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Eduardo T. Senajon Maria Fe G. Caldea ABSTRACT A five-year data on students performance in the sciences and mathematics were analyzed to determine the trends and patterns vis--vis with the institutions perennial problems relative to (1) enrolment in the two disciplines, (2) number of passers in each course included in the study, (3) the number of dropouts, which include unofficial withdrawal and official withdrawal, (4) results of the College Entrance Examination in mathematics and (5) performance between females and males. Results of the study reveal ascending trend across semesters and years in three out of ten courses, which signifies improvement in performance. The other remaining courses have fluctuating trends. An abnormal pattern was observed in students performance after every regular semesters offering in most courses, that is, second or third takers (appropriately labeled as repeaters) performed lower than expected. Findings of the study also show overall students performance as good in seven (7) courses with one (1) having very good performance. Further, new input data for tertiary education indicate females performing good compared to their male counterparts having poor performance in both disciplines. Finally, a summary of recommendations to EAC management are forwarded to address perennial problems that beset the institution.

One of the issues that students most often discussed and complained about regarding science and mathematics has to do with the complex relationship between their performance, their interests, and their motivation. They had the impression that science and mathematics must be solely the domain of geniuses or the intellectual elites. One Physics student in the study of Lipson and Tobias (1991) reveals that to some extent science is hard because it simply 10

is hard. The materials to be learned involve a great quantity of concepts, some of which are very counterintuitive. This pioneering study at Emilio Aguinaldo College highlights specific issues of particular interest to teachers, researchers, school administrators and the top management group in providing quality education to students. The need to continuously monitor the knowledge, skills, and performance of students in the sciences and mathematics, which are viewed as basic courses in the general education

curricula, vis--vis with the problems experienced by the school relative to: (1) enrollment in the two disciplines; (2) number of passers in each course covered in the study; (3) dropouts, which include official and unofficial withdrawal; and (4) results of the college entrance examination demand scientific findings. In particular, the study attempted to analyze the trends and patterns of students performance in the sciences and mathematics and, to determine the interacting factors affecting the quantitative and qualitative performance of students in the courses cited from school year 20042009. Specifically, the study sought answers to the following: 1. From School Year 2004-2008, what is the trend and pattern of the schools 1.1 Enrolment in the sciences and mathematics? 1.2 Passers in the sciences and mathematics per year level? Across year level? 1.3 Dropouts in the sciences and mathematics? 1.4 Official withdrawn in the sciences and mathematics? 1.5 Unofficial withdrawn in the sciences and mathematics? 1.6 College entrance examination in mathematics? 1.7 Performance between male and female students? 2. Which of the following pairs of variables have high percentage passing, high percentage officially withdrawn, high percentage unofficially withdrawn and high incomplete grades? 3.1 Sciences or mathematics 11

3.2 Male or female 3. Based on the findings of the study, what EAC policy reforms can be formulated and implemented to address the problems? This study profiles and examines previous conditions, recent trends and patterns of the students performance in the general sciences and mathematics education at Emilio Aguinaldo College-Manila. Likewise, it attempts to present explanations as to the interacting factors affecting students performance. Findings will serve as springboard to guide the top management group in dealing with the college present problems, thus enabling them to find the essentials and relevant alternative solutions to mitigate if not totally expunge the problems. Further, data gathered in the present study will serve as primary source for the school to come up with policy reforms in terms of retention, students official withdrawal, unofficial withdrawal, incomplete grades, enrollment and results of the College Entrance Examination. Ultimately, implemented reforms would pave way to concerned schools or colleges and support offices in delivering the best services to students. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Measurement-driven instruction became the credo in the past decades and accountability had reared its accusing head to denounce the escalating costs of education without accompanying increases in efficiency

and effectiveness. As other services have increased in cost (medicine, transportation, computerized offices), a parallel increase in the quality and/or quantity of their services and products also followed. This is not so in education where our services and products have declined. Evaluation of students no longer needs to be based only on one time measurement, but can be augmented by objective evidence of how much growth has occurred over a period of time. Time-sample evidence is an important predictor of the growth expected in the future (Airasian, 1991). Louisell & Descampe (1992) cited three major purposes of testing in the classroom: (1) to acquire information about the effectiveness of the instruction, (2) to give feedback to the students about their progress, and (3) to assign grades. They added that testing for the purpose of assigning grades should not take place until intermediate grades. Further, standardized tests and commercially published tests do not help teachers to obtain information about the effectiveness of their teaching, nor do they help teachers to verify student mastery of specific skills and content since they are not able to address the peculiarities of specific learners and classroom environment. Thus, teacher-made tests are good assessment measures for classroom instruction. There are three major factors to consider when preparing teacher-made tests (Arends, 1992): (1) the level of learning objectives according to Blooms taxonomy; (2) the age and developmental status of the learner, and (3) the state of the art in testing and the test-making skills of the 12

teacher designing the test. Teachermade tests therefore should measure the objectives covered in a series of lessons. It should assess only those objectives it purports to test. No other objectives should be assessed. The periodic international survey report Trends in Math and Science Study (TIMSS) identified the major causes for low academic performance in math and science, which include: (1) Congested curricula have to be streamlined to focus on the essentials so human and material resources can be devoted to key subject areas instead of a whole potpourri of curricular and extra-curricular subjects and activities and (2) Teacher training and instructional materials like textbooks and computers are needed to teach key subject areas like language, math and science. In retrospect, the abolition of the Science subject at Grades One and two in the 2002 Revised Basic Education Curriculum (Makabayan took its place) was a disastrous and destructive, the report commented. Not only did it represent a real reduction of 20% in the overall coverage of science in the public school system, it also knocked the foundations out from under the whole structure because, as bitter experience is now demonstrating, graduates from the public Grade Schools are coming into high school with 33% less Science subject exposure! Thus, a need to conduct study in the two disciplines is necessary. So far, no researcher has examined patterns of the mean score difference using the TIMSS achievement data between the 3rd and 4th grades. Instead, the performance

comparisons have been largely confined within total scores or a set of subcategory scores (Martin et al., 1997; Mullis et al., 1997). Schmidt, McKnight, Cogan, Jakwerth, and Houang (1999) observed.
Retrieval of all relevant files/data

Collation and Segregation

Specific Problem 1

Specific Problem 2

Specific Problem 3

Analysis and Interpretation

Recommendations to TOP MANAGEMENT

EAC Policy Reforms

Academic Services

Non-academic Services


RESULTS, DATA ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION In the present study, students performance as a group is categorized into: (1) Excellent = 91%-100% passing; (2) Very Good = 81%-90% passing; (3) Good 13

= 71% - 80% passing; (4) Poor = 61%-70% passing; (5) Very Poor 60% passing; While the institutions passing standard is based on 50%, the researchers deem it necessary to elevate the percentage passing since general courses in science and mathematics are foundations to specialized courses in both allied and non-allied health professions. Figures 1 3 show the relative population size of all science and Mathematics courses included in the study. The science discipline is divided into two groups: Biological Sciences (General Zoology and Natural Science 1) and the Physical Sciences (Chemistry 1 and 2, Physics 1 and 2 and Natural Science 2). Similarly, the Mathematics includes courses in College Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics. The downtrend in all courses is directly proportional to the downtrend in students population in Emilio Aguinaldo College from SY 2004 to the present. A drastic cut in student population as a whole led to the huge decline in population of each course, thus continuous improvement in marketing strategy for each program must actively be undertaken by both the marketing department and each school. Enrollees in the two (2) disciplines for the period covered were mostly from the School of Nursing and the remainder can be divided from the other schools majority of which were from the Physical, Occupational and Respiratory Therapy while the Medical Technology, Pharmacy and Criminology follow.

2750 2500 2250 2000

N m e o E ro e u b r f n lle s
2 60 5 231 1

1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 General Zoology Natural Science 1
21 3 95 95 77 88 56 5 9 77 1 56 4

2004 2605 213

2005 2311 95

2006 1456 95 School Ye ar

2007 977 77

2008 565 88

Figure 1. Total Enrollees in Biological Science Courses

2750 2500 2250
N m e o E r lle s u b r f no e
2 51 0 234 9 21 6 3 21 0 3 21 7 0 1 76 4 1 52 3 1 84 4 1 95 2 1 87 1 9 04 8 72 69 6 51 9 50 4 21 2 55 19 1 40 22 3 66 1 6 3 63 1 5 2 69

2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 Chem 1 Chem 2 P hysics 1 P hysics 2 Nat Sci 2

2004 2510 2136 2349 55 212

2005 2130 1523 2107 40 119

2006 1295 1484 1764 66 223 School Ye ar

2007 872 904 1187 63 136

2008 504 519 696 69 125

Figure 2. Total Enrollees in Physical Science Courses



2503 2292 21 7 6

N m e o E ro e u b r f n lle s

1 82 4

1 63 1 1 076 92 2 851 51 0 463 301 1 97 1 85 1 73 1 93



0 College Algebra Statistics Trigonometry

2004 2503 2292 301

2005 2167 1824 197

2006 1163 1076 185 School Year

2007 922 851 173

2008 510 463 193

Figure 3. Total Enrollees in Mathematics Courses


Why do college students leave science and mathematics? Figures 4 - 5 show a comparison between the number of passers and dropouts (include official and unofficial withdrawn) with respect to the number of enrollees. The figures reveal a remarkable size of student population dropping science and Mathematics courses ranging from 11% to 13% in all years covered usually before and even after midterm examination. This finding is indicative of an existing perennial problem that has been overlooked by concerned offices and departments. Analysis of each course (figures are not shown due to journal specification requirement) further reveals that unofficial withdrawn is higher (ranges from 7% - 14%) compared to official withdrawn (mostly 1% for Natural Science 1). While some of the reasons gathered through informal interviews from among irregular nursing students (those who officially withdrawn) include

conflict in hospital duties as such could not cope with the course requirements, other reasons such as being not good in science and mathematics, teacher factor, financial problem and having incurred absences beyond the maximum requirement demand utmost scientific support and validation. With this finding, the researchers suggest for a need to review the recruitment procedure of teachers as teacher factor could be gleaned as one possible reason for dropping as well as conduct periodic review of teaching practices of faculty members, that is, for them to be more student-centered instead of subjectoriented without sacrificing the contents of the course. Lipson and Tobias (1991) cited in their study that good students may be lost at the college level not because they fail their science and mathematics education but because teachers fail them. They added that students academic efforts should be grounded in their love for the subject/course and intrinsic motivation for their work.

Com paris on of Pas s e r s , Dr opouts and E nr olle e s in Scie nce Subje cts 12000


1 0080

N .o S d n o f tu e ts


8325 7602 6383 5869






2566 1 817

1 062 1 028 680 425

0 Passers Dropouts Enrollees


2004 7602 1062 10080

2005 5869 1028 8325

2006 4501 680 6383 School Ye ar

2007 2788 425 4216

2008 1817 275 2566

Figure 4. Comparison between Passers, Dropouts and Enrollees in Science Courses


Com parison of Passers, Dropouts and Enrollees in Mathem atics Subjects 6000

No. of Students




2918 2424


1946 1385

702 539 345 219

1 166 848 1 40

0 Passers Dropouts Enrollees

2004 3513 702 5096

2005 2918 539 4188

2006 1664 345 2424 School Year

2007 1385 219 1946

2008 848 140 1166

Figure 5. Comparison of Passers, Dropouts and Enrollees in Mathematics Courses

One component of the College Entrance Examination of Emilio Aguinaldo College includes 50 items of Mathematics mostly consist of Algebra concepts. Validity of the test itemquestions was determined to be highly acceptable ( = 0.80) through pilot testing. The other component is English while science component was still unavailable during the years 2005-2008. Hopefully, science item-questions will be given starting SY 2009. Figure 6 below shows a greater number of enrollees failing the entrance examination yearly almost reaching three fourths of the examinees. The 16

year 2005 was the highest in studentsexaminees failure (72%); 2006 had 70% failure; and 2007 got 67% failure. These results signify that incoming freshmen or fourth year high school graduates are not equipped with the mathematical skills required for college work, thus must be advised to undergo remediation prior to taking up College Algebra. This further supports the researchers contention of the need to offer Math 0 before any mathematics course for students who failed the math component of the College Entrance Examination.

2500 2250 2000 1750

No. of Enrollees
1 633 1 625 1 6 43 2269 2059

1500 1250 1000 750


1 086

623 539

500 250 0 Passed Failed Total No. of Enrollees 2005 636 1633 2269 2006 623 1436 2059 School Ye ar

2007 539 1086 1625

Figure 6. Results of College Entrance Examination in Mathematics

Students performance in terms of percentage passing in the sciences (Biological Science and Physical Science) and mathematics is shown in Figures 6 9. Figure 6 shows performance in Natural Science 1 (Introduction to Biological Science) to be very good (84%) in 2004 and 2005 compared to General Zoology of the same years (good = 76%). However, this 2year terms trend is exactly the opposite in the last three years that follow. Natural Science 1 gets a dismal performance
100 90 80 70
80 73

(poor, 61%) while General Zoology gets good performance (72%). By comparison, it can be deduced that different group of enrollees is a factor in students performance. While the researchers believe that this finding is not yet conclusive as it requires further studies, they are in the opinion that students academic preparations in different degree programs influence their achievements in these courses under study. Overall, performance in the biological sciences is good with 71% passing rate.


78 72 67 63 58


A rg ( ) v ae% e

60 50 40 30 20 10 General Zoology Nat Sci 1


2004 73 80

2005 78 88

2006 72 63 School Ye ar

2007 67 58

2008 77 61

Figure 7. Average Percent Distribution of Students Performance in Biological Sciences


Five courses are classified as Physical Sciences. These are the two Chemistry, two Physics, and one Natural Science 2. Findings in this group are shown in Figure 7. By comparison, students performance in Physics 2 in the five years of study is far better than the other four courses having achieved a Very Good Performance = 86%; followed by Chemistry 2 (Good Performance = 76%); Physics 1 (Good Performance = 72%); Chemistry 1 (Good Performance = 72%); and Natural Science 2 = Good Performance = 76%). These results reveal a new finding in that students have a better
90 85 80 75
A e g (% v ra e )

grasp of understanding in Physics than in Chemistry and Natural Science 2 (Physical Science). Second year students performance outperformed first year performance as shown in Physics 2 and Chemistry 2 courses. It can be surmised that basic knowledge and skills necessary in understanding second year science courses have been acquired and possibly applied by the students. This indicates that learning had occurred in the students first year of studies. Overall, performance in this group of science disciplines was good (77%).


87 83 82 77 77 78


87 83


76 74

73 70

70 65 60 55 50 45 40 Chem 1 Chem 2 Physics 1 Physics 2 Nat Sci 2


73 71

75 72 67


74 73

2004 73 80 81 88 44

2005 70 77 77 87 78

2006 71 74 73 83 82 School Ye ar

2007 72 76 67 86 75

2008 74 75 73 83 87

Figure 8. Average Percent Distribution of Students Performance in Physical Science Courses

A comparison in three Mathematics courses serviced by the School of Science shown above indicates that Algebra is probably the least liked course with students performance of 68% equivalent to poor. While Trigonometry and Statistics both received 78% and 75%, respectively, which are classified as good performance, the researchers find the result predictable since College Algebra 18

is the first mathematics course of study taken by first year students. Further, it indicates that students have poor background in mathematics during their high school days as such strengthens the researchers premise of the importance of Math 0 as a separate course prior to taking College Algebra instead of simultaneously taking the courses during the same semester as presently practiced. Likewise, these two

courses have ascending trends from 2004 to 2007 unlike Algebra where it
100 95 90 85

has a descending trend in the first three years.


Average (%)

80 75 70 65 60 55 50 College Algebra Statistics Trigonometry 2004 72 73 75 2005 66 75 75

75 73 72 75

78 75 77 76

70 66 62

2006 62 75 78 School Year

2007 70 77 82

2008 76 76 76

Figure 9. Average Percent Distribution of Students Performance in Mathematics Courses

Gender differences in science and mathematics learning continue to attract much research attention as cited in part by Ma (1995). Many empirical studies have demonstrated that gender differences in the courses under investigation are not evident during the early school years, but girls begin to fall behind during the intermediate school years, and further behind during the high school years (Armstrong, 1981, Burton, et al., 1986, Peterson and Fennema, 1985). Since most of these studies were centered on primary and secondary education, the present study dwells on data gathering information on gender differences at the tertiary education. Table 1 below shows a comparison between males and females percentage passing, number of each group having

incomplete grades, unofficial withdrawn and official withdrawn in the sciences and mathematics. It can be drawn from the table that female group outperformed their male counterpart in both disciplines across the years covered. Overall performance classifies females as good (74%) while the male group as poor performance (66%). While the present study limits itself only to determining the number of males and females passing the two disciplines as basis for its preliminary data bank, it recommends that this finding be subjected to test of significance. Similarly, the same trend can be drawn from the other variables taken in considerations. Males have higher percentage of incomplete grades, unofficial withdrawn and official withdrawn.


Table 1. Comparison of Students Performance between Males and Females in Science and Mathematics
Performance Rating Pass Fail Incomplete UW OW Total Science % Female 66.6 13396 11.8 1375 8.7 1216 12.5 1746 0.4 49 100 17782 Mathematics % Female 65.9 5703 9.7 608 9.2 614 14.9 842 0.3 20 100 7787

Male 9000 1595 1179 1692 51 13517

% 75.3 7.7 6.8 9.8 0.3 100

Male 4555 668 634 1033 21 6911

% 73.2 7.8 7.9 10.8 0.3 100

CONCLUSION Findings of the study reveal the following: 1. Science and mathematics courses offered during the regular semesters having good performance include General Zoology, Chemistry 2, Physics 1, Physics 2, College Algebra and Statistics. Two of these courses are for first year students (General Zoology and College Algebra) while the others are offered to second year students. Surprisingly, courses viewed as difficult such as Physics 1, Physics 2, and Chemistry 2 were performed quite well by the students. These courses require mathematical skills as such, it can be surmised that learned concepts and principles in College Algebra contributed to their success. All four (4) remaining courses have poor performance. 2. The overall students performance across the semesters and across the years having good performance are courses in General Zoology, Chemistry 1, Chemistry 2, Physics 1, Natural Science 2, Statistics and Trigonometry. 20

The only course with very good performance is Physics 2. The researchers are on the opinion that such performance was enriched and the result of an application of the different basics skills in Physics 1 and Chemistry 1. Two courses received poor performance and include Natural Science 1 and College Algebra. 3. Only three courses have ascending trend across semesters and years. These are Physics 2, Statistics, and Trigonometry. Quite interesting to note is the breaking up of the common notion that mathematics is difficult since two of the mathematics courses have shown progress or improvement in performance. The seven other science and mathematics courses have fluctuating trends. 4. Unexpected pattern in students performance was observed by the researchers in the semesters and years covered. Courses such as General Zoology, College Algebra, Chemistry 1, Chemistry 2, Physics 1 and Natural Science 2 have sudden drop in performance from regular semesters to succeeding semesters. Since students

enrolled in succeeding semesters are mostly second takers or repeaters, thus are very familiar with the pedagogical and content flow of the course, a reversed result was supposedly expected. However, the study reveals otherwise. This finding is a rich source for future research and for policy makers to take into account. 5. Of the three mathematics courses included in the study, College Algebra can be viewed as the least likeable course having 68% performance qualitatively equivalent to poor as compared to Statistics (75%) and Trigonometry (78%), which are both equivalent to good performance. On the other hand, Natural Science 1 is the least likeable among the science courses having 67% students performance. 6. Approximately, 7 14% of the students in science and mathematics are unofficially dropouts and only 1% officially dropouts. The researchers find this finding very dangerous as such needs immediate action by formulating policy to address this problem. Specifically, reasons for dropping must be established so that preventive measures can be put in place. 7. Surprisingly, new additional data on students performance in science and mathematics for tertiary education is the finding that females outsmarted their male counterparts in both the sciences (females = 75%; males = 66%) and mathematics (females = 73%; males = 66%). 8. Almost three fourths of high school examinees failed in the mathematics component of the College Entrance 21

Examination in the years of study (2005 = 72%, 2006 = 70%, and 2007 = 67%). This finding strengthens the importance of Math 0 as an enhancement course for those who failed the math component. Further, that the said enhancement program be offered separately instead of the current practice by the school where it is simultaneously offered with College Algebra. RECOMMENDATIONS For future research, the following are highly recommended as a follow up study: 1. A qualitative-quantitative study centered on the abnormal drop of students performance from regular semesters to succeeding semesters in any science or mathematics course if not all courses included in the study. 2. A comparative study on students performance by degree programs in the same courses covered with student portfolios. 3. A need to establish valid research data to address the greater number of dropouts in the sciences and mathematics including anecdotal information. 4. Correlation study on students performance and the following variables: interest, motivation, attitudes and relevance of science and mathematics to everyday life. 5. A review and evaluation of itemquestions in both teacher-made

scheduled quizzes and regular semesters examination (midterm and final examinations) to determine how these tests influence students performance. 6. Student performance between males and females, between regular and irregular, results of the College Entrance Examination and grades College Algebra be subjected to test of significance. For Emilio Aguinaldo College Administration to formulate policy on the following identified problems based on the findings of the study: 1. To review the recruitment procedure of teaching applicants and give equal weight to personality traits as one of the strong basis in hiring. Similarly, the department concerned for this task must have competent and qualified psychologist trained to evaluate and diagnose deviant behaviors that would affect their teaching efficiency. In this way, students dropping due to teacher factor can be mitigated if not totally eradicated. 2. Selection policy for students who would like to enroll in degree programs that entail strong background in the sciences, mathematics, and English such as the School of Engineering. Collaboration from the Admission Office, Guidance, and the School of Engineering and Technology must be undertaken to address the problem. It is suggested that high school grades in science, math, and English as well as results of the College Entrance Examination in the math component be included in the selection policy, thus 22

put an end to direct acceptance to the said school. 3. Strictly implement a regular and continuous policy on updating teaching methodologies through institutional echo seminars as well as the use of other instructional aids to improve the classroom teaching-learning environment such as the e-learning. In this regard, existing policy must be reviewed, strictly followed, and implemented. 4. Enhancement programs such as Math 0 must be offered as a separate regular course rather than simultaneously offer it with College Algebra, thus no students are allowed to take any mathematics course without taking Math 0. 5. To address the conflict of schedules experienced by nursing students particularly those with hospital duty. The School of Nursing must sit down with the School of Science and Liberal Arts to address this dilemma. 6. For the Registrar office to redefine and reclassify regular and irregular students particularly during enrolment, thus give its correct connotation. In so doing, future researches will have a better interpretation of gathered data. BIBLIOGRAPHY Airasian, P. W. 1991. Classroom Assessment. New York: McGraw Hill Arends, R. I. 1992. Learning to Teach. New York: Random House

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