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Task 1: F2 English Essays

Based on the listed theme below, search for ONE model essay written in NOT less than
180 words.
Jot down the title of the book and the author.
Theme Topics
1. People 1. Occupations/Ambitions
2. Malaysian handicraft
3. Famous people/ Favourite Personalities
Suggested Essay Topics:
Description on the person whom you admire, your
mother/father/brother/friend/classmate/teacher, famous person;
Description on an occupation e.g. a teacher, doctor, nurse, sailor, soldier,
housewife, air pilot, scientist, firefighter, etc
Description on the process of making a kite/ batik/ lantern/ jewellery or others;
Letter to foreign pen pal to introduce Malaysian handicrafts;
Free essay on ‘Kite-Making Industry’, ‘Pottery-Making’, ‘Batik’, etc
2. 1. Air pollution/ Haze (Causes, Effects, Ways)
Environment 2. Flash Flood (Causes, Effects, Ways)
Suggested Essay Topics:
Letter of Complaint on an Environmental Issue;
Speech/ Discussion on ‘Conservation versus Development’;
Story/Description/ News report about a serious flood, incident;
Free essay on ‘The Advantages/ Disadvantages of Living in the City/
Countryside’, ‘Pollution’;
Description on preventive steps of fire, outbreak of Dengue fever, flash floods,

3. Social 1. Activities
Issues 2. Friendship
Suggested Essay Topics:
Letter of advice on handling friendship problems;
Speech on ‘The Role of the Elderly in Our Society’, ‘How to Manage Time
Description/ Report on society activities, gotong-royong, activities done during
school holidays
Free essay on ‘My Friend’, ‘The Qualities of A Good Friend’, ‘Caring Society’,
‘Social Problems among Teenagers’, ‘Road Safety’, ‘The Importance of Leisure
Activities’, ‘How to Manage Time Wisely’, ‘Ways to Build a Healthy

4. Health 1. Personal Hygience

2. Dental Care
3. Nutritious Food/ Healthy Diet
4. Importance of Breakfast
5. Sports
Suggested Essay Topics:
Account on a sport activity;
Speech on ‘Smoking Habit’, ‘How to Keep House Safe from Malaria’, ‘The
Benefits of Co-curricular Activities/ Exercises’;
Letter of Advice on ‘How to stay healthy and keep a normal weight’;
Free essay on ‘The Importance of Breakfast’, ‘Healthy Lifestyle’, ‘Keeping
Fit’, ‘An Outdoor Game I Play’, ‘Deeds of Kindness’, ‘Personal Hygiene’,
‘Self-esteem’, ‘Nutritious Food’, ‘Balanced Diet’

5. Science 1. Organic farming

and 2. Outing to a farm
Technology 3. The importance of jungles
4. Trip to places of interest
5. Robots
6. Technology and its effects
7. Innovations
Suggested Essay Topics:
Free essay on ‘Organic Farming’, ‘The Uses of Forests’, ‘Traditional
Report/ Recount/ Account/ Story on a trip/ visit to a place;
Debate/ Discussion on ‘Uses and Abuses of Television/ Internet/ E-mail/
Computer/ Scientific Inventions’

Task 2: Graphics & Short Text

Search for 5 questions on graphics or short text.

Task 3: Closest in Meaning

Search for TWO passages on closest in meaning with 3 questions based on each passage
(total 6 questions).

Task 4: Rational Cloze

Search for ONE Rational Cloze with 8 blanks/gaps to be filled.

Task 5: Reading Comprehension

Search for ONE reading passage with 4/ 6 comprehension questions based on the

*For Task 2, 3, 4, 5, answers need to be pasted at the back of the question paper.

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