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Daily Lesson Plan

Date: 18th May 2011

Time: 9.00 a.m – 10.00 a.m
Class: Year 5 UKM
No. Of pupils: 45
Subject: Science
Theme: Investigating Material
Learning area: Acid and Alkali
Leaning objective: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able how to test acid and
alkaline using litmus paper and their properties.
Learning outcome: Students
1) Identify acidic, alkaline and neutral substances using litmus
2) State a concept about properties acid and alkali.
Pre- requestion knowledge: Students are able state the taste some materials such
as sour and bitter.
Scientific skills:
Scientific process skills: 1) Predict the materials that acidic, alkaline or neutral.
2) Classify the materials according their property whether
they are acidic, alkaline or neutral.
Manipulative skill: Use and handle the materials for investigation process.
Thinking skills: 1) State the materials that acidic, alkaline or neutral
2) Classify the materials according their property whether acidic,
alkaline or neutral.
3) Making their own concept about the property of materials
Scientific attitudes and values: Be honest in gathering data.
Teaching and learning resources: Litmus papers, beaker, detergent solution, vinegar
solution, tap water, mango, medicine, tea, lotion,
’asam keping ‘, detergent powder, lime, rice,
toothpaste, orange juice.
Assessments: Students verbal interaction, student problem solving and worksheet.

Safety precaution: Student should not taste the material that contain chemical
substances such as lotion and detergent solution.
Detailed steps:
Phase Contents Teaching and learning Teaching and
activities learning aid
Orientation Change of - Teacher make a Observation
litmus colour demonstration Manipulative skills
paper how litmus
papers can
change their
colour when dip
in the colourless
Elicitation Properties of - Students predict Predicting
acidic, alkaline the property of Thinking skills
or neutral materials in front Experimenting
substances of them and they Manipulative skills
need to
investigate the
property of
materials that he
had provided
using litmus
paper to
whether they are
acidic, alkaline or
neutral by
infront the
Restructuring Properties of - Students Comparing
ideas acidic, alkaline compare their Thinking skills
or neutral prediction and
substances their observation
( chemical and their
properties) observation.
- Teacher poses
them with conflict
which is using
the dry material
that has property
acid and alkali.
When in dry they
not change the
colour of litmus
paper, but when
put a little bit of
water they can
change the
colour of litmus
Application Effect of acid, - Students doing Manipulative skills
alkaline and investigation on
neutral the materials that
they use in daily
Reflection - Student making a Thinking skills
simple mind map
about the topic.
- Student will
complete the
exercise sheet
that given to

Name: _________________________________ Date: __________________

Learning objective: Understanding the properties of acidic, alkaline, and neutral

• Identify acidic alkaline and neutral substances using litmus paper
• Identify the taste of acidic and alkaline food
• Conclude the properties of acidic, alkaline and neutral substances.

A. Classify the following substances into acidic, alkaline, and neutral

substances. Put a tick (√) in the correct column.

Substance Acidic Alkaline Neutral

B. Complete the table

Substance Effect on litmus paper Inference

Red Blue

Sour milk (yogurt)

Soap solution

Cooking Oil

Soft drinks

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use the words given.

alkalin no
blue acidic red sour neutral bitter
e taste

1. Acidic substances change ________________ litmus paper to ______________.

2. Alkaline substances change ________________litmus paper to _______________.

3. _____________ substances do not have any effect on either blue or red litmus

4. Lime juice is an _______________ substance and has a ________________ taste.

5. Toothpaste is an ______________ substance and has a _________________ taste.

6. Cooking oil is a ________________ substance and it has __________________.

D. Group the following substances into acidic, alkaline, or neutral substances.



Acidic substances Alkaline substances Neutral substances

Materials used for the demonstration

Litmus paper pH Chart Beaker

Syampoo Soap Pineapple

Mineral water Vinegar Rice

Cocoa Fruit Bicarbonate of Soda

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