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The Business Book for The New American Economic Paradigm

Making Your American Business
The Great Success
Sneaky & Devious Tricks of the Human Mind,
Dastardly Ways and Means to Make Profits by Helping Other People,
Scheming with Your Employees to Build the Great Empire.
Cunning Ways to Make Your Customers feel like some sort of Human Being,
How to Discover the Human Being Inside Your Managers,
Crafty Little Ways to Create Profit without Robbing a bank,
How to Make People Like You when they Really Hate You ,Today,
How to
t Straighten
St i ht Out O t the
th Winding
Wi di Road
R d tot Absolute
Ab l t Wealth,
W lth
How To Survive in a Little Fortune 100 Bubble,
Creating Stability of Mind and Tripping Over Success,
Make the Extreme Normal and the Extreme Really Extreme,
Why Coaching Really Sucks Until You Get Really Rich,
How the Internet Makes You Big with Little Tiny Customers,
Why You Should Terminate All Your People and Start Over Wednesday,
How I got Really Rich by Watching Really Stupid People,
Ho You Could become President.
How President

It’s Never Too Late, Until its too late.

Read the Book

By Gregory Bodenhamer 2011 All Rights Reserved Copyrighted 2011

Bodenhamer’s Great American Coaching Book for Business

How Y
You C ld become
Could b
of your very own free enterprise company.

The Only Real Purpose for Business
Are you about to start your own business? Do you already operate your own business? Do you at times
become perplexed about what to do and when to do it? What you really need to understand is that your
business is on earth for one simple reason, to create victory and conquest by generating profits.
A drowning person will clutch at a straw. So push them under water then offer a straw.

CONFUSION How it works Breaking patterns Repeating patterns of events help us predict and feel a good sense of
control about the world. When patterns are are disrupted, then we become uncertain.

Losing control One of the deep needs we have is to be able to understand the world around us. If we
understand, then we can predict what will happen and hence control our environment and stay safe. When
we cannot make sense of our experiences, we feel confused and scared and seek a way of getting out of
the cognitive deep water in which we find ourselves.

Unexpected surprise When we predict, we set up expectation. When the expectation does not meet what
was predicted, we are surprised and confused and have to stop to figure out what is going on.

Sends you inside What is the sound of one hand clapping? What is the sound of a tree falling in the forest
when nobody is there? What is the point of such meaningless Zen sayings? The clue is in the deeper intent
of Zen, where a A major goal is to find enlightenment. The confusing koans are designed specifically to
send you inside, making you think so hard about what they mean that you forget yourself, and
consequently find nirvana. Confusion can send you so far inside and so deep that it puts you into a trance.
As you struggle to find a meaning where none exists, the assumption that an answer must exist sends you
on an ever‐deepening spiral. Confusion is a method that is, perhaps unsurprisingly, used by hypnotists as a
method of hypnotic induction.

Clutching at straws Increasing stress leads to a point when we go from seeking the best solution to the
problem at hand to seeking a solution just to reduce the stress. Herbert Simon called this 'Satisficing'.
Confusion is used in many persuasion techniques as a way of destabilizing the other person. Just as a
drowning man will clutch at a straw,
straw so also will a confused person grab at any idea you offer them in the
hope that it will help them crawl out the sea of confusion in which they are wallowing.

Allowing the driver to drive without directions.
Missing important milestone markers causes confusion and business hazards. Without clear
i objectives
bj i and
d time
i li
lines the
h likelihood
lik lih d off your business
b i plan
l becoming
b i lost
l i the
is h reall
hazard. Before any business adventure, stop, plan, measure and assure you know where you’re
going first. Before you start running away trying to lower costs, increase gross sales, improve
associates and grow your business make sure you’re on the boulevard of success.
The overall approach had three main strands. First physical and emotional treatment that led to
exhaustion, learned helplessness and hence a reduced ability to reason and resist. This included an
unbalanced diet that led further to brain dysfunction. Secondly, subtle temptation, for example isolation
and removal of stimuli that led people to seek any intellectual input, even Communist. Likewise, to a
starving person, a small morsel of food would seem like a feast.
Thirdly, small rewards that encouraged the attribution of cooperation to free will and hence, by the
consistency principle would lead to the prisoners to change their beliefs to support their apparent
support of Communism. When reflecting later about their behavior, it was difficult to blame what
became significant acts on what now seemed like small rewards that were given.
Overall, this was effectively a 'big stick, small carrot' approach. When you are in total darkness, a small
light will grab your attention. When you are drowning in deep dread, you will grasp at any small straw of
hope When you are hurt,
hope. hurt you will seek and be grateful for any rescue.
Subsequent studies concluded that there was no single method that led to brainwashing ‐ it was the
combined effect of many methods over a period of time that led to the conversion of the prisoners to
belief in Communism. Critical factors Critical factors that increased the chance of people being
'brainwashed' included a negative or confused sense of identity and self doubt. Coupled with a strong
sense of guilt and a tendency towards black‐and‐white thinking, such people would most easily fall into
the traps being laid for them. Avoiding brainwashing A less‐known, but notable, fact is that there were
also many Turkish prisoners of war, yet none of these succumbed to the brainwashing attempts. This is
attributed to several factors, such as a devolving chain of command where, if an officer died, then the
man below immediately took charge, even if it was a private soldier. They also learned methods from
each other of psychologically detaching themselves from the situation and viewing it all objectively and
Other studies have shown that those who most feared capitulation were actually those who were in

PRISONER least danger.

danger It seems their realization of the dangers gave them sufficient cognitive efforts to resist.
This was particularly true of those with well‐integrated and stable personalities, although if these
people did convert, they would then remain faithful to the new ideology for longest.

T h e r e   i s   n o   s u c h   t h i n g   h a s   a   H a p p y   P r i s o n e r.
You cannott expectt a captive
Y ti nott to
t run away. Often
Oft ti
times your employees
l b
become th Hostage
the H t
due to your policies, procedures and methods so they emotionally and psychologically keep their
distance while you lose productivity, compliance, sales and profits. The majority of employees are
physically with you but their intelligence is never truly applied. If you keep them locked up in
bi l excell spread
d sheets,
h t conference
f rooms, blackberry’s
bl kb ’ andd time
ti li
lines th
they will
ill getaway,
cause diversion, start distractions and most likely flee with your beautiful white horse you call the
business plan.
Creativity: New ways of thinking and acting. 
Curiosity Exploring and seeking for its own sake. 
Open‐mindedness: Seeing things objectively and fairly, from all sides. 
Love of learning: Constantly developing skills and knowledge. 
Perspective: Seeing in ways that make sense and giving wise counsel. 
p g y g g
Bravery: Not shrinking from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain; acting on convictions even if 
Persistence: Seeing things through, despite difficulties. 
Integrity: Presenting oneself in a genuine way; taking responsibility for one’s feeling and 
Vitality: A zest and enthusiasm for life and living. 
Love: Valuing, sharing and caring for others. 
Kindness: Doing things for others without requiring reciprocation. 
Social intelligence: Being aware of how yourself and others are motivated, and acting 
Citizenship: Being socially responsible and loyal. 
Fairness: Treating everyone in a similar way. Being just and without bias. 
Leadership: Driving achievement whilst maintaining harmony. 
Forgiveness and mercy: Forgiving wrong‐doers rather than seeking punishment or revenge. 
Humility / Modesty: Not putting oneself above others. Letting achievements speak for 
Prudence: Not taking undue risks or doing what you will regret. 
Self‐regulation: Controlling one's emotions and actions according to one's values. 

CROSSING Wonder: Appreciating beauty and excellence. 
d b d ll
Gratitude: Knowing, feeling and being thankful for all the good things in life. 
Hope: Positively expecting the best and working to achieve it. 
Humor: Enjoying laughter and making people laugh. Seeing the lighter side of life. 
Spirituality: Having coherent beliefs higher purpose and the meaning of life. 

Yo u r   e x p e d i t i o n   w i l l   r e q u i r e   m a n y   c r o s s i n g s .
Your people will ride with you, crossing wherever you may point them but their real drive will come
from watching you going before them. You can sit on top of your powerful horsepower and point
and they will not really take the trip even though it appears they are with you.
you Pointing is not
leading and leadership is not pointing. The feature and aspect of leadership, often forgotten and
elapsed into history is the central theme of daring, fearlessness and courageous leadership
behavior. If you defy problems, face competition, stand up to injustice, they will follow.
Respect: If you basically respect all people, they you won't go far wrong. Much bias is based in contempt
and lack of respect.
Self‐monitor: Watch your own thoughts. Many of us were programmed at a young age with various unfair
biases. Yet we also have free will and may sometimes need to self‐censor what we say and do.
Ask: If you are not sure what to say or do in an uncertain situation,
situation try asking.
asking Ask if a disabled person
needs help. Ask what descriptive terms are acceptable to a person of a different heritage to you. When
you are not sure, ask.
Apologize. If you get it wrong, say sorry. Might this be legal acceptance of wrong‐doing? Perhaps. But it
may also put things right that would otherwise result in legal action. A small apology can go a long way
towards restoring a sense of fair play.
Act: If a person is being harassed or victimized in some way, intervene to protect the person that is being
hurt. Also act to help the perpetrator understand what they are doing and to apologize. If needed
(though apology and reconciliation is always better) you can also act as a witness and to support the
victim enact a formal complaint.

An organization and culture will often share beliefs and ways of understanding the world. This helps
smooth communications and agreement, but can also become fatal blinkers that blind everyone to
impending dangers.
Attitudes are the external displays of underlying beliefs that people use to signal to other people of their
membership. This includes internal members (look: I'm conforming to the rules. Please don't exclude
Attitudes also can be used to give warning, such as when a street gang member eyes up a member of
the ppublic. Byy usingg a longg hard stare, theyy are usingg national cultural symbolism
y to indicate their threat.

GIRL POWER Rules, norms, ethical codes, values
The norms and values of a culture are effectively the rules by which its members must abide, or risk
rejection from the culture (which is one of the most feared sanctions known). They are embedded in the
artifacts, symbols, stories, attitudes, and so on.

M a n a g e r s   c o n f u s e   t h e   w o r d   d i v e r s i t y.
Dissimilar, Distinct and Separate people make your customer base and employee base. Most
managers and all supervisors confuse diversity of backgrounds, traditions, philosophy with skin
color. Your company is a society of people, your own civilization and women in the workplace
k your powerful,
f l changes
h th way you look
the l k att things,
thi offers
ff th refinement
the fi t off attitude,
ttit d
approach and viewpoint. If you don’t have girl power in your mind-set and business plan you are
posturing for future failure. Forget color, height, age, weight, religion, sex and capture the law-
abiding and reliable power of performance and diversity.
The value of a metaphor is in the meaning that it can create. Meaning happens inside the mind and
as such is an individual experience. Nevertheless, the commonality of words means that the well‐
understood meaning of one world can associated with a concept that is not so well understood or
where new meaning need to be injected.
Metaphors are representations,
representations in that they represent an idea but are not the idea in itself.
itself All words
are also representations, and in this sense all words are metaphors. We do not directly experience
reality, but rather an internal symbolic representation of an external 'real'.

The power of metaphor

If I say 'You look like a dog', then I am placing some of the visual attributes of a dog on you. If,
however, I say 'you are a dog', then I am saying that you are a dog in all ways, and that all attributes
that a dog has, you have.
Metaphors are thus much stronger than similes or analogies, as the vehicle holds more weight than
the subject that it replaces.
The power of metaphors is in the way that they change the subject by bringing new thinking and
ideas, extending and changing the way that a person thinks about something.
Limitations of metaphors
The power and the limitation of the metaphor is the way that the vehicle brings not just a little bit of
understanding but a whole world. When you say 'I am a dog', you bring the entire world of dogginess
to the subject.
The underlying assumption is that the vehicle is correct and that in any conflict of meaning, the
subject is wrong.
This can be a limitation and a trap,
p as yyou mayy want to bringg some attributes but not some of the less
desirable ones. Metaphors must thus be used with care. If I say 'you are stupid', then 'stupid'
effectively replaces 'you', and all of you becomes all of stupid.

Beginning The first part of the presentation has the purpose of preparing the audience for the main
body of the talk. This is where the primacy effect happens and so care is needed in getting it right.
Settling The first task when meeting an audience is settling them down, making them comfortable
and ready for the main presentation. For many presentations, this means quietening them down and
getting their attention, for example where a teacher settles a class before the lesson proper starts.
Another approach is to settle the audience into an energized state by starting with a bang and
generating excitement, such as might happen at a sales conference.
Introducing people is a part of the settling process. In a large hall only the speaker is likely to be
introduced. In an adult training class, it is common for each person to introduce themself.
Testing When a presenter first meets an audience they may not know what the audience knows and
so to allow some customization,
customization they may check the audience
audience'ss knowledge of the subject matter.
This can sometimes be done by a pre‐survey or discussion with organizers, although it can also be
done by asking questions directly of the audience.
Contextualizing One of the most important early stages is setting the scene, providing a context for
the audience into which they can place the main talk. It has been said that there is no meaning
without context and this is the place where that crucible of context is described.
This may also include scoping, where the presenter indicates what will be covered and what is out of
scope and will not be covered. Limits to what will be covered include time available, audience ability
to absorb information, and knowledge of the presenter.
Confidence‐building The audience will often judge the speaker, assessing whether it is worth their
time attending to what is said. Much of this decision‐making happens up‐front and it is consequently

PRESENTATION important for the speaker to build credibility.

I t ’ s   N e v e r   To o   L a t e   To   M e n d   Yo u r   P r e s e n t a t i o n .
Your old style presentations are killing you, offending the brain power of your employees and the
messages are confused. You can give better presentation talks, lectures and seminars by learning
how to use powerful imagery,
imagery fine art for metaphors and descriptions,
descriptions helps you learn how to
describe, sell, persuade and influence, literally, vividly, expressively with symbolism that represent
the real things, to your real people.
Hierarchies of control
Basic conditioning From a very young age, we are trained to obey. First our parents (and by default all
adults), then teachers, policemen, managers and so on. Eventually it defaults to anyone who seems to
be our superior. We thus divide the world into those who are superior to us (and who are thus to be
obeyed) and those who are inferior (and who should obey us). us) We then make the critical error of
equating superiority with authority. Control and trust The basic pact between parents and children,
policemen and citizens, managers and employees is one of trust and control We all have a need for a
sense of control, which can be gained in two ways: We can either control things ourselves or we can
trust someone else to provide the control for us. One implicit message of authority is thus 'Don't worry‐‐
everything is under control'. The reciprocal agreement There is a tacit reciprocal agreement in
situations of ceded authority that happens in two ways. In a coercive sense, a suppressed threat to use
force leads us to give control. In the nurturing sense, we promise the rewards of love. Either way,
obedience is gained through a promise of future action

The deep need to belong
The evolutionary driver Some species live largely alone, whilst others have learned that if you form 
a tribe, you can share out the work and hence live more safely. Homo sapiens, of course, is one of the 
latter tribal species
latter, tribal species.
Living in the tribe does have its cost, however, as you have to abide by shared rules and cannot just do 
whatever you wish. Evolution has shown, however, that the benefits far outweigh these costs, and we 
are now pre‐programmed with a deep need to belong that drives us towards forming and joining 

AUTHORITY A basic Maslow need Belonging is one of the more basic needs in Maslow's Hierarchy, where it comes 
jjust above health and safety. This low level indicates how fundamental this need is. Being below 
y g
esteem shows how we first want to join a group, then gain its esteem. Although 'belonging' needs 
include love and affection, we will often prefer to be in a low social position within a group than leave 
and try to find another group. 'Belonging' need is stronger than 'esteem' need.

A Mental Whack Picks Them Up.
Change their mind and actions by thumping their brain with innovative, fresh ideas. Once you hit
them with warnings and suspensions they very seldom or hardly ever stand up straight again since
fear, anxiety over takes their mind with concern, worry and dread.
In the first stage of positive change, the person is excited and intrigued by the change. They look
forward to it with eager anticipation, building a very positive and often over‐optimistic view, for
example that it will be much easier for them and resolve all of their current issues.
And for a time after the change (sometimes sadly short), there is a 'honeymoon period', during which

CHANGE they are positively happy with the change.

Informed pessimism The honeymoon period does not last forever and the rose‐tinted glasses start to
fade as the untidiness of reality starts to bite. The person finds that things have not all fallen into
place, that other people have not magically become as cooperative as they expected, and that things
are just not as easy as they had expected.
This pushes them over into a period of gloom when they realize that perfection, after all, is not that
easy to attain.
attain This may evidence itself in mutterings and grumblings,
grumblings but still does not reach the
depths of the depression stage of negative change perception (unless the person flips into a delayed
negative cycle).
Informed optimism Before long, however, their original optimism starts to reassert itself, now tinted
by a resignation to the reality of the situation. After all, things are not that bad, and a positive sense
of potential begins to creep back.
As they look around them and talk to other people, they make realistic plans and move forward with
an informed sense of optimism.
Completion Eventually, things reach a relatively steady platform of realistic and workable action. The
person is probably happier than they were before the change started and, with their realistic vision,
have the potential to reach giddier heights of happiness as they achieve more of their potential.

Look Around and Witness – Appreciate –Grasp
t h e   C o n s t a n t   S h i f t i n g   C h a n g e s   A r o u n d   Yo u .
Altering your business message will adjust your results. Change is a rework, a correction of
something, the revision or modification of a process, thought, idea, planning step and your
presentations must imitate what’s in your mind. You must change their thinking and expose them to
your thought energy, signal them to what you want, display and manifest the companies, customers
and employee associate future. The Art Echo repeats, comes back, ricochets around your
business and their minds for days, months, years, forever and you must summarize your future
profits with images and words as to annex space in their minds.
PLANNING Commitment, not just communication Many effective change methodologies have a significant focus on
communication. This is a very important part of most change efforts, yet it is not the real intent, which is
perhaps why many change efforts do not take it seriously. Communication can easily seem to be a lot of
effort for little return.
return What is really being sought in communication is that people become committed
to the change collaborating with the work rather than resisting it or complying unwillingly. Taking this
view changes what you do and how you do it. Communication can be a fairly one‐way affair or it can be
a heart‐to‐heart, but if it does not change commitment then it is effectively wasted. The Commitment
Plan should thus be focused on what will cause people to become and remain committed to the change.
It is one thing to get them excited with yee‐har visionary start. It is another to keep them with you when
issues are appearing everywhere and there still is no sight of the promised land.

There are often a number of drivers that provide the founding motivation of an organization. If
these do not align, then the rest of the organizational elements which follow these are very likely also
to be out of alignment.
Drivers include:
Purpose (why are we here?)
Vision (motivating view of the future)
Mission statement (overall goals for stakeholders)
Objectives (specific goals)
Strategy (key decisions and overall approaches)
Process alignment

Yo u r   B u s i n e s s   P l a n   – Yo u r   F u t u r e   P u n i s h m e n t
Your pplan and actions,, stretched out into the future is the verdict of everything.
y g One little idea,, from
the slightest little character might be the thought, idea, action step that frees you from the
repression of your thinking and deeds. Many people, ownership, executives, managers and
supervisors hop over the little idea, bounce off your planning and leave out many of your action
p , missing g out,, p
y g more and p prancingg over pprofits. Eavesdrop p on yyour p
p , listen in on
the little idea and pay attention to the people doing all the work, the customer comments and free
your business with better planning, enhanced actions. Change is for the better. advance and
develop the little plan, execute and put into action that little gift from your employees and customers
and at no cost.
Instrumental values are values which are instrumental in getting us to desired ends. They are useful only
in that they are acceptable ways of behaving. These are what we often talk about when we discuss values
‐‐ and especially the related Morals and Ethics.
Instrumental values thus moderate how we go about setting and achieving our goals, ensuring we do so
only in ways which are socially acceptable.
Instrumental values can be viewed as having 'evolved'. Thus they are the best values we can have to
create successful societies. Values such as dishonesty and selfishness destroy societies and, especially in
an evolutionary light, are not good for the future of mankind (let alone the groups of people with whom I
Examples of instrumental values include: honesty, politeness and courage.
End‐state values
End‐state values are things we actually value. This is where 'values' and 'value' meet, as we seek and
value end‐state values. They are the destination, whilst instrumental values control the journey there.
Examples of end‐state values include: happiness, salvation and prosperity

The Finish Is Often The Beginning.
The ending g of a pproduct,, employee
p y relationship,
p, business pplan or action step p might
g be best
described as a vanishing. Older thoughts or ideas never really end they simply evaporate until
some manifestation in the future. The departure of senior people, process controls, theory,
applications and managers are often manifested by the onset of fear. The leaving or ending of
customers and employees
p y makes yyou cheerless and depressing
p g to other ppeople.
p Realize that
people must move on to keep your company moving. Products must be scrap at some point to
allow room for creation. Don’t let the ending spoil your future. Don’t let the old demolish the new.
The exit is also the entrance and the door always and forever swings both ways. So, enjoy your
access to the future.
The problem with organizations today is with leaders that cannot lead and workers that have little
passion. Rather than repair the issue, leaders place band‐aids on surgical incisions. Fix the problem.
Got Talent. Talent is innate. Skills cannot be taught and organizations constantly place the wrong people
in the wrong positions. There are denizens of selling professionals enacting as sales managers that
should be fired. Place individuals where they will succeed and aligned with talents. Eradicate the sloths.
Conflict. Supervisors and managers fear conflict in the workplace. Managers fail to hold those
accountable because they fear conflict. The inability to confront subordinates about poor seriously
undermines productivity. Accountability. Everyone has a job and must do it. Time frames and tasks
must be upheld. Those that do not comply should be dealt with. Observed behavior. Review it
constantly and ensure it upholds the mission, vision and values of the organization. Stop the Circus.
Save the ridiculous animal tricks,
tricks the flying canons,
canons poster board and crayons for recess and
kindergartners. Treat adults as such. If John and Peter do not like each other, one hour of mountain bike
riding with a case of beer only ensures one of them will not return. This does nothing for productivity
and wastes needed income. The Last Supper. Allow all to eat at the table. End the aristocracy and allow
democracy. Innovation flourishes from those closest to their customers. The concept is difficult to grasp
but fruitful since all organizations exist for one reason – the customer!
Productivity begins with candid relationships between employer and employee.


There Is Only One Big Dog And It Should Bite.
Accountability should be the enormous animal inside your kennel club and it should, until the end of
time, nibble and gnaw at poor performance. Accountability makes you answerable and responsible
and also liable for your results. We’re not talking about blaming, faulting or condemning people
we’re speaking about crediting the good and putting in place change to put right the deficient.
Many organizations do not hold people accountable which makes their organization corrupt and
immoral. Faulty products, defective merchandise, substandard customer services are wicked and
will cause your failure. Accountability keeps you honorable and candid about productivity, quality
output and all honest dealings.
Principle #1: Have passion for your work. Professional performers are driven by their personal passion to achieve
excellence, to be the best. Are you, as a professional corporate performer, motivated by the same passion?
Taking this passion to the task level, what feelings or activities motivate you to start a task? Is your motivation the
excitement of learning, measuring up to a challenge, or showing competence on the job?
Principle #2: Construct a clear picture of the finish line. Having a clear picture of the finished product, the end, is
critical to finishing first. The knowledge of how many laps in the race or where the race will end is essential to pacing
your energy and resources.
Not only can a clear picture of the finish line help you pace physical constraints, but you get a psychological edge
when a lucid mental picture exists in your head. As humans are goal seeking individuals, the picture of the finished
product in your brain moves you into action.
Principle #3: Tie production to definite time frames. Ambiguous time frames lead to lethargic behavior and the
inability to innovate and solve problems. Adding exact time frames to the clear picture of the end product is a
powerful wayy to p
p push pproductivityy and destroyy the lazyy behavior caused byy ambiguity.
g y
After setting the deadline date to permit you to finish first, then decide and set your midpoints. Know where you
have to be at certain times in the race to enable you to finish first with ease. Keep track of your deadline and
midpoint dates by putting them on your calendar and reap the benefit of letting time frames drive productivity.
Principle #4: Focus on the stimulating part of your work. The human physic craves learning and intellectual
stimulation but no project is free from some aspect of rote, routine work. Focusing on the stimulating part of the
project helps you feel connection to the highest level of Maslow's pyramid: Self‐actualization.
Self‐actualization or creating the euphoric feeling of achievement comes from developing innovative products and
services by forcing new thought processes and associations. As you generate original ideas and bring thought‐
provoking proposals to your colleagues, you will breeze through routine work and find exhilaration in exceptional
Principle #5: Use Your Pit Crew. Don't go it alone. When you get stuck and stymied ask your team members, your pit
crew, for help. In my personal experience, team members, colleagues, and managers are genuinely interested in
helping you. In fact, most people are flattered that you trust them enough to ask their advice.
Just running your ideas by a friend or verbalizing your thoughts is often the catalyst to discovery and leads to closure
on nagging problems.
DESKBOUND Principle #6: Fly Your Own Checked Flag. A frequent question I ask my audiences is, "Do you ever get enough
praise?" This question brings blank stares as brains begin to rapidly file through past experiences and then heads
begin to shake as they realize that most organizations are stingy with rewards.

A Lazy Man Is Smoldering His Potential.
The energetic business leader rests at home, enjoys his family and friends and is never deskbound
at work. The weary and tired need to rest, enjoy and take pleasure in private time to calm down,
unwind or simply put their feet up. By no means and in no way can you rest or simply put your feet
up while
hil att work.
k The
Th deskbound
d kb d owner, executive
ti or manager is i supposed d lazy
l and
d worthless.
So stand up, take-off and walk your business, impression by action is inspiring and notable. If you
want to be exciting and stirring, imposing and inspiring, the remarkable walk and talk plan has
never failed.
Time as a line Time is often represented internally with the metaphor of a line. We literally see a time
stretching out into the future, along which we place the events of our life. The line may be straight or
curved. It may be one, two or three‐dimensional
Standing in time or outside it Two very different ways of experiencing the line of time is either as
standing on the line or existing outside of it, for example looking down at it from a height.
People that exist in time do so like a person standing in the railway tracks. The train of time bears
down on them as near events grow bigger as the perspective effect is exaggerated by their position.
This a very subjective position as time 'happens' to them.

The past, present or future can have very different, as Hofstede and Trompenaars identify in their
cultural models.
models The past,
past present and future can be of different priority,
priority for example with some
being more focused on the past than the future (and vice versa). Some people are more concerned
with the here‐and‐now than what might be in the future.

If you ask a scientist how many fundamentally things there are in the universe, he or she will
probably answer 'four'. Not four dimensions, but four things that spell STEM: Space, Time, Energy
and Matter.
Space, energy and matter can be sensed directly with one or more of our five senses, but how are
these used to sense time? Problem, eh?
Time as a construct The strange reality is that we construct time internally, by taking sequential
experiences and noticing that they are different. We thus, literally, create time internally, making it a
unique experience for each of us. Yes, we can look at a watch, but time is still the collation of the
q images
g of lookingg at the watch. This creates a strange g scientific and p philosophical
dilemma. If we construct something internally, does it exist at all? The variability of time One distinct
effect of time as a construct is that we experience it very differently at different, er, times. Time flies
when we are having fun and drags by when we are not. The tick of a clock can be a moment or joy or
an eternity of pain.

Here are 10 sales coaching tips to boost your productivity to new levels:

PRODUCTIVITY 1. Most Important Things First. The most important task you need to get done each day should take priority over all other tasks.
However, we all know that interruptions can pop up and the important task often gets put off.
If you put the most import thing off until later in the day, they often don’t happen. Your goal should be to get your most
important things done first thing in the morning before doing anything else.
2. Wake Up Earlier. Get up just 30 minutes earlier and you can get a jump start on some of your most important tasks for the day.
Decide what you’d like to accomplish each morning, and design your routine around your most important tasks.
3. Streamline Information. Think about all the information you receive on a daily basis: emails, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, blog
updates, newsletters, mailing lists, magazines, newspapers, and mail. Start to edit and remove anything that you no longer are
using or benefiting from.
4. Clear Of Your Desk & Get Focused. Get rid of everything off your desk that you don’t absolutely need. Remove all distractions
and focus on one thing at a time. With a clean and clear desk, it becomes much easier to be productive and organized.
5. Get To Work Early; Leave Early. Ever notice how much you get done when no one else is around? Consider coming into work a
little earlyy to start on yyour most important
p things
g without interruptions.
p The trick here is to make sure yyou set an end time to yyour
day. So if you want to leave a 4:00PM, commit to it and it will also help you focus on getting more done before that time.
6. Schedule Your Meetings & Avoid Last Minute Meetings When Possible. Consider each situation, but in general, see if you can
aim to always schedule your meetings instead of taking on the spot meetings in your office that will throw off your momentum.
Remember that whatever is on your schedule for you to be focusing on, should be treated like a meeting that is already in
7. Eliminate Non‐Essential Work. You will only be productive in sales if you are working on activities that are going to move you
towards your goals. Remove or delegate non‐essential tasks from your to‐do lists, and start to say no to new requests that are
8. Do The Tough Stuff First. Do these first thing in the morning. If you put the tough tasks off, they will only become more and
more difficult to accomplish.
9. Shut Off Your Internet Connection. Schedule times when you will be online to check email or research on the web. Working
off‐line can help you increase your productivity as you will be focusing on one task at a time without distractions. For many
people, this one seems almost impossible, but challenge yourself to try it out and see what happens.
10. Get Passionate. If you truly care about what you are doing, you will work like a machine to get it done. It will flow and you will
plow through your tasks without procrastination. Find the deeper meaning of accomplishing your goals and being productive.
What will beingg more p productive in sales enable yyou to accomplish,
p , to do,, to be?

Productivity – The Time Management Police
We have a very small amount of time to be leaders, barely enough it seems to check on the major
t off life
lif andd business.
b i D ’t waste
Don’t t your time
ti on the
th trivial,
t i i l slight
li ht or petty
tt peoplel inside
i id your
business. Most managers spend a modest amount of time with their great people and a large
amount with the tiny contributors. If you spend your time trying to run down every good for northing
irresponsible, worthless bum on your payroll your great people are excessively harmed. Pay
tt ti to t hard
h d working,
ki caring
i and d persistently
i t tl good d people,
l because
b if you don’t,
d ’t they
th form
f th
opinion that you think, that they’re bums. If you’re not careful it seems that simply chasing bums
around your business, creates lost time, hurt feelings and aggravates your good people.
When we cannot achieve or do something that we want, we channel the energy created by the
desire into fantastic imaginings.
Freud noted that a major drive for most people is the reduction in tension, and that a major cause of
tension was anxiety. He identified three different types of anxiety.
Reality Anxiety This is the most basic form of anxiety and is typically based on fears of real and
possible events, such as being bitten by a dog or falling from a ladder.
The most common way of reducing tension from Reality Anxiety is taking oneself away from the
situation, running away from the dog or simply refusing to go up the ladder.
Neurotic Anxiety This is a form of anxiety which comes from an unconscious fear that the basic
impulses of the ID (the primitive part of our personality) will take control of the person, leading to
eventual punishment (this is thus a form of Moral Anxiety).
Moral Anxiety This form of anxiety comes from a fear of violating values and moral codes, and
appears as feelings of guiltor shame.
Defense Mechanisms When anxiety occurs, the mind first responds by an increase in problem‐
solving thinking, seeking rational ways of escaping the situation. If this is not fruitful (and maybe
anyway), a range of defense mechanisms may be triggered. In Freud's language, these are tactics
which the Ego develops to help deal with the Id and the Super Ego. All Defense Mechanisms share
two common properties : They often appear unconsciously.
unconsciously They tend to distort,
distort transform,
transform or
otherwise falsify reality. In distorting reality, there is a change in perception which allows for a
lessening of anxiety, with a corresponding reduction in felt tension.

Kings – Queens & Corporals
If you plan on being some crowned head of royalty as a manager your career is going to end very
badly, not simply just fade away. The ROYALS management theory & school went bankrupt several
hundred years ago.
ago Real people only work with real people.
people Monarchs are dead and so are little
Corporals that think, act and talk like they’re kings and queens. The Peons that you might call
labor, drudge around and plan your immediate and severe downfall. Don’t rule over the office
worker or the production worker, as you should be their servant.
M u l t i ge n e rat i o n a l  A ge   B ra c ke t   Fa nta sy

Organizational camaraderie and productivity involve relating to others across a chasm of significant behavioral differences. Improving
your "people skills" helps you figure out how to bridge the gap between yourself and others thereby making the organizational climate
more supportive and collaborative.
1. As‐is. Accept the fact that there are four main styles of functioning and you represent only one of the styles. Therefore 75% of the world sees life differently than
you do. To de‐puzzle behavior, accept the other person "as is"–just the way they are. You will never change them to see your exact point of view.
2. Strengths. Focus on the strengths of the other person, not the liabilities. Contrary to the way some people believe and act, they do have weaknesses. No one is
perfect in every way. So de‐puzzle them by separating out strengths from weaknesses.
3. Activities. Take note of their activities. Where they invest their time tells you what they value. Do they volunteer for problem‐solving or risky projects? Are they
involved in associations or ad hoc committees for improvement? Do they take extra time for their children’s activities? Are they involved in a political party or a
religious group? Make quiet observations. You will learn much.
4 Observe surroundings.
4. surroundings Observe their desk and how they dress.
dress Are their desks meticulous? Do they dress in a casual way or a flashy way? People who have super
clean desks often like extreme detail in presentations and support materials presented to them. People who dress more casually usually have a more relaxed and
"homey" way of relating. And people who are flashy dressers tend to like action and fun activities.
5. Their reasons, not yours. Understand people do things for their own reasons, not for yours. Find out what their reasons are and you can influence them in an
individualized way.
6. Generational differences. Place them into their generational perspective. People who are Baby Boomers see work and relationships very differently than the
Generation X’ers. Each ggeneration has its special
p needs. Listen to them. Ask them q questions. You will discover how to design
g yyour interactions to fit their age
g and
perspective of life.
7. The stress factor. Realize that people who are under stress are always puzzling. They act in strange, irrational, and immature ways. Don’t try to understand them
if they are angry. Let them vent and calm down. If they are frustrated and overwhelmed, help them work through their problems. As you talk with them, offer
insights and alternative viewpoints. Usually people under stress have tunnel vision.
8. Learn how to disagree, but still be friends. Everyone wears a sign that says, "Don’t make me wrong, just kindly disagree." Giant steps are taken in mental and
emotional growth when you understand that conflict is not necessarily good or bad, it just is and forever will be. In order to de‐puzzle conflict, let it be a tool for
i ideas,
id then
h taking
ki each h other’s
h ’ opposing
i ideas
id and
d creating
i a better
b solution.
l i
9. Offer respect. The highest form of respect is to listen intently to other’s thoughts. Don’t dismiss an idea before the person who originated it is finished explaining
how it will work. If you do, you may wonder why their behavior is cool and stand‐offish. This puzzling behavior, however, is your fault.
10. Try a little charisma. Smile at them. Compliment them. Sincere and deserved flattery will still get you everything–including relationships that are more open
and honest. Why? Because at our warp speed of life, not enough time is taken to be friends and to give sincere thanks for hard work and extra effort.
Pressure to improve
Business managers are under constant pressure to decrease costs and increase sales in order both to
stay in business and to deliver value to demanding shareholders. Competitors provide additional
pressure as everyone strives to sell better products and services for lower costs.
Pressure to adopt
When a new approach appears that promises much, it gives hope for potential improvements that
relieve the pressure to improve. It also triggers a fear that competitors may also use this approach to
gain advantage. The overall approach is a felt pressure to at least try out the new approach.
Pressure to deliver
The cost and expectations of the new approach now is added to the pressure to improve, and the new
approach has a limited time in which to succeed. A major problem here is that, by definition, nobody is
expert on the new approach. Early successes may be gained, but this is often due more to the initial
energy and the interest of early adopters than to a widespread and sustainable understanding of how
the new approach should be used.
Pressure to explain
Over the longer term, impatience and lack of expertise leads to various problems and the programme
falls into disrepute. Some firms now resort to wasteful blame and recrimination, and the method itself
typically falls into disrepute.
disrepute The pressure to improve does not go away and the cycle begins again.
The Danger Zone
Uncertainty about the approach leads to people holding back on their commitment to it. Despite a
limited expertise, work ploughs ahead full‐steam. The result is too often a self‐fulfilling prophecy of
limited success and subsequent collapse.


Consulting Advice Discussion 
Accept the notion that you’re not the first manager and do not operate the first business.
Management consulting experts can increase your awareness, appreciation of people, renew your
purpose while at the same time helping you feel human again.
again The impulse you have to do it alone,
follow your instincts, I’ve been there and done that, are the urges that lead you down the wrong
side road. Consulting Experts are specialists, and have professional, practiced and proficient
knowledge that will help the inexperienced or the gone astray manager become the success.

If you start a race sloppily or head off in the wrong direction, you have no chance of winning.
Likewise, how you being the creative task has a lot to do with how and where it ends up

Imagine a brilliant future

Think about what you are trying to achieve.
Go out into the future. Look around and see what is there.
Step into the shoes of others and see, hear and feel as they do. Walk a mile with them.
Look at your plans and seek their direction, then follow that line.
Make it memorable
A vision only works when it is remembered and is up‐front‐and‐central in your thoughts for most of
the time ‐ especially when you are making important decisions in this area.
If the vision statement is long, then it will not be remembered. If it uses bland words or motherhood‐
and‐apple‐pie statements, it will not be remembered. If it is the same be‐the‐best vision that everyone
else uses it will be yawned at.
Use dynamic and emotive words that to paint motivating pictures. Use words like 'sharp', 'now' and
Phrase it in the present tense to make it more immediate.
immediate Use 'is'
is rather than 'will'
will .
Use active verbs that talk about what is happening. Use 'suffering' rather than 'pain'.
Test it with others to ensure it works for them too

Yo u   H a v e   To   P i c k   J u s t   O n e   – Yo u r   V i s i o n
You must be able to choose your own privileged vision. What do you desire, crave, require and
really need must be included in your vision. The hope and opportunity of your future depends on
your outlook or the mental vision you have. You’re going to have lots of choices that are your
options and alternatives that span your career. There is a great deal of wealth in choice so picking
your future will always be the daily event.
The winner of a long race, as creativity can be, is not the person with the best idea, but the person
who finishes first. The world is littered with abandoned works and too‐late arrivals. So knuckle down!
Get on with it and never, ever give in!
Dreamers may like dreaming, inventors may like inventing, but not so many of them like the effort of
putting their ideas into action.
action In fact the action part of the cycle involves more creativity and
innovation than ever, perhaps even recreating yourself as a person of action.

When faced with hordes of people telling you that your ideas are no good (or even the threat of this),
it takes an inordinate amount of courage to stand up for your ideas. But that is the price that countless
inventors and creators pay every day to get their thoughts accepted in the wider world.
Passion makes the world go around.
around It is it the juice that drives creativity.
creativity When you care enough to
put your heart into your work, passion will keep you going through thick and thin.

Being confident is not easy in creative situations, as they are, by definition, far from certain. In
practice, confidence starts at home, and the self‐confident person is likely to be more confident in
their idea than others might be in the same situation.

Doubt is such a scary thing. We are taught never to doubt, and even creative people can fall into the
trap of not doubting their own ideas. But if we can openly accept that things may or may not be right,
whilst also not being wrong (in the judgmental sense), we will perhaps be able to see just a little
further. And that is often far enough.

Exchanging Blows & Stand Up Fighting
The contest is not always fair, some people box when they wrestle and some wrestling matches
twist into boxingg battles. The opposition
pp must be faced standingg upp and yyou can never back up
p or
let go. The little battles hardly take any of your time. The big battles, when someone must wrestle
the bear, it must be you. Never hand over the bear and never deputize another fighter because
you’re too busy, seize the bear and take hold of the big problems. It’s your battle.
Dreams can and have been places where inventions and discoveries are made.
Especially in that reverie just before we wake up (and sometimes in our day dreams),
we can have really good ideas. The problem is, if we don’t capture them fast, they
whisper away with the morning dew.
To discover something new,
new all you need to do is look.
look But then so few people know
how to look and fewer still know where to look. Discovery can also be an inner
journey, and the person who is at home with themselves can be more effective at
looking outside without being disturbed by inner critics.

The great explorers of the past set out into uncharted waters of the world in search
of…well, whatever they found. This is the great promise of exploration, the
philospher’s stone of finding new lands, new people and whatever else you may find.
The creative explorer does the same thing, trying things simply because they have not
been tried before.

M a g i c a l   ‐ F a i r y ‐ Ta l e   C u r e s   A r e   I l l u s i o n s
Trickery, sleight of hand and enchanting is common in business. The captivating, charming and
astonishingg solutions are run of the mill and 97 p
percent of them never remove the actual drudgery
g y
or the excitement of operating your own business. False promise, hoax ideas, fake programs used
to be poured into sure cure bottles and sold for a dollar. The real cure for improvement are your
skills, abilities and proficiency. You must become the expert on business principles, your
skillfulness is the cure.
Daring is more than courage, although this is certainly an essential element. Daring also includes
vision, doing something new and imaginative, that strikes a chord with the wider population. Creativity

EXCEL needs daring and daring needs creativity. It is an individual thing. Organizations and groups don’t dare:
people do.
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there
is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and
exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.’

The the future is uncertain. Sorry. Creativity was never a certain science. And even when you’ve got
your idea out on the table, you may be risking your neck, just by telling others about it. To create is to
risk so if you can
risk, can’tt stand the heat,
heat get out of the creative kitchen.

Keep on going and the chances are you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least
expecting it. I have never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down.

Most new discoveries are suddenly‐seen things that were always there. A new idea is a light that
illuminates presences which simply had no form before the light fell on them.

Excel Spread Sheets Cannot Replace Ingenuity
Hundreds of thousands, most like millions of managers, are pounding on Excel Spreadsheets right
now,, looking
g for that cunning
g solution. If yyou want to be the absolute best,, remove slowness and
add swiftness go out and watch the crane pick up the material. Talk to the clever operator, check to
see if the supervisor is alert, watch the rapidity of worker movement and verify promptness in
decision making. Go out and work in the trade, deal with problems, partner up with real time
P i n k   S l i p ’s ,     P r o s p e r i t y   a n d   G u a r a n t e e ’s  
Do not make the mistake to assure or guarantee employment of another human being. If you pledge your word
and guarantee employment to another at one time or another you will become the phony. The world is full of
impostor managers,
managers fakes,
fakes frauds and hypocrites so don
don’tt become another one.
one Once you become the phony,phony no
matter what you do, what you say or how good you really become, you’ll always be known and regarded as the
phony. You cannot pretend in business. You cannot guarantee employment, you can work, strive and take actions
to gain prosperity with the help of other people. When things get rough and touch, always tell the truth, only the
ONE BED We all have different amounts of wealth, but we all have the same amount of time. This means we
can all be equally creative and can equally fritter our allotted span away on useless and ultimately
meaningless things.

Business for some is a dirty word and for others is everything.

everything The feeling is mutual,
mutual for some in
business see creativity as a dirty word, too. But the fact is that business only succeeds by constantly
bringing new things that are better than their competitors’ offerings to customers who are prepared
to pay for this advantage.

Staying the same, staying with the things you know, is comfortable and safe. Or so it seems. If the
world is changing around you, then it can be the most dangerous thing you can do.

Constraints work both ways with creativity. When you constrain thought, you automatically prevent
ideas from being found outside of the defined territory. However, the constraint also causes creative
tension that can result in better ideas being found within the defined prison walls.

Yo u   O n l y   S l e e p   I n   O n e   B e d
Many C.E.O.’s make fortunes. Fortune gives you affluence and it seems to lead to some
lavishness, magnificent and luxury home, maybe more than one. As you show off your richness
and affluence you are on your way to poverty, hardship and distress, if you don’t die first. The
imperfection and shortcomings of wealth is that it takes thousands of poor people to make one rich
man. The completion and finishing point for your wealth is to help other people. Your achievement
will not come from having multiple homes, too many cars, private jets and treasures. Your wealth
will come from within, the place of reserves and the only possessions that matter, trust, affection,
love, family and friends.
Foolishness can be a foe and a friend. Where others are doggedly blind, they can

MANEUVER obstruct and miss great ideas. When you are deliberately foolish, perhaps in the
Shakespearian sense, you can be open and honest enough to see your errors and
spott those
th greatt ideas
id th t others
that th miss.

Maneuver – Handle ‐ Steer

Business murder happens every day. You’re going down the road and all of a sudden you have a lethal problem.
You’re on the wrong side of the curve because you didn’t pay attention to the road signs. Your first action is to take
extreme maneuvers to avoid the business death. In a matter of seconds you’re in a dogfight with a competitor,
government agency maybe a senior employee, unions, production output and quality. If you had watched the
signs, the curve was clearly posted, lower productivity, customer complaints, costs moving up, phones not being
answered promptly, people late from lunch, All the curve signs are there, see them.
AMBUSH Surprise is what happens when you’re looking the other way. It can be wonderful and it can be
devastating. So pin your ears back and get ready for the things for which you can never fully prepare.
And when surprise happens, notice it and ask why, because your subconscious may just given you a
clue to some new thing.
Truth and reality are what critics call at our ideas, but their truth is not our truth. When you have a
new idea you often have to create new truths that people can believe. And in the end, if you can
physically demonstrate your truths, it will be impossible to deny them.

Criticism of a new idea is a great way to kill it off before it can do any harm. It’s sad that although
criticism can be constructive, it is mostly destructive, and aimed as much at the person as the idea.

It’s good to go wrong. Well, just so long as you notice that things didn’t turn out as you had wanted,
and are prepared to learn from the experience. Mistakes can be happy just so long as you don’t turn
away from them or hurry on by. Failure can be a hard taskmaster, but it can also be an Aladdin’s cave
of discovery.

Ambush ‐ The Surprise Attack
The associates
Th i t you had
h d lunch
l h with
ith yesterday
t d are ini the
th conference
f room right
i ht now, wanting
ti more
money, stock options and they lie in wait for the right time to throw you the curve. If they can
occupy and dominate your business they can also overpower and overthrow you. How could this
be true? The ambush trap of friendship is used every day. The best solution is to have associates
att work
k and
d friends
f i d att home.
h Th more they
The th know
k about
b t you, the
th person, the
th better
b tt they
th can dupe
and deceive you and ambush you around some curve. Acquaintances you work with and friends
your trust. The family tree is planted at home, not the work space, not in the conference room and
never at the water cooler. Keep your private and personal information to yourself.
SEXY The simple principle of forced association is of 'banging things together' that have not previously been
brought together, or at least not recently.
A bit of passion and energy goes a long way. As they say, ‘you gotta wanna’, although wanting is
pretty wishy‐washy when compared with the fires of desire. Nor is it as pure as love. It impels action
simply because it cannot be chained. Desire is unquenchable motivation.

You can wonder at an ant carrying a leaf many times its size or you can wonder what you might have
for dinner. Wonder in its more enlightened form allows us to marvel at the world and see the many
things within it which others have created and where we can create still more.

Curiosity is less to do with cats as it with the natural human need to know new things. In fact, it is
arguably the most powerful force we have, as it drives human evolution. The need for novelty, for
finding new things, leads us not only into trouble but also into marvellous new discoveries.

Glamour Sexy Photography Magazine
People love to talk about sex, femininity, masculinity and sexual characteristics. It’s human nature, for girls and
boys. This biological impulse, the reproductive urge of the male or female has no place within the workplace,
beyond the potted plants in your office. Sexual activity thinking is not the same thing as sexual activity behavior.
The anatomy of a woman can be striking. Many evolutionary drives are at work at all times, and both the men and
women play the game. It’s the game of attraction that turns your head and breaks your concentration concerning
important business matters. Sexy Susie works for you and so does Sexy Ken, so let’s keep them in the trailer of
your thoughts and keep working.
A comfortable environment helps people forget about how uncomfortable they are and focus on the
work at hand. Ergonomic chairs and desks. Good lighting. Clean and bright walls. Warm colors. Soft
carpets. These and more help to create a sense of comfort. They also signal that our employers care
about us, and hence motivate us further to extend ourselves in our work.
Things should not be too comfortable, however, and much creative work is done in remarkably rough

We are all stimulation junkies. As humans, nature has programmed us with the ability to feel curious
and also the punishment of boredom, should we be stimulated too little. This has been an effective
stimulus to push us into the further corners of the globe.
The need for stimulation also encourages us into seeking stimulation short‐cuts. Many of us limit this
to coffee and moderate alcohol, whilst others of us succumb to less legal temptations. It is interesting
to note how often the rich and famous seem to self‐destruct on sex, drugs and rock‐and‐roll.
And yet convention and culture pushes us in the opposite direction as we are taught to conform and
be happy with a relatively boring existence. No wonder that, once you take the lid off the kettle, it is
surprising how creative people can be, and how much they enjoy this (and perhaps surprising how
surprised they are at this fact).

All Humans Enjoy Food & Friends
The people that have a meal together, stay together. To have a lunch or a cup of tea with another
person is a very physically and psychologically powerful event. A robust and durable relationship
always includes food, beverage and companionship. People, by human nature, are lonely and
i kl feel
f l isolated.
i l t d Having
H i an associate
i t to
t lunch
l h turns
t th
them f
from a lonely
l l worker
k tot a willing
helper. If you have the time and just a few bucks take the time to nourish your associates with
words and food. Give food to the hungry and provide for one of their basic instincts and watch
them move closer to you, again and again, bite after bite.
To find useful ideas, it can be a good strategy to explore without aim, just seeking whatever captures

HOBBY your interest. This 'letting go' can be scary, making exploration a practice that only the practiced tend
to follow.

The the future is all there is left

left. The past is done,
done though it shapes the knife
edge of now to an
alarming extent. If you can seek future whilst enjoying the present, great things will present
themselves to you.

Do you need knowledge to create? Unfortunately, creation of the new does not come out of nothing,
although too much knowledge can be as big a block as too little. Knowledge is a drug which gives us
little until we use it. And the best use is knowledge is in the creation of new knowledge

The Pursuit Of Leisure
Entertainment is the mental diversion and relaxation from reality. Leisure or Hobby time puts your
mind and problems on the sideline. Every human has a diversion from reality. It might be reading,
knitting, watching movies, riding a bike, water sports or even working. People pursue
t t i t amusement, t leisure
l i and
d simply
i l fun
f time.
ti M t people
Most l spend d mostt off their
th i money on
some form of diversion or alteration from their present reality. Discover their hobbies, include
activities, contests, talking points and encourage, sponsor and put forward the action steps to
advertise that you believe in leisure and fun for all.
What is the imagination? We treat it like a thing, or perhaps a switch in our brains that turns on the

FANTASY idea engine. Whatever it is, it is certainly useful, which is a shame because most people keep theirs
firmly switched off, with a big red ‘do not touch’ sign on it.

Sometimes you have to grope for ideas in the dark and sometimes they shine with a light of their
own, beckoning you on. Light is a common metaphor for thinking and ideas and is mostly used to
indicate understanding, often sudden.

Your minds are like icebergs—mostly hidden beneath the seas. Consciously, we can only think of one
thing at a time, but subconsciously we can have many streams of neuronal activity going on. A key
trick is to make friends with your subconscious and press it into helpful creativity at every

The Castle In The Sky Is Real
Your people daydream all the time. In fact, you daydream a lot as most people do without knowing
it. The Castle Fantasy is a real hope, desire and vision for people, it just takes different forms. The
imagination is the intellect playing around,
around having some Ask people,
people what
s your castle in the
sky? Their fancy or unreality might turn up a new vision for your company and associates. It’s o.k.
to have a pipe dream, some wish, some goal or ambition that seems too far to reach. People
delight in fantasy, they marvel at what could be. It’s called innovation, thinking.
Education should give us the wherewithall to be creative, but unfortunately it is often just a vehicle to

TREK turn creative children into conforming adults. And once we have learned to obey authority without
question, we keep on doing as we are told (or doing what we guess that others might want of us) for
the rest of our lives.

Learning is one of the great joys of life, perhaps because the brain rewards our gift to it with a dose
of dopamine that gives us that ‘Eureka’ feeling. It is an engine of progress and an enemy of
conservatism. The secret of success is not in how much you learn, but in never stopping learning.

Ev e r y   Pe rs o n   I s   O n   A   J o u r n e y ‐ S o m e   Tr e k
Every person you know, will at the drop of a hat, take a free, first-class prepaid trip to some place
elegant and well thought-out. People travel in their minds, with their feet, with their automobiles
and with the jets and trains of the day. It means people come and go, travel around, move around,
lk away, step
t up andd jump
j out.
t People
P l travel
t l and
d progress outt off curiosity
i it off some strange
place, some oddity, novelty or some phenomenon, opportunity and treasure maps at the county fair.
Expect people to travel and move on and away from your business. Not to worry, people you don’t
even know are snooping around, coming your way.
The Business Book for The New American Economic Paradigm

Fortune 100 
Gregory Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 

NDITC Copyrighted 2009‐2010‐2011
All Rights Reserved and Protected 

Bodenhamer’s Great American Coaching Book for Business

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