ganic chemists have paid so little attention to
try of peptide and protein hormones and neu- this area. Nonetheless, peptide science has the
rotransmitters and their relationships to potential to produce hundreds of new drugs
chemistry, biology, and medicine. Despite the that can affect all of our major diseases, in-
fact that at least 50% of current drugs have, as cluding cancer, pain, addictive behaviors
their therapeutic target, receptors whose nat- (drugs, food, cigarettes, alcohol, sex, etc.), car-
ural ligands are amino acids, peptides, and diovascular disease, mental illness, autoim-
proteins, most chemists know little about pep- mune diseases, and prion diseases to name
tide chemistry in its many manifestations some of the most important.
(structural, synthetic, biochemical, biological, In this chapter we provide a few examples
etc.). As a result what they believe, as shown of the use of peptide science for examining
in Table 2.1, is often an inaccurate reflection peptide and protein hormones and neuro-
of current reality. This is not to say that there transmitters. Some of the compounds we
are still not many problems to solve in the could have included (e.g., insulin) are dis-
areas of peptide, protein, and peptidomimetic cussed elsewhere in these volumes. We will
drug design and development. Indeed there concentrate on examining four examples from
are problems, and they will require state-of- the literature that we hope will illustrate both
the-art scientific investigations by people the potential of peptide and protein chemistry
knowledgeable about what has been accom- to solve therapeutic problems, and the impor-
plished and what is the nature of the problems tant considerations in design, synthesis, con-
in the larger context of health and disease. formational/topographic-biologicalactivity re-
However, if the current attitudes persist lationships, and other factors that have to be
and most scientists are not educated in the considered in peptide and peptide mimetic de-
peptide sciences, and do not know how to de- sign. In our considerations we will concen-
sign, synthesize, and evaluate peptides and trate, because of space limitations, on a few
peptidomimetics with desirable chemical and bioactive peptide hormones and neurotrans-
biological properties, the current ignorance mitters that have led to therapeutic agents or
and prejudice will become a self-fulfilling that show great promise for doing so. It should
prophecy. Considering that Emil Fisher, per- be emphasized that many important and use-
haps the greatest organic chemist, was the fa- ful reviews and overviews about this subject
ther of peptide and protein chemistry, and have been written (Refs. 1-25 are 25 such ref-
that two peptide hormones, insulin and oxyto- erences that have been useful to us in prepar-
2 Background

Table 2.1 Commonly Held Beliefs about Peptide Drugs

Belief Comments
1. Peptides are unstable Many are because they are biological switches or
substrates, but they can easily be made stable.
2. Peptides are readily attacked by protease Many are for the reason in 1, but again this can easily be
3. Peptides are not bioavailable Most peptides and proteins are not orally bioavailable,
but many are >SO% bioavailable, given in the lungs,
through the eyes, transdermally, i.v., end so forth.
4.Peptides are too expensive The cost of manufacturing peptides has decreased
dramatically in the last 20 years and can be expected
to decrease even more in the future.

ing this chapter), and should be referred to by and the demonstration of its equivalence to
the interested reader. Many of these provide natural oxytocin by chemical, biological, and
important additional insights and information clinical studies, many thought the next task
regarding the design, synthesis, and confor- was to continue synthesis of the ever more
mational structure-biological activity aspects complex peptides and proteins whose primary
of this research. In addition a few books/mono- structures were being determined. However,
graphs have appeared that provide much use- duvigneaud had other ideas. He thought that
ful information (27, 28), including the nine- his structure determination and synthesis
volume series The Peptides (29-371, which, were only a beginning, and set out immedi-
although somewhat out of date, still provides ately to modify the structure of oxytocin by
much essential information on synthetic, total synthesis (e.g., see Ref. 41). Thus began
structural, and molecular pharmacological/
what we call today de novo ligand-based drug
medicinal aspects of this area.
design. Important early contributors to this
approach were Joseph Rudinger (42) and Rob-
2 BACKGROUND ert Schwyzer (2). Work from their laboratories
and many others led to the concepts of struc-
The discovery of peptide and protein hor- ture-activity relationships, which we take for
mones and peptide neurotransmitters began granted today. Over time it has become clear
in the late nineteenth century with the discov- that not only structural considerations (func-
ery of the pituitary principles (now referred to tional groups; acidbases; hydrophobesthydro-
as oxytocin, vasopressin, ACTH, a-mela- philes; methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, etc.)
notropin, etc.). However, at the time it was not were important, but that conformational con-
thought that these "principles" were peptides
siderations also were critical components of
or proteins. That they were was first firmly
biological activity, especially with regard to
established by duvigneaud and colleagues
with the sequence of oxytocin (38) followed molecular recognition, transduction, stability
shortly thereafter by its total synthesis (39). A against proteases, and bioavailability. This
few years later Sanger et al. (40) determined has led to the development of a strategy of
the primary structure of insulin. These two conformational constraints that continues to
seminal discoveries ended all the controver- be further developed today. Because many of
sies, and established that peptides and pro- the constraints make use of some kind of cy-
teins could be hormones, and later, peptide clization, it is critical to consider the synthesis
neurotransmitters were similarly discovered. of medium size rings and macrocyclic rings as
Since then hundreds of peptide and protein part of a strategy for developing peptide and
hormones and neurotransmitters have been peptidomimetic drugs. Despite considerable
identified and their structures determined. success, there are still many unexplored areas
After duvigneaud's proof of the biologically involving design and synthesis of these cyclic
active structure of oxytocin by total synthesis structures. In this chapter we outline how
48 Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents

these considerations have been used to design ists, because "intermediates" were not puri-
bioactive peptides that can lead to therapeutic fied. This stimulated Merrifield and others to
agents. optimize every step in solid-phase synthesis to
today's levels of nearly 100% completion in
many cases (for a few excellent reviews, see
Refs. 46-49; for an excellent book, see Ref.
50). Ironically, nowadays many organic and
The successful development of peptide, pro-
medicinal chemists use solid-phase organic
tein, and peptide mimetic biologically active
synthesis to make their favorite organic mole-
hormones and neurotransmitters depends
cules on solid supports. Seldom, however, do
critically on five chemical aspects:
they optimize their syntheses. This leads to
significant impurities that need to be re-
1. Robust synthetic methods, including asym-
moved. Finally, the third major reason for the
metric synthetic methodology.
excellent progress in peptide synthesis was the
2. Considerations of peptide conformation. introduction and development of high pres-
3. Considerations of side-chain conforma- sure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The
tions, particularly of pharmacophore moi- thousands of theoretical plates on HPLC col-
eties (topography). umns allow rapid purification of peptides after
4. Critical use of conformational and topo- synthesis of the polypeptide chain and re-
graphical space. moval of the side chain protecting groups. Re-
5. Proper choice and use of biological assays. verse-phase HPLC has been particularly use-
ful for the purification of most peptides.
We briefly discuss each of these with partic- 3.2 Peptide Conformation
ular reference to peptide, protein, and peptide
A central dogma of molecular biology is that
mimetic hormone and neurotransmitter de
the biological activity of a peptide or protein is
novo design.
directly related to its three-dimensional struc-
ture. In the postgenomic era, this dogma will
3.1 Peptide Synthesis
take center stage as we seek a more critical
The development of peptide synthesis meth- understanding of the chemical/physical basis
odology during the past 40 years has been for life and the underlying chemistry related
spectacular, to the point where today it is per- to diseases. A clear understanding - of the rela-
haps the most robust organic synthetic meth- tionships of peptide structure to conforma-
odology, particularly through the use of the 20 tions in biological systems is critical for future
amino acids commonly used by genes to con- progress. It is often stated that small (<lo res-
struct proteins. It is now possible, using opti- idues) linear and cyclic disulfide-containing
mized chemistry, to construct a peptide of 20 peptides have "random" conformations in so-
to 40 amino acids by stepwise synthesis with lution. This is a misunderstanding of the na-
an average yield at each coupling step of ture of peptide and protein conformations. In
>99%. Although one could draw attention to this regard, the prescient insights of Ram-
many important synthetic developments to achandran and coworkers regarding the en-
account for this robust chemistry, perhaps ergy of peptide and protein backbone confor-
three major developments were most impor- mations stands out as perhaps the greatest
tant. First was the introduction of the N"-tert- insight to date into peptide and protein back-
butyloxycarbonyl group for temporary protec- bone conformations (51-53). By simple steric
tion of the a-amino group of the incoming considerations and evaluation of the energy
amino acid during assembly of a polypeptide landscape of backbone phi (4)and psi (+) an-
chain (43,44).Second was the development of gles (the bond omega angle was considered to
the solid-phase synthetic method by Merri- be a "rigid" trans conformation, except for X-
field (45). Initially, the solid-phase method Pro where it could be cis) (Fig. 2.1), they de-
was severely criticized by most organic chem- termined that a good deal of 4-+ torsional
ists, including most synthetic peptide chem- space was of high energy and therefore not
3 Methodology 49

amino acid residue

-C N- -C N-

O o
9- trans
g-: = -600 t: x1=+18O0

and chi-1 k(-),g ( + ) ,

Figure 2.1. Definitions of the conformations of phi ($1, psi (+), omega (o),
trans] conformation.

.ccessible to most amino acid residues in a structures of peptides and proteins have been
leptide (Gly is an exception). For L-amino ac- determined, and essentially all residues in
is, a relatively small number of low energy polypeptides (Gly excepted) are found near the
onformations were available, including a-he- low energy conformations found on a Ram-
k (right-handed and left-handed), P-sheets achandran plot (a plot of C$ and $ torsional
parallel and antiparallel), extended confor- angles as a function of energy). From this in-
nations, and p-turns [for definitions of differ- sight several tentative hypotheses can be con-
nt types see Lewis et al. (54,5511. At the times sidered in the design of peptide hormones and
f these predictions, the high resolution X-ray neurotransmitters [and for many other pep-
nalyses of peptide and protein structures tides that are either part of a larger protein or
rere minimal. Since then, thousands of X-ray function in other ways (e.g., as epitopes for the
50 Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents

Table 2.2 Kinds of Conformational Constraints Leading to Specific Secondary Structures

for Peptide Hormones and Neurotransmitters
Structural Constraint Ex~ectedOutcome/Comments
N-terminal to C-terminal cyclics Cyclic hexapeptides and pentapeptides p-turns,
Cyclic disulfides Cyclic 11-, 14-, 17-, 20-, and 23-membered rings:
stabilize p-turns, y-turns, p-turnslp-sheets.
Cyclic ladams and lactones: side-chain to side- Stabilize &-helices,p-turns.
chain, terminal to side-chain, and so forth
Cyclic backbone: side-chain; cyclic Stabilize p-turns, y-turns, p-sheets.
backbone-backbone, backbone to C- or
C"-alkyl or aryl groups Stabilize a-helix, 3,,-helix, extended structure
depending on R groups.
Bulky amino acid side-chains (e.g., naphthyl, Limit 4, JI angles; stabilize transannular interactions;
adamantyl, etc.) define pharmacophore space.

immune system, as substrates for proteases, kDa), but even more so because they primarily
etc.)]: are biologically viable in the anisotropic envi-
ronment of the membrane bilayer. Chemists
1. Because the targets for hormones and neu- and physicists have yet to develop robust
rotransmitters are integral membrane pro- methods to examine three-dimensional struc-
teins such as G-protein-coupled receptors tures at high resolution (<2.5 A) in these en-
(GPCRs), the hormones will bind to these vironments. Hence, ligand-based drug design
proteins with specific secondary struc- in this area has been largely excluded. None-
tures. theless, a highly successful alternative ap-
2. The solution conformation will adapt to the proach has been developed for peptides, which
conformation that leads to greatest (lowest can be referred to as peptide ligand-based drug
energy) interactions with the receptor. design with conformational constraints. The
3. When bound to the receptorlacceptor, the kinds of conformational constraints that have
peptide will be an integral part of the recep- proved to be most successful are shown in Ta-
tor conformation (i.e., behave as a "mini" ble 2.2. Examination of this table indicates
protein). that constraints using cyclizations of various
4. Agonists, competitive antagonists, and kinds often require the use of novel amino ac-
competitive inverse agonists bind in the ids, C"-substituted amino acids, and/or the use
binding pocket of the receptor differently of novel bulky side-chain amino acids for suc-
(have different structure-activity relation- cess. Importantly, proper choice of conforma-
ships and different pharmacophores), tional constra&s can lead to small peptide
which leads to different structures for the analogs whose three-dimensional structure in
receptor-ligand complex in each case. solution can be determined by state-of-the-art
two- and three-dimensional NMR methods,
A way to test these hypotheses directly with insight from circular dichroism spectros-
would be to examine by X-ray crystallography copy, FT-infrared spectroscopy, and Raman
or high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. X-ray crystallography also has
(NMR) spectroscopy, the three-dimensional provided important conformational informa-
structure of the peptide-protein complexes. tion. In addition, modern computational
However, examination of the high resolution chemistry methods with appropriately modi-
structure of integral membrane proteins has fied force fields can provide predictive confor-
turned out to be very difficult, not only be- mational insights that are helpful in the de-
cause of their reasonably large size (40-80 sign of biologically active ligands.
3 Methodology


Figure 2.2. Plot of energy map of versus 2 for tyrosine and of (2S,3R)P-methyl-2',6'-dimethyl-
tyrosine, where each contour represents 1 kcal from the lowest energy conformation.

3.3 Peptide Topography hensive program of topographical design con-

straint (18) of side-chain groups in amino ac-
In the case of most peptide hormones and neu-
rotransmitters, the key pharmacophore ele- ids. To accomplish this goal they and others
ments are often the side-chain groups that developed methods for the asymmetric syn-
make up the peptide structure. In the vast ma- thesis of P-substituted amino acids (e.g., p-Me,
jority of cases aromatic residues of Phe, Tyr, -Et, -i-Pr-Aryl,etc.) and in the case of Phe and
Trp, and His; amino residues from the N-ter- Tyr also 2'- and 6'-methyl substituted amino
minal; the €-aminogroup or Lys and the gua- acids (18, 56-60). Because there is a second
nidyl group from Arg; and/or the carboxyl chiral center created for most of these novel
groups from Asp, Glu, or the C-terminal car- amino acids, we and others have had to de-
boxylate play key roles in the pharmacophore. velop novel synthetic methodology to prepare
This poses unique problems that have begun the desired designed amino acids (see Fig. 2.3
to be investigated only recently. The problem for some examples). Constraints in chi space
is that the energy landscape for the side chains and 2) of various degrees are found in the
of amino acid is much flatter than that in derivatives of phenylalanine (1,2, 3, and 4;
phi-psi space. As shown in Fig. 2.1 each chi Fig. 2.3), tyrosine (1, 2, 3, and 4; Fig. 2.3).
angle starting with X , has three possible side- Because many of the novel amino acids have
chain conformations: gauche(-), trans, and chiral centers at the a- and p-carbons, they
gauche(+); and, as shown in Fig. 2.2, although exist as four isomers: (S,S),(5'31, (R,S), and
indeed the g(- ), trans, and g(+)conforma- ( R p ) . We have shown by both NMR (e.g., see
tions are the low energy conformations, the Ref. 61) and computational chemistry (18)
energy difference between them is small, and that significant constraints are introduced be-
the energy barriers between them are small tween the g(-), trans, and g ( + ) conforma-
and easily accessible at 300°C. Thus it is very tions, and that there are significant energy dif-
difficult to predict which side-chain conforma- ferences between them in many cases (18).We
tion the receptorlacceptor prefers, or whether provide specific examples of the use of such
it makes any difference in terms of molecular topographically constrained amino acids in de
recognition in binding affinity, transduction, novo peptide design in Section 4 of this chap-
or biological activity in general. To investigate ter. Suffice it to say at this point, that such
this problem Hruby et al. initiated a compre- constraints can provide unique insights into
Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents

Figure 2.3. R2= -H, -cH~,

-Alkyl, -Aryl R = -CH3, -Aryl n = 0,1,2,3,4 etc.
novel chi-constrained amino acids (80-88) (89-91) R = Me, Aryl, etc.
for topographical design (related
lead references). (4)

the topographical requirements of pharma- pographical considerations will be an integral

cophore side-chain groups (for reviews, see part of any drug or ligand design project. It
Refs. 18, 56). seems to be particularly important for the de
novo design of a nonpeptide ligand based on a
3.4 Topographical and Conformational peptide pharmacophore (e.g., see Refs. 18, 92,
Constraints 93).
From the above discussion it is clear that op- 3.5 Bioassays
timal design of biologically active peptides re-
quires the use of both conformational and to- Central to any program in ligand-based drug
pographical constraints in the same molecule design or in the development of novel confor-
to obtain insights about the physiologically ac- mationally and/or topographically con-
tive conformation. Because only a limited strained biologically activity peptides is the
number of topographically constrained amino need for robust bioassays. Currently, high
acids are commercially available, studies that throughput screening is touted as the best
make use of both types of constraint simulta- method for discovering drug leads. Often this
neously have been rather limited. However, in involves only binding affinity studies, and
Section 4 we illustrate the power of this meth- sometimes a second-messenger assay as well.
odology to provide peptide and peptidomi- Although this is often a good starting point to
metic analogs with unique biological activi- get a micromolar binding lead compound, it
ties. As work proceeds on the proteome and has become increasingly clear that for treat-
with the observation that molecular recogni- ment of diseases, especially those involving
tion is critical in virtually all life processes, we peptide hormones and peptide neurotransmit-
believe that the use of conformational and to- ters, the adaptive changes that occur in the
4 Examples 53

Table 2.3 Biochemical and Biological Assay for Peptide Hormones and Neurotransmitters
- --

Assay Considerations
Binding affinity For potency and selectivity must use multiple receptor types and
subtypes, membranes or cells or pure receptor.
Second-messenger assays CAMP,GTP-yS, and so forth: membranes, cells, or tissues;
agonist vs. antagonist vs. inverse agonist.
Bioassays Tissues: provide functional information (e.g., smooth muscle;
heart; liver; brain; etc.).
In vivo assays Assess functional or behavioral effects (e.g., blood pressure;
diuresis; pain; heart rate; respiration; pigmentation).
Behavioral assays Assess changing behaviors (e.g., pain; addiction; feeding; sexual;
aggression; learning; etc.).

endocrine system or in the central nervous through an indirect mechanism involving the
system render the relationships of hormone or activation of vitamin D (98). In addition, PTH
neurotransmitter bioactivity different in nor- plays a role in maintaining the concentrations
mal and diseased states. As a result more ex- of inorganic phosphates in the body.
tensive assays that address the adaptive PTH is biochemically synthesized as a pro-
changes that have occurred as a result of dis- hormone, which differs from PTH by the fact
ease are needed (e.g., see a discussion of that it has six additional residues at the ami-
changes that occur in pathological pain states no-terminus. The exact function of the pro-
in Ref. 94). Thus more extensive and perhaps hormone sequence is unclear but it has been
different assays will be needed. In Table 2.3 we hypothesized that the production of PTH as a
outline some of the assays that should be used
prohormone is important for the efficient
and some considerations related to these as-
packaging of the hormone. Although calcium
ion concentrations in blood appear to play a
significant role in the regulation of PTH, other
4 EXAMPLES agents such as magnesium, epinephrine, and
dopamine also play a role in regulating PTH
4.1 Parathyroid Hormone secretions in vivo.
Recently, a related peptide, the parathyroid
4.1.1 Structure and Function. The parathy- hormone-related protein (PTHrP) containing
roid hormone (PTH) is a linear polypeptide of
140 amino acids was identified as a secretory
84 amino acids (Fig. 2.4) and plays a critical
product of tumors associated with the clinical
physiological role in bone growth, renal func-
syndrome of humoral hypercalcemia of malig-
tions, and calcium homeostasis (95-98). This
peptide, along with the active forms of vitamin nancy. This peptide hormone is also produced
D, constitutes the principal regulator of cal- by a variety of normal cells and acts as a para-
cium homeostasis in humans. PTH increases crine andlor autocrine regulator in develop-
the concentration of extracellular (blood) cal- ment (99, 100). PTHrP appears to play a key
cium through a concerted effect primarily on role in early skeletal development in the em-
bone, intestine, and kidneys. Lowering of bryo, in cell differentiation (99),and also facil-
blood calcium levels stimulates production of itates the transport of calcium across the pla-
PTH, which consequently works to maintain centa and during lactation. Both PTH and
appropriate levels of blood calcium through PTHrP have high affinity for the parathyroid
three distinct mechanisms: (1)increased rate hormone receptor (PTHlR), a G-protein-cou-
of dissolution of the bone mineral; (2)reduced pled, seven-transmembrane receptor (GPCR)
clearance of calcium by the kidneys, by return- with nearly equivalent potency. The fact that
ing more of the calcium filtered by the glomer- PTH and PTHrP, despite sharing only limited
ulus back to blood; and (3) increasing the effi- sequence homology, binds to and activates the
ciency of calcium absorption in the intestine same receptor (PTHlR) suggests that both
54 Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agen

Activation domain Inhibitory domain





Figure 2.4. Schematic representation of the functional domains of parathyroid hormone molecule.

peptide hormones assume very similar bioac- lustrates key linear, truncated, or cyclic an
tiie conformations when bound to the recep- logs that agonize or antagonize the PTH r
tor. ceptor. Both classes of compounds have be€
The importance of both peptide hormones used to study the mechanism of action of tl.
in controlling various physiological processes, hormone in normal and pathophysiologic
and the observation that their malfunction states. Some specific potential therapeutic a
can result in disease states such as hypercal- plications of these compounds might incluc
cemia, osteoporosis, cancer, renal and cardiac treatments for acute hypercalcemia arisir
problems, as well as problems associated with from parathyroid adenoma, hyperplasia, ar
Hkeletd development has stimulated research carcinoma. Highly selective and potent anta
in the design and development of stable and onists of PTH also have been proposed i
potent synthetic analogs of these hormones as therapeutic agents for the treatment of, fc
therapeutics. Hence, extensive structure-ac- example, chronic hyperparathyroidism, oste
tivity relationship (SAR) studies aimed at elu- porosis, and fibrous dysplasia.
cidating amino acid residues in PTH or
PTHrP that are important for binding and po- 4.1.2 Overall View of the Structure of PTI
tency have been undertaken. The SAR studies Parathyroid hormone is an 84 amino acid, li:
have shown that the N-terminal portion, con- ear polypeptide secreted by the parathyro
sisting of the first 34 amino acids, possesses gland. Early structure activity studies show(
full activity in both PTH and PTHrP (100a). that the amino-terminal region consisting
This review focuses on SAR studies that 34 residues was sufficient for full biologic
have helped in understanding the molecular activity (96, 97). This fragment could furthl
basis for ligand-receptor interactions and il- be divided into three distinct regions: (1)TI
4 Examples

N-terminal region which is helical in nature tency decline observed after 1,2-cyclohex-
and plays a key function in hormone stimu- anedione treatment is not caused by nonspe-
lated adenylate cyclase activity in vitro and cific alterations of structure. The near total
receptor activation in vivo; (2) The middle loss in biopotency of the modified hormone
'hinge' region which is possibly involved in a may be further explained by the increase in
beta-turn and is responsible for the proper ori- steric bulk of the Arg20,25side chains or by a
entation of the truncated peptide in the recep- change in the formal charge of the guanido
tor pocket; and (3) A carboxyl terminal do- group from a + 1to zero in a putative arginine-
main which is also helical and contains borate complex. Whether these two effects in-
residues important for binding and receptor dividually or in combination may cause a dra-
recognition (101b, 102). matic decrease in biopotency through adverse
effects on hormone-receptor interactions or
4.1.3 lmportance of Ala' and ValZ in Signal through the induction of a conformational
Transduction. SAR studies have implicated change in the peptide is not clear. However,
the C-terminus domain to be i m-~ o r t a n for
t these results illustrate the importance of the
maintaining potent receptor-binding affinity. positively charged guanidino group in Arg on
The more flexible N-terminus region appears binding and bioactivity.
to play a critical role in signal transduction.
Deletion of the first two amino-terminal resi- 4.1.5 lmportance of ClylZ in Ligand-Recep-
dues results in a loss of all, or virtually all, tor Actions. Glycine, the simplest amino acid,
biological activity but not in a loss of binding plays a very important role in proteins and
affinity to the PTHl receptor in vitro. Thus peptides. The absence of a side-chain func-
there appears to be an apparent structural tional group renders Gly a high degree of con-
separation of binding and activation regions in formational flexibility in peptides. In addition,
PTH.Deletion of Alal was accompanied by a this amino acid can also access the phi and psi
marked decrease in adenylate cyclase activity, space of D-amino acids. Hence, glycine is gen-
implying that the minimum sequence re- erally found in the region where proteins and
quired for biological activity starts at the sec- peptides undergo reverse-turn structures (55,
ond amino acid. 104,105). Glycine is the 12th residue from the
N-terminus in the PTH sequence (106, 107).
ZO z5
4.1.4 lmportance of Arg and Arg in Re- This residue is highly conserved in PTH and
ceptorhigand interactions. Early SAR studies PTHrP isolated from all species to date. Struc-
had indicated that conserved structural mod- tural studies that use the Chou-Fasman anal-
ifications in the central portion of the active ysis and both CD and NMR studies have pre-
fragment of PTH-(1-34) were remarkable for dicted that the a-helical N-terminal domain is
their relative lack of effect on biological activ- followed by a p-turn at positions 12-15 in PTH
ity. To evaluate the biological role of Ar2' and 9-12 in PTHrP. Thus, the biological con-
and ArS5in PTH-(1-34), fragment-selective sequences of single-residue changes at posi-
postsynthetic modifications of these two resi- tion 12 were assessed in vitro, to determine
dues in hPTH-(1-34) active fragment were the role of this residue in hormone-receptor
done by use of 1,2-cyclohexanedione (100). interactions and its contribution toward the
1,2-Cyclohexanedionereacts specifically, com- bioactive conformation of the peptide. In the
pletely, and reversibly with the guanidino human hormone [T~r~~]hpTH-(l-34)-NH,
group of arginine, to give a single product, substitution of Gly12 by Ala12, ~-Alal,and
N7,N8-(1,2-dihydroxycyclohex-1,2-ylene)argi- Aib12 gave agonists with binding affinities
nine, [DHCH-AI-~~,DHCH-A~$~]~PTH-(~- similar to that of [Tyr34]hPTH-(1-34)-NH2in
34) (103). This modified analog showed, at bovine renal cells (Kb [T~r~~]hPTH-(1-34)-
most, 16% of the activity of the unmodified NH, = 0.7 d ; Kb for substituted analogs be-
hormone hPTH-(1-34), based on in vitro renal tween 0.7 and 1.0 d). The Pro12analog binds
adenylate cyclase assays using borate buffer. approximately 840-fold less tightly than
Reversal of arginine modification completely [Tyr3*]hPTH-(1-34)-NH,. The K, values for
restores biopotency, indicating that the po- adenylate cyclase activity are also similar to
56 Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agenb

Table 2.4 Binding and Cyclase Activity of Selected Antagonist Analogs of PTH
with Bone-Derived ROS1712.8 Cells
Analog Binding,K, (nM) Cyclase K, (nM) Ref.

that of [Tyr34]hPTH-(1-34)-NH2 for the introduction of hydrophobic side-chain groups

Ala12,~-Alal,,and Aib12analogs, whereas the in the D-configuration at position 12 provides
K, value for the Pro1' analog is 3500-fold auxiliary hydrophobic interactions with the
lower (107). receptor, which promotes binding. A combina-
To design potent and selective antagonists tion of bulky hydrophobic residues at position
(108) of PTH or any other peptide ligand, it is 12 together with the substitution of Met8 and
necessary to identify the sites within the hor- Met1' by Nle gave analogs having binding ac-
mone where structural modifications can be tivity 10- to 15-fold more potent than that of
made that maintain high receptor affinity, but [Nle8,18,Tyr341bPTH-(7-34)NH2. These re-
without inducing agonist properties. In prin- sults suggest that introducing amino acid res-
ciple these goals can be achieved by two differ- idues with aliphatic and/or bulky hydrophobic
ent routes: (1) stabilize the antagonist in a side chains in either the D- or conformer can
conformation favored by the receptor for mo- improve antagonism in the 7-34 truncated se-
lecular recognition but not transduction; and ries (Table 2.4).
(2)introduce new structural moieties that will
add binding elements that interact with the 4.1.6 Truncated PTH Analogs: Identification
receptor at sites different from or in addition of the Minimum Sequence Requirements.
to those present in the native agonist. These Truncation of peptide hormones having more
binding elements should retain the "bioactive than 15 amino acid residues to smaller yet bi-
conformation" of the ligand required for re- ologically active and potent analogs is very of-
ceptor binding that does not lead to informa- ten a challenging task. Most often truncation
tion transduction. not only allows researchers the flexibility of
Previous SAR studies with human and bo- synthesizing large numbers of analogs with
vine PTH have shown that removal of the first considerable ease, speed, and at less cost, but
six amino-terminal residues gives an analog the truncated analogs also can be studied
with potent antagonistic activity in vivo, such more systematically to elucidate the regions
as [ T ~ ~ ~ l h P T H - ( 7 -NH,
3 4 ) (109) (Table 2.4). within the native peptide sequence that are
Substitution of Gly12in this fragment by Ala12 important for binding and bioactivity. SAR
and ~-Alal,gives analogs that are about twice studies of PTH have shown that the minimum
as potent as the parent peptide [ T ~ r ~ ~ l h p T Hand- critical region necessary for full biological
(7-34) NH, in both binding and CAMP assays, and binding activity resides in the first 34
whereas the Pro1, analog is approximately amino acids (1-34) of the polypeptide (109,
twofold less active vs. the parent peptide. Fur- 110). To further determine the residues
thermore, replacement of Gly12 with D-Trp within this polypeptide fragment that play an
(Table 2.4) results in an antagonist that is ap- important role in molecular recognition, sev-
proximately 10-fold more potent in the bind- eral truncated synthetic fragments of bovine
ing assay and 12-fold more potent at inhibiting parathyroid hormone (bPTH) were made and
agonist-induced (3 nM [Nle8*18,Tyr341bPTH- tested for their ability to competitively inhibit
(1-34)NH2) CAMP activity (Table 2.4). In con- the binding of 1251-labeled[Nle',Nle18,Tyr34]
trast, the L-Trp analog (110) failed to alter ei- bPTH-(1-34)amide, as well as serve as antag-
ther binding or cAMP activity, suggesting that onists of PTH-stimulated cAMP in vitro (111).
4 Examples

Table 2.5 in Vitro Biological Potencies of Truncated Analogs of Bovine

Parathyroid Hormone
Peptide K, (Renal),M" Ki (CAMP),M [Analogll[PTHlb
[Nle8,Nle18,Tyr34]bPTH-(334)amide 1.2 X 1 . 2 lo-@
~ n.d.
[Nle8,Nle18,Tyr341bPTH-(7-34)amide 1.1X lo-6 3.0~ 30
[Nle8,Nle18,Tyr341bPTH-(10-34)amide 2.7 X 7.0~10-~ 70
[Nle8,Nle18,Tyr341bPTH-(15-34)amide 3.2 x lo-' 3.7~10-' 370
[Nle8,Nle18,Tyr341bPTH-(2034)amide 7.3 x lo-6 7 . 0 lo-5
~ 700
[Nle8,Nle18,Tyr34]bPTH-(25-34)amide 3.4 x lo-4 No inhibitionc >4000
[Nle8,Nle18,Tyr341bPTH-(2&34)amide No binding Not tested n.d.
"The concentration of each peptide that inhibited specific binding of radioligand to a half maximal level was taken as the
apparent binding constant (Kb) of that peptide.
bMolarratio of inhibitory peptide to PTH required for 50% inhibition of CAMPin vitro (112).n.d., not determined.
'Testing at a concentration of peptide as high as that used in the binding assay was precluded. Nonspecific in bition of
CAMPactivity at peptide concentrations greater than 4 x M.

Table 2.5 summarizes the results of this study. uted to nonspecific peptide effects, given that
The inhibition of specific binding of radioli- hPTH-(44-68) and hPTH-(53-84) fragments
gand was assessed for each peptide fragment do not inhibit binding of radioligand at a max-
over a concentration range from 1 X 10-lo to 1 imal concentration of 1 x M.
x 10-'M. A second major direction toward the devel-
The binding studies indicate that deleting opment of potent and biologically active ago-
the first two residues from the amino-terminal nists of PTH relies on the incorporation of D-
completely eliminates any detectable biologi- amino acids in place of the naturally occurring
cal activity, while maintaining potent affinity L-enantiomer at selected positions along the
for the receptor (112). Further stepwise native peptide sequence. This technique has
amino-terminal deletions from position 3 to 27 been successfully used to generate stable,
caused a progressive decrease in binding avid- more potent and bioavailable analogs of vari-
ity. However, it was observed that all of the ous peptide hormones and other biologically
truncated analogs, except the [Nle8,Nle18, active peptides (e.g., Refs. 114-117). Four an-
Tyr34]bPTH-(28-34) amide fragment, could alogs of PTH having D-amino acids at selected
completely and specifically inhibit the binding positions along the native peptide sequence
of radioligand when added at sufficiently high were synthesized and tested for their ability
hi to
concentrations (1 x lop2 M). This suggests bind and activate the PTH receptor. Because
that a small chain of 10 residues (25-34), but earlier studies (118-120) had shown that even
not as small as a seven amino acid fragment, is subtle changes near the amino- and carboxyl-
able to satisfy all the requirements for binding termini conferred large changes in biopotency,
to the receptor pocket (113). The 25-34 se- the D-isomers were introduced in these re-
quence was found to be conserved in hor- gions. Table 2.6 summarizes the results of key
mones isolated from all species studied to date, analogs. substitutions at the carboxyl-termi-
indicating that this fragment contains impor- nus are very well tolerated, given that replace-
tant structural information for binding. The ment of Tyr34 by its D-isomer gave a peptide
observation that the relative order and magni- that is biologically equipotent. In addition,
tude of the apparent binding constants ob- this peptide may be more active in vivo than in
served correlates closely with the Ki values for vitro because of its greater resistance to enzy-
each peptide fragment in the in vitro adenyl- matic degradation. Structural modifications
ate cyclase assay suggests that the mechanism in the amino-terminal activation region are
of hormone antagonism caused by these pep- poorly tolerated in terms of biopotency. Sub-
tide fragments is through direct competition stituting Val2 by its D-isomer in [ ~ - T y r ~ ~ ]
between PTH and analog fragment for recep- bPTH-(1-34) gave analog [ ~ - V a l ~ , ~ - T y r ~
tor occupancy. Competition for receptor-bind- bPTH-(1-34) amide, which lacked nearly all of
ing sites by the analog fragments is not attrib- the in vitro biological activity compared to
58 Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents

Table 2.6 Biological Activity of Bovine PTH(1-34) and bPTH(2-34) in Rat Renal
Adenylate Cyclase Assay
Substitution Fragment Potency" Relative Potency (%Ib
None 1-34 5400 (3,90043,000) 100
[Tyr341 1-34 amide 16000 (11,000-23,000) 300
[~-Tyr~~l 1-34 amide 14500 (11,000-17,000) 270
[D-T~~~~I 2-34 amide 130 (120-150) 3
[D-V~',D-~~~] 2-34 amide 90 (60-100) 2
[~-Val~,~-Tyr~~] 1-34 amide 80 (60-100) 1
"Potency estimates are based on three independent assays except for [D-Tyrm1bPTH-(1-34)amide. Limits in parentheses
represent SEM for each peptide except [~-Tyr~~]bPTH-(134)amide, for which 95% confidence limits are provided.
bRelative potency calculated on the basis of the mean potency with the activity of the reference peptide, unsubstituted
bPTH-(1-34) taken as 100%.

that of the unsubstituted analog. A similar ef- cells in culture. Cyclization was achieved
fect is seen when the first amino-terminus res- through the formation of side chain to side
idue is deleted, as in [~-Tyr~~]bPTH-(2-34) chain lactam bridges at three distinct sites
amide. However, no additivity of effects (in within the 17-29 residue sequence of hPTH-
terms of a further reduction in biopotency) (1-3l)amide, previously identified by high res-
was seen on combining ~-Val' and [Tyr341 olution NMR to be involved in ion-pairing in-
bPTH-(2-34)-amide in the same peptide frag- teractions in solution (121). There are two
ment (Table 2.6). distinct ion pairs in the C-terminal a-helical
region that could potentially contribute to-
4.1.7 Conformationally Constrained Cyclic ward the stability of the helix. These are be-
Analogs of hPTH(1-31 )Amide tween Glu22-Lys26and LysZ6-Asp3' and have In Vitro Agonist Studies. Cycliza- (i, i + 4) spacing, whereas the third ion pair
tion at specific sites within a peptide is often between Lysz7and Asp3' having (i, i + 3) spac-
used as tool for enhancing the selectivity, ing is helix destabilizing. Lactam bridges be-
binding, and biopotency of the peptide ligand tween these residues would restrict their con-
(3-5, 8-11). Cyclization introduces con- formational flexibility, thus reducing the
straints that can stabilize the bioactive confor- number of possible conformations the peptide
mation of the ligand, thus improving the bio- can assume in solution.
logical properties, and can also help to identify Table 2.7 lists the results of in vitro CAMP-
regions within the peptide sequence that may stimulation studies in ROS cells for the cyclic
be important for molecular recognition (3-5). lactams as well as for the linear [Leuz7]hPTH-
Given that the biologically relevant three-di- (1-3l)amide analog. Cyclic peptide (51,having
mensional structure of PTH is at best specu- (i, i + 3) spacing, shows half the in vitro po-
lative, cyclic lactam analogs of hPTH, de- tency of its linear counterpart l. In (5)a twist
signed to stabilize the amphipathic helical is introduced into the helix on lactam forma-
region between residues 17 and 30, and known tion and may be responsible for destabilizing
to be important in binding to the receptor the helix and thus lowering the potency of this
(120), were synthesized and tested for their analog (Fig. 2.5). The increased bioactivity of
ability to activate rat osteosarcoma 1712 (ROS) analog 2 versus 1 is not attributed to an in-

Table 2.7 Biopotencies of Cyclic Constrained Analogs of hPTH(1-31) Amide in ROS Cells
Peptide Adenylate Cyclase Activity, EC,, (nM)
4 Examples

(a) MI8

A: Peptide 3; B: Peptide 4; C: Peptide 5.

Figure 2.5. Models showing ladam positions in receptor-binding region of human PTH.

crease in the a-helical content of (2) (based on from the CAMP study. In addition, the time
CD data), but rather is attributed to the re- required to attain minimum blood pressure
placement of a polar lysine residue (LysZ7)on was not significantly different for these
the hydrophobic face of the helix by a hydro- analogs.
phobic leucine residue (Leu 7). Constraining However, subcutaneous injections pro-
analog (2) through a lactam bridge between duced quite different results. By this proce-
G1uZzand Lys2" (analog 3) further improves dure, peptides (I),(2),and (5)produced signif-
bioactivity, presumably through stabilization icantly lower drops in blood pressure than did
of the a-helix. Although peptides (3) and (4) hPTH-(1-34)-NH, and peptides (3) and (4).
both have lactam bridges between the (i, i + 4) However, the times required for attaining
residues, and thus have the same helical con- maximal drop in blood pressure after subcuta-
tent, the CD study indicates differences in the neous injections are quite different, in that an-
:onformation populations. Peptide (3)presum- alog (3)reached the minimum blood pressure
ably has a more nearly perfect helix than that of much faster than either (4) or (5), a result
~eptide(4), probably because of the fact that in consistent with data from CAMPstudies. Fi-
:4)the constraint is toward the terminus to the nally, it was noticed that analogs truncated to
lelix region. This difference may account for the the first 30 amino-terminal residues had poor
oss in bioactivity of (4) versus (3). biological properties such as hypotensive ef-
4.1 J.2 In Vivo Studies. The bioavailabili- fects in rats when administered subcutane-
.ies of the cyclic analogs were tested by ously. However, these peptides showed similar
neasuring their abilities to lower the blood hypotensive properties when administered in-
Iressure in rats when injected either intrave- travenously, suggesting that Val3' might be
lously or subcutaneously at a dose of 0.8 playing an important role in the transport of
lmo1/100 g of the analog (122). In addition, the these analogs from the site of injection into the
,ime required by these analogs to lower the vascular system.
dood pressure to a maximum extent was also
neasured as a factor to evaluate their in vivo 4.2 Melanotropins
!fficacies. Intravenous injections of the cyclic
~nalogselicited relative hypotensive effects 4.2.1 Structure-Activity Relationships. The
lot significantly different from those observed melanotropins, a-, p-, and y-melanocyte stim-
60 Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents

ulating hormone (MSH) are a group of endog- biological effects of their ligands. Hence, re-
enous neuropeptides that control various key search has been focused on developing potent
physiological functions through their interac- and receptor-specific ligands that have well-
tion with the five transmembrane G-protein- established biological properties. Thus, potent
coupled receptors (GPCRs),called the melano- and selective agonist and/or antagonists could
cortin receptors (MCRs). To date, five such serve as valuable tools for determining un-
receptors (123-129) have been identified: the equivocally the roles of the melanocortin re-
MC1-R a-MSH receptor (pigmentation recep- ceptors in humans.
tor); the MC2-R [ACTH receptor; recent re-
search has revealed that the MC2-R binds 4.2.2 Studies Leading to the Identification
ACTH with high affinity, but that the MC2-R of the Minimum Active Sequence of cv-MSH.
does not bind MSH peptides (130)l; and the Early SAR studies with a-MSH were aimed at
MC3-R, the MC4-R, and the MC5-R, whose elucidating the residues in the tridecapeptide
functions are under intensive investigation. that were most responsible for its biological
a-Melanotropin (a-MSH), Ac-Ser-Tyr-Ser- activity. Although previous reviews (140) have
Met-Glu-His-Phe-Arg-Trp-Gly-Lys-Pro-Val- covered the results of these studies, it is
NH,, was one of the first peptide hormones worthwhile to point out some of the salient
isolated from the pituitary gland (131-135). features.
This hormone plays an important role in skin
pigmentation. Other effects ascribed to this 1. Replacing Met4 by norleucine (Nle4) in-
hormone include: (1)regulation of the release creases the potency of the resulting mela-
of pituitary and peripheral hormones, such as notropin, probably because of the chemi-
somatostatin and corticotropin; (2) sebotro- cally inert and hydrophobic side chain of
phic effects, adrenal steroidogenesis, immune Nle. Early studies had shown that Met is
response, cardiovascular and metabolic ef- easily oxidized to its sulfone, which in-
fects; and (3)important roles in the CNS such creased the hydrophilicity dramatically
as (a)control over learning, memory, motiva- and thus decreased the bioactivity of the
tion, sleep, sexuality, and food intake (associ- corresponding derivative in the amphibian
ated with obesity); (b)effects on neurotrans- skin assays.
mission such as cholinergic and dopaminergic 2. The substitution of Phe 7 by ~ - P h ein-~
systems; (c) neurochemical effects; (d) hypo- creased the biopotency of the resulting an-
thermic and antipyretic effects; (e) effects on alog, suggesting that a reverse p-turn con-
nerve regeneration; and ( f ) interactions with formation (1411, formed in the active core
other neuroactive compounds such as opiates. sequence (His-Phe-Arg-Trp) of a-MSH,
It is now well established that the MC1 re- may be important in binding and activity.
ceptor mainly expressed in melanocytes and Consequently, Hruby et al. developed the
leukocytes plays a key role in skin pigmenta- first highly potent and stable analog of
tion and inflammatory response (136, 137). a-MSH, [Nle4,~-Phe7]-a-MSH [NDP-MSH,
The MC2 receptor is expressed only in the ad- MT-I, (Ac-Ser-Tyr-Ser-Nle4-Glu-His-~
renal gland and mediates glucocorticoneogen- Phe7-Arg-Trp-Gly-Lys-Pro-Val-NH2)l (141).
esis (123). The MC3 and MC4 receptors are This compound was found to be a potent
both found in the brain, the MC3 receptor is agonist of the MC1 receptor in amphibian
found in the arcuate nucleus and the nucleus and lizard skin assays.
of the solitary tract, whereas the MC4 receptor
is mainly found in the hypothalamus (138). To further improve the biological efficacy of
Finally, the MC5 receptor is involved in exo- a-MSH analogs, and to test the p-turn hypoth-
crine functions and is localized predominantly esis, a series of cyclic compounds with greater
in the sebaceous glands (139). The complex conformational rigidity compared to that of
role of the melanotropins and the MC recep- the linear analog were synthesized. The first-
tors, in controlling various physiological func- generation cyclic analogs replaced the Met4
tions, has made it difficult to draw simple cor- and Gly1° residues with a pseudoisosteric Cys
relations between these receptors and the + Cys residues, to give c[Cys4,Cys10]-a-MSH
4 Examples

Figure 2.6. Structure of the potent nonselec-

tive human melanocortin receptor agonist MT-

(142). This compound was found to be more by molecular dynamic calculations (143, 144).
potent than a-MSH, but lacked prolonged bi- Analog A C [ N ~ ~ ~ , A ~ ~ ~ , D - P ~ is ~ ~ ,
ological potency. In view of the importance of approximately fivefold more potent than
melanotropic peptides in treatment of pig- a-MSH in the lizard skin assay (144). To fur-
mentory disorders and as a tool to detect mel- ther improve potency the cyclic analog with a
anoma cancer, quenched dynamic simulation lactam bridge connecting Asp5 and Lys1° side-
studies (143) were undertaken to develop chains was synthesized and tested in frog skin,
a-MSH analogs with superpotent and pro- lizard skin, and tyrosinase assays (145, 146).
longed biological activity in the lizard skin and Interestingly, the cyclic analog Ac-Nle4-
tyrosinase assay. The key observations (143) ~[Asp~,~-Phe~,Lys~~]-NH,-(4-10)a-MSH (MT-
from these studies were the following: (1)both 11, Fig. 2.6) was a superpotent agonist in both
a-MSH and NDP-a-MSH assumed folded con- lizard skin and tyrosinase assays, but had ap-
formations with a probable P-turn-like struc- proximately half the activity in the frog skin as-
ture at residues seven and eight; (2)the hydro- say (Table 2.8). MT-11 also showed prolonged
side-chains of His , D- or ~ - P h eand~, biological activity in the in vitro assay.
Trp occupied one face of the folded molecule While these studies were in progress, a se-
with the charged (hydrophilic) side-chains of ries of extensive studies on the minimum ac-
Glu5, Arg, and Lysl1 segregated toward the tive sequences necessary for biological activity
opposite face of the molecule; (3) although in melanotropin peptide at pigment cell recep-
Glu and Lysl1 occupied the same face, their tor. Through use of a series of assays and ani-
oppositely charged side-chains were not in mals it was determined that the His-Phe-Arg-
proximity for strong coulombic interaction. Trp segment of a-MSH was the minimum
The molecular mechanic studies also indi- sequence for full agonist activity (147, 148).
cated that if Lysl1 was moved to replace Glylo,
the side-chain of Lys1° could be involved in a 4.2.3 Importance of D-Phe7 of MT-II in
strong electrostatic interaction with the side- Binding and Biological Activity. The bioactive
chain of Glu , and such an interaction may conformation of a-MSH involves a p-turn in
further stabilize the folded conformation and the message sequence and it has been pro-
thus improve binding. These observations led posed that the side-chain residues ofg groups in
to the development of A ~ [ N l e ~ , ~ - P h e ~ , L ~this ~ l - (His6, Phe7, Aqf, Trp ) play an
s ~ region
a-MSH and A~[Nle~,Asp~,~-Phe~,L~s~~]-a- important role in binding receptor selectivity
MSH analogs, which both assumed folded con- and agonist activity (144,146,149,150). Thus,
formations with Asp (Glu5) and Lys10 side- it was proposed early that replacing the Phe7
chains in proximity to each other when tested residue by its D-isomer could alter the confor-
62 Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents

Table 2.8 Relative Biological Potencies of a-MSH and Related Analogsa

Bioassay System
Melanotropin Analog Frog Skin Lizard Skin Tyrosinase

"All potencies reported are relative to a-MSH = 1.0 in assay systems.

bn.d.,not determined.

mation of the peptide and thereby its bioactiv- pounds were potent antagonists in the FSB.
ity, and thus earlier studies led to substitu- Surprisingly, both analogs were found to be
tions in this position (e.g., see Refs. 151-153). potent agonists at the mouse MC1 and hMCl
To further test this hypothesis, analogs of receptors. At the hMC3, hMC4, and hMC5 re-
MT-I1having a halogen at thepara position in ceptors the [~-Phe(pI)~l-MT-11 and [~-Nal(2')~1-
the phenyl ring and the ~ - N a l ( 2 ' analogs
)~ MT-I1 (SHU9119) were both potent antago-
were synthesized and tested for activity at nists, with pA, = 9.3 at the hMC4R and a pA,
mouse and human melanocortin receptors = 8.3 at the hMC3 receptor. On the other
(frog skin, mMC1-R, hMC1-R, hMC3-R, hand, the [~-Phe(pI)~]-MT-11 analog showed
hMC4-R, and mMC5-R; Tables 2.9 and 2.10) partial agonist activity at the hMC5 receptor,
(154). The para-chloro and n-para-fluoro- whereas SHU9119 is a full agonist at this
phenyl analogs were agonists at both mouse mammalian receptor. It is interesting to note
melanocortin receptors (mMC1 and mMC5) that the [~-Nal(l')~l-MT-I1 analog showed full
and also showed full agonist activity in the agonist activity at all human receptors, indi-
frog skin assay. In the frog skin bioassay cating that subtle differences in the topogra-
(FSB), [~-Phe(pF)~]-MT-11 (EC,, = 0.10 nM) phy of the peptide ligand can significantly al-
is 20 times more potent than [ ~ - P h e ( ~ C l ) ~ lter
- bioactivity. Other MT-I1 derivatives
MT-I1 (EC,, = 2.0 nM). However, at the having larger lactam rings have been tested
mMC1-R and hMC1-R, [ D - P ~ ~ ( ~ F ) ~ ] - M T for - I I their binding potencies and receptor selec-
has approximately one-third the potency of tivity. However, the larger, mare flexible ring
that of [~-Phe(pcl)~l-MT-II at both receptors improved neither the potencies nor the selec-
(Table 2.9). At the hMC3, hMC4, and hMC5 tivities (at hMCRs) of these analogs (155),sug-
receptors a similar trend was observed, with gesting that ligand-receptor interactions favor
the [~-Phe(pcl)~l-MT-II being a more potent a 23-membered ring.
agonist than [~-Phe(pF)~]-MT-I1(154).
However, for the D-p-iodophenyl and the D- 4.2.4 Effects of p-Substituents in Biological
Nal(2'I7 analogs the results in the FSB were Potency. P-Methyl-substituted amino acids
different. It was found that both of these com- recently have been used to study the topo-

Table 2.9 Activities of MT-I1 Derivatives at Various MC1-Rsa

EC,, Values (nM)
Compound Frog Skin mMC1-R hMC1-R
a-MSH 0.10 1.3
[~-Phe(pF)~]-MT-11~ 0.10 0.026
[~-Phe(pcl)~l-MT-II 2.0 0.0095
[~-phe(pI)~]-MT-I1 Antagonist pA2= 10.3 0.19
[D-N~(~')~]-MT-II Antagonist pA2= 10.5 0.039
"Data adapted from Ref. 154.
4 Examples 63

Table 2.10 Activity of MT-11Analogs at Various Human Melanocortin Receptorsa

EC,, Values (nM)
Compound hMC3-R hMC4-R hMC5-R
a-MSH 669 210 807
[~-Phe(pF)~]-MT-11 191 19 1360
[~-Phe(pCl)~l-MT-I1 63 18 117
[~-phe(pI)~]-MT-I1 1134 573 684
pA2= 8.3 pA, = 9.7
[D-N~(~')~]-MT-II 2813 Antagonist 434
pA2= 8.3 pA, = 9.3
"Data adapted from Ref. 154.

graphical requirements for ligand-receptor in- three stereoisomers in the FSB. In the lizard
teractions. Hruby et al. (156) studied the skin assay [(2S,3R)-P-Me-Trpg]-MT-I1 analog
change in bioactivity that occurs on incorpo- is 33 times less potent than MT-11, whereas
rating all four isomers of p-methyl Phe and the other three isomers showed nearly equal
p-methyl Trp in the MT-I1 template (Table potency. These results demonstrate the sensi-
2.11) (154). p-Methyl analogs constrain the x tivity of the lizard skin melanocortin receptor
space and thus restrict the rotational freedom for proper stereochemistry at the p-carbon
of the side-chain group. As a result, the pep- atom and ultimate topographical presentation
tide will have certain restricted conforma- of the Phe7 residue, which contrasts with the
tions, which in turn can increase receptor- requirements at the frog skin receptor. Fur-
binding preferences. Incorporation of all four thermore, the results in Table 2.11 suggest
isomers of P-methyl Phe in MT-I1 generally that incorporation of constrained amino acids
led to decreased potency in the FSB by 1 to 2 into MT-I1 or other melanotropins can fur-
orders of magnitude (Table 2.11). However, in ther improve bioactivities, when these new an-
the lizard skin assay [(2S,3S)-p-Me-Phe7l- alogs possess the right side-chain conforma-
MT-I1was approximately 17 times less potent tion for binding to their target receptors.
than MT-11; the [(2S,3R)-p-Me-Phe7]-MT-I1
and the [(2R,3S)-p-Me-Phe7]-MT-I1 were 4.2.5 Ring-Expanded Analogs of MT-11. To
equipotent; and the [(2R,3R)-p-Me-Phe7l- study the "bioactive" backbone conformations
MT-I1 is 2 orders of magnitude less potent required for tight binding and receptor selec-
than MT-I1 (Table 2.11). In the p-Me-Trpgse- tivity at the human melanocortin receptors, a
ries the [(2R,3S)-p-Me-Trpg]-MT-I1 showed series of ring-expanded MT-11 analogs having
much higher potency than that of the other alanine at position 10 were synthesized (157).

Table 2.11 Comparative Biological Activities of Topographically Modified MT-I1 Analogsa

Frog Skin Lizard Skin

Analog EC50 (nM) Rel. Potency ECbO (nM) Rel. Potency

MT-I1 0.1 1.0 0.2 1.0
[(2S, 3s)-p-Me-Phe7]-MT-I1 6.25 0.016 3.44 0.06
[(2S, 3R)-p-Me-Phe7]-MT-I1 6.25 0.016 0.2 1.0
[ ( Z , 3s)-p-Me-Phe7]-MT-I1 2.0 0.05 0.3 0.67
[ ( Z , 3R)-p-Me-Phe7]-MT-I1 16.67 0.006 20.0 0.01
[(2S,3S)-p-Me-Trpg]-MT-I1 0.44 0.23 1.0 0.2
[(2S,3R)-p-Me-Trp9]-MT-I1 28.60 0.004 6.67 0.03
[ ( Z , 3s)-p-Me-Trpg]-MT-I1 0.06 1.6 1.43 0.14
[ ( Z , 3R)-p-Me-Trpg]-MT-I1 0.33 0.3 1.0 0.2

"Data adapted from Refs. 155 and 156.

64 Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agent

Table 2.12 Binding Affinities of the Ring-Expanded MT-I1 Analogsa

IC,, (nM)
Analog Structure hMClR hMC3R hMC4R hMC5I

"Adapted from Ref. 157.

The introduction of Ala1° increases the cyclic served for analog (4) versus analog (1).Fi
lactam from a 23-membered (MT-11) to a 26- nally, the importance of the chirality of tht
membered ring, thus allowing greater confor- side-chain of Asp5 analog (1)was determinec
mational flexibility, thought to be important by substituting the D-isomer (analog 5). Thir
for maintaining active peptide conformation. compound was unable to competitively dis
Furthermore, this 26-membered analog was place [lz5I1-NDP-MSH at the hMC3 anc
modified through inversion of chirality at po- hMC5 receptors, and was, respectively, 750
sitions 5, 7, and 9 to test the stereochemical and 100-fold less tightly bound to the hMCl
requirements of the side-chain groups at these and hMC4 receptors versus analog (1).Al
positions in receptor selectivity. These studies peptides were agonists at the human melano.
showed that at the hMC1, hMC4, and hMC5 cortin receptors.
receptors, MT-I1 and [AlalO,Lysll]-MT-II(an-
alog 1) had similar binding affinities, whereas 4.2.6 Novel Constrained Cyclic Lactam An,
a t the hMC3R, [Alal0]-MT-I1had a fourfold alogs of a-MSH.Agonists. The important roh
decrease in binding potency (Table 2.12). Re- of a-MSH in the control of various key physi,
moval of Nle4 from [AlalO]-MT-I1(analog 2) ological functions has prompted research ir
resulted in a 5.5-fold decrease in binding affin- the development of novel tight-binding and re.
ity at the hMClR and a four- and twofold de- ceptor-selective linear or cyclic analogs. How,
crease at the hMC3 and hMC4 receptors, re- ever, to date, many of these compounds thal
spectively. However, this analog was unable to incorporate the core sequence show similar se.
competitively displace [lZ5I]-NDP-MSHfrom lectivity profiles. The recent observations thal
the hMC5R at ligand concentrations > 1000 the hMC3 and hMC4 receptors might be in.
nM. When ~ - P hine analog
~ 1 was substituted volved in the control of feeding behavior and
by its L-isomer (analog 3),the binding affinity energy homeostasis in humans has height.
at all melanocortin receptors was decreased ened the interest to develop selective and po.
substantially. However, it was interesting to tent agonists and/or antagonists for these re.
note that this substitution resulted in a 100- ceptors. The novel cyclic peptide [(O)C-CH,
fold ligand selectivity between the hMCl CHz-C(0)-c-[His6-~-Phe7-Arg8-Trp9-Lys1
andhMC3 receptors and a 30-fold selectivity NH, (MK-1, Fig. 2.7) (158, 159) is a highly
between the hMC3 and hMC4 g
receptors. The selective and potent agonist of the hMC4 re-

introduction of a D-Trp residue in place of ceptor. This compound is a modified cyclic lac-
Trps in analog1gave a peptide with poor bind- tam analog of MT-11, the nonselective but po.
ing affinity at all receptors (analog 41, and the tent agonist of the melanocortin receptors. In
maximum effect was seen at the hMC4R MK-1 cyclization is through the use of a linker

where an 80-fold decrease in binding was ob- arm involving a backbone to side-chain cy-
4 Examples

Figure 2.7. A novel selective cyclic lactam

agonist of the human melanocortin 4 recep-

clization strategy. In MT-11,however, cycliza- and using a 3-aminopropionic acid moiety as

tion is through a lactam bridge between the the linker arm was also a potent hMC4R ago-
carboxyl side-chain of Asp5 at the N-terminus nist (EC,, = 0. 56 ? 0.04 nM) (BBRC). This
and the €-amino group of Lysl0 at the C- compound showed a 90-fold greater affinity
terminus. Binding studies showed that MK-1 for the hMC4 versus the hMC3 receptor and
is 700-fold more selective at the hMC4R vs. was 2000-fold more selective for the hMC4
hMClR (IC,, hMClR = 4200 nM and IC,, versus the hMC5 receptor. To test the impor-
hMC4R = 6.0 nM). Additionally, this analog is tance of lactarn ring size in selectivity and bio-
55- and 120-fold more selective at the hMC4R activity analogs having smaller and larger
vs. the hMC3R and hMC5R7respectively (Ta- rings were tested. The smaller lactam rings
ble 2.13). In a related study Bednarek et al. showed lower potency, whereas it was ob-
(160) used a similar cyclization strategy to served that rings having more than 21 atoms
identify a selective and potent peptide agonist showed good potency and selectivity at the
of the hMC4 receptor. They synthesized a se- hMC4 receptor.
ries of cyclic peptides having the general struc-
ture cE-His-D-Phe-Arg-Trp-YI- NH,, where X 4.2.7 Antagonists. Although SAR studies
= succinyl or o-amino-carboxylic acid (as of a-MSH have resulted in the development of
linker arms) and Y = a-, o-diamino-carboxylic potent agonist dnalogs in the past two de-
acids. In uitro analysis identified two analogs cades, the search for modestly potent and se-
that showed good agonist activity and a high lective competitive antagonists has not been
degree of selectivity for the hMC4 receptor. as successful (161-164). Although a few early
The first analog involved the substitution of a studies suggested weak or partial inhibition
2,4-di-aminobutyric acid group in place of by a-MSH analogs or a-MSH-related frag-
Lys1° and the use of a succinyl linker to cyclize ment derivatives (132, 161, 163, 164), these
the peptide (21-membered ring). This analog results were difficult to improve on. Since
is a potent hMC4R agonist with 55-fold selec- then, the design and synthesis of a-MSH an-
tivity for the hMC4R versus the hMC3R recep- tagonists has been slow because of a lack of
tor and is about 1000-fold more selective for understanding of antagonist structure-activ-
the hMC4 versus the hMC5 receptor. Another ity relationships. Recently, SAR studies in the
analog having a Glu residue in place of Lys1° Hruby group, involving the use of novel cyclic
Table 2.13 Biological Activities of the Cyclic a-MSH Analogs at Various Human Melanocortin Receptorsa
Peptideb IC,, (nM) EC,, (nM) % Activity IC,, (nM) EC5,0 % Activity Ic50(nM) EC,, (nM) % Activity
VJH-085 332.0 70 95 5.96 1.55 100 710 61.52 78
MK-2 21.46 81.9 87.8 102.8 281.6 35 154.9 148.3 100
MK-3 6.67 3.75 36 50.68 >10 pM 0.0 6118 117 100
MK-4 6.1 >10 pM 0.0 231 1220 22.8 27.5 1 81
MT-I1 1.52 1.85 100 6.86 2.87 100 7.47 2.45 100
"Adapted from Ref. 159.
-2: (O)C-(CH2)2-C(O)~[His-~-(2')Nal-Arg-Trp-Lys]-NH2;
ME-3: (0)C-(CGH,)-C(0)-c[His-D-(2')Nal-Arg-Trp-
Lysl-NH2;ME-4: (OK-(CH2),-C(O)-c[His-~-(2')Nal-Arg-Trp-Lysl-NH~.
4 Examples

ladam analogs having side chain to backbone gland. They were first discovered in the poste-
cyclization, have provided new insights into rior pituitary gland, but they also are located
antagonist structure-activity relationships. It in the CNS and numerous other organs. These
was found that the substituting hydrophobic peptides both consist of nine amino acids; they
residues at position seven of the message se- both contain a 20-membered disulfide and an
quence (MK-2) resulted in small losses in acyclic tripeptide tail; and the two peptides
binding potency at the hMC4R, accompanied differ only in positions 3 and 8.
by an increase in antagonist activity at this Oxytocin causes contractions of uterine
receptor (Table 2.9). More recently it was smooth muscle and is secreted during labor.
found that when a hydrophobic group such as Oxytocin also stimulates contraction of
o-phthalic acid was used as the cyclizing linker smooth muscle in mammary glands, to cause
(MK-3),this analog was a potent antagonist of milk ejection in nursing mothers. A large per-
the hMC4 receptor (PA, = 111, even though centage of deliveries in the United States are
MK-3 has a binding affinity of 13.5%, com- induced or augmented by i.v. oxytocin (165).
pared to that of the superagonist MT-11, used Oxytocin also has some intrinsic antidiuretic
as a control in this study. Interestingly, both activity. Less is known about the role of oxy-
peptide MK-2 and MK-3 had strong binding tocin in the central nervous system. It has
affinity for the hMC3 receptor. Thus it ap- been shown to be involved in memory and
pears that the combination of a bulky residue learning as well as grooming and sexual be-
at position 7 and a hydrophobic phenyl ring in havior. At low doses vasopressin controls the
the linker arm (MK-1 to MK-3) significantly resorption of water by the distal tubules of the
alters the conformational representation of kidneys and regulates the osmotic content of
the ligand presented to the hMC4 receptor, so blood. At high doses it causes contractions of
as to convert the hMC4R-selective and potent blood vessels causing localized increases in
agonist to a hMC4R-selective and potent an- blood pressure. It also has CNS activities.
tagonist (159). These SAR studies also showed
that increasing the 23-membered lactam ring 4.3.2 Oxytocin. Oxytocin was the first
of MK-1 by one carbon atom (succinyl vs. glu- peptide hormone to be used clinically. Ex-
taric linker) gives a highly selective and potent tracts from the posterior pituitary were intro-
antagonist (MK-4) for the hMC3 receptor. At duced in obstetric practice more than 90 years
the hMC4 receptor, analog MK-4 is only a par- ago (166). Oxytocin also was the fmt peptide
tial agonist, while concomitantly maintaining hormone to be sequenced (38)and synthesized
full agonist activity at the hMC5 receptor. An- (39). Oxytocin is, in itself, quite an effective
alogs MK-1, MK-3, and MK-4 therefore rep- therapeutic agent when used appropriately,
resent the first examples of a class of cyclic and there has been relatively little interest in
melanotropin ligands with high selectivity and designing more potent oxytocin agonists.
defined biological activities at the physiologi- However, when administered in high doses in
cally important hMC3 and hMC4 receptors a glucose solution, oxytocin can cause water
(159). intoxication. Therefore, analogs of oxytocin
having reduced intidiuretic activity would
4.3 Oxytocin and Vasopressin have some benefit.

4.3.1 Structure-Activity Relationships. Oxy- 4.3.3 Structure-Activity Relationships of

tocin and vasopressin are neurohypophyseal Oxytocin. Hundreds of analogs of oxytocin
hormones synthesized in the hypothalamus have been synthesized since 1953. There have
and then transported along with their carrier been several comprehensive reviews of this
proteins to the posterior lobe of the pituitary work (167-169).

Oxytocin (OT) ~-~~s-~yr-~le-~ln-Asn-~~s-~ro-~eu-~

Vasopressin (VP) H - ~ ~ s - ~ y r - ~ h e - ~ l n - A s n - ~ ~ s - ~ r o - ~ r ~ - ~
68 Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents

Table 2.14 Biological Activities of Oxytocin (OT) and Selected Agonist Analogs
Rat Uterus (IUImg) Reference(s)
Oxytocin 546 181
Oxytocinoic Acid 1.3 170
Deamino-OT 803 182
[I-carbalOT 734 172
Deamino-[l-carbalOT 1898 183
Deamino-[6-carbalOT 929 184
[~-Tyr'10T Partial agonist 173,185
[Thr410T 900 186
[Thr4, deamino-1-carba10T 272 180
[Thr4,deamino-6-carbalOT 695 180

Fragment studies of oxytocin indicated [Thr4,Gly7]oxytocin resulted in an analog

that the 20-membered ring structure is neces- with high specificity (179).
sary for full agonist activity at the uterus re- Lebl et al. (180) combined the Thr4 and
ceptor. The acyclic tripeptide tail, although the carba substitutions, synthesizing [Thr4,
having no biological activity itself, is impor- deamino-1-carbaloxytocinand [Thr4,deamino-
tant for binding to the uterus receptor. The 6-carba]oxytocin. Although these analogs had
C-terminal amide group is important for activ- slightly reduced potency at the uterus receptor,
ity. Replacement of the C-terminal CONH, they were more selective, having much lower va-
with COOH to form oxytocinoic acid results in sopressor activity.
a 400-fold decrease in activity (170) (Table
2.14). 4.3.4 Oxytocin Antagonists. Oxytocin an-
Deletion of the free alpha amino group
tagonists would be of great therapeutic benefit
from the Cys in position 1 to form l-deamino-
in delaying labor. Some of the earliest oxytocin
oxytocin enhanced both the oxytotic and anti-
diuretic activities (171). Replacement of the analogs demonstrated antagonistic properties
sulfur in Cysl with a methylene group to form (see Refs. 167, 168, 187 for reviews). Methyl-
[1-carba]OTresulted in an increase in potency ation of the tyrosine hydroxyl group to produce
(172) (Table 2.14). CMeO-Tyr210xytocinresulted in an analog with
The orientation of the aromatic ring of Tyr2 antagonism of the vasopressor response but
is important for binding and transduction. not the oxytocic response (188) (Table 2.15).
Substituting a D-Tyr in this position results in Schulz and Du Vigneaud (189,190)found that
a partial agonist (173,174). The Tyr hydroxyl substitution of penicillamine in position 1 of
group is also important for activity because oxytocin and 1-deamino-oxytocin resulted in
[Phe210Thas only approximately 1/15 the po- potent antagonists of the oxytotic response in
tency of oxytocin (175). uitro and partial agonistJantagonist properties
Manning et al. (176) synthesized [4-threo- in viuo.Substitution of leucine in position 2 to
nineloxytocin, which was the first oxytocin form [Pen1,Leu2]oxytocin increased antago-
analog containing only naturally occurring nist activity (191). [D-Pen1,0rn810xytocinis
amino acids that was more potent than oxyto- about 10-fold more potent as an antagonist
cin itself and had lessened antidiuretic activity than either [D-Penl]oxytocinor [Penlloxytocin
(177). This indicates that an amino acid side (192). Substitution of threonine in position 4
chain that can form a hydrogen bond at posi- of a series of [l-(p-mercapto-p,p-dialkylpropi-
tion 4 is important for agonist activity. The onic acid)loxytocin doubled potency (193).
substitution of Gly in position 7 resulted in an Sawyer and Manning (194) concluded that
analog that retained its oxytotic activity, yet the C-terminal glycinamide is not necessary
had very little antidiuretic activity (178). for oxytotic antagonists. Amino acids with
Combining these two substitutions to form bulky side chains can be substituted for the
4 Examples 69

Table 2.15 Oxytocin (OT)Analogs with Antagonistic Potencies at the Rat Uterus In Vitro
Estimated pA2"
Values In Vitro
Analogs (NOM2+) Reference(s)
[Penl]OT 6.86 189,190
[Pen1,Leu210T 7.14 191
[~-Penl]oT 6.94 209
7.14 193
[~-Pen',orn~]OT 7.89 193
[~-Pen',Thr~]oT 7.52 179
[l-(P-Mercapto-P,P-diethylpropionic acid)]OT 7.55 179
[l-(/3-Mercapto-j3,/3-diethylpropionic 7.72 179
[l-(P-Mercapto-P,P-cyclopentamethylenepropionic acid)]OT 7.61 179
[I-(P-Mercapto-P,P-cyclopentamethylenepropionic acid),Thr4]0T 7.91 179
[D-Tic210T 6.50 201
[T~r(Me)~loT 6.79 202
[~-Phe(4-Et)~lOT 8.15 203,204
[2-Br-Tyr210T 7.05 205
[3-I-Tyr210T 7.05 206
[Deamino-Per~l,Tyr(Me)~]OT 7.76 193
[Deamino-Pen1,Tyr(Me)2,0rn81vasotocinb 7.70 192
acid),Tyr(Me)2,0rn81vasotocin 8.91 207
~(Me)2,0rn81vasotocin 8.52 207
~-Tyr(Me)~,Vd~,Cit~]vasopressin 8.61 194
D-Phe2]arginine-vasopressin 7.64 194
d-~arba~[n-Phe(Me)~]OT 8.73 203
des(Gly(NH2)d-carba6[~-Phe(Me)210T 8.80 203
[Penl,n-Phe2,Thr4,0rnwT 7.23 208
[Penl,n-Phe2,Thr4,Thr5,0rn810T 7.16 208
Penl,~-Phe2,Thr4,Leu5,0rns10T 6.67 208

[Penlp-Phe2,Thr4,Asp5,0m8]OT 7.21 208
[Penlp-Phe2,Thr4,Tyr5,0rn8]OT 6.76 208
[Mpal,Glu4,Cys6,Lys810T(bicyclic) 8.2 195,196

"pA, is the negative algorithm of the molar concentration of antagonist that reduces the response to 2 x units of oxytocin
to equal the response to l x unit in the absence of antagonist.
bVasotocinis [S-ArglOT.

Gly in position 9 without a loss of antagonistic erties and unique insight into the topographi-
efficacy (177). They also found several antiva- cal requirements of OT receptors.
sopressin analogs that were also antioxytocics.
4.4 Delta Opioid Receptor Ligands
Hill et al. synthesized a bicyclic analog of
the weak monocyclic agonist c[Mpa1,Cys6l- All of the current opioid drugs used for the
c[Glu4,Lys810xytocin, which was found to treatment of pain are primarily ligands for the
have potent antagonist activity (195-197) as p-opioid receptor. Numerous studies since the
did many of its derivatives. Extensive NMR discovery of enkephalin 27 years ago (210)
and computational studies of this led to the have suggested that an opioid ligand that pri-
determination of the bioactive conformation marily interacted with the 8-opioid receptor
of oxytocin antagonists (198, 199) and to the would have far fewer of the toxicities generally
design of topographically constrained antago- associated with the p-opioid ligand (respira-
nist analogs (200) with unique biological prop- tory depression, constipation, addiction, etc.).
70 Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents

Early efforts to convert enkephalin into a se- pled receptors. The precise conformational
lective 6-opioid ligand were successful in the difference remains to be determined.
development of C[D-Pen2,0-Pen5]enkephdin
(211) (DPDPE) and its analogs, which eventu- 4.4.1 Analogs of Enkephalins that Lead to
ally led to analogs that were essentially spe- Receptor-Specific Ligands and Nonpeptide Li-
cific for 8-opioid receptors as agonists, such as gands. The conversion of enkephalin to the
(2S,3R)P-methyl-2',6'-dimethyltyrosine-C[D- cyclic enkephalin analog c - [ ~ - P e n ~ , ~ - P e n ~
Pen2,u-Pen5]enkephalin (212, 213). The ear- enkephalin (DPDPE), to give a potent and
lier aspects of this work have been thoroughly high bopioid receptor ligand (2111, demon-
reviewed (214) and a selective update has re- strated clearly the power of conformational
cently appeared (215). A different kind of lead constraint for both enhancement of potency
to 8opioid ligands came from the discovery of and receptor selectivity (224). Subsequent
the deltorphins (216, 217) such as H-Tyr-D- NMR (225) and X-ray crystallographic studies
Ala-Phe-Glu-Val-Val-Gly- NH, that are found (226,227) provided insights into the importance
in amphibian skins and have intrinsically of a turn conformation to 8-opioid receptor se-
highly delta opioid receptor selectivity. lectivity and differences in conformational re-
A quite comprehensive review of the struc- quirements for agonists and antagonists, but
ture-activity relationships of deltorphins has left unanswered the side-chain conformation
been published (218). SAR studies of modified of Tyrl and Phe4 for potent and selective 6-opi-
deltorphin structures led to another class of oid receptor bioactivity. To examine these re-
linear delta opioid receptor ligands such as quirements, we turned to topographical con-
H-Tyr-Tic-Phe-Phe-OH (TIPP) (219) and straints, that is, to constraints in x1 andlor X,
H-Tyr-Tic$[CH,NH]Phe-Phe-OH (TIPP[$]) space that can be made within the context of
(220) and related analogs, which also have the same backbone conformation for agonist
been recently reviewed (221). Our purpose in (and antagonist) biological activity (228). All
this section is not to repeat or summarize four P-methylphenylalanine-4 analogs (229)
these reviews but rather to point to some as- and P-methyl-2',6'-dimethyltyrosine-1 (TMT)
pects related to peptide design in conforma- (213) analogs of DPDPE were synthesized and
tional space for 6-receptors. Thus, we will be evaluated for binding affinities and biological
highly selective in our choice of ligands to dis- activities for their conformational and topo-
cuss structure-activity relationships and the graphical properties. As seen in Table 2.16
conformation and topographical properties for the [TMT1lDPDPE analogs, only the
that lead to delta agonist and antagonist activ- [(2S,3R)-TMT1lDPDPE analog was both
ity. In this regard it has recently been reported highly potent and highly selective for the delta
that use of a new spectroscopic method, cou- opioid receptor. Conformational analysis that
pled plasmon waveguide resonance spectros- used NMR and computation chemistry dem-
copy (CPWR) (222), allows one for the first onstrated that for Tyrl, the trans ,yl conforma-
time to examine changes in G-protein-cou- tion, and for Phe4, the gauche (-1 conforma-
pled receptors protein structure parallel and tion, were critical for biological agonist
perpendicular to the membrane normal to activity and potency.
that accompanying binding of ligands. It was In related studies, Mosberg et al. (230-232)
shown for the human 6-opioid receptor that carefully evaluated the cyclic truncated del-
agonist and antagonist binding leads to differ- torphin analog H-Tyr-c-[D-Cys-Phe-D-Pen]-
ent structures for the 6-opioid receptor (2101, OH (JOM-13) in a series of structure-activity
and that inverse agonist binding leads to yet and conformational studies that used the
another conformation (223). These studies P-MePhe3 constraint (230) and alternative
provide unequivocal evidence that agonists, constraints for the Tyrl position (see ref. 231
antagonists, and inverse agonists lead to dif- for an excellent review). These studies led to
ferent conformations of G-protein-coupled re- the conclusion of the gauche (-1 side-chain
ceptors and suggest that the availability of conformation for X, in Phe3 and the trans X,
. conformational states are of critical
multide side-chain conformation for the Tyrl x1 (232).
importance to the function of G-protein-cou- As expected the backbone conformations of
Tald e 2.16 Binding Affinities for Delta Opioid Receptor Selective Ligands
IC,, or Ki (nM)
npound 6 p16 ratio Ref.

"A potent inverse agonist at the 6 opioid receptor (252).

the! DPDPE ring (14-membered) and the explains the structure-activity relationship
Jo:M-13 ring (11-membered) were found to be they had found for JOM-13.
sonnewhat different. Mosberg et al. carried Hruby et al. used their bioactive conforma-
these studies forward by examining the bind- tion model for [(2S,3R)TMT1]DPDPE for a
ingo f JOM-13 to a model of the 8-opioid recep- different purpose (Fig. 2.91, that is, to design
i tor they developed (233, 234). By use of these nonpeptide peptide mimetics. A major interest
dels they developed a model of JOM-13 of medicinal chemists is the development of
md to the &receptor (Fig. 2.8), which nicely peptide mimetics (235). The concept of pep-


Figure 2.8. JOM-13 (blue) in the 6-opioid receptor binding pocket (stereoview). See color insert.
[Taken from Fig. 2.9 in H. I. Mosberg, Biopolymers (Peptide Science), 51, 426 (1999). Reprinted by
permission of John Wiley & Sons.]
Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents

Aromatic Pharmacophore

N Pharrnacophore


R provides constraint
and hydrophobicity

Hydrophobic HO 0

First generation of
non-peptide ligands
Figure 2.9. Conversion of (2S,3R)TMT1-c[DPDPElinto a nonpeptide peptide mimetic based on

topographical considerations.

tidomimetics has been around for over 20 studies, computational studies, molecular dy-
years, since the discussions of Farmer (236). namic simulations, and molecular modeling
There are many different ways in which the (241, 242). These studies led to a proposal for
term peptide mimetic or peptidomimetic has the receptor pharmacophore in topographic
been used, and the topic has been widely dis- three-dimensional space. Several nonpeptide
cussed from several different perspectives scaffolds were considered and the 1,4-pipera-
(e.g., see Refs. 1, 8,9, 13-24,237-240). In the zine was chosen (Table 2.17, I).In the initial
context of the discussion here. the term non- design of the peptide mimetics I (Table 2.171,
peptide peptide-mimetic is used to mean a bio- the major structural features of the peptide
active ligand with a nonpeptide scaffold that is pharmacophore were considered:
designed to mimic the pharmacophore of a
peptide ligand in three-dimensional space and
to have the same biological structure-activity
..The importance of the hydroxy-phenyl
group as a key pharmacophore element
relationships as those of the peptide ligand.
(bothp-OH and m-OH groups were consid-
Generally, this requires that there is a consid-
ered and evaluated, of which the m-OH
erable amount of insight into the conforma-
tional structure-biological activity relation- group gave the highest potency).
ships of the peptide, including knowledge of 2. The requirement for a benzyl group as a
the three-dimensional topographical relation- key pharmacophore element.
ship of key pharmacophore elements. In this 3. The distance between the two aromatic
case (Fig. 2.9) this involved comprehensive group in three-dimensional space was a key
biophysical studies of the [TMT1]DPDPE an- to delta opioid receptor selectivity of pep-
alogs (Table 2.16), including extensive NMR tide ligands.
4 Examples 73

Table 2.17 Nonpeptide Mimetics for Delta Opioid Receptors Based on Delta Opioid Peptides

Binding Affinity, IC,, (nM)
Structure p Receptor 6 Receptor Selectivity

"See Ref. 226.

bSeeRef. 227.

4. The need for a bulky R group for distin- the &receptor) compound Id was still highly
guishing peptide ligands for & versus 6-opioid receptor selective but was found to be
p-opioid receptors. less potent in this assay than would be ex-
5. The requirement for a basic amine group pected from its binding affinity. Subsequent
for 6-opioid agonist activity (in this case the studies (Yamamura et al., unpublished) sug-
distance of the amine group relative to the gested that ligand Id was a partial agonist. On
two aromatic groups was not optimized). the other hand, structure-function studies
with further substituted derivatives of Id, and
As can be seen in Table 2.17, increasing the studies at wild-type human gopioid receptor,
R group size from H to Me to Phe top-tBuPhe and a site-specific mutant receptor, demon-
(Ia, Ib,Ic, and Id, respectively)led to a steady strated that Id had properties of the peptide
increase in binding affinity for the 6-opioid re- ligand rather than that of other nonpeptide
ceptor; from about 6 f l to about 8 nit4 as ligands that had been discovered by evalua-
predicted (242). Most important, the selectiv- tion of structural libraries rather than by de
ity for the &opioid receptor versus the p-opi- novo design. Nonetheless, the partial agonist
oid receptor also increased very substantially activity led us to design a number of further
from nonselective to over 2000-fold selective analogs of I with modifications in the pipera-
(Table 2.17), which actually is somewhat more zine ring. Starting with L-alanine, L-serine,
selective than DPDPE or [(2S,3R)TMT11 and L-phenylalanine, the analogs of I1 were
DPDPE (see Table 2.16 for comparison). In prepared (Table 2.17). Except for IIc, all of
the functional assays that make use of the these compounds had nanomolar binding to
classical guinea pig ileum (GPI, for the p-re- &opioid receptors and were quite selective for
ceptor) and mouse vas deference (MVD, for the 6-opioid receptor, but again in functional
74 Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents

assays they had lower potencies than what TIPP[$] analogs of Schiller et al. already have
would be anticipated from their binding affin- been discussed and a few of the most selective
ities (243). The importance of the two nitro- analogs are given in Table 2.16. Of consider-
gens also was examined (243, data not shown). able interest were related dipeptides based on
When the benzyl nitrogen was replaced by a the structure H-Tyr-Tic-OH, first reported by
CH, group, the potency at the Sopioid recep- Lazarus et al. (for a review, see Ref. 248). Par-
tor decreased by nearly 3 orders of magnitude, ticularly interesting were the analogs H-Dmt-
whereas when the other nitrogen was replaced Tic-OH [DMT = (2s)-2',6'-dimethyltyrosine]
good potency at the S-opioid receptor was re- and the N,N1-dimethylanalog (N,N-Me,Dmt-
tained, with some loss in selectivity. Tic-OH; Table 2.16). Originally, H-Dmt-
These studies suggest that, although de Tic-OH was reported to be exceptionally po-
novo design of nonpeptide peptidomimetics tent and selective (250) but subsequent direct
with high binding affinity and receptor selec- comparison with TIPP analogs (249) indicates
tivity has an excellent chance for success, that the most selective analogs in this series
there still is much to learn about those struc- are the tetrapeptide analogs in Table 2.16. At
tural factors that are key for distinguishing the same time a more constrained series of
agonist from antagonist biological activity. dipeptide analogs were prepared by Hruby et
Agonist and antagonists for G-protein-cou- al. (2511, in which all four isomers of TMT
pled receptors clearly have different struc- were examined. As shown in Table 2.16, only
ture-activity relationships, and in addition the (2S,3R) analog was found to be highly po-
may have certain dynamic structural require- tent and selective for the Sopioid receptor
ments that are needed to bind to the receptor (251). The (2S,3S) analog was much less po-
to produce transduction for agonists and no tent but retained good 6opioid receptor selec-
transduction for antagonist. In this regard, we tivity. Both of the 2R analogs, (2R,3S) and
have recently shown (244), through the use of (2R,3R), were found to be essentially inactive
a new spectroscopic method, coupled plasmon at both S and p-opioid receptors (251, data
waveguide resonance (CPWR or PWR) spec- not shown). Subsequently, based on extensive
troscopy, which allows one for the first time to second-messenger assays, it was shown that
examine changes in the structure of GPCRs in H(2S,3R)TMT-Tic-OH was a highly potent
membrane bilayers parallel and perpendicular and selective (>6000-fold selective for the
to the membrane bilayer normal, that when delta versus mu receptor) inverse agonist at
delta opioid agonists and antagonists bind to the delta opioid receptor (252), providing an
the human delta opioid receptor, the receptors important tool for evaluating the effects of in-
have different conformations, and that the verse agonists in 6opioid receptor physiology
changes in conformation are consistent with and pharmacology.
the differences in changes in structure for the There are a few other approaches that have
receptor that would be expected for transduc- led to highly potent and 6opioid receptor-se-
tion to occur or not to occur. The implication lective peptides. One of the most interesting
of these findings suggests the need to be able involves modification of DPDPE at the car-
to evaluate those structural features critical boxyl-terminal. Of particular interest was the
for agonist vs. antagonist activity at GPCRs in discovery that modification of the t pen^ resi-
both peptide and nonpeptide scaffolds. This due with L-Cysor L-Pen (but not D-Cys or D-
points again to the realization that there is Pen) and then adding an aromatic residue led
still no general predictable strategy in going to analogs with unusual properties (Table
from agonist to antagonist ligands or vice 2.16) (253,254). As can be seen, the Phe6 com-
versa for GPCRs (245, 246), although there pounds are all as potent as or more potent (nM
are a number of approaches that have worked to sub-nM) in binding affinity than DPDPE,
in specific cases. and have much higher selectivity, with the
Returning to peptides for the delta opioid Phe(pBr),Phe6analog having an IC,, value of
receptor, a few other developments related to 0.20 nM and a 21,000-fold selectivity. Even
high 6-opioid receptor selectivity should be more remarkable is the exceptional potency of
mentioned. The highly important TIPP and these compounds in the MVD (&receptor) in
, 5 Things to Come in Peptide and Peptidomimetic Design

vitro bioassay (data not shown, 253,254) with ners are responsible for the biological effects.
the P h e ( ~ F ) ~ , P hanalog
e~ having an EC,, Thus the development of peptides and pep-
value of 16 pm and a selectivity vs. the GPI tidomimetics that mimic these interactions
(preceptor) of 45,000 (254). The extraordi- with high specificity can be expected to have
nary potency and selectivity of these com- dramatic effects in their use as drugs of choice,
pounds can be attributed in part to their especially given that many peptides have very
greatly enhanced efficacy (255, 256) at &re- low toxicities compared to those of current
ceptors. The structural and biochemical ori- drugs.
gins of such large increases in the efficacy of Some of these approaches include:
signal transduction are still largely unknown,
but insight into their origins could provide im- 1. Continued development of conformational
portant clues for the design of more efficacious constraints that can provide new peptide
drugs (257). and peptidomimetic motifs for design.
Finally, various modifications of the deltor-
phins, which are naturally 8-opioid receptor- 2. Continued development of topographical
selective ligands (see above), can lead to even constraints, especially in conjunction with
more potent and 6-opioid receptor-selective li- conformational constraints, will provide
gands. For example, Sasaki and Chiba (258) new ways of evaluating peptide ligand-re-
prepared a series of C-terminally modified ceptor/acceptor interactions.
peptide analogs related to the deltorphin, such 3. Continued development of methods to sta-
as the nBuG6- and (RS)secBuG6-constrained bilize peptides against proteolyte degrada-
analogs in Table 2.16, which are highly potent tion and to improve biodistribution.
and highly selective 6-opioid receptor ago- 4. Further development of new and more ro-
nists. Misicka et al. (258) showed that use of bust methods for peptide and peptide mi-
topographically constrained amino acids in metic delivery and biodistribution.
the Phe3 position, such as the (2S,3R)p- 5. Further development of assay methods, es-
MePhe3-containing analog in Table 2.16, can pecially methods for evaluating peptide li-
provide a potent (IC,, = 2.4 nM) and highly gands in disease and pathological states as
selective (>29,000) delta opioid receptor li- a part of ligand design.
gand. It also is possible to obtain good binding 6. Further development of synthetic methods
h i t y and 6opioid receptor selectivity by for synthesis of large peptides and proteins
modifying the deltorphin sequence through that will allow for more widespread use of
intermolecular cyclization such as the novel amino acid residues to explore pro-
[D-Pen2,~-Pen5]-deltorphin analog in Table tein function.
2.16 (257).
7. Continued development of peptide, pep-
toid, and PNA analogs and derivatives that
5 THINGS TO COME I N PEPTIDE AND cross membrane barriers, target intercel-
PEPTIDOMIMETIC DESIGN lular receptor/acceptors, and enhance bio-
The determination of the genome of humans 8. Development of a large variety of peptide
and many other animals and living systems and peptidomimetic-based conjugates for a
has opened up enormous opportunities for variety of uses in diagnosis, drug delivery,
peptide and peptidomimetic design, and for and treatment of diseases.
the development of peptides and peptidomi- 9. Continued investigation of novel scaffolds
metics as drugs, therapeutics, and diagnostic that can mimic peptide secondary struc-
reagents. Most cellular processes and system tures (+ and $ space), such as a-helices,
activities, including those involving diseases, p-turns, p-sheets; peptide topographical
are controlled or modulated by peptide-pro- structures (chi space); and, most challeng-
tein and/or protein-protein interactions. In ing, that can mimic protein conformational
many protein-protein interactions fairly small changes such as a-helix to P-sheet transi-
structural regions of one or both of the part- tions.
76 Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents

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Inhibitors of Gastric Acid

James Black Foundation
London, United Kingdom

1 Introduction, 86
2 Therapeutic Market, 86
3 Acid Secretion through the Ages, 88
4 How and from Where is Acid Produced?, 88
4.1 The Stomach, 88
4.2 Hormones and Neurotransmitters
Regulating the Secretion of Gastric Acid, 89
5 Physiology of Gastric Acid Secretion, 90
6 Disorders Associated with Elevated Secretion of
Gastric Acid, 91
6.1 Ulcer Disease, 91
6.1.1 NSAID-Associated Ulcer, 91
6.2 Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome, 92
6.3 Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori), 93
6.4 Reflux Esophagitis, 94
7 Test Assays for Studying Gastric Acid Inhibitors,
7.1 i n Vitro, 95
7.2 i n Viuo,96
8 Receptor-Mediated Processes that Regulate
Gastric Acid Secretion, 97
8.1 Ach-Muscarinic-Receptor-Mediated Acid
Secretion, 97 -
8.1.1 Structures and SAR of Anticholinergic
Agents, 97
8.2 Histamine Hz-Receptor-Mediated Acid
Secretion, 97
8.2.1 Histamine Receptor Classification, 98
8.2.2 H,-Receptor Antagonists, 99
8.2.3 Structures and SAR of Hz-Receptor
Antagonists, 99
8.2.4 Clinical Studies with Hz-Receptor
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery Antagonists, 101
Sixth Edition, Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, 8.2.5 Adverse Effects of Hz-Receptor
and Drugs from New Biology Antagonists, 101
Edited by Donald J. Abraham 8.2.6 The Need to Develop More Potent
ISBN 0-471-37030-4 O 2003John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Antisecretory Agents, 103
Inhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion

9 H+/K+-ATPase(Proton Pump) 9.6 Clinical Studies with Proton-Pump

Inhibition, 103 Inhibitors, 114
9.1 Structure of the Proton Pump, 103 9.7 Adverse Effects of Proton-Pump Inhibitors,
9.2 Acid Secretion and the Proton Pump, 104 115
9.3 Mechanism of Action of Proton-Pump 10 Targets Under Investigation, 117
Inhibitors, 104 10.1 Reversible Proton-Pump Inhibitors, 117
9.4 Structure and SAR of the Proton-Pump 10.2 CCKJGastrin-Receptor Antagonists, 119
Inhibitors, 105 11 Summary, 119
9.5 Profile of Proton-Pump Inhibition, 113 12 Acknowledgments,122


The inhibition of gastric acid secretion is a key The therapy for gastric acid-related gastroin-
therapeutic target for ulcer disease, gastro- testinal disorders has evolved from nonspe-
esophageal reflux disease (GERD), Zollinger- cific gastro-protective agents to treatments di-
Ellison syndrome (Z-E), and gastritis. Cur- rected at specific sites regulating the secretion
rently, this is achieved either by blocking the of gastric acid. H2-receptor antagonists and
acid-secretory effect of histamine (HA) PPIs are currently the major therapies used to
through the use of HA H2-receptor antago- inhibit the production of gastric acid. The dis-
nists or by irreversibly binding to the Ht/K+- covery that H. pylori infection was highly cor-
ATPase with proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), related with the presence of duodenal ulcer
to prevent the release of H+ ions from the pa- and hypersecretion of gastric acid has intro-
rietal cell. These pharmacological approaches duced an additional therapy that targets the
are effective in alleviating ulcer disease, al- eradication of H. pylori. This combination
though disease recurrence rates are high. The therapy of an antisecretory agent and an anti-
discovery that ulcers are linked to Helicobac- biotic has been shown to dramatically reduce
terpylori (H.pylori) infection has led to a new the number of patients in which ulcer forma-
therapeutic approach, in which eradication of tion recurs (1).The incidence of upper gastro-
the bacteria is the principal target. In addition intestinal disorders such as ulcer and GERD
to ulcer disease, H2-receptor antagonists and shows an element of global variation. For ex-
PPIs are still effectively used for alleviating ample, in Western countries duodenal ulcers
the symptoms of gastritis, Z-E, and GERD. are more common, whereas in Eastern coun-
The symptoms associated with each of these tries gastric ulcers predominate (2).These dif- '
conditions are similar; therefore correct diag- ferences may be attributable to any of a num-
nosis is essential. Recently, H2-receptor an- ber of factors, including diet and genetic
tagonists have become available without pre- make-up. Therapeutic strategy also differs
scription, leading frequently to omission of the from the East to West. In Western countries,
critical diagnosis stage, and the self-adminis- the conventional therapy for duodenal and
tration of these medications may mask the gastric ulcers is eradication of H. pylori
symptoms of other diseases. through the use of PPIs combined with an an-
The aim of this review is to outline the tibiotic. In Japan, when eradication therapy is
drugs that are currently available and the me- used, a cytoprotective agent is also included.
dicinal chemistry that led to their discovery. Indeed, cytoprotective agents are used in
The physiological processes associated with abundance, accounting in 1998 for approxi-
acid secretion and the mechanism of action of mately 50% of all prescribed treatments for
inhibitors of this process are described. Cur- ulcer disease. In Japan, unlike the West, H,-
rent research into inhibitors of gastric acid se- antagonists are commonly used for mainte-
cretion is aimed at producing a reversible PPI nance therapy, with PPIs consisting of only
or antagonist of receptor-mediated acid secre- 5% of the antisecretory therapy market. This
tion. The medicinal chemistry and pharmacol- results from restrictions imposed by the Japa-
ogy of such approaches are considered. nese government that limit the prescribing of
2 Therapeutic Market

Table 3.1 Currently Prescribed Antisecretory Medicines in the UK

Generic Name Trade Name Originator Chemical Class
Cimetidine Dyspamet Goldshield Hz-receptor antagonist
Zita Eastern Hz-receptor antagonist
Tagamet SmithKline Beecham H,-receptor antagonist
Dicyclomine hydrochloride Merbentyl Florizel Anticholinergic
Esomeprazole Nexium AstraZeneca Proton-pump inhibitor
Farnotidine Pepcid M.S.D. Hz-receptor antagonist
Hyoscine butylbromide Buscopan Boehringer Ingelheim Anticholinergic
Lansoprazole Zoton Wyeth Proton-pump inhibitor
Nizatidine Axid Lily Hz-receptor antagonist
Omeprazole Losec AstraZeneca Proton-pump inhibitor
Pantoprazole Protium Abbott Proton-pump inhibitor
Ranitidine Zantac Glaxo Wellcome Hz-receptor antagonist
Pylorid Glaxo Wellcome H,-receptor antagonist
Rabeprazole Pariet EisaiIJanssen Proton-pump inhibitor

PPIs to a maximum of 8 weeks, after which tagonists Tagamet and Zantac as numbers 1
patients are placed on H2-Rantagonists (2). and 2, accounting for $894.2 and $565.8 mil-
The incidence of ulcer disease appears to be lion, respectively. By 1990, Tagamet had been
reducing worldwide, although whether this is usurped by Glaxo's direct competitor product
attributed to H. pylori eradication therapy is Zantac, which obtained the largest amount of
unclear. However, the incidence of GERD is sales for 1990 ($2457.9 million) and 1995
increasing (3) and the control of this disorder ($3523
.. million). The success of Zantac was as-
is a high profile pharmaceutical target. The cribed to a major marketing effort that high-
increased exposure of the esophageal epithe- lighted the antiandrogenic side effects of
lium to gastric acid has been linked in some Tagamet. By 1990, Zantac's growth had
cases to morphological changes of the normal slowed as H2-receptorantagonist therapy was
squamous epithelium into specialized intesti- superseded by more potent therapies that in-
nal-like columnar epithelium. The formation hibited the proton pump, such as Astra's
of this precancerous disease state called Bar- Losec (omeprazole). In 1995 when the patent
rett's esophagus occurs in 15% of patients for Zantac expired, Losec became the third
with chronic GERD (4). It has been suggested biggest selling pharmaceutical ($2305 mil-
that reducing the exposure of this precancer- lion). By 1999 Losec had taken pole position as
ous tissue to further acid may prevent its sub- the largest selling pharmaceutical product of
equent malignant transformation. all ($5909 million), within an antiulcerant
Gastric acid-related diseases are common class of therapeutics, valued at $12.9 billion.
d diverse, and their treatment should be de- The patent for omeprazole expired in 2001 but
igned to alleviate the symptoms, while keep- AstraZeneca has counteracted this by market-
g the risk of adverse events to a minimum. ing the (S)-enantiomer of omeprazole (esome-
-receptor antagonists, although not long- prazole), which is reported to possess an im-
ting inhibitors of gastric acid, may be ade- proved pharmacokinetic profile and potency
ate to treat gastritis, whereas PPIs may be compared to that of the (R)-enantiomer (5).
uired to totally inhibit gastric acid (See Table 3.1 for currently prescribed antise-
ughout the day to effectively treat GERD cretory medicines in the UK.)
ients. Although PPIs have been available The decisions regarding the potential for de-
ce the mid-1980s, GERD requires a much veloping other novel inhibitors of gastric acid
gher therapeutic dose than that used for ul- secretion are likely to be based on therapeutic
r disease. Currently, the long-term safety of efficacy, specificity, lack of adverse effects, long-
gh doses of PPIs is unknown. term tolerability, and safety, as well as commer-
A review of the leading pharmaceutical cial issues such as market share, patent expiry,
products in 1985 placed the H,-receptor an- and generic competition (6).Self-medication has
88 Inhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion

Table 3.2 Time-Related Discoveries with Respect to Gastric Acid Secretion

Year AuthorICompany Discovery
William Prout (7) Identification of HCl in gastric secretion of animals
William Beaumont Examination of acid secretion in humans
William Brodie (183) Performed first surgical vagotomy (dog)
Jean Pean (8) Performed first gastrectomy in humans
Ivan Pavlov (184) Examination of the neural regulation of gastric secretion
Leon Popielski (185) Found that HA stimulated gastric secretion in dogs
Andre Rapheal Laterjet Published on the physiological contribution of the vagus to
and Pierre acid secretion and motility
Wertheimer (186)
E. McCrea (187) Suggested that the vagus nerve might be implicated in
ulcer disease
Charles Code (188) Found increased HA-stimulated acid secretion induced
ulcer formation in animals
Lester Dragstedt (189) First truncal vagotomy in humans
Andrew Kay (190) Developed the HA test (acid secretory response produced
by HA in the presence of HI-receptor blockade)
I. Marks, Wilfred Card Use of HA test to determine parietal cell mass
James Black (69) Discovery of Hz-receptor and Hz-receptor antagonists
A. Ganser, J. Forte Discovery of H+/Kf -ATPase in oxyntic cells of the bullfrog
SmithKline & French Tagamet launched worldwide (Hz-receptor antagonist)
Glaxo Zantac launched (Hz-receptorantagonist)
AstraZeneca Omeprazole launched (PPI)
Glaxo Wellcome plc Ranitidine (Hz-receptorantagonist) generic forms
Takeda-Abbott Lansoprazole launched (PPI)
Yamanouchi (licensed Famotidine launched (Hz-receptorantagonist)
to Merck & Co.)
Eisai Co. (licensed to Rabeprazole launched (PPI)
AstraZenceca Esome~razolelaunched (PPI)

been a major component of gastric acid inhibi- standing the role of the stomach in digestion
tory therapies and therefore safety is of prime and diseases associated with hypersecretion of
importance. Both H,-receptor antagonists and acid. Modlin (8) provided an excellent review
PPIs have been shown to be extremely safe and of the discovery, hormones, mechanisms, and
well-tolerated drugs and future novel inhibitors drug discovery process linked to gastric acid
of gastric acid will have to show a comparable secretion. Table 3.2 summarizes these stages,
level of safety. while focusing on the changing drug regime
used to treat disorders associated with the gas-
tric acid secretion.

The concept that the stomach secreted acid 4 HOW AND FROM WHERE IS AClD
and digestive enzymes was not fully appreci- PRODUCED?
ated until the nineteenth century, although
4.1 The Stomach
various hypotheses had been mooted since the
time of the ancient Greeks. The discovery of The stomach functions as a reservoir for in-
gastric acid (7) was the first step to under- gested food and as a primary site of digestion.
4 How and from Where is Acid Produced?

I Esophagus


Figure 3.1. Anatomical regions of the


Once food has entered the stomach, gastric release of acid secretion from the parietal cell.
acid and enzymes are released and contraction These specialized cells are in close proximity
of the circular and longitudinal muscle of the to parasympathic nerve endings and neural
stomach wall produces thorough mixing of inputs are able to regulate hormone release
its contents, aiding the breakdown of food be- (10). The release of HA from enterochromaf-
fore it enters the duodenum. The stomach has fin-like (ECL) cells can also be neurally medi-
both mechano- and chemosensitive receptors ated and subsequently stimulates parietal
within its structure and the presence of food cells to secrete acid. Vagal nerve stimulation
and its various components triggers specific initiates the release of gastrin from antral G-
responses within the stomach. The stomach is cells, and acetylcholine (Ach) from postgangli-
divided into four anatomical regions: the cor- onic, cholinergic, and muscarinic nerves,
pus or body, fundus, antrum, and pylorus (Fig. which bind to their respective receptors on the
3.1). Enzymes and gastric acid are secreted ECL-cell to release HA and subsequently acid
from glandular parts of the stomach located in from parietal cells (Fig. 3.2).
the antrum and fundic regions. The oxyntic Ach, HA, and gastrin stimulate acid secre-
mucosa covers the fundic region and is the site tion by activating specific receptors on the ba-
of acid secretion. Mucus cells line the mucosa solateral membrane of the parietal cell. Once
and invaginations of this epithelial layer form bound to the respective G-protein-coupled re-
the gastric glands, which consist of specialized ceptor, second-messenger systems are acti-
crypts that branch into specialized tubular vated. Ach and gastrin activate phospholipase
gland structures. Columnar epithelial cells C to catalyze the conversion of membrane-
line the crypts, whereas numerous cell types bound phospholipids to diacylglycerol and ino-
are found in the tubular glands (9). sit01 triphosphate. The release of Ca2+ from
intracellular stores and the subsequent in-
4.2 Hormones and Neurotransmitters
crease in cytoplasmic Ca2+ activates Ht/K+-
Regulating the Secretion of Gastric Acid
ATPase (proton pump). The binding of HA to
The acid-secretingoxyntic cell, or parietal cell, the H,-receptor activates adenylate cyclase,
; is the main cell type in the gastric gland. Chief resulting in an increase in CAMP,which acti-
, cells (pepsinogen-secreting cells), mucus cells, vates the proton pump (11).
and D-cells (somatostatin-secreting cells) are Many peptides and neurotransmitters have
also found within gastric glands. Somatosta- been identified as having a direct or indirect
tin, released from fundic D-cells, inhibits the effect on the parietal cell. Somatostatin, secre-
90 Inhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretior




Figure 3.2. Stimulation of acid secretion

from the parietal cell.

tin, and prostaglandin E reduce acid secretion Cephalic Phase. The sight, smell, taste, and
either indirectly, by inhibiting the release of sensation of swallowing food causes central
gastrin, or directly, by an action at the parietal stimulation of the vagus nerve leading to Ack
cell (12). Interleukins, vasoactive intestinal release from synapses within the fundic and
peptide, cholecystokinin (CCK), calcitonin antral regions of the stomach. Direct stimula.
gene-related peptide, oxyntomodulin, neuro- tion of the parietal cells within the fundus
tensin, adrenaline, and gastric inhibitory and, to a lesser degree, the indirect stimula.
polypeptide may inhibit parietal cell secretion tion of HA release, through vagally stimulated
indirectly through the release of local soma- gastrin release from G-cells within the an
tostatin. Peptide W, CCK, and 5-HT are trum, causes the parietal cells to secrete acid
thought to influence acid secretion by modu- into the stomach.
lating neural tone to the stomach. The release Gastric Phase. Gastrin is the main media-
tor of acid secretion. Acid secretion occurs in
of nitric oxide release may also inhibit gastric
acid secretion. response to both the presence of nutrients and
In addition to mucus from goblet cells, bi- the physical distension produced by food en.
carbonate ions are secreted from the stomach tering the stomach. Distension-induced gas.
to protect the gastric mucosa from gastric tric acid secretion, relative to the total amount
acid. Bicarbonate secretion occurs when the of acid released, is species dependent (human
luminal pH is less than 2 and its release is = 20%; dog = 50%; rat = 38%). The chemical
regulated both neuronally and hormonally. constituents of a meal are the strongest stim-
ulant of gastrin release and acid output during
5 PHYSIOLOGY OF GASTRIC ACID Table 3.3 Relative Acid Secretory Response
Percentage of Total
Gastric acid secretion is stimulated by food- Phase of Acid Secretion Acid Secretion
related signals that stimulate the release of
acid from specialized cells within the stomach. Cephalic 50
This secretory process has been divided into Gastric
Distension 20
three phases: cephalic, gastric, and intestinal,
Chemical 25
with each phase leading to different amounts
Intestinal 5
of acid being secreted (Table 3.3).
6 Disorders Associated with Elevated Secretion of Gastric Acid 91

the gastric phase, with peptides and amino ac- about the neural pathways that participate in
ids being greater stimulants of gastrin than the fat-induced inhibitory reflex, although va-
proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. gotomy does appear to reduce the inhibitory
Intestinal Phase. Only a relatively small effect of intestinal fat. This response is attrib-
ount of acid is secreted because of the nu- uted to the altered sensitivity of parietal cells
erous inhibitory mechanisms stimulated by to Ach in the absence of vagal tone. The re-
e presence of nutrients within the intestinal lease of CCK and somatostatin, in response to
intestinal acid, inhibits gastric acid secretion.
Inhibition of gastric acid secretion also oc-
s during the cephalic, gastric, and intesti-
phases. In the cephalic phase, the release
f various neuropeptides may contribute to
e inhibition of gastric acid secretion. Central
6.1 Ulcer Disease
ection of neuropeptide Y (NPY), corticotro-
hin-releasing factor, bombesin, calcitonin, Peptic ulcers arise because of an imbalance of
itonin gene-related peptide, neurotensin, acid-secretory mechanisms and mucosal-pro-
erleukin 1, and prostaglandins have all tective factors, and the rationale for their
en shown to inhibit gastric acid secretion. treatment is aimed at restoring that balance.
e exact mode of action of these peptides re- The loss of balance between acid secretion and
sins to be elucidated, although they inhibit mucosal-protective factors varies among pep-
tric acid secretion through vagal and sym- tic ulcer types. In type I ulcers, which occur
athetic nerves. The hypothalamus appears to high in the stomach, acid hypersecretion is not
important site of action of many peptide necessarily evident, suggesting the impor-
itors of acid secretion. Of the peptides tance of impaired mucosal-protective factors
udied so far, only NPY exerts both stimula- in this clinical setting. Type I1 ulcers, in con-
ry and inhibitory effects on acid secretion trast, include gastric ulcers, distal antral
en injected into different hypothalamic (prepyloric) ulcers, and duodenal ulcers. They
tes. In the gastric phase, increasing gastric are associated with acid hypersecretion and
idity initiates a mechanism that turns off the impaired negative feedback effects of acid-
tric acid secretion. Once the acidity of the ification on gastrin release and on continued
men has reached pH 2, gastrin release is in- acid secretion. The causes of gastric ulcers in-
bited and therefore acid secretion is re- clude H. pylori infection, nonsteroidal anti-in-
ced. Stimulation of somatostatin release flammatory drugs (NSAIDs), environmental
D-cells in the antrum of the stomach in- factors, and malignancy. Duodenal ulcers can
its the release of gastrin from G-cells and result from hypersecretion of gastrin, which is
us reduces gastric acid secretion. In patients assessed by evaluating fasting gastrin levels in
'th a duodenal ulcer this inhibitory process is patients unresponsive to other therapies for
8s efficient, especially when intraluminal pH duodenal ulcers.
s below 3. Eysselein et al. (13) also demon-
rated that patients with a duodenal ulcer ex- 6.1 .I NSAID-Associatkd Ulcer. NSAIDs
ited higher rates of acid secretion yet a di- inhibit the production of prostaglandins, pros-
nished capacity for inhibition of acid tacyclins, and thromboxanes from arachidonic
cretion when low concentrations of peptone acid by covalently modifying the enzyme cy-
re instilled intragastrically. clooxygenase (COX) and irreversibly inhibit-
In the intestinal phase, inhibition of acid ing the ability of arachidonic acid to bind to
cretion is produced by the presence of fat, the active site on the enzyme. Chronic admin-
acid, or hyperosmolar solutions within the in- istration of NSAIDs has been linked to ulcer
testinal lumen. Fat, the most potent inhibitor, disease, although there is no evidence that
was proposed to cause the release of inhibitory they are the direct cause of ulcer formation. In
substances from the intestine, and although patients already diagnosed with ulcer disease,
chronic administration of NSAIDs was associ-
ated with a fourfold increase in the risk of ul-
Inhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion

cer-associated complications (14). These com- tients with ulcer disease. Celecoxib, a selective
plications, however, may remain undetected COX-2 inhibitor, appears to produce much
because of the reduction in pain produced by less gastroduodenal injury than standard
the inhibition of endogenous prostaglandins. NSAIDs. In several animal studies, however,
Inhibition of prostaglandin-derived gastropro- selective COX-2 inhibitors have been shown to
tective properties such as gastric blood flow interfere with healing of ulcers and to exacer-
and mucus production increases the exposure bate inflammation (20). Current clinical trials
of the mucosa to toxic agents. In an attempt to with COX-2 inhibitors have not directly exam-
restore the gastro-protective properties of the ined hemorrhage and healing of ulcers in pa-
prostaglandins, the synthetic prostaglandin tients. However, given that a high percentage
analog misoprostol may be coadministered. of patients with NSAID-related gastric ulcers
However, therapies targeted solely at the sup- do not experience disease-associated symp-
pression of acid have been shown to be better toms, the use of a COX-2 inhibitor, which
tolerated (15). Two isoforms of COX have been might worsen or delay the healing of ulcers in
identified: COX-1, a constitutively expressed a high risk patient population, might be dan-
enzyme is found in many tissues, whereas gerous.
COX-2, a n inducible enzyme, is predomi-
6.2 Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
nantly expressed at sites of inflammation. Se-
lective COX-2 inhibitors would therefore be In this disease, a non-beta-cell tumor of the
anticipated to reduce prostaglandin-depen- pancreatic islets may produce gastrin in a
dent inflammation, while leaving protective quantity sufficient to stimulate secretion of
gastric mucosal prostaglandin synthesis in- gastric acid to life-threatening levels. The in-
tact. Ulcer healing involves the formation of troduction of Hz-receptor antagonists has
granulation tissue, reepithelialization, scar- meant that total gastrectomy is no longer nec-
ring, and contraction of the ulcer base. Specific essary in treating these patients. Acid secre-
inhibitors of COX-2, however, have been re- tion was initially controlled by high doses of
ported to delay the healing of erosions in mice cimetidine or ranitidine and in some cases ad-
and rats (16). Although COX-1 appears to pre- ditional surgery was carried out to remove re-
dominate in human gastric mucosa, both sectable tumors and reduce gastric acid secre-
COX-1 and COX-2 are found at the rim of tion by proximal gastric vagotomy. The
gastric ulcers. Myofibroblasts, which are con- development of H'/K+-ATPase inhibitors,
sidered to play an important part in ulcer heal- such as omeprazole, has enabled adequate in-
ing, express COX-2 and synthesize prostaglan- hibition of gastrin-stimulated acid secretion to
dins when exposed to inflammatory stimuli. be achieved for longer periods. Once- or twice-
Inhibition of COX-2 may thus retard ulcer daily dosing with omeprazole produces a pro-
healing in human gastric mucosa (17). found inhibition of gastric acid secretion;
Thromboxane, a major product of arachid- therefore a vagotomy is no longer necessary.
onate metabolism, stimulates platelet aggre- Gastric ECL-cell carcinoids are rare events
-gation and vasoconstriction. The chronic ad- that have been described in association with
ministration of low doses of aspirin, a n pernicious anemia and Zollinger-Ellison syn-
NSAID, as a prophylactic antithrombotic drome. They usually relate to marked hyper-
agent, for patients with a history of heart dis- gastrinemia, atrophic gastritis, or a genetic
ease, has been shown to double the incidence defect, rather than the presence or absence of
of acute biopsy-induced bleeding in patients acid. Regression or disappearance of ECL-cell
(18). The antihemostatic properties of aspirin carcinoids may occur either spontaneously or
on platelets may be linked with the high num- after removal of gastrin. H,-receptor therapy
ber of ulcer hemorrhages occurring in this pa- may result in up to a twofold increase in
tient subgroup (19). Aspirin inhibits both plasma gastrin, although no endocrine cell hy-
COX-1 and COX-2 and as COX-2 selective in- perplasia has been reported. Omeprazole
hibitors do not appear to alter platelet func- causes a two- to fourfold increase in plasma
tion they may act as a suitable antithrombotic gastrin and this results in hyperplasia in 7% of
agents for high risk cardiovascular disease pa- patients (21).
6 Disorders Associated with Elevated Secretion of Gastric Acid 93

6.3 Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylor~) metaplasia within the gastric mucosa. Com-
bined eradication and acid-suppression ther-
H, pylori infection occurs in approximately
apy produces greater reduction in gastric
40% ofthe population Over 40 years age and
rnetaplasia than either treatmentalone, indi-
most patients with peptic ulcer disease are in-
fected with H. pylori. Because ulcers recur in cating that both acid secretion and H. pylori
infection contribute to ulcer formation. A
patients who have undergone "successful" H. number of putative virulence factors for H.
pylori eradication therapy, infection may not pylori have been identified, including c a g ~ ,
always be causative for the disease. Less than vacA, and iceA. Although- disease-specific asso-
5% of ulcer patients are H. pylori negative and ciations have been claimed, there are now suf-
in H. pylori positive patients only 10% of ul- ficient data to state that none of these factors
cers recur after eradicating the infection. is specific for any disease. The presence of a
Likely" causes of ulcer recurrence are consid- functional c a g . pathogenicity island, whose
ered to be reinfection, the use of ulcerogenic genes produce proinflammatory cytokines, in-
drugs, and persistent gastric hypersecretion. creases mucosal IL-8 and inflammation, but is
However, true reinfection is rare and it is not predictive of the future development of a
more likely" that the most common cause of H. disease. The hypothesis that iceA has disease
pylori recurrence is attributed to inadequate specificity has not been confirmed and vacA
eradication. The significant reduction in H. genotyping has also failed to predict the dis-
pylori density produced by a combination of ease identification. Virulence appears to be a
antibiotic and antisecretory therapy may re- host-dependent factor. The pattern of gastritis
duce the levels of infection to below detectable is frequently used to indicate the different H.
levels (22). Rapid urease tests for H. pylori pylori-related diseases. The primary factors
have a sensitivity of only 80-90%. Therefore responsible for the different patterns of gastri-
histological examination is also used to con- tis are suggested to be associated with envi-
firm an initial noninvasive test result. Whole ronmental factors, with the H. pylori strain
blood or serum antibody testing are rapid, ac- playing a minor role (24).
curate, and cost-effective tests for establishing H. pylori infection is now proven to he a
H. pylori status in rapid urease test-negative risk factor for gastric cancer and the organism
patients. These less invasive techniques could was classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the
be used in place of endoscopy when the patient International Agency for Research on Cancer
has not previously been treated for H. pylori sponsored by the World Health Organization
(23). in 1994 (25). This has strengthened the case
In duodenal ulcer (DU) patients, H. pylori for H. pylori eradication to prevent gastric
infection causes inflammation of the antral cancer. However, there are growing concerns
gastric mucosa, which is associated with an that eradication may cause harm. In devel-
elevation in gastric acid secretion. Gastritis in- oped
- countries. an increase in the rate of can-
creases the release of the acid-stimulating an- cers arising near the gastroesophageal junc-
tral hormone gastrin and reduces the expres- tion may be linked to the disappearance of H.
sion of the inhibitory peptide somatostatin. pylori. The conundrum is to either eradicate to
Bacterial products and inflammatory cyto- avoid cancer of the distal stomach or leave it
kines may produce these changes in endocrine and hence avoid cancer of the proximal stom-
function. Gastritis involving the corpus tends ach or distal esophagus. More research is re-
to decrease acid secretion, given that bacterial quired to determine which patients should re-
products and cytokines inhibit parietal cells. ceive eradication therapy (26).
After eradication, gastrin levels are restored An increased incidence of GERD has been
to normal levels. linked to the decrease in H. pylori infection
Gastric metaplasia is found in 90% of H. produced by the current trend of eradication
pylori-infected DU patients and about 60% of therapy. H. pylori may have a protective role
non-DU patients with increased acid secretory by either reducing achlorhydria induced by
levels. The induction of gastric acid causes se- PPIs or by increasing the activity of PPIs by
vere inflammation and increases the areas of increasing the formation of the active metab-
Inhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion

olite. The antisecretory effect of PPIs seems to 6.4 Reflux Esophagitis

depend on the presence of the infection be-
Reflux esophagitis is a disorder of the defense
cause eradication of H. pylori has negative
mechanisms at the esophageal junction, which
consequences on the efficacy of antisecretory
is caused by regurgitation of the gastric con-
drugs (27).Several hypotheses have been sug-
tents, especially of gastric acid. GERD is asso-
gested to account for the reduction in efficacy
ciated with decreased gastric emptying andlor
of PPIs in H. pylori-negative patients. Hyper-
increased incidence of transient lower esoph-
secretory disorders may be associated with in-
ageal relaxation (T-LESR). Smoking and obe-
creased expression of proton pumps on the
sity are factors that increase the incidence of
membrane of the parietal cell; therefore PPIs
GERD-like symptoms such as heartburn,
would appear to be more effective in DU pa-
belching, and bloating. Reflux has been ob-
tients than in healthy controls. Other authors
served in humans and dogs but not in rodents.
have suggested that H. pylori infection may
Reflux can be subdivided into T-LESR. free
inhibit proton-pump synthesis in the parietal reflux, and stress reflux. H. pylori infection
cell because the amount of H+/K+-ATPase does not necessarily correlate with GERD, al-
mRNA in the fundic gland mucosa was signif- though a reduction in acid secretion reduces
icantly increased in patients where H. pylori the chances of reflux. The effectiveness of
had been eradicated (28). If a decrease in the PPIs is reduced in the absence of H. pylori
number of active proton pumps was the expla- infection; therefore the majority of patients
nation for the higher effectiveness of PPIs in with GERD require >20 mglday to provide
H. pylori-positive subjects, there should also symptom relief and to heal the esophagitis
be a lower acid output and consequently produced by gastric acid reflux. This dose is
higher gastric pH in H.pylori-positive subjects much higher than that required to inhibit acid
during baseline recordings. However, under secretion associated with DU disease. If PPI
basal conditions, similar basal pH values are therapy is stopped, then GERD patients ap-
recorded both before and after the cure of in- pear to produce greater amounts of gastric
fection. The most likely cause for the de- acid and their reflux is potentiated. It has been

creased effectiveness of PPIs is the production reported that if the prevalence of H. pylori
of ammonia by H. pylori in infected patients. continues to decline, then PPI consumption
Hz-receptor antagonists do not inhibit acid se- will continue to increase for GERD (29). Ide-
cretion to the same degree as do PPIs; thus the ally, future therapy for GERD should be inde-
small amount of ammonia produced by H. py- pendent of H. pylori status and additionally be
Lori would be unlikely to significantly aff'ect devoid of the acid-rebound effect produced
the pH. However, the high gastric pH pro- with PPI therapy.
duced by PPI therapy would be influenced by GERD causes significant discomfort but is
the reduction in ammonia produced by eradi- not in itself life threatening. The incidence of
cation of H. pylori. The reduction in H. pylori- adenocarcinoma of the esophagus is increas-
related gastritis produced during omeprazole ing in the United States (301, with almost
therapy has also been suggested to contribute 100% of cases occurring in patients with Bar-
to the reduced activity of omeprazole after rett's esophagus, a condition in which mucin-
eradication. However, histological improve- secreting, metaplastic, columnar epithelium
ment of gastritis after a cure of H. pylori is a replaces the normal squamous epithelium of
slow process and the effect of reducing the ef- the esophagus (31). There is substantial evi-
fectiveness of omeprazole is rapid. dence that GERD may increase the incidence
Although the usefulness of H. pylori eradi- of Barrett's esophagus. Fass reported that the
cation is still controversial, a randomized con- length of Barrett's esophagus tissue corre-
trolled study has shown that patients, in lated with the duration of esophageal acid
whom the organism has been eradicated, ben- exposure (32). The use of antireflux medica-
efit with regard to quality of life and there is tion in -patients with GERD leads to an im-
also a reduction in financial costs to the health provement or alleviation of symptoms and
system (22). healing of mucosal inflammation. Antisecre-
7 Test Assays for Studying Gastric Acid Inhibitors

tory agents have been used to reduce the ex- of inhibitors. PPIs are prodrugs, requiring an
posure of the esophagus to acid in Barrett's acid environment for conversion to the active
esophagus. However, even high doses of PPIs molecule (37), and it is the most chemically
have not resulted in regression of Barrett's labile molecules that appear particularly ac-
mucosa. Not all GERD patients develop Bar- tive in this assay. Thus, misleading results
rett's esophagus and the causative agents for may be produced with regard to prediction of
this progression to a precancerous state have clinical activity.
not been fully determined. The age of onset, Gastric membrane vesicle preparations en-
duration of symptoms, and complications of riched with Hf/K+-ATPase have also been
GERD are markers of an increased risk of Bar- used to examine PPIs. The inhibition of hydro-
rett's esophagus. In additon, the longer the gen ion transport by PPIs is measured by use
region of Barrett's mucosa, the higher the risk of the initial rate of acridine orange quenching
for the development of dysplasia (33). as an index of acidification. However, steady-
state acidification, as measured by aminopy-
rine accumulation, is inhibited with greater
potency and this is consistent with the accu-
mulation of PPIs in the intravesicular acidic
space (38).
Gastric acid secretion occurs through recep-
To study the effects of PPIs a more "phys-
tor-mediated or enzyme-mediated processes.
iological" situation is often used. Acid secre-
Drug dissociation constants can be deter-
tion in vitro has been studied by use of isolated
mined from in vitro bioassays, allowing affin-
parietal cells from guinea pigs (39), dogs (40),
ity estimate comparisons to be made between
and rabbits. Rabbit parietal cells and chief
compounds. Functional evaluation can be A

cells, separated by density gradient centrifu-

made using both in vitro and in vivo tech-
gation, copurify with H+/Kt-ATPase. Stimu-
niques, with the latter models being able to
lants of acid secretion cause the accumulation
provide information on the pharmacokinetics
of radiolabeled aminopyrine, a weak base, into
of drug candidates. Technological progress
the acid compartment of the parietal cell. At
made since the discovery of both Hz-receptor
pH 7 it can pass freely through biological
antagonists and PPIs means that some meth-
membranes in its un-ionized form but be-
ods used in the original publications can now
comes trapped within the secretory cannal-
be replaced by cloned receptor systems.
iculi because of ionization. The [l4Claminopy-
rine accumulation technique has been widely
7.1 In Vitro
used to study structure-activity relationships
Radioligand binding assays can be used to de- of gastric acid inhibitors as well as to separate
termine the affinity of H,-receptor antago- the inhibitory effect of PPIs from that of re-
nists through the use of either cloned human ceptor antagonists. H2-R antagonists inhibit
H2-receptorsexpressed in cultured cells or na- HA-stimulated acid secretion and aminopy-
tive H2-receptors in guinea pig cortex mem- rine uptake, whereas omeprazole, a PPI, in-
brane homogenates (34). Functional measure- hibits both HA-stimulated and db-CAMP-stim-
ments (e.g., HA-stimulated CAMPproduction) dated acid secretion (41). [14ClAminopyrine
can also be made in cell lines expressing either accumulation has also been used to examine
native or cloned receptors (35). acid secretion in intact gastric glands from
The effect of gastric PPIs on Hf/Kf- rabbits (42) and humans (43).
ATPase activity (ATP-induced phosphoryla- A more recent cell-based in vitro assay in-
tion) can be studied in vitro with partially pu- volves the use of the microphysiometer, a sen-
rified Ht/K+-ATPase preparations from pig sitive extracellular pH sensor, which has been

gastric mucosa (36). Given that the enzyme used to measure luminal (or apical) Ht secre-
assay needs to be performed at neutral pH, tion and basolateral release of OH- as well as
this system has been most effectively used to liberation of acidic metabolites in rabbit gas-
study the mechanism of action of PPIs rather tric glands. Adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophos-
than the structure-activity relationship (SAR) phate stimulation produced a biphasic change
Inhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion

in the extracellular acidification rate (EAR) model. inhibitors of acid secretion are admin-
that is attributed to an initial excess of baso- istered to the conscious rat through the oral,
laterally released OH- followed by delayed lu- intraperitoneal (i.p.), or subcutaneous (s.c.)
mind efflux of simultaneously produced H+. routes. After a specified time, during which
The elevated EAR at steady state reflected lib- gastric emptying should have occurred, the rat
eration of metabolic acid attributed to H+/Kf - is anesthetized and the pyloric sphincter li-
ATPase enzymatic activity. Both basolateral gated to prevent further gastric emptying.
OH- release and steady-state EAR were in- Acid secretion is then stimulated by HA, pen-
hibited by the H+/K -ATPase inactivators

tagastrin, or Ach (usually s . ~or. i.p.) for a fixed

omeprazole (irreversible PPI) and SCH-28080 period of time, the animal euthanized, the
(reversible PPI) (44). stomach excised, and the pH of its contents
I n vitro assays used to examine gastric acid determined. Both the Ghosh/Schild and Shay
secretion also include the use of isolated whole rat (53,541models have been used in the eval-
stomach preparations from the rat (451, uation of HA H, and CCK,/gastrin-receptor
mouse (46), and guinea pig (47). Whole, or antagonists, and PPIs.
part, stomach preparations are placed in an Conscious rat and dog models involve the
organ bath containing a buffered solution. use of surgically modified animals with a
The stomach is perfused with an unbuffered chronic gastric fistula (55), enabling gastric
solution and changes in luminal pH are mon- secretions to be collected and the pH deter-
itored in response to stimulation of acid secre- mined by titration. The effect of drugs admin-
tion. Acid secretion is an oxygen-dependent istered either orally or i.v. is examined on
process, so this technique is limited to young basal and stimulated acid secretion. For oral
animals (45) with thin stomach walls or stom- drug administration, the fistula must be
achs where the outer muscle laver " has been closed for a period of time to allow gastric emp-
removed. In older animals perfusion of the tying. The surgical addition of an intraduode-
vascular bed with oxygenated buffer is used to nal fistula allows drugs to be administered
maintain tissue viability (48). In these models, "orally," while being able to continuously
acid secretion can be produced through either monitor gastric pH. The brain is able to regu-
direct or indirect stimulation of the parietal late the release of acid-secreting hormones, so
cells using HA, gastrin, and Ach. It is also pos- a surgical modification of the gastric fistula
sible to examine the effect of drugs on neurally was developed, the Heidenhain pouch model
mediated acid secretion by use of electrical- (56). In this model, part of the stomach is di-
field stimulation (49). vided from the main body of the organ and
within the pouch the nerves are cut, so that
the pouch is isolated from the brain, but re-
Rats and dogs are generally used to examine tains the local blood supply of the stomach.
gastric acid secretion in vivo. The anesthe- Hence, the pouch will secrete digestive juice in
tized rat model most commonly used is the response to a circulating hormone (gastrin)
"Ghosh and Schild" rat (50). In this model, produced by the main body of the stomach, but
intragastric pH is monitored by means of the not in resDonse to the extra stimulation from

perfusion of an unbuffered solution through the brain. Because the pouch is separate from
the stomach, passing over a pH electrode upon the body of the stomach, drugs and food can be
its exit. Drugs are generally administered provided, whereas gastric juice, free of food
through intravenous, subcutaneous, or intra- contamination, can be collected from the fis-
peritoneal routes. Oral administration would tula (57).
require the flow of unbuffered solution to be Significant species differences have been
temporarily stopped, preventing the continu- demonstrated in gastric physiology and,
ous measurement of intragastric pH. The py- whereas studies in primates are rare, their
lorus-ligated rat model, often termed the physiology has been shown to be similar to
"Shay rat" (511, combines drug administra- that of humans (58). Primates are trained to
tion to the conscious animal with gastric acid sit in a chair and, as in human studies, sam-
collection under anesthesia (52). In this ples of gastric secretions can be taken through
8 Receptor-Mediated Processes that Regulate Gastric Acid Secretion 97

a nasogastric tube for pH analysis. Unlike the muscle contraction and this may lead to unfa-
dog, but in agreement with human studies, vorable side effects (65). (See Fig. 3.2.)
primates produce significant basal and stimu-
lated acid secretion and the effect of inhibitors 8.1.1 Structures and SAR of Anticholinergic
of gastric acid secretion can be examined (59). Agents. HA H,-receptor antagonists and PPIs
The more recent use of microdialysis have largely superseded the use of muscarinic
probes, implanted in the submucosa of the anticholinergic agents in the control of acid
acid-producing part of the rat stomach, en- secretion. Muscarinic receptor heterogeneity
ables gastric acid secretion to be examined in and wide tissue distribution, coupled with the
conscious animals without surgical modifica- low subtype specificity of the early anticholin-
tion (60). ergics such as propantheline, dicyclomine, and
hyoscine bromide, led to their being associated
with parasympathetic side effects such as dry
8 RECEPTOR-MEDIATED PROCESSES THAT mouth, dizziness, constipation, and blurred
REGULATE GASTRIC ACID SECRETION vision. Muscarinic antagonists, selective for
receptors located on the parietal cells, are con-
Gastric acid secretion from oxyntic cells is pro- sidered more suitable candidates for anticho-
duced in response to stimulation of second- linergic agents in the control of acid secretion.
messenger systems that trigger proton-pump Moreover, the overexpression of the M, sub-
activation. Vagal nerve endings in the stom- type in DU patients (61) has linked blockade
ach are stimulated by physicochemical factors of this receptor subtype to decreased pain
causing the release of Ach. Neurotransmitter through reduced duodenal motility. Pirenz-
release from nerve endings that are in close epine, which in addition to helping distinguish
proximity to ECL and G-cells stimulates the muscarinic receptor subtypes, was developed
release of HA and gastrin, respectively. Each as an antisecretory agent mainly on the basis
of these processes can be disrupted to reduce of its preferential inhibition of receptors on
the amount gastric acid secretion. The ability the intramural ganglia of the stomach wall.
to selectively and effectively inhibit gastric Compared to the H, antagonist ranitidine,
acid secretion determines the usefulness of pirenzepine alone was less effective in the in-
such therapies. hibition of acid secretion. The more potent de-
rivative telenzepine improved healing rates
8.1 Ach-Muscarinic-Receptor-Mediated (66); however, the increased incidence of side
Acid Secretion effects with the antimuscarinic agents, has
failed to dislodge the H, antagonists as the
Ach, released after vagal stimulation, binds to preferred antisecretory therapy. The effec-
muscarinic receptors present on both the acid- tiveness of antimuscarinic therapy may be
secreting parietal cell and the HA-secreting limited, given that pirenzepine, a muscarinic
ECL-like cell (Fig. 3.3). Muscarinic receptors antagonist, inhibited peptone meal-stimu-
stimulate the secretion of acid, pepsinogen, lated acid secretion by 39%, whereas raniti-
and mucus in the gastric mucosa. Autoradio- dine, an H,-receptor antagonist, produced
graphic techniques have shown that the M, 69% inhibition. In combination, however, the
receptor is overexpressed in DU (61); there- acid-secretory response was almost com-
fore a selective M,-receptor antagonist may pletely inhibited (99%) (67). Although this
provide a useful antisecretory therapy. Musca- combination therapy is feasible, it is unlikely
rink receptors are currently subdivided into to be used because of the side effects associ-
M,, M,, M,, M,, and M, (62). The receptors on ated with muscarinic antagonists.
rat and rabbit parietal cells and human and
porcine gastric mucosa are of the M, subtype.
8.2 Histamine H,-Receptor-Mediated
Pfeiffer (63) and Kajimura (64) found that
Acid Secretion
only the gene for the M, receptor subtype was
expressed in rabbit parietal cells. However, Leon Popielski first identified HA as a major
the M,-receptor is also associated with smooth stimulant of gastric acid secretion in 1916.
Inhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion

Dicyclomine Hyoscine butyl bromide Propantheline bromide

Telenzepine Pirenzepine

Figure 3.3. Ach-receptor antagonists used in the control of acid secretion.

However, it was not until the synthesis of HA ECL-cell to trigger the release of HA from
H2-receptorantagonists that the role of HA in storage granules located in ECL-like cells. HA,
parietal cell stimulation was fully recognized by activation of the H2-receptor and subse-
(68, 69). An enlightening account of the Hz- quent elevation of CAMPlevels, stimulates the
receptor antagonist discovery program at parietal cells to secrete acid.
SmithKline & French is provided in a review
by Duncan and Parsons (70). Originally, HA 8.2.1 Histamine Receptor Classification.
was considered to be the final mediator of HA receptors are currently subdivided into
secretagogue-stimulated gastric acid secre- HI, H,, H,, and H,. Gastric acid secretion
tion. However, although species dependent, from the parietal cells is strongly stimulated
the hormone gastrin is also able to stimulate by HA, an action that is exerted through H2-
gastric acid secretion, both directly (through receptors and'is not inhibited by the classic
the oxyntic cell) and indirectly (through the anti-HAS, which act a t HI-receptors. H,-
release of HA from the ECL cell). H2-receptor receptors are blocked by selective H2-receptor
antagonists inhibit both gastrin- and Ach- antagonists, such as burimamide, cimetidine,
stimulated gastric acid secretion, indicating ranitidine, and famotidine. H,- and H,-recep-
that the secretion of gastric acid can be medi- tors are relatively newly discovered and their
ated by the indirect release of HA (71). physiological relevance is still being delin-
HA is synthesized from dietary histidine by eated. H,-receptors regulate neurotransmit-
the enzyme histidine decarboxylase (HDC). ter release from nerve terminals and, with
High levels of HDC activity are found in the regard to acid secretion, H,-receptor stimula-
stomach, either in mucosal mast cells or in tion has been shown to inhibit pentagastrin-
ECL cells. Gastrin, Ach, and adrenaline inter- stimulated gastric acid secretion in conscious
act with their respective receptors on the Heidenhain pouch dogs (72). The recently
8 Receptor-Mediated Processes that Regulate Gastric A,cid Secretion

cloned H,-receptors (73-76) have so far only potent drug with a superior side-effect profile
been identified in bone marrow and eosino- and, backed by a skillful marketing campaign,
phils, where their role is believed to be in the superseded cimetidine as the world's most
regulation of the immune response. successful drug. Famotidine, synthesized by
Yamanouchi, was the third antagonist to be
8.2.2 H,-Receptor Antagonists. Hz-recep- registered and this remains the most potent
tors and the prototype Hz-receptor antagonist Hz antagonist available for clinical use. Two
burimamide were identified in a single paper other Hz-antagonists, nizatidine and roxati-
by Black et al. (69). Burimamide was reported dine, are also commercially available, but they
to inhibit both HA- and pentagastrin-stimu- seem to offer no improvement over the other
lated gastric acid secretion in rats, dogs, cats, agents (6).
and humans. The potency of burimamide at The clinically available H2-receptor antag-
inhibiting gastric acid secretion far exceeded onists are extremely safe. Toxicity problems,
that produced by anticholinergic drugs and however, were detected during the develop-
was devoid of apparent side effects. Burimam- ment of other Hz-antagonists such as tioti-
ide, however, had poor oral bioavailability and dine, which induced glandular dilation and hy-
was subsequently replaced by metiamide, perplasia of the gastric mucosa. This
which was 10-fold more potent and its activity observation highlighted the necessity to exam-
could be detected after oral administration ine the effects of antisecretory drugs on the
(68). whole stomach, and later studies, either with
Metiamide (400 mg) completely abolished Hz-antagonists or proton-pump inhibitors,
gastric acid secretion, whereas the maximum produced similar hyperplastic properties
tolerated dose of an anticholinergic, isoprop- when administered for prolonged periods.
amide, produced only 35% inhibition of food-
stimulated acid secretion. In combination, 8.2.3 Structures and SAR of H,-Receptor
however, submaximal doses of the two antag- Antagonists. The success of cimetidine in the
onists provided a potent antisecretory combi- control of gastric acid secretion in humans was
nation (77). Metiamide went into clinical trial swiftly followed by a considerable effort to ob-
in 1972 but was withdrawn because a small tain other Hz-receptor antagonists having a
number of patients developed agranulocytosis superior profile, either in terms of potency or
during treatment. Initially, it was not certain duration of action. This process led to a wealth
whether this toxicological problem was caused of medicinal chemistry, which has been the
by H2-receptorblockade affecting maturation subject of a number of extensive and detailed
of the bone marrow, or whether the thiourea reviews (78,791 and to the evaluation of many
moiety in the metiamide side chain had a di- new compounds in clinical studies. The SAR
rect toxic effect on the cells (70). Cimetidine, a evolved from the imidazole-based antagonists
molecule not containing a thiourea group, was metiamide and cimetidine, and is illustrated
the third Hz-receptor antagonist to be tested by representative compounds shown in Fig.
in humans. Cimetidine was similar to meti- 3.5. This led ultimately to the Hz-receptor an-
amide in its pharmacological profile, but did tagonists currently on'the market and shown
not cause the agranulocytosis observed with in Fig. 3.4.
metiamide. Cimetidine was marketed in the Although the Hz-receptor antagonists span
UK in 1976 under the trade name of Tagamet. a diverse range of structures, they can for the
Cimetidine therapy led to a revolution in most part be described by a general pharma-
the treatment of acid-peptic disorders, with cophore, that is, an aromatic or heterocyclic
oral therapy being able to reduce the necessity ring, attached by a flexible, preferably
of surgical procedures. The discovery of this thioether chain, to a polar hydrogen-bonding
landmark molecule caused a number of phar- group. However, the breadth of chemical func-
maceutical companies to be alerted to this tionality represented by each of these ele-
therapeutic area and target the discovery of a ments is testament to the rational approach
"better" Hz-receptor antagonist. Ranitidine successfully used in their design. Thus, it was
was introduced by Glaxo in 1981 as a more largely by careful consideration of properties,
Inhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion

(c f N


Nx S q , N H


Cimetidine Farnotidine

Ranitidine Nizatidine

Figure 3.4. Marketed Hz-receptorantagonists.

such as acidity, hydrophilicity, dipole mo- groups such as guanidine (83), 2-amino pyri-
ment, conformation, and geometry of the hy- midin-6one (84),and 1,Cdiamino butene-2,3-
drogen-bonding group (go), that it was possi- dione were less well tolerated, but they have
ble to retain Hz-receptor antagonism in a been used successfully in Hz-receptor antago-
variety of structures. For example, it was pos- nists, where additional changes have also been
sible to replace the thiourea and cyanoguani- made elsewhere in the molecule. Similarly, as-
dine groups of metiamide (81) and cimetidine sessment of the potential ionic and tautomeric
(82) with nitroguanidine and diaminonitro- forms of the imidazole ring and the dynamics
ethylene, respectively, which in this instance of its interaction with the receptor led to the
proved to be effective bioisosteres. Other suggestion that the neutral NH ' isomeric

Metiamide Tiotidine
0 0

Zolantidine W

Figure 3.5. Representative H,-receptor antagonists to illustrate SAR.

Receptor-Mediated Processes that Regulate Gastric Acid Secretion

rm is the preferred bioactive isomer (85,861. thioether link uniquely helps to maintain.
his prompted the preparation of many ana- However, whether this is a necessary re-
ich either substituents such as quirement for biological activity remains
oro (87) and methylthio (88) were intro- unclear.
ere the imidazole ring was re-
laced by other heterocycles. 8.2.4 Clinical Studies with H,-Receptor An-
Although 2-pyridine, 2-thiazole, and %so- tagonists. HA Hz-receptor antagonists are po-
all successfully used for this pur- tent and selective inhibitors of gastric acid se-
se, the most marked increase in potency cretion, with numerous clinical studies to
th respect to cimetidine was achieved by re- support their effectiveness in ulcer disease.
idazole ring by a guanidinethi- Table 3.4 outlines the clinical effectiveness
obtain tiotidine (891, as well as and pharmacokinetic profile of Hz-receptor
otidine (go), in which the cyanoguanidine antagonists currently available in the UK.
group had additionally been replaced by the Cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, and
more hydrophilic sulfamoylamidine substitu- nizatidine exhibit similar profiles of absorp-
ent. Moreover, with greater basicity now re- tion, distribution, and elimination. Each of the
ocyclic substituent than that in Hz-receptor antagonists exhibits classical
heterocyclic ring itself, the importance of competitive drug-receptor interactions, with
s characteristic in the latter substituent di- Schild slope parameters not significantly dif-
nished. The presence of a furan ring as the ferent from unity (99). The affinity of each of
heterocyclic component in ranitidine is consis- these drugs for the Hz-receptor is reflected in
tent with this view (91), and a similar struc- their effectivenessin inhibiting gastric acid se-
tural motif is also present in nizatidine (92). cretion (100). Famotidine is the most potent
The dimethylaminomethyl-substituted furan Hz-R antagonist, being 20-50 times more po-
of ranitidine evolved further to include piper- tent than cimetidine and 6-10 times more po-
idinylmethyl-substituted phenyl ethers, rep- tent than ranitidine (101) and nizatidine.
resented by roxatidine (93). An acetyl acet- Each of these drugs is rapidly absorbed after
was used as the hydrogen- oral administration, with peak plasma concen-
tuent in this case and higher trations being achieved within 3 h of dosing.
as achieved when this group was re- Oral bioavailability for these drugs ranges
the bulkier and more lipophilic ami- from 43% to 90%. With the exception of niza-
iazole ring, as in zolantidine (94). A tidine, the bioavailability of Hz-receptor an-
similar trend toward higher affinity arising tagonists is reduced because of extensive first-
from such groups is observed in oxmetidine pass hepatic metabolism. Only minimum
(95)and lupitidine (96), which can be consid- plasma protein binding occurs (130%)and all
ered to be more potent analogs of cimetidine of the Hz-antagonists are eliminated quite
and ranitidine, respectively. rapidly, with a terminal half-life of 1to 3 h and
In general, the introduction of branching to a total body clearance of 24-48 L/h. Elimina-
the linking chain afforded less potent com- tion is mainly attributable to renal excretion,
pounds, whereas replacement by an aromatic with renal clearances ranging from 13.8 to 30
linker was successful in the case of tiotidine L/h. Given that the values for renal clearance
analogs but only when the attached groups greatly exceed the glomerular filtration rate
had a meta disposition (89). The thioether link (6-7.2 L/h), it is apparent that renal tubular
has been retained in most Hz antagonists be- secretion plays an important role in this pro-
cause substitution of the sulfur atom by other cess (102).
heteroatoms or by methylene has been detri-
mental to affinity at the receptor. This has 8.2.5 Adverse Effects of Hz-Receptor An-
been attributed to a requirement to main- tagonists. The Hz-receptor antagonists are
tain an intramolecular hydrogen bond, be- generally extremely safe drugs, with few ad-
tween the polar termini, observed in crystal verse effects being reported. Cimetidine was
structures (97) and during infrared studies shown to possess antiandrogen properties in a
(98) of Hz antagonists and which the small number of patients; however, this effect
Table 3.4 An Overview of the Clinically Marketed H,-R Antagonists: Affinity, Clinical Pharmacology, and Pharmacokinetic Profilea
Plasma Volume of Plasma
In vitro Half-life Distribution Protein
Drng PKB Clinical Pharmacology: Effect on Gastric Acid Secretion Oral Absorption (h) (L kg-l) Binding Excretion Metabolism

Cimetidine 6.1 (193) Normal 0.8-1.2 (194) 1325% (194) Kidneys: i.v., -70% Oxidation to the sulfoxide
unchanged (195) (195)
i.v. p.0. p.0.
= 2 pmo1 L-' O.Sl.0 giday; 71% 0.8 giday; 55% 1.6 glday;
stimulant; decrease in 24 h, 67% decrease in 24 h,
pentagastrin, 40 pg mean H' (174) mean H+ activity
kg-' h-' (195) (174)
Famotidine 7.8 (193) ICSO= 4.3 pg kgg-lh-' 5 mg; 40% inhibition 40-80 mglday; improved 1.1-1.4 (194) 20% (194) Kidneys: i.v., 70% Oxidation to the sulfoxide
pentagastrin, 0.1 pg
kg-' h-' (196)
5 mg inhibition to
(300 mg) (197)
healing rates;
different dosing
regimes examined.
unchanged (199) p.o.,
40% unchanged;
remainder in bile or

Effect on gastric acid metabolized (194)

secretion was not
examined (198)
Ranitidine 6.7 (193) Ranitidine (150 mg) PGstimulated acid 1.82 (203) 15% (202) Kidneys: i.v., 69.4 ? Hepatic, some
more potent than secretion, 40 mg; 42% 6.1%; p.o., 26.7 + 7.2% enterohepatic recycling
cimetidine (200 mg) 80 mg; 69% nocturnal (203) (202)
(200) acid secretion, 80 mg;
50% (201)
Nizatidine 30 mg 57%; 100 mg Nizatidine (300 mg) was 1.1 (194) 30% (194) Kidneys (204) -35% major metabolites:
73%; 300 mg 90%; signifcantly shorter- N-2 mono des
75mg= . lasting than both methylnizatidine (-7%
inhibition to ranitidine (300 mg) of dose), nizatidine N-2
cimetidine (300 and farnotidine (40 oxide (-5%);nizatidine
mg) (205) mg) (100); nizatidine sulfoxide, minor
(300 mg) produced metabolite (207)
similar healing rates
to those of ranitidine
(300 mg) (206)

"Abbreviations: i.v., intravenous administration; p.o., oral administration; i.d., intraduodenal administration; normal, healthy human volunteers; DU, duodenal ulcer patients.
9 H+/K+-ATPase (Proton Pump) Inhibition

was not detected with other H2-receptor an- the elucidation of its function (111)were the
tagonists (103). Cimetidine also has high af- first steps toward the discovery of another
finity for the cytochrome P450 system, novel antisecretory therapy. In 1977, a year
whereas ranitidine has intermediate affinity after the launch of cimetidine, Astra reported
and famotidine and nizatidine have little to no on the first PPI, H83/88, a benzimidazole de-
interaction with this pathway (104). Inhibi- rivative that noncompetitively inhibited both
tion of this enzyme system can decrease the receptor (HA)-mediated and nonreceptor
oxidative metabolism of other drugs, resulting (CAMP)-mediatedacid secretion from isolated
in decreased clearance. H2-receptor antago- gastric mucosa (112).
nists may therefore adversely affect the clear-
ance of agents that have a limited therapeutic 9 H+/K+-ATPase (PROTON PUMP)
window (e.g., warfarin, theophylline, and INHIBITION
The enzyme H /Kf -ATPase, or proton pump,

8.2.6 The Need to Develop More Potent An-

regulates the final stage in the cellular cascade
tisecretory Agents. The discovery and develop- that terminates in the secretion of gastric acid.
ment of Hz-receptor antagonists was the be- Acid secretion is dependent on the cellular lo-
ginning of a novel therapeutic approach to cation of the enzyme and the close proximity
diseases associated with the hypersecretion of of a potassium chloride efflux pathway. When
gastric acid. The inhibition of acid secretion at the parietal cell transforms from a resting to a
the level of the parietal cell, by inhibiting the stimulated state, cytoskeletal rearrangement
activation of HA released from ECL-cells, was occurs and H+/K+-ATPase relocates to the
the beginning of cellular-based antisecretory apical plasma membrane. Potassium and chlo-
therapy. During the 19809,Hz-antagonists be- ride ions move across the apical cell mem-
came first-line therapy in peptic ulcer disease brane together with secreted protons. Potas-
and negated the necessity of surgery for a sium is recycled, whereas the hydrochloric
large number of patients. acid of gastric juice is formed by chloride ions
It soon became apparent that H2-receptor together with secreted protons (Fig. 3.6).
antagonist therapy had some drawbacks. In a Neuronal, hormonal, and enzymic path-
small but significant number of patients, the ways influence the secretion of gastric acid.
disease was resistant or recurred after maxi- The diversity of therapies available for treat-
mal H2-antagonist therapy (105). In another ing hypersecretory disorders appear to have
small group of patients, H2-receptor antago- developed with these targets in mind (i.e., va-
nists were particularly poor when it came to gotomy, Hz-, and muscarinic-receptor antago-
inhibiting the nocturnal secretion of gastric nists and, more recently, PPIs). The most po-
acid (106). The limitation of this therapy re- tent inhibitor of gastric acid secretion is
sulted from the actions of other mediators, produced by inhibiting Hf/Kt-ATPase.
such as Ach or gastrin, acting directly on the
parietal cell, in stimulating the secretion of 9.1 Structure of the Proton Pump
gastric acid. In some patients, tolerance to H2-
antagonist therapy also appeared to develop The H+/Kf-ATPase enzyme, present in tubu-
when long-term treatment was necessary lovesicular and canalicular membranes of the
(107, 108). A further problem was that acid gastric parietal cell, consists of two subunits, a
rebound (elevated acid secretory response) oc- 114-kDa a-subunit and a 34-kDa p-subunit.
curred after cessation of H2therapy (109). The The a-subunit has been shown to contain 10
upregulation of other hormonal mechanisms, transmembrane helices, with the p-subunit
alterations in signal transduction, or receptor possessing only a single transmembrane helix
upregulation were hypotheses proposed to ac- (113). The a-subunit carries out the catalytic
count for both the decreased effectiveness and and transport functions of the enzyme be-
acid rebound, which was produced by Hz-an- cause it contains both ATP and cation binding
tagonist therapy. sites; it also contains the sequences responsi-
The discovery of the proton pump (110) and ble for apical membrane localization. When
lnhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion

Parietal cell

KC1 transport

Figure 3.6. Activation of the proton pump in the parietal cell.

the parietal cell transforms from an active to hydrolysis. The stimulation of hydrogen ion
resting state, the heavily glycosylated p-sub- secretion by the ATPase leaves behind an
unit is required for endocytic retrieval of the equivalent number of hydroxide ions. These
H+/Kt-ATPase from the canalicular mem- are converted to H C O , by the enzyme car-
branes. This subunit may also contribute to bonic anhydrase, which is closely associated
proper folding and membrane localization of with the secretory membrane. The activity of
the enzyme (114). Ht/Kt-ATPase belongs to the pump is determined by the access of K+ to
the family of Pz-type ATPases and has homol- the extracytoplasmic surface of the pump. In
ogy with other members of this family such as the absence of K' on this surface of the pump,
Na+/K+-ATPase (65% homology) and Ca2+- the pump cycle stops at the level of the phos-
ATPases (23% homology). phoenzyme.
In recent studies, mice lacking a functional
9.2 Acid Secretion and the Proton Pump Ht/K+ATPase (achieved by ablation of the
Hf/K+ATPase a-subunit) were found to pos-
When the resting parietal cell is stimulated by
sess severe disturbances in the secretory
acid secretagogues, the tubulovesicles are
membranes of the parietal cell, metaplasia of
transformed into the secretory canaliculus.
the gastric mucosa, achlorhydria, and hyper-
The parietal cell has the largest mitochondria1
gastrinemia (115). Hf /Kt-ATPase therefore
content of any mammalian cell (-34% of cell
forms a critical component of the ion-trans-
volume) and the ATP generated by this is
port system mediating acid secretion in the
mainly used for acid secretion. Hydrolysis of
ATP results in a conformational change in the
protein that mediates the electroneutral ex- 9.3 Mechanism of Action of
change of intracellular Ht and extracellular Proton-Pump lnhibitors
K+. The pump is activated only when it is as-
sociated with a potassium chloride pathway in PPIs are both more potent and of longer dura-
the canalicular membrane (Fig. 3.6). This al- tion than Hz-receptor antagonists and there-
lows potassium chloride efflux into the extra- fore are frequently the drug of choice for the
cytoplasmic space and thus results in the se- treatment of diseases associated with the se-
cretion of HC1 at the expense of ATP cretion of gastric acid. PPIs inhibit gastric acid
9 H+/K+-ATPase (Proton Pump) Inhibition

secretion by inhibiting the enzyme H+/Kf - first well-defined inhibitors of the newly - dis-
ATPase, which is located on the luminal sur- covered gastric proton pump. This compound
face of gastric parietal cells. Currently pre- stemmed from efforts to separate the toxicity
scribed PPIs are substituted benzimidazole- and acid-inhibitory properties of 2-pyridyl-
based structures. When administered at thioacteamide (CMN131). Removal of the
neutral pH, these weak bases are chemically thioamide group was considered to be the
stable, lipid-soluble, and have no effect on gas- most likely solution to the toxicity of CMN131,
tric acid secretion. The inactive PPI diffuses which prompted the preparation of sulfur-
from the bloodstream into the parietal cells containing heterocycles, as well as imidazo-
and subsequently into the acid environment of line- and benzimidazole-linked sulfides. How-
the secretory canaliculi, where it rearranges ever, it was the corresponding S-oxide analogs
to form a sulfenic acid in equilibrium with a of the latter compounds that proved the more
sulfenamide. Either chemical entity is then potent; it thus became clear that the mecha-
able to interact covalently with thiol groups at nism of action of timoprazole was distinct
cysteine residues located on the luminal sur- from that of Hz-receptor antagonism. Timo-
face of the a-subunit of the H+/K+-ATPase. prazole was subsequently followed by the
This covalent binding results in specific and more potent derivatives picoprazole in 1976
essentially irreversible inactivation of the en- and omeprazole in 1979 (119). The three main
zyme, leading to long-lasting inhibition of gas- structural features of omeprazole (i.e., the
tric acid secretion (Figs. 3.7 and 3.8). Such a substituted pyridine ring; the substituted
profile is thus ideally suited to once-daily ad- benzimidazole; and the methylsulfinyl linking
ministration in the management of acid-pep- group, by which these two ring systems are
tic disorders. attached to one another) are essential, either
Like omeprazole, the other commercially in generating the active form from its inactive
available PPIs, lansoprazole, rabeprazole, prodrug precursor or in binding irreversibly
pantoprazole, and esomeprazole are inactive with the H+/Kf -ATPase enzyme. For this rea-
prodrugs that are activated in the acid envi- son, compounds inhibiting acid secretion by
ronment of the gastric glands. This means this mechanism and lacking one or more of
that all these agents are best administered in a these features are scarce. Moreover, for irre-
formulation that includes an enteric coating. versible proton-pump inhibitors to achieve se-
Subtle differences in the inhibitory effects of lective biological activity, their mechanism of
these compounds on H+ transport and acid action demands that they have relatively high
secretion, however, have been reported. These chemical stability around neutral pH, but be
have been attributed to binding of the drug to readily activated at low pH. This chemical pro-
different cysteine residues within the proton file also influences attendant issues such as
pump. Unlike omeprazole and lansoprazole, synthesis, formulation, and storage, and be-
which bind to two (cyst413 and cys892) and cause biological activity of this class of com-
three (cys813, cys892, and cys321) cysteine pounds often correlates with chemical lability,
residues, respectively (116), rabeprazole is re- not all compounds, which achieve potent in-
ported to bind to a single cysteine residue lo- hibitory behavior in vitro,are viable drug can-
cated at position 322 between transmembrane didates because they are inherently too chem-
domain H3 and the lumen. This interaction ically unstable.
does not appear to result in a conformational The gastric proton-pump inhibitors cur-
change of the enzyme, whereas omeprazole rently available (Fig. 3.10) all retain the same
stabilizes the conformation of the enzyme in key chemical features present in omeprazole,
the dephosphorylated state, or so-called E2 indicating that the structural requirements to
form (117). achieve irreversible inhibition of the gastric
ATPase enzyme are precisely defined. The
9.4 Structure and SAR of the
clinical properties of this latter group of drugs
Proton-Pump Inhibitors
is discussed more fully in section 9.6, whereas
In 1973 workers at AB Haessle in Sweden, the remainder of this section focuses on other
identified timoprazole (118) as one of the candidates currently or previously under de-
Inhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion

Orneprazole %
, I
\ I I
\ I
I Oesophagus I

orne~razolein acid
environment of
. - - pariental cell

pH 7.4 - Via bloodstream


Figure 3.7. Conversion of omeprazole to its active state within an acidic environment. Oral admin-
istration of enterically coated omeprazole ensures maximal activation occurs within the parietal cell.

velopment. As discussed above, the potency of (Table 3.5 and Fig. 3.9). Where possible, their
irreversible proton-pump inhibitors is a time- potency relative to omeprazole, measured un-
and pH-dependent property, making compar- der the same assay conditions, is indicated.
ison of their in vitro potency difficult, given However, notwithstanding differences in the
the wide range of assay conditions employed stimulant used, comparison of their in vivo
9 H+/K+-ATPase (Proton Pump) Inhibition

r -
(b) H3C,0

Figure 3.8. Acid-catalyzed activation of omeprazole to form the active pyridinium sulfenamide or
sulfenic acid. Only one isomer of intermediates (a) and (b) is shown.

potency, as judged by inhibition of gastric acid effective, most likely because of their greater
secretion, is in many respects more reliable chemical stability. Although many of the com-
because interspecies variations are minimized pounds lack substituents on the benzimid-
and the data obtained are also unconfounded azole ring, the presence of electron-donating
by differences in pH. groups at the 5-position, such as methoxy
The same chemical features retained in the (omeprazole), SKF 95601, OPC-22575 (129),
marketed compounds lansoprazole (120), pan- S-337 (128), pyrrol-1-yl (IY-81149) (130), and
toprazole (1211, and rabeprazole (122) are re- difluoromethoxy (pantoprazole),also provided
tained in disuprazole (54) TY-11345 (123), Ro- an optimum balance of chemical stability and
18-5364 (1241, and SKF 95601 (125). The reactivity. In fact, the presence of electron-
benzimidazole group of omeprazole has been withdrawing substituents in this position,
replaced by other heterocycles and its activity such as nitro, methylsulfinyl, and trifluor-
retained, with the methoxyimidazopyridine methyl, increases the basicity of the benzimid-
compound tenatoprazole (126) being the most mole ring to the point where the behavior of
advanced. Similarly, the fused benzene ring of these compounds is dominated by activation at
the benzimidazole group has been substituted neutral pH, resultingin compounds having poor
by a thiophene ring in the thieno[3,4-dlimida- chemical stability and limited practical value
zole-based compounds saviprazole (127) and (131).
8-1924 (128); however, examples of the corre- In contrast, increasing the nucleophilic
sponding thieno[2,3-dlimidazole isomers (I), character of the pyridine ring, by the incorpo-
aIso described by Hoechst, are much less ration of electron-donating substituents, en-
Table 3.5 Biological Activity of Representative Irreversible PPIs
In Vitro In Vivo
Inhibition of Gastric Acid
Secretion in Rat by Enteral

Ic50, a(Ic5O1 fl, Administration, ED,,, mg kg-'
Structure omeprazole) (ED,,, mg kg-', omeprazole) Ref.
20 (50)a 2-5 (2.5)d 54
/ N

H3C S7

Disuprazole (Upjohn)

TY-11345 (Tao Eiyo KK)

SKF 95601 (SmithKline & French)
Tenatoprazole (Mitsubishi-Tokyo Pharm. Inc.)



Saviprazole (Hoechst AG)

OPC-22575 (Otsuka Phdrm. Co. Ltd.)

IY-81149 (11-Yang Pharm. Ind. Co. Ltd.)

Table 3.5 (Continued)
In Vitro In Vivo
Inhibition of Gastric Acid
Secretion in Rat by Enteral
Ic50, f l (Ic50, f l , Administration, ED5,, mg kg-'
Structure omeprazole) (ED,,, mg kg-', omeprazole) Ref.

Leminoprazole (Nippon Chemipharm. Co. Ltd.)

(2) (Roussel Morishita Co. Ltd.)

YJA 20379-4 (Yungjin Pharm Co. Ltd.)

GYKI-34655 (Egis Gyogyszergyar RT)
"Canine gastric (H+/Kt) ATPase.
*Rabbit gastric (H+/K+) ATPase.
'Porcine gastric (Ht/K+) ATPase.
dShay rat.
=Ghoshand Schild rat.
fIntravenous administration.
112 Inhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion

Timoprazole (Astra AB)

S-1924 (Hoechst) S-337 (Hoechst) L ~ ~ 3

H3C 0CH3
Ro-18-5364 (Roche holding AG)

Figure 3.9. Structures of representative irreversible PPIs to illustrate SAR.

hances the rate of attack of the C-2 position of the most advanced clinically and displays an
the benzimidazole group and thereby pro- enhanced duration of action relative to that of
motes the acid-catalyzed rearrangement to omeprazole. Similarly, the electron-rich-sub-
the active species. This electronic feature is
stituted pyrimidin-2-yl group (2)has also been
present in omeprazole (3,5-dimethyl-4-me- used in place of the 2-pyridylmethyl moiety in
thoxy) and pantoprazole (2,3-dimethoxy), compounds described by Roussel-Morishita
whereas it is combined with increased lipophilic (133).
character in 4-fluoroalkyl benzimidazole-substi- AD-9161 represents the most potent of a
tuted compounds, such as lansoprazole (2,2,2- novel but mechanistically similar class of irre-
trifluoroethyloxy) and saviprazole (2,2,3,3,4,4- versible H+/K+-ATPase inhibitors (134).
heptafluorobutyloxy). The 3-methoxypropow Compounds of this type were designed based
substituent present on the pyridyl group of ra-
on the finding that the oxoisothiazolo~5,4-
beprazole has a particularly strong electron-do- blpyridine (3) displayed potent inhibition of
nating character, but the resulting enhance- ATPase in vitro but failed to achieve inhibi-
ment in reactivity in this case is mitigated by tion of gastric acid secretion in vivo (135). This
formulation as its sodium salt, so as to increase disparity was ascribed to the rapid and prefer-
chemical stability. Similarly, the 3-chloro sub- ential attachment to and inactivation of (31, by
stituent is used to similar effect in the case of the thiol groups located outside the region of the
4-aminopyridyl-substituted compound SKI? ATPase enzyme in the parietal cells. AD-9161
95601 (131). is considerably more stable than (3)and dis-
As an alternative to the 2-pyridyl group of plays potency comparable to that of omepra-
omeprazole, compounds containing a substi- zole both in vitro and in vivo.
tuted benzene ring in this position, made suf- Although all the proton-pump inhibitors
ficiently electron rich by the presence of a described so far are prodrugs that rely on the
2-amino group, display potent inhibition. Al- participation of a sulfoxide group to effect
though other examples of this type are known their activation, related sulfide analogs are
(S-3337, OPC-22575), leminoprazole (132) is also known. Because compounds of this class,
9 H+/K+-ATPase (Proton Pump) lnhibition

such as YJA-20379-4 (136) and GYKI-34655 9.5 Profile of Proton-Pump lnhibition

(137), would first need to be oxidized to the
Omeprazole is a potent and irreversible inhib-
sulfoxide before activation, they are consider-
itor of Hf /Kt-ATPase. Subsequently devel-
ably less potent than omeprazole in vitro, but
oped compounds (lansoprazole, pantoprazole,
in vivo they are at least as effective in models
esomperazole, and rabeprazole) have a similar
of gastric acid secretion and ulceration.
mechanism of action, although small differ-
In an effort to obtain a second-generation,
ences in bioavailability, potency, and metabo-
irreversible proton-pump inhibitor having a
lism have been reported.
superior profile, renewed interest has recently
Comparative studies with lansoprazole and
focused on the relative potency of the optical
pantoprazole suggest that they have a potency
isomers of omeprazole and other benzimida-
similar to that of omeprazole (143). Rabepra-
zold-yl2-pyridylthiomethylS-oxides. The op-
zole is readily converted to the active drug
tical activity arises from chirality at the sulfur
form and has a more rapid onset of effect than
atom. One aim was to reduce liver clearance that of omeprazole in both in vitro and in vivo
and thereby minimize variations in interpa- studies. In the rat, there is evidence to suggest
tient bioavailability and efficacy. The enanti- that rabeprazole may have a slightly shorter
omers of omeprazole were long expected to be duration of action than that of other PPIs.
of equivalent potency to one another and to Compared with lansoprazole, the onset of ac-
omeprazole, given that acid-catalyzed conver- tion of rabeprazole was faster and its duration
sion to the nonchiral active forms would be of action was shorter, as determined by mea-
expected to occur at the same rate. Use of a suring acid output and microsomal enzyme ac-
single enantiomer was also an unattractive tivity (144). However, in another study in
approach, given that, once separated, the en- dogs, the rate of recovery of acid output was
antiomers slowly racemized, although it was similar when rabeprazole was compared with
subsequently confirmed that they displayed omeprazole (145). The rate of activation of
similar behavior in uitro (138). It was only PPIs is pH dependent, with rabeprazole being
with the availability of larger quantities of the fully activated at pH 5.0, whereas omeprazole
respective enantiomers (139) and their stabi- and lansoprazole are only partially activated.
lization by formulation as alkaline salts, that These different pH selectivities may have an
their relative potency i n viuo could be rigor- impact on drug interactions and safety (146).
ously investigated. In rats, the enantiomers Rabeprazole is claimed to possess properties
displayed distinct profiles in their potency and different from those of the other PPIs, with
regard to the number of cysteine binding sites;
bioavailability because of selectivity in their
its effect on the conformation and partial re-
rates of metabolism. Subsequently, in human
activity of the enzyme; the rate of acid activa-
studies, the relative potency of the enanti-
tion (122) and thus onset of action (147); anti-
omers was found to be reversed, with the S- secretory potency i n vivo (148); and the
isomer now being the more potent, because of kinetics of reversal by scavenger mechanisms
the presence of the CYP2C19 cytochrome (117). Unlike omeprazole and lansoprazole,
P450 metabolizing enzyme for which the R- rabeprazole is reported to bind to just one cys-
isomer is a substrate. This is an enzyme that is teine residue located at position 322 between
absent from rats (140). transmembrane domain H3 and the lumen.
Based on its superior bioavailability in hu- This interaction appears not to result in a con-
man studies (141), esomeprazole, the S-enan- formational change in the enzyme. Conver-
tiomer of omeprazole, has now been launched sion of rabeprazole into a reactive intermedi-
as a successor, with the aim of providing a ate also appears to occur more rapidly than for
higher level of management in acid-related other PPIs, which results in a faster onset of
disorders. Single-enantiomer versions of lan- action and greater potency in isolated cell sys-
soprazole [(S)-lansoprazole]and pantoprazole tems. Compared with omeprazole, the rate of
[(-)-pantoprazole] (142) are currently in the reversal by glutathione is more rapid and the
early stages of clinical development. compound has a shorter duration of action, as
lnhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion

Orneprazole (Astra AB) Pantoprazole (Byk Gulden)

Rabeprazole (Eisai Co. Ltd) Lansoprazole (Takeda Industries Ltd.)

Esorneprazole (Astra AB)
Figure 3.10. Marketed irreversible PPIs.

measured in isolated gastric glands and some vation within a more neutral pH range than
animal models. Compared with lansoprazole, that of any of the other PPIs, with pantopra-
the onset of action of rabeprazole was faster zole being the most stable (143). (See Fig.
and its duration of action was shorter, as de- 3.10.)
termined by measuring acid output and micro- The plasma half-life of the PPIs is rela-
somal enzyme activity (144). tively short (-1 h) and accumulation is un-
likely to occur, even when clearance is signifi-
9.6 Clinical Studies with cantly reduced by renal impairment. The oral
Proton-Pump Inhibitors bioavailability of esomeprazole is lower than
PPIs are currently the most rapid, potent, and that of the other PPIs, with lansoprazole being
long-lasting treatment for hyperacidity disor- the most orally bioavailable (149). All PPIs are
ders. Omeprazole was first marketed in 1988 highly protein bound and are metabolized in
and still remains the drug of choice for many the liver.
patients. Like omeprazole, the majority of Although PPIS are currently the most po-
subsequently marketed PPIs, pantoprazole, tent inhibitors of gastric acid secretion avail-
lansoprazole, and esomperazole, bind irre- able, omeprazole has been reported to produce
versibly to the proton pump. Acid secretion interindividual variations in its ability to inhibit
can be restored only through endogenous syn- gastric acid secretion. Recently, one of the isoen-
thesis of new Ht/K+-ATPase, which has a zymes of cytochrome P450, CYP2C19, which is
half-life of production of approximately 50 h integral to the degradation of PPIs in the liver,
(116). Rabeprazole, however, is converted was shown to have two genetic phenotypes: ex-
more rapidly into its activated forms and tensive metabolizers and poor metabolizers.
dissociates more readily from the H'/K'- Variations in the phenotypes of CYP2C19 have
ATPase, resulting in a faster rate of inhibition been shown to affect the acid-suppressing ef-
and a shorter duration of action. This property fects of omeprazole, although the effectiveness
of rabeprazole is most likely linked to its acti- of rabeprazole was not affected by CYP2C19 ge-
9 H+/K+-ATPase (Proton Pump) Inhibition

notype (150).The potency of omeprazole, lanso- counting for esomeprazole's improved phar-
prazole, and pantaoprazole was dependent on macokinetic profile (152). The other advan-
metabolism by the enzyme CYP2C19 and, in tages of esomeprazole over the existing PPIs
subjects not expressing this genotype, the effec- are also related to its reduced metabolism by
tiveness of these PPIs was increased sign& cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver. With
cantly. The genetically polymorphic CYP2C19 most other PPIs, drug interactions are of con-
enzyme is absent from 3% of Caucasians and siderable importance, especially in situations
20% of Asians. where decreased metabolism is likely, for ex-
It is difficult to make direct comparisons of ample, where the CYP2C19 enzyme is absent
the relative activity of each of the PPIs, given or there is hepatic or renal impairment. Fur-
the different doses and dosing regimes used in thermore, because esomeprazole undergoes
clinical studies . However, for most PPIs, ef- less hepatic metabolism compared with that of
fectiveness has been compared to that of the omeprazole and other PPIs, there is less inter-
prototype PPI, omeprazole. Table 3.6 outlines patient variability in the metabolic profile, the
the results obtained in some of these clinical presence or absence of CYP2C19 being of less
studies as well as the pharmacokinetic profile importance. This makes the drug easier to
determined for each of the PPIs marketed in manage (153).
the UK.Clinical studies for Hz-receptor an- Although esomeprazole is a potent inhibi-
tagonists tended to measure effectiveness re- tor of acid secretion, clinical trials comparing
lated to inhibition of acid secretion. In con- its effectiveness to that of other agents have
trast, healing rates were generally the tended to use disparate doses for each PPI ex-
parameter of choice for PPIs. The PPIs are amined (154). Kromer et al. considered that
clearly more potent than the Hz-receptor an- there was no pharmacodynamic argument in
tagonists, with clinically used doses being at favor of single-enantiomeric formulations of
least 15 times lower than those of Hz-receptor any PPI (146). Moreover, potential pharmaco-
antagonists used in the treatment of DU (151). kinetic differences between the enantiomers
The pharmacokinetics and acid suppression seem to be of little if any importance in the
produced by omeprazole, pantoprazole, lanso- patient. A clinical study comparing the cost
prazole, and rabeprazole from numerous clin- effectiveness of esomeprazole and omeprazole
ical studies were recently reviewed (143). The in the acute treatment of GERD found that
authors concluded that these PPIs were of esomeprazole 40 mg once daily was more cost
ivalent potency, although rabeprazole and effective than omeprazole 20 mg once daily
soprazole displayed a more rapid onset of (155). This cost-cutting marketing approach
ion. As part of the triple therapy used for used by AstraZeneca may encourage the pre-
adication of H. pylori, each of the PPIs was scribing of esomeprazole over omeprazole or
ly effective. its imminent generic substitutes.
Until recently, all PPIs were marketed as
9.7 Adverse Effects of Proton-Pump
ures of enantiomers. However, the devel-
ment of esomeprazole has prompted numer-
studies to test its therapeutic benefit over Headache is one of the most frequently re-
at of existing PPIs. Within the last 2 years ported adverse events in clinical trials where
more than 40 publications have reported PPIs have been examined (frequency
udies involving the use of esomeprazole. Es- 1.3-8.8%). Patients with headache also had a
eprazole has an improved pharmacokinetic significant incidence of diarrhea, nausea, and
ofde relative to that of omeprazole: esome- dizziness. A discontinuation of PPI therapy
ole (20 mg per day for 5 days) had a 70% resulted in a cessation or reduction of the
gher area under the plasma concentration- headache in 80.0% (20 of 25) (156).
e curve than that of omeprazole (20 mg per Possible risks of prolonged treatment with
for 5 days). The S-isomer of omeprazole PPIs had been thought to include hypergas-
meprazole) was found to undergo less me- trinemia (1571, atrophic gastritis, and enteric
lism by CYP2C19 than the R-isomer in infections. However, no data have established
human liver, this decreased metabolism ac- any true risk to patients, despite many years
Table 3.6 An Overview of the Clinically Marketed PPI Inhibitors; Affinity, Clinical Pharmacology, and Pharmacokinetic Profile
Volume of Plasma
In Vitro O d Plasma Distribution Protein
h~ PKR Clinical Pharmacology: Effect on Gastric Acid Secretion Absorption Half-Life (h) (L kg-') Binding Excretion Metabolism
Omeprazole 9 (208) Normal 54% (209) Urine:feces Hepatic hydmxylation
4:l (210) through CYP2C19
1.v. p.0. p.0.
40 mg, fewer inhibition of: basal 10,20, and 30 mg/day
Pre-oP acid, 30 mg, 66%; for 1 week caused a
patients with 60 mg, 92%; PG 37,90, and 97%
pH < 2.5 and stimulated acid, decrease of 24-h
a volume of 30 mg, 71%; 60 mg, intragastric acidity
25 mL (213) 95%; 7-day (215)
treatment, 30 mg
and 60 mg, 100%
inhibition (214)
Pantoprazole 8.6 (208) 80, 120 mg Maximal inhibition Healing rate, 20 mg, 77% (217) Renal, Hepatic hydmxylation
maximal with 60 mg; 40 mg, 58%; 40 mg, 89%; -80% through CYPZCN
inhibition for pH<3for8h, 80 mg, 82% (217); (217) (212); subsequently
up to 21 h; equieffectivewith 4-weeks treatment; metabolized by
onset of omeprazole (217) healing rate: sulfotransferase
action < 1h omeprazole, 20 mg, (218)
(216) 77%; pantroprazole,
40 mg, 88%
Lansoprazole 9 (208) - Maximal inhibition Dosebeding r a t e 30 ss% (221) Biliary, Hepatic hydroxylation
with 230 mg (219) mg/86%; omeprazole renal through CYP2C19
20 mg/82% (220) (222) (212)
Rabeprazole - 10, 20,30, and 40 mg, 20 mg in conjunction 52% (224) Renal, Hepatic hydmxylation
dose-dependent with antibiotic -90% through CYP2C19
inhibition of acid eradication rates: (224) and CYP3A4 (143)
secretion (223) omeprazole, 69%;
rabeprazole, 84%

Esomeprazole - 9 20 mg Day 1,46%,

Day 5,90% (140)
20 mg in conjunction
with antihiotic
20 mg, 68%;
40 mg,
Hepatic hydmxylation;
mainly metabolized
eradicationhealing 89% (226) by CYP3A4,
rate: omeprazole, compared to R-
88192%; esomeprazole omeprazole, which is
86191% (225) almost completely
metabolized through
CYP2C19 (140)
10 Targets Under Investigation

of experience with these agents. PPIs are re- Nippon have also described the properties of
markably safe and well tolerated (158). structurally similar compounds, respectively
YM-020 (163) and SPI-447 (161). Develop-
ment of SPI-447 is ongoing and it has been
shown that the compound has no effect on
Na+/Kt-ATPase activity. The mechanism of
10.1 Reversible Proton-Pump Inhibitors
SPI-447 is thought to be SH-group indepen-
The effectiveness of clinically" available PPIs dent, Kt-competitive, and highly specific
relies on the number of active pumps at any against gastric Ht/Kf-ATPase (161) (Fig.
one time and the recovery of pumps after bio- 3.11).
synthesis. The prolonged suppression of gas- Another program to obtain a reversible
tric acid secretion produced by both Hz-recep- proton-pump inhibitor came from workers at
tor antagonists and PPIs produces extended SmithKline & French, who selected the sub-
periods of hypergastrinemia, which has been stituted quinoline compound SK&F 96067 as
associated with the formation of precancerous an early clinical candidate (164). SKF 96067 is
changes in human gastric mucosa and gastric a reversible inhibitor of the Ht/K+-ATPase
carcinoids in long-term animal studies. In protein of the parietal cell (164). In clinical
fact, the development of omeprazole, a proton- trials SKF 96067 was found to be a more po-
pump inhibitor, was delayed because high tent inhibitor of gastric acid secretion than the
doses were shown to induce ECL-cell hyper- Hz-receptor antagonist ranitidine. This com-
plasia in rodents. However, Astra disputed sci- pound reached Phase I11 clinical trials but has
entifically that this would occur in humans now been discontinued (165). The compound
and omeprazole was eventually marketed in was followed by SKF 97574 (159) that, al-
1988. though of similar potency to that of SKF
Nonetheless, some research efforts are cur- 96067, displayed a significantly longer dura-
rently targeted at obtaining reversible PPIs, tion of action in vivo.
so-called acid pump antagonists (APAs). As an alternative strategy to escape the
These are proposed to offer distinct advan- drawbacks of the initial leads, the quinoline
tages over both the irreversible proton-pump ring was retained but constrained in a pyrrolo-
inhibitors and HA Hz-receptor antagonists quinoline ring system as in SKF 96356 (166).
(159).Acting at the final stage of gastric acid This ring system has also formed the basis of
secretion, molecules of this type have the po- compounds described by the Korea Research
tential to combine profound inhibition of gas- Institute of Chemical Technology [AU-006
tric acid secretion elicited by all stimuli and (1671, AU-461 (168), and DBM-819 (169)l.
the dose flexibility available with Hz-receptor DBM-819 displays potency comparable to that
antagonists. Several companies have pro- of omeprazole in models of gastric acid secre-
gressed APAs into development, although cur- tion and ulceration (169).
rently none has progressed beyond phase I11 A tetrahydroisoqunoline-based compound,
clinical trials. YH-1885, discovered by Yuhan, is currently
From the medicinal chemistry point of one of the most clinically advanced reversible
view, the imidazopyridine-based compound proton-pump inhibitors (170). It is now being
SCH 28080 was the prototype of the reversible codeveloped with GlaxoSmithKline for stom-
proton-pump inhibitor (160). As early as 1983, ach ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux dis-
it had been suggested that the antisecretory ease. Clinical data on YH-1885 have demon-
effect of this compound was directly mediated strated that it is safe and well tolerated when
by the gastric proton pump, and this has been administered as a single dose (60 to 300 mg) or
further demonstrated by its ability to antago- multiple doses (150 to 300 mg) to healthy vol-
nize the binding of the irreversible proton- unteers. The compound significantly in-
pump inhibitor omeprazole (161). The marked creased gastric pH and increased the fraction
liver toxicity of this compound necessitated of time above pH 3 at doses above 150 mg.
follow-up compounds, of which SCH 32651 During multiple dosing, YH-1885 exhibited a
(162) is an example. Yamanouchi and Shin- reversible mode of action with no significant
l I
H 3 C ~ 0 YM-020
SCH 28080 SCH 32651 CH3 (Yamanouchi)
(Schering-Plough) (Schering-Plough)

SPl-447 I I
(Shin Nippon) 0CH3 SKF 96067 HOW' SKF 97574
(SmithKline and French) (SmithKline and French)

SKF 96356 F3c-0 AU-461 AU-006
(SmithKline and French) (Korea lnst. of (Korea lnst. of
Chem. Technology) Chem. Technology)

DBM-819 YH-1885
(Korea lnst. of Chem. (Yukan) (4) Banyu Pharm Co.

T-776 H2N/

Figure 3.11. Representative reversible PPIs to illustrate SAR.

accumulation (171).YH-1885recently entered secretory capacity of both mutants. Basal acid
phase I clinical trials for the treatment of secretion was abolished and parietal cells were
unresponsive to stimulation by HA, gastrin, or
Banyu Pharmaceutical Co. has disclosed Ach. In gastrin knockout mice the ECL cells
the properties of proton-pump inhibitors such contained fewer secretory granules and were
as (41, which were obtained by chemical mod- located closer to the base of the gastric glands
ification of the structure of omeprazole, but compared to that in normal, litter-mate con-
which are reversible in their interaction with trol mice, an indicator of poor ECL cell activ-
the ATPase enzyme (172). Tanabe, also, has ity. In both the gastrin and gastrin-receptor
described a proton-pump inhibitor (T-776), knockout mice, the number of parietal cells
which contains many of the structural ele- was reduced (177).
ments found in the irreversible inhibitors, but Current gastrin-receptor antagonists
which has been shown to possess a reversible (CCG-receptor antagonists) inhibit the ac-
mechanism of action (1731. tion of amidated gastrin, although they do not
interact with the site at which glycine-ex-
10.2 CCKJGastrin-Receptor Antagonists tended gastrin binds (178). The gly-gastrin re-
Gastrin is the only gut peptide hormone re- ceptor has not been cloned, although there is
leased from the stomach that mediates gastric strong functional evidence that its stimulation
acid secretion. Gastrin-stimulated release of by glycine-extended gastrin is a link to prolif-
gastric acid is produced either by direct stim- erative behavior (179). The Aphton Corpora-
ulation of CCKJgastrin-receptors on the pari- tion has developed an immunogen, gastrim-
etal cell or, in some species, indirectly after mune, which is composed of the amino-
CCK.Jgastrin-receptor-mediated HA release terminal portion of G17 linked to a diphtheria
from ECL cells. HA activates H2-receptors on toxoid. This immunogen stimulates the pro-
the parietal cell to stimulate gastric acid secre- duction of antibodies to both the amidated and
ion. The regulation of gastrin and HA-stimu- glycine-extended forms of gastrin-17 and has
edgastric acid secretion are key therapeutic been demonstrated to reduce the growth of
gets in controlling hyperacidity disorders. implanted colon tumors in rats and mice
ion is regulated by several hor- (180). After encouraging results in phase I1
ones and the inhibition of acid secretion clinical studies (1811, gastrimmune, in combi-
and PPIs has a positive feedback nation with chemotherapy, entered phase 111
ffect on the release of gastrin (174, 175). clinical trials in October 2000 for the treat-
A number of chemically diverse CCK2/gas- ment of stage Ngastric cancer, colorectal can-
agonists have been examined cer, and late-stage pancreatic cancer. These
als as antisecretory agents or in- trials have now been extended to include gas-
itors of paniclanxiety attacks. To date, triclesophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, pan-
has been marketed (Table 3.7). creatic cancer, and primary liver cancer.
KJgastin-receptor antagonists, including
ose compounds in preclinical development
well as those that have progressed to hu- 11 SUMMARY
e subject of a recent review
The involvement of more than one endocrine
The importance of gastrin in development hormone and neurotransmitter in the control
investigated through the use of hormone of gastric acid secretion has resulted in a num-
d receptor knockout mice. Gastrin and gas- ber of therapeutic approaches directed toward
-receptor knockout mice are viable, fertile, achieving its inhibition. Of these strategies
hout any gross abnormalities. both muscarinic and histamine H2-receptor
ough gastrin expresses trophic properties antagonists have been used, with the latter
hypergastrinemia (e.g., perni- being the method of choice for the control of
s anemia), no general atrophy of the gas- acid-related disorders, particularly peptic ul-
observed in knockout mice. cer disease, until the late 1980s. Along with
ere was, however, a decrease in the acid- the successful treatment of many patients
Table 3.7 CCKJGastrin Receptor Antagonists That Have Been Evaluated in the Clinic
--- -

Compound Identifier Company Binding (nM) Clinical Evaluation
Merck 8.5 Inhibition of gastric acid secretion: 50 mg, no
effect on basal acid secretion; 2.5,10,50
mg p.0. inhibited pentagastrin-stimulated
acid secretion (0.05-2 pg kg-' h-') (227).
Inhibition of CCK-4 induced panic attacks:
50 mg p.0. reduced frequency and intensity
of attacks (228); 30 mg p.0.o.d. for 7 days
failed to inhibit panic in patients (229).

Rotta Inhibition of gastric acid secretion: CR2194

(1,2.5, or 7.5 mg kg-' h-l) dose-
dependently inhibited gastrin (6.4-800
pmol kg-' h-')-stimulated acid secretion.
CR2194 (7.5 mg kg-' h-l) inhibited basal
and sham fed acid secretion (230).

Parke Davis Inhibition of panic attacks: In a randomized,

double-blind study CI-988 (100 mg TID for
6 weeks) was compared to placebo in
patients with panic disorder.
All patients improved during treatment and
no difference in the weekly rate of panic
attacks was seen between the treatment
groups (231).
JB95008 James Black Foundation 10 Inhibition of gastric acid secretion: JB95008
(0.02and 0.4 m g kg-' h-l) produced 27
and 63%inhibition, respectively, of
pentagastrin (1 pg kg-' h-l).


Inhibition of gastric acid secretion: YF476 (5,

10, and 25 mg p.0. 0.d. for 14 days) acutely
(day 1) inhibited inhibited meal-stimulated
acid secretion but tachyphylaxis was
produced after 14 days' administration
Inhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion

with H,-receptor antagonists, certain limita- REFERENCES

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net., 40,411-426(2001). meeting, PI99(2001).

1 Introduction, 130
2 Chemokines and Chemokine Receptor Biology, 131
3 Chemokine Receptor Signaling, 134
4 Chemokine Receptor Structure, 135
5 Chemokine Ligand Structure, 135
6 CC Receptors, 138
6.1 CCR1, 138
6.1.1 CCRl Receptor Structure, 139
6.1.2 CCRl Antibodies, 139
6.1.3 CCRl Peptide Antagonists, 139
6.1.4 CCRl Small Molecule Antagonists, 139
6.2 CCR2, 143
6.2.1 CCR2 Receptor Structure, 143
6.2.2 CCR2 Antibodies, 144
6.2.3 CCR2 Peptide Antagonists, 144
6.2.4 CCR2 Small Molecule Antagonists, 145
6.3 CCR3, 148
6.3.1 CCR3 Receptor Structure, 149
6.3.2 CCR3 Antibodies, 149
6.3.3 CCR3 Peptide Antagonists, 149
6.3.4 CCR3 Small Molecule Antagonists, 150
6.4 CCR4, 152
6.5 CCR5,153
6.5.1 CCR5 Receptor Structure, 154
6.5.2 CCR5 Antibodies, 154
6.5.3 CCR5 Peptide Antagonists, 155
6.5.4 CCR5 Small Molecule Antagonists, 155
6.6 CCR6, 159
6.7 CCR7, 160
6.8 CCRS, 161
7 CXC Receptors, 161
7.1 CXCRl and CXCR2,161
7.1.1 CXCRl/CXCR2 Receptor Structure, 162
7.1.2 CXCRllCXCR2 Antibodies, 162
7.1.3 CXCRllCXCR2 Peptide Antagonists, 162
Chernokine and Cytokine Modulators

7.1.4 CXCRllCXCR2 Small Molecule 9.4 IL-5, 176

Antagonists, 163 9.4.1 IL-5 Knockout and Transgenic Mice,
7.2 CXCR3, 165 177
7.2.1 CXCR3 Antibodies, 166 9.4.2 IL-5 Modulators/Clinical Data, 177
7.2.2 CXCR3 Small Molecule Antagonists, 166 9.5 IL-6, 178
7.3 CXCR4 166 9.5.1 IL-6 Knockout and Transgenic Mice,
7.3.1 CXCR4 Receptor Structure, 166 179
7.3.2 CXCR4 Antibodies, 167 9.5.2 IL-6 Modulators/Clinical Data, 179
7.3.3 CXCR4 Peptide Antagonists, 167 9.6 IL-12, 180
7.3.4 CXCFi4 Small Molecule Antagonists, 168 9.6.1 IL-12 Knockout and Transgenic Mice,
8 Viral Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors, 170 180
9 Cytokines, 172 9.6.2 IL-12 ModulatorslClinical Data, 180
9.1 IL-1, 173 9.7 IL-13, 181
9.1.1 IL-1 Knockout and Transgenic Mice, 9.7.1 IL-13 Knockout and Transgenic Mice,
173 181
9.1.2 IL-1 ModulatorsIClinical Data, 173 9.7.2 IL-13 ModulatorsIClinical Data, 181
9.2 IL-2, 174 - 9.8 TNFa, 182
9.2.1 IL-2 Knockout and Transgenic Mice, 9.8.1 TNFa Knockout and Transgenic Mice,
175 182
9.2.2 IL-2 Modulators/Clinical Data, 175 9.8.2 TNFa Modulators/Clinical Data, 182
9.3 IL-4, 175 9.9 IFNy, 183
9.3.1 IL-4 Knockout and Transgenic Mice, 9.9.1 IFNy Knockout and Transgenic Mice,
176 183
9.3.2 IL-4 Modulators/Clinical Data, 176 9.9.2 INFy Modulators/Clinical Data, 183

1 INTRODUCTION fied into families on the basis of structure and

function (2). Cytokine receptors are composed
Cell/cell communication is an important event of single-spanning membrane domains that
in an organism's ability to respond to insult. form high affinity complexes upon binding
Cytokines and chemokines play an important with their ligands. Signaling does not require
role in this process (1). Disease processes in high receptor occupancy and can occur with
which one or more of these factors are overex- very low concentrations of ligand, proceeding
pressed, or deficient, may benefit from modu- through tyrosine phosphorylation using non-
lation of these cell-signaling events. receptor tyrosine kinases such as Janus kinase
Cytokines can exist as both extracellular (JAK). This cytoplasmic signal then triggers a
soluble proteins (8-40 kDa) and cell surface distinct cellular response. Recombinant pro-
molecules. In response to insult, they are able teins have been evaluated therapeutically in
to regulate host defense, differentiation, cell cytokine-deficient patients in an effort to en-
division, apoptosis, repair, and inflammation hance a desired physiologic function. For ex-
in a variety of cell types. Originally termed ample, erythropoietin has been used in cancer
lymphokines and monokines, based on their patients on chemotherapy or in chronic renal
cellular source, it was eventually recognized failure patients, as a method to stimulate red
that these soluble mediators are more gener- blood cell production. In contrast, overproduc-
ally products of leukocytes. Because many of tion of cytokines may result in an untoward
them communicate signals between leuko- response such as inflammation, cancer, or au-
cytes, many of the cytokines are now desig- toimmune disease, and blocking the produc-
nated as interleukins. Cytokines are both tion or activity of these cytokines has also been
pleiotropic and redundant in their ability to shown to have therapeutic benefit.
communicate and initiate biological re- Chemokines and chemokine receptors play
sponses. They can regulate cell function in an an important role in chemotaxis (cell traffick-
autocrine, paracrine, or intercrine fashion ing). The term chemokine is derived from che-
through cell surface receptors that are classi- motactic cytokine. Chemokines are protein
Ihemokines and Chemokine Receptor Biology




Heparan sulfate
I) Chemokine
"r Adhesion molecule
66 lntegrin
Chernokine receptor

Figure 4.1. Schematic representation of leukocyte transmigration induced by chemokines. The first
step involves rolling attributed to interaction between the leukocyte and the endothelial cells. This
process is mediated by selectins and selectin ligands expressed on the surface of both cell types. In the
next step a chemokine interacts with its receptor, inducing leukocyte activation and conformational
changes in the adhesion molecules (integrins) and resulting in firm adhesion to the endothelial
surface. It is believed that the chemokine is immobilized on the endothelial surface by interactions
with glycosaminoglycans. The leukocytes then transmigrate into the tissues.

lig,ands(8-10 kDa) that signal through inter- kine receptor interaction are currently being
adtion with seven-transmembrane G-protein- evaluated in clinical trials.
CO'upled receptors (GPCRs). Two primary
nctions for chemokines are recruitment of
l e~kocytes
~ from circulation to a site of injury 2 CHEMOKINES A N D C H E M O K I N E
or inflammation, and regulation of homeo- RECEPTOR B I O L O G Y
st: itic leukocyte trafficking. In addition to be-
in1: able to initiate a specific cell migration, Leukocyte migration to tissues is essential for
chemokines are also implicated in leukocyte development of an inflammatory response.
ac.tivation, proliferation, angiogenesis, and The process involves two steps: arrest and
1~nphopoiesis, and can act as coreceptors for firm adhesion of circulating cells on endothe-
HIW.Although the chemokine field has a lial surfaces and migration through the endo-
YOung history, significant advances have been thelium into the interstitium (Fig. 4.1) (3). It
m:ide and modulators of chemokine/chemo- has become clear in recent years that both pro-
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators


*- Charged
'6% Uncharged

Figure 4.2. Schematic diagram of a two-dimensional model of a chemokine receptor. The extracel-
lular loops (ECL), the putative helical regions that traverse the cell membrane, and the intracellular
loops (ICL) are shown. The GPCR (family A) signature
- disulfide bridge between Cys residues of ECLl
and ECL2 is also shown.

cesses are regulated largely by a group of low One i m ~ o r t a n tfeature of the chemokine
molecular weight cytokines, the chemokine and chemokine receptor family is the high de-
family. Over 40 chemokines have been identi- gree of promiscuity with regard to ligand bind-
fied to date (for reviews, see Refs. 4-7). Based ing. Only a few receptors have been identified
on the spacing of two amino terminal cys- that bind with high affinity to only one ligand,
teines, they are classified into two major and and most ligands interact with more than one
two minor families. In the CXC family ( afam- receptor. This apparent redundancy could be a
ily) one amino acid separates the first two cys- potential problem in the development of re-
teines, whereas in the CC family (P family) the ceptor antagonists as therapeutics. However,
two first cysteines are adjacent to each other. it is not clear whether the overlapping activi-
The two minor families of chemokines include ties of chemokines are relevant in the in uivo
only one member each, the C family repre- situation. It may be that each chemokine plays
sented by lymphotactin and the CX,C family a specific function in a specific setting at a spe-
represented by fractalkine. cific time, orchestrating a coordinated chemo-
Chemokines exert their action through tactic response. In addition, CXC chemokines
seven-transmembrane receptors, which are bind with high affinity only to CXC receptors
GPCRs (Fig. 4.2). Six CXC receptors, 10 CC and CC chemokines bind to CC receptors, so
receptors, and one receptor each for lympho- there is some degree of selectivity in the
tactin and fractalkine have been identified. family.
Table 4.1 summarizes the human chemokine From the functional point of view, chemo-
receptor family, their ligand specificity, and kines from the CC family in general do not act
the cell types that predominantly express on neutrophils but attract monocytes, eosino-
these receptors. The new nomenclature for phils, basophils, lymphocytes, and dendritic
chemokines is also included in the table (8). cells (9,lO). (One notable exception is the abil-
Table 4.1 Chemokine Receptor Familiesa
Name Cell typeb Ligandsc
- - - - - - -- - --

CXCRl Neutrophils IL-8 (CXCL8), GCP-2 (CXCLG)

CXCR2 Neutrophils IL-8 (CXCLS), GROa (CXCLl), GROP (CXCL2), GROy (CXCL3),
cxcR3 T-cells (Thl and Tcl) IP-10 (CXCLlO),MIG (CXCLS), ITAC (CXCL11)
CXCRA Ndive T-cells, B-cells SDF-1 (CXCL12)
cxcR.5 B-cells, subset of T-cells BCA-11BLC (CXCL13)
CXCR6 T h l and Tcl cells CXCL16
CCRl Activated T-cells, monocytes, eosinophils, immature MIP-la (CCL31, MIP-1P (CCL4), MCP-3 (CCL7), RANTES (CCL5)
dendritic cells, basophils
Monocytes, macrophages, activated T-cells, NK cells MCP-1 (CCL2), 2 (CCL8), 3 (CCL7), 4(CCL13)
Eosinophils, basophils, activated T-cells (Th2) Eotaxin (CCLll), eotaxin 2 (CCL24), eotaxin 3 (CCL261, MCP-3
(CCL7), MCP-4 (CCL13), RANTES (CCL5)
CCRA Activated T-cells, basophils, platelets TARC (CCL17), MDC (CCL22)
W CCR5 Activated T-cells, monocyte/macrophages, immature MIP-1P (CCL4), RANTES (CCL5), MIP-la (CCL3)
dendritic cells
CCR6 T-cells, immature dendritic cells, B-cells MIP-3(w/LARC/exodus (CCL20)
CCR7 Mature dendritic cells, subset T- and B-cells MIP-3pIELC (CCLlg), SLC/6Ckine/exodus 2 (CCL21)
CCRB Monocyte/macrophages, activated T-cells (Th2) 1-309 (CCL1)
CCR9 Thymocytes, T-cells TECK (CCL25)
CCRlO T-cells, Langerhans cells CTAWEskine (CCL27), MEClCCKl (CCL28)
CX,CRl T-cells, natural killer cells Fractalkine/newotactin (CX,CLl)
XCRl T-cells LvmphotactidSCM-la (XCLl), SCM-1B (XCL2)
"Data from Refs. 9, 11, and 12.
*Thl, T helper cell type 1; Th2, T helper cell type2; Tcl, T cytotoxic cell type 1; Tc2, T cytotoxic cell type 2.
"BCA, B-cell-activating chemokine; BLC, B-lymphocyte chemoattractant; ELC, Epstein-Barr virus-induced receptor ligand chemokine; ENA-78, epithelial cell-derived neutro-
phil-activating factor, 78 amino acids; GCP-2, granulocyte chemoattradant protein; GRO, growth-related oncogene; IP-10, interferon-inducible protein 10; I-TAC, interferon-
inducible T-cell a chemoattractant; LARC, liver- and activation-related chemokine; MDC, macrophage-derivedchemokine; MIG, monokine induced by y interferon; MIP, monocyte
inflammatory protein; MCP, monocyte chemoattractant protein; NAP, neutrophil-activating protein; RANTES, regulated on activation, normal T expressed and secreted; SDF-1,
stromal cell-derived factor 1;SLC, secondary lymphoid tissue chemokine; T A X , thymus- and activation-related chemokine; TECK, thymus-expressed chemokine.
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

ity of CCRliMIP-la to generate a chemotactic CXCR2 couple to Gai2, Gari3, Ga14, and Gal6
response for neutrophils in rodents.) On the (20). Physical association between Gai and
other hand, chemokines from the CXC family several chemokine receptors has been docu-
can be further subdivided into two classes: mented (21,22). In some studies, PTX did not
those that contain an ELR sequence, which completely block the calcium response, sug-
attract neutrophils, and the subset that lacks gesting the chemokine receptors may couple
the ELR motif, which attracts lymphocytes to other G-proteins such as Gq or Ga16. In
(13, 14). addition, it has been suggested that the speci-
Based on their expression patterns, chemo- ficity of the coupling may be cell type specific
kines can be classified as inducible or consti- (23, 24).
tutive. Inducible chemokines participate pri- Chemokine receptor activation leads to the
marily in inflammatory responses and are the generation of a complex cascade of cellular
majority members of the family. The constitu- events, including the generation of inositol
tive chemokines are expressed primarily, but triphosphates, the release of intracellular cal-
not exclusively, in secondary lymphoid organs, cium, and the activation of protein kinase C.
and recent evidence suggests they play a major The release of the Goripy subunits from Gai
role in lymphocyte and dendritic cell homing has been described as an essential step in this
(15). It has been shown that these chemokines process (25). However, the release from Gas or
can also be responsible for the organization of Gaq does not result in induction of chemo-
specialized structures inside lymphoid organs, taxis, suggesting that the py subunits are nec-
such as formation of germinal centers (16). essary but not sufficient to induce cell migra-
Chemokine receptor expression is crucial for tion and that Gai itself plays some role in the
determining the migration pattern of leuko- process (26).
cytes. Some receptors are restricted to certain Activation of the chemokine receptor leads
cell types. For example, CXCRl is expressed to rapid activation of phosphoinositide-spe-
predominantly in neutrophils, whereas others cific phospholipases, which leads to inositol-
like CCR2 are expressed on a variety of leuko- 1,4,5-triphosphate formation and a transient
cytes, including monocytes, T-cells, basophils, rise in intracellular calcium (18). Phospho-
dendritic cells, and natural killer cells. Most lipase C (PLC) isoforms that are involved in
leukocytes express more than one receptor at chemokine receptor activation become acti-
any given time. Regulation of chemokine re- vated by direct interaction with the by sub-
ceptor expression has recently been shown to units. In addition to its interaction with PLCs,
occur upon activation or deactivation of mono- the py subunits also interact with the type I,
cytes, dendritic cells, and T-cells (5, 15, 17). phosphoinositol3 kinase y (PI3Ky), and acti-
vation of this enzyme results in the formation
of PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 (17). Mice that do not ex-
3 CHEMOKINE RECEPTOR SIGNALING press PI3Ky have severely impaired chemo-
kine-stimulated signal transduction, and PKB
The intracellular signals involved in chemo- is not activated, suggesting an important role
taxis are not yet fully understood, and much of for this pathway in the chemotactic process
the information available today has been de- (27-29). Although leukocytes isolated from
duced from signaling information for other these mice showed a decrease in cell chemo-
GPCRs. However, significant new data re- taxis, the response is not completely lost, and
garding the chemotactic process have accumu- under conditions of complete PI3Ky inhibi-
lated in recent years. Like other seven-trans- tion, neutrophils can still chemotax in re-
membrane receptors, chemokine receptors sponse to chemokines (30).
couple to G-proteins. Many chemokine-in- Receptor dimerization upon ligand binding
duced signaling events are inhibited by Borde- has been described mostly for the growth fac-
tella pertussis toxin (PTX), suggesting that tor receptor; however, recent reports have also
chemokine receptors are linked to G-proteins suggested heterodimerization for seven-trans-
of the Gai class (18,19). In cotransfection ex- membrane receptors, including chemokine re-
periments it has been shown that CXCRl and ceptors (31-33). It has been proposed that che-
Chemokine Ligand Structure

helical motif that traverses the cell membrane

(Fig 4.3) (35-37). The recent elucidation of a
high resolution, three-dimensional (3D)X-ray
structure of rhodopsin has confirmed the
seven-transmembrane domain topology (38).
GPCRs are classified into four families (A-D),
with chemokine receptors belonging to the
type A (e.g., rhodopsin-like). These single-
chain, membrane-bound proteins have an ex-
tracellular N-terminal (NT) domain and three
extracellular loops (ECL1-ECL3) that act in
concert to bind a chemokine ligand (Fig. 4.2).
The cytoplasmic domain of the receptor is
composed of three loops and a C-terminal seg-
ment, which also act in concert to transduce
the chemokine signal. The core of the receptor
is defined by seven-transmembrane spanning
helices. Based on the rhodopsin X-ray struc-
ture, the TM-a helices vary in length and can
extend beyond the lipid bilayer. The orienta-
tion of the TMs impose a stereo and geometric
specificity on a ligand's ability to enter the TM
binding domain. The TM core is mainly
formed by transmembrane a-helices 2,3,5,6,
and 7. Chemokine receptors, like other A-fam-
ily GPCRs, have the conserved signature
amino acid sequence in all seven TMs (TM1
GN, TM2 D, TM3 DRY, TM4 P, TM5 P, TM6
W, and TM7 NP) (Figs. 4.4a, 4.4b, 4.4c, 4.4d,
and 4.5). There are also conserved amino acid
igure 4.3. Schematic diagram showing the pro- residues that are a unique signature of chemo-
sed chemokine receptor signaling pathways. This
kine receptors. These residues are the Cys-Cys
agram does not represent the complete pathway.
gand binding induces the exchange of GDP for motif in TM7, an acidic Glu residue (E) in
rP on the G protein and this causes dissociation of TM7, and cysteines in both the N-termini and
e subunits. Gai decreases the levels of CAMPand ECL3 that form a disulfide bond (Fig. 4.2).
l y causes the activation of PLC and PI3Ky. PLC,
lospholipase C; DAG, diacylglycerol; IP3, inositol
iphosphate; PKC, protein kinase C; MAPK, mito- 5 CHEMOKINE LICAND STRUCTURE
n-activated protein kinase; PI3Ky, phosphoinosi-
13 kinase y; PKB, protein kinase B. Remarkable progress has been made in solv-
ing the molecular structure of chemokines by
okine receptor dimerization results in the
high resolution X-ray crystallography and
!tivation of the Janus kinase-signal trans-
NMR spectroscopy (39-48). Regardless of the
tcers and activator of transcription (JAK-
low degree of sequence homology among the
FAT) signaling pathway (34). Figure 4.3
chemokines, they all exhibit a common folding
ows a schematic of the pathways involved in
pattern that adopts a three-stranded antipar-
.emokinereceptor signaling.
allel P-sheet, to which a C-terminal short a-he-
lix is obliquely attached (Fig. 4.6). Intramolec-
CHEMOKlNE RECEPTOR STRUCTURE ular disulfide bonds stabilize this structure.
The N-terminal amino acids preceding the
had been speculated 20 years ago that first conserved cysteine have a large degree of
PCRs have a seven-transmembrane (TM) movement, which renders structural studies
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators










Figure 4.4. Sequence alignment of human CC and CXC che- C X C R 3 ~HUMAN VAKSVTSGLGYMHCCLNPLLY
mokine receptors. For clarity, only the predicted seven (I-VII) CXCRB- HUMAN KWISIT~LAFFHCCLNPILY
transmembrane helical domains are shown. CXCRS- HUMAN VAITMCEFLGLAHCCLNPMLY
5 Chemokine Ligand Structure

Figure 4.5. Top view of a chemo-

kine binding site model (a), showing
only the helical backbone of resi-
dues in transmembrane domains I-
VII; the side chain for the conserved
Glu in TM (VII) is shown. Top view
of a biogenic amine binding site
v model (b), showing only the helical
backbone of residues in transmem-
brane domains I-VII; the side chain
for the conserved Asp residue in TM
(111) is shown.

difficult. Although chemokines exhibit similar are required for activation of CXCR4 (52).
tertiary structures, their quaternary struc- Furthermore, although the N-terminus of
tures are different. As revealed by X-ray crys- RANTES (CCL5) contributes significantly to
tallography and NMR spectroscopy, they form CCR5 activation, it adds little to the receptor-
dimers and tetramers. However, the mono- binding affinity (53). Considering that one can
meric form is believed to be the major species modulate signaling without significantly in-
found at physiological concentrations and, terfering with binding, Simmons and cowork-
based on numerous studies, monomers have ers made a chemically derivatized form of
been shown to be the functional ligand (40, RANTES (AOP-RANTES), which retains
49-51). The general consensus of these stud- nanomolar receptor-binding activity yet
ies is that much of the binding energy and serves as a CCR5 antagonist (54). In a similar
selectivity for chemokines with their receptors study it has been shown that deletion of eight
comes from the core domain. In contrast the or nine residues at the N-terminal of MCP-1
flexible N-terminal domain is required for re- (CCL2) reduced the level of CCR2 binding by
ceptor activation and signaling. less than seven times, and yet this truncation
Mutation and chimera studies of IL-8 completely inhibits chemotactic response (55-
(CXCL8) have identified the ELR motif in the 57).
N-terminal domain of IL-8, MGSA (CXCLl), For most chemokines much of the binding
and NAP-2 (CXCL7) as essential for activa- energy comes from the core domain, and cer-
tion of CXCRl and CXCR2 (13). Similar stud- tain surface residues have been identified as
ies with SDF-1 revealed that Lysl and Pro2 contributing significantly to their binding af-
finity. The critical residues in RANTES and
2" c y s
IL-8 are F12 and 110, respectively. Mutation of
these to alanine caused 5000-fold reductions
in affinity for CCR3lCCR5 (RANTES recep-
tors) and 100-fold reductions in affinity for
CXCRl (IL-8 receptor) (58). Of the surface-
exposed residues in MCP-1, Y13 contributes
the most to MCP-1 binding affinity (55). In
contrast, the corresponding binding contribu-
tion of this aromatic residue in eotaxin is
much less than the corresponding residue in
other CC chemokines (59). Thus, residues im-
mediately following the first two cysteines
may in general be a common recognition ele-
Figure 4.6. Monomer structure of the monocyte ment in chemokines (58).
chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1). The structure was Additional hydrophobic residues between
retrieved from the Brookhaven data bank (http:/I the second cysteine and a 3-10 helix in the and displayed by Insight soft- "N-loop" have also been shown to be impor-
ware (Molecular Simulations, San Diego, CA). tant for chemokine binding. The N-loop in
Chernokine and Cytokine Modulators

IL-8 and MGSA is important for receptor A significant increase in CCRl ligand con-
binding and for determining the specificity centration for both MIP-la and RANTES has
(60). The key residues in IL-8 include Y13, been found in several inflammatory diseases
F17, F21, and I22 (60, 61). In RANTES, two and animal models of those diseases. For ex-
hydrophobic residues (I15 and L19) also con- ample, increases in MIP-la have been found
tribute significantly to CCR5 binding, as evi- in the synovial Auid of patients with arthritis
denced by mutation of these residues to Ala, (67) and in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients
causing a >5000-fold reduction in affinity with relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) (68). In
(53). For MCP-1, mutation of many of the N- a mouse model of MS, the experimental aller-
loop residues had little or no effect. Small gic encephalomyelitis model (EAE), several
changes were observed for two basic residues, chemokines are upregulated, including MIP-la
R18 and K19. It can be concluded that the
and RANTES (69). In this model, RANTES
N-loop may be a common recognition element
and MIP-la are produced exclusively by infil-
involved in chemokine-receptor interactions,
trating leukocytes (70,711. Moreover, neutral-
and the nature and distribution of key resi-
dues may impart specificity. In MCP-1 two ization of MIP-la significantly blocks the de-
clusters of primarily basic residues (R24, K35, velopment of the initial and the relapsing
K49, and Y13), separated by a 35-A hydropho- paralytic disease (72, 73). In spite of this
bic groove, reduced the level of binding by 15- strong evidence regarding the role of MIP-la
to 100-fold. Together these data suggest a in this disease, it has been difficult to establish
model in which a large surface area of MCP-1 which receptor(s) mediates the MIP-la re-
contacts its receptor (CCRZ),and the accumu- sponse in this pathology. As shown in Table
lation of a number of weak interactions results 4.1, this chemokine can bind with high affinity
in the 60-pM affinity observed for the wild- to both CCRl and CCR5.
type (WT) protein. In contrast, an Ala scan of CCR1-I- mice show a normal distribution
eotaxin (CCR3 ligand) has shown that resi- of leukocytes, although trafficking and prolif-
dues contributing to receptor-binding affinity eration of myeloid precursors are altered (74).
and those required for triggering receptor ac- These mice are protected from pulmonary in-
tivation are relatively diffuse and distributed flammation secondary to pancreatitis. Evi-
throughout the N-terminal and N-loop re- dence involving CCRl in transplant rejection
gions (59). The receptor-binding sites for vari- has also been obtained using knockout mice,
ety of chemokines cover both similar and yet and these mice show a prolonged survival af-
significantly different sites, and these studies ter heterotropic heart allografts. Low doses of
may provide insight into the issue of receptor cyclosporin A, which would not be sufficient to
specificity. prolong graft survival, produced permanent
engraftment in these mice (751, suggesting
that this receptor plays a critical role in the
development of rejection. This has been con-
firmed with small molecule antagonists of
6.1 CCRl CCRl (see below). Recently, Blease and col-
CCRl was the first isolated CC chemokine re- leagues reported that fewer goblet cells and
ceptor. Originally identified as the RANTES less subepithelial fibrosis were found in
(CCL5)/MIP-la (CCL3) receptor (62, 631, it CCR1-I- mice compared to that found in wild-
was subsequently shown that MCP-3 (CCL7) type mice in a model of chronic fungal allergic
also binds with high affinity to CCRl (64). disease. IL-4 and IL-13 levels were lower in
CCRl is expressed on various leukocyte cell the knockout mice but similar changes in leu-
types, including monocytes, T-cells, and eosin- kocyte recruitment and airway hyperreactiv-
ophils (see Table 4.1). In mouse, but not hu- ity were found in the two groups. Although
man, CCRl is also expressed on neutrophils there was no effect on inflammation, these
(65). CCRl mRNA has also been detected in data suggest a role for CCRl in airway remod-
human dendritic cells (66). eling, an important feature of asthma (76).
6.1.1 CCRl Receptor Structure. Chimera merulonephritis model, AOP-RANTES effec-
studies of CCRl show that the N-terminus is tively blocks monocyte infiltration (83). Be-
important for ligand binding and selectivity cause RANTES is also a ligand for the CCR5
among chemokines, whereas this domain has receptor, it may be that these modified ligands
no effect on the receptor activation process, as exert efficacy through dual antagonism.
measured by calcium flux or chemotaxis as-
says (77). Instead, the ECL-3 of CCRl is 6.1.4 CCRl Small Molecule Antagonists.
shown to be important for receptor signaling. RP23618 (1) is an early example of a nonpep-
These data are consistent with a multisite
model for chemokine-chemokine receptor in-
teraction, in which one or more subsites deter-
mine chemokine selectivity, but others are
needed for receptor activation (78).

6.1.2 CCRl Antibodies. Antibodies to CCRl

kine ligands such as MIP-la and
ES have been reported and, although
some promiscuity based on
eir involvement with other chemokine re-
ptors, their biological activity is presumed to
based on upregulation of
ease models. Antibodies to
sed in an EAE model and
e demonstrated involvement of the ligand
TES have been effec-
-induced arthritis tide small molecule chemokine antagonist
odel, decreasing severity of the ongoing dis- (84). This compound inhibits lZ5I-RANTES
binding to THP-1 cell membranes (IC,, = 3
piW. The chemokine receptors CCRl and
CCR2 have been detected by RT-PCR as being
matory and fibrotic changes (80). present on this cell type (62). However, be-
cause (1)inhibits RANTES-induced chemo-
6.1.3 CCRl Peptide Antagonists. Modified taxis and has no effect on an MCP-l-stimu-
lated chemotactic response, this compound
appears to be CCRl selective. Because (1)is
Met-RANTES not competitive with RANTES, it is presumed
corporates a methionine at the N-terminus to bind at an allosteric site.
f the ligand and has been shown to be an There is a limited structure-activity rela-
tionship (SAR) provided around this series.
on binding studies with However, an optimal ch& length of three car-
(81). It selectively inhibits THP-1 bon atoms between the phenothiazine and the
ediated by RANTES (IC,, = 6 piperidine is demonstrated. The two-carbon-
or MIP-la (IC,, = 0.5 nM), while showing linked homolog has significantly reduced ac-
response to MCP-1-mediated chemotaxis tivity (IC,, < 20% at 30 a) and the four-
d calcium flux. Met-RANTES has also been carbon tether is at least 3 times less active
wn to be effective in a model of arthritis, than (1).
rease in onset and severity of A similar pharmacophore finding was
d arthritis (CIA) when admin- noted for early leads from the Berlex group
duction (82). AOP-RANTES, (85). HEK293 cells containing the CCRl re-
entane that is isosteric with ceptor were evaluated for binding with an-
side chain of methionine, also functions as other CCRl ligand, MIP-la. The three-car-
CR1 antagonist. In a rat experimental glo- bon-tethered dibenzothiepine (2) was a potent
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

inhibitor of '',I-MIP-la binding (IC,, = 44

nM), whereas the two-atom-linked analog (3)
did not show appreciable inhibition (IC,, = 5
a). In a separate study, the structurally re-
lated xanthene carboxamide (4) was identified
(86) as a CCRl antagonist for its ability to An initial strategy to optimize the drugabil-
inhibit lZ5I-MIP-labinding to human CCRl ity of (2) focused on two fragments with poten-
transfected in CHO cells (IC,, = 510 nM). Re- tial liabilities. The 4-hydroxy phenyl piperi-
placement of the hexyl group with benzyl(5) dine is also present in haloperidol and
led to a significant loss of activity (IC,, > implicated with neurotoxicity, and the tricy-
10,000 nM). It is interesting to compare (2) clic dibenzothiepine is a common feature of
versus (4) in terms of a similar linking space CNS-active drugs. As indicated in Table 4.2,
between the aryl group and the tricyclic moi- removal of the 4'-hydroxy led to a complete
ety. The conformational shape imposed by the loss of potency against CCR1.
amide and/or the position of the piperidine Diphenylmethane is a common tricyclic re-
unit may be important considerations in the placement and this strategy was implemented
SAR of CCRl antagonists. successfully, leading to (11)(Ki = 52 + 5 nM,

Table 4.2 Consequence of Replacing Hydroxyl on the 4-Phenylpiperidine Unit

in Dibenzothiepine Seriesa

R R' K, wvnb
OH 4-F-Ph 44219
OH Ph 203t28
H Ph 19+5%at3pM
CN Ph O%at3pM
C(O)CH, Ph O%at3pM
'%rornRef. 85.
bK, values derived from competitive binding on CCRl with lZ5IMIP-la.

against the same receptor from different spe-

cies, HEK293 cells were transfected with mar-
moset, rabbit, and mouse CCRl (88). Al-
though (11)is efficient in displacement of lZ5I-
MIP-la from human, rabbit, and marmoset, it
is ineffective against mouse CCRl (Table 4.3).
Species variability is an issue for many chemo-
kine receptors and presents a challenge for
evaluation of possible human therapeutics in
relevant animal models.
Many of the published chemokine antago-
nists have a basic nitrogen as a common fea-
ture, and it is interesting to speculate how this
might serve as an important recognition ele-
ment. As noted earlier, the protonated nitro-
Table 4.3 Species Selectivity for (11) in Its
Ability to Inhibit CCRl from Human,
Rabbit, Marmoset, and Mousea
1261-MIP-ladisplacement). Compound (11) K, of Inhibition of
s to be selective for CCR1, in that it has MIP-la Binding
by (11) (nMIb
CCR5, and CXCR4, or a select panel of bio- H~~~~ 2 2 0.2 41 2 6
genic amine receptors (87). There are no in Rabbit 43 t 17.8 245 t 60
of Marmoset 81 t 23 451 r+_ 191
e variable species similarity between human Mouse 32 t 3.5 >10,000
and mouse sequences. The homology between "From Ref. 88.
mouse/human CCRl is 79%. In an effort to bK, of inhibition of lZ5I-MIP-la to HEK293 cells ex-
compare response of a CCRl antagonist pressing CCRl receptors from various species.
142 Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

Table 4.4 Activity of Quaternary Ammonium Salts versus Nonquaternized Compoundsa

- -


"From Ref. 85.

bKivalues are derived from competitive binding on CCRl with 1251-MIP-la.

gen might interact with the conserved Glu in isomer, was 50 and 100 times less active for
TM7 (Fig. 4.5). This hypothesis is given cre- the human and murine receptors, respec-
dence by the finding that quaternary ammo- tively. Compound (16) is a functional antago-
nium salts will show enhanced affinity with nist of MIP-la-stimulated CaZ+flux in U937
the receptor, implying a possible ion pairing cells (IC,, = 0.73 nM). It also shows modest
with a carboxylate (Table 4.4). inhibition of CCR3 but is selective against a
A similar potency enhancement is seen for panel of other chemokine receptors (89).
the xanthene carboxamide quaternary salt BX471 (17) is a potent CCRl antagonist
(16) (CCR1 IC,, = 0.9 nM), where the simple that has demonstrated efficacy in animal mod-

els of multiple sclerosis and transplant rejec-

tion. It has been determined to be a reversible
and surmountable antagonist that can effec-
tively displace the radioiodinated CCRl li-
gands l Z 5 I - W T E S (Ki = 2.8 nM), 1251-
Table 4.5 Species Selectivity for (16) in
nonquaternized parent is 150 times less active Its Ability to Inhibit CCRl from
Human and Mousea
(86). Compound (16) can exist as cis and trans
isomers and a stereochemical preference is in-
- -
dicated in CCR1-binding studies (Table 4.5). Species Major Isomer Minor Isomer
Additionally, these investigators were inter- -- -

ested in identifying a compound that was ef- Human CCRl 0.9 47

fective against human and murine CCR1, and Murine CCRl 5.8 740
therefore they screened against both recep- "Inhibitory activity against 1251-MIP-labinding to hu-
tors. The minor isomer, presumed to be the cis man and mouse CCR1.
-la (Ki and 1251-MCP-3(K,
= 1 nM), = 5.5 The relevance of these findings to human dis-
(90). BX471 demonstrates functional an- ease was suggested by the presence of MCP-1
nism in its ability to block Ca2+ flux and in human atheromatous plaques (102).
ibit CDllb upregulation in a whole blood In a mouse model of allergic lung inflam-
has been measured in mation, MCP-1 mRNA was significantly in-
d rat (F < 20%). Even creased after antigen challenge and appeared
gh activity against the rat CCRl is 100 to correlate with lung macrophage accumula-
es less potent than against human CCR1, tion (103). Using the same model, it has re-
d despite modest bioavailability, the com- cently been shown that MCP-1 neutralization
nstrate efficacy in the drastically diminished bronchial hyperreac-
model when administered subcutane- tivity to methacholine and reduced inflamma-
nally, in the rat het- tory cell infiltration into the lung (104). How-
tropic heart transplant rejection model, in ever, in this type of model a clear discrepancy
ich animals are given subtherapeutic doses has been found between CCFW- and MCP-1-I-
CsA, BX471 was able to prolong survival mice. CCR2-'- mice present an enhanced pul-
monary allergic response against Aspergillus
fumigatus (105) or no difference at all in the
response to repeated ovalbumin sensitization
variants of the CCR2 receptor, and challenges (106). MCP-1-I- mice, by con-
CCR2A and CCR2B, differing at their C-termi- trast, show a decrease in T-helper 2 (Th2) type
nal tails. These two isoforms are derived from T-cell responses, including a decrease in IL-4
native splicing (92). production (107). The mechanism that ex-
nd to be the predominant form plains how CCR2/MCP-1affect T-cell differen-
monocytes and seems to traffic more effi- tiation is not clear, although it seems that they
tly than CCR2A to the cell surface in exert their effect at different levels.
ly transfected cell lines (93). All four As research in the area progresses, it ap-
onocyte chemotactic proteins (MCPs) are pears that several other chemokine receptors,
ds of CCR2 (see Table 4.1). in addition to CCR5 and CXCR4, can act as
on monocytes, T- coreceptors for the HIV virus (7). One of these
d immature dendritic cells. receptors is CCR2. A mutation in the CCR2
eshly isolated B-cells also show surface ex- gene that leads to a conservative amino acid
ression of CCR2 (94). substitution (V64I) has been linked to a de-
MCP-1 is elevated in several inflammatory creased rate in the progression of the disease
asthma, rheumatoid ar- but not with initial susceptibility to infection
herosclerosis, and (108). The mechanism responsible for this is
nfiltrates and their cyto- not clear.
products are characteristic features of in-
ed tissue in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). 6.2.1 CCR2 Receptor Structure. Chimera
e synovial cells of RA patients, and animal studies have shown that the N-terminus,
odels of the disease, produce elevated levels ECL-1, and ECL-2 of the CCR2 receptor are
MCP-1 (95-99). Peptide antagonists and essential for MCP-1 binding and receptor-me-
MCP-1 as a contributor diated signaling (77).A detailed analysis of the
sease pathology. CCR2-I- and MCP-I-/- amino acid residues of ECL-1 in CCR2 has
receptor and its ligand shown N104 and El05 as being essential for
a crucial role in the recruitment of mono- high affinity agonist binding but not involved
e the precursors in receptor activation. In contrast, the
. A significant re- charged amino acid residue HlOO does not
id deposition was found contribute to ligand binding but is vital for
both CCR2-I- and MCP-1-I- mice in mod- receptor activation and initiation of trans-
of atherosclerosis. This reduction was ac- membrane signaling (109).
panied by fewer macrophages in the ath- The role of acidic residues in TM7 and
sclerotic lesions of these mice (100, 101). ECL-2 of the CCR2 receptor has been evalu-
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

ated for their contribution to the binding af- replication in M- and T-trophic HIV-1 viral
finity of MCP-1 and several small molecule an- isolates. MCP-1R05 is specific for ECL-3 of
tagonists (110). In this study, glutamate 291 CCR2, acts as an antagonist (31), and has no
(Glu291 or E291), a highly conserved acidic effect on HIV-1 replication. Therefore, the
residue in TM7 of most chemokine receptors, HIV-1 interaction is primarily through the
has been identified to be critical for binding of amino terminus.
certain small molecule antagonists, and to a Neutralizing antibodies to the CCR2 ligand
lesser extent the binding of MCP-1 to its re- MCP-1 have helped to validate its role in dis-
ceptor (Fig. 4.5). It is hypothesized that the ease pathogenesis of arthritis and glomeru-
acidic moiety interacts with the piperidine ba- loritis. An antibody against rat MCP-1 has
sic nitrogen of small molecule antagonists been evaluated in a collagen-induced arthritis
(18-20). Because Glu291 is also involved in model, and was shown to reduce joint swelling
MCP-1 binding to CCR2, the spiropiperidine of the ankle, and suppresses macrophage infil-
blockade of MCP-1 binding occurs by occupa- tration to the synovial tissue (113). In an ani-
tion of some of the space that CCR2-bound mal model of impaired renal function, in
MCP-1 occupies. A class of antagonists that which MCP-1 was detected in glomeruli, vas-
does not have a basic nitrogen (e.g., 27) is not cular endothelial cells, and tubular epithelial
affected by mutation of Glu291, suggesting a cells of the injured kidney, anti MCP-1 mAbs
different binding motif for this series. reduced glomerulosclerosis and improved re-
The acidic residue (Glu) in TM7 is found in nal function (114). Anti-MCP-1 monoclonal
most chemokine receptors and is rare in other antibodies have also shown therapeutic bene-
serpentine receptors (Figs. 4.4 and 4.5). This fit in a kidney fibrosis model, through block-
negatively charged residue may also be signif- ade of renal cell proliferation (115), and in a
icant in the small molecule ligand binding of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) model in
other chemokine receptors. It is interesting to which T-cell trafficking was inhibited (116).
note that receptor models indicate that Finally, as part of an effort to define the role of
Glu291 is inside the ovid-helical bundle (Fig. a variety of chemokines in allergic inflamma-
4.5) in a mirror image position to the critical tion and airway hyperresponsiveness, anti-
binding residue of biogenic arnine receptors, bodies to RANTES, MIP-la, MCP-1, and the
an aspartic acid in TM3. This observation mouse-specific chemokine MCP-5 were evalu-
might explain the fact that many of the leads ated in a mouse model of asthma (117). In re-
from high throughput screening for the che- sponse to an ovalbumin (OVA) challenge, the
mokine receptors are compounds originally neutralizing antibody to MCP-1 reduced bron-
synthesized for biogenic amine programs. chial hyperresponsiveness and blocked leuko-
cyte infiltration into the airways.
6.2.2 CCR2 Antibodies. A CCR2 monoclo-
nal antibody (mAb), ID9, was shown to have 6.2.3 CCR2 Peptide Antagonists. Trunca-
therapeutic benefit in a primate model of re- tion or N-terminal deletion of select amino ac-
stenosis (111).The inflammatory response af- ids in MCP-1 results in a protein antagonist
ter stent implantation involves sustained ac- that blocks Ca2+ flux and chemotactic re-
cumulation of macrophages, resulting in sponse (118,119). Truncation of the first nine
neointimal hyperplasia. The CCR2 mAb ID9 amino acids (MCP-1'10-761), or deletion of
reduced intimal thickening in the area of the amino acids 2-8 (MCP-lC19-761, generate

stent approximately 60%, as ascertained on functional CCR2 antagonists. These protein

day 28. Two CCR2-specific monoclonal anti- antagonists have also demonstrated efficacy
bodies, MCP-1R02 and MCP-1R05, are re- in vivo. When MCP-1[9-761is administered
ported to antagonize MCP-1 activity on CCR2- daily in the MRL-lpr arthritic mouse model,
expressing cell lines and normal human cells there is a significant reduction in the onset of
(112).These antibodies have been used to map arthritis, as determined by histopathologic
the HIV-1 binding site on CCR2. MCP-1R02 is evaluation of the joint and reduced joint swell-
claimed to be specific for the amino terminus ing (57). Even when administered 12 days af-
and acts as an agonist; it suppresses HIV-1 ter disease onset, MCP-1[9-761 shows a marked
6 CC Receptors 145

Table 4.6 Selectivity Profile for CCR2 Antagonists (Spiropiperidines)versus Alpha

and S-HT Receptors

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Compound CCR2" Alpha la Alpha Id 5HTla

"Measured in THP-1 cells using 12'MCP-1.

reduction in symptoms and histopathology.

This suggests a turnover of cell infiltrate in
the lesion and indicates the potential for ther-
apeutic benefit through this mechanism after
disease onset. It is worthwhile to note that
ligand truncations have the potential to alter
receptor selectivity. For example, truncation
ofthe NH,-terminal amino acid in MCP-1 gen-
erates a strong activator of eosinophil chemo-
taxis (120), presumably acting on CCR3. Fur-
ther truncation converts the ligand to a CCR2
antagonist with no activity on eosinophils. Al-
though ligand truncations are a common ma-
nipulation to profile chemokine SAR, few
studies screen for selectivity of these trun-
cated ligands against other receptors.

6.2.4 CCR2 Small Molecule Antagonists.

The in vivo efficacy seen with anti-MCP-1an-
tibodies and peptide antagonists prompts the
search for small molecule CCR2 antagonists.
The spiropiperidines (18-20) are early exam-
ples of CCR2 antagonists, as determined by
'251-MCP-1binding and chemotaxis in THP-1
cells (110). As noted above with the CCRl an-
tagonists, a basic nitrogen is a common fea-
ture within this class of antagonists. Site-di-
reded mutagenesis suggests that this nitrogen
may form a critical recognition with an an-
ionic residue (E291)in helix 7. The orthogonal
relationship imposed on the phenyurethane
and the piperidine ring by the spiro-carbon is
urported to be essential for activity.
Selectivity is an issue for the spiropiperi-
dines, given that this class of compounds potent CCR2 antagonist still retained signifi-
shows appreciable activity against alpha ad- cant Alpha l a adrenergic activity (Table 4.6).
renergic and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) re- Another example of GPCR selectivity is-
ceptors. Although lead optimization improved sues for CCR2 antagonists is seen with the
CCR2 affinity (18)versus (20), and improved indolopiperidines (121) (Table 4.7). As might
the relative difference in selectivity, the most be anticipated by the initial lead (21), prob-
146 Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

Table 4.7 Selectivity Profile of CCR2B Antagonists (Indolopiperidenes)versus 5-HT

and Dopaminergic Receptors

lematic affinity with 5-HT and dopaminergic indole ring were not well tolerated, presum-
receptors was evident. However, impressive ably because of the unfavorable influence on
improvements in selectivity were effected by the piperidine ring conformation. Incorpora-
increasing the steric bulk around the piperi- tion of both the tropane and cyclohexyl moi-
dine nitrogen, leading to a conformationally eties simultaneously had a dramatic additive
rigid ring system (122) in the form of indo- effect in providing a potent CCR2 antagonist
lotropane (22),or imposing conformational re- (24) with good selectivity profiles.
striction in the linker as with the cis-cyclo- TAK-779 (25) is recognized primarily as a
hexyl derivative (23). C-2 substituents on the potent CCR5 antagonist, but it does exhibit
CC Receptors


g + ) OH \ I \


modest affinity for CCR2 (123). This is not was inhibited by TAK-779 (IC,, = 27 nM),
surprising, considering the close homology be- which showed no effect against CCR1, CCR3,
tween the CCR2 and CCR5 receptors (71% CCR4, and CXCR4.
amino acid identity). The binding of lZ5I- There have been no reports on in vivo eval-
MCP-1 to a CHO cell line containing CCR2b uation of small molecule CCR2 antagonists.


H \,,\\\"' o ~

\ I \


148 Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

This may be a consequence of dissimilar re- 6.3 CCR3

sponses against the human and murine recep-
tors, with these antagonists being less potent CCR3 was originally reported to be ex-
against mouse and rat CCR2. This activity dis- pressed on eosinophils and appears to be the
crepancy is noted in the case of (26),in which primary chemokine receptor on these cells

significant potency is demonstrated against

the human receptor (binding IC,, = 54 nM,
chemotaxis IC,, = 16 nM), and yet it is ap-
proximately 100 times less potent against the
murine chemotactic response (IC,, = 1400
nM) (124).
Nonbasic CCR2 antagonists have also been
reported. The 3-chlorobenzyl 2-pyrrole car-
boxylic acid (27) is a modest CCR2 antagonist

(126). It is also expressed on basophils, Th2

lymphocytes, and mast cells (127-129).
Based on its presence in a large array of cell
types that are crucial for the induction and
maintenance of inflammation in asthma and
other allergic diseases, there is a significant
effort to discover CCR3 receptor antago-
(IC,, = 11.9 p N ) , and binding does not appear nists. In 1993, eotaxin (CCL11) was identi-
to be influenced by mutation of the conserved fied as an eosinophil-specific CC chemokine
glutamic acid in TM7 (110). Consequently, it (130, 131). Subsequently, CCR3 was found
may bind in a region distinct from the antag- to be activated by several other CC chemo-
onists that contain a basic nitrogen. The kines including MCP-3 (CCL7), MCP-4
closely related indole (28)is also reported to be (CCL13), RANTES (CCL51, eotaxin 2
a modest CCRZ antagonist (ICE+ = 1.2 a (CCL241,itsd eotaxin 3 (CCL26) (126{ 1 3 g I
(125). 133).
In human asthma, increased mRNA and studies, 7 B l l was shown to inhibit histamine
protein expression of eotaxin have been dem- and leukotriene release mediated by eotaxin.
onstrated, as well as CCR3 expression on local This mAb has also been shown to inhibit the
infiltrating eosinophils, as determined by bi- release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) after
opsies (134). Results obtained from mice ge- stimulation with eotaxin-1 or eotaxin-2 (1391,
netically deficient for the eotaxin gene (1351, and blocks the chemotactic response of eosin-
as well as studies using eotaxin-blockinganti- ophils on H W E C cells stimulated with TNFa
bodies (117), have demonstrated a significant and IFNy (140). Because CCR3 has been im-
effect on the course of a lung allergic reaction. plicated in having a role in HIV-1 pathology,
By contrast, another report describing the re- 7 B l l has also been used to define the involve-
sponse of eotaxin-deficient mice, in a similar ment of CCR3 in contributing to HIV-1-spe-
model of allergic lung inflammation, showed cific pathology (141).
no significant difference from that of wild-type CCR3 monoclonal antibodies have also
(136). The reason for this discrepancy is not been evaluated in vivo. A rat mAb specific for
understood. CCR3-/- mice have shown that mouse CCR3 receptor depletes blood eosino-
this receptor plays an important role in eo- phi1 levels in Nippostrongyos brasiliensis-in-
nophil migration into the lung and skin. In fected mice, and reduced eosinophil levels in
traperitoneally (i.p.) sensitized CCR3-/- lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
mice, eosinophil recruitment to bronchoalveo- (BAL) fluid after repeated treatment (142).
lar lavage fluid and lung is decreased com- Surprisingly, this antibody had no effect on
pared to that of wild-type after aerosol chal- CCR3-regulated Ca2+flux. In another report,
lenge. However, airway hyperreactivity a guinea pig-specific CCR3 mAb, 2A8, was also
(AHR) is enhanced under the same conditions evaluated both in vitro and in vivo (143). 2A8
(137). If the mice are sensitized epicutane- blocks the binding of guinea pig eotaxin to
ously with the same antigen, a diminished guinea pig eosinophils and guinea pig CCR3
AHR response and eosinophil recruitment is transfectants, and shows functional antago-
observed (138). In the i.p. sensitized mice nism of guinea pig eosinophils, as measured by
here is a significant mobilization of mast cells Ca2+ flux and chemotaxis. In animals pre-
to the airway epithelium, but not into the treated with lllIn-labeled eosinophils, 2A8 in-
kin. These results suggest that the mecha- hibited accumulation of these eosinophils in
m of induction of AHR might be different, response to eotaxin.
ending on the route of sensitization.
6.3.3 CCR3 Peptide Antagonists. As dem-
6.3.1 CCR3 Receptor Structure. Chimera onstrated for other chemokines, modification
dies of CCR3 and CCRl receptors show of the N-terminal region has been employed as
at the N-terminal segments of CCR3 appear a successful strategy to identify receptor an-
be important for eotaxin binding (77). How- tagonists. Truncation of MCP-3 (MCP3110-7611
ver, eotaxin remained an effective agonist at provides a ligand that retains potent receptor
his chimeric receptor in either calcium flux or binding, yet is unable to induce chemotaxis,
emotaxis assays. These data are consistent enzyme release, or Ca2+flux (144). Dipeptidyl
th a multisite model for chemokine-chemo- peptidase is able to truncate RANTES'1-681to
ne receptor interaction. RJW~~s[3-681 and eotaxin[l-741 toeo&[3-741 9

and both have demonstrated functional antago-

6.3.2 CCR3 Antibodies. A specific CCR3 nism in vitro (145-147).
onoclonal antibody, 7Bl1, blocks binding of RANTES, which can signal through CCR1,
taxin, MCP-3, and RANTES to the CCR3 CCR3, or CCR5, has been modified to Met-
ceptor, and also blocks chemokine-induced RANTES, as described earlier. Met-RANTES
emotaxis and calcium flux in human eosin- acts as a functional antagonist and blocks hu-
phils (126). Because the CCR3 receptor is man eosinophil chemotaxis, Ca2+ flux, actin
resent on basophils, it is not surprising that polymerization, and release of ROS after stim-
B11 blocks chemotaxis of these cells in re- ulation with RANTES, MCP-3, and eotaxin
onse to CCR3 ligands (127). In these same (148). Met-RANTES apparently antagonizes
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

the response of eosinophils through CCRl at

low concentrations and through CCR3 at
higher concentrations.
Met-chemokine P7 (Ckp7) is an N-termi-
nal-modified form of macrophage inflamma-
tory protein (MIP4), wherein an alanine is re-
placed with methionine at the extreme
N-terminal residue (149). MIP4 [also known
as pulmonary and activation-regulated che- tency for CCR3 with improved selectivity over
mokine (PARC) (150); alternative macro- CCRl (CCR3 IC,, = 750 nM, CCRl IC,, =
phage activation-associated CC chemokine 7100 nM). Further derivatization of the aro-
(AMAC) (151); or dendritic cell-derived che- matic groups, believed to be important for
mokine (DCCK) (152, 15311 itself shows some binding to hydrophobic pockets, led to (30)
degree of CCR3 antagonistic activity. How- (CCR3 IC,, = 2.3 nM, CCRl IC,, = 1900 nM).
ever, Met-Ckp7 is significantly more potent as CCR3 functional antagonism was demon-
a CCR3 antagonist than MIP4, Met-RANTES, strated by its ability to block Ca2+ flux and
or AOP-RANTES, and blocks eotaxin or chemotaxis of human peripheral blood eosin-
MCP4-induced eosinophil chemotaxis at con- ophils stimulated with eotaxin (157).
centrations as low as 1 nM. Direct binding of Other CCR3-specific antagonists are char-
CkP7 to CCR3 is evidenced by its ability to acterized by the piperidine ureas (31-33),and
displace radioiodinated eotaxin or MCP4 from the di-substituted pyrrolidine (34) (158).
CCR3. Again, a basic nitrogen, capable of protonation
at physiologic pH, appears to be a common
6.3.4 CCR3 Small Molecule Antagonists. feature. It is important to note that the qua-
UCB 35625 (16),which has already been de- ternary ammonium salt (32)demonstrates en-
scribed as having CCRl activity, also func- hanced potency, relative to that of its parent
tions as a CCR3 antagonist. This compound (31) in binding, chemotaxis, and a whole-blood
inhibits a chemotactic response to transfected GAFS assay (Table 4.8) (159).
cells expressing either CCRl or CCR3 (CCRlI Indolinopiperidines such as (34) were iden-
MIP-la IC,, = 9.6 nM, CCR3leotaxin IC,, = tified through random screening as CCR3 an-
93.7 nM) (89). Again, this dual activity is not tagonists (IC,, = 0.7 pM) (160). An H-bond
surprising, given the considerable homology acceptor at the 3-position of the aryl urea and
between the two receptors. Because (16) is not a six-atom chain linkage were identified as im-
as effective in ligand displacement binding as- portant structural requirements for CCR3-
say as it is in blocking receptor function, this binding affinity. The rigidity of these indolin-
suggests that it may bind with a common re- opiperidines was relaxed by incorporation of a
gion in both CCRl and CCR3 that are neces- 4-benzylpiperidine in its place, giving (35)
sary for initiation of receptor signaling. (IC,, = 0.02 p,iVf). Substitution around the pi-
Another tool for measuring cellular re- peridine further improved potency to the
sponse is a shape-change assay, as measured nanomolar range, as evidenced by (36) (IC,, =
by gated autofluorescence1forward scatter 0.001 pM).
(GAFS) through flow cytometry (154, 155). The substituted pyrrolidines (37) and (38)
Eosinophil shape change in response to have been reported to inhibit the binding of
eotaxin was effectively blocked by (16) (89). eotaxin in CCR3-transfected HEK cells (IC,,
In an effort to improve CCR3-selective an- -1 nM) (161). These antagonists also inhibit
tagonists, carboxamide derivatives based on eotaxin-induced calcium signal and eotaxin-
(16) were synthesized (156). Given that it was induced eosinophilia. It is notable that these
presumed that the ammonium salt was form- relatively compact, low MW analogs are able
ing an important electrostatic interaction to provide exceptional binding affinity.
with a carboxylate in the receptor, an m i n e An exception to the requirement of a basic
moiety was maintained within the template. The nitrogen in the pharmacophore of a CCR3 an-
2-(bemothiazo1ethio)acetamide (29) showed po- tagonist is noted by the phenyalanine deriva-
tives (39- 41). High throughput screening us- IC,, = 5 nM)and functional antagonism, as
ing a FLIPR format to measure intracellular measured by inhibition of eosinophil chemotaxis
calcium changes identified (39) as an early by use of eosinophils from allergic donors (IC,,
lead (CCR3 IC,, = 535 nM) (162). Enantio- = 15 nM). No in uiuo data are reported for these
specificity appears to be critical for optimal compounds, presumably because of the hydro-
antagonist/receptor interaction as replace- lytic lability of the ester. An ester replacement
ment of the L-configuration of tyrosine with strategy identified 41 with a CCR3 with an IC5,
the D-amino acid results in greater than 200- value of 45 nM. It has yet to be shown whether
fold lower affinity. Lead optimization to (40) any of these small molecule CCR3 antagonists
demonstrated potent binding affinity (CCR3 are effective in an animal model.
152 Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

Table 4.8 Inhibition of Eotaxin Binding, Eotaxin-Induced Transfectant,

and Eosinophil Chemotaxis
IC50 (rn
CCR3 L1.2" CCR3 L I . ~ ~ Eosinophil
Compound Binding Chemotaxis Chemotaxis

"IC,, values derived from competitive binding of lZ5Ieotaxin to CCR3 L1.2 transfectant cells.
bIC50values derived from inhibition of eotaxin-induced chemotaxis of the L1.2 transfectant cell line.
"IC5, values derived from inhibition of eotaxin-induced chemotaxis of human eosinophils.

6.4 CCR4 linked to Th2 cell polarization (165-167) and

CCM was originally cloned by Power and col- the expression of CCR4 was strongly UPregu-
leagues from a basophilic cell line (163). RNA lated upon activation through the T-cell recep-
for CCR4 is expressed in stimulated T-cells, tor or by other c~tokinessuch as transforming
B-cells, monocytes, platelets, and, to a lesser growth factor P (TGF-P) (166, 167). Two high
extent, in basophils (163,164). CCR4 has been affinity ligands have been described for CCR4,
an anti-MDC antibody inhibits eosinophil re-
cruitment to the lungs and protects against
methacholine-induced bronchial hyperreac-
tivity (168). Additionally, an anti-TARC
antibody has been shown to attenuate an
OVA-induced inflammation and airway hyper-
responsiveness (169). In contrast to these re-
sults obtained from the neutralization of
CCR4 ligands, the receptor knockout does not
show any phenotype different from that of
wild-type mice in the same models of allergic
lung inflammation (170). In human tissues,
CCR4 is expressed in all IL-4-positive cells in
the bronchial mucosa of asthmatic patients
that have been challenged 24 h before tissues
were collected (171). In the same study, CCR4
ligands were found to be highly expressed by
the airway epithelium in the same patient
population. It has also been suggested that
CCR4 and its ligands are also involved in other
inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis and
atopic dermatitis (172-174). These last obser-
vations correlate with the fact that CCR4-pos-
itive T-cells include all skin-homing cells (cu-
taneous lymphocyte antigen-positive cells)
and other memory T-cells but not intestinal
memory or ndive T-cells (a4p7-positive T-cells)
(175). This suggests a-role for CCR4 in tissue-
specific homing of T-cells; however, the rele-
vance of this tissue-specific homing to inflam-
matory skin diseases is not yet clear.

This receptor, originally cloned as ChemR13,

is part of the family of CC chemokine recep-
tors binding RANTES (CCL5), MIP-la
MDC (CCL22)and TARC (CCL17) (see Table (CCL3),and MIP-1P (CCL4) (176-178). CCR5
4.1). The role of the mouse ligand analogs has is expressed on monocytes and some CD4+
been studied in murine models of asthma. In T-lymphocyte subsets and its activation leads
ovalbumin-sensitized and -challenged mice, to chemotaxis of these cells (7).
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

CCR5 and CXCR4 represent the most im- the epitope maps to a peptide derived from the
portant coreceptors for the H N -1 virus (179). ECL-2 domain, and inhibits both infection and
CCR5 is involved in a sequential process, in gp120 binding (191). The overlapping binding
which the viral gp120 interacts first with CD4, site of chemokines and gp120 on the CCR5
and then associates with the chemokine recep- amino terminus and ECL-2, as well as the in-
tor to allow envelope fusion and viral entry. volvement of these residues in the epitopes of
Strong genetic evidence supports the impor- d b s , suggests that these regions are signifi-
tance of CCR5 in HIV pathogenesis. Individu- cantly exposed at the receptor surface. More
als homozygous for the A32 deletion are defi- recent studies have focused on the contribu-
cient in the surface expression of CCR5 and tion of specific charged and aromatic resides
constitute the majority of the exposed but un- (D2, Y3, Y10, D11, E18, and K26) in the amino
infected population (180-183). This mutation terminus of CCR5 and their role in both che-
is represented at a high frequency in several mokine and gp120 high affinity binding
human populations (184). (192-197).
CCR5 is also expressed in T-lymphocytes The role of the transmembrane helical do-
found in synovial tissues from rheumatoid ar- mains of CCR5 receptor has also been evalu-
thritis patients. Although CCR5 appears to be ated. It has been shown that a hydrophobic
preferentially expressed on T h l lymphocytes residue in TM7, M287, is critical for both
(165,166), a recent clinical study proposed an MIP-la binding and receptor activation (Fig.
important role for this receptor in asthma, a 4.4). However, this mutant remains biologi-
classic Th2 disease. This study suggests that cally active in the HN-1 coreceptor fusion as-
individuals carrying the A32 deletion allele are say (198). In another study it has been shown
at reduced risk of developing asthma (185). that glycine residue (G163) close to the extra-
Two subsequent studies, however, suggest cellular domain in TM4, is critical for gp120
that there is no genetic evidence linking binding and infections by all tested R5 isolates
asthma and atopy with CCR5 A32 polyrnor- of HIV-1 (199). It is interesting to note that
phism (186,187). Further studies in the asth- chemokine binding can be independent of
matic population as well as the use of pharma- HIV-1 coreceptor activity and different TM
cological tools would be needed to delineate domains can be involved in gp120 and chemo-
the importance of CCR5 activation in allergic kine binding to the CCR5 receptor.
Some correlation has been reported be- 6.5.2 CCR5 Antibodies. CCR5 d b s have
tween the A32 mutation and graft rejection. In been reported by a number of groups (191,
21 patients homozygous for the mutation, a 200-202) and have proved useful in defining
longer graft survival was observed compared structural determinants important for natu-
to that for the control group. The results sug- ral ligand binding, chemokine activity and re-
gest a role for this receptor in transplant re- ceptor signaling, gp120 binding to CCR5, and
jection (188). epitopes important for controlling HIV-1 en-
try. The mAbs 3A9,2D7, and PA12 all inhibit
6.5.1 CCR5 Receptor Structure. Many mu- HIV-1 entry and fusion, yet display significant
tagenesis and chimera studies have shown differences in their ability to block chemokine
that the N-terminus and the ECL-2 of the binding, calcium flux, and chemotaxis. The
CCR5 receptor are involved in ligand binding 3A9 mAb was shown to bind to the N-terminus
(189).It has also been shown that the ECL-2 of and is ineffective as an inhibitor of MIP-la,
CCR5 is the major determinant for chemokine MIP-lp, and RANTES binding, and does not
binding specificity, whereas the amino-termi- block MIP-lp-induced chemotaxis at concen-
nal domain plays a more significant role for trations up to 100 f l .However, 3A9 blocks
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) and infection of PHA-activated PBMCs by M-tro-
virus coreceptor function (190). However, a phic strains (ID,, = 0.5-2.3 pg/mL) (200). The
potential involvement for the ECL-2 of CCR5 murine mAb PA12, whose epitope also maps
in HN-1 viral infectivity has been elucidated to the CCR5 N-terminus, has no effect on
by d b studies that use mAb 2D7, in which RANTES-induced calcium flux and is only a
6 CC Receptors 155

modest inhibitor of HIV-1 fusion and entry, spectively. They inhibit HIV strains contain-
yet strongly inhibits gp120 binding (201). In ing CCR5 at 10-fold greater potency than that
contrast, the 2D7 binding site is mapped to the of the natural ligands (54). Combination ther-
second extracellular loop of CCR5 and com- apy has also proved effective at inhibiting
pletely blocks chemokine binding, Env bind- mixed infections (207). AOP-RANTES (CCR5
ing, and viral infection (191). MAb 45531 also antagonist) and Met-SDFlb (CXCR4 antago-
binds to an epitope in ECL-2 of CCR5, albeit in nist), when used in combination, were much
a different region from that of 2D7 (202). This more effective (9599%inhibition) at blocking
antibody blocks chemokine binding, but is rel- R5X4 dual-tropic HIV-1 primary isolates than
atively inefficient in blocking gp120 binding. when used alone (32-61% inhibition).
It would seem then that gp120 and the /?-che- Truncated peptides have also been evaluated.
mokines interact with overlapping but dis- A truncated version of RANTES (RANTES[s-681)
tinct sites on CCR5. Chemotaxis and chemo- binds to CCR5, yet is incapable of eliciting a
kine signaling are not necessary for HIV-1 chemotactic response (53). This would tend to
entry, and different receptor sites seem to support the role of the amino terminus in re-
have distinct functions (203-205). As a gen- ceptor activation. RANTES[s-681does block
eral rule, gp120 associates with both the N- HIV-1 infection in cells (208).
terminus and ECL-1 of the receptor (192,
195), whereas chemokines favor ECL-2 for 6.5.4 CCR5 Small Molecule Antagonists.
binding (206). As a consequence of screening, the National
Cancer Institute chemical repository for in-
6.5.3 CCR5 Peptide Antagonists. Although hibitors of HIV-1 replication, the distamycin
RANTES, MIP-la, and MIP-1/?have all dem- analog NSC65106 (42) was identified as hav-
onstrated an ability to suppress HIV infection ing antiviral activity (209). Its mechanism of
in vitro (541, there has been concern expressed action appears to be through involvement of
over using therapeutic agents that also func- chemokine receptors such as CCR5 and
tion as agonists and have a potential to attract CXCR4. It has also been shown to inhibit
leukocytes to various tissues. Chemokine de- CCRl and CCR3 and is inactive against CCR2
rivatives such as Met-RANTES, with an addi- and CXCR2 (210). The monomer (43) and re-
tional methionine at the N-terminus, and gioisomer (44) were inactive against this panel
AOP-RANTES, with an aminoxypentane that of receptors.
is isosteric with the side chain of methionine, As part of an effort to identify CCR2b an-
are pure and partial antagonists of CCR5, re- tagonists, the ammonium salt (45) and the
Chernokine and Cytokine Modulators

Also known as TAK-779, (25) is inactive

against other chemokine receptors such as
CCR1, CCR3, CCR4, and CXCR4 (202).
TAK-779 inhibits the binding of anti-CCR5
mAb 45531 to MOLT-4/CCR5 cells and is
therefore presumed to bind to ECL-2 (202).
However, it does not inhibit binding of 2D7,
which maps to a different region of ECL-2; or
of 3A9, which recognizes the amino terminus
of CCR5 (123). TAK-779 is an effective inhib-
itor of HIV-1 in T-cells and blocks R5HIV-1
replication without cytotoxicity to host cells
The binding site of TAK-779 has been ex-
plored using Ala-scanning mutagenesis on
more than 60 residues in the N-termini and
extracellular loops 1-3, and more than 35 res-
phosphonium salt (46) were found to have fair idues within TM1-TM7 (214). In this study
activity against CCR5 (IC,, values of 0.39 and they could not identify specific amino acid res-
0.62 a, respectively) (211). Lead optimiza- idues within the extracellular domains of
tion through ring expansion resulted in the CCR5 that affected the antiviral action of
quaternary ammonium anilide (25) (CCR5 TAK-779. However, several residues in the
IC,, = 0.0014 a; CCR2b IC,, = 0.027 a). TM domains (L33, Y37, T82, W86, Y108,
T123, and E283) were found to interact with
TAK-779. The binding site of TAK-779 has
been postulated to be within a cavity formed
between helices 1, 2, 3, and 7 of the CCR5

The sulfonyl spiropiperidine (47) has also

demonstrated activity against CCR5 (IC,, =

showed significant activity against the M2 re-

ceptor (49): CCR5 Ki= 1.0 @, M2 Ki= 1.3
nM, (50):CCR5 IC,, = 440 nM, M, Ki= 0.8
The initial strategy to improve potency and
selectivity focused on substitution on and
35 nM)(215). The importance of an enantio- around the piperazine (218). Chirality of the
selective interaction is suggested in that the piperazine 2-methyl was used to improve po-
(2R)diastereomer of (47) has an IC,, value of tency and selectivity, as demonstrated by the
870 nil4 for CCR5, and is therefore 25 times preference for the (2s)-methyl piperazine (51)
less potent than the (2s) isomer. HIV-1 viral (CCR5 Ki= 28 nM, M, Ki= 485 nM). The
replication in PBMCs is inhibited by (47), with absence of any substitution at the 2-position
a modest IC,, value of 6 a. The SAR of (52) resulted in a dramatic loss of activity
the C-2 phenyl fragment has also been inves- (CCR5 IC5, = 1300 nM).
tigated, with the 3'-C1 derivative proving Additional SAR andyses found that re-
optimal (CCR5 IC,, = 10 nM) (216). Oral bio- placement of sulfonyl with methylene, as in
availability within this series of sulfonyl spi- (53), retained potency and selectivity (CCR5
ropiperidines has proved to be very poor (F,, Ki= 18 nM, M, Ki= 760 nM). The next con-
cern was metabolic lability of the methylene
Constrained analogs have also been pre- dioxy, and the 3'-chlorophenyl analog (54) was
med. The 3,4-trans-pyrrolidine (48) shows found to be a suitable alternative (CCR5 Ki=
etter potency (CCR5 IC,, = 26 nM) than the 45 nM, M, Ki= 1400 nM). Both (53) and (54)
esponding cis analog (CCR5 IC,, = 3500 were shown to block viral entry at subcyto-
toxic levels (IC,, values of 1.7 and 12 nM, re-
iarylsulfones (49) and (50) were identi- spectively). In addition, (53)inhibited the rep-
ed as early leads in a Schering CCR5 program lication of primary HIV-1 isolates in
218-220). These antagonists had been ini- peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)
tially prepared for a muscarinic program and (IC,, = 8 nM).
158 Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

Further exploitation of these leads led to M, Ki = 1323 nM) (220).However, this com-
the discovery that the shortened piperidino- pound has poor biovailability, presumably be-
piperidine amide analog (55) also shows sig- cause of metabolism at the benzylic site. TO
nificant inhibition of CCR5 (CCR5 Ki = 66 nM, address this shortcoming, ethoxime was intro-
6 CC Receptors

tigation. Origmally cloned as STRL-22, CKR-

L3, GPR-CY4, or DRY6, CCR6 has only one
chemokine ligand, MIP-3a (CCL20) (221-223).
More recently, it has been shown that a family
of antimicrobial peptides, the /3 defensins, also
bind CCR6, although their affinity for this re-
ceptor is significantly lower than that of
MIP-3a (224). CCRG has been shown to be ex-
pressed in PBMCs, and in a subpopulation of
luced, followed by subsequent replacement of immature dendritic cells. CD34+-derived den-
he then labile 2,6-dimethyl phenyl with a dritic cells, but not monocyte-derived den-
yridine N-oxide fragment, to give (56). This dritic cells, show CCRG expression and a sig-
d t e d in signliicant improvements of rat nificant response to MIP-3a (225). Recently,
h m a levels a€ter oral administration (CCR5 Yang and colleagues (226) have shown that in
6 = 45 nM,M, Ki = 1400 nM, rat pk at 10 the presence of TGFP, monocyte-derived den-
n&g p.0.: AUC,, h) = 8200 ng mL-l'h-',
dritic cells are also able to express CCR6. In
P(mt, = 63%,F(monkey) = 52%). The piperazine addition, CCR6 has been found to be expressed
do^ (57) also showed im~roved~harrnacoki-
I--- -~~ 1-
in a subset of memory T-cells as well as in a
~eticscS(~~R5K,= 7 nM,M, K~= 250 0, rat pk: subset of B-cells (227, 228). Moreover, it has
AUCo-, h) = 9243 ng mL-"h-l). Compound been described that CCR6 plays an essential
(56) has also been referred to as SCH-C, and is
role in the arrest of a subset of memory T-cells
wrted to have entered Phase I clinical trials. to activated dermal endothelium under physi-
ologic flow conditions (229). All these results
strongly support a role for MIP-3alCCR6 in
3pwif1cchemokine receptors involved in den- dendritic cell migration and in the recall im-
&tic cell biology are a topic of current inves- mune response.
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

CCRGP1 mice have been recently gener- ory T-cells) (235, 236). Two ligands for CCR7
ated by two different groups. In the Cook have been identified: MIP-3P (CCL19) and
study, there was no evidence of gross abnor- SLC (CCL21) (237). CCR7 and CXCR5 to-
malities in any major organ, and all major leu- gether have been proposed as the main recep-
kocyte populations appeared normal (230). tors involved in cell recruitment into the
Dendritic cells coexpressing CDllb and lymph nodes, Peyer's patches, and spleen. The
CDllc were absent from the subepithelial constitutive expression of MIP-3P (ELC) and
dome of Peyer's patches. Some decreased hu- SLC in lymphoid tissue supports a role for
moral response to orally administered rotavi- these chemokines in the trafficking of lympho-
rus was observed but no important delay in cytes to secondary lymphoid organs. MIP-3P is
the viral clearance. In a second study, using a also expressed in interdigitating dendritic
contact hypersensitivity model and a delay hy- cells, whereas the other ligand for CCR7, SLC,
persensitivity model for the analysis of is secreted by stromal cells (238-240). Dieu
CCR6-I- mice, Varona and colleagues de- and colleagues (225) have shown an interest-
scribed a role for CCR6 in the activationtmi- ing relationship between CCRG and CCR7 ex-
gration of CD4+ T-cell subsets (231). More pression in dendritic cells. Although CCR6 is
recently, it has been reported that CCR6-I- expressed in immature dendritic cells and
mice are protected from developing allergic these cells are responsive to MIP-3a, cell mat-
lung inflammation and airway hyperreactivity uration causes CCRG downregulation and
in a cockroach model (232). CCR7 upregulation. Concomitant with the ex-
pression of CCR7, mature dendritic cells ac-
quire the capability to respond to MIP-3P.
CCR7 expression has been detected in mature Other studies have also observed CCR7 up-
dendritic cells (225, 233, 234)' nahe T-cells, regulation in mature dendritic cells (233,234).
and a subset of memory T-cells (central mem- The differential -expression of these chemo-
7 CXC Receptors 161

kine receptors likely accounts for the distinct ery, CCR8 mRNA expression was present only
migration patterns observed for immature in a Th2-polarized subset of CD4+ T-cells.
and mature dendritic cells. The ligand for mCCR8 has been identified as
A natural mutation in mice, the plt muta- T-cell activation gene (TCA)-3 (250, 251).
tion, has helped to elucidate the role of CCR7 TCA-3 induces chemotaxis and activation of
and its ligands. Mice homozygous for the mu- neutrophils, macrophages, mesangial cells,
tation show impaired homing of T-cells to the and vascular smooth muscle cells (252-255).
lymph nodes and spleen (241). These mice also CCR8 knockout mice have been generated
show a decreased number of interdigitating and analyzed in a mouse model of allergic lung
dendritic cells in lymph nodes. Recently, the inflammation (256). In models of Th2-type re-
plt mutation has been associated with a dele- sponse, including Schistosoma mansoni-solu-
tion that results in the lack of MIP-3P and ble egg antigen (SEA)-induced granuloma for-
reduced expression of SLC (242). The pheno- mation as well as ovalbumin- and cockroach
type of plt mice reflects the role of CCR7 in antigen-induced allergic airway inflamma-
dendritic and T-cell recruitment. tion, CCR8 knockout mice showed impaired
CCR7 knockout mice show a significant re- Th2 cytokine production and reduced eosino-
duction in ndive T-cells in secondary lymphoid phi1 recruitment. By contrast, in a typical T h l
tissues as well as important lymphoid tissue model of secondary granuloma formation,
abnormalities. When challenged, CCR7-'- CCR8 knockout mice behaved in a manner no
mice show an impairment in T-cell-mediated different from that of wild-type mice. These
immune response, including impairment of results suggest an important role for CCR8 in
delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions (243). Th2 functional responses in vivo.
Because of the importance of CCR7 in T- and
dendritic-cell recruitment, targeting CCR7
might represent a viable way of interfering 7 CXC RECEPTORS
th acquired immune responses. However,
ven that no studies have been reported in
7.1 CXCRl and CXCR2
ich the role of CCR7 has been specifically
tudied in animal models of human diseases, it Two human receptors for IL-8 (CXCL8) have
difficult to predict from the in vitro data and been identified. CXCRl preferentially binds
few in vivo studies available, the conse- IL-8 and GCP-2, whereas CXCR2 binds all
uences of inhibiting CCR7. ELR-containing chemokines, including IL-8,
GROa, GROP, GROy, NAP-2, ENA 78, and
GCP-2 (18, 257-259). IL-8 is primarily re-
CR8 was cloned by several groups as an or- garded as a neutrophil chemoattractant, in
han chemokine receptor (TER1, ChemR1, spite of the fact that these receptors are ex-
CKR-L1) (244-246). CCR8 is constitutively pressed on eosinophils, monocytes, and ba-
expressed at high levels only in the thymus, sophils (18). CXCR112 activation, in addition
although low levels of mRNA are also present to inducing chemotaxis in different leuko-
in the spleen (244). A ligand for human CCR8 cytes, also stimulates the release of granule
has been shown recently to be the CC chemo- enzymes and respiratory burst in neutrophils
kine 1-309 (CCL1). It was the only chemokine, (260).
among a large panel, to induce intracellular A close association has been described for
calcium mobilization and chemotaxis in IL-8 and other CXCRlI2 ligands in acute in-
CCR&transfectedcells (247,248). flammation, including neutrophil-mediated
Both CCR8 and CCR4 are preferentially ex- inflammatory diseases such as ischemia-
ressed by Th2 cells (165-167, 249) and 1-309 reperfusion injury, bacterial pneumonia,
ces a preferential migration of human adult respiratory distress syndrome, and
h2-polarized cells in vitro (167, 249). other infectious diseases. Neutralization of
A murine homolog of CCR8 has been char- IL-8 in rabbits has shown dramatic protection
erized and shows a pattern of expression in several models of neutrophil-mediated
slmilar to that of hCCR8 (250). In the periph- acute inflammation (261,262).
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

The exact role of CXCRl and CXCR2 has additional charged residues in the N-terminus
been difficult to define, in part because mice and ECL-2 of the CXCR2 receptor are also
have a single receptor for IL-$-like molecules. shown to be critical for binding of IL-8, NAP-2,
Disruption of this receptor gene in mice re- and GRO to CXCR2. Residues important for
sults in abnormal myeloid and lymphoid de- IL-8 binding are D9, E12, K108, and K120,
velopment (263). The mice fail to mobilize whereas E7, D9, and El2 significantly contrib-
neutrophils in response to intraperitoneal ute to GROa binding (278). In this study it is
thioglycolate challenge. In an allergic model of clear that residues contributing to the high
lung inflammation, mice with a targeted dele- affmity binding site of IL-8 and GROa on
tion of the IL-8 receptor showed a marked de- CXCR2 have both overlapping and uncommon
crease in the recruitment of neutrophils into regions. Notably, mutations of the N-termi-
the airways (264). After multiple challenges, nus residues (D9, El21 and certain ECL-1 res-
knockout mice had increased B-cells and fewer idues (K108, N110, K120) reduce cell activa-
neutrophils compared to those of wild-type tion and receptor signaling to all three ligands
(wt) mice. A diminished hyperresponse to (278).
methacholine was also observed in the knock-
out mice, suggesting that the IL-8 receptor 7.1.2 CXCR1/CXCR2 Antibodies. Neutral-
can modulate the IgE response and bronchial izing monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies of
hyperresponsiveness, in addition to the regu- CXCR2 have been generated to profile the
lation of neutrophil infiltration. In support of function of each IL-8 receptor (CXCR1 and
its possible role in airway disease, several CXCR2), and important distinctions have
studies have shown the presence of IL-8 in the been proposed. Changes in calcium flux and
bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of asth- signaling for granule enzyme release can be
matic patients (265-268). initiated in a chemokine-specific manner, and
In addition to their role as chemoattrac- blocked with antibodies specific to each recep-
tants for neutrophils, CXCRl and CXCR2 li- tor (anti-IL8R1 and anti-IL8R2) (279). Respi-
gands have been shown to be potent angio- ratory burst, activation of phospholipase D
genic factors, whereas most non-ELR-CXC (279), and neutrophil chemotaxis (280) are
chemokines (CXCR3, CXCR4, and CXCR5 li- proposed to be stimulated predominantly
gands) are angiostatic (269, 270). Several ex- through CXCRl. Priming of neutrophil
amples of diseases in which the balance be- NADPH oxidase is also mediated primarily
tween angiostatic and angiogenic chemokines through CXCRl(281). Understanding the role
is altered have been described, including of each receptor in contributing to a physio-
chronic pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel dis- logic response of neutrophils will be important
ease, psoriasis, and idiopathic pulmonary fi- in the design of new therapeutics.
brosis (271-273).
7.1.3 CXCR1/CXCR2 Peptide Antagonists.
7.1.1 CXCRl/CXCR2 Receptor Structure. As indicated above, the chemokine N-termi-
CXCRl and CXCR2 have a high degree of nus seems to contain a critical recognition site
amino acid identity (77%),and yet they show important for receptor binding and activation.
different binding selectivity for CXC chemo- The ELR sequence is essential to CXCRlDi-
kines. CXCR2 has similar binding affinity for gand interaction and its importance in IL-8
IL-8, GROa and NAP-2, whereas CXCRl is has been established through analog deletion
selective and has high affinity only for IL-8, or amino acid substitution within this region
and a much weaker affinity for GCP-2. It has (13). Truncation of the first five amino acids in
been shown that the N-terminus and ECL-2 the IL-8 Nt (IL-8[6-721), or substitution of the
are important for both ligand binding and se- first five amino acids with two alanines (IL-
lectivity among CXCRl and CXCR2 receptors. 8[AAR7-721) gave high affinity antagonists ca-
Ala scanning of the CXCRl extracellular do- pable of blocking receptor binding, neutrophil
mains shows that several charged residues chemotaxis, and respiratory burst (282). An
(D11, R199, R203, D265, E275, and R280) are N-terminal truncation of GROa demonstrates
critical for IL-8 binding (274-277). Similarly, CXCR2 antagonism; similar changes in PF4
7 CXC Receptors

have also been shown to antagonize CXCR2

(283).These NH2-terminallymodified analogs
had no effect on IL-&stimulated elastase re-
lease or superoxide generation, which are re-
sponses presumed to be mediated by CXCRl.
A naturally occurring inhibitor of IL-8 (IL-
8INH) has been identified in the supernatant
of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. This 52-kDa
protein blocks 1251-IL-8binding to the recep-
tor by binding specifically to IL-8. IL-8INH
demonstrates in uiuo activity by inhibiting
neutrophil infiltration to mouse ear (284).
Capped hexapeptides and heptapeptides
have also been reported as inhibitors of IL-8.
Antileukinate (58)inhibits the binding of IL-8
to both receptors and blocks both neutrophil
chemotaxis and activation (285). GROa and
IL-8 have been shown to be necessary for
growth of lung, stomach, and colon adenocar-
cinomas, and antileukinate will inhibit the
binding of GROa to specific receptors on ade-
nocarcinoma cell lines and block proliferation
(286). Antileukinate has also been shown to
block Staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA)-in-
duced neutrophil infiltration into the lung
disulfoxide (61) was also extracted from a ma-
7.1.4 CXCR1lCXCR2 Small Molecule An- rine organism, the South African asidian Lis-
tagonists. There are early reports of natural soclinum (289). All three natural products
products identified as CXCRl and CXCR2 an- (59-61) show modest affinity for CXCR2 (Ta-
tagonists. Extracts from sponge (Dysidea ble 4.9). However, similar activity against
, frondosa) provided Frondosins A (59) and C PKC was also noted, and thus the activity ap-
(60) as novel sesquiterpenes (288). Lissoclin pears to be nonselective.
164 Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

Table 4.9 Inhibition of CXCRl, CXCR2, and PKCa with Frondosins A and C,
and Lissoclin Disulfoxide
Ic60 (fl
Compound Binding Binding

"IC5, values derived from competitive binding with 1261-IL-8.

bIC50values derived from competitive binding with lZ5I-IL-8.

The diaryl urea (62) inhibits lZ5I-IL-8bind- man and rabbit neutrophils. When adminis-
ing to CXCR2 on CHO cells (IC,, = 500 nM) tered by i.v. infusion in rabbits, (63) blocks
(290, 291). A simple incorporation of a bro- IL-&induced neutrophil margination.
mine on one of the aryl groups (63) provided a The contribution of the urea acidic group
marked enhancement in CXCR2 &nity (IC,, has been evaluated by measuring binding as a
function of pH (292). Ureas bind strongly in
their anionic form, demonstrating as much as
a 10-fold improvement over the non-ionized
parent. Because the binding is reversible, the
mechanism of antagonism does not appear to
proceed through the isocyanate.
In an effort to identify an orally active drug,
further optimization in the diaryl urea series
led to (64),which inhibits 1251-IL-8binding to

CHOlCXCR2 membranes (IC,, = 39 nM)and

is selective against CHO/CXCRl (IC,, = 7400
nM) (293). The di&ylurea (64) also inhibited
GROa-induced Ca2+flux (IC,, = 5 nM), which
is CXCR2 mediated, while showing weaker in-
hibition against IL-Smediated Ca2+ flux (IC,,
= 426 nM), which is governed by both CXCRl
and CXCR2. Compound (64) was evaluated for
efficacy in an LPS-induced airway neutro-
philia within rabbits. When given orally 1 h
before and 4 h after an aerosol LPS challenge,
(64), at 25 mg/kg, showed significant inhibi-
= 22 nM),with greater than 150-fold selectiv- tion of neutrophilia.
ity over CXCRl. This compound also inhibits More recently, nicotinamide N-oxides such
GROW and IL-&mediated chemotaxis of hu- as (65) were discovered to be antagonists of
values of 0.09 and 0.28 a, respectively).
These compounds varied in their ability to
block GROa chemotaxis (IC,, values of >20
and 1.0 a, respectively). The discrepancy be-
tween binding and chemotaxis may reflect the
different binding interaction of GROa and
IL-8 on CXCR2 (277,278).

CXCR3 is a receptor for three CXC chemo-

1251-1L8binding to CXCR2 (IC,, = 1.0 $4) kines, IP-10 (CXCLlO), MIG (CXCLS), and
(294). This compound acts as a functional an- I-TAC (CXCL11) (see Table 4.1). This receptor
tagonist, as measured by its ability to blockboth is expressed preferentially on T-cells and it is
Oa-and IL-8-driven neutrophil chemotaxis. upregulated upon activation of these cells.
oanilide to be The restricted expression of this receptor sug-
an important recognition element. Further gests that its ligands are involved in the regu-

lead optimization improved ligand binding an- lation of lymphocyte recruitment observed in
tagonism, as indicated by (66) and (67) (IC,,.. autoimmune inflammatory lesions. IP-10 was
identified as a gene product induced by inter-
feron-y and expressed in delay-type hypersen-
sitivity reactions of the skin (295, 296). More
recently, CXCR3 has been described as being
present on all perivascular T-cells and astro-
F cytes associated with active lesions in multiple
/ N+\ sclerosis. In addition, CXCR3- and CCR5-ex-
0 pressing T-cells are enriched in the cerebro-
yo spinal fluid of patients with active disease
@% (297,298).
CXCR3-deficient mice show an impressive
response in an allograft survival model. In the
absence of any other treatment, allograft sur-
vival extended 55-60 days, whereas the nor-
(66) mal allograft survival for wild-type mice was
around 7 days. Expression of the three ligands
for CXCR3 has been reported in this model;
however, they show a sequential upregula-
tion, suggesting they may play a role at differ-
ent times during the development of the in-
F flammatory response (299).
CCR5 and CXCR3 have been identified as
being preferentially expressed on T h l cells
(300). Accordingly, IP-10 is approximately 10
times more potent on Thl cells than on Th2
cells. Because rheumatoid arthritis is classi-
fied as a Thl-type disease, it has been sug-
gested that CXCR3 could play a role in the
development of the disease. CXCR3-positive
T-cells and CXCR3ligands have been reported
in rheumatoid arthritis in the synovial fluid
(67) and synovium from these patients (301,302).
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

7.2.1 CXCR3 Antibodies. A CXCR3-spe- CXCR4 is widely expressed in different

cific monoclonal antibody (1C6) has been re- blood cell types including B-cells, T-cells, and
ported (301). It blocks the binding of radiola- monocytes (see Table 4.1). In addition, expres-
beled IP-10 to activated T-cells (IC,, = 160 sion of this receptor has been described in non-
ng/mL), and its epitope is mapped to the first immune cells such as endothelial and epithe-
15 amino acids of the receptor. IP-lO-medi- lial cells (307). SDF-la was originally isolated
ated chemotaxis was completely blocked by from bone marrow stroma and it has been
use of 10 pg/mL of 1C6. Neutralizing anti- shown that it supports the proliferation on B-
serum against MIG and IP-10 has been shown cell progenitors (310). Subsequent studies
to be efficacious in transplant models, as has a demonstrate that SDF-la is also a potent che-
blocking anti-CXCR3 mAb in preventing moattractant for lymphocytes and monocytes.
acute rejection (299). Similarly, anti-IP-10 Unlike other chemokines, SDF-la is constitu-
mAbs increase survival times in a cardiac allo- tively expressed and is not regulated by proin-
graft rejection model (303). flammatory cytokines (307,311).
CXCR4 knockout mice generated by sev-
7.2.2 CXCR3 Small Molecule Antago- eral groups have shown multiple functions as-
nists. To date, there are very few reports on sociated with this receptor. SDF-la and
small molecule antagonists for this receptor. CXCR4 knockout mice present very similar
The 4-0x0-2,4-dihydro quinazoline (68) is re- phenotypes. Both showed defective lympho-
poieis and myelopoiesis in the bone marrow
(312, 3131, as well as severe heart defects, de-
fective formation of large blood vessels, and
derailed cerebellar neuron migration (312-315).
Moreover, most CXCR4-'- mice died in utero
at 18.5 days of embryonic development and
the remainder died within 1 h after birth. This
is the only chemokine receptor null mutation
described to date that results in embryonic le-

7.3.1 CXCR4 Receptor Structure. Rat and

human CXCR4 chimeras suggest that ECL-2
of CXCR4 is the major determinant of receptor
binding to feline immunodeficiency virus
ported to block binding (IC,, < 0.8 a) of (FIV) (316). Mutation of the DRY motif and
IP-10 (304). There have been no reports of in the C-terminal tail of CXCR4 did not affect the
vivo activity with this type of antagonists. ability of the molecule to support fusion, sug-
gesting that neither signaling by way of G-
protein nor receptor internalization was re-
As mentioned earlier, CXCR4 and CCR5 have quired for fusion mediated by FIV (316). The
together been identified as the main corecep- contribution of the negatively charged resi-
tors for HIV, acting with CD4 to enable viral dues in the amino terminal of the CXCR4 re-
entry. More specifically, CXCR4 has been de- ceptor has also been evaluated (317). Point
scribed as an essential coreceptor for T-tropic mutation studies show that viral entry de-
HIV-1- and HIV-2-mediated fusion (305,306). pends on YDE-rich clusters in both the amino
CXCR4 was first cloned by several groups as terminus and the second extracellular loop of
an orphan receptor named LESTR, HUMSTR, CXCR4. Different viral isolates vary in their
or fusin (307). Later, SDF-la (CXCL12) was dependency on residues in each domain. The
identified as the only ligand for this receptor determinants of CXCR4 coreceptor function
(308,309). These studies have also shown that are therefore more diffuse and isolate depen-
SDF-la inhibits the infection of CD4lCXCR4- dent than those of CCR5 (317). Residues in
expressing cells by T-tropic strains of HIV. CXCR4 required for both SDF-1 binding and
7 CXC Receptors

signaling were identified as ECL2 (D187), terminal peptides have significant activity.
TM2 (D97), and TM7 (E288). The first resi- SDF['-'' could function as a weak agonist,
dues (2-9) of the receptor N-terminus also whereas a P2G mutation of this same trunca-
seem to be required for SDF-1 binding and tion resulted in an antagonist (322). The N-
signaling. Residues important for ligand bind- terminal residues form an important receptor
ing but not signaling in the N-terminus are binding site with Lys-1and Pro-2 also contrib-
E13, E14, and Y21. The coreceptor activity of uting to receptor activation. Residues 12-17
CXCR4 (gp120 binding) was impaired by mu- (RFFESH) are important for receptor bind-
tations of two Tyr residues in the N-terminus ing, but apparently do not contribute to acti-
(Y7,Y12) and an Asp residue in ECL-2, ECL-3, vation. It is presumed then that this sequence
or TM2 (D193, D262, D97). These acidic resi- is involved in initial docking of ligand to recep-
dues may engage in electrostatic interactions tor. NMR-conformational analysis of these
with basic residues of the a 1 2 0 HIV-1 enve- truncated peptide ligands shows that residues
lope protein in the V3 loop region (318). Ala 5-8 and 11-17 present as a p-turn P-aRtype
scanning of CXCR4 indicates that negatively (323).
charged residues in the N-terminus (E14, E15, A 3D structure of the full-length peptide
and E32) and D97 in ECL-1 were important SDF-1 was determined through use of NMR
for CXCR4 function as a coreceptor. It has (47), and important differences were noted,
been shown that removal of the N-linked gly- when compared to other chemokine ligands, in
cosylation modifications of the CXCR4 mole- terms of hydrophobic packing and surface
cule permits the receptor to act as a potential charge distribution. Using a strategy that has
coreceptor for otherwise CCR5-dependent worked for other chemokine ligands, the
HIV-1 Envs. Similar residues in the ECL-2 of CXCR4 natural ligand, SDF-la, was derivat-
CCR5 were shown to be important for CCR5 ized with methionine at the N-terminus. Met-
coreceptor activity for isolates across several SDF-1P caused prolonged downregulation of
clads. Together, these findings support the hy- the receptor (3241, and as a single agent, or in
pothesis that there are conserved elements combination with other antivirals such as
important for coreceptor activity between the Zidovudine or Nelfinavir, has activity against
CXCR4 and CCR5 molecules. These results H N - 1 isolates (325).
highlight a homologous and critical region in T22 (69) is an 18 amino acid analog of a
ECLS for both CXCR4 and CCR5 and their horseshoe crab blood cell-derived peptide. It
respective coreceptor activities (319,320).

7.3.2 CXCR4 Antibodies. A CXCR4 mono-

clonal antibody (12G5) was developed as the
sult of efforts to evaluate interactions of cel-
molecules and viral envelope glycopro-
s. 12G5was shown to inhibit infection and
fusion for isolates of HIV-2. After CXCR4
identified as a CD4-associated accessory
or for T-cell line tropic HIV-1 isolates, inhibits entry of T-tropic HIV-1 strains into
G5 was shown to react with this protein and target cells. T22 blocks binding of 12G5 d b
owed specific binding for CXCR4 when com- to CXCR4 and inhibits SDF-1-induced Ca2+
to CCR1, CCR2b, CCR3, CCR4, and mobilization. The structure of T22 mimics the
(321). rigid structural conformation found in CXC
chemokines. The antiparallel P-sheet presen-
7.3.3 CXCR4 Peptide Antagonists. There tation in SDF-1 is maintained within T22 by
have been several reports on peptide antago- virtue of its two disulfide bonds (326).
ts that selectively block receptor binding T22 is a cationic peptide characterized by
dlor activities of CXCR4. The importance of five arginine and three lysine residues. In T22
N-terminal region of SDF-la was defined and its derivatives there appears to be a close
ough use of truncated ligands. Short N- correlation between the number of positive
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

charges and anti-HIV activity (327). Ala scan- 331, 332). The strongly cationic nature of
ning shows Arg2, Nal3, Tyr5, and Argl4 to be these peptide antagonists probably results in a
critical residues for activity (328). An electro- strong electrostatic interaction with the
static interaction of peptide with membrane receptor.
may contribute to cytotoxicity and a poor se- Noting the importance of the arginine, con-
lectivity index (SI = ratio of 50%cytotoxic con- jugates of L-arginine with aminoglycosides
centration to 50% effective antiviral concen- have provided micromolar inhibitors such as
tration). Reducing the total positive charge (74). They interact directly with CXCR4, as
with P-citrilline(Cit) was hoped then to result evidenced by their ability to inhibit the bind-
in less toxicity without a significant decrease ing of the 12G5 mAb (333).
in anti-HIV activity. Thus, truncation and Cit-
substitution of T22 identified a 14-mer with a 7.3.4 CXCR4 Small Molecule Antagonists.
single disulfide bond, T140 (70),as a more po- In 1992 bicyclams such as (75) were identified
as viricidal agents with activity against HIV-1
and HIV-2 (334).The bicyclam AMD2763 (75)
was shown to inhibit HIV replication in vari-
ous human T-cells. Based on time-of-addition
experiments, these agents were assumed to in-
teract with virus assembly after virus adsorp-
tion and preceding reverse transcription.
Their precise mechanism of action was not de-
termined until several years later, when the
tent antagonist (EC5,=3.3 nM, SI = 29,000).
anti-HIV replication activity of bicyclams was
In an attempt to further reduce the total pos-
shown to occur through direct interaction
itive charge, an additional (Cit) substituent
with CXCR4 (331,335,336). This class of com-
was introduced, resulting in TC14003 (711,
pounds had no effect against M-tropic HIV vi-
ruses (CCR5-dependent). AMD2763 was
shown to bind with CXCR4 through competi-
tion studies with 12G5 and selectivity was
demonstrated by its ability to block Ca2+mo-
bilization stimulated by SDF-la, but not by
RANTES, MIP-la, or MCP-3.
A more potent analog, AMD3100 (76), in-
hibits HIV-1 replication at nanomolar concen-
with a decreased net positive charge compared trations (337). It is not toxic to host cells at 500
to that of T22 and a greater selectivity index p H , and therefore shows a high selectivity in-
(EC5,=4.0 nM, SI = 69,000) (328). dex. Compound 76 binds to CXCR4, as deter-
An arginine-rich polypeptide (72) has also mined by inhibition of 12G5, and does not
been described as an inhibitor of HIV-1 entry block 2D7 (the CCR5 mAb) (331). AMD3100
acting through CXCR4. Again, the high posi- inhibits T-cell-&opic HIV-1 infection of PHA-
tive charge on ALX40C is characteristic of the stimulated blasts from PBMCs, with an IC,,
p-sheet region of SDF-1 and these residues are value of 2-7 ng/mL, depending on viral strain.
presumed to be a recognition element for This is a 10- to 50-fold improvement over
CXCR4 (329). The Tat peptide has also been SDF1. Further derivatization of the bicyclam
shown to inhibit HIV replication. The peptoid, series resulted in AMD3329, the py[iso-141ane
CGP-64222 (73), mimics the basic domain of N4 dimer (77). Incorporation of heteroaro-
Tat, and has been shown to interact with matics into the cyclam moiety lowered the
CXCR4 (330). overall pK, compared to that of a secondary
The binding site on CXCR4 is believed to be amine. Compound 77 was determined to be
localized to the second extracellular loop even more potent than AMD3100 in inhibition
(ECL-21,which contains a strong negative sur- of binding, Ca2+ flux, and suppression of X4
face charge with many anionic residues (326, HIV-1 replication. The EC,, values against

NH2 H2N /;\ NH2 H2N /;\ N H ~ H2N f+7 N H ~

HIV-1and HIV-2 replication were 0.8 and 1.6 The binding region for AMD3100 has been
, respectively (338). defined through single amino acid substitu-
n an effort to improve the potential for tions in the extracellular loops (ECLs) and TM
lbiting HIV-1 replication, bicyclam-AZT regions of CXCR4. ECL-2 contains five acidic
gates (78) have also been described residues that have been implicated as an im-
portant recognition site of the V3 domain in
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

consistent with the cationic nature of the bi-

cyclams and its array of eight proximal nitro-
gens that will form a multipositive charge
(340). The bicyclam unit seems to be very effi-
cient in disrupting this interaction. Through
site-directed mutagenesis it has been shown
OH that AMD3100 acts on the CXCR4 receptor
ArgHN uNHAri through binding to Asp171 in TM-IV and
Asp262 in TM-VI with each of its cyclam moi-
eties. Single or double substitution of these
aspartates by neutral asparagines resulted in
markedly decreased potency of AMD3100 for
inhibition of SDF-1 binding to the receptor,
SDF-1 induced intracellular calcium signal-
ing, and high affmity binding for certain HIV
strains. It is suggested that part ofAMD3100's
activity is attributed to conformational con-
straint imposed on the receptor by the rigid
connecting phenylene-bismethylene linker
(332, 341, 342).
The phannacokinetic properties of AMD3100
have also been evaluated and it has been
shown, not surprisingly, to have very poor bio-
availability (343,344). An unsuccessful effort
to improve the oral bioavailability through
ion-pair formation by use of sodium taurode-
oxycholate and sodium taurocholate as coun-
terions has been described (345).
AMD3100 has entered phase I clinical trials
as an i.v. formulation, and appears to be well
tolerated (346). A 20 mgkg dose provides a
median peak serum concentration of 118 ng;/
gp120. As part of the mechanism for viral en- mL, which exceeds its 50% effective antiviral
try, an electrostatic interaction is presumed concentration seen in cell culture (335-337).
between the positively charged V3 loop (over-
all charge of i-8) of viral gp120 and the nega-
tively charged ECL-2 (net charge of -9) of 8 VIRAL CHEMOKINES AND CHEMOKlNE
CXCR4 (332). Resistance to binding was con- RECEPTORS
ferred by single amino acid substitutions in
ECL2. The putative binding interaction of Herpesviruses, poxviruses, and lentiviruses
AMD3100 with the aspartic acids of ECL-2 is all encode chemokine and chemokine recep-
8 Viral Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors

NH 1 ( NH

r-like molecules (347). Some of these mole- pathways they engage. One interesting exam-
es are structural homologs of chemokines ple is the HHS-%encoded chemokine receptor
d chemokine receptors, whereas others are ORF 74. The HHS-8 virus has been implicated
ructurally unrelated but bind to either che- in the development of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS).
okine or receptor and alter the function of ORF 74 encodes a constitutively active chemo-
ese molecules. The selective advantage of kine receptor that binds several host CC and
ressing these chemokine or chemokine re- CXC chemokines. It has been shown that this
ptors is not yet clear. However, given that receptor has angionenic, proinflammatory,
emokines play a crucial role in organizing and oncogenic activities. When expressed as a
host immune response, it is not surprising transgene in hematopoietic cells, it induces le-
t viruses have developed different strate- sions that are histologically similar to those of
es to interfere with the process.
KS (351). This suggests that ORF 74 may play
Chemokine homologs are mostly encoded
a role in the pathogenesis of KS in humans.
herpesvirus and include three CC-type che-
okines, vMIP-I, vMIP-11, and vMIP-111. The chemokine binding protein vCCI (pro-
P-I is encoded by HHV-8 and binds and duced by pox viruses) is a broad-spectrum CC
s calcium signals in T-cells through chemokine scavenger and completely inhibits
. This same receptor also shows high af- their function (350,352). Its strong inhibitory
ty for vMIP-11. However, vMIP-I seems to properties are attributed in part to the high
as an agonist for the receptor and vMIP-I1 affinity of vCCI for CC chemokines, having a
aves as an antagonist (348). vMIP-I1 is a subnanomolar dissociation constant for all CC
oad-spectrum chemokine receptor antago- chemokines. The affinity of CC chemokines is
. vMIP-111acts as a potent CCR4 agonist greater for vCCI than for the native CC che-
attracts mainly Th2 T-cells. mokine receptors. In a mouse model of allergic
Molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) is a lung inflammation, vCCI has been shown to
man poxvirus that encodes a chemokine ho- improve pulmonary function and to reduce in-
olog named vMCC-I (gene product of flammation (353). vCCI reduced significantly
148R)(349,350). This protein is related to the number of total leukocytes and eosinophils
chemokines but the mature protein lacks in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and lung pa-
e amino acids in the N-terminus that are renchyma. At the same time, a clear reduction
tical for receptor activation. Thus, this mol- in airway hyperreactivity was observed. These
le binds to several receptors such as CCR1, results not only show that intrapulmonary in-
R2, CCR5, CCR8, CXCR1, and CXCR2 but hibition of chemokines by vCCI is a highly ef-
not able to induce signaling, acting instead fective inhibitor of airway inflammation and
an antagonist for these receptors. hyperreactivity in a mouse model but also sug-
In addition to chemokines, viruses also ex- gest a potential use of this agent for the treat-
ss chemokine receptors. All of them bind ment of asthma.
ltiple chemokine ligands but differ in their The above examples represent just a small
ificity as well as in the signal transduction group of all viral chemokine, chemokine recep-
172 Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

Table 4.10 Cytokine Families and Some Examples (1)"

Family Cytokine Potential Disease Target
IL-I family IL-la RA, OA, COPD
Hematopoietic factors IL-2 Transplant
IL-4 Asthma, allergy
IL-5 Asthma, allergy
IL-9 Asthma, allergy
IL-12 Autoimmume diseases
IL-13 Asthma, allergy
IFNa Infectious diseases
IFNp Infectious diseases
IFN y Infectious, autoimmune diseases
TNF family TNF-a Arthritis, Crohn's disease, psoriasis
"CNTF, ciliary neurotrophic factor; EPO, erythropoietin; Fas-L, fas ligand; aFGF, acidic fibroblasts growth factor; bFGF,
basic fibroblast growth facor; GMCSF, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin;
LIF, leukemia inhibitory factor; LT, lymphotoxin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; RA,rheumatoid arthritis; OA, osteoarthritis;
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. For a more complete listing of cytokines see Ref. 1.

tor, or chemokine binding proteins. (For more of the development of autoimmune diseases
information on this topic, review Refs. 347, such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory
350, 352.) bowel disease, inflammatory skin diseases,
and allergic responses. Table 4.10 shows some
examples of the different cytokines and the
families to which'they belong.
Cytokinesare extracellular signaling proteins, Small molecule agents that inhibit the pro-
mostly secreted; however, they could also exist duction of cytokines have been described. For
as membrane-bound proteins. They are pro- example, glucocorticoids inhibit the synthesis
duced by many different cell types and can of several of these molecules by interfering
have an effect on adjacent cells (paracrine with the transcription factors AP-1 and NFKB
fashion), at a distance (endocrine), or can act (354, 355). Among the cytokines downregu-
on the same cells that produce them (auto- lated by glucocorticoids are IL-2, IL-5, IL-12,
crine). Cytokines mediate their action through and TNF-a. Because of the broad effects of
high affinity surface receptors and can demon- glucocorticoids, they have been used in the
strate a wide variety of actions, including the treatment of many inflammatory conditions
coordination of inflammatory and immune re- such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and
sponses. They are also involved in many stages transplantation. Other negative regulators of
okine production are cyclosporin and FK506. subunits results in the recruitment of MyD88,
se molecules exert their actions by inhib- an adapter molecule, which is then followed by
anscription factor nuclear factor of activation of IL-1R-associated kinase (IRA.)
activated T-cells (NFAT). Cytokines suscepti- (359). A second IL-1R has been described, IL-
ble to inhibition by cyclosporin include IL-2, 1RII. This receptor does not signal; instead it
IL-4, and IL-5. The inhibition of IL-2 produc- is shed from cells and acts as a decoy receptor
nosuppressive effect (360-362). IL-1RI is found on many different
reason these drugs are being used cell types, including endothelial cells, smooth
in transplantation therapy. Nonpeptidic small muscle cells, epithelial cells, hepatocytes, fi-
molecule inhibitors that act through direct broblasts, keratinocytes, and T-lymphocytes.
binding of cytokines andlor their receptors are A natural regulatory molecule has been de-
ot common, given the large protein/protein scribed for IL-1, called IL-1R antagonist (IL-
that would need to be disrupted. 1Ra). Usually this molecule is produced in
Cytokine production can also be influenced by large excess with respect to IL-1 (363) and
modulation of various kinases, such as reduc- binds to IL-1R with near equal affinity com-
gh p38 inhibition. It is beyond pared to that of either IL-la or IL-lp, but does
o discuss all indirect not signal through the receptor (364). It has
ne regulation. In this review been suggested that this molecule plays an im-
e concentrate on cytokines involved in im- portant role in the regulation of IL-1p activity
mune responses for which some modulators in uivo.
ave been described in either animal models
9.1.1 11-1 Knockout and Transgenic Mice.
IL-1R knockout mice show a similar pheno-
type to that observed in IL-lp knockout mice
is a proinflammatory cytokine that has (365, 366). Both mutations have revealed the
iple roles. It is a central mediator in en- role that IL-1 plays in IL-6 production and fe-
plays an important role in ver. In addition, IL-1R knockout mice had a
ses such as rheumatoid ar- reduced delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH)
tis. IL-1 is mainly produced by monocytes/ response and acute-phase reaction to turpen-
are activated by T-cells at tine. These mice showed an impaired ability to
site of inflammation. B-lymphocytes and fight infections by Listeria monocytogenes
ral killer (NK) cells can also be sources of (365). In addition, IL-1R is required for the
cytokine. Two IL-1 receptor agonists have development of inflammatory lesions and clin-
en described, IL-la and IL-1p. IL-1p is pro- ical symptoms in a mouse model of EAE (367).
ced as a 31-kDa precursor and is processed
its mature form by IL-1p converting en- 9.1.2 11-1 Modulators/Clinical Data. Sev-
(ICE) (356). Both IL-1 agonists possess eral approaches have been used to antagonize
ivities; however, IL-1p is cytokine activity, including antibodies against
creted molecule, whereas IL-la is primar- the cytokine or the cytokine receptor, mutant
ere are a large number of forms of the cytokine that bind to the receptor
es that are regulated by IL-1p. Among yet do not signal, and recombinant soluble re-
d chemokines, cytokine ceptors. The extracellular domain of the IL-
weptors, other inflammatory mediators, 1RI has been used as a decoy receptor in sev-
p w t h factors, clotting factors, remodeling eral animal models. For example, in a rat
factors, oncogenes, and adhesion molecules antigen-induced arthritis model, administra-
(for a comprehensive list, see Ref. 357). tion of soluble IL-1RI reduced joint swelling
IL1 binds with high affinity to IL-1 recep- and tissue destruction (368). It also increases
in the recruitment of a survival of heterotropic heart allograft in mice
ond molecule, the IL-1R accessory protein (369).
-1RAcP). This heterodimer is responsible In the clinic, soluble IL-1RI pretreatment
e signal transduction before endotoxin administration shows no ef-
de (358). The interaction between the fect on fever or any other systemic effect. The
Chernokine and Cytokine Modulators

lack of efficacy of the IL-1RI treatment is

likely attributable to the fact that there was
IL-2, also known as T-cell growth factor, is
already a decrease in IL-1P and IL-1% in
produced by antigen-activated T-lymphocytes
these subjects (370). A similar lack of efficacy and has a primary role in regulating T-lym-
was observed when soluble IL-1RI was given phocyte proliferation and differentiation. Be-
to rheumatoid arthritis patients. In a double-
cause T-lymphocytes can initiate and regulate
blind, placebo-controlled trial, no significant
the immune response, IL-2 is assumed to have
improvement in clinical scores was observed,
a significant role in antigen-specific acquired
suggesting the inability of this agent to modify cellular immune response. IL-2 also activates
the clinical course of the disease (371). In con- NK cells (380) and B-cells (381,382).Although
trast to IL-1R1, IL-1RII has significantly
the effect on B-cells is somewhat controver-
higher affinity for IL-1P than for IL-1Ra. A
sial, it does seem to have a clear role in tran-
soluble form of this agent could be more effi-
scriptional activation of the J-chain and con-
cacious as an inhibitor of the IL-1 responses,
sequent production of IgM (383). Because of
although this would need to be proved.
its effect on NK cells, IL-2 also has a role in
Administration of recombinant IL-1Ra in
augmenting innate host defense. This cyto-
several models of chronic inflammation has
kine then may have therapeutic utility in
shown that receptor blockage by this molecule boosting immune reactivity in otherwise com-
reduces severity of the disease (372, 373).
promised patients, by promoting generation of
When used in arthritis models, IL-1% inhib-
both innate and acquired immunity. The role
ited joint swelling and suppressed the inci-
of the IL-2 receptor in human immune func-
dence of collagen-induced arthritis in mice
tion is supported by the finding that patients
(374, 375). Moreover, IL-1% knockout mice
with X-linked severe combined immunodefi-
present a more severe disease phenotype com-
ciency (X-SCID)have genetic defects that map
pared to that of wt mice, and even develop
to an IL-2 receptor gene locus (384).
arthritis or other inflammatory conditions
spontaneously, depending on the mouse strain IL-2 is a 15.5-kDa protein of 133 amino ac-
(376, 377). This suggests that an imbalance ids (385). A disulfide bond between Cys58 and
between IL-1 and IL-1Ra may play a role in Cysl05 is essential for bioactivity, whereas
the predisposition to local inflammatory dis- glycosylation does not seem to be important
eases. Recombinant human IL-1Ra has been (386). A 3D structure for IL-2 has been solved
clinically evaluated in rheumatoid arthritis to 3.0-A resolution (387), indicating that this
patients (378,379). In a 6-month placebo-con- cytokine is composed of a fourfold bundle of
trolled trial, 43% of the patients showed a 20% amphipathic antiparallel a-helices. A modifi-
improvement compared to 27% in the placebo cation of this structure has been proposed
group. The IL-1Ra-treated patients also had based on secondary structure prediction and
significantly less joint damage. In a study in comparison with other cytokines (388).
which IL-1Ra was given together with metho- The IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) contains three
trexate to patients showing active signs of the distinct membrane-associated subunits
disease, a similar result was obtained. IL-1% (p55a, p75P, and p64y). Each subunit alone
did not show significant side effects after 24 will bind IL-2 with low affinity, but het-
weeks of treatment; reactions at the site of erodimerization and heterotrimerization
injection were the most frequently observed bind IL-2 with increasing affinity. In addi-
adverse event. In summary, clinical studies tion to being on T-cells, IL-2R is also re-
show that inhibition of IL-1P results in a sig- ported to be expressed by B-cells, although
nificant reduction in signs and symptoms of at levels 10 times lower than that of acti-
rheumatoid arthritis as well as reduced joint vated T-cells (389).
destruction. Recombinant human IL-1% has Signal transduction is linked to the cyto-
recently been approved by the U.S. FDA for plasmic domains of the fly subunit (390, 391).
the treatment of arthritis [Anakinra (Kine- Activation of JAK and Src family kinases are
ret), Amgenl. initial events for IL-2 signaling. These kinases
will phosphorylate ILSR and activate the ecule modulators demonstrate therapeutic
STAT and Ras-mitogen-activatedkinase path- benefit and protection in patients undergoing
organ transplantation.
IL-2 has been evaluated therapeutically as
an enhancer of the immune system in the
9.2.1 11-2 Knockout and Transgenic Mice. treatment of both cancer and infectious dis-
The role of IL-2 in immune response has been eases. When a high dose of IL-2 is adminis-
clarified in animal models by use of IL-2 tered over a 3- to 5-day period, severe systemic
knockout mice. Mutated mice that are defi- toxicity, termed cytokine syndrome, is ob-
cient in IL-2 production, generated by homol- served. However, this therapy does provide an
ation, display normal lyrnpho- antitumor response by an unestablished
e development, but during the postnatal mechanism in 15% of treated patients (401).
mmunocompromised and die IL-2 may have therapeutic benefit in re-
thin the first few weeks (394,395). In a sep- storing immune function in AIDS patients. In-
ate study, IL-&deficient mice with mutated dividuals infected with HIV are characterized
-2 genes were used to exam- by a deficiency in circulating CD4+ T-cells
e the role of IL-2 in promoting clonal expan- and, consequently, production of IL-2 is com-
on of cytolytic T-lymphocytes during infec- promised. Macrophages infected with HIV-1,
induced expansion of CD8+ and cultured in the presence or absence of
-cells was inhibited, as was the production of IL-2, show a diminished reverse transcriptase
Ny by activated T-cells, leading to a reduced activity in those cells treated with IL-2 (402).
ility to clear viral infection. It is worthwhile In addition, the expression of CD4 and CCR5
oint out that mice deficient in CTLA-4, (HIV-1 receptor and coreceptor, respectively)
is IL-2 dependent, display a was downregulated after treatment with IL-2.
ar phenotype (397). IL-2 transgenic mice Clinically, IL-2 has been used in the treatment
e also been established and do not appear of HIV-1-infected individuals through either a
(398). Notably, high dose treatment, as noted above for can-
mune disease in cer, or a low dose continuous treatment regi-
men (403). Using this latter treatment, the
concentration of circulating CD4+ T-cells is
9.2.2 11-2 Modulators/Clinical Data. An increased and the risk of opportunistic infec-
al antibody has also been de- tion is reduced.
ped. It prevents binding of IL-2 to its high
ty receptor and has been used therapeu-
nosuppressant in allograft Th2-type cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5, and
ection (399, 400). IL-13 orchestrate a cascade of events during
Other negative regulators include small development of an allergic inflammatory re-
uppressive agents that ex- sponse. This is demonstrated both clinically
their effect through inhibiting production and in preclinical animal models (404, 405).
activity of IL-2. For example, glucocorti- IL-4 plays a critical role in the early commit-
production by inhibiting ment of Tho cells to Th2 cells and regulates
ion factor c-jun (354) and IgE secretion by B-cells. It also induces
KB (355). Leflunamide and mycophenolic V-CAM expression on endothelial cells, pro-
thesis by inhibiting nu- motes eosinophilic inflammation, and in-
synthesis in T-cells. Cyclosporin, creases airway mucus production.
, and rapamycin can suppress IL-2 gene In asthmatic patients there is an increase
ion through inhibition of calcium-asso- in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
d signaling events regulated by cal- IL-4 levels, and atopic individuals have a
longing to the NF-AT higher frequency of IL-4-producing T-cells
ence is immunosup- (406, 407). Genetic studies have linked
e of IL-2 expression asthma and atopy to the chromosome region
of these small mol- 5q31-33, which includes IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, and
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

the IL-13 genes (408). Thus, aberrant produc- In another mouse model of allergic lung in-
tion of IL-4, or excessive response to this cyto- flammation, antibodies against IL-4 adminis-
kine resulting from genetic defects, might con- tered during sensitization reduce or abolish
tribute to the pathogenesis of asthma. airway eosinophilia and airway hyperreactiv-
IL-4 is a 20-kDa secreted glycoprotein and ity (418,419). In similar mouse models, a mu-
its expression is highly tissue specific. IL-4 is tant form of murine IL-4 (Q116DN119D),act-
produced by Th2 cells and natural killer cells ing as both IL-4 and IL-13 antagonist, was
in response to stimulation through the T-cell found to abrogate the humoral immune re-
receptor (409). IL-4 binds to two types of re- sponse to allergen challenge, and completely
ceptor complexes, type I and type I1 receptors. inhibited synthesis of allergen-specific IgE
Type I receptor complexes are formed by the and IgGl (420). Another murine IL-4 mutant
IL-4 receptor a chain (IL-4Ra) and the com- (deletion mutant C118), showing similar an-
mon y chain (yC),which form part of the many tagonism against IL-4 and IL-13, inhibited the
other cytokine receptor complexes. The type I1 development of airway eosinophilia and air-
receptor consists of the IL-4Ra chain and the way hyperreactivity (421). These results sug-
IL-13Ra chain. In both cases signaling occurs gest that a dual IL-4/IL-13antagonist could be
through the JAWSTAT pathway, more specif- highly efficacious for the treatment of asthma.
ically through activation of STAT6 (410). Similar mutations have been described for hu-
man IL-4 and shown to be efficacious at inhib-
9.3.1 11-4 Knockout and Transgenic Mice. iting IL-4 and IL-13 responses in vitro (422).
In general terms IL-4 and IL-4Ra knockout As mentioned earlier, soluble receptors are
mice show similar phenotypes. Both develop another means to antagonize cytokine activ-
normally but they show a clear deficiency in ity. The soluble IL-4R (Nuvance, Immunex
the Th2 response (411-413). They are able to Corporation) consists of the N-terminal region
mount antibody responses but show a signifi- of the IL-4Ra chain and has been shown to
cant decrease in their ability to generate IgE bind IL-4 and sequester this circulating cyto-
and IgG1. In addition they show a decreased kine. Nuvance was tested in a clinical trial
capability to expulse intestinal parasites with promising results (423). The drug was
(414). well tolerated and the placebo group showed a
Transgenic mice expressing IL-4 in differ- decline in FEVl not observed in the treated
ent tissues have been generated. When IL-4 group. The efficacy of Nuvance TM was con-
expression is targeted to T-cells, they present firmed by improved asthma symptom scores in
increased airway hyperreactivity, inflamma- the treated group compared to those of pla-
tion in the eye, and mild B-cell hyperplasia cebo. In spite of these promising results, Im-
(415). If IL-4 is targeted to the airway epithe- munex had announced that Nuvance failed to
lium, an enhancement of goblet cell hyperpla- show efficacy in two Phase I1 clinical trials. A
sia is observed (416). These experiments third trial is still ongoing.
showed the multiple functions 1 ~ - d c a exert
over different cell types.
IL-5 is a hematopoietic growth factor cytokine
9.3.2 11-4 Modulators/Clinical Data. Dif- that plays a critical role in differentiation, pro-
ferent approaches have been taken to neutral- liferation, activation, survival, and localiza-
ize IL-4 activity, including soluble IL-4 recep- tion of eosinophils (424). It is not detected at
tor, antibodies against IL-4, and mutated IL-4, high levels in healthy individuals. IL-5-in-
which acts as an antagonist of the receptor. In duced eosinophilia is characteristic of allergy
a mouse model of airway inflammation, solu- (424), parasitic infections (425, 426), and tu-
ble IL-4 receptor administered intranasally, mors. Because eosinophils are a characteristic
before allergen challenge, results in a reduc- feature of asthma and atopic dermatitis (4271,
tion of eosinophil infiltration, V-CAM expres- and their numbers are reported to correlate
sion, and mucus hypersecretion (417). This with severity of the disease, IL-5 is believed to
treatment, however, did not change airway have a significant role in the pathogenesis of
hyperreactivity in response to methacholine. atopic disease (424,428,429).
In addition to having cell numbers associ- CSF and IL-3, IL-5 binds with high affinity
ated with this disease, the biology of the eosin- (452-454). Both subunits are necessary for
ophil also implicates this cell as a major con- signal transduction (455). The pathway for
tributor to the disease process. Eosinophils signal transduction includes activation of two
are phagocytic granulocytes that mature in Janus kinases (JAK1 and JAK2) and the sig-
bone marrow, migrate to the blood stream, nal transductionlactivator STAT5 (456,457).
and eventually localize at the site of injury.
They contain highly toxic components that are
released upon degranulation, leading to de- 9.4.1 IL-5 Knockout and Transgenic Mice.
struction of bronchial epithelium, mucosal Animal models have helped define the signifi-
edema, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness cance of IL-5 and the eosinophil in the disease
process. IL5 administered to mice results in an
IL-5 is detectable in bronchial biopsies and increase of eosinophils (458). Experiments
bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of asth- with IL-5-deficient and IL-5-transgenic mice
matics (433, 434). Additionally, inhalation of confirm a role for this cytokine in controlling
IL-5 by asthmatics has been shown to cause eosinophilia (459,460). In IL-5 knockout mice,
airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR)and an in- no eosinophils are produced in response to
crease in sputum eosinophils (435). parasite infection or sensitization with
IL-5 is produced primarily by activated ovalbumin, and there is minimal development
CD4+ T-cells (436,437),and in lower levels by of lung inflammation or tissue damage. When
eosinophils (438), mast cells (439, 4401, ba- IL-5 expression is reconstituted in these mice,
sophils, B-cells, NK cells (441,442), and endo- pulmonary eosinophilia, tissue destruction,
thelial cells (443). The expression of IL-5 is and airflow limitation can be observed after
predominantly regulated at the transcrip- allergen challenge (459).
tional level (444), and can be induced by a va- Transgenic mice that have constitutive ex-
riety of stimulants, usually through activation pression of IL-5 with detectable levels of IL-5
of the T-cell receptor and a second signaling in the serum and persistent eosinophilia have
pathway. IL-la and PMA can induce IL-5 ex- also been described (461). These mice are de-
pression; histamine can also increase the pro- scribed as normal, which may suggest that ac-
duction of IL-5 in activated T-cells (445). tivation and degranulation of eosinophils may .
Structurally, IL-5 is a disulfide-linked ho- be necessary for disease pathology.
modimeric glycoprotein between 45 and 60
kDa (446). Glycosylation does not seem to be a 9.4.2 11-5 Modulators/Clinical Data. Modu-
requisite for signaling; however, IL-5 must be lation of IL-5 can occur by inhibiting its pro-
in native dimeric form for bioactivity (447). duction and synthesis, or through direct bind-
Each monomer of IL-5 consists of four a-heli- ing to IL-5 receptor or ligand. Cytokines can
ces with an antiparallel p-sheet between op- regulate IL-5 levels by inhibiting production.
posing monomers. The monomers are main- For example, IFNy and IL-10 have demon-
tained in dimeric form by cysteine bonds at strated they can inhibit IL-5 production in
and 86 (448). Mutagenesis shows uitro (462), whereas IL-12 indirectly modu-
s38, Lys39, and His41 in the sec- lates IL-5 by biasing toward a T h l subset pop-
lu89 and Arg91 in the P-strand; ulation (463).
d ThrlO9, GlullO, TRP111, and Is0112 in Small molecule antagonists such as CsA,
fourth helix as being important contribu- FK506, and rapamycin all inhibit IL-5 produc-
-5 interaction with the hIL-5Ra- tion (464,465). Glucocorticoids, in addition to
ain (449,450). Glu13 on IL-5 has been iden- decreasing bronchial hyperresponsiveness,
as a contact point for the p-chain of the can also downregulate IL-5 production (466-
468). OM-01 suppresses IL-5 protein produc-
The IL-5R a-chain specifically binds IL-5 tion, mRNA expression, and transcriptional
ty (451).When associated with a activity in PBMCs with no effect on either IL-2
cing p-unit that is also used by or IL-4 (469, 470). (The structure for OM-01
r hematopoietin receptors such as GM- has not been disclosed.)
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

A fusion protein of human IL-5R a-chain tor. They were found to be irreversible inhib-
and human IgG Cy3 chain (hIL5Ra-hy3) was itors, again suggesting a covalent interaction.
used for screening a library of low molecular Not surprisingly, they also inhibited interac-
weight compounds, and the isothiazolone (79) tion of the structurally similar IL-3 and GM-
CSF receptors with their corresponding
Monoclonal antibodies to IL-5 have been
evaluated both preclinically and clinically. In
both monkey and guinea pig models of allergic
asthma, an anti-IL-5 mAb was able to reduce
lung eosinophils, airway hyperresponsiveness
(AHR), and lung damage in response to anti-
gen (475, 476). In a mouse model of asthma,
similar reductions in pulmonary and blood eo-
was identified as an IL-5R antagonist. By use sinophilia were noted with the anti-IL-5 anti-
of radiolabeled isothiazolone, it was deter- body (TRFK-5) (477). In this study, chronic
mined that association of (79) with the recep- dosing did not affect normal immune function.
tor occurs through covalent modification of a Similar results on peripheral blood eosinophil
sulfhydryl group on a free cysteine (Cys66) in counts were seen when a single injection of
IL5Ra (471,472). anti-IL-5 receptor antagonist was given to
In a separate study aimed at finding small IL-5 transgenic mice (458). In mouse models
molecule antagonists, the soluble form of the of eosinophilia induced by Nippostrongylus
ligand binding a-chain of hIL-5 receptor was brasiliensis, or Schistosoma mansoni and
used to identify (80) and (81)as inhibitors of Strongyloides venezuelensis, an anti-IL-5 anti-
body successfully reduced eosinophil respon-
siveness (478-480).
The humanized anti-IL-5 mAb, Sch 55700,
when given to Ascaris-responsive primates
(0.3 mpk i.v.1 also reduces pulmonary eosino-
philia (4811, and this biological response is
sustained for 6 months. In clinical trials, an-
other anti-IL-5 mAb, SB 240563 at 10 mpk i.v.,
was well tolerated and reduced circulating eo-
sinophils for up to 16 weeks (482). However,
there was no effect on the allergen-induced
late asthmatic response (LAR) or airway hy-
perresponsiveness (AHR) to histamine (483).
Sch 55700 was also unremarkable in a clinical
trial evaluatingsevere asthma patients (484).
These clinical data then suggest no association
between the concentration of eosinophils in
peripheral blood and sputum with the late
asthmatic response or bronchial hyperrespon-
siveness (BHR) that follows allergen chal-
lenge. Taken together with the results of IL-12
in a clinical setting (see below), the role of the
eosinophil as a contributor to disease progres-
sion in asthma is called into question.
soluble IL-5R (IC,, values of 8 and 11 a,
respectively) (473,474).
These compounds also inhibited interac- IL-6 is a pleiotropic cytokine implicated in a
tion of IL-5 with the membrane-bound recep- variety of biological activities, including im-
ute phase reaction, bone re- by use of IL-6-deficient mice. When sections of
atopoiesis. This cytokine is the liver were cut away, the mice would dete-
S, B-cells, monocytes, mac- riorate and die. However, when the mice were
lid cells, fibroblasts, mast pretreated with IL-6, hepatocyte proliferation
0th muscle cells, glial returned to normal and liver damage was pre-
ondrocytes, keratinocytes, vented. Thus, IL-6 therapy may be of benefit
phoblasts, mesangial cells, islet p-cells, and in patients undergoing liver transplant, or
oid cells (485-487), and can be induced by in those suffering from cirrhosis or chronic
li including LPS, IL-1, hepatitis, which are characterized by liver de-
Fa, IL-2, and PDGF (488-490). Abnormal generation. The possible role of IL-6 in auto-
els of IL-6 can lead to several disease pa- immune disease is made apparent with trans-
ologies and malignancies, including rheu- genic mice that overexpress the cytokine and
matoid arthritis (RA), osteoporosis, myelo- show an increase in agalactosyl IgG (499).
as, and lymphomas. This immunoglobulin is increased in a variety
IL-6 can exist as five different molecular of autoimmune diseases such as RA, Crohn's
21 to 28 kDa, based on disease, type I diabetes, and pulmonary TB
n and phosphorylation (500-502). Transgenic overexpression of IL-6
he C-terminus and the in the CNS can lead to significant neurodegen-
terminus appear to be important for elicit- eration and subsequent motor uncoordina-
a biological response. As with other cyto- tion, ataxia, and tremor (503).
es, IL-6 presents itself as a bundle of four
9.5.2 11-6 Modulators/Clinical Data. Mono-
Similar to the IL-2 and IL-5 receptors, the clonal antibodies to IL-6 have been described;
IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) contains two subunits, neutralization of IL-6 with one of these anti-
an 80-kDa a-chain (IL-6Ra) and a 130-kDa bodies (MH166) can inhibit human myeloma
b-chain (gp130). The @chain can be shared cell growth in SCID mice (504, 505). In a pa-
with the IL-11 receptor (493) and is the signal- tient with multiple myeloma, administration
transducing unit of the IL-6R complex. IL-6 of a murine anti-IL-6 antibody to human IL-6
assembles the receptor complex in a sequen- blocked myeloma cell proliferation in the bone
tial fashion, forming first a low affinity inter- marrow (506). An IL-6R antibody (PM1) has
&ion with IL-6Ra, then a high affinity com- also been described and shows a similar re-
plex with gp130 (494). IL-6 then induces a sponse to MH166 in repressing tumor growth
transient tyrosine phosphorylation, which ac- in a SCID mouse (507). Anti-IL-6R antibodies
tivates the jun B transcription gene (495). are currently in clinical trials for multiple my-
eloma and RA. The anti-IL-6 receptor anti-
9.5.1 11-6 Knockout and Transgenic Mice. body, MRA, has shown positive effects in an
The pathogenic role of IL-6 in disease is sub- open-label RA study (508, 509). Decreases in
stantiated through the development and eval- tender and swollen joints were reported and
uation of IL-6 transgenic and knockout mice. an ACR20 response was noted within 6 weeks
IL6 knockout mice are viable and under nor- of treatment.
ha1conditions do not display any obvious phe- Receptor-binding sites on IL-6 have been
ver, in response to mapped by mutagenesis studies and critical
ction, IL-6 knockout contact points with IL-6Ra and gp130 have
flarnmatory acute re- been identified. IL-6 mutants have been pre-
ponse, and impaired pared based on this information, leading to the
ation (412, 496, 497). generation of "superantagonists" (Sant 1-7)
gen-depletion model intended (510).
to induce an osteoporotic phenotype, IL-6-de- Small molecules such as Tenidap (511) and
6cient mice are protected from bone loss, sug- retinoic acid (512) have been shown to inhibit
has a function in regulating production of IL-6. Tenidap, in contrast to
8). More recently, a role for other NSAIDs, suppressed production of IL-6
in liver regeneration has been established in vivo and, in a clinical setting, substantially
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

decreased the acute phase response in con- 9.6.2 11-12 Modulators/Clinical Data. En-
junction with lower plasma IL-6 levels (513). dogenous inhibitors of IL-12 include IL-4, IL-
10, IL-13, TGFp, and PGE,. Small molecules
such as pentoxifylline and acetyl salicylic acid
(ASA, aspirin) have also been shown to inhibit
IL-12, originally termed cytotoxic lymphocyte IL-12 production in PBMCs and monocytes
maturation factor (514), is a growth factor for stimulated with LPS. This inhibition is inde-
CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells and NK cells (515), pendent of the endogenous inhibitors such as
and has been shown to modulate the cytolytic IL-10, TGFP, and IL-4. Both aspirin and pen-
and proliferative activity of these cells. In toxifylline inhibit accumulation of p40 mRNA
vitro, IL-12 is able to direct T-cells to a T h l and do this through inhibiting the interaction
phenotype, and induces production of IFNy of NFKBin the p40 promoter region, leading
and TNFa (516). IL-12 thus has potential to to suppression of the p40 gene.
promote an immune response, enhance the The naturally occurring homodimer IL-
host defense response (517), and treat Th2- 12p40 subunit acts as an antagonist of bioac-
driven imbalances such as allergy or asthma. tive IL-12 p35/p40 heterodimer. When IL-
Evidence for its role in protective immunity is 12p40 homodimer is given to diabetes-prone
supported by the finding that individuals who nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, diabetes is
lack the ability to express a component of the suppressed (532). This result supports a role
IL-12 receptor (IL-12Rp1) are susceptible to for IL-12 in driving Thl-driven autoimmune
bacterial infection (518, 519). diabetes.
In contrast, IL-12 may contribute to Thl- Preclinically, IL-12 administration demon-
associated inflammation and autoimmune dis- strates therapeutic benefit in models of infec-
eases such as insulin-dependent diabetes mel- tious disease (533, 534), cancer (535), and al-
litus (520), septic shock (521), multiple lergic airway hyperresponsiveness (536,537).
sclerosis (522), and rheumatoid arthritis IL-12's role in host defense is evidenced by the
(523). For these diseases, inhibition or neu- protection that endogenous IL-12 provides
tralization of IL-12 may have therapeutic against viral infection. It does this through en-
value (524). hancement of NK and cytolytic T-lymphocyte
IL-12 is a 75-kDa heterodimer with two dis- (CTL) activity (533). Recombinant IL-12 also
ulfide-linked subunits (p35 and p40), and is has a curative effect in mice infected with
produced by macrophages (525), dendritic Leishmania major (534). Because of IL-12's
cells (526), and airway epithelial cells (527). ability to enhance NK and CTL activity, as
Expression of IL-12 receptor (IL-12R) is lim- well as its potential to induce IFNy, this cyto-
ited to activated T- and NK cells. Functional kine may have therapeutic benefit as an anti-
IL-12R has /3l and /32 subunits with p40 li- tumor agent. IL-12 has shown potent antitu-
gand segment binding primarily to /3l, mor effects against a variety of murine
whereas the p35 ligand unit associates with malignancies (535),and it is believed that this
the p2 chain of the receptor (528). The /32 unit effect is mediated through CD8+ T-cells.
appears to be responsible for signal transduc- IL-12 has entered clinical trials for cancer
tion (529). (538-541), chronic hepatitis C (5421, and
asthma (543). Preliminary analysis shows
9.6.1 11-12 Knockout and Transgenic Mice. some positive benefit in patients with cutane-
IL-12 ligand knockouts have been developed ous T-cell lymphoma (541). To avoid severe
with mutations generated independently in toxicity, an 1L-12 pretreatment regimen ap-
both the p40 and p35 genes. The mice are via- pears to be necessary (544).
ble, displaying normal development and nor- Administration of IL-12 to patients with
mal levels of T-cells, B-cells, and macrophages mild allergic asthma significantly decreased
in the thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes (530, peripheral blood eosinophils and sputum eo-
531). In response to LPS, however, these mice sinophils (543). However, in contrast to the
show an impaired ability to produce IFNy and mouse model, there was no clinical improve-
are unable to mount a T h l response. ment in airway hyperresponsiveness to hista-
ne, nor was there an effect on the late asth- lid cells, smooth muscle cells, and epithelial
atic reaction. As with anti-IL-5, which shows cells (549, 550). Thus, IL-13 seems to have a
similar clinical nonresponse, this calls into broader spectrum of actions on airway cells
uestion the role of the eosinophil in this dis- compared to that of IL-4. For example, IL-13
ease, as well as the concept of asthma being but not IL-4 reduces p-adrenergic responsive-
verned by a Th2 phenotype. ness of human airway smooth muscle cells

together belong to the 9.7.1 11-13 Knockout and Transgenic Mice.

nes and share similar bio- The role of IL-13 in vivo has been studied by
vities on human B-cells and mono- use of transient or constitutive expression of
. IL-13 is a 17-kDaglycoprotein pri- the cytokine. When IL-13 was expressed in an
ced by Th2 cells and, to a lesser inducible fashion in the lung, a very striking
ent, by macrophages, dendritic cells, NK phenotype was observed (552); mucus meta-
Us, mast cells, and basophils. plasia, macrophage, lymphocyte, and eosino-
The involvement of IL-13 in allergic disease phil-rich inflammation and subepithelial fi-
genetic data linlung IL-13 poly- brosis are characteristics shown by these
rphism to asthma. An association between mice. These same features can also be found in
13 promoter polymorphism and increased asthmatic patients. These experiments sug-
kof allergic asthma has been described (546). gest a role for IL-13, not only in the allergic
an association between a response but also in the remodeling and de-
the IL-13 gene and serum IgE struction of the airways. The role of IL-13 in
the development of lung allergic inflammation
his cytokine binds to two membrane- in mice has been recently confirmed by the use
und proteins, IL-13Ra1 (low affinity) and of knockout mice. Peripheral T-cells from IL-
affinity) (548). IL-13Ral re- 13-'- mice produce fewer Th2 cytokines be-
IL-4Ra to form a high cause of impairment of Th2 cell development
s complex is expressed in (553). In addition, IL-13 knockout mice do not
hematopoietic and nonhema- develop AHR, in spite of the presence of eosi-
ietic cells. IL-13Ra2 alone is a high affin- nophil-rich inflammation. AHR was restored
receptor but there is no clear evidence that in these mice by administration of recombi-
s protein is capable of transducing a signal nant IL-13. These results indicate that IL-13
on IL-13 binding. Because of this, it has is necessary and sufficient for the induction of
it may act as a natural AHR in mouse.
13 function. Many of the com-
n functions assigned to both IL-4 and IL-13 9.7.2 11-13 Modulators/Clinical Data. An
able to the fact that they IL-13Ra2-IgGFc fusion protein was used to
alilL-4Ra high affinity com- assess the role of IL-13 in a mouse model of
, IL-13Ral is not expressed allergic lung inflammation (554). The sys-
s not act on T-cells directly. temic administration of this reagent into mice,
ever, it could modulate T-cell responses before the induction of lung inflammation by
ugh its effects on macrophages. Binding of ovalbumin, resulted in complete reversal of
er cytokine to the IL-13RallIL-4Ra recep- airway hyperreactivity, even if treatment was
he activation of the JAW given after full development of the phenotype
(in contrast with IL-4). Blockade of IL-13 re-
Both IL-13 and IL-4 have been shown to verses the increase of mucus-containing cells
dion and IgE synthesis. It in this model. A human soluble IL-13 receptor
so been reported that IL-13 acts on mac- is currently being developed by the Genetics
ages and regulates cell surface protein Institute.
ession. More recently, IL-13 has been re- In a chronic model of Aspergillus fumiga-
ed to induce gene expression in nonhema- tus-induced allergic asthma, immunoneutral-
oietic cells, including fibroblasts, endothe- ization of IL-13 has marked effects (555). The
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

use of anti-IL-13 antibody results in a signifi- tor has been shown to activate apoptosis, the
cant attenuation of airway hyperreactivity in nuclear transcription factor NFKB,and c-jun
this model. When IL-4 is neutralized, no sta- N-terminal kinase (JNK) (561). NFKBactiva-
tistically significant decrease was observed. In tion mediates many of the inflammatory activ-
addition, neutralization of IL-13 inhibits col- ities of TNF, including the expression of cyto-
lagen deposition, subepithelial fibrosis, and kines, chemokines, and cell adhesion molecules.
goblet cell hyperplasia. None of these effects
was observed when neutralization of IL-4 was
performed. Again, these results point to a 9.8.1 TNFa Knockout and Transgenic Mice.
broader spectrum of effects for IL-13 com- The role of TNFa in vivo is not well under-
pared to that of IL-4, and for this reason IL-13 stood. It is believed that TNF is required for
may be a more favorable target for asthma. protection against bacterial, fungal, parasitic,
Other dual modulators for IL-4 and IL-13 and perhaps even viral infections and other
are described in the IL-4 section of this review. stressful stimuli (562). TNF knockout mice
are shown to develop normally. These mice
9.8 TNFa
have normal thymus, but their spleen archi-
TNFa was originally identified because of its tecture is abnormal and their ability to fight
antitumor activity. However, later studies infection is reduced (563). They are also pro-
have shown that this cytokine plays a major tected from lethal doses of LPS. Knockout
role in autoimmune diseases and is also in- studies of the TNF receptor (p60) have shown
volved in multiple activities, including metas- that mice deficient in this gene are resistant to
tasis, viral replication, septic shock, inflam- endotoxic shock but show increased suscepti-
mation, and fever. bility to Listeria monocytogenes (564, 565).
Human TNFa is a protein that exists in
both soluble (157 amino acids) and transmem- 9.8.2 TNFa Modulators/Clinical Data. In
brane form (233 amino acids). Soluble TNFa human rheumatoid arthritis (RA), TNF pro-
is released from the cell membrane through a tein has been observed in the synovial fluid,
TNF-converting enzyme and exists as a ho- and TNF mRNA in synovial cells, including
motrimer in aqueous solution (556,557). It is monocytes and macrophages (566,567). In an-
produced primarily by monocytes/macro- imal models of RA, anti-TNF therapy is highly
phages in response to various inflammatory effective. These models include collagen-in-
stimuli, but can also be produced by other cell duced arthritis, adjuvant arthritis as well as
types, including T-cells, NK cells, dendritic streptococcal cell wall arthritis (568, 569). To
cells, and endothelial cells. date, two different approaches have been
TNF mediates its action through two dif- taken to neutralize TNF activity clinically: re-
ferent receptors, referred to as p60 (p55, Type combinant soluble receptor and monoclonal
I, CD120a) and p80 (p75, type 11, CD120D) antibodies against TNF. Etanercept (Enbrel,
(558). In general, most TNF proinflammatory Immunex) is a dimeric fusion molecule com-
activities are mediated through the p60 recep- posed of two p80 TNF receptor moieties bound
tor, whereas the role of the p80 receptor is less to an Fc portion of human IgG1. This molecule
clear. The crystal structure of the p60 receptor is effective in both adult and juvenile RA (570-
bound to TNF has been solved (559). This 572) and shows efficacy in controlling signs
structure predicts that a ligand trimer brings and symptoms of the disease. In a randomized,
three receptor chains together to form a com- double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 59% of
plex. The p60 receptor is expressed by all cell patients responded to Etanercept. The second
types examined to date. In contrast, the p80 strategy consists in the generation of mouse
receptor appears to be restricted to cells from monoclonal antibodies against TNF. To de-
the immune system and hematopoietic cells. crease immunogenicity of the mouse antibody,
The cytoplasmic domain of the TNF receptors the Fc region is replaced by a human Fc do-
has been shown to bind to distinct serinelthre- main. Infliximab (Remicade, Centocor) is a
onine kinases and to cause phosphorylation of chimeric antibody created by use of this strat-
the receptor (560).Activation of the p60 recep- egy and when used in combination with meth-
9 Cytokines 183

otrexate (to avoid the development of antibod- formation and development of cytotoxic
ies), 52-58% response is seen in RA patients T-cells (582). In endothelial cells, IFNy aug-
(573,574). ments the production of the adhesion mole-
The clinical effects of Etanercept are com- cule I-CAM, contributing to leukocyte infiltra-
parable to those of Infliximab. One advantage tion during inflammation (583).
of Etanercept is that it is given subcutane-
ously twice a week, whereas Infliximab is 9.9.1 lFNy Knockout and Transgenic Mice.
given by slow intravenous infusion every 4-8 The in vivo role of IFNy has been elucidated in
weeks. Another advantage is that Etanercept mice using null mutations for IFNy or the
also recognizes lymphotoxin, and this may ac- INFy receptors (IFNG1and IFNG2). All these
count for its efficacy in juvenile chronic arthri- mice present a common characteristic, in that
tis. Currently, D2E7, a fully human anti-TNF their ability to resist infection is greatly im-
antibody, is being developed (Knoll). It ap- paired. In these mice a significant reduction in
pears to be effective in RA without the need for MHC class I1 molecules on macrophages was
methotrexate cotreatment (575). observed (584-587).
INFy or INFy receptor knockout mice have
shown that,. depending.
A - on the animal models,
Interferon y (IFNy) is produced mainly by a this cytokine can act as either an immunosup-
subset of activated T-lymphocytes and natural pressant or an immunopotentiator. For exam-
killer cells and is the main activator of macro- ple, IFNy receptor knockout mice are pro-
phages (576). An increase in production of tected from developing autoimmune diabetes
IFNy is usually associated with effective host in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice (588). They
defense against intracellular pathogens and are also protected from developing inflamma-
with autoimmune diseases. IFNy is a well-con- tory bowel disease in an IL-12-induced disease
served protein among animal species and its (589). In contrast, these knockout mice are
biological active form is a 34-kDa homodimer. more vulnerable in other disease models, such
However, it is heterogeneous in size because of as the experimental autoimmune encephalo-
both enzymatic trimming of the C-terminus myelitis (EAE) model (590). Furthermore,
and variations in glycosylation (577, 578). varied results can be obtained, depending on
The IFNy receptor consists of two sub- the agent used to block IFNy actions and the
units: the IFNGl subunit (IFNy receptor time in which the agent is delivered (see Mod-
a-chain, 90 kDa), which binds with high affin- ulators section).
ity to IFNy; and the IFNG2 subunit (IFNy
receptor p-chain, 62 kDa), which does not con- 9.9.2 lNFy Modulators/Clinical Data. Anti-
tribute significantly to binding but is neces- bodies against IFNy have been widely used in
sary for signal transduction (579). Both sub- animal models of human diseases. As indi-
units are expressed ubiquitously on many cell cated for the knockout mice, the results of
types. Upon stimulation, association between blocking IFNy activity with antibodies de-
the two subunits is induced and the signaling pends on the model used. One interesting sit-
cascade is initiated. The IFNy receptor activa- uation is the collagen-induced arthritis model.
tion process is through a JAWSTAT signaling When the antibody is given early in the devel-
pathway, and JAK1, JAK2, and STAT1 are opment of the disease, a reduction in the se-
specifically involved in mediating many IFN y- verity is observed. When the antibody is given
dependent effects on cells (580, 581). The ef- late, the result is disease aggravation (591,
fects of IFNy are mostly at the transcriptional 592). Interestingly, knockout mice are more
level. Many genes are induced by treatment sensitive to the development of the disease
with this cytokine. The genes that are induced (592).
depend on the cell type and the presence of Other experiments that use antibodies in
other cytokines. For example, in macrophages animal models have shown results similar to
IFNy induces the expression of major histo- those obtained with knockout mice. In disease
compatibility complex (MHC) class I1 mole- models of immune diabetes and inflammatory
cules, contributing in this manner to antibody bowel disease, anti-IFNy antibodies alleviate
Chemokine and Cytokine Modulators

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1 Introduction, 204
2 Eicosanoid Biosynthesis, 205
3 Biochemistry of Leukotrienes, 205
3.1 Biosynthesis of Leukotrienes, 205
4 Sources and Actions of the Leukotrienes, 208
4.1 Discovery, Structure Elucidation (48), and
Cellular Sources of the Leukotrienes (491,
4.2 Biological Properties (781,209
5 Agents Inhibiting Leukotriene Biosynthesis, 210
5.1 Inhibitors of 5-Lipoxygenase (5-LO),211
5.1.1 Structure and Mechanism of 5-LO, 211
5.1.2 Antioxidants, 212
5.1.3 Iron Ligands, 212
5.1.4 N-Hydroxyureas, 213 in Vivo Activities and Clinical
Studies with N-Hydroxyurea
Inhibitors, 213 Second-Generation N-
Hydroxyureas, 214
5.1.5 Substrate Inhibitors, 215
5.2 Inhibitors of 5-LipoGgenase-Activating
Protein (FLAP), 216
5.3 Inhibition of LTA, Hydrolase, 219
5.4 LTC, Synthase, 220
6 Agents Antagonizing Leukotrienes, 220
6.1 Peptide-Leukotriene Antagonists, 220
6.1.1 Introduction, 220
6.1.2 FPL-55712-Derived Compounds, 221 LY171883 (Tomelukast),221
6.1.3 Leukotriene Analog Antagonists, 222 SKF 104353 (Pobilukast) and
SKF 106203,222 LY170680 (Sulukast), 222 Bayer ~7195,222
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators MK-0476 (Singulair, 8.6.1 Homeostatic Effects of Prostaglandins,

Montelukast Sodium, 34) and 233
Its Precursors, 223 8.6.2 Pathophysiological Effects of Prosta-
6.1.4 Peptide-Leukotriene Antagonists of glandins, 234
Diversified Structure, 224 9 Selective COX-2 Inhibitors, 234 O N 0 1078 (Pranlukast), 224 9.1 Agents Inhibiting COX-2,234 ICI 198,615 and ICI 204,219 9.2 Structure-Activity Relationships, 234
(Accolate, Zafirlukast), 225 9.2.1 4-Sulfonylphenyl COX-2 Class, 234
6.2 CysLTl Antagonist Clinical Studies, 226 9.2.2 N-Arylsulfonamides, 241
7 Leukotriene B, Antagonists, 227 9.3 Selective NSAIDs and NSAIDs Modified for
7.1 Introduction, 227
Improved COX-2 Selectivity, 242
7.2 LTB, Antagonists Related to HAP-Type
9.4 Irreversible Inhibitors, 244
LTD, Antagonists, 227
7.3 LTB, Antagonists Derived from the 9.5 Biochemical Assays, Selectivities,
Structure of LTB,, 228 and Potencies, 245
7.4 Clinical Trials with LTB, Antagonists, 228 9.6 In Vivo Models and Corresponding Efficacy,
8 Biochemistry and Structural Biology of 246
Cyclooxygenases, 229 9.7 Conclusion, 246
8.1 Prostaglandin Discovery and the Connection 10 Agents Inhibiting COX-2 and 5-Lipoxygenase,
to NSAIDs, 229 246
8.2 Cyclooxygenase 1,230 11 Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Selective COX-2
8.3 Cyclooxygenase 2,231 Inhibitors, 248
8.4 Structural Features of COX-1 11.1 Osteoarthritis, 248
and COX-2 Enzymes, 231 11.2 COX-2 and Cancer, 249
8.5 Biosynthesis of Prostaglandins, 232 12 Conclusion and Summary, 250
8.6 Actions of Cyclooxygenase-Derived 13 Abbreviations, 250
Eicosanoids, 233

1 INTRODUCTION leukotriene biology and modulators, thus

necessitating our editing and adding to the
A number of oxygenated products derived previous review. In addition, a major break-
from arachidonic acid, frequently termed eico- through in prostaglandin research occurred
sanoids, have profound physiological and with the discovery of a second cyclooxygenase
pathological effects. The history of these re- (PGHS-2 or COX-2) by several investigators.
views indicates the expansion of the aware- This seminal work provided a new paradigm
ness of the medical importance of different and new medicinal and clinical research in an
classes of eicosanoids. Two editions from this area that seemed to be fully mature. The ap-
series (1,2)contained one chapter listingpros- proval of selective COX-2 inhibitors Celebrex
taglandins as the only eicosanoid target. The and Vioxx are landmarks in eicosanoid re-
last volume broadly discussed both thrombox- search. However, they are perhaps also just
anes and leukotrienes together, while down- first steps with the possibility that second-
playing prostaglandins by lack of detailed dis- generation COX-2-selective agents, mixed
cussion. The current volume contains three COX-215-LO, selective PGE, receptor subtype
chapters on eicosanoid targets. Other chap- antagonists, or perhaps selective inducible
ters describe prostanoid receptors and throm- PGE, synthase inhibitors may ultimately pro-
boxanes individually. This chapter describes vide improved therapy in inflammation, pain,
recent efforts in the COX-2 field and updates and perhaps cancer.
the leukotriene review of the 5th edition (2). In this review, we first describe the paths
The previous chapter on thromboxanes and enzymes leading to prostaglandins, leuko-
and leukotrienes provided a thorough review trienes, and lipoxins. We then take each of our
of both fields. However, a significant amount topics, separately dealing with leukotriene
of work has since been published in the area of modulators followed by cyclooxygenase inhib-
3 Biochemistry of Leukotrienes

Membrane Phospholipases* + DiHETEs
phospholipids ~ipases Lipoxygenases ~ i ~ ~

Figure 5.1. Eicosanoid pathway.

itors. Each section contains a brief discussion 3 BIOCHEMISTRY OF LEUKOTRIENES

on the sources and actions of the mediators.
The efforts to develop biosynthesis inhibitors After the release of AA from phospholipid
andlor antagonists of these classes of media- stores, the oxidative metabolism of AA occurs
tors are then summarized with emphasis on through a variety of pathways (see Fig. 5.1).
compounds that have progressed to clinical Cyclooxygenase (COX) leads to the prosta-
evaluation. Because of the breadth of the area glandins (11)and thromboxanes, whereas the
covered by this chapter, it is impossible for it leukotrienes are formed through the 5-lipoxy-
to be fully comprehensive. Thus, we fre- genase (5-LO) pathway. In human cells, there
is a family of lipoxygenases, including 5-, 12-,
quently reference leading reviews in each sub-
and 15-lipoxygenases, that bear significant se-
heading area.
quence similarity to each other and that lead
to several series of linear metabolites. The
peptide and nonpeptide leukotrienes, various
hydroperoxy- and hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic
acids (HPETE~and HETEH) are products of
The eicosanoid metabolic pathway as it is cur- the 5-lipoxygenase LIP LO) pathway. LIP id^^
rently understood begins with the liberation these eicosanoids, additional products are
of long-chain fatty acids from cell membranes. made nonenzymatically (12) and some by dual
In mammalian tissues the primary acid adion of 5-LO followedby &LO (lipoxins) (13).
released is arachidonic acid (AA, eicosatetra-
enoic acid, 0.620:4) (3). Some important ex- 3.1 Biosynthesis of Leukotrienes
ceptions to this generality are well known but
are outside the scope of this review. A number The committed biosynthetic path to the leuko-
of enzymes that release arachidonic acid have trienes begins (see Fig. 5.2) with the action of
been identified and are predominantly phos- 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) [EC (14) on
pholipases, although other enzymes clearly arachidonic acid. Purified human 5-LO is an
are also important under some conditions and unstable, 78,000-Da protein that has been iso-
in certain cell types (4-9). Of considerable im- lated and cloned (15, 16). It contains a tightly
portance is the fact that under most condi- bound, nonheme iron that is essential for en-
tions free AA is normally kept very low by the zymatic activity (17). Like all known lipoxy-
action of various acyl transferases (10). The genases, 5-LO catalyzes the insertion of mo-
primary metabolic enzymes using AA as a sub- lecular oxygen into a 1,4-cis,cis-pentadiene
strate to form oxygenated products are cy- unit. The effect of 5-LO on AA is to abstract
clooxygenases 1 and 2; 5-, 12-, and 15-lipoxy- stereospecifically the pro-S hydrogen at posi-
genases; and certain P450 enzymes. tion C, and to insert molecular oxygen at
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators


and diHETES
- Cell membrane
phospholipid pools

1 Phospholipase(s)

Arachidonic acid




LTA Hydrolase LTA Synthase



pGlutarnyl transpeptidase



Figure 5.2. Leukotriene pathway.

position C, to produce as an intermediate, pro-R hydrogen from position C,,, radical mi-
5(S)-hydroperoxy-6,8,11,14-(E,Z,Z,Z)-eicosa- gration and formation of the 5,6-epoxide (21,
tetraenoic acid (BHPETE).The optimal activ- 22). Alternatively, 5-HPETE can be reduced
ity of 5-LO requires the presence of Ca2+ (18), to yield 5-HETE [5(S)-hydroxy-6,8,11,14-
ATP (19), and an accessory protein, 5-lipoxy- (E,Z,Z,Z)-eicosatetraenoic acid].
genase-activating protein (FLAP) (20). 5-Li- Conversion of 5-HPETE to LTA, was orig-
poxygenase also catalyzes the conversion of inally thought to be attributed to a distinct
5-HPETE to leukotriene A, [LTA,, 5(S),6(S)- enzyme, LTA, synthase, but sequence cloning
oxido-7,Wran.s-ll,14-cis-eicosatetraenoic studies showed that this protein is identical to
acid] through the stereospecific removal of the 5-LO (23).
3 Biochemistry of Leukotrienes

A significant amount of work, much of it eicosatetraenoic acid]. This reaction is

from Merck and more recently the Peters- catalyzed by another integral membrane pro-
Golden laboratory, has indicated that the tein, LTC, synthase [EC, that has
cellular localization of 5-LO is cell type and been localized to the perinuclear membrane
stimulus dependent (24-29). Prominently cy- (37, 38). The purified l&kDa enzyme is very
tosolic in resting neutrophils, a number of unstable and requires Mg2+ ions and phos-
stimuli cause a fraction of the enzyme to asso- phatidyl choline for activity. Initially, it was
ciate with nuclear membranes. In macro- assumed that LTC, synthase was related to
phages the enzyme is in the nuclear cytosol the ubiquitous family of glutathione S-trans-
and associates with the nuclear membrane on
ferases. However, sequence comparison
activation. Control of this movement is associ-
showed little homology between LTC, syn-
ated with FLAP, as implied by inhibitor stud-
thase and either the cytosolic or microsomal
ies, but no specific binding of 5-LO to FLAP
has ever been shown (30). Nuclear responses GSH S-transferases (39). A detailed analysis
to leukotriene products are very likely the of protein sequence data showed that there
topic of exciting future research. FLAP has was 31% overall amino acid sequence identity
been proposed to present substrate to 5-LO between LTC, synthase and FLAP, and that
(31). in limited regions these proteins h e nearly
Further biosynthetic processing of LTA, identical. This observation as well as the fact
can occur along two distinct pathways. In the that the FLAP inhibitor MK-886 inhibits
first path, it is stereospecifically converted to LTC, synthase activity (IC,,- a) 3 caused
leukotriene B, [LTB,, 5(S),12(R)-dihydroxy- Lam (40) to speculate: "LTC, synthase may
6,14-cis-8,lO-trans-eicosatetraenoic acid] (32). represent a member of a lipid-binding protein
This conversion occurs by the addition of wa- family rather than classical GSH S-trans-
ter in a 1,8 manner across the conjugated trie- ferases."
nyl epoxide of LTA,, under the influence of the Further metabolic progression of LTC,,
cytosolic enzyme LTA, hydrolase [EC first to LTD, [5(S)-hydroxy-6(R)-cysteinyl-
Because LTA, is an unstable epoxide, nonen- glycyl-7,9-trans- ll,14-cis-eicosatetraenoic
zymatic hydrolysis can be easily accomplished. acid], and then to LTE, [5(S)-hydroxy-6(R)-
However, this affords a complex mixture of cysteinyl-7,9-trans-ll,14-cis-eicosatetraenoic
5,6- and 5,12-dihydroxyeicosatetraenoicacids acid], is by the sequential action of either
that contain no LTB,. LTA, hydrolase is a sol- y-glutamyl-transpeptidase (41) or y-glutamyl-
uble, zinc metalloenzyme (33), a monomeric
leukotrienase (42) and cysteinylglycyl-dipepti-
protein of molecular weight 70,000, that was
dase (41).
first purified from human leukocytes by Sam-
uelsson et al. (34).It has since been cloned and Deactivation of the cysteinyl (peptidyl) leu-
sequenced from several sources (35). The hu- kotrienes occurs by several pathways. The ox-
man enzyme is 610 amino acids with a unique idative burst of activated phagocytes can inac-
sequence compared to that of other known ep- tivate the cysteinyl leukotrienes (e.g., LTC,)
oxide hydrolases. by the formation of inactive sulfoxides (43). In
Catabolic processing (metabolic inactiva- this context, it is interesting that the sulfones
tion) of LTB, occurs predominantly by se- of LTC,, LTD,, LTE,, and LTF, have been
quential omega oxidation, first to 20-hydroxy- synthesized and were determined to be about
LTB, by a cytochrome P450-catalyzed process equally active in vitro with the parent sulfides
(34)and then to 20-carboxy-LTB, through a (44). Although isolation of the sulfones from
different, soluble enzyme (36). rat peritoneal cells has been reported (45), nei-
Alternatively, a second path for metabolic ther their biological significance nor their dis-
processing of LTA, to the set of cysteinyl leu- tribution is clear. In rat, N-acetylation and
kotrienes begins by conjugation with reduced omega-oxidation of LTE, occur to form the
glutathione (GSH), to form the parent sulfi- N-acetyl-20-carboxy-LTE, (46). In humans,
dopeptide leukotriene C, [LTC,, 5(S)-hy- however, the major excreted cysteinyl leuko-
droxy-6(R)-glutathionyl-7,9-trans-11,14-cis-triene metabolite is LTE, (47).
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

4 SOURCES A N D ACTIONS OF THE in conjunction with Corey (57-60). LTA, was

LEUKOTRIENES recognized as the precursor to SRS-A and
LTC, was proposed, as a cysteine-containing
4.1 Discovery, Structure Elucidation (48),
derivative of 5-hydroxy-7,9,11,14-eicosatet-
and Cellular Sources of the Leukotrienes (49)
raenoic acid (59), to be the next member of the
biological cascade. Through further synthetic
Almost 60 years ago Feldberg, Kellaway, and efforts glutathione (60, 611, as earler sug-
Trethewie (50, 51) discovered that the addi- gested by the Parker laboratory (551, was
tion of cobra venom to perfused guinea pig identified to be the cysteinyl component, and
lungs caused the release of a slow-reacting, the absolute stereochemistry was assigned
smooth muscle contracting substance (SRS) (58,601. LTD, (61-64) and LTE, (63,65) were
that was distinct from histamine. Early stud- identified as natural SRS components after
ies on this mediator were usually carried out they had been synthesized by Corey's group as
by use of crude biological extracts and, as part of their effort to assign the structure of
such, the samples were contaminated by the LTC,.
presence of other physiologically active agents The name leukotriene was suggested for
(especially large amounts of histamine) that these compounds by Sarnuelsson et al. (64,66)
interfered with characterization of the SRS. In because they were found in leukocytes and had
the late 1950s and early 1960s Brocklehurst a triene-containing structure. The letters A, B,
worked extensively on the extraction, purifi- C, D, and E in part define progress along the
cation, and characterization of SRS (52). biosynthetic pathway and the numerical suffix
When he noted that SRS could be produced in was appended to describe the total number of
vitro from the lung tissue of previously sensi- double bonds found therein. Although the
tized guinea pigs upon antigen challenge, he products from arachidonic acid that are the
suggested that it be renamed SRS-A, slow re- subject of this review all contain four double
acting substance of anaphylaxis (53), in recog- bonds, analogous compounds, containing
nition that it was generated during anaphylac- three or five double bonds, may be biosynthe-
tic responses. sized starting from, respectively, 5,8,11-eico-
The minuscule amounts of SRS-A available satrienoic acid or 5,8,11,14,17-eicosapenta-
from natural sources and its chemical and bi- enoic acid (65, 67).
ological instability severely hampered efforts The cellular locations of leukotriene bio-
to characterize this mediator. In the 1970s a synthesis are determined by the distribution
breakthrough occurred with the combined and location of the enzymes needed for their
findings from the Piper (54), Parker, and Aus- production. 5-Lipoxygenase is found in only a
ten laboratories that: ( 1 ) under some circum- limited number of specific cell types, predom-
stances cyclooxygenase inhibitors caused an inantly of myeloid extraction. Because of this
increased production of SRS-A, which implied restricted expression, production of LTA, is
a link with arachidonic acid metabolism (55); largely limited to those cells (e.g., basophils,
and (2) HPLC could be used to purify SRS-A eosinophils, neutrophils, macrophages, mast
and that the UV absorbance of the HPLC Sam- cells, and monocytes) (66).These cells produce
ples implied the presence of a triene-contain- LTA,, further process it to either LTB, or
ing chromophore. LTC,, or secrete it.
Samuelsson and Borgeat's subsequent Neutrophils (67-69), monocytes, and mac-
work on arachidonic acid metabolism that led rophages are the major producers of LTB,
to the discovery of the blipoxygenase pathway (70). Once synthesized (e.g., by polymorpho-
(56) and to the assignment of the structure of nuclear leukocytes), LTB, is actively exported
(5S,12R)-dihydroxy-6,8,10,14-eicosatetra- by a carrier-mediated process (71). However,
enoic acid (55, 57) (later named LTB,) were LTA, hydrolase is a relatively ubiquitous spe-
critical to the efforts on SRS-A. Samuelsson cies found in almost all human tissues (72).
and Borgeat (56,58) proposed an unstable in- Because of this broad distribution, conversion
termediate (LTA,) as the precursor to LTB,. of extracellularly synthesized LTA, to LTB,
The structure of LTA, was correctly assigned can occur in a wide variety of cells. This has
4 Sources and Actions of the Leukotrienes

been exemplified with erythrocytes, which 12(R)-HETE and LTB, (86). Another less ex-
lack 5-LO, but have the ability to augment amined, but potentially important interaction
LTB, production when mixed with neutro- of LTB,, is with the nuclear receptor PPAR a
phils (73). Also, enzymatic conversion of LTA, (87).
to LTB, in human plasma has been demon- LTB, induces a broad range of proinflam-
matory responses. It is a potent chemotactic
The sulfidopeptide leukotrienes (LTC,, and chemokinetic agent for eosinophils and
LTD,, and LTE,) are synthesized by basophils neutrophils from several species (88, 89). In
(75), eosinophils (67, 681, macrophages, and addition to influencing the directional migra-
mast cells. These cells generate the peptido- tion of cells, it upregulates the production of
leukotrienes because they have LTC, syn- cell adhesion molecules, such as the a,-inte-
thase. Some other cells that lack 5-LO (e.g., grin adhesion protein CDllb/CD18, that are
platelets) have LTC, synthase and can convert needed for cellular movement (90). It causes
imported LTA, to LTC,. Like LTB,, LTC, is accumulation of PMNs in viuo and at higher
actively exported to the extracellular environ- doses can induce their degranulation (91),
ment (76). In this case export is by a probeni- with the resultant release of a broad array of
cid-sensitive membrane carrier-mediated pro- lysosomal enzymes (e.g., glucuronidase and ly-
cess that is temperature dependent and sozyme) and the production of oxygen radi-
saturable (77). Conversion to LTD, and LTE, cals. LTB, increases vascular permeability
occurs extracellularly. (92), the exudation of mucus, and membrane
permeability to calcium (93). McMillan and
4.2 Biological Properties (78)
Foster have hypothesized that LTB,, in con-
junction with other chemotactic mediators,
The biological effects of both LTB, and the will have a synergistic effect on amplifying the
peptidoleukotrienes are mediated through inflammatory response (94).
specific receptors (79,80). The effects of LTB, LTB, is viewed as an important mediator of
are mediated through the BLTl (IUPHAR re- acute and chronic human diseases. It has been
ceptor nomenclature) and BLT2 receptors and hypothesized that agents that either block its
the peptidoleukotrienesare mediated through production or antagonize its effects might
the CysLTl and CysLT2 receptors. yield an anti-inflammatory agent with im-
Despite the fact that potent specific antag- proved side-effect profiles compared to those
onists are available for these receptors, some of current agents. Increased production of
of which are approved drugs, only recently has LTB, has been detected in many inflamma-
the molecular identity of LT receptors been tory diseases, including adult respiratory dis-
discovered. There are two known receptors for tress syndrome (ARDS), arthritis, asthma,
TB,. These receptors differ in a f h i t y for contact dermatitis, cystic fibrosis, gout, in-
3H]LTB4by about 150-fold (81).Yokomizo et flammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, and
al. (82) discovered BLTl using a subtraction rheumatoid arthritis (95).
strategy from HL60 cells. This receptor corre- Ironically, it was only after three cysteinyl
sponds to the high affinity receptor and ap- leukotriene antagonists had been approved
pears to be important in leukocyte chemotac- for clinical use that the two currently known
tic response to LTB,. This laboratory also cysteinyl leukotriene receptors were identified
discovered the lower affinity receptor BLT2 molecularly. However, two receptors were
83) as did Kamohara et al. (84). The two re- proposed earlier by Labat et al. (96). The re-
ceptors differ in expression with the high af- ceptors were proposed to be seven transmem-
Enity receptor expressed selectively in periph- brane G-coupled receptors by several groups
eral leukocytes, whereas the second receptor (97). Metters, using photoaffinity methods in
is expressed in many tissues. The receptors guinea pig lung preparations, had also identi-
are structurally similar (45%amino acid iden- fied a molecular size for the CysLTl receptor
tity). Interestingly, the BLT2 open reading (98). The groups from Merck Frosst and
frame overlaps the promoter region of BLTl SmithKline Beecham identified the CysLTl
(85). The BLT2 receptor is activated by both receptor in 1999. Using similar strategies, the
210 COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

receptor was identified from screening tran- converting the initial acute bronchoconstric-
siently expressed orphan G-coupled receptors tor response to a chronic inflammatory re-
using LTD, to stimulate calcium flux (99).The sponse.
identified receptor expressed in HEK293 cells Asthma is the disease that has been most
had the reported preference for LTD, versus strongly linked to production of cysteinyl leu-
LTC, in calcium mobilization and rank order kotrienes (105). This statement is supported
potency of specific antagonists. Localization by (1)the increased levels of LTE, found in the
studies indicated expression in human lung urine of asthmatic patients during an attack
and bronchus and human peripheral leuko- and (2) the efficacy of leukotriene agents in
cytes as well as several other tissues. The re- the disease. Urinary LTE, can be used as a
predictorlindicator for nocturnal asthma
ceptor has 337 amino acids and shows some
(106). Other diseases in which elevated con-
homology to LBTl (28%) and P2Y receptors
centrations of the peptide leukotrienes have
(31%). Another receptor, the CysLT2 recep-
been found include rhinitis, urticaria, arthri-
tor, was also discovered recently by three dif- tis, ARDS, uveitis, and psoriasis (107).
ferent laboratories (100). This receptor was
discovered through its sequence similarity to
the CysLTl receptor (36% amino acid iden- 5 AGENTS INHIBITING LEUKOTRIENE
tity). It had the reported equivalent potency of BIOSYNTHESIS
LTC, and LTD, and was antagonized by
BAYu9773. This receptor has more limited ex- The generation of leukotrienes depends on the
pression that overlaps with the CysLTl recep- formation of LTA,, the key intermediate lead-
tor but appears more cardiovascular and endo- ing to either LTB, or the peptidoleukotrienes.
crine in nature. The gene has been localized to Thus, the most versatile and thus most widely
chromosome 13q14close to a marker that has studied approach to the inhibition of leukotri-
been associated with atopic asthma in two ene biosynthesis involves the inhibition of for-
studies (100). Currently approved drugs have mation of LTA,, although attempts to inhibit
activity only against the CysLTl receptor. It is the enzymes involved in the transformation of
unclear what further pharmacological effects LTA, also offer interesting alternatives (LTA,
an agent antagonizing both receptors would hydrolase, LTC, synthase), which are dis-
have. cussed later.
The cysteinyl leukotrienes are potent It is clear that 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) [EC
smooth muscle constrictors both in vitro and, through a two-step process, is the
in vivo in human and animal studies. In hu- enzyme responsible for the production of
mans LTC, and LTD, are approximately 1000 LTA,. Thus the mechanism of action and, to a
times more potent than histamine, on a molar lesser extent, the structure of 5-LO have
basis, in inducing contractions on isolated hu- largely influenced the design and discovery of
man bronchus. LTE, is about 1/10 as potent as inhibitors of leukotriene biosynthesis. This
LTC, or LTD, (100). Inhalation studies in hu- enzyme has been the subject of intense re-
mans have also shown that the leukotrienes search since its discovery, as discussed below
are about 1000 times more potent than either (Section 5.1), and many inhibitors have been
histamine or methacholine in producing bron- described.
choconstriction (101). The sensitivity to in- 5-Lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP)
haled LTD, is such that the order of respon- is also involved in the process by which AA is
siveness is asthmatics > allergies > normals converted to LTA, and a number of interest-
(102). Inhaled leukotriene D, induces hyper- ing inhibitors have been described (Section
responsiveness to methacholine (103) and in- 5.2).
halation of LTE, induces eosinophil migration The advantage of inhibiting 5-LO (or
into the lungs of asthmatic test subjects (104). FLAP) is essentially to block the effects of all
Because eosinophilia has been correlated with LTs and hence provide agents with therapeu-
the degree of asthma severity, it is possible tic potential in a wide range of allergic and
that the leukotrienes play a significant role in inflammatory diseases including asthma,
5 Agents Inhibiting Leukotriene Biosynthesis

COPD, fibrotic lung disease, allergic rhinitis, modifies its natural behavior. In 1991 recom-
rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel dis- binant methods allowed the preparation of
ease, and possibly psoriasis. Furthermore, pure enzyme in milligram quantities (110)and
concerns over the likely heterogeneity of dif- allowed the experiments that definitively
ferent functions and signaling pathways of LT showed nonheme iron associated with highly
receptors and agonist-ligand specificities do active enzyme obtained from a baculovirus ex-
not affect this approach. The potential disad- pression system (111).
vantages arise from the possibility that com- Interestingly, even at that time, a series of
plete LT inhibition could give rise to undesir- five histidine residues was postulated to con-
able side effects, although no indications of stitute the potential iron-binding site, in that
any essential physiological role of LTs have they are also conserved in other lipoxygen-
appeared since the discovery of these media- ases, although site-specific mutagenesis stud-
tors. Indeed, recent work with 5-LO(-/-)-de- ies indicated that three of these could be mu-
ficient mice, generated by inactivation of the tated individually in 5-LO without loss of
5-LO gene (108, log), showed that these ani- either oxygenase or LTA, synthetase activity
mals developed normally with no adverse (112,113). This proposal has now been refined
health effects, which suggests that 5-LO and it is believed that the nonheme iron is
blockade should not cause untoward effects. bound permanently by His372, and
In addition, studies on Zyflo (see next section) Ile673and that a fourth exchangeable ligand,
indicate that inhibition of whole body leuko- His367,is replaced by a reaction intermediate
trienes at least to >80% would seem to be during the catalytic cycle (114).This exchange
broadly safe. ligation is interesting from the point of view of
The endeavors to discover such inhibitors designing inhibitors because it suggests that
and the successes to date are described in the compounds in the appropriate oxidation state
following sections. with affinity for Fe3+ could also displace this
ligand and thus inhibit catalysis. Indeed, hy-
5.1 Inhibitors of 5-Lipoxygenase ( 5 4 0 )
droxamate and N-hydroxyurea inhibitors may
The mechanism of 5-LO appears to involve the possibly act in this way. Except for other li-
oxidized active Fe3+ state and the generation poxygenases, 5-LO shows little homology to
of radical species
- (2). Known mechanisms of other proteins. The enzyme has recently been
hibition constitute trapping of radical inter- shown to have a SH, domain that binds to the
ediates, ferric iron ligation, reduction of the growth factor bound receptor protein (115).
nheme iron, reversible binding at active or This interaction may be the site that allows
her regulatory sites, and combinations of membrane association of the enzyme, al-
ese effects in the same molecule. Conse- though that relationship has not been defini-
ently, three broad classes of direct 5-LO in- tively shown. Isolated 5-LO requires Ca2+,
itors have evolved over the last 15 years: ATP, and phosphatidyl choline for optimal ac-
redox," iron ligand, and "nonredox" inhibi- tivity but its amino acid sequence has not been
rs. First, we will summarize the properties found to show any strong homology with other
of 5-LO in the light of these different methods proteins possessing either Ca2+- or ATP-bind-
of inhibiting this enzyme. ing sites.
' Detailed structural information is still un-

5.1.1 Structure and Mechanism of 5-10. It available for 5-LO and thus has not been help-
ould be noted that most of the original drug ful in the design of 5-LO inhibitors. Initial re-
scovery effort targeting 5-LO inhibitors was search attempts were also made difficult by
ne in the absence of any detailed structural the complex kinetic behavior of this enzyme
owledge of the enzyme. The amino acid se- (116-118).
uence of human 5-LO was not described until Elucidation of the actual mechanism of
985 (1101,when isolation and cloning showed 5-LO has been a difficult and often disputed
th it and rat 5-LO to be 78-kDa proteins area. Here, we highlight the essential steps to
h 93%homology. In its active form 5-LO is help clarify the inhibitory mechanism of the
embrane bound; purification, therefore, compounds described hereafter. After activa-
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

tion (Fez+-Fe3+)during the lag phase, Fe3+

specifically oxidizes the diene of AA at position
5, to generate a pentadienyl radical cation. A
basic amino acid residue in the enzyme-active
site abstracts a proton and the ferrous iron is
reduced to Fez+.The pentadiene radical then
stereospecifically reacts with oxygen at C,,
forming a 5(S)-hydroperoxy radical that un-
dergoes electron transfer and reprotonation to
form 5-HPETE. Fe3+ is regenerated for recy-
cling. 5-HPETE is subsequently converted to
LTA, through deprotonation at C,, and epox-
ide cyclization. The participation of radical gle et al. (121). Although a large number of
species has been demonstrated by Mossbauer inhibitors have been examined in vitro and in
experiments (119), consistent with pentadi- vivo (21, no favorable clinical data have been
enyl radicals being intermediates in the cata- forthcoming from this approach.
lytic reaction.
From this reaction mechanism, as men- 5.1.3 Iron Ligands. Based on the hypothe-
tioned above, it is clear that many types of sis that incorporation of functional groups
molecules could inhibit 5-LO in vitro, espe- that could chelate to iron would inhibit 5-LO,
cially those with antioxidant properties. In- Corey (122) synthesized arachidonohydrox-
deed, several hundred patent applications amic acid and a number of N-alkyl derivatives
have been filed by over 40 different pharma- (3).These indeed proved to be potent 5-LO
ceutical companies since work has begun on
5-LO, claiming inhibitors with various de-
grees of potency and selectivity.

5.1.2 Antioxidants. 5-LO is particularly

susceptible to inhibition by compounds with
low redox potentials. Phenidone and BW-755C
(1,2, respectively) (120) were among the first
inhibitors (IC,, = 0.03-0.1 a, RBL-1) and
rapidly, elsewhere, many hydroxamate inhib-
itors were prepared that possessed high in
vitro potency.
Work at Abbott identified hydroxamates,
such as compound (4), by modification and

(1) Phenidone

compounds to be identified and other com-

pounds in this class are based around the het-
eroatom-substituted pyrazole ring. They are
loosely termed redox inhibitors because they
may, directly or indirectly, reduce either Fe3+
in the active enzyme or one of the radical in- simplification of the lipophilic chain. These
termediates to give the inactive Fez+ form. compounds are very potent in vitro and are
Early redox inhibitors were reviewed by Swin- well absorbed; however, they are rapidly me-
5 Agents Inhibiting Leukotriene Biosynthesis

tabolized to inactive carboxylic acids and show

short half-lives and low in vivo potencies
(123). Modification of the orientation of at-
tachment of the hydroxamate group (e.g.,
A-63162,s) had little effect on in vitro activity,

(7) Zyflo (zileuton, A-64077)

moiety of A-63162 was replaced by a benzo-

thiophene, although the important a-methyl
was retained, with the result that zileuton,
like A-63162, contains a stereogenic center.
Zileuton is a potent 5-LO inhibitor i n uitro
and shows approximately 120-fold selectivity
over COX-1. Interestingly the R and S enanti-
omers that constitute zileuton were very sim-
but A-63162 showed significantly improved in ilar in biochemical potency (1301, varying by a
vivo activity (124, 125). factor of only 2-3. These data imply that the
Parallel work at Wellcome revealed similar a-methyl site binds to an area of the enzyme
trends. That group discovered BW-A4C (61, a with considerable flexibility and that specific
ligand interaction with iron through the N-
hydroxyurea occurs in both enantiomers. In
contrast, minor modifications of the benzo-
thiophene ring resulted in significant loss in
activity (131).
The mechanism of 5-LO inhibition by N-
hydroxyureas and hydroxamates is clearly
more complex than mere iron chelation. There
is no doubt that these compounds bind
hydroxamate similar to A-63162 in structure, strongly to iron in solution (K = 1012/molfor
which showed good in vitro potency (IC,, = BW-A4C) and that they are not powerful redox
0.14 ,uM, human PMN) (126). compounds, having relatively high electrode
Despite promising oral activity in animal potentials (E0.2V for BW-B70C, 8, and zileu-
models, BW-A4C had poor pharmacokinetics
in human volunteers. Extensive metabolism
of BW-A4C occurred in humans (127), result-
ing in the accumulation of high concentra-
tions of metabolites. Additional modifications
were required to avoid the metabolic problems
encountered with hydroxamates to convert
this class into orally active clinical candidates.

5.1.4 N-Hydroxyureas. The substitution of ton, 7). Mechanisms for the activity of the
the hydroxamate with N-hydroxyurea, first compounds remain complex (132).
one at Abbott, provided compounds that In Vivo Activities and Clinical Stud-
ere quickly shown to have superior in vivo ies with N-Hydroxyurea Inhibitors. BW-B7OC
ehavior in animal models and pharmacoki- is efficacious in allergen-induced bronchocon-
etics. From a study of several hundred com- striction and late-phase lung eosinophil accu-
unds containing the N-hydroxyurea moiety, mulation in sensitized guinea pigs (133). Un-
o (zileuton; A-64077, 7) emerged as the fortunately, it produced kidney lesions in the
didate for clinical trials (128, 129). In this rat, preventing clinical evaluation. Zileuton
mpound the lipophilic benzyloxyphenol (Zyflo), however, was approved for use in the
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

treatment of moderate to severe asthma in 5.1 A.2 Second-Generation N-Hydroxyureas.

1996 as Zyflo. Several summaries of the clini- During these trials it was realized that the
cal studies on Zyflo have since been published short half-life (3 h) and high clinically effective
(134, 135). Thus we will summarize only the daily dose of Zyflo (2400 mg) needed to be im-
pertinent development events and key clinical proved. At Abbott, the search for more potent,
findings. Zileuton is an orally active inhibitor longer-acting N-hydroxyurea inhibitors fo-
of 5-LO in rats, dogs, monkeys, and humans cused on reducing the glucuronidation rate of
measured by ex vivo inhibition of LTB, pro- the N-hydroxyurea function. Various in vitro
duced by addition of calcium ionohore A23187 models were used, particularly microsomal
in blood. Preclinical studies with the com- preparations from human or monkey liver, to
pound showed it capable of inhibiting leuko- assess new inhibitors (146). In this way, struc-
triene-dependent inflammation in mice (136) ture-activity relationship (SAR) studies indi-
and inflammatory cell influx in rats (137). It is cated that the lipophilic heteroaryl template
also effective in guinea pig and sheep models and the linking group to the N-hydroxyurea
of antigen-driven bronchoconstriction (138). could be profitably modified (131). Introduc-
In phase I, volunteer studies showed that tion of an unsaturated linking group was
the inhibition of ex vivo-stimulated LTB, in shown to modulate inhibition and metabo-
blood correlated with plasma drug levels lism. The spatial orientation of the lipophilic
(139). Pharmacokinetic studies in phase I vol- template with respect to the pharmacophore
unteers determined that the major route of had a dramatic effect on pharmacological
metabolism of zileuton is glucuronidation of properties. Acetylene linking groups signifi-
the N-hydroxyurea group followed by urinary cantly decreased the rate of glucuronidation
excretion, and the oral half-life was estimated (GT) (2, 139).
to be 3 h (140). With this relatively short half- Inhibition of leukotriene formation in hu-
life it was necessary to administer 600 mg four man whole blood was also improved. There
times a day (qid) to maintain ex uivo-stimu- was little difference in in vitro activities be-
lated LTB, inhibition in human blood at ap- tween A-78773 and its enantiomers (9); how-
proximately 80% returning to control levels
after removal of the drug. No untoward side
effects were observed.
Consequently, Zyflo was thoroughly evalu-
ated in a number of clinical trials for effects on
models of asthma and in the treatment of
chronic asthma. Challenge models of asthma
with a variety of stimuli (allergen, exercise,
cold dry air, or aspirin) were successful. Re-
sults in aspirin-induced asthma were dramat-
ically effective, indicating that leukotrienes
are the primary mediators of this response. ever, the glucuronidation rate in monkey mi-
Zyflo also shows remarkable anti-inflamma- crosomes was lower for R(+) A-79175. The
tory effects, as predicted from animal studies relative rate correlated with in vivo elimina-
(137). Eosinophil influx and albumin leakage tion half-lives in cynomologus monkeys [4.7 h
were reduced and the urinary increase in for the racemate, 1.8 h for S ( - ) A-79176 and
LTE, was blocked (86%) (141, 142). 9.0 h for R(+) A-791751, prompting a Phase I
Zyflo was also found to be effective in clinical study in which R(+) A-79175 exhib-
chronic asthma, as evidenced by two large pla- ited an apparent half-life of 6.5 h for a single
cebo-controlled trials (143, 144). Improved 600 mg p.0. dose, twice that of Zyflo (147,148).
FEVl and reduced bronchodilator use were Further chemical modification led to R(+)
the primary clinical endpoints. Interestingly, ABT-761 (101,which was found to be even
Zyflo appeared to be most effective in moder- more resistant to in vitro glucuronidation
ate to severe patients. Additional trials indi- (149). Its elimination half-life in monkeys was
cated that Zyflo is also steroid sparing (145). 16 h and consequent phase I studies in hu-
5 Agents Inhibiting Leukotriene Biosynthesis

COX-1 inhibition up to 100 pM in human

blood (152, 153). Cyclic voltammetry and iron
chelation measurements confirmed that this
(methoxyalky1)thiazoleseries is free from re-
dox and iron-complexing properties. The se-
ries differs from redox and the N-hydroxyurea
(10) ABT-761
series in that it demonstrates enantioselective
inhibition of 5-LO both in vitro and in vivo
(154). This was the first evidence of 5-LO in-
mans showed excellent bioavailability and
hibitors forming enantiospecific interactions
extended duration of plasma levels. Signifi-
with the enzyme. Thus, unlike the a-methyl-
cantly, a single 200 mg dose provided >95% ene center in the Abbott N-hydroxyurea se-
inhibition of ex vivo-stimulated LTB, for- ries, the stereoselectivity of these ligands indi-
mation for up to 18 h. ABT-761 showed sig-
cates a close contact of the stereogenic center
nificant protection against exercise and ade- and active site of the protein.
nosine-induced bronchoconstriction in asth-
A number of steps were required to dis-
matics (150, 151). However, idiosyncratic cover an orally bioavailable inhibitor in vivo
liver toxicology precluded the further devel-
similar to that seen with the N-hydroxyureas
opment of this potent, effective 5-LO inhib-
(2). The compound discovered was improved
by structural modification of the naphthyl
ring, and further introduction of a fluoro sub-
5.1.5 Substrate Inhibitors. A number of
stituent to reduce susceptibility to metabo-
lism. This compound was ZD2138 (12) (IC,, =
nhibitors just described. At Zeneca, this work
was begun in the late 1980s where "active-
site-directed" inhibitors were designed to fit
5-LO selectively without the need for redox or
strong iron ligand properties. This was partic-
ularly difficult in the absence of structural
dataon 5-LO; however, based on the hypothet-
ical mechanism discussed in Section 5.1.1,
which implies the presence of an Fe3+ atom
and a basic group adjacent to a lipophilic
pocket in the active site, lipophilic imidazoles
were initially synthesized to interact with
0.02 pM, human whole blood) (155). ZD2138
It was discovered that replacement of the possesses no redox properties and extensive
imidazole by a thiazole and introduction of SAR data and detailed c~nformationalanaly-
confonnational restriction with rnethoxy and ses suggest that the (methoxyalky1)thiazole
and tetrahydropyran (THP) series are related
(156). ZD2138 shows no inhibition of CO, even
up to 20,000 times the levels that inhibit 5-LO
TB, inhibition) that importantly showed no in dog or human blood. ZD2138 does not an-
tagonize FLAP.
In phase I studies, ZD2138 was well toler-
ated up to 1000 mg per volunteer. A single oral
350 mg dose completely inhibited LT synthe-
sis ex vivo in stimulated blood for over 24 hand
the half-life in humans was estimated to be
12-16 h (157). Phase I1 clinical trials demon-
(11) ZM211965 strated that in aspirin-sensitive asthmatic pa-
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

tients, 350 mg p.0. given 4 h before challenge

caused bronchodilation and inhibited the fall
in FEVl (158). However, in allergen-chal-
lenged asthmatics the same treatment with
ZD2138 had no effect on the early or late asth-
matic response (159). Further development of
ZD2138 was suspended (160). A detailed de-
scription of the discovery of ZD2138 can be
found in Ref. 161.
Extension of the work in the Zeneca group
around this series led to ZD4407 (13),which is

series of indole-3-alkanoic acids related to

indomethacin, which possessed the dual
pharmacological properties of TXA, recep-
tor antagonism and leukotriene biosynthe-
sis inhibition in intact cells.
These properties could be separated and
extremely potent (IC,, = 0.02 a, human
MK0886 had no effect on isolated, purified
whole blood leukotriene inhibition) and is de-
5-LO, although in intact leukocyte prepara-
void of any autoinduction of liver enzymes
tions it inhibited LTs at low nM IC,, values
that had been observed preclinically for earlier
(3-5 nM)(167).Thus, a novel mode of action of
members of this series (162).
leukotriene inhibition had been discovered,
The methoxytetrahydropyran moiety has
which was then exploited to find new inhibi-
been exploited by other groups. Merck Frosst
tors. Indeed, it further helped the understand-
identified a class of lignans derived from a nat-
ing of the mechanism of 5-LO activation.
ural product, Justicidin E, as moderately po-
As discussed earlier, FLAP is associated
tent redox inhibitors of 5-LO (163). Abbott
with a cellular membrane; initially, this was
also described compounds in this arena (164).
believed to be the plasma membrane, but work
These compounds were very weak inhibitors
at Merck Frosst and Michigan (168, 169)
of 5-LO in broken cell preparations, as was
showed that localization is cell and activation
ZD2138, although many compounds with po-
state dependent. In the neutrophil, inactive
tent whole blood activity were obtained. These
cytoplasmic 5-LO translocates to membranes
data imply a different mode of action for this
on activation by Ca2+ and associates with
series than direct 5-LO inhibition and are in-
FLAP, as demonstrated in an elegant series of
consistent with a substrate inhibitor.
experiments by two laboratories (170). The
nature of this association was initially thought
5.2 Inhibitors of 5-Lipoxygenase-Activating
to consist of 5-LO possibly docking onto the
Protein (FLAP)
membrane-bound FLAP (171),although it has
FLAP inhibitors are a novel class of com- been proposed that FLAP presents AA to 5-LO
pounds that inhibit cellular leukotriene bio- in a conformation favorable for reaction (172).
synthesis without acting directly on 5-LO. In- Whatever the true mechanism, it is clear from
stead, they bind to the 18-kDa membrane transfection experiments that the association
FLAP, thus preventing the activation of 5-LO. of 5-LO and FLAP is essential for intact cell
Research at Merck Frosst in 1989 (165, LT biosynthesis (173). The FLAP inhibitors,
166) led to the initial FLAP inhibitor, MK0886 like MK0886, inhibit complex formation, pre-
(14), and consequently to the discovery of venting the complete translocation of 5-LO,
FLAP itself. MK0886 was derived from a and block LT biosynthesis.
5 Agents inhibiting Leukotriene Biosynthesis

MK0886 was shown to have a high binding

af'6nity for FLAP (IC,, = 23 nM) (174). Clini-
studies with MK0886 in atopic asthmatics

(44%)asthmatic responses in pulmonary

dion to an allergen challenge, but only
owed modest inhibition of ex vivo iono-

esis and urinary LTE, excretion (175).

A key observation that would impact the
ign of new FLAP inhibitors was that an
er leukotriene inhibitor, Rev-5901 (15),

provements in pulmonary function tests in-

cluding FEV, and morning and evening peak
expiratory flow. Similarly, rescue P-agonist
use was diminished. Adverse effects were no
different from placebo. However, the com-
(15) Rev-5901 pound was not taken into chronic asthma
ch contains a quinolinylmethyloxy sub- Also using the Rev-5901 lead, a series of
FLAP inhibitors were developed in which the
d protein. The quinoline moiety is a prom- hydroxyl group of Rev-5901 had been replaced
ent binding motif of many FLAP inhibitors. by a carboxyl and the n-pentyl alkyl chain had
wo FLAP inhibitors developed from these been cyclized to an a-cycloalky substituent.
ads are L-674,636 (16) and MK0591 (17). From this series BAY XI005 (18)was selected
Clinical studies with MK0591 were initially for clinical development.
The cyclopentyl substituent was also ex-
panded to cyclohexyl and cycloheptyl. The cy-
of MKO59l (24, 12, and 1.5 h before aller- cloalkyl substituent provides an important
1, leading to reduced bronchoconstriction lipophilic interaction, which makes a signifi-
early (79%) and late (39%) asthmatic re- cant contribution to the affinity. Similar sub-
nses. Furthermore, in contrast to MK0886, stituents in MK0591 that may correspond
biosynthesis ex vivo in stimulated whole with this key lipohilic interaction include the
d from these patients was totally inhib- t-butylthiol group or the kchlorobenzyl sub-
stituent. Stereoselective effects were ob-
h after allergen challenge (176). The study served, the R enantiomers displaying a
extended to several hundred moderate greater affinity for human FLAP. Modifica-
tion of cyclopentyl to a cycloheptyl alkyl sub-
stituent and modification of the acid to a

(16) L.
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

(20)and MK0591 are similar; thiazoyl and

pyridine were found to be bioisosteric to quin-
oline in both series(181,182).This oxime can
be inserted with two orientations: the oxy-
imino derivative, shown where the carboxy-
late is attached to the carbon terminus of the
carbon nitrogen double bond; or the oxime
ether orientation, where the acid is attached
to the oxime as an 0-alkylated-a-acetic acid
oxime ether (179).The oxime moiety provides
(18) BAY XI005 a structural unit that can present the carbox-
ylate in different spatial orientations for bind-
ing. In addition the heteroatoms of the oxime
can possibly increase affinity through hydro-
gen-bonding interactions. Another potential
advantage of the oxime may be in improving
pharmacokinetic parameters through solva-
tion of the heteroatoms of the oxime; this sol-
vation can affect solubility and absorption.
The oxyimino orientation proved to be su-
perior. This modification has also been applied
to the Bayer series as shown (21).The S iso-
(19) BAY Y1015 mer (183)was found to be the most potent
with the oxime modification (184). A draw-
methanesulfonylamide provided the backup back of the BAY X1005 and related candidates
clinical candidate, BAY Y1015 (19).An inter- such as(21)are issues of synthetic complexity
esting modification that has been applied to and resulting cost of goods associated with a
MK0591 had been the insertion of an oxime resolution or asymmetric synthesis. The key
moiety(179)to connect the terminal carboxy- elements of BAY X1005,the quniolylmethoxy,
late to the indole skeleton. the cycloalkyl, and the acid functionality, are
Analog(20)(180)was similar in preclinical attached to a single carbon center. This stereo-
leukotriene inhibition but somewhat superior genic center could be eliminated if a second
in monkey pharrnacokinetics to MK0591 (R. quinolylmethyloxyphenyl substituent could
Bell, unpublished observations, 1994). Re- replace the lipophilic cycloalkyl substituent
ported SAR trends for structures related to but maintain the critical lipophilic interaction
5 Agents Inhibiting Leukotriene Biosynthesis

enzyme (186), which catalyzes the vinylogous

hydrolysis of LTA, to LTB,. The zinc ion is
essential for its hydrolase activity and this en-
zyme also exhibits aminopeptidase activity.
Indeed, it appears that the peptidase and ep-
oxide hydrolase activities occur at the same
active site (187). Exploitation of the amino-
peptidase function of LTA, hydrolase allowed
Samuelsson et al. (188-190) to produce a se-
ries of tight-binding inhibitors that also in-
hibit its epoxide hydrolase activity. Elabora-
tion of this type of inhibitor could deliver
with the protein. This hypothesis was verified highly potent and selective anti-inflammatory
by the symmetrical analog (23). drugs.
Development of this symmetrical core led Further work has been published on devel-
d without the oxime linker oping a series of compounds based on the
e found with superior hu- p-mercaptoamino derivative, of which the R
neutrophil potency and in vivo efficacy enantiomer is two orders of magnitude more
ting LT formation in the rat. potent than the S isomer (191).Acetylation of
is series culminated in the identification the thiol or its conversion to thio ethers or a
This compound can be hydroxy group results in substantial loss in
by simple bisalkylation of binding, thus suggesting that selectivity for
pensive 4,4-bis(hydroxy- the free thiol arises from the formation of a
eny1)valeric acid, also known as diphenolic highly favorable zinc-sulfide interaction in the
d. Of the FLAP compounds synthesized at enzyme-inhibitor complex.
bott, ABT-080 had superior activity in in- The research on inhibitors of LTA4 hydro-
biting rodent leukotriene formation, pulmo- lase has recently been reviewed (192). Exten-
tigen-challenged guinea sive research at Searle provided for the only
cs in cynomolgus LTA, hydrolase inhibitor taken to clinical tri-
als thus far. Early inhibitors described by that
VML530) has pro- group were based on a zinc-binding hydroxam-
gressed to Phase I trials. ate lead, kelatorphan (25) (193). Unfortu-
nately, reversed hydroxamate compounds
5.3 Inhibition of LTA, Hydrolase
with superior in vivo pharmacokinetics were
chanism of action considerably less potent. This was also true of
[EC is el- carboxylic acids. Another series described by
the Searle group used SC-22716 (26) as anon-
zinc-chelating phenoxyethyl amino lead. This
a 70-kDa zinc-containing monomeric compound had excellent potency against the

(23) H
(24) CH3
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

5.4 LTC, Synthase

LTC, synthase is an 18-kDa integral mem-
brane protein that catalyzes the conjugation
of reduced glutathione (GSH) with the epoxide
LTA, to form LTC,, the intracellular parent of
the cysteinyl leukotrienes. The purification
and characterization of LTC, synthase has
been hindered because of its instability in the
(25) kelatorphan semipurified state and the lack of an abundant
source of this enzyme. In 1992 Nicholson (199)
was able to specifically label this 18-kDa
polypeptide in a human monocytic leukemia
cell line by use of photoaffinity probes and
showed it to be distinct from glutathione S-
transferase. Most recently, molecular cloning
of the gene for human LTC, synthase indi-
cates that this enzyme shows significant ho-
mology to FLAP (Section 5.2) (200, 201). De-
tails of the biochemistry of this enzyme have
been recently reviewed (201, 202).
Perhaps the most important information
enzyme and in human whole blood LTB, inhi- leading to inhibitors comes from the fact that
bition, but was poorly active in vivo (192).Fur- LTC, synthase has significant homology to
ther SAR work around this series led to SC- FLAP (200). An overall homology of 31% is
57416A (27) (194).This compound was potent seen for these two proteins with 44% in the
N-terminal two-thirds of the proteins. FLAP
lacks the amino acids thought to be used in
catalysis by LTC, synthase. Early studies in-
dicated that FLAP inhibitors also inhibit
LTC, synthase, albeit in the f l range (200,
201). Surprisingly, little medicinal chemistry
has come forth in recent years describing new,
more potent inhibitors.


in rodent models of LTB, formation and had 6.1 Peptide-Leukotriene Antagonists

excellent pharmacokinetics in several species
(195). In a preclinical efficacy trial in cotton- 6.1.1 Introduction. There have been thou-
topped tamarins this compound also had ex- sands of compounds prepared as CysLT antag-
cellent activity in this animal model of human onists, of which perhaps two dozen have made
colitis (196). However, "accumulation of a it to Phase I safety studies in humans. In this
long-lived metabolite and additional toxicity section, we focus on a few key compounds, es-
issues precluded the compound from further pecially those that have advanced to clinical
development" (197). studies. For more detail, the reader is referred
At this time there are no known LTA4 hy- to several excellent reviews by Shaw (2031,
drolase inhibitors in development. Recent Salmon (204), and Brooks (205).
studies in LTA, hydrolase-deficient animals, Testing for leukotriene antagonism as for
however, continue to affirm the potential for LT inhibition has required many biochemical,
safe, effective inhibitors of this class (198). pharmacological, and clinical assays. Because
6 Agents Antagonizing Leukotrienes

of the variety of assays, only a few that are screening of a compound collection or varia-
critical for understanding this section are de- tion of one of the two known ligands, FPL-
scribed. Early researchers tended to measure 55712 or the leukotrienes.
inhibition of the contraction of a tissue sample FPL-55712 (28) was developed by chemists
(primarily guinea pig trachea or ileum) in- at Fisons Pharmaceuticals working from a
duced by a standardized unit of "SRS-A" that
had been isolated and (partially) purified from
a biological source. Later, after synthetic
(pure) leukotrienes became available, similar
assays putting them into service became
widely used (e.g., determination of the per-
centage inhibition of the 8 nM LTD,-induced
contraction of guinea pig tracheal spirals at a
specific drug concentration). For compounds
warranting greater effort, either IC,, values
or the calculated pKp (negative log molar dis-
sociation constants) values for inhibition of
the LTD,- and LTE,-induced contraction of (28) FPL 55712
specific tissues (e.g., guinea pig tracheal or il-
eal strips, or human bronchus) were deter- lead that they had discovered by broad screen-
mined. In some cases the pA, values (the af- ing of a set of antiallergic compounds against
ty of an antagonist drug as generally an SRS-A-based assay. This was accomplished
etermined from the mean of equally effective before the structure of SRS-A had been as-
onist doselresponse ratios in the absence or signed as a mixture of the cysteinyl leukotri-
resence of a fixed concentration of antago- enes. FPL-55712 served not only as a starting
st) against LTD, or LTE, were calculated. point for other chemists' efforts to develop
or reasons that are not clear, most antago- specific CysLTl antagonists but also helped in
nists tend to profile as being more potent the biological isolation and structure elucida-
against LTD, on guinea pig ileum than on tion of the LTs.
guinea pig trachea. For comparison purposes,
he IC,,, pKp, and pA, values in this section 6.1.2 FPL-55712-Derived Compounds
ere determined on guinea pig trachea, unless L Y171883 (Tomelukast). The most
herwise indicated. significant of the early CysLTl antagonists
Later, LTD,-binding assays measuring dis- that progressed to clinical evaluation was
cement of [ 3H]LTD, from guinea pig lung LY171883 (29, tomelukast). Using explora-
mbranes were developed. Subsequently, a
inding assay using the human receptor in
937 cell membranes has been used by some
ups. Study of the binding assay revealed
at guinea pig tracheal receptors could be
ubdivided into high and low affinity classes,
h LTE, preferentially acting at the high
nity site (206). Comparison of the func-
ional results with several compounds showed
hat the receptor in human bronchi most
losely resembled the guinea pig LTE, recep-

In the absence of a structure or sequence (29) tomelukast (LY 171883)

r the CysLTl receptor, the starting points
r developing antagonists were limited. The tion of the SAR around FPL-55712, the group
hoices were either a novel lead obtained by at Eli Lilly & Co. first simplified the carboxy-
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

substituted chromanone, resulting in an ana- tion of the structure of LTD, and were the first
log containing an aliphatic acid chain. They CysLT1antagonist clinical candidates to be so
then made the key discovery that replacement derived (212).
of the terminal carboxylic acid group with the Although SKF 104353 is about 10-fold
bioisosteric tetrazole functionality afforded a more potent in vitro than SKF 106203, it has
significantly improved profile both in vitro and very poor oral bioavailabilitysuch that its clin-
in uiuo (208). Optimization of the chain be- ical development was limited to aerosol formu-
tween the tetrazole group and the hydroxyace- lations. In contrast, SKF 106203 had much
tophenone group yielded LY171883. better oral bioavailability and entered early
In anesthetized guinea pigs LY171883 3-30 clinical studies as an oral formulation. SKF
mg/kg p.0. given 2 h before challenge dose- 104353 is a potent, competitive inhibitor of
dependently inhibited the increase in pulmo- C3H]LTD4,binding to both human and guinea
nary resistance induced by i.v. LTD, (209). In pig lung membranes with Ki values of 12 and 5
conscious guinea pigs, aerosolized LY171883 nM,respectively (213). In functional assays it
was able to reverse the bronchoconstriction inhibited the actions of LTD, on human bron-
induced by either LTD, or LTE,. Clinical tri- chus (pA, = 8.2) and guinea pig trachea (pA,
als with LY171883 were pursued to a Phase I1 = 8.6) (214).Similarly, in functional assays on
trial in chronic asthma that, although show- these two tissues, using LTE, as the agonist, it
ing small significant effects on lung function, afforded pKp values of 8.9 and 8.2, respec-
was not deemed potent enough to proceed. tively. SmithKline had some early clinical suc-
Merck Frosst also worked in this area but did cess with SKF 104353 but not sufficient to go
not find clinical candidates (2). to pivotal trials (205). L Y170680 (Sulukast). Concurrent
6.1.3 Leukotriene Analog Antagonists with the efforts on FPL-55712 analogs at Eli SKF 104353 (Pobilukast) and SKF Lilly's U.S. labs, a second team at their UK
106203. SKF 104353 (30) (210) and SKF labs developed LY170680 (321, starting from
106203 (31)(211) were both developed by the
SK&Fgroup through the sequential modifica-

(32) LY 170680 (sulukast)

the structure of the natural agonists (215).

This compound was also dropped from devel-
opment after some antigen-challenge trials
(30) SKF 104353 (pobilukast)
where the drug was given as an aerosol. Bayer x7195. The sequence of
steps taken by the Bayer group in going from
leukotriene D, to Bayer x7195 (33) has been
described in two articles (216,217). This inter-
esting candidate incorporates several of the
discoveries in LT analogs published earlier by
other laboratories. For example, optimization
of activity, particularly oral activity, required
both shortening the linking group to the C,-
carboxylic acid and removal of the hydroxyl
(31) SKF 106203 substituent, both precedented by the efforts at
Agents Antagonizing Leukotrienes


'0- COzH

(33) Bayer x7195

&F laboratories, that led to SKI? 104353 x7195 blocked LTD4-induced bronchocon-
d SKF 106203. Use of thepara-alkoxy-sub- striction (ID,, = 3 mglkg) for at least 8 h.
ituted homo-cinnamyl replacement for the Topically administered Bayer x7195 was also
ene backbone was also first described by the effective in the guinea pig model, whether
ca team (218). given by aerosol (ID,, - 200 ng) or as a powder
Bayer x7195 inhibits the binding of (ID,, - 30 pg). Again, although the compound
i3H1LTD, to guinea pig lung membranes with gave significant improvement in FEV, in
a pKi of 7.8 (219). In functional assays it had Phase I1 trials in chronic asthma, the com-
values of 8.4 and 8.2 against LTD4-in- pound was not pursued to pivotal trials.
ced contraction in guinea pig trachea and MK-0476 (Singulair, Montelukast
man bronchi, respectively. In vitro, about 1 Sodium, 34) and Its Precursors. Because the
Bayer x7195 was also effective at blocking series of compounds exemplified by MK-0571,
antigen-induced contractions of trachea MK-0679, and MK-0476 (34-36) contain mi-
om sensitized guinea pigs and the anti-IgE metics for the three regions of LTD, (lipid,
sponse of human bronchi. In the anesthe- acid, peptide) they may be viewed as leukotri-
zed guinea pig, orally administered Bayer ene analog antagonists. However, unlike the


(34) montelukast sodium (MK-0476, Singular)

COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

(36) MK-0679 (verlukast)

other antagonists in this section, the starting series that was devoid of peroxisomal enzyme
point for these compounds was not the struc- induction led to the discovery of MK-0476 (34,
ture of the leukotrienes. Instead it was a styryl montelukast, Singulair) (222).
quinoline-containing compound (37) that was Montelukast is significantly more potent
than either MK-571 or MK-0679 in vivo. An
i.v. dose of 10 pg/ kg MK-0476 produced a 70-
fold and a greater than 100-fold shift in the
dose-response curves to i.v. LTD, in the anes-
thetized guinea pig, at 5 or 15 min pretreat-
ment times, respectively. The i.v. ED,, at
inhibiting the LTD,-induced bronchoconstric-
tion was estimated at 0.001 &kg. Monte-
lukast had a long functional half-life after i.v.
administration in the guinea pig. As discussed
found, by broad screening, to be a weak LTD, below, montelukast has been successfully
antagonist. This lead appears related to a se- tested in human asthma and approved for hu-
ries of quinoline-containing LTD, antagonists man use.
(2201, derived from REV 5901, that are no
longer in development and that are not cov- 6.1.4 Peptide-Leukotriene Antagonists of
ered in this review. Diversified Structure
The chemists at Merck hypothesized that O N 0 1078 (Pranlukast). ON0 1078
compound (37) was mimicking the conjugated (pranlukast, 38) is not a member of either the
olefin (lipid) region of LTD, and chose to add
mimetics for the acid and peptide regions
through the use of a dicarboxy-dithioacetal de-
rivative first pioneered by the SK&F group.
This change afforded a compound that dis-
played a tremendous increase in in vitro po-
tency. However, the dicarboxy group appeared
to be detrimental to oral efficacy. Replacement
of one of the carboxyl groups with an N,N-
dimethylamide improved oral efficacy and
yielded MK-0571 (35) (221), which entered
clinical development. This racemic compound
was found to be a potent inducer of liver per-
oxisomal enzymes and was replaced in the
clinic by its (R)-enantiomer MK-0679 (ver- FPL-55712- or the leukotriene D,-derived sets
lukast, 36) that had similar LT antagonist ac- of antagonists. It was developed from a weak
tivity but an improved safety profile. lead, compound (19) (IC,, = 14 p M versus
In extended studies this compound also in- LTD, on guinea pig ileum). Replacement of
duced (limited) liver function abnormalities in the benzoic acid group with a chromanone car-
animals and in the clinic. An extensive effort boxylic acid (similar to that found in
by the Merck group to find a compound in this FPL-55712) resulted in an analog that dis-
6 Agents Antagonizing Leukotrienes

(39) ICI 198,615

ed a 150-fold increase in potency in uitro 6.1 .4.2 ICI 198,615 and ICI 204,219 (Acco-
, = 100 nM) and modest levels of in vivo late, Zafirlukast). Several articles have re-
ivity (ID,, = 500 p&g in the guinea pig viewed the discovery of Zenaca's series of in-
ilar to the discovery that led to dole-based CysLTl antagonists exemplified by
171883, replacement of the carboxylic acid ICI 198,615 (39) and ICI 204,219 (40, Acco-
ole yielded increases in both in late, zafdukast) (227-229).These compounds
and i n vivo potency (not illustrated). Op- were developed from a novel hybridization be-
ation of the lipophilic alkyl tail then tween a leukotriene analog and a hydroxy-ace-
ed ON0 RS-411, the hemihydrate form of tophenone series of antagonists (230,231).
ch has been clinically developed as ON0 The first member of this series, ICI 198,615
(39) showed remarkable in uitro potency and
O N 0 1078 inhibited the binding of selectivity as a CysLTl antagonist when it
HILTD,, on guinea pig lung membranes was disclosed. It inhibited the binding of
6 nM (223). I n uitro, it had [3H]LTD4on guinea pig lung membranes with
values of 10.40 and 7.5 against LTD, on a pK, value of 9.6 (232).On guinea gig trachea

pig ileum, with an IC,, respectively. ICI 198,615 was also a potent an-
ue of 0.044 nM (224). I n uiuo, it was effec- tagonist of LTD, in human bronchi with a pK,
1.0 pgkg) against LTD,-induced value of 9.2. It also showed i n uiuo antagonist
in guinea pig when ad- activity in guinea pig in both the classic anes-
istered i.v. 2 min before LTD, (225). ON0 thetized pulmonary mechanics model and in a
against LTD, (5 ng), in- new conscious labored abdominal breathing

, showed poor oral bioavail-

198,615 was not developed
in guinea pig was inhib- further. Later studies that have shown ICI
d by ON0 1078 at a dose of 30 mgtkg p.0. 198,615 (i.m.) reduces antigen-induced airway
hyperresponsiveness in monkeys have con-

(40) zafirlukast (ICI 204,219, Accolate)
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

firmed its importance as a standard and indi- thus acted as a strong spur to the development
cated yet another mode of action for such an- of other CysLTl antagonists.
tagonists (234). Aerosolized SKF 104353, 100 and 800 pg,
This team introduced ICI 204,219 (40) as shifted LTD4-induced bronchoconstriction by
its first broadly studied CysLTl antagonist about 10-fold in normal and asthmatic individ-
clinical candidate (235-237). In vitro, this uals, respectively, when administered 2-3.5 h
compound has an excellent profile that is sim- before challenge (242). The same dose pro-
ilar to that shown by ICI 198,615. In human tected against exercise-induced asthma (243).
lung membranes it inhibited the binding of SKF 106203 was examined in normal volun-
L3H]ICI198,615 with a Ki value of 3.70 ? 2.90 teers and a 200 mg p.0. dose was effective in
nM (n = 5). The pKp values for inhibition of reducing LTD4-induced bronchoconstriction,
the LTD,- and LTE4-induced contraction of with the maximal effect being observed 8 h
guinea pig tracheal strips were concentration after dosing (244).
independent and were, respectively, 9.52 + ONON (pranlukast, ONO-1078, ONO-RS-
0.12 and 9.67 + 0.30, at 3 nMICI 204,219. The 411 hemihydrate) was approved in Japan in
distinguishing characteristic of ICI 204,219 is 1995 and is the first CysLTl antagonist to be
its excellent in vivo profile. It had excellent commercially available. However, it has not
bioavailability in rat (68%)and dog (67%).The yet been approved in other countries.
overall profile of ICI 204,219 was such that its The Merck group has entered the greatest
oral formulation was chosen for extensive clin- number of CysLTl antagonists into clinical
ical evaluation as Accolate (zafirlukast). studies. Extensive trials were performed with
MK-0571 (L-660,711), its single enantiomer
MK-0679, and with MK-0476. This compound
6.2 CysLTl Antagonist Clinical Studies
montelukast (Singulair) has been approved
Inhalation of peptide leukotrienes has been for clinical use in the United States and inter-
shown to induce a reproducible, robust, well- nationally for the treatment of asthma in
tolerated bronchoconstriction in humans. Be- adults and children (245).
cause of this, most clinical studies of CysLTl Montelukast underwent extensive clinical
antagonists have begun with an assessment of testing. The studies used to support the clini-
their in vivo potency through measurement of cal use of this agent have been reviewed in
their ability to inhibit LT-induced broncho- several venues (256-258). A daily oral dose of
constriction. Because these studies can be Singulair controlled asthma symptoms in 3-
done over a broad time range, they can also be and 9-month extension trials. As with Zyflo
used to determine human pharmacodynamic the use of Singulair also allowed steroid taper-
values. The most frequent measure was the ing in moderate to severe asthmatics.
shift in the LT-induced dose-response curve Zafrlukast formulated as Accolate was the
that is produced by a specified dose of a drug at first leukotriene modulator approved in the
a particular pretreatment time. Friedman United States. This compound has also been
(238) has reviewed the pulmonary-oriented extensively reviewed (256-258). Given 40 mg
clinical results obtained with most of the earlv" bid it has been shown to be clinically effective
peptide leukotriene antagonists and lipoxy- in the treatment of asthma.
genase inhibitors. Since the registration of Accolate, Zyflo,
LY171883 was the first CysLTl antagonist and Singulair (Table 5.21, most clinical studies
to be evaluated in broad clinical trials (239).It have centered on the effects of these agents on
was eventually withdrawn from clinical eval- inflammatory processes. The clinical trials
uation as a result of both long-term toxicity that formed the basis for their approval dem-
seen in mice and induction of peroxisomal onstrated that these agents are safe and effec-
liver enzyme in rats (240,241). In spite of this, tive, and subsequent studies have also borne
it was an especially important compound be- this out (251,252). These agents are especially
cause it produced encouraging clinical results effective in aspirin-sensitive asthma and exer-
that appeared to confirm the hypothesis link- cise-induced asthma. They are also effective in
ing the cysteinyl leukotrienes to disease and treating the upper airway responses to IgE-
7 Leukotriene B, Antagonists

mediated immunological medial nasal conges- nists are much more limited than with the
tion, although none of the agents has regula- LTD, antagonists, this section focuses on the
tory approval for the nasal indication. development of those compounds that have
Yanase and David-Bajar have reported that advanced into clinical studies.
Singulair has a modest but significant effect in The in vitro and in vivo activities of LTB,
treating atopic dermatitis (253). Asero (254) antagonists have been evaluated by use of sev-
has reported that in NSAID-induced uticaria eral different assays. Binding assays have
that Singulair may also have an effect. Acco- been developed that measure the inhibition of
late has also been reported to have an effect in binding of [ 3H]LTB4to guinea pig lung mem-
atopic dermatitis (255). In addition, Zyflo has brane (262)and to isolated human neutrophils
shown efficacy in significantly improving the (263). Functional activity has been assayed
symptoms in a small open label study in atopic through inhibition of the LTB,-induced con-
dermatitis (256). There have been, however, traction of guinea pig lung parenchyma (262)
no large clinical trials to date to define the and through the inhibition of the LTB4-in-
potential activity of these agents in the treat- duced up-regulation of CDllbICD18 expres-
ment of atopic dermatitis. sion in human neutrophils. In vivo, in guinea
The major side effect that has been re- pigs or cynomolgus monkeys, inhibition of
ported for the CysLTl antagonists is Churg- LTB,-induced neutropenia and interdermal
Strauss syndrome (257). A recent review of neutrophil migration have been examined.
the literature suggests that Churg-Strauss is
related to an underlying eosinophilic disorder 7.2 LTB, Antagonists Related to HAP-Type
in patients in whom corticosteriods use was LID, Antagonists
being reduced, and thus not directly associ-
A team at Eli Lilly discovered that moving the
ated with the antagonists (257,258). Thus far, alkyl chain from the hydroxyacetophenone
this syndrome has not been reported with (HAP) &position, as found in FPL-55712 (28),
zyflo. resulted in selective LTB, antagonists. For ex-
ample, LY255283 (41) inhibited LTB, binding

7.1 Introduction
Although the structure of LTB, was discov-
ered at about the same time as the cysteinyl
leukotrienes, the pace of development of LTB,
antagonists has lagged significantly behind
that of CysLTl receptor antagonists. This de-
iay may be attributed to the fact that, unlike
with the CysLTs (SRS-A), there was not, at
first, a clear recognition of which pathophysi-
ologies to associate with LTB,. Also, as limited
as the starting points for drug development
were in the SRS-A area, they were even more to neutrophils with an IC,, value of 87 nM
limited in the area of LTB, antagonists. Most (264). Further work in this class yielded
research teams began their efforts with the LY293111 (42), which was active in blocking
structure of LTB,. Other teams started with LTB,-induced bronchoconstriction in vivo
known LTD, antagonists and hoped that, be- (265). A publication on LY293111 has ap-
cause LTB, and LTD, were biosynthetically peared describing its pharmacology in vivo
related, some of these molecules would display (266). Unfortunately, the compound was not
weak LTB, antagonist activity. Several previ- effective in clinical trials in asthmatics.
wsreviews on the development of leukotriene The Searle group apparently started with
B4antagonistshave been published (259-261) FPL-5512 analogs and arrived at SC 53228
and, although clinical data on LTB, antago- (43),which antagonized LTB, binding with an
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

IC,, value of 1.3 nM.The compound was also

active in blocking PMA-induced ear edema
(<2.5 mglkg).

7.3 LTB, Antagonists Derived from the

Structure of LTB,
A number of agents have been reported based
on the structure of LTB,. The early pharma-
cology was previously reviewed (2). The com-
pounds that have advanced furthest are
ONO-4057 (46) and two compounds from
SmithKline Beecham, SB 201993 (44) and SB
209247 (45). Early ON0 compounds used a
variety of groups to replace the triene in LTB,
(267). The diacid ONO-4057 (46) had an IC,,
in binding assays of 15 nM and was active in BIIL 284 (48) was longer acting in monkeys
the guinea pig in LTB,-induced neutropenia. than either CGS-25019c or LY 293111.
SB209247 was also orally active in rodents
7.4 Clinical Trials with LTB, Antagonists
(268) and was taken to clinical trials (2). CGS-
25019c (47), also taken to phase I trials, was Clinical success has not yet been achieved with
unique compared to earlier discussed com- LTB, antagonists. It is unclear whether this is
pounds in that it had an amidine group func- because LTB, is only one of many leukocyte
tionality instead of an acidic group (269). More chemoattractants in inflammation or whether
recently, a series of prodrugs of an amidine a significant portion of the biology of LTB, is
group were described by Boeringer Ingelheim directed by binding to BLTR2. Several com-
(270). The lead compound from this series, pounds have been in phase I trials (2) but no
11 8 Biochemistry and Structural Biology of Cyclooxygenases

lbstantial success has been reported and no

~mpoundshave been registered. Attempts in N
asthma and psoriasis have been deemed mar-
ginal or unsuccessful (271-272).
(48) BIIL 284

8.1 Prostaglandin Discovery and the

(Fig. 5.3) (274). The multiple activities of
mnection to NSAlDs
these substances were the topic of intense re-
.ostaglandins are the earliest of the eico- search in the 1960s and 1970s, where roles in
noids to be discovered. Originally described reproductive, cardiovascular, pulmonary and
r von Euler in the late 1940s as the active renal physiology, and pathophysiology (pain,
incipal components in semen that induced inflammation, cancer) -were identified. The
erine contractility (273), the structures of discovery of thromboxane (275) and prostacy-
e most important of these (PGE,, PGF,,, clin (276) came later and expanded the role of
3D,) were elucidated in the 1960s by Berg- the eicosanoids as powerful substances in hu-
rom, Hamberg, Samuelsson, and others man physiology.

(47) CGS 25019C

COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

Cell membrane

phospholipid pools


Other /

Other HETEs Arachidonic acid Leukotrienes



- CH3
OH -

Figure 5.3. Cyclooxygenase pathway.

In a parallel fashion, albeit starting much was made in the early 1970s by Vane and col-
earlier, the discovery of nonsteroidal anti-in- leagues using classical tissue strip pharmacol-
flammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were derived ogy (277). This discovery was elegantly fol-
from early folk medicine use of natural sub- lowed by Majerus et d., who identified the
stances, the active agent of which was ulti- amino acid site of the covalent acylation of
mately discovered to be aspirin in the 1800s. platelet cyclooxygenase by aspirin (278).
Once the negative gastric side effects of aspi- 8.2 Cyclooxygenase 1
rin were established around 1940, a number of
synthetic agents were developed with the goal Cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1) is the common
of achieving safer drugs. These drugs were name used to describe the protein prostaglan-
eventually classified as NSAIDs, in contrast to din H synthase 1 (PGHS-11, which performs
steroids, the other major class of anti-inflam- both peroxidase and cyclooxygenase reactions
matories then available. to make PGH, the precursor to prostaglan-
Assignment of NSAIDs as cyclooxygenase dins E, D, F2, prostacyclin, and thromboxane
inhibitors and thus prostaglandin inhibitors, A, (see Fig. 5.3). Originally described as an
8 Biochemistry and Structural Biology of Cyclooxygenases 231

enzymatic activity in seminal vesicles, it was sponsive to steroids and the other inducible
purified in 1977 by two groups (279). The ac- and inhibited by steroids such as dexametha-
tive enzyme is a homo-dimer with subunits of sone. Some investigators also reported in-
74,000 Da. As described earlier (2), the dimer creased enzyme concentrations in response to
containing two noncovalent heme moieties growth factors by Western blot with antibod-
initially interacts with endogenous peroxide ies thought to be specific for COX-1 (287).
where a two-electron reaction occurs. A one- The discovery of a second cyclooxygenase
electron translocation provides the tryosyl enzyme initiated an explosion of research.
radical reauired for interaction with arachi- This research showed that COX-2 was distin-
donic acid. When the cyclooxygenase site is guished from COX-1 by a slightly larger mo-
occupied by arachidonic acid, the 13 pro-S hy- lecular mass, rarity of mRNA expression, and
drogen is extracted to yield an arachidonyl induction by growth factors and cytokines
radical. The fatty acid radical then reacts with (280). Further work has yielded information
molecular oxygen to form the 11-hydroxylrad- with significant detail in the biochemical, cel-
ical, which subsequently cyclizes a Cll to C, lular, pharmacological, and structural differ-
endoperoxide moiety, interacts with a second ences between the two enzymes.
molecule of O,, and ultimately produces
8.4 Structural Features of COX-1
PGG,. As described in more detail (280) the
and COX-2 Enzymes
tyrosyl radical can cycle through the peroxi-
dase site if no arachidonate is available. Al- A large body of structural biology information
though reasonably well understood and ac- on the two cyclooxygenases, COX-1 and
cepted, there are still controversies in the COX-2 (PGHS-1 and PGHS-2) now exists.
PGH mechanism (281). Subsequent to purifi- Overall, the data indicate a remarkable degree
cation efforts, cyclooxygenase 1 was cloned of similarity between the enzymes. They differ
first from sheep (282) and then from other spe- in length by only 11 amino acids, with COX-2
cies. Ex~ression of COX-1 occurs in most if not being slightly larger. The differences in se-
all mammalian tissues and cells in culture quence are predominantly in the membrane-
(283, 284). The crystal structure of ovine binding domain. The overall structure of the
COX-1 was solved in 1994 and allowed rigor- human and mouse COX-2 is superimposable
ous interpretation of numerous biochemical on the ovine COX-1 structure (280). Both en- .
and site-directed mutagenesis work (285). Im- zymes are dimers with three structural do-
portant aspects of the crystal structure are mains: an N-terminal EGF domain of approx-
discussed below in comparison to COX-2. imately 50 amino acids, a membrane-binding
domain of about 50 amino acids, and a large
8.3 Cyclooxygenase 2
C-terminal globular domain that contains the
As described above, the first described cyclo- catalytic domain. The dimer interacts with the
oxygenase was purified and characterized in membrane in a novel way, associating with the
the late 1970s. This work -provided the molec- inner leaflet but not penetrating the entire
ular framework for connecting the biochemis- membrane, as supposed before the crystal
try of the enzyme studies predominantly in structure of COX-1 was elucidated (285).
seminal vesicle preparations and in the plate- The nature of the active site. how substrate
let, with the biology that had expanded to in- is bound, and in particular how inhibitors bind
clude all major organ systems and most cell in the two active sites have been extensively
types. In the 198&, however, several groups studied (280, 290). As COX-2 was discovered,
began to obtain data inconsistent with the the availability of the COX-1 crystal structure
characteristics of the cyclooxygenase in plate- allowed for models, particularly site-directed
lets and seminal vesicles. In particular, hor- mutagenesis, to explore differences in the two
monal control of prostaglandins in cells such active sites. Early modeling studies indicated
as fibroblasts and macrophages (286,287) and clearly that the first layer of amino acids in the
in vivo (288,289) were inconsistent with a sin- active site were largely conserved, with the
gle enzyme. These publications proposed two exception of valine509(291). A few differences
pools of cyclooxygenase, one static and unre- also occur at the next "layer" of amino acids
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

surrounding the active site. Good evidence for duction that requires only seconds or a few
the importance of the valine residue comes minutes. Additionally the expression of
from mutation of that residue causing changes COX-2 enzyme is usually the rate-limiting
in the selectivity of agents (292)and from crys- step for COX-2-driven eicosanoid formation,
tal structures with SC-558 (51c), where it was not substrate release.
found that this inhibitor "wedges" the sulfon- Several groups have explored the molecu-
amide group into a hydrophobic side pocket lar details of how COX-2 expression is in-
that is inaccessible in COX-1 (292). Movement duced. It appears that agents that induce
of the valine and insertion of sulfonamide or COX-2 expression do so by both inducing
methyl sulfone moieties common to many se- COX-2 mRNA production as well as stabiliz-
lective COX-2 agents may be critical for the ing the mRNA. Recent work by Song et al.
selectivity seen for these agents. Structures indicates that COX-2 expression is normally
with inhibitors and using nitroxide-labeled silenced through a hypermethylation mecha-
enzyme show clearly that the active site is nism (299). Induction of COX-2 mRNA has
modified by inhibitor and substrate binding been reported to occur through IL-1 media-
(293). Indeed, structural flexibility may be im- tion, ceramide-dependent MAP kinases, p38
portant for catalysis (293). Recently, the crys- MAP kinase, and IKBkinases (296-298,300).
tal structures of COX-2 with arachidonic acid Recently, the PEA3 family of transcription
and PGG, (294) in the active site have been factors as well as NFKBp65 have been shown
determined. In particular, the structure with to increase COX-2 mRNA levels (301). PPAR y
PGG, is supportive of earlier biochemical and has been shown to suppress LPS induction of
modeling data, illustrating again the similari- COX-2 in macrophages (302). In addition, p53
ties between the two enzymes. has been shown to be a transcriptional inhib-
itor, explaining the expression of COX-2 in tu-
8.5 Biosynthesis of Prostaglandins
mor cells that in many cases lose p53 (303).
Prostaglandins are made by nearly every or- Associated with COX-2 expression in tumors is
gan system, tissue, and cell in the body. Under the report that k Ras, a protein associated with
normal conditions this is predominantly tumors, increases the stability of COX-2 mRNA
driven by COX-1. This enzyme is broadly ex- (304). The anti-inflammatory activities of salic-
pressed and is constitutively active (290). Un- ylate and corticosteroids are at least partly at-
der homeostatic conditions, prostaglandin for- tributable to suppression of COX-2 expression
mation is controlled by substrate availability by suppression of transcription and mRNA de-
and perhaps peroxide tone (295). Most cells stabilization, respectively (288).
and tissues tightly regulate free fatty acid con- In several cellular systems, higher levels of
centrations to be very low. The chief enzymes prostaglandin production have been associ-
responsible for this are the fatty acid transac- ated with COX-2 expression. In some cells (e.g.
ylases, which rapidly reacylate free fatty acid WISH) expression of both enzymes yields
into either phospholipids or triglycerides. prostaglandin production from only COX-2, as
Agents that stimulate production of prosta- shown by specific inhibitors (Hulkower and
glandins from COX-1 have primarily been Bell, unpublished observations, 1996; 305). In
agents that cause a calcium spike inside cells. addition COX-1 appears to prefer exogenous
In contrast to COX-1, expression of COX-2 is arachidonic acid, whereas with endogenous
normally limited in the body to specific cells in substrate COX-2 metabolism is predominant
kidney, brain, and pancreas (290). In general, (298). These phenomena have three possible
COX-2 must be induced for substantial con- explanations: (1) specific linkage of each en-
centrations of prostaglandins to occur (290). A zyme with a specific phospholipase, (2)linkage
plethora of inducers have been reported and of COX-2 to an inducible PGE, synthase, and
fall into several classes including cytokines, (3) regulation by peroxide tone.
growth factors, and hormones (296-298). A number of enzymes have been linked to
COX-2-dependent prostaglandin production arachidonic acid release and subsequent pros-
thus occurs over hours rather than minutes, taglandin formation. Types 11, V, and IV
in contrast to COX-1-driven eicosanoid pro- PLA,s have been linked to prostaglandin re-
8 Biochemistry and Structural Biology of Cyclooxygenases 233

lease as well as phospholipase Cldigyceride diovascular, gastric, kidney, and reproductive

iipase and phospholipase D (306). The enzyme organ systems. Recent research, takingadvan-
responsible for release of substrate may be tage of the availability of selective COX-2 in-
stimulus and cell type dependent. In the mast hibitors and reagents differentiating the ex-
eell early phases of AA release are dependent on pression of the two enzymes, has begun to
a phospholipase different from that in the sec- detail the relative contribution of the two en-
ondary phase (307). A number of workers have zymes in these organs and their function.
euggested specific phospholipase activation cou- The clearest function is in the gastrointes-
pled to either COX-2 or COX-1 (308,309). tinal (GI) tract, where prostaglandins clearly
Very recently, two laboratories have made play a protective role, as evidenced by the su-
progress in identifjing the enzymes responsi- perior safety of COX-!&selective agents and
ble for PGE, production from PGH,. Two en- the protective effects of misoprostal on the GI
zymes have been identified. The first is a cyto- lining. The primary drawback of traditional
solic, constitutively expressed enzyme and nonselective agents is in the gastric system,
appears linked to COX-1 (308,310). The other where reduction of protective prostaglandins
enzyme is microsomal in location, is inducible, causes ulceration, bleeding, and occasionally
and appears linked with COX-2 PGE, produc- death.
tion (310-313). The importance of the induc- Cardiovascular effects of prostaglandins
ible PGE, synthase in control of the relative are more complex. The coagulation system is
contribution of COX-1 versus COX-2 PGE, clearly modulated by platelet-derived throm-
production remains to be thoroughly under- boxanes, which have procoagulation effects
hood but has significant potential, perhaps and the anticoagulative effects of endothelial
even as a new drug target. cell-derived prostacyclin. Thromboxanes are
Finally, a third molecular mechanism for clearly COX-1 derived because platelets do not
the difference between the two COX enzymes' express COX-2. The source of endothelial cell
turnover and activation rate has been pro- - prostacyclin production is less clear with both
posed. Elegant kinetic studies show clearly enzymes expressed and mixed opinions on the
that the two enzymes differ in the peroxide relative contribution of the two enzymes. Re-
reaction kinetics of stabilization of the active cent results with Vioxx, a selective COX-2 in-
cyclooxygenase species. The interpretation of hibitor, imply a modest effect on myocardial
these studies is that a lower level of peroxide is infarction rate in patients taking the com-
required for COX-2 turnover than that for pound but do not define whether this is caused
COX-1. Practically, this means that under by a change in ratio simply by a lack of platelet
some cellular conditions COX-1 is silent, effect or that inhibition of endothelial cell
whereas COX-2 produces prostaglandins in prostacyclin also skews the pro- and anticoag-
significant amounts (291). ulant ratio.
A final aspect of cyclooxygenase biosynthe- Prostaglandins regulate renin-angiotensin
3is of prostaglandins is the cellular location of secretion and thus glomerular filtration rate
the enzymes. A number of investigators (280, and sodium homeostasis. These effects appear
290) have described a preference for COX-2 to to be COX-2 driven (315). The kidney is a rare
localize to nuclear membranes compared to organ, one that expresses COX-2 under non-
COX-1, although this is cell and stimulus de- pathological situations. Expression in the loop
pendent. Recent publications have also de- of Henle apparently drives prostaglandin for-
mibed COX-2 location in lipid bodies and in mation in the kidney and the subsequent
caveoli (314). physiological responses. Thus a selective
agent would likely have similar negative ef-
8.6 Actions of Cyclooxygenase-Derived fects on kidney function as those of the nonse-
Eicosanoids lective NSAIDs. This is apparently the case
with both Vioxx and Celebrex (315).
8.6.1 Homeostatic Effects of Prostaglandins. Prostaglandins play important roles in
k large number of organ systems are influ- each step of mammalian reproduction. These
rnced by prostaglandins. These include car- prostaglandins appear to be COX-2 derived, as
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

delineated by COX-2 null mice (316). Thus the nism for cyclooxygenase inhibition. Several
reproductive effects associated with NSAIDs reviews have addressed various aspects of the
would be expected to occur with COX-2-selec- COX-2 story (428), a very recent review (386)
tive agents as well. and two minireviews or summaries (398,399)
are cited within the following discussion on
8.6.2 Pathophysiological Effects of Prosta- this section.
glandins. Nonselective COX inhibitors, the
NSAIDs, have long been used as anti-inflam- 9.2 Structure-Activity Relationships
matory, antipyretic, and analgesic agents.
Studies in animals and in humans show 9.2.1 CSulfonylphenyl COX-2 Class. The
clearly that selective COX-2 inhibitors such as most investigated area of selective COX-2 in-
rofecoxib and celecoxib are as effective in hibitors is the 4-sulfonylphenyl super genus or
these areas as earlier nonselective agents. family, to which both Celebrex (celecoxib)and
These results strongly indicate that the major- Vioxx (rofecoxib) belong (325, 326). Often re-
ity of the prostaglandins causing inflamma- ferred to as the "tricyclic," "diaryl," or "cis-
tion, pain, and fever are COX-2 derived. stilbene" class, the lead structures for this
Older nonselective agents and more re- general class were a series of known diaryl anti-
cently new selective COX-2 inhibitors have inflammatory agents. The most referenced lead
been shown to have anticancer effects in ani- structure appears to be DuP 697 (49) (327).
mal models and some human experience
(317). These studies imply effects of prosta-
glandins on several stages of cancer progres-
sion. Early studies have shown prostaglandins
to be important as modulators of cell prolifer-
ation (318) and, not unexpectedly, COX-2 in-
hibitors have shown pro-apoptotic effects
(319). More recently, expression of COX-2 has
been shown to be cell cycle dependent in hu-
man fibroblasts (320) and associated with G1
delay in intestinal epithelial cells (321). Even
earlier in cancer cell progression than tumor (49) DuP 697
cell growth, COX-2 inhibitors block carcino-
genesis in animal models (322). Finally, COX- The development of this compound was in
2-selective agents block later stages of tumor part driven by the observation of less gastro-
growth such as angiogenesis (323). Most sig- intestinal irritation in animal models. A struc-
nificantly, it was shown recently that overex- tural representative of this early class of anti-
pression of COX-2 in mice was sufficient to inflammatory agents, predating DuP 697, is
cause tumorigenicity (324). illustrated by flumizole (50) (328). After the
discovery of the inducible COX isoform, ana-
logs having a methanesulfonylphenyl moiety

9.1 Agents Inhibiting COX-2

The hypothesis that a selective COX-2 inhibi-
tor would be safer and therefore provide an
attractive alternative to NSAIDs has been val-
idated by the clinical successes of Celebrex and
Vioxx. Both of these agents are from the larg-
est or most studied class of COX-2 inhibitors,
although other classes have been identified
and each has characteristic kinetic and ther-
modynamic parameters describing a mecha- (50) Flumizole
9 Selective COX-2 Inhibitors

as one of the aryl rings were quickly segre- The common pharmacophore shared by
gated as a subclass having high COX-2 selec- these two structures and this class consists of
tivities. The 4-methylsulfone or 4-sulfon- two vicinal substituents being attached to ad-
amide-substituted phenyl ring is the hallmark jacent sp2 atoms of a five-membered heterocy-
ofthisclass of selective COX-2 inhibitors. Sub- cle or carbocycle. One of the two must be a
sequent crystallographicstudies of the protein 4-sulfonylphenyl moiety and the other is often
with inhibitors have provided the rationale for a second substituted phenyl ring. This concept
this structural requirement (285, 329-331). has been applied very successfully to many
Initial studies showing that mouse and human heterocycles and confirmed the generality of
enzyme proteins were quite similar were fol- this scaffold or template model for this class.
lowed by an X-ray structure of SC588 (51c) Analogs using the 1,5-diarylpyrazole (51, 57)
cocrystalized with mouse COX-2 (329). These of celecoxib (51a)as a scaffold as well as re-
studies revealed an extra side pocket created lated 3,4-diarylpyrazoles (332), 1,Sdiarylpyr-
by an isole~cine/valine~~~ switch and that this roles (63, 64, Table 5.1), l,2-diarylimidazoles
new "nook" apparently is engaged in binding (59,Table 5.1) (334),4,5-diarylimidazoles (58)
of the methylsulfone moiety and provides an (335),4,5-diarylthiazoles(60) (336, 337), 4,5-
opportunity for COX-2 selectivity. This site is diaryloxazoles (332, 338), and 3, 4-diarylisox-
the most prominent difference in the COX-1 azoles (valdecoxib, SC-65872, Bextra, 53) have
vs. COX-2 active-site comparisons. This differ-
ence provides a key design element of in-
creased steric bulk to augment COX-2 selec-
tivity. SAR studies reported for celecoxib
(Ma) and rofecoxib (52) illustrate many gen-
eral characteristics of this class.

(53) Valdecoxib SC-65872

been thoroughly studied (339,340). In addition

to the 2(5H)-furanone sdfold of rofecoxib (52),
related cyclopentenone (341), 3(2H) furanone
(342), and 1,5-pyrrolin-2-ones (343) have also
(51) Searle Series been reported as closely related series based on
(51a) R1 = NH3, Rz = CH3 Celecoxib carbonyl-containing heterocyclic templates or
(51b) R1 = CH3, Rz = C1 SC-263
scaffolds. Other five-membered heterocycles
(51c) R1 = NH3, R z = Br SC-588
(51d) R1 = NH3, Rz = F SC-58451 have been developed, including 3,4-diarylthiazo-
(51e) R1 = CH3, Rz = F SC-58125 lin-2-one (344),4,5-diaryloxazolones(345,3461,
diarylthiadiazole (3471,and diaryltriazole (348).
Other core scaffolds or templates have also been
developed from modified five-membered hetero-
cycles that have been fused to a second cyclic
ring (349351). Many examples of these het-
eroaryl-bicyclic templates have been reported,
including FR-228352 (54, reported to be in
phase I testing (340). Six-membered heterocy-
clic d o l d s have also been shown to be effec-
tive and include pyridine (352) [etoricoxib, (55)
(52) Rofecoxib (MK 966) (353)],pyridazinone (354), and pyranone (355).
236 COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

Table 5.1 COX Activity/Selectivity of Selected Inhibitors

Template COX-1 (/Lao COX-2 (/Lao R Reference
(57a) 25.5 0.41 NH2 325
(5%) 0.08 0.01 NH2 325
(58a,b) >lo0 0.19 CH3 335
(59a) >loo 5.85 CH3 334
(59b) 36 0.1 CH3 335
(60a) >loo 0.023 (3% 337
(60b) 1.07 0.006 CH3 337
(61a) (DuP697) 0.6 0.005 cH3 364
(61b) 1.1 0.02 CH3 364
(62a) >lo0 0.25 CH3 364
(62b) >50 4.3 CH3 364
(63a) >loo 0.06 CH3 333
(63b) >I00 >lo0 '333 333
(64a) >loo 0.51 CH3 333
(64b) >100 10.2 cH3 333

Five- and six-membered carbocycles have the template. Minor changes in positioning
also been incorporated as efficient scaffolds. the two aryl rings can result in dramatic dif-
Examples using phenyl (known as terphenyls) ferences in selectivity between two very simi-
(356,357),cyclopentene (356,358-362), cyclo- lar isomers on the same template. Table 5.1
pentadiene (359), cyclobutenone (3631, and shows data from several analogs where the rel-
naphthyl (356) cores or scaffolds have been ative positions of the two key substituents
described. The cyclopentene series was opti- have been interchanged on a given template.
mized to a high degree, producing many very In the 3-trifluoromethylpyrazole template, or
potent and selective COX-2 inhibitors with celecoxib series, the 4-sulfonylpheny moiety
good in vivo activity (e.g., 56, SC-57666). must be attached in a 1,3 relationship relative
Other structural elements on the scaffold to the 3-trifluoromethyl substituent of the
may be relevant in relation to the regiochem- pyrazole, as in both ( 5 7 4 and (57b)(Fig. 5.4).
istry of the two key adjacent substituents on Both of these isomers are potent COX-2 inhib-
9 Selective COX-2 Inhibitors

(58);these isomers have the same 1,3 relation-

ship of the 4-methanesulfonylphenyl and the
3- CF, substituents. Scaffold symmetry elimi-
nates further analysis, given that the isomers
with respect to the imidazole NH cannot be
resolved. The 1,2-4-trifuoromethylimidazole
(59a, 59b; Fig. 5.4) shows a somewhat differ-
ent result in terms of selectivity relative to the
1,5-pyrazoleof the celecoxib series (37a, 3%).
The isomer (59b), which is more potent at
both isoforms, turns out to be the more selec-
tive because of an increase in affinity at
(55) etoricoxib (MK-0663)
COX-2. When applied to the 4,5-thiazole (60a,
60b) scaffold, the 6sulfonylphenyl moiety ad-
itors. One isomer (57a) has superior selectiv- jacent to the nitrogen of the heterocycle,
ity. The isomer with the 4-sulfonylphenyl ring (60a), is much more selective than the other
in the 5-position and F-phenyl in the l-posi- (60b) (Fig. 5.4) isomer by virtue of a much
tion (57b)had higher affinity for COX-2 but weaker COX-1 activity and little change in the
was less selective because of a dramatic simul- COX-2 potency. Reported SAR for the thio-
taneous increase in COX-1 potency. phene series reveals a much smaller difference
e 4,5-diaryl-3-trifluoromethylimdazole in potency and overall COX-2 selectivity be-
Id produces a selective COX-2 inhibitor tween isomers (61a and 61b).This template

A~ Arl&*

0 /
A12 3 Ar2 3 A r2

65 a, b 66 a, b 67 a,b

(a) Arl = - $0s02R Ar2=

(b) Arl = = $ O F \ /
Ar2= - $ e S 0 2 R

Figure 5.4. Carbonyl containing heterocyclic templates.

COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

has the sulfur heteroatom as well as the

2-bromo substituent as structures introduc-
ing template asymmetry, but shows little pref-
erence with respect to the relative 4,5 position
of the 4-methylsulfonephenyl moiety. For
comparison, in the thiophene template with-
out the 2-bromo substituent (62a, 62b) an ap-
proximately 2 log shift to the right in COX-1
potency is observed but only about a 10-fold
shift in COX-2 potency for the "a" isomer
(62a), which has the most "useful" selectivity
of the 4-thiophene compounds shown. Of the
two possible isomers of the 5-methyl pyrrole
scaffold, the "a" isomer (63a) has good COX-2
selectivity, with the "b" isomer (63b) being
one of the few analogs completely inactive at
COX-2. The unsubstituted pyrrole (64a, 64b)
exhibits a similar trend, with the a isomer
having superior activity at COX-2 and there-
fore being a selective agent, although the rel-
ative increases are dramatically different from
what was observed in the methyl-substituted
template (63).
A related phenomenon is the similar re-
quirement of a 1,3 relationship of the Csulfo-
nylphenyl ring and a structural feature of the
scaffold. In the rofecoxib series, the relative two key aromatic substituents on the scaffold,
position of carbonyl of the furanone is critical. is currently not well developed. Although X-
The analog (65a) (Fig. 5.4), where the rel- ray structures and modeling techniques have
ative position of the Csulfonylphenyl ring and provided valuable gross features of the en-
the carbonyl are 1,2, is inactive at both iso- zyme, to date a large number of X-ray struc-
forms; the reverse orientation, (65b), is of tures with bound ligands have not been avail-
course the highly selective rofecoxib template. able. The scaffold model does seem valid,
Similar to the rofecoxib series, the 4,Bdisubsti- based on the wide range of heterocycles that
tuted pyridazinones (365) show a required 1,3 have been used and, with a few exceptions (see
relationship of the sulfonylphenyl moiety and 65a and the other non-l,3-carbonyl analogs
the template carbonyl. Of the possible four iso- 66a and 67b), most produce potent COX-2 in-
mers, only two analogs (66b and 67a) (Fig. 5.4) hibitors with less potent COX-1 activity.
are potent selective COX-2 inhibitors. One of the only successful modifications for
Broader variations on the scaffold model the methylsulfone moiety has been the unsub-
have been reported in the patent literature. A stituted sulfonamide. Both sulfonamide and
prodrug of the rofecoxib furanone template sulfone analogs can also be quite potent
has been reported (366). The cis-stilbene-like against COX-1, however. The extra isoleucinel
structure (68) can undergo metabolic oxida- dine5', space is limited, even in COX-2, and
tion to produce the selective 2,3-diary fura- the SAR for this substituent is very restrictive.
none. A variation on the 1,2 vicinal substitu- For example, the N-methyl sulfonamide in the
tion is the reported analog (69), with geminal celecoxib series was inactive (325). Reversal of
positioning of the two aryl rings off the exocy- the N and SO, atoms gave an inactive com-
clic olefin of the butyrolactone template (367, pound. The introduction of other strong elec-
368). tron-drawing group replacements for sulfonyl
The rationale for these related phenomena, like nitro or COCF, lead to inactive com-
involving the critical relative positions of the pounds at COX-2. The 4-nitro analog (70) did
9 Selective COX-2 Inhibitors

359-361,364). The sulfonamide can have su-

perior bioavailability and physicochemical
properties that are manifested in greater in
vivo efficacy in the anti-inflammatory models.
Celecoxib has incorporated the sulfonamide as
a balance of selectivity and in vivo efficacy.
The JTE-522 compound (73)introduced a flu-


lave some COX-1 activity (IC,,, COX-1, 1.75

phfl (325). Only a few highly COX-1-selective
inhibitors have been reported, which are often
found as part of SAR analysis of sulfonyl re- (73) JTE 522
jlacements. Examples of very selective COX-1
analogs from the pyrazole (71) (325) andI thio- orine ortho to the sulfonamide and reported
phene (72) (364) series have been identified. the compound with this modification regained
COX-2 selectivity more characteristic of the
methylsulfone analog (369, 370).
In contrast to the restrictive nature of al-
lowed modifications for the 4-sulfonylphenyl
substituent, a wide variety of structures can
be incorporated to replace the second phenyl
ring. 4-Halogen-substituted phenyl is the
most used reference substituent for this posi-
tion. The early Searle candidate, SC-263 (51b)
CF3 with a 4-C1 substituent was found to have an
unacceptably long half-life, which can also be
characteristic of this class. In celecoxib (51a),
introduction of the para-methyl group on this
ring, as a site for metabolic oxidation, reduced
the rat plasma half-life from 221 h for SC-263
(51b)to 3.5 h for celecoxib (51a)(325). Clini-
cal trials with DuP 697 also identified its ex-
tremely long half-life of 292 h as a develop-
ment issue (371). In general halogen and small
alkyl groups are well tolerated on this ring;
F stronger electron-donating groups, such as
methoxy, are tolerated in the 4-position as
well. Other halogen effects on this ring are
noted in the rofecoxib derivative DFU (74)
[the name DFU appears to be an acronym re-
A significant empirical trend has been iden- lated to the 5,5-dimethy-2(5H)-furanone scaf-
ified by comparison of direct sulfonamide and fold] (372, 373). Improved selectivity can in
ulfone analogs. The sulfonamide analog is part be attributed to the introduction of the
pnerally more potent but this usually applies ortho fluorine atom into the non-sulfone-bear-
o both isoforms. In many cases the COX-1 ing phenyl ring. Dihalogen substitution also
lotency is often disproportionately increased, frequently gave compounds with a 1000-fold
3ading to a decreased selectivity ratio (332, in vitro selectivity (325). SAR studies indicate
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

the phenylsulfonyl substituent (354). Even

more polar substituents, such as alkoxyhy-
droxy substitution, have been reported to
maintain good COX-2 selectivity in the pyri-
dine scaffold series (376).
The Abbott compound ABT-963 (76)has a
3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyloxysubstituent adja-

(74) DFU

many heterocycles to be bioisosteric, with phe-

nyl for many templates (337, 352, 374). The
traditional, older diary1classification or termi-
nology to describe this class has been sup-
planted by demonstration that the non-4-sul-
fonylphenyl vicinal substituent can be a
number of lipophilic as well as polar nonphe-
nyl substituents. JTE-522 (73) was one of the cent to the 4-methanesulfonylphenyl moiety
first widely referenced analogs with a cyclo- and shows improved selectivity as well as ex-
hexyl ring in place of substituted phenyl(369). hibiting superior solubility, protein binding
DFP (75) (DFP is also a possible acronym and pharmacokinetics (365). Additional tern-
indicating propyloxy substitution on the di- plate or scaffold substituents, beyond the well-
studied 4-methanesufonylphenyl and its 1,2
vicinal partner, are limited and are more spe-
cific to the template or scaffold. In the cele-
coxib series the 3- CF, pyrazole substituent
appears optimized, although a wide variety of
substituents were tolerated (325). Several
substituents, including hydroxymethyl, cya-
nomethyl, benzyloxymethyl, Cmethoxyphe-
nyl, and 5-chloro-2-thienyl in the 3-position,
were shown to maintain potency and selectiv-
ity comparable to those of the CF, analog. The
hydroxymethyl-substituted analog was active,
(75) D F P similar to a reported hydroxymethyl metabo-
lite of valdecoxib that was isolated and re-
methyl-furanone scaffold), a potent analog of ported to have a potent selective COX-2 activ-
DFU, introduced methylpropoxy subtitution ity as well as oral anti-inflammatory activity
for phenyl and maintained COX-2 selectivity (339). Some minimal size or specific electronic
and potency (375). In addition to alkoxy, nature of the 3-pyrazole substituent appears
thioalkoxy and aminopyridyl substitution ad- to be important, given that the 3-methyl ana-
jacent to the sulfonylphenyl ring using a pyri- log of celecoxib displays very weak COX-2 ac-
dine ring central scaffold were reported to pro- tivity and the 3-unsubstituted analog is corn-
duce potent COX-2 inhibitors (376). The pletely inactive (>I00 f l at COX-2). This
presence of these polar side chains was pro- example illustrates one of the weaknesses
posed to improve oral bioavailability through of this heteroaryl template (347) general
improved absorption. Arylpyridazinones have strategy.
also been shown to tolerate 3-methylbutoxy A small change in the template can render
and 2-methylpropoxy substituents adjacent to it a poor scaffold. The 1,3 relationship of the
9 Selective COX-2 Inhibitors

3-trifluoromethyl substituent and the 4-meth-

anesulfonylpheny substituent on the pyrazole
g is an example of an optimized template.
an attempt to survey a large number of five-
membered templates to find a replacement for
the thiophene template, the unsubstituted
4,5-diaryloxazole was discarded for lack of po-
tency (347).The 4,5-diaryl-2-methyloxazole is
a template that produces selective analogs and
is found in JTE-522 and, like the 1,5-diaryl-
pyazole scaffold of celecoxib, requires an addi-
tional small substituent for maximun activity.
A series of 1-arylpyrrolin-2-ones (343) em-
ploys an additional aryl substituent on the
scaffold similar to the pyridazinones (354).
This class of COX-2 inhibitors is generally
pophilic and lacks water solubility; the for-
mulation of a parental or i.v. administrable
COX-2 inhibitor has been addressed by Phar-
macia in development of a water-soluble pro-
drug of valdecoxib (531, known as parecoxib

sodium (77) (340, 377).

this compound (79) is reported to be 33-fold

selective for COX-2.

9.2.2 N-Arylsulfonamides. Lead structures

for this class of selective COX-2 agents were
Na 0 also compounds developed as anti-inflamma-
tory agents before the discovery of the COX-2
H 3 C0~ N \ 0
! - isoform. Nimesulide (R-805,80)was identified

(77) Parecoxib Sodium

This compound is derived from acylation of

e sulfonamide moiety of valdecoxib, followed
treatment with sodium hydroxide. The acidic
acylsulfonamide forms a water-soluble sodium
salt that is stable for administration but cleanly
delivers valedecoxib once in plasma.
Related methanesulfonylheteroaryl inhibi- (80) nimesulide (R-805)
tors (78 and 79) from Chugai are reported in
the patent literature (378). These compounds as an NSAID anti-inflammatory drug with
ay be interacting in a manner similar to that weak prostaglandin synthetase activity (COX-1)
of the methanesulfonylphenyl inhibitors, al- but potent in vivo in the carrageenan-induced
though they do not fit the general model be- edema model (379). An analog of nimesulide,
cause there is no substituent adjacent to the from Taisho, NS-398 (81) was shown to be a
sulfonyl group on the aromatic scaffold. The selective COX-2 inhibitor (380). This class has
direct attachment of the methanesulfonyl a characteristic acidic proton by virtue of the
group to a nonphenyl ring appears to be novel. N-arylsulfonamide or methanesulfonanilide.
Both cores reported are indole derived and A related analog, FK-3311(83),incorporated a
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

ether congener of Flosulide. L-745,337 is more

active than Flosulide in the rat paw edema in
vivo assay (383,384). The SAR for this series is
reported to be very limited with cyclohexyl,
thiazole, and to a lesser extent pyridyl being
some of the very few substituents that can re-
place the phenoxy ring (385). This restrictive
SAR may also explain the lack of further re-
ported development of this series.

9.3 Selective NSAlDs and NSAlDs Modified

for Improved COX-2 Selectivity

methyl ketone as an alternative to the nitro Given the homology between the two cy-
electron-withdrawing group and introduced clooxygenases, the reexamination of known
2,4-difluoro substitution into the phenoxy anti-inflammatory agents, with particular in-
ether ring (381). This series was expanded to terest in reported PGHS inhibitors, is an area
show that thiophenoxy ethers were as potent of research regenerated by the identification
as the oxygen analogs. Flosulide (GP-28238, of the inducible COX-2 isoform. Some of the
84) incorporates a difluorophenoxy substitu- most selective NSAIDs, such as diclofenac,
have COX-1ICOX-2 selectivities in about the
threefold range (386). However, tomexiprole
(86) was reported to have 30-fold COX-2 selec-

(84) Flosulide (CGP 28238)

ent ortho to the sulfonanalide and introduces a

modified electron-withdrawing keto group, as
part of a conformational restricted fused cy-
clopentanone (382).
(86) tornoxiprole
Flosulide was shown also to be a selective
COX-2 inhibitor, less potent than NS 398 but
with better pharmacokinetic properties (383). tivity (387). Surprisingly, etodolac (87) has
Flosulide was used as a lead for development been reported to be as selective as the rofe-
of L-745,337 (85), which is the direct thio- coxib derivative DFU (COX-l/COX-2, 1000x)
9 Selective COX-2 Inhibitors

(87) etodolac


Other NSAIDs with weak COX-2 selectiv- (89) indomethacin

ity. like meloxicam. have been modified, with
considerable structural reorganization, tution or conversion to 4-bromobenzyl, have
yield structures like (88)with enhanced se improved selectivity (391). A second, more
general modification has been the homologa-
tion or extension of the carboxyl functionality
in combination with alkyl branching, produc-
ing selective inhibitors like L-761,000 (90)

The model of tlie COX-2 protein as having a

larger binding site has been used for rational
design of superior COX-2 selectivity into exist-
ig NSAIDs. In addition to modeling studies, The alkyl branching on the carbon frame-
supporting evidence has been the observation work extending the acid primarily blocks sites
after acetylation by aspirin, COX-2 ,still of oxidative metabolism. Arnides and esters
oduces large amounts of 15-HETE after ad- formed using bulky or substituted alcohols
dition of AA (391). This activity was not ob- and amines have also produced indomethacin
served with COX-1, which is inactivated by derivatives like (91), with improved selectivity
aspirin acetylation. The rationale that follows through structural extension of the carboxy-
im~liesthat the COX-2 Docket of o~ening.
A ., is late domain (393). Incorporation of the car-
ge enough, even after acylation of key reesi- boxylate of indomethacin into the latent car-
not bony1 of a thiazole ring (92) as a way to extend
have steric access to the smaller COX-1 pocket the structural framework and take advantage
aRer acetylation. Two types of modifications of the larger binding cavity of COX-2 is a re-
of indomethacin (89) have been shown to in- lated approach (394).The carboxyl functional-
crease COX-2 selectivity. Modifications to the ity of zomepirac has been extended as a sulfon-
N-benzoyl moiety, including trichloro substi- amide (931, with improved COX-2 selectivity
COX-2 lnhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

were also extended bulky amides like (95) and

presumably correlate to a difference in bind-
ing pockets (396). Modification of COX-1 bind-
ing ligands for greater COX-2 selectivity has
been successfully achieved and has been sup-
ported by structural information about the en-

9.4 Irreversible lnhibitors

Aspirin is known to covalently acetylate the
Ser530residue in COX-1 and is the only known
(386). Flurbiprofen can be converted into a NSAID to irreversibly inactivate COX-1 by
more COX-2-selective agent (94) by addition this mechanism. Acetylation by aspirin of the
of steric bulk in the form of two ethoxy groups COX-2 enzyme did not lead to inactivation but
to the terminal phenyl ring (395). No clinical did modify the product formed to 15-HPETE
data have been reported with modified (391). The acetoxyheptynyl sulfide (96), has
NSAIDs thus far.
Selective compounds have been designed
de novo; the most selective analogs reported
9 Selective COX-2 Inhibitors

been developed as a selective COX-2 inhibitor, 900 nM for COX-2 in the broken cell assays
which similar to aspirin covalently acetylates (380, 326) and 10 to 50 nM for COX-2 in the
Ser516in COX-2 (397). engineered CHO cell (383, 392). DuP 697 is a
Unlike aspirin, this compound is reported potent COX-2 inhibitor in the CHO cell, with
to selectively acetylate the COX-2 serine resi- an IC,, value of 2-10 nM (383, 363). It is also
due and selectively inactivate COX-2. The COX-2 selective, having a weaker correspond-
bulky heptynyl side-chain was optimized for ing COX-1 IC,, (59-100 nM). The most potent
COX-2 selectivity in this S A R study and the COX-2 IC,, values are single-digit nanomolar
selective inhibition reported must be related and many of the cyclopentene derivatives ap-
to the differences in active site or binding proach this maximal activity (360, 362). The
pocket size, similar to the strategy for creating furanone derivatives appear to have a slightly
many other selective inhibitors from modifica- weaker potency against COX-2 but are also
tions of COX-1 inhibitors. much weaker against COX-1, resulting in sim-
ilar selectivity ratios.
9.5 Biochemical Assays, Selectivities, Later reported data indicate most compa-
and Potencies nies switching to human whole blood (HWBL)
assays for better indications of the effects of
One of the challenges associated with evaluat- protein binding and other pharmacokinetic
ing COX-l/COX-2selectivity is trying to define parameters considered relevant in correlating
or identify accurate affinities or dissociation in viuo potencies and selectivity. Most of the
constants for compound comparison. Inhibi- reported compounds, including celecoxib and
tory concentration data against purified pro- rofecoxib, are much weaker in the HWBL as-
tein obtained from baculovirus or CHO cells says, with potencies on the order of 0.5-1 @.
transfected with COX-1 or COX-2 have pro- Merck reports an IC,, value for rofecoxib in
vided a majority of the information with re- the human COX-2 HWBL assay of 0.5 @,and
gard to relative potency of individual agents. A in the corresponding COX-1 HWBL assay, an
complicating factor is that inhibitory activity IC,, value of 19 pM (38-fold selectivity) (326,
exhibits a characteristic time-dependent phe- 353). Comparison values for celecoxib are re-
nomenon with many classes of COX-2 inhibi- ported to be an IC,, of COX-2 HWBL assay of
tors; only under the simplest kinetic condi- 1.0 @ and the corresponding COX-1 HWBL
tions, do K, values give good approximations assay, an IC,, value of 6.3 @ (-sixfold selec-
of equilibrium dissociation constants that are tivity). In this same comparison the JTE-522
needed to facilitate traditional S A R studies. In compound was found to have HWBL potencies nr
addition, the stable cell lines expressing the of approximately 33 and 100 @ for COX-2
two enzymes must be stimulated with exoge- and COX-1, respectively, for an approximate I:
nous AA, quite unlike the cellular situation only threefold selectivity. More recent agents
where AA is released in smaller concentra-
tions internally. Typical values reported for
such as etoricoxib (Arcoxia), valdecoxib (Bex-
tra), and ABT-963 have greater reported selec-
highly selective compounds against broken tivity in the human blood assays compared to @
cell or transfected CHO cells are micromolar that of rofecoxib and celecoxib.
COX-1 potencies and low nanomolar potencies One of the most important mechanistic
for COX-2 activity, giving approximately characteristics of COX-2 inhibition exhibited
1000-fold selectivity ratios. by many COX-2-selective inhibitors is the ob-
Celecoxib has IC,, values of 40 nM and 15 served time-dependent inhibition of COX-2
for COX-2 and COX-1, respectively, but not of COX-1. A slow, noncovalent,
against the recombinant human enzyme assay pseudo-irreversable conformational change in
(325). Rofecoxib has IC,, values of 20 nM and the protein occurs after binding of the inhibi-
>15 for COX-2 and COX-1, respectively, tor, but this is only observed in binding with
using protein from the CHO cell assay (326). the COX-2 enzyme (353,398,399). As a result,
Some of the nonselective reference com- a much lower concentration of inhibitor is re-
pounds are quite potent in COX-2; IC,, values quired for effective inactivation of the COX-2
reported for indomethacin range from 30 to enzyme after a longer incubation, even for a
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

compound with equal dissociation constants are very potent. ED,, values of 0.1 to 1 mg/kg
at the two isoforms. This time-dependent in- are achieved with analogs from many different
hibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis by cer- series; representative efficacies are as follows:
tain NSAIDs was examined by Lands and his celecoxib, ED,, 0.37 m&g (325); rofecoxib,
analysis showed that 0.3 $ flurbiprofen (an ED,, 0.15 mg/kg (326); DuP 697, ED,, 0.18
NSAID that shows this time-dependent phe- mg/kg (379); and indomethacin, ED,, 0.11
nomenon associated with a second conforma- m&g (325). COX-2 inhibitors have also
tional change after binding) could over a short shown excellent analgesic activity. Hyperanal-
time period compete with 50 $ibuprofen (a gesic paw models, either yeast-induced (Ran-
freely reversible NSAID), even though they dall-Selitto) or carrageenan-induced (Har-
both had similar dissociation constants (400). graves), are most commonly reported as a
In effect, this boosts the apparent selectivity measure of analgesic activity. Another model
for COX-2 of any inhibitor that can induce this that is often reported is the rat air pouch in-
COX-2-selective and time-dependent confor- flammation model. This model is reported to
mational change. This appears to be an im- measure anti-inflammatory events at the site
mense advantage to this type of inhibitor and of inflammation. The cyclooxygenase inhibi-
would argue that a lower selectivity could be tors are also very potent in this model, often
tolerated, as long as the COX-1 activities were giving 90% and greater inhibition at 2 mgkg
relatively high. Additional detailed models on doses (R. Harris and R. Bell, personal commu-
the complex kinetics of COX-2 binding have nication, 1996).
been proposed (401).
9.7 Conclusion
9.6 In Vivo Models and Corresponding
Efficacy Since the discovery of the COX-2 isoenzyme, a
significant number of chemical agents have
Several models of inflammation and analgesia been synthesized with the goal of finding a
have been used to characterize the in vivo selective inhibitor. As just described, defining
pharmacology of COX-2-selective inhibitors.
what is meant by "selective COX-2 inhibitor"
In addition to efficacy in inflammation and
in vivo has been difficult. This is not surpris-
pain models, models of gastric irritation have ing, given the similarities of the active sites for
been used to define superior safety indices for COX-1 and COX-2, complexities of the enzyme
these agents. ,lCr excretion in the rat has reaction, the possibility for metabolism of
been used most often for a gastric safety
compounds, and so forth. As described in
model, with selective COX-2 inhibitors show-
greater detail in section 11, the search, al-
ing no leakage from possible intestinal lesions
though difficult, has been successful. Clinical
at doses often starting around 100 m a g examination of Celebrex and Vioxx have
(358). For acute inflammation the rat carra-
shown a clear safety advantage for the com-
geenan paw edema model is most often used. pounds, with no loss of efficacy.
ED,, values for celecoxib and rofecoxib in this
model are 7.1 and 1.5 mg/kg, respectively (325,
326). Indomethacin (375, 326) and DuP 679 10 AGENTS INHIBITING COX-2
(327, 363) are very potent in this assay, with AND 5-LIPOXYGENASE
ED,, values around 1 m a g . Rofecoxib and
related furanones seem slightly more potent Agents that can inhibit more than one inflam-
in this assay than the celecoxib pyrazole or matory mediator may be advantageous. Com-
related templates, including the cyclopentene pounds that inhibit both COX-2 and 5-LO may
series. Flosulide was reported to have one of have an efficacy advantage over current
the lowest ED,, values reported for this assay, agents in the treatment of rheumatoid arthri-
with an ED,, value of less than 1 mg/kg (0.6 tis. Parke-Davis has reported CI-1004, dar-
mg/kg) (383). bufelone (98), and PD 138387 (97) as dual
In models of chronic inflammation, for 5-LO/COX-2 inhibitors (402). Darbufelone
which the rat adjuvant arthritis assay is fre- was reported to be in clinical trials and has
quently used, these selective COX-2 inhibitors recently been described in detail (402). PD-
10 Agents Inhibiting COX-2 and 5-Lipoxygenase

amido thiophene derivatives (100) (404). The

phenoxythiophene template has been used as
(97) R = 0CH3, PD 138387 template for a series of N-hydroxyurea-based
(98) R = H,(CI-1004) 5-LO inhibitors (131); the inclusion of the sul-
fonamide moiety results in compounds with
138387 was developed by SAR studies and ex- dual inhibition at 5-LO and COX-2. In uitro
hibited superior selectivity to the earlier com- activities of a preferred compound (100) were
reported as IC,, values of 1.97 for COX-2
PD-138387 (97) was reported to have an and 0.73 pit4 for 5-LO. Other compounds have
0 nM against COX-2 and >10 been specifically designed by combining phar-
macophores from both COX-2 inhibitors and
5-LO inhibitors.
th a modest oral ED,, value The patent report of a combined inhibitor
15.7 mglkg. Analgesic activity was mea- (101) (405) reveals the familiar oxazole (369,
acid writhing in mice and

(Harris and Bell, unpub-

1997). Several structur-
related compounds have been reported
lfonamide into the het-
rocyclic moiety, for example, (99) (S-2474),

340) COX-2 inhibitor attached to the Zeneca

methoxyphenylpyran, which was a very po-
tent binding element for a series of 5-LO in-
hibitors (155). In a similar manner, the ox-
azole COX-2 inhibitor has been linked to a
hydroxamic acid, which is also known to be a
(99) 5-2474 potent iron ligand and primary pharmaco-
phoric moiety for many potent 5-LO inhibi-
ch has COX-2 selectivity of 2500-fold over tors, to give dual inhibitors like analog (102)
x-1 (cox-2, IC5, = 0.11 fl; cox-1,IC5, (406).The pyran-containing compounds (101)
exhibited potent and selective COX-2 inhibi-
tion (COX-2, IC,, < 0.1 a ; COX-1, IC,,, >
100 pik0 and 5-LO inhibition (IC,, = 0.02
el, an ED,, value of 0.76 mg/kg. Another f l .This compound exhibited oral in uivo ac-
tivity of 15% inhibition at 10 mg/kg in the rat
a series of phenoxy-substituted sulfon- CPE model.
COX-2 Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

from placebo but somewhat less effective than

ibuprofen. In another study, Celebrex at ei-
ther 100 or 400 mg was compared to aspirin,
and in this study all treatments were equally
efficacious and were significantly different
from placebo.
Malmstrom et al. (408) compared Celebrex,
Vioxx, and ibuprofen in an acute osteoarthri-
tis study and the treatments were rank-or-
dered as placebo, Celebrex, ibuprofen, and
Thus far no clinical results with dual 5-LO/ In a study examining the potential activity
COX-2 inhibitors have been reported. of Celebrex in orthopedic surgery it was found
that, after a single dose, Celebrex was equal to
hydrocodone/paracetamol, but with multiple
11 CLINICAL EFFICACY AND SAFETY doses, Celebrex was superior (409).
11.1 Osteoarthritis
Celebrex (celecoxib) and Vioxx (rofecoxib)
have progressed to registration and have es- The efficacv" of the COX-2 inhibitors in osteo-
tablished the utility of this class of drugs in arthritis was expected, given that classical
treating the pain associated with surgery, os- NSAIDs were effective in treating the pain as-
teoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and muscle sociated with this degenerative disease. In a
pain. study examining the effects of Celebrex in os-
Celebrex was the first COX-2 inhibitor to teoarthritis of the hip, Geis et al. (410) showed
be approved by the FDA (December 31,1998) that 50, 100, and 200 mg doses were effective
and Vioxx was approved somewhat later (May in treating the pain in hip osteoarthritis and
22, 1999). More recently, Bextra (valdecoxib) the two higher doses were about equal to a 500
was approved (November 16, 2001) (Table mg dose of naproxen. In a larger study exam-
5.2). ining the effects of Celebrex in osteoarthritis
The clinical trials, which were conducted of the knee (again where 50,100, and 200 mg
by SearlePharmacia to define the activity of doses of Celebrex were compared to a 500 mg
Celebrex, were extensive and involved nearly dose of naproxen), significant improvements
16,000 subjects. Merck also examined a large were seen in the standardized scores in all
number of patients to define the activity of treatment groups; and at both the 100 and 200
Vioxx. mg doses the scores for Celebrex were better
The first study by Hubbard et al. (407) than those seen with naproxen (411, 412). In
showed that Celebrex was effective in third similar studies Merck also established the ef-
molar extraction, with significant difference ficacy of Vioxx. Vioxx at doses of 12.5 and 25

Table 5.2 Approved Eicosanoid Drugs

USAN Trade Name Mechanism Date Approveda
Zafirlukast Accolate CYSLT antagonist Sept. 1996
Zileuton ZYflo 5-LO inhibitor Dec. 1996
Montelukast Singulair CYSLT antagonist Feb. 1998
Celecoxib Celebrex COX-2 selective Dec. 1998
Rofecoxib Vioxx COX-2 selective May 1999
Valdecoxib Bextra COX-2 selective Nov. 2001
Etoricoxib Arcoxia COX-2 selective Submitted 2002
V D A approval.
I1 Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Selective COX-2 Inhibitors

mg resulted in improvement in both hip and tric damage intrinsic to conventional NSAIDs
cnee osteoarthritis in studies that lasted from precluded their use as preventive therapy.
5 to 86 weeks of duration (413,414). Based on these observations, the scientists at
Vioxx (50 mg) provided pain relief equal to Searle/Pharmacia examined the potential role
that of either 550 mg naproxen or 400 mg ibu- of COX-2-selective inhibitors in first prevent-
profen (415, 416). In a multiple-dose study, ing polyps in mice and then in humans (422,
Vioxx produced significant pain relief after or- 423). Data from the animal studies showed
thopedic surgery (416). that in rats treated with celecoxib and then
The clinical results with both Celebrex and given s.c. injections of azoxymethane to induce
Vioxx suggest that inhibition of COX-2 is an colon cancers, there was a 93% inhibition of
effective treatment for the pain that is associ-
cancer incidence and a 97% reduction in tu-
ated with surgery, osteoarthritis, and rheuma-
mor number. Overall, there was a 87% reduc-
toid arthritis.
tion in the tumor burden (423). In the MIN
Although most of the evidence suggests
that COX-2 is expressed only when induced by mouse model of familial adenomatous polypo-
cytokines or growth factors, there are poten- sis (FAP),Jacoby et al. (424) showed that cele-
tial roles this enzyme may play in normal coxib inhibited the tumor number by 71% and
physiology such as in uterine contraction, re- the tumor size by 83%. In chemically induced
nal medulla, and in both brain and gut mu- bladder cancer in mice and rats, celecoxib was
cosa. Extensive clinical trials with both Cele- effective at reducing the incidence of lesions in
brex and Vioxx were conducted to determine both mice and rats.
the safety of these compounds. Celebrex was Howe et al. (425) reviewed the potential of
examined in 3- and 6-month trials and it was using COX-2 inhibitors for the treatment of
found that the incidence of ulcers was the breast cancer and suggested that there is good
same as that of placebo and significantly less rationale to examine COX-2 inhibition for
than that seen for either naproxen or diclofe- breast cancer prevention. Limited data are
nac (410). Vioxx was examined in 1516 pa- available in animal models of breast cancer;
tients using endoscopy, in either the 25 or the however, Harris et al. (426) showed that cele-
50 mg dose, and was compared to ibuprofen coxib inhibited the tumor multiplicity by 86%
2400 mg. A significantly lower percentage of and the incidence by 68%.
ulcers were seen in the Vioxx-treated patients Clinically, Celebrex has been shown to be
than seen in the ibuprofen-treated individuals effective in FAP patients. Steinbach et al.
(417). In another study, in which Vioxx was (424) showed that twice-daily 400 mglday of
given at 250 mg (10-20 times the clinical dose)
Celebrex reduced the number of polyps in fa-
for 7 days, it was well tolerated, with gastric
milial adenomatous patients by 28% after 6
injuries no worse than those of the placebo,
months of treatment. There was a similar in-
and was less than the injuries seen with either
2400 mg of ibuprofen or 2500 mg of aspirin cidence of adverse events in all of the treat-
(418,411). ment groups. These data were sufficient for
COX-2 is expressed in the renal medulla Celebrex to be approved for use in FAP.
and therefore there was concern that specific Rofecoxib was shown to be effective in che-
COX-2 inhibitors could cause untoward renal moprevention of polyps in the APC delta 716
effects. However, renal effects of the com- knockout mice by Oshima et al. (428). Rofe-
pounds have been reported to be mainly re- coxib was given in food for 8 weeks and then
lated to fluid retention in salt-depleted pa- the animals were necropsied and the polyps
tients (420). scored. There was a greater than 57% inhibi-
tion of polyps greater than 1mm in size and up
to 100% inhibition of polyps greater than 3
11.2 COX-2 and Cancer
mm. Overall, the data are very interesting and
Various studies have demonstrated a protec- suggestive of potential activity for Vioxx in
tive role of NSAIDs in the prevention of colon FAP, although thus far no clinical data have
cancer (421). However, the potential for gas- been reported.
250 COX-2 inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators

12 CONCLUSION A N D SUMMARY gGTP gamma glutamyl transpeptidase

HETE hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid
The modulation of the synthesis and activity HPETE hydroperoxyeicostetraenoicacid
of a number of eicosanoid ~roductshas been
LO lipoxygenase
shown to be of significant importance medi- LT leukotriene
cally in a multitude of clinical conditions. Non- PG prostaglandin
selective cyclooxygenase inhibitors (NSAIDs) PLA phospholipase
have been broadly used for several decades in TX thromboxane
the relief of pain and inflammation. The new
COX-2-selective agents (Table 5.2) have al- REFERENCES
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Agents Acting on Prostanoid

University of Cambridge
)GlaxoInstitute of Applied Pharmacology
$Cambridge,United Kingdom

agene Laboratories Ltd.
!byston, United Kingdom

1 Introduction, 266
1.1 Historical Background and Overview of
Prostanoid Synthesis, 266
1.2 Biological and Therapeutic Functions of
Prostanoids, 267
1.3 Prostanoid Receptor Classification: A
Historical Perspective, 269
2 Natural Prostanoids, 269
2.1 Biosynthesis, 269
2.2 Catabolism, 270
2.3 Physiological Actions of Prostanoids, 271
2.3.1 Prostaglandin D,, 271
2.3.2 Prostaglandin E,, 272
2.3.3 Prostaglandin F,,, 274
2.3.4 Prostaglandin I,, 274
2.3.5 Thromboxane 4 , 2 7 5
3 Prostanoid Receptor Classification and
Characterization, 275
3.1 Prostanoid Receptor Subtypes and Isoforms,
3.2 Prostanoid Receptors as G-protein-Coupled
Receptors, 277
3.3 Radioligand Binding Studies, 278
3.3.1 PGD,-Specific Binding Sites, 278
3.3.2 PGE,-Specific Binding Sites, 278
er's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery 3.3.3 PGF,,-Specific Binding Sites, 280
Edition, Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, 3.3.4 PG12-SpecificBinding Sites, 280
m New Biology 3.3.5 TXA&3pecificBinding Sites, 280
nald J. Abraham 3.3.6 Summary, 280
N 0-471-37030-4 O 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3.4 Signal Transduction, 281



ston, United Kingdom

1 Introduction, 266
1.1 Historical Background and Overview of
Prostanoid Synthesis, 266
1.2 Biological and Therapeutic Functions of
Prostanoids, 267
1.3 Prostanoid Receptor Classification: A
Historical Perspective, 269
2 Natural Prostanoids, 269
2.1 Biosynthesis, 269
2.2 Catabolism, 270
2.3 Physiological Actions of Prostanoids, 271
2.3.1 Prostaglandin D,, 271
2.3.2 Prostaglandin E,, 272
2.3.3 Prostaglandin F,,, 274
2.3.4 Prostaglandin I,, 274
2.3.5 Thromboxane 4 , 2 7 5
3 Prostanoid Receptor Classification and
Characterization, 275
3.1 Prostanoid Receptor Subtypes and Isoforms,
3.2 Prostanoid Receptors as G-protein-Coupled
Receptors, 277
3.3 Radioligand Binding Studies, 278
3.3.1 PGD,-Specific Binding Sites, 278
3.3.2 PGE,-Specific Binding Sites, 278
r's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery 3.3.3 PGF,,-Specific Binding Sites, 280
Edition, Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, 3.3.4 PG1,-Specific Binding Sites, 280
Drugs from New Biology 3.3.5 TXA&3pecific Binding Sites, 280
by Donald J. Abraham 3.3.6 Summary, 280
-471-37030-4 0 2003John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 3.4 Signal Transduction, 281
Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

3.4.1 DP Receptors, 281 4.5 TP Receptors and Selective Ligands, 294

3.4.2 EP, Receptors, 281 4.6 Prostanoid Receptors: Location of Ligand
3.4.3 EP, Receptors, 281 Binding Sites, 295
3.4.4 EP, Receptors, 281 5 Clinical Use of Agents, 298
3.4.5 EP, Receptors, 281 5.1 Natural Prostaglandins, 299
3.4.6 FP Receptors, 281 5.1.1 Alprostadil (Prostaglandin El),
3.4.7 IP Receptors, 282 5.1.2 Dinoprostone (ProstaglandinE,), 301
3.4.8 TP Receptors, 282 5.1.3 Dinoprost (Prostaglandin F,,), 302
4 Prostanoid Receptor-Selective Ligands and 5.1.4 Epoprostenol (Prostaglandin I,;
Structure-Activity Relationships, 282 Prostacyclin), 302
4.1 DP Receptors and Selective Ligands, 282 5.2 Synthetic Prostaglandins, 303
4.2 EP Receptors and Selective Ligands, 285 5.2.1 Gemeprost, 303
4.2.1 General Considerations, 285 5.2.2 Misoprostol, 303
4.2.2 EP, Receptor-Selective Ligands, 286 5.2.3 Sulprostone, 304
4.2.3 EP, Receptor-Selective Ligands, 287 5.2.4 Latanoprost, 304
4.2.4 EP, Receptor-Selective Ligands, 288 5.2.5 Iloprost, 304
4.2.5EP, Receptor-Selective Ligands, 289 5.2.6 Carboprost, 305
4.3 FP Receptors and Selective Ligands, 289 5.2.7 Limaprost, 305
4.4 IP Receptors and Selective Ligands, 292 6 New Developments, 305

1 INTRODUCTION apparent that the family included more than

the original two and these were named alpha-
1.1 Historical Background and Overview
betically from PGA, to PGH,. Of these, PGG,
of Prostanoid Synthesis
and PGH, are unstable intermediates (9) gen-
Prostanoids are metabolites of C,, fatty acids erated during the biosynthesis of this family
that act as local hormones in both the periph- of hormones. In the mid-1970s, two new pros-
ery and central nervous system (CNS). Classi- taglandin-like compounds were discovered:
cally, they are comprised of the prostaglandins thromboxane A, ( T W ) (10) and prostacyclin
and thromboxanes. However, recently, inter- (PGI,) (11).
est has focused on the isoprostanes, which are The natural prostanoids derived from ara-
formed through the direct oxidation of mem- chidonic acid are known as prostaglandin D,
brane phospholipids and not through the ac- (PGD,), prostaglandin E, (PGE,), prostaglan-
tions of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes. De- din F,, (PGF,,), prostaglandin I, (PGI,), and
spite this difference in synthesis, current thromboxane A, (TXA,). They exert their
evidence suggests that they act predominantly physiological and pathophysiological actions
through prostanoid receptors (1). Another in- through specific high affinity receptors and
teresting recent development has been the dis- are responsible for a multitude of actions,
covery of the prostamides, which are deriva- some of which have been exploited to produce
tives of anandamide and are formed through clinically effective medicines. Prostaglandins
the actions of COX-2 and not COX-1 (2-4). are characterized by a cyclopentane ring, with
As a family, the prostanoids are almost two side-chains, termed CY and w, that are both
ubiquitously distributed, and in general, have in the trans configuration. Also present are a
a short duration of action. Von Euler first pro- hydroxyl group at C-15 and a A13 trans double
posed the term 'prostaglandin' in describing bond. The structure of PGE, as representative
the presence of a vasodepressor and smooth of the entire group is shown in Fig. 6.1. Pro-
muscle stimulating factor in human seminal stanoids can be biosynthesized from three re-
fluid (51, following the initial observations of lated fatty acid precursors to give rise to three
Kurzrok and Lieb (6) and Goldblatt (7). How- different series based on the number of double
ever, it was another 20 years before the first bonds in their side chains. Thus, prostanoids
prostaglandins, prostaglandin El(PGE,) and derived from 8,11,14-eicosatrienoic acid (y-
prostaglandin F,, (PGF,,), were successfully homolinolenic acid) give rise to the 1-series,
purified (8). During the next decade it became whereas the 2- and 3-series are derived from
1 Introduction

Cyclopentane ring 1.2 Biological and Therapeutic Functions

a-chain of Prostanoids
The major roles of prostanoids are in the au-
tocrine and paracrine control of physiological
processes, and therapeutically they have
found use mainly in obstetrics, gastoenterol-
ogy, ophthalmology, and the treatment of car-
Hydroxy group at C-15 diovascular disease. In the reproductive sys-
trans doubli bond
tem, prostaglandins, especially of the E and F
Figure 6.1. The structure of prostaglandin E,. series, have potent effects on uterine contrac-
Note the presence of the a- and o-chains, the cyclo- tion and have been used to stimulate abortion,
pentane ring, trans double bond, and hydroxy group cervical ripening, and the induction of labor
at C-15. (13). In addition, in many laboratory and farm
animals, but not in humans, PGF,, is a potent
luteolytic agent and is used for this purpose in
5,8,11,14-eicosatetrienoicacid (arachidonic veterinary medicine (14). Similarly, prosta-
acid) and 5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoicacid glandin receptors exhibit a widespread distri-
(timodonic acid), respectively. Arachidonic bution in the gastrointestinal tract (15), and
acid is the most abundant precursor in mam- prostaglandins are generally thought to have
mals, including humans, making the 2-series cytoprotective effects in the gastric mucosa
by far the most common. However, eicosapen- (16), through the control of gastric secretions,
tanoic acid (EPA, 20:5w3) is present in large protection of the mucosal barrier, and the reg-
amounts in marine animals, and consequently ulation of blood flow (17). This assertion has
in the bodies of those species living largely on led to the production of a number of PGE an-
a diet of these animals. For example, Green- alogs for use as potential gastroduodenal pro-
land Eskimos have much higher levels of EPA tective agents, against, for example, the ef-
and other 0 3 fatty acids in their phospholip- fects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
ids, and this has been linked to the lowered (NSAIDs). Recently, PGF analogs, such as la-
incidence of heart disease in these populations tanoprost, have found use as novel medicines
(12). for the treatment of glaucoma (18). In the car-
Prostaglandin H, is the common biosyn- diovascular system, prostanoids, especially
thetic precursor of the natural prostanoids, prostacyclin, are involved in, for example, the
and is produced as a result of the action of regulation of platelet aggregation. Prostacy-
cycloxygenases on free arachidonic acid. The clin and its analogs are administered exog-
major source of free arachidonic acid is the enously in the treatment of several forms of
cardiovascular disease, where they may cause
phospholipids of the cell membrane, from
vasodilatation and also inhibit platelet clump-
which it is largely liberated by the actions of
ing and aggregation (19). Prostaglandins are
phospholipases. The activity of COX, also
also active in the renal system. Indeed, one of
known as prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS), the earliest physiological effects attributed to
converts arachidonic acid to PGH, through a prostaglandins was the effect of PGE, to block
two-step process: first a cyclooxygenase step, the action of vasopressin on renal water per-
that results in the production of the unstable meability (20). Receptors for prostaglandins
intermediate PGG,, and second, a peroxidase have also been localized to all parts of the kid-
step that yields PGH,, which is then converted ney (21). Prostaglandins, particularly of the E
to the individual prostanoids by specific syn- and I series, have also been strongly impli-
thases. An overview of this process is shown in cated in inflammation and inflammatory pain
Fig. 6.2. The biosynthesis and breakdown of (22), leading to recent efforts to produce spe-
prostanoids is discussed further in Sections cific receptor antagonists for the treatment of
2.1 and 2.2. these conditions.
Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

Arachidonic acid

I cyclooxygenase

H2 synthase 0'
Prostaglandin G2



PGD s y n t h y

0 H

PGE synthase
, ,
/ .
Prostaglandin H2

PGF synthase
'"\---=/\/\C O ~ H
/ .
Prostaglandin D2
PGI "q
\ Thromboxane A2

. A \ \ = / \ / \ ~ ~ ~ ~ synthase -\\I. CO~H

Prostaglandin Prostaglandin F2,

Prostaglandin l2

Figure 6.2. The biosynthesis of prostanoids from arachidonic acid. Free arachidonic acid is con-
verted to the unstable intermediates PGG, and PGH, by cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes. PGH, is
then converted to the five primary prostanoids by specific synthases.
2 Natural Prostanoids

1.3 Prostanoid Receptor Classification: and so on. This system was based on func-
A Historical Perspective tional data obtained with the natural agonists,
some synthetic agonists, and a small number
Prostanoids, as metabolites of fatty acids, are of antagonists, but is still valid today (1,26).
relatively hydrophobic compounds and it was These initial studies were conducted on iso-
initially thought that they might act through lated smooth muscle preparations that were
incorporation into the plasma membrane. considered PGE- (e.g. guinea pig ileum), PGF-
However, it has subsequently been shown that (e.g. dog and cat iris), or TXA-sensitive (e.g.
prostanoids predominantly exert their biolog- rat aorta). They compared the agonist poten-
ical actions through interactions with specific cies of the naturally occurring prostanoids and
receptors in cell membranes. In the absence of the TXA, mimetic, U46619, in these prepara-
direct evidence, this conclusion is suggested tions. Coupled with other studies that sug-
by a consideration of some of the basic proper- gested receptors for PGD, and PGI,, this led
ties and actions of the prostanoids. For exam- to the proposal outlined above that receptors
ple, they are active at low concentrations existed for each natural prostanoid. Further
(<W9 MI,and thus display high potency, im- studies identified compounds that acted as re-
plying the existence of specific binding sites. ceptor blockers in some preparations, but not
Furthermore, it is clear that different mem- others. Hence, AH19437 was identified as a
bers of the prostanoid family can evoke differ- competitive antagonist in TP receptor con-
ent responses in the same system. For exam- taining tissues (26). Whilst SC-19220 was an
ple, TXA, and PGI, exert both aggregatory antagonist in some PGE-sensitive tissues (261,
and non-aggregatory effects on human plate- producing rightward shifts in the concentra-
lets, respectively, thus suggesting, in platelets tion-effect curves in guinea pig ileum and
at least, the presence of distinct receptor sites guinea pig and dog fundus, it had negligible
for both of these prostanoids. effects in the PGE-sensitive preparations cat
The first evidence for the existence of more trachea or the chick ileum (26). This provided
an a single subtype of prostanoid receptor the first evidence for a subdivision of the EP
e from the work of Pickles (23), who used receptors. Further evidence came from the
0th natural and synthetic analogs of E and F identification and use of the antagonist,
ries prostaglandins to demonstrate differen- AH6809, and the agonists, sulprostone and
a1effects in several smooth muscle prepara- AY23626, with AH6809 being active in EP,
ons: the rabbit jejunum and human and receptor-containing preparations, and sulpr-
inea pig myometrium. These studies led ostone and AY23626 having actions at EP,
m to conclude that there were at least three and EP,, and EP, and EP, receptors, respec-
es of prostanoid receptors. The presence of tively (27). Subsequently, a fourth EP recep-
ultiple receptors was also suggested by the tor was identified in piglet saphenous vein (28,
ork of Andersen and Ramwell (241,who com- 29). The rank order of the naturally occurring
d the agonist potency ratios of PGA, PGE, prostaglandins at their receptors is shown in
PGF analogs, and Gardiner and Collier Table 6.1.
who examined the prostanoid receptor This chapter will provide an overview of the
s present in the lung. In 1982, Kennedy natural prostanoids and their synthetic and
co-workers proposed the first overall clas- metabolic pathways and then discuss the recep-
%cation of prostanoid receptors. In the pre- tors at which prostanoids exert their actions and
olecular biology era, they proposed specific the agents that have been generated to ad as
receptors for PGD,, PGE,, PGF,,, PGI,, and either specific receptor agonists or antagonists,
%, calling them DP, EP, FP, IP, and TP some of which have found use in the clinic.
receptors, respectively. At each of these recep-
tors, one of the natural prostanoids was at 2 NATURAL PROSTANOIDS
east one order of magnitude more potent than 2.1 Biosynthesis
the other four. Hence, PGD, is the most po-
tent natural agonist at the DP receptor, PGE, Prostanoids are synthesized de novo by a wide
the most potent natural EP receptor agonist variety of cells, and synthesis can be induced
270 Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

Table 6.1 Rank Orders of Potency of the Naturally Occurring Prostanoids for Each of the
Five Types of Prostanoid Receptors
Receptor Type Subtype Rank Order of Natural PGsa
DP DP1 D, > E, = F,, = I, = U46619
EP EPl E, > F,, = I, > D, > U46619
EP2 E, > F,, = D, = I, > U46619
EP3 E, > I, > F,, >> D, > U46619
EP4 E, >> I, = F,, > D, > U46619
FP F,, > D, > E2 = U46619 > 1,
IP IPI I, > D, = E, = F,, > U46619
TP U46619 >> D, = E, = F,, = I,
"U46619 is a stable TXA, mimetic (see Section 4.5) and was used instead of TXA,. Data taken from Coleman (1).

by a variety of stimuli, including non-prostan- 36). This is believed to be a carrier-specific

oid receptor activation as well as simple me- mechanism and displays differential selectiv-
chanical agitation. Prostanoid synthesis re- ity over the prostanoid-catabolizing enzymes.
quires the presence of free, unesterified Following uptake, prostanoid metabolism oc-
arachidonic acid. Under resting conditions, curs in two stages: first, a rapid inactivation by
the cytoplasmic levels of this fatty acid are prostanoid-specific enzymes. This first stage
low, necessitating the liberation of this sub- normally results in a loss of biological activity.
strate as the first and rate-limiting step in pro- Second, a slower inactivation process occurs,
stanoid biosynthesis. The main source of ara- involving enzymes that are responsible for
chidonic acid is that present in membrane general fatty acid oxidation. Metabolism oc-
glycophospholipids, esterified in the 2-acyl po- curs in the lung and also the liver and the
sition in the fatty acyl chains, and this is pri- kidney.
marily liberated by the enzyme phospholipase The first important work on prostanoid
A, in a one-step process (30). Arachidonic acid metabolism was conducted by Anggard and
not metabolized by cyclooxygenases or other Samuelsson (37),who demonstrated that PGE
eicosanoid-producing enzymes (e.g., lipoxyge- and PGF compounds are dehydrogenated at
nases) is rapidly re-esterified by acetyltrans- carbon-15 to the corresponding 15-keto pro-
ferases (31). stanoid by the nicotinamide adenine dinucle-
Arachidonic acid, liberated from mem- otide + (NAD+ )/nicotinamide adenine dinu-
brane phospholipids, can be metabolized to cleotide phosphate (NADP)-linked enzyme,
the five primary prostanoids, PGD,, PGE,, 15-hydroxy-prostaglandin dehydrogenase
PGF,,, PGI,, and T-. The first two steps in (PGDH), to form 15-keto-PGE, and 15-keto-
this process are catalyzed by the cyclooxygen- PGF,,. PGDH has subsequently been shown
ase (COX) enzymes and thereafter by specific to have a distribution pattern that includes
prostanoid synthases (32). An overview of pro- the lung, kidney, and liver (38). Several com-
stanoid synthesis is illustrated in Fig. 6.2. pounds can inhibit PGDH, including the sub-
stituted phenylazobenzoic acetic acid deriva-
2.2 Catabolism
tives, Ph CL28A and Ph CK61A (39). PDGH is
The half-life of most prostaglandins in the cir- not specific to prostaglandins. For example,
culation is less than 1 min, and this is attrib- the NAD+-linked enzyme present in the lung
utable to the efficiency of the processes that will also metabolize 15-hydroxyeicosatet-
exist to aid in their inactivation. For example, reonic acid (15-HETE) and other o6-contain-
in the lung, around 95% of single doses of ei- ing fatty acids (40). These 15-keto metabolites
ther PGE,, PGE,, or PGF,, are metabolized are far less active than the parent compounds,
during the first passage. The enzymes in- and therefore, these initial transformations
volved in prostanoid metabolism are located represent a functional inactivation.
intracellularly, thus necessitating the uptake The second stage of inactivation is cata-
of substrates across the cell membrane (33- lyzed by a A13,14 reductase and involves satu-
2 Natural Prostanoids

ration of the A13 double bond to form 15-keto, Thromboxane A, has a plasma half-life as
13,14-dihydro prostaglandins. This reaction short as 7 s (48) and spontaneously decom-
can only occur in prostaglandins that have poses non-enzymatically to the functionally
been initially undergone oxidation of the 15- inactive TXB,, which is either excreted unal-
hydroxy group, and the metabolite formed is tered or as one of several other metabolites.
the major breakdown product found in plasma For example, TXB, can undergo p-oxidation
samples and kidney and lung homogenates. to dinor-TXB,.
This enzyme uses nicotinamide adenine dinu- 2.3 Physiological Actions of Prostanoids
cleotide phosphate hydrogen (NADPH) as a
Prostaglandins have a wide range of actions in
cofactor and can be inhibited by p-chloromer-
normal cell physiology, but also as pathophys-
curibenzoic acid (41).
iological agents in, for example, inflammation
Following these steps, /3 and w oxidation and pain states. The roles of the natural pro-
take place to shorten the carboxyl side-chain stanoids are reviewed in this section in rela-
and to introduce a further carboxyl group, re- tion to studies on receptor distribution, which
spectively (42-45). The urinary metabolites provide useful information concerning poten-
detected~after prostaglandins are infused in tial pharmacological applications. Recent ad-
man are generally dinor and tetranor com- vances in molecular biology have also allowed
pounds, so the carboxyl-containingside-chain the creation of prostanoid receptor "knock-
is normally shortened by two to four carbon out" mice, which have proved valuable in help-
atoms. This is the result of p-oxidation that ing to further elucidate the receptor types in-
occurs mainly in liver mitochondria or peroxi- volved in mediating the various actions of
somes. The w-oxidation that occurs is catal- prostanoids.
ysed by cytochrome P450, and occurs largely
in the liver and kidney, and many of the uri- 2.3.1 Prostaglandin D,. PGD, acts pre-
nary metabolites of prostaglandins are gener- dominantly at DP receptors, although it does
ated through this pathway. Overall, these have relatively high potency at FP and even
: steps help to make the prostanoids more polar TP receptors. DP receptors are probably the
I and thus available for excretion by the kidney.
least widely distributed of all the prostanoid
j Thus, the final metabolites found in the urine receptors and often co-exist with other prosta-
are 16-18 carbon atoms and possess carboxyl noid receptors, making them difficult to study
oups on both the a and w side-chains. outside of recombinant systems. However, the
Prostaglandin D, follows the same basic availability of potent, selective agonists and
ples outlined above, but in humans at antagonists (see Section 4) has proved pivotal
t, a different pattern of catabolism may in surmounting this problem.
cur. It has been found that a sizeable pro- DP receptors are present on vascular
rtion of urinary metabolites obtained fol- smooth muscle, platelets, and in nervous tis-
lowing injection are recovered as metabolites sue, including the central nervous system
of PGF compounds (46). For this to occur, the (CNS). In the CNS, PGD, has been associated
11-ketogroup of PGD, must be reduced, but it with sleep induction, as well as body tempera-
is unclear whether this reduction is of PGD, ture regulation, hormone release, nociception,
itself, or of one of its subsequent metabolites, and olfactory function. DP receptors have also
for example, those that are present after being been localized to smooth muscle in the gut,
oxidized by PGDH. uterus, and airways. Northern blot and in situ
Prostacyclin, although not taken up by the hybridization studies have reaffirmed this,
lungs, is rapidly inactivated by acid-catalysed, with only low levels of expression being de-
non-enzymatic means to the metabolite 6- tected in human retina and small intestine
keto-PGF,,. In addition it is also catabolized (49). The physiological actions of PGD,, medi-
by PGDH to 6,15-diketo metabolites. 6-keto- ated through DP receptors, are generally "in-
PGF,, is biologically inactive and also rapidly hibitory"; that is, smooth muscle relaxation
metabolised in vivo, with the major urinary and the inhibition of platelet aggregation.
oduct being dinor-6-keto-PGF,, (47). However, "excitatory" actions have also been
Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

reported: for example, in afferent sensory is now known that at least four receptor sub-
nerves PGD, seems to induce hyperalgesia types exist, and these are termed EP,, EP,,
(50) and can also stimulate the release of neu- EP,, and EP, receptors (see Section 3).
ropeptides (51). PGD, has also been impli- The first characterized EP receptor sub-
cated in central roles, such as sleep-induction, type, the EP, receptor, is probably the least
in both rats and humans (52). DP receptors widely distributed of all the EP receptors. It
have been localized to the leptomeninges (53), predominantly mediates the smooth muscle
and PGD, injected into the arachnoid space contraction actions of PGE, and is present in
below the basal forebrain caused leptomenin- guinea pig trachea, gastrointestinal tract,
geal cellular activation, detected by immuno- bladder, and uterus. This receptor subtype has
also been found in other animal species: for
histochemistry for the immediate early gene,
example, in the bovine iris sphincter (60), dog
fos (54). Furthermore, the brain-specific iso-
gastric fundus (61), and human myometrium
form of PGD synthase has recently been local-
(62). These receptors also seem to play a role
ized in the leptomeninges (55). DP receptors in inflammatory pain, with EP, antagonists
have also been recently detected in the mu- currently being investigated as potential an-
cous-secreting goblet cells in the rat gastroin- tinociceptive agents (63).In situ hybridization
testinal tract, suggesting a potentially novel studies have detected EP, receptor transcripts
role for PGD, in mucous secretion (56). in the kidney, lung, and stomach of the mouse
DP receptor localization also seems to vary (64, 65). Recently, EP, receptor knockout
considerably between species. For example, mice have been used to suggest that endoge-
platelet DP receptors seem to be most abun- nous EP, receptors are important in the me-
dant in humans and not in other animal spe- diation of pain perception and also the regula-
cies (57). PGD, is also the major prostaglandin tion of blood pressure (66). EP, receptor-
produced by mast cells following immunologi- deficient mice were both healthy and fertile
cal challenge (58). Recent studies using mice but showed reduced pain sensitivity, similar to
deficient in the DP receptor have suggested that obtained following inhibition of COX
that PGD, production may be important in with an NSAID. Similar results have also been
some aspects of asthma (59). In a model of reported in mice deficient in the IP receptor
asthma, when challenged with ovalbumin, (67)(see Section 2.3.4), thus suggesting that
DP-'- mice showed reduced lymphocyte accu- EP, and IP receptors may represent possible
mulation in the lung compared with wild-type novel targets for the treatment of inflamma-
controls, and in addition, failed to develop air- tory pain.
way hyperreactivity. These data suggest that, EP, receptors, first recognized because of
in mice at least, DP receptors may play a role the lack of effect of EP, receptor antagonists
in airway hyperreactivity. in blocking the relaxant effects of PGE,, have
a more widespread distribution than the EP,
2.3.2 Prostaglandin E,. PGE, acts predom- receptor subtype. This receptor subtype also
inantly through EP receptors, which are mediates a more diverse array of actions. For
abundantly distributed and are responsible example, smooth muscle EP, receptors always
for mediating the multitude of actions of mediate smooth muscle relaxation [through
PGE,. These include smooth muscle contrac- increases in cyclic adenosine monophosphate
tion and relaxation, stimulation and presyn- (CAMP)through G, (see Section 3.3)]. Epithe-
aptic inhibition of neurotransmitter release, lial EP, receptors regulate non-acid secretion,
neuronal sensitization, nociception, inhibition and in mast cells and basophils, they mediate
of lipolysis, and gastric acid secretion and inhibition of mediator release. Furthermore,
modulation (positively and negatively) of wa- they may also mediate afferent sensory nerve
ter secretion. It was partly because of the activation, including neuropeptide release.
sheer diversity of these responses and through Northern blotting in the mouse has suggested
the use of what are now known to be subtype the presence of EP, receptor mRNA in the il-
specific ligands that it became clear that there eum, thymus, spleen, heart, and uterus (68).
was more than one subtype of EP receptor. It This receptor subtype has also been localized
Figure 2.8. JOM-13 (blue) in the 8-opioid receptor binding pocket (stereoview). [Taken from Fig.
2.9 in H. I. Mosberg, Bwpolymers (Peptide Science), 51, 426 (1999). Reprinted by permission of
John Wiley & Sons.]

Figure 7.15. Rhcuk~psincrystal stpcture. Thedimensional structure of rhodopsin based on X-ray

crystallography (186). Note that all-trans-retinal is protected from the intradiscal side by multiple
' structural elements, including several f3 strahds. Carbohydrates are in blue, 11-cis-retinal is in
green, and helices are-in gray. Red sh;ldows are added for esthetic reasons. This figure was gener-
ated by C. Behnke (University of Wa~hingto~n) and is reprinted with permission from Prog. Retin.
Eve Res., 20,469-521 (2001).
Figure 7.21. Schematic represen- h
tation of DNA binding domains. RW
Structures of DNA-binding com-
plexes involving RXR and their
dimer interfaces. The overall struc-
tures are shown on the left, with
close-up views of the protein-pro-
tein interactions shown on the
right. Dotted blue lines indicate
hydrogen bonds between proteins
or between proteins and the DNA
spacing. The dotted surface indi- (c)
cates complementary van der Wads
interactions. DNA sequences (cyan)
are shown with their 5' ends point- RXR
ing up, with base pairs belonging
to the spacing element of the DRs
shown schematically in red. In
each case, protein-protein contacts
are formed directly over the minor
groove of the spacing, with several
protein-DNA phosphate contacts
stabilizing the assembly. The inter-
acting amino acid side-chains are
shown in green, with nitrogen
atoms indicated in blue and oxygen
atoms indicated in red. (a and b) RAR ,
The RXR-TR DBD heterodimeric
complex with D w (c and d) the
RXR DBD homodimeric complex
with DR1, and (e and 0 the RXR-
RAR DBD heterodimeric complex
with DR1. Reprinted with permis-
sion from Cum Opin. Struct. Biol.,
11,3338 (2001).

Figure 7.22. Schematic representa-

tion of apo- and holo-RXR ligand bind-
ing domain. Helices 1-12 (Hl-H12)
are indicated. Helices indicated in yel-
low and red represents the apo- and
holo-forms of the receptor, respective-
ly, whereas helices indicated in blue
and green are positioned similarly in
both forms of the receptor. The arrows
represent movement of the helices to
accommodate 9-cis-RA in the binding
pocket (indicated). This figure was
kindly supplied by Dr. Pascal Egea.

Figure 11.2. Photolithographic process for on-chip synthesis of oligonucleotides. A: the steps in
this process in two cycles of nucleotide addition. A lithographic mask and light source are shown
panel a that results in exposure of specific spots on the microarray chip. The light activates
ctive groups on the chip such that nucleotide coupling can occur only on the specific spots as
n in panel b. The nucleotide added is shown by green blocks and is thymidine for this exam-
ure of new spots to light in a second round of light
next round of nucleotide addition in which the red
ple adenosine. This process is repeated until all

11.3. Hybridization of two differentially Figure 11.4. A spotted DNA array with two-color
detection of hybridization. An example of a spotted
am shows a single array spot with probe DNA array (16 X 20 elements) is shown after
strands (in gray) bound to the chip. cDNA hybridizaton with two differentially labeled cDNA
preparations, Cy3 (pseudo-colored green) and Cy5
led with Cy3 (green) and one labeled with Cy5 (pseudo-colored red). The overlaying of the green
1, and hybridized to the spotted DNA. and red images produces the image shown. The
hue of each spot, ranging from green to red, indi-
cates the relative expression level for the gene
specific for each spot (image courtesy Packard
Biochip Technologies).
718 Melanomas MEL
616 CNS Cancers CNS
CNS SF-295 I

Renal Cancers REN
REN A498
616 Leukemias LEU SR

Colon Cancers COL

519 Lung Cancers

NSC A549
Figure 11.5. Cluster analysis of the NCI 60 cell lines. Gene expression data from the Ross et al.
(12) study was filtered to contain only genes with complete data for all cell lines and genes with
the highest variance across cell lines. Only 548 genes were selected for this analysis based on
genes with variance of greater than twice the variance for the entire dataset. The cluster distance
or similarity calculation was based on the Pearson correlation coefficient, and clusters were linked
by average linkage using the software SPSS. Most cell lines can be seen to cluster based on tissue
of origin, shown by the labels on the left and the fraction of the total number of cell lines for each
tissue. The abbreviations for tissue types are a s follows: BRE, breast cancer; CNS, central nerv-
ous system cancers; COL, colon cancers; LEU, leukemias; MEL, melanomas; NSC, non-small cell
lung cancers; OVA, ovarian cancers; PRO, prostate cancers; REN, renal cancers.
2 Natural Prostanoids

to mouse glomeruli of the kidney (65). Fur- hypothalamus, EP, receptor transcripts have
thermore, it seems that this receptor may be been detected in cells surrounding the orga-
upregulated in response to cell stimulation. num vasculosa lamina terminalis (OVLT),and
This has been demonstrated in a macrophage EP, receptor activation here has been associ-
cell line in response to lipopolysaccharide (69). ated with fever generation. E series prosta-
EP, receptor knockout mice have also been glandins are potent fever inducers when in-
used to further highlight the functions of jected into the brain, and their involvement in
PGE, in the cardiovascular system. For exam- the central mediation of fever was proposed as
ple, Kennedy and colleagues (70) examined early as 1970 (77). At the spinal cord level, it
the effects of PGE, and receptor selective an- has been suggested that PGE, may induce
alogs in both wild-type and EP,-'- mice. In thermal hyperalgesia through EP, and EP,
wild-type animals, the EP, receptor selective receptors (78). Furthermore, it has been pro-
agonist, butaprost, evoked a transient hypo- posed that brain-derived PGE,, at lower
tension, which was not observed in mice defi- doses, produces hyperalgesia through its ac-
ent in the EP, receptor. However, the hyper- tions on EP, receptors, whereas at higher
nsive effects of sulprostone were similar in doses, hypoalgesia is produced through ac-
th groups of animals. Hence, the EP, recep- tions on EP, receptors (79-81). Further evi-
may be important, in the mouse vascula- dence for involvement of EP, in mediating the
at least, in mediating some of the vasodi- hyperalgesic effects of PGE, comes from Xin
ory responses to PGE,. and colleagues (82). They report that the in-
EP, receptors are probably the best studied tracerebroventricular injection of GR63799X
all the EP receptors. They are present in (an EP, receptor agonist) caused fever and hy-
trointestinal, uterine, and vascular smooth peralgesia in rats, which could be blocked by
le, where they cause smooth muscle con- an anti-sense, but not a mis-sense oligonucle-
ion. In autonomic nerves they cause inhi- otide directed against the EP, receptor. In ad-
ion of neurotransmitter release, and in adi- dition, the use of EP knockout mice has sug-
es, they inhibit lipolysis (71). In gastric gested that only mice lacking the EP, receptor
sal cells, they inhibit gastric acid secre- failed to exhibit febrile responses to PGE,, in-
n (721, and E series prostaglandins are well- terleukin-lp, and lipopolysaccharide injec-
acterized stimulators of mucus and bicar- tions, thus providing further evidence for EP,
ate secretion. Several PGE analogs have receptor involvement in mediating the febrile
n developed to exploit this role as it was response (83).
thought that EP, receptor agonists might be The most recently characterized EP recep-
useful in the treatment of gastric ulceration tor, the EP, receptor, also shows a widespread
d also prophylaxis of the side effects associ- distribution and is found in most tissues ex-
th long-term use of aspirin and other amined. It has been shown to exist in piglet
s (see Section 4.2.4). In renal medulla saphenous vein (29) and also in the jugular
regulate the inhibition of water reabsorp- vein of the rabbit, hamster uterus, and rat tra-
(73).Distribution studies using Northern chea (84-86). In the kidney, it is expressed in
ting and in situ hybridization reveal the glomerulus, mediating the effects of PGE,
A expression in the kidney and uterus, as on glomerular filtration. Within the brain,
as the stomach, spleen, brain, and lung EP, receptor mRNA has been found in the
. Furthermore, this receptor subtype has hypothalamus and lower brain stem. It has
localized to the tubules in the medulla also been suggested that the EP, receptor may
so the macula densa and distal tubules be involved in bone remodeling and the induc-
n the kidney itself (75). The receptor dis- tion of osteoclasts that are involved in bone
ution has also been examined in neuronal resorption. For example, Sakuma and col-
ue, and has been reported in both dorsal leagues (87) found that osteoclast formation
ganglion and trigeminal ganglion tissue was stimulated most potently by PGE, ana-
also within the brain in areas including logs that display agonist activity at EP, recep-
hypothalamus, hippocampus, locus coer- tors. Although it has been suggested that EP,
s, and raphe nuclei (75, 76). Within the receptors are important in maintaining a
Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

patent ductus arteriosus (881, EP,-'- mice dashed, because, unlike in animals, prosta-
died from heart failure within 3 days of birth glandins are not central in the destruction of
of pulmonary congestion and a fully patent the corpus luteum. Hence, PGF,, and its ana-
ductus (89). This result remains to be ex- logs have proved ineffective as human luteo-
plained, given the previously demonstrated di- lytics. However these agents are used success-
latatory effects in the ductus of EP, receptor fully in animal husbandry to help synchronize
activation. the oestrus cycles of farm animals.
It is also interesting to note that, given the Functional FP receptors have also been
clinical use of exogenous PGE, (dinoprostone) demonstrated in the myometrium of some ro-
in cervical ripening and labor induction (see dents and also humans (95, 96). However, in
Section 5), the expression of the different EP dogs, FP receptor agonists are lethal-proba-
receptors has been shown to alter with time in bly as a result of the presence of contractile FP
mice undergoing pseudopregnancy (90). receptors on airway smooth muscle (61). This
A role for E (and I) series prostaglandins in has yet to be reported in any other species. FP
inflammatory pain is well established, not receptors are also present in iris sphincter
least because of the anti-nociceptive effects of muscles, and the ocular actions mediated by
NSAIDS, but also because of observations that these receptors have been exploited to lower
exogenous prostaglandins can induce allo- intraocular pressure and in glaucoma treat-
dynia and hyperalgesia (91). In the periphery, ment in humans.
sensitizing effects of PGE, have been recorded Messenger RNA distribution studies have
on several aspects of sensory nerve function, identified FP receptor transcripts in the
including ion channels and neuropeptide re- uterus, further confirming the role of PGF,,
lease. The EP receptors involved in mediating in this tissue. In situ hybridization has also
these effects remain poorly characterized, but revealed that expression in the ovary is con-
these responses have been correlated with in- fined to the large luteal cells of the corpus lu-
creases in cyclic AMP, which would be sugges- teum (97). No labeling was observed in the
tive of EP,, EP,, or possibly, EP, receptor in- ovarian follicle. Receptor mRNA was also
volvement (see Section 3.4). Further studies found in the kidney, lung, heart, and stomach,
will hopefully address these issues and may and these studies are entirely consistent with
aid in the design of future anti-nociceptive the actions of PGF,, in mediating luteolysis
medicines. and mesangial cell contraction in the glomer-
ulus of the kidney (98).
2.3.3 Prostaglandin .,F Although PGF,,
can act through EP and TP receptors, it is 2.3.4 Prostaglandin I,. The primary role of
particularly potent at FP receptors. FP recep- prostacyclin is thought to be in the local con-
tors are mostly concentrated in corpora lutea, trol of vascular tone and also the inhibition of
where, in domestic animals, they mediate lu- platelet aggregation (99). It is synthesized
teolysis stimulated by PGF,,. It has also been mostly by vascular endothelial cells. In agree-
shown that, like uterine EP receptors, FP re- ment with this, IP receptors have been located
ceptor expression changes during the oestrus in both platelets and vascular smooth muscle
cycle, becoming most abundant just before the cells (100). IP receptor knockout mice, gener-
luteal cells undergo apoptosis (92). In addi- ated by homologous recombination, did not
tion, FP receptor-deficient mice do not un- display a hypotensive response to the potent,
dergo parturition even after the administra- selective IP receptor agonist, cicaprost (see
tion of oxytocin. Therefore, it seems that FP Section 4), but their basal blood pressure was
receptor activation is required for normal par- unaltered when compared with controls. The
turition and labor in mice (93). This function mice survived normally, but following endo-
of PGF,, is used widely in veterinary practice, thelial damage, an increase in thrombosis was
and the receptors also seem to be present in observed, lending weight to assertions that
this capacity in humans. However, initial PGI, acts as an antithrombotic agent (67).
hopes for FP receptor-specific agonists being IP receptors have also been found on ner-
useful in controlling human fertility (94) were vous tissue. PGI, is a potent hyperalgesic, act-
3 Prostanoid Receptor Classification and Characterization 275

ing on peripheral sensory neurones and may addition of a TP receptor agonist induced ap-
be more potent than PGE, in this respect, at optosis in this cell population that was sensi-
least in rodents (101). IP receptors have been tive to TP receptor antagonism. Hence, in ad-
localized to specific subsets of dorsal root gan- dition to roles in the cardiovascular and
glion (DRG) neurons (102). In situ hybridiza- respiratory systems, TP receptors may also
tion signals were detected in 40% of DRG neu- act in thymocyte development.
rons (60% small; 15-25 ~ m but ) not in glia. Recently, mice deficient in TP receptors
Seventy percent of IP-positive neurons also have been generated to further elucidate po-
contained mRNA for preprotachykinin A tential roles of thromboxane A,. These TP-'-
(PPTA), a substance P precursor. In addition, mice exhibited an increased tendency to bleed
around 25,41, and 24% of IP-positive neurons and were unresponsive to the intravenous in-
co-expressed EP,, EP,, and EP, transcripts, jection of the TP receptor specific agonist,
respectively, suggesting a possible overlap- U46619 (109). The increase in bleeding ten-
ping role of IP and EP receptors in mediating dency has also been reported in human pa-
pain sensation. tients with a point mutation (Arg-60 to Leu) in
Mice lacking IP receptors have also been the first cytoplasmic loop of their TP receptor
used to suggest a role for PGI, in inflamma- (110). These patients display a defective plate-
tion. For example, following carageenan ad- let aggregatory response to TXA,, which fur-
ministration, IP-'- mice exhibited paw swell- ther suggests a role for TP receptors in hemo-
ing that was similar to that observed in wild- stasis.
type mice treated with indomethacin (67).
Similar studies have also further suggested a
role for prostacyclin in mediating peripheral 3 PROSTANOID RECEPTOR
hyperalgesia (67). CLASSIFICATION AND
2.3.5 Thromboxane A,. As far as is known,
TXA, acts exclusively through TP receptors. The general scheme proposed by Kennedy and
TP receptors exhibit a widespread distribu- colleagues (see Section 1) is still in use today
,tion in platelets and vascular smooth muscle, (11,and has been confirmed and expanded by
where they mediate platelet aggregation and the use of modern techniques in molecular bi-
'also smooth muscle contraction (103,104). TP ology, which have made possible the cloning
lreceptors are also present in airway smooth
and molecular characterization of all the
!muscle (105), where they mediate broncho-
known prostanoid receptors.
constriction. Several studies have examined
the distribution of TP receptor mRNA. In the The current system terms prostanoid re-
mouse, TP receptor transcripts have been de- ceptors P receptors, which is preceded by a
d abundantly in the thymus, spleen, and letter to indicate the most potent natural pro-
g (106). In human tissues, TP receptor stanoid at that particular receptor (hence the
anscripts were found in the placenta and the receptor at which PGD, is the most potent
ng (107). Therefore, it seems that TP recep- natural agonist is called the DP receptor and
rs are present in immune related organs so on). This system was based initially upon a
e.g., spleen and thymus) as well as those rich rigorous quantitative comparison of the ago-
smooth muscle, such as the lung. Ushikubi nist potencies of each of the natural prosta-
d colleagues (108) have further investigated noids in tissue preparations chosen to avoid
TP receptor population in the thymus. Us- the problems associated with multiple recep-
radioligand binding, they found TP recep- tor types. In addition, being aware of the lim-
expression was greatest in immature itations of agonists in receptor classification
4-8- and CD4+8+ cells, and that recep- ( I l l ) , efforts were made to identify specific
expression decreased as cells matured. prostanoid-receptor antagonists. A summary
also suggested the presence of functional of the current state of prostanoid receptor
receptors on immature thymocytes, as the classification is shown in Table 6.2.
276 Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

Table 6.2 Second Messenger Couplings, Amino Acid (AA) Numbers, and Chromosomal
Locations of the Cloned Prostanoid Receptors
hceptor Number Chromosomal
Receptor Subtype Isoforms Coupling Species of AAa Location Refs.
Human 359 N.D.
G,. T cAMP Mouse 357 14
Rat 357 N.D.
Human 402 19~3.1
? [Ca2+li Mouse 405 8
Rat 405 N.D.
Human 358 5p13.1
G,, T CAMP Mouse 362 N.D.
Rat 357 N.D.
Human 365 lp31.2
Gi, .1 Mouse 365 3
Rat 366 N.D.
Human 488 5p13.1
G,, T 'AIvlP Mouse 513 15
Rat N.D.
Human 358 lp31.1
G, T Mouse 366 3
with T PI
Rat 366 N.D.
Human 386 19q13.3
GJG, and T Mouse 417 7
Rat 416 N.D.
Human 343 19~13.3
G,, T Mouse 341 10
with PI
Rat 341 N.D.
"Owing to C-terminal splicing, amino acid numbers are variable for EP, receptors. The AA numbers shown are for the
hEP3.,II receptor, the mEP,, receptor, and rEP,, receptors.
bMultipleC-terminal splice variants of EP, receptors exist that couple to different G-proteins. For example, bovine EP,
receptors can couple to Gi, but also to G,and G,.
PI, phosphatidyl inositol; f , increase; 4,decrease.

3.1 Prostanoid Receptor Subtypes equivocally. However, recently, it has been

and lsoforms shown that PGD, may act through a novel,
Although the subclassification of EP receptors putative chemoattractant receptor, termed
is well accepted and verified by numerous CRTH2, which is preferentially expressed in
studies, the evidence for subtypes of DP, IP, human T helper type 2 cells, eosinophils, and
and TP receptors is less clear. There is some basophils (131). This receptor is particularly
evidence for two subtypes of DP receptor (129, interesting in that it is not a member of the
130), although this has yet to be proven un- general prostanoid receptor family; rather, it
3 Prostanoid Receptor Classification and Characterization 277

is related to other chemoattractant receptors, Hydrophobicity and homology analyses of

such as that for N-formylmethionyl-leucyl- these receptors have revealed them to have
phenylalanine (fMLP). Although PGD, clearly seven putative transmembrane domains, sug-
has affinity for this receptor, it is not clear gesting they are all G-protein-coupled, rho-
whether it is the natural ligand, and so for the dopsin-like receptors (GPCRs) belonging to
time being, its identification as a bone fide the main subclass (2.1) (141). Overall homol-
prostanoid receptor must remain tentative. ogy between the different receptor types is
There is also some functional evidence for a quite low (20-30%), whereas homology be-
subdivision within IP receptors (19, 132). For tween species orthologues is much higher (70-
example, Wise and colleagues (133) found the 90%) (137). A summary of the gene locations
PGI, mimetic, BMY45778, to be a potent and and amino acid lengths of the cloned prosta-
full IP receptor agonist in human platelets and noid receptors is shown in Table 6.2. Recent
rat neutrophils. In contrast, this compound reports have also suggested that functional
was a weak partial agonist in the rat colon, prostanoid receptors are present at the nu-
suggesting the possible existence of more than clear envelope, as well as at the cell surface.
one subtype of IP receptor. For example, nuclear EP, receptors can in-
Although it is unclear whether there are duce increases in intranuclear Ca2+ and in-
several subtypes of TP receptors (134, 135), ducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene ex-
this receptor does seem to have at least two pression (142, 143).
isoforms, generated by alternative splicing, Despite the structural differences in recep-
both of which have been cloned in humans tor subtypes, strong conservation exists in
(136).These differ in the lengths of their C- several areas. There are 28 residues conserved
terminal tails distal to Arg-328. Similar alter- around the putative transmembrane domains,
native splicing has been reported in both EP, 8 of which are shared by other families of
(I),EP, (1371, and FP receptors (138). This GPCRs, and these are believed to be involved
been particularly well characterized in the in structure/function relationships of GPCRs
e of the EP, receptor. The EP, receptor in general. Thus, two cysteine residues in the
sts in several splice-variants, and it has first and second intracellular loops are con-

een proposed that at least six splice-variants served, and these may form a disulphide
uld exist in each species. These variants all bridge necessary for the stabilization of recep-
cur at the same relative amino acid in the tor conformation to allow ligand binding
-terminus of the EP, receptor, thus altering (144). Also conserved is an aspartate. in the

e length of the C-terminal tail. This has re- second transmembrane region, which has
ntly been shown to alter potential signal been shown in other receptors to be important
sduction pathways and localization of the in coupling ligand binding to G-protein activa-
receptor (118, 139, 140). Despite these tion (145). Concensus sequences for N-glyco-
rences, the binding affinities for the nat- sylation are also present, for example, in the
al prostanoids seem similar, and it is un- second extracellular loop of EP, and EP, re-
ear at present whether other EP receptor ceptors. In addition, serine and threonine res-
lective ligands display differences in affinity idues, putative phosphorylation sites, are
d agonist potency between different EP, re- widely distributed in the cytoplasmic portions
ceptor splice-variants, because no detailed of the receptors and may play a role in receptor
comparative studies have been carried out un- desensitization, as has been reported for hu-
der similar experimental conditions. man TP receptors (146,147).
' 3.2 Prostanoid Receptors as
Specific to the prostanoid receptors, the
most conserved region is the seventh trans-
C-Protein-Coupled Receptors
membrane domain, where the sequence L-X-
The first prostanoid receptor to be cloned was A-X-R-X-A-SIT-X-N-Q-I-L-D-P-W-V-Y-I-L is
the TXA, receptor (107), and since then, ho- shared. Two further sequences, G-R-Y-X-X-Q-
mology screening has been used to clone pro- X-P-G-T/S-W-C-Fand M-X-F-F-G-L-X-X-L-L-
stanoid receptors from several species, includ- X-X-X-A-M-A-X-E-R, are also present in the
ing mice, rats, humans, and cows (137). second extracellular loop and third transmem-
278 Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

brane domain, respectively. These have been prostanoid, both in native tissues and heterol-
suggested to be involved in prostanoid bind- ogous systems. These studies have also been
ing, with particular attention being paid to the furthered by the generation of radioligands
conserved Arg in the seventh transmembrane from ligands that show selectivity for particu-
domain, which is located at the analogous po- lar prostanoid receptors, such as the recent
sition to the retinal binding site, LysZs6,of the development of [3Hl-BWA868C to detect DP
rhodopsin receptor. It was suggested that this receptor-like binding sites (150).
residue might serve as the binding site for the
o-carboxyl group of prostanoid molecules 3.3.1 PGD2-Specific Binding Sites. [,HI-
(148). Site-directed mutagenesis experiments PGD, binding sites have been identified in hu-
have also been conducted to elucidate the man platelets, and these sites are bound, with
binding sites for various prostaglandin recep- high affinity, by the DP receptor selective ag-
tor-selective ligands, and these aspects will be onist, BW245C (see Section 12). In contrast,
covered in more detail (Section 4). BW245C does not displace [3Hl-prostacyclin
Computer-assisted sequence analyses have binding from human platelets, suggesting that
been used to construct phylogenetic trees to the binding sites are different. Likewise, the
infer the evolutionary pathways of the prosta- other natural prostaglandins show lower af-
noid receptors. For example, Toh and col- finities in displacing r3H]-PGD, binding than
leagues (149) examined the molecular evolu- PGD, or BW245C (151,152). Thus, these data
tion of the lipid mediator receptors. They are consistent with functional studies suggest-
reported prostanoid receptors forming a dis- ing that platelets, in humans at least, contain
tinct cluster within the rhodopsin-like DP receptors. Binding sites for [,HI-PGD,
GPCRs. In contrast, the receptors for platelet have also been reported in synaptic mem-
activating factor and lipoxygenases were in branes from the rat (153). Recently, [,HI-
another cluster with the receptors for tachyki- BWA868C has been reported and character-
nins and bradykinin. Moreover, the prosta- ized as a new radioligand to aid the
noid receptor cluster could be further subdi- identification of PGD, binding sites (150).
vided (Fig. 6.3). Hence, the DP/EP,/EP, and This radioligand showed high affinity binding
IP receptors, which predominantly exert their in human platelets that were displaced by
effects through increasing intracellular CAMP other ligands known to act through the DP
levels, seem to be more closely related to each receptor. Under the same conditions, EP, FP,
other than to EP,/FP and TP receptors, which IP, and TP receptor selective ligands were
predominantly act through increasing intra- poor competitors, with Ki values in the micro-
cellular Ca2+,or to EP, receptors, which, al- molar range. This could be an important ad-
though often causing decreases in intracellu- vance, because the use of a specific DP recep-
lar CAMP,have been reported to act through tor antagonist should allow the closer
multiple signaling pathways (see Section correlation of affinities and potencies from
3.4.4). Other groups (117, 149) have also pro- functional studies, without the added compli-
posed similar evolutionary pathways. These cations of differing agonist efficacies between
studies are consistent with the proposal that preparations.
the PGE system and receptor may have
evolved before the individual EP receptor sub- 3.3.2 PGE2-Specific Binding Sites. The use
types, which mediate specific signaling path- of [,HI-PGE, as a radioligand has proved useful
ways. Additionally, the construction of phylo- in the determination of PGE, binding sites that
genetic trees suggests that the prostanoid may or may not represent functional EP recep-
receptors evolved separately from the recep- tors. However, because of the non-selective na-
tors for other lipid-signaling molecules. ture of this ligand and also the lack of truly se-
lective EP receptor agonists and antagonists,
3.3 Radioligand Binding Studies
this approach to subclassifyingEP receptor sub-
The proposed scheme of receptor classification types has been limited. Nevertheless, high affin-
has been further supported by the existence of ity binding sites (pK, > 8) have been reported in
high affinity binding sites for each natural adipocytes, brain, dorsal root ganglia, kidney,
3 Prostanoid Receptor Classification and Characterization 279



Figure 6.3. Molecular grouping of the prostanoid receptors. The dendogram was constructed from
sequence comparison of the published sequences of the cloned prostanoid receptors from various
species. The sequences used are identified by their accession numbers shown within the figure. The
length of the solid lines represent evolutionary diversity.

corpus luteum, myometrium, gastrointestinal pocytes and renal collecting tubules have sug-
tract, liver, heart, and platelets (32). Further- gested the presence of EP, receptors. Encourag-
more, in some cases, PGE analogs have been ingly, the binding a n i t i e s obtained under
used to attempt to identlfy the EP subtype these conditions can be correlated to the relative
involved. For example, competition studies us- agonist potencies obtained for these compounds
ing [3H]-PGE, and sulprostone or AY23626 in other prototypical EP,, EP,, and EP, recep-
conducted in membranes prepared from rat adi- tor-containing tissues.
Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

3.3.3 PGF2,-Specific Binding Sites. The 3.3.5 TXA2-Specific Binding Sites. Radioli-
majority of studies using [3H]-PGF2, have gand binding studies have been performed us-
been conduced on the corpora lutea of several ing both TP receptor selective agonists and
species, including the rat (1541, rabbit (1551, antagonists. Agonists used include r3H1-
and sheep (156). The detection of high affinity U44069 (165), r3H]-U46619 (166), and [12511-
binding sites in these areas is entirely consis- I-BOP (167), and antagonists used include
tent with the effects of PGF,, as a luteolytic [3H]-13-APA, [1251]-PTA-OH, and more re-
agent in several species of animal and suggests cently, [3H]-SQ29548 (1681, [3Hl-GR32191B
the presence of functional FP receptors in me- (169),and [1251]-S-145(170),all of which have
diating prostaglandin-induced luteolysis. In pK, values of >8. The latter compounds are
addition, this binding is displaced specifically particularly potent TP receptor blockers and
by unlabeled PGF,,, and studies using flupro- are thus ideally suited for use in radioligand
stenol and cloprostenol, both highly selective binding studies. Several studies have been
and potent PGF analogs (see Section 4.31, re- performed on platelets, and in general, a good
veal a good correlation between binding affin- correlation in ligand potencies has been ob-
ity and agonist potency at FP receptors. In served between functional and binding stud-
addition, when expressed in recombinant sys- ies. For example, in human platelets, L3H1-
tems, there seems to be a good correlation be- U44069 binding was displaced by U46619 and
tween rank orders of affinity between recom- also TXA, (171). Similarly, identical rank or-
binant FP receptors and those believed to be ders have been obtained for the TP receptor
present in corpora lutea (157). [3Hl-17-phenyl antagonists, SQ29548, 0N03708, BM13177,
PGF,, has also been reported as a radioligand and 13-APA in human platelets using both
useful in the determination of FP receptor functional and ligand binding techniques
binding sites (158). (166). Interestingly, the binding properties
of r3H]-SQ29548 and [3Hl-GR32191B (va-
3.3.4 PG12-Specific Binding Sites. IP recep- piprost) seem to reflect some of their pharma-
tors have been identified in a wide variety of cological properties in man. Thus, [3Hl-SQ29548
tissues, and PGI binding sites reflect this. shows rapid association and dissociation ki-
Hence, binding studies have been performed netics (168),whereas [3H]-GR32191Bexhibits
on platelets, vascular smooth muscle, and slow dissociation kinetics (169), which corre-
nerve cells, as well as the guinea pig lung, gen- lates with this compound's pharmacological
erally using [3H]-prostacyclin, [3H]-iloprost, profile in platelets where it seems to act as a
or [3H]-PGEl as the radioligand (159, 160). partially insurmountable receptor blocker
In all the preparations studied, a similar (172). The binding properties of recombinant
order of agonist potency was obtained in com- TP receptors have also been extensively exam-
petition studies. Hence, iloprost = PGI, > ined and the rank orders of affinity obtained
PGE, (10-fold weaker) > PGD, = PGE, = are in good agreement with those obtained in
PGF,, (32). Furthermore, if PGD,, for which membranes derived from endogenous TP re-
there are known binding sites on human blood ceptor-containing tissues (157,164).
platelets (161), is omitted, there is a clear as-
sociation between the rank order of competi- 3.3.6 Summary. Thus, it can be seen that
tive potency and the relative potencies of these specific binding sites for all of the main natu-
agonists to inhibit platelet aggregation. These ral prostaglandins have been identified in both
data thus suggest that the [3H]-PG12binding membranes prepared from tissues and also in
sites identified in the above tissues are likely recombinant systems. These studies, showing
to be IP receptors of the same type. binding sites at which each of the natural pro-
In recombinant systems, the rank orders of stanoids displays the highest binding affinity,
competitive potency for a wide range of pros- are consistent with the proposed system of re-
taglandin receptor ligands are similar to those ceptor classification. Likewise, the good corre-
obtained in platelets and other tissues, thus lation between the orders of affinity in compe-
providing further evidence for the existence of tition studies and agonist potency from
IP receptors in these tissues (126, 162-164). functional studies suggest that binding sites
3 Prostanoid Receptor Classification and Characterization 281

identified are functional receptors and that ra- nal transduction systems. The major coupling
dioligand binding is a useful tool to aid in re- is to G, to reduce adenylate cyclase activity,
ceptor identification and classification. but there are several reports of differential
coupling of splice variants, including coupling
3.4 Signal Transduction
to increases in intracellular calcium (139).
The coupling of prostanoid receptors to intracel- This is consistent with responses observed in
lular signalling pathways has been examined by tissues, where EP, receptor activation can in-
several methods using both recombinant sys- hibit gastric acid secretion (see below) and li-
tems and in vitro preparations to determine the polysis, two actions classically mediated by de-
Gproteins and second messengers involved. creases in cellular CAMP. In addition, it also
seems that EP, receptors can mediate smooth
3.4.1 D P Receptors. DP receptors couple muscle contraction, consistent with increases
through G, to increases in intracellular cyclic in intracellular Ca2+(27). In addition, the EP,
AMP. Indirect evidence for this was obtained receptor seems to be involved in the inhibition
by Simon and colleagues (173), who showed of arginine vasopressin water reabsorption
that D, E, and I series prostaglandins all stim- through a pertussis toxin-sensitive pathway,
ulated adenylate cyclase in human colonic mu- suggesting the involvement of Gi (177, 178).
cosa. These early observations have been con- Likewise, the EP,-mediated inhibition of acid
firmed by studies using recombinant DP secretion in the stomach is also pertussis-sen-
receptors, where it has been demonstrated sitive (72).
that both PGD, and the DP receptor selective Four EP, receptor isoforms have been
agonist, BW245C, concentration dependently cloned from cDNA generated from a bovine
increase cyclic AMP levels in Chinese hamster adrenal gland, and these display coupling to
ovary (CHO)cells expressing recombinant DP multiple second messenger pathways. Thus,
eceptors (49, 112). the bovine EP3, isoform couples to G,, the
EP,, and EP,, isoforms to G,, and the EP3,
3.4.2 EP, Receptors. The G-protein in- isoform to G,, G,, and G, (179). Isoforms of the
lved in EP, receptor signaling has yet to be mouse EP, receptor, EP,, and EPSp,differ in
entified (1). Studies in recombinant cells their responses to GTPyS and also in potency
ggest the involvement of Ca2+ mobilization. at inhibiting forskolin-induced CAMP accu-
atabe and colleagues (64) showed PGE, mulation, with EP3y requiring threefold
sed an increase in intracellular [Ca2+]in lower concentrations of agonist than EP,@to
HO cells expressing this receptor, an event evoke a 50% inhibition (119).
at was dependent on extracellular Ca2+ and
ompanied by a very weak inositol trisphos- 3.4.5 EP, Receptors. This receptor sub-
ate (IP,) response. This agrees with Creese type, like the EP, receptor, is known to couple
d Denborough (174) who showed a similar to G, and mediate increases in intracellular
racellular Ca2+ effect in guinea pig tra- CAMP levels (116). There is some confusion in
hea, a preparation known to contract the early literature regarding the identity of
hrough EP, receptors (175). the "true" EP, receptor. The "EP," subtype,
originally cloned by Honda and colleagues
3.4.3 EP, Receptors. EP, receptors are (122) and Bastien and co-workers (121) has
upled to G, and mediate increases in intra- since been identified as the EP, receptor, on
llular CAMP concentrations. Evidence for the basis of its insensitivity to the EP, recep-
his was first obtained by Hardcastle and co- tor-selective agonist, butaprost (see Section
rkers, who reported a positive association 4), and sensitivity to the EP, receptor antago-
ween EP, and CAMP generation in entero- nist, AH23848B. The EP, receptor cloned by
es (176) and more recently from recombi- Regan and colleagues (117) is regarded as the
"true" EP, receptor subtype.

3.4.4 EP, Receptors. EP, receptors have 3.4.6 FP Receptors. This receptor type me-
n shown to couple to several different sig- diates increases in inositol triphosphate for-
Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

mation through G, and phospholipase C acti- is equipotent to the natural agonist in produc-
vation. It has been known for some time that ing vasodilation and inhibiting of platelet ag-
stimulation with PGF,, is coupled to in- gregation and more selective with respect to
creases in phosphoinositide turnover and the EP and FP receptor activity. PGJ, has also
elevation of intracellular calcium (180, 181). been shown to be of similar potency to PGD,
In mouse fibroblasts, the effect of PGF,, to in heterologous systems (190). Furthermore,
elevate intracellular calcium is pertussis toxin- PGJ, and its derivative, 15-deoxy,12,14-PGJ,,
insensitive, suggesting a lack of involvement are also agonists at the peroxisome prolifera-
of G,, and correlates with IP, formation (182). tor-activated receptor-gamma (PPARy) (191).
Similar results have been obtained using re- The most widely described DP receptor ago-
combinant FP receptors, where FP receptor nist is the synthetic prostanoid, BW245C
activation resulted in a concentration-depen- (192). This is a hydantoin prostanoid analog
dent increase in IP, formation (97). that is at least one order of magnitude more
potent than PGD, as a DP receptor agonist,
3.4.7 IP Receptors. IP receptors mediate but is considerably less active at TP and FP
an increase in CAMP levels through G, (163), receptors. It displaces [,HI-PGD,, but not
but recombinant studies in CHO cells have [3Hl-prostacyclin binding form in bovine
also revealed a phosphatidyl inositide re- platelets (1521,and its inhibitory action on hu-
sponse that is cholera- and pertussis toxin- man platelets can be blocked by the DP recep-
insensitive, suggesting the involvement of G, tor antagonist, AH6809. Furthermore, BW245C
(126). has been shown to potently inhibit the aggre-
gation of human platelets and relax the rabbit
3.4.8 TP Receptors. TP receptors are gen- transverse stomach strip (193). Another DP
erally regarded as signaling through G, to receptor selective agonist is the 9-chloro ana-
cause an increase in the concentration of in- log of PGE,, ZK110841 (194). SQ27986 has
tracellular calcium (183). However, there are also been described as a potent and highly se-
reports that TP receptors may also couple to lective DP receptor agonist (195). Interest-
GI,, GI,, and G13 (184-186). Furthermore, ingly, introducing a 15-cyclohexyl group into
there have also been reports that TP receptor the a-side chain of PGD, and other prosta-
splice variants, while both coupling to G,, may glandins seems to enhance DP receptor-like
interact differently with adenylate cyclase. selectivity. Finally, and most surprisingly, is
Thus, the TPa receptor isoform induces in- RS93520. This is an analog of PGI,, but is far
creases in intracellular CAMP, whereas the more potent as a DP receptor agonist, being
TPP isoform induces decreases in intracellu- only a modest IP receptor agonist on the hu-
lar CAMPlevels (187). man platelet (196). Recently, L-644698 has
been described as a novel DP receptor selec-
tive agonist (190), and it has been reported to
be at least 300-fold more selective for human
DP receptors over human EP, receptors and
more than 4000-fold more selective over the
other human recombinant prostanoid recep-
From the desire to produce novel therapeu-
tics, several ligands that are selective for sub- tors. It also exhibits similar efficacy to PGD,
types of prostaglandin receptors have been de- and BW245C, as evaluated by the accumula-
veloped, and these are detailed below. tion of CAMP in recombinant cells, suggesting
this may prove a useful tool in DP receptor
4.1 DP Receptors and Selective Ligands
characterization in the future. The agonist
and antagonist potencies of some ligands ac-
The structures of some DP receptor ligands tive at the DP receptor are shown in Table 6.3
are shown in Fig. 6.4. PGD, is not an inher- and affinity constants at both mouse and hu-
ently selective agonist; it also has FP and TP man recombinant receptors in Table 6.4.
receptor activity (188). The dehydration prod- The first compounds with recognized DP
uct of PGD,, PGJ, (9-deoxy-A9-PGD,), (189) receptor blocking activity were the phloretin
Receptor-Selective Ligands and Structure-Activity Relationships



Figure 6.4. The structures of some DP receptor-selective ligands.

284 Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

Table 6.3 The Potencies of Some DP Receptor Agonists and Antagonists

Equieffedive Concentration
Agonists Relative to PGD2 (=1.0) Refs.

p~ - -

Antagonists PA, Refs.

derivatives, N-0164, N-0057, and N-0161. tems. For example, it antagonizes PGE,- and
N-0164 antagonized the anti-aggregatory ac- PGF,,-induced gastrointestinal smooth mus-
tions of PGD, and BW245C on human plate- cle contraction (202) and has also been shown
lets and also inhibited the concomitant PGD,- to have inhibitory effects on thromboxane
induced CAMP elevation (201). However, synthase (203) and CAMP phosphodiesterases
N-0164 also possesses activity in other sys- (2041, in addition to blocking TP receptors

Table 6.4 Affinities of Some Prostanoid Receptor Agonists and Antagonists (*) at
Recombinant Human and Mouse DP, FP, IP, and TP Receptors
Human [K, (nM)] Mouse [Ki (nM)I

PGE, 307 119 ** >10000 *** *** *** ***
SC19220* N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. *** *** *** ***
Butaprost FA >10000 ** >10000 >10000 *** *** *** ***
Butaprost ME >10000 >10000 >10000 >10000 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
Sulprostone ** 198 ** ** *** 580 *** ***
M&B28767 \glOOOO 510 \glOOOO 343 *** 124 *** 1300
GR63799 >10000 1241 >10000 >10000 *** *** *** ***
Enprostil >10000 88 >10000 >10000 *** *** *** ***
Misoprostol FA >10000 >10000 ** ** *** *** *** ***
Misoprostol ME ** ** ** ** N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
11-deoxy-PGE, N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. +** *** 1000 ***
AH23848B* 1380 >10000 >10000 592 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
PGD, 1.7 6.7 ** 6602 21 47 *** ***
BW245C 0.4 >10000 >10000 >10000 250 1700 *** ***
ZK110841 0.3 1670 2138 1121 *** *** *** ***
BWA868C* N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 220 *** *** ***
PGF2, 861 3.2 >10000 8700 *** 3.4 *** ***
Fluprostenol ** 2.3 ** >10000 *** 3.8 *** ***
Cloprostenol >10000 0.47 ** 6123 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
Latanoprost 555 ** ** >10000 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
Iloprost 1035 619 11 6487 *** *** 11 ***
Cicaprost >1340 >I340 17 >I340 *** *** 10 ***
Carbaprostacyclin 132 360 282 >10000 *** *** 110 ***
U46619 3970 241 >10000 35 1000 *** *** 67
SQ29548* *L ** ** 4.1 *** *** *** 13
Human data taken from Abramovitz et al. (157).Mouse data from Kiryama et al. (164).
**Ki estimate > 100,000 nM.
***Unablet o displace 50% of their radioligand at 10 p M .
4 Prostanoid Receptor-Selective Ligands and Structure-Activity Relationships

(205).Indeed, N-0164 was first identified as an C-6 considerably reduce agonist potency at EP
EP receptor blocker, where it antagonizes receptors. Furthermore, an alkynic link be-
PGE, and PGF,,-induced smooth muscle con- tween C4 and C5 reduces EP, agonist potency,
tractions (200). AH6809 is also a DP receptor whereas an interphenylene at C-3-C-7 in-
blocker, but this compound also exhibits an- creases selectivity for the EP, receptor (215,
tagonist activity at TP, EP, (and human EP,) 216). The cyclopentyl ring also seems critical
receptors (164,206), having an estimated PA, for EP receptor selectivity, because substitu-
value of 6.5 in both cases. A more potent and tion with a cyclohexyl group produces a signif-
selective DP receptor antagonist was de- icant loss of activity at EP receptors in general
scribed by Giles and colleagues (200): (212). Likewise, a carbonyl group at C-9 is pre-
B W A ~ ~ ~aCderivative
-is of the D P receptor ferred for EP receptor agonist activity, al-
agonist, BW245C and is the most useful DP though a methylene group allows EP, and EP,
receptor antagonist currently available. It has receptor activity (217-219). The hydroxy
also been shown to possess activity in vivo group at C-11 seems critical for EP, receptor
(207). This compound displays potent antago- activity, but not at other EP receptors. How-
nist activity against the functional effects of ever, removal of this group seems to decrease
PGD, in human platelets (2081, rabbit jugular agonist potency at all EP receptor subtypes
and saphenous vein (200, 2091, and human and may also result in a relative increase in TP
myometrium (210). Recently, S-5751 has also receptor agonist activity.
been described as a DP receptor selective an- The length of the o-chain does not seem
crucial in conferring EP receptor agonist ac-
[3H]-BWA868Chas also recently been de- tivity, and there are several cases in which the
scribed (195). This radioligand displayed high length of this chain has been altered without
aMinity binding in human platelets and the DP inducing differences in agonist activity (32).
ive ligands described above all Likewise, the C-13-C-14 double bond is not
affinities in competition exper- critical, as long as it is present in the trans
ame tissue. Ligands active at conformation. In contrast, a hydroxy group at
anoid receptors were, in con- C-15 is necessary for EP receptor agonist ac-
petitors. Thus, it seems that tivity, but the presence of this group at both
ay prove useful for future DP C-15 and C-16 can reduce EP, receptor po-
erization and autoradio- tency. When a methyl group is introduced at
C-15 or (2-16, TP receptor activity seems to
increase (220). The substitution of the final
.2 EP Receptors and Selective Ligands two to four carbon atoms of the methyl chain
with a cyclic structure also seems to confer
4.2.1 General Considerations. The identifi- some EP receptor selectivity, with 17-phenyl-
ion of PGE analogs with selective func- trinor-PGE, probably one of the best-docu-
trates the progress that has mented examples. This agonist has some EP,
n made into determining structure-activ- receptor selectivity (32).
relationships for EP receptor selectivity, Recently, Ungrin and colleagues (221) per-
it seems that further structural features formed a study to determine the structure ac-
fer EP receptor subtype selectivity. For EP tivity relationships of 55 prostanoid-like com-
nist activity, the length of the a-chain is pounds at the recombinant human EP,
teration of this by a single receptor. They examined the effects of these
ring loss of EP receptor se- analogs on both receptor binding and activa-
ty (212). Substitutions at C-1 seem to tion. On the basis of this, they suggested that
uce agonist potency at EP, receptors. the C-11 and C-15 hydroxy group are essential
e carboxylic acid group for agonist activity, along with the presence of
for example, esters, methanesulfon- a carbonyl group at C-9, rather than an ester
ups, seems to maintain moiety. Furthermore, they found that the al-
and EP, receptors only teration of the w-tail could enhance the po-
t, substitutions at C-2 to tency of otherwise weak compounds. In sum-
Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

1 7-phenyl-trinor-PGE2 sulprostone


AH6809 SC- lW2O

Figure 6.5. The structures of some EP, receptor-selective ligands.

m a y , in conferring EP receptor selectivity, ceptor selectivity but are also active at other
the following elements are important: an EP receptors (222). ICI 80205 also has TP re-
a-chain of seven carbon atoms, a cyclopentyl ceptor activity. Sulprostone was also identi-
ring substituted at C-9, preferably with a car- fied as an EP, receptor selective agonist, but it
bony1 group, and a hydroxy group at C-15 or is actually more potent as an EP, receptor se-
C-16. lective ligand (157). Iloprost is a stable analog
of PGI,, but this behaves as a potent partial
4.2.2 EP, Receptor-Selective Ligands. The agonist at EP, receptors. Thus, compounds do
structures of some EP, receptor selective li- not have to be PGE derivatives to display EP,
gands are depicted in Fig. 6.5. To date, no agonist activity. Iloprost is also relatively se-
highly selective, potent EP, receptor agonists lective for EP, receptors over the other EP
have been described, and it is only recently receptor subtypes, displaying very little func-
that potent EP, receptor antagonists have tional activity in EP, and EP, containing
been reported. 17-phenyltrinor-PGE (see preparations.
above), 16,16-dimethyl PGE,, ICI 80205, and Several compounds have been synthesized
9-methylene PGE, all show moderate EP, re- that demonstrate EP, receptor blocking activ-
4 Prostanoid Receptor-Selective Ligands and Structure-Activity Relationships 287

ity in functional studies. The first of these mined, but this compound failed to antagonize
compounds to be described is the weak antag- the relaxant effect of PGE, in the guinea pig
onist SC-19220 (223), with PA, values of 5.2- isolated-trachea preparation, a model of EP,
5.6 in EP, receptor-containing preparations. receptor activity (63). They also found that
This compound and its derivatives have been this compound displayed anti-nociceptive
tested for EP, antagonist activity in both the properties in in vivo tests in the rat, further
guinea pig ileum and the rat fundus. It was suggesting a possible role for EP, receptors in
found that increasing the length of the acetyl prostaglandin-induced hyperalgesia. A sum-
chain increases potency but reduces selectiv- mary of the agonist and antagonist potencies,
ity. SC-19220 has also been found to be active as well as the inhibition constants of ligands
in vivo, showing antinociceptive effects in a that have EP, receptor activity, are shown in
variety of animal pain tests (224). However, Tables 6.5 and 6.6, respectively.
SC-19220 is highly insoluble and has also been It should be noted that, whereas most of
shown to exhibit some local anesthetic activity the agonists described at EP, receptors are
(225). Although SC-19220 is regarded as a obvious derivatives of PGE, (with the excep-
weak competitive EP, antagonist on the basis tion of iloprost), none of the antagonists thus
of functional studies, it has negligible binding far described bear any clear chemical resem-
affmity for the recombinant mouse EP, recep- blance to E series prostaglandins.
tor (164).AH6809 also shows weak EP, block-
ing activity, although it is more potent than 4.2.3 EP, Receptor-Selective Ligands. The
SC-19220. However, this compound is also a structures of some compounds that are active
blocker of the human EP, receptor (206) and at EP, receptors are shown in Fig. 6.6. Several
DP receptors. No binding of this compound to compounds have been described that seem to
the recombinant mouse EP, receptor was de- be specific EP, receptor agonists. The first
teded, and at the human receptor, AH6809, compound identified, but later found to pos-
displayed similar weak affinities for EP,, EP,, sess some EP, receptor activity as well, was
EP,, and DP receptors (157,164). In addition, the PGE, analog, AY23626 (228). Misoprostol
the usefulness of AH6809, especially in vivo, is and 19(R)-OHPGE, (229) are also EP, recep-
compromised by its avid binding to albumin; it tor agonists, but the former is more potent at
is approximately 97% protein bound in the EP, receptors (222) and the latter at EP, re-
presence of 4% bovine serum albumin (226). ceptors (116). Despite a lack of absolute selec-
Recently, Shaw and colleagues have reported tivity, both these agents have been useful tools
anew EP, antagonist, ZM325802, which they in preparations lacking EP, receptors. More
have shown to have a K,of 0.25 nM at human specific for the EP, receptor are AH13205
recombinant EP, receptors and to be 8400- (230) and butaprost (TR4979) (231). Butap-
fold more selective over EP, and EP, recep- rost, although not possessing great potency, is
tors. Binding at EP, receptors was not deter- highly selective for the EP, receptor subtype

Table 6.5 Potencies of Some EP, Receptor Agonists and Antagonists

Equieffective Concentration
Relative to PGE, (=LO) Refs.
17-phenyl-trinor PGE, 1 227
4-6 228
la 60,116
P& Refs.
5.2-5.6 226,228
6.67.0 226,228
288 Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

Table 6.6 Affinities of Some Prostanoid Receptor Agonists and Antagonists (*) at
Recombinant Human and Mouse EP,, EP,, EP,, and EP, Receptors
Human [K,
(nM)] Mouse [Ki
Ligand EPl EPz EP3 EP4 EP, EP, EP3 EP4
PGE, 9.1 4.9 0.33 0.79 20 12 0.85 1.9
SC19220* N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. *** *** *** ***
Butaprost FA >10000 91 1643 >10000 *** 110 *** ***
Butaprost ME >10000 3513 r1oooo >10000 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
Sulprostone 107 ** 0.35 7740 21 *** 0.6 ***
M&B28767 419 988 0.14 10 120 *** 0.68 500
GR63799 329 >10000 4.77 149 *** *** 1.9 480
Enprostil 82 >10000 12 >10000 *** *** *** ***
Misoprostol FA >10000 34 7.9 23 120 250 67 67
Misoprostol ME >10000 10249 319 5499 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
11-deoxy PGE, N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 600 45 1.5 23
AH23848B* >10000 >10000 4419 13727 *** *** *** ***
PGD, 5280 2973 421 1483 *** *** 280 ***
BW245C >10000 219 r 10000 132 *** *** *** ***
ZK110841 1.8 6.0 -503 41 *** *** *** ***
BWA868C* N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. *** *** *** ***
PGF,, 547 964 38 288 1300 *** 75 ***
Fluprostenol >10000 ** 708 >10000 *** *** *** ***
Cloprostenol 815 ** 4.4 9137 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
Latanoprost 1750 >10000 6503 ** N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
Iloprost 11 1870 56 284 21 1600 22 2300
Cicaprost >I340 >I340 255 44 *** 1300 170 ***
Carbaprostacyclin 23 942 14 352 *** 1600 31 2300
U46619 >10000 >10000 >10000 2013 *** *** *** ***
SQ29548* ** ** ** ** *** *** *** ***
Human data from Abramovitz et al. (157). Mouse data from Kiryama et al. (164).
**K,estimate > 100,000 nM.
***Unableto displace 50% of radioligand at 10a.
over other EP receptors, making it a useful gastroduodenal damage and increased risk of
experimental tool. Like misoprostol it displays ulceration associated with NSAID use (233).
much higher affinity for recombinant EP, re- Examples include misoprostol, rioprostil,
ceptors when in its free acid form (116, 157). M&B28767, sulprostone, and nocloprost (84,
To date, there are no reports of compounds 234, 235). However, these compounds also
that act as specific EP, receptor blockers, al- seem to be active at other EP receptors. Miso-
though AH6809 is an antagonist at human prostol and rioprostil both have well-docu-
EP, receptors. A summary of the affinities and mented agonist activity at the EP, receptors,
potencies of EP, receptor ligands obtained in although not at EP, receptors, whereas sulpr-
both functional and binding studies are shown ostone, which has been widely used in EP, re-
in Tables 6.6 and 6.7, respectively. ceptor characterization studies, is also active
at EP, receptors (228). In contrast, enprostil
4.2.4 EP, Receptor-Selective Ligands. The and GR63799X are more selective for the EP,
structures of some ligands active at the EP, receptor (72, 236). In addition, both com-
receptor are illustrated in Fig. 6.7. EP, recep- pounds are highly potent in functional assays.
tors are believed to be important in mediating These functional assays have also been backed
the beneficial effects of prostaglandins in the up by the results of studies, both functional
stomach, where they seem to inhibit gastric and radioligand binding in recombinant recep-
acid secretion. Several EP, receptor agonists tors (116, 157, 164). Probably the most selec-
have been developed to protect against the tive agonist at the EP, receptor is SC46275
4 Prostanoid Receptor-Selective Ligands and Structure-Activity Relationships


butaprost misoprostol
Figure 6.6. The structures of some EP, receptor-selective ligands.

(2371, which displays nanomolar potency in 19R(OH)-PGE, have been identified as ago-
smooth muscle preparations containing EP, nists that display around 30-fold selectivity for
receptors, such as the guinea pig vas deferens, EP, receptors over the EP, receptor subtype
but not those containing EP, or EP, receptors (116). However, recently, series of compounds
(237).To date, there are no well-documented that show apparent EP, receptor selectivity
at have been described (241, 242) The TP recep-
m- tor blocking drugs, AH23848B and AH 22921,
- are both weak EP, receptor antagonists, with
PA, values of around 5.4. Despite its low po-
m a y of the affinities obtained in recom- tency, AH23848B is considered a relatively
inant binding studies and functional poten- specific antagonist (232). The structures of
for EP, receptor active compounds is some EP, receptor selective compounds, along
hown in Tables 6.6 and 6.8, respectively. with their binding affinities and functional po-
tencies are shown in Fig. 6.8 and Tables 6.6
4.2.5 EP, Receptor-Selective Ligands. The and 6.9, respectively.
4.3 FP Receptors and Selective Ligands
ented examples of potent, selective EP, re- PGF,, is a potent FP receptor agonist, but it
ptor agonists, but 11-deoxy-PGE, and also displays some activity at EP and TP re-

Equieffective Concentration
Relative to PGE, (= 1) Refs.
30-100 230
14 232
40 229
2-14 228
6-30 116,231
Note. there are no selective EP, receptor antagonists (1).
"Also has activity at EP, receptors.
bAlsohas activity at EP, receptors.
Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors


Sulprostone Misoprostol

Enprostil SC46275
Figure 6.7. The structures of some EP, receptor-selective ligands.

ceptors. PGF,, is a potent luteolytic agent and agonists. Of the two compounds, fluprostenol
is used in veterinary practice for this purpose. is the most FP receptor selective, being almost
Also potent luteolytics in several animal spe- inactive at all the other prostanoid receptors,
cies are two 16-phenoxy analogs of PGF,,, whereas cloprostenol displays some weak ac-
known as fluprostenol and cloprostenol(244). tivity in EP, receptor-containing preparations
Their contractile actions on FP receptor prep- (232). Several other agents, all analogs of
arations, the iris muscle of the dog and the cat, PGF,,, have also been synthesized as FP re-
confirmed their identity as potent FP receptor ceptor selective ligands. These include pros-

Table 6.8 Potencies of Some EP, Receptor Agonists

Equieffective Concentration
Agonists Relative to PGE, (=1) Refs.
Misoprostola 0.2-1.0 72,227,236
Rioprostol 0.9-1.1 72
M&B28767 0.1-0.6 74,227
Nocloprost 1 239
Enprostil 0.02-0.1 71, 72,236
Sulprostoneb 0.1-1.0 1,116,240
GR63799X 0.1 236
"Also has activity at EP, receptors.
bAlso has activity at EP, receptors.
4 Prostanoid Receptor-Selective Ligands
" and Structure-Activity Relationships




Figure 6.8. The structures of some EP, receptor-selective ligands.

talene, fenprostalene, and tiaprost (245). In and the binding affinities and functional po-
addition, no specific FP receptor antagonists tencies are shown in Tables 6.4 and 6.10, re-
have been reported. Several agents, 14-dide- spectively.
iF,,, N,N-dimethylamino- Crossley
- (250) has investigated
- the struc-
and N,N-dime thy la mi do-^^&, have ture activity requirements for FP receptor ac-
tivat,ion. Alteration of the length of the
p-chain, which can be altered from 8-11 car-
ar whether these effects are mediated by FP bon atoms, has little effect on activity. In ad-
ceptor blockade (232). The structures of dition, replacement of the carbon atoms in po-
Borne FP receptor ligands are shown in Fig. 6.9 sitions 17-21 in the p-chain with oxygen alters

Table 6.9 The Potencies of S o m e EP, Receptor Agonists and Antagonists

ve Concentration
Relative to PGE, (= 1) Refs.
11-deoxy-PGE, 1 116
19R(OH)-PGEZa 30 116
Antagonists P& Refs.

"Also has activity at EP, receptors.

Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors


Cloprostenol Latanoprost
Figure 6.9. The structures of some F P receptor-selective ligands.

potency. The 17-keto derivative is the most have been synthesized, with the aim of in-
potent FP ligand, also displaying the greatest creasing its stability and maintaining the po-
selectivity over EP receptors. Furthermore, tentially beneficial platelet anti-aggregatory
replacement of the P-chain C-17-C-20 atoms actions of prostacyclin, but not its hypotensive
with phenoxy groups carrying further rneta properties. The chemical instability of prosta-
and para substitutions also affects FP recep- cyclin stems from the close proximity of the
tor interactions. The most potent FP receptor strained en01 structure and carboxylic group.
agonist produced using this procedure is the Hence, efforts to produce stable analogs have
p-fluorophenoxy analog, but it also displayed focused on the substitution of the en01 ether
significant activity at TP receptors. However, structure and also altering the length of the
the rn-trifuoromethylphenoxy (fluprostenol) a-side chain. Substitution of the oxygen in the
and rn-chlorophenoxy (cloprostenol) substi- en01 group with less reactive sulphur, nitro-
tuted analogs are both highly potent and se- gen, and carbon atoms has improved stability.
lective FP receptor agonists (see above). An example is carbaprostacyclin [(5E)-6a-
carba-PGI,] (251). To retain functional activ-
4.4 IP Receptors and Selective Ligands
ity, it seems that the 1-carboxy and 11- and
The structures of some compounds with activ- 15-hydroxy groups and unsaturation of C-5
ity at IP receptors are shown in Fig. 6.10. PGI, are critical. Functional activity is enhanced by
itself is chemically very unstable and is only the introduction of a methyl group at C-16 or
moderately selective, possessing agonist activ- C-17. In addition, the presence of an alkyl
ity at EP, and TP receptors, as well as at IP group at C-18 confers increased stability. This
receptors (60). Several IP receptor ligands feature is present in the first stable prostacy-
Table 6.10 Potencies of Some FP Receptor Agonists
Equieffective Concentration
Agonists Relative to PGF,, (= 1) Refs.
Fluprostenol 0.2-1.0 246,247
Cloprostenol 0.3-0.5 248
Prostalene 0.7-2.7 248
Fenprostalene 1 249
4 Prostanoid Receptor-Selective Ligands and Structure-Activity Relationships


lloprost Cicaprost

'I C02H


Figure 6.10. The structures of some IP receptor-selective ligands.

clin analog described, iloprost, a molecule in made to the structure of PGI, that increase
which the en01 ether oxygen present in PGI, stability and potency at IP receptors is shown
has been substituted with a methyl group and in Fig. 6.11. Iloprost is as potent as prostacy-
the lower side-chain altered, including the in- clin in mediating the inhibition of platelet ag-
troduction of a triple bond at C-18, to improve gregation and the relaxation of vascular
stability (252). A summary of the alterations smooth muscle (2521, but it is not purely IP
Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

Saturation of double bond

Replacement with C, N lntroduction of 0 at C-3

------- Replacement of double

bond with aromatic ring

Introduction of -CH3 at C-16

Extension of w-chain

Figure 6.11. Alterations that have been made to increase the stability of prostacyclin.

receptor-selective, having partial agonist ac- analogs have also been described, including
tivity at EP, receptors (60). Therefore, cau- beraprost, in which the en01 ether portion of
tion must be used when interpreting func- the PGI, molecule is incorporated into an ar-
tional data from this compound in systems omatic ring, and the lower chain is similar in
known or suspected to contain EP, receptors. structure to that of iloprost. The affinities and
However, the upper side-chain of iloprost is potencies of some IP receptor agonists are
susceptible to p-oxidation, resulting in a bio- shown in Tables 6.4 and 6.11, respectively.
availabiltiy of only around 20% after oral dos- In addition, several "non-prostanoid PGI,
ing (253). With this is mind, the same group mimetics" have been described as IP receptor
from Schering also produced cicaprost, which agonists. From the use of these agents, includ-
is probably the most selective IP receptor ag- ing octimibate, EP157, and BMY45778, which
onist currently available (254). In this com- all lack a typical prostanoid ring, it has been
pound, they replaced the p-methylene group suggested that subtypes of IP receptor may
at C-3 in the upper side-chain with an oxygen exist (19). To date, despite the array of selec-
atom to block the p-oxidation pathway, and tive IP receptor agonists, no specific antago-
further altered the lower side-chain to pro- nists have been described.
duce this highly potent, stable compound.
4.5 TP Receptors and Selective Ligands
These changes included the introduction of a
second triple bond at C-13 and an additional The structures of some compounds that are
methyl group at (3-20. It exhibits little func- active at TP receptors are shown in Fig. 6.12.
tional activity in EP receptor-containing TXA, itself is inherently unstable, having a
preparations (227) and is more potent than half-life in solution at pH 7.4 and 37°C of
both parent compounds at inhibiting platelet around 30 s, making it unsuitable for rigorous
aggregation and as a smooth muscle relaxant. pharmacological studies. However, there are
Cicaprost has also been suggested to have several examples of stable TP receptor ago-
anti-metastatic effects on tumors (253). Other nists, the most useful of which are analogs of
Table 6.11 Potencies of Some IP Receptor Agonists
Equieffective Concentration
Agonists Relative to PGI, (= 1) Refs.
"Primate IP, receptors only.
4 Prostanoid Receptor-Selective Ligands and Structure-Activity Relationships 295

PGH,. U44069 and U46619 (259) are 9,l l-ep- zylsulfonamido analog (2691,and the indole-2-
oxymethano and 9,ll-methanoepoxy deriva- propanoic acid derivative, L-655240 (270),
tives of PGH,, respectively. These compounds have also been described as potent TP recep-
are the most widely characterized TP receptor tor antagonists. Another potent, non-prostan-
agonists in use today. U46619 is the best char- oid TP receptor antagonist is BAYu3405 (271).
acterized of the two ligands, and it displays The affinities and potencies of some TP recep-
similar properties to TXA, in several prepara- tor agonists and antagonists are shown in Ta-
tions (104). In addition, it also causes platelet ble 6.4 and Table 6.12, respectively.
aggregation and smooth muscle contraction
4.6 Prostanoid Receptors: Location of Ligand
with similar potency to TXA, in vitro (260).
Binding Sites
Other TP receptor agonists that have been
synthesized include EP171, SQ26655, I-BOP, Recent advances in molecular biology have
and ST& (32). meant that the critical regions of amino acids
Agonists at TP receptors can be broadly di- to confer high affinity ligand binding are now
vided into two groups: those that are analogs beginning to be determined. For example, the
of TXA,, such as ST&, and those that are an- importance of arginine at position 329 in the
alogs of PGH,, such as U46619. Replacing the seventh transmembrane domain of all EP re-
acetal moiety of TXA, not only stabilizes the ceptors has been examined by point mutations
compound, but also may produce ligands that in the rabbit EP, receptor. Thus, mutation of
display either agonist or antagonist proper- this amino acid to alanine or glutamate abol-
ties. Hence, ST&, the thia analog of TXA,, is a ished the binding of [,HI-PGE,, whereas the
full agonist at TP receptors (261), whereas the mutation of aspartate 388 was without effect
9(ll),lla-dicarba derivative, CT&, displays on ligand binding, but altered signal transduc-
partial agonist properties on human platelets tion, such that the EP, receptor agonist, sul-
(262).Similarly, replacing the dioxygen bridge prostone, was without effect even at high con-
in PGH, with isosteric moieties produces com- centrations (279). Similar results have been
pounds with TP receptor agonist activity. For obtained using mouse receptors: mutation of
example, replacing either oxygen with a meth- the equivalent arginine 309 to glutamatelva-
ylene group produces U44069 and U46619 line produced a loss in ligand binding, whereas
(259).Furthermore, it seems that the incorpo- switching it to lysine produced higher affinity
ration of a p-fluorophenoxy moiety into the binding (280).These data suggest that the sev-
terminus of the o-chain, as in EP171, in- enth transmembrane domain of prostaglandin
creases agonist potency. receptors is involved in both ligand binding
Compared with the other prostanoid recep- and signal transduction.
tors, TP receptors are unusual in that numer- Taken together with evidence that sug-
ous antagonists have been identified, several gests that modification of the carboxyl group
of which are structurally unrelated to TXA, on the a-chain of prostaglandins tend to re-
itself. Some of the first identified drugs with duce agonist potency (219), the above findings
apparent TP receptor blocking activity in suggest that this conserved arginine could be
blood platelets were the TXA, analogs, 9 , l l - involved in interacting with the a-chain of
azoprosta-5,13-dienoic acid (263), 9,ll-epoxy- prostaglandin ligands. Indeed, it has been
iminod,l3-dienoicacid (264),and pinane TXA, shown that ligands containing methyl esters
(265).However, these compounds all act as par- at C-1 tend to display lower binding affinities
tial agonists in smooth muscle preparations. than those containing negatively charged hy-
Further work produced compounds more dis- droxy groups. An example is the comparison of
tinct in structure from TXA,, such as the ligand binding of misoprostol methyl ester and
7-oxabicyclo[2.2.l]heptane analog, SQ29548 free acid to the EP, receptor (157). Further-
(266), AH19437, AH23848B, and GR32191B more, the rabbit EP, receptor displays a 370-
(vapiprost)(104, 172,267). EP045 and EP092 fold decrease in affinity for PGE, methyl ester
(263, 268) were generated as PGH, receptor over PGE, (279). On the other hand, the same
analogs. Compounds structurally unrelated to authors demonstrated that sulprostone, which
prostanoids, such as BM 13505, which is a ben- contains a sulfonamide at C-1 that is bulkier
Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

. " ~ C O ~ H



Figure 6.12. The structures of some TP receptor-selective agonists.

than a carboxyl group but still carries a nega- It is also interesting to speculate whether
tive charge (pK, = 5.25 cf 5.19 for the carboxyl the cysteine residue in the second extracellu-
group of PGE,), exhibited a threefold higher lar loop forms a disulphide bridge that is im-
affinity than PGE,. These data suggest that a portant for receptor conformation. In the rab-
negative charge on C-1 is important for high bit, mutation of this cysteine 204 to the
affinity ligand binding to EP receptors. Chang uncharged alanine did not affect PGE, bind-
and colleagues (281) have investigated the rel- ing (279). This is in contrast to results re-
ative contribution of the conserved arginine ported in human TP receptors, where muta-
with respect to hydrogen bonding and ionic tion of the equivalent cysteine and another in
interactions that may be involved in ligand the first extracellular loop abolished ligand
binding. They mutated the arginine to non- binding (282, 283). Also, as the TP receptor
charged but polar glutamine or asparagines, fails to display ligand binding after reduction
or the non-polar leucine, to see how these with dithiothreitol(284), and in other rhodop-
changes affected the binding of PGE,. The sin-like receptors equivalent cysteine residues
mutation to leucine decreased binding affinity form a disulphide bridge, it has been sug-
by around 40-fold, whereas binding was al- gested that cysteine 105 and cysteine 183 may
most unaffected by the other two mutations. form a disulphide bond essential to ligand
On the basis of this, they have suggested that binding.
hydrogen bonding may be enough for high af- Studies with human TP receptors have also
finity ligand binding. highlighted several regions that are thought
4 Prostanoid Receptor-Selective Ligands and Structure-Activity Relationships


GR32191 (vapiprost)

L655240 BAYu3405
Figure 6.12. (Continued.)

to be important in ligand binding. For exam- of the conserved arginine 295, also in the sev-
ple, the mutation of tryptophan 299, in the enth transmembrane domain of the human
seventh transmembrane domain, to leucine TP receptor, causes a reduction in ligand bind-
produces a receptor that can bind the TP re- ing (285). Likewise, the importance of cysteine
ceptor agonist, U46619, but not the antago- residues in the human TP receptor has also
nist, SQ29548 (285). Furthermore, mutation been investigated by mutational studies,
298 Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

Table 6.12 Potencies of Some TP Receptor Agonists and Antagonists

Equieffective Concentration
Agonists Relative to U46619 (= 1) Refs.
EP171 0.008-0.03 172,273
SQ26655 0.14-0.47 172
I-BOP 0.12-0.25 273,274
STA, 36 275
Antagonists Refs.

which have stressed the importance of those similar approach, mutating EP, receptor res-
residues in the first and second extracellular idues common to EP, and EP, receptors, but
loops (283). It also seems that glycosylation of not IP receptors to those present in IP recep-
the TP receptor may be important for ligand tors. They showed that mutating the human
binding: when two extracellular glycosylation EP, receptor leucine 304 in the seventh trans-
sites are mutated, the resulting receptor dis- membrane domain to tyrosine resulted in an
plays a loss of ligand binding (286). increase in potency of iloprost of around 100
The use of chimeric receptors has also been times in a CAMP-dependent reporter gene as-
employed to attempt to dissect out regions of say. Likewise, mutation of the critical arginine
receptors important in ligand binding. For ex- 302 resulted in a loss of potency for all prosta-
ample, Kobayashi and colleagues (287) used noids tested. This may be consistent with the
chimeric DP and IP receptors to study possible above assertion that amino acids in the sixth
domains involved in DP and IP receptor ligand and seventh transmembrane domains are rel-
binding. In substituting different regions of evant in the binding of the a-chain of IP li-
the mouse IP receptor with equivalent regions gands. Hence it can be seen that some progress
from the mouse DP receptor, they suggested is being made into the regions of prostan-
that the sixth and seventh transmembrane do- oid receptors that confer high affinity ligand
mains of the IP receptor confer specificity to binding.
IP receptor ligands and that the third trans-
membrane domain of the DP receptor confers
the specific binding of PGD,. They suggested 5 CLINICAL USE OF AGENTS
that the IP receptor recognizes both the side-
chains and cyclopentane rings of the ligands it The current drugs available in the clinic are
binds. PGI, has a unique a-chain structure, mostly natural prostaglandins themselves and
caused by the presence of an additional ring a few closely related analogs, and it is only
attached to the cyclopentyl ring present in all very recently that efforts have again increased
prostanoids. It has been suggested that the IP to find highly selective synthetic prostaglan-
receptor can recognize PGE,, but not PGE,, din receptor ligands, which might be useful
because of the lack of the C-5-C-6 double medicines. One barrier to this effort, at least
bond, which allows it to mimic the configura- with respect to pain and inflammation, is that
tion of the side-chain in I series prostaglan- aspirin and the competitive COX inhibitors,
dins. Likewise, the binding of I- and E-series, which inhibit prostaglandin synthesis per se,
but not D- and F-series prostaglandins, was are already available and have proved to be
explained by the lack of cyclopentane ring rec- remarkably efficacious. However, they do
ognition for the latter two prostaglandin se- cause unwanted gastrointestinal side effects,
ries. Kedzie and co-workers (288) employed a especially the non-selective COX inhibitors. It
5 Clinical Use of Agents
\R 3 %@%J
remains to be seen whether selective prosta- actions primarily through - EP and IP prosta-
noid receptor antagonists might provide bet- noid receptors. The main clinical usesare in
ter medicines for the treatment of pain and the treatment of male erectile dysfunction and
other therapeutic indications. A summary of congenital heart disease. Alprostadil is largely
the available agents and their indications is inactivated by the lungs on its first passage
presented in Table 6.13. The therapeutic areas through the pulmonary circulation. Its metab-
in which these agents are used are diverse and olites are excreted in the urine within approx-
are a consequence of the widespread physio- imately 24 h.
logical actions of the natural prostaglandins. Alprostadil is available in several formula-
Prostaglandins used in the termination of tions for the diagnosis and treatment of impo-
pregnancy, cervical ripening, and labor induc- tence caused by erectile dysfunction. The most
tion include dinoprost (PGF,,) and carbaprost common formulation is for intracavernosal in-
(15-methyl-PGF,,), dinoprostone (PGE,), sul- jection (5-20 pg). For intracavernosal injec-
prostone, gemeprost, and misoprostol. Alpros- tions, it is recommended that the dose given
tadil (PGE,) is used to treat erectile dysfunc- does not exceed 60 pg, although doses of up to
tion. Prostaglandins used in cardiovascular 100 pg have been reported. Dose-related re-
conditions include alprostadil and the PGE, sponses have been reported (292). Following
analog, limaprost, as well as epoprostenol intracavernosal alprostadil injection, the inci-
(prostacyclin) and its analog, iloprost. Miso- dence of pain at the injection site has been
prostol is used clinically, with some success, as reported to be dose-dependent (293). In addi-
an inhibitor of gastric acid secretion. Prosta- tion, penile fibrosis and priapism has also been
glandins, particularly of the F series, are observed when prostaglandins are used for
widely used as luteolytics in veterinary medi- this purpose. In cases of priapism, corrective
cine, but a discussion of this is beyond the therapy should be administered rapidly. In
scope of this chapter. However, the FP recep- comparative studies, intracavernosal alpros-
tor agonist, latanoprost, has found use in the tadil was as effective at producing erections as
treatment of glaucoma (289, 290). D-series papaverine alone or in combination with the
prostaglandins are not used in the clinic at non-selective a-adrenoreceptor antagonist,
present. Intravenous administration of PGD, phentolamine (294, 295). It has also been ad-
in humans causes facial flushing and intense ministered in combination with these two
nasal congestion. No effects were seen with agents. Other administration routes include
respect to ADP-induced platelet aggregation, urethral suppositories, but the dose required
suggesting PGD, is unlikely to be a useful is higher (125-1000 pg rather than the usual
anti-thrombotic in man (291). Each clinically dosing range of between 5 and 20 pg) (296). In
available prostanoid is described below, begin- a recent trial, intraurethral alprostadil was re-
ning with the natural prostaglandins and then ported to have an overall success rate of
the selective ligands that have been developed around 50% (297).
with the aim of producing more stable com- Alprostadil is also used to treat several as-
pounds, with a longer duration of action and a pects of cardiovascular disease. For example,
more specific effect. At present, the clinically it is administered intravenously to neonates
available prostanoids are all receptor agonists. with congenital heart disease to maintain the
The structures of some of the clinically avail- patency of the ductus arteriosus before sur-
able prostanoids not covered in Section 4 are gery can take place. In neonates treated with
shown in Fig. 6.13. alprostadil for congenital heart defects, sev-
eral side effects were observed in a 3-year
5.1 Natural Prostaglandins study examining almost 500 children. These
included some cardiovascular events, and in
5.1.1 Alprostadil (Prostaglandin E,). Alpro- some individuals, respiratory depression
stadil is the name given to an injectable for- (298). Alprostadil has also been used in the
mulation of PGE,, which when administered treatment of peripheral vascular disease, es-
exogenously causes vasodilatation and the in- pecially Raynaud's syndrome, which is charac-
hibition of platelet aggregation. It exerts its terized by digital ischemia induced by cold and
300 Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

emotion (299). In addition, several studies mainstream therapies. Alprostadil is one of

have shown it to be superior to placebo in pe- several drugs that have been used to combat
ripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) circulatory disturbances in ergotamine poi-
(300). However, such uses do not constitute soning (301) and has also proved effective in

Table 6.13 Agents in Clinical Use That Are Active at Prostanoid Receptors
Generic Trade
Name Name(s) Originator Synonyms Dose
Alprostadil Caverject Pharmacia PGE, Ductus arteriosus:
Upjohn 50-100 ng kg-'
min- '
Erectile dysfunction:
5-20 pg
Muse AstraZeneca Erectile dysfunction:
125-1000 pg
Dinoprostone Prepidil Pharmacia PGE, Cervical ripening:
Upjohn 500 pg in 2.5 ml
Labour induction:
1-2 mg per 2.5 ml
(gel), 0.5 mg h-'
Prostin Pharmacia Termination of
E2 Upjohn pregnancy: 100 pg
5 pg ml-I IV
Limaprost Opalmon On0 ONO-1206 Anti-thrombotic
Gemeprost Cervagem Rhone- 16,16 Cervical ripening: 1
Poulene dimethyl mg pessary
PGE, vaginally
Misoprostol Arthotec Searle SC-29333 Anti-ulceration: 800
Cytotec Searle Labour induction:
25-50 pg vaginally
Sulprostone Nalador Schering AG CP-34089; Cervical dilation:
SHB 500 pg per 3-6 h
286; ZK- IV
57671 Termination of
pregnancy: 100-
500 pg h-' IV
Latanoprost Xalatan Pharmacia PhXA-41; Glaucoma: 0.005%
Upjohn XA-41 solution topically
Epoprostenol Flolan GlaxoSmithKline Prostacyclin; Dialysis: 5 ng kg-'
PGI, min-' IV
infusion after
Iloprost Ilomedin Schering AG ZK-36374 Peripheral vascular
disease: 0.5-2 ng
kg-I IV as
trometamol salt
5 Clinical Use of Agents 301

Table 6.13 (Continued)

Narne(s) Originator Synonyms Dose
Hemabate Pharmacia 15-methyl Termination of
Upjohn PGF2,; pregnancy: 250-
U-32921 500 pg IM
Prostinfenem Pharmacia Postpartum
Upjohn haemorrhage: 250
Prostin Pharmacia PGF2, Termination of
Pregnancy: 40 mg
25-50 pg min-'
Labour induction:
2.5-20 pg min-'
Prostarmon Ono Ileus: 0.3-0.5 ~g
F kg-' min-' IV

the management of hemorrhagic cystitis in produce some irritation at the infusion site,
children following bone marrow transplanta- headache, and vasodilation. The vasodilatory
effects also occur with prostacyclin analogs
Alprostadil also seems to be beneficial in and are often more pronounced in these cases.
the treatment of some hepatic disorders, with The rare occurrence of gastric mucosal hyper-
some promise being shown in patients with plasia has also been reported in children re-
fulminant or subfulrninant viral hepatitis ceiving long-term treatment with prostaglan-
(303). In these cases it has also been adminis- dins (304).
red with dinoprostone and the EP, and EP,
ceptor agonist, misoprostol. Dino-
5.1.2 Dinoprostone (Prostaglandin E,).
In addition to the side effects outlined prostone is the name given to pharmaceutical
ove, administration of exogenous PGE, may formulations of PGE,, and the action most ex-


' CO~H

Gemeprost Unoprostone

Figure 6.13. The structures of some compounds in clinical use that are active at prostanoid
Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

ploited in the clinic is its ability to contract syndrome. However, the latter therapy is not
smooth muscle. It exerts its actions predomi- widely used. Furthermore, dinoprostone has
nantly through interactions with EP recep- proved useful in treating the oral lesions in
tors. It is widelv
" used in the induction of labor patients with pemphigus vulgaris.
but also for the termination of pregnancy, hy- Side effects occurring following dinopros-
datiform mole, and missed abortion. The main tone seem to be related to the dosing system
route of administration is vaginal, but this used, and the intravenous route is associated
drug can also be dosed intravenously, orally or with more adverse reactions. Common prob-
extra-amniotically. Intravenous infusion is as- lems include nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal
sociated with a large incidence of adverse ef- pain, along with short-term cardiovascular ef-
fects (305). fects such as headache, hypotension, and fa-
In labor induction, dinoprostone is used to cial flushing, as seen with alprostadil. How-
soften and dilate the cervix before the mem- ever, a report cataloguing 3313 pregnancies in
branes are breached and labor is induced. It which dinoprostone was used in cervical rip-
may also be administered either vaginally or ening or labor induction reported that side ef-
orally to induce labor. However, the oral route fects were rare and were generally limited to
is not common, because it is associated with a diarrhea, vomiting, and fever (310). The most
greater incidence of gastrointestinal adverse common adverse effect seen with the use of
effects. Likewise, intravenous dosing has also prostaglandins combined with mifepristone is
been employed, but this is no longer generally excessive vaginal bleeding.
Dinoprostone is also used in the termina- 5.1.3 Dinoprost (Prostaglandin F,,). This
tion of pregnancy in the second trimester. For is the name given to pharmaceutical formula-
this purpose, it is usually dosed extra-amnioti- tions of PGF,, and is widely used in the ter-
cally through a suitable catheter, with the mination of pregnancy, because it exerts a
dose given being dependent on patient re- contractile effect on uterine smooth muscle at
sponse. Intravenous infusions have also been any stage of the gestation period. However, it
used for this purpose, as well as in cases of is also used, like dinoprostone, for missed
hydatiform mole and missed abortion. In the abortion, hydatiform mole, and fetal death in
United States, the preferred route of adminis- utero. It is no longer generally recommended
tration for this purpose is through vaginal pes- for routine use in the induction of labor be-
sary. Although they are effective alone, be- cause of the higher incidence of adverse effects
cause of the incidence of adverse effects, encountered compared with dinoprostone.
prostaglandins are normally used at low doses For termination of pregnancy, the intra-
in combination with mifepristone (306). amniotic route is preferred, because this re-
Along with alprostadil (see above), dino- sults in fewer side effects than intravenous
prostone is also used in the short term to dosing. Dinoprost has also been used success-
maintain ductus arteriosus patency before fully to treat the ileus that results from vinca
surgery. Oral dinoprostone, when used longer, alkaloid administration (311).
may be beneficial in allowing later surgery by Dinoprost produces similar adverse effects
facilitating infant growth. This has been re- to dinoprostone, and epoprostenol and ilo-
ported by both Silove and colleagues (307) and prost have also both been reported to produce
Thanopoulus and co-workers (308) in 60 and similar cardiovascular effects (312).
22 infants, respectively. Initial treatment reg-
imens typically continue for 4 weeks, and dos- 5.1.4 Epoprostenol (Prostaglandin I,; Pros-
ing is typically oral, but can be intravenous if tacyclin). Epoprostenol is the name used to
gastrointestinal absorption is poor. describe a prostacyclin formulation for exoge-
Like alprostadil and other prostaglandins, nous administration. This drug has a very
. has also been used in the man- short half-life in the body and is rapidly bro-
agement of hemorrhagic cystitis, especially ken down to 6-keto-PGF,,. Prostacyclin is a
that caused by cyclophosphamide (309),and in vasodilator and potent inhibitor of platelet ag-
cardiovascular disease, including Raynaud's gregation and is used to treat pulmonary hy-
5 Clinical Use of Agents

pertension and to prevent platelet aggregation meprost may be given intravaginally in con-
in, for example, blood from patients undergo- juction with oral mifeprostone (306). Mifepro-
ing kidney dialysis. Epoprostenol has also stone is a progesterone antagonist and serves
been evaluated for the treatment of heart fail- to sensitize the uterus to prostaglandins. This
ure. However, long-term use resulted in an facilitates the use of lower doses of prostaglan-
increase in patient mortality, so development dins in pregnancy termination, thus reducing
for this purpose has now been discontinued the severity and incidence of unwanted ad-
(313). Like alprostadil and dinoprostone, verse effects. However, gemeprost is expen-
epoprostenol has also been used in the treat- sive and is thermolabile, requiring refriger-
ment of peripheral vascular disease. ated storage. It is not approved for use in the
Owing to its instability, epoprostenol is United States (306).
supplied as the sodium salt and must be ad- Side effects following intravaginally ad-
ministered by continuous infusion. As a con- ministered gemeprost are generally relatively
sequence, a dose-ranging study must first be mild, with systemic effects such as nausea and
performed to evaluate the maximum tolerable diarrhea reported. The effects of this drug on
infusion rate. Epoprostenol has also been used the fetus are not known, but once a prosta-
with some success in patients with acute respi- glandin has been used to initiate termination
ratory distress syndrome (314, 315). of pregnancy, if it is found to be unsuccessful,
In pulmonary hypertension, epoprostenol termination must be completed by another
was first introduced as a short-term treatment means.
enabling patients to undergo heart-lung trans-
plants. However, in some patients treated long 5.2.2 Misoprostol. Misoprostol is a syn-
term with the drug, an encouraging clinical thetic analog of PGE, and is regarded as a
improvement has been reported (316-318). selective EP, and EP, receptor agonist. It has
The intravenous route of administration is a higher affinity at the EP, receptor, and this
difficult to manage because it requires contin- has been demonstrated in recombinant sys-
uous infusion, but as an alternative, inhala- tems using the cloned receptors of several spe-
tion of epoprostenol may provide a therapy cies (157, 164). It is a mixture of four stereo-
with fewer adverse effects, and this regimen isomers, with the llR,16S isomer accounting
has been used successfully in adults with both for most of its activity, and it will be interest-
primary and secondary pulmonary hyperten- ing to see if stereochemically pure formula-
sion (319, 320). Epoprostenol has also been tions show greater therapeutic efficacy. Once
ed in organ transplantation, finding use in administered, it is rapidly metabolized to its
th organ preservation and also in the treat- active form, misoprostol-free acid. It is further
nt of some of the post-transplant complica- metabolized by oxidation in several organs
ons that may occur. and is excreted mainly in the urine. It has a
Epoprostenol has also been used in patients plasma elimination half-life of around 20-40
h ischemic stroke. However, the patho- min (323) and is about 85% serum albumin
hysiological involvement of endogenous bound (324).
rostaglandins in ischemic brain damage is Misoprostol has several therapeutic uses,
ot clear, and no studies showing significant, including the treatment of gastroduodenal ul-
stained therapeutic benefits with epoproste- ceration and labor induction and has the ad-
01 have been reported (321,322). vantage of being relatively inexpensive and
stable enough to be stored at room tempera-
5.2 Synthetic Prostaglandins ture. Prostaglandin therapy for the induction
of labor is a well-established practice, and mi-
5.2.1 Gemeprost. Gemeprost is a synthetic soprostol has been compared with dinopros-
analog of PGE,. It is usually given vaginally as tone and also oxytocin. It was found to be
pessaries and is used therapeutically to soften equieffective with oxytocin (325) and more ef-
and dilate the cervix and to stimulate uterine fective than dinoprostone (326). It was also
moot4 muscle contraction in the termination shown to be effective in 92% of women in com-
of pregnancy. For the latter indication, ge- bination with tamoxifen (327). However, mi-
Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors

soprostol is often not effective in the termina- of a link with increased cardiovascular compli-
tion of pregnancy when used alone. Its misuse cations, such as hypotension and acute myo-
has led to reports of associated congenital ab- cardial infarction (336). Sulprostone has a
normalities in neonates, including scalp, skull, similar side effect profile to dinoprostone.
and limb defects. It is possible that these ter-
atogenic effects may be caused by an increase 5.2.4 Latanoprost. Latanoprost is a deriva-
in uterine pressure caused by vascular spasm tive of PGF,, that is used in the treatment of
or uterine contractions (328, 329). However, glaucoma and ocular hypertension, and in-
no such events have been reported in animal creases the outflow of the aqueous humor, by-
studies (330). Misoprostol has also been passing the obstructed site of normal drainage
shown to be effective in treating both gastric by opening an alternative drainage pathway
and duodenal ulcers but is no more efficacious through uveal and scleral tissues. It is used
than other established therapies, such as his- topically as eye drops, and as an adverse effect,
tamine H2-receptorantagonism, and has more it may induce an increase in brown pigmenta-
unwanted side effects (331, 332). One condi- tion of the iris, corneal deposits, and, rarely,
tion where it was thought it might offer supe- an increase in eyelash growth. This effect is
riority over standard antacid therapy was in caused by increased melanin formation in me-
ulcer prevention in patients on long-term lanocytes. In addition, latanoprost also pro-
NSAID treatment (333). Nevertheless, proton duces increased reductions in intraocular
pump inhibitors, such as omeprazole, seem to pressure when used with other anti-glaucoma
be as effective and have fewer side effects. agents, such as the muscarinic agonist, pilo-
Misoprostol may also prove useful in the carpine, and the carbonic anyhydrase inhibi-
treatment of postpartum hemorrhage and has tor, acetazolamide (337). It has the advantage
also been used in organ transplantation. For that it only requires once daily administra-
example, it has been reported to improve kid- tion, thus improvingpatient compliance (338).
ney function in cyclosporin-treated patients Unoprostone is another PGF,, analog that
who have received renal transplants (334). has also been used in the treatment of glau-
The most common adverse effect seen with coma, although mainly in the Japanese mar-
the use of misoprostol is diarrhea, but abdom- ket (339).
inal pain has also been reported, limiting the
use of this and other similar compounds in the 5.2.5 Iloprost. Iloprost is a stable analog of
management of gastroduodenal ulceration. prostacyclin, and like PGI,, causes vasodila-
Effects on uterine contraction have also been tion and the inhibition of platelet aggregation.
reported, suggesting that misoprostol should In addition to acting at IP receptors, it dis-
not be given to pregnant women (335). plays potent partial agonist activity at EP, re-
ceptors (60). It has found clinical use, along
5.2.3 Sulprostone. Sulprostone is a syn- with other prostaglandins, in the treatment of
thetic derivative of PGE, and is primarily rec- peripheral vascular disease and several ad-
ognized as an EP, receptor agonist, although ministration routes have been investigated for
it also has activity at EP, receptors (116). It its use in the management of pulmonary hy-
was developed as an abortifacient, and like pertension, a disease where epoprostenol is an
other PGE analogs, it acts as a uterine stimu- established therapeutic (318). A recent, un-
lant. It has thus been used to stimulate cervi- controlled trial has suggested that inhaled ilo-
cal dilation before pregnancy termination dur- prost may provide a novel treatment option in
ing the first 3 months of gestation. Dosing is patients with life-threatening pulmonary hy-
generally intravenous, although several other pertension that is unresponsive to current
routes have been used, including intramuscu- therapies (340). In particular, it has been used
lar, although this is no longer recommended. to combat pulmonary arterial obstructive dis-
It has also been used in the treatment of post- order, which tends to occur following artery
partum hemorrhage. Sulprostone's use as an narrowing and occlusion influenced by athero-
abortifacient has been discontinued, because sclerosis. This therapy is usually well toler-
References 305

ated, with headache and facial flushing being dence from knock-out mouse studies has
the most common adverse effects (341). further suggested the potential involvement
of EP,, EP,, and IP receptors in mediating
5.2.6 Carboprost. Carbaprost is a 15- painful responses (67, 344). Coupled with
methyl analog of dinoprost (prostaglandin this, the use of EP, receptor antagonists for
F,,) and is also known as methyldinoprost. the treatment of inflammatory pain has re-
Like dinoprost, it is a uterine stimulant, but cently been suggested (63). In light of the
because of the presence of the 15-methyl possibility that DP and EP, receptor antag-
group, it has a more prolonged course of ac- onists might prove useful in the treatment of
tion, because this delays enzymatic dehydro- allergic inflammation and migraine, respec-
genation associated with inactivation. tively (2 11,345),there is evidence to suggest
Clinical use is generally for the termination that, in the future, potent specific prosta-
of pregnancy, but it is also used in postpartum
noid receptor antagonists may make effec-
hemorrhage. Following administration to the
tive medicines.
bladder, it has also proved useful in cyclophos-
phamide-induced hemorrhagic cystitis in bone
marrow patients (342).
5.2.7 Limaprost. Limaprost (ONO-1206)is 1. R. A. Coleman, The IUPHAR Compendium of
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oratory of Molecular Pharmacology
epartment of Pharmaceutical Sciences
ollege of Pharmacy

1 Introduction, 318
2 Clinical Applications, 319
3 Retinoid Biosynthesis, 320
3.1 Fate of Dietary Sources of Retinoids, 320
3.2 Symmetrical Cleavage of p-Carotene, 321
3.3 Asymmetrical Cleavage of /%Carotene, 322
3.4 Formation of Retinyl Esters, 323
3.5 Mobilization of Body Vitamin A Stores, 324
3.6 The Fate of Intracellular Retinol, 324
3.7 Oxidation of Retinol, 325
3.8 Formation of Retinoic Acid: A Major
Signaling Retinoid, 325
3.9 Active Isomers of q 3 2 6
3.10 14-Hydroxy-4,14-retro-retinol, 327
3.11 Non-Receptor, RA Binding Proteins, 328
4 Retinoid Metabolism, 328
5 Role of Retinoids in Visual Signal Transdudion,
5.1 Photon Detection, 331
5.2 Initiation of a Visual Signal, 331
5.3 Shutting Off R*,331
5.4 The Retinoid Cycle in Visual Processes, 332
5.5 Retinoids and the Basis of Color Vision, 334
6 Retinoic Acid Signaling Pathways, 335
6.1 Historical Perspective, 335
6.2 Discovery of RXRs, 336
6.3 Identification of Retinoic Acid Target Genes,
6.4 RARs and RXRs Bind Response Elements as
a Heterodimeric Complex, 339
7 Functional Domains of RARs
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery and RXRs, 340
Sixth Edition, Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, 7.1 RAR and RXR DNA Binding Domains, 340
and Drugs from New Biology 7.2 Ligand Binding Domain, 341
Edited by Donald J. Abraham 7.3 Apo-Receptors Interact with Transcriptional
ISBN 0-471-37030-4 O 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Corepressor Complexes, 341

7.4 Holo-RAR.RXRComplexes Interact with 8.2 "Gene-Specific" Retinoids, 348

Two Classes of Transcriptional Coactivators, 8.3 Anti-AP1 Activity of Retinoids, 349
344 8.4 CD437: An Atypical Retinoid, 350
7.5 "Ligand-Independent" Transcriptional 8.5 Novel Uses for RXR-Active Compounds, 350
Activation, AFT, of RARs and RXRs, 345 8.6 Summary and Perspective, 351
8 Future Perspectives, 345
8.1 Receptor- and Receptor Subtype-Selective
Retinoids, 345

1 INTRODUCTION Naturally occurring retinoids are charac-

terized by three distinct structural elements
Retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A that (Fig. 7.1): (1)a lipophilic terminus composed
have both diverse and essential actions in of a p-ionone ring, (2) an isoprene side chain
developmental and cellular differentiation that is subject to both enzymatic and non-en-
processes, vision, and reproduction (1). The zymatic isomerization (Fig. 7.2), and (3) a po-
biological activity of retinoids has been appre- lar terminus that is the subject of oxidative
ciated since the 1920s (2, 3), and the huge modifications (Figs. 7.1 and 7.2). All of these
strides made by synthetic chemists, and mo- processes occur in vivo with the superimposed
lecular, developmental, and structural biolo- complexity of a multitude of binding and
gists since the late 1980s have contributed transport proteins and receptors possessing
dramatically to our understanding of the mo- differential affinities for these naturally oc-
lecular processes that underlie the biological
curring retinoids.
activities of retinoid compounds. Retinoids are
The objectives of this chapter are to describe
now well established as valuable therapeutic
agents in the treatment of a variety of skin and (1)retinoids that are currently in clinical use,
proliferative disorders. Indeed, the number of including the adverse effects associated with
retinoid compounds approved by the Food and the therapeutic use of these compounds; (2)
Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical use, retinoid biosynthesis and metabolism; (3) the
seven, has more than tripled since the last edi- basis of action of retinoids in molecular, cellu-
tion of this text, and there are no indications lar, and organismal contexts including vision;
that the wave of retinoid drug development and (4) new agents on the horizon of retinoid
has reached a crest. biology.

Isoprene Polar
side shain terminus

C02H trans - retinoic acid

Figure 7.1. Naturally occurring

2 Clinical Applications


9-cis-retinoic acid

13-cis-retinoic acid Figure
noids. 7.2. Naturally occurring cis-reti-

fulness of these compounds. Systemic retinoid

com~oundsare considered to be extreme te-

Early studies conducted by Wolbach and ratogens, inducing severe malformations of

Howe suggesting that vitamin A plays a key the central nervous system, skull, external
role in limiting cellular proliferation and in ear, eye, cardiovascular system, thymus, and
the maintenance of the terminally differenti- parathyroid gland. (Table 7.2 describes terato-
ated phenotype of a number of cell types (2,3) genicity associated with systemic isotretinoin
set the stage for the present use of naturally use.)
occurring retinoids and synthetic derivatives Owing to the extreme teratogenicity of sys-
in the treatment of diseases of the skin (psori- temic retinoid compounds, the FDA and
asis, severe acne, and photodamage) and pro- Roche Pharmaceuticals have taken stringent
liferative disorders (acute promyelocytic leu- measures to prevent pregnant women from
kemia, cutaneous T cell lymphoma, and being administered systemic isotretinoin and
Kaposi's sarcoma). Retinoid compounds pres- to prevent women taking isotretinoin from be-
ently possessing FDA approval for clinical use coming pregnant. All other systemic retinoid
are listed in Table 7.1 and structures are compounds bear similar warnings. Well-con-
shown in Fig. 7.3. In addition, the reader is trolled studies on the potential human terato-
advised to consult governmental (http:l/ genicity of topically applied retinoids have not and Pharmaceutical Re- been conducted; however, common sense dic-
search and Manufacturers of America (http:ll tates that topical use of retinoids during preg- nancy should be avoided.
drugs.phtm1) web pages that indicate all on- Non-teratogenic, adverse effects of retin-
going clinical trials that may ultimately lead to oids are also severe and are dependent on
the use of retinoids to treat a wider spectrum route of administration and the nature of the
of diseases including cancers of the skin, disease being treated. Untoward effects of ret-
breast, kidney, bladder, prostate, and head- inoid compounds administered by mouth are
and-neck, neuroblastomas, acute myeloid leu- similar to those of hypervitaminosis A and in-
kemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and emphy- clude cheilitis and pronounced lipid distur-
sema. bances such as hypertriglyceridemia, hyper-
Adverse effects of retinoids in current use cholesterolemia,and reduction in high density
are generally severe and limit the clinical use- lipoprotein levels, pancreatitis, vasculitis, con-
320 Retinoids

Table 7.1 Retinoids Currently Approved by FDA for Clinical Use

Route of
Generic Name Trade Name Administration Therapeutic Use
Adapalene Differin Topical Acne vulgaris
Acitretin Soriatane Topical Psoriasis
Alitretinoin Panretin Topical Kaposi's sarcoma
(9-cis-retinoic acid)
Bexarotene Targretin Topical Cutaneous T-cell
Isotretinoin Accutane Topical Severe acne
(13-cis-retinoic Oral Severeacne
Tazarotene Tazorac Topical Psoriasis
Tretinoin (trans- Renova Topical Skin photodamage
retinoic acid) including
wrinkles, sun
spots, and
Retin-A Topical Severe acne
Vesanoid Oral Acute
Solange (a combination Topical Solar (actinic)
of tretinoin and lentigines
mequinol, a
depigmenting agent)

junctivitis, edema, lymphadenopathy, weight administration, including irritation as indi-

loss, GI disturbances including inflammatory cated by development of a rash (erythema,
bowel disease, dysregulation of blood glucose scaling, irritation, redness, dermatitis), dry-
levels, benign intracranial hypertension, ness, burning, pruritis, peeling, blistering,
hearing impairment, fatigue, depression, de- and edema. In many cases, initiation of topical
calcification of bone, calcification of cartilage retinoid therapy results in an exacerbation of
and tendons, hair loss, and skin scaling. the disease, such as acne, for which the reti-
Adverse reactions associated with use of noid is being used. This effect is generally tem-
the systemic administration of tretinoin We- porary and subsides with continued therapy,
sanoid) in the treatment of acute promyelo- but in severe cases, requires discontinuation
cytic leukemia (APL) are particularly severe, of the retinoid agent.
resulting in what has come to be known as
"Retinoic Acid-APL Syndrome." Approxi-
mately 25% of APL patients treated with
tretinoin develop this syndrome, which is
3.1 Fate of Dietary Sources of Retinoids
characterized by fever, dyspnea, weight gain,
pulmonary infiltrates, and pleural or pericar- Vitamin A is essential for life, and although
dial effusions resulting in compromised myo- humans and other animals are capable of mod-
cardial function and episodic hypotension. In ifying retinoid compounds, these species are
addition, approximately 40% of patients un- incapable of the de novo synthesis of retinoids.
dergoing oral tretinoin therapy for APL de- Thus, dietary intake of the retinoids is crucial
velop a rapidly evolving leukocytosis that can for the maintenance of health and prevention
be associated life-threatening complications. of vitamin A deficiency. Dietary retinoids con-
Topically administered retinoids, although sist of two general types: (1)carotenoids, in-
generally free of systemic toxicity, cause mod- cluding principally p-carotene as well as po-
erate-to-severe adverse reactions at the site of tentially hundreds of other related compounds
3 Retinoid Biosynthesis



(13-cis-RA) Tazorotene


Figure 7.3. Chemical structures of FDA-approved retinoids.

that are derived primarily from plant sources, cleavage of p-carotene into two molecules of
and (2)several forms of retinyl esters that are retinaldehyde (Fig. 7.4). The subject of p-car-
derived from the consumption of other ani- otene cleavage has been quite controversial
mals. Both of these precursors give rise to ret- until recently because both symmetric and
in01 that is the most abundant retinoid in asymmetric cleavage of p-carotene has been
blood, whereas retinyl esters in liver and other reported in crude extracts, and at least in
tissues represent the major storage form of some systems, direct formation of retinoic acid
retinoids in the body. from p-carotene has been observed (4). How-
ever, recent breakthroughs in this field have
3.2 Symmetrical Cleavage of p-Carotene
i substantially clarified this area. These break-
: The small intestine is a major site of retinoid throughs can be traced to the first identi-
j metabolism, beginning with the oxidative fication of a maize cDNA encoding 9-cis epoxy-
322 Retinoids

Table 7.2 Human Teratogenicity Associated with Systemic Isotretinoin Therapy

Organ Teratogenicity Observed
Central nervous system Cerebral abnormalities
Cerebellar malformation
Cranial nerve deficits
Skull Developmental abnormalities
External ear Anotia
Small or absent external auditory canals
Eye Microphthalmia
Heart and cardiovascular Developmental abnormalities
Thymus Developmental failure
Parathyroid gland Functional deficits leading to parathyroid hormone deficiency

carotenoid dioxygenase, the enzyme responsi- dietary administration of retinal, the direct
ble for the production of abscisic acid, a carot- precursor of the Drosophila visual chro-
enoid cleavage product that functions as an mophore, 3-hydroxy-retinal (81, thus bypass-
important plant growth regulator (5,6). Vogt ing the need for dietary sources of carotinoids.
and collaborators used cDNA encoding maize Hunziker's group then isolated a cDNA encod-
9-cis epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase as a probe ing the chicken P-carotene-15,15'-dioxygen-
to isolate a metazoan (Drosophila) homolog of ase (9),and the groups of Blaner and Cunning-
this enzyme and showed that the enzyme, ham isolated the mouse homolog (10, 11)and
p-carotene-15,15'-dioxygenase,symmetri- demonstrated that this enzyme catalyzed the
cally cleaved p-carotene into two molecules of symmetrical cleavage of p-carotene into two
retinaldehyde (7). Interestingly, mutations in molecules of retinaldehyde.
the Drosophila gene, ninaB, encoding this en- 3.3 Asymmetrical Cleavage of @Carotene
zyme, cause blindness, because this species
(S), like humans, is dependent on retinoid Asymmetric cleavage p-carotene has been re-
chromophores for rhodopsin-based visual sig- ported by several groups, and this controversy
nal transduction (see below). The phenotype also seems to be solved as a result of the clon-
associated with this mutant can be rescued by ing of a cDNA encoding an enzyme that asym-


""'4 p-carotene -1 5,l.Y-dioxygenase

Figure 7.4. Symmetrical cleavage of p-carotene.

3 Retinoid Biosynthesis 323

Carotene dioxygenase p-ionone (Cll,Cl3, or CIS)

1 Unknown enzymes
Potentially mechanistically similar to
poxidation of fatty acids

Figure 7.5. Asymmetical cleavage o f p-carotene.

metrically cleaves p-carotene to yield two mol- 3.4 Formation of Retinyl Esters
ecules of p-apocarotenal with different chain
Retinaldehyde, when bound to retinol binding
lengths (12) (Fig. 7.5). These p-apocarotenal
protein I1 (CRBPII), serves as a substrate for .
cleavage products have been proposed to serve
as precursors to retinoic acid in a retinal-inde- retinal reductase resulting in the production
pendent pathway (13). In this proposed path- of retinol (14), which then binds to cellular
way, it has been suggested that the p-apocar- retinol binding protein (CRBP) forming holo-
otenal cleavage products are subjected to a CRBP. Holo-CRBP seems to be the preferred
series of chain-shortening reactions similar to substrate for an esterification reaction (Fig.
/3 oxidation of fatty acids and then oxidatively 7.6) mediated by lecithinxetinol acyl trans-
metabolized to one molecule of retinoic acid ferase (LRAT), a microsomal enzyme that
(13);however, this has yet to be demonstrated uses acyl groups donated from phosphatidyl-
directly. Nonetheless, it is now clear that at choline (14).In cells not expressing CRBP, ret-
least two pathways of p-carotene metabolism in01 esterification is carried out by a different
are possible in humans and other mammals, enzyme, acyl CoAretinol acyl transferase
whereas Drosophila use only the symmetrical (ARAT).
cleavage pathway. The enzymes responsible Dietary retinyl esters are also processed in
for these cleavage reactions are present in in- mucosal cells of the intestine through sequen-
testinal mucosal cells that likely serves as an tial de-esterificationlre-esterificationreactions
important site of p-carotene processing in hu- (14). Retinyl esters are then incorporated into
mans. The enzymes are also present in several chylomicrons and pass from the intestine into
other tissues and seem to be expressed during the lymph fluid where lipolysis occurs, result-
the early stages of embryogenesis, suggesting ing in the formation of chylomicron remnants
that the localized production of retinoids dur- that continue to harbor retinyl esters. Chylo-
ing developmental processes is critical. micron remnants containing retinyl esters en-

Short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases


Lecithin:retinol acyl transferase (LRAT)
Retinyl ester hydrolases

Figure 7.6. Reduction o f retinal

t o retinol in gut - a n d formation o f trans-retinyl esters
r e t i n y l esters.

ter the general circulation and are taken up the target tissue(s). RBP seems to be critical
primarily by the parenchymal cells of the liver for retinol transport to tissues, especially
and de-esterified to yield retinol. Cellular con- when the diet is deficient in vitamin A. Mice
centrations of free retinol in liver are quite low that are null for RBP expression exhibit re-
because most retinol binds immediately to duced levels of serum retinol levels: however.
CRBP or retinol binding protein (RBP), the these mice seem to function normally, at least
latter of which is a serum transport protein with respect to vision, if retinol is supple-
belonging to a large family of fatty acid bind- mented in the diet (19). Retinol dissociates
ing proteins. RBP-retinol is secreted by the from RBP on reaching these extrahepatic tis-
parenchymal cells and taken up by the stellate sues and likely enters the target cell by passive
cells of the liver or target tissues (15, 16). diffusion (18). Although a receptor-mediated
Within stellate cells, retinol is re-esterified form retinol uptake has been proposed (20,
and stored in lipid droplets in which trans- . , it is unclear how this contributes to the
retinyl esters account for approximately 42% overall cellular uptake of retinol which has
of total lipid present (15,16).Palmitate retinyl been repeatedly shown to enter the cell rapidly
esters comprise the majority retinyl esters by passive diffusion (18).
present in lipid droplets with lower amounts
of the corresponding stearate, oleate, and li- 3.6 The Fate of lntracellular Retinol
noleate esters. Retinyl esters present in the
The fate of intracellular retinol is dependent
liver stellate cells account for approximately
on cell type. In the eye, trans-retinol can be
75% of total retinoid body stores and are ex-
esterified by LRAT or isomerized to ll-cis-ret-
tremely long-lived (17). in01 by a cell-specific isomerase (22). ll-cis-
retinol is then oxidized to 11-cis-retinal by 11-
3.5 Mobilization of Body Vitamin A Stores
cis-retinol dehydrogenase (22). 11-cis-retinal
As extrahepatic demand dictates, retinyl es- binds to opsin by forming a Schiff base with an
ters stored in the stellate cells of the liver are opsin lysine residue and the resulting complex
mobilized (18).This process involves de-ester- is known as rhodopsin (22). Rhodopsin is a
ification by the action several retinyl ester hy- member of the seven transmembrane family
drolases, rebinding to RBP, and transport to of proteins that serves as receptor for photons
3 Retinoid Biosynthesis


Short-chain dehydrogenasesl
reductases Alcohol dehydrogenases

Figure 7.7. Oxidation o f r e t i n o l t o r e t i n a l in


(23). Light-induced isomerization of ll-cis- fold into an orthogonal barrel (25). Within the
retinal plays a central role in the conversion of barrel, trans-retinol was found to exist in a
visual signals, i.e., light, into nerve impulses planar conformation with the free hydroxyl
known as the visual cascade (see below) (23). bonded to Gln108. From these definitive, crys-
tallographic studies, it is not clear how the
3.7 Oxidation of Retinoi hydroxyl group, which is sequestered deep
within the protein, would be available for oxi-
In many other cell types, trans-retinol binds to
CRBP and this holo-CRBP serves as the sub- dation in a reaction catalyzed by a retinol de-
hydrogenase as proposed by Napoli (14).
strate for an oxidative reaction in which the
Clearly, the role of holo-CRBPI in the oxida-
primary alcohol is converted into an aldehyde
tion reaction needs to be clarified, and this will
(Fig. 7.7), yielding retinaldehyde (trans-reti-
likely require co-crystallization of halo-CREW
nd)((18). CRBP plays an extremely important
and the retinol dehydrogenase. Thus, the com-
role both in protecting retinol from non-spe-
plete picture is still emerging, and a potential
cifk oxidative reactions and in the oxidative
role for the cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenases,
reaction to retinaldehyde (18).Indeed, CRBP
which seem to use only free retinol as the sub-
physically interacts with the enzyrne(s) re-
strate, in retinol oxidation cannot be ruled out
sponsible for this oxidation reaction, retinol
at this time (24).
dehydrogenase (RDH). Many enzymes, in-
cluding class I, 11, and IV cytosolic alcohol de-
3.8 Formation of Retinoic Acid: A Major
hydrogenases, as well as microsomal RDHs,
Signaling Retinoid
short-chain dehydrogenases, and cytochrome
P450 isoforms, have been described that Oxidative conversion of retinal (RAL) to reti-
convert unbound retinol into retinal in a nic- noic acid (RA; Fig. 7.8) is a much less conten-
otinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate tious issue because two types of retinaldehyde
(NADPt) - or nicotinamide adenine diphos- dehydrogenases have been clearly delineated
phate (NAD+)-dependent manner (14, 24). (14). Once formed, RAL binds to CRBP form-
With a bewildering number of enzymes capa- ing CRBP-retinal, which serves a substrate for
ble of oxidizing retinol to retinal, this area re- both retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 1 and 2
mains a bit of a controversial topic in retinoid (RALDH1 and RALDH2, respectively), that
biology (14), but it is currently felt that the catalyzes the irreversible formation of RA
enzymes using holo-CRBP as a substrate (as (14). In addition, both enzymes also produce
opposed to free retinol) may be the most phys- RA from free RAL, however, free RAL is essen-
iologically relevant of the large family of "ret- tially undetectable in all tissues excluding the
in01 dehydrogenases." However, the crystal retina (14). Both RALDH enzymes are ex-
structure of CRBP bound by retinol has been pressed in multiple tissues and during em-
solved at 2.1A, revealing that the protein is bryogenesis; however, the expression pattern
composed of 10 anti-parallel P strands that of RALDH2 seems to be much more restricted,


Retinaldehyde dehydrogenases
1 and 2

Figure 7.8. Oxidation of retinal to retinoic trans-retinoic

acid in cells.

suggesting a role in the localized formation of monality of function and highlighting the im-
RA during development and in the adult or- portant role of each. Furthermore, Napoli's
ganism (26-28). Indeed, this hypothesis has group recently reported the isolation of an-
been confirmed by genetic means that demon- other aldehyde dehydrogenase, ALDH12, ca-
strated the essential role of RALDH2 during pable of converting retinaldehydes into RA
embryogenesis (29). Although the two en- (see below).
zymes are highly related on the amino acid With the exception of the eye and possibly
level and bind RAL with a reasonably similar B and T lyrnphoctes (see below), trans-RA and
affinity, two findings strongly suggest that its isomers are generally considered to be the
RALDHl and RALDH2 perform distinct func- most important retinoids with regard to cellu-
tions in vivo. First, the expression of the two lar signaling. The retinoic acids bind directly
enzymes differs temporally during embryo- to and activate the numerous members of the
genesis (26-28) and spatially during both em- retinoic acid (RAR) and retinoid X (RXR) farn-
bryogenesis and in adult animals (14).Second, ilies of nuclear receptors, all of which function
the two enzymes are differentially regulated as ligand-dependent transcription factors. In
by apo-CRBP, which inhibits RALDHl (IC,, turn, these receptors convey the retinoid sig-
= 1.4 p M ) but not RALDH2 (14). Third, nal by regulating the expression of literally
RALDHl and W D H 2 may be differentially hundreds of RA target genes encoding pro-
regulated by RA, presumably acting through teins that are involved in nearly all aspects of
RARs and RXRs to regulate expression of the organismal function during development and
corresponding genes (see below) (14). in adult life. Indeed, all of the retinoid com-
A third RALDH (RALDH3) has been iden- pounds approved by the FDA for clinical use
tified in the developing chick retina (30, 31). activate one or both families of retinoid recep-
This enzyme is capable of producing RA from tors. The RARs, RXRs, retinoid signaling
RAL and appears to be the avian ortholog of mechanisms, and target genes are discussed in
human aldehyde dehydrogenase 6 (30,311. In greater detail in following sections.
addition to the developing retina (which also 3.9 Active Isomers of RA
expresses RALDHl), RALDH3expression was
also observed in the nasal region (30,311, sug- Some isomers of trans-RA have been reported
gesting that this RALDH may be involved in to exert very potent biological effects. Most
both retinal and olfactory system develop- noteworthy of these is 9-cis-RA (see Fig. 7.21,
ment. The relative contributions of each which was originally demonstrated to be a ret-
RALDH enzyme to the overall production of inoid that activates both RARs and RXRs,
RA likely depends on both cell type and devel- whereas trans-RA activates only RAR family
opmental stage of the organism. Each of the members (32-34). Levin and colleagues origi-
RALDH enzymes display a high degree of in- nally isolated [3H]9-cis-RA using RXRs to
ter-species conservation, suggesting a com- "trap" it in cells fed [3H]trans-RA, implying
3 Retinoid Biosynthesis

Docosahexaenoic acid

Figure 7.9. Structures of alternative RXR

Phytanic Acid agonists.

that the cells were capable of the isomeriza- also known as vitamin A2. However, with the
tion step (32). Heyman and collaborators took exception of cultured human keratinocytes ex-
a related approach to arrive at the same con- posed to high concentrations of retinol (431,
clusion independently (35). However, the pu- this form of retinoic acid has not been detected
tative trans-RA isomerase has not been iso- in mammalian tissues to any appreciable de-
lated and isomerization can occur non- gree (14). Thus, the potential role of 3,4-dide-
enzymatically (36, 37). In addition, cisoid hydroretinoic acid in the vitamin A signaling
derivatives of p-carotene exist that may give pathways in mammals is not clear at the
rise to 9-cis-retinol,9-cis-RAL,and ultimately, present time.
9-cis-RA (38). Napoli and Lin recently isolated
a novel retinal dehydrogenase activity corre-
sponding to the previously known human Hiimmerling and his colleagues have identi-
aldehyde dehydrogenase, ALDH12 (39). fied a novel pathway of vitamin A action in
ALDH12 was demonstrated to have a distinct lymphocytes that does not involve RA.These
preference for 9-cis-RAL relative to trans- investigators originally discovered that retinol
RAL, suggesting that this enzyme may be im- was required for B-cell proliferation (44) and
portant for the in vivo formation of 9-cis-RA T-cell activation (45) and that RAL, but not
(39). Moreover, ALDH12 expression was ob- RA, would substitute for retinol in these ac-
served in fetal and adult tissues (liver and kid- tions. These investigators have subsequently
ney) that contain relatively high levels of cis
retinoid precursors such as 9-cis-retinol.
discovered that 14-hydroxy-4,14-retro-retinol -
and 13,14-dihydroxyretinol(Fig. 7.11) bind to
Thus, the possible isomerization of trans-RA and augment the activation of both cRaf and
into the 9-cis-RA in vivo does not seem to be protein kinase Ca by reactive oxygen (46,471.
required for the generation of the latter com- cRaf and protein kinase Ca are serine-lthreo-
pound. -

nine-kinases that play important roles in sig-

Other groups have demonstrated that sev- nal transduction cascades, such as that associ-
eral chemical moieties may activate RXR farn- ated with activation of mitogen-activated
ily members leading investigators to speculate protein (MAP) kinase. If these data are con-
that 9-cis-RA may not be the only physiologi- firmed, both cRaf and protein kinase Ca can
cal ligand capable of activating RXRs in vivo also be considered as receptors for retro-reti-
(40, 41). Interestingly, neither of the other noids. Hammerling et al. has proposed that
RXR-active compounds, phytanic acid and do- retro-retinoids may function to facilitate elec-
cosahexaenoic acid, is a retinoid, although tron transfer allowing the efficient redox acti-
both harbor structural motifs similar to natu-
rally occurring retinoids (Fig. 7.9).
An unsaturated derivative of retinoic acid,
3,4-didehydroretinoic acid (Fig. 7.101, has
been demonstrated by Eichele and Thaller to
be an important signaling molecule in a model
system of limb development, the chick limb 3,4-didehydro-trans-retinoic acid
bud assay (42). 3,4-Didehydroretinoic acid is
derived from 3,4-didehydroretinol, which is Figure 7.10. 3,4-didehydroretinoicacid.

pressed in the embryo and adult and are found

in essentially all RA target tissues. Three
functions have been ascribed to the CRABPs:
(1)it is generally believed that the C W P s
serve to buffer intracellular concentration of
RA by binding free RA, (2)CRABP may facil-
itate metabolism of RA in that CRABP-RA
complexes are better substrates for oxidative
enzymes than is free RA (14), and (3) CRABPs
may also function to transport RA to the nu-
cleus, the loci of action of the nuclear receptors
RARs and RXRs (18).Functions 1 and 2 would
serve to reduce the cell's sensitivity to RA, and
this is consistent with overexpression studies
in F9 embryonal carcinoma cells (52). How-
ever, both C W P I- (53, 54) and II- (55, 56)
null animals are remarkably normal, as are
the double knock-out (CRABP I-'-/CRABP
II-/-) animals (55). Moreover, none of these
Anhydroretinol animals are more sensitive to RA-induced tox-
icities than animals expressing wild-type
Figure 7.11. Retro-retinoids. CRABP I and I1 (55). If CRABP I or I1 play a
role in "buffering" intracellular concentra-
tions of RA or in the delivery of RA to the
vation of both kinases (47). These investiga- nucleus as hypothesized, it is unclear why
tors have also isolated another compound, knock-out animals do not display more of a
anhydroretinol (Fig. 7.11), that functions as phenotype. Thus, the biological role(s) of the
an antagonist of 14-hydroxy-4,14-retro-reti- CRABPs remains an open question.
no1 action in the lymphocyte context (48). An-
hydroretinol not only antagonizes the effects 4 RETINOID METABOLISM
of 14-hydroxy-$14-retro-retinol on B-cell pro-
liferation and T-cell activation, but itself rap- Tissue-specific catabolism of RA is extremely
idly induces T cell death (48). Thus, it seems important in terminating the retinoid signal,
that 14-hydroxy-4,14-retro-retinol and anhy- and ultimately, in dictating the tissue respon-
droretinol, both of which are produced by lym- siveness to RA. Thus, the metabolism of RA
phocytes from retinol, act back on these cells and related compounds has generated a large
to regulate homeostasis in opposing direc- amount of interest for both clinicians and ba-
tions. sic scientists. Consistent with other aspects of
Unlike many retinol dehydrogenases, the retinoid biology, metabolism of RA and RA
enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of reti- precursors is a complex area. First, one of the
no1 to anhydroretinol, retinol dehydratase, major pathways of RA metabolism is gluc-
does not use CRBP-retinol as a substrate; uronidation at the carboxyl group (Fig. 7.12).
rather, it uses free retinol (49-51). However, This reaction is catalyzed by the liver enzyme
the enzyme responsible for biosynthesis of 14- UDP-glucuronyl transferase and the product
hydroxy-4,14-retro-retinolhas not yet been of the reaction, retinoyl-p-glucuronide, partic-
isolated. ipates in a large degree of enterohepatic circu-
lation. Napoli has suggested that retinoyl-B
3.1 1 Non-Receptor, RA Binding Proteins
glucuronide may serve as a water-soluble,
Retinoic acids, particularly trans-RA, bind reclaimable pool of RA to prevent retinoid de-
with high affinity to cellular retinoic acid bind- ficiency (14).
ing proteins I and I1 (CRAEiP I and C W P 11). Second, oxidative metabolism (hydroxyla-
Like the CRBPs, CRAEiPs are widely ex- tion) of RA occurs at both the C4- and C18-

positions of the p-ionone ring yielding 4- and that is available to activate the retinoic acid
18-hydroxy RA, respectively, and this hy- receptor subtypes. Because the receptors likely
droxylation has been shown to be induced by mediate the beneficial effects of trans-RA in a
RA (57, 58). The relative importance of the therapeutic sense, this renders trans-RA
two pathways of oxidative metabolism are un- treatment less efficacious in the application
known, but oxidation at the 4-position has for which it is being used. This may be a par-
been studied more extensively. 4-Hydroxy RA ticular concern for the use of trans-RA in some
is further metabolized to give 4-0x0 RA that types of breast cancer as Petkovich and col-
then undergoes isomerization to yield 4-0x0- leagues have shown that Cyp26Al is strongly
13-cis-RA (59-61). Together, the retinoyl-p- up-regulated by both trans-RA and 9-cis-RAin
glucuronide and the C4-oxidation products MCF-7 breast cancer cells (69).The Petkovich
account for most of the steady-state metabo- group and others have also shown that
lites of RA (59-61). Minor metabolic prod- trans-RA induces Cyp26A1 expression and its
ucts include the 5,6-epoxy-trans-RA (61) own metabolism in many other cell types in-
(see Fig. 7.12). cluding human leukemic cells and cervical
C4-oxidation of RA is catalyzed by cyto- cancer cells, suggesting that the problem of
chrome P450 as suggested by the auto-induc- auto-induction of trans-RA metabolism may
tion of RA metabolism at this position (see generalize to other types of cancer cells. Clin-
above) and the inhibition of the hydroxylation ically, it may be possible to circumvent this
reaction by ketoconazole and related com- problem using at least two strategies: (1)use
pounds that are non-specific inhibitors of of retinoid analogs that are not Cyp26Al or
many members of the cytochrome P450 family Cyp26B1 substrates or (2) concomitant use of
(62). Indeed, Petkovich and colleagues re- trans-RA and an inhibitor of Cyp26A1 andlor
cently identified a cytochronie P450 family Cyp26B1 that would result in prolongation of
member that hydroxylates RA at both the C4- the half-life of trans-RA in the cancer cell. The
and C18-positions in a NADPH-dependent synthesis of specific Cyp26Al/Cyp26Bl inhib-
manner, and furthermore, oxidizes 4-hydroxy itors capable of augmenting RA action in can-
RA to 60x0 RA (63). The expression of this cer cells represents a potentially exciting new
enzyme, Cyp26A1, is induced by RA in several area of drug development.
cell lines and tissues, and animals lacking the
enzyme display many of the features of hyper-
vitaminosis A, particularly teratogenesis (64), 5 ROLE OF RETINOIDS IN VISUAL
suggesting that Cyp26A1 plays an important SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION
role in RA metabolism in the developing em-
bryo. Recently, a second member of the Cyp26 Metabolites of retinol play a crucial role as
family was described, Cyp26B1 (65-67), that visual pigments in the visual systems of all
displays a pattern of expression different from vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Humans
that of Cyp26A1, suggesting that each enzyme and higher vertebrates use 11-cis-retinal as
may play a distinct role in RA metabolism. the primary visual pigment (221, whereas
Both enzymes exhibit similar substrate speci- other species use 3,4-didehyrdoretinal (fish,
ficity and kinetic parameters (66). Interest- amphibians, and some reptiles), (3R)and (3s)-
ingly, the 4-0x0 metabolites of RA are better 3-hydroxyretinal (insects), and (4R)-4-hy-
substrates for UDP-glucuronyl transferase- droxyretinal (cephalopods). In all cases, the
mediated glucuronidation than trans-RA (681, role of the retinoid metabolite is similar: pho-
suggesting that hydroxylation of RA at the C4- tons induce isomerization of a visual pigment
position may facilitate conjugation and elimi- which then initiates a cascade of nervous im-
nation. pulses that are transmitted to the regions of
The induction of Cyp26A1 expression by the brain that process visual signals (22, 23).
RA is of great clinical relevance because in- The role of 11-cis-retinal in the mammalian
creased expression of the enzyme potentially visual cycle is very well understood at the mo-
reduces the intracellular pool of endogenous lecular level. This cycle is composed of three
or pharmacologically administered trans-RA components: (1)light detection, (2) initiation
5 Role of Retinoids in Visual Signal Transduction

of signal transduction, and (3) regeneration of R*; see Fig. 7.13). R* interacts with another
rhodopsin, which functions as a "receptor" for membrane protein, transducin (Gt), the
G-protein of this signaling cascade. Gt, like
other G-proteins, is a heterotrimeric complex
5.1 Photon Detection composed of a, P, and y subunits. In the inac-
tive state, the a subunit of transducin (Gt,) is
Detection of photons in the mammalian visual
bound by GDP. However, interaction with ac-
system is accomplished by the light-induced
tivated R* promotes rapid GTP-GDP ex-
isomerization of 11-cis-retinal to all-trans-ret-
change on Gt, with concomitant dissociation
i d . The process is similar in both rods, which
of holo-Gt into Gt, (that is now bound by
serve essentially as light detectors, and cones,
GTP) and GtPysubunits. Although this dis-
ich are capable of color recognition (22).
cussion focuses on the role of Gt,-GTP, an im-
wever, the detection kinetics, regeneration
portant role for GtPYis not ruled out (71). Gt,-
me, and signal and wavelength sensitivities
GTP is known to be an important activator of
between the two types of vision-sensing
a membrane-associated, cGMP phosphodies-
ptor" in all cases is rho-
terase (PDE), and this occurs through the di-
ts of a protein (opsin) in
rect interaction of Gt,-GTP with PDE and
complex with 11-cis-retinal through the for-
subsequent displacement an inhibitory sub-
mation of a Schiff base (23). The light-induced
unit of PDE (22,23, 70, 71). In the dark state,
isomerization of 11-cis-retinal induces a con-
high intracellular levels of cGMP activate a
formational change in the associated protein
cGMP-gated cation channel that conducts pri-
nderlies activation of the
marily Nat and Ca+ (22,23, 70, 71). The cur-
rent through this channel, which is known as
the "dark current," determines the resting po-
5.2 Initiation of a Visual Signal
tential of the dark-adapted rod. However, ac-
Rhodopsin is a member of the seven trans- tivated PDE rapidly cleaves cGMP, lowering
membrane family of guanine nucleotide bind- intracellular levels of cGMP and resulting in
led receptors (70, 71). This the shutting off the dark current (22). This
very large number of pro- results in a rapid hyperpolarization of the rod.
ceptors for neurotransmit- On one side, the rod cell detects photons
rants, and gustants (com- throughout the above-described mechanism.
pounds that generate a taste sensation) (70, However, the opposing side of the rod is in
71). All of these receptors signal through gua- synaptic contact with other retinal cells such
nine nucleotide binding (G)-proteins. How- as both horizontal and bipolar cells and these
ever, rhodopsin is unique in two respects. synapses use glutamate, an excitatory neuro-
First, rhodopsin has a bipartite structure com- transmitter (22, 23, 70, 71). Hyperpolariza-
posed of a protein component (opsin) and 11- tion of the rod reduces its excitability, which
cis-retinal in a protonated Schiff base linkage results in a decrease in the amount of gluta-
with the €-amino group of l y ~ i n e ~(bovine
'~ mate released by the cell onto horizontal and
opsin) (22, 23, 70, 71). Second, in contrast to bipolar cells (22). This signal is then trans-
other G-protein-coupled receptors, the "ago- duced through the layers of the retina and ul-
hodopsin is a photon of timately to the optic nerve that projects to,
chemical, peptide, or hor- among other areas, the visual cortex. The
e (71). As described above, a single photon same signal also inhibits signaling by neigh-
ght induces the isomerization of ll-cis- boring cells and this "surround inhibition"
tinal to all-trans retinal (Fig. 7.13). The provides a mechanism for the precise localiza-
n associated with light-in- tion of stirnulatory input, i.e., light, into the
ced isomerization of 11-cis-retinal is trans- visual system (22, 70, 71).
ced through the Schiff base to the opsin
5.3 Shutting Off R*
in, resulting in the for-
conformation of rhodop- The a subunit of transducin, like other G-pro-
(metarhodopsin11,hereafter referred to as teins, harbors an intrinsic GTPase activity

1 1-&retinal
Photon -1

Gtafly -
GDP/-- Gbpy GTP
Gta - GTP + Gtpy

- PDE*


Figure 7.13. Visual system signaling and the

K+ Channel
role of 11-cis-retinal. (Dark current)

that hydrolyzes bound GTP to GDP, thereby sin, which can then recombine with 11-cis-ret-
terminating signaling by Gt,-GTP (71). The inal to reform rhodopsin (see below) (22).
Gt, GTPase activity is greatly stimulated by a
5.4 The Retinoid Cycle in Visual Processes
GTPase accelerating protein (GAP) complex
composed of the regulator of G-protein signal- The retinal pool of 11-cis-retinal is clearly crit-
ing (RGS) 9 protein and a G-protein P subunit ical for photon detection and visual signal
(Gp5) (22). The GAP complex rapidly cata- transduction. There are two key aspects re-
lyzes inactivation of Gt,-GTP to Gt,-GDP, the garding this that are important to consider:
latter of which does not interact with or acti- the precursor(s) from which 11-cis-retinal de-
vate PDE. Thus, the inhibitory and catalytic rived, and, bioconversion of isomerized trans-
subunits of PDE rebind with a concomitant retinal back to 11-cis-retinal that can recom-
decrease in intracellular PDE activity and a bine with opsin to re-form rhodopsin. The
rise in cGMP levels that results in reactivation latter aspect is obligatory for restoration of the
of the dark current (23). dark state, regenerating a photosensitive re-
An interesting form of self-regulation also ceptor capable of undergoing another cycle of
occurs at the level of activated rhodopsin. R* is photon detection and signal transduction.
the substrate for a kinase known as rhodopsin Considered together, these events represent
kinase that phosphorylates the protein at mul- the retinoid cycle in the visual process (22).
tiple serine and threonine residues in the car- The entire process of re-isomerization and for-
boxyl terminus of the protein (70). Although mation of a new rhodo~sinmolecule occurs in
this phosphorylation somewhat compromises two different retinal tissues and involves sev-
the ability of R* to interact with and activate eral enzymatic steps that are described below
transducin, complete inactivation of R* re- (see Fig. 7.14).
quires both rhodopsin kinase-mediated phos- Dietary sources of vitamin A also provide
phorylation of R* and the binding of another the metabolites that are necessary for vision.
protein, arrestin, to phosphorylated rhodop- The ingestion and processing of p-carotene or
sin (71). The phosphorylated rhodopsin is sub- retinyl esters to retinol and the transport of
sequently dephosphorylated by a protein RBP-retinol complexes to target tissues was
phosphatase 2A isoform to generate native op- discussed earlier in this chapter, and the ret-
de of Retinoids in Visual Signal Transdudion 333

RhodoPsin 11-&-retinal


Figure 7.14. Retinoid cycle in vision.

ina should be simply viewed as a target tissue retinol exist in the retina and the enzymes
at l;his level. However, the retinal production responsible for this reaction in rods and cones
of 11-cis-retinal from retinol and retinol es- seem to be distinct.
ter;s, which is reasonably specific to the eye, is All-trans retinol then diffuses out of the
described below. outer segments (rod or cone) and into the ret-
As described above, photon detection at the inal pigmented epithelium (RPE). The diffu-
lev1el of rhodopsin occurs in the rod (black and sion of all-trans-retinol out of the outer seg-
white vision) or cone (color vision) outer seg- ments and into RPE cells is facilitated by
ments. Thus, this is the locus of the first interstitial retinoid binding protein (IRBP),
ste:p of the so-called "retinoid cycle." After which is localized in the extracellular matrix
~ h~toisomerization,
( all-trans-retinal remains of the retina (22). IRBP binds all-trans-retinol
bo1ind to R* but eventually diffuses out of the as it diffuses out of the outer segment cells and
ret.inal binding pocket of opsin in a process is believed to facilitate transport of all-trans-
tha~tis not completely understood (22). Pas- retinol to the RPE cell. Additionally, RPE cells
siv~2 diffusion is probably the most important directly acquire retinol from serum as de-
det erminant of trans-retinal dissociation from scribed earlier. In both cases, retinol in the
the protein, but the existence of an ATP-de- RPE cell is rapidly esterified by LRAT in a
Per)dent transporter that may facilitate this lecithin-dependent mechanism (22). Retinyl
Process has been demonstrated in some sys- esters provide both a mechanism of storage for
ten1s (22).Once dissociated from opsin, trans- the RPE cell and/or provide a substrate for the
ret:inal is reversibly reduced to all-trans reti- isomerization reaction (22).
no1 by a member of the membrane-associated The isomerization reaction to ll-cis-reti-
shc~rt-chainalcohol deydrogenase family that no1 likely occurs through one of two possible
is 1mown as all-trans-retinol dehydrogenase mechanisms. First, the all-trans-retinyl ester
(RIIH). The all-trans-retinal + all-trans-reti- may be a substrate for an as yet identified
no1conversion occurs in the outer segments of "isomerohydrolase" that uses the free energy
both rods and cones, is dependent on NADPH, of retinyl ester hydrolysis to drive the isomer-
ant1 may be the rate limiting step in the regen- ization reaction (22). In this case, the product
eration of 11-cis-retinal (22). Several forms of of the reaction, 11-cis-retinol,would be gener-
RDH capable of reducing all-trans retinal to ated in essentially one step by a single enzyme,

the putative isomerohydrolase, which has not promised in visual processes. However, the de-
been isolated. Second, the two reactions may fective vision phenotype of these animals is
be distinct, i.e., retinyl ester hydrolases in reversed by dietary administration of 9-cis-
RPE cells may hydrolyze the all-trans-retinyl retinal-which can also form a Schiff base
esters generating all-trans-retinol that is sub- with rhodopsin (creating isorhodopsin) that
sequently isomerized to 11-cis-retinolthrough functions as a photon detector in the visual
a carbocation intermediate. Although the lat- process similar to 11-cis-retinal (84). Interest-
ter reaction is endothermically unfavorable ingly, RPE65 shares around 40% sequence
(AG = +4 kcal/mol), McBee and colleagues identity with the dioxygenase that catalyzes
have proposed that retinol binding proteins, the symmetrical cleavage of p-carotene into
such as CRBP, may drive the reaction forward two molecules of retinal (7, 8); however, the
(72). 11-cis-Retinol,formed by either or both functional significance of the relationship to
of the above pathways, is then oxidized to 11- the p-carotene dioxygenase is completely un-
cis-retinal by one or more 11-cis-retinoldehy- known.
drogenase, which are members of the short- 11-cis-retinal then diffuses out of the RPE
chain alcohol dehydrogenase family (22, 71). cell and back into the outer segment photore-
This reaction is well understood at the molec- ceptor cell. It is presently unknown if the
ular level, and mutations in the RDH5 gene, movement of 11-cis-retinal to the photorecep-
which encodes an 11-cis-retinol dehydroge- tor cell requires interaction with IRBP, but
nase, is associated with fundus albipunctatus, this is clearly a possibility. Once in the photo-
a human disease in which there is delayed receptor cell, 11-cis-retinal reacts with opsin
dark adaptation in both cones and rods be- through formation of a Schiff base as de-
cause of the impaired regeneration of ll-cis- scribed above (Fig. 7.14).
retinal (73-78). Cellular retinaldehyde bind-
5.5 Retinoids and the Basis of Color Vision
ingprotein (CRALBP) has been proposed to be
important in both the isomerization (all- The absorption maxima of free 11-cis-retinal
trans-retinol + 11-cis-retinol)and the oxida- is in the near-ultraviolet range (360-380 nm).
tion (11-cis-retinol+11-cis-retinal) reactions However, the absorption maxima of the 11-
(22); however, the underlying molecular cis-retinylidene moiety in the context of a pro-
mechanisms have not been identified. None- tonated Schiff base linkage with rod opsins is
theless, mutations in the CRALBP gene are shifted to approximately 500 nm, squarely in
associated with compromised retinal disease the middle of the visual range. Two factors
such as retinitis punctata albescens (79-821, contribute to this dramatic red shift in the ab-
suggesting that CRALBP may play a role in sorption maxima of 11-cis-retinylidenegroup
the retinoid cycle in the retina. Additionally, relative to that of free 11-cis-retinal: (1)pro-
CRBP I is expressed in RPE and has been sug- tonation of the Schiff base and (2) the exis-
gested to play a role in chaperoning retinol tence of intramolecular negative charges con-
within the cell and, like CRALBP, possibly has tributed by the opsin component of rhodopsin
a role in the isomerization andlor oxidation (22). One of these negative charges is derived
reactions (22). Mice devoid of CRBPI have from Glu113, a residue that is conserved
been generated and exhibit a large reduction among all known vertebrate visual pigments.
in retinyl ester accumulation in liver (83); Glu113is located in the highly hydrophobic en-
however, it is unknown if these mice have de- vironment of opsin transmembrane domain 2
fects in the retinal retinoid cycle. and provides the counterion for the positively
Finally, an abundant protein in the RPE, charged Schiff base (22). The existence of this
RPE65, seems to play a role in the retinoid counterion in such a hydrophobic environ-
cycle, but the exact role remains a mystery. ment shifts the pKa of the protonated Schiff
Mice lacking this protein accumulate all- base by 7 log units, effectively preventing
trans-retinyl esters that concentrate within spontaneous hydrolysis of the ll-cis-retinyli-
lipid droplets in RPE cells (84). These mice are dene group.
completely devoid of 11-cis-retinal and other The recent elucidation of the crystal struc-
cis-retinoid metabolites and are severely com- ture of rhodopsin bound by 11-cis-retinal at
Retinoic Acid Signaling Pathways

nylidene group with a cluster of amino acids of

the opsin component dictate the absorption
maxima of rod-derived rhodopsin and also pro-
vide a basis for the visual perception of color in
cone cells of the retina. Although the chro-
mophore is attached to cone opsins through an
identical, protonated Schiff base linkage and
likely occupies a similar position in the opsin
pocket, the absorption maxima of the cone
rhodopsins differ significantly from that of rod
rhodopsin. However, in contrast to those ex-
pressed in monochromatic rod cells, cone vi-
sual pigments have absorption maximas that
cover the visual spectrum. This is believed to
result largely from differential interactions of
11-cis-retinylidenegroup with the side chains
of amino acids lining the cavity in which the
chromophore resides (22, 85). As a result of
these differential interactions, visual pig-
ments present in cones are activated by light
of varying wavelengths giving rise to the per-
ception of color.


.Igure 7.15. Rhodopsin crystal structure. Three- PATHWAYS
imensional structure of rhodopsin based on X-ray
rystallography (186). Note that all-trans-retinal is 6.1 Historical Perspective
rotected from the intradiscal side by multiple
tructural elements, including several P strands. Naturally occurring retinoic acids and syn-
iarbohydrates are in blue, 11-cis-retinal is in green, thetic derivatives exert cellular effects by
nd helices are in gray. Red shadows are added for binding to and activating two families of nu-
sthetic reasons. This figure was generated by C. clear receptors (NRs), retinoic acid receptors
lehnke (Universityof Washington)and is reprinted
( W s ; Fig. 7.16) and retinoid X receptors
iith permission from Prog. Retin. Eye Res., 20,
69-521 (2001).See color insert. (RXRs; Fig. 7.17). Both classes of retinoid re-
ceptors are comprised of three subtypes, a, p,
and y, all of which belong to the steroid and
.8A allows direct visualization (Fig. 7.15) of thyroid hormone receptor superfamily of li-
he spatial arrangements of the transmem- gand-dependent transcription factors (1).
rane domains of rhodopsin and the location RARa was the first member of either retinoid
f 11-cis-retinal in the pocket (85). These in- receptor family to be identified simulta-
estigators found that 11-cis-retinal contrib- neously and independently by the groups of
~testo the inactive conformation of rhodopsin Chambon (86) and Evans (87), both of which
iy holding the transmembrane regions of the isolated RARa using a low-stringency, cDNA
lrotein together. Although the structure of library screening strategy. Subsequently, the
ileached rhodopsin, i.e., that containing 11- Chambon (88) and Pfahl (89) groups isolated
runs-retinal, was not reported, one can easily RARp and made the realization that the locus
mage the magnitude of the rhodopsin confor- of this gene was a site of viral integration caus-
national change that must accompany light- ing hepatocellular carcinoma. The Chambon
nduced isomerization of the chrornophore. group then cloned cDNA encoding RARy and
1-cis-retinal. demonstrated that this receptor was highly
The above-described structural studies expressed in skin (90, 91), long known as a
onfirmed that interactions of the ll-cis-reti- primary retinoic acid target tissue. The Cham-


I-A-+B+C----.t D a E - F--I
hlm (RARa) 98 100 98 98 99 90
hlm (RARB) 94 100 100 98 99 92
hlm (RARy) 98 100 100 100 100 58

Figure 7.16. Retinoic acid receptor subtypes.

bon group also discovered the existence of coding novel retinoic acid receptor-like pro-
multiple isoforms of RARa (92), RARP (931, teins and in, the process, identified RXRa
and RARy (94),all of which were generated by (100). This receptor was so-named bec,ause
alternative splicing and differential promoter trans-RA activated the receptor in tramrient
usage (Fig. 7.18). RXR isoforms, particularly transfection experiments, however, on1Y at
of RXRp (see below), have also been described concentrations much higher than thosc? re-
(95). Finally, the Chambon group demon- quired for activation of the M s . This finding
strated that the retinoic acid receptors and all led Mangelsdorf and colleagues to propose
of the retinoid binding proteins exhibit spa- that the ligand for RXRa was a metabolite, the
tially and temporally distinct expression pat- " X metabolite, of trans-RA (100). This srpec-
terns in the developing fetus and adult ani- ulation was later proven by both the groups of
mals (96-99), suggesting that each may play a Levin (32) and Evans (35), both of which iden-
specific role in the retinoic acid signaling path- tified 9-cis-RA as the RA "metabolite" respon-
ways. This flurry of activity in the time of 3-4 sible for activation of RXR in cultured cells
years, driven entirely by molecular biology ex- (see above). However, the parent compolund-
pertise of a few groups, completely revitalized metabolite relationship has never beer1 di-
vitamin A research throughout the world. For rectly demonstrated for trans- and 948
the first time, nutritional and metabolic bio- and it is possible, as described above, thalt the
chemists, toxicologists, and cancer, cell, and two isomers of RA are interconverted in a non-
molecular biologists could begin to address the enzymatic reaction as suggested by the g;roup
molecular basis of vitamin A action in health of Rando (36, 37). Nonetheless, both the
and disease. groups of Levin and Evans made a fundanen-
tally important discovery in identifying a li-
6.2 Discovery of RXRs gand, 9-cis-RA, that bound directly to an1d ac-
As all of the above action was occurring, the tivated both families of retinoid receptors,
group of Evans continued to isolate cDNAs en- whereas trans-RA only bound and activ.ated
6 Retinoic Acid Signaling Pathways

I-A-tB-C+ D a E -
1 55 132 201 259 462


1 124 203 271 330 533


1 i61i136 205

1k I - A - k B t C - D a E -
i hlm (RXRa) 89 96 100 98 99
hlm (RXRB) 89 99 100 95 99
E hlm (RXRy) 93 100 100 95 99

Figure 7.17. Retinoid X receptor subtypes.

RAR family members. This finding was the

basis for the future development of receptor-
elective retinoids.
quence for each half-site is repeated on the
opposite strand, also in the 5' 3' orienta-
tion. Importantly in the search for retinoic ac-
id-responsive genes, de The and colleagues
.3 Identification of Retinoic Acid had previously identified RARP as a trans-RA-
arget Genes induced gene in hepatoma cells (101) and
Ilearly, RARs and RXRs bound ligand, and subsequently identified the DNA response
his was demonstrated directly as described element conferring this inducibility as a
bove, but these proteins also belong to the direct repeat (DR) of the sequence GT-
IR superfamily of sequence-specific DNA TCACxxxxxGTTCAC (102). This crucial find-
inding transcription
- factors. Thus, the next ing was unusual because, although the se-
ajor question that required an answer was quence of this retinoic acid response element
hat is the nature of the DNA response ele- ( W E ) hexanucleotide was similar to that of
lent to which the RARs and RXRs bind?" estrogen and glucocorticoid receptors, the rel-
s was an extremely important question be- ative orientation of the two half-sites was not.
use the answer would provide clues regard- In contrast to inverted or palindromic repeats
~g the nature of RA targ& genes. At the time, of steroid hormone response elements, the
Dme response elements for steroid and thy- head to tail orientation of the direct repeats
3id hormones were known and these were generates an asymmetrical binding site that is
enerally corresponded to inverted repeats of typical of many non-steroid hormone recep-
hexanucleotide sequence, for example AG- tors. Using a different approach, the group of
CT for estrogen receptors or Evans came to a similar conclusion, defining
TTCT for glucocorticoid re- what was referred to as the "3-4-5 rule" of
ptors (where x corresponds to any nucleo- response element recognition in which di-
Ae). In both cases, the hexanucleotide se- rectly repeated response elements spaced by 3,


mRARal I---


Figure 7.18. Schematic organization of

5' region of mouse RAR genes and major
isoforms. There are two major isoforms of
mRARj3l ---
M a and M y , which in both cases,
arise from differential usage of two pro-
moters, P1 and P2. RARPl and RARP3 are
transcribed from the P1 promoter, but dif- mRARj33 rn ---
fer as a result of alternative splicing, AUG B
whereas RARP2 and RARP4, which are ---
both transcribed from the downstream P2 AUG A2
promoter, differ in that the P4 isoform
uses a CUG initiation codon and is alter-
natively spliced such that is it is virtually
devoid of an A region. Exons are indicated
by boxes and numbers (El- E5, E8, and
E9). Black and white boxes represent
translated A region sequences and the 5'-
UTR, respectively. For a given RAR type
(a, p, or y), A1-A4 and B represent the
isoform-specific A region and common B
regions, respectively. Reprinted with per-
mission from Trends Biochem. Sci., 17,
427-433 (1992).

4, and 5 bp functioned specifically as vitamin elements, indicating that both families of ret-
D, thyroid hormone, and RA response ele- inoid receptors may be involved in the up-reg-
ments, respectively (103). Chambon's group ulation of this gene by retinoic acids (106).Al-
then extended this rule by demonstrating that though numerous groups have shown that
the RA inducibility of the CRBPII gene was DR1 elements are promiscuous and confer
conferred by a directly-repeated RARE spaced regulation by several other nuclear receptors,
by 2 bp (104), while Mangelsdorf and col- the molecular basis for response element rec-
leagues demonstrated that the complex, di- ognition and, therefore, target gene regula-
rectly repeated response element spaced by tion, by RARs and RXRs was well-defined by
1 bp (DR1) of the rat CRBPII promoter con- the above-described body of work. Thus, the
ferred RXR-mediated inducibility, thus identi- 3-4-5 rule was modified to account for DR1
fying the first RXR response element or RXRE (RXR and many other orphan receptors), and
(105). Durand and colleagues then demon- DR2 (RA)response elements and became com-
strated that the mouse CRABP I1 promoter monly known as the 1-5 rule (Fig. 7.19). To-
harbored both DR1 (RXRE) and DR2 (RARE) day, many more retinoid-responsive genes
6 Retinoic Acid Signaling Pathways



Figure 7.19. Directly repeated response

elements for members of the retinoid recep-
tor family (RXRand RAR). The sequence of
each half-site is similar, but the spacing be-
tween the two half-sites is distinctive. In-
creasing the length of the intra-repeat
spacer alters the relative orientation of the
two half-sites as indicated on the right side
the figure. For example, the centers of

inoid signals are
each half-site are on different sides of the
DNA helix in the context of a DR1 response
element (118"out of phase),but only 14"and
21" out of phase in the context of DR4 and
DR5 response elements, respectively.

bers heterodimerize with RXR family mem-

he expression of a wide array bers and bind all known RAREs as a RAR.RXR
plicated in mediating the heterodimeric complex (122-126). During the
eiotropic effects of RAs on cellular function. course of this work, two additional members of
de transcription factors the RXR family, RXRp, which was originally
7-113), metabolic enzymes (114), growth identified as H-2RBPII by the group of Ozato
r receptors (115), extracellular matrix (1271, and RXRy, were identified (123, 128),
16,117),secreted proteins that are both of which were also shown to heterodimer-
tulated to convey positional information in ize with RAR family members (123). Finally,
developing embryo (118-120), and genes the Chambon group used genetic means to
oding pro-apoptotic proteins such as
demonstrate that RAReRXR complexes are the
functional units of both retinoid signaling
pathways during mammalian development
d RXRs Bind Response Elements
(129). Considered together, these remarkable
a Heterodimeric Complex
findings indicate that the two families of reti-
era1 groups working independently simul- noid receptors, RARs and RXRs, which arose
eously discovered that RAR family mem- independently during evolution and harbor

Table 7.3 Comparison of Amino Acid niques to demonstrate that RXR and RAR
Sequence Conservation among RAR and bind to the 5' and 3' half-sites, respectively, of
RXR Ligand Binding Domains a DR5 response element (132). The group of
RARa RAW ERa Chambon published similar findings and also
demonstrated that RXR occupies the 5' half-
RXRa 28 32 30 30
site of a DR2 element (133), and this general
RXRP 29 30 30 31
30 33 30 29 polarity was confirmed in crystallography
ERa 23 24 24 - studies in which RXR.thyroid hormone recep-
- -
tor complexes were shown to bind with a
Percent identities between the ligand binding domains similar orientation to a DR4 thyroid response
of RARs, RXRs, and estrogen receptor (ERa).
element (134). Interestingly, however, Kuro-
kawa and co-workers (135) discovered that
little sequence identity outside the DNA bind- this binding order was reversed on a DR1 ele-
ing domain (see below and Table 7.3), physi- ment with RAR and RXR binding to the 5' and
cally interact in the context of a heterodimeric 3' half-sites, respectively, resulting in a tran-
complex to regulate the transcription of most scriptionally inactive complex that responds
retinoic acid target genes. RXR was subse- to neither trans-RA nor 9-cis-RA (see below).
quently shown to heterodimerize with several
other nuclear receptors (Table 7.41, a finding
that implies activators of RXR may potentially 7 FUNCTIONAL DOMAINS OF RARs
affect a great number of other signaling path- AND RXRs
ways (130,131). Thus, the development of se-
lective, RXR agonists is particularly attractive The U s and RXRs, like other NRs, are com-
to medicinal chemists (see FUTURE PER- prised of a highly modular domain structure
SPECTIVES). that includes autonomous DNA and ligand
RAR.RXR heterodimeric complexes bind binding domains and as well as regions of the
to a directly repeated, hexanucleotide motif proteins that function in both transcriptional
of the consensus sequence 5'-PuGGTCA-3' activation and silencing (Fig. 7.20). These
(where Pu represents a purine, see above). Di- functional domains are described in detail in
rectly repeated response elements, in contrast the sections that follow.
to inverted repeats, are not symmetrical, and
this renders the microenvironment of each 7.1 RAR and RXR DNA Binding Domains
half-site distinct (38). This situation implies
that the orientation of RAR.RXR complexes The DNA binding domains (DBDs) of mem-
RAREs may be ordered and occur in a non- bers of the NR family are, in general, highly
random manner. Indeed, this is the case: Perl- conserved, displaying approximately 60%
mann and colleagues used biochemical tech- identity at the amino acid level across the en-

Table 7.4 RXR Heterodimerization Partners

Receptors with Known Ligands Orphan Receptors
- -

Retinoic acid receptors (RARa, P, y) Chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription

factors (COUP-TFI, 11,111)
Vitamin D receptor (VDR) Hepatic nuclear factor-4 (HNF-4)
Thyroid hormone receptors (TRa, P ) NGFI-B and related proteins
Perooxisome proliferator-activated
receptors (PPARa, P, y)
Liver X receptors (LXRa, P)
Farnesoid X receptor (FXR)
Constitutive androstane receptor (CAR)
Benzoate X receptor (BXR)
Steroid xenobioticlpregnane X receptor
7 Functional Domains of RARs and RXRs 341

Receptor function { H2N { COoH

DNA binding -
Ligand binding
Ligand-dependent transcriptional
activation function core (AF2)
Nuclear localization signal -
Ligand-independent transcriptional
activation function (AF1)
Silencing function
Figure 7.20. Nuclear receptor domain structure.

tire family. The DBD of both RARs and RXRs, Table 7.3). The LBDs of RAR and RXR family
and of all NRs, is composed of approximately members have also been studied extensively
66-80 amino acids that are organized into two by biochemical means and by crystallography
C,C, zinc finger motifs (see Figs. 7.16 and (139-148). The picture that has emerged from
7.17), each of which tetrahedrally coordinates this large body of work suggests that the over-
one zinc ion (134, 136). These two zinc fingers all structural organization of the LBD of RARs
fold into a single structural motif comprised of and RXRs is highly conserved LBD (142, 149),
two a helices, the recognition and support he- even if the primary amino acid sequence is not
lices that are located on the knuckle on the (see above). The structurally unique NR LBD
carboxyl side of each zinc finger (134, 136). is comprised of 12 a-helical bundles (HI-H12;
The two a-helices play very different roles in Fig. 7.22) that sandwich a short p-turn (149).
the function of the receptors: the recognition This domain is arranged into three layers
helii sits in the major groove of DNA and forming what has been called an anti-parallel
makes specific contacts with discriminating "a-helical sandwich" (142). In addition to con-
nucleotides within the response element; the ferring ligand binding, the ~ 2 2 0 to
- 240-ami-
support helix is oriented perpendicularly to no acid LBDs of all RAR and RXR family .
the recognition helix and does not contact members also harbor a major dimerization in-
DNA at all (134,136). Rather, the support he- terface (homodimerization and heterodimer-
lii makes specific protein-protein contacts ization) that is comprised of amino acids from
with and effectively buttresses the recognition H7, H9-Hll, and portions of the intervening
helix into the major groove. This concept is loops (140,141). The RAR and RXR LBDs also
illustrated schematically in Fig. 7.21. Bio- confer all of the ligand-dependent transcrip-
chemical (137,138) and crystallographic (134, tional activation potential of the correspond-
136) studies have revealed that three amino ing receptors, which has been referred to as
acids within the recognition helix are crucial the AF2 activity (150). However, AF2 cannot
for response element discrimination by most be described simply in linear sequence, but
NRs. rather is formed by the agonist-induced juxta-
position of several helices within the LBD (see
7.2 Ligand Binding Domain below).
Although the ligand binding domains (LBDs)
7.3 Apo-Receptors Interact with
of both W s and RXRs bind 9-cis-RA with
Transcriptional Corepressor Complexes
high affinity, the amino acid sequence identity
between the two proteins within the LBDs is Essentially, the basis of retinoid receptor sig-
surprisingly very low (Table 7.3). Indeed, the naling involves differential interaction of the
RAR LBD is as related in amino acid sequence apo- and holo- forms of the receptors with sev-
identity to that of RXR as the receptor is to eral, specific pools of nuclear proteins. For ex-
estrogen receptor a (approximately 30%; see ample, in the absence of an agonist, apo-
Figure 7.21. Schematic representation of DNA binding domains. Structures of DNA-binding com-
plexes involving RXR and their dimer interfaces. The overall structures are shown on the left, with
close-up views of the protein-protein interactions shown on the right. Dotted blue lines indicate
hydrogen bonds between proteins or between proteins and the DNA spacing. The dotted surface
indicates complementary van der Waals interactions. DNA sequences (cyan) are shown with their 5'
ends pointing up, with base pairs belonging to the spacing element of the DRs shown schematically in
red. In each case, protein-protein contacts are formed directly over the minor groove of the spacing,
with several protein-DNA phosphate contacts stabilizing the assembly. The interacting amino acid
side-chains are shown in green, with nitrogen atoms indicated in blue and oxygen atoms indicated in
red. (a and b) The RXR-TR DBD heterodimeric complex with DR4; (c and d) the RXR DBD ho-
modimeric complex with DR1, and (e and f ) the RXR-RAR DBD heterodimeric complex with DR1.
Reprinted with permission from Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol., 1 1 , 3 3 3 8 (2001). See color insert.
tional Domains of RARs and RXRs 343

gure 7.22. Schematic representation of apo- and holo-RXR ligand binding domain. Helices 1-12
1-H12) are indicated. Helices indicated in yellow and red represent the apo- and holo-forms of the
:eptor, respectively, whereas helices indicated in blue and green are positioned similarly in both
ms of the receptor. The arrows represent movement of the helices to accommodate 9-cis-RA in the
lding pocket (indicated). This figure was kindly supplied by Dr. Pascal Egea. See color insert.

L4R.RXR complexes are known to bind to complexes can then interact with and recruit
INA response elements loosely and recruit an transcriptional corepressor proteins, such as
,TP-dependent, chromatin remodeling com- nuclear receptor corepressor (NCoR) and si-
lex known as ISWI to the template (151). lencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid re-
3WI-mediated remodeling of chromatin ceptors (SMRT) to the template (152, 153).
eems to allow apo-RAR.RXR complexes to NCoR and SMRT, in turn, recruit histone
ind to the DNA response element much more deacetylase complexes (HDACs) to the apo-
ightly (151). Presumably, apo-RAR.RXR RAR.RXR heterodimeric complexes bound to

a response element in the promoter region of comprised of the consensus sequence LXXLL,
a RA target gene (154). HDAC-mediated where L corresponds to a leucine residue and
deacetylation of specific lysine residues found X can be any non-helix breaking amino acid.
in multiple histones is believed to increase the The canonical LXUL-containing a-helix of
affinity of the particular histone for the DNA transcriptional coactivators binds directly to
template and, thus, favor the formation of the shallow hydrophobic groove in the recep-
more densely packed chromatin that is gener- tor formed by the agonist induced conforma-
ally less likely to be transcibed (155). Ten tional change (166-170). Thus, agonist bind-
HDACs encoded by different genes have been ing-induced RAR and/or RXR conformational
isolated to date, and genetic evidence suggests change serves two purposes: (1)to induce dis-
that there may be additional members of the sociation af the corepressor complex resulting
HDAC family that have not been described in a relief of transcriptional repression and (2)
(156-162). Thus, apo-RAR.RXR complexes to promote interaction of the receptor with
can repress the expression of at least some tar- transcriptional coactivator proteins resulting
get genes in a HDAC-dependent manner, and in transcriptional activation.
this inhibition can be relieved by inhibitors of Transcriptional coactivator proteins that
HDACs such as trichostatin A or valproic acid interact preferentially with activated nuclear
(163). This has clinical significance because receptors can be divided into two general fam-
some leukemias respond more favorably to a ilies, each of which contain multiple subfami-
combination of a retinoid and HDAC inhibitor lies. Transcriptional coactivators harboring
than to either drug alone (163, 164). histone acetyl transferase (HAT) activity in-
clude p300lCBP (171-174), PICAF (175-177),
7.4 Holo-RAR.RXR Complexes Interact with
and the p160 family of proteins: SRC-11
Two Classes of Transcriptional Coactivators
NCoA-1(167,173,178), TIF2/GRIPl/NCoA-21
Agonist binding to RAR and/or RXR induces a SRC-2 (167,179,180),and RAC3/AIBl/PCIP/
rather substantial conformational change in ACTRISRC-3 (167, 181-183). By covalent
the LBD of the receptors (Fig. 7.22). This con- modification (acetylation) and subsequent de-
formational change is characterized by the fol- condensation of chromatin, transcriptional co-
lowing: (1) a large rearrangement involving activators possessing HAT activity are be-
HI1 and H12; (2) bending of helix 3; and (3) lieved to enhance the access of the RNA
rotation of the omega loop separating helices1 polymerase I1 (Pol 11)complex to the template
and 213. The resultant conformation of the (184).In addition to interactingwith activated
holo-recevtor is not favorable for interaction nuclear receptors, p160 and p300lCBP pro-
with transcriptional corepressors such as teins interact with each other and the latter
NCoR or SMRT; thus, agonist binding-in- interact with PICAF' (175-177). Recently, a
duced conformational change promotes disso- family of histone arginine methyltransferases
ciation of the entire corepressor complex as- has been identified that interact specifically
sembled on the promoter of RA target genes. with p160 family members (185,1861,suggest-
The repositioned helix 12 is generally be- ing that the multi-protein, chromatin-modifjr-
lieved to form the "lid" of the ligand-binding ing machinery assembled on the promoter of
pocket (143, 144, 165). The agonist binding- target genes is large and complex.
induced rearrangement of helix 12 also juxta- Interaction of the HAT coactivator complex
poses the core of AF2, which is found in helix with the ligand-activated receptors is appar-
12, with amino acids in helices 3,4,and 5 (143, ently transient as dissociation is believed to
144), creating a shallow hydrophobic groove occur as a result of acetylation of one or more
competent for interaction with a second class coactivators on lysine residues adjacent to the
of proteins known as transcriptional coactiva- signature LXXLL motif (187). Subsequently,
tors. Interaction of a RARsRXR complex with a the activated receptor presumably recruits a
transcriptional coactivator requires the ago- second class of multi-protein, transcriptional
nist-induced juxtaposition of helices 3, 4, 5, coactivator complexes to the template, and
and 12 of the receptor with a complementary this latter complex, referred to as the thyroid
a-helical structure in the coactivator protein hormone receptor-associated protein (TRAP)
8 Future Perspectives 345

complex, seems to be similar to the SRB- and and may not represent real life. Clearly, AFls
MED-containing cofactor (SMCC), vitamin D contribute to the global activation potential of
receptor-interacting protein (DRIP) and the retinoid receptor heterodimeric complexes,
yeast Mediator (188, 189) complexes. Because yet the transcriptional activation activity of
the TRAP or TRAP-like complexes harbor these complexes is dependent on ligand, ren-
components of the Pol I1 machinery and/or re- dering the "ligand-independent" activity of
cruit the Pol I1 complex to the template, for- AF1 entirely dependent on ligand in uiuo
mation of the transcriptional preinitiation (142), as has been described for other nuclear
complex and subsequent transcription are fa- receptors (194).
cilitated (190, 191). It should be noted that
these later steps of RAReRXR-mediated tran- 8 FUTURE PERSPECTIVES
scriptional activation appear to require the re-
cruitment of another protein complex to the The present and future efforts of medicinal
template, the SWIISNF complex, which seems chemists in the development of novel retinoid
to be facilitated by the presence of activated compounds are discussed in this section. This
receptors, either by direct interaction or inter- body of work should ultimately lead to recep-
action of the SWIISNF complex with acety- tor and receptor subtype-selective agonists
lated histones (151, 192). SWIISNF, which and antagonists and novel compounds that
also harbors an ATP-dependent chromatin re-
block proliferative signaling processes.
modeling activity, seems to function by dis-
8.1 Receptor- and Receptor
placing histones in the promoter region of the
Subtype-Selective Retinoids
target gene, thus, facilitating tight binding of
the basal transcription factors to the tem- As discussed in a previous section, the sys-
plate-a prerequisite for formation of the temic and topical toxicity, as well as the ter-
preinitiation complex and transcriptoinal ini- atogenicity of retinoids, limits the clinical use-
tiation (192). fulness of these compounds. The general
In summary, transcriptional activation me- opinion of both basic scientists and clinicians
diated by RAR.RXR complexes is a complex, is that these toxicities may be mitigated by the
multistep process that is not entirely under- development of receptor subtype-selective
stood at the molecular level. However, it is retinoids. Although this may ultimately be
clear that agonist-induced, RAR.RXR confor- proven to be true, there is currently little fac-
mational change, which is crucial for dissocia- tual basis for this opinion, at least with respect
tion of the corepressor complex and induction to the RAR subtypes, because it has been quite
of a receptor conformation that facilitates in- difficult to separate clinical efficacy from tox-
teraction of the receptor
- with two distinct icity. Nonetheless, this remains a noble goal
- in
classes of coactivator proteins, the HAT and the continued development of receptor sub-
TRAP proteins, plays a central role in the sig- type-selective retinoids.
naling pathways of RAR.RXR complexes lead- Of the seven retinoids currently approved
ing to transcriptional activation. by the FDA for clinical use, all are agonists,
and most (adapalene, acitretin, isotretinoin,
7.5 "Ligand-Independent" Transcriptional
tazarotene, and tretinoin; see Table 7.1) are
Activation, AF1, of RARs and RXRs
selective RAR agonists. Of these compounds,
he amino terminal of RARs and RXRs harbor adapalene and tazarotenic acid (the active
hat is known as a ligand-independent tran- form of the pro-drug tazarotene) are selective
scriptional activation function (Fig. 7.20). AF1 agonists for RARp and RARy, (195-1971,
operates and synergizes with AF2, the li- whereas the other compounds activate all
d-dependent transcriptional activation RAR subtypes with roughly similar potencies.
nction formed by the juxtaposition of helices Alitretinoin (9-cis-retinoic acid) is a pan-ago-
thin the LBD (see above) (106, 150, 193). nist that activates all RAR and RXR sub-
owever, AF1 of retinoid receptors was de- types and bexarotene is a selective, RXR ago-
fined in artificial systems (by fusing this re- nist that harbors some RAR agonist activity
gion to a heterologous DNA binding domains) (198-200).

Table 7.5 Discriminatory Amino Acids in the Ligand Binding Pockets

of RAR Family Members
Receptor LBD Helix 3 LBD Helix 5 LBD Helix 11
RARa Ser232 ~l~~~~
RARP ~ l e ~ ~ ~ Val3"
MY Met272
These amino acids, which are positioned within the ligand binding pocket of the indicated RARs, likely confer ligand

The LBDs of RARa, P, and y are highly CD2019 (203), but the degree of RARP selec-
related (Fig. 7.16). Moreover, there are only tivity reported for these compounds is not
three divergent amino acid residues in the li- overwhelming. As RARy is highly expressed in
gand binding pockets of the RAR subtypes skin and is thought to mediate mgny of the
(Table 7.5) (2011, rendering the development therapeutic effects of topical retinoids in the
of RAR subtype-selective ligands a challenging treatment of dermatological disorders, such as
endeavor. Nonetheless, substantial progress psoriasis and acne, several RARy-selective
has been made by several groups in the design agonists have been developed including
of RAR subtype-selective agonists (Fig. 7.23). SR11254 (204), CD437 (203,2051, BMS184394
Until recently, these efforts were made largely (203, 206, 2071, and CD666 (203). The struc-
by empiricism, and in some cases, based on tures of all of these receptor subtype-selective
molecular modeling algorithms. However, me- compounds are shown in Fig. 7.23.
dicinal chemists may now use the knowledge Antagonists of RARs have been developed,
of the three-dimensional structures of the and the prototype of these compounds is the
RAR and RXR ligand binding pockets in the Ma-selective Ro41-5253 (Fig. 7.24) (208).
development of receptor subtype-selective In addition, other novel RAR antagonists have
retinoids, and this will forever transform ra- been developed (209,210). The clinical useful-
tional, retinoid drug design. ness of these compounds is presently un-
Many of the known RAR subtype-selective known, but RAR antagonists have proven to
ligands described below contact one or more of be very useful as tools for the dissection of the
the three discriminatory amino acids that line retinoic acid signaling pathways in both cells
the ligand binding pocket of the corresponding (201) and in animals (211). One may envision
receptor. For example, Moras and colleagues that these receptors may work in one of two
found that Met272of RARy adopts different mutually exclusive mechanisms. Firstly, the
ligand-induced conformations depending on antagonists may simply occupy the ligand
the presence of a hydrogen bond between its binding pocket and thereby compete with en-
sulfur atom and the corresponding ligand dogenous agonists (trans- or 9-cis-RA, for ex-
(146). Similar discriminatory mechanisms ample). In this case, the antagonist would ef-
seem likely for other RARs rendering the fu- fectively lock the receptor in the apo-form that
ture development of RAR subtype-selective is associated with transcriptional corepressor
agonists possible. proteins such as NCoR and SMRT (see above).
AM80 and AM580 (Fig. 7.23) are prototypic Alternatively, RAR antagonists may induce
compounds that activate RARa at concentra- repositioning of receptor helix 12 away from
tions roughly 10- to 100-fold lower than those the surface of the protein generating a novel
required for activation of either RARp or conformation of the receptor. In this case, he-
RARy (202). In general, however, it has been lix 12 would be unable to contribute to forma-
more difficult to separate RARP from RARy tion of the shallow hydrophobic groove that is
agonism even though these receptors differ in required for interaction with the LXXLL motif
two of the three discriminatory amino acids of transcriptional coactivators (see above).
that line their respective ligand binding pock- This mode of action would be consistent with
ets (Table 7.5). Two somewhat RARP-selective crystallographic studies that revealed that the
compounds have been reported, CD417 and binding of the retinoid antagonist BMS614 to
Compound Receptor


Figure 7.23. RAR subtype-selective ligands.


nists, is conceptually possible for other recep-

tor subtypes. As is the case for antagonists,
however, the clinical usefulness of such com-
pounds is presently unknown. Nonetheless,
compounds such as inverse agonists and an-
tagonists are great tools that allow retinoid
biologists to dissect the retinoid signaling
pathways in various contexts.
Whereas it has been relatively straightfor-
ward to develop compounds that discriminate
between RARs and RXRs using, for example,
trans-RA as the prototypic pharmacophore
that is specific for RAR subtypes, the develop-
ment of RXR-selective compounds has also
progressed as a result of the synthetic efforts
of a number of medicinal chemists. RXR-selec-
tive retinoids (Fig. 7.25) include bexarotene
(198, 199), SR11237 (2171, SR11246 (200,
204), LGD100268 (199), and SR11345 (M.
Dawson, X.-K. Zhang, and M. Leid, unpub-
Figure 7.24. RAR antagonist and inverse agonist. lished data, 2000). The degree of RXR sub-
type-selectivity of these compounds is un-
the RARa LBD results in the repositioning of known.
helix 12 into the "antagonist" conformation One major obstacle for the development of
(140) similar to that of estrogen receptor RXR subtype-selective compounds is that the
(ER)-P bound by the antiestrogen raloxifene amino acid residues lining the ligand binding
(212) or the partial agoinst genistein (213) and pockets of RXRa, P, and yare identical (143).
ERa bound by the antiestrogen tamoxifen However, these RXR subtypes do harbor dif-
(214). In these examples, binding of antago- ferences in so-called "second layer residues,"
nists (or the partial agonist genistein) causes those amino acids that do not contact the li-
juxtapositioning and subsequent interaction gand directly, but nonetheless must undergo
of helix 12 with structural motifs in helices 3 side chain conformational alterations to ac-
and 4 that contribute to the coactivator inter- commodate ligand in the binding pocket (143,
action interface. In contrast to the agonist- 146). Thus, it is conceivable that substitutions
bound form of the receptors, however, the an- in second layer residues of RXR subtypes may
tagonist-induced repositioning of helix 12 does be exploited in the development of RXR sub-
not enhance interaction of the receptors with type-selective ligands.
any of the known transcriptional coactivator
8.2 "Gene-Specific" Retinoids
proteins possessing LXXLL motifs.
Chandraratna and colleagues at Allergan Heterodimeric RAFi.RXR complexes bind to
have developed a novel class of compounds and regulate target gene transcription from
possessing pharmacological properties that DR1-, DR2-, and DR5-type response elements
are distinct from both agonists and antago- (see previous sections). Thus, it is conceivable
nists. The prototypic compound in this class is that retinoids could be developed that would
AGN193109 (215,216) (Fig. 7.24). In contrast selectively activate a RAReRXR complex
to classical agonists that induce dissociation of bound to a DR5 RARE, for example, but not
RAR.NCoR complexes, AGN193109 increases the same complex bound to either DR1 or DR2
the affinity of the receptor for this corepressor RAFiEs, or other, unknown response ele-
(215,216),and as such, is known as an inverse ments. It has been suggested that such a phe-
agonist. Although AGN193109 is selective for nomenon may be caused by the existence of
RARy, the property of inverse agonism, and alternative conformations of the RAR.RXR
therefore, the development of inverse ago- heterodimeric complexes bound to these dif-
8 Future Perspectives

ated transcriptional activation, it may be con-

ceivable that so-call "gene-specific" retinoids
could be developed.

8.3 Anti-AP1 Activity of Retinoids

Ligand-activated RAR-RXRcomplexes antag-
onize transcriptional activation mediated by
the proto-oncogene transcription factor com-
plex known as AP1, and the converse is also
true. AP1 antagonizes RAR.RXR-mediated
transcriptional activation (173, 219). Activa-
tion of RARs by classical retinoid receptor
agonists, such as trans-RA, results in two
events, activation of transcription mediated
by RAR.RXR complexes and antagonism of
AP1-mediated transcriptional activation that
may be mediated by RAReFtXR or RAR alone
(220-223). As AP1 is classically associated
with cellular proliferation and inflammatory
responses, retinoid receptor-mediated antago-
Bexarotene nism of AP1-mediated transcriptional activa-
tion could be exploited therapeutically in the
treatment of proliferative diseases and inflam-
matory diseases such as arthritis. The Dawson
group was the first to develop so-called anti-
AP1 retinoids, the prototypes of which are
SR11238(Fig. 7.26) and SRll302 (219),which
do not modulate the transcriptional activation
function of any of the known RARs or FtXRs.
The molecular basis of action of compounds
such as SR11238 is unknown, but two mecha-
nisms have been proposed to account for this
form of transcriptional interference: (1)com-
petition between retinoid receptors and AP1
for a common transcriptional coactivator,
such as CBP (173), and (2)retinoid receptor-
mediated inhibition of AP1 assembly (223).
Clearly, development of useful and selective
retinoids that induce the receptors to inhibit
Figure 7.25. RXR-selective agonists. AP1-mediated transcriptional activation with-
out affecting the transcriptional activation
ferently spaced response elements, differing
promoter contexts, or both (218). Although
this is an appealing idea in principle and some
evidence derived from artificial systems has
been provided to support this concept, con-
, vincing data are lacking. Nonetheless, as more
i information becomes available regarding the
: structure of heterodimeric complexes bound
, to differently spaced response elements and
, the mechanisms underlying RAR.RXR-medi- Figure 7.26. Anti-APl retinoid, SR11238.
350 Retinoids

function of the receptors remains an impor- plexes (236),RXR can activate transcription if
tant goal in the retinoid field. the other subunit of the heterodimer is bound
by either agonists (235, 236) or an antagonist
8.4 0 4 3 7 : An Atypical Retinoid (234). This finding suggests that the RXR het-
erodimeric partner allosterically regulates the
CD437, 6-[3-(1-adamanty1)-4-hydroxyphenyll-
function of the RXR LBD and is known as the
2-naphthalenecarboxylicacid (AHPN; see Fig. "RXR subordination" model (210) in that RXR
7.23), was originally described as a selective, is dependent on (subordinate to) activation of
M y agonist that may be useful in the treat-
the its heterodimer partner for its own activa-
ment of retinoid-sensitive dermatological con-
ditions (203, 205). However, more recently, In other heterodimeric contexts, known as
Fontana and colleagues have discovered that
"permissive heterodirners," RXR is able to ac-
this retinoid induces cell cycle arrest and sub- tivate transcription. The most important of
sequent apoptosis in a number of cancer cell these in a clinical sense are probably
lines (224-232) through a mechanism that RXR.PPAR (237-239) and RXR.LXR (240)
does not seem to involve any of the known heterodimers. The ability of RXR agonists to
RAR or RXR subtypes (229). CD437/AHPN activate RXR.PPARy heterodimers is ex-
even induces growth arrest and apoptosis in
tremely important in the treatment of type I1
cancer cell lines that are resistant to growth
diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes), a
inhibition induced by classical retinoids such
disease of epidemic proportions in the United
as trans-RA (229). Neither the putative recep-
States and worldwide. For example, thiazol-
tor for CD437 nor the pro-apoptotic mecha-
idinedione antidiabetic drugs are becoming in-
nism have been identified. creasingly used in the treatment of type I1 di-
Again, however, the toxicity of CD4371
abetes. These drugs are PPARy agonists that
AHPN is a problem in a clinical sense, and this activate RXR.PPARy heterodimeric com-
toxicity seems likely to result from activation
plexes that, in turn, regulate the expression of
of RARs. Thus, substantial efforts have been genes encoding proteins that improve glucose
devoted to the development of CD437lAHPN- tolerance by enhancing the cellular sensitivity
like compounds that maintain pro-apoptotic to insulin. Administration of RXR agonists to
activity with reduced ability to activate classi-
diabetic and obese mice also improves glucose
cal retinoid receptors. The first such com- tolerance, and the co-administration of RXR
pound is MM11453, the 3-chloro analogue of agonists with a thiazolidinedione results in
AHPN (232). MM11453 was found to inhibit synergistic improvements in several diabetic
the growth of both retinoid-resistant and ret- parameters (241, 242). Interestingly, subsets
inoid-sensitive cancer cell lines with equal po- of highly insulin-resistant patients harbor a
tency (232). It is highly likely the additional mutation(s) in the PPARy locus that renders
compounds like MM11453 will be developed these patients resistant to thiazolidinedione
for the treatment of proliferative disorders. therapy, yet these patients remain sensitive to
the glucose-lowering effects of RXR agonists
8.5 Novel Uses for RXR-Active Compounds
(237). Thus, the continued development of
As described above, RXR heterodimerizes RXR-selective ligands for the treatment of
with several other members of the nuclear re- type I1 diabetes, as monotherapy or in con-
ceptors family. This implies that RXR, junction with thiazolidinediones, will cer-
through these diverse, heterodimeric interac- tainly be pursued in the future.
tions, may regulate the expression of a very Another interesting application for RXR-
large number of genes. However, RXR does selective agents may be in the treatment of
not seem to be competent to active transcrip- hypercholesterolemia. Mangelsdorf and col-
tion in the context of VDR.RXR, TR.RXR, or leagues have recently discovered that the RXR
M . R X R complexes bound to DR3-, DR.-, or agonist LG100268, acting through RXR.LXR
DR5-type response elements, respectively heterodimeric complexes, transcriptionally
(135,233). In the case of RAR-RXRcomplexes induces the expression of the gene encoding
(234, 235) and probably also TRsRXR com- the ABCl protein, which mediates reverse
cholesterol transport (240). In intestinal cells, human health through the design and synthe-
this protein transports cholesterol into the lu- sis of novel compounds that act at both RARs
men of the intestine, effectively reducing cho- and RXRs.
lesterol uptake by the cell and ultimately low-
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1 Introduction, 361
1.1 What Is a Vitamin?, 361
1.1.1Vitamins Are Naturally Occurring, 361
1.1.2 Vitamins Are Essential Because They
Are Not Produced by Human
Biochemical Pathways, 361
1.1.3 Organic, 361
1.1.4 Normal Constituent of the Diet, 362
1.1.5 Vitamins Are Required in Minute
Amounts, 362
1.1.6 Vitamins Are Required to Maintain
Normal Biochemical Functions of the
Tissues, 362
1.2 Causes of Vitamin Deficiencies, 362
2 Dietary Reference Intakes, 362
2.1 Determination of a Vitamin Dose, 362
2.2 Methods to Determine a Valid Dose
of a Vitamin, 362
2.2.1 Extrapolate from Animal Studies, 362
2.2.2 Metabolic Balance Studies in Humans,
2.2.3 Compare Nutrient Intake in Areas
with and without the Deficiency
Disease, 363
2.2.4 Saturation of Biochemical Function, 363
2.2.5 Serum Levels, 363
2.3 Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) (3,4), 363
2.3.1 Introduction, 363
2.3.2 How Do the DRIs Differ h m RDAs?, 363
2.3.3 Uses of Dietary Reference Intakes, 363 Estimated Average
Requirement (EAR), 363 Recommended Dietary
Allowance (RDA), 363 Adequate Intake (AI), 368 Tolerable Upper Intake Level
(UL), 368
3 Vitamins, 368
3.1 Retinol Witamin A) Family (91, 368
3.1.1 Chemistry, 368

3.1.2 Uptake and Metabolism (Fig. 8.3), 369 3.6.1 Chemistry (Fig. 8.281, 392
3.1.3 Biochemical Functions and Deficiency, 3.6.2 Riboflavin Uptake and Chemistry (Fig.
370 8.281, 392
3.1.4 Dosage Forms, 370 3.6.3 Metabolic Role, 392
3.1.5 Hypervitamininosis A, 370 3.6.4 Riboflavin Deficiency, 392
3.1.6 Hypercarotenosis, 371 3.6.5 Hypervitaminosis Riboflavin, 392
3.1.7 Dietary Reference Intakes (as Retinoic 3.6.6 Dietary Reference Intakes, 392
Acid Equivalents), 371 3.7 Niacin (Nicotinic Acid)/Niacinamide
3.1.8 Pharmacologically Active Retinoids, 372 (Nicotinamide) (47), 392 Retinoid and Retinoid-like 3.7.1 NiacinNiacinamide Chemistry, Uptake
Drugs Used in the Treatment of and Metabolism, 394
Acne (Fig. 8.7) (12), 372 3.7.2 Niacin Deficiency, 394 Drug Based on the Retinoid 3.7.3 Hypervitaminosis Niacin, 395
Structure Used to Treat 3.7.4 Dietary Reference Intakes, 397
Psoriasis (Fig. 8.81, 373 3.8 Vitamin B, Family, 397 Retinoids Used in the 3.8.1 Uptake and Metabolism, 397
Treatment of Malignancies (Fig. 3.8.2 Pyridoxal Phosphate Biochemistry
8.9), 374 (58), 397
3.2 Vitamin D Family (15), 374 3.8.3 Vitamin B, Deficiency, 398
3.2.1 Chemistry, 374 3.8.4 Vitamin-Drug Interactions (60), 399
3.2.2 Vitamin Uptake and Metabolism, 375 3.8.5 Hypervitaminosis Pyridoxine, 400
3.2.3 Biochemical Function, 376 3.8.6 Dietary Reference Intakes, 400 Calcium Regulation, 376 3.9 Pantothenic Acid (651,400 Vitamin D Analogs Used in 3.9.1 Chemistry, Uptake, and Metabolic
Chronic Renal Failure, 377 Role, 401 Cell Division, 377 3.9.2 Hypervitaminosis Pantothenic Acid, 401
3.2.4 Dosage Forms, 379 3.9.3 Dietary Reference Intakes, 401
3.2.5 Hypervitaminosis D, 379 3.10 Biotin (661,402
3.2.6 Dietary Reference Intakes, 379 3.10.1 Uptake, 402
3.2.7 Drug Interactions, 379 3.10.2 Chemistry, 402
3.3 Vitamin E Family (Tocopherols 3.10.3 Metabolic Role, 402
and Tocotrienols) (33), 380 3.10.4 Biotin Deficiency, 405
3.10.5 Hypervitaminosis Biotin, 405
3.3.1 Chemistry, 381
3.3.2 Uptake and Metabolism, 381 3.10.6 Dietary Reference Intakes, 405
3.3.3 Biochemical Function, 383 3.11 Folic Acid (67), 405
3.3.4 Deficiencies, 383 3.11.1 Chemistry, 405
3.3.5 Hypervitaminosis E, 384 3.11.2 Uptake, 405
3.3.6 Dosage Forms, 384 3.11.3 Metabolic Roles, 406
3.3.7 Dietary Reference Intakes (based on 3.11.4 Folic Acid Deficiency, 407
d-a-Tocopherol), 384 3.11.5 Hypervitaminosis Folic Acid, 411
3.4 Vitamin K Family (381,385 3.11.6 Dietary Reference Intakes, 411
3.4.1 Chemistry, 385 3.12 Vitamin B,, (Cobalamin) (721,411
3.4.2 Vitamin K Uptake and Metabolism, 386 3.12.1 Chemistry, 413
3.4.3 Vitamin K Biochemistry and Defi- 3.12.2 Uptake, 413
ciency, 386 3.12.3 Biochemical Role, 413
3.4.4 Causes of Vitamin K Deficiency, 387 3.12.4 Cobalmin Deficiency, 415
3.4.5 Hypervitaminosis K, 387 3.12.5 Hypervitaminosis B,,, 415
3.4.6 Dietary Reference Intakes, 387 3.12.6 Dietary Reference Intakes, 415
3.5 Thiamine (Vitamin B,) (43), 387 3.13 Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) (771,415
3.5.1 Chemistry, 388 3.13.1 Chemistry, 415
3.5.2 Uptake and Metabolism, 388 3.13.2 Uptake, 417
3.5.3 Thiamine Deficiencies, 389 3.13.3 Metabolic Roles, 417
3.5.4 Hypervitaminosis Thiamine, 389 3.13.4 Ascorbic Acid Deficiency, 417
3.5.5 Dietary Reference Intakes, 389 3.13.5 Hypervitaminosis C, 417
3.6 Riboflavin (Vitamin B,) (46), 392 3.13.6 Dietary Reference Intakes, 418
1 INTRODUCTION as long as the natural and synthetic products
are identical. This includes stereochemistry.
Vitamins are enjoying renewed popularity L-Ascorbic acid is twice as active as the racemic
with the lay public that, in some ways, mimics D,L-ascorbicacid. A similar statement can be
the attention seen in the early part of the made for D-pantothenic acid and S-biotin rela-
twentieth century when they were first being tive to their racemic mixtures. The situation
discovered. Paralleling the interest by the gen- for a-tocopherol (vitamin E) with three asym-
increased focus on the biochem- metric centers is more complex and is dis-
tamins at the molecular level. cussed in more detail later in this chapter.
Some vitamins can be considered prototypes
for pharmacological agents used to treat dis- 1.1.2 Vitamins Are Essential Because They
eases that do not appear directly related to the Are Not Produced by Human Biochemical Path-
patient's vitamin status. Although all animals ways. With two exceptions, this requirement
require vitamins, the discussion in this chap- is obvious. If a compound is required for a bio-
ter focuses on humans and human biochemi- chemical process and our pathways cannot
produce it, it must be obtained from exoge-
Vitamins are complex biochemically and nous sources. The evolutionary history of the
functionally and may be classified many ways. human species is such that we sought out
This chapter acknowledges the traditional sol- sources in our environment that contained
ubility model but focuses on functionality. Un- these essential substances, and those sub-
fortunately,the loose regulation of nutritional stances containing vitamins became our food.
products in the United States has led to mis- One of the substances commonly treated as
leading promotion of these items to the lay a vitamin is niacin, which is synthesized from
at individuals are confused as to the essential amino acid tryptophan. The ratio
at can be called a vitamin. General criteria is approximately 60 mg of tryptophan being
a substance truly is a vitamin required to produce 1 mg of niacin (1). This
presented. Another problem is to decide has led to niacin requirements being ex-
nt actually has a vitamin defi- pressed as niacin equivalents (NE), based on
in the next section, this can be the amount of tryptophan in the diet. It must
complex question. Finally, deciding how be kept in mind that tryptophan is essential
cular vitamin should be con- and is the precursor to the neurotransmitter
ed has moved from the familiar Recom- serotonin in addition to being part of protein
ended Dietary Allowance (RDA) to four dif- structure. Therefore, niacin can be thought of
rent ways to evaluate vitamin requirements as tryptophan sparing.
d consumption. These are called the Dietary The other exception is vitamin D,, or chole-
ference Intakes (DRIs). calciferol. Assuming adequate sunlight, chole-
calciferol is the photochemical product from
.1 What i s a Vitamin? ultraviolet irradiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol
found in our skin. A significant proportion of
In general a vitamin must be a naturally oc- the world's population produces all of the
olecule that is a normal con- cholecalciferol it needs from this photochemi-
iet. It should be essential and cal reaction. It is true that a ~hotochemical
inute amounts. Finally, it is reaction is not a biochemical pathway, but ex-
ain normal cellular biochem- posure to adequate sunlight does fulfill the re-
and tissue integrity. Let us examine quirement for cholecalciferol. As noted in the
in more detail. discussion for this particular substance, the
compounds commonly referred to as vitamins
1.1.1 Vitamins Are Naturally Occurring. D, and D, are not normal constituents of most
his criterion frequently is misinterpreted. human diets.
though the vitamin is a natural product,
ere is no difference in efficacy between in- 1.1.3 Organic. Trace elements are not
sting the all-natural or a synthetic product properly called vitamins. Therefore, iron, zinc,

magnesium, manganese, chromium, sele- including economics, genetics, diseased intes-

nium, and the other trace elements that are tinal tract, alcoholism, a variety of medical
obviously obtained from food sources are es- conditions, lifestyle, and vitamin-drug inter-
sential, but they are not vitamins. actions. Table 8.1 contains a classification
scheme for possible causes of vitamin deficien-
1.1.4 Normal Constituent of the Diet. With cies.
the exception of cholecalciferol,all of the other
compounds that we treat as vitamins are nor-
mal constituents of our diets, with most found 2 DIETARY REFERENCE INTAKES
in more than one food group. The situation
with cholecalciferol is such that, except for the 2.1 Determination of a Vitamin Dose
small part of the world's population that ob-
tains its protein from marine species, neither This is not easy. Ideally, a dose-response curve
cholecalciferol nor ergocalciferol from irradia- could be constructed that would provide de-
tion of the plant sterol ergosterol, is a normal fined endpoints such as an ED,, or ED,, and
component of foods. doses that would cause serious toxicities, the
LD,,. The problem is defining a biological or
1.1.5 Vitamins Are Required in Minute pharmacological endpoint. Not all vitamin de-
Amounts. This is arbitrary, but ranges from ficiencies have defined syndromes. Little is
2.0 pg g) for cyanocobalamin to 90 mg known of the pharmacokinetics of individual
for ascorbic acid. Other essential nutrients in- vitamins. In contrast with most drugs, the
cluding the essential amino acids and fatty ac- body stores vitamins, sometimes several
ids generally are required in larger amounts. months' supply. This should not be surprising
For example, the National Research Council's when one examines human history. Until
recommended daily intake of amino acids fairly recent times, humans regularly experi-
ranges from a low of 245 mg for tryptophan to enced food plenty and food deprivation (famine)
980 mg for phenylalanine and tyrosine (com- as crops failed and animals moved away from
bined) and leucine (2). Note that the value for settlements. Causes ranged from weather to
tryptophan provides only about 4 mg of niacin, war. To survive, the evolutionary development
assuming all 245 mg of tryptophan is con- of humans includes ways to store and reuse vi-
verted to niacin. tamins. Assuming a good diet, humans have a
6- to 9-month supply of vitamin A. Humans ef-
ficiently recycle cobalamin (vitamin B,,) by
1.1.6 Vitamins Are Required to Maintain
enterohepatic circulation. The intestinal flora
Normal Biochemical Functions of the Tissues.
produce a precursor to vitamin K.
Most vitamins function either as a hormone1
chemical messenger (cholecalciferol), struc-
tural component in some metabolic process 2.2 Methods to Determine a Valid Dose
(pantothenic acid), or a coenzyme (phytonadi- of a Vitamin
one, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, Each of the methods outlined in the following
biotin, folic acid, cyanocobalamin). At least sections has significant problems in determin-
one vitamin has more than one biochemical ing a dose-response curve for a vitamin. Table
role. Vitamin A as an aldehyde (retinal) is a 8.2 lists methods that are being used to deter-
structural component of the visual pigment mine vitamin requirements or are under de-
rhodopsin and, in its acid form (retinoic acid), velopment as possible procedures.
is a regulator of cell differentiation. The pre-
cise biochemical functions of ascorbic acid and
a-tocopherol still are not well defined. 2.2.1 Extrapolate from Animal Studies.
This method is dependent on the species. The
vitamin requirements differ among the com-
1.2 Causes of Vitamin Deficiencies
mon laboratory animals. The classic example
There are a variety of reasons why a person is ascorbic acid, which is not a vitamin in most
might be experiencing a vitamin deficiency animals. Humans do not exhibit specific defi-
2 Dietary Reference Intakes

ciency symptoms for a-tocopherol, biotin, and takes for Canada. These are being replaced by
pantothenic acid, whereas many animals do. the Dietary Reference Intakes, a joint effort of
the United States and Canada. The DRIs are
2.2.2 Metabolic Balance Studies in Humans. published by the Food and Nutrition Board of
This usually involves a specified number of the National Academy of Sciences National
days on a defined diet in which the urine and Research Council. The expert panels are made
feces are monitored. The problem is that cor- up of U.S. and Canadian scientists.
rections have to be made for the vitamins that
are stored. The pharmacokinetics of most vi- 2.3.2 How Do the DRls Differ from RDAs?.
tamins have not been carefully determined. There is one set of reference values for both
Canada and the United States and clear docu-
2.2.3 Compare Nutrient Intake in Areas mentation on how reference values are se-
with and without the Deficiency Disease. lected. A goal is the promotion of nutrient
First, not all vitamin deficiencies lead to a de- function and biologic-physical well-being. Ev-
fined deficiency state. Second, rarely does one idence concerning the prevention of disease
h d an area deficient in only one nutrient. and developmental disorders is examined in
Most common deficiencies are attributed to in- addition to the traditional "how much nutri-
adequate diet, which means several nutrient ent is needed to prevent a deficiency symp-
deficiencies will result. tom." Data supporting food components that,
up to this time, have not been considered es-
2.2.4 Saturation of Biochemical Func- sential nutrients will be examined. Finally,
tion. A reliable biochemical indicator is re- there are recommendations for future re-
quired. For niacin, which NADt- or NADP+- search.
ntaining enzyme should be selected? Which
ansaminase will be the indicator for pyridox- 2.3.3 Uses of Dietary Reference Intakes.
e? Which function of vitamin A should be The DRIs consist of four components. Each
lected for retinol, vision in the rods or cell type of reference value is calculated from daily
rentiation? As noted from Table 8.2, intakes averaged over time (usually one or
of the assays for vitamin status have more weeks). The surveys include, but are not
gnificant limitations to estimate reliable limited to, (1)random selection of healthy in-
dividuals and asking them to either report
what they have eaten or to maintain food dia-
2.2.5 Serum Levels. This probably is the ries, (2) monitoring overall food production
ost reliable, but it does require very sensi- and consumption, and (3) correlating a de-
ve assay methods for those vitamins re- fined population's health status with the
ired in microgram (lop6)amounts. It also group's food intake. Sometimes the results
uires knowledge as to how the vitamin is from the surveys are correlated with the type
ansported: free or bound to a plasma protein of assays listed in Table 8.2. The four Dietary
on a specific transport protein. Examples of Reference Intakes are:
e latter are transport proteins for vitamin A Estimated Average Requirement
d vitamin D,. The tocopherols will be found (EAR). The EAR is the intake that meets the
in the lipoproteins (VLDL, LDL, etc.). estimated nutrient need of 50% of the individ-
uals in that group (i.e., infants, children, adult
3 Dietary Reference Intakes (DRls) (3, 4)
males, adult females, pregnant women, nurs-
ing women, the elderly, etc.). It is used to eval-
e adult DRI values for each vitamin are uate the adequacy of nutrient intakes of pop-
und in the section for that vitamin. ulation groups and for planning intakes for
group. It can be used in diet planning. The
2.3.1 Introduction. The last official set of EAR is based on a median rather than a mean.
rence values were the 1989 Recommended Recommended Dietary Allowance
tary Allowances (RDAs) for the United (RDA). The RDA is the intake that meets the
tates and 1990 Recommended Nutrient In- nutrient need of almost all (97-98%)individu-
Table 8.1 Causes of Nutrient Deficiencies
- - -

Cause Mechanism/Reason Remarks

Inadequate ingestion Economic deprivation Inability to purchase adequate amounts and variety of
usually from a poor diet food.
Self-imposed reducing diets A 1200 calorie diet professionally selected from the four
major food groups (dairy, fruits and vegetables,
grains, and meat) containing no fried food nor added
sugar has been considered the least amount of food
not requiring a vitamin supplement.
Disease This usually is attributed to loss of appetite from such
conditions as cancer chemotherapy, depression, and
eating disorders.
Inadequate absorption Diseased intestinal tract Examples include chronic inflammatoryconditions such
as Crohn's disease and parasites.
Mineral oil laxatives, which may dissolve the oil-soluble This could include retinol, cholecalciferol/ergocalciferol,
vitamins a-tocopherol, vitamin K from food.
Ion exchange resins (colestipol, colestyramine), which A vitamin supplement can be taken 1 h before or 2 h
complex with the bile salts and can interfere with the after taking the resin.
absorption of the oil-soluble vitamins
Aluminum antacids can complex with some of the Aluminium antacids are no longer commonly used.
vitamins and, when used chronically, most definitely
can cause hypophosphatemia
Cystic fibrosis, which can cause fat malabsorption This could include retinol, cholecalciferol/ergocalciferol,
(steatorrhea) attributed to inadequate production of a-tocopherol, vitamin K from food, all of which are
pancreatic lipases more readily absorbed when they can be part of a
normal mixed micelle process that occurs with lipid
digestion and absorption
(MSUD), which will respond to thiamine (vitamin B,)
supplements, and homocystinuria, which will respond
to pyridoxine (vitamin B,). The mutation lies with
apoenzyme such that the equilibrium between the
apoenzyme and the coenzyme lies to the left. To push
the reaction to the right requires additional
Drug-vitamin interactions These can interfere with vitamin processing in the
intestinal tract, tie up the vitamin preventing it from
being used, or possibly promote elimination of the
vitamin. Examples include: isoniazid-pyridoxine,
phenobarbital-cholecalciferol, methotrexate-folic
acid, phenytoin-folic acid.
Increased requirements Reference dietary indices are based on an average Individuals performing more strenuous activities
above the recommended population performing average duties. Increased requiring additional intake of calories also will
daily allowances (RDA) physical activity or medical needs make these people require more nutrients including vitamins.
statistical outliers beyond the requirements of the Vitamin and caloric requirements increase for patients
"average" healthy population group. experiencing debilitating illness, including severe
burns, major surgeries, and malignancies. Nutritional
assessments are becoming a more common part of
medical treatment.
Chronic intake of alcohol Ethyl alcohol can interfere with the uptake, processing, The two most common vitamin deficiencies seen in
(alcoholism) or storage of vitamins. patients chronically consuming alcohol are folic acid
and thiamine.
Table 8.2 Methods for Estimating Vitamin Requirements
Vitamin Determination Methodology Remarks
Retinol (vitamin A) Dark adaption test Considered reasonably sensitive.
Pupillary response test Data do not exist relating pupillary threshold sensitivity to retinol intake.
Plasma retinol concentration Insensitive to liver stores.
Relative dose response An initial plasma concentration is determined followed by a second
concentration a defined time after administration of a small dose of retinol.
The ratio is proportional to the liver stores of retinol.
Calciferol (vitamins D, Serum 25(OH)D, or D, This is considered a more accurate indicator of vitamins D status as compared
and D,) to serum vitamins D, or 1,25(OH),D.
a-Tocopherol (vitamin E) Lipid peroxidation markers They are not specific to vitamin E.
Plasma a-Tocopherol It does not seem to correlate with daily intake, but there is a linear relationship
concentration seen in tocopherol-depleted subjects.
Vitamin K Prothrombin time It is used to assess patients on cournadin anticoagulant therapy, but does not
appear to be a reliable measure of vitamin K status in otherwise healthy
Factor VII Even though factor VII only has a 6-h half-life, it does not appear to be
Plasma or serum phylloquinone This does respond to changes in dietary intake within 24 h.
Urinary y-carboxyglutamyl This is considered promising.
Thiamine (vitamin B,) Erythrocyte transketolase This is considered the most accurate.
Urinary thiamine excretion This method also is considered good.
Erythrocyte thiamine It is not as widely used.
Riboflavin (vitamin B,) Erythrocyte glutathione It is the most common assay.
reductase activity
Erythrocyte flavin Some question the sensitivity of this test because the difference between
adequacy and inadequacy is small.
Urinary riboflavin excretion Care must be exercised with the size of the dose and method of administration.
Urinary excretion N1-Methylnicotinamide and N1-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide are the two
metabolites that are considered sensitive measures of niacin status.
Plasma concentration N1-Methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide plasma levels provide an indication of low
niacin intake by dropping below detection limits.
Erythrocyte pyridine nucleotides Erythrocyte NAD levels may replace measuring metabolites found in the urine.
. .
It changes slowly in response to changes in vitamin intake.
~r~thro& e total blood
and There &ay be r&al differences because of lower kinase activity.
pyridoxal phosphate
Urinary pyridoxic acid It tends to reflect recent vitamin intake rather than general vitamin status.
Various erythrocyte Aspartate and alanine transaminases have been studied most extensively.
transaminases There is a lack of consensus regarding their usefulness as indicators of
vitamin B, status.
Tryptophan catabolites Although useful, some of the reactions affected changes in steroid hormone
Plasma homocysteine See discussion in the vitamin B, section.
Pantothenic acid Urinary excretion It is strongly dependent on intake.
Blood levels There is poor correlation with urinary excretion values.
Biotin Urinary excretion There is a correlation with induced deficiencies caused by eating raw egg white.
Folic acid Erythrocyte folate Only the developing erythrocyte takes up folate. Therefore, this test is an
indicator of long-term status and not a measure of immediate changes in
folate status.
Plasma homocysteine There is no question that elevated homocysteine decreases with folate
administration. There is not enough information to support its use for
determining DRIs.
Serum folate A measure of dietary folate intake, although it is not considered a reliable
measure of folate status.
Urinary folate This test may underestimate folate needs.
Hematological status Characteristic megaloblastic anemia develops late in folic acid deficiency.
Vitamin B,, (cobalamin) Hematological response These are the typical hemoglobin, hematocrit, and erythrocyte counts. Partial
resDonses are of limited values.
Serum or plasma vitamin B,, A problem is that serum values may be maintained at the expense of tissue
Methylmalonic acid Studies need to be done to see whether it will correlate with vitamin B,, status.
Homocysteine This can be elevated in folate and vitamin B, deficiencies.
Holotranscobalamin I1 This protein is responsible for receptor-mediated uptake of B,, into cells.
Further work needs to be done before it is adapted for routine clinical use.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) Antioxidant functions A variety of markers have been evaluated including LDL, VLDL,
malondialdehyde, hydroxynonenal, and reduced glutathione.
Cellular DNA damage These have not proved useful for estimating ascorbate requirements.
Urinary markers Oxidized DNA is nonspecific.

als in that group. The RDA are the values ing of the structural chemistry of the vita-
found on most vitamin products. They vary mins. There was fat-soluble A and water-solu-
depending on whether the product is intended ble B. Thiamine was the first vitamin (B,)
for infants, children, or adults. The RDAs can whose structure was elucidated. It is an m i n e
function as a guide to achieve adequate nutri- leading to the term vital amine and finally vi-
ent intake. By themselves, they are not gener- tamin (without the e ) . The letter designations,
ally recommended for diet planning for spe- for the most part, are being relegated to his-
cific groups of individuals. Diet planning must tory. Many of the vitamins are groups of struc-
take into account extensive physical activity, tures and, therefore, using a single letter can
type of body build including lean vs. adipose be misleading. Also, the structures occurring
tissue, general lifestyle, and so forth. If the naturally in food and commercial prepara-
sampling and endpoints are well defined, the tions may actually be provitamins that have to
RDA can be calculated from the EAR. be converted to the biochemically active form.
Unless specified differently, the information
in the following summaries is found in the Di-
etary Reference Intakes, published by the Insti-
where SDEm is the standard deviation above tute of Medicine (5-8).
the EAR. Adequate Intake (Al). The A1 is the 3.1 Retinol (Vitamin A) Family (9)
average observed or experimentally derived
intake by a defined population or subgroup Early work on this vitamin was confusing be-
that appears to sustain a defined nutritional cause similar outcomes were seen with inges-
state, such as normal circulating nutrient val- tion of "yellow" vegetables and colorless fish
ues, growth, or other functional indicators of liver oils. It finally was shown that carotene
health. It is derived from mean intakes of (the yellow pigment) extracts from vegetables
groups (rather than individuals). The AI be- were converted to colorless retinal. Because
comes most useful when a reliable EAR is not the retinoids are discussed in considerably
available. Many times the AI probably exceeds more detail elsewhere, this chapter presents
the EAR and possibly the RDA. only a cursory overview of their biochemical Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). functions. .
The UL is the maximum intake by an individ-
ual that is unlikely to pose risks of adverse 3.1.1 Chemistry. The commercial form of
health effects in almost all (97-98%)individu- vitamin A is all-trans retinol, usually fomu-
als. It includes intake of a nutrient from all lated as the acetate or palmitate ester. The
sources (food, fortified food, water, and sup- active forms are the two oxidation products
- Water can include fluoride and (Fig. 8.1, (1) retinal, which is a structural
minerals depending on the source of water. component of the visual pigment rhodopsin,
"Tolerable" is used to "avoid implying any and (2) retinoic acid, which is required for cell
possible beneficial effect." It is the amount of differentiation. There are specific nuclear re-
vitamin that can be "tolerated" without the ceptors for retinoic acid. Although the vitamin
person's exhibiting or experiencing adverse is marketed in the all-trans form, retinal and
reactions. The UL should not be considered retinoic acid are present, in vivo, in cis forms.
the upper dose for those who self-dose with There are also commercial forms related to the
megadoses of vitamins. retinoic acid structure that have cis
Carotenes are promoted commercially for
3 VITAMINS their antioxidant activity rather than as a
source of the retinol group. Nevertheless, the
The order of vitamins in this chapter follows carotenes are the source of the vitamin in yel-
the classical classification-based solubility: fat low vegetables. There are many carotenes, of
soluble and water soluble. This classification which three are shown in Fig. 8.2. Only p-car-
originated before there was any understand- otene is symmetrical (note the dashed line)
of p-carotene. As the stores in the liver reach
capacity, there is less conversion of p-carotene
being oxidized to retinal. This is one of the
reasons that p-carotene nutritional supple-
ments enter the body intact. Further, the bio-
Retinol (commercial form) availability of p-carotene is significantly lower

than that of retinol(10).

3.1.2 Uptake and Metabolism (Fig. 8.3).

Both retinol esters, whether from animal
tissues or a vitamin supplement, and p-car-
otene must be incorporated into mixed mi-
celles along with other lipid material. The
retinol esters are hydrolyzed by intestinal
Retinal (vision) esterases. Both retinol and p-carotene are
then absorbed into the mucosa cell, where
p-carotene is oxidatively cleaved to retinal
and then reduced to retinol. The retinol, in-
dependent of the source, follows the same
steps seen with 2-monoglyceride from tri-
glyceride digestion. The retinol is reesteri-
fied, usually with palmitic acid, and attached
to the chylomicrons along with the other di-
etary lipids. The chylomicrons first enter the
Retinoic acid (cell differentiation) lymph and then move to the circulatory sys-
tem. The triglycerides are removed from the
Figure 8.1. Retinol chemistry.
chylomicrons and deposited in the adipose
and skeletal muscle cells, leaving chylomi-
and theoretically will produce two equivalents
CrOn remnants, which are transported to the
fretinalafter the enzyme-catalyzed oxidative
cleavage.In reality, more recent studies indi- liver where the esterified vitamin is stored
a t e that vitamin A activity is six times the (11).Transportation from the liver to tis-
Pitamin A activity derived from p-carotene. sues where required is done on specific reti-
b e problemis one of capacity in the intestinal nol-binding proteins. Humans consuming a
bucosa cell to cleave the carotenes. Further, balanced diet store several months of retinol
appears to be regulation of the cleavage esters in their livers.

Figure 8.2. Carotene chemistry.


oxidation mucosa cell

Pcarotenemucosa cell * retinal \ reductase

mucosa cell - retinol palmitate

Retinol esters /;ntestinal

(food or vitamin supplements) esterases

retinal & retinoic acid (1 ) esterase liver chylomicron chylomicron
transported on Retinal * (2) oxidation storage remnent
Binding Protein (RBP)

Figure 8.3. Uptake and metabolism of retinol esters and p-carotene.

3.1.3 Biochemical Functions and Deficiency. nerve. In the dark, 11-cis-retinol re-forms fol-
Two retinoids, retinoic acid and retinal, ap- lowed by oxidation to 11-cis-retinal and the
pear to have most of the biochemical functions cycle repeats.
attributed to vitamin A. Retinoic acid is re- A deficiency causes night blindness, which
quired for cell differentiation and is the ligand is considered an early symptom of retinol de-
for two families of nuclear receptors, ficiency. Night blindness refers to decreased
and RXR,,B,,. These receptors are part of a ability to see in very dim light because there is
family of superreceptors that include the ste- an inadequate amount of retinal in the eye to
roid hormones and cholecalciferol. Vitamin A fully "stock" the rods with functional rhodop-
deficiency can lead to a variety of symptoms sin. There is some evidence that as retinol lev-
depending on the age of the deficient person. els in the liver decrease, the equilibrium fa-
The most serious syndrome is keratomalacia, vors the movement of retinol from the eye
which results in desiccation, ulceration, and back to the liver.
xerophthalmia of the cornea and conjunctiva.
It is one of the leading causes of blindness in 3.1.4 Dosage Forms. Retinol is unstable. It
infants and children. easily dehydrates (Fig. 8.6), forming a stable
Retinoic acid is required for the development carbonium ion. Therefore, the two most com-
of goblet mucous cells. A deficiency results in mon forms for both oral and p a r e n t e d ad-
basal cell proliferation with increased keratini- ministration are the acetate or palmitate es-
zation of the epithelial structures. Mucus is one ters. With the extensive conjugation retinol is
of the essential physical barriers (part of innate light sensitive and subject to oxidation. There-
immunity) that prevents pathogens from enter- fore, the vitamin formulator must protect the
ing the body. Therefore, a retinol deficiency in- product from light and air.
creases the risk of infection.
The aldehyde form, retinal, is an essential 3.1.5 Hypervitamininosis A. In high doses,
component of the visual pigment found in the retinol can be toxic. Acute poisoning is rare
rods of the eye. A very brief outline of the rho- and dependent on the dosage form. Nausea
dopsin cycle is shown in Fig. 8.4. Retinol is and vomiting are the most common symp-
transported from the liver to the eye, where it toms. Most rapidly absorbed are the "clear"
is converted to 11-cis-retinal. In the rod, the emulsions (usually formulated with a Tween
aldehyde forms an enamine (Schiff's base) or other surfactant). Next in order are the
with a lysine on opsin forming rhodopsin (Fig. standard emulsions, usually produced from
8.5). In the presence of light, trans-retinal fish liver oils. The most slowly absorbed are
forms with cleavage of the enamine, sending a the dry tablet formulations or an oil solution
nerve impulse to the brain along the optic in a capsule. Chronic hypervitaminosis is
(visual pigment)

/ (Dark)
Changes in the conformation
of the Rhodopsin complex
Nerve impulse
to the brain

11-&-Retinal + Opsin trans-Retinal + Opsin

(transported to the eye
from the liver on a retinol
binding protein)

Liver stores of
retinol esters

Figure 8.4. Outline of the rhodopsin cycle.

re common and is more commonly seen seem to be no other symptoms. The skin col-
n people consume fish liver oil concen- oration slowly disappears when carotene in-
es. The symptoms are nondescript and in- take stops. A commercial form of carotene is
de fatigue, malaise, lethargy, abdominal indicated for the photosensitivity seen in
comfort, boneljoint pain, severe and throb- erythropoietic porphyria. Carotene capsules
g headache, insomnia, restlessness, dry are also sold with the claim that a person can
d scaly skin, loss of body hair, brittle nails, have a tanned appearance without the need of
tipation, and irregular menses, symptoms UV radiation. Patients who drink large
ight make users conclude that they are amounts of carrot juice sometimes show signs
in A deficient. Depending on the health of hypercarotenosis.
person's liver, there is risk of developing
hosis. There is a daily Tolerable Upper In- 3.1.7 Dietary Reference Intakes (as Retinoic
e Level (UL) of 3000 pg for this vitamin. Acid Equivalents).
e UL to RDA ratio is narrow (3-51, relative
that of most vitamins. This is somewhat A1
mparable to vitamins D. Infants (1-12 months) 400-500 pglday
3.1.6 Hypercarotenosis. This occurs from Children (1-8 years) 210-275 pglday
sive doses of carotene that exceed the ca- Boys (9-18 years) 445-630 pglday
ty of the mucosa cells to cleave the mole- Girls (9-18 years) 420485 pglday
to retinal derivatives. The excess carotene Men (19-70+ years) 625 pglday
omes deposited in the body tissues. Except Women (19-70-t years) 500 &day
the yellow or bronze-orange skin, there Lactating 885-900 pglday

Children (1-8 years) 300-400 pglday
Boys (9-18 years) 600-900 pglday
Girls (9-18 years) 600-700 pglday
Men 900 pglday
Women 700 pglday
Pregnant 750-770 pglday
Lactating 1200-1300 pg/

3000 &day for all adults including
pregnant women. There is some concern of
teratogenic effects based on the experience
of the retinoids used in therapy.

3.1.8 Pharmacologically Active Retinoids.

Because retinol deficiency results in keratini-
zation of epithelial tissue, at one time retinol
was recommended for skin conditions includ-
ing acne. There is no clinical evidence that ret-
in01is effective for skin conditions. Now that it
is realized that the active form is retinoic acid,
the focus has been on developing pharmaco-
logically active compounds based on this
structure. These are divided into treatment of
three groups: (1) acne, (2) the autoimmune
disease psoriasis, and (3) malignancies.
Rhodopsin Retinoid and Retinoid-like Drugs
Used in the Treatment of Acne (Fig. 8.7) (12).
Figure 8.5. Rhodopsin. The first product introduced was tretinoin,
which is a topical all-trans retinoic acid. Its
effectiveness may not be related to any direct
retinoid activity, but attributed by its produc-
ing a complex response related to increasing

R = acetate or palmitate

Figure 8.6. Commercial retinol esters.

the turnover of follicular epithelial cells. The
result is decreased cohesiveness of follicular
epithelial cells.
Tretinoin is also used as an antiwrinkle
cream. There is disagreement on the mecha-
nism and there may be more than one. Some
Tretinoin (Retin
Retinoic acid improvement may be attributable to the irri-
tation the drug causes. There is an increase in
epidermal cell turnover, shedding older cells
and thickening the skin. Also the drug may
combine with epidermal retinoic acid recep-
tors, thereby decreasing keratin production.
Keratin can contribute to skin wrinkling (13).
O""\OH Isotretinoin, 13-cis-retinoic acid, is very ef-
fective at treating severe forms of acne. It also
lsotretinoin ( ~ c c u t a n e ~ ~ )
13-cis-Retinoic acid is very teratogenic. There are elaborate proce-
dures involving the prescribing physician and
dispensing pharmacist before a female patient
can receive the drug. There is also some con-
cern that the sperm of men using the drug
might be affected.
Although used topically, the nonretinoid,
adapalene, does bind to the retinoic acid nu-
clear receptor and does affect cell differentia-
tion, keratinization, and inflammatory re-
3,1.8.2 Drug Based on the Retinoid Struc-
ture Used to Treat Psoriasis (Fig. 8.8). Etrinate
is the ethyl ester of acitretin and is active after
Adapalene (Dierin el^^) hydrolysis to the acidic drug. The "terminal"
half-life after 6 months of etrinate therapy is
re 8.7, Retinoid and retinoid-like drugs used 120 days. In contrast, the "terminal" half-life
in the treatment of acne. of acitretin is only 33-96 h. Both drugs are

a, 1

Etretinate (TegisonTM);R = CH;

Acitretin (soriateneTM);
R =H

V Figure 8.8. Drug based on the retinoid

Tazarotene Gel structure used to treat psoriasis.

D, thyroid, and peroxisome proliferator acti-

vator receptors, which probably explains its
numerous adverse reactions. The drug is indi-
cated for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and is
available as capsules and a topical gel.

3.2 Vitamin D Family (15)

Alitretinoin (panretinTM)
9-cis-Retinoic Acid Rickets was first reported in the mid-seven-
teenth century. It could be lethal, but bone
deformation was more common. In the United
States, rickets continued to be a problem into
the 1930s until vitamin D-fortified milk be-
came common. Older adults show bowlegs
characteristic of childhood rickets. There were
many attempts at giving calcium andlor phos-
phorous supplements. Finally, it was realized
0 that rickets was not found in sunny climates,
Bexarotene (Targretin TM) and populations whose main source of protein
was fish did not have rickets. In 1924, Profes-
Figure 8.9. Retinoids used in the treatment of sor Henry Steenbock, University of Wiscon-
malignancies. sin, demonstrated that irradiation of foods, in-
cluding milk, produced food that was
teratogenic and require elaborate warnings antirachitic (16, 17).
before being prescribed and dispensed. The When there is adequate sunlight, no di-
third drug, tazarotene gel, is administered etary source of the vitamin is required. In-
topically and is indicated for both acne and deed, an argument can be made that the cal-
psoriasis. Although there appears to be mini- ciferols are not normal components of the diet.
mal absorption if used over a limited skin area, In the United States. it is added to milk. other
there is some absorption, with retention by dairy products, and dairy substitutes. Fish is
the body for up to 3 months. It also can cause about the only natural food source. ~holecal-
fetal damage and cannot be used by pregnant ciferol is produced in the body from endog-
women or women who may become pregnant. enously synthesized 7-dehydrocholecalciferol Retinoids Used in the Treatment of (Fig. 8.10). Consistent with a hormone model,
Malignancies (Fig. 8.9). Retinoic acid has been excess amounts of cholecalciferol can result in
evaluated as a possible treatment for malig- excess calcium uptake from the intestinal
nancies. This is based on the fact that it is tract, leading to calcification of soft tissues.
required for proper cell differentiation and
products based on the retinoid structure are 3.2.1 Chemistry. There are two forms ofvi-
teratogenic. All-trans retinoic acid is used in tamin D, and both are considered biologically
combination with other chemotherapeutic equivalent. Irradiation of the major plant ste-
agents for the treatment of acute promyelo- rol, ergosterol, produces ergocalciferol, also
cytic leukemia (14). It does not kill the malig- known as vitamin D, (Fig. 8.11). Because they
nant cell, but seems to facilitate the cell's are photochemical reactions and in contrast to
differentiation into a nonproliferating myelo- enzyme-catalyzed biochemical reactions, the
cyte. Alitretinoin, 9-cis-retinoic acid, is indi- formation of cholecalciferol is not clean. Expo-
cated for Kaposi's sarcoma and is adminis- sure of human skin to sunlight of 295-300 nm
tered topically. It binds to all six retinoic acid converts 7-dehydrocholesterol to previtamin
receptors. D,. The isomerization to cholecalciferol (vita-
Bexarotene is most selective for the three min D,) is heat catalyzed. Continuous expo-
RXR,,p,, receptors. It also binds several other sure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun re-
nuclear receptors including the RAR, vitamin sults in the reversible formation of lumisterol


Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)

Figure 8.10. Photochemical formation of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3).

tachysterol (18, 19). Once the B-ring of shown in Fig. 8.10 toward the desired chole-
two steroids has been cleaved, the prod- calciferol. Dependency on the binding protein
should no longer be referred to as ste- for transport from the skin also provides a
rproduction of the hor-
roidal vitamins. mone and possible hypercalcemia.
When taken orally, it follows the same route

mucosa cells. It is then

the chylomicron rem-
ogenously produced
the 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin. In cholecalciferol from sunlight, it is hydroxylated
ntext D vitamins, when administered in to 25- OH-cholecalciferol.
ements, could be considered replace- The 25-hydroxylated product is then trans-
therapy. When photochemically synthe- ported to the kidney where it is hydroxylated a
-1 a-hydroxylase,
specific binding protein formed in the skin forming the active 1,25-dihydroxycholecalcif-
ter is transported
e it attaches to a
the mucosa cell

poietic cells, and skin (20). Like the retinoic

acid receptors, the vitamin D receptor is a nu-
clear receptor belonging to the steroid hor-
mone superfamily of nuclear receptors, which
includes receptors for estrogen, glucocorti-
coids, thyroid hormones, and retinoic acid.
There are at least 50 genes that respond to
hydroxylated calciferols regulating calcium
release and uptake and cell division.

I Calcium Regulation. There are at
least three hormones that regulate calcium
metabolism, parathyroid (PTH), calcitonin,
uv and 1,25(OH),. Bone is the principal calcium
reservoir and is a dynamic tissue, with cal-
cium being released and deposited. New
calcium comes from our diet, and excess serum
calcium is excreted through the kidneys. In
response to low serum calcium levels, PTH
stimulates the hydroxylation of 25(OH)D,,
leading to formation of calcium transport pro-
tein and activation of osteoclast cells required
to release calcium from bone. PTH also inhib-
its calcium excretion by the kidney. In con-
trast, calcitonin (produced in the thyroid
Ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2) gland) acts when serum calcium levels are
high. It promotes the deposition of calcium
Figure 8.11. Formation of ergocalciferol from into bone by osteoblast cells and excretion of
ergosterol. calcium by the kidney.
Rickets in infants and children and ostea-
malacia, and possibly osteoporosis, in adults is
to synthesize a calcium transport protein. The caused by a deficiency of D vitamins. Today
final 1,25(OH),D3 product can be considered a most deficiencies are caused by a lack of sun-
kidney hormone that regulates calcium in- light or restricted diet. The lack of sunlight
take. Finally, 1,25(OH),D3 is oxidized to inac- may be caused by living in northern latitudes.
tive calcitroic acid that is excreted through the
The latter also can be affected by the amount
kidney. The 24,24(OH),D3 metabolite may be
of skin pigmentation (21-23). A strict vegetar-
part of the degradation process for 25(OH)D3
that is not transported to the kidney, but it ian diet lacking cholecalciferol-fortified dairy
also can elevate serum calcium levels (16). Pa- products or fatty fish, particularly in children,
tients with kidney failure can experience vita- may also result in rachitic lesions in the bone
min D-resistant rickets. Because they cannot (24,251. Mechanistically, rickets and osteoma-
carry out the final hydroxylation step, lacia are similar and are characterized by bone
1,25(OH),D3 (calcitriol)is prescribed for their softening. Normal bone growth and mainte-
hormone replacement therapy. nance require that the osteoblast cells lay cal-
cium hydroxyapatite onto a cartilage matrix.
3.2.3 Biochemical Function. Calciferol func- A deficiency of D vitamins results in a lack of
tion is complex and, with the exception of cal- mixed calcium salt available to the osteoblast
cium transport from the intestinal tract, is cells. In infants and children, the cartilage
poorly understood. Specific vitamin D recep- continues to grow. Cartilage, being soft, can-
tors (VDRs) are found in 30 different tissues not support the child's weight, leading to the
including bone, intestine, prostate, hemato- typical bowlegs seen in a rachitic child. An
3 Vitamins


HO"' OcH2


6 (Intestine) (Liver) (Liver & kidney)

Variety of hydroxylated
and carboxylic acid products
(Ref 17)

Calcitroic acid

Figure 8.12. o f D vitamins.

Metabc~ l i s m

adult also will have bone deformations, partic- the lack of 1,25(OH),D3. The result is in- .
ularly in the pelvic area, because the bones creased osteoclast activity, leading to loss
cannot support the heavy upper torso. of calcium from the patient's bones, further
Osteoporosis is a Merent disease. It can be resulting in hypercalcemia and either osteo-
thought of as osteoclast cells removing calcium malacia or osteoporosis. To overcome these
more quickly that osteoblast cells can lay cal- complications,two synthetic ergocalciferol an-
eium down. The result is porous, brittle bones alogs (Fig. 8.13) are indicated for secondary
that break easily. At one time calcitonin some- hyperparathyroidism associated with chronic
times was mescribed to decrease the release of renal failure. Note that both compounds con-
osteoclast cells. In addi- tain the hydroxy group at position 1, the posi-
lates and irnpact exercise, tion at which the kidney carries out its hy-
i n s is cur~ e n t l yrecom- droxylation to produce the 1,3,25-trihydroxy
:ium being released from product. Doxercalciferol is 1,3-dihydroxy-er-
- the ki.hey.
)ugh gocalciferol and, in the liver, is hydroxylated to Vitamin D Analogs Used in Chronic active 1,25(OH),D2 (the ergocalciferol analog of
la1 Failure. Because 1.25(OH),DQ
.a u is Dro-
* calcitriol). It is not clear why doxercalciferol is
renal fail1Ire leads to a more selective than calcitriol. In contrast, pari-
none a n d .vitamin D-re- calcitol is the 19-normethyl analog of
t rickets. The solution is prescribing 1,3,25(OH),D2 produced from ergocalciferol
hetic 1,25(OH),D3 (generic name: calcit- and requires no further hydroxylation reactions.
I). Nevertheless, these patients can experi- Cell Division. The role of 1,25(OH),
2 hyperparathyroidism caused by the para- D vitamins in regulating cell division is under
oid gland attempting to compensate for active investigation. There are many reports



Doxercalciferol (HectoralTM) Calcipotriene (I3ovenexTM)

Figure 8.14. Calciferol analog indicated for psoriasis.

explain how vitamin D may exert its protec-

tive effect against cancer of the colon (27).
In contrast with other vitamins that are
associated with reducing cancer risk and have
minimal adverse reactions in high doses, such
as a-tocopherol and ascorbic acid, taking
larger doses of D vitamins can lead to clinically
significant hypercalcemia. Therefore, the
challenge is to develop compounds that not
only are selective for receptors involved with
controlling cell division but also will activate
calcium transport leading to hypercalcemia.
The initial analog on the market is calcipot-
Paricalcitol (2emplarTM) riene, which is indicated for psoriasis, a nbn-
19-nor-1,3,25-trihydroxy-ergocalciferol malignant proliferation of cells (Fig. 8.14). Its
use is limited to topical application. When ad-
Figure 8.13. Ergocalciferol analogs indicated for
chronic renal failure.
ministered internally, hypercalcemia can re-
sult. Attempts have been made at pulse dosing
of 1,25(OH),D3, to maximize inhibition of cell
that indicate that vitamin D has a cancer-pre- division with minimal calcemic activity (28).
ventive role. Populations living in areas with Most of the calciferol analogs are based on
higher exposure to sunlight have lower inci- modifications of the 17-alkyl side-chain.
dence of prostate, breast, and colon cancers (26). Modifications of the A-ring include 19-nor
In the intestine, the vitamin D receptor methylene and 3-nor hydroxy analogs with
also functions as a receptor for lithocholic and without the 1-hydroxy moiety. The la-
acid, a bile acid produced by the action of in- hydroxy-24-ethyl cholecalciferol analog (Fig.
testinal bacteria on endogenously produced 8.15) was less calcemic in mice and inhibited
chenocholic acid. Lithocholic acid is hepato- the development of preneoplastic lesions in
toxic and may be a carcinogen. In the intes- mammary glands (29). Unsaturation at posi-
tine, vitamin D receptors, activated by vita- tion 16 (Fig. 8.16) provides modest antiprolif-
min D and possibly lithocholic acid, induce erative effects on prostate cancer cells with
both liver and intestine cytochrome P450 3A little hypercalcemia (30). A series of 20-cyclo-
oxidase (CYP 3A). This enzyme metabolizes propyl-cholecalciferol analogs (Figs. 8.17 and
lithocholic acid to inactive hydroxylated 8.18) showed good activity against human
forms. The process of inducing CYP 3A might prostate, breast, and myeloid leukemia cell

ment. It is stabilized with antioxidants and

protective coatings.

3.2.5 Hypervitaminosis D. Think of a vita-

min D overdose in the same way as an over-
supply of any hormone. The role of the
hormone is exaggerated or magnified. Hy-
pervitaminosis D causes increased absorp-
tion of calcium and phosphorous (P follows
Ca), leading to calcification of the tissues,
vomiting, kidney damage, and so forth. It
can be the most serious of the hypervitamin-
1-(OH)-24-ethyl-cholecalciferol oses. The reports that D vitamins inhibit
proliferation of tissue and may protect
Figure 8.15. "la-HydroetaminD,." against certain cancers could cause the pub-
lic to overdose with this vitamin. The calcif-
lines (31). The most potent in this series were erols have ~ ~ l upper ~ ~~~~k~
~ ~ ~~~~l~
b l ~
the 19-nor methylene analogs, independent of (UL) with UL to RDA ratios of 5 to 10.
whether the side-chain had ethylene or acety-
lene unsaturation. Modification of the side 3.2.6 Dietary Reference Intakes. There is
chain with a 25 keto or oxime (R, = 0 or NOH, no RDA for this vitamin. It would be difficult to
res~ectively),with or without an additional derive a RJJA for a population because a signifi-
hydrogen or methyl (R,= Or CH3, respec- -t percentage will receive adequate amounts
tively), produced analogs as antiproliferative of the vitamin from sunlightbased on the area of
in uitro 1,25(0H)2D3 (Fig. 8.19). The the country where they live. On the other hand,
mimes were less calcemic (32). the diverse population of the United States
3.2.4 Dosage Forms. The commercial means that people of color may need more of the
odu& are produced by irradiation of 7-de- vitamin from fortified milk relative to those
lesterol or ergosterol under con- whose ancestors came from Northern Europe.
lled conditions. The final yield is about
ough more stable than vitamin A, D Infants (0-12 months) 5 pg (200 IU)/day
ns are sensitive to oxygen and tend to Children (1-8 years) 5 pg (200 IU)/day
inactive isomers in the pres- Boys (9-18 years) 5 pg (200 IU)/day
ace metals, which can cause prob- Girls (9-18 years) 5 pg (200 IUYday
lating a vitamin/mineral supple- Men (19-50 years) 5 pg (200 IU)/day
Women (19-50 years) 5 pg (200 IU)/day
Men (51-70 years) 10 pg (400 IU)/day
Women (51-70 years) 10 pg (400 1U)lday
Men (70+ years) 15 pg (600 IU)/day
Women (70+ years) 15 pg (600 IU)/day
Pregnancy 5 pg (200 IU)/day
Lactation 5 pg (200 IU)/day
Infants 25 pg (1000 IU)/day
Children (1-18 years) 50 pg (2000 IU)/day
Adults (over 19 years) 50 pg (2000 IU)/day
Pregnancy 50 pg (2000 IU)/day
Lactation 50 pg (2000 IU)/day
1 ,25-(OH)2-16-ene
3.2.7 Drug Interactions. Phenobarbital and
Figure 8.16. 16-ene-23-yne D, analogs. possibly other anticonvulsants used in epi-

Figure 8.17. 23-yne-20-cyclopropylD, analogs.

lepsy induce liver hydroxylation, leading to mals not being able to produce offspring. These
subsequent formation of the inactive end same rats seemed normal in all other respects
products. As long as the epileptic child re- including physical growth. The condition could
ceives a normal amount of fortified milk, there be corrected by addition of lettuce, whole wheat,
is no problem with this interaction. and cereal grains, with the best source being
wheat germ followed by vegetable oils. Think of
3.3 Vitamin E Family (Tocopherols
the tocopherols and tocotrienols (Table 8.3) as
and Tocotrienols) (33)
nature's antioxidants. Most of the vitamin activ-
This vitamin group was discovered in rat feed- ity is found in a-tocopherol. "Tocopherol"
ing experiments, which resulted in these ani- means child-bearing alcohol.
l Vitamins

mixture or the natural RRR-a-tocopherol. All

of the tocopherols found in food have the R
configuration at position 2. The synthetic
form of the vitamin is a mixture of all eight
stereo isomers (now referred to as rac-a-to-
copherol rather than d,l-a-tocopherol). Be-
cause there is both general and stereospecific
antioxidant activity, the RDA tables state that
the activity ratio of RRR-a-tocopherol to rac-
a-tocopherol is 1 to 1.36 (Table 8.4) (34). All
isomers are antioxidants and probably do pro-
vide general antioxidant protection internally
or in vivo. On the other hand, evidence points
to the RRR isomer as being specific for a vari-
ety of reductase systems, possibly involving
selenium (Se) and glutathione (GSHIGSSG).
The "Relative Biological Activity" in Table 8.3
is based on a rat resorptionlgestation assay, as
are the conversion factors in Table 8.4.

3.3.2 Uptake and Metabolism. Like the

retinol esters, tocopherol, both esterified and
nonesterified, requires bile salts to become
part of the mixed micelles containing the di-
etary lipids. They are absorbed into the muco-
sal cell by passive diffusion. The tocopherols
follow the dietary lipids onto the chylomi-
crons. Because the latter first enter the lym-
'igure8.18. 23-E-ene-20-cyclopropyl D, analogs. phatic system before the circulatory system,
the tocopherols do not go directly to the liver.
3.3.1 Chemistry. The vitamin E family Instead, the chylomicrons are distributed
mists of tocopherols and tocotrienols. There throughout the body, and some of the toco-
as been considerable debate as to whether pherols enter the adipose tissue with the fatty
ie RRR isomer is the only biologically active acids that were also being transported on the
~ r mof the vitamin. The vitamin of commerce chylomicrons. The chylomicron remnants fi-
I a-tocopherol, either as a racemic synthetic nally reach the liver. The remaining tocoph-
erols leave the liver on the very low density
lipoproteins (VLDL), which become the low
density lipoproteins (LDL). In other words, to-
copherols will be found wherever there is a sig-
nificant amount of lipid material, including the
high density lipoproteins (HDL). There is no
specific organ where the tocopherols are stored.
Consistent with antioxidant model, the RDA is
based on the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUF'A)
consumption. The implication is that, if in-
creased PUF'A intake is recommended, the RDA
for tocopherol should be increased.
There is increasing evidence that the RRR
stereoisomer is preferentially transferred in
k p e 8.19. Keto and oxime cholecalciferol the liver onto the lipid transport proteins, but
it is not absolute. This could explain why
382 Vitamins

Table 8.3 Relative Biological Activities of Tocopherols and Tocotrienolsa

Tocopherols Relative biological activieyb

Tocotrienols R1 R2 Relative Biological Activityb

"Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and Carotenoids, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of
Medicine, National Academy Press, 2000, p. 193.
'Rat fetal reabsorption assay.

Table 8.4 Factors for Converting International Units of Vitamin E to a-Tocopherol (mg)
to Meet Recommended Intake"
Molar a-Tocopherol
USP conversion factors
b conversion conversion
factors factors
UUfmg) (mg/IU) (~movIU) (mg/IU)
Synthetic vitamin E and estersc
d,l-a-Tocopherolacetate 1.00 1.00 2.12 0.45
d,l-a-Tocopherolsuccinate 0.89 1.12 2.12 0.45
d,l-a-Tocopherol 1.10 0.91 2.12 0.45
Natural vitamin E and estersd
d-a-Tocopherol Acetate 1.36 0.74 1.56 0.67
d-a-Tocopherol Succinate 1.21 0.83 1.56 0.67
d-a-Tocopherol 1.49 0.67 1.56 0.67
"Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and Carotenoids, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of
Medicine, National Academy Press, 2000, p. 192.
*The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) has defined one IU as 1 mg of all racemic a-tocopherol acetate based on a 1940s
rat fetal resorption assay.
"Synthetic vitamin E supplements labeled as d,l-a-tocopherol can consist of all eight possible isomers (RRR-,RSR-, RRS-,
RSS-, SSS-,SRS-, SRR-, and SSR-).
dd-wTocopheroI refers to the RRR-isomer, the only one found naturally in foods, and the other two R stereoisomers
(RRS-, RSR-, and RSS).

Chromanoxyl radical Chromanol methide radical Chromanoneda radical
Figure 8.20. Resonance-stabilized tocopherol radicals.

RRR-a-tocopherol is more active in vivo, but hepatic tocopherol transfer protein's preference
the other isomers are also active. for the RRR stereoisomer as the explanation for
the partial steric preference.
3.3.3 Biochemical Function. The best way
to describe tocopherol's role is that of a lipid- 3.3.4 Deficiencies. The current model for
soluble antioxidant. It protects unsaturated lip- the cause of vitamin E deficiencies points to
ids from oxygen-induced peroxide formation. malabsorption of lipids. Thus, there may be
Thereis evidence for both free-radical one-elec- malabsorption of other lipid-soluble vitamins.
tron chemistry (Fig. 8.20) and two-electron qui- Little is known regarding the pharmacokinet-
none-hydroquinone chemistry (Fig. 8.21) (35). ics of the tocopherols. Part of the reason for
The oxidizedlreduced glutathione system may this may be attributed to lack of a specific stor-
be part of the system that regenerates reduced age organ for the vitamin.
a-tocopherol. At one time it was thought that Correlating human medical conditions
the preference for the 2-E1 stereoisomers indi- with the biochemical role of the tocopherols is
cated that the vitamin was part of a biochemical difficult because of the lack of correlations be-
oxidationlreduction system, possibly as a coen- tween deficiency diseases seen in animals rel-
zyme. So far that role for a-tocopherol has not ative to what is seen in humans. Deficiency
been found. The current evidence points to the diseases seen in animals include reversible re-

Reduced Tocopherol (hydroquinone)

[HI [Ol

Figure 8.21. Tocopherol oxida-

Oxidized Tocopherol (quinone) tiontreduction.

Figure 8.22. a-Tocopherol dos-

age forms. R = acetate, hemisuccinate (sodium salt)

productive failure in female rats; irreversible commercially (Fig. 8.22), the oil-soluble ace-
degeneration of rat testicular tissue leading to tate and water-soluble hemisuccinate. The lat-
male sterility; nutritional muscular dystro- ter is commonly found in dry dosage forms
phies in monkeys, rabbits, guinea pigs, lambs, requiring a free-ffowing powder. Oxidation to
calves, turkeys, and chicks; and an anemia in the quinone form is blocked by esterifying the
monkeys. Vitamin E does not treat human free phenolic hydroquinone.
muscular dystrophy nor the various causes
3.3.7 Dietary Reference Intakes (based on
preventing a couple from conceiving a child or
inability of pregnant women to go to full term.
What is seen in humans is a partially revers- A1
ible set of neurological problems and hemo- Infants (0-12 months)
lytic anemia in premature infants. Because of EAR
poor placental transfer, newborns have little Children (1-8 years) 5-6 mglday
of the vitamin. Human milk contains 2-5 Boys (9-18 years) 9-12 mglday
mg/L; cow's milk contains less. Girls (9-18 years) 9-12 mglday
There are numerous studies evaluating the Men (19-50 years) 12 mglday
possible role of tocopherols in preventing Women (19-50 years) 12 mg/day
and/or treating cardiovascular disease, malig- Men (51-70+ years) 12 mg/day
nancies, diabetes mellitus, cataracts, immune Women (51-70+ years) 12 mg/day
function, and Alzheimer's Disease. In all of Pregnancy 12 mglday
these conditions, there is evidence of free-rad- Lactation 16 mglday '

ical formation or general oxidation mecha- RDA

nisms as part of the disease process. The evi- Children (1-8years) 6-7 mg/day
dence for taking supplements in addition to Boys (9-18 years) 11-15 mglday
proper diet is mixed (36, 37). Girls (9-19 years) 11-15 mglday
Men (19-50 years) 15 mglday
Women (19-50 years) 15 mglday
3.3.5 Hypervitaminosis E. This is a rela- 15 mglday
Men (51-70+ years)
tively safe vitamin. Toxicities have been re- Women (51-70+ years) 15 mglday
ported involving chronic administration of Pregnancy 15 mglday
300-1200 mg per day. The symptoms can be Lactation 19 mg/day
very serious and include thrombophlebitis, UL
pulmonary embolism, hypertension, breast Infants Not established
development in men and children, severe fa- (Do not give
tigue, and nonmalignant breast tumors. Nev- supplements;
ertheless, the UL to RDA ratio is about 66 to 1 use only food
for adults, making it a very safe vitamin. and formula for
3.3.6 Dosage Forms. The tocopherols, be- Children 200 mglday (1-3
ing antioxidants, are very sensitive to oxygen. years) up to 600
Sensitivity to UV light is another problem. mglday
There are two provitamin esters that are used (9-13 years)
3 Vitamins

Phytonadione (Vitamin K1;phylloquinone)

I Removal of the side chain


I Addition of the geranylgeranyl chai~

Figure 8.23. Formation of menoquinone form

Vitamin K2 (n = 4; menoquinone-4) of vitamin K.

Adolescents 800 mg/day receive in significant amounts from their in-

Adults (19+ years) 1000 mg/day testinal bacterial, and there is some question
Pregnancy 800-1000 mglday regarding this commonly held assumption.
Lactation 800-1000 mg/day Because of this source, it has been very diffi-
cult to establish a recommended daily allow-
.4 Vitamin K Family (38) ance. An estimated safe intake was estab-
[itaminK was discovered by accident by Dan- lished for this vitamin for the first time with
sh scientists who, using a special fat-free diet the 1989 RDA tables. With the release of the
lesigned to determine whether chickens syn- Dietary Reference Intakes, there is an ade-
hesize cholesterol, observed that the animals quate intake, but no RDA.
/evelopeda hemorrhagic condition character-
eed by a prolonged clotting time. The condi- 3.4.1 Chemistry. There are two series for
ion could be cured by an organic factor found this vitamin (Fig. 8.23). The vitamin K, series
0 fresh cabbage, ether extract of alfalfa, pu- is mostly obtained from green plants, whereas
refied fish meal, cereals, or hog livers. It was the K, series is the product of bacteria. The
wed Vitamin K for koagulation vitamin. active vitamin is in the K, series. Menadione
Bhis may be the only vitamin that humans has sometimes been referred to as vitamin K,.


O2 - 0

Vitamin K2H2 Vitamin K Base I

\f GIU

R X-(S)2 X-(SH)z
0 0
Vitamin K2(20) Vitamin K oxide -02C co2-

Figure 8.24. Outline of vitamin K in carboxylation of glutamic acid.

The common commercial form is called phy- 3.4.3 Vitamin K Biochemistry and Defi-
tonadione in the United States Pharmacopeia ciency. Deficiencies of this vitamin lead to se-
and phylloquinone by Chemical Abstracts. rious hemorrhaging. The vitamin is required
for formation of proteins that complex cal-
3.4.2 Vitamin K Uptake and Metabo- cium. This is done by functioning as a coen-
lism. Dietary vitamin K, and the pharmaceu- zyme in the y-carboxylation of glutamic acid
tical form, phytonadione or vitamin K,,,,, (Fig. 8.24). Vitamin K, is reduced to the hy-
must be converted to the K, series known as droquinone. After several steps, a complex ox-
menoquinones. The most common of these is idation occurs, resulting in the "vitamin K
menoquinone-4 or K,,,,,. This conversion to base" that is an integral part of the carboxyla-
the K, series occurs in the liver and possibly tion step. In a key step, the vitamin K oxide is
the intestinal flora. It involves removing the reduced to the original vitamin K,. It is this
phytyl chain producing the intermediate men- final reduction that is inhibited by the couma-
adione. Menadione sometimes is prescribed din anticoagulants widely used by patients
when there is impaired uptake of lipids from susceptible to stroke, pulmonary embolism,
the intestine. There is little storage reserve in phlebitis, and coronary thrombosis. This in-
the liver, and a deficiency can result when di- teraction between the coumadin anticoagu-
etary intake of vitamin K is restricted or ab- lants and the regeneration of vitamin K, is the
sorption is impaired. reason that patients on coumadin must moni-
Dietary vitamin K and supplements are tor their vitamin K intake both from vitamin
processed similarly as with the other fat-solu- supplements and diet. This usually is done by
ble vitamins. Bile salts are required for emul- regularly scheduled determinations of pro-
sification and formation of mixed micelles. thrombin time.
They travel to the liver on chylomicrons along The carboxylation reaction is required for
with vitamins A and E. production of several clotting proteins includ-
ingprothrombin, protein C, protein S, and fac- termination of prothrombin time is ordered by
tors VII, M,and X. It is also required for y- the surgeon to determine whether menadione
arboxylation of osteocalcin, an important cal- or phytonadione is indicated.
d in the matrix of The third cause is hemorrhagic disease of
ne and required for proper deposition of cal- the newborn. Infants are born with a sterile
um onto bone. This latter finding has led to intestinal tract. Until the flora are estab-
everal studies to determine whether patients lished, the infant will have to get along with
d coumadin anticoagulants are at in- the vitamin K they received from the mother.
risk for osteoporosis and fractures In the past an infant might die from hemor-
All of these studies indicate that vi- rhaging. Most states require that each new-
born receive an injection of phytonadione.
supplementation might be beneficial
Menadione injection is not given because it
evention of osteoporosis. If vitamin
can cause a hemolytic anemia in the newborn.
revent osteoporosis, then it would
patients on anticoagulant therapy 3.4.5 Hypervitaminosis K. Although it is
Id be at increased risk for bone fractures. possible to overdose with this vitamin, the fact
e indication of this, but it is not that it is available only over the counter in
evertheless, some calcium sup- small doses in multivitamin preparations has
both vitamins D and K added to resulted in little knowledge of any toxicities.
Toxicities do not appear in animals adminis-
tered large doses. It is known that excess in-
3.4.4 Causes of Vitamin K Deficiency. take of the vitamin does not promote clot for-
ly is a vitamin K deficiency caused by in- mation. There is no Tolerable Upper Intake
cient diet. It more likely is attributable to Level.
n. At one time, multivita-
min supplements rarely contained vitamin K. 3.4.6 Dietary Reference Intakes.
It is now routinely found in these products. AT
K deficiency include ob- Infants 2-2.5 &day
ctive jaundice (now uncommon), loss of in- Children (1-8 years) 30-55 pglday
paration for intestinal sur- Boys and Girls (9-18 years) 60-75 pglday ,
gic disease of the newborn. Men 120 pglday
ed by obstructive jaundice Women 90 d d a ~
kage of the bile duct, usu- Pregnancy 75-90 pg/day
ally from cholelithiasis, preventing the release Lactation 75-90 pgtday
of bile salts into the intestinal tract for emul-
3.5 Thiamine (Vitamin B,) (43)
After 26 years of constant research, the vitamin
e prescribed because it preventative of the disease beri-beri has been iso-
s not require micelle formation, given that lated, its chemical constitution determined and
through the mucosa into the vitamin itself synthesized at a cost far lower
he liver. Alterna- than that of recovering it from bran.(Scientific
American, February 1938; reprinted in 258,12
injections of phytonadi- February 1988)
rgery of the intestinal This quote summarizes the debate between
undergo 1-2 weeks' those who believed that beriberi was caused by
ce the level of intes- an infectious agent vs. those who promoted
ient did not eat proper diet. Some of the early researchers os-
cillated between the two theories. About 1912
ake of dietary vita- there were enough definitive feeding experi-
K and vitamin from the intestinal bacte- ments in humans to conclude that beriberi's
could result in a vitamin K deficiency. De- origin was dietary (44).

Thiamine Mononitrate

Thiamine HCI

(Thiamine Chloride HCI)


Figure 8.25. Commercial

forms of thiamine and for- H~C
mation of thiamine pyro-
phosphate. Thiamine Pyrophosphate

The vitamin B complex, of which thiamine sisting of an amine hydrochloride on the py-
is considered the first one discovered and char- rimidine amine and a chloride on the thiazole
acterized, generally includes the group of wa- quaternary nitrogen. Thiamine nitrate is cor-
ter-soluble vitamins found in rice polishings, rectly named in that the nitrate anion is found
bean extracts, yeast, and liver. There are no on the quaternary nitrogen, and the pyrimi-
chemical relationships in the B complex. The dine amine is not protonated. Once the vita-
nomenclature is very confusing. The common min enters the acidic stomach, it will exist as
name originally implied something about the the chloride hydrochloride salt.
chemical nature of the vitamin. Even the con- Thiamine hydrochlorideis very water soluble
cept of water-soluble is somewhat misleading, (1g/l mL).It is also very hygroscopic, making it
given that some of the vitamins in this group difficult to use in dry formulations. This salt is
would be considered poorly soluble by most commonly used in liquid and injectable forrnula-
pharmaceutical standards. The one thing the tions. Thiamine nitrate is sufficiently water sol-
B complex vitamins have in common is that uble (1 gl35 mL) that it can be used in liquid
nearly all function either as a coenzyme or a formulations because the RDAs are less than 2
structural component of a coenzyme. mg per day. Because it is nonhygroscopic, it is
commonly used in dry dosage forms.
3.5.1 Chemistry. Thiamine consists of a
pyrimidine joined to a thiazole ring by a meth- 3.5.2 Uptake and Metabolism. A saturable
ylene bridge (Fig. 8.25). The thiazole nitrogen active transport system in the jejunum pro-
is a quaternary with a permanent positive vides efficient uptake of the vitamin into the
charge. There are two commercial salts. Thia- intestinal mucosa cell. Thiamine kinase in the
mine hydrochloride is, in reality, thiamine intestinal mucosa cell transfers a pyrophos-
chloride hydrochloride. It is a double salt, con- phate from the ATP to the propyl alcohol at po-
sition 5 of the thiazole ring, forming thiamine cal literature and were called beriberi, a Japa-
pyrophosphate (TPP) (Fig. 8.25). The latter nese term. Sailors in the Japanese navy
product is the coenzyme form of the vitamin. experienced thiamine deficiencies when fed
There is some evidence that this phosphoryla- rice in which the polishings had been removed
tion is the rate-limiting step and controls the to prevent mold growth. This is somewhat
absorption of the vitamin. The coenzyme is analogous to removing the germ from wheat
transported to the tissues where needed. to prolong the shelf life of flour-containing
Thiamine pyrophosphate has two impor- foods. There are two forms of beriberi, wet and
tant coenzyme roles, both of which focus dry. Wet beriberi is characterized by edema
mostly on carbohydrate metabolism (Figs. and enlarged heart. Dry beriberi is more neu-
8.26 and 8.27). The active portion of the coen- rological and can include muscle wasting.
zyme is the thiazole ring. The first step in the
Assuming a reasonably balanced diet, most
oxidative decarboxylation of a-keto acids re-
thiamine deficiencies today are caused by
quires TPP. The two most common examples
are pyruvate and a-ketoglutarate, oxidatively chronic alcoholism. Alcohol reduces the active
decarboxyated to acetyl CoA and succinyl CoA, transport of the vitamin (45). This form of
respectively. The same reaction is found in the thiamine deficiency is called Wernicke-Korsa-
metabolism of the branched-chain amino ac- koff syndrome. It is common for emergency
ids valine, isoleucine, leucine, and methionine. medical personnel to add thiamine to the in-
In all cases, TPP is a coenzyme in a mitochon- travenous solution being administered to a co-
drial multienzyme complex, consisting of matose patient suspected of experiencing sub-
TPP, lipoic acid, coenzyme A, FAD, and NAD. stance abuse.
Note the number of vitamins required for the 3.5.4 Hypervitaminosis Thiamine. The vi-
oxidative decarboxylation of a-keto acids: thi- tamin is considered very safe. There are no
amine (TPP), pantothenic acid (coenzyme A),
Tolerable Upper Intake Levels. Possibly the
riboflavin (FAD),and niacin (NAD).
rate-limiting phosphorylation step in the in-
TPP is also the coenzyme in the transketo-
lase reaction (Fig. 8.27) found in the pentose testinal mucosa reduces the risk of toxicity.
phosphate pathway that interconverts hex- The percentage of thiamine absorbed de-
oses, pentoses, tetroses, and trioses. This reac- creases as the dose increases.
tion removes carbons 1 and 2 of a ketose and
transfers them to an acceptor aldose. Exam- 3.5.5 Dietary Reference Intakes.
ples include TPP transferring carbons 1 and 2 A1
of xylulosed-P to ribose-5-P, producing glyc- Infants 0.2-0.3 mgtday
eraldehyde-3-P (5 carbons minus 2 carbons) EAR
and sedoheptulose-7-P (5 carbons plus 2 car- Children (1-13 years) 0.60.7 mgtday
bons). This reaction is reversible. A second re- Males (14-18 years) 1.0 mglday
versible reaction has TPP transferring car- Females (14-18 years) 0.9 mgtday
bons 1 and 2 of xylulose-5-P to erythrose-4-P, Men (19-50+ years) 1.0 mglday
producing fructose-6-P (4 carbons plus 2 car- Women (19-50 + years) 0.9 mglday
bons) and glyceraldehyde-3-P (5 carbons mi- Pregnancy 1.2 mglday
Lactation 1.2 mglday
The dietary reference intakes for thiamine RDA
are dependent on carbohydrate consumption. Children (1-13 years) 0.5-0.9 mgtday
This is because (1)most pyruvate comes from Males (14-18 years) 1.2 mglday
aerobic glycolysis, (2) much of the decarboxy- Females (14-18 years) 1.0 mgtday
lated a-ketoglutarate originates from carbo- Men (19-50+ years) 1.2 mgtday
hydrate sources, and (3) the transketolase re- Women (19-50+ years) 1.1 mgtday
action uses carbohydrates as substrates. Pregnancy 1.4 mgtday
Lactation 1.5 mglday
3.5.3 Thiamine Deficiencies. Thiamine de- UL
ficiencies are reported in the very early medi- None reported
/C-s TPP carbanion I

t I
c=o H- 0-c- H
H- C-OH H+ I
I +

I H-c- OH


Figure 8.27. Coenzyme role o f thiamine pyrophosphate in t h e transketolase reaction.


3.6 Riboflavin (Vitamin B,) (46) conversion of folic acid and pyridoxine to their
active forms, it is surprising that riboflavin
Shortly after the discovery of thiamine from deficiency does not produce a characteristic
yeast concentrates, the presence of a second set of symptoms. One of the reasons may be
nutritional factor in such materials was sug- that it is rare to see a patient who is solely
gested. This second factor was also reported to deficient in riboflavin.
have a pellagra-preventative activity because
it alleviated a deficiency-induced dermatitis in 3.6.5 HypervitaminosisRiboflavin. The com-
rats. It was called vitamin B, in England and bination of regulated active transport and con-
vitamin G in the United States. version to the coenzyme forms prevents hy-
pervitaminosis problems with this vitamin.
3.6.1 Chemistry (Fig. 8.28). Riboflavin has Toxicities from the water-soluble riboflavin
a characteristic flavin ring system, which gives phosphate have not been reported. There are
it unique spectroscopic and instability proper- no Tolerable Upper Intake Levels.
ties. There are two commercial forms. Ribofla-
vin itself is poorly water soluble (1 gl10,OOO 3.6.6 Dietary Reference Intakes.
mL) and is limited to oral dry dosage forms.
Riboflavin phosphate, as the sodium salt, is AI
very water soluble at 100 mg/mL and is widely Infants 0.3-0.4 mglday
used in dry and liquid dosage forms. EAR
Children (1-13 years) 0.4-0.8 mglday
Males (14-19 years) 1.1 mglday
3.6.2 Riboflavin Uptake and Chemistry (Fig. Females (14-19 years) 0.9 mglday
8.28). Most dietary riboflavin is eaten as the Men (19-70+ years) 1.1 mglday
FAD or FMN coenzymes. Intestinal pyrophos- Women (19-70+ years) 0.9 mglday
phatases and phosphatases produce free ribo- Pregnancy 1.2 mglday
flavin, which is actively transported in the Lactation 1.3 mglday
proximal area of the small intestine into sys- RDA
temic circulation. Because of its poor water Children (1-13 years) 0.5-0.9 mglday
solubility, it is transported on albumin and Males (14-19 years) 1.3 mglday
immunoglobulin proteins. Conversion to the Females (14-19 years) 1.0 mglday .
coenzyme forms occurs inside the cells that Men (19-70+ years) 1.3 mglday
need these coenzymes. Women (19-70+ years) 1.1 mglday
Pregnancy 1.4 mglday
3.6.3 Metabolic Role. Riboflavin coen- Lactation 1.6 mglday
zymes are required for most oxidations of car- UL
bon-carbon bonds (Fig. 8.29). Examples in- None reported
clude the oxidation of succinyl CoA to
fumarate in the Krebs cycle and introduction 3.7 Niacin (Nicotinic AcidVNiacinamide
of a$-unsaturation in P-oxidation of fatty ac- (Nicotinamide) (47)
ids. Riboflavin is also required for the metab-
olism of other vitamins, including the reduc- The history of niacin revolved around trying
tion of 5,lO-methylene tetrahydrofolate to to find a way to prevent and cure pellegra, the
5-methyl tetrahydrofolate (Fig. 8.491, and in- late-stage deficiency disease caused by a niacin
terconversion of pyridoxine-pyridoxal phos- deficiency. Pellagra has been a serious nutri-
phate-pyridoxamine (Fig. 8.33). Because oxi- tional disorder in the United States, mostly in
dation/reductions that use FAD or FMN as the the southeast. Two thousand deaths from pel-
coenzyme constitute a two-step process, some lagra were reported in 1941. This is ironic be-
flavin coenzyme systems contain more than cause nicotinic acid, later known as niacin,
one FAD or FMN. was first reported during the structure eluci-
dation of the alkaloid nicotine.
3.6.4 Riboflavin Deficiency. With ribofla- Like some of the other deficiency diseases,
vin's central role in energy metabolism and there was disagreement between those who

mins. Structurally, it is pyridine-3-carboxylic

acid (Fig. 8.30). Strictly speaking, it is nones-
sential because the essential amino acid tryp-
tophan is a source (Fig. 8.31) (48). The biosyn-
thetic route does not produce "free" niacin by
decarboxylation of quinolinic acid. In a com-
0 plex reaction, quinolinic acid loses the 2-car-
FAD or FMN boxyl group and adds 5'-phosphoribose to
(oxidized) form nicotinate mononucleotide (Figs. 8.30
and 8.31) (49,50). Niacin and niacinamide, in
pharmaceutical dosage forms, undergo a sim-
ilar ribosylation reaction. Most vitamin prod-
ucts contain niacinamide because niacin can
cause a distracting vasodilation that leads to
flushing in the face and scalp.
The two commercial forms of the vitamin,
niacin and niacinamide, are rapidly absorbed
from both the stomach and intestine. As the
dose increases, absorption decreases. It is not
clear whether there is a feedback mechanism
operating or the transport system becomes
FADH- or FMNW saturated. Conversion to the coenzyme forms
(semiquinone) occurs in the cells where NAD and NADP are
NAD is the primary coenzyme required for
oxidation/reduction of carbon-oxygen bonds
and is required for oxidative catabolism (gly-
colysis, @oxidation,Krebs cycle). NADP is the
coenzyme in biosynthetic routes (fatty acid
and cholesterol synthesis) and will be part of
oxidation/reduction reactions involving both
carbon-oxygen and carbon-carbon bonds.
The active part of the coenzyme is the pyri-
dine ring (Fig. 8.32). When the substrate is
I 0 labeled with deuterium, it has been shown
that NAD systems can be categorized by the
(reduced) deuterium ending up on the A or B face of the
pyridine ring. Examples of NAD dehydroge-
Figure 8.29. FAD/FADH,-FMNPMNH, oxida- nases where the hydride anion attaches to the
tionlreduction. A face are isocitrate dehydrogenase, malate
dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, and
thought pellegra was caused by poor sanita- alcohol dehydrogenase. Dehydrogenases in-
tion vs. those who concluded it was a nutri- volving the B face include a-ketoglutarate
tional disorder. Niacin deficiency, even today, dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydro-
is found in economically poor areas. Even genase, glutamate dehydrogenase, and glycer-
when niacin was first isolated from foods, it aldehyde-&phosphate dehydrogenase.
was ignored because it did not cure beriberi.
3.7.2 Niacin Deficiency. Niacin deficiency,
3.7.1 Niacin/Niacinamide Chemistry, Up- manifested as pellagra, is characterized by the
take and Metabolism. Niacin is structurally four Ds: dermatitis, diarrhea, depression, and
the simplest of the vitamins, but has some of death. The dermatitis is characterized by a
the most complex biochemistry of the vita- pigmented rash developing on skin exposed to
3 Vitamins


NkotWc Add (Niacin)


ZATP + Gh + H P 1. NAD* pyrophorphoryla~

ADP + PPI + Glu

R =H
Nlmtinamlde adenine dlnudsot#a (IUD+);

Figure 8.30. Biosynthesis of NAD from niacin and niacinamide.

heat. Changes to the gastrointestinal tract can meal by this process have a smaller incidence of
lead to vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea. pellagra (53). At the same time it must be re-
Depression is one of the neurological symp- membered that pellegra is the extreme form of a
toms that also can include apathy, headache, niacin deficiency. The Dietary Reference In-
fatigue, and memory loss. takes for this vitamin use clinical chemistry as-
Deficiencies were common in populations says listed in Table 8.2 to determine DRIs rather
whose main calorie source was corn (51, 52). than the first appearance of pellagra symptoms.
Zein is the main protein found in corn and it is
very low in both niacin and tryptophan. When 3.7.3 Hypervitaminosis Niacin. Niacin is
corn is ground with lime water, the small considered nontoxic, and there are no Tolera-
amounts of niacin and tryptophan become more ble Upper Intake Levels based on its use as a
bioavailable. Populations who consume corn vitamin. These refer only to niacin and niaci-

NH3+ *
Tryptophan Formylkynurenine


- Kynurenine

(FAD dependent)

Co2- 3-Hydroxyanthranilic C02- non-

acid oxidase enzymatic

OH Amino-carboxymuconic Quinollinicacid
3-Hydroxyanthranilic Acid semialdehyde

Figure 8.31. Biosynthesis o f NAD f r o m tryptophan.

namide, but not tryptophan and niacin equiv- head area, caused by increased intercranial
dents (see next section). Large doses of niacin blood flow and hepatic complications. Niacin
and niacinamide do have adverse reactions. had been used for Raynaud's syndrome to
These are sometimes seen with patients who treat the vasoconstriction seen with this dis-
are prescribed niacin in doses up to 2 g daily ease. Liver toxicities have been experienced by
for hyperlipidemia, including both hypercho- patients prescribed sustained-release niacin
lesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. For products for hyperlipidemia (54, 55). The UL
the former, there is the desired decreased LDL to RDA ratio is 2, but the UL is the dose before
and increased HDL. Adverse reactions include adverse reactions are experienced. Vasodila-
vasodilation from niacin, particularly in the tion from niacin occurs close to its RDA.

0 0 0

N H2 N H2
NAD+ A face; NADH B face; NADH

Figure 8.32. Stereochemistry o f NAD reduction.

3 Vitamins

3.7.4 Dietary Reference Intakes. Many of was realized tragically when the heat process
the DRI units are milligram niacin equiva- for an infant formula reduced the bioavailabil-
lents (mg NE). These units take into account itiy of the vitamin. Children developed convul-
the fact that approximately 60 mg trypto- sive disorders. Before realizing that the prob-
phan produce 1 mg of niacin. For adult lem was caused by an induced pyridoxine
males, the RDA is between 960 mg of tryp- deficiency, it was thought a contaminant had
tophan and 16 mg of niacin, given that 960 been introduced. The vitamin is a coenzyme
mg of tryptophan is equivalent to 16 mg of for amino acid and glycogen metabolism.
niacin (56, 57).
A1 3.8.1 Uptake and Metabolism. The vitamin
Infants (0-5 months) 2 mglday of B6 family consists of pyridoxine, pyridoxal,
preformed pyridoxamine, pyridoxine phosphate, pyri-
niacin doxal phosphate (PLP), and pyridoxamine
Infants (6-11 months) 4 mg NE/day phosphate (Fig. 8.33). The commercial form is
EAR pyridoxine. Pyridoxal phosphate is the coen-
Children (1-13 years) 5-9 mg NEIday zyme form. It and pyridoxamine phosphate
Boys (14-18 years) 12 mg NEIday are from animal tissues. Pyridoxine is from
Girls (14-18 years) 11 mg NEIday plant tissues. All phosphorylated forms are
Men (19-70+ years) 12 mg NEIday hydrolyzed in the intestinal tract by phospha-
Women (19-70+ years) 11 mg NE/day tases before being absorbed passively. Conver-
Pregnancy 14 mg NEIday sion to the phosphorylated forms occurs in the
Lactation 13 mg NEIday liver. Notice that niacin (NAD) and riboflavin
RDA (FMN, FAD) are required for interconversion
Children (1-13 years) 6-12 mg NEIday among the vitamin B6 family. The phosphory-
Girls (14-19 years) 1.3 mg NEIday lated forms are transported to the cells where
Boys (14-19 years) 16 mg NEIday needed. The major excretory product is 4-pyr-
Men (19-70+ years) 16 mg NEIday idoxic acid.
Women (19-70+ years) 14 mg NE/day
Pregnancy 18 mg NEIday 3.8.2 Pyridoxal Phosphate Biochemistry
Lactation 17 mg NEIday (58). Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) is required
UL for amino acid metabolism and reactions in-
Infants (0-12 months) Source of intake volving amino acids. PLP is covalently bound
should be to the apoenzyme through an enamine
formula and (Schiff's base) linkage between an €-amino
food only group of lysine and the aldehyde moiety of
Children (1-13 years) 10-20 mglday of PLP (Fig. 8.34). The most common of the
niacin PLP-catalyzed reactions are transaminations
Adolescents (14-18 30 mglday of (Fig. 8.35). One-half of all transamination re-
years) niacin actions involve a-ketoglutarate as the accep-
Pregnancy (14-18 30 mglday of tor of the m i n e group forming glutamic acid.
years) niacin Alternatively, glutamic acid donates the
Pregnancy (19 years 35 mglday of amine group and an a-keto acid is the acceptor
and older) niacin forming a new amino acid. Examples include:
Lactation (14-18 30 mglday of a-amino acid + a-ketoglutarate % a-keto
years) niacin acid + glutamic acid
Lactation (19 years and 35 mglday of a-amino acid reactant a-ketoacid product
older) niacin alanine pyruvate
aspartate oxalacetate
3.8 Vitamin B, Family
Another PLP-catalyzed reaction is decarbox-
This group was discovered in the 1930s during ylation of amino acids (Fig. 8.35). These are part
feeding experiments on rats. Its importance of the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters, includ-


4-Pyridoxic acid




H+ CH20H
Oxidase - CH20H

Oxidase -7-i-
4-Pyridoxic acid 4-Pyridoxic acid 4-Pyridoxic acid
(metabolite) (metabolite) (metabolite)

Phosphatase %Le
ATp Phosphatase
pi #Kse
Phosphatase jk ELe


4-Pyridoxic acid 4-Pyridoxic acid 4-Pyridoxic acid
(metabolite) (metabolite) (metabolite)

Figure 8.33. Interconversions among the vitamin B, family.


ing histamine from histidine; serotonin from

tryptophan, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epi-
nephrine from dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa)

(Fig. 8.36); and y-aminobutyric acid from glu-
II tamic acid. Other reactions in which an amino
I acid is the substrate include formation of Gami-
Enzyme mN-C-H nolevulinic acid in the biosynthesis of heme and
1 two reactions in cysteine biosynthesis from
(CH2)4 methionine (Fig. 8.52). Although not well un-
I derstood, PLP is required for phosphorylase-
phosphate.glycogenolysis producing glucose-l-
3.8.3 Vitamin B, Deficiency. There is no
H3C N distinct deficiency syndrome, but a deficiency
Pyridoxal P can be serious. What is observed is a sebor-
rheic dermatitis, microcytic anemia, and elep-
Figure 8.34. Wdoxal phosphate bound to the tiform convulsions. The anemia may be
enzyme. caused by decreased heme biosynthesis and
3 Vitamins

i I H R-C-C02-
i R-C-C02-
I NH3+ R-C-C02- R-C-C02- 0
a-amino acid Hz0
I II a-keto acid
j H 4 I1
i C

Pyridoxal P Aldimine
Pyridoxamine P


Figure 8.35. Pyridoxine phosphate-catalyzed transamination and decarboxylation.

the convulsions by imbalances in neurotrans- the final reactions. The homocysteine model is
mitter biosynthesis. discussed again under the folic acid and cyano-
There is reason to conclude that vitamin B, cobalamin sections.
deficiency might contribute to arteriosclerosis.
There is a correlation between elevated homo- 3.8.4 Vitamin-Drug Interactions (60). The
cysteine levels and incidence of cardiovascular two most clinically significant interactions are
disease (59). There is debate as to whether ho- pyridoxal phosphate with L-dopa or isoniacid.
mocysteine contributes to the damage of cells on Examine Fig. 8.36 and note that dopa decar-
the interior of blood vessel or whether homocys- boxylase requires PLP. This enzyme is found
teine is a marker of intensive cell repair and for- both centrally and peripherally. The latter in-
mation of replacement cells. Nevertheless, ad- cludes the intestinal mucosa. The precursor to
ministration of pyridoxine, folic acid, and dopamine, L-dopa is indicated for the treat-
cyanocobalamin are being recommended along ment of Parkinson's disease. L-Dopa is pre-
with the two antioxidant vitamins, a-tocopherol scribed because little dopamine crosses the
and ascorbic acid for arteriosclerosis. Vitamin blood-brain barrier relative to its precursor L-
B, is required for two of the steps in the catabo- dopa. A patient with Parkinson's disease pre-
lism of homocysteine to succinyl CoA (Fig.8.52). scribed L-dopa and who takes a vitamin sup-
Note in Fig. 8.52 (bottom) that biotin and a co- plement with amounts of pyridoxine greater
enzyme f o m of cobalamin also are required for than the vitamin's RDA can experience an in-

peripheral neuropathy, but they do not reduce

the effectiveness of isoniazid.

3.8.5 Hypervitaminosis Pyridoxine. A cer-

tain mystique has built up around this vita-
min, resulting in individuals' overdosing
themselves with commercial vitamin supple-
ments. Serious neurological problems have
been seen in doses of 2-6 glday for 2-40
months (62-64). Megadosing below 2 glday
seems safe, but all of this information is based
mostly on anecdotal reports. There is a Toler-
able Upper Intake Level, but the UL to RDA
ratio is a comfortable 50-60.

3.8.6 Dietary Reference Intakes.
Dihydroxyphenethylarnine (Dopamine)
A1 (any form of vitamin B,)
Ascorbate + O2 Dopamine Infants 0.1-0.3 mglday
EAR (any form of vitamin B,)
Dehydroascorbate + H20 l/i Children (1-13 years) 0.4-0.8 mglday
Males (14-19 years) 1.1 mglday
Females (14-19 years) 1.0 mglday
Men (19-50 years) 1.1 mglday
Men (51+ years) 1.4 mg/day
Women (19-50 years) 1.1 mglday
Norepinephrine (Norepi) Women (51+ years) 1.3 mglday
Pregnancy 1.6 mglday
Lactation 1.7 mglday
RDA (any form of vitamin B,)
t Children (1-13 years) 0.5-1.0 mglday
NH3' Males (14-19 years) 1.3 mglday
I Females (14-19 years) 1.2 mglday


Epinephrine (Epi)
Men (19-50 years)
Men (51+ years)
Women (19-50 years)
Women (51+ years)
1.3 mglday
1.7 mglday
1.3 mglday
1.5 mglday
Pregnancy 1.9 mglday
Figure 8.36. Pyridoxal phosphate-catalyzed dopa Lactation 2.0 mglday
decarboxylase. UL (as pyridoxine)
Children (1-13 years) 30-60 mglday
crease in parkinsonian tremors. This is be- Adolescents (14-18 years) 80 mglday
cause L-dopa will undergo decarboxylation in Adults (19+ years) 100 mglday
the intestinal mucosa and never reach the lo- Pregnancy (14-18 years) 80 mglday
cations in the brain where it is converted to Pregnancy (19+ years) 100 mglday
the needed dopamine. Lactation (14-18 years) 80 mg/day
Isoniazid is widely prescribed for tubercu- Lactation (19+ years) 100 mglday
losis. It can chemically react with pyridoxal
and pyridoxal phosphate, thus significantly re- 3.9 Pantothenic Acid (65)
ducing the availability of this coenzyme (Fig.
8.37) (61). Pyridoxine supplements commonly Pantothenic acid is essential and is a normal
are recommended to prevent isoniazid-caused component of our diet. There has been little
3 Vitamins

lsoniazid (INH) Pyridoxal P

lsonicotinic Acid Hydrazide

Figure 8.37. Pyridoxal phosphate-isoniazid

al Adduct
lsoniazid Pyridoxal interaction.

research done on this vitamin and, therefore, cosmetics including skin creams and shampoos,
it has adequate intakes (AI) and no RDAs. there is no evidence that this vitamin is effective
as a vitamin topically. It apparently has good
3.9.1 Chemistry, Uptake, and Metabolic emollient properties, but these have nothing to
Role. This vitamin, which can be considered a do with its systemic role.
derivative of p-alanine, is asymmetric (Fig. Pantothenic acid is a structural compo- .
8.38). The natural form has the D(+)configu- nent, but not the active site, of coenzyme A.
ration. The L(-)stereoisomer is inactive. The The acyl thiol esters form on the mercaptan
reduced alcohol form, pantothenol, is consid- moiety that originates from a cysteine (Fig.
ered as equally active as the parent acid. Many 8.39). The biosynthesis of coenzyme A occurs
of the multiple vitamin products use a syn- in the tissues requiring it. Because coenzyme
thetic, racemic mixture. This means that dou- A is required for nearly all acyl transfers, bio-
ble the amount of synthetic vitamin must be
synthesis takes place in nearly all cells.
used to obtain equivalent active vitamin.
Dietary pantothenic acid is consumed as co-
enzyme A and the intermediates from coen- 3.9.2 Hypervitaminosis Pantothenic Acid.
zyme A's biosynthesis (Fig. 8.39). These are There have been no reports of toxicity and no
hydrolyzed to free pantothenic acid. Absorp- Tolerable Upper Intake Levels. Because its ac-
tion is by saturable, active transport. tive transport is saturable, excessive uptake is
Calcium pantothenate is commonly used in doubtful. Also, this vitamin does not have the
dry dosage forms. It is moderately hygro- mystique that would prompt marketing "high
scopic, with a solubility of 1 gl2.8 mL, and is potency" formulations.
unstable for autoclaving. Neither the parent
pantothenic acid nor the sodium salt is com- 3.9.3 Dietary Reference Intakes. There are
monly used in dosage forms. too few studies to provide sufficient informa-
Pantothenol (panthenol)is reasonably stable tion to estimate Estimated Average Require-
and freely soluble and is used both in injectable ments (EAR) or Recommended Dietary Allow-
and oral dosage forms. Although widely used in ances (RDA).

0 0 OH CH3
Pantothenic acid

Sodium Pantothenate

1 CH3 1 2

Calcium Pantothenate

0 OH CH3
I1 I I
Figure 8.38. Forms of panto-
thenic acid. Pantothenol

amide linkage to produce free biotin. Biotin is

Infants 1.7-1.8 mglday actively transported through the intestin@
Children (1-13 years) 2 4 mglday flora into the portal vein and to the liver where
Everyone else 5 mglday it may be stored. It appears that adults may
Pregnancy 6 mglday store several months of biotin. From the liver
Lactation 7 mglday it is transported to tissues where it is needed.
EAR 3.10.2 Chemistry. Biotin consists of two
None reported
5-membered rings cis-fused to each other that
can be drawn either as the keto (urea) or enolic
None reported
form (Fig. 8.40). The enolic d-isomer is the
None reported active stereoisomer, but many times commer-
cial multivitamin products contain the syn-
3.10 Biotin (66) thetic racemic d,l mixture. There is no activity
with the 1-stereoisomer.
Biotin (Fig. 8.40) is essential, a normal constit-
uent of the diet, and required for four biotin- 3.10.3 Metabolic Role. Biotin picks up
dependent carboxylation reactions. Eating carbon dioxide that has been activated by
raw egg white can induce a deficiency. combining with an ATP-donated phosphate,
producing the mixed anhydride of phos-
3.1 0.1 Uptake. In foods, most biotin is co- phoric and carbonic acids (Fig. 8.42). The
valently bound (Fig. 8.41) to the apoenzyme, biotin enolate receives the carbon dioxide,
where it is the coenzyme for carboxylation re- producing the keto carbon dioxide-releasing
actions. Intestinal enzymes hydrolyze the coenzyme.
H -
-02c OH
LLL -O2C,CH2 \
0 kinase

Pantothenic acid 4'-Phosphopantothenate

ATP + Cys ,
ADP + Pi


2 ATP 4 1. Dephospho-CoA pyrophosphorylase

2. Dephospho-CoA kinase

H OH 0 0
H - II 11
\ CH2-0-P-0-P-0
0 0- 0-

Coenzyme A (CoASH)

Figure 8.39. Pantothenic acid chemistry.

Enolic form Keto or ureido form Figure 8.40. Biotin.

404 Vitamins

cetate when there are large amounts of acetyl

CoA entering the Krebs cycle.
2. Acetyl CoA carboxylase (Fig. 8.44)
This reaction, found mostly in the cy-
tosol, is the committed step in the synthesis
of fatty acids.
3. Propionyl CoA carboxylase (Fig. 8.45)
Propionyl CoA is the product from the
catabolism of valine, isoleucine, methio-
Figure 8.41. Coenzyme form of biotin. nine, and odd-numbered fatty acids. The
carboxylation reaction, found in the mito-
chondria, produces methyl malonyl CoA.
There are four biotin-dependent carboxyla- The latter undergoes a cobalamin (vitamin
tion reactions, three of which are in the mito- BIZ)-catalyzed rearrangement, forming
chondria. They are: succinyl CoA, which is metabolized further
1. Pyruvate carboxylase (Fig. 8.43) in the Krebs cycle.
This reaction, which converts pyruvate to 4. pMethylcrotony1 &A carboxylase (Fig. 8.46)
oxalaceetate, is in the mitochondria and This mitochondria1 reaction permits
hastwo functions. First, it is the initial reac- the final steps in the catabolism of the
tion in gluconeogenesis to overcome the 14 branched-chain amino acid leucine. The fi-
kcal energy barrier to form phosphoenol- nal products, acetoacetate and acetyl CoA,
pyruvate. Second, this same reaction, either are oxidative metabolized to carbon
sometimes referred to as an anapleurotic re- dioxide and water or enter other reactions
action, ensures that there is adequate oxala- in lipid metabolism.


0 0
0- 0
Phosphoric-carbonicacid anhydride Enz

Figure 8.42. Biotin binding carbon dioxide.

3 Vitamins

Pyruvate ATP ADP +Pi Oxalacetate Figure 8.43. Carboxylation of pyru-

Pyruvate carboxylase vate producing oxalacetate.

3.10.4 Biotin Deficiency. Relative to many 3.1 1 Folic Acid (67)

of the vitamins, it is easy to induce a biotin
deficiency by feeding volunteers raw egg Because all vitamins are essential, it is diffi-
white. Avidin, a basic protein found in egg cult to state that one vitamin is more impor-
white, forms salt linkages with acidic biotin tant than another. Nevertheless, folic acid,
and prevent its transport across the intestinal with its coenzyme role in purine biosynthesis,
barrier. Cooked egg white is not a problem. can be considered crucial for some of the cells'
Because biotin is found in the yolk, eating most fundamental biochemistry, cell division.
whole raw egg will not induce a deficiency. De- This vitamin is intimately tied to vitamin B,,
ficiencies also were caused in patients on total (cobalamin), which has made estimating its
parenteral nutrition (TPN) because biotin DRIs difficult. Also, conditions that can cause
was not included in the early formulations. a folic acid deficiency also can result in a vita-
Symptoms include dermatitis, loss of hair min B,, deficiency.
color, and central neurological effects.
3.1 1 .I Chemistry. The commercial form of
3.10.5 Hypervitaminosis Biotin. None has the vitamin is folic acid (Fig. 8.47). It consists
been reported in humans and there are no Tol- of a pteridine ring attached to a p-aminoben-
erable Upper Intake Levels. zoic acid that is attached to the a -m i n e of
glutamic acid. Two biosynthetic changes must
3.10.6 Dietary Reference Intakes. These
occur before it is active. First, it must be re-
have been difficult to determine. There has duced to tetrahydrofolate by dihydrofolate re-
been some speculation that humans might ob- ductase in a two-step reduction (Fig. 8.48).
tain part of their biotin requirements from the Notice that niacin is required for this reduc-
intestinal flora in the colon. The question that tion. Second, a polyglutamate chain must be
has not been adequately answered is whether attached to the y-carboxyl of the parent glu-
there is significant absorption of bacteria-pro- tamic acid (Fig. 8.47). The remaining linkages
duced biotin from the colon. of the polyglutamate chain are traditional
3 A1 a-amino-a-carboxyl peptides.
I1 ~nfants 5-6 pglday The natural vitamin is made up of a family
Children (1-13 years) 8-20 pglday of polyglutamates all connected to the initial
Adolescents (14-18 years) 25 /&day glutamic acid at the previously described
Adults 30 y-carboy1 group. The length of this polyglu-
Pregnancy 30 p g l d a ~ tamate chain varies with the source of the vi-
Lactation 35 tamin, but lengths of 3, 5, and 7 amino acids
EAR are seen. The most common polyglutamate
None reported found in food is 5-methyltetrahydrofolate
RDA polyglutamate (Fig. 8.47).
None reported
UL 3.1 1.2 Uptake. The dietary polygluta-
None reported mates are cleaved to the monoglutamate vita-

Acetyl CoA

ADP + Pi
Malonyl CoA
Figure 8.44. Carboxylation of
acetyl CoA producing malonyl
Acetyl CoA Carboxylase CoA.
CH3- I'

Propionyl CoA

Figure 8.45.
*- ATP

ADP + Pi
Propionyl CoA carboxylase
CH3 0
I I1
Methyl Malonyl CoA

Carboxylation o f propionyl CoA producing methylmalonyl CoA.


min by a y-L-glutamylcarboxy peptidase, com- folate polyglutamate, produced by addition of

monly called conjugase. Folic acid is absorbed formic acid to tetrahydroformate polygluta-
as the monoglutamate. Conjugase is found in mate. It is the coenzyme for two reactions in
the brush border of the intestine. Therefore, purine biosynthesis: ( 1 ) the synthesis of
chronic inflammatory conditions in the intes- formylglycine ribotide (FGAR) from glycine
tine lead to low conjugase activity, which can amide ribotide (GAR) and (2)the formation of
result in significant decreased folic acid aminoimidazole carboxamide ribotide (AICAR)
absorption. to formamidoimidazole carbxamide ribotide
The absorbed vitamin must be converted to (FAICAR) (Fig. 8.50).
the coenzyme form. This requires adding back 5,lO-Methenyl tetrahydroformate polyglu-
a five- to seven-member glutamate chain and tamate is the cyclic enamime formed from 10-
commercial folic acid must undergo the two- formyl tetrahydroformate polyglutamate. It
step reduction to tetrahydrofolic acid. There also is formed from the catabolism of histidine
are two common abbreviations for the reduced and can be considered an intermediate be-
form, FH, and THF. These reactions apparently tween the 10-formyl compound and, upon re-
occur in a wide variety of tissues. The liver con- duction, 5,lO-methylene tetrahydroformate
tains about a 3- to &month supply of the vita- polyglutamate. The latter is the coenzyme re-
min, presumably in the polyglutamate form. quired for the interconversion of serine and
glycine and the methylation of deoxyuridylic
3.11.3 Metabolic Roles. There are five acid forming deoxythymidylic acid (Figs. 8.49
forms of tetrahydrofolate polyglutamate, and 8.51). Most of the one-carbon units car-
some of which are coenzymes (Fig. 8.49). The ried on position 5 or 10 or 5,10 bridge come
most highly oxidized is 10-formyl tetrahydro- from serine.

COO- 0 -

I Several steps I p-Methylcrotonyl I
CH2 *
CH CoA carboxvlase CH
.~ 0
I .I1. II I1
C C /c\
H~C' CH3 ' ATP + COz ADP+ Pi H3C
/ \
CH2 0-
Leucine p-Methylcrotonyl CoA p-Methylglutaconyl CoA

Acetoacetate Acetyl CoA

Figure 8.46. Role o f b i o t i n in leucine catabolism.
II 3 Vitamins

p-aminobenzoate glutamate
Folic Acid (FA)

Figure 8.47. Common forms of folic acid and methotrexate.

The most reduced coenzyme is 5-methyl The fifth tetrahydrofolate compound is

tetrahydrofolate polyglutamate. It is the 5-formyl THF (folinic acid, citrovorum factor).
source of the methyl group added to homocys- This compound is not a coenzyme, but it can
teine regenerating methionine and tetrahy- be converted to any of the active coenzyme
drofolate ready to accept a one-carbon unit forms. It is administered after treatment with
from formate or serine. This last reaction is the dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor, metho-
where folic acid and vitamin B,, come to- trexate (Fig. 8.47), as a form of rescue therapy.
gether (Figs. 8.49, 8.52, and 8.53). The impli- Because it already is in the reduced tetrahy-
cations of this reaction and how folic acid can drofolate form, it does not need dihydrofolate
mask pernicious anemia are discussed in the reductase to become an active coenzyme.
section on vitamin B,, (cyanocobalamin).
Note that the formation of 5-methyl-THFnor- 3.1 1.4 Folic Acid Deficiency. It is obvious
mally is not reversible. Tetrahydrofolate can that folic acid is a very important vitamin for
be regenerated only if there is adequate biosynthetic reactions, particularly those re-
methyl cobalamin coenzyme. quired for the biosynthesis of purines, methyl-

0 COO-

Folic Acid (FA) I

Dihydrofolate (DHF; FH2) 1

Figure 8.48. Reduction o f folic Tetrahydrofolate (THF; FH4) I
acid to tetrahydrofolate.

ation of deoxyuridylic acid, and regeneration dant increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
of methionine from homocysteine. The main This hypothesis is based on an observation that
deficiency is a characteristic megaloblastic individuals with increased blood vessel plaque
anemia attributed to a shortage of nucleotides buildup also show increased levels of homocys-
required for the production of erythrocyte pre- teine. The elevated homocysteine can be cor-
cursor cells. rected, at least partially, with folate supple-
Another clinical sign of folic acid deficiency ments. Figure 8.52 illustrates why the three
is neural tube defects, including spina bifida vitamins, pyridoxine, folic acid, and vitamin B,,,
and anencephaly. Neural tube defects consti- are indicated for elevated levels of homocys-
tute one of the main reasons that federal reg- teine. Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) and cobal-
ulations mandate supplementing cereal grain- amin (B,,) are required for the catabolism of
based foods with folic acid along with homocysteine to succinyl CoA. Methyl cobal-
thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin (68, 69). Al- amine (methyl B,,) is required for the conver-
though prenatal multiple vitamins contain ad- sion of homocysteine back to methionine.
equate amounts of folic acid, pregnant women There are many causes of folic acid defi-
may not start taking these products until the ciencies. Inadequate nutrition during periods
second or third month of the their pregnan- of increased requirements is one of the main
cies, and this may be too late. causes of megaloblastic anemia of pregnancy
A third indication of inadequate folic acid is and neural tube defects. Alcoholism is consid-
elevated blood homocysteine levels, with atten- ered the leading cause of folic acid deficiency
3 Vitamins



5 ,CH
0 HN,
I10 0 HC-NIO

ADP + Pi

5,CH 0 \
0 HC-Nio N5-Formyl-THF
// \ (Folinic acid'
0 R citrovorum factor)

Figure 8.49. Formation o f f o l k acid coenzymes.

in the United States (70, 71). There are two release from the liver. A third cause of folic
ways that excessive alcohol consumption can acid deficiency is chronic inflammation of the
interfere with folic acid activity: impairment intestinal mucosa. Inflammation can reduce
of folic acid reduction to the active THF forms production of the required conjugase enzyme,
and interference with folic acid storage and which removes the polyglutamate chain,
~ ~

H2N\CH2 lN'cH2
0 0
-0-P-0-CH2 -0-P-0-CH2
GAR Transformylase
0- 0-
~ ' ~ - ~ o r m y l - T H FDHF 5-Phosphoformylribosylglycinamide (FGAR)
5-Phosphoribosylglycinamide (GAR)
{ ~ " \ N H ~

H+ Dihydrofolate

- 0- P- 0
-0 -P -0
II t& N '0

AICAR Transformylase
N'O-~ormylTHF DHF
carboxamide (AICAR) carboxamide (AICAR)


Figure 8.50. Coenzyme roles for 1 0 - f o m y l THF.

Vitamins 411

OH H t
.... ~ , THF DHF
Deoxyuridylic acid Deoxythymidylic acid

Figure 8.51. Methylation of deoxyuridylic acid forming deoxythymidylic acid.

and/or an inflamed mucosa inhibits folate 3.1 1.6 Dietary Reference Intakes.
transport. Finally, anticonvulsants such as A1
phenytoin somehow interfere with folic acid Infants
uptake or utilization. EAR
The dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor, Children (1-8 years) 120-160 &day
methotrexate (Fig. 8.47), was developed as an Children (9-13 years) 250 pglday
anticancer drug, whose inhibition of forma- Adolescents (14-18 years) 330 pg/day
tion of folic acid coenzymes would block pu- Adults (19-50+ years) 320 pglday
rine synthesis. In other words, it was designed Pregnancy 520 d d a y
to induce a folic acid deficiency. Notice in Figs. Lactation 450 pglday
8.50 and 8.51 that formation of dTMP, FGAR, RDA
and AICAR also causes the oxidation of tetra- Children (1-8 years) 150-200 pglday
hydrofolate to dihydrofolate. The latter must Children (9-13 years) 300 pglday
be reduced by dihydrofolate reductase to tet- Adolescents (14-18 years) 400 pglday
rahydrofolate before active coenzyme can Adults (15-50+ years) 400 &day
form again. Thus, not only does methotrexate Pregnancy 600 &day
inhibit the initial formation of the tetrahydro- Lactation 500 pglday
folate moiety, it blocks regeneration of the co- UL (from fortified food or
enzyme form. supplements)
Children (1-3 years) 300 pglday
3.1 1.5 Hypervitaminosis Folic Acid. This Children (4-8 years) 400 pglday
apparently is not a problem. Transport across Children (9-13 years) 600 pglday
the intestinal mucosa may be regulated by a Adolescents (14-18 years) 800 pglday
feedback mechanism or the rate of hydrolysis Adults (19+ years) 1000 pglday
of the polyglutamate chain or a combination of Pregnancy (14-18 years) 800 &day
both. What is very important is that taking the Pregnancy (19t years) 1000 pglday
vitamin in doses above 400 pg (800 pg in preg- Lactation (14-18 years) 800 &day
nant and lactating women) can mask the mac- Lactation (19+ years) 1000 pg/day
rocytic anemia seen with pernicious anemia
caused by a cyanocobalamin deficiency (Fig.
8.53). The Tolerable Upper Limit is based on 3.12 Vitamin B,, (Cobalamin) (72)
trying to avoid this masking. Therefore, the This chemically very complex vitamin is re-
UL to RDA ratio is low (2-2.5) in adults. quired for two reactions, the methylation of ho-
ATP PPi + Pi


I N/

- wH
"methyl transferases"

(carnitine. choline.
'rnethlated DNA, '



Methione S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM) epinephrine) S-Adenosylhomocysteine (SAH)

I Several Cysthionine
steps ylyase
I +......------....
1. Biotin
CH2 -*
I 2. BI2 coenzyme NH4+ H20
C-O- -
11 SH NH3+ 0
0 I I II
Succinyl CoA Cystathionine

Figure 8.52. Methionine metabolism.

3 Vitamins

DHF (Dihydrofolate)
5,l 0-CH2-THF




DHF Reductase
DHF * Folic Acid (standard
DHF Reductase mOnoglutarnate dosage

Figure 8.53. Methyl trap hypothesis.

mocysteine to methionine and rearrangement of fully functioning stomach and ileum of the
methyl malonyl CoA to succinyl CoA. A defi- small intestine (73).Parietal cells in the stom-
ciency leads to pernicious anemia, at one time a ach produce hydrochloric acid, to free the vi- .
disease whose prognosis was death. Because fo- tamin from the food, and "intrinsic factor," a
lic acid can mask the blood picture of a cobal- glycoprotein that binds cobalamin. This com-
amin deficiency, it has become important for plex attaches to specific receptors in the ileum.
physicians to order tests specific for the vitamin. Eventually, the vitamin passes into systemic
circulation and is transported by a series of
3.1 2.1 Chemistry. The cobalamin family plasma-binding proteins, the transcobal-
consists of a corrin ring (Fig. 8.54). It is similar amins. About 50% of the absorbed vitamin
to that of the porphyrin ring system, except reaches the liver, with the remainder trans-
that there is no methylene or methine bridge ported to other tissues.
between pyrrole rings A and D, and it contains Humans are efficient recyclers of vitamin
cobalt rather than iron. The commercial form B,, because of enterohepatic circulation. The
sold in the United States is cyanocobalamin. vitamin is secreted in the bile. Upon combin-
The hydroxy dosage form also has been used. ing with intrinsic factor, the absorption pro-
The coenzyme forms include methyl and ad- cess is repeated. This recirculation probably
enosyl cobalarnin. The commercial vitamin is explains why dietary deficiencies are uncom-
produced from bacterial fermentation. mon and why the inability to produce intrinsic
factor results in vitamin B,, deficiency, even
3.12.2 Uptake. Uptake of the vitamin though there may be adequate dietary intake.
from food and vitamin products is complex.
Indeed, most deficiencies are not from inade- 3.12.3 Biochemical Role. Cobalamin is a
quate diet, but result from defects in the up- coenzyme in only two reactions, but they are
take process. Dietary cobalamin requires a basic to the health of the individual. Methyl

O=P 0 OH
0- O
R = -CN, -OH, CH3,

Figure 8.54. V i t a m i n B,, and coen-
zyme forms. Adenosyl

cobalamin is required for the regeneration of the rearrangement of methylmalonyl CoA to

methionine from homocysteine. 5-Methyltet- succinyl CoA with adenosylcobalamin as the
rahydrofolate polyglutarnate is also required coenzyme (Fig. 8.55). Odd-numbered fatty ac-
(Figs. 8.49 and 8.53). The second reaction is ids and the amino acids d i n e , isoleucine, and

\ 7
4 co2 b- O-
Propionyl CoA

CoA epimerase
0 0
A' \\
/"-" Adenosyl
- O-
COAS 3 \H Methylmalonyl-
COA mutase )--SC A O
0 0
Figure 8.55. Cobalamin-catalyzed mu-
tase reaction. Succinyl CoA L-Methylmalony\CoA
3 Vitamins

methionine produce propionyl CoA as part of 3.1 2.6 Dietary Reference Intakes.
their catabolism. Biotin-catalyzed carboxyla- AT
tion (Fig. 8.45) yields D-methylmdonyl CoA, Infants 0.4-0.5 pglday
which must be epimerized to the L-stereoiso- EAR
mer. The latter undergoes a rearrangement to Children (1-13 years) 0.7-1.5 &day
succinyl CoA, which enters the Kreb cycle for Adolescents (14-18 years) 2.0 pglday
final degradation. There has been consider- Men and Women 2 pglday
able debate as to the mechanism of this rear- (19-50+ years)
rangement, but the general consensus is that Pregnancy 2.2 pglday
there are free-radical intermediates (74-76). Lactation 2.4 pglday
3.12.4 Cobalmin Deficiency. Pernicious Children (1-13 years) 0.9-1.8 pg/day
anemia is the disease associated with vitamin Adolescents (14-18 years) 2.4 d d a y
B,, deficiency. It is usually caused by the in- Men and Women 2.4 pglday
ability to produce intrinsic factor. Indeed, (19-50+ years)
many times the vitamin must be administered Pregnancy 2.6 pglday
by injection. The blood picture, a megaloblas- Lactation 2.8 pglday
tic anemia, is indistinguishable from that UL
caused by folic acid deficiency. Indeed folic None reported
acid supplements can mask the blood picture.
This is illustrated in Fig. 8.53. Removal of ad- 3.1 3 Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) (77)
enosyl cobalamin eliminates the regeneration
of tetrahydrofolate during the methylation of Deficiencies of this vitamin have been associ-
homocysteine to methionine. Folic acid sup- ated with the early sailors who lacked fresh
plements provide a fresh source of tetrahy- fruit and vegetables. However, it was a prob-
drofolate coenzymes. DNA synthesis can lem on land and was seen in the Irish potato
continue and new erythrocytes form. Excess famine, the California gold miners, and terri-
folic acid also may compete for the available torial prisons. There long has been a mystique
vitamin, further exacerbating vitamin B,, surrounding this vitamin, with interest
deficiency. sharply increasing when Linus Pauling pub-
Pernicious anemia can be lethal if not lished his book Vitamin C and the Common
treated because of nerve damage. There are Cold, forcing the medical, nutritional, and bio-
two explanations for the cause of this damage, chemical professions to reexamine carefully
both involving an excess of methylmalonyl the role of this essential nutrient in human
CoA. Methylmalonyl CoA is a competitive in- health. A significant problem with studying
hibitor of malonyl CoA during fatty acid syn- this vitamin is the fact that ascorbic acid is not
thesis. This may impede repair of the myelin a vitamin in most animals. It was not until the
sheath surrounding nerves. Alternatively, discovery that guinea pigs also require ascor-
methylmalonyl CoA replaces malonyl CoA as a bate that animal experiments could be con-
substrate in fatty acid synthesis, producing ducted.
fatty acids with methyl substituents. These
are incorporated into the lipids components of 3.1 3.1 Chemistry. Ascorbic acid is derived
the myelin sheath, producing a nonfunction- from the aldonic acid form of L-gulose (Figs.
ing myelin sheath. 8.56 and 8.57). There are two enolic proton-
donor groups, with the one at position 3 being
3.1 2.5 Hypervitaminosis B, ,. The vitamin the most acidic with a pK, value of 4.1. Ascor-
is considered nontoxic. There has been some bic acid is easily oxidized to the dehydro form
concern that the presence of the CN- anion in without loss of vitamin activity, but the lac-
the commercial vitamin might cause problems tone ring now hydrolyzes easily, producing in-
with megadoses. However, 1000 pg of cyan- active open chain product.
ocobalamin contains only 0.02 mg of CN. Most animals, except for primates and
There are no Tolerable Upper Intake Levels. guinea pigs, produce their own ascorbic acid

pKa 4.2 HO' OH pKa 11.6

L-Ascorbic acid Dehydro-L-Ascorbic acid Sodium L-Ascorbate

Figure 8.56. Ascorbic acid chemistry.


k boH

OH - --.-----+



1 CH20H
D-Glucose D-Glucuronate L-Gulonic acid


I H. O, I
yo 12 HI
\ HO

/"= "\
L-Ascorbic acid L-Gulonolactone

Figure 8.57. Outline of ascorbic acid biosynthesis.

3 Vitamins

Table 8.5 Metabolic Roles of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

Enzyme Reaction Contribution
Hydroxylate dopamine Synthesis of norephrine
phenethyl chain
Peptidyl-glycine monooxygenase Amidate carboxyl end of peptide Biosynthesis of peptide
hormones hormones
4-Hydroxyphenyl- Hydroxylate phenylalanine Synthesis of tyrosine
Proline hydroxylase Posttranslational Hydroxylation Crosslinking of collagen
of proline
Lysine hydroxylase Posttranslational hydroxylation Crosslinking of collagen
of lysine
Trimethyl lysine hydroxylase Hydroxylation of trimethyl Carnitine synthesis
4-Butyrobetaine hydroxylase Oxidation of 4-butyrobetaine Carnitine synthesis
Cytochrome P450 isozymes Oxidation of steroids Corticosteroid biosynthesis

from glucose (Fig. 8.57). The pathway follows 3.1 3.4 Ascorbic Acid Deficiency. Scurvy is
the standard route to glucuronic acid. The al- the classical disease associated with ascorbate
dose carbon is reduced to an alcohol and, fol- deficiency. It is a disease of the connective tis-
lowing normal carbohydrate-naming conven- sue and probably is caused by inadequate
tion, the former carbon 6 of D-glucuronic acid crosslinking attributed to a lack of hydroxy-
becomes carbon 1 of L-gulonic acid. Cyclic lated proline and lysine. Many consider scurvy
L-gulonolactone forms and is oxidized to to be an advanced stage of ascorbate defi-
L-ascorbic acid. Humans and primates lack gu- ciency. Chronic deficiencies may also (1)in-
lonolactone oxidase. crease risk for malignancies, as evidenced by
oxidized DNA markers and increased concen-
3.13.2 Uptake. Ascorbic acid is absorbed
trations of reactive oxygen species; (2) de-
from the intestine by a sodium-dependent ac-
creased immune function, as evidenced by less
tive transport system that is saturable. As the
vitamin in neutrophils and lymphocytes; (3)
concentration of vitamin C increases in the
intestinal tract, the absorption changes to pas- cardiovascular disease caused by the inflam-
sive diffusion. Once in systemic circulation, matory response on the blood vessel walls; and
there are specific transporters based on cell (4) cataract formation caused by decreased
types. concentrations of ascorbate in the ocular tis-
3.1 3.3 Metabolic Roles. Ascorbic acid is an
electron donor required for a variety of oxida- 3.1 3.5 Hypervitaminosis C. The vitamin is
tive processes. It is readily regenerated by glu- considered very safe. At one time, many of
tathione, NAD, and NADP and thus has a long the over-the-counter products contained sig-
biological half-life. Currently, there are eight nificant amounts of sodium ascorbate, which
known human enzymes that require ascorbic would be contraindicated in people on low
acid, and they are listed in Table 8.5. The pre- sodium diets. Today's products are virtually
cise metabolic roles have not been completely sodium free unless labeled otherwise. Nev-
elucidated, but it appears that in the met- ertheless, there are intermittent reports of
alloenzymes, ascorbate reduces the active adverse reactions associated with high
metal site. In addition to these specific en- doses. Therefore, there are Tolerable Upper
zymes, ascorbic acid seems to function as a Intake Levels, but these are very high rela-
free-radical scavenger in the aqueous phase of tive to the RDAs. The UL to RDA ratio aver-
plasma and cells. ages about 20.

3.1 3.6 Dietary Reference Intakes. 6. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vita-
min E, Selenium and Carotenoids, Food and
A1 Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, Na-
Infants 40-50 mglday tional Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2000.
EAR 7. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phos-
Children (1-8 years) 13-22 mglday phorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Fluoride,
Boys (9-18 years) 39-63 mglday Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medi-
Girls (9-18 years) 39-56 mglday cine, National Academy Press, Washington, DC,
Men (19-70+ years) 75 mglday 1997.
Women (19-70+) 60 mglday 8. Dietary Reference Intakes for Thiamin, Ribofla-
Pregnancy 66-70 mglday vin, Niacin, Vitamin B , Folate, Vitamin BIB
Lactation 96-100 mglday Pantothenic Acid, Biotin and Choline, Food and
RDA Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, Na-
15-25 mglday tional Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1998.
Children (1-8 years)
Boys (9-18 years) 45-75 mglday 9. See Ref. 5, pp. 82-131.
Girls (9-18 years) 45-65 mglday 10. C. E. West, Nutr. Rev., 58,341-345 (2000).
Men (19-70+ years) 90 mglday 11. R. Blomhoff, M. H. Green, T. Berg, and K. R.
Women (19-70+) 75 mglday Norum, Science, 250,399-404 (1990).
Pregnancy 80-85 mglday 12. Information on approved drugs in this chapter
115-120 mgtday will be found in the package inserts. These are
available in the Physicians Desk Reference, USP
UL Drug Information for the Health Care Profes-
Infants Not established; sional, and the Food and Drug Administration
use formula web site,
and food only 13. L. Roberts, Science, 239,564 (1998).
Children (1-8 years) 400-650 mglday 14. M. S. Tallman, N. Engl. J. Med., 337, 1021-
Boys and Girls (9- 1200 mglday 1028 (1997).
13 years) 15. See Ref. 7, pp. 250-257.
Adolescents (14-18 1800 mglday 16. W. F. Loomis, Sci. Am., 223,76-82 (1970).
years) 17. M. T. Weick, Am. J.Clin. Nutr., 20, 1234-1241
Adults (19+ years) 2000 mglday (1967).
Pregnancy 1800-2000 mglday 18. J. A. MacLaughlin, R. R. Anderson, and 6I.F.
Lactation 1800-2000 mglday Holick, Science, 216, 1001-1003 (1982).
19. K. T. Koshy, J.Pharm. Sci., 71,137-153 (1982).
20. P. P. Minghetti and A. W. Norman, FASEB J.,
REFERENCES 2.30434053 (1988).
M. K. Horwit, A. E. Harper, and L. M. Hender- 21. S. Fitzpatrick, N. Sheard, N. B. Clark, and M. L.
son, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 34,423-427 (1981). Ritter, Nutr. Rev., 58,218-222 (2000).
The Role of Protein and Amino Acids in Sus- 22. T. D. Thacher, P. R. Fischer, J. M. Pettifor, J. 0.
taining and Enhancing Performance, Institute Lawson, C. 0.Isichei, J. C. Reading, and G. M.
of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Chan, N. Engl. J. Med., 341,563-568 (1999).
Washington, DC, 1999, p. 171. 23. W. P. Stephens, P. S. Klimiuk, J. L. Berry, and
Scientific Committee on the Scientific Evalua- E. B. Mawer, Lancet, November 1199-1201
tion of Dietary Reference Intakes, Food and Nu- (1981).
trition Board, Institute of Medicine, National 24. J. T. Dwyer, W. H. Dietz Jr., G. Hass, and R.
Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1997-1999. Suskind, Am. J. Dis. Child., 133, 134-140
E. R. Monsen, J. Am. Diet. Assoc., 89, 1748 (1979).
(1989). 25. L. Finberg, Am. J. Dis. Child., 133, 129 (1979).
Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vita- 26. K. Z. Guyton, T. W. Kensler, and G. H. Posner,
min K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Io- Ann. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 41, 421-442
dine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, (2001).
Silicon, Vanadium and Zinc, Food and Nutri- 27. M. Makishima, T. T. Lu, W. Xie, G. K Whitfield,
tion Board, Institute of Medicine, National H. Domoto, R. M. Evans, M. R. Haussler, and D. J.
Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2001. Mangelsdorf, Science, 296,1313-1316 (2002).

28. T. M. Beer, M. Munar, and W. David Henner, 50. T. W. Stone, Quinolinic Acid and the
Cancer, 91,2431-2439 (2001). Kynurenines, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1988.
29. R. G. Mehta, R. M. Moriaty, R. Rajeshwari, R. 51. W. H. Sebrell Jr., Fed. Proc., 40, 1520-1522
Penmasta, G. Laaro, A. Constantinou, and L. (1981).
Guo, J. Natl. Cancer. Znst., 89,212-218 (1997). 52. D. A. Roe, Fed. Proc., 40,1523-1526 (1981).
30. G. G. Schwartz, C. C. Hill, T. A. Oeler, M. J. 53. K. J. Carpenter, Fed. Proc., 40, 1531-1535
Becich, and R. R. Bahnson, Urology, 46, 365- (1981).
369 (1995). 54. R.A. Kreisberg,Am. J. Med., 9,313-316 (1994).
31. M. Koike, K. Koshizuka, H. Kawabata, R. Yang, 55. V. E. James, U.S. Pharmacist, 20, 51-60 (Feb-
H. E. Taub, J. Said, M. Uskokovic, N. Tsuruoka, ruary 1995).
and H. P. Koeffler, Anticancer Res., 19, 1689-
1698 (1999). 56. M. K. Horwitt, A. E. Harper, and L. M. Hender-
son, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 34,423-427 (1981).
32. G. H. Posner, B. A. Halford, S. Peleg, P. Dolan,
and T. W. Kensler, J. Med. Chem., 45, 1723- 57. Nutr. Rev., 32, 76-77 (1974).
1730 (2002). 58. See Ref. 8, pp. 150-195.
33. See Ref. 6, pp. 186-283. 59. E. G. J.Vermeulen, C. D. A. Stehouwer, J. W. R.
34. The normal situation seen with vitamins that Twisk, M. van den Berg, S. C. de Jong, A. J. C.
have two or more stereoisomers is only one iso- Mackaay, C. M. C van Campen, F. C. Visser,
mer is active. Thus a racemic (usually repre- C. A. J. M. Jakobs, E. J. Bulterijs, and J. A.
sented as d,l) mixture contains 50%of the activ- Rauwerda, Lancet, 355,517-522 (2000).
ity compared with an equimolar amount of the 60. H. Bhagavan in R. D. Reynolds and J. E. Lek-
active isomer. Examples where only one isomer lem, Eds., Vitamin B,+ Its Role in Health and
is active includes d-pantothenic acid, D-biotin, Disease, Alan R. Liss, New York, 1985, pp. 410-
and D-ascorbicacid. 415.
35. A. Kamal-Eldin and L-A. Appelqvist, Lipids, 31, 61. R. B. Byrd, B. R. Horn, D. A. Solomon, and G. A.
671-701 (1996). Griggs, J. Am. Med. Assoc., 241, 1239-1241
36. H. R. Taylor, G. Tikellis, L. D. Robman, C. A. (1979).
McCarty, and J. J. McNeil, Br. Med. J., 325, 62. Nutr. Rev., 42,44-46 (1984).
11-14 (2002). 63. Nutr. Rev., 42,49-51 (1984).
37. Heart Protection Study Collaborative Group, 64. H. Schaumburg, J. Kaplan, A. Windebank, N.
Lancet, 360,2343 (2002). Vick, S. Rasmus, D. Pleasure, andM. J. Brown,
38. See Ref. 5, pp. 162-196. N. Engl. J. Med., 309,445-448 (1983).
39. P. Weber, Znt. J.Vitam. Nutr. Res., 67,350456 65. See Ref. 8, pp. 357-373.
(1997). 66. See Ref. 8, pp. 374-389.
40. D. Feskanich, P. Weber, W. C. Willet, H. Rock- 67. See Ref. 8, pp. 196-305.
ett, S. L. Booth, and G. A. Colditz, Am. J. Clin. 68. M. A. Honein, L. J. Pauloi, T. J. Mathews, J. D.
Nutr., 69, 74-79 (1999). Erickson, and L.-Y. C. Wong, J. Am. Med. As-
41. P. J. Caraballo, J. A. Heit, E. J. Atkinson, M. D. soc., 285,2981-2986 (2001).
Silverstein, W. M. O'Fallon, M. R. Castro, and J. 69. M. R. Malinow, P. B. Duell, D. L. Hess, P. H.
Melton 111, Arch. Znt. Med., 159, 1750-1756 Anderson, W. D. Kruger, B. E. Phillipson, R. A.
(1999). Gluckman, P. C. Block, and B. M. Upson,
42. A. Schaafsma, F. A. J. Muskiet, H. Storm, N. Engl. J. Med., 338, 1009-1015 (1998).
G. J. H. Hofstede, I. Pakan, and E. Van der Veer, 70. R. S. Hillman and S. E. Steinberg, Annu. Rev.
Eur. J. Clin. Nutr., 54, 626-631 (2000). Med., 33,345-354 (1982).
43. See Ref. 8, pp. 58-86. 71. C. Halsted, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 33, 2736-2740
44. S. E. Lederer, Nature, 407,835 (2000). (1980).
45. A. M. Hoyumpa, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 33, 2750- 72. See Ref. 8, pp. 306-356.
2761 (1980). 73. C. R. Kapadia and R. M. Donaldson, Annu. Rev.
46. See Ref. 8, pp. 87-122. Med., 36,93-110 (1985).
47. See Ref. 8, pp. 123-149. 74. D. M. Smith, B. T. Golding, and L. Radom,
48. W. A. Krehl, Fed. Proc., 40,1527-1530 (1981). J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121,9388-9399 (1999).
49. T. W. Stone, Pharmacol. Rev., 45, 310-379 75. J. H. Grate, J. W. Grate, and G. N. Gerhard,
(1993). J. Am. Chem. Soc., 104, 1588-1594 (1982).

76. J. Halpern, Science, 227,869-875 (1985). tion Board, Institute o f Medicine, National Acad-
77. See Ref. 6, pp. 95-185. emy Press, Washington, DC, 1998.
Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E,
BIBLIOGRAPHY A N D FURTHER READINGS Selenium and Carotenoids, Food and Nutrition
Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phospho- Board, Institute o f Medicine, National Academy
rus, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Fluoride, Press, Washington, DC, 2000.
Food and Nutrition Board, Institute o f Medi- Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K,
cine, National Academy Press, Washington, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron,
DC, 1997. Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vana-
Dietary Reference Intakes for Thiamin, Riboflavin, dium and Zinc, Food and Nutrition Board, Insti-
Niacin, Vitamin B , Folate, Vitamin B , , Panto- tute o f Medicine, National Academy Press,
thenic Acid, Biotin and Choline, Food and Nutri- Washington, DC, 2001.

Lifestyle and Over-the-Counter

Sanofi-Synthelabo Research
Malvern, Pennsylvania

Wyeth Consumer Healthcare
Richmond, Virginia

Wyeth Consumer Healthcare
Hampshire, United Kingdom

1 Introduction, 422
2 Self-Medication, 423
3 Over-the-counter Drugs, 423
3.1 OTC Drug Classification
in the United States, 424
3.1.1 History of the Regulatory Approval
Process, 424
3.1.2 OTC Drug Review, 424 Phase 1: Advisory Panel
Review, 424 Phase 2: FDA Review, 425 Phase 3: The Final Monograph,
3.1.3 OTC Classification After OTC Drug
Review, 426
3.1.4 Criteria for Reclassification of Drug/
Rx-to-OTC Switch, 427 Safety, 427 Effectiveness, 427 Labeling, 427
3.2 OTC Classification in Europe, 428
3.3 OTC Classification in Japan, 430
4 Lifestyle Drugs, 431
5 Hair Growth Disorders, 433
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery 5.1 Clinical Use, 433
Sixth Edition, Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, 5.1.1 Current Drugs, 433
and Drugs from New Biology 5.1.2 Adverse Effects, 434
Edited by Donald J. Abraham 5.1.3 Pharmacokinetics, 434
ISBN 0-471-37030-4 O 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 5.2 Physiology and Pharmacology, 435
422 Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

5.2.1Physiology of Hair Growth, 435 Basis of Nicotine

5.2.2Role of 5-a-Reductase, 435 Dependence, 454
5.2.3Mechanisms of Action, 435 Pharmacological Minoxidil, 435 Actions of Nicotine, 455 Finasteride, 436 7.2.2Bupropion Mechanism of Action, 455, 436 7.3Chemistry and Structure-Activity
5.3Chemistry and Structure-Activity Relationships, 455
Relationships, 437 7.3.1Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors, 455
5.3.1Minoxidil, 437 7.3.2Structural Requirements for nAChR
5.3.25a-Reductase Inhibitors, 437 Ligands, 456
5.4History, 438 7.3.3SAR of Bupropion and Its Analogs, 456
5.5Current and Future Trends, 440
7.4History, 457
6 S e u a l Disorders, 440
7.5Current and Future Trends, 458
6.1Clinical Use, 442
6.1.1Current Drugs, 442 8 Sunscreens, 458
6.1.2Adverse Effects, 443 8.1Clinical Use, 460
6.1.3Pharmacokinetics, 444 8.1.1Current Drugs, 460, 444 8.1.2Side Effects, 461, 444 8.1.3Absorption and Disposition, 462, 444 8.2Physiology and Pharmacology, 463
6.2Physiology and Pharmacology, 444 8.2.1Acute Effects of UVR, 464
6.2.1Physiology of Erection, 444 8.2.2Chronic Effects of UVR, 464
6.2.2Role of Nitric Oxide, 445 Responses, 464
6.2.3Other Mediators, 445, 465
6.2.4Causes of Erectile Dysfunction, 445, 465
6.2.5Mechanisms of Action, 446 8.2.3Mechanisms of Action of Sunscreens,, 446 466,446 8.2.4Sun Protection Factor, 467, 446 8.3Chemistry and Structure-Activity Agents, 446 Relationships, 467
6.3Chemistry and Structure-Activity 8.3.1Aminobenzoates, 467
Relationships, 446 8.3.2Salicylates,468
6.4History, 447 8.3.3Cinnamates, 469
6.5Future Trends, 449 8.3.4Benzophenones, 469
7 Smoking Cessation Agents, 450 8.3.5Anthranilates, 469
7.1Clinical Use, 451 8.3.6Dibenzoylmethanes, 469
7.1.1Current Drugs, 451 8.3.7Physical (Particulate)Sunscreens,470
7.1.2Adverse Effects, 451 8.4History, 470
7.1.3Pharmacokinetics, 453 8.4.1Emergence of Sunscreens, 470
7.2Physiology and Pharmacology, 454 8.4.2History of FDA Regulations,470
7.2.1Pharmacological Action of Nicotine, 8.5Current and Future Trends, 472
454 9 Future Trends for OTC and Lifestyle Drugs, 473

1 INTRODUCTION sumers are more informed and want to take

control of their health. The best example is the
The landscape of the pharmaceutical industry increased popularity of dietary supplements
has undergone significant changes in recent and the consumer lobbying to pass the Dietary
years. The changes were brought about by in- Supplements Education and Health Act in the
creased demand from consumers to take con- United States (8, 9). The relaxation of the di-
trol of their health (1-3), direct-to-consumer rect-to-consumer advertising regulation in
(DTC)advertising of prescription drugs (4,5), 1997 provides an excellent avenue for the
technological advances in genomic research pharmaceutical industry to promote new ther-
(6), and the search for blockbuster drugs by apeutic categories of prescription drugs such
pharmaceutical companies (7). Today, con- as lifestyle drugs that cater to lifestyle en-
3 Over-the-counter Drugs

hancement to the consumers. The desire of (CHPA) showed that American consumers are
the aging baby-boomer to maintain an active increasingly comfortable with self-medication
lifestyle (10) and the difficulty of searching for for minor medical problems. Some of the find-
blockbuster drugs in traditional therapeutic ings (2) are as follows:
areas provide an excellent environment for
the birth of lifestyle drugs. 0 73% would rather self-treat than see a doc-
The landscape of self-care has also under- tor
gone significant changes in recent years as 0 96% say they are confident about their
consumers become more informed and as healthcare decision
more highly effective prescription drugs (Rx) 0 80% used at least one OTC product to treat
are switched to over-the-counter (OTC). The minor ailments
demand of the baby-boomer consumers to look 0 approximately 90% of consumers read the
and feel young has given rise to the popularity label for possible side effects the first time
of dietary supplements (13, 14) and the so- they use an OTC product
called "cosmeceuticals" (10, 11).Some of the 0 57% of consumers say they are using or con-
more successful Rx-to-OTC switches (e.g., sidering the use of dietary supplements
hair-growth, smoking cessation) in recent 0 80% of those who take dietary supplements
years are related to lifestyle enhancement. are happy with the outcomes
Such lifestyle-enhancing products help create
new therapeutic areas in the OTC drug arena. The above attitudes toward self-medication
This chapter will attempt to show how life- strongly suggest that American consumers
style drugs and over-the counter-drugs relate cherish self-reliance and convenience. Similar
to each other and the challenges that they attitudes are held by European consumers (3,
face. At first glance, they seem to be oceans 15) and are beginning to shape Japanese con-
apart; the former are mainly available by pre- sumers (16). Today, consumers are generally
scriptions and the latter are available without better informed because of DTC advertising
prescription. However, lifestyle drugs bear on television and the vast amount of medical
some resemblance to the over-the-counter information available on the internet. Con-
drugs in that both are primarily for non-life sumers use OTC products to treat a variety of
threatening conditions and are heavily pro- minor ailments such as headache, upset stom-
moted by direct-to-consumer advertisement. ach, cough, and cold.
Moreover, consumers and patients are taking
an active role in choosing these two groups of
products. Furthermore, they both cater to im- 3 OVER-THE-COUNTER DRUGS
prove the quality of life of the consumers. Fi-
nally, lifestyle prescription drugs with low side In the United States, there are two classes of
effects will be ideal candidates for Rx-to-OTC drug products: prescription and nonprescrip-
switch. The following sections will provide an tion. Nonprescription drugs are often referred
overview of OTC drugs, selected examples of to as over-the-counter drugs because they are
lifestyle drugs, and the future of both groups. available for general sale to consumers with-
out a prescription (17). Consumers can pur-
chase OTC drug products off the shelf from a
2 SELF-MEDICATION variety of mass distribution outlets such as
convenience, grocery, and drug stores, with
Before we discuss OTC drugs and lifestyle the exception of Schedule V Controlled Sub-
drugs, we would like to provide a brief over- stance and insulin products, which are kept
view of self-medication to help gain an appre- behind the pharmacist counter and dispensed
ciation of the changing attitudes of consum- by pharmacists. In European countries, most
ers. A recent survey conducted by Roper OTC drugs are only available at the pharmacy,
Starch Worldwide Inc. on behalf of the Con- although in some countries, e.g., U.K., the sirn-
sumer Healthcare Products Association plest products are widely available through gen-
Lifestyle and Over-the-Counter Drugs

eral sale (18, 19). However, there is a growing that drug products must be both safe and effi-
trend to allow more non-prescription products cacious and be approved by the FDA before
to be sold outside the pharmacy. When we marketing (23). A s a result of the 1962 amend-
speak about OTC products, we also include ment, the FDA was required to retrospectively
medical devices such as pregnancy test kits review all NDAs approved between 1938 and
and dietary supplements. This chapter will fo- 1962 for both efficacy and safety. The FDA, in
cus on OTC drugs only. The emphasis will be collaboration with the National Academy of
on the U.S. OTC drug classification process, Sciences and National Science Foundation, re-
with a brief overview of the OTC drug classi- viewed all NDAs submitted between 1938 and
fication processes in Europe and Japan. 1962 through the Drug Efficacy Study Imple-
mentation (DESI) review program (22-25).
3.1 OTC Drug Classification
This review focused primarily on prescription
in the United States
products. After the completion of the review of
To gain a better understanding of the OTC the prescription products, FDA turned their
classification process, we need to take a look at attention to OTC products.
the history of the regulatory process in the
United States. 3.1.2 OTC Drug Review. In the 1960s, the
OTC drug market back then was similar to to-
3.1.1 History of the Regulatory Approval day's market in that there was a proliferation of
Process. The process of drug approval under- products based on the same actives (24-28). For
went an evolutionary change throughout the this reason, it became impossible to review every
20th century (20, 21). Major changes are in- OTC product on the market. For practical rea-
variably triggered by some public health haz- sons, the FDA decided to review active ingredi-
ards. The first major piece of legislation at the ents by therapeutic categories instead of individ-
beginning of this century was the 1906 Pure ual finished products. In 1972, the FDA initiated
Food and Drug Act, which mandated that the the OTC Drug M e w process. The goal of the
labeling on the package be truthful. There was OTC Drug Review was to determine which ac-
no requirement for safety and efficacy as we tive ingredients and their associated conditions
know today. The New Drug Application (NDA) of use might be considered to be generally re-
process did not begin until the passage of the garded as safe (GRAS) and efficacious (GRAE)
original 1938 Federal Food, Drug and Cos- and not misbranded. The FDA set up a total of
metic (FD&C)Act, which only demanded that 17 public advisory panels to review close to 90
the manufacturer submitted an NDA with categories of OTC drugs (24,25). All OTC prod-
safety data before marketing a new drug. The ucts, including Grandfather OTC products in-
manufacturer could market the product if the troduced before 1938, were also reviewed. The
FDA had no objection to the NDA within 60 review was conducted in three rule-making
days. It was up to the manufacturer to decide phases.
whether or not the new drug would be pre- Phase 1: Advisory Panel Review.
scription or OTC. The distinction between The panels were asked to categorize the active
prescription drugs and OTC drugs is based on ingredients in each class of products and their
the Durham-Humphrey amendment in 1951, claims into one of three categories based on
which limited the following three classes of review of data submitted by manufacturers,
drugs to prescription status (22): scientific data in the literature, and their own
experiences. The three categories (24,251 are
1. Certain habit-forming drugs as follows:
2. Drugs that cannot be safely used without
professional supervision 0 Category I: generally recognized to be safe
3. Drugs limited to prescription under an NDA and effective for the claimed indications
m Category 11: not generally recognized as safe
A subsequent 1962 amendment (Kefauver- and effective or unacceptable for the
Harris) to the 1938 FD&CAct in 1962 clarified claimed indications
3 Over-the-counter Drugs

Table 9.1 OTC Monographs

Already Published Still Pending
Acne Antidiarrheal
Anorectal Antiseptic first aid
Antacid Antiseptic (professional)
Anthelmintic Antiperspirants
Antibiotic first aid Coughlcold combinations
Anticaries External analgesic
Antiemetic Internal analgesic
Antiflatulent Laxative
Antifungal Menstrual
Cholecystokinetic Oral discomfort
Corn/callus removers Oral health care
Coughlcold antihistamine Otic (ear drying)
Coughlcold antitussive Overindulgence
Coughlcold bronchodilator Poison treatment
Coughlcold expectorant Skin bleaching- (reproposal)
Coughlcold nasal decongestant Skin protectants
Dandruff/seborrhedpsoriasis Vaginal drug products (douches)
Deodorants (internal)
Male genital desensitizers
Nighttime sleep aids
Otic (earwax)
Wart remover
Weight control
Source: Ref. 28 (Reproduced with permission from Consumer Healthcare Products As-

Category 111: insufficient data available to comments and newly submitted data and pub-
permit final classification into Category I or lished their rulings in a "tentative final mono-
Category I1 graph" (TFM) or proposed rule, which sets
forth FDA's revisions to the ANPR relating to
The above three-category classification sys- active ingredients and conditions of use. The
tem is not in use today. Drugs applied for OTC TFM groups actives together for specific indi-
use are classified either as "monograph" or cations to form what we now call a "mono-
"non-monograph" status. The findings of the graph" (Table 9.1). The rulings on those ac-
advisory panels were published in the Federal tives and indications where no claims can be
Registry as "advance notice of proposed rule- made are called "negative monographs" (Ta-
making" (ANPR), which sets forth the advi- ble 9.2). In a similar manner to the ANPR,
sory panel's recommendation for OTC mono- additional comments and data could be sub-
graph by category of use (Table 9.11, including mitted to clarify or refute the rulings.
recommendations on general recognition of Phase 3: The Final Monograph. After
safety and effectiveness for each active ingre- reviewing comments to the proposed rule (or
dient. This phase of review took about 10 TFM), the FDA publishes the "Final Mono-
years to complete. graph" in the form of a "Final Rule" in the Phase 2: FDA Review. After publi- Federal Register, which is then incorporated
cation of an advance notice of proposed rule- into the Code of Federal Regulations (21CFR
making, any interested party may submit part 330). The final monograph consists of a
comments and additional new data to support list of active ingredients approved for the spe-
their point of view. The FDA reviews all the cific indications, labeling, general provisions,
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

Table 9.2 Negative Monograph (Non-Monograh)

Aphrodisiac Hypohyperphosphatemia
Benign prostatic hypertrophy Ingrown toenail
Boil treatment Insect repellant (oral)
C/C anticholinergic Nail bitinglthumbsucking
Daytime sedatives Oral wound healing
Digestive aids Prevention of inebriation
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency Smoking deterrents
Fever blisterlcold sore (internal) Stomach acidifiers
Hair grower Vaginal contraceptives
Source: Ref. 28 (Reproduced with permission from Consumer Healthcare Products As-

and testing procedures. During the OTC Drug phrey amendment that if a drug can be OTC, it
Review, misbranded products that did not should be OTC (23, 30). Prescription status
meet the monograph requirements would should be an exception. However, the history
need to be reformulated, or their labels needed of drug approval suggests otherwise. Most
to be revised to stay on the market. A drug new chemical entities are initially approved as
manufacturer can market an OTC product prescription drugs, which may then be
based on those active ingredients for the in- switched after a period of at least 5 years of
tended indications described in the mono- marketing experience and meeting certain
graph without the need of an NDA submis- switch criteria (29). Direct OTC approval of
sion. However, a drug manufacturer cannot new chemical entity is a rare phenomenon.
make claims not described in the monograph Close to 30 drugs were reclassified from
unless they submit additional data to petition prescription to OTC status during the OTC
for a revision of the final monograph or justify Drug Review (24). Some of the common OTC
their deviations and obtain approval through cough cold actives such as diphenhydramine,
an NDA. Even though the monographs are brompheniramine, chlorpheniramine, and
based on active ingredients and not on the dos- pseudoephedrine, together with hydrocorti-
age forms, the implicit assumption is that the sone, were switched during that time. The
dosage forms (e.g., tablet, capsule, liquid) will switch can go in both directions. Meta-
not affect the efficacy and safety of the active. proterenol sulfate inhaler was switched by
Whereas acetaminophen immediate-release FDA during the OTC Drug review and was
tablets, capsules, and liquids can be marketed later reversed back to prescription status be-
without an NDA submission, marketing a sus- cause of the objection of the medical commu-
tained-release acetaminophen tablet will still nity. Today Rx-to-OTC switch is achieved by
require a submission of an NDA deviation. submitting an NDA for the same indication or
Although most of the final monographs have new indications or new dose. Three-year mar-
been published, there are still 17 final mono- ket exclusivity will be granted to the sponsor if
graphs awaiting completion (Table 9.1). The new clinical studies that are "essential" to the
OTC review process is dynamic in the sense that switch of an existing prescription product are
final monographs can be amended. New ingre- conducted (31, 32). All the H, blockers that
dients or indications can also be petitioned for were switched received this type of exclusivity
monograph status based on material time and because additional studies were conducted to
material extent (29). For example, foreign OTC support the heartburn prevention claims. Five
products and existing OTC actives approved years exclusivity will be granted for a new
through an NDA can be petitioned for mono- OTC chemical entity that has not been mar-
graph status after a certain period of marketing. keted previously. A supplemental NDA is filed
if a direct switch is desired without additional
3.1.3 OTC Classification After OTC Drug clinical studies. In this case, there is no mar-
Review. The OTC Drug Review is based on keting exclusivity other than what may al-
the principle set down in the Durham-Hum- ready exist through patent protection. The
3 Over-the-counter Drugs

first generation vaginal antifungal products FDA demands that the drug manufacturer es-
and minoxidil products represented direct tablishes a minimum effective dose and de-
switches and received no exclusivity. With or fines a daily allowable dose to minimize undue
without exclusivity, successful Rx-to-OTC side effects. The switched Rx drugs should be
switches represent major growth opportuni- free of any carcinogenic potential in humans.
ties for OTC companies. Reproductive toxicity, if any, should be ad-
dressed by proper OTC labeling. An example is
3.1.4 Criteria for Reclassification of Drug/ the pregnancylnursing warning for aspirin-
Rx-to-OTC Switch. The terms reclassification containing OTC products because of the po-
and Rx-to-OTC switch can be used inter- tential of Reyes syndrome (40). Any toxicity
changeably (25, 27, 30-37). There are many observed in animals should also be shown to
drivers for Rx-to-OTC switch. Pharmaceutical
be species-specific and have no relevance to
companies use Rx-to-OTC switch to increase
the lifespan and profitability of a prescription Effectiveness. FDA regulation de-
drug that is coming off patent. Switch can also
expand the market by tapping into a new pa- fines effectiveness as a reasonable expectation
tient population that previously can not be that the drug will have the claimed therapeu-
reached as a prescription product. An example tic effect in the targeted population when used
is Imodium (38). Healthcare providers and according to instructions in the label (41). Ef-
governments who fund national healthcare in- fectiveness is demonstrated by controlled clin-
surance would like to advocate for the switch ical studies. The clinical development for an
for cost-containment. Each Rx-to-OTC switch Rx-to-OTC switch program generally starts
is unique and is evaluated on a weight-of-the with a dose ranging study to determine the
evidence of science and data. Rx-to-OTC minimum dose to produce a therapeutic re-
switch does not limit to self-limited, acute con- sponse in most subjects in the target popula-
ditions. The scientific/regulatory paradigms of tion. Oftentimes, a lower dose is switched to
reclassification of drugs used by the OTC Drug increase margins of safety. Actual use studies
Review are still applicable to today's Rx-to- are then performed in the target population to
OTC switches (30, 36, 37). Reclassification is demonstrate the effectiveness of the minimal
based on the principles of benefit-risk assess- effective dose and identify any rare side effects
ment of safety and efficacy of the switched in OTC-like setting. For these reasons, the
drug (33). The switch criteria center around number of patients involved can be quite sub-
the ability of a prescription product to meet stantial.
the safety, effectiveness, and labeling require- Labeling. Clear and understand-
ment of being an OTC self-care product for a able labeling to average consumers, including
specific indication. Safety, effectiveness, and those individuals with low literacy, is crucial
labeling are the three most important criteria to the safe and effective use of an OTC product
in deciding potential Rx-to-OTC switches. The without professional supervision. The label
following sections describe the requirements should contain information such as active in-
of safety, effectiveness, and labeling for Rx-to- gredient, indications, warnings, directions for
OTC switches in more detail. use, and proper storage condition. An average Safety. Safety is especially impor- consumer of the target population of users
tant for OTC products because they are used should be able to understand the product label
without professional supervision. Safety does to self-recognize the signs and symptoms, se-
not mean that there is no potential toxicity lect the right OTC product, understand the
nor abuse potential (33). It does imply a low warnings, and self-treat appropriately as di-
incidence of adverse reactions or significant rected (30). Warnings may include contraindi-
side effects under adequate labeling and a low cations, precautions, situations to avoid, what
abuse potential for harm (39). No drug is de- to do in the case of overdose, and drug-drug
void of side effects, but the margin of safety interactions (42). However, not all warnings
should be much wider for OTC drugs com- are included in the label, only those that are
pared with that of prescription drugs. The clinically significant and important to the safe
428 Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

and effective use of the product by the con- when a marketing license is granted. This de-
sumers. Labels should therefore be properly centralized approach results in lack of consis-
design and tested. tency from country to country. As a result,
Label comprehension studies are designed some products are Rx in some countries but
to test the comprehensibility and readability are OTC in other countries (Table 9.3).
of the proposed label under general conditions A closer look at Article 3 of Directive 921261
of purchase to ensure safe and effective use of EEC revealed that a product is prescription if
the OTC products. They become more impor- it meets the following requirements.
tant for more complex Rx-to-OTC switches. In
general, the Rx-to-OTC switch sponsor will 1. It may present a danger if used without
work with FDA to define the comprehension medical supervision.
study objectives before conducting the study. 2. It could easily be misused or abused,
Several rounds of label comprehension studies thereby causing harm to the consumers.
are performed to refine the comprehensibility
and readability of the label before initiating an 3. It causes side effects that require further
medical investigations.
actual use study in the target population in a
simulated OTC setting to confirm the effec- 4. It needs to be administered parenterally.
tiveness of the product using the finalized la-
bel. Oftentimes, a self-selection study is also Article 4 of the Directive further stated
conducted to assess the ability of the con- that medicinal products not classified as pre-
sumer to select or de-select the product. An scription status should be non-prescription.
Investigational New Drug Application (IND) The principles for classification of medicinal
is not always required for label comprehension products in Directive 92/26 are very similar to
studies. An IND is required only if the sponsor those in the United States. Despite the estab-
would like to discuss the studies with FDA. lishment of the Mutual Recognition Proce-
The content of the label of a monograph dure, there is as yet no unified interpretation
product should be consistent with the allow- of the Directives. The interpretation of the Di-
able indications and wordings specified by the rectives is left largely to the regulatory agency
relevant monograph. For Rx-to-OTC switch of each country. For example, the United
products, the label should be consistent with Kingdom and Germany consider a switch with
the label approved in the NDA or supplemen- reference to an active, whereas in the majority
tal NDA. To make labels easier for consumers of European countries, the switch is deter- I
mined on a product by product basis (18, 19). 1
to read and comprehend, the FDA revised the
labeling requirements for OTC products in Despite the lack of uniformity in the switch
1999 to standardize the content, format, font process, most social insurance systems in Eu-
size, headings, terminology and sequence of ropean countries are aggressively promoting
information (43). The new OTC Drug Facts Rx-to-OTC switch as a means to contain
label (44) contains six specific headings as de- healthcare costs. The MCA in the U.K. has
picted in Fig. 9.1 and resembles the Nutrition already proposed a wide range of potential
Fact label of food and nutritional products. switches in the next few years (48).
European countries do not have a Mono-
3.2 OTC Classification in Europe graph system to allow for rapid marketing of
In Europe, the OTC regulatory landscape is OTC products. All OTC products require reg-
still fragmented despite the Mutual Recogni- istration and marketing authorization before
tion Procedure (MRP) and Directive 921261 marketing (46, 47). Marketing authorization
EEC (18, 19, 45-47). Directive 92/26/EEC in- can be sought on a national level for market- j1
tends to provide a uniform framework for the ing in just one country or using the Mutual
classification of the medicinal products into Recognization Procedure for marketing in
prescription and non-prescription and facili- more than one country. The marketing autho-
tates the switch process (46,47). However, its rization is renewable every 5 years. When us-
application is left with the regulatory approval ing the MRP, the company first files a market-
agency of the individual country at the time ing authorization application in a one of the
3 Over-the-counter Drugs

Drug Facts
Active ingredient Purpose
Name & amount per unit What is the product for,
e.g pain reliever, cough
suppressant ?
What symptom or diseases the product intend to treat?
Warnings (generally contain the following information)
r When not to use the product?
r Consult a doctor before taking the product.
r Possible side effects or drug-drug interactions
r When to stop taking the product and contact the doctor?
r If pregnant or breastfeed, ask a healthcare professional before use.
Keep out of reach of children
- - - -- --
Directions (generally contain the following information)
r Do not take more than directed
How much to take?
r Frequency
- & duration of treatment
r What age groups the product is for?
Other information (generally contains the following infonnation)
What is the proper storage condition?
Amount of calcium, potassium or sodium in the product
Inactive Ingredients (generally contain the following information)
Inactive ingredients in the product

Figure 9.1. An example of the new OTC Drug Facts label.

EU countries, which is designed as the refer- the application from the member country un-
ence member state (RMS). Once the RMS ap- dergoing arbitration to prevent undue delay.
proves the product, it will then send an assess- The European Commission is considering
ment report to other EU member countries overhauling the MRP (47).
the company desires to market the product. The non-prescription product landscape is
The other EU countries are called the con- further complicated by the different modes of
cerned member states (CMSs). They will ap- distribution from country to country (49).
prove the product if they concur with the as- There are two major distribution channels for
sessment of the RMS. The CMS can disagree non-prescription products in Europe; namely,
with the assessment of the RMS based on pharmacy only and general sale outlets, unlike
safety concerns. The company and the dissent- the United States, where OTC products are
ing CMS will go into arbitration. Oftentimes, for general sale only. For pharmacy-only prod-
the many objections are political in nature, ucts, some will need to be dispensed by the
making the MRP a rather protract and chaotic pharmacist. Rx-to-OTC switch products are
process. Because the company cannot launch usually placed in this category. The purpose of
the product in any CMSs unless the arbitra- pharmacy-only products is to provide profes-
tion is resolved, they will generally withdraw sional consultation to consumers. However, a
430 Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

Table 9.3 Examples of Different Classifications of OTC Products Across Several European
Countries, Australia, and the United States
- - - -

U.S. Australia France Germany Italy Sweden Switzerland UK

Diclofenac Rx OTC OTC Rx OTC Rx OTC OTC
Clotrimazole (vaginal) OTC Rx OTC OTC Rx OTC Rx OTC
Loratadine Rx OTC Rx OTC Rx OTC Rx OTC
Acyclovir Rx OTC OTC OTC Rx Rx OTC OTC
Cimetidine OTC Rx OTC Rx OTC Rx Rx OTC
Farnotidine OTC Rx OTC Rx Rx OTC OTC OTC
Nicotine (patch) OTC Rx OTC OTC OTC OTC Rx OTC
Source: Ref. 19.

study by the U.S. General Accounting Office Similar to European countries, all OTC
(GAO) did not find any differences of benefits products require regulatory approval (Shonin)
in either mode of distribution (49). and a license (Kyoka) to market the product
(52). The approval time is generally longer
3.3 OTC Classification in Japan than in the United States. OTC drug applica-
Drugs in Japan are classified into prescription, tion is categorized into six classes (50,521. The
non-prescription (OTC), and quasi-drug. Pre- application system allows for both direct OTC
scription drugs are those drugs that require approval and Rx-to-OTC switch. Minoxidil
physician supervision (50-53). Non-prescrip- was switched directly to OTC status without
tion drugs are primarily for mild actions and being a prescription product first. To expedite
are only available in the pharmacy or drug and simplify OTC drug registration, the
store. Deregulation reform reclassified 15 cat- MHLW transferred its approval authority to
egories of non-prescription drugs to create a prefectural governments (52). Specific mono-
new class of drugs called quasi-drugs, which graphs were established for each of these'cat-
can be sold in convenience stores and super- egories.
markets starting in Spring 1999 (51). Quasi- Rx-to-OTC switch in Japan has for a long
drugs are primarily used for external uses or time followed the principle-safety first and
preventive purposes. They include the popular efficacy second (53). For this reason, a lower
tonic drinks, which are unique to the Japanese dose is often switched. Label comprehension is
OTC market. not a big issue for Japanese OTC products be-
All three classes of drug are regulated un- cause OTC products are sold primarily in the
der the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law adminis- pharmacy and a lot of graphics and cartoons
tered by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. are used to communicate warnings and direc-
Prescription drugs and quasi-drugs are ap- tions of use. Rx-to-OTC switches are usually of
proved by Ministry of Health, Labor, and Wel- low profile in Japan. The reason is that physi-
fare (MHLW) only, whereas non-prescription cians seldom support and advocate the switch.
drugs are approved by both the MHLW and Because physicians both prescribe and dis-
local prefectural governments. OTC drugs are pense prescription drugs, the switch will de-
approved by Evaluation Division I11 of Phar- crease their business. There are a couple of
maceuticals and Medical Devices Evaluation other reasons for poor performance of some of
Center, which is under the MHLW. The coun- the Rx-to-OTC switches. Consumers view
try is administratively divided into 47 prefec- OTC products as less effective because of
tural governments (52). Registration applica- lower dose and less safe because of warnings
tion submitted to MHLW is through the listed on the label and in advertising. More-
prefectural government. over, co-pay for prescription drugs used to be
4 Lifestyle Drugs

Table 9.4 A Few Definitions of Lifestyle Drugs

Source Definition
- - - - -

Gilbert et al. (63) "Drugs that are used to treat either non-health problems that are lifestyle wishes
and not medical necessities of health problems that might be better treated by
a change of lifestyle"
Herald Tribune (56) "Drugs that don't necessarily cure illness but can be used to improve daily life by
boosting psychological attitudes, energy levels, sexual performance and body
Harth and Linse (66) "Pharmaceuticals which are taken in order to attain a certain psychosocial
beauty ideal rather than serve to stabilize the body's vital functions."
Business Week (54) "Drugs that are taken not for severely impaired diseases but for improving
quality of life."

less than that of OTC products. Furthermore, are to cater to desires rather than to treat real
no comparative advertising is allowed for OTC medical problems. So exactly what are lifestyle
products with approved standard mono- drugs? There are numerous definitions of life-
graphs. However, Rx-to-OTC switch will be- style drugs, depending on whom you talk to.
come more important in the future because Table 9.4 lists a few definitions of lifestyle
the government is trying to control healthcare drugs. The definitions range from attainment
costs by increasing the co-pay. of psychosocial beauty to treatment of health
problems that might be better treated by a
4 LIFESTYLE DRUGS change of lifestyle.
The term "lifestyle drugs" refers to phar-
Lifestyle drugs received much publicity (54- maceuticals, in particular prescription drugs,
56) since the launch of the little blue pill, Vi- that primarily aim to enhance the wellness
agra. The publicity is fueled partly by the hype and improve the "desired" quality of life of an
of the media and partly by the debates about individual rather than alleviating or curing
who is going to pay and what are their thera- life-threatening diseases. Although all medi-
peutic benefits to the consumers (57-61). The
scientific field is equally interested in this class
cations are used to improve the quality of life,
use of lifestyle drugs by consumers are in-
of drugs, as reflected by a dedicated Scrip re- tended to attain a certain ideal quality of life
port (62), an article in the British Medical rather than to treat some life-threatening dis-
Journal (63), and a special series of articles in ease. The definition for lifestyle drugs may be
the International Journal of Clinical Pharma- broadened to include drugs for the use of
cology (64-68). treating serious medical conditions caused by
Several factors, such as advances in tech- unhealthy lifestyles such as over-eating or for
nologies, growing consumerism, and demand off-label use, such as the use of Prozac, for
of baby-boomer consumers to look and feel more self-confidence.
young, contribute to the popularity of lifestyle The focus of lifestyle drugs usually centers
drugs. Consumers want not only the absence around prescription drugs because of the issue
of disease but also improvement of quality of of who should pay for these medications and
life. Longer lifespans also give rise to a variety their off-label use. The term lifestyle drugs
of cosmetic and performance conditions that should not be limited to prescription drugs
E demand remedies. only because some of them have already been
! Several terms, such as vanity drugs, life- switched to OTC. Table 9.5 lists a few exam-
1 enhancing drugs, and quality-of-life drugs, are ples of lifestyle drugs and their indications.
used by the media to describe lifestyle drugs These examples cover a broad range of drug
(69, 70). These are the terms pharmaceutical products. The range of indications is equally
companies try to dissociate themselves from broad; they range from preventive and cos-
because they tend to project a rather negative metic to serious medical conditions such as
3 tone and create an image that lifestyle drugs obesity and smoking.
432 Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

Table 9.5 Examples of Lifestyle Drugs

Indications Drug
Image and look
Wrinkles Tretinoin, vitamin A, botulium toxin type A, sunscreen
Hair loss Minoxidil hasteride
Facial hair removal Elornithine
Nail fungus Butenafine, terbinafine, itraconazole
Increase muscle mass or height Growth hormone
Quality of life improvement
Incontinence Oxybutynin, tolterodine
Impotence Sildefil, apomorphine
Influenza Zanamivir
Postpone menstruation Norethisterone
Smoking cessation Nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion
Contraception Oral contraceptives
Weight control Orilstat, sibutramine, bupropion
Dyspepsia Proton pump inhibitor
Sun protection Sunscreens
Anti-depression Fluoxetine
Obsessive-compulsive disorder Sertraline
Social anxiety disorder Paroxetine
Source: Refs. 63, 69, 71.

Because the majority of lifestyle drugs are may be partially solved by switching the safer
not used to treat life-threatening diseases or lifestyle drugs to OTC because consumers are
to alleviate pain, and the cost of coverage is willing to pay to obtain the benefit, and the
huge, the majority of debate has been focused fact that they are already paying for many of
on who is going to pay (57,61). Most countries these lifestyle drugs.
have a national healthcare insurance system The other controversy is what benefits do
that needs to control rising healthcare costs. lifestyle drugs offer the consumers because
Coverage for lifestyle drugs puts considerable they are primarily treating non-life-threaten-
strain on the limited resources of the insur- ing diseases. Diseases such as incontinence
ance system. The agency will therefore need to and impotency are not life-threatening, but
rationalize the service and treatments. They they create undue psychological stress on the
need to set priorities and determine which suffers. Furthermore, even for lifestyle drugs
treatments are medically useful and which that have legitimate therapeutic uses, they
treatments are for lifestyle enhancement and can still be abused by healthy individuals for
convenience only. The issue of what is medi- purely performance enhancement. For life-
cally needed is complicated by the heavy pro- style drugs that are used to treat diseases
motion of lifestyle drugs by the pharmaceuti- arisen from unhealthy lifestyles, drug cover-
cal industries and transition of treatment age is only a partial and least-preferred solu-
from specialists to general practitioners. tion. The best solution is for patients to take
Without a doubt, the following scenario will control of their health by living a healthy life-
occur. Pharmaceutical industries will con- style. All these controversies will continue to
tinue to push the envelop of medical innova- fuel the debate for coverage and benefits of
tions and find ways to meet unmet consumer lifestyle drugs.
lifestyle needs to increase their profitability. The following sections provide four exam-
The healthcare provider and national health ples of lifestyle drugs: hair growth compounds
insurance system will continue to find ways to for appearance enhancement, sexual disorder
control the cost of healthcare. The solution compounds for performance remedy, smoking
5 Hair Growth Disorders

Table 9.6 Approved Treatments for Hair Growth Disorders

- -

Brand Dosage Regulatory
Generic Name Name Originator Indication Form Daily Dose Status
Minoxidil(1) Rogaine Upjohn Androgenetic 2%,5% Topical OTC
alopecia solutions application
(men and twice daily
Finasteride (2) Propecia Merck Androgenetic 1 mg tablet 1 tabletlday Prescription
(men only)
Eflornithine Vaniqa BMS Hirsutism 13.9% cream Topical Prescription
hydrochloride (women's application
(3) facial hair) twice daily
"The 5% is for men only.

cessation compounds for lifestyle change, and Excessive hair growth in cosmetically un-
sunscreens for lifestyle purposes. They span desirable areas is another hair growth disor-
the spectrum of OTC and prescription prod- der of little clinical importance but great life-
ucts. style impact. The condition, which is medically
known as idiopathic hirsutism, is defined as
increased hair growth in the androgen sensi-
tive areas of women with regular ovulatory
menstrual cycle and normal serum androgen
Common baldness, also known as male-pat-
levels (80, 81). Hirsutism is a common condi-
tern baldness, affects approximately 50% of
tion that can have a severe psychological effect
men by age 50 (72), although it can start as
on young women and negatively affect their
early as the teen years. Till the late 1980s,
quality of life. The argument that preserving
common baldness was viewed as a merely cos-
or restoring physical appearance can have pro-
metic condition that has no health implica-
tions; with the introduction of hair growth
found psychological benefits provides the ba- .
sis for medicalizing cosmetic disorders such as
agents, the condition was medicalized and re-
hair loss, hirsutism, or aging skin wrinkling
defined as androgenetic alopecia. Androge-
and discoloration.
netic alopecia affects women as well, but in a
different pattern that is usually referred to as
female-pattern baldness, diffuse hair loss, or
diffuse androgen-dependent alopecia. An esti- 5.1 Clinical Use
mated 30% of Caucasian women, and 15-20%
of all women, develop the condition before age 5.1.1 Current Drugs. Table 9.6 lists the
50 (73, 74). Whereas hair loss, like other life- current therapies for hair growth disorders.
style conditions, is not a direct threat to a per- The effects of the two hair growth agents
son's well-being, it can be a distressing and (minoxidil and finasteride) have not been di-
psychologically disturbing condition because rectly compared in clinical trials, and no clin-
of lower satisfaction with one's body image ical studies have been performed on the com-
(75, 76). In one of the clinical studies on mi- bination of the two drugs either, but a study in
noxidil, the majority of participants thought an animal model for male pattern hair loss
that personal presentation of self was of equal suggests that the combination of 0.5 mglday
to or greater importance than their job perfor- oral finasteride and 2% topical minoxidil has
mance (77). Obviously, the condition has a an additive effect on hair growth (82, 83). Ef-
more severe psychological impact on female lornithine is the only drug currently approved
subjects, which was confirmed in two separate for the reduction of unwanted facial hair in
studies (78, 79). women. In addition to approved therapies,
434 Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

hormonal treatments are still commonly used 5.1.3 Pharmacokinetics. Minoxidil is poorly
both for female pattern androgenetic alopecia absorbed through skin, and systemic accumula-
and hirsutism. Estrogens (ethinylestradiol tion after topical application is unlikely (87). Af-
or oral contraceptives) and antiandrogens ter topical application, minoxidil appears in the
(cyproterone acetate, spironolactone, and flu- systemic circulation at clinically insignificant
tamide) are used either alone or in combina- levels. The total amount recovered in urine is
tions for either condition (73,81). Finasteride less than 4% of the applied dose. Applying the
was found to be effective for the treatment of drug to the entire scalp is equivalent to a sys-
idiopathic hirsutism at a dose of 5 mglday, al- temic dose of 2.4-5.4 mglday (88). A total of 41-
though it is not approved for the indication. 45% of the applied dose remains on the scalp or
This section will mainly focus on the two ap- is lost on the pillowcase. Dermal metabolism of
proved hair growth agents. minoxidil is negligible (89). Systemic minoxidil
elimination, after topical administration, is zero
5.1.2 Adverse Effects. The side effects of order, which indicates that it is controlled by
topical minoxidil are mainly local, caused by zero order percutaneous absorption. The main
skin irritation and contact dermatitis. Sys- route of elimination after oral absorption is he-
temic side effects are uncommon because of patic metabolism. The primary metabolite is a
limited percutaneous absorption, but diffuse glucuronic acid conjugate at the N-oxide posi-
hypertrichosis of the face and limbs has been tion of the pyrimidine ring. Twenty percent of
reported with the 5% solution and was attrib- the orally administered drug is excreted un-
uted to systemic absorption of the drug (84). changed in urine, and 95% of the total dose is
Although topical minoxidil does not change recovered in urine within 48 h.
blood pressure in healthy subjects, it increases Finasteride is rapidly absorbed after oral
heart rate by 3-5 beatslmin and slightly in- administration, with peak plasma concentra-
creases the left ventricular end-diastolic vol- tion reached in 1-2 h. The oral bioavailability
ume, cardiac output, and left ventricular mass is about 80% and is not dose-dependent. Food
(85). These effects are not considered clini- has no effect on the bioavailability of finas-
cally significant, and the potential for cardio- teride. Moderate accumulation occurs with
vascular side effects is very low. multiple dosing, and steady state is reached
The clinical dose of finasteride is well toler- within 3 days. Finasteride has a large voluhe
ated. The main side effects reported in phase of distribution (76 L) as a result of wide tissue
I11 clinical studies were sexual function disor- distribution. Approximately 90% of the circu-
ders including decreased libido, ejaculation lating drug is bound to plasma proteins. Fin-
disorders, and erectile dysfunction. All these asteride undergoes extensive hepatic metabo-
sexual disorders were mild-to-moderate and lism. Finasteride metabolism occurs in the
were reversed on discontinuation of the drug, liver through an oxidative pathway by cyto-
and in some patients, they resolved even with chrome P450 3A4 enzymes. The two major
continued therapy (86).A 5-mgdose in hirsute metabolites are w-hydroxfinasteride and a
women was well tolerated with no significant monocarboxylic acid derivative. Their in vitro
side effects, although the risk of developing activity is less than 20% of that of finasteride,
abnormalities in the external genitalia of male but their i n vivo activity has not been studied.
fetus, if the drug is taken or a crushed tablet is Virtually no unchanged drug is excreted in
handled by a pregnant woman, causes a great urine; 56.8% of the metabolized drug is ex-
limitation to its use in women at child-bearing creted in bile and 39.1% in urine. The mean
age. elimination half-life after multiple oral dosing
Topical eflornithine has a very good safety is 4.8 h, and the mean clearance after intrave-
profile. The only side effects observed in the nous infusion is 9.9 L/h. The mean serum half-
clinical trials at a higher frequency than pla- life is about 6 h in middle-aged men and
cebo were related to skin irritation and in- slightly longer in the elderly, but dosage ad-
cluded stinging or burning skin and rash at justment is not necessary (86,90). The biolog-
the site of application. ical half-life of finasteride is longer than its
5 Hair Growth Disorders

serum half-life. After discontinuation of the are present in the hair follicles and sebaceous
drug, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) takes at glands of the scalp skin. Although testoster-
least 2 weeks to return to baseline levels. one acts directly on androgen receptors in sev-
Eflornithine absorption after percutaneous eral tissues such as skeletal muscles, male
administration is minimal (<I%of the applied beard hair follicles, and male external genita-
dose). Commonly used hair removal methods lia, it has to be metabolized to the more potent
such as shaving, plucking, or tweezing, when androgen dihydrotestosterone to act on andro-
performed within 2 h before application, did gen receptors in the scalp hair follicles and
not increase the percutaneous absorption. prostate among other tissues. 5a-reductase is
Steady state is reached after 4 days of twice an important enzyme that mediates testoster-
daily application. Eflornithine is excreted un-
one intracellular conversion to dihydrotestos-
changed in urine, and no metabolism has been
terone (DHT). There are two types of 5a-re-
observed. The apparent steady-state half-life
is approximately 8 h. ductase. Type I is primarily present in the
skin, especially the sebaceous glands, epider-
5.2 Physiology and Pharmacology mal and follicular keratinocytes, and sweat
glands, as well as in the liver and kidneys.
5.2.1 Physiology of Hair Growth. Hair Type I1 is mainly found in the gonadal tissue
growth goes through a three-phase cycle (74): (prostate, seminal vesicles, and fetal genital
anagen (growth phase), catagen (involution), skin), dermal papilla, and in the liver and scalp
and telogen (rest). At the end of the telogen hair follicles (91, 92). Recent evidence proved
phase, hair is shed and the next cycle begins. In that type I1 exists in the root sheaths of the
a normal scalp, approximately 90-95% of hair is scalp hair follicles and predominates in the
in the anagen phase. The duration of anagen dermal papillae, contrary to the earlier studies
determines the hair length. Hair diameter is de- that suggested predominance of type I at this
termined by the volume of the hair bulb. The location (86,92).5a-reductase converts testos-
scalp's terminal hair follicles are predetermined terone to dihydrotestosterone, the androgen
to grow long thick hair, whereas the vellus hair responsible for androgenetic alopecia. Type I 5
follicles on most of the body are predetermined a-reductase is responsible for one-third of cir-
to grow short and h e hair. In androgenetic al- culating DHT, whereas the type I1 isoenzyme ,
opecia, the cycle of scalp hair growth is altered, is responsible for two-thirds of circulating
with gradual reduction in the length of anagen DHT (93). The active androgen DHT binds
phase leading to a reduction in the ratio of ana- androgen receptors in the susceptible hair fol-
gen to telogen hair (86). This leads to progres-
licles. The hormone-receptor complex binds to
sive miniaturization of the scalp hair in a recog-
specific gene sites to stimulate gradual trans-
nizable pattern. The main difference between
the male and female androgenetic alopecia, formation of large terminal follicles to minia-
other than the visible pattern, is that bald men turized follicles (74, 91).
have reasonable hair densities (hairs per square
centimeter) even though the hairs in bald areas 5.2.3 Mechanisms of Action. The two ap-
are predominantly vellus (short and thin), with proved hair growth agents act by totally differ-
some short hairs that have normal diameters. In ent mechanisms. Minoxidil, the older agent,
women with androgenetic alopecia, although acts by stimulating the microcirculation in the
the scalp has fewer hairs per square centimeter, balding scalp, whereas finasteride, the newer
the hair that remains is similar in diameter and agent, acts by altering androgen metabolism
length to hair fibers in non-balding women (73). in the hair follicles, through inhibition of type
It is not clear if these differences have any impli- I1 5a-reductase.
cations on the pharmacological therapy of the Minoxidil. Minoxidil increases the
condition. blood flow to the follicular dermal papilla by a
direct vasodilation effect on the arteriolar
5.2.2 Role of 5-a-Reductase. Skin is a tar- blood vessels (94, 95). Vasodilation is caused
get tissue for androgens; androgen receptors by the active metabolite minoxidil sulfate.
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

Minoxidil is converted to its active metabolite type I1 isoenzyme compared with type I (101).
minoxidil sulfate by liver sulfotransferase sul- It has been shown through in vitro studies
fation (96). Minoxidil sulfate acts directly on that finasteride competes with testosterone
the cutaneous blood vessels and induces for the same binding site on 5a-reductase, but
smooth muscle relaxation. It has been sug- it has no effect on the binding of testosterone
gested that minoxidil sulfate acts as a potas- or DHT on androgen receptors (102). The in-
sium channel agonist to enhance potassium hibition of type I1 5a-reductase blocks the pe-
permeability. This results in hyperpolariza- ripheral conversion of testosterone into DHT
tion and causes reduction in agonist-stim- and therefore results in decreased DHT con-
ulated Ca2+ influx and hence decreased centration both in the circulation and in tar-
cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration, and get tissue. Sixty-five percent suppression of se-
therefore causes smooth muscle relaxation rum DHT is reached within 24 h of oral dosing
(97, 98). Minoxidil sulfation occurs both in with a 1-mgtablet (93),and a median of 68.4%
proliferating keratocytes and in hair follicles, reduction occurred in men who were treated
which suggests that an additional mechanism for 1 year (86). Therapeutic doses of 0.2-5 mgl
that results in direct stimulation of the hair day for 4-6 weeks reduced the scalp DHT
follicle independent of vasodilatation might be level by up to 65%. The relative contributions
involved (99, 100). In vitro data suggest that of the reduction in scalp DHT and tissue DHT
the direct effect of minoxidil involves in- to finasteride effect on male pattern baldness
creased biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans has not been identified. The circulating levels
(100). It has also been shown that minoxidil of testosterone and estradiol increase slightly
inhibits lysyl hydroxylase, an enzyme that cat- but remain in the normal range. Finasteride
alyzes the hydroxylation of certain lysine res- does not have any direct androgenic or antian-
idues in the polypeptide precursors of procol- drogenic effect and does not cause any signifi-
lagen (91). Hydroxylysine is important for the cant changes in the levels of luteinizing hor-
formation of intermolecular crosslinks in the mone (LH)and follicle stimulating hormone
collagen fiber. It is not known whether mi- (FSH). The therapeutic dose of finasteride (1
noxidil's effect on hair growth is related to its mglday) causes significant increases in hair
effect on collagen metabolism. count and hair growth both in frontal hair loss
Minoxidil increases the duration of anagen and vertex hair loss male subjects (86). As &h
hair and causes the growth of larger and nor- minoxidil, finasteride does not revive hair fol-
mally formed follicles compared with the pre- licles that are inactive (i.e., in older men who
treatment short miniaturized terminal hair
are bald) and is therefore recommended to be
follicles, which yields thicker longer hair and
used only by younger men with partial hair
decreased shedding. Minoxidil, however, does
loss. At least 3-4 months of therapy with ei-
not increase the total hair count (74, 95). Be-
cause of the non-specific mechanism of min- ther minoxidil or finasteride is needed before
oxidil, the drug can promote hair growth re- any hair growth effect can be seen. The ther-
gardless of the cause of hair loss. In addition to apeutic effect declines when treatment is dis-
its effectiveness in androgenetic alopecia, it continued, with complete reversal within a
promotes hair growth in unrelated conditions few months in the case of minoxidil and 12
such as alopecia areata, congenital hypotri- months in the case of finasteride (86,93).
chosis, and loose androgen syndrome (74). Eflornifhine. Eflornithine acts by
Vertex hair loss responds better to minoxidil inhibiting the enzyme ornithine decarboxyl-
therapy than frontal hair loss. The effect of ase (ODC) in the hair follicles of the human
minoxidil seems to plateau after approxi- skin (93).The enzyme is necessary for the syn-
mately 1 year of therapy and reverses when thesis of polyamines. Animal data indicates
the treatment is stopped. that inhibiting ODC inhibits cell division and Finasteride. Finasteride is a spe- synthetic function and therefore inhibits hair
cific and competitive inhibitor of type I1 5a- growth. It is postulated that eflornithine
reductase. It is 100-fold more selective to the causes irreversible inhibition of the enzyme.
5 Hair Growth Disorders

5.3 Chemistry and Structure-Activity 5.3.2 5cu-Reductase Inhibitors. Finasteride

Relationships (2) is a Cazasteroid derivative of the 3-0x0-5a-

5.3.1 Minoxidil. Minoxidil (1)is 2,4-dim-

ino-6-piperidino-pyrimidine-3-oxide. It was
developed as an antihypertensive from triam-
inotriazines. Triaminotriazines were found to
be potent vasodilators in dogs and cats because

(2) Finasteride

steroids. An important structure requirement

(1) Minoxidil for 5a-reductase inhibition of azasteroids is
stable configuration in ring A of the steroid
of the formation of N-oxides. In humans, how- molecule that mimics the transition state in
ever, they were inactive because of the inability the conversion of testosterone to DHT (104,
to form N-oxides. This led to the development of 105). This allows for a tight binding between
minoxidil by isosteric replacement by triamin- the inhibitor and the active site of the enzyme.
opyrimidine of a triaminotriazine moiety. Most of the 5a-reductase inhibitors in devel-
opment are either 4- or 6-azasteroids. How-
The structural requirements for minoxi-
ever, steroidal carboxylic acids and non-steroi-
dil's hypotensive effect (103), and its lysyl hy-
dal tricyclic compounds with structural
droxylase inhibitory effect (91) have been re- resemblance to azasteroids are also potent in-
ported, but the relevance of these requirements hibitors of 5a-reductase (106).Molecular mod-
to the hair growth effect of minoxidil is un- eling of the binding between the enzyme and
known. One of the distinct features of minoxi- substrates suggests that there is a require-
dil is the nitroxide group in position 1 of the ment for groups to mimic the carbonyl group
pyrimidine ring. This group is essential for the of ring-A in the steroid structure (107). An
vasodilator effect. However, for the effect on interesting nonsteroidal series of compounds
lysyl hydroxylase, removal of the nitroxide ox- that satisfy this requirement is benzoquinoli-
ygen results only in partial loss of activity. A nones. Among this class is Lilly's LY 191704
secondary or tertiary m i n e substituent on po- (3),a potent non-competitive 5a-reductase in-
sition 4 of the pyrimidine ring is also required hibitor with high selectivity to type I
for hypotensive activity. In minoxidil, this re- isoenzyme.
quirement is met by a piperidinyl group. Re-
placing the piperidinyl group with another
source for a tertiary or secondary nitrogen
such as pyrrolidinyl, morpholinyl, or an
N-methylpiperazinyl group does not cause
detrimental effects on the antihypertensive
activity but results in total loss of lysyl hydrox-
ylase inhibitory activity. Hydroxylation at po-
sition 3 or 4 of the piperidine ring (by meta-
bolic transformation) results in marked
reduction in hypotensive activity. The same 3-
or 4-hydroxy piperidinyl derivatives are as po-
tent as the parent compound in suppressing The 4- or 6-aza moiety is another important
lysyl hydroxylase. structural requirement. A notable exception
438 Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

to this requirement is epristeride (4), a type I1 increases the potency against type I 5a-reduc-
5a-reductase inhibitor with no nitrogen in the tase while retaining higher potency against
steroidal ring structure. The position of this type I1 (110). An arylcycloalkyl group on the
C17 amide of 6-azasteroids similarly results in
high potency against both isoenzymes with
higher selectivity to type 11.

The interest in pharmacological therapy for

male pattern hair loss started as early as 1965,
when a topical preparation of testosterone was
tested for presumed benefits. Topical testos-
HOOC terone failed to show any efficacy (86). The
interest then declined until reports about
(4) Episteride
stimulation of hair growth in hypertensive pa-
tients being treated with the then experimen-
nitrogen in the steroidal skeleton does not af- tal drug minoxidil renewed the hopes.
fect the potency of 5a-reductase inhibition or The initial research leading to the discov-
isoenzyme selectivity. Most of the 4- and erv
" of minoxidil started in 1960 when re-
6-azasteroids that have been reported have searchers from the Upjohn Company per-
higher selectivity to isoenzyme 11, with only formed empirical pharmacological screening
few exceptions (e.g., Merck's L 733692). The on N,N-diallylmelanine (DAM)-a compound
position of the aza moiety seems to affect the they ordered from the American Cyanamid
mechanism of inhibition (108). It has been re- chemical catalog (111).The first pharmacolog-
ported that the inhibition of 5a-reductase by ical action that was observed was reduction of
6-azasteroids is reversible, whereas the 4-aza- gastric acidity in pyloris-ligated rats, but after
steroid derivatives such as finasteride cause oral administration to dogs, DAM produced a
irreversible inhibition. Benzoquinolinones have delayed and very prolonged blood pressure re-
a nitrogen that mimics that of 6azasteroids. duction. However, a subsequent clinical trial
In Cazasteroids, a methyl group on the nitro- showed no clinical effect in hypertensive pa-
gen produces greater activity than a hydrogen. tients. This led to the identification of amac-
A A1 double-bond at the C1-C2 position (in tive metabolite in dogs that was absent in hu-
ring A) results in substantial loss of inhibitory mans and was responsible for the hypotensive
action on hair follicle 5a-reductase. However a effect of DAM. Subsequently, this metabolite
A5 double-bond in ring D has little effect on (DAMN-0) was synthesized, and it was deter-
enzyme inhibition. mined that it acted by direct vasodilatation. A
A bulky lipophilic moiety on C-17 is an- single-dose clinical trial that was conducted in
other structural requirement for maximum late 1961 showed a marked reduction in blood
5a-reductase inhibition. A long C-17P side- pressure and a long duration of action that
chain increases the activity (101). Replacing exceeded 24 h. Consequently, a multiple dose
the tert-butyl group on the C17 amide nitrogen study was initiated. A combination of salt re-
of finasteride with a phenyl group results in a tention side effect and a mistake in interpret-
slight decrease in potency against type I1 ing instructions led to the discontinuation of
isoenzyme and an increase in the potency the study. The situation was further compli-
against type I (109). Further introduction of cated by the discovery of a cardiac lesion that
an alkyl group on the same nitrogen results in developed in a long-term toxicology study in
a drastic loss of activity against both isoen- dogs. All this led to the loss of drug candidacy
zymes because of changes in the conforrna- of DAMN-0. Despite this, Upjohn researchers
tional preference (from trans to cis). 6-Azaste- continued to be interested in the direct vaso-
roids with C17 anilide substitution are also dilator action of DAMN-0 and continued their
potent inhibitor of the enzyme. 2,5-Disubsti- search for better drug candidates. During the
tution of the phenyl ring in the anilide series following years, they synthesized hundreds of
5 Hair Growth Disorders

analogs, all bearing the N-oxide moiety. Ten demonstrated until the project moved to large
candidates were selected and tested in dogs. It phase 111multi-center clinical trials (111). Up-
was found that the same side effects were as- john's efforts were culminated in 1988 by the
sociated with the entire class of compounds approval of minoxidil 2% topical solution for
(salt and water retention, tachycardia, and male pattern androgenetic alopecia. In 1991,
cardiac lesion). Upjohn researchers selected the FDA approved it for female pattern hair
minoxidil as the best candidate and decided to loss. The OTC switch of minoxidil topical so-
proceed with clinical trials cautiously and only lution was approved in 1996 after an NDA ap-
in patients with life-threatening drug-refrac- plication. In 1997, the FDA granted its ap-
tory hypertension. The Investigational New proval of 5% minoxidil topical solution for
Drug Application of minoxidil was filed in initial marketing as an OTC medication. Min-
1968. The initial clinical trial showed dra- oxidil(5%) was never marketed as a prescrip-
matic reduction in blood pressure of severely tion drug.
hypertensive and drug-refractory patients. Unlike minoxidil, the discovery of finas-
The expected side effects (salt retention and teride was a typical case of modern drug dis-
tachycardia) occurred, but were reversed by covery-a drug designed to target specific re-
co-administration of diuretics and P-blockers, ceptors that mediate the disease it is aimed at.
respectively. The following trial demonstrated The first step that led to the development of
superiority over hydralazine and led to wide- finasteride was discovery of the role of 5a-re-
spread investigators' interest in minoxidil. As ductase, which provided a better understand-
a result, the FDA approved an emergency-use ing of the separate roles of testosterone and
protocol in late 1970. Initially, each case had to DHT. The role of 5a-reductase was under-
be approved by an FDA clinical reviewer, but stood through studies on the genetic disorder
by 1971, an Upjohn clinical monitor was au- 5a-reductase deficiency, which produces a
thorized to approve the treatment. Gottlieb et form of male pseudohermaphroditism (106,
al. (112),the clinical investigators of these ini- 113, 114). Those studies suggested that the
tial clinical trials, was the first to report the clinical signs of the disorder imply that 5a-
hair growth stimulating effect of minoxidil. reductase has a role in conditions such as
Two dermatologists who were consulted about benign prostatic hyperplasia, androgenetic al-
the phenomenon decided to test a topical solu- opecia, acne, and hirsutism (106). Conse-
tion on the upper arm and were able to dem- quently, researchers at Merck synthesized a .
onstrate localized action at the site of applica- series of azasteroids to target the enzyme and
tion (111). In 1971, Upjohn started absorption hence provide potential treatments for these
and toxicology testing of the minoxidil topical conditions. After the isolation of the two 5a-
solution. In 1972, the first case of hair growth reductase isoenzymes, it was found that type
on a bald scalp of a severely hypertensive pa- I1 5a-reductase, which is inhibited by finas-
tient who was being treated with minoxidil teride, is the isoenzyme responsible for most
was reported (111).Because of the continuing of the effects ascribed to 5a-reductase. Fur-
concerns over oral minoxidil's side effects, Up- thermore, it was found that the patients with
john delayed the filing of topical minoxidil un- male pseudohermaphroditism caused by 5a-
til it gathered convincing evidence of safety reductase deficiency are only deficient in type
that was sufficient for approval of oral minoxi- I1 and have normal levels of type I isoenzyme
dil. The IND for the topical solution was filed (114). Finasteride was first administered to
in 1977, and the FDA approval of oral minoxi- humans in early 1986. Biochemical efficacy
dil for hypertension came in 1979. This recog- was demonstrated in the first clinical study
nition of safety made it possible for Upjohn to with marked reduction in circulating DHT
continue pursuing the hair growth indication. levels (102). Clinical studies were conducted
Initial hair growth clinical trials began in on finasteride for benign prostate hyperplasia
1978. Although these studies provided some (BPH), hirsutism, male-pattern baldness, and
evidence of clinical efficacy, with hair growth acne. The drug was first marketed for benign
stimulation in a large percentage of subjects, prostatic hyperplasia as a 5-mg tablet under
statistically significant differences were not the brand name Proscar after its FDA ap-
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs 1
proval in 1992. The hair growth indication Ca2+influxes and thus attenuating the acetyl-
was being pursued at the same time. Propecia, choline-induced tonic contraction.
a 1-mgfinasteride tablet was approved for the Among the most promising 5 a-reductase
treatment of male-pattern hair loss in 1997. inhibitors is Glaxo's dutasteride (GG-745, GI-
Eflornithine (5) was originally developed 198745). Glaxo SmithKline has submitted an
by Merrell Dow (now Aventis) as an antineo- NDA with the FDA for BPH in 2001. Dutast-
eride, a 4-azasteroid, is an inhibitor of both
type I and type I1 isoenzymes and is in phase I1
clinical trials for androgenetic alopecia. Table
9.7 lists some of the compounds in various
stages of development for hair growth disor-
ders. Many of these compounds, particularly
antiandrogens and 5 a-reductase inhibitors in
(5) Eflornithine Hydrochloride
earlier phases of development, are being
tested for multiple indications.
plastic and antiprotozoal agent. It was ap-
proved in 1990 in the intravenous form for the
treatment of sleeping sickness (trypanosomi-
asis) under the brand name Ornidyl. Inhibi-
tion of hair growth was observed during the
The recent extraordinary interest in sexual
clinical trials. The indication was licensed to
disorders was primarily spurred by the intro-
Bristol-MyersSquibb (BMS),which partnered
duction of sildenafil (Viagra), the first effective
with Gillette on the development program for
oral medication for erectile dysfunction. The
reduction of unwanted hair in women. Gillette
unparalleled global media hype that followed
did the early development work and BMS con-
the launch of Viagra greatly increased the
ducted the clinical trials and handled regula-
public awareness of erectile dysfunction and of
tory filing. Eflornithine gained FDA approval
sexual disorders in general. The enormous
in July 2000 and was subsequently launched
public response to sildenafil also stirred a de-
in September of the same year. An OTC switch
bate over the reimbursement of such thera-
of eflornithine is a very likely long-term goal.
pies and of lifestyle drugs in general. Several
health authorities argued that impotence i s
5.5 Current and Future Trends
not a disease and does not pose any health risk
Both androgenetic alopecia and hirsutism are
very active areas of research. With the in-
to the individual or the society. To counter this
argument, drug companies that are involved
creased knowledge of the biochemical and in the field of sexual disorders intensified their
physiological basis of the conditions, novel efforts in gathering evidence on the impact of
compounds are being designed to target spe- sexual dysfunction and its successful treat-
cific enzymes or receptors that are involved. ment on the quality of life of the individuals
Most of the compounds under development and their partners. This gave a new life to
fall into three major categories: 5 a-reductase other sexual disorders that, until recently,
inhibitors, topical antiandrogens, and potas- were overlooked by the public and researchers
sium channel agonists. The first two mecha- as well. The most common sexual disorders
nisms are targeted for both scalp hair growth are erectile dysfunction, premature ejacula-
stimulation and bodylfacial hair growth inhi- tion, and female sexual dysfunction.
bition. The third category is specific for hair Erectile dysfunction, also known as impo-
growth promoting agents. Potassium channel tence, is defined as the inability to achieve or
agonists are believed to induce local vasodila- maintain an erection adequate for sexual sat-
tation and therefore enhance the microcircu- isfaction. It is estimated that 30 million men in
lation in the scalp similar to minoxidil sulfate. the United States have partial or total erectile
They cause smooth muscle relaxation by hy- dysfunction (117). The number is expected to
perpolarizing the cell membrane and inhibit- increase as the American population contin-
ing acetylcholine-activated voltage-sensitive ues to age. Studies have shown that over 50%
6 Sexual Disorders

Table 9.7 Compounds in Various Stages of Development for Hair Growth

Disorders (115,116)
Generic Name/
Laboratory Code Originator Chemical Class Mechanism of Action Indication
P-1075 Leo (Denmark) F'yridyl Potassium channel Alopecia
cyanoguanidine agonist
Dutasteride Glaxo-Smithkline 4-Azasteroid 5 a-Reductase Alopecia, BPH
Tricomin ProCyte Tripeptide copper Unknown Alopecia
(PC 1358) compounds
Turosteride Pharmacia Non-steroidal BPH, alopecia,
teteracyclic acne,
structure closely hirsutism
resembles 4-
CS 891 Sankyo (Japan) Unknown 5 a-Reductase BPH, alopecia
L 733692 Merck Type I 5 a-Reductase Male pattern
inhibitor baldness
MK 434 Merck 5 a-Reductase BPH, alopecia,
inhibitor acne
EM 250 Endorecherche Antiandrogen Acne, alopecia
(SCH 54726) (Canada) and
Aventis Benzonitrile Non-steroidal topical Acne, alopecia
derivative antiandrogen
Lilly Benzoquinolinone Type 1 5 a-reductase BPH, alopecia,
inhibitor acne
Chugai (Japan) Carbothiomide Potassium channel Alopecia
Chugai Unknown Potassium channel Alopecia .
Ligand Unknown Non-steroidal Alopecia,
antiandrogen hirsutism,
acne, BPH

of men ages 40-70 have some degree of erec- ual desire disorder. sexual arousal disorder,
tile dysfunction, with 15%suffering from com- orgasmic disorder, and sexual pain disor-
plete erectile dysfunction (118). ders. The overall prevalence of female sexual
Premature ejaculation is another wide- disorders is estimated a t 30-50% (121, 122).
spread male sexual disorder. It is defined as The U.S. National Health and Social Life
the persistent or recurrent ejaculation of se- Survey of women ages 18-59 reported a
men with minimal sexual stimulation before, prevalence rate of 43% (123). Until recently,
on, or shortly after vaginal penetration, and most of the female sexual disorders were
before the person or his partner desires it considered part of the natural aging process,
(119). Although less publicized than erectile and the subject gained very little attention
dysfunction, premature ejaculation is believed from researchers and the public. The only
to be the most common male sexual disorder. available treatment was counseling. This
The prevalence estimated at 30-40% of has changed recently, as a result of the soar-
"normal" men (120). ing interest in sexual disorders and lifestyle
Female sexual dysfunction encompasses drugs in general, that was fueled by the phe-
a wide range of little understood disorders. nomenal success of Viagra. It is now widely
These include the following: hypoactive sex- recognized that female sexual dysfunction is
442 Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

Table 9.8 Currently Approved Drugs for Erectile Dysfunction

Generic Name Brand Name Originator Dosage Form Dosage Strength
Sildenafil citrate Viagra Pfizer Oral tablet 25,50,100 mg
Alprostadil Muse Vivus Urethral suppository 125,250,500,1000 pg
Alprostadil Caverject Upjohn Intracavernosal injection 5,10,20,40 pg
Yohimbine Aphrodyne N/Aa Oral tablet 5.4 mg 3 times a day
"Yhimbine and Yohimbe were used in folk medicine as aphrodisiacs for a long time.

an important health issue that affects the Intracavernosal alprostadil is still the most ef-
quality of life of millions of women. fective treatment, although its use is limited
by the side effects and the inconvenience of
6.1 Clinical Use self-injection and rapid onset of action, which
results in an unnatural erection. More than
6.1.1 Current Drugs. Several pharmaco- 90% of alprostadil intracavernosal injections
logical agents are available for the treatment result in successful sexual intercourse (126).
of erectile dysfunction with different etiolo- Transurethral alprostadil is a micro-supposi-
gies, which makes the condition treatable in tory that is inserted into the stem of the ure-
the vast majority of sufferers. Table 9.8 lists
thra using an applicator. Although it is a more
the pharmacotherapeutic agents currently ap-
convenient route of administration, its overall
proved for erectile dysfunction.
efficacy is about 50% (126, 127).
The guidelines for management of erectile
dysfunction issued by the First International The vasoactive amines phentolamine and
Consultation on Erectile Dysfunction recom- papaverine are occasionally used as intracav-
mends involving the patient in selecting the ernosal therapy, usually in combination with
treatment of his preference after explaining alprostadil, although their use for erectile dys-
the benefits, risks, and costs involved with function is off-label. Moxisylyte is another va-
each treatment option (124). The non-inva- soactive agent used as intracavernosal ther-
siveness and convenience of oral medication apy. The drug is approved in several European
makes it the first choice by the vast majority of countries, but is not approved in the United
patients unless contraindicated. Sildendl is States. The advantages over alprostadil are
currently the most prescribed treatment for that with moxisylyte, sexual stimulation is
erectile dysfunction. It is effective as a single still required to achieve full erection and that
dose and is recommended to be taken approx- detumescence occurs on ejaculation.
imately 1 h before sexual activity, but can be Yohimbine is a moderately effective and
taken anywhere from 30 min to 4 h before well-tolerated oral agent for erectile dysfunc-
sexual activity. The overall efficacy of silde- tion, yet it has not been adequately evaluated
nafil, defined as percentage of successful at- in well-designed placebo-controlled studies,
tempts at sexual intercourse, is approximately although two meta-analyses of the few ran-
70% (125). domized placebo-controlled studies demon-
The leading intracavernosal agent is al- strated its advantage over placebo (128-130).
wostadil. It is indicated for the treatment of It is more effective in patients with erectile
erectile dysfunction caused by neurogenic, dysfunction of psychological etiology (131,
vasculogenic, psychogenic, or mixed etiology. 132). Yohimbine is a registered drug in the
Erection occurs in 5-10 min after intracaver- United States. The label indications are sym-
nosal injection of alprostadil. In clinical prac- patholytic and mydriatic, but the label also
tice, the dose is individualized and titrated states "impotence has been successfully
slowly to the lowest possible effective dose to treated with yohimbine in male patients with
avoid prolonged erection and priapism (erec- vascular or diabetic origins and psychogenic
tion that lasts for more than 6 h), which can be origins (18mglday)" (93). One of the disadvan-
potentially serious side effects. The target is tages of yohimbine is its daily dosing schedule,
an erection that lasts for approximately 1 h. which in addition to being inconvenient, may
6 Sexual Disorders

contribute to the low efficacy observed in some former is a result of PDE6 inhibition and the
of the clinical studies. A single on-demand latter is caused by the inhibition of PDE5 in
dose has not been evaluated, although it has the lower esophageal sphincter. Prolonged
been successfully used by some clinicians and erection has been reported but is less frequent
seems to be at least as effective as the standard than with intracavernosal therapy. Priapism
daily dose (128, 132). Moreover, it has been was reported in few patients, but the risk rate
suggested that tolerance develops after is extremely low. Potentially serious cardio-
chronic administration of yohimbine, which vascular effects including decreased blood
further diminishes the efficacy of a daily dose pressure caused by systemic vasodilatation
(128). Because of the lack of conclusive clinical and decreased cardiac output may occur in pa-
data on yohimbine, the American Urological tients with preexisting cardiovascular risk fac-
Association, in its guidelines on the treatment tors. Sexual activity is an added risk factor in
of organic erectile dysfunction issued in 1996, those patients. In addition, sildendl potenti-
concluded that "based on the data to date, yo- ates the hypotensive effects of nitrates and is
himbine does not appear to be effective for or- contraindicated in patients who are using or-
ganic erectile dysfunction, and thus should ganic nitrates. Most of reported deaths with
not be recommended as treatment for the sildendl were caused by the concomitant
standard patient" (133). treatment with nitrates. Some reported
Topical anesthetics are the only approved deaths occurred in patients with preexisting
treatment for premature ejaculation. Few un- cardiovascular risk during or after sexual
controlled clinical studies reported positive re- activity.
sults (119, 134). However, the decades-old The main side effects of alprostadil are lo-
therapy has not been evaluated in controlled cal. For intracavernosal injection, these in-
clinical trials. Oral pharmacotherapy has been clude the following: penile pain after injection,
used off-label and is gaining more popularity prolonged erection, priapism, painful erec-
with the increased public interest in oral ther- tion, penile fibrosis, and injection site hema-
apies for sexual disorders. Some of the drugs toma. Priapism and prolonged erection are
that have been historically used are adrener- more serious side effects with alprostadil than
gic antagonists and y-amino butyric acid with sildendl. The local side effects after in-
(GABA). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- traurethral administration are usually milder .
tors, namely paroxetine and fluoxetine, are and include penile pain, urethral discomfort,
currently the most commonly used oral agents and urethral bleeding/spotting and prolonged
for premature ejaculation. erection. Systemic side effects include hypo-
There are no approved treatments for fe- tension (intraurethral administration only),
male sexual dysfunction, although the subject headache, dizziness, and upper respiratory
is currently enjoying vast interest. At present, tract infections.
the main off-label treatments are the vasoac- Yohimbine is well tolerated at the oral
tive agents developed for erectile dysfunction. doses used for erectile dysfunction. The main
Clinical studies are underway to support their side effects are nausea, dizziness, and ner-
use. vousness. Headache and skin flushing have
The following sections will focus on ap- also been reported. Yohimbine has no signifi-
proved treatments for erectile dysfunction. cant effect on P-adrenergic receptors, and its
effect on blood pressure has not been ade-
6.1.2 Adverse Effects. Sildenafil is well tol- quately evaluated. Common side effects after
erated in patients with normal cardiovascular parented administration include sweating,
function. Most of the side effects reported in nausea, and vomiting. Yohimbine penetrates
the clinical trials at a higher rate than placebo the blood-brain barrier and can produce a
are mild and are related to the drug's vasodi- complex pattern of responses (93). The central
latory effect. They include headache, flushing, effects include anti-diuresis, a general picture
and nasal congestion. Other frequent side ef- of central excitation including elevated blood
fects include abnormal vision (impairment of pressure and heart rate, increased motor ac-
color discrimination) and dyspepsia. The tivity, irritability, and tremor.
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

6.1.3 Pharmacokinetics thral administration. The systemic metabo- Sildenafil. Sildenafil is rapidly ab- lism of alprostadil is also very rapid. Eighty
sorbed after oral administration. The peak percent of the circulating alprostadil is metab-
plasma concentration is reached after 30-120 olized in one pass through the lungs; thus,
min of dosing, but the absorption rate is de- plasma levels are low and become undetect-
layed if taken after high fat meals. The abso- able within 1 h of intraurethral or intracaver-
lute oral bioavailability is approximately 40%. nosal administration. The main pathways for
The mean steady-state volume of distribution systemic metabolism are p- and *oxidation.
is 105 L, which indicates distribution into tis- The metabolites are excreted primarily by the
sues. Sildenafil and its major metabolite are kidneys. Ninety percent of the intravenously
approximately 96% bound to plasma proteins. administered alprostadil appears in urine as
Sildenafil is eliminated mainly by hepatic metabolites within 24 h after administration.
metabolism. The main metabolizing enzyme is The remaining 10% is excreted in the feces.
cytochrome P450 3A4. The major circulating Yohimbine. Yohimbine absorption
metabolite is N-desmethyl sildenafil, which is after oral administration is highly variable.
further metabolized. N-desmethyl sildenafil Both rapid and slow absorption have been re-
retains sildenafil's selectivity profile and ap- ported (136,137). Peak plasma levels occurred
proximately 50% of its activity. Both sildenafil at 10-45 min post-dosing in one study and
and its major metabolite have terminal half- 36-120 min with an average of 1.1 h in an-
lives of 4 h. The elimination half-life of silde- other study. The oral bioavailability is gener-
nafil is 3-5 h. Most of the administered dose is ally low and highly variable. It ranges from 4%
excreted in the feces as metabolites with only to 87%. Yohimbine is highly metabolized, with
13% excreted in the urine. only 1% of the administered dose excreted un- Alprostadil. Intraurethral PGE, (al- changed in urine. The mean elimination half-
prostadil) is absorbed from the urethra and life is 0.63-1.5 h. Clearance is highly variable
distributes to the erectile tissue (cavernosal as well, with a mean value of 11 mL/min/kg.
smooth muscles) by communicating blood ves- Yohimbine has a steady-state volume of distri-
sels between the corpus spongiosum and the bution of approximately 32 L, and is highly
corpora cavernosa. The transurethral absorp- bound to plasma proteins (around 80%).It has
tion is biphasic with an initial rapid phase fol- been postulated that an active metabolite with
lowed by slower absorption. Approximately a longer duration of action is at least partially
80% of the administered dose is absorbed responsible for yohimbine pharmacological ac-
within 10 min and about 20% of the total dose tivity (138, 139). Two metabolites have been
reaches the cavernosal tissue. identified: 10-hydroxy-yohimbine and ll-hy-
Alprostadil binds to plasma proteins, pri- droxy-yohimbine. Both the parent drug and
marily albumin and to a lesser extent to the two metabolites are distributed to the ce-
a-globulin IV-4 fraction. There is no evidence rebrospinal fluid. ll-Hydroxy-yohimbine was
of tissue binding or accumulation. shown to have a2-adrenoreceptor antagonist
Alprostadil is rapidly metabolized locally activity in vitro. It has a long half-life of ap-
within the corpus cavernosum and in the ure- proximately 9.6 h and is present at a much
thra by enzymatic oxidation of the 15-hy- higher plasma concentration than yohimbine
droxyl group to 15-keto-PGE,. 15-Keto-PGE, after oral administration of the parent drug
has only 1-2% of the biological activity of (137).
PGE,. 15-Keto-PGE, is rapidly reduced to
the inactive metabolite 13,14-dihydro,15- 6.2 Physiology and Pharmacology
keto-PGE,, which is the most abundant me-
tabolite in plasma. DHK-PGE, is further me- 6.2.1 Physiology of Erection. The penis is
tabolized to other inactive metabolites. The composed of three bodies: a pair of corpora
half-life of alprostadil after intracavernosal cavernosa on the dorsal side and a corpus
administration is 5-10 min (135).Only a small spongiosum on the ventral side. The role of the
fraction of the dose reaches the systemic cir- corpus spongiosum is to protect and support
culation after intracavernosal or intraure- the urethra, while the two corpora cavernosa
6 Sexual Disorders

are the parts that provide structure to the pe- guanosine triphosphate. The resulting in-
nis in the erect state. The cavernosal bodies crease in cGMP activates several processes
consist of a network of vascular sinuses sup- that lead to smooth muscle relaxation. The in-
plied by the terminal branches of the caver- creased arterial inflow to the corpora caver-
nosal arteries. The vascular sinuses are sup- nosa as a result of smooth muscle relaxation
ported by smooth muscles that are normally leads to an increase in intracavernosal pres-
contracted when the penis is in the flaccid sure and volume and thus increased penis
state. Factors that mediate cavernosal smooth length and rigidity. The increase in intercav-
muscle contraction, and therefore promote pe- ernosal pressure results in compression of the
nile flaccidity, include the following (140): subtunical venules and hence reduction of the
a-adrenoreceptors, endothelin, angiotensin, venous outflow, which further increases pe-
and thromboxane A,. nile rigidity (140, 142). cGMP activity is ter-
Erection occurs as a result of increased minated by hydrolysis by cGMP specific type-5
pressure in the corpora cavernosa, which phosphodiesterase (PDE).
translates into penile rigidity. The pressure
increase is caused by three synergistic pro- 6.2.3 Other Mediators. It is believed that
cesses: (1)relaxation of the smooth muscles of VIP-, CGRP-, and prostaglandin-mediated
the corpora cavernosa; (2)increase in arterial pathways contribute to smooth muscle relax-
blood flow to the penis; and (3) restriction of ation by increasing intracellular CAMP con-
the venous blood flow out of the penis. Both centration in the corpora cavernosa (140). In-
central and peripheral mechanisms contrib- creased CAMP results in phosphorylation and
ute to the process of penile erection. At the dephosphorylation of the actin-smooth-mus-
central level, the psychological component of cle-myosin cascade that causes smooth muscle
penile erection is controlled by the hypotha- relaxation. Prostaglandin E (PGE) causes
lamic and limbic systems (140). At the periph- the elevation of CAMP through a G-protein-
eral level, both sympathetic and parasympa- coupled mechanism and activation of adenylyl
thetic pathways as well as several mediators cyclase. In addition, PGE reduces the adreno-
are involved. Psychogenic and local stimula- receptor mediated vasoconstriction by inhibit-
tion results in the release of neurotransmit-
ters from the cavernosal nerve terminals and
ing norepinephrine release through prejunc-
tional receptors on norepinephrine containing
smooth muscle endothelium. Factors that me- neurons.
diate the corpus cavernosum relaxation in-
clude nitric oxide (NO), vasoactive intestinal 6.2.4 Causes of Erectile Dysfunction. Erec-
peptide (VIP), calcitonin gene-related peptide tile dysfunction can result from neurological,
(CGRP), and prostaglandin. vascular, hormonal, or psychological factors,
or from a combination of two or more of these
6.2.2 Role of Nitric Oxide. The N O path- factors. Neurological causes include spinal
way is the best understood and is believed to cord injury, multiple sclerosis, or any other
be the most important pathway for penile condition that impedes the transmission of the
erection. NO is released from nonadrenergic neural signal generated by psychogenic stim-
noncholinergic (NANC) nerves in the corpus ulation. Vascular causes include arterial in-
cavernosum and from the endothelium that sufficiency, which results in low arterial pres-
lines the cavernosal vascular sinuses and sure delivered to the penis, and venous
blood vessels (140). Nitric oxide synthase insufficiency, in which excessive venous out-
catalyses NO formation from the precursors flow occurs because of inadequate compres-
L-arginine and molecular oxygen (141). NO sion of the subtunical venules. Erectile dys-
production in the vascular endothelium is function of hormonal origin results from
stimulated by muscarinic acetylcholinergic re- inadequate androgenic stimulation of the sex-
ceptors. The released NO diffuses into smooth ual center in the anterior hypothalamus,
muscles and interacts with guanylate cyclase, which lowers libido and hence erection qual-
which catalyses the formation of cyclic ity. In psychogenic erectile dysfunction, sexu-
guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) from ally inhibiting psychological issues can impede
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

stimulatory signals to the penis, and anxiety effects including vasodilatation, inhibition of
can cause a sympathetic discharge, which fa- platelet aggregation, and stimulation of intes-
vors flaccidity (142). It is usually difficult to tinal and uterine smooth muscles.
distinguish primary psychogenic erectile dys- Yohimbine. Yohimbine is an a-ad-
function because many men with organic erec- renoreceptor antagonist, with high selectivity
tile dysfunction have a psychological response to the presynaptic a2-adrenergic receptors. It
to their condition. is generally believed that yohimbine exerts its
erectogenic effect by antagonizing the adren-
6.2.5 Mechanisms of Action. Most erectile ergic inhibitory tone that suppresses erection.
dysfunction pharmacotherapies act by either The mechanism of action of yohimbine on
inhibiting the contractile system (e.g., a-adre- some sexual functions seems to be central, i.e.,
noreceptor antagonists), or by stimulating or by inhibiting the presynaptic a2 receptors in
enhancing the vasodilatory system (e.g., pros- the brain (129). Published data from animal
taglandin El, NO donors, PDE inhibitors). experiments support the postulation that yo-
These mechanisms can work regardless of the himbine's effects on sexual arousal and ejacu-
origin of the disorder. lation occur through a central mechanism, Sildenafil. Sildenafil is a selective because the drug can induce arousal even after
PDE5 inhibitor. PDE5 is the cGMP-specific genital anesthesia (144) and it reverses
PDE and is the predominant form of the isoen- clonidine-induced inhibition of ejaculation
zyme in the corpora cavernosa. By inhibiting (145,146). However, the mechanism of action
the hydrolysis of cGMP that is generated of yohimbine on erectile function was not fully
through the NO pathway, sildenafil enhances understood and its site of action was not con-
the cavernosal smooth muscle relaxation. For clusively identified until it was demonstrated
sildenafil to exert its effect, it requires intact few years ago that functional a2 receptors are
NO-relaxing nerve fibers and an intact caver- expressed in the human corpus cavernosum
nosal epithelium. Sildenafil is not effective in (147). It is now believed that yohimbine exerts
patients with vascular disease where NO pro- its erectogenic action by blocking post-synap-
duction is impaired, and has no effect in the tic a2 receptors in the corpus cavernosum and
absence of sexual stimulation. thus inhibits the contractility of the caver-
Sildenafil has high selectivity for PDE5. It nosal tissue (128). In addition to its a-adren-
has 80- to more than 8500-fold selectivity to ergic effects, yohimbine exerts a stimulatory
PDE5 versus PDE1, PDE2, PDE3, and PDE4 action on the mood and may increase anxiety.
(125). PDE6, the isoenzyme found in the ret- This effect is at least partially attributed to
ina, is closely related to PDE5. The selectivity yohimbine's central serotonergic activity
of sildenafil to PDE6 is one-tenth of that to (148), although it has not been adequately
PDE5 (143). This explains the visual abnor- studied.
malities observed with higher plasma levels of Other Agents. Phentolamine is a
s i l d e n d . In addition to the cavernosal tissue, nonselective a1- and a2-adrenoreceptor an-
PDE5 is also found in lower concentrations in tagonist. It is a weak erectogenic agent when
other human tissues including platelets, vas- used alone as an intracavernosal injection.
cular smooth muscles, and skeletal muscles. Phentolamine is usually used in combination
The inhibition of PDE5 in these tissues is be- with alprostadil andlor papaverine.
lieved to be responsible for the vascular side
6.3 Chemistry and Structure-Activity
effects of sildenafil.
Relationships Alprostadil. Alprostadil is chemi-
cally identical to the naturally occurring form Sildenafil(6) is a pyrazolopyrimidinone deriv-
of prostaglandin El and acts similar to the en- ative. The pyazolopyrimidinone ring is essen-
dogenous PGE. It induces erection by relax- tial for PDE5 inhibitory activity. It seems that
ation of the cavernosal smooth muscle and di- this ring structure mimics the guanosine base
lation of cavernosal arteries, which leads to of cGMP (149). Another ring system that has
increased arterial inflow and decreased ve- been shown to produce potent and selective
nous outflow. Alprostadil has various systemic PDES inhibitory activity is imidazoquinazoli-
6 Sexual Disorders

5'-sulfonamide moiety of the phenyl ring

greatly enhanced the in uitro PDE5 activity
(153), possibly caused by mimicking the phos-
phate group of cGMP.
Alprostadil (7) is a synthetic form of pros-
taglandin El (PGE,). It is chemically identical

(6) Sildenafil Citrate

none (150). In the sildenafil series, the n-pro- (7) Alprostadil

pyl substitution on position 3 of the pyazolopy-
rimidinone ring gives a more potent compound to the naturally occurring PGE,. Prostaglan-
compared with a 3-methyl analog. Intramolec- din El is an acidic lipid that is synthesized by
ular hydrogen bonding of sildenafil and its an- mammalian tissues from fatty acid precur-
alogs is important for biological activity by sors.
maintaining co-planarity between the phenyl Yohimbine (8)is a natural alkaloid found in
and purine ring (151). The 2'-alkoxy moiety on Rubaceae and related trees, mainly, from the
the phenyl group serves this purpose by pro-
viding the oxygen lone pair for hydrogen bond-
ing with the pyrimidinone NH (149). The
alkoxy moiety also provides the requirement
for a small lipophilic substituent, which is im-
portant for activity. Replacement of the
alkoxy moiety with a hydrogen reduced PDE5
affinity by 200-fold (149). Hydroxy, nitro, and
sulphonamide derivatives also had lower af-
finity to PDE5. It has been demonstrated that (8) Yohimbine
an open chain 2'-alkoxyl group serves the li-
pophilicity requirement better than a fused bark of the African tree Pasinystalia yohimbe,
ring system. An ether ring fused into the phe- and is also found in Rauwolfia Serpentina. It is
nyl moiety, although increasing the degree of an indolalkylamine alkaloid with structural
co-planarity, largely reduced the PDE5 inhib- similarity to reserpine. Chemically, it is known
itory activity (151). An N-acylamido substitu- as 17a-hydroxy-yohimban-16a-carboxylic acid
tion at the 5'-position of the phenyl ring was methylester. The commercial product con-
shown to enhance PDE5 inhibitory activity tains the hydrochloride salt of yohimbine.
(152). Sildenafil analogs with such a substitu-
ent were one to three times more potent than
6.4 History
sildenafil, based on in uitro PDE5 inhibitory
activity. The activity increased with increas- The use of drugs for the treatment of impo-
ing the chain length of the N-acylamido moi- tence and other sexual disorders is very old.
ety. This substitution, however, decreased the Yohimbine has been used in folk medicine by
analogs' selectivity to PDE5 over PDE6 (152). men and women for various forms of sexual
The sulfonamide substituent on position 5' dysfunction, mainly as an aphrodisiac for over
enhances the aqueous solubility of sildenafil a century. In the United States, yohimbine hy-
and also increases its affinity to cGMP (149). drochloride has been marketed and prescribed
Introduction of a carboxylic acid group to the by doctors for more than 75 years (154). Be-
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

cause the mainstream medical use of yohim- sult of the extensive research on the mecha-
bine pre-dated the Food and Drug Act, the nism of erection that followed Virag's and
drug did not go through the formal FDA re- Brindley's pioneer work, it was established
view and approval process, and hence, there that underlying organic causes are responsi-
are no well-controlled clinical trials with a suf- ble for approximately 80% of persistent erec-
ficient number of patients to allow for conclu- tile dysfunction cases (142). This resulted in
sive results on its efficacy and long-term changing the primary treatment from psycho-
safety. The lack of conclusive clinical data and therapy to pharmacotherapy and stimulated
the daily dosing schedule that has been prac- further research in this area. Intracavernosal
ticed for decades, rather than a more conve- injections of papaverine and phentolamine
nient on-demand use, are the main reasons for (10) became a common treatment for erectile
the low level of interest in yohimbine by med-
ical practitioners. Needless to say, pharma-
ceutical companies lack the interest in con-
ducting expensive large-scale clinical trials of
yohimbine, because the ancient drug is non-
Because of the absence of clinically proven
safe and effective pharmacotherapy for erec-
tile dysfunction, psychotherapy was until re-
cently the core treatment for most patients,
except for a few cases where a surgically cor- (10) Phentolamine
rectable cause could be identified. The results
of psychotherapy have been disappointing dysfunction in addition to vacuum/constric-
(155), and often times, the goal of psychother- tion devices. As a result of the growing inter-
apy was to help men accept their sexual dys- est and increased understanding of the condi-
function rather than to correct it. The wide- tion, the U.S. National Institute of Health
spread belief that erection failure is primarily (NIH) advocated the use of the term erectile
of psychological origin, and hence the accep- dysfunction (ED) rather than impotence in
tance of psychotherapy as the primary treat- 1992 (158).
ment, continued until the early 1980s. The first pharmacological agent for ED to
In 1982, a new era for erectile dysfunction be approved by the FDA was intracavernosal
started when Virag (156) showed that penile alprostadil. It was approved in June 1995 for
injection of a vasoactive amine-papaverine the treatment of erectile dysfunction caused
(9)-could result in erection without sexual by neurogenic, vasculogenic, psychogenic, or
mixed etiology. Despite its clinical efficacy, the
high cost, and more importantly, fear of self
injection limited the use of intracavernosal
therapy. The search for a less invasive therapy
led to the development of a novel transure-
thral dosage form of alprostadil, which gained
FDA approval in 1997. This was still far from
the ideal therapy. The main disadvantages of
alprostadil therapy are loss of spontaneity, be-
cause erection occurs even without sexual
stimulation, and rapid onset of action, which
does not allow for discreet administration and
(9) Papaverine also contributes to the loss of spontaneity.
In 1985, the story of sildenafil discovery
stimulation. In 1983, Brindley (157) reported (159) started when two chemists at Pfizer's
the clinical efficacy of cavernosal a-blockade in site in Kent, U.K. proposed to look for antihy-
the treatment of erectile dysfunction. As a re- pertensive and antianginal compounds that
6 Sexual Disorders

would work by inhibiting phosphodiesterase included 12 men with ED. Ten of 12 patients
(PDE) and thus promoting the vasodilator ac- showed improvement. The next trial, which
tion of cGMP. The project started with the took place in 1994 and 1995, was an outpatient
usual literature review to identify a chemical trial. This was followed by a large open-label
starting point. Zaprinast (111, a compound multi-center clinical trial in which 225 pa-
tients were assessed for over 32 weeks. Eighty-
eight percent of patients reported improve-
ment, and over 90% expressed interest in
continuing the treatment. In total, the drug
was tested in about 4000 men, ages 19-87,
who suffered from erectile dysfunction of or-
ganic, psychogenic, or mixed origin, or with no
identified etiology (117). In all of the studies,
sildenafil exhibited superior efficacy over pla-
cebo. The NDA was submitted to the FDA in
(11) Zaprinast
September 1997, and sildenafil was approved
in March 1998 after a fast track review.
that was developed as an antiallergic by May
and Baker (later part of Rhone-Poulenc Rorer, 6.5 Future Trends
which is now part of Aventis), was selected.
A few dozen potential products are in clinical
Zaprinast, which was never commercialized,
development for male and/or female sexual
was not selective enough to PDE; however, it
disorders. Several of these potential products
provided a satisfactory starting point for the are novel delivery systems of already mar-
Pfizer team. In their effort to modify the Zap-
keted compounds, such as two topical delivery
rinast structure to make it more selective and systems of alprostadil developed by NexMed
more potent, Pfizer chemists explored other
and Macro Chem, and a lyophilized liposomal
ring systems and varied the side-chain substi- delivery system for urethral administration of
tutions. A total of about 1600 compounds were alprostadil, developed by Harvard Scientific.
synthesized. In 1989, sildenafil (UK92480) New oral agents that target central and pe-
was identified as a promising candidate based
ripheral pathways of erection are expected t~
on its in vitro selectivity to PDE and its po- be introduced in the next few years. Some of
tency (159). Sildenafil had a more than 500- the older off-label agents are also in late
fold affinity to PDE than the starting com- phases of clinical development or under FDA
pound (149). Phase I clinical trials of sildenafil review. An injectable formulation of phentol-
started in 1991. In 1992, the results of a lim- amine is being developed by Novartis, and
ited phase I1 clinical study in patients with Senetek is developing a combination of
severe coronary heart disease were disap- vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and phen-
pointing, but at the same time, the first report tolamine in an autoinjector. Trazodone is an-
of sildenafil's effect on erectile function came other older drug marketed as an antidepres-
from a parallel high dose phase I study. The sant and is in clinical development for erectile
"side effect" of erection caught the team's in- dysfunction. Trazodone (12) is a centrally act-
E terest; however, the decision to change the di- ing serotoninergic agonist with peripheral
; rection of the sildenafil development program
from cardiovascular to erectile dysfunction
sympatholytic activity. Studies indicate that it
came only after long deliberations (159). The
I discovery of nitric oxide and the understand-
ing of its role as a signaling molecule in the
early 1990s helped Pfizer's researchers to un-
derstand the mechanism of sildenafil's effect
on erection and therefore helped in making 0
1 that decision. The first phase I1 clinical trial
(12) Trazodone
j for erectile dysfunction started in 1994 and
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

is mostly effective in patients with psycho- tion of sexual attractants from the preputial
genic etiology (160). Other serotonin agonists gland. Melanotan, which was originally dis-
are being tested by Vivus for premature ejac- covered and synthesized by researchers at the
ulation and other sexual disorders. University of Arizona, started as a suntanning
Apomorphine (13) is a dopaminergic ago- agent. Spontaneous erection reported in a tan-
nist that acts at the paraventricular and su- ning clinical study led to the initiation of a
joined development program between Univer-
sity of Arizona and Palatin Technologies. Re-
sults from phase IIA studies were very posi-
tive, with response rate greater than 80% and
good safety profile (162). Phase I11 trials for
erectile dysfunction are expected to start in
2003. Topical testosterone (gel formulations
from Solvay and Cellegy, and a patch from
Watson) is being tested for reduced sexual de-
(13) Apomorphine sire in women. Bupropion was shown to im-
prove sexual desire in a pilot clinical study,
praoptic nuclei in the brain, but has low oral and the indication is likely to be pursued.
bioavailability. TAP Pharmaceuticals is devel-
oping a sublingual formulation of apomorphine
for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Re- 7 SMOKING CESSATION AGENTS
cently, TAP withdrew its NDA application of
the sublingual preparation after the FDA ad- Although smoking cessation is a lifestyle deci-
visory panel rejected the use of 4 mg of apo- sion, the ability to quit is usually hindered by
morphine in ED treatment because of safety nicotine chemical dependence. According to
concerns. The company hopes to resubmit the the Surgeon General report on smoking in
2-mg NDA application in October 2002. Nas- 2000 (163), "Tobacco dependence is in fact
tec is testing an intranasal formulation of apo- best viewed as a chronic disease with remis-
morphine (1mg) for erectile dysfunction. The sion and relapse. Even though both minimal
lower dose will help reduce the side effects. and intensive interventions increase smoking
In addition, several new PDE5 inhibitors cessation, most people who quit smoking with
are in various phases of clinical development. the aid of such interventions will eventually
The closest to marketing are ICOSEli Lilly's relapse." It is estimated that 24.7% of all
IC-351 (Cialis) and Bayer's vardenafil. Both adults who lived in the United States in 1997
drugs are expected to be approved by the FDA were smokers (164). This is only slightly lower
in 2002. Other novel compounds include than the 25.5% prevalence in 1994 (165). Sta-
didesmethylsibutramine (by Sepracor), which tistics show that over 70% of smokers express
is a single isomer of an active metabolite of a strong desire to quit and about 20% actually
sibutramine-a norepinephrine and dopa- try to stop smoking. However, only 3-5% of
mine reuptake inhibitor--and nitric oxide smokers who attempt to quit smoking on their
NMI-870 (NitroMed), which is a nitric oxide- own achieve a successful abstinence after 1
enhanced compound of yohimbine for specific year (165, 166). The agency for Health Care
delivery of NO to target tissue. Policy and Research (AHCPR) in its Clinical
Melanotan I1 or PT-141 (Palatin Technolo- Practice Guidelines on Smoking Cessation re-
gies) is a synthetic analog of melanocyte-stim- leased in April 1996 (The U.S. Public Health
ulating hormone (161). The peptide is cur- Service practice guidelines) (167) state that
rently under development as an intranasal every patient attempting to stop smoking
formulation for both male and female sexual should be treated with pharmacotherapy.
dysfunction. It is a non-selective melanocortin Pharmacological intervention is often part of a
receptor agonist, which in animals regulates multicomponent therapy that also includes
sex& behavior including penile erection, sex- one or more non-pharmacological compo-
ual motivation, and in female rats, the secre- nents, mainly psychosocial therapy (behav-
7 Smoking Cessation Agents

ioral therapy). The AHCPR found that smok- otine products, there is evidence that combin-
ing cessation interventions by healthcare ing a nicotine patch with 2-mg gum ad libitum
providers doubled the success rate of smoking for high craving instances may be advanta-
cessation (167). When multiple types of pro- geous (171). The results, however, were not
viders (e.g., clinicians and psychotherapists) sustainable in clinical trials after 12 months
deliver these interventions, the likelihood of (172, 173). Using the nasal spray along with
smoking cessation increases by a factor of the patch for severe craving also increased the
four. The panel also found that nicotine re- success rate (174). The combination of bupro-
placement therapy (gum and patches) is effi- pion and nicotine patch was found to be more
cacious regardless of the use of adjuvant treat- effective than either treatment alone, al-
ment (psychosocial interventions), but its though the difference between the combina-
efficacy is increased when used with adjuvant tion and bupropion alone was not statistically
significant (175, 176).
Treating tobacco dependence is one of the
most cost-effective preventive measures. It is
7.1.2 Adverse Effects. The main adverse
estimated that smoking cessation is more cost-
effective than several common clinical preven- effect of nicotine is psychoactive substance de-
tive services such as screening for cervical, pendence. Acute and chronic tolerance to nic-
breast, and colon cancer, treatment of mild-to- otine effects on the brain function and activity
moderate high blood pressure, and treatment lead to increased nicotine consumption through
of high cholesterol (163). smoking (177, 178). Acute tolerance to nico-
tine can develop in less than 1 h, but develops
7.1 Clinical Use at different rates for different physiological ef-
fects. Because of the highly addictive effects of
7.1.1 Current Drugs. The FDA-approved nicotine, smoking cessation results in nicotine
smoking cessation medications include nico- withdrawal syndrome. The symptoms can
tine replacement therapy (NRT) available in start as early as 2 h after the last nicotine
several delivery systems and one non-nicotine consumption and reach a peak in 24-48 h af-
drug. Only nicotine gum and nicotine patches ter smoking cessation. The symptoms include,
are available over-the-counter. Table 9.9 lists in addition to tobacco craving, depression, in- .
smoking cessation medications that are ap- somnia, irritability, nervousness, restless-
proved for clinical use in the United States. ness, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, drows-
The dose of NRT varies depending on the de- iness, sleep disturbances, decreased heart
livery system and the current usage level of rate, and increased appetite (179, 180). Side
tobacco by the patient. Bupropion therapy is effects of excess nicotine consumption include
usually started 1 week before quitting smok- nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea,
ing as 150-mg slow-release tablets twice a day. flushing, dizziness, disturbed hearing and vi-
j The usual length of treatment of smoking ces- sion, weakness, confusion, and palpitation.
sation therapy is 6-12 weeks. Because all the Side effects specific to nicotine delivery sys-
approved smoking cessation agents are almost tems are mainly caused by local irritation at
1 equally effective and safe (1681, the choice of the site of administration. For example, nau-
j/ treatment usually depends on the patient
preference. Bupropion is particularly useful
sea, indigestion, sore gums, and mouth ulcer-
ation may occur when using the gum. The
i for smokers who had unsuccessful attempts patches may cause skin irritation, which is
1 with NRT. It is also useful for smokers who
are concerned about possible weight gain after
characterized by erythema, pruritus, edema,
and rarely, vesicles. The nasal spray may
quitting. Bupropion was shown to attenuate cause irritation of the nasal mucosa, sneezing,
weight gain after smoking cessation; however, coughing, and lacrimation, although tolerance
the benefits are not sustainable once the treat- to these effects develops rapidly with contin-
ment is discontinued (169,170). Although the ued use. Side effects from the inhaler include
OTC labels recommend against using nicotine mild mouth and throat irritation and cough-
gum or patches in combination with other nic- ing (181).
Table 9.9 Current Smoking Cessation Agents on the U.S. Market
Brand Delivery Regulatory
Generic Name Name System Originator Strength Daily Dose Status
Bupropion Zyban SR tablet Glaxo Wellcome 150 mg 300 mg Prescription
Nicotine Habitrol Transdermal Novartis 21,14,7 mg 1 patch OTC
N Nicotine Nicotrol Transdermal CygnusPharmacia 15 mg 1 patch OTC
Nicotine Nicotrol Inhalation Parke-Davis 10 mgICartridge 6-16 Prescription
inhaler system (4 mg delivered) Cartridges
Nicotine Nicotrol NS Nasal spray Parke-Davis 10 mg/mL (0.5 Up to 40 mg Prescription
mglspray) (80 sprays)
Nicotine Nicorette Nicotine- Lakeside 2 mg, 4 mg Up to 24 OTC
polacrilex polacrilex Pharmaceuticals pieces
gum (Merrell Dow)
, 7 Smoking Cessation Agents

Bupropion is a well-tolerated antidepres- provides continued absorption for approxi-

sant. It is non-sedating and lacks the cardio- mately 30 min. Although the inhaler has the
! vascular and anticholinergic side effects of tri- advantage of mimicking the act of smoking,
cyclic antidepressants. Bupropion's most absorption rate is comparable with Nicorette
commonly observed adverse effects are insom- gum and slower than that from the nasal
nia and dry mouth. The drug is also known to spray. Nicotine absorption from the "inhaler"
be associated with a low rate of seizures; how- occurs through the buccal mucosa rather than
ever, no seizure incidents were reported in the the lungs. Nicotine patches, extended release
smoking cessation clinical trials. Other less transdermal delivery systems, maintains the
frequently occurring side effects include ner- most sustained blood level and therefore re-
vous system disturbances (mainly tremor) and quires less frequent dosing.
skin rashes (170, 182). Nicotine bioavailability also varies with the
delivery system. The reported bioavailability
7.1.3 Pharmacokinetics. Nicotine is readily from the nasal spray and transdermal patch is
available by inhalation after tobacco smoking. 53% and 82%, respectively (93, 184). In nico-
Inhalation is the fastest route for nicotine ab- tine polacrilex gum, nicotine is bound to an ion
sorption and results in the highest bioavail- exchange resin and is released only by chew-
ability. The bioavailability from cigarettes in ing. Nicotine bioavailability, therefore, is de-
smokers who inhale is about 90% (183). These pendent on the vigor, rapidity, and duration of
smokers attain a maximum blood level almost chewing. Of the 10 mg in each cartridge of a
instantaneously. Nicotine, a small lipophilic nicotine inhaler, only 4 mg is actually deliv-
molecule, is also rapidly absorbed through ered from the device to the oral mucosa and is
skin and the mucous membranes. It is a basic available for absorption.
compound, and therefore, is absorbed in a pH- Nicotine has low plasma protein binding
dependent manner. Absorption through the (4%) and a large volume of distribution (2-3
oral mucosa seems to be slower than the nasal L/kg). It is eliminated mainly by hepatic me-
route (possibly because of the pH effect). Cig- tabolism, although some metabolism occurs in
arette smoke is mildly acidic (pH 5.3) and, the lungs and kidneys. The main metabolites
therefore, only little absorption occurs in the are cotinine (15% of the dose) and trans-3-hy-
buccal cavity (about 10%). However, in the al- droxycotinine (45% of the dose). Only 10% of .
kaline smoke of pipes and cigars (pH 8.51, nic- the absorbed dose is excreted unchanged in
otine is absorbed rapidly through the oral mu- urine. In healthy adult smokers, nicotine has
cosa (183). Nicotine penetrates the blood- an apparent elimination half-life of 1-2 h and
brain barrier and reaches the central nervous the average plasma clearance is 1.2 h (93).
system rapidly, with maximum brain concen- Bupropion oral bioavailability in humans
tration reached within a few seconds after cig- has not been determined because the drug was
arette smoking (182). In general, absorption never administered intravenously to humans.
from nicotine-replacement drug delivery sys- The relative oral bioavailability in rats and
tems is controlled by the release rate from the dogs ranges between 5% and 20%. In healthy
vehicle. The nasal spray provides the fastest volunteers, peak plasma concentration is
release and hence fastest absorption of nico- reached approximately 3 h after administra-
tine, and therefore has the advantage of rapid tion of the sustained release tablet (93). Based
alleviation of nicotine withdrawal symptoms. on in vitro protein binding data, bupropion is
The maximum nicotine concentration is 84% bound to plasma proteins. It is widely dis-
reached in 4-15 min after administration of tributed to tissues and has an apparent
nicotine nasal spray, which is still slower than steady-state volume of distribution (Vss/F) of
the almost instantaneous peak after smoking approximately 2000 L. Bupropion is exten-
tobacco. Nicotine absorption from the nicotine sively metabolized by oxidation and reduction
polacrilex gum is slower because of a slower to at least six metabolites with only 0.5% of a
release rate from the delivery system and bupropion oral dose excreted unchanged in
slower absorption through the oral mucosa. urine. The major metabolite in urine is a gly-
When used properly, each piece of the gum cine conjugate of metachlorobenzoic acid,
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

which is formed by oxidation of the bupropion ate the behavior modulating effects and posi-
side-chain followed by glycine conjugation. tive reinforcing effects of nicotine and other
Three active metabolites have been identified: habit-forming drugs.
hydroxybupropion and the two amino-alcohol Neurological Basis of Nicotine De-
isomers threohydrobupropion and erythrohy- pendence. In the brain, nicotine exerts a mul-
drobupropion (185). These metabolites are titude of psychological and behavioral effects.
formed through hydroxylation of the tert-bu- At low doses, it exerts a predominantly stimu-
tyl group of bupropion and/or reduction of the lating effect, which occurs in the cortex
carbonyl group. The potency of the active me- through locus ceruleus and is mediated by nor-
tabolites has not been assessed in humans. epinephrine. At high doses, a dopaminergic re-
However it is suggested that hydroxybupro- ward effect predominates (184, 188). The re-
pion has a primarily noradrenergic effect, ward and positive reinforcement effects of
whereas threohydrobupropion has some dopa- nicotine are responsible for the drug-seeking
minergic activity and minor noradrenergic ef- behavior in tobacco smokers. A common effect
fect (186). The CSF concentrations of hy- of many drugs of abuse, as well as natural re-
droxybupropion and erythrohydrobupropion wards (e.g., food, sex), is the elevation of extra-
are 6 times greater than the parent drug, cellular dopamine levels (189). The mesolim-
whereas threohydrobupropion CSF concen- bic-dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain are
tration is 40 times that of the parent drug thought to be the final common pathway for
(185). In vitro data suggest that cytochrome reward, and the reward effect occurs as a re-
P450IIB6 (CYP2B6) is the principal enzyme sult of the elevated dopamine level. Although
involved in the formation of hydroxybupro- there have been some recent challenges to the
pion, whereas P450 isoenzymes are not in- dopamine reward theory (190-193), it is still
volved in the formation of threohydrobupro- unequivocally agreed that dopamine plays a
pion. The mean apparent clearance (CZIF)of crucial role in the reward system and drug-
bupropion ranges between 135 and 209 L/h. seeking habit formation. An alternative view
The mean apparent elimination half-life of bu- to the classical dopaminergic reward theory is
propion after administration of the sustained that the dopaminergic-neuron activation
release tablet is approximately 21 h. The elim- functions as a learning signal (189, 194), and
ination half-life from the immediate release that the neuroadaptive changes (up-regula-
formulation is 11-14 h. The main elimination tion) of the dopaminergic neurons with the
half-lives of the active metabolites are 20, 37, chronic use of tobacco (or other drugs of
and 33 h for hydroxybupropion, threohydro- abuse) might result in the generation of a def-
bupropion, and erythrohydrobupropion, re- icit state that enhances drug craving and
spectively (93). hence drug-seeking behavior (189). Other
neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine
and 5-HT have been implicated in the reward
7.2 Physiology and Pharmacology
and positive reinforcement effects of nicotine.
Nicotine is an agonist to the neuronal nic-
7.2.1 Pharmacological Action of Nicotine. otinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR).These
Nicotine binds selectively to the nicotinic receptors are the likely site at which nicotine
receptors that are present in the adrenal me- exerts its central actions. Evidence supports
dulla, brain, autonomic ganglia, and neuro- the involvement of the central nAChR in neu-
muscular junctions. It causes the release of rotransmitter release (195), and a large body
several neurotransmitters and hormones such of evidence indicates that dopamine release
as acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, from dopaminergic neurons is mediated by ac-
serotonin, arginine vasopressin, p-endorphin, tivation of the brain nAChRs (196). It has also
adrenocorticotropic hormone, and cortisol been shown that both nicotinic receptors and
(187). This neuro-regulatory effect of nicotine muscarinic receptors in the ventral tegmental
is dose-dependent and occurs as plasma nico- area (VTA)activate the dopaminergic neurons
tine level rises when tobacco is smoked. The and thus play a role in the reward effect of
neurotransmitters released in the brain medi- nicotine (197). In addition, animal data sug-
7 Smoking Cessation Agents

gest an involvement of the 5-HT (2C) receptor noradrenergic activities. It is a weak inhibitor
in mediating the mesolimbic-dopaminergic of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin
system (198). reuptake (207), but it has a greater effect on
These positive reinforcement effects of nic- the neuronal reuptake of catecholamines than
otine include anxiolytic effect, antinocicep- of serotonin. Some studies suggest that bupro-
tive/analgesic effects, enhanced vigilance, and pion is entirely selective for catecholamines
improved cognitive function. Tolerance to and is devoid of any serotonergic activity
many of these effects occurs rapidly, leading to (185). Bupropion's effectiveness as a smoking
substance dependence (199, 200). In animal cessation agent is not related to its antidepres-
studies, a single pretreatment with nicotine sant effect. The drug is equally effective in
results in acute tolerance to the subsequent smokers with current depression, past depres-
dose (201,202). The role of norepinephrine in sion, or no depression (168). The mechanism
the positive reinforcement effects of nicotine by which bupropion enhances the ability for
is not clear, but it has been suggested that smoking cessation is believed to be related to
nicotine's effects on concentration and atten- its dopaminergic and noradrenergic activity
tion are mediated by a noradrenergic mecha- (186). In addition, it has been shown recently
nism (182). The noradrenergic system is also that bupropion is a potent inhibitor of central
implicated in mediating the effects of nicotine nAChRs and that it blocks nicotine activation
withdrawal. 5-HT receptors in the dorsal ra- of these receptors in a dose-dependent non-
phe nucleus (DRN) are implicated in the anxi- competitive fashion (208). This suggests that
olytic effect of nicotine (203). Changes to these the nicotinic antagonist effect contributes to
receptors mediate the development of toler- bupropion mechanism of action in smoking
ance to the anxiolytic effect and hence the anx- cessation.
iogenic response during nicotine withdrawal
(203). The antinociceptive/analgesic effect of 7.3 Chemistry and Structure-Activity
nicotine is believed to be mediated by a cholin- Relationships
ergic pathway through the neuronal nicotinic Nicotine (14) [S-3-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)
acetylcholine receptors (204, 205). 5-HT re- pyridine] is the main alkaloid in tobacco. It is a
ceptors are also implicated in the antinocicep- tertiary amine composed of a pyridine and a
tive effect of nicotine, possibly through an
interaction between the nicotinic and seroto-
nergic systems (206). Acetylcholine is known
to play a crucial role in nicotine's effects on the
cognitive function. Peripheral Pharmacological Actions
of Nicotine. Nicotine effects on the cardiovas-
cular system include tachycardia and periph-
eral vasoconstriction, which leads to elevated (14) Nicotine
blood pressure. Because the cardiovascular ef-
fects are mainly caused by elevated levels of pyrrolidine ring. Nicotine exists in two iso-
catecholamines and cortisol, tolerance to meric forms, but tobacco contains only the
these effects does not occur. Other pharmaco- levorotatory isomer, which is the more phar-
logical actions of nicotine include increased macologically active form.
gastrointestinal motility caused by parasym-
pathetic ganglionic stimulation and skeletal 7.3.1 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors. Ni-
muscle contraction caused by the effect on nic- cotinic acetylcholine receptors are ligand-
otinic receptors in the neuromuscular junc- gated ion channels whose opening is con-
tion (184). trolled by acetylcholine and nicotine agonists
(196,209,210). They are transmembrane pro-
7.2.2 Bupropion Mechanism of Action. Bu- tein structures. Each receptor consists of five
propion is a monocyclic non-MA0 inhibitor subunits. The structure is inserted in the
antidepressant with both dopaminergic and plasma membrane with an aqueous channel in
456 Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

the center. The subunits have common gen- 1. A cationic center, preferably a basic or
eral structure that comprises the following: quaternized nitrogen, is required. In nico-
tine, this requirement is satisfied by the
0 A large extracellular N-terminal that forms pyrrolidine nitrogen.
the bulk of the acetylcholine-binding site 2. A hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) and/or
0 Four putative transmembrane hydrophobic T-electron rich moiety is favored. This is

regions that form the channel satisfied by a less basic nitrogen such as the
pyridine nitrogen of nicotine or a carbonyl
0 An intracellular loop joining the third and
oxygen (e.g., the carbonyl oxygen of
fourth transmembrane domains: this is a
very important structure for the regulation
3. The receptor favors a relative separation
of receptor function
between the cationic center and the
An extracellular C-terminus H-bond acceptor or T-electron moiety of
4-8 A.
In the CNS, the nAChRs are located mainly
4. The receptors exhibit the tendency toward
at the presynaptic nerve terminals where they stereospecific interaction.
modulate the synaptic activity by regulating
5. The receptor may prefer some degree of
the neurotransmitter release. Multiple popu-
cation-HBNT coplanarity.
lations of nAChRs exist, with a largely diverse
subunit composition. 7.3.3 SAR of Bupropion and Its Analogs.
The nAChR subunits are grouped into two Bupropion (15), also known as amfebuta-
main types: ligand-binding subunits (a sub- mone, is 1-(3-chloropheny1)-2-[(l,l-dimethyl-
units) and structural subunits (p subunits).
Several types of the a and p subunits have
been identified. The subunits that are present
in the neuronal nAChRs are a2-a9 and p2-p4.
The pharmacological properties of the nAChR
subtypes largely depend on their subunit com-
position. For example, the analgesic effect is
believed to be mediated by the a4p2 subtype,
whereas the dopamine release from dopami-
nergic neurons in the brain is controlled in
(15) Bupropion
-part by another a4-containing - subtype and
- -

possibly by an a6-containing subtype.

Since the discovery of the neuronal ethy1)aminol-1-propane.It is a trimethylated
nAChRs, there has been a rapidly growing in- monocyclic phenylaminoketone and is struc-
terest in designing drugs that are selective to turally unrelated to the tricyclic antidepres-
neuronal nAChR subtypes and hence can spe- sants or MA0 inhibitors. Commercially avail-
cifically target diseases or clinical conditions able bupropion is a racemic mixture. The two
such as smoking addiction, pain, anxiety, at- enantiomers were synthesized and assayed for
tention deficit, Alzheimer disease, Parkinson their potencies as inhibitors of biogenic amine
disease, and other cognitive and neurodegen- uptake into nerve endings obtained from
erative disorders. mouse brain (212). No significant difference
was found. However, the relative pharmaco-
logical activities and pharmacokinetics of the
7 - 3 2 Structural Requirements for nAChR two enantiomers have not been studied. Bu-
Ligands. Schmitt (211) summarized the gen- propion has a novel chemical structure among
era1 structural requirements for binding at antidepressants. The absence of polycyclic
the a4P2 and a 7 receptors (the most abun- rings and presence of more common func-
dant nAChRs subtypes in the CNS) as fol- tional groups usually found on tranquilizers
lows. contribute to the lack of marked side effects
I 7 Smoking Cessation Agents

usually seen with polycyclic antidepressants spray, approved in 1996, and the nicotine in-
(213). Bupropion was a designed antidepres- haler, approved in 1997, were the third gener-
sant. A series of compounds that included ami- ation.
noketones and aminoalcohols was designed Although NRT has consistently demon-
and screened for antidepressant activity by strated better efficacy than placebo, the suc-
Glaxo chemists. Structure-activity relation- cess rate is still relatively low (30% at the end
ships of a series of bupropion analogs were of treatment and 20% 6-12 months later)
investigated (213). The strong electron with- (170). This, in addition to increased knowl-
drawing effect of the chloro substituent on the edge on the neurochemical basis of nicotine
aromatic ring in bupropion is believed to be dependence, renewed the interest in non-nic-
otine therapy for treatment of nicotine depen-
responsible for the lack of CNS stimulant ef-
dence. Clinical trials on clonidine as an exper-
fect. The a-ketone moiety contributes to the
imental non-nicotine therapy in the 1980s led
metabolic fate of the drug. It prevents the for-
to an interesting and unexpected finding of a
mation of a chloro-monoarylalkylamine me- strong association between nicotine depen-
tabolite, which would possibly be a CNS stim- dence and depression. Although the study ex-
ulant. The use of a tertiary butyl substituent cluded smokers with evidence of depression,
as the alkyl group on the nitrogen atom was analysis of the participants' data showed that
designed to diminish the N-dealkylation and 60% had an episode of major depression in the
hence prevent the formation of metabolites past. Furthermore, depressed mood was one of
with sympathomimetic side effects. The meta- the symptoms reported frequently by partici-
orientation of the two substituents on the ar- pants in the first week after quitting (215).
omatic ring was also a designed feature. The These findings suggested that antidepressants
ortho position could have high steric hin- might be useful in smoking cessation therapy.
drance, and the para position would result in Researchers started looking - into marketed an-
facile displacement and para-hydroxylation, tidepressants for the indication. Ferry et al.
which in turn would result in rapid elimina- (216) selected the antidepressant bupropion
tion of the drug. because of its dopaminergic activity, because
it has been long believed that the reward sys-
tem is activated through a dopaminergic
7.4 History
mechanism. Bupropion, already marketed un-
Early research on smoking cessation therapy der the brand names Wellbutrin and Wellbu-
started in the 1930s. The first experimental trin. SR tablets, was first launched in the
medication was lobeline, an alkaloid with United States as an antidepressant in 1986,
physiological actions similar to nicotine. Lobe- but was voluntarily withdrawn the following
line and other early non-nicotine drugs failed year because of concerns over seizure side ef-
to show any benefits beyond those seen with fects. Glaxo Wellcome was subsequently able
placebo (170). As a result of poor efficacy of to demonstrate to the FDA that the level of
these experimental drugs, researchers started seizures in bulimic patients was acceptable,
focusing on nicotine. The first U.S. Surgeon and therefore, the antidepressant was re-
General's report on smoking, which was re- launched in 1989. The outcome of the first
leased in 1964 (214), stimulated the research open-label smoking cessation clinical trial was
efforts on nicotine's pharmacological and very positive. It was then followed by three
physiological effects and its role as the main double-blind placebo-controlled studies in
addictive substance in tobacco. The first gen- non-depressed smokers (a dose-response
eration of smoking cessation medication was study, nicotine patch comparative study, and a
nicotine polacrilex gum. It was approved by long-term maintenance trial). The results
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in from these studies demonstrated significant
1984. The second generation was the nicotine increase in quit rate over placebo for the 150-
transdermal delivery system or patches, the and 300-mg doses (182). This subsequently led
first of which was approved in 1991. Three to U.S. Food and Drug Administration ap-
other patches followed by 1992. Nicotine nasal proval of bupropion sustained release tablets
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

as the first non-nicotine treatment for nico- dence, it is anticipated that the next genera-
tine dependence in 1997. Glaxo Wellcome tion of smoking cessation agents will be novel
launched the product under the brand name compounds designed to target neurotransmit-
Zyban for the new indication. ters and receptors that mediate the reward
system responsible for habit formation or to
7.5 Current and Future Trends
target the neuroadaptive mechanism respon- -

Because of the limited success of NRT, smok- -

sible for substance de~endenceand with-
ing cessation research efforts are focusing drawal symptoms. Several compounds based
more on non-nicotine medications. Several an- on these novel mechanisms are in the pipe-
tidepressant and anxiolytic agents, as well as lines of pharmaceutical companies. Nicotine

adrenergic and noradrenergic agents, were replacement

- is still an active area of research.
tested recently or are in clinical trials for this Several novel transmucosal drug delivery sys-
indication (170). There is emerging evidence tems and improved second-generation trans-
that antidepressants and anxiolytics may be dermal patches are in clinical development.
particularly helpful for subpopulations of Oral nicotine combined with a bioavailabilitv "
smokers (i.e., those with mood disturbances). enhancer is also undergoing clinical trials
With the current trends in the smokers' pop- (218). An antismoking vaccine being devel-
ulation, anxiolytic and antidepressants will oped by Xenova (219) has shown successful
become increasingly important. results in clinical trials. Table 9.10 lists some
It is speculated that the following emerging of the compounds in various stages of develop-
trends will have an effect on the development ment as antismoking therapeutic agents (116,
of smoking cessation therapies. 220).

0 Smoking is becoming more recognized as

drug dependence, and therefore, smoking 8 SUNSCREENS
cessation therapy will be viewed not only as
a cancer and cardiovascular disease preven- Most people are at least occasionally exposed
tive measure, but also as a treatment for a to the sun for extended periods of time, either
psychological disorder (drug dependence). as a result of their lifestyle and recreational
0 Current trends indicate that the population activities or as a normal part of their jobs. The
of smokers is changing. Future smokers are main adverse effects to exposure to the sun-'
likely to be those who are more poor and light are sunburn, photoaging, and skin can-
uneducated as well as those with psychiat- cer. Skin cancer is the most common type of
ric/alcohoVdrug abuse disorders andlor cancer, accounting for almost 40%of all malig-
heavy nicotine dependence (217). nancies (221). According to the American Can-
With the high cost-efficacy of smoking ces- cer Society, overl.3 million people will be di-
sation therapy, it is expected to eventually agnosed with nonmelanoma skin cancer in the
become reimbursable (163,217). United States each year, and 53,600 people
will be diagnosed with skin melanoma (221,
0 More government regulations against to-
222). Approximately 9600 people will die from
bacco products and tobacco advertisement. various types of skin cancer, with the majority
Efforts of the government agencies will be dying from malignant melanoma. Unpro-
targeted at preventing the onset of smoking, tected long-term exposure to sunlight is
especially in young people, and protection of blamed for about 90% of skin cancer cases.
nonsmokers (163). Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is believed to be
0 Newer NRTs (nicotine inhaler and nasal responsible for most of the harmful effects of
spray) will be switched to OTC market. sunlight.
0 More use of NRTs and non-nicotine therapy The UV spectrum is divided into three
combinations to enhance the outcome. bands: UVA, UVB,and UVC. The UVA band is
the longest wavelength. It ranges from 320 to
In addition, with the increased knowledge 400 nm. It is further divided into two subsets:
of the neurochemistry of substance depen- UVA I (340-400 nm) and UVA I1 (320-340
1 8 Sunscreens
Table 9.10 Compounds in Development for Smoking Cessation
or Tobacco Addiction Prevention
Generic NameLaboratory
Code Originator Chemical Class Mechanism of Action
Methoxsalen (with oral ICNIToronto University Furocoumarin Cytochrome P450 2A6
nicotine) inhibitor, inhibits
first pass effect of
oral nicotine
Mecamylamine (transdermal Elan Bicycloheptanamine Nicotine antagonista
in combination with
NS-2359 NeuroSearch Unknown Mixed monoamine
(Denmark) reuptake inhibitor
GW 320659 (1555U88) GlaxoSmithkline Phenyl morpholinol Catecholamine
selective reuptake
LY 354740 Lilly Bicyclohexane Group I1 metabotropic
dicarboxylic acid glutamate receptor
agonist (glutamate
release inhibitor)
CP 526555 Pfizer Unknown Nicotinic partial
SR 141716 Sanofi-Synthelabo Unknown Central cannabinoid
receptor antagonist
Cotinine (NIH 10498) LecTec Pyrrolidinyl pyridine Nicotinic partial
(nicotine agonist
GW 468816 GlaxoSmithkline Unknown Glycine receptor
BP-897 Bioproject (France) Naphthalene Dopamine D3 receptor
carboxamide agonist
TA-NIC Xenova/ImmuLogic Nicotine conjugated to Nicotine vaccine
a carrier protein (prophylaxis)
Nabi-NicVax Nabi Derivatized nicotine Nicotine vaccine
on a carrier protein (prophylaxis)
Hydroxy bupropion Sepracor Phenyl aminoketone Noradrenaline
(R-isomer of reuptake inhibitor
CMI 477 Millennium azabicycloheptane Nicotinic partial
LY 426965 Lilly Piperazinyl 5HT 1A antagonist
SSR 591813 Sanofi-Synthelabo Unknown Nicotinic partial
"Previously marketed as a hypertension treatment, but discontinued as in 1996.

nm). UVA is more abundant in the solar spec- particularly UVA 11,is at least as damaging as
trum than UVB (15-20 times more than UVB) UVB. It has been shown that UVA I1 can cause
(223) but is less potent in causing erythema or the same molecular effects (i.e., direct DNA
sunburn (223). Because sunburn is the most damage) as UVB (224). UVA penetrates
visible UV-induced skin damage, UVB used to deeper into the skin and is believed to cause
be blamed for most of the destructive effects of more damage to the dermis layer (225). More-
UVR.However, it is now believed that UVA, over, UVA is the band where most of the pho-
460 Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

Table 9.11 Sunscreen Agents Approved for OTC Marketing in the United States
Absorbance Approved
Sunscreen agent Class Structure range (nm) concentration
Arninobenzoic acid ABA
Avobenzone Dibenzoylmethane
Cinoxate Cinnamates
Dioxybenzone Benzophenones
Homosalate Salicylates
Menthyl anthranilate Anthranilates
Octocrylene Cinnamates
Octyl methoxycinnamate Cinnamates
Octyl salicylate (2- Salicylates
ethylhexyl salicylate)
Oxybenzone Benzophenones
Padimate 0 Aminobenzoate
Phenylbenzimidazole Miscellaneous
sulfonic acid
Sulisobenzone Benzophenones
Titanium dioxide Physical agent
Triethanolamine Salicylates
salicylate (trolamine
Zinc oxide Physical agent

tosensitizing chemicals exert their effect, es- absorbance or reflectance throughout the en-
pecially above 360 nm (in the UVA I range). tire W B range, part of the UVA range, and in
The UVB band, which ranges from 290 to 320 some instances infrared wavelengths. They
nm, is the most potent radiation in producing are divided into two main groups: chemical
erythema. It is also considered the radiation pri- (organic) and physical (particulate) agents.
m k l y responsible for skin cancer, although re- Physical sunscreening is the only way to block
cent evidence shows that UVA is also carcino- radiation across the entire spectrum (UVB,
genic. The intensity of UVB radiation is higher W A , visible, and infrared) (226). However, in
in the late morning and early afternoon. On the practice, combined chemical sunscreens or
positive side, UVB is the radiation responsible combinations of physical and chemical agents
for vitamin D, synthesis in skin. provide higher levels of protection than phys-
UVC is the shortest wavelength of the UVA ical sunscreening alone, because of the limited
radiation (200-290 nm). It is also known as
concentration of physical sunscreens that can
the germicidal radiation. Most of UVC is
be incorporated in a formulation without
screened out by the ozone layer before it
reaches the earth's surface. If it reaches the causing visible whitening when applied to the
skin, W C can cause some erythema; however, skin. Table 9.11 lists the compounds consid-
most of it is absorbed by the stratum corneum. ered by the FDA as safe and effective sun-
screens for the OTC market. The lists of ap-
8.1 Clinical Use proved sunscreens in Europe and Australia
are much longer, mainly because of the sim-
8.1.1 Current Drugs. Most sunscreens cur- pler approval process for new sunscreens that
rently in use are compounds that have high is implemented in those countries. Examples
8 Sunscreens 461

Table 9.12 Examples of Sunscreening Agents Approved for Use in Europe and Australia,
but Not Available in the United States
Sunscreen agent Class European Union Australia
Isoamyl methoxycinamate Cinnamate
3-methylbenzylidene camphor Camphor
4methylbenzylidene camphor Camphor
Octyl triazone Phenol
methoxyphenyl triazine Phenol
Drometrizole trisiloxane Phenol
Ecamsule Camphor

of the sunscreening agents that are not ap-

proved for use in the United States but are
approved by the regulatory agencies in the Eu-
ropean Union and Australia are listed in Table (16) Aminobenzoic acid
9.12. Comparison of sunscreening agents
available in Europe, the United States, Aus-
tralia, and Japan can be found in Hayden et al. from most sunscreen formulations because of
(227) and Steinberg (228). frequent sensitization reactions. Photoaller-
In addition to the 16 sunscreens approved gic reactions to benzophenones have been re-
in the United States, there are 2 non-sun- ported (230). Some drugs including thiazide
screen topical agents that are approved for the diuretics, sulfonamides, and some local anes-
treatment of conditions related to photo-in- thetics such as benzocaine and lidocaine can
duced skin damage. These are tretinoin and induce cross-sensitivity to aminobenzoic acid
hydroquinone. Both are prescription prod- derivatives. Physical sunscreens are ex-
ucts. Tretinoin is approved as an adjunctive tremely safe and non-sensitizing. The only re-
treatment for "mitigation of fine wrinkles, ported side effect to some physical sunscreens
mottled hyperpigmentation, and tactile is skin occlusion. Titanium dioxide has been
roughness of facial skin." Hydroquinone has shown to be photochemically active in vitro,
been marketed for decades for bleaching of hy- but no such reaction has been shown in vivo
perpigmented skin conditions. (231).
The following section will only discuss sun- Several studies indicate that UVR irradia-
screen agents. tion of organic sunscreens may induce
changes in the chemical structures of those
8.1.2 Side Effects. Most common adverse compounds (232). Some of the degradation
reaction to sunscreening agents are local. Sun- products have been shown to be capable of
screens can induce allergic, irritant, or photo- damaging cell components including DNA
toxic dermatitis. Sunscreens are frequently (233). This raises concerns over the photoirri-
blamed for allergic contact dermatitis and con- tancy, photosensitization, and photomutage-
tact urticaria. However, distinguishing sun- nicity potential of sunscreens, especially that
screen-induced dermatitis from a solar-in- significant amounts of these photodegrada-
duced condition can be difficult (229). tion products may be absorbed through skin
Moreover, the allergic reactions are, in many (232). Reports on the carcinogenicity of sun-
cases, caused by fragrances, preservatives, screens are controversial. In vitro photogeno-
and other ingredients in the vehicle. Both ami- toxicity studies showed that, after UV irradi-
nobenzoic acid derivatives and cinnamates are ation, sunscreens may attack the DNA to
known to cause skin sensitization. However, produce mutation or cell death (233-236), pos-
aminobenzoic acid derivatives have lower sen- sibly through the formation of free radicals
sitization potential than the parent com- (234). However, there are no in vivo data to
pound, ABA (16). The latter was eliminated support these conclusions. Furthermore, sev-
462 Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

era1 acute and chronic in vivo studies demon- bia et al. (249) reported that 1.6-9.6% of p-
strated that sunscreens protect from skin aminobenzoic acid (16) was recovered in the
damage and either prevent or delay carcino- urine of six volunteers after application of
genesis (237). For a comprehensive reference three different formulations containing the
on sunscreens toxicity, the authors recom- sunscreen. No significant difference was
mend that the reader refers to Hayden et al. found between the formulations. In an earlier
(232) study, Feldman and Maibach (250) reported
that 28% of a topical dose of p-aminobenzoic
8.1.3 Absorption and Disposition. Because acid was recovered in the urine over 5 days
sunscreens are usually applied on a daily ba- after application of the sunscreen as a solution
sis, and occasionally, over very large areas of in acetone. It is possible the organic solvent
the body, there are concerns over the systemic used in the latter study caused the consider-
absorption and toxicity of these compounds. ably higher systemic absorption.
Unfortunately, very little information is avail- I n vitro absorption studies (239, 251, 252)
able on the pharmacokinetics and long-term showed small but significant penetration of
biological effects of sunscreens, although there several organic sunscreens through the entire
is evidence that sigrdicant systemic absorption thickness of human skin. For example, 0.03%
can occur (238, 239). Skin penetration of sun- (251) and 0.4% (252) of octyl methoxycin-
screening agents depends on several factors, namate (IS) were reported to be detected in
including the compound's molecular weight,
lipophilicity, and other physicochemical prop-
erties, as well as the composition and proper-
ties of the vehicle in which it is applied to the
skin (240,241).
There are few published data on the percu-
taneous absorption of sunscreens through hu- (18) Octyl methoxycinnamate
man skin (239,242-248). Most of the informa-
tion came from in vitro penetration studies or
the receptor fluid in two different i n vitro pen-
by estimation from the amount recovered in
etration studies. Less than 0.1% penetration
the stratum corneum after tape stripping. The
through the human skin was reported for ben-
rationale for using the latter method (often
zophenone-4 (19) (252). The data on benzo-
referred to as the "reservoir technique") is
based on the finding by Treffel and Gabard
(248) that a linear relationship exists between
the drug concentration in the stratum cor-
neum and its in vivo percutaneous absorption.
Very few systemic absorption data have
been reported. Hayden et al. (238) reported
that 1-2% of a topical dose of benzophenone-3
(oxybenzone) (17) was excreted in the urine
(19) Sulizobenzone (Benzophenone-4)

phenone-3 (oxybenzone) (17) varied from 1%

(251) to approximately 10% (239) of the ap-
plied dose. The higher percentages (5.8-10%)
were reported from a study that used several
commercial products.
(17) Oxybenzone (Benzophenone-3) Penetration and binding of organic sun-
screens into the stratum corneum has been
over a period of 48 h after a single application evaluated as a property that affects their re-
of a sunscreen product (238). High subject sistance to removal by water or perspiration.
variability was reported in that study. Aranci- The amount of sunscreen retained in the stra-
8 Sunscreens

tum corneum has been suggested to be di- and octyl salicylate (2111 was demonstrated by
rectly related to the sun protection factor and Treffel and Gabard (248,255).
duration of action (248). Aminobenzoates
were reported to penetrate into the horny
layer of the stratum corneum and become
bound to the proteins in the epidermis by hy-
drogen bonding (253). This prolongs the dura-
tion of protection by aminobenzoates beyond
the time of their presence on the skin surface.
For organic sunscreens that do not penetrate
(21) Octyl salicylate
into the stratum corneum, the duration of ac-
tion depends on the length of their presence on
The absorption of ZnO from intact skin af-
the skin surface. Highly lipophilic sunscreens
ter topical application is non-detectable. The
(e.g., octyl methoxycinnamate) have been
data on TiO, are controversial. Earlier studies
shown to have higher affinity to the stratum suggested that a very small amount of tita-
corneum than water-soluble sunscreens (e.g., nium dioxide may penetrate the skin, but it is
sulisobenzone) (252). However, penetration of unlikely that this would have any biological
lipophilic sunscreens to deeper tissue and significance (237). However, a recent in viuo
hence their systemic absorption seems to be human study, in which skin punch biopsies
limited (240). In an in vitro penetration study, were collected after application of titanium di-
the percentage of applied dose of octyl me- oxide, (256) showed that this sunscreen is
thoxycinnamate (18), sulisobenzone (191, and solely deposited on the outermost surface of
octocrylene (20) that was retained in the stra- the stratum corneum and does not penetrate
into the deeper stratum corneum layers, the
epidermis or the dermis regardless of the sur-
face properties of the particles (256).
Very little is known about the distribution
and metabolism of sunscreens in humans, but
animal studies showed that benzophenone-3
undergoes substantial dermal metabolism and
protein binding in rats (257, 258), and is ex-
creted in both urine and feces. Excretion of
several sunscreening agents (including benzo-
phenone-3 and octyl methoxycinnamate) in
human breast milk after normal use has been
(20) Octocrylene reported (259).

8.2 Physiology and Pharmacology

tum corneum after 16-h exposure ranged from UV radiation has both acute and delayed ad-
4% for benzophenone-4 to approximately 10% verse effects on the human skin. The acute
for octyl methoxycinnamate and octocrylene effects are inflammation and sunburn, and the
(251). In the same study, 8.5% of the applied delayed or chronic effects are primarily photo-
dose of benzophenone-3 was retained in the aging and photocarcinogenesis.
stratum corneum. In an in vivo penetration The susceptibility of individuals to the
study using skin-stripping method, 4% of ben- harmful effects of UV radiation depends on
zophenone-3 was found in the stratum cor- several factors: (1)skin pigmentation, (2)type
neum after 30 min of application (254). The and amount of radiation, (3) skin hydration,
formulation dependence of stratum corneum (4) thickness of the stratum corneum and epi-
penetration of three sunscreens [benzophe- dermis, and (5) the distribution and concen-
none-3 (17), octyl methoxycinnamate (181, tration of peripheral blood vessels (260).
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

8.2.1 Acute Effects of UVR. The acute ef- tion peaks at 24 h after exposure and resolves
fects of UVR exposure are sunburderythema in 3-5 days. The later phase of microscopic
and immediate pigment darkening (IPD). changes include hyperkeratosis, acanthosis
Sunburn is a superficial skin burn with a mild (epidermal thickening), disorganization and
inflammatory reaction, the main manifesta- misalignment of keratinocytes, dermal vascu-
tion of which is erythema. The symptoms may lar ectasia, and mononuclear perivascular in-
also include tenderness, pain, and edema. It is filtration (261).
usually a first-degree burn, although occasion- Erythema is primarily mediated by WB,
ally with extensive UVR exposure, a second- and its intensity is proportional to the dose of
degree burn that involves a thicker layer of UVB radiation. The reaction resolves in 3-5
skin may develop. The main local symptom of days and initiates increased melanogenesis,
a second-degree burn is the development of which reaches a maximum in 2- to 3-week
vesicles (blisters). In addition, systemic symp- period.
toms such as fever, weakness, and shock may Immediate pigment darkening (IPD) is an-
occur. other acute effect of UVR exposure. IPD,
Erythema is the most common effect of which is marked in some individuals and un-
UVR exposure. The exact mechanism of how detectable in others, is sometimes considered
WR induces skin erythema is not fully under- as the initial phase of erythema (261). It is
stood; however, it is believed that a number of mediated by UVA and lasts about 13-30 min.
mediators are involved in the inflammatory The maximum wavelength for IPD is 340 nm
reaction (260). These include histamine, lyso- (263). IPD is thought to be a result of pho-
somal enzymes, kinins, and at least one pros- tooxidation process (224). The relative contri-
taglandin. These mediators produce vasodila- bution of UVA to sunburn and other acute ef-
tation, which is manifested in erythema. As fects of UVR is estimated at 18-20% (225).
the UV radiation penetrates into the epider-
mis, another inflammatory reaction involving 8.2.2 Chronic Effects of UVR
a lymphocytic infiltrate develops. Swelling of Adaptive Responses. There are two
the endothelium and leakage of red blood cells adaptive responses to the exposure to UV ra-
also occurs. The inflammatory effect of UVB diation: thickening of the stratum corneum
radiation reaches its maximum in 12-24 h af- and skin tanning (melanogenesis). Stratum
ter exposure (260). corneum thickening is mediated by m.,
Microscopic changes in the skin in response whereas skin tanning can be induced by UVB
to UV radiation can be detected as early as 30 and UVA (225, 261).
min after exposure (261). Epidermal changes Thickening of the stratum corneum occurs
include intracellular edema, vacuolization, as an adaptive response to prolonged UVB ex-
and swelling of melanocytes and the develop- posure. The stratum corneum proliferates
ment of characteristic "sunburn cells." Sun- through increased synthesis of keratin by
burn cells, which were first described by basal keratinocytes.
Daniels et al. (262),are photodamaged cells in Skin tanning, or delayed pigment darken-
the process of undergoing apoptotic cell death ing, results from the production of melanin
(224). They are dyskeratotic keratinocytes and serves as a protective mechanism against
with pyknotic nuclei and homogeneous eosin- further UVR-induced damage. Skin tanning is
ophilic cytoplasm that develop in proportion mainly induced by UVB, with a wavelength
to the amount of UVB exposure. Sunburn cell spectrum similar to that of erythema (224).
formation reaches a maximum at 18-24 h af- UVB induces melanogenesis by enhancing the
ter exposure and resolves in 3-7 days. binding of circulating melanocyte-stimulating
Changes in the dermis include, initially, inter- hormone (MSH) to melanocytes. This leads to
stitial edema and endothelial cell swelling, and melanocyte proliferation, dendritic arboriza-
later, perivenular edema, degranulation and tion, and melanin production. The melanin is
loss of mast cells, decrease in the number of then distributed to the surrounded keratino-
Langerhans cells, neutrophil infiltration, and cytes (261). Melanin absorbs, reflects and scat-
erythrocyte extravasation. The dermal reac- ters UV light and is a free radical trap. UVA
8 Sunscreens

induces a delayed tanning reaction. This mel- cancer, but it has the lowest mortality rate
anogenesis reaction involves oxidation of pre- (269). Malignant melanoma is the most seri-
existing melanin followed by new and in- ous type of skin cancer.
creased synthesis of melanin. It is also Although the link between skin cancer and
accompanied by increased population density exposure to sunlight is very strong, the sus-
of melanocytes with increased production of ceptibility of individuals to the carcinogenic
melanosomes and increased melanization of effect of UV radiation varies depending on sev-
the epidermis (225). eral factors including skin pigmentation, age, Photoaging. Premature photoag- sex, and phenotype. Particularly, factors such
ing is one of the long-term effects of exposure as fair skin, blue eyes, red or fair hair, and
inability to tan have been linked to increased
to sunlight (264). It is induced by prolonged
risk of NMSC in several studies (270-276).
exposure to all portions of the solar spectrum
Both chronic human studies and animal
including W A , UVB, and infrared (261). The studies proved the causal relationship be-
incidence and severity of photoaging is be- tween cumulative UVR exposure and skin
lieved to be proportional to the cumulative cancer (2771, particularly non-melanoma skin
dose of WR (237). There is evidence that cancer (NMSC). The link between the two is
chronic exposure to suberythemal doses of also evident from the fact that NMSC is most
UVA produces changes in human skin indica- common on the head, neck, arms, and hands
tive of photoaging (265-267). (278, 279). In particular, the correlation be-
The common manifestations of skin photo- tween UVR exposure and SCC seems to be
aging are dryness, roughness, irregular pig- very strong. Cutaneous SCC of the head and
mentation, actinic keratosis, wrinkling, elas- neck occurs almost exclusively on areas receiv-
tosis, inelasticity, and sebaceous hyperplasia ing maximal exposure (269,280). The link be-
(264). Although the physical appearance of tween BCC and cumulative exposure to UVR
photoaging is similar to normal aging, there is not as evident (270, 281). Although BCC
are histological and biochemical differences occurs on the face, head, and neck, unlike
that distinguish each condition from the other SCC, its distribution does not correspond well
(261). In addition, photoaging can be slowed with the areas that receive maximum sun ex-
down and even reversed by reduction of UVR posure (269). Case-control studies indicated .
exposure (including using sunscreens), or by that cumulative sun exposure is the most im-
other treatments such as retinoic acid, portant risk factor for SCC, whereas inability
whereas normal aging is irreversible (268). to tan was the most important risk factor for
The typical macroscopic appearance of photo- BCC (270,282,283).Subsequently, it has been
aged skin results mainly from break down of suggested that, for BSC, intermittent sun ex-
the skin elastic fibers (elastosis) caused by posure, particularly in the childhood, may be
long-term exposure to UV light. The exact more important than cumulative exposure
mechanism is not fully understood. Other (282).
changes associated with photoaging include The data on a causal relationship between
cracking, telangiectasia (spider veins), ecchy- cumulative W R exposure and malignant mel-
moses (subcutaneous hemorrhagic lesions), anoma is not conclusive, but there is strong
and hyperpigmentation. Solar radiation also evidence that intermittent intense sunlight
decreases the regenerative capacity of the skin exposure, particularly severe sunburn in
fibroblasts and keratocytes and therefore ac- childhood, is a major risk factor for develop-
celerates skin aging (261). ment of malignant melanoma (284-286). Carcinogenesis. Skin cancer is the There is scientific evidence that UVB can in-
most serious adverse effect of UVR. There are duce melanocyte proliferation in both exposed
three common types of skin cancer: mela- and covered areas of the body (2871, which ex-
noma, basal cell carcinoma (BSC), and squa- plains why malignant melanoma sometimes
mous cell carcinoma (SCC). BSC and SCC are occurs in unexposed parts of the body.
known collectively as non-melanoma skin can- Both W A and UVB can induce DNA dam-
cer (NMSC). BSC is the most common skin age, and photocarcinogenesis has been re-
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

ported following repeated UVA exposure in ro- conversion of UVR to longer wavelength oc-
dents (288). In addition, UVA is believed to curs through resonance delocalization. Most
augment the development of UVB-induced chemical sunscreens absorb up to 95% of the
non-melanoma skin cancer (287). UVB spectrum, but do not absorb in the UVA
The first step in UVR-induced skin cancer range. Avobenzone (22) is the only organic
is UVR-initiated DNA mutation, which causes
the transformation of the normal cells to ma-
lignant cells. For UVR to initiate a biological
reaction, it has to be absorbed by endogenous
molecules (chromophores). UVB is absorbed
directly by the DNA, and therefore can di-
rectly induce DNA mutation (2241, in the form
of thymine dimer formation (289). Some pro-
tein components may also a d as chro-
mophores for UVB (224). W A is absorbed by (22) Avobenzone
the reduced forms of the co-enzymes nicotin-
amide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and nic-
otinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate sunscreen that provides a high degree of UVA
(NADPH), tryptophan, riboflavin, and mela- protection. Benzophenones and anthranilates
nin (224, 290). UVA-induced DNA damage is provide partial protection in the UVA range.
believed to be mediated by oxygen reactive Sunscreens are almost always used in combi-
species that are released after the absorption nations to broaden the absorbance spectrum
of UVA by those endogenous chromophores and increase the SPF value of the product.
and results in photooxidation of selected bases Little is known regarding the quantitative
(224,290,291). The induced damage may take ability of sunscreens to prevent UVR-induced
the form of single-strand breaks, induction of adverse effects other than sunburn. For exam-
thymine dimers, or DNA-protein crosslinks ple, there is no information on the threshold
(290,291). In addition, UVA I1may be directly or dose-response for UVR-induced immuno-
absorbed by the DNA similar to UVB (224). suppression and DNA damage (2371, but there
It is believed that UVR exposure causes is strong evidence that regular use of Sun-
skin immune suppression. Both UVB and screens reduces the incidence of precancerous
UVA have been implicated (292). A possible lesions. A large population study in Australia
mechanism is UVA-induced lipid peroxida- proved the effectiveness of sunscreens in re-
tion, which results in the migration of im- ducing the incidence of solar keratosis (291).
mune-mediating cells from the epidermis and Solar keratosis is a known precursor for squa-
therefore leads to skin immune suppression mous cell carcinoma and an established risk
(224). It has been suggested that skin immune factor for basal cell carcinoma and melanoma.
suppression plays a role in carcinogenesis. It has been suggested that sunscreens aug-
However, the relationship between the two is ment the defense mechanism against oxida-
not well understood yet (293). tive damage by UV-generated free radicals.
This defense mechanism is mediated by thio-
8.2.3 Mechanisms of Action of Sunscreens. redoxin reductase in the human keratocytes,
Sunscreens delay the induction of sunburn by which reduces superoxide anion radicals
absorbing or reflecting a portion of the UVR through hydrogen peroxide to water (295).
reaching the epidermis. Organic sunscreens However, the oxygen radicals concentrations
are aromatic compounds that absorb light en- generated by UVA and UVB radiations, even
ergy in the UV region, and therefore reduce below the minimal erythemal dose, are high
the amount of UVR reaching the stratum cor- enough to cause considerable deactivation of
neum. A benzene ring has the ability to trans- thioredoxin reductase. Sunscreens have been
form high energy UVR into harmless long shown to protect the thioredoxin reductase
wave radiation above the 380-nm range, which against both UVA and UVB in human skin of
is emitted from the skin as heat (294). The types I and 11. The same sunscreen, however,
8 Sunscreens

failed to protect the enzyme in more pig- zimidazole sulfonic acid, 23). I n addition,
mented skin (types I11 and IV). there are several camphor derivatives that are
marketed as sunscreens in Europe, but none
8.2.4 Sun Protection Factor. Sunscreens
were originally developed to prevent sunburn
and minimize erythema (224). The efficacy of
sunscreen products is rated by their sun pro-
tection factor (SPF), which is defined as the
ratio of W energy required to produce a min-
imal erythemal dose (MED) on protected skin
to the W energy required to produce MED on (23) Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid
unprotected skin. It is calculated as the ratio
of time of W exposure necessary to produce are approved in the United States. The mini-
minimal erythema in sunscreen protected mal structural requirements for absorbance in
skin to that time in unprotected skin. This the UVB and W A regions are an aromatic
SPF measures the effect of UVB only and does ring with an electron-releasing group and an
not account for the W A effect. Few methods electron-accepting group either in the ortho-
have been proposed for a W A protection fac- or para-position from each other. This struc-
tor, including an in vivo pigment darkening tural arrangement facilitates resonance delo-
method, and an in vitro critical wavelength calization. The more easily the compound res-
test proposed to the FDA by the Cosmetic, Toi-
onates, the lower the required quantum
letry and Fragrance Association (CTFA).
energy for the electron transition, and hence
However, there is still no generally acceptable
method for UVA testing, and the FDA has not the longer the maximum absorbance wave-
yet reached a conclusion. It is also noteworthy length, because A is inversely proportional to
that the SPF is not a measure of other photo- the energy. In addition, the spectral properties
damage protective properties of sunscreens of sunscreens may be affected by dielectric ef-
(e.g., protection against skin cancer and im- fects, solvent-solute interactions, and pH of
munologic protection). However, it is gener- the vehicle (232). An excellent analysis of the
ally agreed that a higher SPF sunscreen will structure-activity relationships of sunscreen ,
provide better protection against UVB-in- chemicals has been reported by Shaath (297).
duced damage. There have been several at- The following discussion is largely based on
tempts at determining the immune protection his findings.
factor of sunscreens (293,296). All these stud-
ies seemed to indicate some immune protec- 8.3.1 Aminobenzoates. In aminobenzoic
tion of sunscreens, but with no correlation acid (161,the parent compound of this class,
with the SPF. It seems that the extent of im- the presence of the amino group and carboxy-
mune protection is much less than erythema lic acid group in the para-position from one
protection, which suggests that the wave- another allows for the electron transition re-
lengths that cause immune suppression are sponsible for absorption in the UVB region.
different from those that cause erythema However, the very position of the two groups
(293). results in a number of properties that are un-
desirable for a sunscreening agent. These in-
8.3 Chemistry and Structure-Activity clude the following (297):
The chemical sunscreens approved for OTC 0 Susceptibility of the free amine to oxidation
use in the United States are classified into Intermolecular hydrogen bonding resulting
seven classes: aminobenzoates (previously in a crystalline physical state: crystalline
known as PABA and PABA derivatives), sa- sunscreens are difficult to incorporate in
licylates, cinnamates, benzophenones, an- topical products and may result in an unac-
thranilates, dibenzoylmethane derivatives, ceptable product if the sunscreen agent is
and one miscellaneous chemical (phenyl-ben- not solubilized properly
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

0 High aqueous solubility because of excessive for intramolecular hydrogen bonding, which
hydrogen bonding with the solvent and lowers the energy requirements for the com-
therefore shorter retention time on the skin, pound to be prompted to the excited state.
especially with perspiration This results in a UV absorbance in the 300-nm
0 A dramatic solvent effect, which shifts the range, compared with 270 nm for the para-
A,, from 293 nm in nonpolar solvents to hydroxybenzoates (parabens). Furthermore,
266 nm in polar solvents: this influences the the ortho-disubstitution seems to stabilize
efficacy of sunscreen products these agents against solvent effect. This is also
attributed to intermolecular hydrogen bond-
Because of the structural limitations of ing (298). On the negative side, the ortho-sub-
ABA, several sunscreening chemicals based on stitution causes crowding and strain on the
ABA structure were developed with attempts molecule, which results in deviation from pla-
to capitalize on the strengths and eliminate narity and hence a low extinction coefficient.
the drawbacks. There are four compounds Although salicylates are weak UV absorbers,
that successfully addressed the problems of they are very popular sunscreens because of
ABA. These are N,N-dimethyl PABA ethyl es- their excellent safety record and their physico-
ter, N,N-dimethyl PABA butyl ester, N,N-di- chemical properties that are favorable for cos-
methyl PABA amyl ester (padimate A), and metic formulations. They are water-insoluble
N,N-dimethyl PABA octyl ester (padimate 0). liquids and excellent solubilizers for other in-
Padimate 0 (24) has the most desirable prop- soluble cosmetic ingredients and sunscreens
such as benzophenones. 2-Ethylhexyl salicy-
late (21) (also known as octyl salicylate) is the
most commonly used sunscreening salicylate.
The 2-ethylhexyl moiety is a common sub-
stituent in other popular sunscreens (2-ethyl-
hexyl p-methoxycinnamate, 2-ethylhexyl di-
methyl p-aminobenzoate, and 2-ethylhexyl-2-
cyano-3,3-diphenyl acrylate). The moiety
ensures the compounds' insolubility in water,
and makes them useful for water-proof sun-
screen formulations (297). Other salicyfates
that are approved for OTC marketing in the
United States are homosalate (25) and trieth-
(24) Padimate 0
anolamine salicylate (26).

erties in this class. The molar extinction coef-

ficient of padimate 0 is 28,400 in polar sol-
vents, more than twice that of ABA, and one of
the highest values among all chemical sun-
screens. The solvent effect shift is much
smaller than that ofABA (from 300 nm in non-
polar solvents to 316 nm in polar solvents).
Moreover, eliminating the intermolecular hy- (25) Homosalate
drogen bonding, and the subsequent decrease
in intermolecular association, led to the for-
mation of a liquid instead of crystalline solid,
which is a major advantage for formulating
sunscreen products (297).

8.3.2 Salicylates. Salicylates are ortho-hy-

droxybenzoic acid esters. The presence of the (26) TEA Salicylate
hydroxyl group in the ortho- position allows
8 Sunscreens

8.3.3 Cinnamates. Cinnamates have an listed in the sunscreens monograph: dioxy-

unsaturated bond conjugated both to the aro- benzone (28), oxybenzone (17), and suliso-
matic ring and to the carbonyl group, which benzone (19).
allows the electron delocalization to occur
throughout the molecule. This results in a UV
absorbance at about 305 nm and high molecu-
lar extinction coefficient, which makes this
group strong UV filters. One of the best
designed cinnamates is 2-ethylhexyl p-meth-
oxycinnamate (octyl-p-methoxycinnamate).It
has an electron releasing methoxy group in (28) Dioxybenzone (Benzophenone-8)
the para- position, which further facilitates
the electron delocalization process. The 2-eth- 8.3.5 Anthranilates. Anthranilates are or-
ylhexyl group makes it practically insoluble in tho-aminobenzoates. There is only one an-
water. In addition to octyl-p-methoxy cin- thranilate compound approved as a sun-
namate, cinnoxate (27) is also included in the screening agent in the United States, and two
anthranilates in Europe. The ortho- position-
ing of the amino group results in intramolec-
ular hydrogen bonding and greatly enhances
the resonance delocalization. The result is a
A,, of 336 nm for menthylanthranilate com-
pared with 298 nm for PABA (the para- sub-
(27) Cinoxate stituted amino benzoate). Similar to the case
with salicylates, the molar extinction coeffi-
cient of anthranilates is much lower than that
sunscreens monograph. One of the drawbacks of aminobenzoates because of the steric
of cinnamates is their moderate photostability crowding that causes the compound to deviate
caused by cis-trans isomerism (297). from planarity. Also, similar to salicylates, an-
thranilates are stable and do not exhibit sig-
8.3.4 Benzophenones. Benzophenones are nificant solvent effect (297,232). .
aromatic ketones. In this group, the electron
donating substituent is located in the para-
position to the carbonyl group. The carbonyl
group acts as the electron-acceptinggroup and
participates in the resonance delocalization
process. Aromatic ketones resonate easier
than esters and therefore absorb at a longer
wavelength (A, > 320 nm), which puts them
slightly into the UVA region. The main prob-
lems with benzophenones are as follows (297):
(29) Menthyl anthranilate
They are crystalline solids that are difficult
to solubilize in cosmetic formulations 8.3.6 Dibenzoylmethanes. Avobenzone (22)
Some benzophenones are susceptible to is the only member of this class that is ap-
large shifts in their UV maxima because of proved for use in the United States There are
solvent effect two other dibenzoylmethanes that are ap-
Unlike esters, which are rapidly hydrolyzed proved in Europe in addition to avobenzone.
in the body, benzophenones maybe poten- Dibenzoylmethanes are substituted dike-
tially toxic if absorbed through the skin: sta- tones, with a W spectrum well into the W A
tistically, more frequent allergic reactions region. This unique spectrum among W fil-
have been reported with oxybenzone than ters is a result of the keto-en01tautomerism.
with PABA (299). Three benzophenones are The W A absorbance of these compounds is
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

mainly caused by the en01 form, which has a licylate was developed and marketed in Aus-
A,, greater than 345 nm, whereas the keto tralia. In 1935, quinine oleate and quinine
form exhibits a A,, of about 260 nm. The bisulfate were marketed in the United States.
presence of the hydroxyl group in an ortho- p-Aminobenzoic acid (PABA) was patented in
position to the carbonyl group shifts the equi- 1943, and was for many years the leading or-
librium of the keto-en01 tautomerism toward ganic sunscreen. Several aminobenzoates
the en01 form and away from the keto. Diben- (PABA derivatives) were introduced subse-
zoylmethanes have a high molar extinction co- quently. PABA derivatives remained the pri-
efficient, but their main drawback is their low mary sunscreen ingredients during the 1960s
photostability and susceptibility to photoi-
and 1970s. The first reference to particulate
somerization. which results in an irreversible sunscreens appeared in 1947 (301) in an arti-
loss of activity. The keto form is more suscep- cle titled "Zinc Oxide in Face Powders." The
tible to photoisomerization than the en01 article discussed the absorption spectra of
(297). Dibenzoylmethanes are relatively sta- metal oxides, including zinc oxide and tita-
ble in polar solvents (alcohols),but unstable in nium dioxide. In the same article, the author
nonpolar solvents (300). predicted the value of zinc oxide as a broad
spectrum UV block, based on its absorption
8.3.7 Physical (Particulate) Sunscreens. Zinc spectrum. The first report on titanium dioxide
oxide and titanium dioxide are the two metal as a sunscreening agent appeared in 1952
oxides approved as sunscreens in the United (302). However, the first commercial use of
States. Microfine particles of these metal ox- microparticulate metal oxides as sunscreens
ides, with a mean particle size of 0.2 pm or was in 1989 with the introduction of a tita-
less, and a narrow particle size distribution, nium dioxide product. Zinc oxide was intro-
are used in physical sunscreen products. The duced in 1991 (303).
average particle size is below the optimal light The US military contributed to the intro-
scattering size, which allows visible light to be duction of new sunscreens as well as increas-
transmitted and therefore renders the prod- ing the public awareness and widespread use
uct virtually invisible on the skin (237, 290). of sunscreening agents. The first reported use
Zinc oxide is primarily a W absorber, whereas of red petrolatum was by the U.S. military
titanium dioxide is predominantly a reflector, during World War I1 (304). They also ysed
although it does absorb UV light both in the other agents such as glycerol-PABA and sev-
UVB and UVA region. Zinc oxide strongly ab- eral salicylate derivatives. Moreover, the U.S.
sorbs UVR from about 380 nm all the way military issued the first specifications on sun-
through the UVB and into the UVC region, screens in 1951, in which it listed approved
and therefore, was commonly referred to as sunscreens and their recommended concen-
UV block. Its UVA protection is superior to trations (297). However, most of the sun-
that of titanium dioxide, mainly because of the screen compounds and sunscreen research
stronger absorbance. The efficacy of particu- originated from the cosmetic and personal
late sunscreens depends largely on the refrac- care industry. The SPF testing, as a means of
tive index, particle size, particle morphology, quantifying the efficacy of sunscreens, started
dispersion in the vehicle, and film thickness in the 1960s,and was initially known as Light
(231). Microparticulate sunscreens are fre- Protection Factor (305).
quently coated with silicones andlor alumina
to aid their dispersibility. 8.4.2 History of FDA Regulations. Although
the FDA did not start regulating sunscreens as
8.4 History OTC drugs until 1978, it has in fact, consid-
ered them drugs as early as 1940. This posi-
8.4.1 Emergence of Sunscreens. The first tion concerning the legal classification of sun-
commercial sunscreen product appeared in screens came in a trade correspondence to the
the United States in 1928. It was an emulsion cosmetic industry (306), in which the FDA
of benzyl salicylate and benzyl cinnamate. In stated: "Articles which refer to sunburn or
the early 1930s, a 10% solution of phenyl sa- any other disease condition are drugs under
8 Sunscreens

Section 201(g), but articles which are repre- graphs existed or were being developed. The
sented exclusively for the production of an deleted agents were hardly used in any sun-
even tan will be regarded as cosmetics under screen product in the United States.
Section 201(i)." In 1976, in another correspon- During the late 1980s and early 1990s,sun-
dence to the cosmetic industry, the FDA screen products started moving away from be-
stated "We have concluded that a product con- ing purely beach and recreational products to
taining a sunscreen ingredient . . . even when being part of daily skin care. This occurred
labeled solely as a tanning aid, is both in- largely as a result of a public education cam-
tended and understood to be a preventative of paign that started in the 1980s because of the
sunburn, and is therefore a drug" (307). On increased scientific evidence on the correla-
tion between skin cancer and long-term expo-
August 25, 1978, the FDA published the first
sure to UVR.In 1989, UVA protection started
tentative monograph on sunscreens (308).
to become an issue in the United States. Until
The monograph contained 21 W filters and then, the tentative monograph contained no
their acceptable usage levels. However, the broad-spectrum UVA filters and no mention of
FDA did little to regulate sunscreen-contain- UVA. In early 1993, Roche petitioned to the
ing products manufactured by the cosmetic FDA to include avobenzone, a broad spectrum
industry until the mid-1980s. Until then, cos- UVA filter that it developed in 1971 and had
metic products containing sunscreens contin- been widely used in Europe since 1981. How-
ued to be marketed as cosmetics, unregulated, ever, when the FDA issued the tentative final
as long as they were correctly labeled as cos- monograph for OTC sunscreens in May 1993,
metics and did not make clear therapeutic avobenzone was not included. In the following
claims. In 1985, the FDA reiterated its previ- years, the FDA came under pressure from
ous position on sunscreen classification in a Roche, the CTFA, and the American Academy
memorandum of meeting with the cosmetic of Dermatology to recognize avobenzone as a
industry (307), and in 1987, it launched a ma- safe and effective (Category I) sunscreen. In
jor regulatory campaign against cosmetic September 1997, the agency amended the ten-
products with antiaging claims, many of tative final monograph to include avobenzone
which contained sunscreens. In warning let- as a Category I OTC sunscreen (311). Before
ters to the marketers of these products, the this amendment, the FDA had approved a sin- ,
FDA cited them as drugs under Section 201(g) gle product containing avobenzone (Shade
of the Food and Drug Act. Moreover, those UVA Guard from Schering-Plough). The ap-
products that contained sunscreens unap- proval of Schering-Plough's product came af-
proved by the FDA were cited as "new" drugs ter an NDA. Zinc oxide, which was until then
within the meaning of Section 201(p) (307). considered Category I11 (available data are in-
In May 1993, the FDA issued the tentative sufficient to classify as safe and effective and
final monograph for OTC drug sunscreen further testing is required), was also added to
products (309), which included 20 sunscreen the tentative final monograph in October 1998
actives. In the monograph, the FDA redefined (312).
cosmetic products that contains any sun- On May 21,1999, the FDA issued the final
screen, use the term sunscreen, claim an SPF, monograph of OTC sunscreen products (313).
or make any therapeutic claim about sun pro- The final monograph contained the 16 agents
tection as drugs. Since then, the FDA has listed in Table 9.11. Those are the agents that
made it clear that any sunscreen agent not currently have USP monographs. The FDA
eligible under the OTC Drug Review process kept two other agents under consideration in
must go through an NDA to be approved for case monographs are developed in the future.
use in the United States. In 1994, the FDA The two agents are diethanolamine methoxy-
published a proposed amendment to the ten- cinnamate (30) and lawsone (31) with dihy-
tative monograph (310) announcing its inten- droxyacetone. The final monograph also con-
tion to delete five sunscreens for lack of inter- tained new regulations for SPF testing and
est from the industry. The agency proposed to labeling. The FDA gave sunscreen makers 2
keep only the 15 actives for which USP mono- years to comply with the new regulations. The
Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

sists of microfine organic particles that are dis-

persed in the aqueous phase of sunscreen
emulsions (315, 316). It is equally protective
against UVA and UVB radiation (UVA/UVB
protection ratio = 1.0), and is extremely pho-
tostable. The safety and lack of genotoxicity of
(30) DEA Methoxycinnamate these two agents have been demonstrated
both in vitro and in vivo. The European
Unions Scientific Committee on Cosmetic
Products and Non-Food Products Intended
for Consumers (SCCNFP) has approved the
two compounds at concentrations up to 10%.
In September 2000, Ciba Specialty Chemicals
has petitioned with the FDA to add BEMT and
MMBT to the OTC sunscreen monograph
(31) Lawsone Alternative approaches for photodamage
repair and protection is an emerging trend in
sun protection. Antioxidants (particularly vi-
effective date was later extended to December tamin E) are common ingredients in commer-
31, 2002, in response to a petition submitted cially available sunscreens. It has been previ-
by the CTFA (314). ously shown that topical application of
vitamin E inhibits UVR-induced cellular dam-
8.5 Current and Future Trends
age, edema, and erythema (317). In the past
It is evident from the number of new cases of few years, there has been rising interest in
skin cancer that there is a need for new sun- scientific research to prove the efficacy of an-
screens with better protection. However, the tioxidants as chemopreventive agents (318,
cost and time required for introducing new 319). Recent work demonstrated evidence of
sunscreen agents through an NDA is prohibi- DNA photoprotection of a-tocopherol (a vita-
tive. Therefore, a large portion of the current min E compound) (317). In 2001, an oral anti-
research in the field focuses on novel drug de- oxidant (astaxanthin) was promoted as sun
livery systems to prolong the duration of the protectant pill (320). The FDA approved the
sunscreening effect, enhance the water resis- marketing of astaxanthin as dietary supple-
tance (substantivity) of the products, enhance ment in 1999, but the product did not undergo
their SPF, or decrease their irritation poten- the review for sun protection claims. Astaxan-
tial. Another important area is improving the thin is a carotenoid obtained from micro algae
aesthetics of sunscreen products, particularly and is over 500 times more potent antioxidant
physical sunscreens. than vitamin E. Other natural products that
Several new sunscreening compounds have gained considerable attention as potential
been introduced in Europe, Australia, and Ja- chemopreventive agents are tea polyphenols,
pan in the past few years. Two of the most resveratrol (a natural product from grapes),
interesting new agents are bis-ethylhexyloxy- ginger compounds, curcumin, diallyl sulfide (a
phenol methoxyphenol triazine (BEMT) and compound from garlic), and several plant fla-
methylene bis-benzotriazolyl tetramethylbu- vonoids, such as apigenin, catechin, silymarin,
tylphenol (MBBT). BEMT is a potent broad- and genistein (318, 319, 321, 322). A number
spectrum UV-absorber that covers the full of these compounds are found in skin care
UVA and UVB spectrum. In contrast to avo- products, with no cancer prevention claims.
benzone (the only broad spectrum UVA filter Chemoprevention has a large potential to
available in the United States), BEMT has a become a viable approach for skin cancer pre-
good photostability (315). MMBT (316) repre- vention. However, well-designed case-control
sents a new class of broad-spectrum UV filter clinical studies are needed to prove its efficacy
(organic microparticulates). The product con- (321).
9 Future Trends for OTC and Lifestyle Drugs

With regard to FDA regulations, there re- companies said that the FDA has no authority
main few areas of concern. The main ones are: to force them to switch. However, the same
the determination of a standardized UVA test- picture may not hold in a country like the U.K.
ing methodology (with in vivo relevance), and The MCA has been aggressively promoting
the testing and labeling of sunscreen drug recent years, and they want to ac-
products with SPF values above 30. The FDA celerate them in the next few years to control
is concerned that high SPF number may en- costs (48).
courage consumers to extend their exposure to No matter what the future of Rx-to-OTC
the sun (314). switch will be, one thing for sure is that future
switches will be driven by science and an evi-
dence-based medicine approach as in the past.
9 FUTURE TRENDS FOR O T C A N D Even though most of the OTC products are for
LIFESTYLE DRUGS acute use, there are already a few products
such as hair growth products and smoking ces-
What will the future of OTC look like? Back in sation product for chronic use. The desire of
the 1990s, Rx-to-OTC switches were deemed the baby boomers to maintain their vigor and
to be the driving force for growth in the OTC the desire of healthcare providers to control
industry. We did see rapid growth in the mid- cost favors preventive OTC products, which
1990s, but the number of switches has dwin- will continue to challenge the chronic use bar-
dled substantially near the end of the 20th rier. The switch of these kinds of products will
century (323). The so-called "easy ones" have be enhanced by the advance of diagnostic
been switched. Pharmaceutical companies products (324).
need to be creative with future switches. Sev- The future of the OTC industrv " will also be
eral seemingly promising switches such as the different because of dietary supplements and
statins and acyclovir have been denied by the cosmeceuticals. The boundary between them
Advisory committee (35). Refusal by the FDA and OTC products will be blurred (325). The
to switch a product in the past does not mean FDA has already issued draft guidance for reg-
there is no opportunity for future switch. It istering herbal drug products as either OTC or
simply means the sponsor will need to develop prescription products (326). In countries such
more data. Most switches need to go through a as Germany and Japan, herbal and dietary
few passes in front of the Advisory Committee supplements have been registered as drug
before they are eventually switched. Some of products for many years. The current lax reg-
the therapeutic categories such as hair growth ulatory environment may not favor the extra
and smoking cessation that have not been in- efforts of registering an herbal product as a
corporated into the monograph system by the drug product. However, it may become a wor-
OTC review panel were eventually switched. thy attempt as the quality standard demanded
The reason why these OTC products existed on the dietary supplement industry becomes
before the OTC review strongly suggests that tighter. Here again, the science will dictate the
those are unmet consumer needs. They got success of the conversion. Similar changes
switched when the right actives came along may occur with cosmeceuticals. The FDA will
and the right studies were done to convince undoubtedly work out a proper procedure for
the FDA that self-medications of these prod- how to regulate the so-called cosmeceuticals.
ucts are possible (33). The timing and regula- Some of them may first become Rx before they
tory environment has to be right. By the same will be switched to OTC.
analogy, some of the previously denied Rx-to- For a long time, the FDA has not required
OTC switch candidates may be resurrected as any adverse event reporting for OTC mono-
more safety data are accumulated. The fact graph products. However, this will be the fo-
that healthcare providers would like to control cus of the agency and the pharmaceutical com-
cost will lead to more citizen petitions as in the panies to place a high priority on adverse
case of non-sedative antihistamines. When event reporting. This not only represents re-
these candidates will be switched will depend sponsible marketing but also can be used to
on how the politics play out. The innovator enhance public relationships.
474 Lifestyle and Over-the-counter Drugs

The recent merger of pharmaceutical com- diseases and disorder and genomic research,
panies and the demand for double-digit pharmaceutical scientists can now create
growth have put the OTC divisions of the con- drugs to target receptors that were previously
solidated companies in a very demanding po- unknown. To maintain double-digit growth,
sition. What benefits besides growth does the the pharmaceutical industry cannot just focus
OTC division bring to the table? Perhaps one on unmet consumer needs in the area of life-
important function the OTC division serves is threatening conditions such as cancer,
for lifestyle management through Rx-to-OTC asthma, anti-infective diseases, and cardiovas-
switch. The other benefit is their direct-to- cular diseases. They also need to capitalize on
consumer advertising expertise. The prescrip- unmet consumer needs in the area of lifestyle
tion businesses are rapidly catching up in this enhancement to the aging consumers. The
area. growth in the market for lifestyle drugs will
The advance of communication technology
likely be faster than that for traditional life-
will also significantly alter the landscape of
threatening diseases. The allowance of direct-
the OTC industries. There are already compa-
nies that provide data-logging devices that al- to-consumer advertising creates a favorable
low transfer of diagnostic data between pa- environment to market lifestyle prescription
tients at home and the physician's office (327). drugs to informed consumers. The advances in
Right now, the technology is limited to immo- genomic research will theoretically allow for
bile patients. The advance of handheld wire- more precise targeting, thereby minimizing
less devices and cellular hones will make unwanted side effects. This will facilitate the
transfer of medical information much easier acceptance of lifestyle drugs and possible
for mobile OTC consumers. With the advance switch to OTC because of their lower side ef-
of better internet security, personal data may fects. Several lifestyle products such as hair
be readily portable (328). It is not hard to im- growth and smoking cessation have already
age that consumers can cany a credit card-like been switched and became quite successful.
device that has all hisher medical history and The issue of quality of life is as important for
possible drug-drug interactions stored on the treating life-threatening diseases especially in
device. developing countries. Our stressful lifestyle
Pharmaceutical companies and govern- will in turn cause many more lifestyle diseases
ment used to the two major drivers for Rx-to- such as mild depression, anxiety, ulcer, and
OTC switches and they will continue to be the other psychosomatic diseases. In fact, the op-
" drivers for the switches. The former portunities for lifestyle drugs in treating psy-
conducts switches for lifestyle management of chosomatic diseases are endless considering
prescription drugs while the latter promotes the extensive classifications in the Diagnostic
switches to reduce national prescription costs.
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
In future, manage care providers will also be a
major driver to petition for switches as in the
case of second-generation antihistamines. Pharmaceutical companies will need to in-
The growth in the OTC industry will come crease the awareness of the consumers about
not only from additional switches but also their lifestyle products, but they need to be
from a lot of "think outside the box" ap- very careful in advertising them. They need to
proaches. One thing for sure, the industry can- cultivate a positive image of responsible mar-
not keep marketing additional flavors to grow keting. Roche is already doing that in adver-
their business. The business model will have tising their product Xenical, which is targeted
to change! for a special group of diabetic patients that has
What is the future for lifestyle drugs? The a medical need to lose weight. The company
future is very promising despite the strong re- will also need to tailor their advertising to cre-
sistance of the healthcare providers to pay for ate psychological ties with the patients and
lifestyle drugs simply because the consumers ensure compliance. All lifestyle products have
want them to feel and look better. With the dedicated websites to educate and provide
advances in our understanding of causes of product information to consumers. Careful

consumer marketing will be needed to identify 23. P. B. Hutt, Food Drug Cosmetic Law J., 37,
how to best position and advertise the prod- 427 (1982).
ucts. 24. W. E. Gilbertson, Handbook of Nonprescrip-
The lifestyle drugs are here to stay and tion Drugs, 9th ed., American Pharmaceutical
their definition will continue to change. Their Association, Washington, DC, 1990, pp. 25-39.
market will continue to grow as the baby 25. W. E. Gilbertson, Drug Inform. J., 19, 101
boomers age. (1985).
26. D. C. Oppenheimer, Pharm. Technol., 21, 64
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University of California
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
School of Pharmacy
San Francisco, California
San Jose State University
Nuclear Science Facility
San Jose. California

1 Introduction, 484
2 Properties of X-Rays, 484
3 Classification of Radiopaques, 486
4 Heavy Metals and Their Salts, 486
4.1 Heavy Metals, 486
4.2 Heavy Metal Salts, 487
4.2.1 Barium Sulfate, 487
4.2.2 Bismuth Subnitrate, 489
4.2.3 Ferrites, 489
4.2.4 Metal Chelates, 489 .
4.2.5 Ultrasmall Ferrites, Gd-Chelates, and
MRI, 490
4.2.6 Tantalum Oxide, 492
4.2.7 Thorium Dioxide, 493
4.2.8 Other Metallic Salts, 493
5 Iodized Oils, 493
6 Organic Iodine Compounds, 495
6.1 Classification, 496
6.2 Synthesis, 512
6.2.1 Isomerism, 515
6.2.2 Potential Radiopaques, 516
6.3 Structure-Activity Relationship, 517
6.3.1 Substituent Structures, 517
6.3.2 Radiopacity, 531
6.3.3 Acidity, 535
6.3.4 Electron Density, 535
6.3.5 Hydrophilicity and Solubility, 536
6.3.6 Chemotoxicity, 536
6.3.7 Protein Binding and Excretion, 538
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery 6.3.8 Osmolality and Viscosity, 538
Sixth Edition, Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, 6.4 Analysis, 539
and Drugs from New Biology 6.5 Pharmacology, 540
Edited by Donald J. Abraham 6.5.1 The Cations, 541
ISBN 0-471-37030-4 O 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 6.5.2 Hyperosmolality, 542
484 Radiopaques

6.5.3 Adverse Reactions and Toxicity, 543 6.6.3 Ionics versus Nonionics, 568
6.5.4 Toxic Effects on Red Blood Cells, 547 6.6.4 Angiography, 569
6.5.5 Cardiovascular Effects, 550 6.6.5 Cholangiography, 569
6.5.6 Nephrotoxicity, 551 6.6.6 Cholecystography, 570
6.5.7 Neurotoxicity, 553 6.6.7 Myelography, 570
6.5.8 Protein Binding, 556 6.6.8 Urography, 571
6.5.9 Histamine Release, 558 7 Miscellaneous Agents, 571
6.5.10 Pharmacokinetics, 559 7.1 Perfluoroctyl Bromide, 571
6.5.11 Excretion, 562 7.2 Iodinated Particulate Suspensions, 572
6.5.12 Biotransformation, 565 7.2.1 Liposomes, 572
6.6 Uses, 566 7.2.2 Emulsions, 575
6.6.1 Computer-Assisted Tomography KT),
7.2.3 Particulates, 576
7.3 Iodinated Polymers, 577
6.6.2 Spiral (or Helical) CT, 568

1 INTRODUCTION month of the discovery, medical examinations

were being made using the newly discovered
Radiocontrast agents delineate body organs and mysterious rays. X-rays are penetrating elec-
tissues against their immediate environment tromagnetic radiations with quantum ener-
during fluoroscopic or roentgenographic exami- gies of a few thousand to several million elec-
nation. They function by renderingthe spaces or tron volts (eV), generated by transitions of
cavities occupied or the surfaces to which they
either bound electrons within an atom or free
adhere either lucent or opaque in contrast to
electrons between two positive energy levels
their immediate surrounding tissues, in the
path of X-rays, and are accordingly classified as in the field of an atomic nucleus (5). The
negative- and positive-contrast agents (1, 2). former is the atomic transition and consists of
Positive-contrast agents absorb X-rays and pro- the filling of a hole or vacancy in an inner shell
duce a darker shadow on the fluoroscopic screen by an electron from an outer shell. The differ-
and lighter or whiter shadows on the X-ray flm, ence in binding energies between the two
of the organ to be visualized against the sur- shells involved is emitted as electromagnetic
rounding tissues (2). Radiopaques fall in this radiation in the form of monochromatic (Le.,
category. Negative-contrast media are more monoenergetic) X-rays, typical of the element
transparent than either water or body tissue to and the transition. Transitions of free elec-
X-rays, and give a lighter shadow on the fluoro- trons between energy states give rise to con-
scopic screen and a darker or blacker shadow on tinuous X-rays; these are produced when elec-
the X-ray film. Fats, lipoid substances, and gases trons accelerated to high kinetic energy are
such as air, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, he- allowed to impinge on a metal target. The
lium, nitrous oxide, and xenon, absorbing less slowing down of fast electrons in the vicinity of
X-ray radiation than the body tissue, belong to the target nucleus is essentially an electron
this category. transition between two positive energy states
Radiopaques have in common the property of in the field of a target nucleus and leads to the
opacity to X-ray radiation and constitute many formation of bremsstrahlung ("braking radia-
substances that, although dissimilar in chemical tion"), composed of polychromic X-rays.
form, structure, and pharmacological proper- X-rays for medical use, produced by im-
ties, consist of elements of high atomic number.
pinging fast electrons on a tungsten target in
To understand the unique dependency of ra-
an X-ray tube, are polychromic. The diagnos-
diopacity on atomic number, a brief discussion
of the properties of X-rays is necessary. tic X-rays have an energy range of 30 to 100
kVp (kilovoltsat the peak) but higher energies
2 PROPERTIES OF X-RAYS (120-140 kVp) may be used in computed to-
mography (see Section 6.6.1). The energies of
In 1895 W. C. Roentgen discovered X-rays, X-rays produced in this manner depend on the
also known as Roentgen rays (3,4).Within a kinetic energy of the accelerated electrons (5).
2 Properties of X-Rays

Table 10.1 Physical Characteristics of Some Radiopaque Elements

Total Cross Section for X-rays of Several
Atomic K-Edge Energies," (cm2/g)
Number Density at
Element Z (g/cm3) (keV) 40 keV 60 keV 80 keV 100 keV
F 9 1.11 - 0.278 0.1912 0.1630 0.1497
Ca 20 1.55 4.038 1.792 0.6487 0.3630 0.2564
Ti 22 4.45 4.965 2.174 0.7543 0.4009 0.2706
Fe 26 7.86 7.112 3.559 1.174 0.5806 0.3643
Br 35 3.12 13.474 8.061 2.607 1.200 0.6849
Y 39 4.45 17.080 10.74 3.479 1.587 0.890
I 53 4.93 33.169 22.40 7.696 3.549 1.955
Ba 56 3.50 37.441 24.53 8.627 3.997 2.197
Gd 64 4.45 50.240 6.876 12.19 5.727 3.164
Yb 70 6.98 61.332 9.112 3.161 7.010 3.987
Ta 73 16.60 67.414 10.25 3.581 7.482 4.231
W 74 19.30 69.524 10.73 3.686 7.788 4.432
Pt 78 21.37 78.395 12.35 4.254 8.778 4.894
Au 79 19.37 80.723 12.81 4.442 2.111 5.116
Pb 82 11.32 88.006 14.05 4.893 2.335 5.461
Bi 83 9.80 90.527 14.98 5.267 2.520 5.808
Th 90 11.70 109.64 18.36 6.450 3.106 1.786
"Taken from Ref. 8.

In traversing through matter, X-rays are is the mass absorption (or attenuation) coeffi-
attenuated by coherent (Rayleigh) and inco- cient, and d is the mass of the material pene-
herent (Compton)scattering and are absorbed trated. The attenuation may also be expressed
by the photoelectric process (6, 7). X-rays of using linear attenuation coefficient (pip),
energy below 100 keV are mainly absorbed by where p represents the density, and x is the
the photoelectric process with a cross section thickness or the "mass-thickness" of the ma-
(i.e.,the probability for absorption) proportional terial penetrated, equal to pd, as shown in .
to Z5/E7I2(6),where E is the X-ray energy and Z Equation in the following:
is the atomic number of the absorber. Energy
and wavelength of X-rays are related by the for-
mula A = 12.40/E7where h is in angstroms and E
in kiloelectron volts (8).As X-ray energy is in- The mass absorption coefficient is a func-
creased, absorption by the photoelectric process tion of the X-ray energy and the atomic num-
diminishes, and Compton scattering becomes ber Z of the absorber and is equal to the total
important. At energies above 1.02 MeV, the X- cross section, expressed in cm2/g, of the inter-
rays are predominantly attenuated by pair pro- actions mentioned above. In Table 10.1 are
duction, creating electron-positron pairs; this listed the atomic number, density, K-edge, and
process does not play a role in the attenuation of total cross section of elements that either have
medical diagnostic X-rays. been used or have potential use in contrast
The attenuation of a collimated beam of media. The total cross sections given are cal-
monoenergetic X-rays is an exponential func- culated for the absorption of monochromatic
tion of the depth of penetration (7). The rela- X-rays of 4O,6O, 80, and 100 keV in energy (8);
tion may be expressed as for the absorption of polychromic X-rays of the
same energy designation, the values M e r some-
what. The total cross section decreases mono-
tonically as the X-ray energy is increased. At the
where Zo is the intensity of the initial X-ray K and L absorption edges, sharp discontinuities
beam, I is the intensity of the transmitted X- appear, and the total cross sections jump to
ray beam, e is the base of natural logarithm, higher values as a result of enhanced absorption.

In roentgenography, the energy of X-rays is ing properties (15). Radiopaques constitute

optimized according to the depth of penetra- heavy metals and their salts, iodized oils, or-
tion desired, as determined by the size and ganic iodine compounds, and miscellaneous
density of the object under examination (1, agents, such as iodinated particulate suspen-
9-11). Depending on the operational energy sions. Among these, the iodinated organic
range, a large fraction of the polychromatic compounds offer a wide range of diverse ra-
X-rays may fall in the region where absorption diopaque agents for clinical diagnosis in roent-
by the radiopaque element is small or may fall genography, and the heavy metal gadolinium
in the region of enhanced absorption near the chelates can enhance the image contrast in
K-edge. The fact that iodine has a higher total computed tomography and in nuclear mag-
cross section for 40 keV X-rays than that of netic resonance imaging.
tantalum or tungsten, for example, is attrib-
uted to the proximity of the X-ray energy to 4 HEAVY METALS A N D THEIR SALTS
the K-edge, which occurs at 33.169 keV. In-
creasing the iodine content of an iodinated 4.1 Heavy Metals
contrast medium from 28.7 to 37.5% doubles
the contrast of the radiographic image at an Heavy metals with their high atomic numbers
X-ray energy of 70 kVp but increases the con- have satisfactory radiopacity and are poten-
trast by only 60% at 90 kVp (9). tially useful radiopaques. Powdered metals
Johns and Yaffe (12) used the energy and such as tantalum, gold, and lead have been
mass dependency of the linear attenuation co- used for experimental bronchography in dogs
efficient upon X-ray energy to characterize (16-18). Tantalum elicits no unfavorable tis-
normal and neoplastic breast tissues. Carroll sue reaction and is widely used in surgery (19-
et al. (13, 14) showed that there are differ- 22). The cost of its application as a radiopaque
ences in the linear attenuation coefficients be- is minimal. Inhaled tantalum dust induces no
tween normal and selected cancerous breast acute or chronic inflammatory response in the
tissues and that the contrast increases as the airways or pulmonary tissue (23). Ingested
beam energy in the energy range of 14 to 18 tantalum powder produces no untoward ef-
keV of monochromatic X-rays decreases. fects on the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and is
These monochromatic X-rays were generated excreted. Injected tantalum powder is en-
at the National Synchrotron Light Source at gulfed by the Kupffer cells without visible
the Brookhaven National Laboratory. damage or pericellular reaction (24). The tox-
Substances in medical radiography are icity of tantalum powder is extremely low,
classified into five categories (2) according to given that as much as 8000 mg/kg can be ad-
their opacity to X-rays: ministered orally without systemic toxicity
Radiolucent: gases. Nadel et al. (17, 25) were the first to use
Moderately radiolucent: fatty tissues. tantalum dust for bronchography in canine
and human lungs. Tantalum dust, with an av-
Intermediate: connective tissues, muscle, erage particle size of 2.5 pm diameter, has
blood, cartilage, cholesterol stones, uric been administered by insufflations in bron-
acid stones.
chography, esophagography (251, and gastrog-
Moderately radiopaque: bone, calcium salts. raphy (26). Tantalum dust adheres tena-
Very radiopaque: heavy metals and their ciously to bronchial and esophagal mucosa, to
salts. yield bronchograms and esophagograms of ex-
cellent detail over a prolonged period (17, 23,
CLASSIFICATION OF RADIOPAQUES 25, 27). Experimental double-contrast cystog-
raphy has also been carried out (28). An aero-
The basic characteristics desirable for a con- sol preparation containing 2.4% tantalum
trast medium are (1)satisfactory radiopacity dust (particle size, 2-50 pm), 5% lecithin (as
(related to atomic number, material density, surfactant), and 55% dichlorodifluorometh-
and concentration), (2)stability, (3) pharma- ane has been introduced to simplify the prep-
cological inertness, and (4) minimum sensitiz- aration for the roentgenographic procedure
4 Heavy Metals and Their Salts

and to shorten the preparation for exarnina- this class of iron oxide allows the movement of
tion (29). Commercial tantalum powders are the ingested material to be controlled by an
nonporous (30) and must be fractionated be- external magnetic field (44, 45). Ultrasmall
fore use in bronchography (31). Because of its superparamagnetic ferrite particles have clin-
high density and high atomic number, tanta- ical use for contrast enhancement in magnetic
lum compares favorably with other contrast
ii agents and yields superior bronchograms to
resonance imaging (MRI).

F those obtained with propylidone (15d)(17). 4.2.1 Barium Sulfate. Bachem and Giinther
I Tantalum provides equal attenuation to an X- (46) introduced barium sulfate in 1910 to re-
ray beam with 115 to 1/10 as much as the place insoluble and toxic bismuth salts for
amount required of barium or iodine and clinical visualization of the alimentary tract.
about 1/20 the amount required of iodized oils
Its nontoxicity, effectiveness, and low cost
(17,18). The metal is removed from the bron-
have made barium sulfate the most widely
chi within a few days by the ciliary activity and
by coughing (17,23,32) and from the lung in a used radiocontrast agent for gastrointestinal
much shorter time (23). The clearance of tan- roentgenographic examination since that time
talum is slower, however, than that of barium (47,48). Dihlmann and Hering (49) described
sulfate under similar conditions (23);this may its usage up to 1993. Patton (50) reviewed the
be attributed to its high density, which slows history of barium sulfate as a contrast me-
the transport of particles by the flow of body dium and noted its commercial use in the early
fluid. The clearance half-time ranges from 105 days as a flour adulterant because of its non-
to 817 days when determined with the use of toxicity and lower cost.
radioactive ls2Ta (32). Colloidal barium sulfate preparations are
Powdered tantalum (average particle size: available from numerous commercial sources.
3 pm in diameter) has been given intrave- Information about their exact composition has
nously as suspensions to dogs and rabbits for not been freely available because of propri-
splenohepatography (24).Although good sple- etary interest (47, 51). Preparations may dif-
nohepatograms have been obtained, the ag- fer in their effectiveness for coating mucosal
gregation of tantalum powder has caused fatal surfaces as determined by (1)particle size, (2)
pulmonary embolism in dogs. The usefulness ionic charge on suspended particles, (3) pH,
of tantalum dust for bronchography has been (4) resistance to flocculation, (5) suspension
reviewed (33,341. aid, and (6) viscosity or osmotic toxicity (52).
Link et al. (35) proposed the use of tanta- The particle size of barium sulfate may
lum and tungsten to add radiopacity to hydro- vary from a fraction of a micron to several
gel embolic agents for embolotherapy and microns or more (48). Ultrafine grain size by
studied the emboli formed by coagulation un- itself may give inferior visualization of the
der high pressure of a 1:l or 2:l mixture of gastric mucosa but the particles can be more
tungsten particles (1-10 pm) and a liquid hy- easily held in suspension. On the other hand,
drogel (polyacrylonitrile copolymer) in a rab- particles larger than 1 pm may offer better
bit model. contrast, provided that they can be made to
stay in suspension. An electron micrograph of
barium sulfate particles of less than 1 pm in
4.2 Heavy Metal Salts
diameter shows that they are of irregular
Soluble heavy metal salts are in general highly shape (53). The influence of microcrystalline
toxic because of the presence of free metal shape on the coating property of the suspen-
ions, although many insoluble ones including sion is not well studied.
oxides have been used in roentgenography The viscosity of barium sulfate suspension
(36-42). Barium sulfate has been successfully is determined by the quantity and size of par-
used as a contrast agent for visualization of ticles and can be modified by added peptizing
the alimentary tract for the past 70 years and agents (52). A thick paste of barium sulfate in
has not been supplanted by iodinated contrast water can be peptized or thinned by the addi-
media (43). The ferrites are experimental ra- tion of sodium citrate and sorbitol. The func-
diopaque agents because the magnetism of tion of the citrate is to stabilize the colloidal
488 Radiopaques

preparation and that of the sorbitol is to en- The mobility of the particles depends on
hance that function. The use of a polybasic the pH of the suspension, the ionic strength,
acid and sugar alcohol combination can lead to the age, and the method of preparation. Ad-
the incorporation of so much barium sulfate in herence of barium sulfate particles to mucosal
a liquid suspension as to obtain a preparation membrane is pH dependent because the pH
with a specific gravity close to 3 (54,55).Other affects not only the electrokinetic charge on
polybasic acids such as tartaric acid and ethyl- the barium sulfate particles but also the
enediaminetetraacetic acid (edetic acid) may charge on the mucosal lining, which is com-
also be used. posed of glycoprotein mucopolysaccharideand
Particles in unprotected barium sulfate is capable of carrying charges (52). Coating
suspensions have a tendency to aggregate, re- of mucosal surfaces by commercial barium
sulting in flocculation. Such suspensions may sulfate preparations has been studied by
be stabilized by the use of a dispersingagent or Schwartz et al. (72), who found that an opti-
by placing an electric charge on the particle mal viscosity is important for satisfactory
(52). The surface of barium sulfate particles is coating; at low viscosities the coating is too
either positively or negatively charged, de- thin, and at high viscosities the preparation is
pending on the residual lattice ions present. It too viscid for use. According to Fisher (43),
is also affected by the nature of the material 0.01 g of barium sulfate/cm2 of surface area is
added to coat the particles. The coated parti- needed to visualize mucosa.
cles are uniformly charged and flow easily on Many different preparations of colloidal
account of the like charge on their surface, barium sulfate for roentgenography are avail-
which resists aggregation and increases the able commercially. The so-called barium
colloidal stability. meals are not limited to liquid suspensions;
Additives for coating barium sulfate parti- they also appear as tablets (73). Barium sul-
cles include methylcellulose (47, 52, 53, 56- fate suspensions containing an effervescent
61), carboxymethylcellulose (53, 54), hy- agent have been introduced for use in double-
droxypropylcellulose (53, 54, 62), chondroitin contrast studies (74, 75). Barium sulfate may
sulfate (631, heparin (521, and sodium dextran also be coated with Fe,03, MgO, and A1,03
sulfate (52). Dispersing agents used for stabi- (63,761. The coated material has good dispers-
lization and peptization of the colloidal sus- ibility and very low viscosity in acidic media.
pension include agar (48, 54, 551, acacia (47, Other barium preparations are also useful. A
56), alginates (54, 56, 59, 64, 651, alginic acid barium titanate suspension was compared
and propylene glycol mixtures (66), anionic with barium sulfate (72). An emulsified mix-
galactanes (66), bentonite (47,60),casein (471, ture containing castor oil and barium sulfate
erythrobic acid (58, 59, 67, 681, gelatin (47, can visualize colon fistula more economically
60), glycerol (60, 69), gum arabic (53, 55, 621, than can iodinated contrast media (77).
hexametaphosphate (57, 58, 621, lecithin (47, Barium sulfate is used not only in roent-
65), mannitol (69), pectins (47, 54, 55, 62), genographic examination of the GI tract (51)
polyalkylarene sulfonates (66), polyethylene but also in inhalation bronchography (61).
glycol 400 (64, 69, 701, polymetaphosphate Bullowa and Gottlieb (78) did early experi-
(71), nonionic poly(oxyethylene)glycol stea- ments on dogs in 1920. Barium sulfate was
rate (651, polysorbate 80 (47, 691, poly(viny1 used for bronchography in infants and chil-
alcohol) (54, 55, 70), poly(vinylpyrro1idone) dren (79). According to Clement (61), satisfac-
(54, 55, 62, 71), pyrophosphate (55), sodium tory bronchograms can be obtained with less
ascorbate (58,59,67-69), sodium dioctylsulfo- barium sulfate if the bronchial surface is pre-
succinate (69),sodium lauryl sulfoacetate (64, viously exposed to methylcellulose. Methylcel-
69), sorbic acid (64, 691, sorbitol (54, 55, 64, lulose improves the bronchogram by forming a
69), and trisodium citrate hydrate (55,64,66, viscous film on the bronchial mucosa to which
69). Classification of these agents by their barium sulfate easily adheres, thus reducing
function is only superficial, given that many considerably the amount of contrast agent re-
have dual functions. quired for an examination.
4 Heavy Metals and Their Salts

When used in bronchography, barium sul- These ferrites can be prepared to yield low sol-
fate is nonallergenic and nontoxic. It induces ubility in acid or stimulated gastric juice. They
only a mild, benign, foreign body reaction and are nonallergenic and have no acute toxicity
causes no pulmonary fibrosis or bronchial (84). On prolonged daily oral administration
spasms. It is cleared from the normal lung by (30 days), the ferrites cause a slight decrease
ciliary action, coughing, and phagocytosis at a in body weight, hematocrit, and the enzyme
rate similar to that of tantalum (61).When the glutamic-pyruvic transaminase in rats and
bronchial surface is precoated with methylcel- mice (85). The median lethal dose (LD,,) for
lulose, the clearance of barium sulfate is usu- rats and mice is >20 and >10 gkg, respec-
ally complete within 24-48 h (61). Any resid- tively (85).When fed to experimental animals,
ual amount that may remain trapped in the the ferrites are cleared entirely from the body
alveoli is usually located within the macro- within 1 week, as shown in absorption studies
phages in tiny intra-alveolar granuloma. using ,,Fe-, 54Mn-, or 65Zn-labeled ferrites
When used in roentgenography of the GI tract, (84). Only soft ferrites, which do not coalesce
barium sulfate has the inherent danger of in- in the absence of the applied magnetic field,
spissation and impaction when water is reab- are used as contrast media. Satisfactory roent-
sorbed, particularly in the colon (48, 80, 81). genograms of the esophagus, stomach, bron-
chus, and small intestine have been obtained
4.2.2 Bismuth Subnitrate. Bismuth subni- with these ferrites (45). The particle size of the
trate was the first contrast agent used clini- ferrite powder may range from less than 1 mi-
cally to visualize the alimentary tract (36). It cron to several microns in diameter, and a sta-
was found to be toxic in humans through the ble suspension of the particles may be ob-
reduction from nitrate to nitrite; as a result, tained using stabilizing and peptizing agents
bismuth subcarbonate was substituted (82). (86-91) similar to those mentioned in Section
When the toxic action was traced to the metal 4.2.1.
itself, the use of bismuth salts was discontin-
ued. 4.2.4 Metal Chelates. Chelating agents ca-
pable of combining with metals of high atomic
4.2.3 Ferrites. Novel materials such as fer- number are potentially useful contrast media
rites were introduced as experimental radio- (15, 37, 38). Chelation may significantly re-
contrast agents (44,45). Ferrites are iron ox- duce the toxicity of metal ions; the toxicity of
ide (Fe,O,) in solid solution with one or more Ca, Ni, Co, and Pb salts of ethylenediaminetet-
metallic oxides. They possess about 80% of the raacetic acid (EDTA or edetic acid) is many
radiopacity of barium sulfate and a higher per- times lower than the toxicity of the metal ions.
centage if oxides of high atomic number are On the other hand, Cr, Cu, and Hg edetates
incorporated. The ferrites are magnetic, a and their metal ions have comparable toxicity,
property that allows their movement within as indicated by the LD,, (7-day mortality) val-
the body to be controlled by an external mag- ues. Because the binding between metal ions
net. Because of their magnetic property, ul- and the ligands is reversible, the sequestered
trasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide parti- metal ions in the latter group of chelates may
cles are studied in animals for accumulation in have become free in vivo.
lymph nodes, to develop a target-specific con- In addition to edetic acid, multidentate
trast agent for magnetic resonance imaging chelating agents such as 1,2-diaminocyclo-
(MRI) (83). hexane-N,Nr-tetraacetic acid, diethylenetri-
Frei et al. (44) reported the use of magne- aminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), N,N1(2-hy-
sium ferrite as a contrast material for X-ray droxycyclohexyl)ethylene-diaminediacetic
diagnosis. Sugimoto et al. (45) studied the acid, 2-hydroxycyclohexylethylenediaminetri-
suitability of four ferrites containing Mg, Zn, acetic acid, and P-hydroxyethylethylene dia-
Cu, Ni, and Mn as radiopaques with respect to minetriacetic acid have been used to sequester
toxicity, solubility in gastric juice, X-ray ab- heavy metal ions for roentgenographic pur-
sorption, and effective magnetic field strength poses (37). Solutions (8%)of Bi-DTPA and Pb-
necessary for controlling the ferrite powder. EDTA were used in experimental bronchogra-

phy and angiography in dogs (37) but the cilitate the relaxation of water-protons and
margin of safety between auseful dose and the are not visualized directly in the MRI image
minimum lethal dose is so narrow as to render (96,97). In MRI, the patient is placed within a
them hazardous for clinical trials. Zwicker et uniform magnetic field; the water-protons in
al. (92) compared iodinated and noniodinated the body of the patient will line up, giving a net
contrast media, that is, iopromide (2.94 molar nuclear macroscopic magnetization along the
iodine, 370 mg I/mL) with gadolinium (as 0.5 long axis of the patient. If one applies an ex-
molar Gd-DPTA, 78 mg GdJmL) and ytter- ternal radiofrequency pulse to induce mag-
bium (0.5 molar Yb-DPTA, 86 mg YbImL) in netic resonance, the nuclear magnetization of
computed tomography of aorta and liver in the individual protons will relax them back to
dogs. At equimolar concentrations, Gd-DTPA
their original position in an exponential man-
and Yb-DTPA are superior to iodine in maxi-
ner, called spin-lattice relaxation, with a time
mum contrast enhancement of the aorta and
the liver. but iodine at 2.94 molar concentra- constant TI. Relaxation also occurs in the
tion exceeds these enhancement values of transverse axis, called spin-spin relaxation,
metal chelates at 0.5 molar concentrations. with a time constant T2. The MR contrast
The lanthanide chelates, because of their high agents that facilitate the relaxation will in-
atomic number and approximately 40% crease or decrease the signal intensity accord-
greater efficiency in attenuatingx-rays of 120 ingly. For diagnostic purposes, relaxation data
kV than iodine at equivalent mass concentra- acquisition after a pulse sequence is computer
tion, are useful agents for contrast enhance- controlled and the data are reconstructed and
ment in computed tomography (CT) (93,94). displayed as an image, to show the contrast
Schmitz et al. (94)found in a rabbit model that enhancement between normal and diseased
the neutral macrocyclic chelate gadobutrol is a tissues. According to Carr (98),the MR images
more effective contrast agent than iopromide
are dependent on pulse sequences, proton den-
for CT at lower doses of the imaging atom. sity, TI, and T2. Saturation-recovery se-
These agents may be indicated in patients quences rely on proton density, inversion-re-
with known previous allergic reactions to io- covery sequences on proton density and TI,
dinated contrast media. and spin-echo sequences on proton density
The high atomic number and the large and T2.
magnetic moment of gadolinium have made The contrast media for MRI, according-to
its compounds potentially useful for both CT their effect on image enhancement, are cate-
and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging gorized as (1)relaxivity-based T1 agents and
(MRI). The effect of gadolinium chelates on (2) susceptibility-based T2 agents (96, 97).
the relaxation behavior of water protons pro- The term l/Ti,where i = 1,2, represents the
vides the contrast in the MRI of human tissues rate of relaxation of solvent nuclei. Relaxivity
(95). The mechanisms for contrast enhance- (RJ is obtained as the slope of relaxation rate
ment by Gd-chelates in CT and in MRI are per 1 mM of paramagnetic species, in the unit
very different, although the imaging results of mM-' s-'. It represents the efficiency with
are very similar. A brief description of MRI is which the contrast agent enhances the proton
given below as a basis for discussion of the relaxation rate of water and is defined as fol-
development and use of potential ferrites and lows (94):
gadolinium contrast-enhancing agents.

4.2.5 Ultrasmall Ferrites, Gd-Chelates, and

MRI. Nuclear MRI is dependent on the use of where the suffixes p and 0 indicate with and
superparamagnetic and paramagnetic materi- without paramagnetic species, respectively.
als to enhance the contrast in tissue discrimi- Susceptibility effect refers to the relaxation of
nation and is both complex and difficult. The T2, attributed to the moving spins relaxed by
patient is not exposed to X-ray radiation while the fluctuating field. A paramagnetic metal
undergoing MRI. Unlike the radiocontrast complex can interact strongly or weakly with
media attenuating the X-rays, these agents fa- water molecules, depending on whether these
4 Heavy Metals and Their Salts

water molecules are covalently bonded or hy- (104, 105). BMS 180549 (Squibb Diagnostics,
drogen bonded to the metal complex, some- Princeton, NJ) is similar to AM1 227 in size
times referred to as "inner-sphere" relax- but has an iron core of 4.3-6.0 nm in diameter
ation, or whether the water molecules are and a blood half-life of greater than 200 min,
passing through the field by translational dif- and is clinically useful for differentiating reac-
fusion, often referred to as "outer-sphere" re- tive from tumor-bearing lymph nodes (106,
laxation (95, 96). A shortening of the T1 and 107). The maximum dose is 1.7 mg Fekg or
T2 relaxation times will lead, respectively, to 120 mg Fe for a 70-kg person, which is small
either a positive (brightening) or a negative compared to the body iron store. Intravenous
(darkening) effect in image intensity. Metal or interstitial administration of superpara-
ions are toxic and need to be sequestered as magnetic particles is relatively free of unto-
chelates with very small dissociation constant ward side effects, but clumping of the particles
for safe use as contrast media. Chelation de- and microembolization of the AM1 25 particles
creases the relaxivity. may lead to back pain and fever (108). The
Ultrasmall ferrite particles and lanthanide compound is nontoxic and readily metabolized
chelates are potential contrast media in MR in the body. Its cellular uptake and trafficking
imaging. Ferromagnetic, superparamagnetic, is by receptor-mediated endocytosis to the ter-
and paramagnetic compounds affect 1/T1 and minal lysosome
- (109). Ultrasmall iron oxide
1lT2 differently (99). Ferromagnetic and su- particles can be targeted to asialoglycoprotein
perparamagnetic iron oxide particles enhance receptor in MR receptor imaging (103). An
1lT2 more than 11T1and have a greater trans- oral formulation of magnetic ferrite particles
verse relaxivityflongitudinal relaxivity ratio was also tested for enhancing visualization of

(R2/R1 >> 1) than paramagnetic substances
(R2/R1 1) (99). The iron oxide particles,
when prepared by different methods, differ in
the GI tract in MR imaging (110).
Gadolinium has seven unpaired 4f elec-
trons and a large magnetic moment and is
particle size, polycrystalline state, core con- highly paramagnetic. The free gadolinium
centration, and the dextran coating. The rec- ions are toxic. When administered intrave-
ognition of these iron oxide particles by mac- nously, the ions combine with endogenous
rophages and their distribution in the body metal-binding sites and endogenously avail-
are determined by their size and surface prop- able counter ions, such as phosphate, car-
erties (100). The ultrasmall particles can mi- bonate, and hydroxide, to form insoluble
grate across capillary endothelium upon intra- complexes that are very slowly excreted. Se-
venous administration and are taken up by questering the metal ions by chelation with
the reticuloendothelial system, including the organic chelating agents decreases the toxic-
liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow. ity. Gd-DTPA meglumine salt, a chelate of
Ferrite particles AM1 25 are about 80 nm in
gadolinium with diethylenetriaminepentaace-
diameter, have a very short blood half-time of tic acid (DTPA), was reported to have a me-
6 min, and are phagocytosed by Kupffer cells dian lethal dose (LD,,) of 10 mmolkg, com-
in the liver, resulting in contrast enhance- pared to that of gadolinium chloride (GdC1,)
ment between normal liver and tumor metas- with an LD,, value of 0.5 mmol/kg in the rat
tasis (101, 102). The ultrasmall superpara- when administered intravenously (110). Gd-
magnetic iron oxide particles (USPIO), DTPA has a thermodynamic stability constant
obtained by size fractionation of AM1 25, have of 1022.46at 25°C (94). Gd-chelates enhance
a mean diameter of 11 nm and a plasma half- contrast in MRI. The signal response of gado-
time of 81 min and tend to accumulate in linium is not dose dependent but biphasic;
lymph nodes (83,103). USPIOs have a molec- that is, the signal intensity increases initially
ular weight of approximately 700 kDa by gel and then decreases with an increase in Gd con-
filtration, comparable to that of ferritin (11 centration (112). Paramagnetic gadolinium-
nm; molecular weight, 440-600 kDa) (103). chelated complexes for MRI (113) can be cate-
AM1 227 is a nanoparticulate iron oxide with a gorized, based on their chemical structures,
mean size of 18 nm (17-21 nm) and an outer into two classes: (1)those sequestered by lin-
coating of low molecular weight TI0 dextran ear ligands (EDTA, DTPA, etc.) and (2) those

sequestered by macrocyclic ligands (polyaza 0.5 mmolkgbody weight, and showed that the
polycarboxylic acids, etc.) as follows: contrast agent distributed predominantly in
the extracellular fluid space, with a half-life in
1. Gadolinium-chelates with linear ligands plasma of approximately 1.5 h. More than 95%
0 Gadobenate dimeglumine (Gd-BOPTA) of the injected dose was excreted by glomeru-
0 Gadodiamide (Gd-DTPA-BMA)
lar filtration within 12 h. No metabolite was
0 Gadopenamide
Paramagnetic contrast agents that are dis-
0 Gadopentetate dimeglumine (Gd-DTPA)
tributed throughout the extracellular space
0 Gadoversetamide and rapidly excreted by the kidneys have lim-
0 Gadoxetic acid ited value for perfusion and organ function
2. Gadolinium-chelates with macrocyclic li- studies in MRI. Brasch et al. (118,119) showed
gands that human serum albumin covalently bound
0 Gadobutrol
to 5-18 Gd-DTPA molecules were useful for
blood-pool enhancement but these macromol-
0 Gadoteric acid (Gd-DOTA)
ecules were slowly excreted. These authors
0 Gadoteridol (Gd-HP-D03A) also quantified capillary permeability of ex-
perimental mammary adenocarcinoma in fe-
Tweedle et al. (114)studied the biodistribu- male rats with albumin-(Gd-DTPA),, (120),
tion of gadodiamide, gadopentetate, gadoter- and identified and differentiated pulmonary
ate, and gadoteridol, labeled with radioactive diseases with polylysine-(Gd-DTPA),, (121).
gadolinium-153 in both mice and rats. Ga- Paramagnetic dextran (i.e., dextran linked to
dodiamide and gadopentetate have linear li- Gd-DTPA by diaminohexane through carba-
gands, and gadoterate and gadoteridol have mate and carboxymethyl groups) was pre-
macrocyclic ligands. Gadodiamide and gado- pared as a potential MRI contrast agent (122).
teridol are nonionic, whereas gadopentetate Liposomes containing Gd-HP-D03A or am-
and gadoterate are ionic. These authors found phipathetic agents were evaluated for use in
that the radioactivity of the linear complexes, liver MR imaging (123, 124). Gadozelite, a
compared with the macrocyclic complexes, re- gadolinium zeolite complex, has been listed for
mained longer in the bone and liver of the an- oral use (113). New derivatives of linear and
imals. The order of their residual Gd concen- macrocyclic polyaza and polyamino polycar-
tration at long residence times from the lowest boxylic acids have been synthesized as ligands
to the highest, was gadoteridol gadoterate 5 for potential MRI contrast agents. Among
gadopentetate << gadodiamide. The macrocy- them are Gd-DTPA-bis(arnide)complexes, 15-
clic chelates of gadolinium have higher ther- to 17-membered macrocyclics with three pen-
modynamic stability constants and tend to be dent carboxymethyl groups, and others (125-
more stable and do not undergo decomplex- 131). Ranganathan et al. (132) designed and
ation in vivo. Gd-DTPA is rapidly excreted synthesized for testing biochemical processes
through the kidneys. Dean et al. (115) listed a series of multimeric MRI agents, with molec-
the rank of tissue distribution of Gd-DTPA in ular weight of 1-5 kDa and with a varying
the rat 2 min after intravenous injection of the number of hydrated water molecules in the
contrast agent. McLachlan et al. (116) showed inner sphere of the gadolinium atom to modu-
the mean distribution half-life of the injected late the reflexivity.
gadoteridol in human volunteers to be 0.20 2
0.04 h and the mean elimination half-life 1.57 4.2.6 Tantalum Oxide. Although tantalum
2 0.08 h. More than 94% of the contrast agent oxide is less radiopaque than tantalum powder
was excreted in the urine in 24 h. The elimi- by a factor of 0.5 per volume or 0.8 per mass,
nation half-life and the distribution half-life of its chemical and biologic inertness and toxicity
gadoteridol were independent of the dose are very similar to those of tantalum (40). The
used. Staks et al. (117) studied the phannaco- technical advantages and safety in handling
kinetics of gadobutrol in humans at different and storage of the oxide make it superior for
dose levels, up to the maximum dose level at use in roentgenography to metallic tantalum,
5 Iodized Oils 493

which presents an explosion hazard. The oxide ous late effects were observed (39). The con-
is formed as P-T%O,, with a particle size of tinuous shedding of the intestinal epithelium
about 1 mm or less, by burning metallic tanta- can remove the deposited dioxide and excrete
lum powder in air. It is used in bronchography it together with the intestinal content.
and esophagography by topical application. Because of the radiation effects of thorium,
When injected intravenously in dogs and rab- the use of thorium dioxide is limited only to
bits in experimental hepatosplenography, the the procedures approved by the U.S. Food and
oxide forms microscopic emboli in the liver Drug Administration, such as hepatolienogra-
and kidney. Injected particles of the oxide are phy in patients with metastatic cancer (39).
engulfed by the reticuloendothelial cells with-
out appreciable cellular or pericellular reac- 4.2.8 Other Metallic Salts. In addition to
tion. the heavy metal salts mentioned above, bar-
ium titanate and barium metatitanate have
4.2.7 Thorium Dioxide. The use of tho- been used for visualization of the hypophar-
rium dioxide as a contrast agent began in 1928 ynx, esophagus, stomach, and small intestine
to 1929 (133);it has been used under the name (41, 149). Barium metatitanate is used as a
of Thorotrast (Fellows-Testager Division, De- powder with grains measuring from 0.8 to 1.0
troit, MI) for angiography and cerebral arte- pm. It is insoluble in water and has a density
riography. Thorotrast is a colloidal suspension of 6 compared to that of barium sulfate with a
of 25% by weight of thorium dioxide, of parti- density of 4.5. In addition, the metatitanate
cle size less than 0.15 pm diameter, prepared adheres better than barium sulfate to the in-
by oxidation of thorium oxalate at 550°C (134). testinal mucosa, a property considered favor-
The high atomic number, high density, and able for visualization. Powdered calcium tung-
the lack of acute toxicity make thorium diox- state can also be used to opacify airways but
ide an ideal radiopaque for use in large quan- was found ineffective for filling airways
tities in roentgenography (135). Thorium di- smaller than 2 mm in diameter (42).
oxide gives excellent contrast and has proved
to be valuable in studies in which other con- 5 IODIZED OILS
trast media would fail.
The drawback of using thorium dioxide as a
contrast agent is its radioactivity and indefinite
Radiopaque iodine atoms can be introduced
into vegetable oils to form iodized oils by
retention in the body (136,137).Thorium-232 is reaction with hydroiodic acid. This converts
the longest-lived parent radionuclide in the tho- unsaturated fatty acid groups into iodinated
rium series (138). A considerable amount of saturated ones, such as linoleic acid to diio-
work has been done regarding the disposition dostearic acid and oleic acid to monoiodoste-
and fate of thorium dioxide after its systemic aric acid (150). Commercial preparations of io-
and local use in humans for roentgenography dized oils are glyceryl esters (Lipiodol) and
(139-147). The dioxide when administered in- ethyl esters (Ethiodol) of iodinated fatty acids
travenously is engulfed by the phagocytic cells of poppyseed oil. Lipiodol and Ethiodol con-
of the reticuloendothelial system and is per- tain approximately 38-42 and 37% of organi-
manently localized in these cells (139). The cally bound iodine, respectively. Ethyl diio-
long-term effects of radiation are fibrosis and dostearate (45.0% I) and ethyl triiodostearate
neoplastic growth in the liver and spleen and (55.2%I) have higher iodine content than that
fibrosis of their efferent lymph nodes (39, of Ethiodol and are available as emulsions
146). Localization of thorium and its daughter (151). The iodized oils are yellow or amber and
nuclides in the bone may result in leukemia decompose with liberation of iodine upon ex-
and other blood dyscrasias (144). Locally in- posure to air or light. Ethiodol has a lower
jected thorium dioxide, if in contact with epi- viscosity than that of Lipiodol. The toxicity or
thelium for long periods, induces carcinoma tolerance of iodized oils is determined by their
(39, 148). viscosity (150).
When colloidal thorium dioxide was applied Iodinated oils are emulsified for injection
within the lumen of the GI tract, no deleteri- with surfactants such as polyoxyethylene sor-
494 Radiopaques

bitan monooleate (Tween-80) and sorbitan treatment of hepatic tumors by chememboli-

monooleate (Span-80) (152), polyethylene gly- zation (161). In the latter the iodized oil addi-
col-400 stearate (153,1541, soya lecithin (155), tionally exerts a synergistic effect by activat-
or ethylene oxide and castor oil (156),and sta- ing the immune system in the liver. The oily
bilized with polyhydric alcohols such as glyc- contrast medium allows the detection of small
erol and glucose. The toxicity of iodized oils avascular masses in the liver or spleen by com-
administered intralymphatically is between puted tomography, which is superior to both
one and two times that administered intrave- contrast angiography with water-soluble con-
nously (150, 157). Ethiodol has an average le- trast media and scanning with radiopharma-
thal dose in the dog of 3.62 mL/kg for intra- ceuticals; the former is too transient for tomo-
lymphatic injection compared to 1.58 mL/kg graphic imaging and the latter is inadequate
for intravenous injection (157). Iodized oils in resolution (162). Miyamoto et al. (160)
are injected slowly into the peripheral lym- found that the water-soluble nonionic iodin-
phatic; an 8-mL dose is usually given over a ated contrast agent iotrolan has none of these
period of 40-80 min at a pressure of 0.4 atm. side effects.
High injection speeds and pressure may cause Lipiodol, when injected intra-arterially,
rupture of the lymph trunk and extravasation. can diagnose malignant hepatic tumors (163).
Intralymphatically injected oil contrast Lipiodol as a carrier for anticancer drugs, such
medium may remain in the lymph nodes for as neocarzinostatin, mitomycin, aclarubicin,
months or even for more than 1 year (150). and doxorubicin, has been administered to pa-
The excess of that retained in the lymphatic tients with hepatomas (164). In hysterosalpin-
system will enter the systemic veins through gography both oil and aqueous contrast media
the thoracic duct or by way of lymphaticov- can reliably provide information about uter-
enous communications and eventually pass ine-tubal anatomy, although Ethiodol gives a
into the pulmonary artery and its branches, to sharper image and the added advantage of a
be distributed in the lung capillaries. Experi- high conception rate (165-167). After oil con-
ments in the dog showed that 50% of the in- trast medium hysterosalpingography, one-
jected Ethiodol was found in the lung and third of the infertile women had normal preg-
about 23%in the nodes at 3 days post-lymphog- nancies and childbirths (167, 168). An in vitro
raphy. The concentration of iodized oil in the study showed that a potential mechanism for
nodes remained essentially the same but that fertility enhancement might be attributed30
in the lung had decreased to about 13% of the the inhibition of peritoneal lymphocyte and
dose at 17 days postinjection (150, 158). macrophage function by the oil contrast me-
Metabolic studies with l3'I-labeled Ethio- dium. The advantages of Ethiodol versus dia-
do1 indicated that the iodized oil was rapidly trizoate, ioxaglate, and iohexol in hysterosal-
deiodinated by enzymes in tissues with the io- pingography have been varied (167).
dine appearing as inorganic iodide, which was Kishi et al. (169) evaluated the acute toxic-
excreted by the kidney. In humans, no more ity of Lipiodol infusion into the hepatic ar-
than 0.5% of the injected iodized oil was found teries (HAI) of beagles and found the influ-
in the blood at any one time, and the urinary ence of Lipiodol HA1 to be dose dependent.
excretion was less than 2.5% of the dose per The infused Lipiodol first passed through an
day (159). The most serious side effect of the arterioportal communication and distrib-
iodized oils is pulmonary or systemic emboli- uted through the hepatic sinusoids to pulmo-
zation and granuloma formation (1601, which nary capillaries and thence into systemic
is related to the particle size of the oily drops blood circulation. The circulation and emboli-
(150, 157), but Kupffer cells can actively cap- zation of oil droplets were found in the renal
ture and phagocytize the iodized oil droplets tubular cells of supracapsular cortex, the cho-
(161). roid plexus, the vascular endothelium, and the
Iodized oil is used in lymphography (150, pancreatic duct epithelium, showing a process
157),intra-arterial hepatography (1541, intra- of intracellular collection of Lipiodol from the
venous hepatosplenography (162), and hys- systemic blood circulation and of further me-
terosalpingography (1601, and also used for tabolism-provokingcellular reactions.
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

6 ORGANIC IODINE COMPOUNDS present, and the future trends in the develop-
ment of iodinated contrast media. Archer
Organic iodine compounds make up the larg- (179) discussed the chemical aspects of some
est group of radiopaques or radiocontrast cholecystographic agents developed before
agents used in roentgenographic examination. 1959, including iopanoic acid. Hoey et al. (180)
The high atomic number of the iodine atom compiled a list of iodinated compounds syn-
confers radiopacity on these molecules. These thesized up to 1971 as X-ray contrast media to
agents may be classified according to their ap- correlate their structure-activity relationship.
plication as angiographic, cholegraphic, uro- From clinical experience and theoretical con-
graphic, and myelographic agents, or accord- siderations, Alm6n (178, 181, 182) suggested
ing to their route of administration as oral, the use of nonionic contrast agents and postu-
intravascular, or intrathecal agents. They are lated that the nonionic contrast agents would
used in high concentrations for better image be less toxic than the ionic ones because of
resolution. An estimate in 1993 put the use of lower osmolality. This theory stimulated the
these agents as diagnostic aids on a worldwide search for nonionic iodinated compounds,
basis at a market value of over $2 billion per which included the synthesis and testing of
annum (170). In the 1970s, the annual con- monomers (183-186), bis compounds (9,187-
sumption of this group of agents in the United 1901, and polymers (191,192) as improved ra-
States surpassed 2000 metric tons and, even diopaques. The outcome of such studies
with the advent of computed tomography, the brought forth the first-generation nonionic
aggregate consumption of these media was monomer metrizamide (183,184),the second-
still about 1400 tons as late as 1990 (171). generation nonionic monomers iohexol(193),
Grainger (172) in 1982 traced the early his- iopamidol (194-196), and so forth; the non-
tory of development of intravenous contrast ionic bis compounds iotrolan (1971, iodixanol
media and the initial use of pyridine com- (198), and so forth; and the ionic, monoacidic
pounds containing iodine as radiocontrast me- bis compound ioxaglate (199, 200). Hoey and
dia. Binz (173) found this group of iodinated Smith (201) compiled a comprehensive list of
pyridine compounds to be excreted by the kid- ionic and nonionic monomers and bis com-
ney and the liver in substantial concentration pounds synthesized up to 1984, and reviewed
and therefore labeled them the "Selectan and discussed the chemistry and physico-
group," to indicate their selectivity. Some of chemical properties of the contrast agents as
them were used for retrograde cystography well as the safety and toxicity of different sub-
and pyelography. Graham et al. (174) in 1926 stituent groups. Newer drug design theories
used tetraiodophenolphthalein as the first have focused on searching for safer and more
contrast agent for intravenous cholecystogra- effective contrast agents by masking the hy-
phy. This compound was widely used for gall drophobic regions of the triiodophenyl nucleus
bladder visualization until 1940, when Dohrn with small alkyl chain polyhydroxyalkyl
and Diedrich (175) introduced iodoalphionic groups to increase hydrophilicity, to minimize
acid and produced a better roentgenogram of protein interaction, and to reduce toxicity
the gall bladder and fewer adverse reactions; (171,182,202-205). The more powerful imag-
this remained the agent of choice until the ing techniques, such as computer-assisted to-
early 1950s. At this time a large variety of io- mography (CT), delayed CT, dynamic CT, spi-
dinated organic radiocontrast agents, based ral (or helical) CT, and digital subtraction
on the 2,4,6-triiodobenzoic acid moiety, were angiography (DSA),depend on safer and more
introduced, most of which gave even better cost-effective contrast media to obtain ana-
visualization and fewer side effects. tomic and organ function information. The
Wallingford (176) conceived the idea of us- progress in clinical three-dimensional imaging
ing the benzene ring as carrier for iodine at- has been reviewed (206-208).
oms. Strain (36), Grainger (172), A l m h (177, In subsequent sections, the iodinated ra-
178), and Sovak (171) reviewed the historical diopaques are discussed with respect to their
development of organic iodine compounds as classification, synthesis, structure-activity re-
radiopaque agents, including the past, the lationships, analysis, pharmacology, and uses.
496 Radiopaques

The section on pharmacology includes the top- an ionizing group. In an ionic contrast agent
ics of cations, hyperosmolality, adverse reac- the R group in (1)represents a strongly hydro-
tions and toxicity, toxic effects on red blood philic functional group such as carboxyl, al-
cells, cardiovascular effects, nephrotoxicity, kyl-, aralkyl- or alkoxyalkylcarboxyl group,
neurotoxicity, protein binding, histamine re- and so forth. These groups show both hydro-
lease, pharmacokinetics, formulation, excre- philic and lipophilic properties. The X and Y
tion, and biotransformation. groups are hydrophilic and exert a strong in-
The subject has been discussed earlier by fluence on both pharmacological properties
Hoppe (209, 210), and Ackerman (211) and (such as chemotoxicity, biological tolerance,
reviewed from the point of view of drug design and biotransformation) and physicochemical
by Herms and Taenzer (212). A number of properties (such as solubility, osmolality, vis-
monographs, from conference proceedings on cosity, and protein binding). In a nonionic con-
various aspects of iodinated contrast media trast agent, the R, X, and Y groups are short-
with specific information, have appeared (10, chain highly hydrophilic groups, in the form of
213-218). Sovak (171) described briefly the 2-hydroxyethyl, 1,3-dihydroxypropyl, 2,3-di-
history of the development of contrast media hydroxypropyl, or D-glucopyranosyl, and so
and his role in the search for an ideal agent. forth. These substituent groups are linked to
the phenyl ring by coupler groups, such as
6.1 Classification amide, reversed amide, amino, or others (201).
Atoms of the coupler groups linked to the 1,3,
In general, iodinated contrast agents contain
and 5 positions of the triiodinated phenyl ring
either the pyridone or the benzene nucleus as
can be expressed in designated notations as
the iodine carrier. With a few exceptions,
CCC, CCN, CNN, CNH, NNN, and so forth, to
newer contrast agents are derivatives of 2,4,6-
indicate the nature of the starting material
triiodobenzoic acid and its congeners (1).The
and the ring electron density. This convention
was first introduced by Gries and Miitzel(221)
R (solubility) and will be adopted here to indicate subclassi-
(opacity) I I (opacity) fication of the iodinated contrast agents by
In the following, contrast agents that have

Y (solubilizing,

been accepted for clinical use are listed'by
their United States Accepted Names (USAN)
(222) or by their International Nonpropri-
etary Names (INN). No proprietary names of
the contrast agents will be given. For a listing
of the proprietary names, chemical formulas,
adoption of the benzene ring to replace the and uses, the International Drug Directory
pyridone nucleus as the iodine carrier for io- (223) and early compilations by Knoefel (224)
dinated contrast agents originated from the and Strain and Rogoff (225) should be con-
observation by Wallingford et al. (219, 220) sulted. Fischer (226) has catalogued, up to
that iodobenzoic acids have very low toxicity 1986, current higher and lower osmolality in-
and that the substituent groups determine the travascular contrast media (abbreviated as
molecular and pharmacological properties. HOCM and LOCM, respectively) and listed
Acylation, substitution, and triiodination can their iodine content (milligrams of iodine per
further reduce the toxicity of the iodobenzoic milliliter of fluid), osmolality, viscosity, and
acid neucleus (201). available dosage form sizes, by use of informa-
Iodinated contrast agents may be classified tion obtained from manufacturers.
as ionic and nonionic, monomers and bis com- Classifications of ionic and nonionic mono-
pounds. The term dimers is often used to refer mers and dimers or bis compounds are shown
to the bis compounds. The classification is with their structures in Table 10.2. Table 10.3
based on whether the contrast molecule con- contains the chemical names of these ra-
tains one or two 2,4,6-triiodophenyl rings and diopaque agents and available properties;
6 Organic Iodine Compounds 497

Tab:,? 10.2 Classification and List of Names and Formulae of Contrast Agents
A. Ionic monomers
1. Triiodobenzoates (2) Iophenoxic acid (b)
Acetrizoate (a) Ioprocemic acid ( c )
Diatrizoate (b) Ipodic acid (d)
Diprotrizoate (c) Tyropanoic acid (e)
Iodamide (d) Iolidonic acid (f)
Iodamide meglumine Iomorinic acid (g)
Iotrizoic acid (e) 4. Triiodophenoxy alkanoates
Ioxotrizoic acid (f) Iolixanic acid (h)
Metrizoate (g) Iopronic acid (i)
2. Triiodoisophthalamates (3) Iobutoic acid Cj)
Ioglicic acid (a) 5. Triiodobenzamides (5)
Ioseric acid (b) Iobenzamic acid (a)
Iothalamic acid (c) 6. Triiodoanilides (6)
Ioxitalamic acid (d) Iocetamic acid (a)
3. Triiodophenyl alkanoates (4) Iomeglamic acid (b)
Iopanoic acid (a) Iosumetric acid (c)
B. Nonionic monomers
1. Triiodo-1,3-benzenedicarboxamides(7) Ioxilan Cj)
Iobitridol (a) 3H2-Iopiperidol-A(k)
Iohexol (b) 2. Triiodophenyl-D-gluconoamides (8)
Iomeprol (c) Ioglucol (a)
Iopamidol (d) Ioglucomide (b)
Iopentol (e) Ioglunide (c)
Iopromide (f) Iogulamide (d)
Iosimide (g) Iosarcol (e)
Iotriside (h) Metrizamide (f)
Ioversol (i)
C. Ionic dimers or bis compounds
1. Bis-triiodobenzoates (9) Iosulamide (f)
Iocarmic acid (a) Iotetric acid (g)
Iodipamide (b) Iotranic acid (h)
Iodoxamic acid (c) Iotroxic acid (i)
Iodoxamate meglumine Ioxaglic acid Cj)
Ioglycamic acid (d) Ioxaglate meglumine
Iosefamic acid (e) Iozomic acid (k)
D. Nonionic dimers or bis compounds
1. Bis-triiodo-1,3-benzenedicarboxamides(10,lO')
Iodecol (a)
Iodixanol (b)
Iotasul (c)
Iotrolan (or iotrol) (dl
Iofratol (e)
E. Miscellaneous
1. Other dimer and polymer Iopydol (c)
Ioxabrolic acid (1 1) Propyliodone (d)
Tris(iothalamic acid) (12) Sodium iodomethamate (Iodoxyl) (e)
2. Diiodophenyl alkanoate 5. Iodophthaleins
Iodoalphionic acid (13) Iodophthalein (16)
3. Iodophenyl alkanoate 6. Others
Iophendylate (14) Methiodal sodium (17)
4. Diiodopyridones (15) Dimethiodal sodium (18)
Iopydone (a) Iodohippurate sodium (19)
Iodopyracet (b)

Table 10.2 (Continued)



(3) 'MJe R1 R2


6 Organic Iodine Compounds

Table 10.2 (Continued)



(6) 'be X R1 R2
a NNH -CH2CH(CH3)- -COCH3 -NH2
b NNH -CO(CH2),- -CH3 -NH2
c NNH -CO(CH,),- -CH2CH3 -NHCH3

(7) Type R1 R2
R3 R4 R5
d CCN -CH(CH20H)2 -H -CH(CH20H)2 -H -NHCOCH(OH)CH3"
g CCCb -CH2CH20H -(R1) -CH2CH20H R -CON(CH2CH20H),
500 Radiopaques

Table 10.2 (Continued)



6 Organic Iodine Compounds

Table 10.2 (Continued)


a CNC -(Cl&J4- -CONHCH3

b CNH -(CH2), -H
c CNH -CH2(CH2OCH2),CH,- -H
d CNH -CH20CH2- -H
e CNH -(CHz)s- -CONHCH3
g CNH -(CH20CH2), -H
h CNH -CH2(CH20CH2)3CH2- -H
i CNH -(CH,OCH,),- -H


(93(Ioxaglate meglumine)
5 02 Radiopaques

Table 10.2 (Continued)


I NlI&o
1 NCH2 I H3C CH3

(10) Type X R6 R1 R2 R3 R4
a CCN -COCH2CO- -CH2CH20H -CH(CH20H)2 -H -CH(CHzOH), -H



6 Organic Iodine Compounds

Table 10.2 (Continued)


"L-Lactoyl residue;
ba 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxamideor trimesic acid amide;
Table 10.3 Characteristics of Ionic and Nonionic Iodine-Containing Contrast Agents
Iodine Melting LD,,, g/kg Solubility, g/
USAN or INN Content Point or I (=g 100 mL H,O
Name Chemical Name Mol. wt. (%) ("c) Ikg) at 20°C PK, H.,O25 Ref.
A. Ionic monomers
Acetrizoate (2a) 3-Acetylamido-2,4,6-triiodoben- 9.56 94.20 2.08
[85-36-91" zoic acid
Sodium salt 5.51b Freely soluble
Meglumine salt 176
Diatrizoate (2b) 3,5-Bis(acetamin0)-2,4,6-triiodo- 11.0" 2.05
[737-31-51 benzoic acid
Sodium salt 11.4'; 8.41b 60 2.70 233
Meglumine salt 13.81' 89 272,273
Diprotrizoate (2c) 3,5-Dipropionamido-2,4,6-tri- 0.0118b
[129-57-71 iodobenzoic acid
Sodium salt - 50 233
Iodamide (2d) 3-(Acety1amino)-5-[(acetylami- logb 0.3 (22°C) 1.88 274,275
[440-58-41 no)methyll-2,4,64riiodoben-
zoic acid
Meglumine salt
Iotrizoic acid (2e) 2,4,6-Triiodo-3-[(I-0x0-
[16024-67-23 3,6,9,12,15-pentaoxa-hexadec-
Ioxotrizoic acid (20 3-(Acety1amino)-5-[(hydroxy-
119863-06-01 acety1)aminol-2,4,6-triiodo-
benzoic acid
Sodium salt
Ioglicic acid (3a) 3-(Acety1amino)-2,4,6-triiodo-5-
L49755-67-11 [[[2-(methylamino)-2-oxoeth-
yllaminol carbonyl]benzoic
Ioseric acid (3b)

nolbenzoic acid
Iothalamic acid 3-(Acetamino)-2,4,6-triiodo-5-
( 3 ~[2276-90-61
) [(methylamino)carbonyll-
benzoic acid
Sodium salt
Meglumine salt
Ioxitalamic acid 3-(Acetylamin0)-5[[(2-(hydroxy-
(3d)[28179-44- ethy1)aminol carbonyll-2,4,6-
41 triiodobenzoic acid
Iopanoic acid (4a) 3-Amino-alpha-ethyl-2,4,6-tri- 155.2-157 (d,l
[96-83-31 iodobenzene-propanoicacid form)
Iophenoxic acid Alpha-Ethyl-3-hydroxy-2,4,6- 143-144
(4b) 196-84-41 triiodobenzene-propionic acid
Ioprocemic acid 3-(Acetylethy1amino)-2,4,6-tri-
( 4 ~ L1456-52-61
) iodobenzene-propionicacid
Ipodic acid (4d) 3-[[(Dimethylamino)-methylenel
[5587-89-31 aminol-2,4,6-triiodobenzene-
propanoic acid
Sodium salt Freely sol.
Calcium salt 0.10
Tyropanoate (43) Alpha-Ethyl-2,4,6-triiodo-3-[(l- Sol.
[7246-21-11 oxobuty1)-aminolbenzene-pro-
panoic acid
Sodium salt
Iolidonic acid (40 Alpha-Ethyl-2,4,6-triiodo-342-
121766-53-01 oxo-l-pyrrolidiny1)ben-
zenepropionic acid
Iomorinic acid (4g) 2-Methyl-3-[2,4,6-triiodo-3-[I-(4-

Iolixanic acid (4h) 2-[2-[3-(N-Ethy1acetamido)-2,4,6-
[22730-86-51 triiodo-phenoxylethoxylpropi-
onic acid
5-LAcetyl(2-hydroxy-3-meth- 10.3g I/kg
oxypropy1)amino)-N,N' - (rats)
Iopromide (70 N,N'-Bis-(2,3-dihydroxypropy1)- 10.3 g Ikg
L73334-07-31 2,4,6-triiodo-5-(methoxy- (rats)
Iosimide (78) N,N,N1,N',N"N"-Hexakis(2-hy-
[79211-10-21 droxyethy1)-2,4,6,-triiodo-
Iotriside (7h) ( 2)-N,N'-Bis(2,3-dihydroxy-pro-
[79211-34-01 py1)-2,4,6-triiodo-N-methyl-
N,N'-Bis(2,3-dihydroxypropy1)- 186-198 18.3 g Ilkg
5-[(hydroxy-acetyl)(2-hy- (m.mice)
droxy-ethy1)amino-2,4, 18.1 g Ilkg
6-triiodo-1,3-benzene- (f.mice)
Ioxilan (5) 5-[Acetyl(2,3-dihydroxypropy)- 22.4 g I/kg
[107793-72-61 [amino]-N-(2,3-dihydroqpro- (m. rats)
py1)-N'-(2-hydroxyethy1)- 20.1g I/kg
, . (f.rats)
Ioglucomide (8b) N,N'-[2,4,6-Triiodo-5-[(methyl-
[63941-74-21 amino)carbonyl]] 1,3-phenyl-
Table 10.3 (Continued)
Iodine Melting LD,,, g/kg Solubility,g/
USAN or INN Content Point or I (=g 100 mL H20
Name Chemical Name Mol.wt. (%I (TI Ikg) at 20°C PK,H,O25 Ref.
Ioglunide (8c) N-[3-(Acetylmethy1amino)-5- 807.12
[56562-79-91 [[(2-hydroxy-ethy1)aminolcar-
Iogulamide (8d) N,N'-Bis(2,3-dihydroxypropy1)- 881.16
L75751-89-21 5-[L-xylo-2-
Iosarcol(8e) 1-[[[[3,5-Bis(acety1amino)-2,4,6- 862.19
[97702-82-41 triiodobenzoyll-methylaminol-
Metrizamide (80 2-[[3-(Acety1amino)-54acetyl- 789.10 230-240 (d) 14 Ib 17.5"
[31112-62-61 methylamino)-2,4,6-triiodo-
C.Ionic dimers (biscompounds)
Iocarmicacid (9a) 3,3'-[(1,6-dioxo-1,6-hexanediy1)- 1253.87
[10397-75-81 diiminolbis-[2,4,6-triiodo-5-
benzoic acidl
Meglumine salt 1644.31
Iodipamide (9b) 3,3'-[(1,6-Dioxo-1,6-hexanediy1)-1139.77
[606-17-71 diiminolbis-[2,4,6-triiodoben-
zoic acidl
Megluminesalt 1530.2 34" Sol. 2.76 (pK,) 320,321
Iodoxamic acid (9c) 3,3'-[(1,16-Dioxo-4,7,10,13-tet- 1287.93 52b 0.0364(20°C) 1.8 (pK,) 189,263
[31127-82-91 raoxahexadecane-1,16-diy1)-
zoic acidl
Meglumine salt 1678.36
Ioglycamic acid
(9d) [2618-25-91
triiodobenzoic acid]
Meglumine salt 281 (d) (three crys- Sol.
talline modifica-
Iosefamic acid (9e) 3,3'-[(1,10-Dioxo-1,lO-de- 1309.98 58.12 279 131b
[5591-33-31 canediy1)diiminolbis-[2,4,6-
bonyll-benzoic acidl
Iosulamide (90 3,3'-[Sulfonylbis[(l-0x0-3,l-pro-
[63534-64-53 panediy1)-iminol]bis[(5-acetyl-
benzoic acidl
Meglumine salt
Iotetric acid (9g) 3,3'-[(1,14-Dioxo-3,6,9,12-tet-
[60019-19-43 raoxatetra-decane-l,14-diy1)-
zoic acidl
Iotranic acid (9h) 3,3'-[Oxy-bis(ethy1eneoxy-ethyl-
l26887-04-71 enecarbony1imino)lbis-[2,4,6-
triiodobenzoic acid]
Iotroxic acid (9i) 3,3'-[Oxybis[2,1-ethanediyloxy-
[51022-74-31 (1-0x0-2,1-ethanediy1)iminoll-
Ioxaglic acid (9j) 3-[M3-(Acetylmethy1amino)-
L59017-64-01 2,4,6-triiodo-5-[(methylamino)-
y1)aminol carbonyll-2,4,6-tri-
iodobenzoic acid
Meelumine salt
Sodium-meglumine salt
Iozomic acid (9k) 3,3'-[1,4-Butanediylbis[oxy(2-
[31598-07-91 hydroxy-3,l-propanediyl)(ace-
triiodobenzoic acid
Table 10.3 (Continued)
Iodine Melting LD,,, gkg Solubility,gl
USAN or INN Content Point or I (=g 100 mL H,O
Name Chemical Name Mol.wt. (%) ("C) Vkg) at 20°C PK, H,O 25 Ref.
D. Nonionic bis compounds
Iodecol (lOa) 5,5'-[1,3-Dioxo-1,3-propanediy1)-
. . 1566.20 48.62 259
[81045-33-21 bis[2-hydroxy-ethy1)iminoll-
Iodixanol (lob) 5,5'-[(2-Hydroxy-1,3-propane- 1550.2 49.12 240-250
[92339-11-21 diyl)bis(acetyl-imino)l-
5,5'-[Thiobis[(l-oxo-3,l-pro- 1608.35 47.34 240-260
Iotrolan (10d) 5,5'-[(1,3-Dioxo-1,3-propanediy1)-1626.25 46.82 26 gPlrg
c79770-24-41 bis(methy1-imino)lbis[N,N'- (mice)
bis[2,3-dihydroxy-1-(hydroxy- 12.7g k g
ethy1)propyll-2,4,6-triiodo-1,3- (rats)
Ioxabrolic acid (11) N-(2-Hydroxyethy1)-2,4,6,-tri- 1127.88 Br:
[96191-65-01 iodo-5-[2-[2,4,6-tribromo-3- 21.25
(N-methylacetamido)-5- I: 33.75
Tris(iotha1amic 5,5',5-(Nitrilotriacety1triimino)-
acid) (12) tris (2,4,6-triiodo-N-methyl-
isophthalamic acid)
Iodoalphionic acid 3-(4-Hydroxy-3,5-diiodopheny1)-
(13)[577-91-31 2-phenyl-propionic acid
Disodium salt >230
Iophendylate (14) Ethyl 10-@-iodophenyl)undecy- Bp: 196-198 Slightly sol.
[99-79-61 late
Iopydone (15a) 3,5-Diiodo-4(lH)pyridinone Insol.
Iodopyracet (15b) 3,5-Diiodo-4-0~0-(4H)-pyridine 6.3b;3.2 Ib 2.15
[300-37-81 acetic acid
2,2'-Iminodiethanol(1:l)salt 2 (i.v. in 60
Iopydol(15c) 1-(2,3-Dihydroxypropy1)-3,5-
[5579-92-01 diiodo-4(lH)-pyridinone
Propylidone (15d) 3,5-Diiodo-4-0x0-1-(4H)-pyr- 0.3b 0.014 (15")
tn [587-61-11 idineacetic acid, propyl ester
-L Sodium io- 1,4-Dihydro-3,5-diiodo-1-methyl- 4.6; 2 Ib Freely sol.
domethamate 4-0x0-2,6- pyridinedicarboxy-
(Iodoxyl) (154 lic acid, disodium salt
Iopax 5-Iod0-2-oxo-l(2H)-pyridineace- 8' Very sol.
tic acid, sodium salt
"CAS Registry Number; mice;
1.v. in rats;

doralin mice;
"oral in rats.
51 2 Radiopaques

their Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Regis- hols, epihalohydrins, 1,3-dihydroxy-2-amin-

try Numbers are listed in square brackets be- opropane (serinal) (236), 3-(N-2-hydroxy-eth-
neath each name. y1)amino-1,2-propanediol(2371, and so forth.
Other reagents, such as 1,1,2-trichloroethane
6.2 Synthesis
(238) and acetoxyacetyl chloride (238), may
The synthesis of iodinated ionic and nonionic also be needed for the synthesis. Acetoxyacetyl
contrast agents follows a general pattern, chloride is a protective reagent for the hy-
which includes (1)the selection and synthesis droxyl groups. Any of the intermediates re-
of an intermediate containing the ring nu- quired for the synthesis of nonionic contrast
cleus, (2)introduction of an activating group, agents would have to be prepared, purified,
(3) iodination, and (4) acylation. and recovered for reuse if necessary. Felder
The compound usually selected as the (196) remarked on the complexity of the prep-
starting material is a substituted benzoic, aration of iopamidol that "Methods of analysis
isophthalic, isophthalamic acid, or one of their were developed with specifications for 35 raw
derivatives (227). The activating group is in- materials, five intermediate products, and the
troduced as a nitro group followed by reduc- final product, for a total of 289 single analyti-
tion to an amino group before iodination. Re- cal tests."
duction of the nitro group is effected by In the following sections, selected examples
catalytic reduction using 5-10% palladium on of synthesis for ionic and nonionic, and mono-
charcoal or Raney nickel as catalyst (228,229). meric and dimeric contrast agents are given to
The latter gives a higher yield and a cleaner illustrate the general synthetic approach. The
product than those of other reduction meth- synthesis of an ionic monomer iocetamic acid
ods. Ammonium or sodium sulfide may also be (6a),a triiodoanilide of the NNH type, used for
used as a reductant (186, 230-232). The oral cholecystography (240),is shown in Equa-
amino group can also be diazotized to form a tion 10.4.
phenolic hydroxyl group. The synthesis of an ionic contrast agent is
A vinyl C-I bond is more stable than an almost complete at this stage. The product is
alkyl C-I bond. The phenyl ring, in the pres- crystalline and can be readily isolated. The
ence of an activating group, can accept three crude product can be purified by precipitation
iodine atoms upon iodination with iodine from a salt solution with acid or by recrygtal-
monochloride (233). Iodination is usually car- lization from solvent (201). In the synthesis of
ried out with iodine monochloride in dilute hy- nonionic contrast agents, additional synthetic
drochloric acid or dilute acetic acid or in potas- steps are required to attach the (po1y)hydroxy-
sium chloride solution (180, 233, 234). alkyl substituent groups to the ring. The pres-
Acetylation of the amino group changes the ence of these groups in the molecule increases
electron density of the ring and locks the car- reactivity and water solubility and also makes
bon-iodine bond in place (201, 227). The sub- the product isolation from an aqueous solu-
stitution also increases the solubility and re- tiondifficult. If the product is amorphous and
duces the toxicity of the iodinated product. cannot be crystallized, its isolation may re-
Acetylation may be effected by using ketene in quire flash evaporation or vacuum distillation.
the presence of sulfuric acid (232). A general To concentrate and purify iopamidol from
method of acylation is the dissolution of the aqueous solution, permeable filtration mem-
amine in dimethylformamide or dimethylacet- branes are used in special filtration proce-
amide (235),followed by addition of the appro- dures (241). Also, electrolytes introduced in
priate acyl chloride. the intermediate synthesis should be removed
More synthetic steps and more different in- by desalination or ion exchange. Deionization
termediates are required to complete the syn- and purification of the radiopaque can be
thesis of nonionic contrast agents than that of achieved by column chromatography by use of
ionic contrast agents. The commonly used in- silanized silica gel for adsorption, followed by
termediates for introducing (po1y)hydroxyal- washing with water until free of electrolyte,
kyl groups to the triiodophenyl ring in a and desorption with dilute organic solvent
nonionic contrast molecule are amino-alco- (242). For example, crude ioversol can be ei-
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

Iocetamic acid

ther purified by reversed-phase liquid chroma- from the ionic contrast agent ioxitalamic acid
tography (243) or purified continuously with a (3d) by reaction with epihalohydrin, to selec-
bed of mixed ion-exchange resin contained by tively produce the N-hydroxyalkylated prod-
selectively permeable membranes with an uct (202, 247). Iohexol can be prepared from
electric potential imposed across the mem- the triacetyl derivative of 5-amino-2,4,6-tri-
brane (244). Recrystallization from a butanol iodoisophthaldiamide by N-allylation with al-
mixture is another way of purifying iopamidol lyl chloride or allylamine, followed by oxida-
to pharmacopoeia standard (245). tion and hydrolysis (i.e., deprotection), to give
One of the methods for synthesis of iohexol the product (248). The cost of manufacture
(7b),a nonionic contrast agent, is shown in can be reduced by using a minimal excess of an
equation (10.5) (246). Nonionic contrast me- expensive reagent (acetoxyacetyl chloride) or
dia are more costly to manufacture than are by shortening the purification process (239).
ionic constrast media. The cost of nonionic Selective hydrolysis of the protected product
contrast media is determined by the number in ioversol synthesis can simplify the purifica-
of synthetic steps, overall yield, cost of the in- tion procedures (249). Methods for iodine re-
termediates, difficulties in isolation and puri- covery from manufacturing wastes of iodin-
fication, and other associated manipulations. ated contrast media may also contribute to the
Many alternate paths of synthesis and purifi- reduction of the manufacturing cost (250,251).
cation of nonionic contrast agents have been Novel reactions can also be used to prepare
reported. For example, the nonionic contrast nonionic contrast media (252). For example,
agent ioxilan (7j) can alternately be prepared iomeprol in alkaline solution undergoes the




- SOCl2


(Et3N in DMF) *
AczN (10.5)

CHOH Iohexol

Smiles rearrangement, an intramolcular nu- of Ca(OH), can selectively influence the hy-
cleophilic aromatic substitution, in which the drolysis ofthe protected groups (255).
substituent 5-[(hydroxyacetyl)methylaminol Hexaiodinated bis compounds are formed
group is rearranged to form the 54methylami- using an alkylene bridge or a substituted alky-
nocarbonylmethoxy] group. This reaction un- lene bridge through coupler groups, such as
couples and replaces the N--C bond with the amide (-40-NH-) or reversed amide
0-C bond between the substituent and the (-NH--C&) or mixed amide and reversed
ring intramolecularly (253). The rearrange- amide, to link two triiodinated monomers.
ment is reversible, with sodium hydroxide or The bis compounds with amide-linked bridges
sodium methoxide catalyzing the forward re- are synthesized by condensing two molecules
action. Ioversol, iopamidol, and a dimer also of a triiodinated monomer containing a free
undergo the Smiles rearrangement. The reac- amino group with one molecule of a dicarboxy-
tion is useful for preparing nonionic iodinated lic acid dichloride (189, 235, 256). The bis
radiopaques that cannot be obtained by con- compounds with reversed amide groups are
ventional synthetic methods, such as by con- prepared by condensing two molecules of sub-
verting from a CCO type to a CCN type molecule stituted triiodinated isophthalic acid mono-
(252). chloride with an (un)substituted alkylene dia-
Many side reactions can occur during the mine (201). Bis compounds (e.g., ioxaglate)
alkylation of an intermediate containing containing mixed linkages with one amide and
many nucleophilic sites. Bjoersvich et al. (254) one reversed amide group in the molecule are
studied the influence of various cations on the asymmetric (199, 257), whose synthesis is
N/O regioselectivity in the N-alkylation of -
more involved than that of com~ounds with
acetamidotriiodoisophthalamide derivatives symmetric anchoring groups. The synthesis of
with 3-chloro-1-methoxy-2-propanol and found an amide-linked ionic bis compound iocarmic
that the Ca2+ion gives the best selectivity and acid (9a)is shown in Equation 10.6.
the highest yield of the desired nonionic prod- The synthesis of nonionic bis compounds is
uct. A recent patent showed that the presence analogous to that of ionic compounds, except
6 Organic Iodine Compounds



Iocarmic acid

that provisions should be made for the subse- polyhydroxyalkyl groups, and geometric iso-
quent introduction of the polyhydroxyalkyl mers from the restricted rotation of the pen-
groups (258). An example taken from the dant substituents attributed to steric hin-
patent literature (259) is shown in Equation drance about (1)the amide (CO-N) bond, (2)
10.7. the aryl-nitrogen bond in N-substituted acet-
anilides, and (3) the aryl-carbon bond in ben-
6.2.1 Isomerism. Iodinated radiopaque com- zamides (266). Nonionic contrast agents, such
-pounds that contain a chiral center or chiral as iopamidol, iohexol, iopentol, ioversol, iox-
centers form optical isomers or diastereoiso- ilan, and iotrolan, exist in aqueous solution as
mers. The presence of an asymmetric carbon mixtures of isomers. Iohexol exists in two iso-
atom in iopanoic acid (220),iophenoxic acid, or mers in a ratio of 1:3 (endolexo) separable by
iodoalphionic acid (225), for example, leads to HPLC, and the exo-iohexol has a longer reten- .
the formation of d and I forms. In iocetamic tion time than that of the endo-iohexol (267).
acid, free rotation around the axis connecting Iopentol exists in several diasteromers that
the iodinated phenyl nucleus with the tertiary may not be readily resolvable and identifiable
nitrogen atom in an alkylamido substituent is by available analytical techniques (266). Io-
impeded by the bulky ortho-substituted iodine verso1 has four apparent rotamers that can be
atoms, creating d and I forms (192). The mol- resolved by reversed-phase HPLC chromatog-
ecule also contains an asymmetric carbon raphy and confirmed as acetonide derivatives
atom that gives rise to d' and I' forms. The by high resolution NMR spectroscopy (264).
racemates contain d,dr and 1,l' as well as d,l' HPLC and NMR spectroscopy show that the
and dl,lforms, which are mutually diastereoi- rotational isomers of iohexol and of ioxilan are
someric and have different melting points and interconvertible after equilibration (265).
solubilities. Mixtures of diastereoisomers ex- The rotational isomers exist in cis and
hibit a wide melting range over many degrees. trans, anti and syn, or endo and exo forms. The
Besides diastereoisomerism, iodinated ra- cis and trans forms arise from slow rotation of
diopaques may show polymorphism; crystals the side-chain carbonyl groups, hindered by
formed under different conditions show iden- adjacent ortho-substituted iodine atoms in the
tical infrared absorption bands but with dif- ring, resulting in the two carbonyl groups
ferent intensities (262,263). aligned either parallel or antiparallel to each
Nonionic contrast media have a multi~lic-
other (268,269). The anti and syn forms refer
ity of optical and rotational isomers and dia- to the position of N-methyl or N-alkyl group
stereoisomers (201, 261, 264-267). Optical relative to that of adjacent carbonyl oxygen
isomerism is derived from the chiral centers in (266). The endo and exo forms refer to the po-
516 Radiopaques



sition of the arnide group or the N-acetyl's logical tolerance. It is an attribute that should
methyl group with reference to the plane of be custom designed into any improved non-
triiodophenyl ring. The various geometric iso- ionic contrast molecules.
mers will coalesce into one form at higher tem-
perature (265). The dimer or bis compound 6.2.2 Potential Radiopaques. A large num-
iodixanol has three geometric isomers: exo- ber of organic iodine compounds synthesized
exo, exo-endo,and endo-endo forms that can be in search of improved contrast agents are de-
adjusted to elute as a single peak by HPLC for scribed in the patent literature; limitation of
the purpose of quantitation (270).A multiplic- space does not allow a full tabulation of these
ity of isomeric forms in nonionic contrast compounds. Because information concerning
agents is necessary for high water solubility them may prove to be of value in the design
because it increases the energy barrier of de- and synthesis of new potential contrast
solvation and slows down the process of crys- agents, this chapter lists only the potential
tallization and precipitation. From the view- nonionic radiopaques, where the main current
point of drug design, a higher water solubility research effort is centered. Summaries of re-
minimizes the binding to biomacromolecules, search on ionic contrast media may be found
decreasing the toxicity and increasing the bio- in early references (211,271).
6 Organic Iodine Compounds 517

Table 10.4 lists potential nonionic contrast 6.3.1 Substituent Structures. The basic struc-
agents containing one triiodinated 1,3-ben- ture in an iodinated contrast agent, the triio-
zenedicarboxamide nucleus and variations. dinated phenyl ring, is lipophilic. The lipophi-
Table 10.5 lists hexaiodinated nonionic com- licity can be partially or completely modified
pounds containing two such rings per mole- by the substituent groups, shown as R, X, and
cule. Tables 10.6-10.9 contain examples of Y in (1).The carboxylic acid moiety in the R
polymers and other derivatives that have a dif- group is responsible for the water solubility
ferent iodine-carrying moiety. Physicochemi- and ionic property of ionic contrast media. The
cal information, toxicity, and proposed use are X and Y substituent groups, containing
given when available. Contrast media are used acylamino, substituted acetamido, substituted
in large quantities in medical diagnostic radi- carbamoyl, 0x0, carbonyl, hydroxy, methoxy,
ology. The nonionic agents generally surpass or ether linkages, determine or modify the
ionic ones in offering higher acceptance and physicochemical properties (such as water sol-
safety to the patients. ubility and hydrophilicity) and the pharmaco-
logical properties (such as biotolerance, toxic-
6.3 Structure-Activity Relationship ity, distribution, excretion of the molecule).
With few exceptions, organic iodine com- For example, N-alkylation increases the dis-
pounds for X-ray diagnostic use contain an io- tribution of the contrast agent in the liver as
dinated benzene ring or an iodinated pyridone compared to the corresponding nonalkylated
nucleus. For reasons of low toxicity and high compound (263,400). Asymmetry in substitu-
biotolerance, modern contrast agents are vari- tion, such as replacement of an acetamido
ations of structures based on the triiodophe- group with an N-methylcarbamoyl group, can
nyl moiety as the iodine carrier. According to increase the water solubility of iothalamate
Hoey and Smith (180,201),the desirable prop- compared to that of diatrizoate (9). Many ionic
erties of intravascular contrast agents should contrast molecules show distinct hydrophilic

include the followine:

and lipophilic regions, and only a few have hy-
- groups.
- - The nonionic contrast mole-
Opacity to X-rays. cules have a large number of hydroxyl groups,
High water solubility at high iodine masking the lipophilic regions of the molecule
content. to achieve high water solubility. ..
The ionic charge of the carboxyl group
Chemical stability. leads to the high osmolality of ionic contrast
Biological safety. media and is the cause of neurotoxicity and
vascular pain in arteriography (181,182). Me-
Intravascular contrast agents should have trizamide, the first-generation
- nonionic con-
low viscosity and low osmolality as close as trast agent, induced no adverse reactions
possible to those of body fluids, to improve tol- when first introduced in X-ray diagnosis. This
erance and minimize adverse reactions. Con- confirmed AlmBn's theory (181)that nonionic
trast agents intended for oral cholecystogra- radiopaques are safer and better tolerated
phy should possess hydrophilic and lipophilic than ionic ones and led to the rapid develop-
properties, so that the compound can be orally ment of nonionic radiopaques in the 1980s,
absorbed, should be excreted from the liver which has continued to the present. The use of
and bile ducts in sufficient amount to provide nonionic contrast media has been beneficial to
radiopacity, and should have no adverse side high risk patients. The compounds listed in
effects. Because each of these properties is as- Table 10.3 are second-generation monomeric
sociated with certain molecular features and and dimeric contrast media, consisting mainly
not all of them are structurally compatible, of derivatives of 5-amino-1,3-benzenedicar-
the best radiopaques represent a compromise boxamide or 5-amino-isophthalamide. These
of a maximum of these desirable qualities. compounds have no ionizable carboxyl groups
In the following sections, relations between and rely on the presence of 4-6 hydroxyl
structure-dependent properties and charac- groups per monomer molecule or 8-12 hy-
teristics of radiopaques are given. droxyl groups per dimer or bis compound mol-
518 Radiopaques

Table 10.4 Potential Nonionic Monomeric Radiopaques

h d .
e ISubclassl
. - -.- Stem Structure Comments Ref.
1. CCN type

R alkyl, CH,Ph, CH,0COCH3, CH,OCOC(CH,),, or

= Synthesis
CH,CCl,; R1 = COCH,.
R = C1-12 alkyl, R1 = CH2CH20H Synthesis

R = phthalidyl, C, alkyl, CH,Ph, CH(CH,)OAc, Synthesis (13 esters prepared) 344

CH(CH,)O2CC(CH3),, CH20,CC(CH,),, or

Synthesis; bronchography, 345


R = CH,C02H or CH,CONH,; R1 = OH or NH Synthesis, toxicity studies . 346

CH3 Urography, arteriography,
6 Organic Iodine Compounds 519

Table 10.4 (Continued)

Type (Subclass) Stem Structure Comments Ref.

R = CH,, CH,CH,OH; R1 = CONHMe or NMeAc; R2 Synthesis
= gluconoyl; R = H or Me.

R = H, Me, Et, Pr, CHMe,, CH,, C H S H , , Synthesis (60 compounds
(CH,),OMe, Ph, CH,Ph; R1 = Me, Et, prepared)
CH,CH=CH,, or QCO,H, Q = CH,CHMe; R2 = H,
Me, Et, CH,CO,H, or (CH,),CO,H; R3 = H, Me, or
Et; R4 = Me, Et, or Ph; R5 = H, C02H, or CONHMe

R = H; R1 = H, Me, or CH,CH,OH; NRR1 = Synthesis

morpholino; X = amino acid residue; R2 = Me,
CH,OMe, or CH,OH

X = OH or C1; R = NH,, NHAc, NAc, or I; R1 = NH,, Synthesis (11compounds 351
NHAc, NAc,, NHCOPr, OMe, or I. prepared)
520 Radiopaques

Table 10.4 (Continued)

Type (Subclass) Stem Structure Comments Ref.

Q = chemical bond, (CH,),, or OCHEt; R = OH or C1; Synthesis (11compounds 351

R1 = NH,, NHAc, NAc,, or I; R = NH,, NHAc, prepared)
NAc,, NHCOPr, OMe, or I.
Q = chemical bond, (CH,),, or OCHEt; R = CH,, Synthesis 352
CCl,, Bu, CH,CO,Me, or CH,CMe,COMe; R1 = H,
NH,, or NHAc; R2 = H or CONHMe.

X, Y = OH or NRR1 with R = H, Me, or CH2CHOH; Synthesis
R1 = H or Me; NRR1 = morpholino; (A = residue of
an amino acid, e.g., glycine, DL-serine, DL-alanine,
sarcosine, proline, or glycyl-L-leucine;Z = H or
COR, with R = Ac, COCH,OMe, COBu, or

R1 = (hydroxyalky1)amino;R2 = amino; R3 = alkyl, Dimers prepared from I

hydroxymethyl, ethoxymethyl, etc.; R4 = H, Me,
alkoxymethyl, etc.; R3R4 = alkylene
6 Organic Iodine Compounds 521

Table 10.4 (Continued)

Type (Subclass) Stem Structure Comments Ref.

R4 I
I: R1 = N(CH2CH20H)CH2CHOHCH,0H; R2 = e.g., At least one amide group is 237
R1, NHMe, NHCH2CH20H;R3 = e.g., Me, CH20H, derived from amino-alc.,
CHMeOH; R4 = e.g., H, Me, CH2CH20H;or R3 and 3-(N-2-hydroxy-ethyl)-
R4 together from group I1 (n = 0, 1, 2,3; q = 0, 1,2, amino-1,2-propanediol.
3. Methods of preparation

R = CH(CH20H),, CH2CHOHCH20H;R1 = Ac, R2 =

R1 = H, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl; R2 = (p01y)hydroxyalkyl;

R3 = alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl; R4 = H, alkyl,
( p l y)hydroxyalkyl.

I: R1 = NR6COR5, CONR7R8; R2, R7 = CI4 (p01y)- Preparation of I1 is given. 358

hydroxyalkyl; R3, R8 = H, C14alkyl; R4, R6 = H,
C14 (hydroxy)alkyl, C14 (po1y)hydroxy-alkyl; R5 =
C14 (hydroxy)alkyl, C1, (po1y)hydroxyalkyl.
522 Radiopaques

Table 10.4 (Continued)

Type (Subclass) Stem Structure Comments Ref.

R = Ac, R1= H A variation of process for 359

preparation of ioversol.

I: R = H, OH; R1 = 1,3-dihyroxypropyl, 2,3- Ca(OH), used to promote 255

dihydroxypropyl. 11: X = acyl, Y = H, acyloxy; R1 = yield of main product.
1,3-dihydroxypropyl, 2,3-dihydroxypropyl.

I: X = CH,OH, CH,OCH,; Y = OH, OMe. Two examples given with 360
LD,, values of 17.3 and
16.4 g 1/kgin mice.

R = H (I), CH,CH,OH (111, CH,CHOHCH,OMe (111) I1a t 350 mg I/mL has 361
osmolality 735 mOskg and
viscosity 9.4 CPat 37"C,
LD,, 1.460 mg Vkg in rat.
Better than iohexol.
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

Table 10.4 (Continued)

Type (Subclass) Stem Structure Comments Ref.

11: R = -C1, -NHCH2CH,0H Intermediates for synthesis of 362
nonionic contrast agents

Synthesis of ioversol
derivatives and testing of
the safety of subsituent
11: R1 = H; R2 = CH3; R3 = H, CH3; R4 = H, Synthesis 363
111: R1 = H; R2 = CH2CH20H;R3 = CH3, CH20H, Synthesis 363 .
R3R4 = -CH(OH)CH2CH2CH2-.
IV: R1 = H; R2 = CH2CH(OH)CH20H;R3 = CH3, Synthesis 363
CH20H, CH(CH3)OH,R4 = H.
V: R1 = CH2CH,0H; R2 = CH2CH(OH)CH20H;R3 = Synthesis 363
CH3, CH20H, CH(CH3)OH;R4 = H.

I: R1, R = CH2CH(OH)CH20H,CH(CH20H)2, Synthesis
CH2CH20H,etc.; R3, R4 = H, Me, CH2CH20H;R,,
R6 = H, alkyl, CH,CH,OH, CH,OH, OH; Y = bond,
CH2CH2,CH20, OCH,, NCH,, CH2NCH2,0 , N;
m = 0,l.
II: Method of preparation given 364
524 Radiopaques

Table 10.4 (Continued)

Type (Subclass) Stem Structure Comments Ref.

(A), (B),(C), (D), (E): R, R1 = -H, -R, -OH, -OR, Synthesis (This group of 313,314
-hydroxyalkyl, -alkoxyalkyl; X1 = =N(CO)H, compounds with a
=N(CO)-alkyl, -S-, or - 0-; X2 = X1 or --CHZ-; m = heterocyclic ring has an
1-4,or if X2 is--CH2-,m = 0 4 ; n = 0-3; p = 2-5; q, r unexpected degree of
= 1 or 2 independently; and s = 2-5. anticoagulant behavior.)

R = CHzCHOHCH20H, Synthesis and testing

CH(CH20H),; R1 = H; R2 =
H, Ac, R, = H,

X,, X, = -H or alkoxy groups of 1-6 carbon atoms Synthesis; intravascular and 366
CNS uses
6 Organic Iodine Compounds 525

Table 10.4 (Continued)

Type (Subclass) Stem Structure Comments Ref.
2. The CNN type

NRR1 = glucosimino or N-methylglucosimino, R2 = H, Synthesis, angiography, 367
Ac, R3 = Ac, R4 = H, Me, R5= Ac. myelography


R = H, Me; R1 = NHCH2CH20H I (R = H) has a solubility of 368
>SO% (w/v) in H 2 0 at 20°C
and a toxicity of >16 g k g
i.v. in rats.

Preparation and formulation 369

I, 11: Ac = acetyl, propionyl, 2-hydroxyacetyl, 2- Analogs with n = 4 have 370

methoxyacetyl or 2-hydroxy propionyl; R1, R2 = lower osmolality and higher
methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, 2-hydroqethyl, 2,3- viscosity than analogs with
dihydroxypropyl, 1,3-dihydroxyisopropyl; R3 = n = 2.
hydroxymethyl, 1,2-dihydroxyethyl, 1,2,3-
trihydroxypropyl, 2-hydroxyethoxy, 2,3-dihydroxy-
propoxy; n = 2,3,4.
526 Radiopaques

Table 10.4 (Continued)

-- ~~

Type (Subclass) Stem Structure Comments Ref.


I: R2 = H, C1, (po1y)hydorxyalkyl; R3 = H, C14 alkyl; An example prepared in 3 371
R4 = H, alkyl or (po1y)hydroxyalkyl; R1 = steps and purified by HPLC
NR4COCH(CH20H),, NR6COR5; R5 = C1* alkyl or is given.
(po1y)hydroxyalkyl; R6 = groups cited for R4,
CONR7R8; R7 = C14 (po1y)-hydroxyalkyl;R8 = H,
C,, alkyl.

3. The CNO type

R = P-D-glucopyranosyl, P-D-2,3,4,6-tetra Synthesis


4. The NO0 type


R, = CH3, CH,OH, CH(MEOH(1)-, CH,0CH3, Synthesis and testing 372

arabinos-2-yl; R = glucos-3-yl, allos-3-yl, fructos-3-yl
/ 6 Organic Iodine Compounds 527

Table 10.4 (Continued)

Type (Subclass) Stem Structure Comments Ref.
5. Mixed brominated and
iodinated CCN and CNN type

X = Br, iodo; Acyl = C2-, hydroxyalkanoyl, Synthesis
alkoxyalkanoyl, alkoxyhydroxyalkanoyl,
(un)substituted C, alkanoyl; R = H, C,-, alkyl,
hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, alkoxyhydroxyalkyl,
H(OCH,CH2),. Me(OCH,CH,),, Et(OCH2CH2),,
alkylene analog of I; Y = HO, alkoxy, hydroxyalkoxy,
alkylamino, etc.; Z = COY,
hydroxyalkylaminocarbonyl, C, acylamino,
hydroxyacylamino, N-alkylacylamino, N-
hydroxyalkylacylamino, acylaminomethyl.

R O y C O N R 3 R 4
R = hydroxyalkyl, (poly)alkoxyalkyl,polyhydroalkyl, Synthesis
aminocarbonylalkyl, etc.; R1, R3 = H, alkyl,
hydroxyalkyl; R2, R4 = hydroxyalkyl; X = iodo, Br.

(Only one compound prepared) Synthesis

6. Tetraiodinated CCI type

R ~ R ~ N

0 I 0
~ ~ 1 . 2



I: R1, R3 = H, alkyl, etc., R2, R4 = nonionic Synthesis 376
hydrophilic group; 11: (preparation given) I1
528 Radiopaques

Table 10.5 Potential Dimeric Radiopaques: Bis(2,4,6-triiodophenyl)Derivatives

Type (Subclass) Stem Structure Comments Ref.
1. CNN type (iodobenzamides)
NR(CH2)nR1 NR(CH~),R'

R = (un)substituted acyl; R1 = hydroxylalkyl, High water solubility, low 370
hydroxyalkoxy, etc.; R2, R3 = H, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, osmolality, low viscosity
etc.; Z = bond, alkylene, etc.; n = 2 4 .

2. CCN type (iodoanilides)

R, R', R1, R1' = same or different = H, C,, alkyl, Methods of preparation given 377
linear or branched C1-4 mono- or poyhydroxyalkyl;
R ~R2',
, R3, R3' = same or different = CH2CH20H,
CH2(CHOH),CH20H, CH(CH,OH),; X = CH(OH),
enantiomers, diastereoisomers, and/or rotamers.

3. CCN type (iodoanilides)


X = (CH,),, CH20CH2CH20CH,, CH,CH2SCH2CH2, 19 compounds prepared

CH2(OCH2CH2),0CH2R1 = CH(C0NHMe)
R2 = H, Me; R3 = H, Me; R4 = H, CHMeC02H,

R1 = mono- or polyhydroxyalkyl; R2 = H, alkyl, R1; Methods of preparation given

R3 = mono- or dihydroxyalkyl; Z = bond, alkylene
optionally with 0 interrupters or OH or alkoxy
/ 6 Organic Iodine Compounds 529

Table 10.5 (Continued)
; Type (Subclass) Stem Structure Comments Ref.
4. CCN type (iodoanilides)

R1 = H, alkyl, R2; R4 = (po1y)hydroqalkyl; R3 = alkyl, Methods of preparation given 378

R4; R5 = H, alkyl, poly(hydroxyalky1);X = (HO- or
alkoq-substituted)(O-interrupted)Cl-, alkylene.

5. CCN type (iodoanilides)

I: R1 = H, lower alkyl, R2; R2 = straight or branched Methods of preparation given 379

mono- or polyhydroxyalkyl; R3, R4 = H, lower alkyl;
n = 1, 2.

11: R, R1 = same or different, a straight or branched 28 compounds and methods of 380

mono- or poly-hydroqalkyl Cl-C3 residue preparation given
containing 1 to 2 OH groups; R,, &, R3 = H or CH3;
R,', R,', R3' = H, or CH,; Alkyl =
-CH2CH-(OH)CH20H,-CH2(CHOH)4CH20H, or
-CH2CH20H; X = -CH(OH)-, -CH((CH20H)-
-CH(OH)(CH,OH)- or -C(CH,OH),-.
530 Radiopaques

Table 10.5 (Continued)

Type (Subclass) Stem Structure Comments Ref.
6. CNC type (iodobenzamides)

R = straight or branched mono- or polyhydroxyalkyl Methods of preparation given 380

Cl-C3 residue containing 1 to 2 OH groups; R1, R2,
R3 = H, Me; R4 = HOCH2CHCH(OH)CH20H,
CH2(CHOH),CH20H or CH2CH20H;Z = CH(OH),
CH(CH,OH), CH(OH)CH,OH, or C(CH20H),).

7. CCN type

R1, R4 = CZ-4polyhdroxyalkyl; R2 = H, Me, 42 compounds prepared

polyhydroxyalkyl, CH2CH20Me,
CH2CH(OH)CH20Me;R3, R8 = H, Me, CH2CH,0H;
R5 = Me, CH20H, CH20Me; R6, R7 = H, Me,
bearing 0-3 OH groups.
11: R1= R4 = CH2CHOHCH20H,Rz = R3 = R8 = H, LD,,: 25-28 g/kg (rats); 152 381,382
R5 = HOCH,, R6 = R, = Me. mOsm/kg at 300 mg IImL;
7.0 mPa, 52.1%I;
comparable to iotralan.

8. CCN type

R 2 0C N-C- (CH2)hC-N
I R5 0 I I1
R2 = R1,
11: R1 = N(CH2CH20H)CH2CHOHCH,0H; Methods of preparation given 237
CH2CH20H, CH2CHOHCH20H,CH20Me, m =
6 Organic iodine Compounds

Table 10.5 (Continued)

Type (Subclass) Stem Structure Comments Fkf.
9. CNH type (bis-iodophenylalkanoates)

n = 0 to 5 carbon atoms alkylene chain, X = H, C,H,. Synthesis and testing 383

ecule for their high water solubility. To mini- the molecule (i.e., around the bulky iodine at-
mize solution viscosity, all nonionic contrast oms and about both faces of the triiodophenyl
agents are designed to be small and globular ring) with polar groups to achieve lateral and
molecules. Substituent groups most fre- facial hydrophilicity (204). High water solubil-
quently found in nonionic radiopaque mole- ity is necessary to minimize protein binding
cules are, for example, hydroxyethyl, 2,3- and to achieve high biological tolerance. It is
dihydroxypropyl, and 1,3-dihydroxypropyl. difficult to predict the water solubility of a
These susbstituents are attached to the tri- molecule from the number of hydroxyl groups
iodophenyl ring by the coupler groups, such it contains because hydrogen bonding and the
as amide (-40-NH-), reversed amide prevalence of multiple isomeric forms, for ex-
(-NH-CO-), amino (-NH-), and so ample, can exert a strong influence on the mo-
forth. Depending on the nature of substituent lecular interaction with water. Nonionic con-
groups, hydroxyl groups from different sub- trast agents in mixed isomeric forms are more
stituent groups can have different hydrophi- water soluble than those present in only one
licities. For example, the hydroxyl groups in pure isomeric form, the only exception being the
metrizamide from a sugar molecule are highly pure L-ladoylform of iopamidol, which is more
hydrophilic but unstable toward heat at soluble than the mixed isomeric forms (194).
120°C. To avoid decomposition, metrizamide Nonionic contrast agents are less anticoag-
is sterilized at low temperature and marketed ulant than ionic contrast agents (402-405).
as lyophilized powder to be reconstituted with Ranganathan et al. (313, 314) showed that
sterile water just before use (401). On the placing a heterocyclic ring substituent in the
other hand, hydroxyl groups from hydroxyal- 5-position of the 2,4,6-triiodo-l,3-benzenedi-
kyl substituents are less hydrophilic and heat carboxamide moiety can confer an unexpected
stable at 120°C. Nonionic monomers and bis anticoagulant behavior to the nonionic con-
compounds, such as iopamidol, iohexol, and trast molecule.
iotrolan, containing alkyl hydroxyl groups, are
heat stable and can be sterilized at 120°C for 6.3.2 Radiopacity. Radiopacity is depen-
2 h (401). dent on the number of iodine atoms in the
In designing improved nonionic contrast molecule, with more iodine atoms per mole-
agents, high water solubility is achieved by cule yielding better images, provided that
masking and shielding the lipophilic regions of other properties are equal (181). An ionic con-
532 Radiopaques

Table 10.6 Potential Radiopaques: Polymeric Substituted 2,4,6-TriiodobenzoicAcids

Compound Uses Comment Ref.
1. N = (A, raphy Synthesis


Roentgenography of

where X = -N(Ac)- or -CO(NCH3)-;

3. Mixtures of iodobenzoic acid derivatives and cellulose

r 7

, ZY
Z = H, halo, C,-C,, alkyl, cycloalkyl, lower alkoxy, cyano; R = C,- A mixture of the 384
C,, alkyl, cycloalkyl or halo-lower alkyl, fluoro-lower alkyl, aryl, derivativeeused for
lower alkoxy, hydroxy, carboxy, lower-alkyl carbonyl or lower oral or retrograde
alkoxy-carbonyloxy; or (CRlR&-(CR&R4)m Q or (CR,R&- examination of GI tract
C=C-Q; R,, R,, R,, R4 = lower alkyl or halo-alkyl; X = 1 3 ; y =
1-4; n = 1-5; m = 1-15;p = 1-15;p = 1-10; and Q = H, lower
alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, lower alkylene, aryl or aryl-lower alkyl.
6 Organic Iodine Compounds 533

Table 10.7 Potential Radiopaques: Substituted 3,5-Dilodo-4(W-pyridones

Y Uses Comment Ref.

-CH,CO,R [R = Bu, CH,Ph, C,-Clo Synthesis 343,352,385
alkyl, CH,OAc, CH,OCOCMe,,
-(CH,),CO,R [R = H, Me, Et, Bu, Urograph~, Synthesis (18 386
Am, octyl, CH,CH,NMe,, l~mphograph~ compounds
CH2CH,0H, NH,] prepared)
-CH,CONH(CH,),NR1R2 [n = 2,3; R1 Synthesis 387
1 2
= R2 = Me, Et, R R = (high toxicity)
-CH2CH2R Syn thesis 387
(high toxicity)

trast molecule can dissociate in solution into boxylic acid group and six iodine atoms in the
an iodine-containing anion and an iodine-free molecule is a ratio 3.0 contrast agent. The
cation, thus reducing the ratio of three iodine nonionic monomers, which contain no ioniz-
atoms per molecule by a factor of 2 to a ratio of able groups and do not undergo dissociation in
1.5 iodine atoms on average per ion (177,180). solution, are ratio 3.0 contrast agents, and
All the ionic monomers are therefore known their dimers or bis compounds ratio 6.0 .
as iodine ratio 1.5 contrast agents. The mono- agents. Higher ratio contrast agents with
acidic bis compound ioxaglate with one car- higher iodine content per particle will give bet-

Table 10.8 Potential Radiopaques: Monoiodophenyl Derivatives

(1) Uses Comment Ref.

-CO,XO,CR [X = (CH,),, (CH,),, CH,CHMe, Myelography Synthesis 388
or (CH,),; R = Me, Et, Pr, i-Pr, Bu,
(CH,),Me, (CH,),Me, or CH,OMel
-CO,(CH,),O,CR [n = 2 4 , R = Me, Et, Pr, Myelography Synthesis 389
i-Pr, (CH,),Me, (CH,),Me, (CH,),Me,
CH,CHMe, or CH,OMe]
-X-OCO& [X = (CH,),, (CH,),, Myelography, Synthesis 390
CHMeCH,CH,, CH,CHEtCH,, or l~m~hogra~h~,
CH,CHBuCH,; R = Et, i-Pr, Bu, i-Bu, bronchography,
pentyl, hexyl, octyl, decyl, CHMeC,H13, salpingography
CH(Et)Pr, or CH,CH,OMe]
534 Radiopaques

Table 10.9 Miscellaneous Potential Radiopaques

Compound Uses Comments Ref.
ICH,SO,NRR1 [R = H, Me; R1 = Myelography Synthesis 391,392
I Synthesis
[R = OH, O(CH,),OMe, O(CH,),OEt,
(OCH,CH,)OMe, (OCH2CH,)20Et,
O(CH,),Me, O(CH,),CHMe,, NH(CH,),OH,
BuNHCONHR (R = 2,3,5,6-tetraiodo-p- Radiography of Synthesis
tolylsulfonyl) pancreas and
prostate gland

(R = glycosyl) Urography 185

Synthesis, toxicity 395

Cholescystography Synthesis

Cholecystography Synthesis

[R1 = NH,, N = CHNMe,; R = NH,, OH,
NMe,, NEt,, NBu,, morpholino, piperidino,
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

Table 10.9 (Continued)

Compound Uses Comments Ref.
Synthesis 398

~ O N R ~ R ~
Z 3
NHCH(Pr)CO,H, morpholino, 2-carboxy-l-
pyrrolidinyl, NHCHEtCH2C02H,
+ +
Me2N(CH ) NMez. 2X-
I 7 Binding to cartilage Synthesis 399
R R'
[n = 2,4, 6, or 10; R, R1 = H, ethylacetyl, 3-
iodobenzyl, 2,4,5-triiodobenzyl, 5-amino-2,4-
didipdobenzyl, 3-amino-2,4,6-triiodobenzyl;
X = C1, I]

ter X-ray image and resolution. Radiopacity is trons from it. Substituent groups attached to
a physical property, affected not only by the the ring through oxygen and nitrogen atoms
atomic number but also by the localization will donate electrons to the ring and those at-
and concentration of contrast medium in the tached through the carbonyl carbon atoms
organ. will withdraw a-electrons from the ring. So-
Gadolinium chelates provide contrast en- vak (203) related the decrease in toxicity of a
hancement in CT and also in MRI. Gadolin- series of model compounds to the decrease in
ium has a higher atomic number than that of a-electrons in the ring. The following groups
iodine and can attenuate X-rays more effi- are listed in the order according to their in-
ciently than iodine at equivalent mass concen- creasing ability to withdraw a-electrons from
tration, although iodinated contrast media the ring: methyleneoxy (4-CH,-0-1 < methyl-
yield better resolution at higher concentra- eneamino (+CH,-N-) < reversed amido (4-
tions (91). NH-CO-) < alkyloxy (+O-CH,-) < carbamoyl
($40-NH-) group. Among the nonionic con-
6.3.3 Acidity. The inductive effect of the trast media, listed in Table 10.3, iosimide (7g)
iodine atoms in the molecule makes the sub- and iotriside (7h)are derivatives of trimesic
stituted 2,4,6-triiodobenzoicacids stronger ac- acid, which belong to the CCC subclass and
ids than the substituted 2,4,6-triiodophenylor have the lowest a-electron density in the ring.
triiodophenoxy alkanoic acids. The pKa values Gries and Miitzel(205) gave the number of
of many ionic contrast agents were measured a-electrons in the benzene ring, in addition to
by Felder et al. (263). The nonionic contrast the six benzene electrons, for a series of model
agent ioparnidol has a pKa value of 10.7 for the compounds ranging from subclass NNN to
nitrogen proton next to the triiodiophenyl subclass CCC. These a-electron values are
ring, but the molecule is practically undissoci- given for each subclass in parentheses as fol-
ated at the physiologic pH 7.0-7.5 (194). lows:
6.3.4 Electron Density. Substituent groups
"NNN" (a: 0.1088) > "CNN" (a: 0.1077)
attached to the triiodinated phenyl ring can
donate electrons to the ring or withdraw elec- > "CCN" (a:0.0947) > "CCC" (a: 0.0815).

This means that the model compound de- the hydroxyl groups, hydrogen bonding, and
rived from triiodotrimesic acid (subclass CCC) hydrophobic associations determine the water
contains fewer T-electrons than the model solubility (171, 182, 2021, which may be fur-
compound derived from isophthalic acid (sub- ther enhanced by introducing more hydro-
class CCN) and thus has a greater biosafety philic groups (199).
and a higher intravenous median lethal dose Asymmetry in the substitution of contrast
(LD,,) than that of the latter. Average values molecules also influences the solubility (9).
of neural tolerance, expressed in mg iodine per The sodium salt of diatrizoic acid with a sym-
kg body weight, for these model compounds metrical 3,5-diacetamido substitution has rel-
are given in parentheses below: atively low water solubility and concentra-
tions greater than 50% cannot be obtained.
The solubility is enhanced when one of the
acetamido groups is replaced with a N-meth-
> "CCN" (11.4 mgI/kg) ylcarbamoyl, N-methylacetamido, or acet-
amidomethyl group, as in iothalamate, me-
trizoate, or iodamide. N-Methyl substitution
can substantially increase the water solubility
These values support the hypothesis that of nonionic contrast agents (199), but the hy-
associates the least toxicity of an iodinated droxyl groups have to be evenly distributed to
contrast molecule with the smallest +electron mask the lateral and facial lipophilic regions
density in the benzene ring. in the molecule, distinguished conceptually as
lateral hydrophilicity and facial hydrophilicity
6.3.5 Hydrophilicity and Solubility. Con- (204).
trast agents for angiography are by necessity Oral cholescystographic agents must pos-
administered intravascularly in large doses sess an optimum oil-and-water solubility for
and, for this, high water solubility is required. duodenal absorption. Substituents, such as
Agents for oral cholecystography need an op- carboxyl, alkyl, or aralkyl groups, can impart
timum oil-and-water solubility so that upon both hydrophilicity and lipophilicity to the
ingestion, the molecule can be absorbed and molecule. Iopanoate, ipodate, and tyropano-
transported across the intestinal cell mem- ate, for example, are substituted triiodophenyl
brane, from blood to the liver, and concen- alkanoic acids and will meet this requirement.
trated in the gall bladder. Agents for myelog- The chain length of the substituent can affect
raphy may be oil-soluble or water-soluble the quality of the image. Epstein et al. (406)
compounds. The molecular requirements for observed that in a series of iodinated p-hy-
different contrast agents differ and do not nec- droxyphenylalkanoic acids, optimal visualiza-
essarily focus on the same substituent groups. tion of dog bladder was achieved with five to
Solubility of contrast agents is determined eight carbon atoms in the alkanoic acid chain.
mainly by the presence of hydrophilic groups Felder et al. (291) reported that the insertion
(180, 209). In an ionic contrast molecule the of a methyl group between the oxygen and the
carboxyl group in the R group in (1)confers a a-carbon in the series of substituted triiodo-
high water solubility to the molecule; and an phenoxyalkoxyalkanoicacids can improve oral
acylamino, alkylcarbamoyl, or hydroxylated absorption, biliary excretion, and gall bladder
alkylamino group in the X or Y group in (1) visualization.
modifies such properties as its hydrophilicity,
toxicity, distribution, and excretion. Thus, 6.3.6 Chemotoxicity. The development of
substituted triiodobenzoates and triiodo- modern contrast agents began with the obser-
isophthalamates are highly water soluble vation by Wallingford et al. (219) that iodo-
compounds. Solutions with concentrations as benzoic acids have very low toxicity. Iodina-
high as 90%can be achieved with iothalamates tion, substitution, and acetylation can modify
and metrizoates. These highly soluble con- the acute toxicity of substituted benzoic acids
trast agents are also strong acids with pK, val- (209,210). For example, amination of sodium
ues less than 3. In nonionic contrast molecules benzoate decreases toxicity, and the intrave-
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

nous median lethal dose (LD,,) values of are considerably less toxic than ionic contrast
3-aminobenzoate and 3,5-diaminobenzoate media. Contrast agents, regardless of their
(i.e., 3270 and 2600 m a g , respectively) in ionic and osmolality differences, in the pres-
mice are higher than that of benzoate (1440 ence of X-ray irradation, may cause chromo-
mg/kg). Acetylation decreases toxicity, as is some aberrations (408-411). Iodinated con-
shown by the even higher LD,, values of 3-ac- trast agents in combination with X-ray
etamidobenzoate and 3,5-diacetamidobenzo- radiation can develop synergistic cytotoxicity,
ate (3400 and 5580 mgl kg) than of the corre- possibly mediated by energetic photoelec-
sponding amines given above. In the series of trons, and this cytotoxicity increases with io-
3-acylamino-2,4,6-triiodobenzoates,the de- dine concentration (410). Norman et al. (413)
toxifying effect of substitution by acylation showed that in iodine dose-enhancement ther-
reaches a maximum of two carbon atoms in apy for brain tumors, the iodine contrast me-
the acetyl group and further lengthening of dia help localize the tumor and increase the
the acyl chain causes an increase in toxicity absorbed radiation dose.
(219). The contrast bis compounds, in general,
Iodination may either decrease or increase have lower toxicity than that of the corre-
the toxicity, depending on whether the parent sponding monomers (258). The toxicity of
compound is acetylated or unacetylated. Both hexaiodinated ionic bis compounds increases
3-acetamido-2,4,6-triiodobenzoate and 3,5-di- with increasing length of the alkylene bridge
acetamido-2,4,6-triiodobenzoate(LD,,: 8300 and also with increasing length of the sub-
and 14,000 mg/kg) have lower toxicities than stituent group at position 5 of the triiodophe-
their corresponding noniodinated parent com- nyl ring (224,414). Bis compounds with open
pounds. A fully substituted benzene ring fur- positions in the triiodophenyl rings linked by a
ther decreases the toxicity. 3,5-Diacetamido- polyoxymethylene bridge have a higher intra-
2,4,6-triiodobenzoate is the least toxic of venous toxicity in mice than those with the
the series and is available commercially as fully substituted benzene rings. Replacement
diatrizoate sodium and meglumine salts for of the substituent n-butyramido group with a
clinical use in angiography, pyelography, butyrolactamyl group decreases the toxicity of
urography, and other related roentgeno- the bis compounds linked by a short alkylene
graphic procedures. bridge but increases the toxicity of those
Although contrast media are remarkably linked by a long alkylene bridge. Introduction
safe, when injected intravascularly in high of one or more oxygen atoms into the alkylene
concentrations as a bolus, the blood is replaced bridge greatly reduces the toxicity. For this
for a very brief period with the contrast me- series of bis compounds, optimum tolerability
dium. Such high concentrations can produce a was achieved in the compound formed by join-
myriad of dose-dependent pharmacological ef- ing two molecules of 3-amino-5-acetylamino-
fects, often manifested as undesirable side ef- methyl-2,4,6-triiodo-benzoic acid with tetra-
fects. Rosati and de Haen (407) classified these oxahexadecane-dicarboxylic acid dichloride
toxic effects as (1)chemotoxicity in distinction (224). Ioxaglate is an asymmetric bis com-
to molecular toxicity, arising from unique pound, consisting of a dipeptide bridge linked
structural features that show affinity to bind- to two dissimilar monomers, one ionic and the
ing with biomacromolecules; and (2) osmotic other nonionic (189). Ioxaglate is a ratio 3.0
toxicity, attributed to many side effects caused contrast agent and has lower osmolality and
by the considerably higher osmolality of ionic lower toxicity than that of the ratio 1.5 sym-
contrast media relative to that of body fluids. metric ionic bis compounds.
These authors correlated the LD,, values of Hexaiodinated nonionic bis compounds are
ionic and nonionic iodinated contrast media ratio 6.0 contrast agents and owe their low
for uroangiography directly with their osmo- osmolality, high hydrophilicity, and high bio-
lality. Nonionic contrast agents, because of logical tolerance to 8-12 hydroxyl groups in
their lower osmolality, high water solubility, the molecule. Iotrolan containing 12 hydroxyl
and a fully substituted benzene ring, do not groups has an osmolality isotonic to blood. In
combine with proteins or macromolecules and concentrated solutions nonionic contrast me-
538 Radiopaques

dia may undergo molecular association (i.e., nol, similar to others of this class, is not me-
hydrophobic interaction), to form relatively tabolized and is excreted in the urine un-
small aggregates (quasi-dimers or quasi- changed by the kidney (270,258).
oligomers), thus giving a lower osmolality
than that in dilute solutions (202,415). 6.3.8 Osmolality and Viscosity. Ionic con-
trast media exert osmotic pressure in solution,
6.3.7 Protein Binding and Excretion. The and high concentrations of ions cause adverse
capacity of contrast agents to bind serum pro- reactions in the patient (181, 424). The os-
teins is related to certain structural features motic pressure of a solute is measured in
(414, 416, 417). Contrast agents with a fully terms of osmolality, in relation to the pressure
substituted benzene ring show little or no pro- exerted by a gram-molecular weight of an
tein binding and those having an open position ideal un-ionized substance dissolved in 1 kg of
5 in the ring bind readily to serum protein. water (425), measured as mOsm or Osmkg
Protein binding favors bilitropism (i.e., being H,O. Ionic and nonionic contrast media are
hepatotrophic, excreted through the liver) referred to as high osmolality contrast media
rather than urotropism (i.e., being nephrotro- (HOCM) and low osmolality contrast media
phic, excreted through the kidney). The rela- (LOCM), with values of 1600 and 600 mOsm/
tive magnitude of biliary and urinary excre- kg, respectively; for reference, the osmolality
tion of the contrast agent, also known as the of the body fluids is about 300 mOsm/kg H,O.
B/U ratio, is determined by the structural Ioxaglate, the monoacidic asymmetric dimer,
features of the molecule, the dose, and the belongs to the LOCM category. The hexaiodin-
patient's condition. Fumagalli et al. (418, ated nonionic dimers, such as iodecol, iotasul,
419) observed that N-alkylation promotes and iotrolan, may have an even lower osmolal-
bilitropism. ity than that of the nonionic monomers (203,
According to Hansch (420, 421), protein 258, 415 mOsmkg). Krause et al. (415) mea-
binding is nonspecific and occurs with many sured the osmolality of a number of commer-
compounds with sufficient lipophilicity. The cial products of X-ray contrast media and
structural requirements for bilitropic agents ranked their osmolalities at 300 mg I/mL in
are sufficient hydrophobicity and an open po- increasing order as follows: iotrolan << ioxa-
sition 5 in the triiodophenyl ring. Knoefel and glate < iopromide < iopamidol < ioversol =
Huang (422) observed that protein binding iohexol < iopentol << diatrizoate. The physi-
correlates with increasing toxicity in a series cochemical parameters of the commercial
of substituted iodinated benzoic acids. In products of iotrolan (iotrolan-280, iotrolan-
hexaiodinated ionic bis compounds, an in- 300, iotrolan-320) are, respectively: iodine
crease both in the length of substituents and concentrations 278,296,321 (mg I/mL); iotro-
in the length of the alkylene bridge enhances lan concentrations 0.595,0.632,0.687 (g/mL);
hydrophobicity and increases the protein osmolalities 272,291,317 (mOsm/kg);product
binding and the B/U ratio (423). Higher B/U densities at 20"C, 1.333, 1.353, 1.379 (g/mL);
excretion ratios are observed in bis com- and product viscositiesat 20"C, 13.4,17.4,25.3
pounds with open position 5 in the phenyl ring (mPas). At 37°C the density is decreased only
than in those that are fully substituted. Intro- slightly but the viscosity is reduced by more
duction of one or more oxygen atoms into the than 50%. At 37°C iotrolan-300 has a viscosity
alkylene bridge increases water solubility and of 8.1 m P a s (426). In comparison, the blood
reduces toxicity (189). has a viscosity of 4 mPa.s. To include ionicity
Nonionic contrast media, by virture of the with osmolality, Hardeman (427) suggested a
large number of hydroxyl groups, 4 to 6 in more exact nomenclature of ILO (ionic low-
monomers and 8 to 12 in bis compounds, are osmolar), NIL0 (nonionic low-osomolar, and
highly water soluble. These hydroxyl groups IHO (ionic high-osmolar) in referring to con-
are evenly distributed throughout the con- trast media.
trast molecule and leave no lipophilic regions Osmolality and viscosity depend on the
in the molecule free to bind with proteins. The ionic character and structure of the contrast
hexaiodinated nonionic bis compound iodixa- molecule (10, 11, 181, 428). Alm6n (181)con-
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

cluded from physicochemical principles that contrast media, such as iosimide, iopentol, io-
both osmolality and viscosity of a contrast me- versol, iopamidol, and iohexol, can be analyzed
dium can be reduced if nonionic and spherical in a borate buffer by capillary electrophoresis
polymeric molecules are involved. Polymers (430, 431). Borate ions combine with the 1,2-
can have more iodine atoms per molecule than diol and l,3-diol groups in the molecule, to
can monomers and a lower osmolality. A form negatively charged complexes that can
prominent example of more iodine atoms and migrate in an electric field. Iohexol in serum
low osmolality in a molecule is the monoacidic can be measured and quantitated by CE
asymmetric dimer ioxaglate (203). Spherical against an internal standard after deprotein-
molecules show less resistance to flow than do ization with acetonitrile (431, 432) or by
linear molecules and tend to have lower vis- HPLC after deproteinization with tetrahydro-
- Nonionic molecules make no contribu- furan (433). A serum sample of iohexol may
tion to electrolyte concentration and show no also be injected directly onto an HPLC column
osmotic toxicity. The LD,, of ionic diatrizoate for analysis after dilution (434). HPLC is a
when injected into the subarachnoid space is versatile analytical technique and can qualita-
about 50 mg I/kg in mice; in comparison, the tively and quantitatively assay contrast
LD,, values for nonionic contrast agents, me- agents as intact molecules, geometric isomers,
trizamide and iohexol, are in excess of 1500mg and metabolites. For example, HPLC can sep-
I/kg (182). The remarkable safety of the early arate isomeric iohexol into endo and exo forms
nonionic contrast agents provides a stimulus (1:3) (267). An automated HPLC system, with
for the search for improved contrast agents, online dialysis and column-switching to enrich
especially as dimers, trimers, polymers, and dialysate, can analyze samples of iopentol in
nonionic compounds. Nonionic iodinated human serum or whole blood (433). An auto-
organic compounds, such as triglycosyldi- mated analytical HPLC, using a workstation
iodobenzene, 2,4,6-triiodo-3-acetamido-5-N- originally designed for the analysis of iopam-
methylcarboxamido-phenyl-D-glycopyrano- idol, can be adapted for the analysis of other
side (186) and others, have been synthesized contrast agents (435). The early HPLC meth-
for clinical tests a s potential contrast ods relying on elaborate sample purification
agents. and higher column temperature for analysis
Iodinated nonionic dimers iodixanol, iode- and separation of ioversol, iomeprol, and io-
col, iofratol, and iotrol (or iotrolan) have re- pamidol in plasma and urine samples are in-
spectively lower osmolalities (200, 320, 140, convenient for routine assay (436, 437). An
and 320 mOsm/kg H,O) and higher viscosities improved method using reversed-phase HPLC
(8.7, 7.2, 8.5, and 8.1 m P a s at 37°C) than and a new mobile-phase system can routinely
those of iodinated nonionic monomers. Felder analyze samples of diatrizoate, iopamidol, and
and de Haen (429) found unexpectedly that iohexol in the serum and testes of the mouse to
solution mixtures of iodinated nonionic mono- study the uptake and clearance kinetics (432).
mers and dimers, such as iomeprol and iofra- Alonoso-Silva et al. (438) used reversed-phase
tol, have a lower toxicity and a lower viscosity HPLC to measure and predict the lipophilici-
than those of either of the components and can ties or partition coefficients of nonionic con-
supply a favorable iodine delivery rate trast agents. Liquid-liquid partition coeffi-
through less invasive catheters during the in- cients measured by HPLC correlate well with
jection, but have an intermediate osmolality the values calculated by the Hansch method
compared to that of the pure solutions of the (439).
monomer and dimer components. Contrast agents in plasma may also be de-
termined by spectrophotometric procedures
6.4 Analysis
(440, 443) or by radiotracer techniques using
A contrast medium may be analyzed by con- or l3lI-labeled materials (442-446).
ventional means for its iodine content and Felder et al. (447) measured the concentration
functionality or by capillary electrophoresis of water-soluble radiopaques by colorimetric
(CE) and high performance liquid chromatog- determination of free aromatic amine function
raphy (HPLC) for its components. Nonionic using the Bratten-Marshall reaction. Hart-

mann and Roepke (448) reported methods for for metrizamide, 22.1 for iopamidol, and 24.3
determining the purity and stability of iodine- for iohexol(178). The subarachnoid LD,, val-
containing contrast agents of the aminoben- ues of ionic diatrizoate and nonionic metriz-
zoic acid series. In vitro analysis of iodine con- amide and iohexol differ by a factor of 30,
tent of contrast media can be carried out by whereas their osmolalities differ by a factor of
the Sandell-Kolthoff reaction (189) or by in- only 2 (459). The oral cholecystographic
ductively coupled plasma atomic emission agents have considerably higher toxicity but
spectrometry. The iodine concentration in tis- the side reactions are generally restricted to
sue samples can be determined by the fluores- gastrointestinal symptoms.
cent excitation method by the K, and Kpchar- Procedures in angiocardiography, intrave-
acteristic X-rays generated from irradiation nous digital subtraction angiography, and
with a 241Am source (449, 450). This method rapid-scan CT require rapid and multiple in-
can also be applied to in viuo measurement of travascular injections of low osmolality con-
hepatic iodine concentration after administra- trast media, causing significant hemodynamic
tion of a radiopaque (451).The range of iodine changes (460,461). A bolus injection can be as
determination is 0.05 to 40 mg/mL, with an short as 2 s (460,461),and a volume of up to 4
accuracy of approximately 210%. Measure- mL I/kg body weight may be injected (462).
ments based on function groups or iodine at- According to Golman and Alm6n (463), the
oms represent the concentration of these toxicity of contrast media is dependent on in-
groups directly and not necessarily the con- jection rate and dose, and increases with ei-
centration of the intact contrast agent. ther an increase in the dose or an increase in
the rate of injection, or both. The dose-re-
6.5 Pharmacology
sponse curve is typically an S-shaped curve
Contrast media by necessity are relatively with dose as abscissa and percentage mortal-
nontoxic. Adverse reactions accompanying ity as ordinate, and this curve shifts in its en-
their use vary and usually decrease in inten- tirety along the dose axis according to the rate
sity and complexity in the order intracerebral of injection. The curve begins at a lower dose
> intravascular > oral route of administra- level with rapid injection, indicating greater
tion > topical application (442-457).Contrast toxicity, and shifts to a higher dose level with
molecules that bind proteins, biomacromol- slow injection, indicating greater safety. Al-
ecules, and enzymes are more toxic than those though delivery by slow injection is safer than
that do not. The toxicity decreases with in- by rapid injection, rapid injection of contrast
creasing hydrophilicity for different classes of medium gives a better image quality. de Haen
contrast media: oral cholecystographic media et al. (458) suggested that the mortality ratio,
> intravenous cholangiographic media > which incorporates both volume factor and in-
ionic triiodinated uroangiographic media > jection time factor in its definition, can serve
monoionic hexaiodinated molecules > non- as a better predictor than the median lethal
ionic triiodinated contrast media > nonionic dose (LD,,) for acute intravenous toxicity of
hexaiodinated contrast media. Median lethal contrast agents. The mortality ratio is a func-
dose (LD,,) is an indication of systemic toxic- tion of three parameters: the osmotic load (re-
ity, even though it lacks predictive value (458). ferring to excess osmolality associated with
The intravenous LD,, values of the last four isotonic volume), the volume of contrast me-
classes of contrast media are in the range of dium, and the duration of injection. The end-
tens of grams per kilogram body weight when point is death, measured by the time between
tested in rats or mice. The opacifying atom administration of the dose and death of the
iodine has an intravenous LD,, in animals of mouse, and is closely dependent on the rate of
0.8-1.0 g/kg; the intravenous LD,, values (ex- injection of the contrast medium. This sug-
pressed in g Iikg in mice) of uroangiographic gests that the mechanism of contrast medium
contrast agents increase, for example, from 7 toxicity may involve early damage and late
for ionic iothalamate to 13.8 for monoacidic consequences (458).
dimer ioxaglate and then to even greater val- The pharmacological aspects and toxic re-
ues for nonionic contrast agents, such as 18.1 actions of contrast agents have been compre-
6 Organic iodine Compounds

hensively reviewed by Hoppe (464), A l m h fibrillation in isolated rabbit heart than did
(457), Ansell (465), Berk and Loeb (466), and diatrizoate with 77 or 154 mmol of Na+ added
Speck et al. (258). (470). Also, the meglumine salts of ionic con-
trast media inhibit in uitro leukocyte phagocy-
6.5.1 The Cations. Iodinated ionic contrast tosis more than do the sodium salts (471).
agents (ratio 1.5) used in angiography, urog- Other organic bases, such as diethylamine,
raphy, and intravenous cholangiography are monoethanolamine, diethanolamine, trietha-
substituted 2,4,6-triiodobenzoic acids. These nolamine, and morpholine have low toxicity
agents are formulated for intravenous admin- and can be used in place of cations (9, 225).
istration as solutions of salts, ionized at phys- The monoethanolamine salt of ioxitalamic
iological pH. Their sodium salts have high acid shows a toxicity intermediate between
water solubility, and solutions of 5O-gO% con- those of sodium and meglumine salts (9). Di-
centration, corresponding to an iodine content ethanolamine and morpholine form 1:l salts
of about 300 to more than 400 mg I/mL, can be with 3,5-diiodo-4-0x0-l(4H)pyridine acetic
prepared for angiographic use (10, 11). Ionic acid, named iodopyracet (Diodrast) and Jodu-
contrast media with sodium concentrations of ron (2251, respectively. Other cations such as
118-370 mEq/100 mL rarely produce ventric- basic amino acids also form salts with the acid
ular fibrillation in perfused rabbit heart (467) form of contrast agents to reduce toxicity (472).
but sodium ions in excess amount are cardio- For example, ionic diatrizoate, iothalamate,and
toxic (468). The sodium ion concentration of metrizoate form salts with Tris, which is
ionic contrast media is many times higher 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethy1)-1,3-propanediol, to
than that of plasma. Their toxicity in high con- yield solutions of lower viscosity than that of the
centrations is attributable not only to high 0s- corresponding meglumine salts. Tris is an ali-
molality but also to the effects of their cation phatic amine with a negative temperature-acid-
and anion components (9,10,34,36-43). The ity coefficient; that is, its pK, value decreases
cations in regular use in contrast media are about 0.025 unit with each degree Centigrade
N-methylglucamine, sodium, calcium, and increase in temperature. This property allows
magnesium. the nonionic contrast agent iohexol to be formu-
N-Methylglucamine (meglumine) ion has lated in Tris buffer at physiologic pH (7.0-7.5) at
the following structure: room temperature and to be heat sterilized at ,
120"C, when the pH falls below 5.5 to avoid de-
terioration. The product after sterilization will
I I I I return to its original physiologic pH at room
temperature for use in angiography without
I l l 1 causing discomfort in the patient; this would not
have been the case had the solution remained at
pH below 5.5 (178,473).Another approach with-
Meglumine salts of contrast media such as out using an arnine buffer is to adjust the pH of
diatrizoic, iothalamic, and metrizoic acid have iohexol in a citrate-EDTA buffer to less than 5
higher viscosities than those of the corre- with carbon dioxide before sterilization (474).
sponding sodium salts but are better tolerated In normal blood, sodium, potassium, cal-
and less toxic. The high viscosity of the meglu- cium, and magnesium ions are present in con-
mine salts can be reduced by mixing with the centrations of 330, 20, 5-6, and 2-2.5 mg1100
sodium salt of the corresponding acid (469). mL plasma, respectively (475). The physiolog-
Mixed salts of diatrizoate are marketed under ical functions of the cations are both antago-
various proprietary names (223). During cor- nistic and complementary to one another. So-
onary angiography, sodium ions in contrast dium ions tend to increase the permeability of
media reduce the risk of ventricular fibrilla- cell membrane, whereas calcium ions counter-
tion and reverse the reduction of contractile act this effect. Calcium and magnesium ions
force of the myocardium. A recent study are physiological antagonists; magnesium
showed that meglumine diatriazoate without ions can exert a deleterious effect on the ner-
Nat caused a higher frequency of ventricular vous system if unaccompanied by the revers-
542 Radiopaques

ible antagonistic effects of calcium ions. The raphy, optimal concentrations of Ca2+ and
physiological interaction between these ions M8+ additives are necessary to maintain
suggests that the toxicity of sodium ions in myocardium contractile function and reduce
contrast medium can be modified by " the addi- adverse reactions to contrast media (483,484).
tion of small concentrations of calcium and Thus, a balanced electrolyte formulation for
magnesium, although incorporation of potas- even low osmolality contrast media is essen-
sium ions affords no beneficial effect. To min- tial to minimize ion toxicity (459,470,484).
imize the toxicity, an optimum concentration
of calcium and magnesium ions in the contrast 6.5.2 Hyperosmolality. Ionic contrast me-
medium is essential and should be 2.5 times dia for angiographic use are hyperosmotic rel-
their concentration ratio in plasma (i.e., the ative to plasma. The osmolalities of the substi-
ratio of concentration of calcium or magne- tuted triiodobenzoate anions diatrizoate,
sium ions to that of sodium ions). Incorpora- iothalamate, and metrizoate are approxi-
tion of optimal amounts of calcium and mag- mately the same on the basis of equal iodine
nesium ions in solutions of sodium metrizoate content (485). Injection of hyperosmolar con-
can increase the LD,, values by 80-100% in trast media causes hemodynamic responses
the rabbit. Calcium ions alone lower the toxic- that vary according to the rate and site of in-
ity of methylglucamine metrizoate in LD,, jection (469). Slow injection into a peripheral
tests in mice but not in the rabbit, whereas vein allows visualization of the collecting sys-
magnesium ions alone cause an increase in tems of an organ, and rapid injection of a more
toxicity (475). A small amount of calcium ions concentrated solution allows visualization of
in methylglucamine metrizoate causes less the vasculature of an organ or a region of the
blood-brain barrier damage than when pure body (469). Slow injection into the peripheral
methylglucamine metrizoate of identical io- veins as in urography and intravenous cholan-
dine content is given alone (476). Also, addi- giography produces hypotension because of a
tion of calcium salt inhibits metrizoate- and lowering of peripheral vascular resistance
ioxaglate-induced serum complement activa- (486). Acute intravenous toxicity of contrast
tion (477). Formulations of diatrizoate that medium is increased with the rate of injection
minimize calcium binding are advocated for (184, 487-489). A large volume of hypertonic
cardiac angiography (478). contrast medium, when rapidly injected into
Nonionic contrast media are intrinsically veins, arteries, and ventricles in selective &I
ion-free but iohexol, iopentol, and iodixanol, giography causes an elevation of the plasma
for example, contain cations at subplasma osmolality and a shift of water out of red blood
concentration levels to avoid negative effects cells and out from extravascular spaces to the
on myocardium contractility, electric conduc- blood, thereby increasing the circulating blood
tion, and red blood cell aggregation during cor- volume and peripheral blood flow and affect-
onary arteriography. An oxygenated iohexol ing various aspects of circulation (10,428,466,
solution (350 mg IImL) containing (in mM/L) 468, 469, 490-496). The more concentrated
Na+ 30, Ca2+ 0.15, Kt 0.9, and Mg2+ 0.1, the injectate, the more intense the vascular
when injected into the left coronary artery of a reactions, and the more precipitous the onset
pig, produces fewer electrocardiographic (469,491).
and/or hemodynamic changes than pure io- Systemic hypotension, changes in the ac-
hex01or iopamidol(479-481).Compared to no tivity of the smooth muscle cells in vessel
sodium or excess sodium, the addition of a walls, aggregation and crenation of red blood
small amount of sodium to iohexol and iopen- cells, and hypervolemia are examples of vascu-
to1 lowers the risk of ventricular fibrillation lar reactions induced by the administration of
and causes the least decrease in the contractile ionic contrast media. Agglutination and cre-
force of the isolated rabbit heart. A physiolog- nation of red blood cells cause blood sludging
ical amount of sodium ions is important in test and reduce the cells' ability to undergo de-
solutions of 20% mannitol, ioxaglate, iopam- formation, thus blocking the blood flow to
idol, iotrolan, and sodium iopamidol to pre- capillaries and leading to pulmonary hyper-
vent fatal arrhythmia (482). In cardiac angiog- tension and related physiological responses
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

(495-498).The hypervolemia resulting from a made isotonic to body fluids, the isotonic ionic
shift of water elevates the ventricular filling monomer solutions have an iodine content of
pressure and increases the cardiac output 70 mg I/mL; the nonionic monomer solutions,
from increased ventricular stroke work. The 150; the monoacidic ionic dimer ioxaglate so-
potassium ions released from shrinking and lution, 150; and the nonionic dimer solutions,
crenating red blood cells contribute to the low- 300. The osmolalities of nonionic dimers or bis
ering of systemic vascular resistance and compounds are isotonic to body fluids and are
blood pressure (499). the lowest of all contrast media. Hyperosmo-
That osmolality is a major determinant of lality causes vascular pain. Sovak et al. (502)
hemodynamic effects is clear from the experi- estimated the concentration threshold for vas-
ments conducted by Kloster et al. (500), who cular pain to be about 750 to 800 mOsm. Thus
injected equiosmolar solutions of mannitol, if the osmolality of a contrast medium at a
sodium, and meglumine salts of diatrizoate concentration of 350 mg I/mL does not exceed
and iothalamate, with an osmolality corre- the pain threshold, the solution would not be
sponding to 4.5 to almost 8 times the osmolal- expected to induce pain in arterial arteriogra-
ity of blood serum, directly into the left ventri- phy. Metrizamide at 550 mOsm/kg is essen-
cle of a dog and observed approximately tially painless in peripheral angiography (503,
similar hemodynamic responses. D-Mannitol 504), and all the nonionic contrast media are
is often used in osmotic effect studies on cells, expected to behave similarly. Metrizamide has
organs, and organisms as a reference (458) be- an extremely low cellular toxicity and can be
cause it is inert, distributed in extracellular injected at an iodine concentration of 380 mg
space, and acts as individual molecules, not as I/mL into the common carotid artery of guinea
dilution-dependent aggregates. Hilal(493) re- pig without damage to the blood-brain barrier.
ported that the bradycardia, hypertension,
and accompanying vascular reactions attrib- 6.5.3 Adverse Reactions and Toxicity. The
uted to intracarotid injection of contrast me- toxicity of a contrast medium is attributed to
dia could be reproduced by injection of hyper- its molecular structure, solution property, for-
tonic solutions of sodium chloride of similar mulation, and the amount used as a dose. Tox-
osmolarities. By comparing the hemodynamic icity may be further classified as chemotoxic-
effects from intracarotid injection of 50% so- ity, osmotoxicity, and ion toxicity (407, 459).
dium diatrizoate, 80% sodium iothalamate, Chemotoxicity is related to a molecular struc-
and equiosmolar solutions of sodium chloride ture that allows binding to proteins, leading to
and dextrose, Cornell (501) concluded that the interaction with biomacromolecules such as
sodium ions may play a greater role than hy- enzymes, cell membranes, and cell compo-
pertonicity in causing these effects. nents. Osmotoxicity is attributed to the hyper-
Toxic effects of sodium ions and hyperos- osmolality of contrast media, and a marked
molality associated with monomeric ionic con- difference exists between the osmolalities of
trast agents are lessened when dimeric and ionic and nonionic contrast media. Ion toxicity
trimeric contrast agents containing, respec- refers to adverse reactions as a consequence of
tively, six and nine iodine atoms per molecule too high or too low ion concentrations in con-
are used. Both bis(iothalarnic acid) (i.e., iocar- trast media that interfere with cellular func-
mic acid) and tris(iotha1amic acid) produce tion. Contrast media formulations containing
fewer peripheral vasodilatation and reflex re- citrate and EDTA buffers can interfere with
sponses than does the monomer iothalamic serum Ca2+and affect myocardial contractil-
acid (9). ity function. Contrast media are transported
Ionic contrast monomers at a solution con- by the cardiovascular system and are excreted
centration of 300 mg I/mL have an osmolality by the kidneys. Any reactions to contrast me-
in the range of 1.5-1.7 Osmkg H,O. At the dia are known as adverse reactions.
same solution concentration, nonionic mono- Contrast media are injected intravascu-
mers, monoacidic ionic dimer (ioxaglate), and larly into the patients in large volumes and
nonionic dimers have osmolalities of 0.6-0.7, high concentrations. The size of the injectate,
0.56, and about 0.3 Osmkg, respectively. If together with its high osmolality and viscosity,
544 Radiopaques

can produce an intolerant environment to lus injection and 7.06% for drip infusion that
cells, producing abnormal physiological ef- required a higher dose of contrast medium
fects. Patient safety and efficacy of iodinated (452). The incidence was higher with slow in-
contrast media are of great concern to health jection over a period of 3 to 10 min than with
professionals (505, 506). Many aspects of ad- rapid injection performed in less than 2 min.
verse reactions to contrast media, such as eti- This suggests a reversal of the hitherto wide-
ology (459,507,508),adverse reactions in the spread practice of administration of contrast
patients (505, 506, 509-5181, and premedica- media. Although the cause of this low inci-
tion to decrease adverse effects (519-522) dence of reactions with rapid injection is not
have been researched and reviewed. explained, it is not unreasonable to assume
In humans adverse reactions to contrast that less histamine is released (489).
media vary greatly in type and severity from In hypersensitive or allergic patients, idio-
slight nausea or mild "hot flush" through a syncratic reactions may occur from a dose of
broad spectrum of increasingly severe cutane- contrast medium, and the overall incidence of
ous, respiratory, neurological, and cardiovas- adverse reactions in patients with allergy is
cular disturbances that may, in extreme cases, about twice that in the general population
result in the sudden death of the patient (454- (452-455,527). Pretesting the patient by intra-
457,459,465,469, 507). Ansari and Baldwin dermal, subcutaneous, or intravenous injection
(523) reported acute renal failure after urog- of small doses has no value in predicting adverse
raphy with meglumine diatrizoate, angiogra- reactions (452-455, 525, 528) but testing by in
phy with meglumine and sodium diatrizoate, vitro leukocyte challenge has been reported to be
oral cholecystography with iopanoic acid, and of some predictive value (529). Premeditation
cholangiography with iodipamide. Roylance et with antihistamines, anticholinergics, and diaz-
al. (524, 525) reported the incidence of reac- epam (468) is less effective than that with corti-
tions to urographic agents. costeroids (454,525).
To review the incidence and severity of ad- Shehadi and Toni010 (453)in 1980 reported
verse reactions to contrast media, a committee the result of a survey on the safety of intravas-
on contrast media was formed under the aus- cular ionic contrast media in more than
pices of the International Society of Radiology 300,000 cases collected from the United
in 1969 (526). Based on the analysis of a total States, Canada, Europe, and Australia and
of 112,003 cases of adverse reactions toward showed that the overall incidence of reactions.
contrast media from Australia, Belgium, Can- was slightly below 5%, with neither significant
ada, Norway, and the United States, Shehadi geographic or racial differences nor differ-
(452) reported the nonfatal incidence of reac- ences related to age, sex, and weight. Most of
tions to be 2.3% for vascular studies, 5.65% for the patients were in their third and fourth de-
intravenous urography, and 10.11% for in- cade of life.
travenous cholangiography. The incidence Beginning in 1980s the use of low osmolal-
of reactions for total intravenous and intra- ity nonionic contrast media has significantly
arterial examinations was 4.95%, and the in- reduced the severity and frequency of adverse
cidence of fatal reactions was about 1110,000, reactions to contrast media. The high cost of
which is higher than the 1160,000 reported nonionic contrast media becomes an economic
earlier on the basis of retrospective studies. barrier to a complete replacement of the ionic
The contrast agents used in the cases studied contrast media. The price ratio of nonionic to
were meglumine diatrizoate, meglumine ionic contrast media in 1989 was about 3.5-
iothalamate, sodium diatrizoate, and sodium 6.5 times to 1 in Europe and about 13.2-23.6
metrizoate. These studies did not include non- times to 1 in the United States (531).Prescrib-
ionic contrast media and predated their use. ing an ionic contrast medium to a patient in
In intravenous cholangiography the fre- the face of a better choice, on the basis of cost
quency of toxic symptoms was 12.6% for sin- consideration, can have serious ethical and
gle-dose medication and 8.16% for drip infu- medical implications (532). Palmer published
sion (452). In intravenous urography the an interim guideline that identified high risk
incidence of reactions was 5.38% for single bo- groups who should receive nonionic contrast
6 Organic iodine Compounds

media, that is, patients with previous reac- media, ionic or nonionic, showed the lowest
tions to contrast media, patients with asthma, prevalence of adverse reactions (537). The
allergy (not to drugs), renal and cardiac im- study clearly demonstrates that nonionic con-
pairment, diabetes mellitus, myelomatosis, trast media can significantly reduce the prev-
and sickle-cell anemia; poorly hydrated pa- alence of adverse reactions to contrast media.
tients; and infants and small children. Reducing the mild adverse reactions such as
The Royal Australasian College of Radiolo- nausea, vomiting, urticaria, itching, and heat
gists (RACR)survey included 109,546 cases of sensation can make contrast media examina-
mild. moderate, and severe reactions to intra- tions more acceptable to the patient. Bett-
venous ionic and nonionic contrast media mann (537) noted that the report showed no
(533, 534). The report defined mild reactions difference between the ionic and nonionic con-
as all skin reactions requiring no therapy and trast agents with regard to mortality. Fareed
excluding sensation of heat; moderate reac- et al. (538) pointed out that both the Japanese
tions as those requiring therapy but not con- and the Australian survey reports on the
sidered at risk and no hospitalization, and se- safety of contrast media did not include any
vere reactions as those requiring urgent information on thrombotic complications.
therapy and considered at risk and requiring The use of premedication with steroids and
hospitalization. The incidence of mild, moder- HI and H, histamine receptor blockers can
ate, and severe reactions in the high risk group significantly reduce the adverse reactions to
were 7.20, 2.70, and 0.36%, respectively, for high osmolality contrast media. There are sug-
ionic contrast media, and 1.10, 0.10, and gestions to extend their use to modify even the
0.03%, respectively, for nonionic contrast me- reactions to low osmolality contrast media.
dia. Incidences of moderate and severe reac- Pretesting of contrast media reactors by in-
tions in the high risk groups receiving ionic jecting 1 mL of the nonionic contrast medium
and nonionic contrast media were 1 in 32 in- has also been reported (539).
jections and 1 in 718 injections, respectively. Greater use of nonionic contrast media for
This clearly demonstrates a significant advan- routine X-ray procedures is clearly the trend
tage for the nonionic contrast media. of the future. It was estimated that in 1991,
The Japanese Committee on the Safety of approximately 69% of the procedures per-
Contrast Media conducted similar studies formed in the United States used nonionic
from 1986 to 1988 (535-537). The large scale, contrast media compared to about 66% in Eu-
nationwide clinical study included 337,647 rope and more than 80% in Japan. In 1994 the
cases. One-half of the group (50.1%) received percentage increased to about 80% in the
ionic contrast media and the other half United States, 75% in Europe, and 92% in Ja-
(49.9%) nonionic contrast media. The overall pan (540). In the United States, in 1994 as
prevalence of adverse reactions was 12.66% in many as 18 million patients received intravas-
the ionic contrast media group, and 3.3% in cular contrast media, and an estimated 170
the nonionic contrast media group. The prev- million contrast medium-enhanced radiologic
alence of severe adverse reactions was 3.13 studies were performed from 1978 to 1994
and 0.22% in the ionic and nonionic contrast (541).
media groups, respectively. The report de- Spring et al. (541) analyzed the reports of
tailed the prevalence of adverse reactions re- adverse drug events (ADE) of iodinated con-
garding time of onset, patient sex and age, pa- trast media, filed with the Spontaneous Re-
tient history on prior reactions to contrast porting System and MedWatch Program of
agents, allergy, underlying disease, premedi- the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
cation, injection mode, and dose. The preva- from 1978 through 1994. In this 17-year pe-
lence of adverse reactions was the lowest in riod, there were 22,785 reports (86.5%)of mild
the subgroup of patients receiving contrast or moderate ADEs, 2639 reports (10.0%) of
media by bolus and intravenous injection as serious nonfatal ADEs, and 920 reports (3.5%)
compared to by drip infusion and by bolus plus of deaths describing 850 fatal ADEs. Report-
drip infusion. The patient subgroup receiving ing to the FDA Spontaneous Reporting Sys-
a dose ranging from 81 to 100 mL of contrast tem and MedWatch Program is voluntary. Ad-

verse drug event (ADE) is the term used to availability of LOCM in the United States did
avoid contributing causation and to encourage not lead to a marked decrease in the contrast
reporting of adverse consequences from pro- media-related deaths.
fessional practice. When these events are spe- Lasser et al. (543) compared the patient re-
cifically attributed to the drug, they are called actions to ionic and nonionic contrast media
adverse drug reactions (ADR).To identify any based on data on reactions to X-ray contrast
changes in the frequency of reporting between materials collected under the supervision of
ionic and nonionic contrast media, the authors the FDA Division of Epidemiology and Sur-
arbitrarily divided the 17-year period into an veillance and manufacturer data from 1990
earlier period (1978-1986) before FDA ap- through 1994. In 1992-1994 there were more
proval and wide use of nonionic low osmolality
than 16 million examinations performed in
contrast media (LOCM) and a later period toto each year in angiography, CT, and urog-
(1987-1994), when the use of nonionic LOCM raphy. The ionic HOCM, nonionic LOCM (io-
rose steadily over time after approval. In 1994 hexol, iopamidol, and ioversol), and ionic
the use of nonionic LOCM exceeded ionic LOCM (ioxaglate) had the following inci-
HOCM by 2:l. For ionic and nonionic contrast dences per million intravascular examinations
media the most common ADEs (urticaria, dys- for total reactions 193.77:44.44:142.52; for se-
pnea, vomiting, facial edema, and hypoten- vere reactions, 37.44:10.52:33.61; and for
sion) ranked similarly, and the intravenous deaths, 3.90:2.07:6.39, respectively. The inci-
and intraarterial routes (97.4%)were the pre- dence of severe reations to total reactions was
dominant routes of administration. The seri- higher with nonionic LOCM (23.7%)and ioxa-
ous nonfatal ADEs were most often related to glate (23.6%)than with ionic HOCM (19.3%).
serious cardiorespiratory symptoms. Myelo- The incidence of death to severe reactions was
graphic ADRs (e.g., seizures, headaches) from 19.7% with nonionic media, 19.0% with ioxa-
intrathecal administration of contrast media glate, and 10.4% with ionic media. In patients
differ from the most common ADRs men- with pathologic cardiac conditions, the inci-
tioned above and were treated separately. The dence of renal failure was 3.6 times higher
authors noted the prevalence of severe nonfa- with LOCM than with HOCM.
tal ADEs to be 0.044% for nonionic LOCM and Bettmann et al. (544) created a prospective
0.26% for ionic HOCM, comparable with the registry for surveillance of incidence of Sd-
published values (537, 538) and also noted verse events related to ionic and nonionic con-
that the number of ADEs reported did not sig- test media in angiography, to identify patients
nificantly decrease since the introduction of likely to benefit from use of low osmolality
nonionic LOCM. contrast agents (LOCAs) and to ascertain risk
Mortality as a direct consequence of use of factors for increased incidence of an adverse
iodinated contrast media is a rare occurrence. event. The registry consisted of data of 75,616
Hatayama et al. (535) observed two deaths studies from 60,891 patients in angiography at
among 337,647 cases in which iodinated con- 26 high volume institutions, 56% with non-
trast media were injected intravenously. ionic LOCAs, 8% with the ionic LOCA, and
Spring et al. (542) showed that 37% more 36% with HOCAs in a 2-year study (July 1,
deaths were reported each year in 1987-1994 1990 to June 30, 1992). Most major risk fac-
than in 1978-1986. Most of the increase was tors correlated with an increased incidence of
associated with the use of nonionic contrast adverse events, but varied with the type of
media. In 1978-1987, 376 deaths were re- procedure, with a higher incidence associated
ported and in 1987-1994,474. In 1987-1994, with cardiac and interventional procedures.
220 deaths were associated with use of ionic The incidence of adverse events was signifi-
HOCM alone, 32 with ionic LOCM alone, and cantly increased with use of HOCAs, but se-
214 with nonionic LOCM alone. The calcu- vere adverse events were not much different
lated occurrence of 1 death per 200,000 or between ionic and nonionic contrast agents
more examinations was comparable with pub- except for cardiac procedures. Patients with a
lished data. The authors remarked that the previous reaction or more than one other ma-
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

jor risk factors are most likely to benefit from Brasch (541, 552) reviewed the severe, im-
use of LOCAs. mediate reactions to contrast media and sug-
Several hypotheses were postulated on the gested that reactions, often designated as ana-
pathogenesis of contrast mediareactions. Lalli phylactoid, may have an antibody basis. A
(545),after reviewing a large number of severe prospective study by Laroche et al. (543) on
reactions to contrast media and mortality in the mechanisms of severe, immediate reac-
cholangiography, angiography, and urogra- tions to iodinated contrast material gave sup-
phy, proposed that all reactions are based on port to this theory. Laroche et al. measured
the effect of contrast media on the central ner- the levels of plasma histamine, tryptase, and
vous system. Contrast media are 400-1400 urinary methylhistidine by radioimmunoas-
times more toxic intracisternally than intra- say or immunoradiometric assay in blood and
venously (213,546). Penetration of the blood- urine samples from controls and from patients
brain barrier and direct stimulation of the who experienced allergic-type reactions after
brain by contrast media can produce abrupt the administration of contrast material. The
responses leading to immediate and severe serum level of specific immunoglobulin E
contrast media actions. Lasser (508, 547) (IgE) against ioxitalmate or ioxaglate was de-
noted that the nonionic contrast media have termined by the radioactive anti-IgE antibody
substantially reduced the local toxicity in ani- techniques of Gu6ant et al. (544). The human
mal and human studies, although the impact anaphylatoxins C3a and C4a were measured
on systemic toxicity is less clear. The author in plasma using radioimmunoassays, and se-
postulated an allergy diathesis to prime a pa- rum C3 and C4 levels measured by nephelom-
tient for a contrast media reaction and be- etry. The patients with severe reactions all
lieved that bradykinin may contribute signifi- showed higher measured values than those of
cantly to the reactions. Contrast media the controls, and the values increased with se-
disrupt endothelium surfaces, causing de- verity of reactions. Histamine concentration
granulation of mast cells, releasing histamine decreased rapidly with time and reached nor-
and substances capable of contact activation mal within 1 h after the reaction, but the
(548).These substances are listed as an endog- tryptase level decreased more slowly than his-
enous heparin-like material (EHM), a cryptic tamine. The half-life of histamine in healthy
soluble surface (CSS), or a negative surface volunteers is less than 2 min. Tryptase and
(549) and a complex of the plasma inhibitor histamine levels are useful for the diagnosis of '
a,-macroglobulin with kallikrein (508), that anaphylactoid reactions during anesthesia.
can cause complement activation to release The study showed that the frequency of imme-
the Hageman factor XII, inducing sequen- diate reaction is higher with ionic contrast ma-
tially the cleavage of prekallikrein to produce terial of high or low osmolality than with non-
kallikrein and the cleavage of kininogen to ionic contrast material, and that patients with
produce bradykinin. Bradykinin is a more per- risk factor of a previous reaction to ionic con-
sistent and .wtent mediator than histamine in trast material react less frequently to nonionic
anaphylaxis and may mobilize arachidonic acid contrast material. The study pointed out the
to produce leukotrienes and vasoactive prosta- involvement of IgE-mediated reactions.
glandins. Contrast media inhibit angiotensin-
converting enzyme, responsible mainly for in 6.5.4 Toxic Effects on Red Blood Cells.
vivo bradykinin hydrolysis. Premedication with Contrast media produce morphological changes
corticosteroids may reduce the concentration of of red blood cells by altering their size and
complement activators. Lasser et al. (512, 549) shape and also increase their tendencies for
examined and evaluated contact system dynam- aggregation (555, 556). The change in mor-
ics in patients' plasma and compared the plas- phology of red blood cells is caused by chemo-
mas of asthmatic patients with that of the con- toxicity and hyperosmolality of the contrast
trols. Moreau et al. (550) discussed Lalli and medium (557, 558). The chemotoxic effect af-
Lasser's theories and showed the biolo&al - fects the red blood cell membrane and trans-
chain reactions induced by contrast media and forms the normally biconcave disc-configured
those blocked by premedication with drugs. red blood cell into a crenated cell known as an
548 Radiopaques

echinocyte. Ionic and nonionic contrast media, Human erythrocytes at rest have a diame-
such as iohexol, iopentol, metrizamide, and ter of approximately 7.5 pm with a higher de-
metrizoate in solution isotonic to blood pro- gree of deformability (558, 562). The normal
duce echinocytes, but high concentrations of disc-shaped erythrocytes are aggregated in
iopamidol, iohexol, and iopentol also produce rouleaux formation and retain a smooth sur-
stomatocytes. Nonionic dimer iodixanol trans- face, allowing the cells to bend and deform to
forms the normal red blood cells entirely to pass through capillaries with diameters rang-
stomatocytes. These two types of cells differ ing from 3 to 5 pm (563). A high percentage of
from each other in relation to the sites of con- crenated and deformed cells inhibits rouleaux
trast medium binding on the bilayer cell mem- formation and causes disaggregation. Normal
brane. The exact mechanism is unclear, but red blood cells have an average water content
shift from echinocytes to stomatocytes may oc- of 66.46 + 1.12% by weight and may lose up to
cur by transbilayer diffusion, a well-known 11% of internal water on coming into contact
phenomenon in drug-erythrocyte interaction with a hyperosmolar solution of contrast
(557, 559). In addition to the chemotoxic ef- medium (564). The loss of internal water in-
fect, the hyperosmolality of the contrast me- creases the red blood cell viscosity, which re-
dium also affects the morphology of the red sults in reduced deformability and rigidifica-
blood cells by pulling water, as it were, out of tion of red blood cells, causing increased
the normal cells to produce a shrunken red resistance to flow and disturbance of the rhe-
blood cell, known as a desicocyte. Among the ology of blood flow in microcirculation (565,
nonionic contrast media that cause echinocyte 566). The rigidified erythrocytes can block the
formation, metrizamide shows the most che- pulmonary capillaries and cause an increase in
motoxic effect. Iohexol, iopamidol, and iopen- pulmonary arterial pressure. The high viscos-
to1 are comparable to one another and show ity of the contrast medium may prolong its
the least chemotoxic effect on cell membrane passage through the vessels compared to that
(557,558). Bucherer et al. (560) used a micro- of less viscous solutions. Increased contact of
manipulation technique to visualize the defor- contrast medium with the vessel wall can
mation of individual erythrocytes and found cause endothelial cell contraction, leading to
that the low osmolar monoacidic contrast endothelial damage and patches of denuda-
agent ioxaglate makes the erythrocyte mem- tion, which can be the location of thrombus
brane less rigid and the nonionic iopamidol formation (567).
makes the membrane more rigid compared to Nonionic contrast media, although more
the control. Hardeman et al. (427) compared biotolerant than ionic contrast media, pose a
the in vitro effects of ioxaglate, iohexol, and serious risk of thromboembolism during clin-
iopamidol in different iodine concentrations ical cardiac procedures. A critical review
on whole blood, collected from healthy adults shows that both ionic and nonionic contrast
and uremic patients, with respect to RBC mor- media prolong whole blood and plasma clot-
phology and aggregation and found that RBCs ting times in a dose-dependent manner and
in the presence of 50% iohexol and iopamidol inhibit in vitro aggregation of platelets, with
were considerably rigidified, whereas the ad- the nonionic contrast media exerting less in-
dition of 50% ioxaglate resulted in only mod- terference in coagulation and platelet aggre-
erate RBC rigidification. Iohexol gave a mix- gation than the ionic contrast media (568).
ture of normal biconcave erythrocytes and Kurisu and Tada (569) show that in a canine
echinocytes, iopamidol mostly echinocytes, model, the ionic low osmolar ioxaglate has a
and ioxaglate mostly normal RBCs with a high greater anticoagulant effect than that of the
degree of rouleaux formation in all different nonionic contrast agent iopamidol, which is
samples tested. Parvez and Pate1 (561) ob- about the same as the saline control in its in-
served by transmission electron microscopy hibition of clot formation. Levi et al. (570), by
that ioxilan affected the erythrocyte mem- use of 1251-labeledfibrinogen as a marker to
brane less than iohexol and iopamidol; the lat- study the effect of contrast media on throm-
ter two produced acanthocytes, whereas iox- bus (aggregated platelets) growth in a rabbit
ilan had no effect on erythrocyte morphology. jugular vein thrombosis model, showed that
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

the ionic ioxitalamate and ioxaglate exhibit and not on the smooth PU surface. In compar-

marked inhibition of thrombus growth, ison, the ionic contrast agents showed no sig-
whereas the nonionic contrast agents as a nificant fibrin formation on either of these
group show prothrombotic effect with iopam- surfaces. The blood-catheter interface at the
idol promoting more thrombus growth than internal surface of catheters after injection of
iopromide and iohexol. The thrombogenic ef- ioxaglate or iohexol or iopamidol, collected
fect of iopamidol can be inhibited by simulta- from different European clotting centers,
neous administration of 80 IU/kg heparin. Ac- showed signs of blood activation, platelet acti-
cording to Hwang et al. (5711, the optimal vation, fibrin formation, or occurrence of red
heparin concentration to achieve a complete thrombi. These findings show that the clotting
anticoagulant effect is 5 IUImL. process is procedure dependent and varies be-
Thrombus formation is a part of the coag- tween these centers and that ioxaglate is sig-
ulation cascade, complicated and involving nificantly- better than the low osmolality- non-
many factors, and occurs when a nonionic con- ionic contrast media in retarding clotting.
trast medium is mixed with whole blood (572, Krause and Press (577)studied the effect of
573). According to Ing (574), ionic and non- nine contrast media and four gadolinium che-
ionic contrast media exert their actions at dif- lates on blood coagulation and measured their
ferent stages of the clotting process. Ionic con- thromboplastin time (TPT). All contrast me-
trast media inhibit thrombin activity and dia influence TPT, but the driving force is
fibrin polymerization, whereas nonionic con- ionic charge. The authors found that these
trast media inhibit only fibrin polymerization. agents induced a stastistically significant in-
Ioxaglate inhibits both the coagulation se- crease in TPT, listed in the following ascend-
quences before thrombin generation and the ing order of the increase: plasma = saline <
final stages of fibrin monomer formation and gadobutrol < iodixanol = iotrolan = iohexol
polymerization, whereas the nonionic iopam- (different from iodixanol) = iopental (differ-
idol and iohexol inhibit coagulation primarily ent from iodixanol and iotrolan) < iopromide
after the generation of thrombin. This differ- < iomeprol << Gd-DTPA << ioxaglate << dia-

ence in inhibition may lead to serious compli- trizoate. Ionic contrast agents interact with
cations for nonionic contrast media because the coagulation cascade to a greater degree
some unclotted mixtures of blood and non- than nonionic contrast agents and are able to '
ionic contrast agents, which may contain influence TPT and to combine with calcium
thrombin, may cause clotting on reinjection. ions. The TPT in human vlasma was found
Grabowski et al. (575) showed that both non- to be longer than that in other species, and
ionic and ionic contrast media retard clotting the interspecies ranking for TPT was dog <
in plastic and glass angiography syringes in rabbit < rat < human. The addition of hepa-
comparison to saline control, and ionic con- rin to contrast media significantly prolonged
trast agents are stronger anticoagulants. Con- TPT.
tainer and syringe surfaces influence the for- In a human endothelial cell culture, ioxa-
mation of thrombus in mixtures of nonionic glate appears to be more potentially toxic to
contrast media and blood, and plastic syringes endothelium than diatrizoate, iohexol, iopro-
were found to retard clotting better than glass mide, ioversol, iotrolan, and gadolinium-
ones (573, 575). By use of scanning electron DTPA (578). Nitric oxide, known earlier as
microscopy Corot et al. (576) investigated the "endothelial-derived relaxing factor," may
surfaces of polyethylene (PE) and polyure- also play a role in mediating the chemotoxicity
thane (PU) and inside surfaces of catheters of contrast media, given that infusion of
after contact with mixtures of blood and con- iothalamate accompanied by L-arginine ana-
trast media, such as diatrizoate, ioxitalamate, logs could protect the rats and raise the com-
ioxaglate, iopamidol, and iohexol. The PE sur- pletely lethal dose (LD,,,) significantly (579).
face was relatively heterogeneous and the PU Wiesel et al. (580) observed that slight but
surface was smooth and homogeneous. Iopam- significant platelet activation and thrombin
idol and iohexol, when mixed with the blood, generation in patients during coronarography
formed thick fibrin fibers on the PE surface occurs with both ionic and nonionic contrast
550 Radiopaques

media, and that both types are potentially l i d cells within a few milliseconds of exposure.
thrombogenic and behave as activators of The mixture of blood and contrast medium,
platelet and blood coagulation. These authors when entering and passing through the lungs,
observed only signs of biological activation of can cause changes in pulmonary pressure
hemostasis without clinical symptoms. In pa- (582,585). In addition, contrast media can ex-
tients with atherosclerotic lesions, contrast ert a direct effect on the myocardium, depress-
media may interfere with homeostasis by fa- ing myocardial contractility (584). Thus, sys-
cilitating platelet adhesion. The risk factors temic hypotension, changes in the activity of
for nonionic contrast media-induced thrombo- the smooth muscle cells in vessel walls, aggre-
sis are listed (538). Koza et al. (581) evaluated gation and crenation of red blood cells, and
platelet activation by ionic and nonionic con- hypervolemia are examples of vascular reac-
trast media in native heparinized or hirudi- tions induced by the administration of con-
nized human blood by use of flow cytometric trast media. Agglutination and crenation of
analysis techniques, measurement of platelet red blood cells cause blood sludging and re-
factor 4 and thromboxane B,, and antibodies duce the cells' ability to undergo deformation,
to identify platelets (CD-61) and activated thus blocking the blood flow to capillaries and
platelets (CD-62), to establish that dose- and leading to pulmonary hypertension and re-
time-dependent platelet activation was ob- lated physiological responses (495-498). The
served in nonionic, but not in ionic contrast hypervolemia resulting from a shift of water
media. The study suggests that contrast me- elevates the ventricular filling pressure and
dia use is associated with significant levels of increases the cardiac output from increased
platelet activation and that the anticoagulant ventricular stroke work. The potassium ions
heparin or combinant hirudin (where heparin released from shrinking and crenating red
is contraindicated) is preferable for use with blood cells contribute to the lowering of sys-
nonionic contrast media to reduce contrast temic vascular resistance and blood pressure
media-induced platelet activation. (499).
Sheu et al. (586) compared the effects of
6.5.5 Cardiovascular Effects. To visualize ionic monomer diatrizoate and nonionic
blood vessels and other structures of small monomer iohexol on coronary hemodynamics
thickness, a sufficient radiopaque dose must and myocardial metabolism. In dog hearts, the
be used. Contrast media for angiography are intracoronary injection of iohexol produced an
usually administered intravascularly in high increase in myocardial contractibility, aortic
concentrations and large volumes (582). Dur- systolic pressure, and myocardial oxygen con-
ing coronary arteriography, the blood is re- sumption. In contrast, the injection of dia-
placed for a short period of time with a con- trizoate produced a decrease in these parame-
trast medium solution (583).The effects that a ters. This difference between ionic and
contrast medium exerts on the central cardio- nonionic contrast media was significant. Nev-
vascular function will be determined by the ertheless, the degree of increased coronary
iodine concentration, osmolality, viscosity, blood flow after coronary injection was similar
and the rate of injection. In angiocardiography for both agents.
the contrast medium can cause (1) electro- In coronary arteriography, ionic mono-
physiologic effect, such as heart rate alter- mers, because of their high osmolality and
ations, atrioventricular conduction delay, and binding to calcium and magnesium in plasma,
ventricular arrhythmias; (2)hemodynamic ef- elicit more physiologic effects than nonionic
fect, such as hypotension, inhibition of left monomers. The nonionic molecules do not
ventricular coronary contractile site, and al- combine calcium; the chelators used in the for-
terations in coronary blood flow; and (3) met- mulation have less calcium binding capacity;
abolic effects, such as hypocalcemia and alter- and the osmolality of nonionic monomers is
ations in myocardial metabolism (469, 584). only half that of the ionic monomers. Thus,
Contrast media can cause fluid shifts upon nonionic contrast media cause fewer fluid
mixing with blood, "pulling" out water from shifts, less vasodilation, arrhythmia and fibril-
the red blood cells, and blood vessel endothe- lation, and minimal cardiac depression. In an-
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

imal experimentation, injections of short du- dium at a high dose of 1.2 g iodinekg into the
ration (2-5 s) produce fewer incidences of left ventricle. Transient changes in blood pres-
myocardial fibrillation than prolonged injec- sure (systolic and diastolic), heart rate, cardiac
tions (25 s) (482). The nonionic dimers or bis output, left ventricular end diastolic pressure,
compounds, such as iotrolan and iodixanol, total peripheral resistance, and electrocardio-
further reduce the clinical adverse reactions gram within a few minutes post-injection were
compared to those of the nonionic monomers. observed. In a healthy rat, the authors noted,
The dimers are isotonic to blood but have vis- all contrast media tested are safe but generate
cosities (>10 mPa.s) more than double the vis- a few side effects. Low osmolar nonionic mo-
cosity of blood (4 m P a 4 and more than 8 nomeric contrast media have a clear benefit
times the viscosity of plasma (1.2 mPa.s), with over high osmolar contrast media. Nonionic
no apparent adverse effects (582). Ventricular isotonic dimers are best, with minimal side ef-
fibrillation and serious arrhythmia have been fects, and are likely to provide a lower risk if
linked to hyperosmolality and the absence of used in ventriculography and coronary an-
sodium ions. The safety of iotrolan is related to giography.
its isotonicity and the small amount of sodium
ions it contains (482). 6.5.6 Nephrotoxicity. In urography and
The safety, tolerance, and diagnostic effi- arteriography more than 90% of the injected
cacy of iopentol, iopromide, iohexol, ioversol, dose of contrast media is excreted through the
and iopamidol have been compared in different kidney (597). Contrast media adversely affect
cardiac angiographicprocedures (587490).In a the excretory function of the kidneys, partly
canine heart model, ioversol with added so- by osmolality and partly by chemotoxicity. Di-
dium in the form of NaCl can reduce the pro- uresis, changes of renal blood flow, osmotic
pensity for spontaneous ventricular fibrilla- nephroses, albuminuria, enzymuria, and
tion and arrhythmias but it also causes an changes of glomerular filtration rate are re-
increase in the QT interval in the electrocar- ported in animal studies of contrast media-
diogram. The QT interval is associated with induced nephrotoxicity (598). In patients with
cardiac conduction and depolarization and re- normal and abnormal kidneys, contrast media
polarization. The prolongation of the QT in- can cause acute deterioration in renal func-
terval, unlike that caused by ionic contrast tion, such as reduced glomerular filtration
media, is not an indication of arrhythmogenic- rate, medullary necrosis, and transient pro-
itv- (591). The influence of sodium on electro- teinuria of glomerular origin, associated with
cardiography during coronary angiography the increased elimination of &-microglobulin
with iopromide has also been investigated (599, 600). Individuals with preexisting renal
(592). insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, dehydration,
Other factors may exhibit synergism in re- cardiovascular disease, advanced age, multi-
actions with contrast media. In mice, contrast ple myeloma, hypertension, hyperuricemia,
media with cardiac glycoside cause higher and several contrast examinations within 24 h
mortality than contrast media alone (593). In- have a high-risk of kidney malfunction (598,
compatibility of contrast media with other 601). Low osmolality monomers and dimers,
pharmacological agents has also been noted such as iohexol, iopamidol, iopromide, iover-
(594). Anaphylactoid reactions from contrast sol, ioxaglate, and iotrolan, are less nephro-
media can also be associated with P-blocker toxic in high risk patients than high osmolal-
exposure, cardiovascular disorders, or asthma ity ratio 1.5 agents, such as diatrizoate, for
(595). example (602, 603, 607, 608). The severity of
Muschick et al. (596) compared the hemo- the nephrotoxic effects is determined by the
" effects of 11 iodinated contrast me- dose and rate of injection (463, 609, 610). In
dia, including ionic (diatrizoate, ioxaglate), the clinical setting patients with normal renal
nonionic monomers (iohexol, iopromide, io- functions respond similarly to ionic and non-
pamidol, iopentol, ioversal, iomeprol), and ionic contrast media (611-614), and the renal
nonionic dimers (iotrolan. iodixanol) in rats. effects are transient only in these patients
The animals were injected with contrast me- (600).

Contrast media cause damage to the vascu- cells and platelet accumulation in the areas of
lar, glomerular, and tubular structures of the denuded blood vessels (598). The relation of
kidneys and changes in urine profiles, which the vasoactive peptides and associated events
may lead to acute renal failure (463,597,615, to vascular hemodynamic effects is not well
616). In the canine model, renal ischemia po- understood.
tentiates nephrotoxicity (603). Deray et al. Urographic and uroangiographic contrast
(604)studied renal hemodynamics in a normal media cause glomerular damage by altering
and ischemic dog kidney and found that io- membrane permeability, thus allowing pro-
dixanol induced a greater decrease in renal tein leakage into the urine, resulting in pro-
blood flow than did ioxaglate and produced a teinuria. After renal angiography, protein ex-
marked intrarenal vasoconstriction. Rauch et cretion in the urine may increase by a factor of
al. (605) compared the effects of contrast me- more than 1000 (598, 617). In normal rats,
dia (diatrizoate, iohexol, and iopamidol) on re- albumin levels return to normal after 2 h
nal vasoconstriction in human, rabbit, dog, (616). Massive proteinuria from glomerular
and pig arteries and found that all contrast damage may cause protein precipitation in tu-
media elicited dose-dependent reversible con- bular lumen, decreased urine flow, and may
tractions in human, rabbit, and dog but not in produce acute renal failure (463). It has been
pig renal arteries. All the contrast media shown that nonionic iohexol produces less, if
tested exerted a vasorelaxing effect on pig any, albuminuria in animals and humans than
renal artery. Nygren et al. (606) found that ionic contrast media or metrizamide (598). Io-
intravenously administered ioxaglate and io- hexol has been proposed for use as a marker
pamidol enhance the microvascular obstruc- for glomerular filtration rate (618, 619).
tion, as a consequence of red-cell trapping One of the nephrotoxic effects of contrast
evoked by ischemic injury, and that iopamidol media is the vacuolization of the proximal tu-
may induce local impairment in renal medul- bular cells (598). Iohexol and iotrolan induce
lary microcirculation in a normal kidney. more significant and longer-lasting vacuoliza-
The response of renal vasculature to con- tion than the ionic diatrizoate and nonionic
trast media exposure is biphasic. Immediately monomer iopromide (620). Iohexol also causes
after intraarterial or intravenous injection of significantly more tubular vacuolization and
the contrast medium peripheral resistance de- capillary congestion than another nonionic
creases (vasodilation) and renal blood flow in- contrast agent, iobitridol(301). This vacuolar '

creases, followed by renal vasoconstriction response reflects lysosomal changes and the
and decreased renal blood flow. The size of the chemotoxicity of contrast molecules. Tubular
kidney changes and reaches its maximum size vacuolization is also known as osmotic ne-
within the first 5 min after injection (598). The phrosis. Wasaki et al. (621) compared the toxic
contrast media within the renal vascular bed effects of iobitridol and iohexol on the acute
attract water from the interstitial space and renal failure (ARF) kidney in a rat model and
possibly from the renal tubules. In this renal found that iobitridol produced a lower degree
hemodynamic and fluid shift, contrast media and incidence of renal tubular injury of renal
and some low molecular weight substances are proximal and distal tubules compared with io-
freely filtered by the glomeruli and remain in hexol. In the rat renal slice system, iobitridol
the tubular lumen in a high concentration for had significantly less effect on thep-aminohip-
a relatively long time, causing tubular damage puric acid accumulation compared with that of
(609). Water, contrast media, and urinary iohexol. There were no changes of intracellu-
components that are not reabsorbed in the tu- .
lar ~otassiumcontent.
bules are excreted as hyperosmolar urine in Tubular damage causes enzymuria. Uri-
diuresis (597,609, 615). nary excretion of the lysosomal enzyme
Contrast media cause damage to the endo- N-acetyl-p-D-glucosidase(NAG), the cytoplas-
thelia of renal vasculature and release vasoac- mic enzyme lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), and
tive peptides, such as renin, prostaglandins, the brush-border enzyme gamma glutamyl
and kallikreins. Other associated events are transpeptidase (GGT),caused by contrast me-
deformation and rigidification of red blood dia, has been studied in rats with drug-in-
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

duced nephropathies (622, 623). These en- the BBB (632). Contrast media administered
zymes with molecular weights greater than by intrathecal and intracisternal injections
70,000 are not filtered by the glomerulus will bypass the BBB and come in direct contact
(624). The level of enzymuria appears to cor- with the neurons and glial cells (633). The
relate with the degree of proximal tubular cell BBB refers to the tight junctions between the
injury. This may suggest that the urinary en- cerebrovascular endothelial cells in cerebral
zyme levels might be a more sensitive param- blood vessels, which form a physical barrier to
eter than the serum creatinine levels to assess the exchange of ions and large molecules be-
the renal toxicity of iodinated contrast media tween blood and brain (634-636). Concen-
(616,625,626). trated solutions of electrolytes and nonelec-
Ed6e and Bonnemain (627) reviewed the trolytes such as urea can reversibly open the
reliability of experimental models, from meth- barrier by separating the tight junctions
odological considerations to pathophysiology, through osmotically shrinking the endothelial
of iodinated contrast media-induced acute re- cells (637-640). Barrier opening may be eval-
nal failure and nephropathy. Deray and Ja- uated by the entry of dyes (e.g., Trypan blue,
cobs (628, 629) reviewed radiocontrast neph- Evans blue) (634,641) or radioactive ions (e.g.,
rotoxicity and renal tolerance of nonionic ""Tc, 32P)(642) into the brain parenchyma.
dimers. Nonionic dimers (iotrolan and iodixa- The percentage penetration of 1311-tagged
nol) are iso-osmotic and have high viscosities. iothalamate and diatrizoate in the rat cerebral
Iotrolan at 300 mg I/mL has a viscosity of 17.8 cortex, studied by use of historadioauto-
mPa-s at 20°C and at 320 mg IImL, 24.6 mPa-s. graphic techniques, correlates well with the
In comparison, iobitridol at 300 mg I/mL has a degree of severity of neurotoxicity (643).
viscosity of 11.2 mPa-s at 20°C. These chemi- When there was little or no penetration of con-
cal characteristics that cause an increase of trast medium into the brain tissue, no convul-
the reflection coefficient, characterized as "the sions were observed. These experimental
tendency of solutes to be retained in the vas- methods when applied together with those of
culature with resulting prolongation of the induced convulsions (641-643)and damage to
phase of osmotic expansion of plasma vol- tissue cultures of neurons (644), to determine
ume," may be responsible for the toxic symp- the neurotoxicity of contrast agents, may or
toms. Vergare and Sequel (630) recommended may not necessarily measure the same molec-
warming the contrast media to 35°C before ular property responsible for neurotoxicity. In
injection to improve tolerance. fact, cytochemical studies show that the BBB
damage induced by contrast medium differs
6.5.7 Neurotoxicity. Contrast agents are from the BBB damage caused by other types of
toxic to the central nervous system (631). insult, in that the plasma membrane-bound
Their presence there is brought about either enzyme Ca2+-ATPaseand the negative charge
by direct injection into the cerebrospinal fluid that resides on the endothelial luminal surface
or by leakage through the blood-brain barrier. are not affected (645). Damage from different
Contrast agents are more toxic when adminis- contrast media may also differ. For example,
tered intracisternally than intravenously the nonionic dimer iotrolan causes more BBB
(214). The ratio between intravenous and in- damage in the basal ganglia than in the cortex,
tracisternal LD,, values in the rabbit can be as whereas the reverse is true for the ionic dia-
high as 1450 to 1 for diatrizoate sodium (213, trizoate (646). To predict the entire spectrum
546). Adverse effects caused by ionicity, che- of neurotoxicity of contrast media, Sovak et al.
motoxicity, and hyperosmolality of contrast (647) proposed the use of a number of methods
media can range from discomfort to the for assessment of neurotoxicity in testing new
patient to the disruption of the blood-brain nonionic contrast media.
barrier (BBB), epileptogenicity, and late The neurotoxicity of contrast media is de-
arachnoiditis. termined by their lipid solubility or partition
The transport of materials from the blood coefficient (631). Lipid solubility regulates the
to the tissues (or extravasation) in the brain, passage of these agents through the unaltered
unlike that in all other organs, is restricted by BBB. The partition coefficients of iothalamate,
554 Radiopaques

ioxitalamate, diatrizoate, metrizoate, iodam- no1 > ioversol > iotrolan, with iohexol causing
ide, diprotrizoate, and 2,4,6-triiodobenzoate more BBB damage than iotrolan. Motoji et al.
have been calculated (631), using Hansch's (658)studied the neurotoxicity of contrast me-
rule for additive constitutive properties (648- dia using [8-l4C1dopamine as a marker for
651). This study shows that the neurotoxicity BBB damage in Monogolian gerbils and found
of these agents increases with increase in the that both meglumine sodium amidotrizoate
combined partition coefficient P and is related and iohexol caused damage to the BBB, as
to the brain uptake index. The relation is sim- manifested in cerebral cortex, brain stem, and
ilar to that observed by Oldendorf (652) be- hippocampus sections in the left hemisphere.
tween the chain length of short-chain mono- Iopamidol caused a much smaller but signifi-
carboxylic acids and their transport across the cant effect, and ioversol caused no damage to
blood-brain barrier, which reaffirms the de- the BBB. Michelet (659)used iothalamate and
pendency of neurotoxicity on lipid solubility. iohexol as reference contrast agents and
Nonionic contrast molecules designed with 99mTc-DTPA,lZ5I-labeledhuman serum albu-
4-6 hydroxyl groups in the molecule to maxi- min and Trypan blue as tracer to evaluate de-
mize hydrophilicity have been shown to have a grees of damage to the BBB in male albino
good correlation between partition coefficient rabbits. The ionic monomer iothalamate
(octanoVwater) and neurotoxicity (653). For caused marked BBB damage, based on a large
example, the hydrophilicity increases as the extravasation of tracers, the nonionic mono-
partition coefficient decreases, in the case of mers iopentol and iohexol caused some BBB
four monomeric nonionic contrast agents ac- damage, and the dimer iodixanol caused only
cording to the ranking: metrizamide > iop- minor changes to the barrier. The author rec-
amidol > iohexol > ioversol (654, 655). ommends iodixanol as a safe contrast agent for
Their neurotoxicity, measured in terms of computed tomography of the brain. Harnish
lethality, EEG effects, and motor effects, de- et al. (660) found that iohexol or ioxilan at a
creases proportionately with the increase in solution concentration of 175 mg I/mL caused
hydrophilicity. no BBB damage in anesthetized Wistar rats.
In addition to osmolality and lipid solubil- This strain of rats has been reported to be
ity, the cations, anions, and chemotoxicity of more sensitive than other strains to the intra-
contrast media also contribute to neurotoxic- thecal effects of contrast agents (187). Whis-
ity. The sodium salts of diatrizoate and son et al. (661) studied acute hypertension
iothalamate are about three times more neu- (HT) as a risk factor for damage to the BBB in
rotoxic than the meglumine salts when com- carotid angiography with nonionic contrast
pared at comparable doses in rats by intracis- media (iopamidol) in groups of rats. Anesthe-
ternal application, and the diatrizoate anion is tized animals received intravenous injections
about 10 times more neurotoxic than the of 99mTc-pertechnetateand horseradish per-
iothalamate anion (656). In both hypertonic oxidase as tracers for quantitation and histo-
and hypotonic ranges, neurotoxicity increases logical examination. Two groups of rats re-
with increasing concentration of contrast me- ceived metaraminol to raise their blood to
dium. When comparing the neurotoxicity, not between 165 and 190 mmHg peak systolic and
only the mold concentration of the contrast then received intracarotid injection of saline
medium but also the brain weight of the exper- and iopamidol at 300 mg I/mL. Two groups of
imental animals should be considered. Evil1 et normotensive rats received normal saline and
al. (657) compared the chemotoxic effects of iopamidol as controls. The authors found that
nonionic contrast monomers iohexol and io- the extravasation of both tracers were signifi-
verso1 and dimers iodixanol and iotrolan in the cantly greater in the hypertensive group that
rabbit using 99mTc-pertechnetateas a marker received contrast media than in the other
for BBB damage and mannitol as osmolality groups and that acute hypertension potentiates
control. At comparable osmolalities, mannitol the BBB-damaging effects of nonionic contrast
causes no brain 99mTcuptake, whereas the media during carotid angiography in rats.
contrast agents cause significant ""Tc up- Luzzani et al. (426) assessed the neurotol-
take according to the order: iohexol > iodixa- erability of six monomers (iomeprol, iopam-
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

idol, iohexol, iopentol, ioversol, and iopro- nal cord is highly likely in any procedure that
mide) and three dimers (iofratol, iotrolan, and concentrates the contrast agent in this region.
iodixanol) of nonionic X-ray contrast media in Metrizamide was the first-generation non-
rats and mice by their median lethal dose ionic contrast agent for the central nervous
(LD,,), compared to controls. The contrast system found to be almost free of neurotoxic
agents were administered by intracerebroven- effects (672). Metrizamide is often used as a
tricular 6c.v.) injection to mice and by intra- standard of comparison in animal experimen-
cisternal (i.c.i.) injection to rats. The iodine tation when newer nonionic contrast agents
contents of monomers and dimers injected are evaluated for neurotoxic effects. Adams et
were 350-370 and 300-320 mg IImL, respec- al. (673) used electroencephalography (EEG)
recording to detect neurotoxic effects of con-
tively. The toxic effects for all contrast media
trast media after i.c.i. administration in the
included convulsion, dyspnea, hypoactivity,
rat. These authors found that ionic meglu-
and sedation. In mice iohexol was significantly mine iothalamate produces profound seizure-
more neurotoxic than other monomers, and like patterns in EEG at 30 mg IImL. In com-
the dimers had similar neurotoxicity but were parison, metrizamide produced minimal EEG
more toxic than the monomers; this difference abnormalities at this concentration. Ioversol
became more evident when the concentrations and ioglunide produced mild to slight EEG ab-
of LD,, values were expressed in mmol/kg in- normalities in doses ranging from 60 to 240
stead of mg I/mL. In rats iopentol and iopro- mg I/mL. Ioglunide was well tolerated in total
mide were sufficiently more neurotoxic than spinal column myelography in a group of 86
others that their LD,, values could be accu- patients but was considered to be at a compet-
rately determined. The authors attributed the itive disadvantage in manufacture when com-
observed differences in neurotoxicity of the pared to iohexol and iopamidol, because io-
contrast media to differences in chemical glunide contains a sugar moiety and is as
structures, that is, to chemotoxicity rather unstable in solution as metrizamide (673). Io-
than hydrophilicity or physicochemical char- parnidol provoked seizure-like patterns in EEG
acteristics of pharmaceutical formulations of at a considerably lower dose than metrizamide
the contrast media. Mice and rats had differ- when injected as highly concentrated solutions
ent sensitivities toward contrast media, ap- (400 mg VmL) into the subarachnoid space of
parently from drug actions targeted at differ- the anterior fossae of guinea pigs (674).
ent areas in the brain as a result of different Nonionic contrast media in either hyper-
sites of injection. tonic or hypotonic solution, when injected in-
Damage to the spinal cord by contrast me- tracerebrally or into the subarachnoid space of
dium also causes neurotoxicity (456,457,662). rats, will cause distinct depression of the cen-
Antoni and Lindgren (663) first observed spi- tral nervous system (CNS) and associated
nal cord damage after aortography. A survey brain functions but no excitation (675). Such
conducted by Killen and coworkers (664,665) depressive action can obscure the excitatory
showed that 90% of the reported spinal cord action caused by ionicity or chemotoxicity of
injuries was caused by acetrizoate, especially myelographic agent. When an isotonic con-
at high concentrations. Others (666-670) trast medium is injected and mixed with the
have shown that all water-soluble angio- normally produced cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
graphic agents can inflict damage on the in the subarachnoid space of the rat, the re-
spinal cord. Contrast agents such as sodium sultant mixture is hypertonic with higher lev-
iodide, acetrizoate, iodomethamate, dipro- els of sodium and chloride. This movement of
trizoate, diodone, diatrizoate, and thorium ox- sodium and chloride into CSF without accom-
ide have neurotoxicity decreasing in that or- paniment of water is unexpected. Mennini et
der (670). Foster et al. (671) found that al. (672) noted that contrast enhancement of
diodone, acetrizoate, and diprotrizoate have brain parenchyma is never achieved by direct
higher toxic effects on kidney and spinal cord intracarotid or intravenous injection of non-
after aortography than thorium dioxide, dia- ionic contrast media, unless the BBB is spon-
trizoate, and iothalamate. Damage to the spi- taneously or experimentally broken (646).
556 Radiopaques

This may suggest specific sites for neurotoxic- substituted triiodobenzoates such as diatrizo-
ity other than just BBB disruption. In search ate and iothalamate bind only weakly. Ace-
of such specific receptors, Mennini et al. (672) -
trizoate and iodipamide bind to bovine serum
found that iohexol and iopamidol at concen- albumin strongly at one site and weakly at
trations as high as 100 pM did not displace the several other sites, whereas iopanoate binds
tritium-labeled ligands from their neurotrans- strongly to three sites on the protein. The dif-
mitter binding sites and suggested that the ference in the strength of protein binding sites
cell responses may be mediated by the phos- may account for the species specificity of the
phatidylinositol second-messenger system toxicity of acetrizoate observed in 15 species of
(676). According to Ekholm (633) and Mari- animals. The oral cholecystographic agent io-
netti (677) nonionic contrast media (iohexol, phenoxic acid, which is no longer used, has a
iopamidol, metrizamide, iodixanol, and iotro- strong aMinity of binding to plasma albumin
lan) can influence the uptake of 45Caand the with a half-life in humans of about 3 years
incorporation of [32P]phosphateinto phospho- (686). Its structure is identical to that of io-
lipids (PA), phosphatidylinositol (PI), phos- panoate, with the exception of an OH instead
phatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PIP), and phos- of a NH, group at position 3 of the benzene
phatidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate (PIP-2) in nucleus. Iophenoxic acid is tightly bound to
isolated rat brain synaptosomes, but it is not . to
human serum albumin at site I as compared
known whether these reactions are important iopanoate at site 11. Nonionic contrast media,
in clinically observed neurotoxic effects of con- such as iohexol, iopamidol, and iodixanol, for
trast media. example, in spite of their fully substituted
Injection of vasodilators, vasoconstrictors, benzene nucleus and high water solubility,
or other agents that change the relative flow of also interact with proteins. According to Lang
blood and contrast medium toward or away and Lasser (685, 687), the binding between
from the spinal cord or alter its response to the the contrast material and protein is attributed
contrast medium can modify the neurotoxic to hydrophobic interaction.
effects (666, 678). After intra-aortic injection, Protein binding may affect the selective ex-
the neurotoxicity of contrast agents may be cretion by the kidney or liver of a contrast
increased by the presence of chemicals such as medium (414, 688, 689). The cholegraphic
heparin (679), which increase the permeabil- agents iodipamide and iopanoic acid show
ity of the blood-brain barrier. Hypothermia, strong binding to serum protein. Although thk
procaine (prior-injected), 20% glucose, and relationship between the affinity for protein
low molecular weight dextran can exert a pro- binding and the preferential uptake and excre-
tective effect against spinal cord damage (671, tion by the liver of contrast agents has not
681, 690). Diazepam can prevent clonic con- been clearly defined, two hypotheses have
vulsions and muscular twitchings after my- been advanced to explain the phenomenon.
elography with iocarmic acid (682). These side One hypothesis is that the binding with albu-
effects can also be reduced in patients receiv- min prevents glomerular filtration of the con-
ing levomepromazine (683). The mechanism trast medium, thus providing a continuing
of these protective effects is not fully under- concentration to liver parenchymal cells (689,
stood. 6901, and the other hypothesis is based on the
free penetration of serum albumin in the
6.5.8 Protein Binding. Protein binding is Disse's space, which allows preferential access
reputed to affect the toxicity and selective ex- of the bound contrast medium to liver cells
cretion of contrast media (414,417,684). Ionic (691). Neither of these hypotheses is tenable
contrast media were shown by equilibrium di- because (1)it is not possible to force greater
alysis to combine with serum albumin at a quantities of acetrizoate into the bile by in-
number of strong and weak binding sites on creasing the serum-binding capacity of ace-
the protein (414, 416, 417, 685). Acetrizoate, trizoate to the level of iodipamide by priming
iodipamide, and iopanoate with an open posi- with serum albumin (692), and (2) some sub-
tion 5 in the substituted benzene nucleus com- stances such as Evans blue that are exten-
bine strongly with albumin, whereas the fully sively bound to serum albumin are not ex-
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

creted in the bile to any significant extent, more potent inhibitors of cholinesterases than
whereas other poorly bound compounds such the angiographic agent diatrizoate (698).
as p-aminohippuric acid are efficiently ex- Toxic reactions manifested as gastrointestinal
creted by the liver (414). These findings point symptoms and hypertonicity of bladder from
to the involvement of additional mechanisms the use of oral cholecystographic agents may
besides serum protein binding in determining be attributed to their anticholinesterase activ-
the biliary excretion of contrast medium. Glu- ities. The hypotensive effects induced in ex-
curonidation can increase the bile excretion of perimental animals by ioglycamic acid and io-
contrast media (693). dipamide are not completely blocked by
Sokoloff et al. (694) showed that iopanoic atropine sulfate, indicating that not all the
acid and iodipamide, but not iothalamate, toxic effects of cholegraphic agents are attrib-
bind to the Y and Z proteins found in the liver uted to inhibition of acetylcholinesterase ac-
and the mucosa in the small intestine. Song et tivities (704).
al. (695) studied the role of serum albumin in Contrast media induce serum complement
the hepatic excretion of iodipamide and found activation (705). The degree of activation is a
that the contrast agent establishes an equilib- function of concentration and chemical struc-
rium between serum protein and the intrahe- ture of the contrast agent. The order of serum
patic anion-binding Y protein, also known as complement activation by contrast agents is
ligandin, with the latter controlling the pro- metrizamide < iothalamate < diatrizoate <
cess of hepatic uptake and excretion in which acetrizoate < iodipamide and iopanoic acid,
serum albumin plays no role. Goldstein and which is also the order of enzyme inhibition.
Arias (696) have studied the interaction of li- Activation of serum complement results in
gandin with iopanoicacid, diatrizoate, iodipam- structural and functional alterations of cell
ide, and iodopyracet. It is apparent that the membranes because of the release of small ac-
role of ligandin in the transfer of contrast me- tive peptides such as the anaphylatoxins,
dium from blood to liver is to bind the contrast bringing about a wide variety of reactions in-
material in the liver cell for intracellular cluding contraction of smooth muscle, in-
accumulation. creased capillary permeability, release of his-
Contrast media inhibit enzyme activity, tamine from mast cells, directed attraction of
and the degree of inhibition parallels their polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and release of
binding affhity to serum albumin. Iopanoate, hydrolases from these cells. Contrast media
iodipamide, acetrizoate and isofamic acid, and affect the normal process of fibrin and plasma
diatriazoate and iothalamate exert, in de- formation in the coagulation mechanism by
scending order, an inhibitory effect on the fol- changing the fibrin fiber diameter and increas-
lowing enzymes: lysozyme, glucuronidase ing the size of protein aggregates with an al-
(two types), alcohol dehydrogenase, glucose-6- tered spatial arrangement of the clots (706).
phosphate dehydrogenase (414, 687), adeno- Nonionic contrast media have high hydro-
sine triphosphatase, carbonic anhydrase philicity, extremely low toxicity, and an insig-
(6981, and cholinesterases of human red blood nificant level of protein binding of less than
cells and plasma (672,673). Cholecystographic 3%, and may induce serum complement acti-
agents can adversely affect the glucuronida- vation (477, 707). At a contrast medium con-
tion of p-nitrophenol more than urographic centration of 1.2 mg IImL, the extent of bind-
agents (700).Sodium ipodate strongly inhibits ing to human plasma proteins is about 1.5 ?
the microsomal p-nitroanisole demethylase 0.3% for iohexol, 0.1 + 2.2% for iopentol, 2.9%
and aniline hydroxylase activity (701). Metriz- for iopamidol, 4.3 + 0.3% for metrizamide,
amide binds reversibly with catalase (702) and and 7.6 2 1.5% for ioxaglate (708, 709).
exhibits weaker inhibition of cholinesterase, Dawson (653) ranked the relative protein
glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase, and glu- binding capacity of iohexol:iopamidol:ioxag-
cose-6-phosphate than that of either diatrizo- 1ate:iothalamate as 1:1.5:3.5:4 and correlated
ate or iothalamate (703). the partition coefficient (butanollwater)of me-
Cholegraphic agents such as iodipamide trizamide (0.37):iopromide (0.14):iopamidol
and iopanoic acid are about 10-100 times (0.ll):iohexol (0.07) with their respective ap-

proximate LD,, values: 14:16:22:24 g I k g in than iodamide in histamine release in the rat,
the mouse. Reactions of serine proteinases and diatrizoate was ineffective. Others have
(e.g., thrombin) will activate the coagulation reported the release of histamine from rat
cascade, but nonionic contrast media may peritoneal mast cells by acetrizoate, diatrizo-
bind to the proteins to inhibit the clotting ate, and iothalamate (722, 723). Histamine
(710). X-ray analysis of crystals of iohexol and was found in the plasma of dogs after pulmo-
serine proteinase (pancreatic porcine elastase) nary artery injection of meglumine iodipamide
reveals that three molecules of iohexol are as- (722) and in the perfusion of canine lung with
sociated with elastase, with one close to the meglumine salts of acetrizoate, diatrizoate,
active site (subsite Sl), the second in the vicin- iothalamate, and iodipamide, or meglumine
ity of Ser214in subsites S21S3, and the third chloride alone (527). The ability or inability of
located in a pocket at the surface of the pro- diatrizoate to release histamine reported in
tein. The association is a result of the affinity these experiments is probably caused by the
of iohexol directed toward the hydrophobic re- difference in injection rate. Meglumine salts of
gions of the enzyme and supports the hypoth- contrast media, with the exception of diatrizo-
esis of the contrast medium's potent inhibi- ate, release much greater quantities of hista-
tion of thrombin. Another example of the mine than do the sodium salts. Histamine re-
contrast medium-protein interaction is be- lease is not caused by hyperosmolarity, given
tween iopamidol and fibrinogen or lysozyme that the injection of isosmotic sodium chloride
(711). Isothermal calorimetry revealed a weak (721) or dextrose (724) solutions produces
endothermal effect at high concentrations of negligible effects. Administration of diphen-
iopamidol for both proteins. This endothermal hydramine hydrochloride and burimamide
effect does not appear to be attributable to a i . . , N-methyl-N'-[4-[4(5) imidazolyllbutyll-
direct protein-iopamidol association but sug- thiourea), which are H, and H, receptor an-
gests the alterations of protein solvation after tagonists, respectively (725),abolishes the his-
protein unfolding in the presence of contrast tamine release properties of the contrast
medium. This altered solvation is confirmed agents in vivo (721, 726).
by Raman spectroscopy on two amino acids in In humans the allergic reactions from con-
the presence of iopamidol, which showed that trast media resemble those elicited by hista-
the spectrum of alanine is unchanged at any mine injection, and the unpleasant side effects
iopamidol concentrations studied, whereas are rarer after fast injection than after siow
the spectrum lines attributed to the thiol injection of the same dose of contrast medium
group of cysteine are shifted in a manner con- (489). Seidel et al. (724) showed that usual
sistent with altered solvation. A recent report doses of chemically different contrast media
on the binding chemistry of 2,3,5-triiodoben- were able to affect the plasma histamine levels
zoic acid (TIB) with the crystal form of human in venous blood of healthy persons. Histamine
serum albumin (HSA) revealed that the ligand release ceases when the dose rate is reduced to
TIB is bound in a hydrophobic crevice in a 0.17 g kg-' min-l. This may explain the ad-
cavity in subdomain IIA of the HSA structure vantage of administering urographic agents
(712). by infusion to avoid reactions.
Patients with a history of allergy react
6.5.9 Histamine Release. Contrast media more frequently to injection of contrast media
administered to laboratory animals by either than those with no history of hypersensitivity
intravenous injection or infusion or local ap- (455, 456). Blood of patients with radiocon-
plication caused histamine-like reactions: en- trast idiosyncrasy and atopic individuals re-
dothelial injury (713),changes in vascular per- lease higher levels of histamine than that of
meability (714, 715), and perivascular edema normal individuals. Siegle et al. (727) incu-
(716). These agents release histamine from bated 1251-diatrizoatewith blood from atopics
tissue mast cells by degranulation (717-720). and nonatopics and found significant reten-
Leite et al. (721) reported that meglumine io- tion of radioactivity by the leukocytes and not
dipamide and a mixture of sodium and meglu- by the erythrocytes. Histamine is released
mine salts of acetrizoate were more effective from human leukocytes by contrast media.
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

The low osmolality contrast media, such as tinal mucosa (734) and is determined by the
iohexol, iopamidol, metrizamide, and ioxa- rate of solubilization of contrast medium, af-
glate, release less histamine on the basis of fected by pH, the presence of bile salts, mixing,
iodine concentration than the ionic contrast the effective surface area, and the physical
media, such as diatrizoate, sodium, and meg- state of the compound (735). The rate of ab-
lumine iothalamate. The meglumine salt re- sorption of iopanoic acid and iosumetic acid is
leases more histamine than the sodium salt, increased if the contrast agent is administered
and ioxaglate releases more histamine than concomitantly with sodium bicarbonate (300,
iohexol, iopamidol, and metrizamide (728). 740, 741). Bile salts or a fatty meal have been
Because the exact mechanism relating hista- recommended with the administration of io-
mine release to adverse effects of contrast me- panoic acid, to ensure its solubilization and
dia is unclear, cholinergic mechanisms have absorption in the duodenum and to improve
been proposed to play an important role also. gall bladder visualization (735, 742, 743). The
These mechanisms are activated by the inhi- fatty meal releases cholecystokinin, which
bition of cholinesterase. Again, iohexol and io- promotes the enterohepatic circulation of bile
pamidol cause less enzyme inhibition than salts, thus enhancing both intestinal absorp-
ionic ioxaglate, iothalamate, and ioglycamide tion and hepatic excretion (734). The ability of
(729). An in uitro assay based on histamine bile salts to increase the excretion of iolsanoic
release to pretest patients at high risk before acid is attributed to an allosteric interaction
infusion with contrast medium has been pro- between the bile salts and a carrier for the
posed (730), but the rise of plasma histamine contrast medium in the canalicular membrane
levels cannot be correlated with allergic-like (744, 745).
effects in patients in a conclusive manner Because of the often incomplete absorption
(731). Studies by Pinet et al. (732)showed that of oral cholecystographic agents, detailed an-
the values of plasma histamine and blood his- alytical approaches to pharmacokinetics stud-
tamine in patients receiving ioxaglate, io- ies have not been available. Goldberg et al.
hexol, iopamidol, and ioxithalamate for intra- (735) studied the biopharmaceutical factors
venous pyelography were within the limits of influencing the intestinal absorption of io-
statistical fluctuation. Reactions to contrast panoic acid and attributed the frequent failure
media are in some cases precipitous, resem- of the first dose of the agent to afford diagnos-
bling anaphylactoid reactions of immunologic tic visualization of gall bladder to impaired in-
nature, which led Brasch (551,552) to suggest testinal absorption. Uncertainty in absorption
an antibody-type reaction to contrast media. is avoided when intravenous agents are used.
Krause et al. (733), from the results of Water-soluble dimers such as iodipamide,
Brasch's study, suggested that iotrolan is ioglycamide, iodoxamate, and iotroxic acid are
probably not immunogenic. intravenous cholangiographic agents and can
be injected to achieve a desired plasma concen-
6.5.1 0 Pharmacokinetics. The quality of tration. After injection, the pharmacokinetics
roentgenograms in cholangio-cholecystogra- of these contrast media including dilution and
phy and urography is determined by the local- mixing with body fluid, uptake by the liver,
ization of the contrast media applied. In oral and excretion into the bile and urine can be
cholecystography, the radiographic quality is fitted to multicompartmental kinetic models.
determined by the absorption and excretion of A logical kinetic model for the transfer of a
contrast medium, which is controlled by many substance through a secreting cell may consist
factors (734, 735). In intravenous cholan- of three phases: uptake (passage from the
giography and urography, the excretion of plasma into the cell); passage through the cell
contrast medium alone determines the (with or without accumulation); and passage
opacification of the organ under examina- from the cell to the tubular lumen (excretion)
tion (736-739). (746,747). Corman et al. (748) have proposed
Absorption of oral cholecystographic agents several pharmacokinetic models for ioglyca-
occurs by passive diffusion of the nonionized mate. Although a simple, two-compartment
compound across the lipoidal barrier of intes- model can account for approximately 90% of

lnjected dose contrast medium is excreted into the bile

through the liver compartment 3, which is not
1 in direct communication with the plasma com-
partment 1. For ioglycamic acid at doses above
175.5 ~mol/kg,an alternative model has been
proposed in which the passage of the contrast
medium from blood to the liver is irreversible.
The relationship between infusion rate or
Urine &le plasma concentration on the one hand and bil-
lnjected dose iary concentration (B), urinary concentration

1 (U), B/U excretion ratio, and excretory deficit

(i.e., the amount of contrast medium retained
in the body) on the other have been studied in
the case of iodoxamate and iodipamide by
Berk et al. (752) in unanesthetized dogs. Bili-
II ary excretion depended on bile flow and eryth-
Urine lnjected dose 1
ritol clearance (which serves as an index of
canalicular bile flow). The rate of biliary excre-
I tion and the concentration of iodine in the bile
increased according to first-order kinetics at
low plasma concentration of the contrast
agents and leveled off when the plasma con-
centration reached 0.4 mol/mL. A reasonable
fit of these data to equations for hyperbolas
can be made, indicating saturation kinetics,
Urine ~ile which is characteristic of an active transport
process presumably occurring at the biliary
Figure 10.1. Pharmacokinetic models for the ex- canaliculus. The rate of urinary excretion of
cretion of iodipamide, iodoxamic acid, and ioglycam- these contrast agents varied linearly with the
ide in the dog (747-752). plasma concentration, indicating a passive
transport process. The B/U excretion ratio de-
the administered drug, the experimental data creased sharply with increasing plasma con-
are better fitted to three-com~artment mod- centration (i.e., above 0.4 mol/mL). At an infu-
els. The introduction of an extravascular sion rate of approximately 1 mmolkg min, a
space with which the plasma contrast medium biliary concentration of about 25 and 28
can rapidly exchange would avoid the diffi- mmol/mL has been achieved for iodipamide
culty of requiring a considerably larger initial and iodoxamate, respectively, which exceeds
volume of dilution for the contrast medium the concentration (approximately 13-16 mmol/
than the plasma volume in a two-compart- mL) required for visualization of the biliary
ment model (748) and is based on the observa- tree. From these data, the authors suggested
tion that the distribution volume of iodipam- that iodoxamate is a better agent than iodip-
ide in the dog is similar to the extravascular amide in patients with impaired biliary excre-
fluid volume in size (749). Pharmacokinetic tion, high basal bile flow, or when a small dose
models involving three compartments have of the contrast medium is infused. Lin et al.
been proposed for ioglycamic acid by Corman (753) have investigated the saturation kinet-
et al. (747), for iodipamide by Shames et al. ics of iodipamide. Moss et al. (754) found that
(748), and for iodoxamic acid by Strata et al. iopanoate and iodoxamate, when co-adminis-
(750). Segre and Rosati (751) have proposed tered intravenously in rhesus monkeys, com-
nonlinear kinetic models for the disposition of pete for the binding sites on serum proteins as
iodipamide, ioglycamide acid, and iodoxamic well as on intrahepatic tissue and that biliary
acid in dogs. These models are shown in Fig- excretion is directly related to the unbound
ure 10.1. In the nonlinear kinetic model, the contrast medium in the blood. Staubus (755)
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

simulated the nonvisualization of gall bladder by a three-compartment model, C, = AePmt+

in the patients by studying the effects of infu- BepPt + CeCYt,where A, B, and C are the
sion on the pharmacokinetics of iopanoate in feathered intercepts of the plasma concentra-
the dogs and attributed the nonvisualization tion curve; a, P, and y are the rate constants;
to poor intestinal absorption or to poor he- and t is the time (758, 759). In one study the
patichiliary function. mean apparent first-order terminal (y-phase)
Pharmacokinetic studies of urographic elimination half-life for iohexol was estimated
agents such as water-soluble derivatives of to be about 12.6 h; the half-life of initial distri-
2,4,64riiodobenzoic acid and 2,6-diiodopyri- bution (a-phase, tll,,) about 22 min, and the
done showed that the renal excretion of these half-life of disposition and elimination (P-
agents proceeds through glomerular filtra- phase, tllZp)about 2.1 h. The mean + SD ap-
tion, active excretion in the proximal tubules, parent volume of distribution (V,) was calcu-
and passive reabsorption in the distal tubules lated to be 165 ? 30.7 mL/kg body weight. The
of the nephron (756). Iodopyracet and ace- magnitude of the value suggests that iohexol
trizoate are largely excreted by the proximal was distributed in a volume comparable to
tubules in the dog, whereas iodamide is that of extracellular water. The renal clear-
only moderately excreted; and diatrizoate, ance (CLR) was 120 ? 18.6 mllmin and the
iothalamate, and metrizoate are not excreted total body clearance (CLT) was 131 + 18.6
at all by the tubules but are eliminated by glo- mL/min. In a separate study, the t,,,, value of
merular filtration. Studies with aglomemlar iohexol was estimated to be an average of 21.8
fish or ureterally obstructed dogs confirmed rnin and the tllZpvalue an average of 121 min;
that there is no tubular excretion or reabsorp- the CLR was calculated to be 122 (118-128)
tion of sodium iothalamate (757). mL/min and the CLT, 120 (116-118) mLlmin.
The plasma concentration curve obtained Nonionic monomers, such as iopamidol (195,
after a single injection of sodium diatrizoate 760), ioversol(761,762), iopromide (7631, and
reflects the initial mixing in the vascular com- iopentol (764) have similar pharmacokinetics
partment, equilibration in the fluid space, and profiles in healthy subjects. The mean plasma
concomitant excretion through the kidneys. concentration curve of iopamidol at three dose
The initial volume of mixing is of a size com- levels in healthy volunteers was best fitted to
parable to the measured extracellular space. an open, linear, two-compartment model with
Based on the excretion data of l3'I-labeled so- an average t,,, value of 28.2 min and an aver-
dium and meglumine diatrizoate, a three-com- age tllZp of 2.14 h (699). Ioversol given to
partment kinetic model, analogous to that healthy volunteers by intravenous injection at
proposed for iodipamide excluding the biliary two dose levels (50 and 150 mL) showed the
exit has been developed using analog com- ~ I I Z , and tlIzPvalues to be 15.5 min and 2.06 h
puter simulation. The model is composed of a for 50-mL dose group and 18.9 rnin and 2.04 h
blood compartment, a tissue compartment, for 150 mL dose group, respectively (762). The
and a "deep" tissue compartment (738). The CLR and the CLT were 178 and 156 mL/min
deep tissue compartment corresponds to the for the 50-mL dose group and 190 and 184 mL1
extracellular fluid space and is characterized min for the 150-mL dose group, respectively.
by a very small entry constant and a large en- The pharmacokinetics of iopromide was fit-
try-to-elimination constants ratio, usually ex- ted in a two-compartment model in healthy
ceeding 10. This ratio was found to be 9.4 ? volunteers at low dose (15 g iodine150 mL) and
4.5, with a half-time of elimination of 11.7 ? high dose (80 g iodine150 mL) levels and their
1.15 h for sodium diatrizoate compared to 17 t112, and tll,p values were 1.95 and 2.6 h for the
t 4.5 and 14.5 ? 1.5 h for the meglumine salt. low dose group and 1.90 and 2.5 h for the high
These values show that the pharmacokinetic dose group, respectively (763). The CLR and
model for the diatrizoic acid remains the same, the CLT were 104 and 110 mllmin for the low
unaffected by its salt form. dose group and 100 and 103 mllmin for the
The plasma concentration C, of the non- high dose group, respectively. The pharmaco-
ionic monomer iohexol, as shown in two stud- kinetic parameters of iopentol were 23 min for
ies in human volunteers, was best represented tll,, and 121 rnin for t,,,,. The apparent vol-

ume of distribution was 250 mL/kg of body tal amount of metrizamide excreted during
weight; the CLR was 104 mL/min, and the 48 h after intravenous and suboccipital injec-
CLT, 106 mL/min. The nonionic dimer iodixa- tion in the rabbit was negligible, indicating a
no1 showed the same profile in pharmacoki- rapid removal of the agent from cerebrospinal
netics as that of the nonionic monomers. The fluid to blood (767).
serum concentration of iodixanol declined
biexponentially after intravenous administra- 6.5.1 1 Excretion. Contrast media are ex-
tion of the dose. The t,,, and tIlzpvalues were creted in both the bile and urine; the route
25.6 and 130.6 min, respectively. The average that predominates is determined by their
chemical structure and route of administra-
apparent volume of distribution was 0.275
tion. In general, contrast molecules with an
L/kg body weight. The renal clearance and the
unsubstituted position in the benzene nucleus
total body clearance were 104 and 106 mL/ will be sufficiently lipophilic to bind to the pro-
min, respectively. teins and will be absorbed in peroral adminis-
Urinary excretion of water-soluble con- tration and excreted in the bile and urine. On
trast agents is by glomerular filtration with- the other hand, if the benzene nucleus is fully
out any tubular reabsorption (689). The CLR substituted, the contrast molecules will be
for the contrast medium was compared with highly hydrophilic, will not bind to the pro-
the clearance of 51Cr-EDTA,injected alone or teins, and will be rapidly excreted in the urine.
co-injected with the contrast medium, given The nonionic contrast media are highly solu-
that 51Cr-EDTAis known for its excretion by ble in water and will not be adequately ab-
glomerular filtration only (759, 765). The sorbedper 0 s . Hepatic and urinary excretions
elimination half-life tllzp usually expresses of ionic contrast agents and their rates of ex-
urinary excretion in a comparable term for cretion have been reviewed by Catell (688),
water-soluble contrast agents. In addition to Knoefel and Carrasquer (7681, McChesney
the values given above, iotrolan has a tlDp of (769), and Sperber and Sperber (749).
106 min and diatrizoate, 108 min. According Oral contrast agents bind serum protein at
to Olssen et al. (759), physiological pH (417, 688). Protein binding
prevents glomerular filtration but does not
[Tlhe apparent volume of distribution is an impair hepatic excretion. Transport of these
important pharmacokinetic parameter relating agents from the blood to the liver is an active
serum concentrations of a drug to the total
amount of drug in the body. The parameter usu-
saturable process (770) and involves the Y and
ally has no direct physiologic meaning and does Z proteins found in the liver as hepatic accep-
not refer to a real volume. However, it is gener- tors (694, 695). These acceptors show affinity
ally accepted that a volume of distribution of 15- for cholegraphic agents, such as iopanoic acid
27% of body weight (0.15-0.27 Lkg) indicates and iodipamide, but exhibit little or no affinity
the distribution in the extracellular fluid only. for urographic agents such as iothalamate.
The liver transport capacity of contrast me-
The volumes of distribution reported for dium, expressed as maximum transport rate
contrast media in the dogs are generally or velocity Tm, is defined as the amount of
higher than the reported human values, such compound going into the bile per unit time,
as 0.42 L/kg for ioxaglate, 0.37 L/kg for iocar- which cannot be influenced by additional in-
mate, 0.64 L/kg for ioxithalamate, 0.39 L/kg creases of dose (190). Rosati et al. (190) re-
for mitrizamide, and 0.38 L/kg for diatrizoate. ported the Tmvalues for ioglycamic acid, iodi-
Absorption and excretion of metrizamide pamide, and iodoxamic acid after rapid
and diatrizoate after suboccipital injection in intravenous injection in the dog to be 0.768 ?
the cat followed first-order kinetics. Golman 0.101, 0.530 ? 0.072, and 1.226 ? 0.109 pmol
and Dahl(766) determined the rate constants kg-' min-l, respectively. These values re-
for absorption and excretion and observed main essentially the same for slow infusion
that 99% of the absorbed dose disappeared (738, 771). Iopanoate has a T , value varying
from cerebrospinal fluid during the 3 h after from 0.16 to 0.74 mol kgp1 min-l, depending
suboccipital injection. The difference in the to- on the presence of bile salts (772). In bile salt-
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

depleted dog, less contrast agent is excreted. reason for this phenomenon is that ipodate is
Julian et al. (773) reported the maximum excreted as glucuronide conjugate, incorpo-
transport rates of iodipamide and iodoxamic rated in the bile salt micelles, which exert a
acid in humans. small choleretic effect, whereas iodipamide is
Contrast agents with strong affinity for se- excreted unchanged (780).
rum protein show a threshold plasma value Drugs such as phenobarbital and cincho-
below which little or no excretion through the phen alter the bile flow and the biliary excre-
liver or the kidney occurs (771), and in addi- tion of cholegraphic agents. Pretreatment
tion, a species difference exists in the excre- with phenobarbital decreases iodipamide bile
tion of cholegraphic agents (774). The thresh- excretion and increases iopanoate bile excre-
old values of ioglycamic acid and iodipamide in tion (752). Cinchophen increases both biliary
the dog were shown to be 0.16 and 0.6 pmoll and urinary excretion of iophenoxic acid but
mL, respectively. Iodoxamic acid, iodipamide, has no effect on iopanoic acid (777). It has been
and ioglycamic acid were excreted in the rab- reported recently that a high level of prosta-
bit at higher concentrations to the extent of glandin-like substance in the mucosa and
about 77, 38, and 42% of the dose in the bile muscle wall of gall bladder caused nonvisual-
and about 17, 38, and 35% of the dose in the ization of the gall bladder in cholecystography
urine, respectively (190). Iocetamic acid is ex- (781).
creted in the rat predominantly in the intes- Urinary excretion is the principal means of
tine but in human subjects, 41 and 62% of the elimination for diatrizoate, iothalamate, met-
administered dose appear in the urine in the rizoate, metrizamide, and other urographic
first 24 and 48 h, respectively (774). Kiyono et agents (688, 767, 782, 783). Diatrizoate,
al. (775) studied the distribution and excretion iothalamate, and metrizamide were excreted
of iodipamide in mice and man, using 1311-la- in the urine of the rabbit to the extent of more
beled material. Earlier, Fischer (776) derived than 80% 24 h after injection (768, 783-785).
from biliary and urinary excretion studies an The total recovery including the amount ex-
optimal dose of 205 pmolikg for iodipamide. creted in feces 96 h after injection was about
Biliary excretion of contrast medium is af- 91.5% of the dose for metrizamide, 93.8% for
fected by the bile flow (688, 734, 745, 777, diatrizoate, and 86.0% for iothalamate (782).
778). Bile is isosmotic with plasma and is pro- The nonionic contrast media are highly hy-
duced from the transport of water from the drophilic. When given orally, iohexol is ab-
liver cell into the bile canaliculi (canalicular sorbed from normal bowel (785). In dogs, ap-
bile flow) and from the excretion and reab- proximately 2% of the oral dose is absorbed
sorption of water and electrolytes in the bile and excreted in the urine within 6 h, and about
ductules (ductular bile flow). Bile flow is in- 4% of the dose is absorbed and excreted in cats.
creased by taurocholate and dehydrocholate; Using lZ5I-labelediohexol, Miitzel and Speck
their presence in the canaliculi creates an os- (267) found intestinal absorption to be about
motic gradient that produces the flow of water 2% of the intravenous dose given at 60 mg
and solute. There is a positive correlation be- I/mL body weight to male rats. The urinary
tween the canalicular bile flow stimulated by excretion from the rat was 91.5 f 3.6% of the
taurocholate and the amount of iopanoic acid administered dose of lZ5I-labelediohexol, and
excreted by the liver. Feeding the patient a the fecal excretion 6.8 + 2.7% of the dose 24 h
fatty meal or taurocholate at the time that io- after intravenous injection. In the dog the
panoic acid is administered can improve the urine contained 81 ? 9% of the administered
quality of cholecystograms (734). dose within 3 h after injection. Total recovery
In addition to bile salts, contrast media from urinary excretion in the dog during the 7
(779) and other agents (752, 777) may also in- days after injection was 98 f 4% of the dose
crease bile flow and cause choleresis. Iodipam- and total recovery from fecal excretion was
ide produces 0.025 mL bilelpmol excreted 0.95 ? 0.45%. Healthy volunteers excreted
compared with 0.009 mL bile/pmol for ipo- 84% of the dose in urine within 4 h and 100%
date, but both agents are able to achieve sim- of the dose within 24 h after intravenous injec-
ilar maximum bile iodine concentration. The tion at the rate of 25 mLlmin of iohexol at a
564 Radiopaques

solution concentration of 350 mg IImL at one excretion of another nonionic contrast me-
of the dose levels (i.e., 100, 200, 375, and 500 dium ioversol, labeled with iodine-125, was
mg I/kg body weight) (733). Another group of studied in rats. The elimination of radioactiv-
healthy volunteers were administered iohexol ity from the blood was extremely rapid. Uri-
at higher dose levels (i.e., 500, 750, 1000, and nary excretion was 95.33% and fecal excretion
1500 mg I/kg body weight) and excreted 92.3 + was 3.8% of the administered dose within 48 h
4.44% of the dose in urine 96 h after injection, after intravenously injection. Urinary excre-
with 89.9 + 7.0% of the dose appearing in tion of ioversol in healthy volunteers was com-
urine within the first 12 h (758). plete at all dose levels within 24 h after intra-
The biodistribution of 1251-iobitridolwas venous administration (762).The excretion of
studied in rats using whole-body autoradiog- a dimeric nonionic contrast agent iodixanol
raphy (786). Radioactivity was found mainly was investigated in healthy volunteers at four
in the kidneys, skin, and thyroid. The accumu- dose levels (i.e., 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2 g I/kg body
lation of radioactivity in the thyroid was at- weight). Within 24 h after injection, 97% of the
tributed to free 1251-iodideformed in radiola- dose was excreted unmetabolized in the urine
beling. Iobitridol, a marker of extracellular and 1.2% in the feces (765).
fluid, was excreted totally in the urine by glo- These water-soluble contrast agents are ex-
merular filration within 48 h after intrave- creted as rapidly as glomerular filtrate can be
nous injection. The CNS showed no uptake. formed (688). Their elimination may - be im-
Bourrinet et al. (787) studied the excretion of paired by primary and secondary glomerular
iobitridol or iohexol in goat milk after an in- dysfunction or reduced renal blood flow that
jected dose of 300 mg I/kg and found 0.7% of diminishes the filtration rate (788). After
the administered dose in the milk for iobitri- clearing the blood, the contrast medium in its
dol, compared with 1.6% for iohexol. In the passage down the nephron can affect the salt
gestating rabbit concentrations of both con- and water reabsorption in the proximal tubule
trast agents fell rapidly below the detection and water reabsorption in the distal tubule.
limit (0.2 mg IImL) 180 min after injection. The osmotically active contrast medium can
Concentrations in fetal plasma and amniotic produce salt and water diuresis, and its pres-
fluid were not measurable up to 24 h for both ence in the nephron may still cause renal tox-
contrast agents. icity (789). In experimental animals (790)and
The excretion of nonionic iopamidol was in humans (688), the sodium salt of diatri'zoic
studied in healthy subjects at several dose lev- acid produces less diuresis than that of the
els by use of two different solution concentra- meglumine salt. The renal extraction ofp-ami-
tions of 200 and 300 mg I/mL, which were ad- nohippurate is reduced by the contrast anion
ministered intravenously at a rate of 20 and 39 and the meglumine cation (791). Iodamide, an
mllmin, respectively (760). Urinary elimina- intravenous pyelographic agent, is rapidly and
tion of iopamidol was rapid at all dose levels, almost completely excreted in the urine; in pa-
with more than half of the dose excreted by the tients with moderate to severe renal impair- -
kidneys in the first 2 h after injection. Total ment, it is still excreted in the urine but at a
urinary recovery within 72-96 h after injec- much slower rate (792).
tion was more than 90%, and the fecal recov- The excretion of contrast agent by the liver
ery for the same period was about 1% of the or the kidney is not exclusive; when either of
administered dose. 14C-Labelediopamidol was these organs is in a dysfunctional or diseased
also included in this study for quantitation state, heterotopic excretion by the other organ
and the search for metabolic products of io- will occur to compensate for the impediment
pamidol, of which none was found. In dogs the (688, 781, 783). In patients with renal failure
urinary and fecal excretion of iopamidol at or advanced renal disease, contrast media may
72 h were 94.8 ? 1.2 and 0.63 2 0.32%,respec- still be used to produce nephrograms (689); if
tively, of the injected dose at the dose level of the tubular obstruction prevents the passage
50 mg I/kg body weight. At a higher dose level of urine along the nephron, back-diffusion of
of 200 mg I/kg, these excretions were 93.4 + the contrast medium into the interstitial vol-
1.5 and 3.17 + 1.39%,respectively (195). The ume will occur (791,793,794). During the pe-
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

riods of ureteric stasis, metrizarnide is ex- In contrast to the 2,4,6-triiodobenzoic ac-

creted faster than diatrizoate, thus producing ids, substituted alkanoic and alkoxyalkanoic
a higher urinary iodine concentration (685, acids containing a 2,4,6-triiodophenyl or a
795). Extrarenal clearance of water-soluble 2,4,6-triiodophenoxygroup with open position
contrast media is very low and can be practi- 5, such as iopanoic acid, tyropanoate, iogly-
cally neglected (796). camic acid, and iopronic acid, have both li-
When suboccipitally injected, metrizamide pophilic and hydrophilic properties. These
was recovered in the urine and feces of rabbit, contrast acids have an acidity constant about
rat, and cat to the extent of more than 90% of two units higher than that of the water-
the dose (787), similar to the recovery of soluble, fully substituted 2,4,6-triiodobenzoic
iothalarnate (797) and iocarmate (798)in dogs. acids (263) and are not completely ionized at
In peroral administration, metrizamide the physiological pH. In the nonionized form,

and diatrizoate are not well absorbed from the the contrast molecules can be absorbed and
GI tract; the urinary recovery of both agents transported across cell membranes after oral
in the rabbit was below 5% of the administered administration.
dose, 24 h post-administration (767). The non- The oral cholecystographic agents are in
ionic contrast media are highly hydrophilic general more toxic than angiographic and uro-
and cannot cross the lipophilic cell mem- graphic agents. Detoxification of the former
branes in the intestine to be absorbed as an may involve glucuronidation, N-acetylation,
oral dose. Iophendylate, when given to rats, 0-acetylation, esterification, deiodination,
guinea pigs, or rabbits, was eliminated from and hydrolysis. These metabolites appear in
the body in 5 h (799). It was transported along the bile and urine. The metabolites of many
the lymph system. cholegraphic agents have been characterized
to some degree but are not chemically
6.5.1 2 Biotransformation. Contrast media identified.
may be excreted either metabolized or un- Conjugation with glucuronic acid occurs
changed, depending on their molecular prop- with most oral cholecystographic agents be-
erties. McChesney (800) has reviewed the sub- fore excretion. Bunamiodyl(802,803), iodoal-
ject of biotranformation of contrast media. phionate (804, 805), iolidonic acid (8061, io-
The fully substituted 2,4,6-triiodobenzoic phenoxic acid (807-809), and tyropanoate ,
acids used for angiography and urography (802, 803) are excreted as glucuronides. Mc-
have high water solubility and are stable Chesney and Banks (803) showed that 90% of
chemically. Because of their low pK, values, the contrast agents in the urine appeared as
they are highly ionized at physiological pH. glucuronides. Because glucuronides are usu-
These contrast agents are poorly absorbed ally poorly reabsorbed from the intestine, gluc-

from the gastrointestinal tract and rapidly ex- uronidation can thus circumvent extensive
creted unchanged within 5-6 h after intrave- enterohepatic recirculation of the contrast
nous injection (776). Their metabolic inert- medium.
ness is attributed to their inability to cross cell The fate of iophenoxic acid (809) and the
membranes and to penetrate liver microsomes efficacy of iopanoate (800, 802) are uniquely
to undergo biotransformation (800). Their linked to glucuronidation. Iophenoxic acid is
rapid excretion is caused by the absence of tu- retained in the body over a period of many
bular reabsorption, thus allowing as rapid an years after administration and is slowly ex-
excretion as the glomerular filtrate can be creted. It forms acyl and ethereal monoglucu-
formed. Diatrizoate (3,5-diactamido-2,4,6-tri- ronides and the diglucuronide. These glucuro-
iodobenzoate) can be partially deacetylated to nides have the uncommon property of being
3-amino-5-acetamido-2,4,6-triiodobenzoate freely lipid soluble and can undergo hepatic,
(I) and 3,5-diamino-2,4,6-triiodobenzoate (11) intestinal, and renal tubular reabsorption.
by liver microsomes of the rabbit and guinea Wade et al. (809) pointed out that the rate of
pig (801). The deacetylated products are rap- formation of glucuronide conjugates may be
idly excreted. In the urine of patients only the an important factor in the persistence of io-
presence of (I) is confirmed. phenoxic acid in the body. Iopanoate glucuro-
566 Radiopaques

nide, when administered orally, gave no visu- Deiodination is not an important reaction
alization of gall bladder but when injected in the biotransformation of contrast media, in
intravenously yielded an excellent cholecysto- spite of the presence of deiodase in the mam-
gram 1 h after administration; however, an malian liver (818). The rat and pig liver, how-
equivalent dose of iopanoate when injected re- ever, can convert 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid
quired a delay of 8 -24 h for an image of diag- into 2,5- and 3,5-diiodobenzoic acids (819-
nostic quality to become apparent, indicating 821). Iodoalphionate (822, 823), iothalamate
that the iopanoate was converted to glucuro- (824), iodipamide, and ioglycamide (812) were
nide before being excreted in the bile (800, reported to undergo deiodination to a small
802). degree, never exceeding 1% of the dose. Be-
Bornschein et al. (297, 810) reported the cause most organic iodine compounds are sen-
appearance of the unchanged iomeglamic acid, sitive to light, the observed deiodination may
the methyl ester, the deiodinated derivative, be a result of both enzymatic reaction (821)
the N-desmethyl derivative, the methyl ester and photolytic degradation (825). Wong (826)
of the latter derivative, the N-acetylated deriv- studied the kinetics of deiodination of the wa-
ative, and the deiodinated methyl ester of ter-soluble radiopaques diatrizoate and iopam-
iomeglamic acid in human urine 72 h after a idol, and found that deiodination proceeds by a
3 g dose. Lindner et al. (293) showed evidence Cu(I1)-catalyzed S Nmechanism
~ and that the
of biotransformation of iobenzamate in the copper complexes specifically with the ortho-
mouse, rat, and human, which involved conju- carboxylic acid group. Nonionic iopamidol
gation with glucuronic acid, hydroxylation of without the o-carboxylate group undergoes
the unsubstituted phenyl ring, or hydrolysis of deiodination by S Nmechanism
~ involving hy-
the amide linkage, for example, but isolation droxyl ion, and the rate is extremely slow. Ki-
and identification of the metabolic products netic data show that the S Nmechanism
~ may
were not carried out. Harwart et al. (286) still be participating in deiodination. Deiodin-
studied the metabolic fate of i ~ o d a t eand ation in both contrast agents is prevented by
found that there was unchanged ipodate in the the presence of sodium edetate (0.04%).
bile, and the major product exereted in urine Deiodination of contrast agents may affect
was soluble in butanol. One of the metabolites the thyroid 1311uptake. Iodoalphionate (827,
. . -
was identified as 3-amino-2,4,6-triiodohydro- 828), iodipamide (827, 829), and iodopyraqet
cinnamic acid, a reduction product of ipodate. (830) affect the thyroid uptake by a slow re-
The hexaiodinated dimeric intravenous lease of the iodide. In thyroid patients, the thy-
cholangio-cholecystographic agents, such as roid uptake returns to normal 4 days after the
iodipamide, ioglycamide, iodoxamate, and administration of acetrizoate, 58 days after io-
iotroxic acid, are excreted mainly unchanged panoic acid (8311,and many years after iophen-
(788, 776, 811-814). Strickler et al. (815) re- oxate (832). Iophenoxate binds avidly to
ported an unidentified metabolite of iodipam- plasma protein and is transported across the
ide, probably formed from hydrolysis of the placental barrier as long as 5 years after ad-
amide linkage. Miitzel et al. (816), by use of ministration. The cholecystographic agents
l3'I-labeled tracers, found that ioglycamide, may have a direct effect on the thyroid. Iodide-
iodoxamate, and iotroxic acid each yielded two induced hyperthyroidism may result from ipo-
urinary metabolites, one of which was more date administered for cholecystography (833)
polar and the other less polar than the parent or from iophendylate injected for myelography
molecule. It was shown that neither of these (834). Intravenous administration of ioxita-
two metabolites was a deiodinated product, lamic acid to euthyroid patients increased
and that the bile and plasma contained no me- their protein-bound iodine (PBI) and hor-
tabolites. Pitre and Felder (817) reported monal iodine levels, which returned to normal
three metabolites of iodoxamic acid in human between 2 and 8 days (835).
urine, one of which was identified as 3-[3(a-
6.6 Uses
benzoic acid, a product formed from symmet- Roentgenographic procedures requiring the
rical scission of the dimer. use of radiopaques are listed in Table 10.10.
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

Table 10.10 Uses of Contrast Agents:

- aging. The strengths and problems of the cur-
Radiographic Procedures for Visualizing rently available imaging techniques in their
Organs After Administration book are compared, to which the reader may
of Contrast Agents
refer. Illustrative examples of the use of radio-
Procedure Organs Visualized contrast media for some roentgenographic
Blood vessels procedures, current or dated, are given below.
Aortography Aortas
Arthrography Joints 6.6.1 Computer-Assisted Tomography KT).
Bronchography Lungs Unlike the conventional roentgenographic
Cholangiography Gall bladder and bile system in which the transmitted X-ray image
ducts is directly projected onto a fluorescent screen
Cholecystography Gall bladder or a photographic plate, in the CT system an
Esophagography Esophagus object is scanned with a narrow beam of X-
Hepatography Liver
rays from a multitude of angles, and the ab-
Hepatolienography Liver and spleen
Hysterosalpingography Uterus and oviducts sorption
. values of the material contained
Lymphography Lymph nodes and vessels within the object are computed from the X-ray
Lymphadenography Lymph nodes transmission readings and presented as a se-
Lymphangiography Lymph vessels ries of -pictures of slices of the object
- (837).The
Myelography Spinal cord, image reconstruction requires fast computing.
subarachnoid space The speed of the CT scanners has improved
Pelviagraphy Pelvis
Phlebography Veins
from the first-generation 4.5-min head-only
Pyelography Kidney and ureter scanner to the fourth-generation 2-s head or
Splenography Spleen body scanner (838, 839). The ultrafast scan-
Splenohepatography Liver and spleen ners that may be categorized as the fifth-gen-
Urography Urinary tract eration X-ray CT scanners are necessary for
Venography Veins the imaging of moving organs, such as the
Ventriculography Ventricles of the brain heart.
The first CT system was shown to be ap-
proximately 100 times more sensitive than the
Before the development of other medical
imaging systems, the roentgenographic proce- conventional X-ray system (837). Contrast en-
dures listed in Table 10.10 were performed hancement in CT is measured in terms of a
with radiocontrast agents. MRI with super- density unit. In the original article, water was
paramagnetic contrast agents, ultrasonogra- arbitrarily set at a value of 0 unit; air, 500
phy with echogenic contrast agents, and nu- unit; fat, 50 unit, and so forth. On this scale, a
clear medicine with radiopharmaceuticals, number of tissues in the body fell within 20
labeled with llC, 18F, 99mT~, and other short- units above water or "4% window" in scan-
lived radio-nuclides for example, are addi- ning. This unit was later named the
tional modalities for organ imaging and organ Hounsfield Unit (HU) in honor of the author
function studies. These systems have their (840). Using HUs, air has a value of -1000,
own merits, and their use led to the replace- water a value of 0, and dense bone a value of
ment of some of the above roentgenographic +1000. The white tone on the picture repre-
procedures. Progress in medical instrumenta- sents dense material with enhanced contrast.
tion has brought CT, helical CT, and the mul- Materials such as tumor will be less enhanced
tidetector-CT scanner into practice; these fast by the contrast medium because of limited
instruments greatly facilitate the use of radio- blood supply and will appear hypodense, gray,
contrast agents. The textbook of contrast me- or less white. Organs or tissues not contrast
dia by Dawson, Cosgrove, and Grainger (836), enhanced will appear black on the picture. A
published in 1999, contains up-to-date discus- similar unit, known as the CT number, for
sions of X-ray contrast agents, MR contrast measuring the image contrast or conspicuity,
agents, and ultrasound agents for medical im- discussed by Dawson (8361, is based on a com-
568 Radiopaques

parison of the attenuation coefficient ( p ) of whereas spiral CT scans the patient continu-
the region of interest (ROI) to that of water ously during a single breath hold, thus afford-
and is defined as: ing contiguity of slices and uninterrupted
scanning information. The spiral geometry in
~ R O Z- h a t e r
CT scanning is achieved by continuously
CT Number = transporting the patient through the gantry in
synchrony with continuous data acquisition
over a multitude of 360" scans. Kalender et al.
The increase in density in HUs or CT num-
(846, 847) used a standard continuous rotating
bers is linearly dependent on the iodine con- CT scanner that produces up to 12 consecutive
centration (mg IImL) of the injected contrast 1-sscans and a modified table feed mechanism
medium. CT has two advantages over projec- with a stepper motor to allow continuous
tion radiography. One is the significant in- transport of the patient at low, but accurately
crease in contrast resolution and sensitivity, controlled, speeds (0.1-11.0 mmls) during
which reduces the contrast detection thresh- scanning. The images are mathematically re-
old, thereby allowing a lower level of con- constructed from the spiral geometry. Many
centration of contrast media t o be ad- physical parameters, such as spatial resolu-
ministered; the other is the cross-sectional tion, image uniformity, linearity, and contrast
imaging, which permits successive visualiza- that determine the image quality of spiral CT,
tion of structures without the superposition are not affected, but noise is slightly reduced
of other tissues to affect the image quality and section sensitivity profiles are widened as
(632). a result of transport during scanning. In spiral
Computed tomography (CT) can detect CT the scan times for a complete volume are at
small differences in X-ray absorption at ap- a minimum, and the scannings are contigu-
proximately one-fifth, perhaps as much as ous, independent of patient breathing and mo-
one-eighth, of the concentration of contrast tion (847). Spiral CT provides speed, breath
media, if one uses lower kilovolt (kVp) tech- hold protocols for less motion, fewer geo-
niques, compared with that of conventional graphic misses, and easier timing of contrast
radiography (841).Contrast media for CT may peak distribution (841). Hidajat et al. (848)
be administered as bolus, or bolus followed by showed that spiral CT can lead to a reduced
infusion (biphasic), or infusion alone (842, radiation integral dose exposure to the patient
843). The pharmacokinetics is such that compared with that of conventional CT.
within 1 min after bolus injection the contrast
enhancement reaches maximum in the ex- 6.6.3 lonics versus Nonionics. Contrast
travascular space, followed by a washout. media are foreign substances, just like other
Computer-assisted tomography has been ap- drugs, and thus when given in a large dose
plied to angiography, arteriography, cardioan- within a short period, adverse reactions, ac-
giography, phlebography, and numerous companied by delayed symptoms perhaps, will
other X-ray procedures. The sensitivity of CT inevitably occur (849). McClennan (850) em-
to minimal density differences between tis- phasized that mild and moderate reactions
sues allows a variety of contrast agents, such should be given recognition and response be-
as xenon, air, saline, particulates, microemul- cause a minor side effect may be a prelude to a
sions, liposomes, and iodinated oils, to be ex- more serious adverse reaction. Siegle (514)
plored for contrast enhancement. These in compared the rates of idiosyncratic reactions
combination with dynamic CT, in which con- in patients receiving ionic and nonionic con-
ventional water-soluble nonionic iodinated trast agents and found that 4.4% of patients
contrast media are rapidly administered in in- receiving ionic agents experienced a reaction
cremental amounts, are powerful means in ob- as compared with 0.59% of patients receiving
taining diagnostic information (92,844, 845). iohexol. The percentage of patients requiring
treatment was 1.2% for ionic agents and 0.24%
6.6.2 Spiral (or Helical) CT. Conventional for iohexol. Patients receiving ionic agents
CT scans the body or organ volume by slices, plus steroids did not fare better. Cohen (851)
6 Organic Iodine Compounds

reviewed the toxicity of nonionic contrast 6.6.4 Angiography. Methiodal sodium, so-
agents in children and found that moderately dium iodomethamate, and iodopyracet were
severe reactions occur less frequently with the earliest water-soluble organic iodine com-
nonionic agents and that the incidence of ad- pounds available for angiography (10). From
verse reactions in children and in adults ap- the incidence. of patient reactions and from
pears to be similar, contrary to observations laboratory investigations, it became evident
by others (553, 536, 630). that these compounds were not entirely suit-
Bettmann (852) discussed the safety and able for angiography use. In about 1950, sub-
efficacy of iodinated contrast agents from the stituted triiodobenzoic acid derivatives were
viewpoints of use, regulation, and adverse introduced as contrast agents (219,490). Ace-
events and noted that an intra-arterial digital trizoate was the first of the series introduced.
subtraction angiography of the pelvis and followed by diprotrizoate and then by diatrizo-
lower extremities performed with a contrast ate, iothalamate, metrizoate, iodamide, and
agent, diluted to an iodine content of 100 mg ioxitalamic acid. Acetrizoate and diprotrizoate
I/mL, yielded useful images for diagnosis. Di- were found to have certain toxic effects but
lution lowers the osmolality of contrast media diatrizoate, iothalamate, and metrizoate were
and improves tolerance. Dean et al. (853) stud- better tolerated and have found extensive use
ied the effect of dilution of diatrizoate (ionic in angiography (490). Iodamide and ioxita-
monomer), iopamidol (nonionic monomer), lamic acid are widely used in Europe. Benton
ioxaglate (ionic dimer), and iodecol (nonionic et al. (854) found that meglumine calcium dia-
dimer) in a rat model at a dose of 500 mg I/kg trizoate is superior to meglumine diatrizoate
administered at two different concentrations and meglumine sodium diatrizoate. In 1970,
of 300 and 150 mg IImL. The authors observed dimers and trimers of contrast agents and
that the dilution of the contrast medium did nondissociable compounds
- were introduced
not lower iodine tissue concentration, iodine for angiographic use (9). Newer agents such as
distribution volumes, plasma volumes, or he- iocarmic acid (bisiothalamate), iozomic acid,
matocrit, and should have no effect on CT con- and tris(iothalamate), as well as the nondisso-
trast enhancement. Vergara and Sequel (630) ciable metrizamide, have fewer side effects
found that warming ionic contrast agents to and are better tolerated. Metrizamide, the
35°C before injection significantly decreased first-generation nonionic contrast medium, .
the incidence of adverse reactions and that has been the choice for cardioangiography and
ionic contrast agents without a sodium cation coronary angiography (855). The low osmola-
caused significantly fewer reactions than with lity ionic ioxaglate and the second-generation
a sodium cation. According to these authors a nonionic iopamidol and iohexol are better tol-
nonionic, warmed contrast medium was the erated than the ionic contrast media. with no
best option for the outpatient CT examination measurable clinical disadvantage in diagnos-
because no severe reactions resulted from its tic and therapeutic cardiac radiology, particu-
use. larly in high risk patients (856). Coronary an-
The cost differential between ionic and giography with iopamidol is less painful and
nonionic contrast agents is substantial and is -
has fewer deleterious effects on myocardium
a consideration for cost containment in health metabolism and cardiovascular system than
maintenance. In 1994 in the United States the ionic media (857- 859).
this cost differential is estimated to be about
10- to 20-fold, and it is far smaller in Europe 6.6.5 Cholangiography. Intravenous chol-
(852). The cost differential between nonionics angiography was introduced in 1954 as a ra-
and ionics has been reduced to 5 or 6 to 1 in diographic technique in the diagnosis of bili-
2002 in the United States, according to one of ary tract disease and is practiced in cases in
the reviewers of this manuscript. - This re- which conditions causing obstruction to pas-
viewer also indicated that ionic contrast media sage and resorption are present and prevent
are no longer administered intravenously, but the use of oral cholecystography (737). The
used instead to fill lumens (i.e., bladders, fis- sole contrast agent used in the procedure in
tulas, etc.). the United States is iodipamide, which is

available as sodium and meglumine salts. The A number of substituted 2,4,6-triiodoben-

difference between the two salt forms is in the zoic acid derivatives were introduced as chole-
volume of the dosage required for examina- cystographic agents. Among them, bunamio-
tion, with the volume of meglumine salt less dyl and iophenoxic acid were later withdrawn
than that of sodium salt. Adverse reactions by the manufacturers because bunamiodyl
after a single bolus injection are reduced if the caused renal shutdown and iophenoxic acid
contrast medium is administered by slow-in- caused high protein-bound iodine values per-
fusion technique. sisting over many years.
Many other cholangiographic agents are Ipodate, introduced in 1961, can yield visu-
available. Brismar et al. (860) studied ioglyc- alization of both gall bladder and bile ducts.
amide or ioglycamic acid in relation to iodip- Tyropanoate, iopanoic acid, and ipodate are
amide. Ioglycamide is widely used in Europe widely used in oral cholecystography. They
and has an excellent contrast property for ex- show about the same efficacy but differ in the
aminations of bile ducts after intravenous in- intensity of opacification, the frequency of dim
jection but offers no advantage over iodip- and absent shadows, and the frequency of side
amide in examinations of gall bladder. An effects. Russell and Frederick (867) compared
intravenous cholangiographic agent, iodox- these three agents but failed to demonstrate
amic acid, introduced in 1973, apparently has the superiority of any one of them. Iocetamic
lower toxicity (190, 861). acid was favorably compared with and pre-
Cholangiography agents are mostly dimers ferred to the above three agents, but skin re-
of triiodobenzoates, such as iodipamide, iogly- actions were reported in a few cases (775,868,
carnide, iodoxamate, iotroxate, and iosul- 869).
amide, with high water solubility and high bil-
iary excretion (862). Iosulamide with a fully 6.6.7 Myelography. Oil-soluble and water-
substituted triiodophenyl ring was found ex- soluble contrast agents have been used in my-
perimentally to cause less severe reaction and elography. These agents are administered in-
more rapid opacification than iodipamide tracisternally. The absorption of oily and
(323). water-soluble contrast media from the sub-
arachnoid space is completely different. The
6.6.6 Cholecystography. Graham et al. in oily media remain in the subarachnoid space
1924 (863) obtained the first cholecystogram for years after injection, whereas the water-
in dogs with tetrabromophenolphthalein. Tet- soluble media are eliminated within a few days
raiodophenolphthalein was used for cholecys- (799).
tography until 1943, when iodoalphionic acid The water-soluble iodopyracet was intro-
was introduced (175), which produced better duced for myelography in 1931 (870). Because
radiographic visualization of the gall bladder of the extreme irritant effects as well as occa-
with fewer toxic reactions. Its use was super- sional production of some long-term disabili-
seded by iopanoic acid, a substituted triiodo- ties, it never gained wide use. Iodized oil Lipi-
benzoic acid introduced in 1951 (864). Io- odol was used for myelography with less
panoic acid is better tolerated and has a irritation. Its aftereffects were avoided if the
greater opacity than iodoalphionic acid. The oily medium was removed by aspiration from
N-butyryl derivative of iopanoic acid, tyro- the spinal canal (871). Iophendylate was intro-
panoate, was introduced in 1963 and was duced by Ramsey et al. (872) for myelography
found to be more readily absorbed from the GI in 1944 and proved to be an excellent contrast
tract than iopanoic acid. This compound, in medium for the entire spinal canal and the
addition to rapid oral absorption, gives excel- basal cisterns. Like the iodized oil, it had to be
lent opacification of the gall bladder under aspirated to avoid aftereffects (873). Arach-
conditions of clinical use and has a low inci- noiditis did develop in some cases in the sub-
dence of side effects. Opacification with tyro- arachnoid space because of the presence of re-
panoate occurs with diagnostic quality on the sidual iophendylate.
4-h f l m and the 8-h film in 64 and 78% of the Iothalamate meglumine was used for my-
patients examined, respectively (865,866). elography in 1964. Melartin et al. (656) showed
7 Miscellaneous Agents

that meglumine and iothalamate ions are less Dimeric and trimeric contrast agents with
neurotoxic than sodium and diatrizoate ions. more iodine atoms per molecule improve the
The irritating effect of meglumine iothalamate opacity of urine by their high iodine concen-
is so slight that its use in myelography re- tration and cause a decrease in osmotic diure-
quires no spinal anesthesia (682). Iocarmic sis. In sheep, these new large molecules pro-
acid (i.e., dimerized iothalamate), with a duced smaller urinary solute output, less
higher iodine content and a lower toxicity diuresis, and higher urinary concentration
than those of iothalamate, has been used in than the same parameters of diatrizoate (879,
myelography (214, 874). Both iocarmic acid 880, 809). These agents are clinically useful.
and iothalamate tend to be spasmogenic, caus- Urine iodine concentration, after the injec-
ing clonic convulsions or muscular twitchings tion of nonionic metrizamide. is about twice as
in the leg (875). Nonionic, water-soluble me- high as after sodium diatrizoate injection. Gol-
trizamide was introduced for myelography in man et al. (795) reported that during the peri-
1973 (876). It is less irritating than available ods of ureteric stasis, metrizamide was ex-
myelographic agents and is capable of visual- creted faster than diatrizoate. Nonionic
izingsmall structures such as nerve roots, root iopamidol
* reduces the incidence of adverse re-
pockets, and blood vessels. Nonionic, water- actions in excretory urography and produces
soluble iopamidol causes fewer and less severe equal quality urograms with less iodine than
adverse reactions particularly in terms of behav- diatrizoate (881).
iorial changes and compares favorably to metri-
zarnide (857). Iopamidol also induces less dis-
comfort to the patients in cerebral angiography 7 MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS
than iothalamate and diatrizoate (877).
7.1 Perfluoroctyl Bromide
6.6.8 Urography. Contrast agents rapidly
excreted by the kidney are used in excretion In addition to organic iodinated compounds,
urography. Iopax, or Uroselectan, was first in- perfluorocarbons are also potential contrast
troduced for urography in Germany in 1929. agents. The least toxic one among them is per-
Many other agents such as methiodal sodium, fluoroctyl bromide (C,F,,Br), which has been
hippuran (sodium oiodohippurate), sodium io- introduced by Long et al. (882-884) for bron-
domethamate, and iodopyracet were also in- chography, myelography, splenography, lym-
troduced. These agents were the earliest avail- phangiography, and special gastrointestinal
able, and iodopyracet was the most widely studies requiring small volumes of nontoxic
used (490). radiopaques.
With the introduction of modern contrast Perfluoroctyl bromide (PFOB) has a high
agents beginning in about 1950, urography degree of chemical and physical stability and
has been conducted by use of the water-solu- nonreactivity, a biologic inertness comparable
ble acetrizoate, diatrizoate, iodamide, iodip- to that of Teflon, a high oxygen solubility, and
amide, iothalamate. and metrizoate. These a low surface tension. Liquids with low surface
agents, because of their higher radiopacity tension wet surfaces readily and flow freely
and better tolerance, have superseded the ear- into tiny folds and orifices. This property in a
lier agents, although their individual toxicities contrast agent improves the quality of the
vary. Among these, diatrizoate is the least roentgenogram. PFOB has a radiopacity
toxic and the most favored in urography (490). about 50% of that of iothalamate, and may be
Contrast agents cause osmotic diuresis. administered as neat liquid or emulsions.
Studies show that sodium diatrizoate is ex- Emulsions in normal saline can be prepared
creted in higher
- concentration in the urine with the aid of the emulsifying agent Pluronic
than is meglumine diatrizoate because of re- F-68. Perfluorocarbon emulsions have a non-
sorption of sodium ions in the renal tubules. Newtonian viscosity that can be varied over a
Benness (790, 878) reported a difference in very wide range by changing perfluorocarbon
roentgenographic quality in pyelograms in fa- and surfactant concentrations and emulsify-
vor of sodium contrast agents. ing technique (882,883).
572 Radiopaques

Perfluoroctyl bromide, when given trache- 7.2 lodinated Particulate Suspensions

ally either as neat liquid or as a 10:l emulsion,
After bolus injection, water-soluble contrast
was cleared roentgenologically from the lung
media, routinely used in angiogrphy, are rap-
within 24 h. Evaporation and mucociliary
idly distributed throughout the intravascular
clearance play an important role in the elimi-
space and diffuse across the capillary wall into
nation of this radiopaque from the lungs. the interstitial space. A brief time window ex-
When the tissue samples were analyzed by gas ists for imaging the differential contrast be-
chromatography, approximately 1% of the
tween organs and adjacent tissues before non-
neat liquid and 8% of the emulsion were found
specific total body opacification occurs. In
still remainingin the tissue. The lungs had the comparison, particulate contrast media are
largest amount, followed by the intestine, ad-
not hyperosmolar, remain longer in the intra-
ipose tissue, and lymph nodes. When injected vascular space, and are specifically targeted to
intrathecally into the dog, a dose of 0.5-1.0 organs, such as blood pool, liver, and spleen
mL/kg caused no toxic manifestation. It is (890). Particulate contrast media, when ad-
much less irritating than iodophendylate to ministered in the form of emulsions, lipo-
the arachnoid tissue. somes, microcapsules, and nanocrystals, for
Perfluoroctyl bromide is especially useful example, exert no osmotic pressure and are
roentgenographically for patients who are al- rapidly taken up by the macrophages and the
lergic to iodine compounds and who have had Kupffer cells in the reticuloendothelial (RE)
meningitis before myelography. Emulsions of system and accumulate in the liver and spleen.
PFOB have been investigated for contrast en- The RE system is saturable, and overflow from
hancement of tumors (8451, lymph channels high doses will persist in the circulation. Par-
and nodes in animals (840), and as an arthro- ticulate agents produce high contrast between
graphic contrast agent in the knee joints of normal and pathologic tissues at a fraction of
dogs and a human cadaver (885). The PFOB the dose required of conventional agents and
emulsion is less viscous and easier to inject maintain the density difference for CT imag-
than Ethiodol for lymphography. The high ing over prolonged periods of time. The ad-
sensitivity of computed tomography to mini- verse effects of the particulates, including the
mal density differences between tissues allows clearance, the effect of long-term retention,
PFOB to be experimented in the rabbits for Kupffer cell activation, disturbances in'the
contrast enhancement of malignant neo- microcirculation of the liver (8911, and vacu-
plasma (8861, reticuloendothelial systems oles in the RE cells (892), have yet to be fur-
(liver, spleen, and macrophages), and VX2 tu- ther studied. Violante and Fisher (893) dis-
mors (887), and in CT imaging of septic and cussed the complexities and problems in
aseptic arthritis (888). PFOB produces in CT designing and formulation of RE-selective
prolonged opacification of the blood pool and contrast media. Later advances in producing
subsequent selective enhancement of liver liposomes and encapsulated vesicles entrap-
and spleen in the pig for days (889). The fluo- ping water-soluble iodinated contrast media
rocarbon causes no acute hemodynamic effect and other particulate suspensions are briefly
in comparison to ionic contrast media. The mentioned below:
LD,, value for intravenously administered
48% PFOB emulsions in rats was found to be 7.2.1 Liposomes. Liposomes are vesicles
approximately 25 or 30 mL/kg, and the agent consisting of one or more bilayers of lipid en-
is eliminated as vapor from the organism capsulating an aqueous core, carrying water-
through the lungs and skin (887). PFOB may soluble contrast agents. The weight ratio of
activate the immune system and stimulate iodine to lipid (I/L ratio) is a measure of the
macrophage migration to the sites of infection amount of iodine per unit weight of lipid deliv-
and neoplasia. Information on details of the ered to the target organ (894). For hepatic en-
whole-body toxicity of PFOB and on the mech- hancement in CT this ratio needs to exceed 1:l
anisms of vacuole formation in macrophages (895). The leakage and the I/L ratio of lipo-
has been scanty. somes depend to a large extent on the lipid
7 Miscellaneous Agents

components, the microemulsification process, the encapsulated iodine, respectively. In dogs

and the nature of water-soluble contrast and rats, 1 h after injection at dose levels rang-
agent. Methods for producing contrast-carry- ing from 25 to 250 mg Ikg, the liver retained
ing liposomes may be categorized as ( 1 ) the an average of 93.7%of the injected 1251-labeled
microemulsification method using a high pres- iotrolan IF-vesicles and the blood retained less
sure microfluidizer (894, 896, 897), (2)the de- than 5% of the dose (895). At 24 h the initial
hydration-rehydration method (891,898), and dose in the liver fell to about 10% and de-
(3) the reverse-phase evaporation method creased thereafter with a half-life of about 6 h.
(899,901). By 115 days, 0.2% of the initial dose still re-
Cheng et al. (894) produced liposomes by mained in the liver. The high liver uptake was
microemulsification through use of a high attributed to less lipid in the IF-vesicles so
pressure microfluidizer from a contrast agent that the RE system was not prematurely
and a mixture of egg phosphatidylcholine, saturated.
phosphatidylglycerol, and cholesterol in the Krause et al. (899,900) studied the charac-
molar ratio of 0.4:0.1:0.5. The liposomes car- terization of iopromide liposomes, produced
rying nonionic contrast agents have higher en- from a lipid mixture of phosphatidyl choline,
trapment and weight ratio than those carry- cholesterol, and stearic acid at a molar ratio of
ing ionic contrast agents; the decreasing order 4:5:1 by a dehydration-rehydration method.
is as follows: iotrolan > metrizamide > io- The liposome had an average diameter of 0.5
hex01 > iopamidol > ioxaglate > diatrizoate > + 0.1 pm. Encapsulation efficiency was be-
iodipamide. For diatrizoate the mean I/L ratio tween 30 and 40%, with an iodine-lipid (IIL)
was 0.062 + 0.01 mg/mg and the entrapment ratio of approximately 1. The iopromide-car-
value, 0.12 ? 0.02 Llmole. The weight ratio for rying liposomes had a leakage of 4.6%in rabbit
nonionic contrast agents increased signifi- plasma and 9.2% in human plasma in the 0- to
cantly in the liposomes with increasing initial 4-h period and a leakage of 9% in rabbit
concentrations of the contrast agent. The plasma and 20% in human plasma in the 0- to
leakage rate of encapsulated diatrizoate was 24-h period. The LD,, value of iopromide lipo-
over 20%in physiological saline. Encapsulated somes was approximately 3 g I/ kg in rat and
iohexol gave greater and more prolonged mouse. The pharmacokinetic parameters of
opacification of the liver and spleen than plain the liposomes in rat, such as total clearance .
iohexol. Maximum contrast was reached and terminal half-life, were dose dependent.
within 30 min after injection and maintained The terminal half-life in blood was increased
for more than 60 min. The results indicated from 0.8 h for a 250 mg I k g dose to 2.9 h for
that osmotic pressure, charge, viscosity, and 1000 mg I k g dose, suggesting a longer circu-
lipophilicity of contrast media might influence lation of liposomes after higher doses. When
the encapsulation process. the liposomes were given to rats at a dose of
Leakage of water-soluble contrast agents 250 mg Ilkg by mouth, recoveries (% of dose)
from the encapsulated liposomes can be elim- from excretion in 0-72 h were approximately
inated, using an interdigited lipid phase con- 93% (feces) and 3% (urine); by subcutaneous
sisting of hydrogenated soy phosphatidylcho- injection, recoveries in 0-48 h: 7% (feces),
line or distearoyl phosphatidylcholine to 61% (urine), and 31% (injection site); by intra-
produce "interdigitation-fusion" (IF) vesicles. muscular injection, recoveries in 0-72 h: 9%
Janoff et al. (897) found that the IF vesicles (feces),69% (urine), and 6% (injection site). In
carrying iotrolan, ioversol, ioparnidol, ioxa- day 7, a total of 0.36%of the administered dose
glate, and diatrizoate indeed have higher I/L was recovered in organs and tissues. Thus, io-
ratios varying from 5.5 to 8.9, and vesicle sizes promide-carrying liposomes proved to be sta-
ranging from 1 to 5 pm in diameter. Leakage ble and highly tolerable vesicles for the target-
by incubation of the liposomes in uitro with ing to specific organs in animal model. Fifteen
fetal calf serum at 37°C for 4-24 h showed that minutes after intravenous injection of 100 mg
iotrolan and ioxaglate liposomes retained al- Ikg, rat blood showed the highest proportions
most all of the iodine, whereas iopamidol and of iodine, followed by the liver, the spleen, and
diatrizoate liposomes lost about 50 and 80% of the kidney. Significant proportions of iodine
574 Radiopaques

were found only in the liver and spleen, after overall abscess contrast and duration of the
total clearance from the blood and the kid- diagnostic interval, in that the liposomal io-
neys. In the rabbits with VX2 carcinoma, the dixanol gives higher hepatic vessel contrast
iopromide liposome showed strong contrast and better abscess localization.
enhancement of the liver. In the dog, inter- Activity of encapsulated liposomes is
digital injection of iopromide liposomes en- closely related to the method of preparation.
hanced the contrast of ipsilateral lymph nodes Musu et al. (890) prepared large unilamellar
(899). Ioxaglate-carrying liposomes with a vesicles (0.3-1 p) carrying iopamidol from
lipid component consisting of egg phosphati- phosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoylphospha-
dylcholine alpha-tocopherol had a mean lipo- tidic acid in a 9:l ratio and iopamidol solution
somal diameter of 220 nm and an encapsula- (300 mg IImL) and extruded the vesicles
tion efficiency of 85% and at larger doses through a polycarbonate membrane of differ-
(2250 mg I k g bw), showed a 10-fold greater ent pore sizes (0.8-2.0 p). Extrusion above the
enhancement for the spleen than for the liver transition temperature (75°C) of the lipids re-
and a sustained intravascular contrast en- duced the average size and size distribution of
hancement of the aorta (902). the vesicles and increased their I/L ratio. Dis-
Petersein et al. (903) evaluated in healthy tribution studies of extruded and unextruded
rabbits two new liposomal contrast agents iopamidol-carrying liposomes in rats showed
aimed at the reticuloendothelial system for that extruded liposomes gave higher spleen
liver CT: BR2 and BR21 (from Bracco Re- uptake than did unextruded, whereas the liver
search SA, Geneva, Switzerland). Both are uptake was comparable. Lung entrapment
suspensions of iomeprol-containing liposomes was significant with unextruded but almost
in an iomeprol solution; BR2 has twice the li- eliminated with extruded liposomes.
posome concentration of BR21, that is, 40 vs. After intravenous injection conventional li-
20 mg lipid/mL, at an iodine content of 260 vs. posomes are rapidly taken up by cells of the
320 mg IImL, respectively. The liposomes are mononuclear phagocytic system (MPS). The
0.4 mm unilamellar vesicles, made of a phos- inclusion of glycolipids and hydrophilic poly-
pholipid bilayer surrounding an aqueous mers in the liposome membrane modifies the
phase. The membranes consist of phospholip- surface characteristics to evade the MPS sys-
ids (phosphatidyl choline and dipalmitoyl tem and increases the liposomal circulation
phosphatidic acid) and cholesterol in a 2:1 mo- time (905). Sache et al. (906) prepared ioprd-
lar ratio. The authors studied the time course mide-containing liposomes by the continuous
of contrast enhancement in liver CT with the high pressure extrusion method, and used the
liposomal contrast agents, by use of extracel- liposomes without prior removal of unencap-
lular iomeprol at 300 mg IImL as the control. sulated contrast agent for surface modifica-
In healthy rabbits, at doses of 1.5 mLkg or tion. The liposome membranes were made
greater, the two liposomal agents induce a sig- from soy phosphatidylcholine (SPC), choles-
nificantly stronger and more prolonged en- terol (CH), and soy phosphatidylglycerol
hancement of the liver than that of the extra- (SPG) in a 6:3:1 (SPCICHISPG) molar ratio,
cellular iomeprol and provide a larger imaging and with the original lipid concentration at
window for optimizing CT examinations of the 120 mg/g total suspension. The liposome
liver. Dick et al. (904) evaluated a new con- membranes were modified by inclusion of lipid
trast agent, liposomal iodixanol (LI), made of a derivatives of polyethylene glycol (PEG) by
1:1mixture of 10% glucose and iodixanol(50% coating, simply carried out by mixing the pre-
encapsulated iodixanol: 1 mL of that mixture formed iopromide-containing liposomes with
contained 50 mg encapsulated iodine) for ex- 5 mol % of either of the two coating agents
aminations of pyrogenic liver abscess in a rab- (DSPE-PEG2000 or CHHS-PEG2000)for 16 h
bit model by CT. The experimental group of at room temperature with stirring. The
animals received the LI at a dose of 200 mg DSPE-PEG coating increased the mean diam-
Ikg, and the control group received iopentol eter of the vesicles to approximately 200 nm,
at a dose of 600 mg Ikg. Results showed that probably attributable to aggregation and fu-
the LI exceeds the extracellular iopentol in sion of the vesicles, and decreased the zeta po-
7 Miscellaneous Agents

tential of the negative surface charge. The sta- information on chemical characterization of
bility of the unmodified and surface-modified brominated phosphatidylcholine or its fate
iopromide liposomes in human plasma was de- and biotransformation was given.
termined by equilibrium dialysis of a lipo- Yang et al. (909) used poly(~,~-lactide), a
some/plasma mixture against the respective polymer with molecular weight in the range of
plasma to be stable over a period of 6 h. The 5000-50,000 Da, for microcapsulation of ethyl
biodistribution of modified and unmodified io- esters of iopanoate and diatrizoate and Ethio-
promide liposomes was studied in rats, and no do1 by a solvent evaporation method. The mi-
significant differences in blood concentration crocapsules were about l pm in diameter. Par-
could be found 1 h after injection between dif- ticles of this diameter or smaller can safely
ferent formulations at a dose of 250 mg I/kg traverse the pulmonary capillary bed to be
body weight, corresponding to 500 mg lipidkg. available for the liver and Kupffer cell phago-
Computed tomographic images were studied cytosis. In viva microscopic examination re-
in rabbits. The unmodified and DSEP-PEG- vealed the activity of Kupffer cells phagocytiz-
modified liposomes displayed prolonged blood ing the microcapsules. These particles were
concentration with CT density differences essentially macrophage-imaging agents. Mi-
above 70 HU units (aorta) for up to 20 min and crocapsules of all three contrast media in-
proved to be useful for CT imaging, displaying creased the density of the liver in the rabbits.
favorable imaging properties. Maximum opacification of the liver paren-
Liposomes may also serve as a vehicle for chyma appeared 15-30 min after injection,
carrying an oil-soluble contrast agent such as leaving any focal hepatic lesions as defects.
Ethiodol to the liver (907). To form Ethiodol
liposomes, a chloroform solution of Ethiodol 7.2.2 Emulsions. Ethiodol may also be
and a mixture of egg phosphatidylcholine and emulsified by mixing with a small amount of
phosphatidic acid in a molar ratio of 7:l and a phospholipid as emulsifying agent (910). The
chloroform solution of Ethiodol are mixed in a oil droplets of size 2 to 3 microns in the emul-
proportion of 3:Z, followed by solvent evapora- sion are rapidly and efficiently taken up by the
tion and addition of water with stirring and RE system of the liver. The imaging quality of
sonication. The Ethiodol is contained within ethiodol emulsions is comparable to that of
the liposomes, probably in the hydrophobic re- ethiodol liposomes.
gion. The liposomes have diameters of 0.015 to Microemulsions of a series of polyiodinated
0.2 p and show rapid liver uptake in the rab- triglycerides (ITG), labeled with iodine-125
bits and long retention times. Unlike the nor- and processed in a microfluidizer, were inves-
mal liver tissue the tumor tissue in the rabbits tigated for their contrast enhancement of the
with implanted VX2 carcinoma accumulates liver and the tumor in normal and tumor-
no Ethiodol. The dose of Ethiodol liposomes bearing (Walker 256) rats, in rabbits bearing
needed for contrast enhancement of the liver VX2 carcinoma, and in normal dogs in CT
is about 1113th of that required of water-solu- (911). The mean particle diameter of micro-
ble diatrizoate. emulsions was less than 300 nm. These prep-
Caride et al. (908)incorporated brominated arations were stable and autoclavable. Thirty
phosphatidylcholine with or without choles- minutes after intravenous injection, from 66
terol into brominated radiopaque liposomes. to 78% of the injected dose remained in the
The liposomes were 1-5 p in diameter and liver of the rats. After 3 h the liver still re-
showed contrast enhancement of the liver in tained from 46% to 93% of the dose. At dose
the dog 1 h after intravenous injection. A few levels ranging from 20 to 70 mg Ikg, the in-
hours after injection brominated liposomes crease in density was reported to be about 40
were found inside the hepatocytes. Because HU in the rats. In a female pig, the contrast
the bromine atom is not as effective as the enhancement within 1 h of injection was 90
iodine atom in attenuating X-rays, a corre- HU. The liver uptake of ITGs was partially
spondingly large dose of the brominated lipo- dependent on the formulation vehicle, but the
somes had to be administered for imaging. No metabolism and clearance from the liver were

dependent on the chemical structure and the 3 mL1min into a 5% aqueous solution of poly-
alkyl chain length (911). vinylpyrrolidone (PVP), chilled to 0-2°C and
circulated at a rate of 1000 mL/min. The par-
7.2.3 Particulates. Particulates are pre- ticles precipitated out from solution as white
pared from insoluble derivatives of contrast suspensions after being warmed at 40°C for 30
agents, finely milled to uniform size, and sus- min and were centrifuged at 3000g for 5 min,
pended in water in the presence of small repeatedly washed with water, and resus-
amounts of surfactants and stabilizers. These pended in saline for injection. These particles
particles have sizes between 200 and 400 nm were stable in normal saline and showed no
in diameter and are referred to as nanopar- particle aggregation when mixed with rat, rab-
ticles. Nanoparticles can be formulated as bit, dog, or human serum but formed aggre-
blood-pool and liver-spleen CT contrast agents gates up to 80 pm in diameter in plasma. It
for injection at concentrations of 15-20% (wl was found that fibrinogen interacts with the
v), corresponding to 89-118 mg IImL. The in- particles, forming aggregates. Aggregation
soluble ethyl esters of ionic contrast media in was prevented by preincubating the particles
nanoparticles will be taken up by the RE sys- in human serum albumin before introducing
tem upon injection and hydrolyzed by ester- them into plasma. The authors also found that
ases into ethanol and water-soluble ionic con- in solution, iothalamate has a higher intrave-
trast agent and excreted. Rubin et al. (912) nous LD,, value in mice than that of iodipam-
prepared nanoparticles from the water-insol- ide (13-19 g/kg versus approximately 4 g/kg),
uble diatrizoate ethyl ester and investigated whereas as nanoparticles, iothalamate ethyl
the effect of different types of surfactants on ester has a lower intravenous LD,, by rapid
contrast enhancement of aorta, liver, and injection in mice than that of iodipamide ethyl
spleen in the rabbits, and used iohexol as com- ester (550 mg I/kg versus 1200 mg I/kg). Lee et
parator. In the presence of a high molecular al. (916) noted that in computed tomographic
weight nonionic polymeric surfactant, the portography bolus injections of iodipamide
nanoparticles produced excellent and pro- ethyl ester particles were consistent in detect-
longed enhancement of aorta and vena cava, ing all the lesions in pathologic liver in a ca-
but in the presence of a low molecular weight nine model. This demonstrated that chole-
anionic nonpolymeric surfactant, the nano- graphic agents could be used to produce
particles markedly opacified liver and spleen. particulate contrast agents.
This difference in targeting to different organs Li et al. (917, 918) synthesized ioxilan car-
was attributed to the shielding of the nanopar- bonate by reaction of ioxilan with carbonyldi-
ticles from opsonization by the high molecular imidazole in dimethyl sulfoxide. The reaction
weight nonionic polymeric surfactant, causing is specific for nonionic contrast media, protect-
a decrease in the uptake by the RE system. ing all the hydroxyl groups in the molecule and
Gazelle et al. (913) tested more than 50 insol- rendering it water insoluble. The reaction is
uble derivatives of diatrizoic acid, iothalamic given on the following page.
acid, urokonic acid (acetrizoic acid), and met- The ioxilan carbonate particles were pre-
rizoic acid, formulated as nanocrystals for pared as a contrast medium by solvent extract/
blood-pool and liver-spleen imaging. Most of evaporation method. The preparation in-
these agents demonstrated either blood- or volved emulsification of a methylene chloride
liver-dominant enhancement patterns in nor- solution of the carbonate, removal of solvent,
mal rabbits and rabbits with VX2 carcinoma. and washing and sizing the particles. The io-
Some of the nanoparticles gave improved dine content of the particles was 45%. The av-
liver-to-lesion contrast compared to that of io- erage diameter of the ioxilan carbonate parti-
hexol. The chemical identity of these insoluble cles was 1.1 pm, 95% of them ranging from 0.6
derivatives was not divulged. and 2.0 pm. Electron microscopy showed the
Violante et al. (914,915) prepared particles particle surface to be smooth, and the particles
of iothalamate ethyl ester with a diameter of 2 showed practically no aggregation when
1 pm by injecting a solution of ethyl mixed with rat plasma. The LD,, value for the
iothalamate in dimethylformamide at a rate of ioxilan carbonate particles was 1.4 g I/kg for
7 Miscellaneous Agents

Dimethyl sulfoxide


Ioxilan Ioxilan Carbonate

male and 1.2 g I/kg for female mice, corre-

spondingto a particle mass of 3.1 and 2.6 &g
body weight, respectively. Liver attenuation
enhancement was 38 HU after intravenous
injection of 200 mg I/kg of the carbonate
particles in normal rabbits and rabbits with
implanted VX2 carcinoma. Attenuation en-
hancement was dose dependent and increased
with the dose. At a dose of 270 mg I/kg the
attenuation enhancement was 110 HU. Liver
enhancement reached maximum approxi-
mately 30 min after injection, and the spleen
enhancement was many times higher than
that of the liver. Tumors in the liver of rabbits of 1900 HU. Both preparations have biocom-
bearing VX2 carcinomas were detected. Iox- patible viscosity and osmolality, show no acute
ilan carbonate particles were rapidly cleared toxicity in mice at dose levels of 5 and 10 g/kg
from the blood. Opacification of the gallblad- body weight, and also no serological toxicity at
der and the kidneys was observed, indicating 5 g k g in rabbits. On intravascular injection
that the particles and their degradation prod- the iodinated ethylated starch is retained in
ucts were excreted through hepatic and uri- the blood for a considerable length of time
nary pathways. with minimum leakage from the capillary
wall. On intraparenchymal injection the iodin-
7.3 iodinated Polymers
ated starch opacifies the regional lymph
Soluble starch treated with ethylene oxide and nodes. The iodinated soluble starch is a poten-
iodinated with N-iodosuccinimide yields 6-io- tial contrast agent for blood-pool and vascular
doethylated starch (IES). The repeating unit bed opacification and for indirect lymphogra-
of IES is shown in the following column. P~Y.
Sako et al. (919) prepared two iodinated Other polymers have also been investi-
polymers, IES-200 and IES-40. IES-200 has an gated as blood-pool contrast agents. Revel et
average molecular weight of 200,000 Da, an al. (920) used an iodinated polymer consisting
iodine content of 12.5%,a water solubility of of a carboxymethyldextran with a triiodinated
0.8 g/mL, and a CT number of 1510 HU. benzoic acid substituent. The iodinated poly-
IES-40 has an average molecular weight less mer had a mean molecular weight of 32,000
than 40,000 Da, an iodine content of 20%, a Da, ranging from lo3 to lo6 Da and contained
water solubility of 1.0 g/mL, and a CT number 24 mg I per 100 mg of powder. An intravenous

solution for injection had an iodine concentra- drophobic regions and triiodophenyl rings
tion of 8.7% with an osmolality of 560 mOsml with carboxylic acid groups, which is contrary
kg. This iodinated polymer enhanced the con- to the design theory so successfully applied to
trast differentially, up to 10 min, between the design of nonionic radiopaque agents. The
normally perfused and ischemic liver and authors remarked that in view of this observa-
showed blood-flow differences at the capillary tion, the development of radiopaque polymers
level in normal rabbits and rabbits suffering - may need to proceed on a trial-and-error basis.
segmental portal ischemia. The polymeric ma-
terial, because of its high molecular weight,
was confined to the vascular space and was REFERENCES
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Microarrays and Gene

~ x ~ r e s s i oProfiling
n Applied to
Drug Research
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Center for Bioelectronics, Biosensors and Biochips (C3B)
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia

Department of Chemical Engineering
Center for Bioelectronics, Biosensors and Biochips (C3B)
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia

1 Introduction, 600
2 DNA Microarray Technology and Methods in .
Gene Expression Analysis, 600
2.1 DNA Microarray Fabrication, 600
2.2Applications of DNA Microarrays, 601
2.3 Interpretation and Bioinformatics of
Microarray Data, 605
3 Applications of Gene Expression Profiling in
Drug Research, 606
3.1 Characterizing Cells by Gene Expression
Profiling, 606
3.2 Gene Expression and Drug Response, 608
3.3 Pathways and Targets, 610
3.4 Simulating Effects of Drugs through
Genomics, 612
3.5 Molecular Toxicology, 614
3.6 Bioinformatics Meets Chemoinformatics, 614
4 Concluding Remarks, 614
5 Acknowledgments, 615

Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery

Sixth Edition, Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics,
and Drugs from New Biology
Edited by Donald J. Abraham
ISBN 0-471-37030-4 O 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Microarrays and Gene Expression Profiling Applied to Drug Research

1 INTRODUCTION ing the sequence of all genes in our cells help

us discover or develop drugs? In the fields of
The sequencing of the human genome repre- drug discovery, drug design, and drug develop-
sented a milestone accomplishment of the ment, microarrays are becoming the instru-
20th century. The 23 pairs of human chromo- ments for displaying complex drug interac-
somes that comprise almost three billion base tions in the cells at the genomic and proteomic
pairs of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) have level. This chapter describes principles of
now been established to contain approxi- DNA microarray technology and basic analy-
mately 38,000 genes that encode some sis of DNA microarray data, followed by dis-
60,000-80,000 different proteins (l,2). Tradi- cussions of recent ventures in applying DNA
tional analyses of genes and proteins are gen- microarray technology to drug research.
erally directed to one gene or protein at a time.
This leisurely approach cannot match the pace 2 D N A MICROARRAY TECHNOLOGY
of modern genomics and makes it difficult, al- A N D METHODS IN GENE EXPRESSION
most impossible, to unearth complex interac- ANALYSIS
tions among genes or proteins. Traditional
methods cannot readily reveal multigene rela-
2.1 D N A Microarray Fabrication
tionships, the complex temporal symphony of
gene action, or reveal the "whole picture" of DNA microarrays fall under the category of
gene functions and interactions. The study of DNA chips. The term DNA chip is used to gen-
the interactions among so many cellular fac- erally describe a solid platform cut from a
tors requires the development of complex an- larger substrate by dicing (hence chip) that
alytical tools and the use of sophisticated com- incorporates a molecular component derived
puter methods in the management and from deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid,
analysis of the data derived from such tools. or biomimetic versions of these genetic mole-
The start of the 21 century is witnessing cules. An array used in biological studies is an
the embryonic development of a new bioana- orderly arrangement of known biological enti-
lytical technology for the analysis of gene ex- ties displayed in two dimensions on a flat sur-
pression and genotyping-DNA microarrays. face. These entities may be (1)proteins, such
DNA arrays using oligonucleotides were first as with antibody microarrays, (2)nucleic acids
developed for a hybridization-based DNA se- used to study gene expression or gene copy
quencing method (3). DNA microarrays have number in cells, or (3) tissues where the tis-
more recently been developed as tools for sue-specific level of expression of a protein or
studyinggene expression (4).DNA microarray gene is being explored. There can also be com-
technology translates what the cell is display- binatorial microarrays aimed at materials de-
ing at the genomic level into interpretable velopment. DNA microarrays are thus far the
data. This technology enables researchers to most developed and widely used of the mi-
obtain instantaneous snapshots of the expres- croarray devices. The array of DNA material
sion levels of all genes. It also offers the poten- may be printed on glass, supported hydrogel,
tial for understanding complex regulatory nylon, or metal substrates. In its simplest
pathways, deriving the distinguishing genetic manifestation, the only requirement is that
identities of individuals, and discovering and the substrate be flat, smooth, chemically uni-
understanding the molecular basis for disease form, and provide a physicochemical means
states. for the attachment of the several DNA se-
Modern genomics and DNA microarrays quences. In more complex manifestations, the
have been described as tools for revolutioniz- substrate may present three dimensionally
ing drug development (5). However, promises such as a substrate-supported hydrogel layer,
of the genomics-driven revolution in drug re- a microporous membrane, an etched-rough-
search come with few details. How does know- ened surface, or a channel-bearing substrate.
2 DNA Microarray Technology and Methods in Gene Expression Analysis 601

masks to expose selected spots to light, result-

ing in deprotection of reactive groups needed
for nucleotide coupling (Fig.11.2). Each nucle-
otide added is itself protected, requiring light
exposure to deprotect for subsequent addition
of the next nucleotide. A different mask is
used for each nucleotide added, and the pro-
Figure 11.1. Pin tool for spotting DNA on a glass cess is repeated until each spot has oligonucle-
slide. Panel a shows a four-pin device acquiring otides with a specific DNA sequence. The oli-
DNA solution from a microtiter well plate. The DNA gonucleotide length for GeneChips is 25 bases.
solution is printed onto a glass slide in panel b. The Using this photolithographic technique, the
DNA identities, well positions, and the spot posi- synthesis of 25-base oligonucleotides requires
tions are determined in a pattern program used by
100 chemical synthetic steps and can poten-
the spotter arrayer.
tially give rise to 39,635 (254) unique probe
sequences. Because of the high precision of the
Currently, the most widely used substrate is photolithography process, a feature size of 20
glass, with dimensions of the familiar 3.0" x pm is obtained, allowing the production of
1.O" microscope slide. chips with as many as 400,000 spots.
There are two general platforms for DNA
microarray fabrication. The most versatile of
2.2 Applications of D N A Microarrays
these platforms uses high-speed robotics
(spotter arrayer) with DNA solutions. In a DNA microarrays can be used in a variety of
spotter arrayer, precision robots are combined experimental protocols to reveal different
with nanoliter liquid transfer capability. The types of data about the genome. The type of
nanoliter liquid transfer device may be of two data desired determines the kind of DNA that
generic types: contact or non-contact transfer is arrayed. Cloned genomic DNA can be ar-
of liquid to create the spots of the microarray. rayed for the analysis of DNA or gene copy
Contact methods include pin-tools and quills. number in cells, for example, in tumor cells
Pin-tools are typically pencil-like devices with that may have undergone gene loss or ampli-
laser sharpened titanium tips. Quills are sim- fication (6). Oligonucleotide arrays have been
ilar but possess a laser-drilled capillary run- particularly useful in DNA sequence analysis
ning from the tip up the center of the shaft. and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
Both exploit the surface tension forces of wa- scanning (7). The arraying of both oligonucle-
ter to create a uniform drop of DNA solution otides and cDNA sequences has been exten-
that is transferred to the substrate on physical sively used in analysis of gene expression. Ar-
contact (Fig. 11.1). Non-contact methods use rays allow the parallel determination of the
electromechanical actuation to propel a fixed expression level for all genes in a cell, thus
volume of the DNA solution to the surface. providing a complete gene expression profile.
This method can use inkjet heads, micro-sole- Two general applications for DNA microar-
noid valve dispensers, or piezoelectrically rays in gene expression analysis are to com-
driven liquid dispensers. The DNA being ar- pare gene expression patterns between cells of
rayed can be bound to the substrate through a different tissues and to compare gene expres-
variety of fixation chemistries. Pin-tool robots sion patterns in a single cell type under differ-
can print greater than 25,000 spots on a glass ent conditions. An example of the latter appli-
microscope slide, given a feature size as small cation is the comparison of gene expression
as 100 pm with 200-pm center-to-center spac- profiles between drug-treated cells and un-
ing. treated control cells. In contrast, gene expres-
The second platform for DNA microarray sion profiling of different tissues does not al-
fabrication involves controlled in situ synthe- low the luxury of control cells for comparison,
sis of oligonucleotides (on-chip). This technol- and thus the profiles are only compared to
ogy, implemented by Affymetrix in the manu- each other. Table 11.1 lists a number of stud-
facture of GeneChips, uses photolithographic ies that have employed DNA microarray tech-
602 Microarrays and Gene Expression Profiling Applied to Drug Research

Figure 11.2. Photolithographic process for on-chip

synthesis of oligonucleotides. A: the steps in this pro-
cess in two cycles of nucleotide addition. A litho-
graphic mask and light source are shown in panel a
that results in exposure of specific spots on the mi-
croarray chip. The light activates reactive groups on
the chip such that nucleotide coupling can occur only
on the specific spots as shown in panel b. The nucle-
otide added is shown by green blocks and is thymi-
dine for this example. Panel c shows a new mask
allowing exposure of new spots to light in a second
round of light activation of reactive groups. Panel d
shows the next round of nucleotide addition in which
the red blocks represent the next nucleotide, for ex-
ample, adenosine. This process is repeated until all
spots have the desired DNA sequence. B and C show
schematic illustrations of the many steps in the
solid-phase synthesis of the oligonucleotides (A) us-
ing MeNPOC chemistry (B). In this example, 4
masks are needed to produce the first base of each
oligonucleotide, and 80 masks are needed to produce
a 20-base oligo chip. See color insert.

nology for gene expression profiling. To date, The expression level of a cell's genes, and in
the field of cancer research has gained the turn its proteins, is the major determinant of
most from using microarray technology, with cell type and function. One traditional method
other fields rapidly catching up. for quantitating the gene expression level or
Microarrays and Gene Expression Profiling Applied to Drug Research

Figure 11.2. Photolithographic process for on-chip

synthesis of oligonucleotides. A: the steps in this pro-
cess in two cycles of nucleotide addition. A litho-
graphic mask and light source are shown in panel a
that results in exposure of specific
. spots
. on the mi-
croarray chip. The light activates reactive groups on
the chip such that nucleotide coupling can occur only
on the specific spots as shown in panel b. The nucle-
otide added is shown by green blocks and is thymi-
dine for this example.
- Panel c shows a new mask
allowing exposure of new spots to light in a second
round of light activation of reactive groups. Panel d
shows the next round of nucleotide addition in which
the red blocks represent the next nucleotide, for ex-
ample, adenosine. This process is repeated until all
spots have the desired DNA sequence. B and C show
schematic illustrations of the many steps in the
solid-phase synthesis of the oligonucleotides (A) us-
ing M ~ N P O Cchemistry ( B ) . - I ~this example, 4
masks are needed to vroduce the first base of each

oligonucleotide, and 80 masks are needed to produce

a 20-base oligo chip. See color insert.

nology for gene expression profiling. To date, The expression level of a cell's genes, and in
the field of cancer research has gained the turn its proteins, is the major determinant of
most from using microarray technology, with cell type and function. One traditional method
other fields rapidly catching up. for quantitating the gene expression level or
2 DNA Microarray Technofogy and Mefhods in Gene Expression Analysis 603


Figure 11.2. (Continued.)

concentration of a specific mRNA within a cell sion level for a single gene can be determined
is Northern blot hybridization. This method for multiple cell samples (e.g., 10-20 samples).
involves fixing total mRNA (target sequence) Whereas microarray analysis of gene ex-
from cells of interest to a membrane substrate pression employs similar steps as Northern
and hybridizing with a labeled DNA probe spe- blot hybridization, it is radically different in
cific for the gene of interest. The relative level principle. The major difference is that the
of mRNA in the cells is calculated by normal- roles of the nucleic acid bound to the substrate
izing the label's signal to the signal from an and the labeled nucleic acid in the hybridiza-
internal control mRNA, such as a housekeep- tion solution are reversed for microarrays. In
ing gene detected by a separate hybridization. microarray analysis, the DNA probe is fixed to
Using this method, the relative gene expres- the substrate with each spot on the array con-
Microarrays and Gene Expression Profiling Applied to Drug Research

Figure 11.2I. (Continued.)

taining DNA specific for a single gene. The trast, GeneChip arrays are hybridized with
hybridization solution for microarrays con- only a single sample. The analysis of two sam-
tains target cDNA sequences produced from a ples in one hybridization is made possible by
cell's mRNA, as opposed to a probe sequence separately incorporating into each sample's
specific for a single gene. Thus, whereas a cDNA sequences one of two optically distinct
Northern blot measures the expression of a fluorophores (e.g., Cy3 and Cy5). For example,
single gene for many samples, the microarray mRNA extracted from cells treated with drug
measures the expression of thousands of genes will be labeled during cDNA synthesis with
for a single sample. Cy3, whereas the mRNA extracted from the
Spotted arrays are routinely used to simul- untreated cells will be labeled with Cy5. The
taneously analyze gene expression in two cell separately labeled cDNA sequences are mixed
samples using one hybridization. In many and hybridized to the DNA microarray chip
cases, one of the two samples represents a con- (Fig 11.3). The number of molecules of probe
trol cell, providing an internally controlled DNA in each microarray spot is in far excess of
reference for each spot hybridization. In con- the number of labeled cDNA molecules in so-
lution, and thus the two labeled cDNAs do not
Table 11.1 Applications for Gene compete, but hybridize independently to their
Expression Profiling specific DNA spots. The amount of labeled
Studies References cDNA bound to a particular gene probe or spot
is therefore indicative of the level of expres-
Categorization of tissues and
tumors sion for that gene's mRNA.
Identification of transcriptional The amount of Cy3 and Cy5 label bound to
regulatory pathways the microarray is quantitated by a fluores-
Disease gene identification cence scanner that generates a grayscale im-
Drug characterization age for each label. The two images are typi-
Identification of drug interactions cally pseudo-colored, for example green for
and mechanism of action Cy3 and red for Cy5. The intensities of the two
Identification of diagnostic and images are normalized, and the images are
prognostic markers overlaid to produce a single image that dis-
Toxicologic responses
plays the relative expression of each gene
Predicting therapeutic efficacy
based on hue (Fig. 11.4). For studies using
2 DNA Microarray Technology and Methods in Gene Expression Analysis

tween the two samples. It is typical to repeat

hybridizations with the two fluorescent labels
reversed for the samples labeled to help verify
and validate legitimate differences in gene ex-
Low intensity spots suggest an overall low
level of gene expression for a gene, although
other factors can also contribute to the inten-
sity. These factors include labeling efficiency
for each mRNA, the size of each mRNA, and
the hybridization kinetics for each DNA se-
quence. Hybridization kinetics would not be
Figure 11.3. Hybridization of two differentially la- an issue if the hybridization reaction was al-
beled cDNA sequences to arrayed DNA. This dia- lowed to go to completion. However, hybrid-
gram shows a single array spot with probe DNA izations typically are carried out overnight
strands (in gray) bound to the chip. cDNA sequences and not necessarily until all possible DNA hy-
from two different cell samples, one labeled with brids are formed. The image in Fig. 11.4 allows
Cy3 (green) and one labeled with Cy5 (red), are hy- a visual and qualitative analysis of relative
bridized to the spotted DNA. See color insert. gene expression, but it is the extraction of spot
intensities from the images that provides the
GeneChips, two images from separate hybrid- data for quantitative analysis.
izations are overlaid, relying on the chips' pre-
cision and reproducibility for proper image
2.3 Interpretation and Bioinformatics
of Microarray Data
If the abundance of a particular mRNA
from the drug-treated cells is equal to that The raw data obtained from microarray anal-
from the control cells, then the spot specific for yses rarely remain raw for long. The data are
that mRNA will be yellow. The spot will ap- simmered in a series of transformations
pear green if the mRNA is present in greater needed to address basic questions of gene ex-
abundance in drug-treated cells than in con- pression. Typical transformations include ,
trol cells, and red if the mRNA from the drug- background subtraction, normalization, ratio
treated cells is lower. A potential anomaly in calculations, and log transformation. The nor-
the analysis is caused by differences in how malization is required because the scale for
the two fluorescent labels are incorporated in fluorescence emissions from different fluoro-
the sample DNAs, which can result in the ap- phores are rarely equivalent. In addition, the
pearance of differences in genes expression be- scale for signal from the same fluorescent label

Figure 11.4. A spotted DNA array with two-

color detection of hybridization. An example of a
spotted DNA array (16 X 20 elements) is shown
after hybridization with two differentially la-
beled cDNA preparations, Cy3 (pseudo-colored
green) and Cy5 (pseudo-colored red). The over-
laying of the green and red images produces the
image shown. The hue of each spot, ranging from
green to red, indicates the relative expression
level for the gene specific for each spot (image
courtesy Packard Biochip Technologies). See
color insert.
606 Microarrays and Gene Expression Profiling Applied to Drug Research

may not be the same from experiment to ex- shortest horizontal lines connecting them. A
periment. The validity of the normalization typical measure of similarity is based on the
and ratio calculations relies on the bulk of the Pearson correlation coefficient, which was
genes exhibiting the same levels of gene ex- used in the clustering in Fig. 11.4. The signif-
pression in each cell analyzed. If 90%of a cell's icance of these clusters will be discussed later
genes were to increase threefold in expression in this chapter. An overview of the basic meth-
level under a specific condition, this event ods used in microarray data analysis is pre-
would not be detected. Instead, the interpre- sented by Quackenbush (9).
tation would be that expression of the unaf-
fected 10% of genes decreased approximately
threefold compared with the control cells.
The ratio calculation is well suited for two-
label hybridization experiments, as shown in
3.1 Characterizing Cells by Gene Expression
Fig. 11.4, where there is an internal control for
hybridization. The ratio calculation provides
an indication of induction or repression of Virtually all human gene sequences have been
gene expression relative to the control. The arrayed and are being used to create gene ex-
distribution and variance of the ratio data are pression profiles in a wide range of cell types.
also usually analyzed to determine thresholds Instead of the noted phrase, "you are what you
for values significantly higher or lower than eat", we might now say "you are what you
one, although in many cases this threshold is express." The gene expression profile of a cell
arbitrarily chosen and is typically at the level currently represents the most precise defini-
of a twofold change. The log transformation is tion of what a cell is, what it does, and what it
used to bring the distribution closer to a nor- can do. Of course, a detailed protein expres-
mal distribution for statistical analyses. Be- sion profile would theoretically be superior,
cause of the high number of genes analyzed but this must await advancement in the field
and the few observations or replicate experi- of proteomics (10).
ments, it can be difficult to demonstrate sta- Gene expression profiling has been used
tistical significance for small changes in gene with great success to categorize or classify cell
expression. types, particularly cancers. For example, this
A common goal in studying gene expression approach has been employed to characterize
from microarray data is to identify groups of lymphoma cells and identify subtypes of lym-
genes, cells, or conditions displaying similar phomas from patients with diffuse large B-cell
patterns. A widely used tool for reaching this lymphoma. These cells express similar gene
goal is cluster analysis (8). Cluster analysis expression patterns because of their lympho-
organizes items into clusters based on how cytic lineage, and they exhibit only subtle dif-
close the items are to each other using a dis- ferences in patterns. Alizadeh et al. (11)iden-
tance or similarity calculation between items. tified two distinct subtypes of lymphomas
Hierarchical clustering not only allows clus- using spotted arrays containing -18,000
tering of items but clustering of clusters and is genes (Lymphochip), which were otherwise
usually presented in the form of a hierarchical essentially indistinguishable. These two sub-
tree diagram or dendrogram. An example of types had subtle differences in gene expres-
this analysis is shown in Fig. 11.5 in which 60 sion profiles that were in common with two
cell lines were clustered based on the gene ex- different B-cell lineages, suggesting that they
pression levels of 548 selected genes. Most of represent two distinct diseases. Furthermore,
the cell lines cluster based on tissue origin. the two subtypes were found to exhibit a dif-
The lengths of the horizontal lines connecting ferential response to therapy, that is, patients
the cells relates to the distance between cell with one subtype showed significantly better
line data points or similarity. The two cell survival than patients with the other subtype,
lines, MDA-MB-435 and MDA-N, have the while on the standard anthracycline-based
shortest distance between their data points or therapy. It's important to note that most
the greatest similarity, and thus have the genes were expressed at comparable levels in
3 Applications of Gene Expression Profiling in Drug Research


718 Melanomas UACC-257


CNS Cancers

TK-f 0
Renal REN UO-32

616 Leukemias SR

Colon Cancers COL
NCI-H522 1
A549 -

Figure 11.5. Cluster analysis of the NCI 60 cell lines. Gene expression data from the Ross et al. (12)
study was filtered to contain only genes with complete data for all cell lines and genes with the highest
variance across cell lines. Only 548 genes were selected for this analysis based on genes with variance
of greater than twice the variance for the entire dataset. The cluster distance or similarity calculation
was based on the Pearson correlation coefficient, and clusters were linked by average linkage using
the software SPSS. Most cell lines can be seen to cluster based on tissue of origin, shown by the labels
on the left and the fraction of the total number of cell lines for each tissue. The abbreviations for
tissue types are as follows: BRE, breast cancers; CNS, central nervous system cancers; COL, colon
cancers; LEU, leukemias; MEL, melanomas; NSC, non-small cell lung cancers; OVA, ovarian cancers;
PRO, prostate cancers; REN, renal cancers. See color insert.
608 Microarrays and Gene Expression Profiling Applied to Drug Research

both lymphoma subtypes, and only a subset of among the other cell line groups. Figure 11.5
genes displayed differential expression pat- shows a hierarchical tree diagram of a cluster
terns that contributed to the distinction be- analysis we performed on the data from Ross
tween the subtypes. The gene expression lev- et al. (12) in which a slightly different variance
els of this subset of genes may potentially be calculation and cluster distance calculation
useful as a diagnostic tool for distinguishing were used. Again, clusters of cell lines gener-
between the two subtypes and predicting re- ally coincided with the tissue of origin, similar
sponse to therapy. to the published analysis, but with an im-
A variety of tumor specimens have now provement in the clustering of lung cancers.
been characterized by gene expression profil- The breast cancer cell lines retained a hetero-
ing (11-16). In some cases, the gene expres- geneous distribution pattern, with some clus-
sion profiles have confirmed distinctions be-
tering with the melanoma, CNS cancer, and
tween tumor types that were already evident
colon cancer clusters. These studies illustrate
by histologic or cytogenetic analysis. In other
the use of gene expression profiling for deter-
studies, even finer distinctions between tu-
mors types, not apparent histologically, have mining tissue origin and suggest how gene ex-
been made possible by gene expression profil- pression profiling could be useful in defining
ing. For example, Hedenfalk et al. (17) identi- cell behavior.
fied specific gene expression patterns that cor- In addition to cell lines with similar gene
relate with BRCAl and BRCA2 mutations in expression profiles being clustered, the genes
hereditary breast cancer. These findings are can also be clustered based on expression pat-
complicated by the fact that the BRCAl and terns across the 60 cell lines. Cluster analysis
BRCA2 mutations correlated with other fac- of the genes from the 60 cell lines revealed
tors such as tumor grade, mitotic index, and clusters of genes that are part of the same bi-
presence or absence of hormone receptors. ological process or pathway (12). For example,
Many of the genes expression patterns in one cluster represented genes that are highly
these cells should also reflect these differences expressed in melanomas and involved in mel-
in processes and pathways responsible for tu- anocyte-specific biology. Other clusters con-
mor characteristics. The power of the microar- tained genes encoding proteins that are in-
ray/bioinformatics approach is that it offers volved in cell cycle progression, RNA splicing,
the potential to identify gene expression pat- and drug metabolism. It is hypothesized from
terns that correlate with BRCAl or BRCA2 these studies that groups of genes relating to
mutations independent of hormone receptor basic cellular processes such as cell prolifera-
status, as well as patterns that correlate with tion, cell morphology, or drug response could
hormone receptor status independent of the be identified by this type of gene expression
BRCAlI BRCA2 mutation status. analysis. The identification of previously un-
Gene expression profiling can also provide identified genes in these clusters may help elu-
insight into a tumor's tissue or cell type of cidate the functions of the encoded proteins.
origin. Gene expression profiles were used to Much of this advancement will come from the
determine cell origin for a panel of 60 human development of new algorithms for analyzing
cancer cell lines (NCI 60 cells) representing the data and detecting patterns amidst the
cancers of breast, prostate, lung, central ner- considerable noise of a cell's repertoire of ex-
vous system, leukemia, melanoma, renal, co- pressed genes.
lon, and ovarian origins (12). Gene expression
levels were determined in each cell line for
3.2 Cene Expression and Drug Response
over 9000 genes using spotted DNA arrays.
Cluster analysis of the 60 cell lines was per- The difference between a compound and an
formed using approximately 1000 genes that agent is dictated by the cell just as the differ-
showed the highest variance across cell lines. ence between an agent and a drug is dictated
The clustering generally grouped cell lines of by the patient. However, at this point, we
the same type together. One exception was the would like to make a simplification of terms in
breast cancer cell lines that were scattered which a compound, an agent, or a drug will
3 Applications of Gene Expression Profiling in Drug Research 609

merely be referred to as a drug even though a One approach Scherf et al. (20) used for
compound or agent may not be of known med- identifying relationships between drug re-
ical value. sponse and gene expression involved cluster-
The NCI 60 cell lines have been screened ing the drugs based on their correlation with
for sensitivity to a ~ 7 0 , 0 0 0drug library, re- expression of each gene. A distance calculation
sulting in a wealth of data for identification of between each drug pair was performed using
patterns and relationships between drugs correlation coefficients between the drugs and
(18).The search for drugs within this library each gene. This clustering placed drugs in
that have sensitivity patterns related to a drug groups sharing similar relationships between
of interest can identify drugs with similar drug response and gene expression rather
structure and or mechanism of action [See the than drug response alone. The results were
COMPARE program (19)l. While this data is compared with the cluster analysis, using only
of enormous use. there is even more data to be drug response data. Drug clusters from the
obtained relating to the genes and proteins drug response data tended to contain drugs
expressed by the cells that dictate how the with similar mechanisms of action, such as an-
cells respond to the drugs. timetabolites or tubulin inhibitors. The drug
The microarray- data for the NCI 60 cell cluster analysis based on gene-drug correla-
lines can be viewed as a source of ~ 9 0 0 0 tions also tended to group drugs based on
marker genes for potential correlation with bi- mechanisms of action, but clustered certain
ological properties, including sensitivity to an- drugs in groups with distinctly different
ti-cancer drugs. Scherf et al. (20) explored the mechanisms of action. For example, the topo-
relationship between basal gene expression isomerase I1 inhibitor, etoposide, clustered
patterns and drug sensitivity in these cell lines with other topoisomerase I1 inhibitors using
using drug activity data for the ~ 7 0 , 0 0 0 drug response data, but clustered with DNA
drugs. We can begin to understand the chal- alkylators when the drug-gene correlation
lenges in bioinformatics when we consider the data was used. These results could reflect a
enormous task of melding the data for these potential difference in mechanisms of action
three distinct types of variables: 60 cell lines, or drug metabolism between etoposide and the
9000 genes, and 70,000 drugs, and looking for other topoisomerase I1 inhibitors.
relationships and patterns. One straightfor- The application of gene expression profil- .
ward approach for finding relationships in this ing is beginning to pave the way for improved
data is to focus on genes and drugs for which treatment of patients using existing therapeu-
there is a considerable amount of additional tic agents. First, knowledge of a tumor's gene
information. For example, the activity of 5-flu- expression profile may greatly facilitate tumor
oruracil (5-FU), a known thymidylate syn- type identification, leading to more accurate
thetase inhibitor, was found by Scherf et al. predictions of tumor response to therapies.
(20) to have a significant negative correlation Second, gene expression analysis can poten-
with expression of the gene encoding dihydro- tially reveal patterns that predict therapeutic
pyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPYD). DPYD is response or help identify proteins that play in
involved in uracil and thymine degradation as a specific role in response to therapy. This ap-
well as in 5-FU degradation, and thus high proach was explored by Kihara et al. (22) in a
expression of the DPYD gene is consistent study of esophageal cancer patients treated
with resistance to 5-FU. Staunton et al. (21) with 5-FU and cisplatin. The expression pro-
carried this approach further identifying sub- file of ~ 9 0 0 genes
0 was determined for patient
sets of genes whose expression levels in the tumors before treatment, and a subset of
NCI 60 cell lines showed good prediction of genes with predictive value for subsequent
sensitivity for certain drugs. However, it was therapeutic response was identified.
not readily apparent what role the identified Another promising application of gene ex-
genes or their proteins played in the sensitiv- pression profiling is in clinical drug develop-
ity to the drugs. This level of understanding is ment. For example, a drug that seems to have
likely to require a very detailed knowledge of a poor overall response rate in clinical trials
the pathways with which each drug interacts. may actually have a significant activity in a
610 Microarrays and Gene Expression Profiling Applied to Drug Research

subset of patients whose tumors may share sion to understanding of the relationship be-
particular gene expression patterns. The abil- tween gene expression and drug response, be-
ity to preselect a narrower target group of can- cause it reflects the targets and pathways with
didates for clinical trial could lead not only to which the drug- interacts and the downstream
improved trial outcome but also to a cost-sav- effects of these interactions on gene expres-
ing reduction in trial size. Until now, the num- sion. The cell's response to a drug at the
ber of markers used in this way has been lim- genomic and proteomic level potentially pro-
ited, but microarray data is opening a vides a detailed fingerprint reflecting the full
floodgate in the identification of potential range of effects of the drug on the cell.
markers for drug response. This concept is illustrated using a simple
The use of gene expression profiling to im- protein kinase signal transduction pathway as
prove therapeutics overlaps with a relatively an example (Fig. 11.6). This generic protein
new field of study, pharmacogenomics. Phar- kinase cascade translates a signal from a
macogenomics is the study of the genomic or membrane receptor to the nucleus resulting in
genetic basis for variation in response to drugs increased expression of genes A, B, and C, as
observed between patients. This field of study well as the repressed expression of genes X, Y,
attempts to define and understand differences and Z. This pathway also has a branch such
in drug response at the patient level to enable that PK2 interacts with other pathways and
tailoring of therapeutics to individuals. Much can affect the expression of other genes (genes
of the field has focused on the study of DNA E, F, and G ) . These interactions or branches
polymorphisms, particularly single nucleotide may be cell-type specific, and thus the choice of
polymorphisms (SNPs),and their relationship cells for analysis can dictate the genes af-
with drug response. The analysis of SNPs also fected. The goal is to explore drugs that will
relies heavily on the use of DNA microarray block the high expression of genes A, B, and C.
technology. Information about the field of A panel of drugs (panel1)previously known to
pharmacogenomics and innovations are pre- block PK1 is first considered. The effect of
sented in this volume by Puckett et al. (23). each drug in panel 1 is the desired repression
of genes A, B, and C as well as the de-repressed
3.3 Pathways and Targets
expression of genes X, Y, and Z. Each of these
The cellular response to a drug depends on PK1 inhibitors also affects the expression of
both the drug's specific and non-specific inter- genes associated with the branching path-
actions in the cell. Whereas a particular drug ways. In addition, some of these inhibitors
may be known to inhibit a protein target, in- may interact with proteins not connected to
hibition of that target may represent only a the targeted pathway, such as kinases in un-
fraction of what the drug is doing in the cell. In related pathways. The additional genes af-
fact, the primary mechanism of action may not fected by the PK1 inhibitors can be very dis-
even involve the supposed target. The chal- tinct for each inhibitor and can provide part of
lenge then, is to record and interpret all as- the fingerprint that distinguishes each inhibi-
pects of the cellular response to a drug, rather tor from the others. This part of the finger-
than a single parameter, such as cell growth. print may also reveal side interactions of the
Gene expression profiling offers a much PK1 inhibitors that were not previously
deeper probe into the cellular response to a known or anticipated. The same approach can
drug. Two general strategies for use of gene potentially be applied to cases in which little is
expression profiling are emerging in drug re- known about a drug of interest. Clues about
search; the first is involves determining the the drug's interactions could be deduced from
basal gene expression profile of a cell as a its similarity in gene expression changes with
means of obtaining predictive information other drugs- for which there is more informa-
about a cell's drug response, as described tion regarding cellular interactions and mech-
above. The second strategy involves determin- anisms.
ing the change in a cell's gene expression pro- This protein kinase pathway also shows
file in response to drug treatment. The drug how inhibition of other *proteins in the same
response profile adds an entirely new dimen- pathway could give rise to similar changes in
3 Applications of Gene Expression Profiling in Drug Research 611

pursuing because of its increased specificity

compared with drugs in panel 1. Therefore,
similarity in gene expression fingerprints may
identify a common pathway with which the
drugs interact, rather than a common protein.
Thus, the definition of a target may be broad-
ened from a single cellular component to a
pathway, allowing for the identification of ad-
ditional drugs of interest with dissimilar
structure and mechanism of action. For a well-
understood pathway, the gene expression pro-
file could potentially pinpoint the specific step
in the pathway inhibited by a drug.
This approach to characterizing kinase in-
hibitors was used by Gray et al. (241, in a study
of gene expression changes induced in yeast
cells by purine analogs that target human cy-
clin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK.2) and Saccha-
romyces cereuisiae cyclin-dependent kinase
cdc28p. Virtually the entire complement of
yeast genes (6200 genes) was monitored for
changes in expression in response to two CDK
active site inhibitors with dissimilar struc-
tures and a related purine analog with poor
CDK inhibition. More than 194 genes showed
significant changes in expression, with both
CDK active site inhibitors eliciting similar
changes in expression for 63 of these genes.
The majority of the affected genes were up-
regulated in expression. The drug with poor
CDK inhibition gave rise to changes in expres-
Figure 11.6. A generic protein kinase pathway for sion of only two genes, consistent with its in-
cell signaling. This diagram shows a ligand binding ability to block cdc28p or other protein ki-
to a cell surface receptor, thereby activating a signal nases.
transduction cascade. The ligand-induced activa- A number of cell cycle-related genes were
tion of the receptor leads to activation of protein found to be affected by the two CDK inhibi-
kinase PK1, which then activates PK2, which in tors, including several cyclin and histone
turn activates PK3. PK3 modifies transcription fac- genes, consistent with previous data suggest-
tors in the nucleus that lead to high expression of ing that these genes are regulated by cdc28p.
genes A, B, and C, and low expression of genes X, Y, Another interesting class of genes affected by
and Z. PK2 also interacts with another pathway that
leads to high expression of genes E, F, and G.
the CDK inhibitors contained genes involved
in phosphate metabolism. This is significant
because, in addition to cdc28p, the CDK inhib-
downstream gene expression. For example, itors also inhibit pho85p, a closely related ki-
consider a drug speculated to have some gen- nase that is involved in the regulation of phos-
eral specificity for protein kinases. This drug phate levels. This illustrates the potential for
has a similar effect on the expression of genes gene expression profiling to reveal multiple
A, B, and C and X, Y, and Z, but it has no effect drug-target interactions within the cell.
on the expression of genes E, F, and G. We Other genes of interest that were up-regulated
might deduce from this result that the drug included genes encoding various heat-shock
blocks a step downstream of the branch at proteins and proteins involved in drug extru-
PK2, such as PK3. This drug would be worth sion pump systems. Induction of heat-shock
612 Microarrays and Gene Expression Profiling Applied to Drug Research

genes suggests the cells exhibited a stress re- indication of drug clustering based on the spe-
sponse to the CDK inhibitors. However, the cific receptor with which the drugs interact.
induction of these stress response genes may As the use of gene expression profiling of
not necessarily reflect a direct response to drug response expands, we can envision the
cdc28p inhibition, but rather may represent a development of reference libraries in which
response to the cascade of events stemming gene expression patterns are equated to
from the perturbation of the cell cycle. The classes of drugs, structures, and mechanisms
change in expression of genes for drug pump- of action. As new drugs are investigated, they
associated proteins suggests possible mecha- could be mapped to drugs in the library to elu-
nisms of resistance and could explain differ- cidate mechanisms, identify more specific
ences in growth response to the drugs. It is drugs, or obtain leads with specific cellular ef-
important to note that not all changes in gene fects.
expression are likely to be informative. It's ex-
pected that many of the genes affected in this
3.4 Simulating Effects of Drugs through
type of experiment will merely represent ge-
neric responses to gross cellular perturbations
and will be affected by a large number of By coupling yeast genetics with microarray
drugs, revealing very little information about analysis, one can identify the transcriptionally
an individual drug's unique properties. regulated processes associated with each gene.
The genes affected concordantly by both This approach has been successfully used in
CDK inhibitors are not the only genes of inter- studying the mitogen-activated protein kinase
est. The majority of the affected genes by ei- signaling pathway, allowing identification of
ther inhibitor were unique to each drug, new associated regulatory circuits (26, 27).
suggesting that the two CDK inhibitors inter- The mutation of a target protein is also a way
acted with more unique proteins than com- to block its activity and simulate the inhibi-
mon proteins. Two basic questions arise from tion of the target by a drug. In the study of the
this analysis: how does one identify the af- CDK inhibitors by Gray et al. (24) described in
fected genes specific to cdc28p inhibition (or the previous section, the gene expression pro-
any specific target perturbation) and how does file for a yeast cdc28 mutant was compared
one identify the pathways associated with the with gene expression profiles of wild-type
other affected genes? Both questions can be yeast cells treated with the cdc28p inhibitors.
addressed through the use of genomics, as dis- The changes in gene expression patterns re-
cussed in the next section. sulting from cdc28 mutation had significant
The potential of gene expression profiling overlap with those found for the two CDK in-
for drug classification is also illustrated by a hibitors. This analysis therefore helped to val-
study of adrenergic receptor-interactive drugs idate the responses observed, indicating that
(25). Twenty drugs known to be agonists, an- the CDK inhibitors were in fact targeting
tagonists, or both for a- and p-adrenergic re- cdc28p in the cell. Not surprisingly, there were
ceptors were used as a test set for the analysis several differences in gene expression changes
of gene expression profile responses. Normal induced by the CDK inhibitors and the cdc28
human aortic smooth muscle cells, which ex- mutation, consistent with the prediction that
press both a- and P-adrenergic receptors, were the CDK inhibitors would be less specific than
used as the model cells for the treatments. Of cdc28 mutation. However, the difference
the 6000 human genes analyzed for expres- could also be caused in part by the use of a
sion, a subset of 75 genes was selected for clus- temperature-sensitive conditional mutant of
ter analysis after filtering out genes with low cdc28, which was required because loss of
or no response to drug and genes with the low- cdc28p is lethal. The change in temperature
est variance. Cluster analysis of the drugs therefore adds another variable with which to
based on patterns of induced gene expression contend. Whereas each method of disrupting
changes cleanly separated the agonists from the target seems to have its own unique ef-
the antagonists. Although the number of fects, each unique effect can theoretically be
drugs analyzed was low, there was also some determined and isolated within the gene ex-
pression data, thus allowing complex biologi- tein with the greatest sequence identity to the
cal processes to be unraveled and understood. yeast sterol isomerase was a neurosteroid in-
A more global approach to characterizing teractive receptor involved in regulating po-
gene expression patterns in yeast mutants tassium channels. If this receptor were the
was undertaken by Hughes et al. (28).Almost target for dyclonine in humans, then a possi-
300 specific mutants were analyzed for the ex- ble mechanism for dyclonine would involve
pression of virtually all yeast genes. This da- disrupting signal transduction by perturbing
tabase provides a resource for analyzing regu- potassium transport. This prediction requires
latory pathways associated with the target experimental verification, a requirement we
genes and identification of genes associated
can expect from the results of most gene ex-
with cellular processes. The database also pro-
pression profiling studies.
vides a reference library for mapping gene mu-
tants and drugs to the pathways they perturb. Drug-target interactions have also been
As with drug-induced gene expression pat- explored by Marton et al. (29) using expres-
terns or fingerprints, mutant gene response sion profiling and yeast mutants. Cells with
patterns can be used to match mutants with mutations in putative drug target proteins
similar fingerprints. For example, mutants were used to confirm drug interactions and
known to affect sterol synthesis cluster to- downstream effects on gene expression. The
gether based on their gene expression profile. gene expression fingerprints found in "target-
The expressed genes involved in sterol synthe- less" cells pointed to other pathway interac-
sis also cluster based on their expression tions for the drugs tested. The ability to define
across the ~ 3 0 mutants.
0 The clustering of a target-specific effects of drugs and their cross-
mutant for a gene of unknown function with reactions with other cellular components and
mutants of genes with known function sug- pathways paves the way for future drug design
gests by association a function for the un- with improved targeting and specificity.
known gene. This was demonstrated with a Although it is considerably more difficult to
mutant for a gene that clustered with mutants generate specific mutations in mammalian
of genes involved in sterol biosynthesis. Fur- cells than in yeast, several technologies are
ther investigation into this gene provided evi- available that can allow mammalian cell sys-
dence of its role in sterol biosynthesis. tems to follow in the steps of the yeast system
Identifying similarities between a gene ex- for gene expression profiling and drug analysis
pression fingerprint for a drug and finger- in mutants. The first is the production of
prints for mutants can potentially reveal the
knock-out mutations in engineered mice. A
pathway in which the drug interacts. Hughes
considerable number of knock-out mice have
et al. (28)found a significant similarity in gene
expression fingerprints between cells treated already been created, and these can be ex-
with lovastatin, a hydroxy-methylglutaryl plored for alterations in gene expression pro-
CoA reductase inhibitor, and a mutant in one files in a variety of cell types (30).A more ame-
of the yeast hydroxy-methylglutaryl CoA re- nable strategy involves the use of antisense
ductase genes. This concept was tested further technology to block the expression of specific
by comparing gene expression fingerprints of RNAs and proteins. Antisense oligonucleo-
drugs with unknown targets to known mu- tides can be used as therapeutic agents as well
tants. The fingerprint for the topical anes- as tools for exploring targets (31). Cho et al.
thetic dyclonine was identified as having sig- (32) employed gene expression profiling to
nificant similarity to that of mutants affecting identify both the specific and non-specific in-
sterol biosynthesis, and in particular, a sterol teractions of antisense oligonucleotides. A ref-
isomerase mutant. Additional biochemical erence library of human gene expression pro-
analysis confirmed the sterol isomerase as the files for antisense oligonucleotides specific to
likely target for dyclonine in yeast. However, potential targets could conceivably be used in
this information alone did not shed light on the same way as the yeast mutants for identi-
the mechanism for this anesthetic in humans. fying relevant pathways and drug interactions
Further analysis showed that the human pro- in the cell.
61 4 Microarrays and Gene Expression Profiling Applied to Drug Research

3.5 Molecular Toxicology moinformatics, applying QSAR modeling to

the gene expression activities affected by
The use of microarrays, gene expression pro-
drugs in a model system. Bioinformatics has
filing, and the strategies described above are
the potential to relate a group of genes af-
ideally suited for use in toxicology, an applica-
fected by a drug to each specific cellular com-
tion referred to as toxicogenomics. The same
ponent affected by the drug, while relating
gene expression data used in studying the tar-
this data to the therapeutic effectiveness.
geting of drugs also applies to toxicologic anal-
QSAR has the potential to reveal which sub-
ysis of drugs where the broader effects of the
stituents or residue substitutions in a drug an-
drugs are emphasized. Waring et al. (33) ap-
alog series dictate the varied interactions with
plied gene expression profiling to the charac-
the cellular components. These data could
terization of 15 known and diverse hepato-
form the basis for designing analogs with the
toxins in a rat model. This study clearly dem-
highest therapeutically relevant activity and
onstrated that diverse drugs or toxins could
the greatest specificity.
have distinct gene expression fingerprints
while sharing some similarities based on
mechanism of toxicity. Many of the genes af-
fected by each toxin encoded proteins relevant
to the known toxicity mechanisms and for pro-
DNA microarray technology is proving to be a
teins specifically involved in the metabolism of
powerful genomics-based tool in a broad range
each toxin. These studies point to the poten-
of biomedical fields. In the field of drug devel-
tial use for gene expression profiling in pre-
opment, this technology can provide insight
dicting and characterizing toxic responses.
into the full complement of cellular targets
with which a drug might interact and assist in
3.6 Bioinformatics Meets Chemoinformatics
defining mechanisms of action. In the context
The discussions above touch on only the sur- of patient treatment, gene expression profiles
face of the potential applications of gene ex- can provide information that will assist in pre-
pression profiling as applied to drug develop- dicting the cellular response to a drug. Fur-
ment. The power of microarray technology ther, gene expression profiling is on the
and gene expression profiling will likely be fur- threshold of enabling the identification of dis-
ther magnified by their interface with other ease genes and new therapeutic targets (34).
information-intensive tools, such as used in Microarray technology is rapidly evolving, and
chemoinformatics. For example, quantitative innovations, such as multiplexing with nanoc-
structure-activity relationship (QSAR) mod- rystals embedded in microbeads (35), and fi-
els relate the molecular descriptors of drugs to ber-optic biosensor arrays (36) are being de-
various biological or biochemical activities, veloped that will further increase the speed,
ranging from the inhibition activity for a par- sensitivity, and power of these approaches.
ticular target to more in-depth drug response Nevertheless, several engineering challenges
activities characterized in the NCI 60 cell still exist. For example, improved detection
lines. As we have already discussed, measure- methods and new surface chemistries are in
ment of a single biological indicator of re- demand (37).
. . , and there is a critical need for
sponse, such as cell growth inhibition, may not the development and promulgation of stan-
reveal all the complex interactions a drug has dards in the fabrication and use of microar-
in the cell. However, the gene or protein ex- rays. There is also an enormous demand for
pression profiles before and after exposure to a the develor~mentof bioinformatics tools that
drug hold the key to these interactions and to will allow us to probe deeper into the vast
true functional definitions of drug activity. datasets generated by this technology to dis-
Thus, technologies that can reveal these inter- cover patterns with biological significance. Fi-
actions promise to be the future focus for de- nally, many biological issues remain to be re-
signing and optimizing drugs. One approach solved as this technology moves into
that might fulfill this promise would be to mainstream biomedical research, such as de-
combine the fields of bioinformatics with che- termining the appropriate normal "control"

tissue for comparison with disease tissue. Sabet, T. Tran, X. Yu, J . I. Powell, L. Yang, G. E.
Thus, microarray technology is still in the Marti, T. Moore, J. Hudson Jr., L. Lu, D. B.
early phase of development and application in Lewis, R. Tibshirani, G. Sherlock, W. C. Chan,
T. C. Greiner, D. D. Weisenburger, J. 0.Armit-
many biomedical research fields. However, the
age, R. Warnke, L. M. Staudt, et al., Nature,
potential power of microarray technology is 403,503-511 (2000).
already clear, and it is virtually certain that 12. D. T. Ross, U. Scherf, M. B. Eisen, C. M. Perou,
the technology will play a critical role in drug C. Rees, P. Spellman, V. Iyer, S. S. Jeffrey, M.
discovery and development in the near future. Van de Rijn, M. Waltham, A. Pergamenschikov,
J. C. Lee, D. Lashkari, D. Shalon, T. G. Myers,
J. N. Weinstein, D. Botstein, and P. 0. Brown,
5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Nut. Genet., 24,227-235 (2000).
13. C. M. Perou, T. Sorlie, M. B. Eisen, M. van de
The authors gratefully acknowledge the VCU Rijn, S. S. Jeffrey, C. A. Rees, J. R. Pollack, D. T.
Center for Bioelectronics, Biosensors and Bio- Ross, H. Johnsen, L. A. Akslen, 0. Fluge, A.
chips (C3B) and the Virginia Center for Inno- Pergamenschikov, C. Williams, S. X. Zhu, P. E.
vative Technology (CITBIO-99-010) for finan- Lonning, A. L. Borresen-Dale, P. 0. Brown, and
cial support. We thank Carl Ashby and D. Botstein, Nature, 406, 747-752 (2000).
Wanyan Xu for their assistance in the data 14. M. Bittner, P. Meltzer, Y. Chen, Y. Jiang, E.
analysis and Jolene Windle for assistance in Seftor, M. Hendrix, M. Radmacher, R. Simon, Z.
writing this manuscript. Yakhini, A. Ben-Dor, N. Sampas, E. Dougherty,
E. Wang, F. Marincola, C. Gooden, J. Lueders,
A. Glatfelter, P. Pollock, J. Carpten, E. Gilland-
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Roberts, R. Stoughton, C. D.Armour, H. A. Ben- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 98, 1176-1181
nett, E. Coffey, H. Dai, Y. D. He, M. J. Kidd, (2001).
A. M. King, M. R. Meyer, D. Slade, P. Y. Lum, 41. J. B. Welsh, L. M. Sapinoso, A. I. Su, S. G. Kern,
S. B. Stepaniants, D. D. Shoemaker, D. Ga- J. Wang-Rodriguez, C. A. Moskaluk, H. F. Fri-
chotte, K. Chakraburtty, J. Simon, M. Bard, and erson Jr., and G. M. Hampton, Cancer Res., 61,
S. H. Friend, Cell, 102, 109-126 (2000). 5974-5978 (2001).
29. M. J. Marton, J. L. DeRisi, H. A. Bennett, V. R. 42. D. Gerhold, M. Lu, J . Xu, C. Austin, C. T. Cas-
Iyer, M. R. Meyer, C. J. Roberts, R. Stoughton, key, and T. Rushmore, Physiol. Genomics, 5,
J. Burchard, D. Slade, H. Dai, D. E. Bassett Jr., 161-170 (2001).

SNPs: Single Nucleotide

Designed brug Therapy
Virginia Commonwealth University
MCV Campus
Richmond, Virginia

JHM Health Science Center
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida

Orchid BioSciences
Princeton, New Jersey

1 Introduction, 618
1.1 History, 618
1.1.1 Watson and Crick to the Human
Genome Project, 618
1.1.2 Drug Response and Toxicity Variabil-
ity, 618
1.2 GeneticlGenomic Definitions, 619
1.2.1 Basics, 619
1.2.2 Pharmacogenetics or Pharmacogeno-
mics?, 619
2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, 620
2.1 Definition, 620
2.2 Classification of SNPs, 620
3 Technologies Used in Pharmacogenomics, 621
3.1 SNP Discovery, 621
3.2 Genotyping Technologies, 622
3.2.1 Enzymatic-Based Techniques, 622
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery Polymerase Chain Reaction-
Sixth Edition, Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, Restriction Fragment Length
and Drugs from New Biology Polymorphism, 622
Edited by Donald J. Abraham Single Base Primer Extension,
ISBN 0-471-37030-4 O 2003 John Wiey & Sons, Inc. 623
618 SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Pharmacogenomics-Individually Designed Drug Therapy Pyrosequencing, 624 4.3.2 Angiotensin Type 1 Receptor, 633

3.2.2 Hybridization-Based Techniques, 624 4.3.3 ACE I/D and AGTRl Interaction, 635 Allele-Specific Amplification, 624 4.3.4 5-Lipoxygenase Polymorphisms, 635 DNA Array Genotyping, 624 4.3.5 PI-Adrenergic Receptor Homogeneous Solution Polymorphisms, 635
Hybridization with 4.3.6 p,-Adrenergic Receptor
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Polymorphisms, 636
Transfer, 625 p,-Adrenergic Receptor SNPs,
3.2.3 Combined Enzymatic/Hybridization 636
Techniques, 625 p,-Adrenergic Receptor Invasive Cleavage Assays, 625 Haplotypes, 636 OLA, 625
4.4 Single Gene Pharmacogenetic Studies in
4 Pharmacogenomics, 626
Genes Influencing Disease Progression, 636
4.1 Drug Metabolizing Enzymes, 626
4.1.1 Polymorphisms in the Cytochrome 4.4.1 Acute Coronary Syndromes, 636
P450 System, 627 4.4.2 Alzheimer's Disease, 638 CYP2D6,627 4.4.3 Hypercholesterolemia, 639 CYP2C9, 628 4.5 Clinical Relevance, 641 CYP2C19,629 5 Research and Development, 641 CYP3A4/5/7,629 5.1 Influence of Pharmacogenomics on Clinical
4.1.2 Polymorphisms in Other Important Trials, 642
Drug Metabolizing Enzymes, 630 5.2 Use of Pharmacogenomic Data in the Dihydropyrimidine Clinical Trial Process, 642
Dehydrogenase, 630 5.3 Examples from the Literature, 643 N-Acetyltransferase-2, 630 6 Obstacles Facing the Field of Thiopurine Methyltransferase, Pharmacogenomics, 644
630 6.1 Complexity and Cost, 644
4.2 Polymorphisms in Drug Transporter Genes, 6.2 Will Pharmacogenomics Improve Medical
631 Care?, 644
4.3 Polymorphisms in Drug Target Genes and 6.3 Paradigm Shift in Health Care, 645
Clinical Efficacy, 632 6.4 Ethical Considerations, 645
4.3.1 ACE Insertiofleletion Polymor-
7 Conclusion, 646
phism, 633 .

1 INTRODUCTION in February 2001 as a result of the Human

Genome Project (1).This has sparked a re-
1.1 History newed fervor for research in genomics that
will certainly carry us through and beyond the
1.1.1 Watson and Crick to the Human Ge- 21st century, the post-genomic era.
nome Project. It seems to have all started at
the turn of the 20th century. Mendel's laws 1.1.2 Drug Response and Toxicity Variabil-
came back into favor within the scientific com- ity. It is an incontrovertible fact that large in-
munity, leading to discoveries in the cellular terpatient variability exists in response to
basis for heredity. But it wasn't until 1953 medications. Variation in response has existed
when Watson and Crick first described and as long as medications have been used for the
built the elegant model of the structure of prevention and treatment of disease. In many
DNA that the field of genetics became not just ways, the field of pharmacogenomics began
a science, but an obsession. Over the last 50 serendipitously in the 1950s after seminal ob-
years, scientists have been feverishly trying to servations describing variability in response
unlock and decode the secrets of the human to medications. Examples included peripheral
genome. Then, a monumental accomplish- neuropathy from isoniazid among slow acety-
ment was achieved when the first draft of the lators (2), prolonged apnea from succinylcho-
entire human genome sequence was published line caused by pseudocholinesterase deficiency
1 Introduction

(31,and severe hypotension from debrisoquine ever, there are only 20 amino acids, hence sev-
among cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2D6 poor me- eral different codons may specify the same
tabolizers (4). For the next 40 years, pharma- amino acid.
cogenetic studies focused almost exclusively
on the etiologies of altered variability in phar- 1.2.2 Pharmacogenetics or Pharmacogeno-
macokinetic responses to medications. mics?. Pharmacogenetics is literally a combi-
As we entered the 1990s, pharmacogeno- nation of pharmacology and genetics. It thus
mic studies began to include studies that ex- stands to reason that pharmacogenetics is the
amined pharmacodynamic variability in drug study of how an individual's genetic makeup
response. Now instead of examining only dif- may influence response to medications. The
ferences in drug metabolizing enzymes, scien- field of pharrnacogenetics has been around in
tists began to focus on genes that encode drug one form or another for over 50 years. Histor-
transporters, drug targets, and ion channels. ically, differences in drug response were ob-
The goal of this chapter is to provide a primer served and documented. Based on these phe-
on pharrnacogenomics and describe how the notypic (i.e., the outward physical effect of a
human genome and molecular biology tech- genotype) observations, scientists explored
niques are transforming medicine to create an heredity and gene lines to pharmacogeneti-
era of personalized therapeutics. cally explain these differences in response.
Scientists further explored and concentrated
1.2 Genetic/Cenomic Definitions efforts on the pharmacokinetics (i.e., absorp-
tion, distribution, metabolism, and excretion)
1.2.1 Basics. The human genome is made of these medications in search of genetic dif-
up of DNA, which is organized into 23 chromo- ferences in, for example, how fast or slow a
somes. DNA is a double helical structure that particular drug is metabolized. Then came the
is composed of sugar, phosphate, and a nitrog- Human Genome Project and birth of the term
enous base. The DNA strands are held to- pharrnacogenomics.
gether by hydrogen bonds. The four nitroge- There has been considerable debate about
nous bases that make up DNA are adenine (A), whether the terms pharmacogenetics and
guanine (GI, cytosine (C), and thymine (T). pharrnacogenomics mean the same thing or
The base pairing is consistent in that adenine whether they truly are different sciences.
always binds to thymine and cytosine always Some state that pharmacogenomics is just the
binds to guanine. A combination of three base new en vogue terminology of late. Some state
pairs makes up a codon, and each codon spec- that pharmacogenetics looks at a single gene
ifies an amino acid that will be incorporated whereas pharmacogenomics looks at multiple
into a protein. The process of making a protein interacting genes. Others state that there is a
begins when an RNA polymerase attaches to a fundamental difference in the way the re-
region of DNA known as the promoter region. search problem or hypothesis is approached.
This single-stranded chain now serves as a Few would argue that pharmacogenomics has
template to synthesize a single-stranded RNA its roots in pharmacogenetics, but it is the re-
molecule. Once RNA has been formed in the cent technology in molecular biology along
nucleus of the cell, it is transported to the ri- with the Human Genome Project that has
bosomes in the cytoplasm of the cell where shaped and defined the field of pharmaco-
translation will occur. However, before trans- genomics. Pharmacogenetics historically re-
lation occurs, the RNA is processed and in- lied heavily on phenotypic observations to
trons, non-coding regions of the DNA, are re- drive hypotheses about genetic differences (5).
moved. The removal of non-coding regions is But, with today's technology, one can take a
termed splicing. Exons, coding regions of genome-wide approach to apriori hypothesize
DNA, constitute only 5% of the human ge- about differences in drug response and/or
nome. Once this has occurred, the RNA mole- search for novel drug targets. This is the es-
cule is translated into amino acids and pro- sence of pharmacogenomics. Furthermore,
teins. Because there are four nucleotides, a pharrnacogenetics typically concentrated its
total of 64 different codons are possible. How- research in the area of pharmacokinetics thus
620 SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polyrnorphisms and Pharrnacogenornics-Individually Designed Drug Therapy

looking at drug-metabolizing enzyme poly- occur outside of the coding block. Coding
morphism~(6). However, pharmacogenomics SNPs can further be classified as either synon-
opens a genomic Pandora's box, allowing the ymous or non-synonymous. A synonymous
ability to explore not only drug-metabolizing SNP is a polymorphism in which, although the
polymorphisms, but also drug target polymor- codon has been changed, both the wild-type
phism~,drug transporter polymorphisms, and and the polymorphic variant code for the exact
disease progression polymorphisms. If the same amino acid. Thus, a non-synonymous
goal of pharmacogenetics is to explain the in- SNP is one in which a different amino acid is
ter-individual differences in drug response coded and is therefore the most common SNP
based on genetic information, then it is the described in the literature. A non-synonymous
promise of pharmacogenomics to truly indi- SNP can further be classified as conservative
vidualize pharmacotherapy (5). or non-conservative. A conservative non-syn-
onymous SNP confers an amino acid substitu-
tion of similar size and charge to that of the
2 SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHJSMS original amino acid, whereas a non-conserva-
tive non-synonymous SNP substitutes an
2.1 Definition amino acid that is very different in size and/or
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; pro- charge which may greatly impact protein fold-
nounced "snips") are single base pair substi- ing. It thus stands to reason that a non-conser-
tutions that occur in a sequence of DNA. It has vative nonsynonymous SNP may potentially
been estimated that SNPs occur at a fre- cause the most obvious genetic variations.
quency of approximately 1 in 1000 base pairs. It is becoming increasingly important given
Because the human genome contains approx- the dogma of pharmacogenomics to evaluate
imately 3 billion base pairs, there should be multiple SNPs. A haplotype is a collection of
approximately 30,000,000 SNPs in the ge- SNPs on a particular locus. The locus could be
nome (7). However, the number of SNPs in multiple genes, one entire gene or merely a
coding regions (i.e., the regions that actually segment of a gene. By examining haplotypes,
code for proteins) of the genome has been es- the interaction between SNPs can be further
timated at 500,000. Recently, a "SNP map" of addressed and elucidated. For example, SNPs
the human genome was published containing can often travel together because of linkage
1.42 million SNPs (1). The researchers found disequilibrium, thus making it very important
an average density of one SNP every 1.9 kb, or to study the haplotype. It therefore may be
approximately 1 in 1900 base pairs. They also potentially misleading to only look at the indi-
estimated that of the 1.42 million SNPs iden- vidual SNPs without considering their inter-
tified, only 60,000 SNPs actually fell in coding play. This has indeed been proven to be the
regions. However, it is important to consider case in a seminal paper looking at &-adrener-
that, although a SNP may fall outside the cod- gic receptor polymorphisms is asthma (8).The
ing region, it may be in linkage disequilibrium details of this case are described in more detail
with a coding SNP, thus indirectly affecting a in Section
biologic or pharmacologic response. Irregard- It is also very important to note that SNPs
less, in order to be classified as a polymor- are not the only polymorphisms out there that
phism, it must have a frequency of at least 1% affect drug response. Up until now, we have
in the population. However, to be of routine been discussing what happens when a single
clinical use, the frequency of polymorphisms nucleotide base-pair is substituted. However,
may need to be much higher. there are also polymorphisms causing inser-
tion or deletion of a segment of DNA, splice
2.2 Classification of SNPs
site mutations resulting in exon skipping, mi-
crosatellite nucleotide repeats, gene duplica-
As alluded to above, there are several different tion, point mutations resulting in early stop
types of SNPs. Coding SNPs are those poly- codons, and complete gene deletions. This
morphism~that are located within the coding makes for an incredibly complex variety of
block of the gene, whereas noncoding SNPs SNPs that are potentially responsible for in-
3 Technologies Used in Pharmacogenomics

ter-individual response differences observed Wild type Variant

with certain medications.
PCR amplification

(formamide+ heat)
The cornerstone of genomic and pharmacog-
enomic studies is the ability to accurately I I
identify genetic variations. The last few years Separation
have brought the development of many low- (Non-denaturing
cost, high-throughput technologies that have gel)
permitted investigators to address genetic C T
questions that were previously unapproach- Figure 12.1. Single-strand conformation polyrnor-
able. The molecular biology component of phism analysis. Single-stranded DNA5 are gener-
pharmacogenomics research essentially in- ated by denaturation of the PCR products and sep-
volves two fundamental activities: discovering arated on a nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel. A
new genetic variants (i.e., SNP discovery) and fragment with a single-base modification generally
assaying for known mutations (i.e., genotyp- forms a different conformer and migrates differ-
ing). Selection of the most appropriate tech- ently when compared with the wild-type DNA. Re-
nology is based on which of these two activities produced with permission from Ref. 9.
are planned. While factors such as cost, accu-
racy, and throughput requirements are al- mize the amount of sequencing allow for more
ways important to consider, the most appro- efficient use of resources.
priate technology for a given project is driven A commonly used strategy is to use poly-
by the state of knowledge concerning the gene, merase chain reaction (PCR) techniques.
locus, or disease to be studied. For example, Quite simply, one would PCR-amplify the
when there is an abundance of knowledge on genes of interest and scan the PCR products
the gene sequence and variation therein, the for the presence of variants. These gene scan-
most appropriate technology will allow conve- ning techniques differentiate PCR products
nient robust assaying of known mutations which contain a variant sequence from those
(i.e., genotyping). When there is less informa- that do not. By only sequencing positive PCR
tion known on gene sequence and variation products, gene scanning methods reduce the
(polymorphism) within the gene, technologies amount of sequencing required to discover
that identify new genetic variation would be new SNPs.
most appropriate. One of the most widely used methods for dis-
covering new variants is a conformation-based
technique called single-strand conformation
3.1 SNP Discovery
polymorphism (SSCP) analysis (Fig. 12.1).
A variety of techniques are available for SNP SSCP is based on the principle that a single-
discovery. DNA sequencing remains the most stranded DNA molecule has a specific sequence-
direct method to determine the sequence of a dependent three-dimensional structure. Se-
target gene and remains the gold standard for quence variants can be observed by running
detecting mutations. In this mode, an individ- single-stranded PCR products through a gel ma-
ual's sequence can be compared with many trix. An amplicon with a single nucleotide sub-
wild-type sequences to identify new polymor- stitution generally forms a different conforma-
phism~.Improvements in analytical software tion and will migrate differently than wild-type
and platform have made modern automated DNA through a polyacrylamide gel during elec-
DNA sequencers much more user friendly. trophoresis. By comparing the mobility of a se-
Nonetheless, the use of DNA sequencing to ries of test samples with that of a control sample,
identify population-wide variation is a costly, it is possible to identify those samples with a
labor-intensive endeavor. Strategies to mini- sequence variation.
622 SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Pharmacogenomics-Individually Designed Drug Therapy

Table 12.1 Members of the SNP Consortium searchers, this represents an extremely valu-
AP Biotech able tool in which to do in silico searches to
AstraZenecca identify new candidate SNPs (11).
Bayer AG 3.2 Cenotyping Technologies
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Hoffman-LaRoche There are many options available to investiga-
GlaxoSmithKline tors for SNP genotyping. These vary along a
Novartis range of cost, throughput, robustness, and
Pfizer convenience. In comparing currently available
Searle and emerging technologies, a distinction
should be made between the analytical bio-
Other popular scanning methods for SNP chemistries that underlie the different geno-
discovery include chemical or enzymatic mis- typing assays and the variety of platforms and
match cleavage detection, denaturing gradi- modes of detection, or readout, of the genotyp-
ent gel electrophoresis, and denaturing high ing results. For instance, it is sometimes sug-
performance liquid chromatography (dHPLC). gested that DNA microarrays are a new pow-
The underlying principle of these methods is erful method of genotyping, when in reality
that the melting characteristics of double DNA microarrays simply represent a means of
stranded DNA are largely defined by its se- spatially arranging biochemical reactions,
quence (9).Therefore, sequence variation will whether hybridization alone or hybridization
produce variable DNA denaturing and rean- linked to an enzymatic reaction, so that the
nealing, such that during electrophoresis a end result of the reaction can be efficiently
single-base mismatch can produce conforma- quantified or scored (12).
tional changes that result in differential mi- Because genotyping assays require a high
gration of homoduplexes and heteroduplexes level of specificity, an additional distinction
containing these base mismatches (10). should be made between those biochemistries
The Human Genome Project, the SNP that rely primarily on differential hybridiza-
Consortium, and other sequencing efforts tion for their specificity and those that derive
have produced large amounts of human se- specificity from the product of an enzymatic
quence data that are available in public data- reaction. By combining one of the available
bases. In fact, in the fourth quarter of 2001, allelic discrimination biochemistries with ei-
the SNP Consortium, which was created by ther a solution phase or solid (array) phase
the Wellcome Trust and a group of pharma- reaction platform and a common detection
ceutical companies (Table 12.1),will complete methodology [electrophoresis, fluorescence,
a catalog of 1,000,000 SNPs for public usage fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET),
( The actual SNP identifi- etc.1, a number of viable genotyping technolo-
cation and mapping will be performed at the gies have been developed.
five genomics institutes (Table 12.2). These
sequence and SNP databases will provide a 3.2.1 Enzymatic-Based Techniques.
basis for rapid and efficient genome-wide SNP Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restric-
discovery using data assembled from se- tion Fragment Length Polymorphism. One of
quences from libraries of cDNAs. For re- the simplest methods to genotype test samples
is through restriction fragment length poly-
Table 12.2 Institutes Responsible f o r morphism (RFLP)analysis. With this method,
Identification, Mapping, and Analysis
after PCR, the PCR products are digested with
o f SNPs
an appropriate restriction enzyme and visual-
The Sanger Centre ized by staining the gel after electrophoresis.
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research If the test sample contains a genetic polymor-
Washington University School of Medicine phism that causes a gain or loss of the restric-
Stanford Human Genome Center
tion site, then that sample will display a differ-
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratom
ent migration pattern on the gel. Appropriate
3 Technologies Used in Pharmacogenomics

PCR of area that

includes polymorphic


Single stranded
PCR products

Addition of extension
primer which will anneal
immediately adjacent to
(but not including) the
polymorphic site

Annealing of
Addition of labeled
ddNTPs and DNA
T-* , G-• G-*
- ---- c Extension by
one base

----A ----- ---- c ----- Detection

Figure 12.2. Single base primer extension. This patient is heterozygous for this A to C substitution.
The labels from both ddNTPs can be detected in this sample. In the case of a homozygous genotype,
only one of the labels would be detected. Detection might be through ELISA, fluorescence, FRET, or

quality control measures require that positive simple assay, a region containing the polymor-
and negative controls be present in each assay phism of interest is first amplified in a PCR
to confirm that the restriction enzyme is ac- reaction. The double-stranded PCR product is
tive. prepared into a single-stranded DNA frag-
The main advantages of RFLP analysis are ment by heat or enzymatic digestion. A third
that it is simple to develop and use. It also does primer is then used in the primer extension
not require expensive equipment, and it is ef- reaction. On the single-stranded PCR product,
fective for genotyping a small number of sam- this third primer, called the primer extension
ples. The principle disadvantages are that it primer, anneals immediately adjacent to, but
is time consuming, labor intensive, and not only including, the site of the known muta-
amenable for large numbers of samples or ge- tion. After addition of DNA polymerase and
notypes. Another drawback is that not all labeled chain-terminating dideoxynucleotides
SNPs produce a usable restriction site. corresponding to the wild-type and variant se- Single Base Primer Extension. One quence, one of the two dideoxynucleotideswill
of the most effective ways to detecting poly- be added onto the primer at the site of the
morphism~is a technique known as single- mutation. Unlike regular deoxynucleotides,
base primer extension (Fig. 12.2). In this which will extend indefinitely, dideoxynucle-
624 SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Pharmacogenomics-Individually Designed Drug Therapy

otides will only extend by one base. After com- 3.2.2 Hybridization-Based Techniques
pletion of the primer extension reaction, de- Allele-Specific Amplification. The al-
tection of the reaction products may occur in lele-specific amplification (ASA)assay is based
any number of ways (13,14). on the finding that PCR amplification will not
An important distinguishing feature of occur if a primer has a mismatch at the 3' end.
primer extension is that assay specificity Therefore, to detect the presence of a polymor-
arises from the enzymatic specificity of DNA phism, two different forward primers can be
polymerase, not from the hybridization of the designed for use with a common reverse
extension primer. Consequently, single base primer such that the 3' end of each forward
extension is rapidly gaining acceptance as the primer matches the expected nucleotide at the
reaction biochemistry of choice for high- polymorphic site for both the normal and vari-
throughput genotyping of SNPs. It is well ant sequences. A sample can be tested for the
suited for high-throughput applications be- variant by running two PCR reactions; one
cause the reactions can occur under similar with the primer set containing the normal se-
reaction conditions, assay design and optimi- quence and the second reaction containing the
zation are minimal, and it is portable to a va- primer set containing the variant sequence.
riety of detection platforms (15). For these By monitoring for the formation of allele-spe-
reasons, single-base primer extension is being cific PCR products, the identity of the test
licensed and adapted for use of a variety of sample can be known. The results of the assay
different platforms and detection systems, in- can be detected through electrophoresis. The
cluding indirect colorimetric detection on addition of fluorescent dyes to primers allows
ELISA-style microtiter plates (Orchid Bio- for easy multiplexing of reactions. The princi-
Sciences' SNPStream 25K and SNPware 96 pal drawback of ASA based methods is the lack
kits), DNA array product capture systems of specificity because of the difficulty in opti-
(SNPcode kits for use on Affymetrix's Gene- mizing reaction conditions so that only per-
Chip and GeneFlex; Aper's APEX), fluores- fectly matched oligonucleotides will be ampli-
cent bead-based sorting devices (Luminex's fied.
LabMAP), capillary DNA sequencers (ABI's DNA Array Genotyping. Allele-spe-
Snapshot and Amersham Pharmacia Bio- cific hybridization biochemistry underlies
tech's SNuPe), mass spectrometry (Seque- many of the chip-based genotyping systems.
nom), and fluorescence polarization (Perkin DNA chip-based genotyping systems allow for
Elmer). the simultaneous analysis of many polymor- Pyrosequencing. Another enzymatic phic loci on one genetic sample. Thousands or
genotyping method is pyrosequencing (Pyro- even hundreds of thousands of allele specific
sequencing AB). In this method, primer exten- oligonucleotides are created and attached in
sion is monitored by luminometric detection an order pattern onto a solid glass or silicon
of pyrophosphate, which is released on the ad- surface creating an array of surface bound oli-
dition of deoxynucleotides. The pyrophos- gonucleotide probes. Each bound oligonucleo-
phate is converted to ATP, which in turn stim- tide functions as an allele-specific probe. After
ulates luciferase to produce light which can be PCR amplification of the areas of interest with
detected. As the deoxynucleotides are added, fluorescently labeled nucleotides, the sample
the complementary DNA strand is built up is then hybridized to the chip. Perfectly
and the nucleotide sequence can be deter- matched probes hybridize more efficiently to
mined from the signal strength. Using pyrose- the bound oligonucleotides and therefore give
quencing, the sequence of short 30-50 bp a stronger signal (10). As with other hybrid-
stretches of DNA can be determined (15, 16). ization-based reactions, the drawback of this
This method available in a 96-well format and system is the difficulty in achieving the appro-
might be useful for small low-throughput ap- priate stringency of hybridization conditions
plications, but the high cost may be an issue so that only perfectly matched oligonucleo-
when high genotyping throughput is neces- tides will be retained and provide a positive
sary. signal.
3 Technologies Used in Pharmacogenomics

Moreover, chips must be custom made and based on hybridization, requires a highly spe-
are therefore expensive and very inflexible. cific assay condition to deliver robust geno-
Adding a new SNP to the analysis means that types. Also, because four oligonucleotide
the entire chip must be redesigned. Universal probes are required (two of which must be
tag array systems are being used as a reaction fluorescently labeled), these assays can be ex-
sorting system and can lower the cost and in- pensive to run.
crease the flexibility of chip-based genotyping
systems. Many of the more specific enzyme- 3.2.3 Combined Enzymatic/Hybridization
based biochemistries such as single base Techniques
primer extension and oligonucleotide ligation lnvasive Cleavage Assays. The In-
assay (OLA) are being developed for array- vader assay (Third Wave Technologies, Inc.) is
based genotyping (17, 18). a FRET-based enzymatichybridization com- Homogeneous Solution Hybridiza- bination genotyping method that offers the
tion with Fluorescence Resonance Energy potential to genotype without prior PCR am-
Transfer. The Taqman (Applied Biosystems, plification. This assay uses two hybridization
Inc.) assay uses allele-specific hybridization oligonucleotides (a wild-type and a variant-
to distinguish between alleles during PCR specific oligonucleotide) plus an Invader
with fluorescence resonance energy transfer probe. The two hybridization probes partially
(FRET) detection. FRET detection is based on overlap a known polymorphic site and com-
the observation that the fluorescent emissions pete for hybridization. When one probe suc-
from one fluorescent dye can be absorbed by cessfully hybridizes, it forces the other probe
another fluorescent dye when the two are in into an overlapping position, which will be rec-
close physical proximity. This assay uses two ognized and cleaved by the enzyme flap endo-
sets of probes: a pair of PCR primers and a set nuclease (20, 21). The cleaved fragment acts
of allele-specific Taqman probes. The Taqman as an "invader" probe in a second reaction,
probes differ at the polymorphic site, such where it directs the cleavage of a n end-labeled
that one probe is specific for the wild-type al- FRET probe-template construct (9). While
lele, whereas the other is specific for variant avoiding PCR and genotyping directly from
allele. Each allele-specific probe is also labeled genomic DNA are hypothetical advantages of
with both a 5' fluorescent reporter dye and a the Invader assay, this requires a large .
3' quencher dye. Both probes use the same 3' amount of genomic DNA, which can be in
quencher dye [6-carboxy-N,N,N',N'-tetrachlo- short supply. This advantage is completely
rofluorescein (TAMRA)], whereas the wild- lost if investigators must perform the assay on
type allele and variant allele probes are also DNA fragments previously amplified by PCR
labeled with 6-carboxy-4,7,2',7'-tetrachlorofluo- (22).
rescein (TET) or 6-carboxyfluorescein (FAM), OLA. The OLA uses an enzymatic
respectively. While the probes are intact, there reaction to increase the specificity of a hybrid-
is no fluorescent signal because of the close ization-based approach. Three very specific
proximity of the quencher dye to the reporter oligonucleotide probes are used in OLA: one
dyes (19). specific for the wild-type allele, one specific for
During the PCR amplification, one or both the variant allele, and a common probe that
of the allele-specific probes anneal to the poly- carries a fluorescent label. PCR is used to cre-
morphic region. During the extension phase, ate amplicons containing the polymorphic
the 5' reporter dye is cleaved and released by site. When the PCR products are incubated
the 5' nuclease activity of the Tag polymerase. with all three probes, the 5' region of the com-
Cleavage releases the 5'reporter dye from the mon probe anneals just downstream of the
probe, allowing it to emit its characteristic flu- polymorphic site. The 3' end of either of the
orescence (9). allele specific probes anneals adjacent to the 5'
Because post-PCR processing or manipula- end of the common probe. In the presence of
tion is not required, the Taqman assay is sim- thermostable DNA ligase, the two probes will
ple to perform once the assay has been opti- join only if there is a perfect match. The re-
mized. Unfortunately, the assay, which is sults of the assay can be observed either by gel
626 SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Pharmacogenomics-Individually Designed Drug Therapy

Phase I Phase ll
epoxide NAT2


Figure 12.3. Drug-metabolizing enzymes. Those drug-metabolizing enzyme polymorphisms that

have already been associated with altered drug effects are separated from the pie chart. For each of
the corresponding phases, the size of the pie slice approximates that drug-metabolizing enzyme's
contribution to the overall metabolism of drugs. ADH, alcohol dehydrogenase; ALDH, aldehyde
dehydrogenase; CYP, cytochrome P450; DPD, dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase; NQO1, NADPH:
quinine oxidoreductase or DT diaphorase; COMT, catechol 0-methyltransferase; GST, glutathione
S-transferase; HMT, histamine methyltransferase; NAT, N-acetyltransferase; STs, sulfotrans-
ferases; TPMT, thiopurine methyltransferase; UGTs, uridine 5'-triphosphate glucuronosyltrans-
ferases. Reproduced with permission from Ref. 6.

electrophoresis of the ligation products or by into the clinical relevance of genetic variahl-
capture of the products on a microarray built ity in the enzymes responsible for the metab-
with a set of oligonucleotides that are comple- olism of both endogenous and exogenous sub-
mentary to a tag sequence on one of the liga- strates (Fig. 12.3).
tion probes (17). The need for three specific These drug-metabolizing enzymes, such as
probes increases the costs of this genotyping the cytochrome P450s (CYP), are responsible
assay. for the metabolic elimination of most of the
drugs currently used in medicine. Genetically
determined variability in the function of these
enzymes can have a profound effect on drug
safety and efficacy.
4.1 Drug Metabolizing Enzymes
There are many molecular mechanisms of
More than 40 years ago, the deficiency of glu- variability or inactivation of drug metaboliz-
cose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (GGPD) and ing enzymes. These include splice site muta-
of the arylamine N-acetyltransferase type 2 tions resulting in exon skipping (CYP2C19),
(NAT2) were the first examples that revealed microsatellite nucleotide repeats (CYP2D6),
that hereditary variants of drug-metabolizing gene duplication (CYP2D6), point mutations
enzymes could be responsible for side effects resulting in early stop codons (CYP2D61,
and interindividual variability in response to amino acid substitutions that alter protein
drugs (23,24).Since then, significant progress stability or catalytic activity (e.g., TPMT,
has been made in the field of pharmacogenet- NAT2, CYP2D6, CYP2C19, and CYP2C9), or
ics. Much of that work involves investigation complete gene deletions (CYP2D6).
4 Pharmacogenomics 627

Table 12.3 Selected Substrates of Polymorphic Drug Metabolizing Enzymes

Propranolol S-Warfarin Omeprazole Clarithromycin

Metoprolol Glipizide Lansoprazole Erythromycin
Timolol Glimepiride Carisoprodol Midazolam
Amitriptyline Tolbutamide Diazepam Triazolam
Nortriptyline Phenytoin Pantoprazole Cyclosporine
Imipramine Celecoxib Citalopram Tacrolimus
Desipramine Ibuprofen Clomipramine Indinavir
Paroxetine Losartan Hexobarbital Nelfinavir
Fluoxetine Irbesartan Ritonavir
Venlafaxine Torsemide Saquinavir
Codeine Cisapride
Dextromethorphan Astemizole
Tolterodine Estradiol
Propafenone Hydrocortisone
Mexiletine Progesterone

4.1.1 Polymorphisms in the Cytochrome Americans (26). It is involved in the metabo-

P450 System. Cytochrome P450 (GYP) en- lism of approximately 30-40 commonly used
zymes, a very large gene family comprised of drugs. Millions of patients with compromised
numerous isoforms, oxidatively metabolize metabolism are thus at risk of adverse drug
xenobiotics, including many drugs. Specializ- reactions when prescribed drugs that are
ing in the removal of lipophilic foreign chemi- CYP2D6 substrates. Many such drugs are
cals, these enzymes rank among the most used for treating psychiatric (such as antide-
abundant proteins in the liver. Table 12.3 lists pressants and antipsychotics) and cardiovas-
selected medications that are metabolized by cular diseases (such as p-blockers and antiar-
GYP enzymes. rhythmics), where the therapeutic window
When CYF' mutations result in null alleles can be narrow and side effects common.
(inactivation), a complete lack of active en- More than 70 variant alleles of the CYP2D6
zyme and a severely compromised ability to locus have been described, of which at least 15
metabolize drugs results. Drugs may reach encode non-functional gene products. These
toxic plasma concentrations if given in regular alleles as well as several functional allelic vari-
doses to these "poor metabolizers." For exam- ants of CYP2D6 have been described that oc-
ple, mutations in the gene encoding cyto- cur at variable frequencies in racially diverse
chrome P450 CYP2C9, which metabolizes populations (27). Most of the null alleles have
warfarin, affects patients' response to the interrupted open reading frames because of
drug and their dose requirements (25). splice-site mutations, single base deletions, CYP2D6. CYP2D6, also known as nonsense mutations, or deletion of the entire
debrisoquinelsparteine hydroxylase, is highly gene. Alleles encoding non-functional full-
polymorphic and is inactive in about 8% of length proteins have also been described.
Caucasian-Americans and 2-5% of African Based on genetic diagnosis, it is now possible
628 SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Pharmacogenomics-Individually Designed Drug Therapy

to identify individuals with poor metabolizer deine must be converted to its active metabo-
(PM) phenotype as carriers of two null-alleles lite, morphine, by CYP2D6, rendering the
with over 99% certainty (28-30). 2-8% of the population who are homozygous
Whereas using a molecular diagnostic to for non-functional CYP2D6 alleles resistant to
identify CYP2D6 PMs has become much eas- the analgesic effects of this commonly used
ier, it has remained much more difficult to pre- medication. Thus, this common polymor-
dict the metabolic capacity of extensive me- phism explains at least some of the interindi-
tabolizers (EM; i.e., individuals carrying one vidual variability in pain relief from standard
or more functional gene copies) (30). Even in doses of codeine (6).
extensive metabolizers, CYP2D6 activity is CYP2C9. CYP2C9 is one of the
known to vary greatly. For example, the most abundant cytochromes P450 in the hu-
CYP2D6 activity represented by the metabolic man liver and has been shown to metabolize
ratio (MR)values of debrisoquin and desipra- a large number of drugs, including s-warfarin,
mine have been reported to show more than a losartan, glipizide, tetrahydrocannabinol, phe-
70-fold variation among extensive metaboliz- nytoin, torsemide, celecoxib, and various non-
ers in Korean and white populations (31, 32). steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (37-40).
In poor metabolizers, the genes often con- There have been six different CYP2C9 al-
tain inactivating mutations, which result in a leles described. The two most common variant
complete lack of active enzyme and a severely alleles (CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3) differ from
compromised ability to metabolize drugs. the wild-type allele (CYP2C9*1) by a single
Thus, poor metabolizers of CYP2D6 are poten- point mutation: CYP2C9*2 is characterized
tially at risk for increased plasma concentra- by an Argl44Cys amino acid substitution,
tions of drugs given at conventional doses. For whereas CYP2C9*3 has an Ile359Leu substi-
example, the metabolism of the antidepres- tution. CYP2C9*2 and *3 have been reported
sant venlafaxine is controlled by genetic poly- to occur at a frequency of 8%and 6%, respec-
morphism. Poor metabolizers of CYP2D6 tively, in the Caucasian population. Both of
have significantly reduced venlafaxine clear- these variants are much less common in Afri-
ance and an increased risk of cardiovascular can-American (1%and 0.5%, respectively) and
toxicity (33). Asian populations (0%and 2-3%, respectively)
Conversely, ultrarapid metabolizers (UM) (41). Both allelic variants are associated with
often do not reach therapeutic concentrations reduced catalytic activity compared with the
when given standard doses. In some cases, wild-type. They are reported to show approxi-
these individuals inherit up to 13 copies of the mately 12% (*2) and less than 5% (*3) of wild-
CYP2D6 gene, arranged in tandem (34). This type enzyme activity (42).
amplification polymorphism results in af- The potential clinical importance of these
fected people metabolizing drugs that are variants was recently demonstrated. Patients
CYP2D6 substrates so quickly that a thera- with one or more of these more common
peutic effect cannot be obtained at conven- CYP2C9 variant alleles (CYP2C9*2 or
tional doses. For example, it has been esti- CYP2C9*3) require a significantly lower war-
mated that, whereas a daily dose of 10-20 mg farin dose to maintain the desired level of an-
nortriptyline would be sufficient for a patient ticoagulation, and these variant alleles were
who is a CYP2D6 poor metabolizer, an UM also associated with a greater likelihood of
inheriting multiple copies of the gene could bleeding complications (25). Patients carrying
require as much as 500 mglday (35). Ultra- at least one of these variants have also been
rapid metabolizers are found in 1-10% of Cau- shown to require 30% less phenytoin to
casians and 2-3% of African Americans. achieve therapeutic phenytoin concentrations
Among Ethiopian and Saudi Arabian popula- (42).
tions, there is a very high frequency (2030%) Much less is known about the less common
of the UM phenotype (36). CYP2C9 variants. CYP2C9*4 results in an
In addition to detoxifying and eliminating Ile359Thr substitution. It has been reported
drugs and metabolites, CYP2D6 is required to be extremely rare (43). CYP2C9*5 is re-
for activation of pro-drugs. For example, co- ported to lead to an Asp360Glu substitution.
4 Pharmacogenomics

The CYP2C9*5 variant has only been ob- associated with reduced elimination of diaze-
served in African Americans, such that ap- pam (52), proguanil (53), imipramine (54),
proximately 3% of this population carries the citaloprarn (55), carisoprodol (56), and hexo-
CYP2C9*5 allele. In vitro intrinsic clearances barbital (57).
for CYP2C9*5, calculated as the ratio of V ,/ CYP3A4/5/7. The CYP3A family
K,, ranged from 8 to 18%of CYPZCS*l values consists of CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and CYP3A7.
in the initial report (44). The CYP2C9*6 vari- The CYP3A members are the most abundant
ant results in a frameshift mutation. To date, CYPs in the human liver and small intestine.
it has only been observed in one Caucasian Substantial interindividual differences in
patient (R. S. Kidd, personal communication). CYP3A expression, exceeding 30-fold in some CYP2C19. CYP2C19, also known populations, contribute greatly to variation in
as mephenytoin hydroxylase, was first de- oral bioavailability and systemic clearance of
scribed in 1993 (45). Since then, eight alleles CYP3A substrates (58). One factor contribut-
have been identified. Each of the alleles other ing to this large variability in 3A expression is
than CYP2C19*1 have been associated with the presence or absence of CYP3A5. CYP3A5
almost complete absence of gene expression. was previously detected in livers and small in-
Most of the alleles (CYP2C19*2, *3, *4, *5, "6, testines of only some adult individuals, but the
*7, and *8) occur infrequently (approximately basis for this "polymorphic" expression was
3-5% in total) in random Caucasian and Afri- unknown (59,60).
can-American populations. In all racial groups Recently, two important SNPs in CYP3A5
studied, CYP2C19*2 is the allele most com- (CYP3A5*3 and *6) were described. Relative
monly associated with an inactive gene prod- to the wild-type (CYP3A5*1),these mutations
uct. Within Asian populations, the higher fre- have been shown to cause alternative splicing
quency of CYP2C19*2 and nd2C19*3 alleles and protein truncation, which results in the
accounts for the higher prevalence in this ra- absence of CYP3A5. Only carriers of at least
cial group (approximately 35% PM) (46,471. one CYP3A5*1 allele have been shown to ex-
CYP2C19 metabolizes many clinically im- press large amounts of CYP3A5. The ethnic
portant drugs (Table 12.3). Subjects with the distribution of the CYP3A5*1 allele indicates
CYP2C19 PM phenotype have an area under that relatively high levels of CYP3A5 are ex-
the curve (AUC) of omeprazole that is more pressed by an estimated 30% of Caucasians, .
than sixfold higher than efficient metabolizers 30%of Japanese, 30%of Mexicans, 40% of Chi-
(EM), and the drug has a severely prolonged nese, and more than 50% of African Ameri-
half-life in PM individuals (48). A similar rela- cans, Southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders, and
tionship is seen for other proton pump inhibi- Southwestern American Indians (58).
tors (49). To reach similar plasma levels, PMs For most Caucasians and African Ameri-
of CYP2C19 would take about 1-2 mg of ome- cans who carry the CYP3A5*1 allele, CYP3A5
prazole instead of the recommended dose of 20 accounts for at least 50% of the total CYP3A
mg (50). content. Because most CYP3A4 substrates are
Regarding proton pump inhibitors, the ef- also substrates for CYP3A5, this CYP3A5
fect of CYP2C19 PM status is not limited to polymorphism influences overall CYP3A ac-
pharmacokinetic alterations. The difference tivity in humans (61). Thus, the presence or
in the pharmacokinetics has been shown to absence of CYP3A5 should contribute sub-
influence the outcome of H. Pylori eradication stantially to the total metabolic clearance of
therapy. Furuta et al. showed that in patients the many CYP3A substrates. Indeed, those
with confirmed H. Pylori infection treated heterozygous or homozygous for CYP3A5*1
with omeprazole or lansoprazole plus cla- should have the highest clearance and lowest
rithromycin and amoxicillin, CYP2C19 PMs oral bioavailability of CYP3A substrates.
had an eradication rate of 97.8% compared Moreover, these people might be more likely to
with a rate of 72.7% (P < 0.001) for CYP2C19 encounter a lack of efficacy from standard
EMS (51). doses (58).
In addition to the proton pump inhibitors, Important variation in other clinically rel-
CYP2C19 genotype has also been shown to be evant CYP enzymes such as CYPlA2,
630 SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Pharmacogenomics-Individually Designed Drug Therapy

CYP2A6, and CYP2E1 has been demonstrated fected by the same genetic defect (68). In ad-
and reviewed in detail elsewhere (50). dition to metabolizing drugs, NAT2 is also
known to catalyze both N-acetylation (usually
deactivation) and 0-acetylation (usually acti-
4.1.2 Polymorphisms in Other Important vation) of aromatic and heterocyclic m i n e
Drug Metabolizing Enzymes carcinogens. Epidemiological studies suggest Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase. that the NAT2 acetylation polymorphisms
Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) is modify risk of developing urinary bladder,
the initial and rate-limiting enzyme in the ca- colorectal, breast, head and neck, lung, and
tabolism of the chemotherapeutic agent 5-flu- possibly prostate cancers. Associations be-
orouracil (5-FU). Diasio et al. conducted a fa- tween slow NAT2 acetylator genotypes and
milial study that suggested an autosomal urinary bladder cancer and between rapid
recessive pattern of inheritance of deficiency NAT2 acetylator genotypes and colorectal
of DPD. While it seems that a complete ab- cancer are the most consistently reported (65).
sence of DPD activity is extremely rare, even The importance of the NAT2 polymorphisms
partial enzyme inactivity might result in se- in clinical pharmacology and toxicology has
vere toxicity from 5-FU (62). Prospectively been extensively reviewed (68,69).
evaluating the gene encoding DPD is a typical Grant et al. first demonstrated that the
example of what could be a useful pharmaco- classical isoniazid slow acetylator phenotype
genomic approach to preventing toxicity from is due, at least in part, to reduction of the ex-
a very effective drug that has a high level of pression of NAT2 protein (70). No polymor-
toxicity (63). phism~in the 5' or 3' regions of the gene have N-Acetyltransferase-2. The N-acetyl- been reported. Eleven SNPs have been identi-
transferase-2 (NAT2) polymorphism is one of fied in the NAT2 coding region. Five of these
the most common polymorphisms known in are capable of producing the slow acetylator
human populations. While more than 50% of phenotype. The four most common of these
Caucasians are NAT2 slow acetylator pheno- are NAT2*5, NAT2*6, NAT2*7, and NAT2*14.
type, there is a tremendous amount of inter- NAT2*4 is associated with the rapid acety-
ethnic variation in the frequency of the slow lator phenotype and is considered the wild-
acetylator polymorphism (64). For instance, type allele because of its absence of any of
the slow acetylator phenotype is much more these substitutions. However, NAT2*4 is
frequent in Egyptians but is much less fre- not the most common allele in many ethnic
quent in Asians (65). groups, including Caucasians and Africans
This polymorphism (NAT2)was discovered (71, 68).
almost 50 years ago after differences were ob- Thiopurine Methyltransferase. Aza-
served to isoniazid toxicity in tuberculosis pa- thioprine, thioguanine, and 6-mercaptopurine
tients (66). Subsequently, the differences in are thiopurine drugs that are used to treat
isoniazid toxicity were attributed to genetic acute lymphoblastic leukemia, autoimmune
variability in NAT2, a cytosolic phase I1 con- disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, and
jugation enzyme primarily responsible for organ transplant recipients. These drugs are
deactivation of isoniazid (67). Indeed, the poly- metabolized by the genetically polymorphic
morphism was termed the "isoniazid acetyla- enzyme thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT).
tion polymorphism" for many years until the Thiopurines are very useful drugs, but they
importance of the polymorphism in the metab- have a relatively narrow therapeutic index,
olism and disposition of other drugs and chem- with life-threatening myelosuppression as a
ical carcinogens was fully appreciated (65). major toxicity (72).
Since these first observations, a wealth of Population studies have found that approx-
clinical evidence has shown that the disposi- imately 11%of Caucasians are heterozygous
tion of a variety of drugs (including sulfon- and 0.3% homozygous for TPMT deficiency
amides, dapsone, hydralazine, procainarnide, (73). For the TPMT polymorphism, all pa-
and caffeine) possessing primary aromatic tients who inherit two non-functional TPMT
amino or hydrazine functional groups is af- alleles will develop dose-limiting hematopoi-
4 Pharmacogenomics

Table 12.4 Selected Substrates, Inducers, and Inhibitors of P-

Glycoprotein (138)
P-Glycoprotein P-Glycoprotein P-Glycoprotein
Substrates Inhibitors Inducers
Amiodarone Amiodarone Dexarnethasone
Anthracyclines Atorvastatin Phenobarbital
Cisplatin Clarithromycin Phenytoin
Cyclosporine Cyclosporine Rifampin
Cytarabine Diltiazem St. John's Wort
Dactinomycin Erythromycin
Daunorubicin Itraconazole
Dexamethasone Ketoconazole
Digoxin Quinidine
Docetaxel Quinine
Doxorubicin Ritonavir
Etoposide Tacrolimus
Fexofenadine Tamoxifen
Fluorouracil Verapamil

etic toxicity. Patients deficient in this drug- by promoting efflux of chemotherapy (79). P-
metabolizing enzyme can require up to a 15- glycoprotein is also expressed in normal cells
fold reduction in mercaptopurine to prevent including the intestinal epithelium, renal
fatal hematotoxicity (74-77). proximal tubule, liver, adrenal cortex, pla-
The full clinical and molecular implications centa, testes, and blood-brain barrier. Re-
of this variant have recently been reviewed cently, P-gp has been implicated as the caus-
(72, 78). ative factor in numerous pharmacokinetic
interactions (80). For example, amiodarone
4.2 Polymorphisms in Drug Transporter and quinidine therapy increases serum
digoxin concentrations through inhibition of
P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is an ATP-dependent P-gp in the intestine and renal tubule, which
drug efflux pump. In humans, P-gp is encoded increases digoxin absorption and decreases to-
by the multi-drug resistance gene (MDR-1) tal body clearance. Table 12.4 provides a par-
that is located on the long arm of chromosome tial list of substrates, inhibitors, or inducers of
7. Overexpression of P-gp in neoplastic cells is P-gp. Considerable substrate overlap and tis-
associated with the phenomenon of multi- sue location exist between P-gp and the CYP
drug resistance to chemotherapeutic agents 3A4 isoenzyme.
632 SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Pharmacogenomics-Individually Designed Drug Therapy

Table 12.5 Selected Polymorphisms Associated With Altered Drug Response

GeneIGene Product Medication Effect Associated with Polymorphism Reference
&OX5 Lipoxygenase inhibitors Improvement in FEV,
Angiotensin 1 receptor Losartan Reduction in mean arterial pressure
PI-Adrenergicreceptor Metoprolol Reduction in blood pressure
@,-Adrenergicreceptor Albuterol Improvement in FEV,
Bradykinin B2 receptor ACE inhibitors ACE inhibitor induced cough
Dopamine D2 receptor Dopamine antagonists Anxiolytic/antidepressiveeffects of
Estrogen receptor Equine estrogen Increased bone mineral density
Gsa p-blockers Reduction in blood pressure
Platelet Fc Heparin Heparin induced thrombocytopenia
Serotonin transporter SSRIs Antidepressant response 144,145

Sixteen SNPs have been identified to date compared with Caucasians and Asians. Conse-
in the MDR-1 gene (81). Most of the polymor- quently, plasma concentrations of drugs that
phisms are either synonymous or occur in in- are P-gp substrates may be lower among Afri-
tronic regions. However, one synonymous can populations than those of other racial
polymorphism in exon 26 (C3435T) has func- backgrounds despite equivalent doses. Sup-
tional significance by influencing the expres- porting this is a study that revealed that Afri-
sion of P-gp in the intestine. Individuals with can-American subjects had lower plasma cy-
the TT genotype have a twofold lower expres- closporine concentrations compared with
sion of P-gp compared with the CC genotype Caucasians given equivalent doses (84). Afi-i-
(82). Thus, one could predict that individuals can-American patients have a higher rejection
with the TT genotype would have higher con- rate after transplantation compared with
centrations of drugs that are P-gp substrates Caucasians. Plausibly, the higher frequency of
and indeed this is the case. In one study, sub- the C allele among African Americans may re-
jects with the TT genotype had a statistically sult in subtherapeutic concentrations of P-gp
significant 38% higher digoxin C, concen- substrates tacrolimus and cyclosporine and
tration compared with subjects with the CC therefore increased risk of rejection. Likewis'e,
genotype (82). Therefore, patients with the the HIV-protease inhibitors may be less effec-
TT genotype would also be expected to have tive among patients with the CC genotype and
higher conceintrations of other P-gp substrates. may have diminished penetration into the
Alternatively, CC homozygotes through in- central nervous system. Clearly, further study
creased expression of P-gp may experience is needed to determine the association be-
subtherapeutic concentrations of P-gp sub- tween the C3435T polymorphism with treat-
strates and experience therapeutic failures. ment outcomes among patients receiving P-gp
Genotype frequencies at exon 26 are highly substrates.
dependent on the ethnicity of the population
studied. One recent investigation examined 4.3 Polymorphisms in Drug Target Genes
1280 subjects from 10 different ethnic groups
and Clinical Efficacy
(British Caucasians, Ghanaians, Kenyans, Af-
rican Americans, Sudanese, Portuguese, The biomedical literature contains a multi-
Southwest Asians, Chinese, Filipinos, and tude of publications that attempt to correlate
Saudis) (83). The frequency of the T allele (as- genetic variation underlying differential re-
sociated with lower expression of P-gp) was sponse to medications. It is obviously not fea-
significantly lower in the African populations sible to review all of the examples from the
compared with the Asian and Caucasian literature, however, Table 12.5 summarizes
groups (16-27% versus 41-66%). Based on several of these polymorphisms that are asso-
this finding, persons of African descent would ciated with altered drug response. Our goal is
be expected to have higher P-gp expression to provide several illustrative examples of how
4 Pharmacogenomics

polymorphisms in drug targets are being used drug response pathway. Thus, the findings
to establish a personalized medicine platform. with the ACE I/D polymorphism provide a ra-
tionale for future studies to eschew the sim-
4.3.1 ACE Insertion/Deletion Polymor- plicity of examining a single SNP and instead
phism. One of the most studied polymor- incorporate a more genomic approach.
hhisms occurs in the gene encoding angioten- One such effort examined 45 polymor-
sin-converting enzyme. This polymorphism p h i s m ~in genes encoding angiotensinogen,
occurring in intron 16 is not a SNP. Rather it ACE, and the AT1 receptor (90). A total of 91
is an insertionldeletion (ID) of a 287-base pair patients who had received an ACE inhibitor
product. Numerous studies have demon- for the treatment of hypertension were retro-
strated that the D allele is associated with spectively studied, and 10 polymorphisms as-
higher concentrations of the hormone, angio- sociated with a good response were identified.
tensin I1 (85). The functional consequences of These 10 polymorphisms, termed "genetic sig-
these findings are apparent and have been natures," were then prospectively evaluated
supported by several examples from the liter- in 102 patients with hypertension who re-
ature demonstrating that the D allele is asso- ceived ACE inhibitors. The response rate to
ciated with increased risk of hypertension, ACE inhibitor therapy was 73%among the pa-
myocardial infarction, and ventricular ar- tients with the "genetic signatures" compared
rhythmias (86-88). Presence of the D allele is with 42% response rate in the cohort without
also associated with a poorer prognosis among the "genetic signatures." Thus, while focusing
patients with heart failure (89). Among 328 on a single SNP is easy, it is unlikely to yield
~ a t i e n t with
s heart failure followed at a car- sufficient predictive accuracy to be useful clin-
diomyopathy clinic, after 2 years, the percent- ically. Future pharrnacogenomic studies will
age of patients with transplant-free survival need to examine the impact of several SNPs
was 78% for the I1 genotype, 65% ID, and 60% and haplotypes to correlate these "genetic sig-
DD (P= 0.044). Interestingly, these investiga- natures" with drug variability.
tors also examined the impact of the ACE I/D
polymorphism with P-blocker therapy in this 4.3.2 Angiotensin Type 1 Receptor. Angio-
cohort of patients. In the 208 patients who tensin I1 produces its deleterious effects by in-
were not receiving P-blocker therapy, the teractingwith the angiotensin type 1receptor.
2-year transplant-free survival was 81% 11, A well-described polymorphism exists in the
61%ID, and 48% DD. However, a provocative gene encoding the angiotensin type 1 receptor
finding was that P-blocker therapy obviated with either an adenine (A) or cytosine (C) at
the influence of the D allele with poor progno- position 1166 of the 3' untranslated region of
sis. Among patients receiving p-blockers, the the gene. Case-control studies have shown an
2-year transplant-free survival was 70% for I1 association between the C allele and increased
genotype, 71% for ID, and 77% DD (P = NS). risk of hypertension, aortic stiffness, and a
Table 12.6 reviews several studies examin- worse prognosis among patients with idio-
ing the impact of the insertioddeletion poly- pathic heart failure (91-93). Thus, angioten-
morphism with clinical response to ACE in- sin receptor blockers used in the management
hibitor therapy. Review of these studies of hypertension and heart failure may be par-
reveals numerous conflicting results. Several ticularly effective among patients with the C
possibilities exist for these equivocal findings allele. One study of healthy volunteers demon-
including heterogeneous patient populations, strated that subjects carrying at least one C
sample size, endpoints, and study duration. allele experienced a larger decrease in mean
However, perhaps the largest factor resides in arterial pressure and an increase in glomeru-
the limitation of examining a single SNP. lar filtration rate compared with subjects with
Medications act with numerous transporters the AA genotype (94). Although this finding
and receptors to illicit a therapeutic response. warrants further study, it suggests that the C
Consequently, it is more plausible that vari- allele may be an important predictor of re-
ability in drug efficacy will be caused by poly- sponse to angiotensin receptor blockers. Be-
morphism~in multiple genes involved in the cause this polymorphism occurs in an un-
Table 12.6 Impact of Angiotensin-ConvertingEnzyme Polymorphisms and Response to ACE Inhibitor Therapy
Study Population Results
27 Healthy volunteers Captopril significantly reduced mean arterial pressure in the I1 and ID genotypes; no significant
change in the DD group. Renal vascular resistance was significantly reduced in the I1 and ID
genotypes with no significant change in the DD group (148).
27 Healthy volunteers No correlation between ACE genotype and reduction in mean arterial pressure after single dose of
530 Patients with diabetes Largest reduction in albumin excretion rate occurred in lisinopril treated patients with the I1
.p genotype (150).
212 Non-diabetic patients with proteinuria Largest reduction in proteinuria occurred in ramipril treated patients with the DD genotype
104 Patients with hypertension Statistically significantly greater reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure after 6 months
of fosinopril therapy among patients with the DD genotype compared with I1 or ID genotypes
57 Patients with hypertension Absolute and percent reduction in diastolic blood pressure tended to decline more after 6 weeks of
imidapril therapy among hypertensive patients with the 11genotype compared with ID and DD
genotypes (153).
4 Pharrnacogenomics

translated region of the gene, it is likely that with no wild-type alleles had a 1%decrease in
this polymorphism is in linkage with another FEV, from active treatment.

4.3.3 ACE I/D and AGTRI Interaction. In 4.3.5 &-Adrenergic Receptor Polymor-
routine clinical practice, risk factors for dis- phism~.The pl-adrenergic receptor (AR) is a
ease tend to be either additive or synergistic. G-protein-coupled receptor expressed in a
In general, a patient with hypertension, diabe- number of cell types including the heart and
tes, and hyperlipidemia is at greater risk of kidneys. The gene that codes for the pl-AR is
suffering an acute coronary event compared intronless and is located on chromosome
with a patient with only one of these risk fac- 10q21. There are two common SNPs within
tors. Thus, interactions among polymor- the PI-AR gene at codon 49 and codon 389
phism~may also be germane to pharmaco- (99).
genomic studies. To this end, several studies Codon 49 is located in the extracellular tail
have examined the impact of both the ACE DD of the amino terminus end of the receptor, a
and AGTRl CC genotype. One study demon- potentially important region for receptor
strated an increased risk of myocardial infarc- binding, regulation, and expression (100). A
tion among patients with the DD and CC ge- non-synonymous SNP produces a glycine
notypes for the ACE and AGTRl genes, (Gly) for serine (Ser) substitution at codon 49
respectively (95). However, a recent case-con- (Ser49Gly).Although there are no data in viuo
trol study failed to demonstrate an association associating this polymorphism with drug re-
between these two polyrnorphisms with the sponse, a recent site-directed in uitro mu-
risk of myocardial infarction (96). Another tagenesis study suggests that agonist-pro-
study revealed that the risk of ventricular ar-
moted down-regulation of the receptor is
rhythmias among patients with systolic heart
amplified with the Gly49 variant (101).
failure was significantly increased in patients
Codon 389 is located in the intracellular tail
with the DD ACE genotype and the CC geno-
type for the AT1 gene (97). Thus, once again, of the carboxy terminus end of the receptor, a
these results suggest that this group of pa- potentially important region for G-protein
tients may derive particular benefit from more coupling (100). A non-synonymous SNP pro- ,
aggressive management of their disease. duces a Gly for arginine (Arg) substitution at
codon 389 (Arg389Gly). This polymorphism
4.3.4 5-Lipoxygenase Polymorphisms. Leuko- has been shown to vary by race, with African
trienes mediate airway inflammation and play an Americans possessing an allele frequency of
integral role in the pathophysiology of asthma. 42% for the Gly389 variant while Caucasians
Zileuton (Zyflo) inhibits the enzyme 5lipoxygn- possess a frequency of only 27% (102). Fur-
ase, reducing the formation of leukotrienes and thermore, in uitro mutagenesis studies have
thus improves the symptoms of asthma. A poly- shown a functional difference with this poly-
morphism exists in the gene encoding the 5-lipoxy- morphism (103). In this study, those cells car-
genase (ALOX5) promoter region. This polymor- rying the Arg389 variant had a nearly twofold
phism contains three to six tandem repeats of greater resting activity rate, as measured by
GGGCGG. A recent study examined the impact of adenylyl cyclase levels, and an almost fourfold
the tandem repeat polymorphism in the L O X 5 greater activity when stimulated with p-ago-
promoter region with response to an investiga- nist, thus suggesting the Gly389 is a less active
tional 5-lipoxygnase inhibitor (98). The clinical or perhaps less reactive receptor form. This
outcome in the study was percentchange in forced theory has been recently put to the test in a
expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV,)from base- prospective study of patients with hyperten-
line. The allele frequency for the wild-type L O X 5 sion, and indeed, this polymorphism may be
promoter polymorphism was 0.77. Patients who an important determinant of the antihyper-
were homozygous or heterozygous for the wild- tensive response to p-blocker therapy (104).
type allele had an average change in FEV, from Further studies are needed to evaluate
baseline of 18% and 23%, respectively. Patients whether this polymorphism confers the racial
636 SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Pharmacogenomics-Individually Designed Drug Therapy

differences observed in response to p-blocker notype is associated with deleterious effects

therapy in both hypertensive and heart failure from regularly scheduled albuterol therapy
patients. and that patients with this genotype should
only receive albuterol for breakthrough symp-
4.3.6 p,-Adrenergic Receptor Polymorphisms toms. P,-Adrenergic Receptor SNPs. The p,-Adrenergic Receptor Haplotypes.
P2-adrenergicreceptor is a G-protein-coupled In all, 13 polymorphisms occur in the P,-AR
receptor that interacts with endogenous cat- gene. Thus, if these polymorphisms occurred
echolamines and various pharmacologic completely randomly, one would expect a total
agents. The mainstay of therapy for acute of 213 variations (haplotypes) in the P,-AR
bronchoconstriction is the administration of gene. However, only 12 haplotypes occur, and
p,-AFt agonists such as albuterol. A non-syn- 5 haplotypes describe 88% of the population
onymous SNP in the P2-AR gene produces (8). Thus, the polymorphisms in the p,-AR are
a Gly for Arg substitution at codon 16 in strong linkage disequilibrium. A seminal
(Argl6Gly). In vitro studies indicate that the paper has investigated the impact of haplo-
Gly16 form of the receptor undergoes en- types, rather than individual SNPs in predict-
hanced agonist-mediated downregulation ing response to albuterol among patients with
compared with the Arg allele (105). These asthma. Importantly, there was no association
findings have been supported by several clini- between an individual SNP and remonse to
cal studies. One study demonstrated that sub- albuterol. However, haplotype pair was signif-
jects with the Argl6 homozygous genotype icantly related to improvements in FEV, from
were 5.3 times more likely to have a positive albuterol (8). Therefore, examination of mul-
bronchodilator response to a single dose of al- tiple SNPs in a receptor that is physiologically
buterol compared with Gly16 homozygotes linked to drug response resulted in the best
(106). Another study enrolled 16 patients with prediction of therapeutic efficacy. Focusing on
asthma and measured FEV, response to an 8 multiple genes and/or multiple SNPs to deter-
mg oral dose of albuterol(107). The study pop- mine disease associations or drug response is
ulation was divided into two groups: Argl6 ho- analogous to the multiple factors that a clini-
mozygotes and Gly16 homozygotes. Patients cian must consider when dosing a medication.
who were homozygous for Argl6 had a four- For example, when prescribing digoxin, the
fold greater FEV, response cornbared with likelihood of prescribing the appropriate dose'
Gly16 homozygotes despite nearly identical is increased when a clinician considers multi-
plasma albuterol concentrations. Moreover, ple factors such as patient age, body size and
the codon 16 genotype may also influence weight, renal function, and concomitant drug
long-term response to albuterol. One study of therapy.
107 patients with mild-to-moderate asthma
4.4 Single Gene Pharmacogenetic Studies in
demonstrated that Argl6 homozygous pa-
Genes influencing Disease Progression
tients receiving regularly scheduled albuterol
had nearly double the number of asthma exac- Once again, it would not be feasible to review
erbations per year compared with placebo. all the examples in the biomedical literature of
Furthermore, the rate of asthma exacerba- polymorphisms influencing disease severity or
tions was significantly greater among k g 1 6 progression. However, Table 12.7 summarizes
homozygotes during treatment with albuterol many of these polymorphisms that influence
compared with heterozygotes and Gly16 ho- disease severity and associated drug response.
mozygotes (108). A separate study found that We will discuss a few of these disease states in
k g 1 6 homozygotes receiving regularly sched- detail.
uled albuterol experienced a decrease in morn-
ing peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR). In con- 4.4.1 Acute Coronary Syndromes. Several
trast, Gly16 homozygous patients who studies have examined the impact of SNPs on
received regularly scheduled albuterol did not the natural history of patients undergoing
experience a decline in PEFR (109). These re- percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for
sults suggest that the Argl6 homozygous ge- the treatment of acute coronary syndromes.
Table 12.7 Selected Polymorphisms Muencing Disease Severity and Associated Drug Response
Gene Altered Disease Severity Impact of Polymorphism on Drug Response Reference
ACE D allele f risk of death or need for heart P-Blockers abolished poorer prognosis of patients with
transplant DD genotype
APOE E4 allele f in Alzheimer's disease Presence of E4 allele! associated with poor response to
APOE Smokers with an E4 allele had a threefold Unknown
f risk of CHD event
P1 Heart failure patients with the Ser49Ser Unknown
genotype had a worse 5-year prognosis
compared with patients with a Gly
Reduced survival rate among heart failure Unknown
patients with an Ile164 allele
Reduced exercise capacity among heart Unknown
failure patients with an Ile164 allele
Calcitonin Association between heterozogosity and Unknown
fracture risk among postmenopausal
W women
Cystathionine beta Risk of coronary artery disease Response to homocysteine lowering from folic acid
Endothelin A T frequency of TT homozygotes in Unknown
idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy
Factor V Risk of venous thrombosis TRisk of venous thrombosis from oral contraceptives
Factor VII Patients with the ArgArg genotype have a Unknown
threefold f risk of complications after
Odds ratio of MI among patients with Unknown
ArgGln genotype = 0.47 (0.27-0.81)
compared with ArgArg genotype
GP IIIa Association between PlA2allele and acute Unknown
coronary thrombosis
G-protein Increased BMI among TT homozygous Unknown
primiparous women
HERG, Long QT syndrome .T Risk of drug induced Torsade de Pointes
P-selectin Risk of myocardial infarction Unknown
Prothrombin Risk of venous thrombosis .T Risk of venous thrombosis with oral contraceptives
CHD, coronary heart disease; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; MI, myocardial infarction; GP, glycoprotein; BMI, body mass index.
638 SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Pharmacogenomics-Individually Designed Drug Therapy

One of the major complications from PC1 is cardiac catheterization at 6 months (113). Ap-
restenosis of the target coronary artery, which proximately 72% of the study population were
occurs in as many as 40% of patients. Resteno- PIA1 homozygotes, 25% were heterozygotes,
sis results in substantial morbidity and in- and 3% were PlA2homozygotes. At 6 months,
creases need for repeat coronary interven- 47% of patients with the PlA2allele had angio-
tions. One study examined a polymorphism in graphically confirmed restenosis compared
the gene that encodes Factor VII. Factor VII with 38% for PIA1homozygotes (OR 1.42; 95%
has an integral role in the process of clot for- CI, 1.09-1.84). The association between geno-
mation among patients with acute coronary type and restenosis was strongest among PlA2
syndromes. After plaque rupture, tissue factor homozygotes and women.
released from the lipid core complexes with Although both studies demonstrate a sta-
Factor VII, leading to the activation of Factor tistically significant association between the
X, and ultimately Factor IIa (thrombin). This studied polymorphism and complications af-
group of investigators studied 666 consecutive ter PCI, the results need to interpreted with
patients undergoing PC1 (110). A polymor- consideration of the absolute risk reduction
phism (Arg353Gln)in exon 8 of the Factor VII (ARR) and number needed to treat (NNT). A
gene was studied to see if it influenced the rate corollary to NNT, is the number needed for
of death, myocardial infarction, or urgent tar- genetic effect (NNGE). The NNGE is calcu-
get vessel revascularization within 30 days of lated as 11ARR. Thus, when examining the im-
PCI. An earlier study showed the Gln allele pact of the Arg353Arg genotype on increased
was associated with a 20-30% lower Factor complications after PCI, only 1 of 19 patients
VII concentration (111).Thus, one would ex- with this genotype would experience a compli-
pect the Gln allele to be associated with re- cation after PC1 (114). Likewise, in the study
duced cardiovascular complications. Indeed, of the PlA2 polymorphism, only 1 of 11 pa-
the incidence rate for the composite endpoint tients with the PlA2 allele will have angio-
was 7.7% among Arg353Arg homozygotes graphically confirmed restenosis.
compared with 2.5% among patients carrying
at least one Gln allele (RR of 0.32; 95% CI, 4.4.2 Alzheimer's Disease. One of the most
0.08-0.90). Although statistically significant, well-studied disease association genes is the
the results are limited by the small number of apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene located on
events (43) in this study. Ironically, Factor VII chromosome 19; this is the gene related with
concentrations were similar between Arg ho- the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
mozygotes and Gln carriers who reached the Three allelic variants exist for APOE. The fre-
primary endpoint. Thus, the putative mecha- quency for E3, E4, and E2 are 77%, 15%,and
nism for this reduced risk among Gln carriers 8%, respectively. Several studies have deter-
remains to be elucidated. mined an association between the presence of
A second study examined a polymorphism the E4 allele with late-onset (greater than 60
in the glycoprotein IIIa gene. This protein years of age) Alzheimer's disease (115, 116).
plays an integral role in the final common Furthermore, a gene-dose response exists for
pathway of platelet activation and fibrinogen the E4 allele and the risk of late-onset Alzhei-
cross linkage, resulting in the formation of a mer's. In one case-control study, the odds ratio
platelet plug. The two common allelic isoforms for developing Alzheimer's disease was 3.9 for
are PIA1and PlA2.A retrospective study dem- the E3lE4 genotype and 15.6 for the E41E4
onstrated an association between the PlA2 genotype. Interestingly, the allelic variant of
polymorphism with a heightened risk of acute APOE also influences treatment response
coronary thrombosis (112). These findings with the cholinesterase inhibitor, tacrine
were confirmed in a prospective study that ex- (117). In one study, 83% of non-APOE4 carry-
amined the association between the GP IIIa ing patients had improvements in cognition
PIA1and PlA2isoforms with angiographically when given tacrine. In contrast, 60% of pa-
confirmed restenosis. The study population tients with an E4 allele were unchanged or
consisted of 1150 patients undergoing PC1 declined after tacrine administration. Despite
with stent placement who also had a follow-up these data, single SNP studies of the APOE
4 Pharmacogenomics

gene would not justify withholding therapy sclerotic progression compared with patients
because 40% of patients with the E4 allele had receiving placebo. However, pravastatin-
a positive response to tacrine (117). Future treated patients with the B2B2 genotype,
studies will need to incorporate a more (16% of the study population) derived no ben-
genomic approach by examining other puta- efit from pravastatin treatment as measured
tive polymorphisms involved in response to by changes in mean luminal diameter of the
pharmacologic therapy for Alzheimer's dis- coronary arteries. Although these results are
ease. provocative, a major limitation is that they do
not examine hard clinical endpoints such as
4.4.3 Hypercholesterolemia. Several stud- death and non-fatal myocardial infarction.
ies have identified genetic polymorphisms in- Plaque composition, rather than size, is a bet-
fluencing the clinical response to HMG-CoA ter predictor of lesions susceptible to rupture
reductase inhibitors (subsequently referred to resulting in an acute coronary event.
as statins) (118-122).Rather than focusing on A second substudy from REGRESS exam-
polymorphisms in drug targets, these studies ined a polymorphism in the promoter region of
examined polymorphisms in genes believed to the stromelysin-1 gene [-I612 (5N6A)I (120).
influence the progression of atherosclerosis. Stromelysin-1 is involved in connective tissue
All studies were randomized, double-blinded, remodeling and wound healing. The 6A allele
and placebo-controlled, and are summarized results in reduced expression of stromelysin-1
in Table 12.8. Taken together, the results of and consequently increases connective tissue
these studies identify genetic subgroups of deposition and potentially increased athero-
placebo-treated patients who have an in- sclerotic lesions. Patients were divided accord-
creased risk of developing major coronary ing to genotype (5A5A, 5A6A, and 6A6A).
events. Furthermore, treatment with a statin There were no differences in prognostic base-
abolished the deleterious effect of the genetic line characteristics, disease severity, or lipid
variant. values among the three genotypes. Further-
Three pharmacogenomic studies have been more, there was no association between the
published from the Regression Growth Evalu- stromelysin-1 polymorphism and changes in
ation StatinStudy (REGRESS) group. REGRESS lipid levels from pravastatin therapy. Placebo-
examined the ability of pravastatin to retard treated patients with at least one 6A allele had
I progression of atherosclerosis among men the greatest number of clinical events (mostly
with symptomatic coronary artery disease and restenosis). Pravastatin therapy reduced clin-
hypercholesterolemia (123). In the first exam- ical events most effectively among 6A carriers.
ple, DNA was examined for a polymorphism in A third pharmacogenomic substudy of
the gene encoding cholesteryl ester transfer REGRESS examined the impact of the -455
protein (CETP), which is involved in the me- G/A polymorphism of the p-fibrinogen gene
tabolism of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), a (119). Previous work revealed that carriers of
cardioprotective lipoprotein (122). The pres- the -455 A allele have higher concentrations
ence of the variation in CETP was referred to of fibrinogen, a prothrombotic substance asso-
as B1 and its absence as B2. Response to prav- ciated with increased risk of myocardial in-
astatin and placebo was examined by genotype farction and stroke (124).At baseline, patients
with patients grouped as BlB1, BlB2, or with the -455 AA genotype had greater ath-
B2B2. At baseline, patients with the BlBl ge- erosclerotic disease severity compared with
notype had higher CETP and lower HDL con- those with other genotypes. During follow-up,
centrations than patients with the B2B2 geno- placebo-treated patients with the -455 AA ge-
type. Placebo-treated patients with the BlBl notype had the greatest disease progression.
genotype experienced the greatest progression Once again, the effect of genotype on disease
of atherosclerosis, the BIB2 genotype had an progression was abolished by pravastatin
intermediate progression, and the B2B2 group therapy.
had the least disease progression. Pravasta- The Cholesterol and Recurrent Events
tin-treated patients with either the BlBl or (CARE) trial enrolled patients with a history
BIB2 genotype had significantly less athero- of myocardial infarction and hypercholesterol-
Table 12.8 Polymorphisms Influencing Clinical Response to Statins
FU Placebo Event Statin Event
Study (Statin) N Orears) Polymorphism Studied Endpoint Rate Rate P
- -- ~ p~

Apolipoprotein E (E4, E3, Mortality E4 Carriers; RR E4 Carriers; RR NR

E2) 1.9 (95%CI 0.33 (95% CI
1.13.1) 0.1M.7)
Without E4;
RR 0.66 (95%
CI 0.35-1.24)
REGRESS (pravastatin) 496 2 Stromelysin-1(-1612 5A/6A) Clinical events 5A5A = 17% 0.038
(120) 5A6A = 9%
6A6A = 14%
REGRESS (pravastatin) 807 2 CETP (B1 or B2) Average decrease in mean BIB1 = 0.05 0.01
(122) coronary diameter BIB2 = 0.07
(mm) B2B2 = 0.09
REGRESS (pravastatin) 682 2 p-Fibrinogen (-455 GIA) Average decrease in mean GG = 0.07 0.024
(119) segment diameter (mm) GA = 0.05
AA = -0.06
CARE (pravastatin) 767 5 GP IIIa (PlA',PlA2) CV death, non-fatal MI PlAlA2;RR 0.69 NR
(118) (P= 0.06)

FU, follow-up; P, interaction between placebo and statin therapy; NR, not reported; RR, relative risk; CI, confidence interval; 4S, Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study;
REGRESS, Regression Growth Evaluation Statin Study; CARE, Cholesterol and Recurrent Events; CETP, Cholesteryl ester transfer protein; GP, glycoprotein; CV, cardiovascular;
MI, myocardial infarction.
5 Research and Development

emia (125). Overall, pravastatin therapy for 5 genomics that promises to deliver individual-
years reduced the risk of fatal coronary heart ized pharmacotherapy with greater efficacy
disease and non-fatal myocardial infarction. A (5) while still limiting toxicity. An example of
substudy of CARE focused on whether poly- the potential for improved efficacy is given in
morphism~in the glycoprotein (GP) IIIa gene the example of clozapine. Clozapine is an atyp-
and the ACE I/D polymorphism were associ- ical antipsychotic with superior efficacy in pa-
ated with the reduction in the primary end- tients with treatment resistant schizophrenia.
point of the study. The investigators found Despite being an effective anti-psychotic, clo-
that the largest benefit of pravastatin treat- zapine therapy is limited by the serious
ment in reducing the primary endpoint oc- adverse effects of tachycardia, orthostatic hy-
curred in patients with the GPIIIa P1AlIA2 ge- potension, and agranulocytosis. In fact, agran-
notype who also carried at least one D allele of ulocytosis is such a severe and worrisome ad-
the ACE gene (118). verse event that it has necessitated a national
Finally, a pharmacogenomic study of the registry to track and monitor patients receiv-
Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study ing clozapine therapy. In addition, large inter-
(4s) investigated the impact of the apolipopro- individual response exists, with only 30-60%
tein E4 allele with the prognosis and treat- of patients responding to clozapine. A retro-
ment response to either simvastatin or pla- spective study examined 19 genetic polymor-
cebo (121). Among myocardial infarction phism~in 10 different genes with response to
survivors who received placebo and had at clozapine in 200 Caucasian schizophrenic pa-
least one apolipoprotein E4 allele, the relative tients (126). The results revealed that a com-
risk for all cause mortality was 1.9 (95% CI, bination of six polymorphisms resulted in a
1.1-3.1). The detrimental impact of the E4 76.7% prediction of treatment success with
allele was not evident among patients who clozapine. The combination of polymorphisms
received simvastatin (RR 0.33; 95% CI, had a sensitivity of 95% for identifying pa-
0.16-0.69). tients with a beneficial response to clozapine.
Taken together, the results of these five It remains to be determined whether this com-
studies identify genetic subgroups of placebo- bination of polymorphisms retains its high
treated patients who have an increased risk of predictive value in a population of diverse eth-
developing major coronary events. In all stud- nic backgrounds. However, this study should
ies, treatment with a statin abolished the serve as a model for future prospective studies
harmful effect associated with the genetic to incorporate a more genomic andlor haplo-
variant. These results support the observation typic approach when attempting to correlate
that, in general, high-risk patients with isch- genetic variability with drug response.
emic heart disease derive the largest relative
benefit from treatment. However, whether
current recommendations regarding choles- 5 RESEARCH A N D DEVELOPMENT
terol-lowering therapy are applicable to pa-
tients in certain genetic subgroups is uncer- The numbers are staggering. It costs the phar-
tain. At this time it is premature
- to withhold maceutical industry approximately $880 mil-
statin therapy from any patient meeting crite- lion and 15 years to go from target identifica-
ria for treatment based on national consensus tion through regulatory approval for a novel
guidelines. Future prospective genetic epide- drug. One-half of this cost and time occur dur-
miology studies may further delineate the role ing phase 11-111 clinical trials. Contributing to
of genetic variants on the development and the prodigious cost and time are the many in-
progression of coronary artery disease and re- efficiencies of drug discovery, development,
sponse to treatment. and clinical trials. Seventy-five percent of the
costs of drug development are incurred from
4.5 Clinical Relevance late-stage clinical trials. Incorporation of
Historically, pharmacogenetics targeted its pharmacogenomicdata may lead to a dramatic
pursuit on the reasons for toxicity and there- change in the way clinical trials are designed
fore drug safety. However, it is pharmaco- and conducted. Pharmacogenomics may re-
642 SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Phar.macogenomics-Individually Designed Drug Therapy

Table 12.9 Recent Drugs 5.2 Use of Pharmacogenomic Data in the

RemovedlRestricted by the FDA Clinical Trial Process
Alosteron Assume that a company has a novel drug to
Bromfenac treat chronic heart failure in phase I1 trials.
Cerivastatin Data from this study demonstrates that 35%
Cisapride of the study population receiving active drug
Felbamate achieves a therapeutic response compared
Grapafloxacin with 15% of placebo-treated patients. Do these
Mibefradil data warrant further study? If this hypotheti-
Rapacuronium cal phase I1 trial had incorporated pharmaco-
Terfenadine genomic data, the potential exists that a ge-
Troglitazone netic subgroup of responders could have been
Trovafloxacin identified. Suppose that 60% of patients with
the hypothetical AA genotype respond to this
drug while patients with genotypes Aa and aa
have a response rate similar to placebo. A ho-
sult in more efficient trials that would be as- mogeneous patient population (AA genotype)
sociated with a lower cost to bring a new chem- likely to respond to the medication could now
ical entity to market. Moreover, this could be selected for a confirmatory phase I11 trial.
result in shorter time to drug approval, longer The sample size needed for a phase I11 trial
patent protection, and more importantly, in- would be reduced because patients likely to
creased time of market exclusivity. A recent respond to the medication have been enrolled.
report concluded that incorporation of genomic In fact, the majority of clinical trials that use
technologies currently available could result pharmacogenomic information will require
in savings of up to $300 million per novel drug smaller sample sizes compared with trials in
and cut 2 years form the drug development which no genotypic information is collected
process ( This section will fo- (127).
cus on specific examples of how pharmaco- Alternatively, assume a company has de-
genomic data can be incorporated into clinical veloped an investigational drug to treat type 2
trials to identify responders and exclude non- diabetes mellitus. Phase I1 studies demoh-
responders to reduce unnecessary adverse strate that 75% patients reduce their glycosy-
events. lated hemoglobin (HbA,,) levels by 1.5%.
However, the drug is associated with a serious
5.1 Influence of Pharmacogenomics on
adverse event in 5% of patients. What impact
Clinical Trials
will this serious adverse drug event have on
In recent years, the complexity and cost of the approval and use of this agent? If DNA
clinical trials has increased. It is not uncom- samples had been collected from all study par-
mon for phase I11 drug studies to involve thou- ticipants, a population of patients predisposed
sands of patients with several years of follow- to developing this toxicity may have been iden-
up. However, the results of these trials only tified. The susceptible patient population
provide information on the average treatment could then be excluded from phase I11 trials,
effect in a population, not for an individual and assuming that the agent is eventually ap-
patient. In addition, numerous drugs advance proved, a bedside molecular diagnostic test
all the way to phase I11 trials only then failing could be used to prospectively identify pa-
to demonstrate any treatment benefit or hav- tients predisposed to the serious adverse
ing an unacceptable adverse event profile that event. In this aforementioned example, every-
prevents regulatory approval. Recent years one benefits, including the drug manufac-
have also seen several promising drugs ap- turer, patients, and the health care system by
proved by the FDA and then withdrawn from avoiding the costs of a serious adverse drug
commerce or restricted secondary to serious event. Furthermore, pharmacogenomic data
adverse events (Table 12.9). could also be used in post-marketing surveil-
5 Research and Development

lance, which would dramatically improve our mine concentrations markedly higher than
current surveillance system (128). extensive metabolizers (31). In all, 6.1% of
Four pieces of information are important subjects screened were excluded from the trial
before planning a clinical trial using pharma- because they were identified as poor metabo-
cogenomic data (127). First, the allele fre- lizers. Clearly, using genotyping as an inclu-
quency for the polymorphism of interest must sion or exclusion criterion requires that the
be known. Most trials with a nominal outcome genotype(s1of interest can be determined in a
variable would require sample sizes of greater rapid fashion. For trials that involve acute
than 1000 patients for allele frequencies of treatment, a point of care or "bedside" test
less than 10%. For these rare SNPs, associa- would need to be developed to potentially ex-
tion with efficacy and or toxicity might only be clude patients at an increased risk of adverse
discerned after the drug has been approved. events.
However, studies of polymorphisms with an Currently, 18 of the top 20 pharmaceutical
allele frequency of 30-50% would require companies are collecting DNA data in phase I1
fewer subjects compared with a trial that does and I11 trials. Among them is GlaxoSmith-
not use pharmacogenomic information (127). Kline, which has added this component to
Second, the gene action of the SNP must be studies in all major therapeutic areas of their
understood. Does the SNP behave in a domi- drug development process (130). A survey
nant, additive, or recessive fashion? A domi- from the SNP consortium estimates that
nant action means that the genotype Aa dis- within 5 years, 50% of clinical trials will in-
plays the same phenotype as genotype AA. volve genotyping. Unfortunately, in many
This example would require fewer study par- cases, DNA collection is an optional part of the
ticipants compared with alleles displaying ad- protocol. Reasons for this include lack of
ditive or recessive action. Third, the investiga- knowledge from the investigators or the per-
tor should have knowledge of genotype ception that collection of genomic DNA from
relative risk (GRR). This is potentially the patients will lead to delays in Investigational
most difficult of the factors to have a ~ r i o r i
Review Board (IRB) approval or patient re-
knowledge, and may require assumptions, as cruitment.
are typically done to estimate the sample size It is understandable why the pharmaceuti-
of most clinical trials. As with any trial, the cal industry may have some trepidation of .
smaller the genotype relative risk, the larger using pharmacogenomics in the clinical trial
the number of subjects required. The GRR is process. The basic tenet of most of the phar-
likely to be small given the multitude of fac- maceutical industry has been to develop drugs
tors influencing drug response. Fourth, as the in a one-size-fits-all approach with the hope
number of alleles tested increases, the sample that they will become blockbusters, generat-
size also must increase. For example, studying ing greater than $1 billion in annual sales.
10 loci would require a sample size 1.5 times There has been some concern that pharmaco-
larger than studying a single locus. Studies of genomic data will reduce the market share of a
100 loci would require sample sizes twice as drug by identifymg the subgroups of patients
large compared with a single locus. Studying who actually derive therapeutic benefit from a
100,000 loci necessitates a sample size three drug. Paradoxically though, integration of
times larger compared with a single locus (127). pharmacogenomics could actually increase
market share for a drug. The goal for any new
5.3 Examples from the Literature
product is to capture 100% of the target mar-
A recent study prospectively genotyped all pa- ket; however, for a drug, the target market is
tients for the CYP2D6 gene and excluded poor not composed of all patients with the particu-
metabolizers to enhance patient safety (129). lar disease that the drug is indicated to treat.
The study was a randomized, double-blinded Consider the following example. A pharma-
comparison of lamotrigine with desipramine ceutical company develops a new drug to treat
in patients with unipolar depression. Desipra- hypertension. What will be the market pene-
mine is a substrate for CYP2D6 and poor me- tration for this new antihypertensive agent in
tabolizers of this enzyme have serum desipra- the first year after regulatory approval? Hy-
644 SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polyrnorphisrns and Pharrnacogenornics-Individually Designed Drug Therapy

pertension affects approximately 50 million into routine clinical practice. The cost to geno-
Americans, but several classes of medications type one SNP can range anywhere from $1 to
such as P-blockers, angiotensin-converting $50, and this prohibits phase 11-111trials from
enzyme inhibitors, and angiotensin receptor examining several hundred putative SNPs per
blockers exist, with numerous drugs in each patient that influence drug toxicity or thera-
class. Consequently, it is difficult for any new peutic benefit. An alternative approach would
drug in each of these classes to acquire a large be to examine approximately 10-15 SNPs in
market share. However, what if anew agent in candidate genes that are involved in the drug
one of these classes was approved with a mo- targets, drug transport, and metabolism.
lecular diagnostic to predict efficacy. A third However, the candidate gene approach may
or fourth in class drug approved with a diag- not be plausible during initial drug discovery
nostic assay could provide a competitive niche and development. Advances in high-through-
demonstrating a high response rate in selected put technology and increased competition
groups and a low adverse event rate in other should eventually reduce the cost of genotyp-
groups. It is likely in this scenario that the ing SNPs to $O.OOl/SNP, thus making it viable
market penetration as well as market share to evaluate 100,000-200,000 SNPs per pa-
achievement will be greater if this drug is cou- tient. Another factor contributing to cost in-
pled with a molecular diagnostic test. Thus volves the initial investment in the equipment
pharmacogenomic data could be an im- and technology required to fully integrate
mensely useful marketing strategy for a drug pharmacogenomicsinto all aspects of drug dis-
company. covery and development. However, these up-
Several major unanswered questions exist front costs may result in significant cost sav-
as to how the FDA will react to new drug ap- ings by increasing efficiency of clinical trials
plications that contain pharmacogenomic with the identification and termination of
data. Clearly, drugs approved for genetic sub- drugs with little potential of eventual regu-
groups will require molecular diagnostic test- latory approval. The deluge of the data gen-
ing and thus raise several compelling ques- erated from pharmacogenomic studies also
tions (131). First, how will this affect off-label requires advances in bioinformatics and
prescribing? What impact will this have on li- data mining strategies. The extent to which
ability? Second, what happens if a patient re- pharmacogenomics pervades clinical practice
fuses to have a molecular diagnostic test per- is largely
- . dependent
- on the ability of bioinfir-
formed? Are they now limiting themselves to matics to transform the prodigious amounts of
new therapeutic agents? What happens to the data into knowledge. Consequently, the bioin-
low socioeconomic populations who have no formatics budgets of some pharmaceutical
insurance and can not afford the cost of the companies have increased 20-60%. A sure in-
genetic test? Is this population now excluded dication of the desperate need for this technol-
from receiving potentially safe and effective ogy.
pharmacotherapy? How will pharmacogenom- 6.2 Will Pharmacogenomics Improve
ics influence Orphan Drug status? In the
Medical Care?
United States, drugs developed for conditions
affecting less than 200,000 individuals get 7 It is still unclear if prospectively genotyping
years of market exclusivity, unless an alterna- patients for many of the genetic variants de-
tive medication is proven superior. Will this be scribed within this chapter improves medial
the financial incentive that some companies care and whether it is cost effective. Geno-
require? Compelling questions indeed. typing patients for the presence of TPMT
deficiency to prevent life-threatening hemato-
6 OBSTACLES FACING THE FIELD OF logical toxicity from azathioprine, mercapto-
PHARMACOGENOMICS purine, or thioguanine provides an equivocal
advantage compared with empirical dosing.
6.1 Complexity and Cost
However, in other examples, genotyping may
Current methods to sequence DNA are too not be an advantage over the current best
costly and laborious to allow implementation medical care. For example, several studies
6 Obstacles Facing the Field of Pharmacogenornics

have demonstrated that individuals carrying the analysis from a computer program. Rather
mutant alleles for CYP2C9 have decreased than making a diagnosis based on phenotypic
metabolism or elimination of warfarin (25, symptoms, a disease may be diagnosed years
132-134). One retrospective trial also showed before it manifests, based on an individual's
that these individuals have a higher risk for genetic makeup.
both minor and major bleeding (25). However,
it remains to be elucidated whether prospec-
tively genotyping patients receiving warfarin 6.4 Ethical Considerations
reduces bleeding complications when com- Pharmacogenomics has created a new lexicon
pared with the best available standard of care. that all health care providers must familiarize
This question can only be answered through a themselves, and thus precise language is fun-
randomized controlled trial comparing a damental when dealing with pharmacogenom-
genomic approach with a traditional dosing ics. It is imperative that pharmacogenomics
approach. be distinguished from genetic predisposition
Recently, the Statin Response Examined testing. All investigators in the field must con-
by Genetic HAP Markers Study (STRENGTH)
vey this concept to the public, members of the
completed enrollment of 600 patients with hy-
health care team, and the insurance sector. In
perlipidemia. Patients were randomized to
one of four statin treatment regimens (ceri- the majority of cases, identification of SNPs
vastatin, pravastatin, atorvastatin, or simva- to predict drug response carries no prognostic
statin) for a 16-week duration. The goal is to information for diseases. Determination of
identify genetic markers that predict which of SNPs to predict drug response is analogous to
the four statins is most beneficial in reducing obtaining culture and sensitivity data to guide
cholesterol levels. However, whether this ap- antimicrobial therapy. However, in other
proach is superior to management of patients cases the potential for discrimination exists.
in a specialized lipid clinic remains to be deter- One example involves the apolipoprotein E4
mined. allele. Genetic variation in the apolipoprotein
E4 allele may be examined to explain the vari-
6.3 Paradigm Shift in Health Care
ability among statin therapy (121). However,
Transitioning from the one-size-fits-all ap- these results could have significant implica-
proach to personalized medicine will create a tions in predicting the risk of Alzheimer's dis-
paradigm shift for both health care providers ease later in life (115, 116). Clearly, a n enor-
and the pharmaceutical industry. There is mous potential for discrimination exists if an
some precedence for drugs specifically tar- insurance carrier discovers the results of this
geted for a subset of disease. Trastuzumab diagnostic test. As an example, the New Jersey
(Herceptin) is approved only for the 2530% Genetic Privacy Act, passed in 1996, prevents
women whose breast cancer overexpresses the employers and insurance carriers from dis-
HER-2/neu protein. Trastuzumab is marketed criminating based on genetic tests. Indeed,
along with a molecular diagnostic, the DAKO further state and federal legislation like New
Hercep Test. This test is a semi-quantitative Jersey's would help to allay some of these eth-
assay for testing breast tumor tissue that ical concerns and public fear of genetic testing.
overexpresses the HER-21neu protein. In its Undeniably, genomics and phannacogenom-
first year on the market, trastuzumab gener- ics opens up a whole host of legal, ethical, and
ated $188.4 million in sales. Thus, an agent societal issues that will have implications in
that probably would not have received FDA patient confidentiality, discrimination, mal-
approval is now an effective alternative for a practice, and informed consent (135-137).
specific subgroup of women with breast can- However, as clinicians, scientists, and health
cer. care practitioners, we must always remember
Physicians will also need to adjust to the the unquestionable power of an individual's
shift from the art of medicine to the science of right to choose, and prospectively fight to en-
medicine. Rather than selecting a drug based sure patients' rights and prevent genomic dis-
on experience, the selection may be based on crimination.
646 SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Pharmacogenomics-Individually Designed Drug Therapy

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Plasmid DNA-Mediated Gene

Center for Pharmacogenetics
School of Pharmacy
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

1 Introduction, 652
2 Direct Delivery with Naked Plasmid DNA, 652
2.1 History and Recent Therapeutic Uses, 652
2.2 Gene Delivery for Myocardial Diseases, 655
2.3 Gene Therapy for Angiogenesis, 656
2.4 Gene Therapy for Autoimmune Diseases, 656
3 Improving Plasmid DNA-Mediated Gene
Transfer by Electroporation, 656
4 Improving Plasmid DNA Transfer Mediated by
Gene Gun, 657
5 Lipid-Based Vectors, 658
5.1 First Generation of Cationic Lipids, 658
5.2 Cellular Barriers for Transfection, 659
5.2.1 Structure of LipidDNA Complex, 659
5.2.2 Entry of DNA Into Cells, 660
5.2.3 Fate of Complex Inside the Cell:
Escape into Cytosol, 661
5.2.4 Entry of DNA in Nucleus, 662
6 I n Vivo Use of Cationic LiposomeDNA Complex
(Lipoplex), 663
6.1 Intravenous Injection, 663
6.2 Direct Injection, 663
6.3 Intraperitoneal Injection, 664
7 Second Generation of Lipidic Delivery System
(Lipopolyplex), 665
7.1 Polycation-Condensed DNA Entrapped in
Cationic Liposome: LPD-I Formulation, 665
7.2 Polycation Condensed DNA in Anionic
Liposomes: LPD-I1 Formulation, 666
8 Emulsion-Mediated Gene Transfer, 666
Burger's Medicinal Chemistry a n d Drug Discovery 8.1 General Development, 666
Sixth Edition, Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, 8.2 Reconstituted Chylomicron Remnants
and Drugs from New Biology for Gene Transfer, 667
Edited by Donald J. Abraham 9 Gene Delivery by Polymeric Systems (Polyplex),
ISBN 0-471-37030-4 O 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 667
652 Plasmid DNA-Mediated Gene Therapy

9.1 General Development and Uses, 667 10 Non-Viral Vector-Related Cytotoxicity, 669
9.2 Targeted Gene Delivery by Antibodies 11 Conclusion, 670
Conjugated with Polycations, 669 12 Acknowledgments, 670

1 INTRODUCTION DNA (pDNA). Recombinant DNA is a syn-

thetic DNA made by connecting different
In the post-genome era, many defective genes DNA fragments from different sources into
responsible for various disease phenotypes one recombinant molecule, whereas plasmid
have already been or will soon be discovered. DNA is a non-chromosomal, circular, and su-
Introduction of the normal genes effectively percoiled bacterial DNA, which is produced in
into the target cells and/or tissues to comple- bacterial cultures by fermentation. A thera-
ment the defective genes is a daunting chal- peutic or a marker gene can be introduced into
lenge to scientists of various disciplines. Gene pDNA by simple recombinant procedure.
therapy methodology was originally designed pDNA can be purified by simple physical and
to correct inheritable disorders but is now be- chemical methods. Advanced technologies ex-
ist such that multigram quantities of pDNA
ing considered for treating acquired disorders,
can be routinely produced from a single lot.
such as cancer and AIDS.
Larger scale production can also be done on
Gene therapy is broadly divided into two
demand. Standard pDNA is 4-10 kilobase
different categories, one that uses viruses and
pairs in size (MW 1 X lo6 to 3 x lo6). Other
the one that doesn't. Replication-defective vi-
than the bacterial sequences, pDNA for gene
ruses with apart or the entirety of their coding
therapy contains a transgene, which is usually
sequences replaced by a therapeutic gene are
the expressible sequence of a genomic DNA,
used to transduce cells with very high effi-
popularly known as complementary DNA
ciency. Retrovirus, adenovirus, adeno-associ-
(cDNA) that encodes a protein. Transcription
ated virus, herpes simplex virus, papilloma vi-
of the transgene to make messenger RNA is
rus, sendai virus, etc., have been used for
controlled by another gene sequence called
various gene therapy approaches either clini- promoter, which locates upstream of the cod-
cally or experimentally. Although viral vectors
ing sequence of transgene. To ensure proper
have shown efficacy in transducing cells and
termination of transcription, a transcription
tissues, they have several drawbacks that
termination gene sequence is often inserted
limit their widespread use. For example, ad-
downstream of the transgene. A polyadenyla-
enoviral vector induces strong host immune
tion sequence and sometimes an intron, i.e., a
responses, which induce toxicity and limit the
non-expressible gene sequence, is also added
duration of the transgene expression. Immu-
to ensure proper processing of the mRNA
nogenicity makes repeated dose impossible.
product of the transgene (Fig. 13.1). In this
Retroviral vector requires dividing cells for
chapter we will emphasize the usefulness of a
gene expression, and it may integrate ran-
transgene in the form of plasmid DNA associ-
domly into the host genome, posing risk for
ated with non-viral vectors to decipher various
mutation and neo~lastictransformation. Vi-
biological functions and for development of
ral vectors are also'difficult to produce in large
gene therapy.
scale. These concerns have prompted the de-
- -

velopment of non-viral vectors as a less toxic

and more scalable alternative for gene ther- 2 DIRECT DELIVERY WITH NAKED
apy. However, the efficiency of non-viral vec- PLASMID DNA
tors still needs improvement; so does the du-
ration of the transgene expression. These
2.1 History and Recent Therapeutic Uses
aspects are the central concerns of the current
non-viral vector development. The simplest of all DNA delivery systems is
The carrier for the therapeutic gene in non- the injection of naked pDNA to the organ or
viral vectors is often a recombinant plasmid tissue of interest. Intramuscular injection of
2 Direct Delivery with Naked Plasmid DNA

level. This fact is corroborated in immunosup-

pressed mice that showed extended level of
transgene expressions.
To sustain therapeutic response initiated
by the transfection of pDNA containing ther-
apeutic gene, it is necessary to ensure a long-
lasting gene expression eliciting little to no ex-
pression-related cytotoxicity. Towards this
end, few gene transfer techniques can sustain
transgene expression over an period of time.
Mouse liver transferred with high-expressing
human factor M (hFIX) pDNA yielded thera-
peutic-level gene expression over 1.5 years,
eliciting no expression-related or therapy-re-
lated toxicities (4). A declined transgene ex-
pression observed after liver regeneration fur-
Figure 13.1. Schematic representation of a typical ther suggested that the maintenance of the
plasmid DNA. Promoter, promoter sequence; in- plasmid had declined, rather than the trans-
tron, intron sequence; cDNA, complementary DNA gene being integrated into the host genome.
encoding a gene; poly A, poly-adenylation sequence; Hence, sustained gene expressions required a
termn, termination sequence. transcriptionally active vector DNA that could
persist for long time in the organ. These re-
sults demonstrated that non-viral plasmid
naked pDNA was the first instance where the transfer could lead to extended life of trans-
skeletal muscle was transfected (1). Since gene-expression level without genome inte-
then, a variety of tissues had been transfected gration.
with direct gene transfer. Naked pDNA had Non-viral gene therapy had become a use-
been injected into the interstitial space of liver ful tool in generating various therapeutic ef-
(2-41, thyroid (51, heart muscles ( 6 ) ,brain (71, fects in diverse animal models. One of these .
and urological organs (8). The naked DNA effects is to induce anticancer response in tu-
containing one or more anticancer genes were mor models by introducing anticancer genes.
also injected in various tumors with mixed ef- In an effort to elicit anticancer effect in tu-
ficacy (9-11). morogenic cells implanted in medullary thy-
This technique of direct injection of pDNA roid cancer (MTC) rat-xenografts, NO syn-
into an intact organ had become a useful tool thase I1 (NOS 11)gene, which catalyzes nitric
to analyze the gene expression and promoter oxide (NO) production, was incorporated in a
function in the respective organ. By the use of plasmid under the control of C M V promoter
a viral promoter, such as that from cytomega- and injected in the rat. The gene triggered a
lovirus (CMV), a high level of expression was suicidal effect (apoptc .is) on the tumor cells
attained initially with pDNA vectors. How- by the production of NO, which specifically ac-
ever, the expression declined sharply to near tivated the macrophages against the fast di-
background within 2-3 weeks. Herweijer et al. viding tumor cells, leaving normal cells un-
(3) have shown that, although the maximum touched (9). Most importantly, the activated
decrease in the expression level occurred NOS gene in a tumor cell induced the cytotox-
within 2 days from pDNA transfer, pDNA icity in the neighboring tumor cells, i.e., an
could be detected for at least 12 weeks after NO-mediated bystander antitumor effect was
injection (0.2 copies per genome). Promoter also observed (10). The fact that nitric oxide
activation associated with the immune re- mediated tumorogenic effect doesn't require
sponses raised against the expressed trans- transfection of all neoplastic cells promised a
gene product was believed to be the major capable suicide gene therapy approach for hu-
cause of this early decline in gene-expression man cancer.
654 Plasmid DNA-Mediated Gene Therapy

Similar bystander effect could be obtained On quantifying the gene uptake in the mus-
by other apoptosis-inducing molecules such as cles, the intramuscular injection showed less
Fas ligand (FasL). FasL and its receptor Fas than 1%uptake of injected dose and was lim-
are membrane proteins, which on mutual in- ited to cells adjacent to the needle track (22).
teraction initiate an apoptotic signal in Fas- Using hypertonic sucrose (23) or muscle revi-
bearing cells. pDNA could be used to deliver talizers such as bupivacaine (24, 25), the effi-
these apoptosis-inducing gene to initiate kill- ciency and reproducibility of gene expression
ing of transfected and non-transfected sur- could be increased. A 100-fold higher level of
rounding cells. On direct injection of FasL-en- transgene expression throughout the muscles
coding pDNA vector into the inflamed thyroid of hindlimb was observed on intra-arterial in-
(12), pathogenic lymphocytes were inhibited jection of naked pDNA into the femoral arter-
to enter into thyroid leaving the already-infil- ies of rats than direct intramuscular injection
trated T-cells dead. Thus, FasL expressing in (16). Myofibers were 10% more transfected
thyroicytes might lead to potential remedial through intravascular delivery than with the
therapy for the experimental autoimmune direct intramuscular injection. Zhang et al.
thyroiditis (EAT). (26) extended the same intra-arterial injection
Direct pDNA transfer technique had been technique to the non-human primates. It
used to examine the role of a physiologically could be hypothesized that pDNA was extrav-
related protein transduction signal pathway asated by the intravascular pressure during
toward certain endogenous disease pheno- the injection, most likely by convective flow
type, such as investigating the function of the across the endothelium (27, 28). Once the
tissue kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) in the pDNA is extravascular, the muscle cells in situ
central control of blood pressure homeostasis with the help of a receptor mediated uptake
(13). Kallikrein is a proteinase enzyme, which process pick up the naked pDNA. This was
converts kininogen to vasodilative kinin pep- evidenced by the fact that the naked pDNA
tides. The human tissue kallikrein gene, in the was taken up by hepatocytes in vivo by a re-
form of naked pDNA (CMV-cHK),was directly ceptor-mediated process (28). Several DNA re-
delivered by intracerebroventricular injection ceptors had been discovered in human leuko-
into hypertensive rats. The expression of hu- cytes (291, peritoneal macrophages (301, and
man tissue kallikrein protein was identified in in wide variety of tissues and tumor cells (31-
the cortex, cerebellum, brain stem, hippocam- 35). At this point, the poorly understood mech-
pus, and hypothalamus of the treated rats. anism of molecular recognition and character-
The expression level and its effect could lead to ization of the cell surface receptor(s) involved
understanding the role of vasodilative KKS on in the binding and internalization of DNA
the pathogenesis of hypertension. need a fresh look. Liu et al. (36) and Zhang et
Direct gene transfer to skeletal muscle was al. (37) reported that rapid injection of pDNA
mainly used for the treatment of variety of in a large volume (e.g., 5 pg of DNA120 g
diseases, e.g., muscular dystrophies, chronic mouse in 1.5-2.0 mL of saline solution)
ischemic limb syndromes, etc. Specifically en- through the tail vein left the injected DNA in
gineered pDNA and the vector systems were the inferior vena cava. The DNA flowed back
developed that enabled regulated and tissue- to the tissues linked to this vascular system,
specific transgene expression in skeletal mus- primarily the liver. The hydrodynamic pres-
cle in vivo (14).Naked pDNA based gene sure forced DNA into the liver cells before it
transfer (1,15) has been used in different an- was mixed with blood. By this process, the
imal models, e.g., in correcting Duchenne liver showed the highest expression of gene;
Muscular Dystrophy (16), to supply sources of internal organs like lung, spleen, heart, and
therapeutic protein systemically (17, 181, for kidney were also efficiently transfected. Our
genetic-vaccination against pathogens (19) lab had recently shown that briefly clamping
and tumor cells (20,21). However, clinical use the vena cava following tail vein injection of
of this technique is limited because of ineffi- pDNA in a small volume efficiently trans-
cient gene expression specifically in large ani- fected both liver (38) and diaphragm (39). The
mals. result is potentially important because dia-
2 Direct Delivery with Naked Plasmid DNA

phragm is barely transfected by hydrodynam- instated in response to stimuli such as isch-

ics-based method. The full-length dystrophin emia, hypertrophy, or heart failure in the
cDNA can be delivered to the diaphragm for adult.
the treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystro- The method of direct pDNA injection was
phy. It is well known that patients with Du- used to explore the effect of specific patho-
chenne Muscular Dystrophy often suffer from physiological state on cardiac gene expression,
fatal respiratory failure caused by the dystro- such as ischemia (44), myocardial infarction,
phic diaphragm muscle. reperfusion injury, hypertension (45,46), etc.
Ischemia is a disease state formed when tis-
2.2 Gene Delivery for Myocardial Diseases sues are starved for blood supply and nutri-
ents because of deficient supply of blood
Naked pDNA transfer into myocardium
through possibly narrowed or blocked arter-
through direct injection or through coronary
vasculature usually showed low transfection ies. Sporadic myocardial ischemia is com-
efficiencies. The results had nevertheless monly associated with coronary arterial dis-
proven valuable in studies aimed at character- eases. To eliminate the ischemia related
izing the role of promoters in cardiac tissue disease phenotype, a therapeutic gene is re-
and for examining the influences of naturally quired, which could be selectively up-regu-
occurring mechanical and hormonal stimuli of lated by the signals related to the heightened
the myocardium on expression of transferred period of ischemic activity and consequently
foreign genes (40). down regulated when the activity subdues. In
Kitsis et al. (41) have demonstrated that this context, Prentice et al. (44) introduced
the tissue-specific promoter chimeras injected expression plasmids containing muscle-spe-
into the heart could respond accurately to cific a-MHC promoters and hypoxia-respon-
shift in thyroid hormone levels in vivo. Injec- sive enhancer (HRE) elements linked to a re-
tion of pDNA with gene constructs driven by porter gene in cultured cells or into the rabbit
cellular promoters resulted in detectable lev- myocardium and measured the regulation of
els of reporter gene activities. The cellular pro- these constructs by hypoxia or experimental
moter was derived from the rat a-myosin ischemia. It was shown that the expression of
heavy.chain (a-MHC) gene whose expression reporter gene was induced by both hypoxia in
in vivo is restricted to cardiac muscle and is vitro and by a short interval of ischemia in
positively regulated by thyroid hormone. This vivo.
method proved valuable to identify the regu- There were different reports concerning
latory portion of genes expressing specifically
the stability of plasmid-based transgenes in
in cardiac muscles. Direct DNA injection had
both skeletal and cardiac muscles. Lin et al.
been extended to evaluate and characterize
the activation properties of a cardiac-specific (47) have shown that the rat cardiac myocytes
promoter/enhancer of the slow/cardiac tropo- could express /3-galactosidase gene under the
nin C (cTnC) gene that express in cardiac stri- control of the Rous sarcoma virus promoter by
ated muscles (42). Myocardial direct DNA the injection of pDNA encoding the reporter
injection was also used to analyze the tran- gene directly into the left ventricular wall.
scriptional regulation of brain creatine kinase 0-galactosidaseexpressed in cardiac myocytes
(BCK) gene in the heart (43). pDNA con- was detected in rat hearts for at least 4 weeks
structs containing BCK promoter and CAT or after injection of the p-galactosidase gene. In
luciferase reporter gene was delivered into the post-mitotic cardiac and skeletal muscle cells,
left lateral wall and apex of the ventricle on the transgene expression of the pDNA de-
the heart. The study might provide insight clines with time probably because of the episo-
into the embryonic gene expressing mecha- mal localization of the DNA (16,47). The rea-
nism during cardiogenesis. Because the BCK son that the striated muscles showed higher
gene, the major gene for cytoplasmic creatine capacity of uptake and expressing pDNA fol-
kinase expressed in the embryonic heart, is lowing direct injection was not clear; the effi-
down-regulated during cardiogenesis, it is re- cient gene transfer might be induced by cellu-
Plasmid DNA-Mediated Gene Therapy

lar membrane rupturing and destabilization and organs. Inflammation is a prevalent symp-
followedby inflammation caused by the injec- tom for this disease caused by the excessive

tion needle (48). presence of large number of immune cells and

molecules in the target site of the body.
2.3 Gene Therapy for Angiogenesis Against autoimmune diseases or other inflam-
matory conditions, the delivery of cytokines or
Because ischemia is formed because of a defi-
cytokine inhibitors through gene therapy is
cient supply of blood to tissues, formation of
proved very effective. Interferon y (IFN-y), in-
new blood vessels is curative against this dis-
terleukin-1 (IL-1, a or p), IL-12, and tumor
ease. One of the mechanisms that involve the
necrosis factor a (TNFa) are the most fre-
formation of new blood vessels is angiogenesis.
quently addressed inflammatory cytokines in
Angiogenesis is the process of new blood vessel
illness related to autoimmune/inflammatory
development for the vascularization of various
diseases. Other than these cytokines, trans-
organs, for wound healing (49) and to allow
forming growth factor p (TGF P ) is also a key
cancer development and proliferation (50).
regulatory cytokine (53), because TGF p in-
Therapeutic angiogenesis involves restock-
hibits T- and B-cell responses, dysregulation
ing angiogenic growth factors by administer-
of which lead to elevation of autoimmune dis-
ing recombinant proteins or endothelial
ease conditions.
growth factor gene. The recombinant proteins
In animal models, pDNA constructs with
have severe limitation on its usage because it
the encoding anti-inflammatory cytokine
is expensive and difficult for large-scale pro-
genes for IL-10 (54), IL-4 (55), and TGF p l
duction. On the other hand, gene therapy pro-
(56) were injected into either tibialis anterior
vides a systemic and long-term effect with
or rectus femoris muscles in nonobese diabetic
modification in the effective dosage of the
(NOD) mouse against autoimmune diabetic
therapeutic agent. To evade potential problem
of pathological angiogenesis, transient gene
disease. Although- there was no marked de-
crease in severity of insulitis, the diabetes was
expression is usually preferred for this kind of
reduced in NOD mice injected with ILlO com-
treatment. Tsurumi et al. (51) introduced na-
pared with nontreated NOD mice. In another
ked pDNA encoding vascular endothelial
experiment, treatment of autoimmunity
growth factor (VEGF) by intramuscular (IM)
prone NOD mice with pCMV-TGF-pl(57)re-
injection into ischemic hind limb muscles of a
sulted in considerable elevation of TGF-p 1
rabbit model and observed that the vessels
level in the plasma. The increased levels of
and blood-capillaries were increased in rabbit
TGF-p1 exerted various immunosuppressive
muscles injected with VEGF compared with
effects such as there was suppression of de-
controls. An enhanced vascularity-induced
layed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and pre-
perfusion followed by increased blood flow in
vention of insulitic and diabetic incidence in
the ischemic limbs was also observed. In clin-
this kind of mice. TGF-P1, IL-4, and IFN-y
ical trial, Simovic et al. (52) introduced naked
gene coding plasmid vectors were also injected
pDNA encoding human VEGF gene by direct
IM to rodent models for treatingexperimental
intramuscular injection to chronic ischemic
allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) (57), sys-
limbs of patients to treat peripheral neuropa-
temic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (58), colitis
thy caused by critical limb ischemia. The pa-
(591, and streptococcal cell wall-induced ar-
tients showed decreased neuropathic disabil-
thritis (SCW-arthritis) (60).
ity in the treated limbs, indicating that a long-
term therapy might improve the integrity in
tissues of ischemic limb and consequent re-
trieval of limb.
2.4 Gene Therapy for Autoimmune Diseases
Electroporation is a process of exposing cells
Autoimmune disease is a pathogenic condition to a controlled electric field for the purpose of
in which one's immune system mistakenly cellular membrane permeabilization (61). The
targets and attacks person's own cells, tissues, intense localized electric pulses destabilize the
- - - -

4 Improving Plasmid DNA Transfer Mediated by Gene Gun 657

membrane allowing molecules, which other- fection efficiency was observed with compara-
wise do not gain access inside the cell, to enter tively lower field strength, which incurred
cells. A variety of genetic materials were in- minimal tissue damage (Liu and Huang, un-
serted into the cells in vitro by electroporation published observations).
(62-64). Electrochemotherapy, a cell elec- A technique called microelectroporation
tropermeabilization approach that facilitates was used locally to introduce a transgene into
the cellular entry of hydrophilic anticancer chick embryo and express the gene in spatial
agents such as bleomycin, was used to obtain and temporal manner (84, 85). By the micro-
drastically improved antitumor effect (65) in electroporation technique, DNA molecules
malignant melanoma. were efficiently introduced into the optic ves-
Recently, in vivo electroporation has icle (841, sensory placodes, surface ectoderm
emerged as a leading technology for develop- (861, neuroepithelium of the CNS, and into the
ing non-viral gene therapies and nucleic acid somites and limb mesenchyme (87).
vaccines (NAV). Naked pDNA injections ac-
companied by electroporation showed 10- to
1000-fold increases in gene expression com- 4 IMPROVING PLASMID D N A TRANSFER
pared with the same injections without elec- MEDIATED BY GENE G U N
troporation (66-68), and the duration of a
gene expression after electroporation in vivo Gene gun is a physical way of administering
was dependent on target tissue and plasmid genes in vitro or in vivo. pDNA makes an elec-
constructs (66). A broader variety of cells trostatic complex with gold or tungsten micro-
showed reporter gene expression (66-69). particles. DNA-coated metal particles are
One of the advantages of electroporation is placed in the interior of Teflon-coated tubing,
that specially designed electrode directed and the DNA is readily expelled by a flow of
against a given tissue could provide a specific regulated, highly compressed helium gas. The
gene expression for the treated tissue. A high delivery is highly localized to the tissue part.
level of controlled gene expression was ob- For regulating the speed and hence impact-
tained by using a tissue-specific promoter di- pressure, the projectiles can be targeted to dif-
rected against a given tissue with different ferent tissue depths and areas. The process
pulsing parameters (66). involves easy and speedy preparation of the
The electroporation-mediated in uivo gene delivery vehicle while keeping DNA intact.
transfer had been successfully used for hepatic This technique sometimes allows DNA to gain
parenchyma (70, 71), hepatocellular carci- direct access to nucleus bypassing endosome/
noma (72), skin (73, 74), skeletal muscle (69, lysosome wherein they would have possibly
75,761, mouse testes (771, melanoma (65), hu- enzymatically degraded. Because of the bene-
man primary myoblast (78), glomeruli (79), fit of accessibility, this technique is especially
brain (go), human primary hematopoietic suitable for gene transfer to skin (88) and for
stem cells (811, human esophageal tumor (82), superficial wounds (49,89). There are several
and rat skeletal muscle for correcting anemia examples in various animal models that have
of renal failure (83). shown a high level of transgene expression in
Electroporation requires a high electric the epidermis and dermis of the skin (90,91).
field strength, which eventually restricts its By the gene gun technique, mouse skin was
use because it induces some tissue damage. transfected with IL-6 and hemagglutinin-en-
Efficient and safe electro-transfer for deliver- coded DNA to elicit protective immune re-
ing exogenous material into tissues must be sponses against equine influenza virus (92).
developed before the clinical potential of gene Several different large animals such as rhesus
therapy can be realized. Our laboratory had monkeys (93), pigs (94), and horses (95) were
recently developed a novel design of a syringe also immunized against virus by transfecting
electrode, with which electric field was di- gene encoding the viral antigen.
rectly delivered to the cells where pDNA had Other than skin, detectable transgene ac-
been iniected. and the iniected DNA could be tivities were also noticed in various organs in-
confined to the high field region. High trans- cluding liver (96, 97), lungs (98), pancreas
658 Plasmid DNA-Mediated Gene Therapy

(99), kidney (loo), muscle (101), and cornea and targeting ability of the liposome to specific
(102). Gene gun was also used to treat against tissue site, Wang and Huang (107) used pH-
tumor growth (103). pDNA containing IL-12 sensitive immunoliposomes made by coating
gene delivered by gene gun to the epidermal anionic Iiposomes with target specific anti-
cells over an implanted intradermal tumor body and encapsulating plasmid. These lipo-
gave detectable levels of the gene product at somes, on intraperitoneal injection, showed
the treatment site. This eventually led to com- specific transfection to tumor cells in an as-
plete tumor regression within 7 days (104). A cites tumor model of nude mice. Very recently,
particle bombardment of TGF p l encoded the immunoliposomes were revisited for tar-
plasmid to rat tissue enhanced the tensile geting brain. An exogenous gene was targeted
strength of the tissue by almost twofold com- to the brain through the blood-brain barrier
pared with the control (90). Porcine partial- by intravenous injection of pegylated immu-
thickness wounds, when transfected with a noliposomes conjugated with antibody to rat
vector expressing epidermal growth factor transferrin receptor. The whole entity was
(EGF), showed an increased rate of reepithe- targeted to the brain through the transcytosis
lialization that duly shortened the healing of transferrin receptor (108).
time by 20%, (105). Felgner et al. (log), for the first time, used
cationic liposomes for gene transfection. The
primary idea was to electrostatically condense
5 LIPID-BASED VECTORS DNA with more than one equivalent of cat-
ionic lipid and the negatively charged cells
The lipid-based DNA delivery system was first would take up the net positively charged en-
used on the premise that naked DNA on injec- tity when fed to cell. Since then, a plethora of
tion in vivo might be degraded by endogenous literature developed in fine tuning the chemi-
DNAase. The lipidic delivery vehicle would cal structure of lipids by systematic structure-
provide protection to the DNA during circula- activity studies to elucidate the structure of
tion through the blood stream, and with nec- the optimal cationic lipid for gene transfec-
essary chemical modification, this vehicle tion. Herein, pDNA played a significant role.
would confer targeting potential to the DNA pDNA reconstructed with recombinant
towards specific cellular sites. markerlreporter gene and suitable promoter
Lipids are a class of molecule that have a is primarily used as a tool to screen for t'he
tendency to self-assemble in aqueous or or- efficient transfection-lipid from a library of
ganic media. Depending on the molecular ar- cationic lipidic molecules. The electrostatic
chitecture andlor the presence of co-solute, lipid-DNA complex formed by first generation
they assume structures such as micelle, emul- cationic lipids is termed as "lipoplex." Cationic
sion, or liposome in aqueous media and re- polymers also condense DNA with or without
verse micelle in organic media. Among them, the presence of lipid; these polymers can de-
liposomes have shown wide diversity in biolog- liver DNA to cells. This provides the basis for
ical relevance. They constitute a bilayered the second-generation gene delivery systems.
structure, which can encapsulate water-solu- Cationic polymers, cationic dendrimers, etc.
ble molecules in its aqueous hydrophilic core condense DNA to make a complex called
or water-insoluble molecules in its hydropho- "polyplex." If liposomes, cationic or anionic,
bic bilayer. Liposome-based drug delivery sys- are used to encapsulate the pre-condensed cat-
tems have shown promise in clinical use, and ionic polymer-DNA complex and are used to
several products have already been approved deliver DNA to cells, then the whole entity is
by FDA. Fraley et al. (106) have shown for the termed as "lipopolyplex." We will talk about
first time that DNA could also be delivered to these second-generation gene delivery sys-
cellular targets by encapsulating DNA in lipo- tems later in this chapter.
soma1 aqueous core. They used a composite
5.1 First Generation of Cationic Lipids
liposomal system containing anionic and non-
ionic lipids but with a limited DNA encapsula- Lipids with a glycerol backbone containing
tion efficiency. To enhance gene transfection aliphatic carbon chain(s): N-[1-(2,3-dioley-
5 Lipid-Based Vectors

10xy)propyll-N,N,N-trimethylammonium- There are many other lipids that have been

chloride (DOTMA), N-(2-hydroxyethy1)-N,N- synthesized and tested for gene transfection.
dimethyl-2,3-bis(tetradecy1oxy)-1-propana- Only a few of these lipids have shown consis-
minium chloride (DMRIE), N-[I-(2,3-diole- tent and relatively high levels of transfection
y1oxy)propyll-N-hydroxyethyl-N,N-dimethyl- in various cell lines and the in vivo system.
ammonium chloride (DORIE) (110), 2,3-di- Most of these first-generation formulations do
oleyloxy-N-[2(sperminecar-boxamido)ethyll- not circulate long in the blood because the
N,N-dimethyl-1-propanaminiumtrifluoroac- DNAJcationic lipid complex disintegrates in
etate (DOSPA), N-(3-aminopropy1)-N,N- the presence of negatively charged blood pro-
dimethyl-2,3-bis(dodecy1oxy)-1-propanimi- teins. They are also grossly non-targetable to
nium bromide (GAP-DLRIE) (1l l ) , N-[I-(2,3- cells. To overcome these problems, a number
dioleoyloxy)propyll-N',Nr,Nr-trimethylam- of new delivery formulations have been cre-
ated and tested for gene
- transfection effi-
monium chloride (DOTAP) (112),and N, N42-
ciency. We will discuss these second-genera-
hydroxyethyll-N-methyl-2,3-bis(myristoyloxy)- tion cationic formulations later in this
1-propanaminium iodide (DMDHP) (113). chapter.
These lipids are linked to glycerol moiety
through ether or ester-bond and have either a
5.2 Cellular Barriers for Transfection
single cationic charge with none, single, or
multiple hydroxyl groups or multiple cationic To develop an efficient gene delivery system, it
charges by possessing spermidine derivatives seems necessary to understand the extra- and
(Fig. 13.2). intracellular processes involved in the overall
Lipids with long chain alkylaminelalkylam- transfection mechanism. This will lead to un-
ide moiety: dimethyldioctadecylammonium derstanding the mechanism, which is neces-
bromide (DDAB) (114), DOGS (115), li- sary for developing novel lipid-based non-viral
popoly(~-lysine)(LPLL) (1161, GS2888 (117), vectors. For this purpose, cationic liposomes
0,O'-ditetradecanolyl-N-(trimethylammonio and pDNA are used widely to understand the
acety1)diethanolamine chloride (14DEA2) cellular mechanism involved in the transfec-
(1181, diC14amidine (119), N,N-di-n-hexade- tion (Fig. 13.3).
cyl-N, N-dihydroxyethylammonium bromide
(DHDEAEi) (1201, and TFX. These are basi- 5.2.1 Structure of Lipid/DNA Complex.
cally non-glycerol-based lipids, with single or Positively charged cationic liposomes electro-
multiple charges. The charges arise because of statically interact with negatively charged nu-
the presence of ammonium or multiple amines cleic acid sequences to form fused, aggregated
or spermidines. Some of these lipids also pos- complexes, which are capable of entering a
sess multiple hydroxyl groups. cell. These aggregates have a very heteroge-
Lipids with cholesterol moiety: 3p-[N-(N', neous distribution with respect to particle size
Nr-dimethy1aminoethane)-carbamoyl] choles- and net charge. The lipid-to-DNA mass and
terol (DC-Chol) (121) and other cholesterol charge ratio, which defines the size and net
derivatives (1221, biglycosylated cholic acid surface charge of the complex, is an important
derivative (123), and cholesterol with poly- factor to determine transfection efficiency.
amines (124) and spermidines (125, 126). Hence, the structural features associated with
Lipids with L-a-phosphatidylethanolamine this kind of complex need to be interpreted.
derivatives with spermidines: 1,2-dipalmitoyl- Structural features revealed by electron mi-
phosphatidylethanolamidospermine(DPPES) croscopy include lipid-coated DNA strands,
(116) or L-a-phosphatidylcholine with phos- aggregates of liposome intercalating DNA,
phonate diester (127, 128). DNA entrapped between the lamellae of ag-
Lipids with imidazole derivative: 1-[2-[9- gregated multi-lamellar structure, and tubu-
(Z)-octadecenoyloxylethylll-2-[8l(Z)-heptade- lar structure consisting of fused liposome
cenyll-3-[hydroxyethyl]imidazoliniumchloride around DNA (131-136). Polycations such as
polylysine or multivalent cationic lipid con-
with long-chain alkylacyl -&tine ester (130). dense DNA into small compact particles (137).
Plasmid DNA-Mediated Gene Therapy


R ={A

R={- R={A
R' = CH3, X = I R' = CH2C02CH3,X = Br
Phosphonate diester lipids
+ NH3

Figure 13.2. Structures of some representative cationic lipids.

Cells can efficiently uptake these particles cell surfaces. It was hypothesized that mem-
compared with the particles obtained by con- brane fusion between cationic liposome and
densation of DNA by monovalent cationic lip- negatively charged cell membranes is the pri-
ids (Sorgi et al., unpublished data). mary means of cell entry (109, 138). The hy-
pothesis was made based on the premise that
5.2.2 Entry of DNA Into Cells. The pres- cationic and anionic liposomes readily fuse
ence of negatively charged proteins and glyco- (139, 140). It is conceptualized that the inter-
phospholipid impart negative charges on the action of the cationic complex with the cell is
5 Lipid-Based Vectors


\\ A Inactive DNA /

Inactive DNA

0 Transport from
site of injection
0 u
Liposome DNA-liposome complex
Figure 13.3. Schematic illustration of the processes involved in gene delivery and expression.

primarily electrostatic and does not involve airway epithelial cells endocytose liposome-
any specific receptor for the cationic moiety. DNA complexes consequent to their relatively
However, Mounkes et al. (141) showed that high negative charge and phagocytic activity
heparin sulfates, the highly anionic polysac- compared with differentiated cells (142). Evi-
charides, serve as an important cell surface dences now strongly suggest that slow endocy-
receptor for cationic lipid-DNA complexes. tosis of intact lipid/DNA complex is the pri-
Other experiments also suggested that the mary method (143-146) for cellular entry.
mechanism of DNA-transfer to animal cells
from cationic liposomes might not entail a 5.2.3 Fate of Complex Inside the Cell: Es-
simple fusion of liposomal and cellular mem- cape into Cytosol. After cellular entry, the
branes (113). The non-differentiated edged 1ipidIDNA complex is engulfed into lower pH
662 Plasmid DNA-Mediated Gene Therapy

compartment called "early endosomes" in the Cationic lipids can destabilize a cellular
peri-membranous region (147-150). In an at- membrane because of its intrinsic detergent
tempt to elucidate intracellular t r a c k i n g of property. Therefore, destabilization of endo-
IipidIDNA complex, Zhou and Huang (117) soma1 and/or lysosomal membrane may be a
showed that liposome composed of lipopoly- contribution from the cationic lipids itself. In
lysine (LPLL) and 1,2-dioeoyl-sn-glycero-3- the same context, it was shown that the cat-
phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE), condense ionic 1ipidDOPE or cationic lipid/cholesterol
DNA to form electron dense particles recog- liposome formulation exhibit surface anisotro-
nized by thin-section transmission EM, and pies in terms of increased liposomal surface
the majority of them reside in vesicular com- pH (161,162). The surface pH of the liposomal
partments. The endosomal contents usually formulations exhibits at least two pH units
pass into the lysosome, the cell organelle in higher than the pH of the solution a t which
the perinuclear region that houses a host of they are made. Therefore, a liposomal solution
degredative enzymes. The hydrolytic enzymes made at physiological pH may in reality ex-
degrade most if not all the lysosomal contents hibit a surface pH r 9, which is detrimental
(111,151-153). It becomes necessary that the for both the stability of endosome and activity
endosomal content must free itself at the en- of lysosomal enzymes. Endosomal disruptions
dosome stage to keep the DNA intact. Disrup- were also done with fusogenic peptides, which
tion of endosomal vesicle is visualized in the promote pH-dependent fusion of small lipo-
liposomal system containing DOPE as a somes when associated with lipid bilayer.
helper or co-lipid. DOPE with its tendency to When these peptides were co-delivered with
promote significant polymorphic changes in lipidDNA complex, they imparted formidable
the lipid phase stimulates membrane fusion or endosomal disruption by changing its usual
destabilization (117, 154, 155), which is fol- random coil conformation into amphipathic
lowed by leakage of endosomal content into a-helix conformation at lower pH, resulting in
the cytoplasm. DOPE in aqueous media as- consequent cytoplasmic delivery of DNA
sumes inverted hexagonal phase I1 structure, (163).
which is frequently obtained in regions of
membrane where it fuses with another mem- 5.2.4 Entry of DNA in Nucleus. The suc-
brane. Thus, one may assume that DOPE or cess of lipid-mediated gene transfer is severely
liposome formulation containing DOPE might limited by the inefficient transport of trahs-
fuse with endosomal membrane and destabi- fected DNA from the cytoplasm into the nu-
lize it to leak out the content from the cleus (146). In general, macromolecules enter
endosome. the nucleus through nuclear pores. Molecular
If the early endosomal release is not possi- aggregates with size more than 55 A in diam-
ble, another way to keep DNA intact in lyso- eter or molecular weight greater than 40 kD
some is to protect the DNA from lysosomal use the nuclear pore complex (NPC) to access
degradation. Cationic liposomes formulated nucleus. NPC bind with molecular aggregates
with cholesterol believed to offer a useful role associated with nuclear localization signal
in keeping DNAintact (121,156,157). Straub- (NLS) peptide and help it to translocate across
inger et al. (158) have demonstrated that the the nuclear membrane (164-166). One of the
lysosomal enzymes work at lower pH, i.e., pH typical signals is the NLS from SV40 large T
< 6. It was also shown that cholesterol-con- antigen (PKRRRKV) (167), which had been
taining liposomes, which possess greater sta- conjugated to many different molecules to
bility and lower ion-permeability compared gain nuclear access (168, 169). NLS peptide-
with DOPE-containing liposomes, provide an conjugated plasmid DNA was delivered effi-
improved stability to the lipid-DNA complex ciently inside the nucleus with an enhanced
in the cytosol (158-160). It is easily conceiv- gene expression (170). Similarly, SV40 T anti-
able that if the endosomal content passes onto gen NLS co-delivered with DOTAP cationic
lysosome before being released from endo- liposome-mediated efficient gene transfer and
somes, the lipidDNA complex could remain expression in the cell (171). The genes deliv-
secured in the lysosome. ered inside the nucleus require uncoating
6 In Vivo Use of Cationic LiposomeIDNA Complex (Lipoplex) 663

from the lipidic shell before the transcription shown that in the presence of erythrocytes,
starts. It is generally assumed that pDNA is cationic lipid/cholesterol formulation didn't
displaced from the complex by anionic macro- induce fusion between erythrocytes, whereas
molecules in the nucleus. In this regard, an the cationic 1ipidDOPE formulation possess-
alternative hypothesis for cytosolic release of ing high fluidity in its structure induced fusion
DNA from lipidDNA complex had been pro- between the erythrocytes after a short incuba-
posed. Xu and Szoka (160) have demonstrated tion period. This offered an explanation for
by model studies that the pDNA was released why cholesterol makes more superior formu-
from cationic 1iposomeDNAcomplexes by an- lation with cationic lipids for in vivo purposes
ionic liposomes exhibiting compositions mim- (159).
icking the cytoplasmic face of the lipid mono- A repeated systemic intravenous injection
layer of the cellular membrane. Membrane of cytokine gene (IFN pl) by lipoplexes gave a
destabilization followed by flip-flop of the lipo- systemic expression of human interferon+ in
someDNA complex by the anionic lipids by mice, thereby increasing the possibility of cy-
electrostatic interaction resulted in charge tokines used for therapeutic purposes in a sys-
neutralized lipidic ion pairs followed by re- temic manner (181). Hwang et al. observed an
lease of pDNA. enhanced and highly selective liver targeting
To evade the nuclear transport, an alterna- by IV injecting cationic 1iposomeIpDNA con-
tive approach was developed that uses T7- taining p-sitosterol P-D-glucoside (Sit-G)
based cytoplasmic expression vectors. Here (182). IV injections showed gene expression in
the inefficiently nuclear-transported DNA all major organs including the heart, lung,
could be expressed in the cytoplasm itself liver, spleen, and kidney, with the lung being
(172-175). most efficiently transfected (178, 183). For ef-
ficient targeting and gene expression in the
lung, intravenous injection was favored over
intratracheal instillation. Uyechi et al. (184)
have shown by injecting fluorescently tagged
lipoplexes through the vein that the entire
6.1 Intravenous Injection
lung lobe was homogenously fluorescent,
This is a widely used mode of gene delivery in whereas intratracheal administration re- -
animals. On injecting liposome/DNA complex sulted in regional distribution of lipoplex, con-
(lipoplex) intravenously (IV), Stewart et al. centrated around bronchiales and distal air-
(156) for the first time showed the residence of ways.
DNA primarily in heart and lungs even after 9
6.2 Direct injection
days with minimal toxicity. IV-injected lipo-
plex expressed transgene in almost all organs, Direct injection to tissue is a common ap-
includingthe lung, kidney, heart, spleen, liver, proach for cationic lipid-mediated gene ther-
brain, etc., and the expression stayed for 9 apy. Intratumoral injection of DNA-liposome
weeks with apparently no treatment-related complexes containing either E6 or E7 anti-
toxicity (176). Toxicity and antitumor re- sense plasmid resulted in significant growth
sponse was evaluated in mice and pigs with inhibition of C3 tumors grown in a syngeneic
high doses of lipoplex containing MHC gene mouse model (185). E6 and E7 are two onco-
incorporated pDNA (177). genes responsible for the maintenance of the
Recently, more work has been done to in- malignant state of HPV-position tumors. Na-
crease the overall transfection efficiency with be1 et al. (186) have directly injected recombi-
much higher targeting capability and repro- nant pDNA containing murine class I major
ducibility of the liposomal delivery system histocompatibility (MHC) gene into localized
(159, 178, 179). Intravenously administered arterial segment of various major organs and
lipidDNA complex avidly reacts with blood showed that the direct gene transfer by liposo-
components. So, it is necessary to keep the ma1 transfection did not lead to treatment re-
complex intact in the blood until it reaches the lated toxicity, autoimmunity, or gonadal local-
organ of interest. Sakurai et al. (180) have ization of the transgene in mice. The toxicity
Plasmid DNA-Mediated Gene Therapy

of gene delivery by DNA-liposomes was also brane conductance regulator (CFTR) cDNA
analyzed in pigs and rabbits in vivo. There expression in the respiratory tract (196). A
were no clinically significant immunopathol- study conducted on CF patients revealed that
ogy in major organs such as the brain, heart, pCMV-CFTRJcationic liposome complex on
lung, liver, kidney, spleen, and skeletal mus- administration to the nasal epithelium gave
cles. To induce local tumor immunity in pa- no evidence for excess nasal inflammation, or
tients with stage IV melanoma, Nabel et al. any adverse events related to active treat-
(187)injected pDNA encoding MHC class I an- ment. Gene transfer and expression assayed
tigen complexed with cationic lipid directly by PCR revealed the presence of transgene
into the cutaneous tumor nodules. Treated le- DNA in seven of the eight treated patients up
sions exhibited presence of T-cells, followed by to 28 days after treatment (192). Intranasal
an enhanced reactivity of tumor infiltrating instillation technique was also used in the
lymphocytes. As a result, local inhibition of mouse model, to incorporate cationic lipid/
tumor followed by complete diminution of tu- DNA complexes (112, 197). The CFTR dys-
mor was observed in some of the treated pa- functional gene gives rise to multiple defects
tients. Mohr et al. (188) have shown that di- in airway epithelia such as altered C1- and
rect liposome-pDNA complex injection to Na+ permeability. Zhang et al. (198) have
intrahepatic hepatocellular carcinoma pro- shown that the goblet cells were more effi-
duced by human HCC cells seemed far supe- ciently targeted with lipoplexes than any
rior to systemic administration for gene ther- other cells in the entire spectrum of lung air-
apy for localized intrahepatic tumors, because way epithelia. This was ascertained by the fact
the direct administration to tumors left the that an efficiently reduced mucous sulfation to
surrounding normal hepatic cells untouched. levels seen in non-CF airways was observed
In another typical example, in vivo, direct in- with lipoplex/DNA despite low levels of CFTR
tratumor injection of plasmid containing the gene expression in lung epithelial cells in hu-
coding sequence for the human IL-2 gene com- man bronchial xenograft model of mice com-
plexed with cationic lipid formulation resulted pared with non-CF airways of control mice.
in retention of intact pDNA in the tumor tis- This kind of apparent complexities in CFTR
sue and IL-2 secretion by cell cultures derived function presented challenges in the design of
from the injected tumors. Formulation of this different lipoplex formulations that were ca-
lipid with the cationic lipid inhibited DNA pable of generating the endogenous pattefns
degradation and enhanced in vivo transfection of CFTR gene expression in specific lung epi-
efficiency over pDNA alone (189). thelial cells.
Airway administration of liposome com-
6.3 lntraperitoneal Injection
plexes was used for the treatment of pulmo-
nary diseases including cystic fibrosis. Cat- Intraperitoneal (IP) injection of DNA/lipoplex
ionic liposome/DNA complex showed no was done to transfect cells in the peritoneum
adverse effect towards airway epithelial integ- region. Nude mice bearing disseminated hu-
rity (190); therefore, the cationic lipid-based man ovarian tumors derived from p185-over-
delivery system proved to be appropriate for expressing SKOV-3 ovarian cancer cells were
use in human trials for cystic fibrosis (CF). A injected with E1A genellipoplex intraperitone-
series of me-clinical trials were done in CF ally (199). These tumors resemble stage I11
patients with intranasal instillation to evalu- human ovarian cancer. The expression of E lA
ate the risk factors associated with the treat- protein decreased the expression of pl85 onco-
ment (191-193). Because there was no appar- protein and hence increased the survival rate
ent toxicity associated with lipoplexes as was of mice (200). 70% of the treated group sur-
seen from these trials, progress had been vived for 1.5 years from the last injection, but
made in delivering the complexes to the entire the untreated group barely survived more
lung by aerosol in CF patients (192,194,195). than 16 weeks. The treatment of complex con-
By nebulization, the DNA-liposome complex taining 1/13 of the original lipid dose also
was delivered into the airways of mutant mice worked as efficiently as the normal dose.
to obtain human cystic fibrosis transmem- There was no apparent toxicity or major organ
7 Second Generation of Lipidic Delivery System (Lipopolyplex) 665

pathologic change. There was no trace of E1A PLL), highly positively charged peptide and
DNA in the liver, lung, heart, spleen, brain, very basic because of the presence of 21 argi-
uterus, and ovaries of the treated mice even nine residues, which contains a nuclear local-
after 1.5 years (199). ization signal (202). It is naturally occurring
(whereas PLL is synthetic), a United States
Pharmacopeia (USP) grade compound, FDA-
approved, and finds its use as a n antidote to
heparin-induced anti-coagulation. With a rou-
tine history of human administration, the is-
7.1 Polycation-Condensed D N A Entrapped
sues of toxicity and immunogenicity were min-
in Cationic Liposome: LPD-I Formulation
imal for protamine sulfate.
One of the prerequisites for a bio-entity enter- Both protamine sulfate and PLL were com-
ing the cell and nucleus is to possess a small pared for their transfection efficiencies. With
size. The delivery of DNA was efficient the same amount of DNA and cationic lipid,
through cationic lipidic formulation-mediated PLL reached its efficiency plateau at an
gene delivery, but the nuclear transport from amount one-half the amount of motamine sul-
cytoplasm was quiet an inefficient process fate, but the overall efficiency of protamine
(146). Generally, lipoplexes formed by multi- sulfate was two- to sevenfold higher than PLL
ple charged cationic lipids made small ( ~ 2 0 in different cell lines. The extent of transfec-
nm), highly condensed DNWipidic complex. tion efficiency for LPD-I was 7- to 45-fold
These complexes were found to be more trans- higher than the levels shown by DNNcationic
fecting than the lipoplex formed by mono-cat- lipid complex. Phosphate and free base form of
ionic lipids and DNA. Synthetic cationic poly- protamine showed lower levels of transfection
mers like poly-L-lysine (PLL) could also and the activity was comparable with lipoplex.
condense DNA into very small compacted par- It is noteworthy that arginine, which exists as
ticles. This compact complex was allowed to a salt of sulfate, and the lysine as free base or
freely mix with cationic liposomal solution. as a phosphated salt, showed a variance in the
The overall complex formed was termed relative transfection efficiencies even though
LPD-I (200). A sucrose gradient ultracentrif- the percentage of basic (arginine + lysine) res-
ugation of the heterogeneous mixture showed idues remained relatively constant.
the existence of various populations associ- On intravenous injection, LPD-I made with
ated with varied amount of lipid. Negative- DOTAP had shown very high gene expression
stain EM studies of purified complexes showed in the heart, lung, liver, spleen, and kidney,
electron dense structures ranging from elon- with the highest expression found in the lung
gated rod-shaped to ball-shaped particles. The (178). The in viuo gene expression had steadily
purified fractions were severalfold more trans- increased with increase in cationic lipid andlor
fection efficient than unpurified ones. The protamine, but the protamine-DNA charge ra-
fractions, which contained more lipids, were tio was kept below 2:l to avoid forming large
more efficient in gene transfection than those aggregates. After LPD injection transgene ex-
containing fewer lipids. The transfection effi- pression was detected as early as 1 h, it peaked
ciency of LPD-I was severalfold higher than at 6 h and declined thereafter. The lung con-
the corresponding cationic liposome-DNA sistently showed the highest gene expression,
complex. It is hypothesized that the small which lasted for 2 days. Even after 4 days of
compacted structure of DNA resulted in high LPD injection, gene expression could still be
cellular and nuclear uptake, the DNA is pro- detected in the lung, spleen, and liver.
tected efficiently against the enzymatic degra- In a bio-distribution study with labeled
dation, and PLL may have mimicked the nu- DNA and liposome, it was revealed that DNA
clear localization signal for nuclear delivery of was rapidly removed from circulation by the
DNA. An alternative cationic polymer, prota- liver after injection of protamine-DNA com-
mine sulfate, from salmon sperm was used as a plexes and uptake by the lung was always less
substitution for PLL (201). Protamine sulfate than 10% of injected dose at all time points.
is a small (MW ~ 4 0 0 0versus -18,500 for However, DNA formulated in LPD was
Plasmid DNA-Mediated Gene Therapy

trapped in the lung to an extent of 40% within inhibited by the presence of excess free folate.
5 min of LPD injection. Southern blot analysis Control LPD-I1 particles generated with non-
revealed that the pDNA injected with LPD targeted liposomes was only active at low lipid1
was detectable in the lung in much higher DNA ratios, suggesting that the transfection
quantity than the control even 6 h after IV by LPD-I1 particles was only receptor depen-
injection. Intraportal injection gave signifi- dent when the over all charge was negative.
cantly lower gene expression than with intra- Compared with DC-Chol/DOPE/DNA lipo-
venous injection. some complexes, LPD-I1 showed -20- to 30-
fold more transfection activity. On replacing
7.2 Polycation Condensed DNA in Anionic
DOPE with DOPC in the original formulation,
Liposomes: LPD-II Formulation
the transfection was severely reduced. This in-
Some disadvantages always accompany the dicated that the fusogenic activity of DOPE
cationic lipid-mediated gene transfection. Cy- was essential for the transfection activity of
totoxic effect in cells/tissues is the primary LPD-I1 particles.
concern, which requires early attention. The The therapeutic applications of antisense
cationic lipids exhibit relatively large sizes, oligonucleotides (ODN) are currently limited
whereas complexation with DNA provide sub- by their low physiological stability, inefficient
optimal DNA condensation and have limited cellular uptake, and the lack of tissue specific-
efficiency and lack of tissue specificity. Anionic ity. The use of various vectors renders phos-
liposomes used in gene therapy have shown phodiester (PO) ODN resistant to enzymatic
poor encapsulation efficiencies because of digestion. KB cells, which overexpress folate
large size and excessive negative charge of un- binding protein, were also transfected with
condensed pDNA. The use of anionic lipo- LPD-11-containing targeting ligand folate to
somes was revisited during a recent approach, deliver ODN against epidermal growth factor
which also used the concept of condensing receptor (EGFR). This resulted in down-regu-
DNA by cationic polymers. A delivery vector lation of EGFR and growth inhibition of KB
was developed wherein polylysine-condensed cells (178). The modified backbone ODN, i.e.,
pDNA was trapped in folate-targeted anionic phosphorothioate (PS) and monomethylphos-
liposomes through charge interaction. It had a phonate (MP), are more stable to enzymatic
structural similarity to LPD-I and it was degradation compared with PO ODN, but they
named LPD-II(203). It differed from LPD-I in suffer from increased toxicity and decreased
that anionic lipids instead of cationic lipids specificity. In one study, PO ODN against
were used. This novel vector was more effi- EGFR had shown growth inhibitory effect to
cient and less cytotoxic compared with con- KB cells compared with that of PS/PO ODN
ventional cationic liposomal vectors. when delivered with LPD-11, indicating that
Folate-targeted LPD-I1 particles were gen- LPD-I1 could also protect PO ODN from the
erated by mixing anionic liposomes composed attack by enzymes inside cells (204).
of DOPE/cholesterylhemisuccinate (CHEMS)/
folate-polyethyleneglycol (PEG)-DOPE and
the cationic DNA-polylysine (1:0.75, w/w)
complexes. Structural analysis of LPD-I1 by
8.1 General Development
negative-stain EM showed that the DNA-poly-
lysine (which appears individually as rod Emulsions are one of the most widely studied
shaped) and lipid complex seemed to be a colloidal dispersion systems for the delivery of
highly electron dense, spherical core with a drugs (205,206). The oil-in-water emulsion is
low-density coating. The mean diameter of made of oil dispersed in an aqueous phase with
these particles was 74 2 14 nm, i.e., smaller a suitable emulsifier such as phospholipids
than the empty liposomes. and non-ionic or ionic surfactants. Castor oil
KB cells expressing folate receptors were or soybean oil is predominantly used as the
transfected with LPD-I1 particles containing core oil phase. Non-ionic surfactants such as
luciferase reporter gene, and high transfection Tween, Span, Brij, and pluronic copolymers
efficiency was observed. The activity could be are used as co-emulsifiers. The ionic co-emul-
9 Gene Delivery by Polymeric Systems (Polyplex)

sifiers are phospholipids or cationic lipids. A reconstituted chylomicron remnants formed

number of structure-activity studies had been by purified lipids could be taken up by the
done with different emulsion formulations, hepatocytes following intravenous injections
which were subsequently used for gene deliv- (212). In our laboratory, we modified the sys-
ery in uitro and in uiuo. The non-ionic surfac- tem and used it for delivery of DNA into liver
tants such as Tween, Span, Brij, and pluronic cells (213). DNA is predominantly hydrophilic
copolymers were found to be excellent co- in nature and therefore cannot be included in
emulsifiers when used along with castor oil, the hydrophobic interior of the reconstituted
DC-Chol, and DOPE (207). The in vitro trans- chylomicron remnants (RCR). 3P-[N-(N',
fection study on BL-6 cells showed that the N' ,N1-Trimethylaminoethane)carbamoyl]
Tween surfactant-containing formulations cholesterol (TC-Chol), a quaternary ammo-
had more serum resistivity and exhibited nium analog of DC-Chol, was used in various
higher transfection in serum-containing me- amounts to make complexes with DNA. The
dia than in the absence of serum. One of the resultant hydrophobic complexes extracted
Brij-containing formulations, i.e., one with from aqueous solution were emulsified with
2-oxyethylene chains, showed the highest commercially available lipids (olive oil: L-a-
transfection efficiency in presence of serum. phosphatidyl choline, L-a-lysophosphatidyl
The toxicity of each formulation is minimal. In choline, cholesteryl oleate) by homogeniza-
DOTAP, soybean oil, and pDNA emulsion tion. DNA/TC-Chol complex was incorporated
complexes, it was observed that despite the into the internal oil space of RCR and re-
change of 6 potential with the varying amount mained protected against DNAase I digestion.
of DNA, the structure and the size of the emul- The RCR-containing DNNTC-Chol complex
sion complex remained mostly unchanged showed transgene luciferase expression in the
(208). The stability of this emulsion complex liver 100-fold higher than with naked DNA
was shown to be high and inhibited DNAase-I injection when injected intraportally. The ex-
digestion of pDNA. In serum-containing pression was also seen in the spleen, lung, and
media, the emulsion showed much higher heart, but was 25- to 800-fold lower than in the
transfection efficiency compared with the lipo- liver. The gene expressions obtained through
fectamine/DNA transfection complex. Inclu- tail vein injection were 100-fold lower than of
sion of polyethyleneglycol-PE in the emulsion the mice injected intraportally. This was likely '
complex created a high-level transfection that because the RCR didn't contain any apoli-
was observed even in the media containing poproteins on its surface, which could have
90% of serum. This result suggested that in otherwise facilitated the receptor-mediated
uiuo transfection could be done with this emul- uptake. Moreover, the colloidal stability might
sion complex. Another soybean oil-DOTAP not be as good as the ones containing apoli-
emulsion was used to transfer genes to the epi- poproteins. RCR didn't employ any protein or
thelial cells of the mouse nasal cavity through peptide that acts as an antigen. So, it could be
intranasal instillation. The emulsion showed en- injected repetitively by using a catheter
hanced stability against heparin exchange and method that had been established for multiple
exhibited higher level of transfection compared portal vein infusion (214). We have recently
with commercially available liposome/DNA improved the formulation by adding pegylated
complexes in nasal cavity mucosa (209). lipid to the surface of RCR and showed that
the circulation time of the particle was pro-
8.2 Reconstituted Chylomicron Remnants longed significantly (215).
for Gene Transfer
Chylomicrons are triglyceride-rich lipopro-
teins that are slowly modified during the cir-
culation in blood. The core glyceride structure
is hydrolyzed by the lipoprotein lipase. It is by
9.1 General Development and Uses
the apolipoprotein-specific receptors that the
hepatocytes in the lever consume these rem- An alternative non-viral gene delivery system
nants (210,211). It had been shown that even has been developed that uses polymers, either
668 Plasmid DNA-Mediated Gene Therapy

cationic or neutral. Cationic polymers are pre- of rat, a high level of transfection was ob-
dominantly used because they efficiently con- served in nigrostriatal dopamine neurons and
dense DNA to very small particles. These com- was detectable up to 15 days.
plexes are called "polyplexes." Wu et al. (216) EBV-based plasmid vector containing thy-
used polylysine-asialo-orosomucoidconjugate midine kinase (TK) gene coupled with poly-
to condense pDNA and target the pDNA to amidoamine (PAMAM)dendrimer (EBVIpoly-
liver. pDNA condensed with protamine/poly- plex) was used in suicide gene therapy of
lysine-conjugate of iron transport protein, cancer (232). Huh7 hepatocellular carcinoma
transferrin, was efficiently delivered to eu- (HCC) tumors in SCID mice were injected
karyotic cells (217). pDNA condensed by CD3 intratumorally with TK genes containing
antibody-polylysine conjugate showed recep- EBV/dendrimer polyplex to show remarkable
tor-mediated endocytosis to efficiently inter- suppression of tumor growth, leading to pro-
nalize pDNA into T-lymphocytes (218). De- longation of survival time. Gene transfer to
pending on the cell-binding ligand, specific the lung was obtained by intravenous injec-
targeting was obtained in different cell lines tion of G9 PAMAM dendrimer-complexed
(219). pDNA into mice. This resulted in high levels of
Several of the most effective polymeric de- transgene expression in the alveoli at 12 and
livery systems were polyamidoamine den- 24 h, followed by a second peak of expression
drimers (220) and polyethyleneimines (PEI) 3-5 days after administration. However, the
(221). Being non-biodegradable, these syn- direct endobronchial administration of this
thetic polymers posed a potential toxicity to polyplex primarily targeted bronchial epithe-
cell; therefore, biodegradable polypeptides lium (233).Topical in vivo delivery of pDNA to
like PLL and protamine were used for conden- the hairless mice skin was done with PAMAM
sation and delivery of gene, but they had lim- dendrimer polyplex. The polyplex was incor-
ited efficacy in transfection (222, 223). They porated in or coated on the surface of PO~Y(DL-
were usually used with cationic lipids to ob- lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) or collagen-based
tain enhanced transfection activity (178,201). biodegradable membranes (234).
Among the biodegradable polymers, chitosan In an effort to transfer genes to rabbit ca-
(224) and P-cyclodextrin-based polymers rotid artery, Turunen et al. (235) used DNA/
(225) were also used for gene transfection. fractured dendrimer (generation 6) polyplex
Although the cationic polymers shared the to obtain a high level of gene transfer (4.4%)
same mechanism of DNA condensation, the compared with what was obtained by lipoplex.
transfection efficiency greatly varied between The arterial gene transfer was particularly
polymers. Even different molecular weights useful because it could be used as a tool for
and isomeric forms of the same polymer treating various vascular diseases. In vivo
showed different physicochemical characteris- gene transfer methods in this study employed
tics, transfection efficiency, and toxicity (221, a gene delivery reservoir (collar) around the
226-228). carotid artery, which served as a reservoir for
Ligand-conjugated polymers were used for the gene delivery solution. This type of local
in vivo targeting and expression of genes. Kir- gene transfer with cationic polymer-pDNA
cheis et al. (229) reported an enhanced level of complexes provided a technically efficient way
transfection in subcutaneous neuro2a tumors of treating arterial diseases during vascular
on intratumoral injection of transferrin-PEI/ surgeries. These dendrimer-based polyplexes
pDNA compared with naked pDNA injection. showed a clear advantage over polylysine in
On pegylating the Tf-PEIIpDNA complex, the that they can buffer the drop of endosomal pH
whole entity became serum resistant without inside the endosome leading to an increase in
losing its targetability, and the complex could transfection efficiency (236, 237, 223).
be efficiently targeted to neuro2a tumors in a Qin et al. (238) used starburst PAMAM
mouse model after IV injection (230). Alvarez- dendrimers to transfer genes into a murine
Maya et al. (231) cross-linked neurotensin cardiac transplantation model. These star-
with PLL and made polyplexes with pDNA. burst dendrimers are a special class of its kind,
On injecting polyplex into the substantia nigra which are highly branched spherical polymers
10 Non-Viral Vector-Related Cytotoxicity

with large number of amino groups on the sur- and level of gene expression in the lung but
face. At the time of transplantation of whole also shortened the refractory period for re-
heart in the recipient mice, the dendrimerlp- peated dosing when injected along with anti-
gal pDNA was directly injected into the graft PECAM AbIDNA. This supported a potential
tissue. X-gal staining revealed a highly effi- therapeutic role of dexamethasone in lung
cient and wide spread transgene expression in gene transfer with Ab-polymer conjugates.
both myocytes and the graft infiltrating cells Similarly, Ferkol et al. (244) targeted the
with the peak lasting up to 14 days. For organ- polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR),
transplantation, severe tissue rejection is a which is expressed in lung and liver tissues,
common immune response. Viral IL-10, a cy- and transferred pDNA to these tissues. The
tokine synthesis inhibitory factor, is able to targeting ligand, anti-secretory component
regulate a variety of negative immune re- (SC) Fab antibody, was covalently linked to
sponses by suppressing the synthesis of IFN- y poly-L-lysine. The polycation, after condens-
or inhibiting IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, and ing pDNA, was delivered successfully to air-
TNF-a! (239-242). Direct injection of this den- way epithelium in uiuo. Tissues that do not
drimerlviral IL-10 gene with a-MHC promoter express the pIgR, the spleen and heart, were
polyplex to the cardiac tissue showed an in- not transfected. In addition, conjugate pre-
creased survival of the cardiac allograft. As pared with irrelevant Fab fragments did not
little as 0.31 pg of the injected pDNA led to an produce detectable transgene activity. This
increased mean survival from 13.9 to 38.6 complex specifically targeted pIgR-bearing tis-
days. sues, but after repeated dosing, increased hu-
moral immune response against anti-SC Fab
9.2 Targeted Gene Delivery by Antibodies
antibody was observed (245).
Conjugated with Polycations
Polyamines had shown efficient transfection
to lung endothelium. An efficient targeted 10 NON-VIRAL VECTOR-RELATED
transfection vector to the lungs could be CYTOTOXICITY
achieved by conjugating a targeting ligand
against platelet endothelial cell adhesion mol- It is known from the 1980s that bacterial DNA
ecule-l (PECAM-l) to polyamines. This li- stimulates the formation of cytotoxic IFN-a!,
gand-polyamine complex was targeted effi- p, and IL-12 when the DNA is taken up by
ciently to the pulmonary endothelial cells. A macrophages. It in turn leads to NK cell acti-
chemical vector was synthesized by covalent vation and production of pro-inflammatory cy-
conjugation of polyethylenimine (PEI) and tokine IFN-y. This is accompanied by the
anti-PECAM antibody (Ab) (243). The cat- proliferation of B-cells and therefore the re-
ionic complex was shown to deliver DNA spe- duction of apoptosis and release of IL-6 and
cifically to mouse lung endothelial cells. The IL-12 (246-249). These pro-inflammatory ef-
highest gene expression was obtained at rela- fects were found to be caused by some im-
tively low plus-to-minus charge ratios. The muno-stimulatory sequences in prokaryotic
PEI conjugated with a control IgG did not en- DNA that contained unmethylated CpG dinu-
hance transfection of mouse lung endothelial cleotide motif flanked by two 5' purines and
cells. Intravenous injection of this anti-PE- two 3' pyrimidines. Plasmid DNA, which is
CAM Ab-PEI /DNA showed an increased lung derived from bacterial DNA, induces these im-
expression in mice compared with other mune responses. The unmethylated CpG mo-
modes of injection (243). tif-containing sequence occurs four times
TNF-(win blood was found to be about five- more frequently in prokaryote DNA than in
fold less in the mice injected with PEI-anti- eukaryotic DNA. Moreover, the CpG motifs
PECAM AbDNA than in the mice injected are usually 75% more methylated in mamma-
with PEIDNA. The decrease in TNF-a was lian DNA than in prokaryotic DNA (250,251).
partially reversible by pretreating mice with On methylation of the cytosine bases in plas-
Ab to PECAM. The immunosuppressant dexa- mids, the immuno-stimulatory effect is de-
methasone not only improved the persistence creased considerably (252). Immature den-
670 Plasmid DNA-Mediated Gene Therapy

dritic cells tend to produce pro-inflammatory transgene expression could be obtained. A lim-
IFN-a, P, IL-6,Il-12, and TNF-a during expo- ited interaction of plasmid with immune cells
sure to CpG containing oligonucleotide or bac- could also lead to decreased cytokine response.
terial plasmid (253,254). It could be achieved by sequentially injecting
These immune-stirnulatory effects leading cationic liposomes and free pDNA. Song et al.
to inflammatory cytokine productions had a (264) used this process for the purpose of effi-
negative impact on the systemic gene delivery ciently transfecting the lung by prolonging the
of caionic lipid/DNA complexes. On recogni- residency time and interaction of DNA with
tion of pDNA by splenic macrophages during pulmonary endothelium. Tan et al. (255) used
circulation, there was every chance that the the same concept to show that the sequential
pDNA would elicit an immune response, injection led to the formation of a lower level of
which might lead to phagocytosis of the com- cytokines compared with lipoplex injection. It
plex and hence decreased transgene expres- is evident from the above efforts that under-
sion. High levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine standing the detailed mechanism of CpG-in-
also led to inactivation of several promoters, duced immune response is required for in-
resulting in a decrease in transgene expres- creasing the efficacy of pDNA-mediated gene
sion (255-257). The death of animals by high delivery.
dose lipoplex injection for obtaining high
transgene expression (258) could be attrib-
uted both to the high concentration of lipid 11 CONCLUSION
and pDNA mediated toxicity. In the case of
local lipoplex administration in animals, min- Since the first attempt of using plasmid DNA
imal toxicity was observed. However, on intra- for gene delivery to cells, two decades have
venous injection or intratracheal instillation, seen many attempts to enhance the efficacy of
high levels of IFN-7and TNF-a were observed genetic vectors, to test various therapeutically
(259-261). Minimized CpCr triggered inflam- important genes, and to understand the mech-
mation and immune responses followed by anism of the gene delivery, associated toxicity,
prolonged gene expression were obtained by and factors inhibiting gene expression. A
pretreating cytokine-neutralizing antibodies number of gene therapy clinical trials have
during intravenous injection of lipoplex (259). also been performed. Although no single vec-
Repeated dosing without any antibody treat- tor is superior over other vectors, each in vivo
ment led to silenced transgene expression af- gene transfer application will find its vector
ter 1 or 2 weeks (178,259). system for optimal performance. Understand-
It is not clear how cytokine production de- ing cellular barriers and possible means to
creases the transgene expression, but various overcome will undoubtly further improve the
efforts to minimize CDG-related immune re- performance of a non-viral vector.

sponses and toxicity and to enhance transgene

expression is worth mentioning. Hofmann et 12 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
al. (262) have used PCR amplified fragments
containing encoded therapeutic gene and reg- The original work from our lab described
ulatory elements for preparing LPD. On deliv- in this review has been supported by NIH
ering, a similar level of gene expression com- Grants CA-74918, AR-45925, DK-44935, and
parable with pDNA lipoplex was obtained. AI-48851. Discussions with Dr. Song Li are
However. much lower level of cvtokine
" re- gratefully acknowledged.
sponse was observed, which sustained the
gene expression for a longer period than
pDNA. PCR fragments contain fewer CpG mo- REFERENCES
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Terms that begin with numbers Acyclovir Aldose reductase

are indexed as if the number were classification in various coun- in diabetes, 3-4
spelled out; e.g., "3D models" is tries, 430 Alitretinoin, 320,374
located as if it were spelled Adapalene, 320,373 Allele-specific amplification,
"ThreeD models." Adaptive toxicological responses 624
to UV radiation, 464-465 Alopecia, 433. See also Hair
A-23187,214 Adenine, 619 growth disorder drugs
A-63162,213 Adequate Intake, 368 Alosteron
A-64077,213 biotin, 405 removed/restricted by FDA,
A-79175,214 folic acid, 411 642
A-79176,214 niacin, 397 Alprostadil, 299301,442
A-787733,214 pantothenic acid, 402 adverse effects, 443
Absorption, distribution, metab- vitamin A, 371 development of, 448
olism, and excretion vitamin B,, 389 mechanism of action, 446
(ADME) vitamin B,, 392 pharmacokinetics, 444
biguanides, 21-23 vitamin B,, 400 structure-activity relationship,
a-glucosidase inhibitors, 31-33 vitamin C, 418 447
insulin and analogs, 5-8 vitamin D, 379 Alternative macrophage activa-
insulinotropic agents, 15-17 vitamin E, 384 tion-associated CC chemo-
thiazolidinediones, 24 vitamin K, 387 kine (AMAC),150
ABT-080,219 ADME studies. See Absorption, Alzheimer's disease
ABT-761,214-215 distribution, metabolism, single gene pharmacogenetic
ABT-963,240 and excretion (ADME) studies in genes influencing
Acarbose, 31,32,33,34-36,36 Adrenalin progression, 638-639
Accolate, 225-226 role in insulin regulation, 2 Amaryl, 13
Accutane, 320,373 a-Adrenergic receptor AMD2763,168
Acetohexamide, 12,16 gene expresion profiling study, AMD3100,168-170
Acetrizoate, 497 612 AMD3329,168
angiography application, 569 0,-Adrenergic receptor AM1 25
histamine release, 558 single nucleotide polymor- radiopaque material, 491
neurotoxicity, 555 phism~,635-636 AM1 227
particulate, 576 0,-Adrenergic receptor radiopaque material, 491
pharmacokinetics, 561 single nucleotide polymor- Amidotrizoate
properties, 504 phism~,636 neurotoxicity, 554
protein binding, 556, 557 P-Adrenergic receptor antago- Amino acids
urography application, 571 nists. See 0-Blockers novel chi-constrained, 52
Acetyl CoA carboxylase Advanced glycation end-prod- Arninobenzoate sunscreens, 460,
biotin dependent, 404 ucts (AGES),4 461
N-Acetyltransferase-2 Advance notice of proposed rule- absorption and disposition,
single nucleotide polymor- making, 425 462-463
phism~,630 Adverse drug events development of, 470
Acitretin, 320,373374 defined, 545-546 structure-activity relationship,
Acne reporting, 473-474 467-468
retinoids used for, 372-373 Adverse drug reactions Amiodarone
Actos, 25 defined, 546 P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631
Acute coronary syndrome Albumin. See Serum albumin P-glycoprotein substrate,
single gene pharmacogenetic Albuterol 631
studies in genes influencing impact of polymorphisms on Amitriptyline
progression, 638-639 effectiveness, 636 CYP2D6 substrate, 627

Amlodipine Apolipropotein E Basophils

CYP3A4/5/7 substrate, 627 impact of polymorphisms on chemokinelcytokine receptors,
AMP-activated protein kinase Alzheimer's, 637, 638-639 133
system Apomorphine, 450 Bayer ~7195,222- 223
role in carbohydrate metabo- Arachidonic acid Bay X1005,217-219
lism, 23 leukotriene biosynthesis from, Bay Y1015,218
a-Amylases, 33 205-207 B-cells
Amylopectin, 33 Arginine vasopressin, 67 chemokine/cytokine receptors,
Amylose, 33 Arteriography, 567. See also Ra- 133
Anagen phase, of hair growth, diopaques Benzophenone sunscreens
425 CT application, 568 structure-activity relationship,
Anakinra, 174 N-Arylsulfonarnides 469
Androgenetic alopecia, 433,435, selective COX-2 inhibitors, Beriberi, 387-388,389
241-242 p,-Antagonists. See /3-Blockers
Ascorbic acid, 399. See also Vita- @Blockers
plasmid DNA-mediated gene
therapy, 656 min C gene expression profiling
Angiography, 567. See also Ra- Aspirin study, 612
diopaques discovery, 230 Bexarotene, 320,374
CT application, 568 effects on COX-1,244-245 Biguanides, 21-24
radiopaques applications, IL-12 inhibition, 180 BIIL 284,228,229
569-570 warning label, 427 Bioassays
Angiotensin-converting enzyme Astemizole peptide hormones, 52
(ACE) CYP3A41517 substrate, 627 Bioinformatics
single nucleotide polymor- removedlrestricted by FDA, DNA microarrays, 605-606
phims in insertionldeletion, 642 and gene expression profiling,
633 Asthma 614
Angiotensin, receptor and leukotrienes, 210 Biotin, 402-405
single nucleotide polymor- Atorvastatin deficiency, 405
phims, 633-635 P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631 hypervitaminosis biotin, 405
Anthracyclines single nucleotide polymor- in leucine catabolism, 406
P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 p h i s m ~influencing response vitamin status assays, 367
Anthranilate sunscreens to, 644 Bis-ethylhexyloxyphenol me-
structure-activity relationship, thoxyphenol triazine .
Autoimunne diseases
469 (BEMT), 472
plasmid DNA-mediated gene
Antibody microarrays, 600 Bismuth subnitrate
therapy, 656 radiopaque, 489
Anticancer drugs
COX-2 selective inhibitors, Avandia, 25 Bis-triiodo-l,3-benezenedicar-
249-250 Avidin, 405 boxamide radiopaques, 497
lipiodol as carrier for, 494 Avobenzone Bis-triiodobenzoate radiopaques,
retinoids, 374 mechanism of action, 466 497
Anticancer gene therapy structure-activity relationship, Blockbuster drugs, 422,423
plasmid DNA-mediated, 653 469-470 B-lymphocytes. See B-cells
Antisense technology sunscreen, 460 BMS 180549
for gene expression profiling, radiopaque material, 491
613 Baby-boomer consumers, 423 Bordetellapertussis toxin
with plasmid DNA-mediated Baldness, 433. See also Hair effect on chemokines, 134
gene therapy, 666 growth disorder drugs BP-897
AOP-RANTES ligand Barium meals, 488 experimental smoking cessa-
and CCR1,137 Barium metatitanate tion agent, 459
and CCR3,150 radiopaque material, 493 BR2
and CCR5,155 Barium sulfate radiopaque material, 574
CCRl antagonist, 139 radiopaque, 487-489 BR21
Aortography, 567. See also Ra- Barium titanate radiopaque material, 574
diopaques radiopaque material, 488,493 Brain creatine kinase
Apex, 624 Basal cell carcinoma, 465 plasmid DNA-mediated gene
Aphrodyne, 442 Basen, 32 therapy study, 655

Breast cancer Carcinogenesis clinical efficacy and safety,

cell characterization by gene UV radiation effects, 465-466 248-249
expression profiling, 608 Cardioangiography CYP2C9 substrate, 627
tissue attenuation of x-rays, CT application, 568 in uiuo models, 246
486 Carisoprodol Cell-cell communication, 130-
Bremsstrahlung, 484 CYP2C19 substrate, 627 131
Bromfenac a-Carotene, 369 Cell characterization
removedlrestricted by FDA, @-Carotene,320321,368- 370 by gene expression profiling,
642 asymmetrical cleavage, 322- 606-608
Brompheniramine 323 Cell surface receptors, 130
over-the-counter status, 426 symmetrical cleavage, 321- Cellular retinol binding protein,
Bronchography, 567. See also 323,324
Radiopaques Central nervous system cancer
?-Carotene, 369
Bunamiodyl cell characterization by gene
biotransformation, 565 Carotenes, 368 -371
expression profiling, 607,
cholecystography application, Carotenoids, 320-321
570 Catagen phase, of hair growth, Cerivastatin
Bupropion, 451,452 425 removed/restricted by FDA,
adverse effects, 453 Caverjet, 442 642
development of, 457-458 CC1 receptor, 133,138-139 single nucleotide polymor-
mechanism of action, 455 antibodies, 139 p h i s m ~influencing response
pharmacokinetics, 453-454 peptide antagonists, 139 to, 644
for sexual disorders, 450 small molecule antagonists, CGP-28238,242
structure-activity relationship, 139-143 CGS-25019c, 228,229
456-457 CC2 receptor, 133,143-144 Chemoinformatics
B N ratio, of contrast agents, antibodies, 144 and bioinformatics, 614
538 peptide antagonists, 144-145 Chemokine modulators, 130-
BW-A4C, 213 small molecule antagonists, 131
BW-B70C, 213-214 145-148 Chemokine receptors, 130-131
BW-755C, 212 CC3 receptor, 133,148-149 binding site model, 137
BX471, 142-143 antibodies, 149 biology, 131-134
peptide antagonists, 149-150 CCR1,133, 138-143
Calcipotriene, 378 small molecule antagonists, CCR2, 133,143-148
Calcitonin 150-152 CCR3,133,148-152
and vitamin D, 376,377 CC4 receptor, 133, 152-153 CCR4,133,152-153
Calcitriol, 377 CC5 receptor, 133, 153-154 CCR5,133, 153-159
Calcium antibodies, 154-155 CCR6, 133,159-160
regulation by vitamin D fam- peptide antagonists, 155 CCR7,133,160-161
ily, 376-377 small molecule antagonists, CCR8, 133,161
Calcium pantothenate, 401,402 155-159 CCR9,133
Calcium tungstate CC6 receptor, 133, 159-160 CCR10, 133
radiopaque material, 493 CC7 receptor, 133, 160-161 CC receptors, 132, 133, 136-
Cancer CC8 receptor, 133, 161 138
cell characterization by gene CC9 receptor, 133 CXCR1,161-165
expression profiling, 606- CClO receptor, 133 CXCR2,161-165
608 CC receptors, 132,133,136-138 CXCR3,165-166
and COX-2 selective inhibi- CD437,350 CX,CRl, 133
tors, 249-250 cDNA CXCR4,166-170
Captopril in plasmid DNA-mediated CXC receptors, 132, 133, 136-
impact of ACE polymorphisms gene therapy, 652 138
on effectiveness, 634 cDNA microarray chips, 604 ligand structure, 135
Carbohydrate metabolism. See Celebrex, 204,233,234-235 model of, 132
also Glucose clinical efficacy and safety, mutation and chimera studies,
enzymes involved in, 33-37 248-249 137
role of insulin, 2 Celecoxib, 234-235,239 sequence alignment of CC and
Carboprost, 305 assays, selectivities, and po- CXC, 136
Carbutamide, 18 tencies, 245 signaling, 135

Chemokine receptors (Continued) Clinical trials COX-2,205,231-232

viral chemokines, 170-172 gene expression profiling of role in prostaglandin synthe-
XCR1,133 drug response subsets, 610 sis, 232-233
Chemokines, 130-131 and pharmacogenomics, 641- COX-2 inhibitors, 204-205. See
inducible vs. constitutive, 134 644 also Leukotrienes
ChemR1,161 Clomipramine agents inhibiting both 5-10
ChemR13,153 CYP2C19 substrate, 627 and COX-2,246-248
Chloramphenicol acetyltrans- Clonidine assays, selectivities, and po-
ferase, 27 yohimbine reverses ejacula- tencies, 245-246
Chlorpheniramine tion inhibition, 446 clinical efficacy and safety of
over-the-counter status, 426 Clotrimazole (vaginal) selective, 248-250
Chlorpropamide, 11, 12, 16 classification in various coun- irreversible, 244-245
Cholangiography, 567. See also selective, 204,234-246
tries, 430
Radiopaques selective nonsteroidal anti-
Clustering methods
radiopaques applications, inflammatory drugs, 242-
with DNA microarrays, 606
569-570 244
Cholecalciferol, 374, 375. See CMI 477 in vivo models, 246
also Vitamin D, experimental smoking cessa- CP 526555
keto and oxime analogs, 381 tion agent, 459 experimental smoking cessa-
Cholecystography, 567. See also Cobalamin, 405,408,411-415. tion agent, 459
Radiopaques See also Vitamin B,, CS 891
pharmacokinetics of ra- Codeine experimental hair growth
diopaques, 559-562 CYP2D6 substrate, 627 drug, 441
radiopaques applications, 570 Codons, 619 CXCl receptor, 133, 161-162
Chylomicrons Coenzyme A, 401 antibodies, 162
reconstituted fragments for Cold medicines peptide antagonists, 162-163
plasmid DNA-mediated OTC Drug Review, 426 small molecule antagonists,
gene therapy, 667 Colon cancer 163-165
CI-1004,246-247 cell characterization by gene CXC2 receptor, 133, 161-162
Ciglitazone, 28 expression profiling, 607, antibodies, 162
Cimetidine 608 peptide antagonists, 162-163
classification in various coun- COMPARE program, 609 small molecule antagonists,
tries, 430 Compton scattering, 485 163-165
Cinchophen Computer-assisted tomography CXC3 receptor, 133,165-166
pretreatment effect on ra- (CAT) antibodies, 166
diopaques, 563 radiopaques applications, 495, small molecule antagonists,
Cinnamate sunscreens 567-568 166
structure-activity relationship, x-ray energies used, 484 CX&1 receptor, 133
469 Concerned member states, 429 CXC4 receptor, 133,166-167
Cinoxate Conjugase, 406 antibodies, 167
structure-activity relationship, Constitutive chemokines, 134 peptide antagonists, 167-168
469 Contrast agents. See Ra- small molecule antagonists,
sunscreen, 460 diopaques 168-170
Cisapride Cortisol (hydrocortisone) CXC5 receptor, 133
CYP3A4/5/7 substrate, 627 CYP3A41517 substrate, 627 CXC6 receptor, 133
removedlrestrided by FDA, 642 over-the-counter status, 426 CXC receptors, 132,133, 136-
Cisplatin role in insulin regulation, 2 138
gene expression profiling Corticosteroids Cyanocobalamin, 413
study of drug response, 609 premedication for contrast Cyclin-dependent kinase 2
P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 agents, 545 gene expression profiling of
Citalopram Cosmeceuticals, 423,473 drug response, 611,612
CYP2C19 substrate, 627 Cotinine Cyclin-dependent kinase cdc28p
CKR-L1,161 experimental smoking cessa- gene expression profiling of
CKR-L3,159 tion agent, 459 drug response, 611-612
Clarithromycin COX-1,205,230-232 Cyclooxygenase 112 inhibitors.
CYP3A41517 substrate, 627 role in prostaglandin synthe- See COX-1 inhibitors;
P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631 sis, 232-233 COX-2 inhibitors

Cyclooxygenases, 229. See also Cytotoxicity Diamicron, 13

COX-1; COX-2; COX-1 in- plasmid DNA-mediated gene 1,2-Diaminoyclohexane-N-,N'-
hibitors; COX-2 inhibitors therapy, 653,669-670 tetraacetic acid
prostaglandin discovery and radiopaque chelating agent,
NSAIDs, 229-230 Dactinomycin 489
Cyclosporine P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 Diatrizoate, 494,497, 536, 537
CYP3A41517 substrate, 627 Darbufelone, 246-247 adverse reactions, 544
cytokine IL-1 downregulation, Daunorubicin analysis, 539
173 P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 angiography application, 569
cytokine IL-2 downregulation, Debrisoquine, 627-628 biotransformation, 565,566
175 hypotension from, 619 cardiovascular effects, 550,
P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631 p Defensins 551
P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 CCR6 binding, 159 cations used with, 541,542
Cyclosporine A 7-Dehydrocholecalciferol,374, excretion, 563,565
cytokine IL-5 downregulation, 375 histamine release, 558-559
177 7-Dehydrocholesterol, 374-375 hyperosmolality, 542,543
Cycloxygenase-derived eico- Delta opioid receptor ligands, liposome encapsulated, 573,
sanoids, 233 69-75 575
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane Denaturing gradient gel electro- myelography application, 571
conductance regulator phoresis, 622 nephrotoxicity, 552
plasmid DNA-mediated gene Denaturing high performance neurotoxicity, 553,554, 555
therapy study, 664 liquid chromatography osmolality, 538,539
Cytarabine (dHPLC), 622 particulate, 576
P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 Dendritic cell-derived chemokine pharmacokinetics, 561, 562
Cytochrome P450 (DCCK),150 pharmacology, 540
and leukotriene biosynthesis, Deoxynorjirimycin, 36 properties, 504
205,207 Desicocytes, 548 protein binding, 556, 557
polymorphisms in CYP3A41 Desipramine red blood cell effects, 549
517, 626, 629-630 clinical trial using genotyping, spiral CT application, 569
polymorphisms in CYP2C9, 643 urography application, 571
CYP2D6 substrate, 627 Diazepam
polymorphisms in CYP2C19, Dexamethasone CYP2C19 substrate. 627 .
626,629 P-glycoprotein inducer, 631 Dibenzoylmethane sunscreens
polymorphisms in CYP2D6, P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 structure-activity relationship,
Dexfenfluramine 469-470
removedlrestricted by FDA, Diclofenac
Cytochrome P450 3A
642 classification in various coun-
polymorphisms in, 626, 629- Dextromethorphan tries, 430
630 CYP2D6 substrate, 627 Didesmethylsibutramine, 450
and vitamin D, 378 DFP, 240 Dietary Reference Intakes, 361,
Cytokine modulators, 130-131, DFU, 239-240 363-368
172-173 DHT. See 5a-Dihydrotestoster- pantothenic acid, 400
IFNx 183-184 one vitamin A family, 371-372
IL-1,173-174 Diabeta, 13 vitamin B,, (cobalamin), 415
IL-2, 174-175 Diabetes mellitus. See also Insu- vitamin B, family, 400
IL-4,175-176 lin and hypoglycemic agents vitamin B, (riboflavin), 392
IG5,176-178 type 1,2-4 vitamin B, (thiamine), 389-
IL-6, 178-180 type 2,2-4 392
IL-12,180-181 Diabetic nephropathy, 3 vitamin D family, 379
IL-13,181-182 Diabetic retinopathy, 3 vitamin E family, 384-385
TNFa, 182-183 Diabinese, 12 vitamin K family, 387
Cytokines, 130. See also specific Diacylglycerol Dietary supplements, 424
cytokines such as Erythro- elevation in hyperglycemia, 4 and future of over-the-counter
poietin N-N-Diallylmelanine (DAM) drugs, 473
Cytokine syndrome, 175 hair growth candidate drug, increased popularity of, 422,
Cytosine, 619 438 423

Dietary Supplements Education for genotyping, 622,624-625 Electroporation

and Health Act, 422 interpretation and bioinfor- for plasmid DNA-mediated
Diethanolamine methoxycin- matics, 605-606 gene therapy, 656-657
namate, 471-472 DNA sequencers, 621 ELISA-type assays
Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Docetaxel for single base primer exten-
acid P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 sion detection, 623
radiopaque chelating agent, L-Dopa EM 250
489-490 interaction with vitamin B, experimental hair growth
Differin, 320 family, 399-400 drug, 441
Differin Gel, 373 Dose-response curves Emulsions
Diffuse androgen dependent alo- vitamins, 362 iodinated suspension ra-
pecia, 433 Dovenex, 378 diopaques, 575-576
Digoxin for plasmid DNA-mediated
Doxercalciferol, 377, 378
gene therapy, 658,666-667
P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 Doxorubicin
Dihydropyrimidine dehydroge- P-glycoprotein substrate, 631
impact of ACE polymorphisms
nase Drug characterization on effectiveness, 634
gene expression effect on DNA microarray application, ENA 78 ligand
5-fluoruracil,609 604 and CXCR2,161
single nucleotide polymor- Drug Efficacy Study Implemen- Enbrel, 182
phism~,630 tation, 424 Endosomal acidic insulinase, 8
5a-Dihydrotestosterone(DHT) Drug interactions England. See United Kingdom
and hair growth, 435,436,439 vitamin B, family, 399-400 Enkephalins
Diiodophenyl alkanoate ra- vitamin D family, 379-380 analogs leading to receptor-
diopaques, 497 Drug metabolizing enzymes specific ligands and nonpep-
Diiodopyridone radiopaques, 497 polymorphisms in, 626-631 tide ligands, 70-75
Diltiazem Drug target genes Enzyme-based genotyping tech-
CYP3A41517 substrate, 627 polymorphisms in, 632-636 nologies, 622-624
P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631 Drug transporter genes Eosinophils
Dimethiodal sodium, 497 polymorphisms in, 631-632 chemokinelcytokine receptors,
Dinoprost, 302 DRY6, 159 133
Dinoprosterone, 301302 Duchenne muscular dystrophy Eotaxin
neurotoxicity, 555
plasmid DNA-mediated gene
therapy study, 654,655
and CCR3,148-152
Eotaxin 1,149
Diodrast, 541 DuP 697,234,239 Eotaxin 2,148,149
Dioxybenzone Durham-Humphrey amendment Eotaxin 3,148
structure-activity relationship, (to Food and Drug Act), 424, Epidermal growth factor
469 426 plasmid DNA-mediated gene
sunscreen, 460 Dutasteride therapy studies, 658,666
Diphenhydramine experimental hair growth EPO. See Erythropoietin
over-the-counter status, 426 drug, 440,441 Epoprostenol, 302-303
Diprotrizoate, 497 Dyclonine Epristeride, 438
angiography application, 569 gene expression profiling Erectile dysfunction, 445-446,
neurotoxicity, 554,555 study, 613 448
properties, 504 Dymelor, 12 Erections, 444-445
Directive 92/26/EEC, 428 Ergocalciferol, 362,374,376
Direct-to-consumer advertising, Early endosomes, 662 Erythrocytes
422 Echinocytes, 548 contrast media effects on,
DNA, 619. See also Recombinant EDTA. See Ethylenediaminetet- 547-550
DNA technology raacetic acid Erythromycin
DNA chips, 600 Eflornithine, 433 CYP3A41517 substrate, 627
DNA insertion/deletion muta- adverse effects, 434,435 P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631
tions, 620 development of, 440 Erythropoietin, 130
DNA microarrays mechanism of action, 436-437 Esophagography, 567. See also
fabrication, 600-601 Eicosanoids, 204-205 Radiopaques
for gene expression analysis, biosynthesis, 205 Essential amino acids, 362
600-606 cycloxygenase-derived, 233 Essential fatty acids, 362
Estimated Average Require- Fas ligand effect of dihydropyrimidine
ment, 363,368 plasmid DNA-mediated gene dehydrogenase expression
folic acid, 411 therapy study, 654 on, 609
niacin, 397 Fat soluble vitamins, 368 P-glycoprotein substrate, 631
vitamin A, 371 Fatty acids Fluoxetine
vitamin B,, 389 and insulin resistance, 28 CYP2D6 substrate, 627
vitamin B,, 392 role of insulin in metabolism, for premature ejaculation, 443
vitamin B,, 400 2-3 Flurbiprofen, 244
vitamin C, 418 FDA. See Food and Drug Admin- FMN, 393,394,397
vitamin E, 384 istration FMNH, 394
Estradiol Federal Food, Drug, and Cos- FMNH,, 394
CYP3A41517 substrate, 627 metics Act of 1938 Folic acid, 399, 405
Estrogens and over-the-counter drugs, and cobalamin, 415
for female unwanted hair 424 deficiency, 407-411
growth, 434 Felbamate Dietary Reference Intakes,
Etanercept, 182,183 removed/restricted by FDA, 401
Ethiodol 642 hypervitaminosis folic acid,
emulsified, 575 Female-pattern baldness, 433, 411
liposome encapsulated, 575 435 uptake and metabolism, 405-
radiopaque material, 493-494 Female sexual dysfunction, 440, 407
Ethyl diiodostearate 441-442 vitamin status assays, 367
radiopaque material, 493 Ferrites Food and Drug Administration
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid radiopaque, 487,489 (FDA)
(EDTA) radiopaque, ultrasmall, 487, over-the-counter drugs, 424-
radiopaque chelating agent, 490-492 428
489- 490 Fexofenadine sunscreen regulation history,
Ethyl triiodostearate P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 467,470-472
radiopaque material, 493 Fiber-optic biosensor arrays, 614 5-Formyl tetrahydrofolate poly-
Etodolac, 242-243 Fibrinogen glutamate, 407
Etoposide binding to contrast agents, 10-Formyltetrahydrofolate poly-
gene expression profiling 558 glutamate, 406,407,410
study of drug response, 609 Final monograph, over-the- Fosinopril
P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 counter drugs, 425-426 impact of ACE polymorphisms
Etoricoxib, 235,236 Finasteride, 433 on effectiveness, 634
Etrinate, 373-374 adverse effects, 434-435 FPL-55712,221
European Union development of, 439-440 FPL-55712-derived compounds,
over-the-counter classification mechanism of action, 436 221-222
in, 428-430 structure-activity relationship, FR-228352,235-236
Exons, 619 437-438 Fractalkine, 132
Expression analysis/profiling FK506 Fusin, 166
DNA microarrays for analysis, cytokine IL-1 downregulation,
600-606 173 Gadobenate dimeglumine
profiling applications in drug cytokine IL-2 downregulation, radiopaque material, 492
research, 606-614 173 Gadobutrol
cytokine IL-5 downregulation, radiopaque material, 492
Factor VII 177 red blood cell effects, 549
impact of polymorphisms on FK3311,241-242 Gadodiamide
acute coronary syndrome, Flosulide, 242 radiopaque material, 492
637,638 in vivo models, 246 Gadolinium chelates
FAD, 393,394,397 Flumizole, 234-235 radiopaque, 490-492,535
FADH, 394 Fluorescence resonance energy Gadolinium-DTPA
FADH,, 394 transfer (FRET) radiopaque material, 490,
Famotidine detection for genotyping, 622, 491-492
classification in various coun- 623,625 red blood cell effects, 549
tries, 430 5-Fluorouracil Gadopenamide
Farglitazar, 29-30 and DPD polymorphisms, 630 radiopaque material, 492

Gadopentetate dimeglumine Gene gun cytokine IL-5 downregulation,

radiopaque material, 492 for plasmid DNA-mediated 177
Gadoteric acid gene therapy, 657-658 P-glycoprotein substrate, 631
radiopaque material, 492 Generally regarded as efficacious Gluconeogenesis
Gadoteridol ( G M ) , 424 insulin's role in regulating, 2
radiopaque material, 492 Generally regarded as safe Glucophage, 22
Gadoversetamide ( G W ) , 424 Glucose. See also Diabetes melli-
radiopaque material, 492 Gene therapy, 652 tus; Insulin and hypoglyce-
Gadoxetic acid Gene therapy, plasmid DNA- mic agents
radiopaque material, 492 mediated. See Plasmid normal range of plasma, 4
Gadozelite DNA-mediated gene therapy utilization by insulin, 2-4
radiopaque material, 492 Genetics, 618 Glucose toxicity, 3
Gastric acid secretion inhibitors, Genome, 619 a-Glucosidase inhibitors, 3 1 3 7
86 -88 Genomics a-Glucosidases, 33-37
Ach-muscarinic-receptor-me- and DNA microarrays, 600 Glucotrol, 13
diated secretion, 97 and increased demand of con- Glutathione
acid production, 88-90 sumers for control of their and vitamin E, 381,383
CCK2/gastrin-receptorantago- health, 422 Glyburide, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19,20,
nists, 119 simulating effects of drugs, 21,26
H. Pylori, 93-94 612-614 binding paramaters, 18
histamine H,-receptor-medi- Genotype relative risk, 643 Glycogen
ated secretion, 97-103 Genotyping, 600. See also Single role of insulin in synthesis, 2
hormones regulating, 89-90 nucleotide polymorphisms Glycogenolysis
physiology, 90 -91 combined enzymatichybrid- insulin's role in regulating, 2
proton-pump inhibition, 103- ization approaches, 625-626 Glycoprotein IIIa
117 costs, 644 impact of polymorphisms on
receptor-mediated processing hybridization-based, 624-625 acute coronary syndrome,
regulating, 97-103 polymerase chain reaction- 637,638
reflux esophagitis, 94-95 restriction fragment length Glynase, 13
reversible proton-pump inhibi- polymorphism, 622-623 Glyset, 32
tors, 117-119 pyrosequencing, 624 Gold
targets under investigation, single base primer extension,
radiopaque material, 486 .
117-119 GPCRs (G-protein-coupledre-
use in clinical trials, 642-644
ulcer disease, 91-92 ceptors)
when to use, 621
in vitro assays for, 95-96 prostanoid receptors as, 277-
in vivo assays for, 96-97 over-the-counter classification, 278
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 428 GPCRs (G-protein-coupled re-
92-93 GG-745,440 ceptors), 7-transmembrane
Gastritis, 86 GI-198745,440 and chemokilies, 131,132,135
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Gliclazide, 13, 16 GPR-CY4,159
86 Glimepiride, 11, 13, 16,20 Grapafloxacin
GCP-2 ligand binding paramaters, 18 removed/restricted by FDA,
and CXCRl/CXCR2,161,162 CYP2C9 substrate, 627 642
Gemoprost, 303 Glinide insulinotropic agents, Great Britain. See United King-
Genechip, 624 11,14-20 dom
Genechips Glipizide, 11,13, 15, 16, 20 GROa ligand
fabrication, 601 binding paramaters, 18 and CXCR2,161
hybridization, 604-605 CYP2C9 substrate, 627 GROP ligand
Gene deletions, 620 Glucagon and CXCR2,161
Gene duplication, 620 role in insulin regulation, 2 GROy ligand
Gene expression Glucagon-like polypeptide 1,34 and CXCR2,161
and drug response, 608-610 Glucoamylase-maltase, 33-36 Growth hormone
GeneFlex, 624 Glucocorticoids role in insulin regulation, 2
Gene function determination cytokine IL-1 downregulation, Guanine, 619
DNA microarrays for, 604 172,175 Gulonolactone oxidase, 417

GW 320659 Homocysteine, 399, 408,412 Hypervitaminosis biotin, 405

experimental smoking cessa- Homosalate Hypervitaminosis C, 417
tion agent, 459 structure-activity relationship, Hypervitaminosis D, 379
GW 468816 468 Hypervitaminosis E, 384
experimental smoking cessa- sunscreen, 460 Hypervitaminosis folic acid, 411
tion agent, 459 Hounsfield Unit, 567 Hypervitaminosis K, 387
Humalog, 7 Hypervitaminosis niacin, 395-
Habitrol, 452 Human Genome Project 397
Hair growth disorder drugs, 433 and pharmacogenomics, 618, Hypervitaminosis pantothenic
adverse effects, 434 619 acid, 401
chemistry and structure-activ- Human genome sequencing, 618 Hypervitaminosis pyridoxine,
ity relationship, 437-438 and gene expression analysis,
clinical use, 433-435 600
Hypervitaminosis riboflavin, 389
hair growth physiology, 435 Human serum albumin. See Se-
Hypervitaminosis thiamine, 389
rum albumin
history and future trends, Hypervitaminosis vitamin B,,,
438-440 415
Humulin, 7
pharmacokinetics, 434-435 Hybridization-based genotyping, Hypoglycemia, 2
physiology and pharmacology, 624-625 side effect of insulin replace-
435-437 Hydrocortisone. See Cortisol ment therapy, 5
role of 5-a-reductase, 435 Hydroperoxy-eicosatetraenoic Hypoglycemic agents. See Insu-
Haplotypes, 620 acid, 205 lin and hypoglycemic agents
Heavy metal radiopaques, 486- Hydroxy bupropion Hysterosalpinography, 567. See
493 experimental smoking cessa- also Radiopaques
Hectoral, 378 tion agent, 459
Helicobacter Pylori, 93-94 N-,N'-(2-Hydroxycyclohexy1)eth-
Hemagglutinins ylene-diaminediaceticacid 1-309,161
plasmid DNA-mediated gene radiopaque chelating agent, Ibuprofen
therapy study, 657 489 CYP2C9 substrate, 627
Hemoglobin 2-Hydroxycyclohexylethyl- IC-351,450
glycosylated fraction as indica- enediaminetriaceticacid ICI 198,615,225-226
tor of glycemic control, 4 radiopaque chelating agent, ICI 204,219,225-226
Hepatography, 567. See also Ra- 489 Idiopathic hirsutism, 433,440 .
diopaques Hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid, IES-40
Hepatolienography,567. See 205 radiopaque material, 577
also Radiopaques P-Hydroxyethylethylene diamine- IES-200
Herpesviruses triacetic acid radiopaque material, 577
chemokine receptors, 170-171 radiopaque chelating agent, IFN-a. See Interferon a
Hexobarbital 489 IFN-y. See Interferon y
CYP2C19 substrate, 627 Hydroxyhexamide, 16 IL-la, 173
HHS-8 virus, 171 Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA IL-lP, 173
Higher osmolality intravascular (HMG-CoA)reductase in- Iletin 11, 7
contrast agents, 495, 538 hibitors. See Statins Iloprost, 304305
High performance liquid chro- 14-Hydroxy-4,14-retro-retinol, IL-1R accessory protein, 173
matography (HPLC) 327-328 Imidapril
denaturing, 622 N-Hydroxyureas impact of ACE polymorphisms
High pressure liquid chromatog- 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors, on effectiveness, 634
raphy (HPLC),48 213-216 Imipramine
Hirsutism, 433,440 Hypercarotenosis, 371 CYP2D6 substrate, 627
H N fusion proteins Hypercholesterolemia Imodium, 427
and CXCR4,166-170 single gene pharmacogenetic Impotency, 432,440-450
HIV-1 virus studies in genes influencing Incontinence, 432
CCR5 and CXCR4 receptors, progression, 639-641 Incretins, 34
154-155 Hyperglycemia, 2-4 Indinavir
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. Hyperinsulinemia, 3 CYP3A41517 substrate, 627
See Statins Hypervitaminosis A, 319,370- P-glycoprotein substrate, 631
Homing receptors. See Selectins 371 Indolotropane,146

Indomethacin, 243 Interleukin-2 Iobutoic acid, 497

in vivo models, 246 glucocorticoid downregulation, properties, 506
Inducible chemokines, 134 172 Iocarmate
Inflammation modulator studies, 174-175 excretion, 565
animal models, 246 Interleukin-4 pharmacokinetics, 562
role of chemokines, 131-132 modulator studies, 175-176 Iocarmic acid, 497
Infliximab, 182-183 plasmid DNA-mediated gene angiography application, 569
Insulin therapy study, 656 hyperosmolality, 543
controlled substance, 423 Interleukin-5 myelography application, 571
Insulin, animal, 5 glucocorticoid downregulation, properties, 508
Insulin, [AspBlOI-,10-11 172 synthesis, 514,515
Insulin, genetically engineered, modulator studies, 176-178 Iocetamic acid, 497
5 Interleukin-6 cholecystography application,
Insulin analogs, 4-11 modulator studies, 178-180 570
Insulin and hypoglycemic plasmid DNA-mediated gene excretion, 563
agents, 1-11 therapy study, 657 isomerism, 515
biguanides, 21-24 Interleukin-8 properties, 506
formulations for subcutaneous and CXCRl/CXCR2,161-164 synthesis, 512,513
injection, 7 mutation and chimera studies, Iodamide, 497
a-glucosidase inhibitors, 137 angiography application, 569
3 1-3 7 Interleukin-10 excretion, 564
thiazolidinediones, 2 4 3 1 plasmid DNA-mediated gene neurotoxicity, 554
Insulin aspart, 6, 7,9 therapy study, 656 pharmacokinetics, 561
development of, 11 Interleukin-12, 656 properties, 504
receptor binding affinities, 10 glucocorticoid downregulation, urography application, 571
Insulin-degrading enzyme, 8 17.2 Iodamide meglumine, 497
Insulin dependent diabetes mel- modulator studies, 180-181 Iodecol, 497
litus. See Diabetes mellitus, Interleukin-13 osmolality, 538,539
type 1 modulator studies, 181-182 properties, 510
Insulin detemir, 11 Interleukins, 130 spiral CT application, 569
Insulin glargine, 6, 7,9 Internet Iodinated particulate suspen-
development of, 11
receptor binding affinities, 10
increased availability of medi-
cal information on, 423
radiopaques, 572-577
Insulin lente, 6, 7 Intrahepatic anion-binding Y Iodinated polymer radiopaques,
Insulin-like growth factor 1 protein 577
insulin binding, 9-10 binding to contrast agents, Iodine
Insulin lispro, 6, 7, 9 557 x-ray cross-section, 486
development of, 11 Invader assay, 625 Iodine organic radiopaque com-
receptor binding affinities, 10 Invasive cleavage assays, 625 pounds, 495-512
Insulinotropic agents, 11-20 Investigational New Drugs Ap- pharmacology, 540-566
Insulin receptor, 9 plication Process potential nonionic, 518-535
Insulin resistance, 3 over-the-counter drugs, 428 structure-activity relationship,
and free fatty acids, 28 In vitro assays 517,531-539
Insulin-sensitizing agents, gastric acid secretion inhibi- synthesis, 512-517
20-31 tors, 95-96 Iodipamide, 497
Insulin ultralente, 6, 7, 9 In vivo assays adverse reactions, 544
Interdigitation-fusion vesicles, gastric acid secretion inhibi- biotransformation, 566
573 tors, 96-97 cholangiography application,
Interferon y Iobenzamate 569-570
IL-5 modulator, 177 biotransformation, 566 excretion, 562, 563
modulator studies, 183-184 Iobenzamic acid, 497 histamine release, 558
plasmid DNA-mediated gene properties, 506 liposome encapsulated, 573
therapy study, 656,669- Iobitridol, 497 pharmacokinetics, 559-562
670 excretion, 564 properties, 508
Interleukin-1, 656 nephrotoxicity, 552 protein binding, 556-557
modulator studies, 173-174 properties, 506 urography application, 571
1 Index

it Iodixanol, 497,538 Iofratol, 497 Iomeprol, 497

J cardiovkcular effects, 551 osmolality, 539 cardiovascular effects, 551
cations used with, 542 properties, 510 neurotoxicity, 554
development of, 495 Ioglicic acid, 497 osmolality, 538
excretion, 564 properties, 504 properties, 506
isomerism, 516 Ioglucol, 497 red blood cell effects, 549
liposome encapsulated, properties, 507 Smiles rearrangement, 513-
nephrotoxicity, 552 Ioglucomide, 497 514
neurotoxicity, 554, 555, 556 properties, 507 Iomorinic acid, 497
osmolality, 539 Ioglunide, 497 properties, 505
pharmacokinetics, 562 neurotoxicity, 555 Iopamidol, 497,531,535
properties, 510 properties, 508 adverse reactions, 546
protein binding, 556 Ioglycamic acid, 497 analysis, 539
red blood cell effects, 548,549 biotransforrnation, 565 angiography application, 569
cholangiography application, biotransforrnation, 566
Iodized oil radiopaques, 493-495
570 cardiovascular effects, 551
excretion, 562,563 cations used with, 542
biotransformation, 565, 566 properties, 509 development of, 495
Iodoalphionic acid, 495,497 protein binding, 556, 557 excretion, 564
cholecystography application, Ioglycamide histamine release, 559
570 biotransforrnation, 566 isomerism, 515
isomerism, 515 cholangiography application, liposome encapsulated, 573,
properties, 511 570 574
6-Iodoethylated starch, 577 histamine release, 559 myelography application, 571
Iodohippurate sodium, 497 pharmacokinetics, 559-560 nephrotoxicity, 551,552
urography application, 571 Iogulamide, 497 neurotoxicity, 554-555, 556
Iodomethamate properties, 508 osmolality, 538
angiography application, 569 Iohexol, 494,497,531 pharmacokinetics, 561
neurotoxicity, 555 adverse reactions, 546 pharmacology, 540
urography application, 571 analysis, 539 properties, 506
Iodophendylate, 497 angiography application, 569 protein binding, 556, 558
properties, 511 cardiovascular effects, 550 red blood cell effects, 548,549
Iodophenyl alkanoate ra- cations used with, 541,542 Smiles rearrangement, 514
diopaques, 497 development of, 495 spiral CT application, 569
Iodophthalein, 497 excretion, 563-564 synthesis, 512, 513
Iodopyracet, 497,541 histamine release, 559 urography application, 571
angiography application, 569 isomerism, 515 Iopanoate
biotransforrnation, 566 liposome encapsulated, 573 biotransforrnation, 565-566
myelography application, 570 nephrotoxicity, 551, 552 excretion, 562-563
pharrnacokinetics, 561 neurotoxicity, 554, 555, 556 liposome encapsulated, 575
properties, 511 osmolality, 538,539 pharmacokinetics, 561
protein binding, 557 particulate, 576 Iopanoic acid, 497
urography application, 571 pharmacokinetics, 561 adverse reactions, 544
Iodoxamate pharmacology, 540 biotransforrnation, 565, 566
biotransforrnation, 566 properties, 506 cholecystography application,
pharmacokinetics, 559-561 protein binding, 556, 557-558 570
Iodoxamate meglumine, 497 red blood cell effects, 548,549 excretion, 562, 563
Iodoxamic acid, 497 spiral CT application, 568 isomerism, 515
cholangiography application, synthesis, 513,514 properties, 505
570 Iolidonic acid, 497 protein binding, 556, 557
excretion, 562,563 biotransforrnation, 565 Iopax
pharmacokinetics, 559 properties, 505 properties, 511
properties, 508 Iolixanic acid, 497 urography application, 571
Iodoxyl, 497 properties, 505 Iopentol, 497
properties, 511 Iomeglamic acid, 497 analysis, 539
Iofatrol biotransforrnation,566 cardiovascular effects, 551
neurotoxicity, 555 properties, 506 cations used with, 542

Iopentol (Continued) Iosumetric acid, 497 isomerism, 515

isomerism, 515 properties, 506 liposome encapsulated, 573
neurotoxicity, 554,555 Iotasul, 497 nephrotoxicity, 551
osmolality, 538 osmolality, 538 neurotoxicity, 554, 555
pharmacokinetics, 561-562 properties, 510 osmolality, 538
properties, 507 Iotetric acid, 497 pharmacokinetics, 561
protein binding, 557 properties, 509 properties, 507
red blood cell effects, 548, 549 Iothalamate red blood cell effects, 549
Iophendylate adverse reactions, 544 Smiles rearrangement, 514
biotransformation, 566 angiography application, 569 synthesis, 512
excretion, 565 biotransformation, 566 Ioxabrolic acid, 497
myelography application, 570 cations used with, 541 properties, 510
Iophenoxate excretion, 562,563,565
biotransformation, 566 histamine release, 558,559
adverse reactions, 546,547
hyperosmolality, 542,543
Iophenoxic acid, 497 cardiovascular effects, 551
myelography application, 570-
biotransformation, 565-566 cations used with, 542
cholecystography application, neurotoxicity, 553-554, 555 histamine release, 559
570 pharmacokinetics, 561 hyperosmolality, 543
excretion, 563 pharmacology, 540 liposome encapsulated, 573,
isomerism, 515 protein binding, 556, 557 574
properties, 505 urography application, 571 nephrotoxicity, 551, 552
protein binding, 556 Iothalamic acid, 497 pharmacokinetics, 562
3H2-Iopiperidol-A, 497 particulate, 576 protein binding, 557
properties, 507 properties, 505 red blood cell effects, 548, 549
Ioprocemic acid, 497 Iotranic acid, 497 Ioxaglate meglumine, 494,497,
properties, 505 properties, 509 533
Iopromide, 497 Iotriside, 497, 535 asymmetric bis compound,
cardiovascular effects, 551 properties, 507 537
liposome encapsulated, 573- Iotrizoic acid, 497 development of, 495
575 properties, 504 osmolality, 538, 539
nephrotoxicity, 551,552 Iotrol. See Iotrolan pharmacology, 540
neurotoxicity, 555 Iotrolan, 494,497,531 synthesis, 514
osmolality, 538 cardiovascular effects, 551 Ioxaglic acid, 497
pharmacokinetics, 561 cations used with, 542 properties, 509
properties, 507 development of, 495 Ioxilan, 497
red blood cell effects, 549 histamine release, 558,559 isomerism, 515
Iopronic acid, 497 isomerism, 515 neurotoxicity, 554
biotransformation, 565 liposome encapsulated, 573 particulate, 576-577
properties, 506 nephrotoxicity, 551, 552 properties, 507
Iopydol, 497 neurotoxicity, 553, 554,555 red blood cell effects, 548
properties, 511 osmolality, 537-538,538,539 synthesis, 513
Iopydone, 497 pharmacokinetics, 562 Ioxitalamic acid, 497
properties, 511 properties, 510 adverse reactions, 546,547
Iosarcol, 497 red blood cell effects, 549 angiography application, 569
properties, 508 Iotroxate cations used with, 541
Iosefamic acid, 497 cholangiography application, properties, 505
properties, 509 570 red blood cell effects, 549
Ioseric acid, 497 Iotroxic acid, 497 Ioxithalamate
properties, 505 biotransformation, 566 histamine release, 558,559
Iosimide, 497,535 pharmacokinetics, 559 neurotoxicity, 554
analysis, 539 properties, 509 pharmacokinetics, 562
properties, 507 Ioversol, 497 Ioxotrizoic acid, 497
Iosulamide, 497 adverse reactions, 546 properties, 504
cholangiography application, analysis, 539 Iozomic acid, 497
570 cardiovascular effects, 551 angiography application, 569
properties, 509 excretion, 564 properties, 509

IP-10 ligand Keratin Leukocytes, 130

and CXCR3,165,166 and skin wrinkling, 373 chemokine-induced transmi-
Ipodate Ketoconazole gration, 131
biotransformation, 566 P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631 Leukotriene 4
cholecystography application, Ketoprofen biosynthesis, 206-207
570 classification in various coun- discovery of, 208
excretion, 563 tries, 430 Leukotriene 4 hydrolase, 206,
Ipodic acid, 497 Knockout mice 207
properties, 505 for gene expression profiling broad distribution of, 208-209
Irbesartan studies, 613 Leukotriene 4 hydrolase inhibi-
CYP2C9 substrate, 627 IL-1,173 tors, 219-220
Ischemia. See Myocardial isch- IL-2, 175 Leukotriene antagonists
emia IL-4, 176 CystT1 antagonist clinical
Isofamic acid IL-5, 177 studies, 226-227
protein binding, 557 IL-6, 179 peptide-leukotriene antago-
Isomaltase-sucrase, 33-36 IL-12,180 nists, 220-226
Isomers IL-13,181 Leukotriene 4 synthase, 206
iodinated radiopaques, 515- INFy, 183 Leukotriene B,
516 TNFa, 182 biological actions of, 209
Isoniacid Kyoka (OTC license in Japan), biosynthesis, 206, 207
interaction with vitamin B, 430 discovery of, 208
family, 399,400,401 receptors, 209
Isoniazid Leukotriene B, antagonists
and NAT2 polymorphisms, L-674,636,217
derived from structure of LB,,
630 L-733692
peripheral neuropathy from, experimental hair growth
related to HAP-type LTD, an-
618 drug, 438,441 tagonists, 227-228
Isotretinoin, 320,373 L-745,337,242 Leukotriene biosynthesis inhibi-
I-TAC ligand L-761,000,243 tors, 210-211
and CXCR3,165 Labeling 5-lipoxygenase-activating pro-
Itraconazole over-the-counter drugs, 427- tein (FLAP) inhibitors,
P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631 428 216-219
LabMAP, 624 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors,
Janus kinase, 130 Lactase, 33 211-216
chemokine interaction, 135 Lamotrigene LTA, inhibitors, 219-220
Japan clinical trial using genotyping, LTC, synthase, 220
over-the-counter classification 643 Leukotriene C,
in, 430-431 Lanosterol, 375 biological actions of, 210
Joduron, 541 Lansoprazole biosynthesis, 206, 207
JOM-13,70-71 CYP2C19 substrate, 627 discovery of, 208,209
JTE-522,239,240,241 Lanthanide chelates Leukotriene C, synthase, 206,
Justicidin E, 216 radiopaque materials, 490,491 207,209,220
Lantus, 7 Leukotriene D,
Latanoprost, 304 biological actions of, 210
Kallikrein-kinin system biosynthesis, 206, 207
plasmid DNA-mediated gene Lawsone, 471-472
discovery of, 208,209
therapy study, 654 Lead
Leukotriene D, antagonists,
KC 399 radiopaque material, 486 227-228
experimental hair growth Leflunamide, 175 Leukotriene E,
drug, 441 Lentiviruses biological actions of, 210
KC 516 chemokine receptors, 170-171 biosynthesis, 206, 207
experimental hair growth LESTR, 166 discovery of, 208,209
drug, 441 Leukemia Leukotriene F,, 207
Kefauver-Harris amendment (to cell characterization by gene Leukotriene modulators, 204-
Food and Drug Act), 424 expression profiling, 607, 205
Kelatorphan, 219-220 608 Leukotriene pathway, 206

Leukotrienes in leukotriene biosynthesis, Lymphadenography, 567. See

biosynthesis, 205-208 205-207 also Radiopaques
discovery, 208 single nucleotide polymor- Lymphangiography, 567. See
sources and actions of, 208- phism~,618 also Radiopaques
210 structure and mechanism, Lymphochip, 606
LGD-1331 211-212 Lymphography, 567. See also
experimental hair growth 12-Lipoxygenase, 205 Radiopaques
drug, 441 15-Lipoxygenase, 205 Lymphokines, 130. See also Cy-
Life-enhancing drugs, 431 5-Lipoxygenase-activating pro- tokines
Lifestyle drugs, 422-423. See tein (FLAP) Lymphoma
also Over-the-counter drugs in leukotriene biosynthesis, cell characterization by gene
current and future trends,
205,206,207 expression profiling, 606
5-Lipoxygenase-activating pro- Lymphotactin, 132
defined. 431
tein (FLAP) inhibitors, 210, LY171883 (Tomelukast),221-
hair growth disorder drugs,
433-440 216-219 222
indications and drug exam- 5-Lipoxygenase inhibitors, 210-
ples, 432 216 Magnesium ferrite
and self-medication, 423 agents inhibiting both 5-LO radiopaque material, 489
sexual disorder drugs, 440- and COX-2,246-248 Magnetic resonance imaging.
450 Lisinopril See Nuclear Magnetic Reso-
smoking cessation agents, impact of ACE polymorphisms nance (NMR) imaging
450-458 on effectiveness, 634 Male-pattern baldness, 433,435
sunscreens, 458-472 Lissoclin disulfoxide, 163, 164 Maltase-glucoamylase, 33-36
Ligandin Lobeline, 457 MCP-1 ligand
binding to contrast agents, Loperamide and CCR1,137-138
557 P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 and CCR2,143-147
Limaprost, 305 Loratadine MCP-3 ligand
Linkage disequilibrium, 620 classification in various coun- and CCR1,138
Lipid-based vectors tries, 430 and CCR3,148-149
for plasmid DNA-mediated Losartan MCP-4 ligand
gene therapy, 658-663 CYP2C9 substrate, 627 and CCR3,148
Lipids P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 MCPd ligand .
protection from oxidation by Lovastatin and CCR2,144
vitamin E, 383 gene expression profiling MCP-1R02 monoclonal antibody,
Lipiodol study, 613 144
myelography application, 570 Lower osmolality intravascular MCP-1RO5 monoclonal antibody,
radiopaque material, 493,494 contrast agents, 495,538 144
Lipolysis Lurnisterol, 374375 MDC ligand
insulin's role in regulating, 2 Lung cancer and CCR4,153
Lipoplex, 658 cell characterization by gene Mecamylamine
in vivo use, 663-665 expression profiling, 607, experimental smoking cessa-
Lipopolyplex, 658 608 tion agent, 459
for plasmid DNA-mediated LY-170680 (Sulukast), 222 Meglitinide, 20
gene therapy, 665-666 LY-171883 (Tomelukast), 221- Meglumine salts, of contrast me-
Liposome-based plasmid DNA- 222,226 dia, 541
mediated gene therapy, LY-191704 Melanin
658-663 experimental hair growth and skin tanning, 464-465
Lipoplex, 658,663-665 drug, 437,441 Melanocortin receptors, 60
Lipopolyplex, 658,665-666 LY-255283,227 a-Melanocyte stimulating hor-
Liposomes LY-293111,227-228 mone, 59-60
with gadolinium chelates as LY-354740 constrained cyclic lactam ana-
radiopaque, 492 experimental smoking cessa- logs of agonists, 64-65
iodinated suspension ra- tion agent, 459 minimum active sequence,
diopaques, 572-575 LY-426965 60-61
5-Lipoxygenase experimental smoking cessa- P-Melanocyte stimulating hor-
discovery of, 208 tion agent, 459 mone, 59-60

y-Melanocyte stimulating hor- 5-Methyltetrahydrofolatepoly- development of, 438-439

mone, 59-60 glutamate, 405,407,414 mechanism of action, 435-436
Melanogenesis, 464 Metoprolol structure-activity relationship,
Melanoma, 458,465-466 CYP2D6 substrate, 627 437
cell characterization by gene Met-RANTES ligand MIP-la ligand, 138-143
expression profiling, 607, and CCR1,139 antibodies to CCR1, 139
608 and CCR3,149-150 and CCR2,144
Melanotan 11,450 and CCR5, 155 and CCR5,153-155
Melanotropins Metrizamide, 497,531 MIP-1P ligand
antagonists, 65-67 development of, 495 and CCR5,153-155
constrained cyclic lactam ma- histamine release, 559 MIP-3a ligand
logs of a-MSH agonists, liposome encapsulated, 573 and CCR6,159
64-65 myelography application, 571 MIP-3P ligand
minimum active sequence of nephrotoxicity, 551,552
and CCR7,160-161
MSH, 60-61 neurotoxicity, 554,555, 556
Misoprostol, 303-304
D-Phe7 of MT-11: importance osmolality, 539
to binding and biological pharmacology, 540 Mitoxantrone
activity, 61-62 properties, 508 P-glycoprotein substrate, 631
ring-expanded analogs of MT- protein binding, 557 Mitrizamide
11, 63-64 red blood cell effects, 548 excretion, 565
structure-activity relationship, structure-activity relationship, pharmacokinetics, 562, 563
59- 60 517 MK-1,64-65
P-substituent effects, 62-63 Metrizoate, 497 MK-2, 66, 67
Meloxicam, 243 adverse reactions, 544 MK-3, 66, 67
Menadione, 385-386,387 angiography application, 569 MK-4, 66,67
Menoquinone-4,386 cations used with, 541,542 MK-434
Menthyl anthranilate excretion, 563 experimental hair growth
structure-activity relationship, hyperosmolality, 542,543 drug, 441
469 neurotoxicity, 554 MK-0476,223-224,226
sunscreen, 460 particulate, 576 MK-0571,223,226
Mephenytoin hydroxylase, 627 pharmacokinetics, 561 MK-0591,217,218
Metal chelates properties, 504 MK-0663,237
radiopaque, 489-490 red blood cell effects, 548 MK-0679,223,224,226 .
Metaproterenol sulfate inhaler urography application, 571 MK-0886
reversed from OTC back to Met-SDFlb, 155 FLAP inhibitor, 207,216-217
prescription status, 426 Met-SDF-1P ligand MK-966,235
Met-chemokine P-7, 150 and CXCR4,167 Mofetil, 175
Metformin, 21-23 Mexiletine Molluscum contagiosum virus
Methiodal sodium, 497 CYP2D6 substrate, 627 chemokine receptors, 171
Methotrexate MGSA ligand Monograph status, over-the-
folic acid with, 407,411 and CCR1,137-138 counter drugs, 425
with infliximab, 182-183 MH166 monoclonal antibody, 179 Monokines, 130. See also Che-
P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 Mibefradil mokines
Methoxsalen removed/restrictedby FDA, 642 Montelukast sodium (MK-04761,
experimental smoking cessa- Microelectroporation, 657 223-224,226
tion agent, 459 Micronase, 13 Moxisylyte, 442
a-Methylacarviosin, 36 Microsatellite nucleotide re- MR contrast agents, 567
P-Methylcrotonyl CoA carbox- peats, 620 MT-II,61-64, 66
ylase Midazolam Murine IL-4 mutants, 176
biotin dependent, 404 CYP3A41517 substrate, 627 Muse, 442
Methylene bis-benzotriazolyl MIG ligand Mutual Recognition Procedure
tetramethylbutylphenol and CXCR3,165,166 (European over-the-counter
(MBBT),472 Miglitol, 31, 32,33-34, 35, drugs), 428-429
5,lO-Methylenetetrahydrofor- 36-37 Myelography, 567. See also Ra-
mate polyglutamate, 406 Minoxidil, 433 diopaques
N-Methylglucamine, 541 adverse effects, 433 radiopaques applications,
4-Methylpyrogallol, 31 approval in Japan, 430 570-571

Myocardial diseases Nicorette, 452 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory

plasmid DNA-mediated gene Nicotine drugs
therapy, 655-656 peripheral pharmacological COX-2-selective, 242-244
Myocardial ischemia actions, 455 development of, 230
plasmid DNA-mediated gene pharmacological action, 454 and ulcers, 91-92
therapy study, 655 structure-activity relationship, Nonsynonymous single nucleo-
455 tide polymorphisms, 620
Nicotine dependence, 450 Northern blot hybridization
neurological basis of, 454-455 with DNA microarrays, 603-
experimental smoking cessa-
Nicotine (gum), 451,452 604
tion agent, 459
adverse effects, 451 Nortriptyline
NAD, 394,395,396
classification in various coun- CYP2D6 substrate, 627
NADP, 394
tries, 430 Novolin, 7
Naked plasmid DNA
development of, 457 Novolog, 7
for plasmid DNA-mediated
pharmacokinetics, 453 NS-398, 241,242
gene therapy, 652-656
Nicotine (patch), 451,452 NS-2359
NAP-2 ligand
adverse effects, 451 experimental smoking cessa-
and CCR1,137-138
classification in various coun- tion agent, 459
and CXCR2,161,162
tries, 430 NSC65106,155
Nateglinide, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17,
pharmacokinetics, 453 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Nicotine replacement therapy, (NMR)imaging
binding paramaters, 18
451 radiopaques for, 487,490-492
NCI 60 cells
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors Nuclear pore complex, 662
characterization by gene ex-
and smoking cessation agents, Nucleic acid vaccines, 657
pression profiling, 607-608
455-457 Nucleus factor of activated T-
drug response screening by Nicotrol, 452 cells (NFAT), 173
gene expression profiling, Nicotrol inhaler, 452 Nulcear receptor boxes, 27
609 Nicotrol NS, 452 Nuvance, 176
Negative-contrast radiocontrast Nifedipine
agents, 484 CYP3A4/5/7 substrate, 627 Obesity
Negative monographs, over-the- NIH 10498 and insulin resistance, 3
counter drugs, 425,426 experimental smoking cessa- Octocrylene
Nelfinavir tion agent, 459 absorption and disposition, '
and CXCR4,167 Nimesulide, 241 463
CYP3A4/5/7 substrate, 627 Nitric oxide sunscreen, 460
P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 hyperglycemia effect on, 4 Octyl methoxycinnamate
Neotrophils reduction in hyperglycemia, 4 absorption and disposition,
chemokinelcytokine receptors, role in constrast media toxic 462,463
133 effects, 549 structure-activity relationship,
Neutral protarnine Hagedorn, 6, role in erections, 445, 449 469
7 Nitric oxide NMI-870, 450 sunscreen, 460
New Drug Application Nitric oxide synthase Octyl salicylate
over-the-counter drugs, 424 and erection, 445 absorption and disposition,
New Jersey Genetic Privacy Act, Nitric oxide synthase I1 463
644 plasmid DNA-mediated gene structure-activity relationship,
Niacin, 392-394 therapy study, 653 468
deficiency, 394-395 NitroMed, 450 sunscreen, 460
Dietary Reference Intakes, Non-insulin dependent diabetes Off-label use
397 mellitus. See Diabetes melli- lifestyle drugs, 431
and folic acid, 405 tus, type 2 Oligonucleotide ligation assay,
hypervitaminosis niacin, 395- Non-melanoma skin cancer, 465 625-626
397 Non-monograph status, over- Oligonucleotide microarrays,
uptake and metabolism, 394 the-counter drugs, 425 601-606
vitamin status assays, 366 Non-peptide peptidomimetics, Omeprazole
Niacinamide, 394,396 72 CYP2C19 substrate, 627
Niacin equivalents, 361 Non-prescription drugs, 423,424 ON0 1078,224-225,226
ON0 4057,228,229 Paclitaxel Peptide hormones, 46- 48. See
ON0 RS-411,224,226 P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 also Arginine vasopressin;
ORF 74,171 Padimate A, 468 Melanotropins; Oxytocin;
Orinase, 12 Padimate 0 Parathyroid hormone
Ornidyl, 440 structure-activity relationship, bioassays, 52
Ornithine decarboxylase inhibi- 468 commonly held beliefs about,
tors sunscreen, 460 47
for hair growth inhibition, Pancreatic p-cells, 2. See also conformation, 48-51
436-437 Insulin and hypoglycemic future directions, 75-76
Osteoarthritis agents synthesis, 48
COX-2 inhibitors for, 248-249 Pantoprazole topographical and conforma-
Osteoblasts, 376,377 CYP2C19 substrate, 627 tional constraints, 52
Osteoclasts, 376, 377 Pantothenic acid, 400-401, 403 topography, 51-52
Osteomalacia, 376 Dietary Reference Intakes, Peptide-leukotriene antagonists,
Osteoporosis, 376-377 400 220-221
Over-the-counter Drug Facts hypervitaminosis pantothenic diversified structures, 224-
label, 428, 429 acid, 401 226
Over-the-counter Drug Review, uptake and metabolism, 401 FPL-55712-derived com-
424-426 vitamin status assays, 367 pounds, 221-222
classification after, 426-427 Pantothenol, 401,402 leukotriene analog antago-
reclassification criteria for Rx- Pantretin, 320, 374 nists, 222-224
OTC, 427-428 Papaverine, 442,448 Peptidomimetics, 72
Over-the-counter drugs, 422- Parathyroid hormone future directions, 75-76
423. See also Lifestyle drugs Alal and Val2 in signal trans- Perfluoroctyl bromide
classification in Europe, 428- duction, 55 radiopaque material, 571-572
430 ArgZ0and Arg5in receptor- Pernicious anemia, 407,415
classification in Japan, 430- ligand interactions, 55 Peroxisome proliferator-acti-
431 conformationally constrained vated receptor a, 26,27
classification in US., 424-428 cyclic analogs of hPTH(1- Peroxisome proliferator-acti-
current and future trends, 31)Amide, 58-59 vated receptor 6, 26,27
473-475 Gly12in receptor-receptor in- Peroxisome proliferator-acti-
hair growth disorder drugs, teractions, 55-56 vated receptor y, 26-27
433-440 structure-activity relationship, Peroxisome proliferator-acti- .
and self-medication, 423 53-55 vated receptor y agonists,
sexual disorder drugs, 440- truncated analogs: minimum 26-28
450 sequence requirements, Peroxisome proliferator-acti-
smoking cessation agents, . 56-58 vated receptor (PPAR) ago-
450-458 and vitamin D, 376 nists
sunscreens, 458-472 Parathyroid hormone-related thiazolidinediones, 24, 26-31
Oxybenzone protein, 53-54 Petrolatum, 470
absorption and disposition, Parecoxib sodium, 241 P-Glycoprotein efflux pump
462 Paricalcitol, 377, 378 polymorphisms in, 631-632
sunscreen, 460 Paroxetine Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (Ja-
Oxytocin, 67 CYP2D6 substrate, 627 pan), 430
structure activity relationship, for premature ejaculation, 443 Pharmacogenetics, 619-620
67-68 Particulates Pharmacogenomics
Oxytocin antagonists, 66-69 iodinated suspension ra- combined enzymatickybrid-
diopaques, 575-576 ization genotyping, 625-626
PC 1358 enzyme-based genotyping
P-1075 experimental hair growth technologies, 622-624
experimental hair growth drug, 441 genotyping technologies, 622-
drug, 441 PD-138387,246-247 625
P53 Pellagra, 392,394,395 hybridization-based genotyp-
and prostaglandin synthesis, Pelviagraphy, 567. See also Ra- ing, 624-625
232 diopaques influence on clinical trials,
P509 Pentoxifylline 641-644
radiopaque material, 578 IL-12 inhibition, 180 obstacles facing, 644-646

Pharmacogenomics (Continued) Plasma-DNA mediated gene direct-to-consumer advertis-

as paradigm shift in health therapy, 651-652 ing, 422
care, 645-646 Plasmid DNA-mediated gene reclassification to over-the-
polymerase chain reaction- therapy counter status, 427-428
restriction fragment length direct delivery with naked Prions, 46
polymorphism genotyping, plasmid DNA, 652-656 Privacy concerns
622-623 eledroporation, 656-657 genotyping, 644
polymorphisms in drug metab- emulsion-mediated gene Progesterone
olizing enzymes, 626-631 transfer, 666-667 CYP3A4/5/7substrate, 627
polymorphisms in drug target entry of DNA into cells, 660- Promoter region, 619
genes, 632-636 662 Propafenone
polymorphisms in drug trans- entry of DNA into nucleus, CYP2D6 substrate, 627
porter genes, 631-632 662-663
Propecia, 433
pyrosequencing, 624 gene gun, 657-658
Propionyl CoA carboxylase
lipid-based vectors, 658-663
single base primer extension biotin dependent, 404
Lipoplex, 658,663-665
genotyping, 623-624 Propranolol
Lipopolyplex, 658,665-666
single gene studies in genes non-viral vector related cyto- CYP2D6 substrate, 627
influencing disease progres- toxicity, 669-670 Propyliodone, 497
sion, 636-641 Polyplex, 658,667-669 properties, 511
SNP discovery, 621-626 Plasmids, 652,653 Prostaglandin D, 230
Phenformin, 21,23 Platelet endothelial cell adhe- Prostaglandin D,
Phenidone, 212 sion molecule physiological actions of, 271-
Phenobarbital plasmid DNA-mediated gene 272
interaction with vitamin D, therapy study, 669 radioligand binding studies,
379-380 Pobilukast (SKF 104353),222 278
P-glycoprotein inducer, 631 Point mutations, 620 selective ligands and struc-
pretreatment effect on ra- Polyamidoarnine dendrimers ture-activity relationhips,
diopaques, 563 for polyplexes, 668 282-285
Phentolamine,442,446,448 Polyethyleneimines signal transduction, 281
Phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic for polyplexes,668 Prostaglandin E, 230
acid Polyiodinated triglycerides, 575- Prostaglandin E,-

structure-activity relationship, 576 physiological actions of, 272-

467 Polymerase chain reaction, 621 274
sunscreen, 460 Polvmerase
" chain reaction-re- radioligand binding studies,
Phenytoin striction fragment length 278-280
CYP2C9substrate, 627 polymorphism genotyping, selective ligands and struc-
P-glycoprotein inducer, 631 622-623 ture-activity relationhips,
Phlebography, 567.See also Ra- Polyplex, 658,667-669 285-289
diopaques Positive-contrast radiocontrast signal transduction, 281
CT application, 568 agents, 484 Prostaglandin FZa
Phosphoinositol3 kinase y Poxviruses physiological actions of, 274
chemokine interaction, 134, chemokine receptors, 170-171 radioligand binding studies,
135 Prandin, 14 280
Phospholipase C Pranlukast (ON010781,224- selective ligands and struc-
role in chemokine modulation, 225,226 ture-activity relationhips,
134 Pravastatin 289-292
role in prostaglandin synthe- single nucleotide polymor- signal transduction, 281-282
sis, 233 phism~influencing response Prostaglandin H synthase 1.See
Photoaging,465 to, 639-641,644 COX-1
Physical (particulate) sun- p60 receptor, 182 Prostaglandin H synthase 2.See
screens p80 receptor, 182 COX-2
structure-activity relationship, Precose, 32 Prostaglandin I,
470 Pregnancy test kits, 424 physiological actions of, 274-
Phytonadione, 386,387 Premature ejaculation, 440,441, 275
Pioglitazone, 24,25,28 443 radioligand binding studies,
binding affinities, 27 Prescription drugs, 423,424 280

selective ligands and struc- Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, Rapamycin
ture-activity relationhips, 424 cytokine IL-2 downregulation,
292-294 Pyelography, 567. See also Ra- 175
signal transduction, 282 diopaques cytokine IL-5 downregulation,
Prostaglandins Pyridoxal, 397 177
biosynthesis, 232-233 Pyridoxal phosphate, 397398, Rayleigh scattering, 485
discovery and connection to 399,400 Recombinant DNA technology
NSAIDs, 229-230 Pyridoxal phosphate biochemis- and plasmid DNA-mediated
homeostatic effects, 233-234 try, 397-398 gene therapy, 652
and leukotriene biosynthesis, Pyridoxamine, 397 Recommended Dietary Allow-
205 Pyridoxamine phosphate, 397 ances (RDA), 361,363-364,
pathophysiological effects, 234 Pyridoxine, 397,399,408 368
role in erection, 445 Pyridoxine phosphate, 397,399 folic acid, 411
Prostanoid receptors Pyrosequencing, 624 niacin, 397
classification and character- vitamin A, 372
Pyruvate carboxylase
vitamin B,, 389
ization, 269, 275-282 biotin dependent, 404,405
vitamin B,, 392
as G-protein-coupled recep-
vitamin B,, 400
tors, 277-278
Quality-of-life drugs, 431 vitamin C, 418
ligand binding site loclization, vitamin E, 384
295-298 Quinidine
P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631 Recommended Nutrient Intakes,
radioligand binding studies, 363
278-281 Quinine
P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631 Reconstituted chylomicron rem-
selective ligands and struc- nants, 667
ture-activity relationhips, 5a-Reductase
282-295 R-805,241 and hair loss, 435,439
signal transduction, 281-282 Radiocontrast agents, 484,567 5a-Reductaseinhibitors, 426,
subtypes and isoforms, 276- Radiolucent materials, 486 439-440
277 Radiopacity, 531-535 structure-activity relationship,
Prostanoids, 266 Radiopaque elements, 485 437-438
biological and therapeutic Radiopaque materials, 486 Reflux esophagitis, 94-95
functions, 267-269 Radiopaques, 483-486 Remicade, 182-183
biosynthesis of natural, 269- applications, 566-571 Renal cancer
270 classification, 486 cell characterization by gene
clinical use of agents, 298305 heavy metals and their salts, expression profiling, 607,
physiological actions of, 271- 486-493 608
275 iodized oils, 493-495 Renal failure
synthesis, 266-267 miscellanesous agents, 571- vitamin D analogs used in,
synthetic, 303-305 577 377-379
Protein hormones, 46-48 organic iodine compounds, Repaglinide, 11, 14, 15, 16-17,
Protein kinase C 495-566 19,20,21
hyperglycemia effect on, 4 potential nonionic, 518435 binding paramaters, 18
Protein kinase pathways Ramipril Restriction fragment length
gene expression profiling stud- impact of ACE polymorphisms polymorphism genotyping,
ies, 610-611 on effectiveness, 634 622-623
Proteins Ranitidine Retin-A, 320,373
role of insulin in synthesis, 2 classification in various coun- Retinal, 319,362,368,369,370
Prozac tries, 430 conversion to retinol, 324,
lifestyle drug?, 431 FUNTES ligand 325-326
Pseudoephedrine antibodies to CCR1, 139 Retinaldehyde, 323
over-the-counter status, 426 and CCR1,137-138,142-143 Retinoic acid, 319,362, 368,
Psoriasis and CCR2,144 369370,374
retinoids used for, 373-374 and CCR3,148-150 active isomers, 326327
PT-141,450 and CCR5,153-155 important signaling retinoid,
Pulmonary and activation-regu- Rapacuronium 325-326
lated chemokine (PARC), removedlrestricted by FDA, non-receptor binding proteins,
150 642 328

Retinoic acid (Continued) ligand-independent transcrip- CYP3A41517 substrate, 627

RAR/RXR bind response ele- tional activation, 345 P-glycoprotein substrate, 631
ments, 339-340 novel uses for RXR-active SB 201993,228
signaling pathways, 335340 compounds, 350351 SB 209247,228,229
Retinoic acid-APL syndrome, 320 Retinol, 368370. See also Vita- SB 240563,178
Retinoic acid receptor, 326 min A family SC-263,235,239
apo-receptors interact with fate of intracellular, 324325 SC-588,232,235
transcriptional corepressor oxidation, 325 SC-22716,219-220
complexes, 341-344 Retinol binding protein, 324 SC-53228,227-228
binding domains, 340 3 4 1 Retinol dehydrogenases, 325 SC-57666,236,237
bind response elements, 339- Retinyl esters SC-58125,235
340 biosynthesis, 323-324 SC-58451,235
holo complexes interact with Rev-5901,217 SC-65872,235
Reverse phase HPLC, 48 SC-574164 220
two classes of transcrip-
Rhodopsin, 324-325,362,368 SCH 54726
tional coactivators, 344-345
chemokine similarity, 135 experimental hair growth
ligand binding domain, 341
cycle, 370, 371 drug, 441
ligand-independent transcrip- Riboflavin, 392,393. See also Sch 55700, 178
tional activation, 345 Vitamin B, (Riboflavin) Schedule V Controlled Sub-
Retinoids, 318-319. See also Vi- Riboflavin adenine dinucleotide, stances, 423
tamin A family 393 Scurvy, 417
anti-AP1 activity, 349-350 Riboflavin phosphate, 392 SDF-la ligand
biosynthesis, 319-328 Rickets, 374,376 and CXCR4,166
p-carotene asymmetrical Rifampin Secreted placental alkaline phos-
cleavage, 322323 P-glycoprotein inducer, 631 phatase, 27
p-carotene symmetrical cleav- Ritonavir Selectan group, 495
age, 321-322 CYP3A4/5/7 substrate, 627 Selectins
CD437: atypical retinoid, 350 P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631 and chemokine-induced trans-
clinical applications, 318-319 P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 migration of leukocytes, 131
and color vision, 334-335 RNA polymerase, 619 Selenium
fate of dietary sources, 320- Robotics and vitamin E, 381
321 in DNA microarray fabrica- Self-medication, 423
future directions, 345-351 tion, 601 Sequenom, 624 .
gene-specific, 348-349 Roentgenography, 486 Serum albumin
14-hydroxy-4,14-retro-retinol, Rofecoxib, 234-235 binding to contrast agents,
327-328 assays, selectivities, and po- 556-557,558
metabolism, 328330 tencies, 245 Sexual disorder drugs, 440-442
receptor- and receptor sub- clinical efficacy and safety, adverse effects, 443-444
type-selective, 345-348 248-249 chemistry and structure-activ-
role in vision transduction, in vivo models, 246 ity relationship, 446-447
330335 Rogaine, 433 clinical use, 442-444
used in acne treatment, 372373 Rosiglitazone, 24, 25, 28, 30 erectile dysfunction causes,
used in malignancy treatment, binding affinities, 27 445-446
374 RP23618,139 erection physiology, 444-445
used in psoriasis treatment, RU-58841 history and future trends,
373374 experimental hair growth 447-450
Retinoid X receptor, 326 drug, 441 pharmacokinetics, 444
apo-receptors interact with physiology and pharmacology,
transcriptional corepressor S-2474,247 444-446
complexes, 341-344 Safety role of nitric oxide, 445
binding domains, 340-341 over-the-counter drugs, 427 Shonin (OTC regulatory ap-
bind response elements, 339- St John's Wort proval in Japan), 430
340 P-glycoprotein inducer, 631 SHU9119,62
holo complexes interact with Salicylate sunscreens Sildenaiil (Viagra),440,442
two classes of transcrip- structure-activity relationship, adverse effects, 443
tional coactivators, 344-345 468-469 CYP3A4/5/7 substrate, 627
ligand binding domain, 341 Saquinavir development of, 448-449

mechanism of action, 446 chemistry and structure-activ- Succinylcholine

pharmacokinetics, 444 ity relationship, 455-457 apnea from, 618-619
structure-activity relationship, clinical use, 451-453 Sucrase-isomaltase, 33-36
446-447 history and future trends, 4-Sulfonylphenyl COX-2 class,
Simvastatin 457-458 234-241
single nucleotide polymor- nicotine's action, 454-455 Sulfonylurea insulinotropic
phism~influencing response pharmacokinetics, 453 agents, 11-20
to, 639-641,644 physiology and pharmacology, Sulisobenzone
Single base primer extension 454-455 absorption and disposition,
genotyping, 623-624 Snapshot, 624 462,463
Single nucleotide polymorphism SNPcode kits, 624 sunscreen, 460
(SNP) maps, 620 SNP Consortium, 622 Sulprostone, 304
Single nucleotide polymor- SNPs. See Single nucleotide Sulukast (LY170680), 222
polymorphisms Sunburn, 464
SNPStream 25K, 624 Sun protection factor, 467
See also Pharmacogenomics SNPware 96,624 Sunscreens, 458-460
classification, 620-621 SNuPe, 624 absorption and disposition,
defined, 620 Sodium iodide 462-463
discovery, 621-626 neurotoxicity, 555 acute effects of ultraviolet ra-
drug response and toxicity Sodium iodomethamate, 497 diation, 464
variability, 618-619 properties, 511 adverse effects, 461-462
frequency, 620 Sodium ipodate chemistry and structure-activ-
gene expression profiling of protein binding, 557 ity relationship, 467-470
drug response, 610 Sodium pantothenate, 401,402 chronic effects of ultraviolet
influence on clinical trials, Soft ferrites radiation, 464-466
641-644 radiopaque material, 489 clinical use, 460-463
polymorphisms in drug metab- Solange, 320 history and future trends,
olizing enzymes, 626-631 Solar keratosis, 466 470-473
polymorphisms in drug target Soriatene, 373 physiology and pharmacology,
genes, 632-636 Sparteine hydroxylase, 627 463-467
polymorphisms in drug trans- Spin-lattice relaxation, 490 protection factor, 467
porter genes, 631-632 Spin-spin relaxation, 490 Synonymous single nucleotide
scanning for using DNA mi- Spiral computer-assisted tomog- polymorphisms, 620
croarrays, 601 raphy
single gene studies in genes radiopaques applications, 495, T22
influencing disease progres- 568 CXCFM antagonist, 167-168
sion, 636-641 Splenohepatography, 567. See TI40
synonymous and nonsynony- also Radiopaques CXCR4 antagonist, 168
mous. 620 Splice site mutations, 620 Tachysterol, 375
Single-strand conformation poly- Splicing, 619 Tacrolimus
morphism analysis, 621 Spotted DNA microarrays, 604- CYP3A4/5/7 substrate, 627
Singulair (MK-0476), 223-224, 605 P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631
226 Squamous cell carcinoma, 465 P-glycoprotein substrate, 631
Sirolimus SR 141716 TAK-779
P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 experimental smoking cessa- CCR2 antagonist, 146-147
SKF 104353 (Pobilukast),222, tion agent, 459 CCR5 antagonist, 156-157
226 SSR 591813 Tamoxifen
SKF 106203,222 experimental smoking cessa- P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631
Skin cancer, 458 tion agent, 459 TA-NIC
Skin tanning, 464-465 Stanolone. See 5a-Dihydrotes- experimental smoking cessa-
SLC ligand tosterone tion agent, 459
and CCR7,160-161 Starlix, 14 Tantalum
Slow reacting substance of ana- Statins radiopaque material, 486-487
phylaxis (SRS-A),208 single nucleotide polymor- Tantalum oxide
Smoking cessation agents, 450- phism~influencing response radiopaque material, 492-493
451 to, 639-641,644 Taqman assay, 625-626
adverse effects, 451-453 STRL-22,159 TARC ligand

TARC ligand (Continued) plasmid DNA-mediated gene DNA microarray application,

and CCM, 153 therapy study, 668 604
Targretin, 320, 374 Thymine, 619 gene expression profiling ap-
Tat peptide Timolol plication, 614
CXCR4 antagonist, 168 CYP2D6 substrate, 627 Trace elements
Tazarotene Gel, 320,373,374 Titanium dioxide vitamins contrasted, 361-362
Tazorac, 320 absorption and disposition, Trail, 339
T-cell growth factor, 174 463 Transferrin
T-cells history of use as sunscreen, plasmid DNA-mediated gene
chemokine/cytokine receptors, 470 therapy study, 668
133 structure-activity relationship, Transgene
Tegison, 373 470 in plasmid DNA-mediated
Telogen phase, of hair growth, sunscreen, 460
gene therapy, 652
T-lymphocytes. See T-cells
425 Transgenic mice
TNFa converting enzyme
Tenidap, 179-180 IL-1,173
Tentative final monographs, IL-2, 175
TNF a receptor. See also Tumor
over-the-counter drugs, 425 necrosis factor IL-4, 176
TER1,161 glucocorticoid downregulation, IL-5, 177
Terfenadine 172 IL-6, 179
removed/restricted by FDA, modulator studies, 182-183 IL-12,180
642 rac-a-Tocopherol, 381 IL-13,181
Testosterone a-Tocopherol, 380-384,399 INF-y, 183
CYP3A4/5/7 substrate, 627 Tocopherols, 380-384. See also TNFa, 182
and hair growth, 435,439 Vitamin E family Trazodone, 449-450
Testosterone patch, 450 Tocotrienols, 380381. See also CYP3A4/5/7substrate, 627
Tetraiodophenolphthalein, 495 Vitamin E family Tretinoin, 372373
cholecystography application, Tolazamide, 11, 12, 16 Triazolam
570 Tolbutamide, 11, 12,15 CYP3A4/5/7substrate, 627
Thiamine, 387-392. See also Vi- binding paramaters, 18 Tricomin
tamin B, CYP2C9 substrate, 627 experimental hair growth
Thiamine hydrochoride, 388 Tolerable upper intake level drug, 441
Thiamine kinase, 388-389 folic acid, 411 Triethanolamine salicylate
Thiamine nitrate, 388 niacin, 397 structure-activity relationship,
Thiamine pyrophosphate, 388, vitamin A, 371,372 468
389,390-391 vitamin B,, 400 sunscreen, 460
Thiazolidinediones, 24-31 vitamin C, 418 Triglycerides
Thiopurine methyltransferase vitamin D, 379 accumulation in hyperglyce-
single nucleotide polymor- vitamin E, 384-385 mia, 3,28
phism~,630-631 vitamins, 368 insulin's role in synthesis, 2
Thorium dioxide Tolinase, 12 Triiodoanilide radiopaques, 497
radiopaque material, 493 Tolterodine Triiodobenzamide radiopaques,
Thorium oxide CYP2D6 substrate, 627 497
neurotoxicity, 555 Tomelukast (LY171883),221- Triiodo-l,3-benzenedicarboxam-
Thorotrast, 493 222 ide radiopaques, 497
Thromboxane A,, 230 Tomexiprole, 242 2,4,6-Triiodobenzoate
physiological actions of, 275 Topoisomerase I1 inhibitors neurotoxicity, 554
radioligand binding studies, gene expression profiling Triiodobenzoate radiopaques,
280 study of drug response, 609 497
selective ligands and struc- Topotecan 2,3,5-Triiodobenzoicacid
ture-activity relationhips, P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 protein binding, 558
294-295 Torsemide Triiodoisophthalamate ra-
signal transduction, 282 CYP2C9 substrate, 627 diopaques, 497
Thromboxanes, 233 Toxicity Triiodophenoxy alkanoate ra-
and leukotriene biosynthesis, and single nucleotide polymor- diopaques, 497
205 phism~,618-619 Triiodophenyl alkanoate ra-
Thymidine kinase Toxicology diopaques, 497

Triiodophenyl-D-gluconoamide urography application, 571 mobilization of body stores,

radiopaques, 497 324
Tris (2-amino-2-(hydroxy- Valdecoxib, 235 pharmacologically active reti-
methyl)-1,3-propanediol), Validamine, 34-36 noids, 372-374
541 Valienamine, 34-36 storage of 6-9 month supply,
Tris(iothalamic)acid, 497 Valiolamine, 34-36 362
properties, 511 Vaniqa, 433 uptake and metabolism, 369-
Troglitazone, 24 Vanity drugs, 431 370
binding affinities, 27 Vardenaiil, 450 vitamin status assays, 366
removedhestricted by FDA, Vascular endothelial growth fac- Vitamin B, (thiamine), 387-388
642 tor deficiencies, 389
Trolamine salicylate plasmid DNA-mediated gene Dietary Reference Intakes,
sunscreen, 460 therapy study, 656 389-392
Venlafixine first vitamin whose structure
removed/restricted by FDA,
CYP2D6 substrate, 627 determined, 368
Tryptophan Venography, 567. See also Ra- hypervitaminosis thiamine,
niacin synthesis from, 361, diopaques 389
394,396 Ventriculography, 567. See also uptake and metabolism, 388-
Tumor necrosis factor-a, 656. Radiopaques 389
See also TNFa receptor Verapamil Vitamin B, (Riboflavin),392
plasmid DNA-mediated gene CYP3A4/5/7 substrate, 627 dosage and coenzyme forms,
therapy study, 670 P-glycoprotein inhibitor, 631 393
Tumor necrosis factor-B Verlukast, 223,224 Vitamin B, family, 397
plasmid DNA-mediated gene Vesanoid, 320 deficiencies, 398-399
therapy study, 656 Viagra. See Sildenafil Dietary Reference Intakes,
Tungsten Vinbcristine 400
radiopaque material, 487 P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 drug interactions, 399-400
Turosteride Vinblastine hypervitaminosis pyridoxine,
experimental hair growth P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 400
drug, 441 Vincristine pyridoxal phosphate biochem-
Type 1 diabetes mellitus. See CYP3A4/5/7 substrate, 627 istry, 397-398
Diabetes mellitus, type 1 Vindesine uptake and metabolism, 397
Type 2 diabetes mellitus. See P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 Vitamin B,, (cobalamin),408,
Diabetes mellitus, type 2 Vinorelbine 411-413
Tyropanoate, 570 P-glycoprotein substrate, 631 deficiency, 415
biotransformation, 565 Vioxx, 204,233,234-235 Dietary Reference Intakes,
Tyropanoic acid, 497 clinical efficacy and safety, 415
properties, 505 248-249 hypervitaminosis B,,, 415
Viral vectors recycling, 362
UCB 35625,150 for gene therapy, 652 uptake and metabolism, 413-
Ulcer disease, 91-92 Viruses 415
Ultrasmall superparamagnetic chemokine receptors, 170-172 Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
iron oxide particles, 491 wectors for gene therapy, 652 vitamin status assays, 367
Ultrasound contrast agents, 567 Visual cascade, 325 Vitamin B6 family
Ultraviolet radiation, 458-460 Vital amine, 368 vitamin status assays, 367
acute effects of, 464 Vitamin A family, 368-369. See Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
chronic effects of, 464-466 also Retinoids vitamin status assays, 366
United Kingdom biochemical functions and de- Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
over-the-counter classification, ficiency, 370 vitamin status assays, 366
428 Dietary Reference Intakes, Vitamin C
Urography, 567. See also Ra- 371-372 vitamin status assays, 367
diopaques dosage forms, 370 Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), 415
pharmacokinetics of ra- duel role of, 362 deficiency, 417
diopaques, 559-562 hypercarotenosis, 371 Dietary Reference Intakes,
radiopaques applications, 571 hypervitaminosis A, 319,370- 418
Uroselectan 371 hypervitaminosis C, 417

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) (Con- Vitamin K1(20,,386 XC 1 receptor, 133

tinued) Vitamin K,, 386 Xenical, 474
uptake and metabolism, 415- Vitamin &,,,,, 386 X-ray contrast agents, 567
417 Vitamin K,, 385-386 X-rays, 484-486
Vitamin D,, 374,376 Vitamin K base, 386
not normal constituent of diet, Vitamin K family, 385-386 Yeast genes
361 biochemical function and defi- with microarrays for expres-
Vitamin D, (cholecalciferol), ciency, 386387 sion profiling, 612
374-380 Yohimbine
Dietary Reference Intakes, 387
not normal constituent of diet, adverse effects, 443
hypervitaminosis K, 387
361 history of use, 447-448
Vitamin D family, 374-375 uptake and metabolism, 386
mechanism of action, 446
biochemical function, 376-379 vitamin status assays, 366
pharmacokinetics, 444
Dietary Reference Intakes, 379 Vitamin &Hz, 386 structure-activity relationship,
dosage forms, 379 Vitamin K oxide, 386 447
drug interactions, 379-380 Vitamins Ytterbium-DTPA
hypervitaminosis D, 379 adequate intake, 368 radiopaque material, 490
uptake and metabolism, 375- biochemical function satura-
376 tion, 363 Zafirlukast, 225-226
vitamin status assays, 366 causes of deficiency, 362 Zaleplon
Vitamin D receptors, 376 comparison of intake in areas CYP3A41517 substrate, 627
Vitamin deficiencies, 362 withtwithout deficiency dis- Zaprinast, 449
biotin, 405 ease, 363 ZD2138,215-216
causes of, 362,364367 defined, 361 ZD4407,216
comparison of intake in areas Dietary bference Intakes, Zein, 395
with/without deficiency dis- 363368 Zemplar, 378
ease, 363 estimated average require- Zidovudine (AZT)
folic acid, 407-411 ment, 363 and CXCR4,167
vitamin A family, 370 fat and water soluble, 368 Zileuton
vitamin B,, (cobalamin),415 functions, 361-362 impact of 5-lipoxygenase poly-
vitamin B, family, 398-399 human metabolic balance morphism~on effectiveness,
vitamin B, (riboflavin),392 studies, 363 635
vitamin B, (thiamine), 389 recommended dietary allow- Zileutron, 213-214 .
vitamin C, 417 ances, 363368 Zinc oxide
vitamin D family, 376-379 serum levels, 363 absorption and disposition,
vitamin E family, 383-384 tolerable upper intake level, 368 463
vitamin K family, 386-387 valid dose determination, 362- history of use as sunscreen,
Vitamin E family, 380381 363 470
biochemical function, 383 vitamin status assays, 366- structure-activity relationship,
deficiencies, 383-384 367 470
Dietary Reference Intakes, VJH-085,66 sunscreen, 460
384-385 WL530,219 ZM211965,215
dosage forms, 384 Voglibose, 32, 33, 34 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 86,
hypervitaminosis E, 384 92-93
in sunscreens, 472 Warfarin Zolpidem
uptake and metabolism, 381- CYP2C9 substrate, 627 CYP3A41517 substrate, 627
383 Water soluble vitamins, 368 Zyban, 452
vitamin status assays, 366 Wernicke-Korsakoffsyndrome, 389 Zyflo, 211,213-214,226-227
work ... highly pr
5 studies and research.
dicinal Chem

This new edition of Dr. Alfred Burger's internationally celebrated

classic helps researchers acquaint themselves with both traditional
and state-of-the-art principles and practices governing new
medicinal drug research and development. Completely updated
and revised to reflect the many monumental changes that
have occurred in the field, this latest edition brings together
contributions by experts in a wide range of related fields to explore
recent advances in the understanding of the structural biology
of drug action, as well as cutting-edge technologies for drug
discovery now in use around the world.
This Sixth Edition of Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug
Discovery has been expanded to six volumes:
Volume 1: Drug Discovery
Volume 2: Drug Discovery and Drug Development
Volume 3: Cardiovascular Agents and Endocrines
Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, and Drugs from New Biolo
Volume 5: Chemotherapeutic Agents
Volume 6: Nervous System Agents

DONALD A. ABRAHAM, PHD, is rrvlt 3r and C u a ~ r m

of the Department of Medicinal ChemisLL at the Virgir,,,
rnmmonwealth University School of Pharmacy. A world-renowned
ier in medicinal chemistry and biotechnology, he is the author
more than 140 journal citations and twenty-five patents. H e
s selected by the AACP Board of Directors as the recipient of the
02 AACP Paul Dawson Biotechnology Award.

ocoids, Diagnostics, an
Drugs from New Biolog
In addition to having cell numbers associ- CSF and IL-3, IL-5 binds with high affinity
ated with this disease, the biology of the eosin- (452-454). Both subunits are necessary for
ophil also implicates this cell as a major con- signal transduction (455). The pathway for
tributor to the disease process. Eosinophils signal transduction includes activation of two
are phagocytic granulocytes that mature in Janus kinases (JAK1 and JAK2) and the sig-
bone marrow, migrate to the blood stream, nal transduction/activator STAT5 (456,457).
and eventually localize at the site of injury.
They contain highly toxic components that are
released upon degranulation, leading to de- 9.4.1 11-5 Knockout and Transgenic Mice.
struction of bronchial epithelium, mucosal Animal models have helped define the signifi-
edema, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness cance of IL-5 and the eosinophil in the disease
process. IL5 administered to mice results in an
IL-5 is detectable in bronchial biopsies and increase of eosinophils (458). Experiments
bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of asth- with IL-5-deficient and IL-5-transgenic mice
matics (433, 434). Additionally, inhalation of confirm a role for this cytokine in controlling
IL-5 by asthmatics has been shown to cause eosinophilia (459,460). In IL-5 knockout mice,
airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and an in- no eosinophils are produced in response to
crease in sputum eosinophils (435). parasite infection or sensitization with
IL-5 is produced primarily by activated ovalbumin, and there is minimal development
CD4t T-cells (436,437), and in lower levels by of lung inflammation or tissue damage. When
eosinophils (438), mast cells (439, 4401, ba- IL-5 expression is reconstituted in these mice,
sophils, B-cells, NK cells (441,4421, and endo- pulmonary eosinophilia, tissue destruction,
thelial cells (443). The expression of IL-5 is and airflow limitation can be observed after
regulated at the transcrip- allergen challenge (459).
(444), and can be induced by a va- Transgenic mice that have constitutive ex-
ety of stimulants, usually through activation pression of IL-5 with detectable levels of IL-5
11 receptor and a second signaling in the serum and persistent eosinophilia have
thway. IL-la and PMA can induce IL-5 ex- also been described (461). These mice are de-
ine can also increase the pro- scribed as normal, which may suggest that ac-
L-5 in activated T-cells (445). tivation and degranulation of eosinophils may .
Structurally, IL-5 is a disulfide-linked ho- be necessary for disease pathology.
modimeric glycoprotein between 45 and 60
kDa (446). Glycosylation does not seem to be a 9.4.2 11-5 Modulators/Clinical Data. Modu-
requisite for signaling; however, IL-5 must be lation of IL-5 can occur by inhibiting its pro-
in native dimeric form for bioactivity (447). duction and synthesis, or through direct bind-
Each monomer of IL-5 consists of four a-heli- ing to IL-5 receptor or ligand. Cytokines can
ces with an antiparallel P-sheet between op- regulate IL-5 levels by inhibiting production.
posing monomers. The monomers are main- For example, IFNy and IL-10 have demon-
tained in dimeric form by cysteine bonds at strated they can inhibit IL-5 production in
residues 44 and 86 (448). Mutagenesis shows vitro (462), whereas IL-12 indirectly modu-
residues His38, Lys39, and His41 in the sec- lates IL-5 by biasing toward a T h l subset pop-
ond helix; Glu89 and Arg91 in the p-strand; ulation (463).
and ThrlO9, GlullO, TRP111, and Is0112 in Small molecule antagonists such as CsA,
the fourth helix as being important contribu- FK506, and rapamycin all inhibit IL-5 produc-
tors to the IL-5 interaction with the hIL-5Ra- tion (464,465). Glucocorticoids, in addition to
chain (449,450). Glu13 on IL-5 has been iden- decreasing bronchial hyperresponsiveness,
tified as a contact point for the p-chain of the can also downregulate IL-5 production (466-
468). OM-01 suppresses IL-5 protein produc-
a-chain specifically binds IL-5 tion, mRNA expression, and transcriptional
with low affinity (451).When associated with a activity in PBMCs with no effect on either IL-2
@a]-transducing p-unit that is also used by or IL-4 (469, 470). (The structure for OM-01
other hematopoietin receptors such as GM- has not been disclosed.)

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