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Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on EDUCATION and EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (EDU'08)

Framework and Culture of Proactive Competencies Learning

Learning by Developing (LbD)
Laurea Leppävaara
Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Vanha maantie 9, FI 02650 Espoo

Abstract: - This study represents the Framework of the Learning by Developing (LbD) Model in relation to
continuous collaborative and learning culture within the world of service, product development and industry.
The background of this paper includes an interdisciplinary combination of service science, computer science,
engineering and management science. In this study the design-science and constructive research question is:
what are the constructions, models and implementations that contribute to the continuous collaboration
development work in industry, education and service, activities which are included in the implementation of
the Finnish University of Applied Science’s three statutory tasks of education, research and development, and
regional development? The new proposition emphasizes proactive approach and includes the Framework of
Learning by Developing (LbD) Model. In this context the term proactive approach means a situation by
causing something to happen rather than waiting to respond to it after it happens. The theoretical background
consists of Learning by Developing (LbD) related work, concept and short literature review. The proposed
model are applied and tested in Higher Education studies during 2001 to 2008 at Laurea University of Applied
Sciences at Espoo.

Key-Words: - culture of learning, collaborative learning, enriching value networks and internationalization

1 Introduction with professional developers from research and

Learning by Developing (LbD) is a pedagogical and development organizations.
communal approach in which learning is linked to The objective of the work is usually not possible
applied research, development projects, and culture. to define clearly in advance, but is specified
This means learning expertise that arises from social throughout the research and development process. It
interaction, knowledge and competence sharing, means collaborative learning, coaching and guiding
researching and problem solving. The model which emphasizes the principle that the results are
emphasizes on cooperation and creating a ‘learning evaluated but not formalized in advance. This allows
and developing’ culture. It also makes it possible to for freedom of methods used in the innovation
include and use various scientific perspectives and process.
methods of learning, researching and developing in This process requires critical thought strategies
operation and action. and skills for justifying solutions and evaluating
The model represents a management, work evidence. The tasks consist of a continuous
philosophy and culture based on the production of development process, focusing on research and
shared competence and creativity. In our current generating new competence [2]. The end result is a
developing activities, there are genuine research and new creation, a new operating method, a model, a
development tasks with no ready-made solutions. service or a product and in best cases it is an
The learning process starts with the identification of executed global business.
initial scope or problem or strategic research object, Laurea University of Applied Sciences operates
analyzing and describing it, and selecting in the Helsinki metropolitan area, one of the most
appropriate work methods. The model is not competitive regions in the world. Laurea’s strategic
applicable for solving problems set in advance by choice is to implement, develop and use Learning by
someone else neither does it support the Developing (LbD) as an integrative operational
commissioned project principle, where the starting model. By utilizing LbD model, Laurea can
points are determined by the cooperating integrate the three statutory tasks in integrative way,
participants of the value network, often together where students are in center of action [9].

ISSN: 1790-5109 83 ISBN: 978-960-474-029-1

Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on EDUCATION and EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (EDU'08)

2 Research Method to become proficient in fields of knowledge. They

The subject of this work is to incrementally create introduced the concept of knowledge-building
new Framework Model and practices for more communities, where students learn to work with
effective proactive learning at the University of theoretical and practical concepts as objects. They
Applied Sciences. It is imperative to use the design- strongly advocate that students become knowledge-
science and constructive research approach [7]. builders and active participants in knowledge-
In this study, the following concepts of building discourse. The focus is first on problems
constructive research are applied: (1) creation and and depth of understanding; second on
execution of framework and cultural model, and; (2) decentralized, open knowledge environments for
evaluation of experimental implementation. collective understanding and third on productive
Previously created and argued models are tested interaction within broadly conceived knowledge-
separately and in the proposed integrated building communities. [4, 5]
Framework of LbD Model. According to Hakkarainen, Palonen, Paavola and
Lehtinen (2004) networked expertise refers to
competencies that arise from social interaction,
3 Literatures knowledge sharing, and collective problem solving
The main theoretical background of LbD includes a
and are embedded in shared competence of
combination of concepts, models, and innovative
communities and organized groups of experts and
development theories. It is a pedagogical approach
professionals. Cognition and intelligent activity is
which constructively and incrementally develops
not limited to an individual’s mental process but
into the presented framework of proactive learning
also relies on socio-culturally developed cognitive
tools. These tools include physical and conceptual
Engeström (1999) has studied innovative
artifacts. Networked expertise is rational in nature. It
learning cycles in teams using the cultural-historical
is constituted in interaction between individuals,
activity theory and the theory of expansive learning
communities, and larger networks supported by
as a framework for his analysis. He emphasized on
cognitive artifact. It also coevolves with
the knowledge creation phase where problems are
continuously transforming innovative knowledge
first formulated and analyzed. Expansive and
communities. The approach emphasizes on the
innovative learning starts by criticizing, questioning
development of expertise, distributed cognition and
and analyzing existing practices. The focus is on
shared expertise, collaborative and cultural learning,
dialectical tensions and contradictions within
and inquiry-based learning processes. [6]
communal activities. These are usually ignored by
Hakkarainen et al. (2004) stated that learning is
approaches focusing on immediate empirical
constructed out of three perspectives. The first
generalizations. The model is to be understood by
perspective is a metaphor for acquisition,
analyzing more different elements in an expansive
conceptualizing learning as a process of transferring
learning cycle, as innovative learning cycles do not
knowledge to an individual learner. The second
follow any fixed order. [3]
perspective is a metaphor for participation, which
Hakkarainen, Palonen, Paavola and Lehtinen
emphasizes the role of social communities in
(2004) explained the progressive inquiry process
learning and professional development. The third
with its characteristics autonomy and self-regulation
perspective is a metaphor for knowledge creation,
of the learning process. The progressive inquiry
whose aim is the purposeful generation of
process utilizes diversity and associated "creative
information and the development of related social
chaos" rather than the pre-structured and strictly
customs [6]. Fig. 1 presents the three learning
controlled instructional processes without any
degree of freedom. The model captures certain
essential aspects of the knowledge-creation process,
such as the importance of questions and problems, Research-based learning (LbD 2003-2005)

deliberate work for knowledge advancement,

engagement in deepening inquiry, and the socially (1)
Knowledge acquisition
Metaphor for participation
(from the point of view of interaction)

shared process of inquiry. These are all essential

(from the minds point of view)
• the role of social communities
• transferring knowledge
in teaching
to an individual leaner
and the creation of expertise

aspects of productively working with knowledge

and are routinely practiced within knowledge-
Knowledge creation
(creative learning)

intensive organizations. [6]

• the subject is to create
knowledge and develop
social practices to suit them

Bereiter and Scardamalia (2003) are strong

advocates of student communities working together Fig. 1: Hakkarainen, K., Lonka, K. & Lipponen, L. 2004, Three learning perspectives

ISSN: 1790-5109 84 ISBN: 978-960-474-029-1

Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on EDUCATION and EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (EDU'08)

4 Related Work (7) it creates a structure for linking business

The related work includes Learning by Developing competence with expertise, concentrating on
(LbD) pedagogical approach (2007), developing international development and builds foundations
process of Learning by Developing (LbD) (2001 – for an innovation-based entrepreneurial culture;
2007), Onion model (2004, 2008) and Elastic (8) for the community and region, it means that
objectivity (2008). the mobilization of talent resources allows new ways
for innovative knowledge creation;
4.1 The LbD Model (9) various research and learning methods and
The LbD Model is procedural and proactive by developing practices can be used. It includes the
integrating the learner’s everyday activities with the “lifetime learning” principle and values, advanced
development of working life’s products and communal knowledge. It contributes to creating new
services. It is based on solving genuine problems as thoughts and objects for the regional development;
well as fulfilling important strategic development (10) it allows the use of motivation and
objects and creating new innovations. evaluation methods from the point of view of: new
Pirinen & Fränti (2007) argued that LbD has a innovation, execution value of the results,
learning culture where proactive knowledge competence development, learning and the social
development and learning has the following effectiveness of actions. The main evaluation
meanings to the participants and actors: methods are self-evaluation, peer evaluation, group
(1) to the learner, it means growing up in a evaluation and value network response;
culture focusing on expertise that arises from social (11) it changes the traditional role of a teacher
interaction, knowledge sharing and collective towards the role of a guide or a coach in a
developing. This implies growing up with a life style partnership. Trusting the participant produces
of a developer, imbibing proactive learning and professional growth where learners develop
personal knowledge management; themselves facing different kinds of challenges
(2) it means increasing the value of innovations during their development cycle while lecturers
for all cooperating participants in applied research participate as researchers and developers being
and development. Creating new knowledge, experts in their own fields and understanding the
competence, innovations, service products and student’s learning process;
practices; (12) it refers to a solid integration of the three
(3) to the University of Applied Sciences it tasks where learners, lecturers, staff and other
means changing its organizational and cultural role participants of the value network all participate at
towards the cooperative community regarding the the same time. The learning, research and
creation of new knowledge and expertise. This development practice meets the network’s strategic
means that the University of Applied Sciences own research objective and adds value to model. The
development process enriches the expertise within model also contributes in creating value to the
the community and increases its role in the value network by developing and spreading the new
network by being a cultural prime mover and a new knowledge, new products and services, productive
actor who shares innovations within the network; capabilities, and by implementing the innovations
(4) participants are trustworthy, appreciative of into practice;
each other and are equal. Shared learning and shared (13) it has its roots in the organization's shared
leadership with flow and spirit arises from the value base focusing on learners and customers,
participant’s internal motivation. Own ideas and the reliability, community, openness, team spirit, social
creativity of the learners and participants are highly responsibility and innovativeness. The model has an
valued and not directly controlled or defined by the innovative working and developing culture based on
management; authenticity, partnership, experiential learning and
(5) it emphasizes on working life’s authentic research. It reflects its own contribution by the
proactive product and service development work development projects meeting the development
within its value network. It creates an operating needs and objects within the value network. [10]
model for improving the innovation cycle in a
communal, national and international way; 4.2 Developing Process of LbD
(6) it brings the demands for developing the The Learning by Developing (LbD) name is
authentic product or service into an innovative area significantly inherited by the development-based
considering the learning objectives of University of learning concept called REDLabs. The
Applied Sciences; development-based integrative learning
environment, REDLabs, (RED = Research,

ISSN: 1790-5109 85 ISBN: 978-960-474-029-1

Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on EDUCATION and EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (EDU'08)

Education, Development) was established in 2001 environment development groups, which also
and acts as a concrete operating and developing include lecturers, partners and researchers. [8]
environment. It is a connecting point where According to the Onion model, the network of
education and the value network meet each other. integrative learning environments creates an
The name parts indicate the sustainable and enriching community of knowledge and practice.
incremental integration of the three statutory tasks at Innovation researchers emphasize the importance of
the same time and in the same space. [8] people’s spirit and flow in innovation work.
The LbD model further developed the concept of Innovations arise from individuals and their
the integrative action and environment. Learning is interaction. An “enriching community” means the
connected to research and development activities interactive relationships that link innovative
and creates value to the network participants individuals together and to their region.
including the University of Applied Sciences. The
integrative action and environment refers and 4.4 Elastic Objectivity Model
focuses on analyzing the processes whereby new Pirinen (2008) proposed Elastic Objectivity which is
objects or activities are co-operationally created, especially desirable where the approach is
whether in working life, living lab or learning innovation based and support for creativity is
environment. It is a common way and culture for emphasized, it means elastic nature and meaning of
people who like to be innovative, have the will to objectivity as well as the meaningful balance of
learn and like to develop something valuable. objectivity and subjectivity, it emphasizes that
creative action makes trilogy interaction almost
4.3 The Onion Model “available on demand" in early states of
Fränti & Pirinen (2005) proposed the Onion or co- development work of innovations generation.
operation model for the integration of LbD, regional If the process target is to make and generate
development work, international co-operation and inspiration and innovations then objectivity’s nature
globalization. should also be type of creativity supporting and
The Onion model focuses on last known and flexible. Releasing objectivity allows free and
updated knowledge and knowledge structures resilient changes and individual’s modifications are
connected to the learning society. It emphasizes on valued in creative and perceiving phase of process
social interaction and activities e.g. motivation, [12]. Fig. 3 presents Elastic Objectivity as applied to
spirit and flow as structures for learning. It focuses regional and global development.
on collaboratively created objects, elasticity,
creativity, authenticity, equality and trust. Fig. 2 Elastic Objectivity (Regional and Global Development)
illustrates the Onion Model:
Onion model (action in value network)
Co-operation model participation in development,
Internationality construction,
transition and execution

Clusters Networks
Co-opetitors Value Expertise Objectivity
(value creation) (inception of valuable object)
Courses Project groups transferring issues
Integrative Learning Environments the subject is elaboratorion interest relations
of new values and agendas to elastic
Project or resilient objects


Fig. 3: Pirinen, R. 2008, Construction of Objectivity and Objects

Fig. 2: Pirinen, R. 2004, 2008, Onion model for Regional Development

People’s motivation, spirit, flow, trust and
commitments are emphasized in innovation
Laurea is an operator in regional development, and generation work. The idea of elastic objectivity is
the regional development task is linked to the whole that it keeps free innovation possibilities and spaces
education task. In terms of international relations, open, flexible, and up to date in knowledge to the
Laurea enriches its area of operation with participants.
international top-level expertise and promotes its Phenomenon of the Elastic Objectivity appears
internationalization. especially at the inception, the perceiving and the
For learners, Onion model means increased elaboration phases of new development activities
opportunities and the inclusion of increased (cyclic activities) and it obviously ends at the start of
international interaction in studies. Laurea’s learners the specification phase of development process
are equal participants in integrative learning (linear activities). [10, 12]

ISSN: 1790-5109 86 ISBN: 978-960-474-029-1

Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on EDUCATION and EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (EDU'08)

4.5 Changing of Objectivity Model 5 Proposed Model

Pirinen (2008) proposed the Changing of Objectivity The new proposition is the Framework Model of
Model which states that the nature of objectivity Learning by Developing (LbD): it links culture of
changes depending on and in relation to different Learning by Developing (LbD) to orientations and
perspectives. The model emphasizes on the role of transformation framework; it emphasis and practices
different orientations. In the reactive model based “proactive in different way” (proactive, proactive’
orientation, only few innovations and new and proactive’’) perspectives of viable and new
competences creation exist. In the problem-based competencies learning; it combines and
orientation, basic idea and development objects are incrementally integrates the previous presented
usually well known and defined. The traditional concept of Learning by Developing (LbD) and
research questions and objectives are usually Onion, Elastic Objectivity and Changing of
formulated and fixed. Elastic Objectivity is desirable Objectivity models. The Framework Model of
where the approach is innovation based and Learning by Developing is illustrated in Fig. 5:
proactive. Flexibility and resiliency of development
objects are needed for allowing more motivation, Proactivity Approach - in Service, Innovation and Design (SID)
spirit and flow as well as innovation power in cyclic
innovation process. In innovative orientation, the Innovation

incepted objects are rather types of modelling clay, Proactive

Proactive’ Cyclic

flexible, dynamic or resilient than specified, defined Elastic / Resilient

Proactive’’ Linear

or formal. The nature of the transformation is full Research Questions

duplex, e.g. the development orientation and its Orientation Results
Artifacts or Services

process implementation integrate cyclic innovation

Formal Tasks

process with more constant and linear development Reactive

process. Orientation

In the other perspective, the model presents

development of new competences where the Fig. 5: Pirinen, R. (2008) Framework Model of Learning by Developing (LbD)

transformation variables are from reactive to

proactive, from defined to elastic or resilient, from The Framework Model of LbD includes model-
formal to flexible and from linear to cyclic and of based, development, research and innovation
course vice versa. This changing of objectivity also orientations. The project and problem-based
have crucial role in organisations management and orientations are included in the transformations
leadership culture. The Onion model is one between development and model-based orientations.
possibility and example to the applied innovation The linking arrow represents full duplex
leadership model. Changing of objectivity is transformation or action.
illustrated in Fig. 4. The middle part of the framework consists of
LbD’s development-based culture. It orchestrates
Changing of Objectivity Model and performs transformations between different
orientations. Interfaces of orientations are described
Elastic and used in a similar way as in the Changing of
Innovation orientation
Objectivity Model. The Framework Model’s
Development of new competences

Research orientation
Elastic implementation process is using the Onion Model in
Learning by Developing

and Resilient objects


Dynamic objects the space of integrative learning environment and


Define-able objects
Development orientation living labs.
Reactive Project-based orientation
There are several different instances and cases in
Formal objects
Formal the Framework implementations, such as:
Linear Model-based orientation Problem-based orientation
Learning by Developing
Collaborative learning
representation of the nature of LbD culture where
Individual’s learning
full duplex transformations are orchestrated [10];
Fig. 4: Pirinen, R. (2008) Orientation’s Vitality
representation of the cooperation and
implementation model of Finnish academic dual
Pirinen (2008) continues that the Changing of model within public, industry and academic
Objectivity Model describes the necessity of institutions [1]; construction model of Communities
different orientations, where all orientations are of Network Expertise [6] and Value Networks [12];
important and needed. The model also emphasizes and linkage of the different orientations to proactive
the relation of vitality of orientation with the nature competencies learning.
of objectivity. [12]

ISSN: 1790-5109 87 ISBN: 978-960-474-029-1

Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on EDUCATION and EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (EDU'08)

6 Evaluation and Conclusion competencies that allow them to work at the levels
Universities of Applied Sciences have huge of the latest new proactive knowledge. The
potential and realistic possibilities to implement its integrative constructions could contribute to
statutory regional development task and other teaching students and participants to use and
authentic societal and global challenges. The construct artefacts and services for expanding their
paradigm shift of education methods based on intellectual resources.
knowledge creation by researching, developing and
learning is growing. The challenge, however, References:
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ISSN: 1790-5109 88 ISBN: 978-960-474-029-1

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