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The traditions of the Northern and Scandinavian countries and of the Vikings are at the same
time very interesting and rich in feats, accomplishments and innovations. The above-mentioned three
refer to the peoples of Iceland, Denmark, Norway and Scotland. Finland has other traditions, slightly
different ones, but it also has common traditions with the ones from the rest of the Northern countries;
for most of the part, they coincide.

The Scandinavian mythology also influenced

the Goths, namely the Germans before being
Christianized. Vikings believed in Yggdrasil,
the tree of truth. The tree symbolizes the
ascent of the Northern civilization.

The wise and omniscient god of the

Scandinavians is Odin. Odin rides the tree of
wisdom and truth and lives on top of it. In the
crown of the tree lies also the city of the white
elves, elves that help people, especially by
healing them.

In the Scandinavian mythology, the elves are magic beings; they come and help people with
healing herbs and water and they go back afterwards to the mountains and the forests where they live.
There are also dark elves; they help the shrewd and the lawless, pushing them to make evil; they live
in the depths of the waters. The dark elves were chased away with horns and high fires, because they
helped sorcerers make evil: they brought poisonous herbs so the sorcerers could make their poisons
against men.

There were also dwarfs in the life of the Scandinavian populations, who helped people; they
lived in the forests, too, working the land and giving people the fruit of the ground, so that they could
treat themselves for various diseases. There were Trolls, too, very evil giants who battled with people
and who helped sorcerers in the same way as the dark elves.

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To people, important was Ilmatar – the
daughter of the air and mother of the
waters. She lived alone in the sky and
helped people by purifying water and
wind when the Vikings needed it for
fishing or for anything else. She also
patronized the wind when necessary.

There are many Scandinavian gods; the important thing is that they helped people with
traditional medicine, too. The Scandinavian nations discovered that whale fat treats skin cancer, stones,
kidney cancer and many others. The witch doctors of those times saw that the bigger the whale, the
more beneficent its fat was. They came to the conclusion that - as big whales and fish fed on deep
water seaweeds - deep water vegetation was richer in calories and minerals. They noticed it by making
a comparison with the fat of small or young and thin whales. Therefore people dived to great depths
and collected the vegetation growing there, which they dried and made into cure for certain affections
or, combined with whale or shark fat, for other affections. They used sea mammals’ fat to enhance
skin resistance to cold and hot, too.

The healers, who were under Odin’s protection, even climbed to the top of the mountains,
where they picked herbs to make mixtures for cirrhosis and for affections of the lungs, heart and for
various other affections; they also went into caves, where they collected the blue mud covering the
precious stones; by mixing it with herbs, they treated cancers.

The Scandinavian medicine, again, gave

mankind the honey-based treatment. In
combination with certain herbs, honey turns
into an aphrodisiac, but, in a different
combination, it turns into treatment,
strengthening the immune system and the
central nervous system.

From the Scandinavian traditional medicine,

we know the diversity of treatments based on
mixtures of flower petals and medicinal
herbs, or solely petals of certain flowers for
the treatment of impotence, as well as stems
of certain flowers that grow on high
mountains for the treatment of sterility.

+4 021 619 11 17 / 0745 430 351 /

To the great thesaurus of Scandinavian traditional medicine also belong the Scandinavians’
recipes for cirrhosis made from the bark of certain trees, mixed with flowers and leaves from other
trees.The trees are deeply-rooted into the ground; depending on their height and on their native climate,
they are full of energy, minerals and vitamins. The bark of trees, such as the fir tree, is also used to
treat inflammations and wounds with pus; healing is certain as is also in the case of eczemas.

The Scandinavian traditional medicine has brought its contribution to the world’s traditional
medicine thesaurus, by countless recipes for the treatment of many diseases. It has shown mankind
that life is not a hazard over which triumph only those who know how to play, but it is a source of
wisdom if you evolve, searching continuously and proving yourself that everything is possible.



Each human being must understand and The fundamental idea of the traditional
realize that health is the harmony between medicine practiced by these two civilizations is
contraries. The person must also know that he that bioenergy, the energy of life, runs through
cannot dissociate his disease from his spiritual the meridians. Along the meridians there are
and emotional state. Those who treat the also biocenters. The inner energy fuses with
somatic condition alone are definitely wrong. the external one (at the level of the charkas),
Where the person is psychosomatically and the human body is completely balanced.
balanced, no disease will occur, because there
is no breach in his defense.

+4 021 619 11 17 / 0745 430 351 /

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