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Similarities Differences

Josh Roshal AP World History Comparison 5.30.11

 Trade – 3200 BC – trade with Mesopotamia – caravan – 2000 BC – up the Nile River to Nubia and Kush –
gold, ivory, cattle, granite – free movement, but interaction between the two ended quickly – cultural
diffusion still occurred with Nile, other Fertile Crescent, and African people.
 Political ruling was based on a theocracy, for the pharaohs were believed to be divine sent from the
 Farming villages dated to 5000 BC – 3200 BC Lower and Upper Egypt - King Menes of Upper Egypt united
all of Egypt and established the first of 31 dynasties spanning 2600 years
 3rd Dynasty marked beginning of Old Kingdom – 2660 to 2180 BC
 Religion – different from Mesopotamia in that kings were Gods rather than representatives.
 Constructed pyramids as monuments to eternal spirits of kings – pyramids took precedence over palaces
b/c of expectation of eternal rule – Egyptians had good supply of granite and limestone – pyramids
evidenced economic strength and governmental organization
 Religion II – polytheistic (Ra the Sun, Horus the Sky God, Isis the Ideal Mother and Wife, Osiris the God of
the Dead) – believed in an afterlife – mummified their dead and buried in a tomb w/ possessions that were
believed to be useful in the afterlife (e.g. clothing, food, cosmetics, jewelry)
 Social Classes – hierarchy (pyramid) – Royal Family Wealthy Landowners, Government, Priests, Military
middle class merchants/artisans peasant farmers and unskilled laborers – were not locked into social
classes; could move up through marriage or success - literacy was key to success – women had equal rights
(property, marriage/divorce)
 Writing – hieroglyphics on papyrus
 Flat, sand encompassed with deserts, dry.
 Science and Technology – geometry for surveying, architects used calculations, columns in homes, palaces,
temples – strikingly accurate calendar based upon North Star – medicine – both ritual and practical (heart
rate, splints, surgery)

 Pachuti - founder, he became Sap Inca (emperor) in 1438 - claimed divinity
 Symbol was gold
 Cuzco
 Nobles ruled provinces - Government possession of harvests in storage house
 State organization and bureaucratic control over peoples of different cultures and languages
 The Inca empire was largely administered through an aristocracy
 Because of the sheer size of the Incan empire, there was no central government
 Farming, Metallurgy
 The chief crop was maize, but cotton, potatoes,
 Coastal peoples grew gourds, squash, chili peppers, fruit and legumes. Fish was plentiful along the coast.
Fishing from boats, the people used hook and line as well as nets and harpoons to gather marine life.
 The empire was connected with an elaborate system of "roads" which are really trails as the Incas had no
wheeled vehicles
 Polytheistic
 People made sacrificial offerings
 Inti the sun god was chief of gods
 Special attendants were called "chosen women"
 Cult of ancestors was extremely important in Inca culture and ideology
 Every economic aspect of the vast empire was adequately managed by the quipu (Strings)
 Own language (Quenchua)
 Pyramids were made to commemorate the Gods.
 Merchants lived in ayllus
 The Andean terrain was very harsh and rocky
became warlike and began conquest and expansion mainly for economic gain and political power (led to
road systems)
Josh Roshal AP World History Comparison 5.30.11

 Alexander the Great was one of the best leaders of Greece. He conquered empires spread from Greece to
Indus Greece.
 Their economy revolved around their trade throughout the Mediterranean. There geography did not
allowed limited farming so they had to trade.
 Greece was mainly polytheistic. They had a different god for different beliefs. For instance Zeus was the
king of Gods and Apollo was the god of medicine and health.
 Sparta where women had a large part of Spartan society while the men were off to war. Athletic
participation was strongly encouraged throughout Greece as was education to nurture.
 Greek culture put a lot of emphasis on learning; they had many philosophers such as Plato, Socrates, and
Aristotle, but Sparta focused on military affairs.
 They had many works of literature such as the Iliad, and the Odyssey.
 There were many philosophers in Greece. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were among the leaders of this
period of learning.
 Very hilly, mountainous geography. Forced to have city-states.
 Near the Mediterranean Sea.
 Greece had a lot of natural harbors along the Mediterranean Sea that allowed a lot of trade to occur
throughout Classical Greece.
 Government of Sparta – two councils – free adult males (elected) and elders – five elected officials (ephods)
enforced laws – two kings ruled Sparta’s military
 Social Class – indigenous citizens <- free non-citizens <- helots
 Focused mainly on their survival from a military standpoint.

 In the sense that tributary networks linked hundreds of communities. Some communities exchanged
tribute's often collecting it from some tributaries in order to pass part of to their own devices as long as
they paid tribute
 Singe emperor chosen by councils of nobles and priests, nobles in charge of provinces, next came warriors
 The class system of the Aztecs was rigid and stratified
 Swampy lands around Tenochtitlan so they decided to be war-like
 Most valuable trade item in Teotihuacan was obsidian
 Nomadic - Controlled on extensive trade network
 The economic heart of the city of Tenochtitlan was the huge market of Tlateloloco - Raised corn, squash,
food products, jewelry (gold and silver) brass, copper, zinc, bones, shells, feathers, long distance trade,
weapons, tools, and rope.
 Citizens of Teotihuacan worshiped a powerful nature goddess and rain god
 Religion played an important role in Aztec society. Most importantly the sun God Huitzilopochtli
 Priests, rituals to god, human sacrifices
 Polytheistic
 Military leaders held great power in Aztec society. Along with government officials and priests, these ruled
over like lords. Two other classes were commoners and slaves. Commoners were merchants, artisans,
soldiers, and farmers. The slaves were captives that did many different jobs.
The emperor sat at the top of the social pyramid. Treated like a god
Emperor/nobles/warriors/commoners/slaves - order of class
 Laws and historical events recorded
 Schools for sons of nobles
 Knowledge of astronomy and math - Accurate calendar
 Herbs and other medicines to treat fever and wounds
 Chinampas, artificial islands made of earth piled on reed mats that were anchored to the shallow lakebed.
 Architecture of the Aztecs included temples, houses, causeways (roads), and political buildings.
 The Aztecs viewed the creations of art as outlets that helped express their opinions - their doubts and their
joys - about the human condition.
 Exhibiting power while keeping strong religious beliefs was the purpose of the architecture, which is noted
by the designs of the many palaces, shrines, temples and houses
 Became known for warfare
 Expanded their society through military, but they also focused on arts, architecture, and philosophy.
Josh Roshal AP World History Comparison 5.30.11

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