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Note: Generally They don’t share the data with interns.

I am sharing some of those points wih you

which I am Going to use in summer project report.

SC stages:

1. Demand Planninng
2. Customer support
3. Ditribution resource planning
4. Logistic
5. Quality in Distribution


 Every month they do demand planning for next 4 months.

 Redistribution demand planning (RDBN) for nxt 5 months
 DP id final consensus of the discussion or you can say the value they get after the discussion
among ASMs(Area sales Manager) and Demand Planners.
 As there are many products so every DP+ASM has a group of products. Like Maggi – 60 gm,
80 gms, and 120 gms.

I summarized following points for my own project report...plz go through:

Demand Planning:

 Objective:
 Output:
 Its Importance:

MFR: Monthly forecast Review:

Need of MFR: to reach a consensus sales plan for nxt four months b/w sales Team, HO and
Demand planners.
Sales  <<<====   DP  =====>>>> HO
MFR Process: happens as per schedule: like:

1. communication of MFR meet Schedule with RSM/ASMs)

2. applying formula (demand Planning) to calculate (you can search read about them on
Net or can refer APICS-CSCP-Handbook)
3. collation of input plan/consumer promo/event for nxt four months
4. Next month Invoicing/RDBN plan......we can also chk Last Months performance
5. finalizing the next four moth RDBN plan on the basis of past
trends/opportunities/unforeseen circumstances etc.
6.  Now also chk out the remaining stock of last month(excess/shortage?)
7. after getting a final value try to come out with a no. that's branch wise or region wise
and get a final approval of head/Branch management
8. now we inform about this proposed DP to HO (Note: every product have its own
variant so we must calculate the consumption of every variant. like: A product - 5 gm-
70 Kg /10 gm-1500 kg /20 gm -100 kg)
9. This plan is updated by the HO because they also do DP on their end.
10. Now this DP is send to  Distribution Center and Factories. This plan splits on the
basis of location/product or some other factors.
11. Factories produce the quantity as per this plan and DRP guys track the record than
how much quantity should be sent and to whom.
12. they use their own software on instant update and to track their holding at various
points. like: DC, CD Point, warehouse etc.
13. Also use various formula to chk various constraints like:-Demand Planning Accuracy/
Demand planing Bias (use internet)
14. One of the important factor is distribution quantity and movement of stock from one
location to another.

Stock Movement ==>

 Factory ==> Company warehouse===>  DC Points==>Cash Distributors (CD) Points

(at this we do Inviocing)
 Distribution Godown === > Retailer (at this point we do RDBN)
 Dynamic Forecast????
 Norms: Available advanced quantity which we should have for x No. of days. i.e. we
can say 10 days for A Product, 5 Days for B product etc

and ya how do they cope up with dynamic demand?

inventory classification is ABC babsis or something else?

any idea abt the tools used for demand and supply plans? i mean the softwares etc.

  specific ones?
KPIs pata hai nestle ke?

like OTIF; sales forecast accuracy

  hein kya?
 me: OTIF...?
 Kalpana: on time in full delivery.. i mean the fill rate

Customer Service Level, Quality inn Distribution Score, customer Service Paln
DP  Planning  Customer   No. of  QID
DRP Stock Availability  Service   Cases  Score
Level Delivered
Logistic & Warehouse Movement  / No. of 
And Storage  cases
CS & D Demand Fulfilment   Ordered 
QID  Quality   

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