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Theory Evaluation Paper (due 4/10/11)

Paper Assignment
This week you have learned about several theories associated with technology and society,
including: technological determinism, social constructionism, technological momentum, and
actor-network approach. This writing assignment is designed to give you an opportunity to
apply the concepts you have read about to a specific topic. Based on what you have learned
please address the following points in your paper:
1. Select the theory you find to be the most applicable to technology and society today,
explain why you feel this way, explain how the theory you have chosen is used and
provide an example that illustrates your point.

2. Select the theory you find to be the least applicable to technology and society today,
explain why you feel this way, explain how the theory you have chosen is used and
provide an example that illustrates your point.

Make sure that you revisit the course readings and lectures regarding these theories. You must
include at least two course readings in your analysis. In addition to using the course readings
you must also include at least one outside source that is from a peer-reviewed scholarly journal.

General Guidelines for Papers

Assignment Basics
• Make sure your name is typed in the upper right hand corner of the paper. Underneath
your name, please indicate the assignment (for example, Paper #1: Theory Evaluation).

• Each paper must incorporate at least two of the course readings. Also, you must include
one outside source in the form of a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (go through ASU
library to find databases of journals and journals for articles. When incorporating the
readings, you should quote (using quotation marks and a parenthetical citation) in APA
format (see more information below).

• Each paper must be typed and double-spaced in 12-point font and be from 500-750
words (approx. 1.5-2 pages). Page requirements do not include the reference page. You
do not need a title page.

• Papers should be both descriptive and analytical. Continually ask “why?” and “how?”

• Yes, you can write in 1st person. However, your writing should also be formal and
appropriate for a college paper.

• Your paper must be grammatically correct. Double check spelling and punctuation. One
of the most common grammatical errors is run-on and/or fused sentences. Some of the
most commonly misused words are there/their/they’re, weather/whether, and roll/role.
Make sure you are using these and all other words correctly.

• Submit your assignment in a single Word file through the dropbox (see instructions on
how to submit your paper under Short Writing Assignment #1) no later than 11:00 p.m.
Arizona time on its respective deadline of Sunday April 10, 2011.

Structure and Writing the Paper

• Your paper should have a clear introduction with an appropriate “attention grabber” and
preview statement. The preview statement should be the very last sentence of your
introduction. It should let me, the reader, know what the main points of your paper will
be (which should also indicate how your paper will be organized). Here is an example of
a preview statement:

In the following pages I will describe the conflict that occurred, analyze the
conflict style that I used, and explain how I could have better handled the conflict
so as to make it more constructive for everyone involved.

This preview statement indicates that the body of the paper will have two-three main
points that will be discussed in the following order:
1. A description of the conflict you experienced and will be reflecting upon
2. An analysis of the conflict style you used in that situation
3. An explanation of how you could have handled the conflict in a more
constructive manner

• You should have between two and five main points in the body of your paper.

• The body of your paper should be well organized. The main points (and their subsequent
sub-points and sub-sub-points) should be clear and in an appropriate order. Your main
points should be supported with relevant examples and with course material (the
assigned readings). You should use transition sentences to let the reader know you are
moving from one main point to the next. Here is an example of a transition sentence:

Now that I have described the conflict, I will explain what conflict style I used
and why.

This transition sentence lets me know that you have finished discussing the first main
point (in this case, the description of the conflict), and are moving on to the second main
point (the conflict style you employed). The transition sentence should be the first
sentence in the new paragraph that begins your new main point OR the last sentence in
the last paragraph of the initial main point.

• Your paper should end with a brief conclusion that does two things: 1) starts with a re-
statement of your main points (example: In this paper I described a conflict over money
that I had with my brother, analyzed how and why I used the avoidance conflict style in
this situation, and described various ways I could have handled this situation differently
to make it more constructive), and 2) provides a compelling ending.

APA Format Tips

• Here are two examples of quoting in APA format:
As Cupach, Canary, and Spitzberg (2010) explain, “It appears that men and
women act in ways opposite of what one would expect given stereotypes. Most
specifically, women (not men) are more assertive and at times aggressive” (p. 74).


“Proximal context pertains to the perceptual environment that is immediately

attached to the conflict episode” (Cupach, Canary, & Spitzberg, 2010, p. 7).

If you are not using the authors as part of the subject of the sentence, the parenthetical
citation at the end of the sentence must also include the authors’ last names and the date
that the source was published (in this case, the source is Cupach, Canary, and Spitzberg’s

Please note that when using someone else’s words besides your own (this would be a
quote), you must provide quotation marks around those words AND a parenthetical
citation (what is in parenthesis). The parenthetical citation for quotations must include a
page number.

• Quotes should NOT be longer than 40 words.

• Paraphrasing is when you take someone else’s ideas and put them into your own words.
Please note that simply changing a few words in the sentence does NOT qualify as

For example, consider the following excerpt from Cupach, Canary, and Spitzberg’s
(2010) book Competence in Interpersonal Conflict. This is a quotation and follows their
book word for word.

“Women and men respond behaviorally to anger in similar ways, with one exception:
Women tend to use tears more as a response to anger (Frost & Averill, 1982). Men
sometimes (mistakenly) think tears are a sign of weakness and capitulation” (Cupach,
Canary, & Spitzberg, 2010, p. 76).

Let’s say you wanted to take the above quote above from the book and paraphrase it.
Let’s say you wrote the following in your paper:

Men and women respond to anger similarly, with one exception. Women cry
more as a response to anger, but men often think the tears are a sign of weakness
and submission.

Is this acceptable? No. Why not? Two reasons:

1) One, the wording you used (as well as the basic sentence structure) is not
different enough from the original quotation that was in the book. 2) Two, even if
your language was different enough and actually qualified as paraphrasing, you

would still need a parenthetical citation that gives the authors credit for their ideas
(however, you would not need to incorporate the page number in the citation if
you were actually paraphrasing).

Evaluation Form
• Use this Evaluation Form and the specific assignment instructions as checklists to make
sure you have met all the paper requirements.

Paper Evaluation Form

Introduction ______/2.5
-Attention grabber
-Introduced topic of paper
-Previewed main points of paper at the end of the introduction

Body ______/10
-Met assignment requirements
-Addressed the assigned questions/topics and synthesized answers into 2-3 main points
-Main points were clear, appropriate, well supported, and in an appropriate order
-Incorporated course readings AT LEAST twice
-Included one outside reference from a peer reviewed journal
-Used readings to help explain important terms/concepts, and to support claims or main points
-Use of readings was accurate, appropriate, sufficient and relevant
-Showed an outstanding grasp of the literature relevant to the issue
-Provided specific experiences/examples as supporting evidence
-Clear reasoning that connected your specific situation with the use of course material (course reading
and/or viewing assignments)
-Sufficient analysis
-Sufficient reflection and/or depth
-Transition sentences from one main point to the next
-Body well organized
-Cited sources when necessary

Conclusion _______/5
-Summarized main points at the beginning of the introduction
-Compelling ending that closed paper well

APA Format ______/2.5

-Correct formatting for in text citations and references

Grammar/Mechanics _______/5
-Typed, double spaced, 12-point font, 1” margin
-Correct grammar throughout
-Correct spelling throughout
-Appropriate language use and formality
-Paragraph structure
-Overall Organization: Introduction, body, and conclusion present and clear

Total Points: _____/25

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