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When should be used? Member A reported member B, we find evidence and take action to B, then use this CAN to reply member A (Modify the content when necessary)

Situation Member A member reported B General


AB - General to FF The parents (or others) reply system email, and claimed that the account owner is actually a minor. Member him/herself reply to FF system email, and saying that he/she is actually a minor

rcr Evidence Found

Member A reported member B, and the evidence was found on Chat Room.

Member A reported member B for engaging with any type of violations on Chat Room


Member A reported member B, and the violation type is stolen photo or fake photo related accusation

Member A reported member B for engaging with Fake Photo or Stolen Photo related issue


Report violation by Member

Member A reported member B, and we found member B is a Webbot from the IMC record

Member A reports member B (chatroom bot)


Member A reported member B and wanted to know what action we did; (However the proper action has been taken toward B). We use this CAN to A because this CAN also mean, we don't divulge any action taken toward B to others.

Member A called and followed up with member B account, regarding what action we have taken toward B.

No Evidence Found


Member A reported member B, but we could not find evidence of the violations


Reporter said he/she is a member and reported member B for abuse issue, (The evidence is on reporter's account but we cannot find reporter's account)

(Reporter said the evidence is on his/her account but we cannot find reporter's account)

ot Enough Evidence

Not Enough Evidence


Member A reported member B, but the information is insufficient, requesting member A to provide more information



Member A reported member B for violating Blog/IG/Magazine TOU on Blog/Magazine/Group, but the information is insufficient, requesting member A to provide more information


Non-member contacted and reported for abuse; however, the information he/she provided is insufficient, requesting the person to provide more info

The person who wrote the email or call us must be non- member

1. Wrongly banned Chat or Webcam 1. Banned by error feature of the member 2. No strong evidence on 2. Banned due to within 6 times previous action contact information 3. Was Banned for Contact information within 6 times Member has minor violation such as: Contact info: - Posting contact info on chat room (AFF: first 7 times; non AFF sites: first 6 times) - Posting contact info on webcam (first 6 times) - Flooding on the chat room and this violation caused member chat or webcam feature has been banned. After member understand what they did wrong and agree to the TOU, you unban the feature, use this CAN to reply member. Chat Room 1. AFF: first 7 times contact info 2. Non AFF sites: first 6 times contact info 3. Flooding Webcam 1. First 6 times contact info violation


bdar Can Reactivate

The account has been deactivated by mistake or Bulk Delete but no solid evidence noted on member's admin page

Member account has been deleted by us or Bulk Delete ; however, no solid evidence shown on the account


Member violated TOU, a final chance Usually members are back WHAM / offered to the member, and he/she CHATWHAM / BLOGWHAM ... like understand and agree to follow the TOU in the notification letter the future, the we reactivate his/her account. And this CAN should be used


Member deactivated due to IP mismatch; however after checking, do not have any indication that the account was scammer/fake. After reactivate the account, use this CAN respond Whether to reactivate the account, the judgment is same standard with AR procedure.


If the account cannot be Member deactivated due to Registration IP reactivated, please follow the ADFL mismatch; however after checking, do not procedure to deal with it. have any indication that the account was scammer/fake. After reactivate the account, use this CAN respond

Account status inquiry


Reply Scammer / Spammer / Fake Account and tell them why we cannot reactivate his/her account Suitable to use for Critical Violations other Cannot be reactivated for critical then Scammer/Spammer/Fake violation Account/Escort/Solicitation. The critical violations suitable for this CAN, for example, such as incest, minor, bestiality, etc



Suitable to use when the account was deactivated due to solicitation or escort Related to Minor (underage) Situation One: Suspected member below 18 to request getting the account back. PS. If the evidence is valid and 100% confirmed member is minor; don't ask for photo ID, don't reply to the email; use "Record Only" by using the can TOU5D

vpid Cannot Restore

Related to stolen photo

Situation Two: Member was engaged with stolen photo issue; but he/she claimed the photo is belong to him/her Situation Three: Scammer/Fake account, after we replied ADFL, the member still insist to get the account back.

Related to Scammer/Fake account

Can vpidnc

After we sent member VPID, however the When member has faxed us his/her photo member faxed in is not clear, photo ID, but the photo is not clear, request the member to re-sent it again and member contacts us again to follow the issue whether can get his/her account back, use this CAN. Suitable to use for Moderate Violations (the 1st time violation)

Emailwham Magwham Chatwham Blogwham Groupwham


Suitable to use for Moderate Violations (the 2nd time violation)


Member asked why he was banned on Chat Room

When member asked for the term of use of Chat Room



Member asked why asked why cannot Member asked why cannot read read that email "System notice: subject has that Email been removed for abuse" Member complained a lot of fake accounts on our site



Member inquiries of other accounts information such as phone number, etc If member just wanted to check any action we have taken toward the member he/she reported, then we should use "INIR"



hcld giop nsap

Legal related issue When member ask why his/her information can be found on GIO When member ask why his/her information can be found on Nostringattach (FFC) When member cannot verify the handle registerred email

For any issue related to legal, please use this CAN



You are welcome.

Procedure When the accusation toward B is valid, delete B account follow by the AR procedure. Then use this CAN to reply A (Modify the can if necessary)

BcanA 1. Delete Member Account 2. Note the account 3. Send the can to member (Modify the can if necessary) 1. Delete Member Account 2. Note the account 3. Use the can ADTH, but DO NOT send this email to the member (since he/she is minor), just click "Record Only" on the helpcrew. 1. Confirm the accusation toward B is valid 2. Proper action taken toward B follow by the AR procedure 3. When proper action has been taken toward B, note on A account saying that A report B for what matter, evidence found on which room. 4. Send this CAN to member A 1. Confirm the accusation toward B is valid 2. Proper action taken toward B follow by the AR procedure 3. When proper action has been taken toward B, note on A account saying that A report B for what matter, evidence found on which room. 4. Send this CAN to member A 1. Confirm the accusation toward B is valid 2. Proper action taken toward B follow by the AR procedure 3. When proper action has been taken toward B, note on A account saying that A report B for what matter, evidence found on which room. 4. Send this CAN to member A

1. Confirm there has no evidence found toward B follow by the AR procedure 2. Note on both A and B account 3. Send this CAN to A

1. Note on member A account 2. Send CAN to A

1. Note on member A account 2. Send CAN to A

1. Read the note carefully and make sure the member has not violated our term of usage 2. Unban chat or unban webcam 3. Note the account 4. Send this CAN to member 1. Confirm the violation is valid 2. Member let member understand what he/she did wrong first. For chat room minor violation, can use modified "BE" to tell member; for webcam contact info violation, modified "WICAM" to tell member 3. After member reply the email or verbally agree to the TOU (Phone/Email); go to Chat Abuse tool unban chat feature or unban webcam feature on member admin page 4. After unban the feature, send this CAN to member

1. Read the note carefully and make sure the member has not violated our term of usage 2. Fixed Account 3. Unban email (if there are other features being ban also remember to unban) 4. Note the account 5. Send this CAN to member 6. Do a final check that this member's chat and webcam feature is also being released.

1. Fixed Account 2. Unban email (if there are other features being ban also remember to unban) 3. Note note 4. Send can

1. Fixed Account 2. Unban email 3. Check an option on "" Deactivation Exempt "" from admin page. 4. Note the account 5. Send the CAN to the member 6. Do a final check that this member's chat and webcam feature is also being released. If not, please unban it, and add the CAN "GPF" in this email as well.

1. Make sure the evidence is valid 2. Note the account 3. Send modified CAN "ADFL" to member 1. Make sure the evidence is valid 2. Note the account 3. Send modified CAN "TOU5D" to member

1. Note the account 2. Send CAN, but the first sentence need to be changed to "At this time we need to verify that you are over 18.

1. Note 2. CAN sent (modify if necessary)

1. Note the account 2. Send CAN (modifiy if necessary)

1. Note the account 2. Send CAN (modifiy if necessary)

1. Make sure the evidence is valid 2. Note the account 3. Send modified CAN "WHAM" to member

1. Make sure the evidence is valid 2. Note the account 3. Send modified CAN "AFADW" to member

1. Note the account 2. Send CAN (modifiy if necessary)

1. Note the account 2. Send CAN (modifiy if necessary)

1. Note the account 2. Do not add the can, use the CAN "ADTH" and replace the content of PF to here

Direct reply to this can

Ticket #81923699. Member thank us for keeping the website safe. (yw) You're Welcome sent.

Note on admin page Ticket #________ - Member reported (Member B, handle). Investigated and action taken. "ADTH - Account deactivated and Account Deleted - Thanks for Your Help" sent.

Ticket #________ -Minor - DO NOT RELEASE. "ADTH #________. Member reported (Bhandle). Investigated and action taken. Modified "ADTH Account deactivated and Account Deleted - Thanks for Account deactivated and Account Deleted - Thanks for Your Help" sent. Your Help" sent. Ticket #________. Minor - Account deactivated. DO NOT RELEASE. "ADTH - Account deactivated and Account Deleted - Thanks for Your Help" recorded

Ticket #________ - Member reported (Member B, handle). Investigated and action taken. "RCR - Reports of Chat Room Abuse" sent.

Ticket #________ - Member reported (Member B, handle). Investigated and action taken. "RAA - Reports of any other Abuse" sent.

Ticket #________ - Member reported (Member B, handle). Investigated and action taken. "BOT - Bot Account Deleted - Thanks for Your Help" sent.

Ticket #________ - Member wanted to know what action will be taken on (Member B, handle). Modified "INIR - Investigating - No Info Released" sent.

On Member A : Ticket #________ Member reported (Member B, handle). No evidence found on (Member B, handle). INIR - Investigating - No Info Released" sent.

Ticket #________ - "NMINAI - Need More Info" sent

Ticket #________ - Abuse/Fraud - "AFNMI - Need More Info" sent.

Ticket #________ - Blog/group/Magazine - "BGM Need More Info" sent.

Ticket #________ - Non-member Complaint. "NCNMI - need more information" sent.

Ticket #________. Banned by error "GPF - Released ban and Generic - Problem Fixed" sent

Ticket #________. Chat ban release per member's request. "GPF -Account Reactivated General" sent.

Ticket #________. Account deactivated in error. "AR Released account, unbanned email, and Account Reactivated General" sent

Ticket #________- MEMBER AGREED TO TOU. "PRP - Account reactivated, email unbanned, and Profile Reactivated - Probation" sent to member

Ticket #________- Member requested for account reactivation. Checked profile/phtoto/MC/login report and found no evidence of violation. Account reactivated, email unbanned, Deactivation Exempt box checked, and "LIMAR - Login IP Mismatch - Account Reactivated" sent.

Ticket #________- Member requested for account reactivation. Checked profile/phtoto/MC/login report and found no evidence of violation. Account reactivated, email unbanned, Deactivation Exempt box checked, and "RIMAR - Registration IP Mismatch - Account Reactivated" sent.

Ticket #________. DO NOT RELEASE due to Scammer/Spammer/Fake Account "ADFL - Account Deleted - Fraud Letter" sent. Ticket #________. "TOU5D - Violators of Section 5D in TOU - Deactivation" Sent. DO NOT RELEASE due to _______________

Ticket #________. "ESCORT - Escort Cancellation Notice" sent. DO NOT RELEASE. Ticket #________- Modified "VPID - Verify Photo ID" sent to member to verify age DO NOT RELEASE UNLESS THEY CAN VERIFY AGE

Ticket #________- "VPID - Verify Photo ID" Sent to member to verify identity DO NOT RELEASE due to Stolen/Fake Photo until member can verify his/her identity . Ticket #________- "VPID - Verify Photo ID" Sent to member to verify identity DO NOT RELEASE due to Fake account/Scammer until member can verify his/her identity

Ticket #________- "vpidnc - Abuse - Verify Photo ID not clear " Sent to member to verify identity.

Ticket #________. "copy & paste the proper WHAM subject here " sent DO NOT RELEASE due to _______________ untill member agree to TOU

Ticket #________. "AFADW - Abuse - Abuse/Fraud Account Deleted " sent DO NOT RELEASE due to _______________

Ticket #________- Modified "BE - Ban Explanation" sent to member for contact violation within the chatroom

Ticket #________- "ASN - System Notice for Abuse Deleted Emails"

Ticket #________- "PF - Profile - Fake"

Ticket #________- "ARPI - Abuse - Request for Personal Info"

Ticket #________- "HCLD - How to Contact Legal Department"

Ticket #_________ - "EAMEAA - Email Address does not Match Email Address on Account"


Thank you for contacting our Abuse team. To protect the privacy and security of our members, Friendfinder, Inc. has a stringent policy in regards to abuse such as spam, as well as other types of abusive and/or fraudulent behavior. With your help in this situation, we've taken the appropriate action on the account you reported. We appreciate your assistance and would like you to know that members such as yourself who are willing to expose violators of our Terms of Use - are truly an invaluable asset to the success of our community. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us again at

On Member B : Ticket #________ Member reported by (Member A, handle). Complaint issued. No evidence found, no action taken.

Remember go to Chat Abuse Tool to Unban Member

Member MUST need to know what he/she did wrong first. For chat room minor violation (contact info, flooding); modified CAN "BE" can be used For webcam minor violation (contact info); modified CAN "WICAM" can be used

If there has any extra action we take to the member, for example, unbanned the chat feature, please also clearly note it on admin page. Please remove the handle/password section from BDAR. We just need to inform member the account has been reactivated. The reason we don't include the handle/password in this email, just in case the person who wrote email is not member him/herself.

If you have unban chat or webcam broadcast please also recorded in the note

In the content of this CAN, please remove the handle/password section. We just need to inform member the account has been reactivated. The reason we don't include the handle/password in this email, just in case the person who wrote email is not member him/herself.

Please modify the red, bold, and underline section as more details as your can, such as: Ghana Scammer -

Please modify the red, bold, and underline section as more details as your can,

Cannot add the CAN "PF" when member said there are a lot of fake accounts

You need to track back the record if member has sucessfully done the verification before.

Currently, we do not provide the service to retrieve messages which were deleted.

Please modified the content when necessary. The content MUST answer to member's question. Don't just s Related to Video Situation Member ask why his/her video was posted as Activity Feed on other member's profile. Member said he was accidentally click report other abuse link or please us dont do anything on that member Member complain why his/her photo is being posted on the banner. We are unable to provide any assistance about member's inquiry. Member's account was deactivated by Legal Team because they are related in rude behavior to our customer service staffs. Member ask for the evidence. Agents can use this format to paste the evidence. Member ask how to contact Abuse Team by phone

Report Abuse


Member ask for Evidence

Non Member

Non member complains his/her contact information is stolen by FF members and it causes that he/she receive phone calls from unknown person.

Non member reported that there is an account handle same as his/her Yahoo ID. It causes he/she received harass emails from our sites.
Not account holder asks other account's situation

Modified BDAR

Modified BDAR

Modified PF

Member Account is Suspended because the Local Team misidentified as Fake Account . After reactivation, members asked again why the account was deactivated. Member's account was deactivated due to scammer in profile, who leaves contact info in profile location. After investigating, there was no solid evidence found for scammer. (For long term permiumare to be deleted IP Mismatch due paying members members) Scammer or Fake Account Account. By subsequent verification, the members of IP has provided a reasonable explanation ofare a lot of Scammer/Fake Member complains there why the abnormal lack of evidence on Fake Account and contacting him. Member accounts or the site and keep repair account. letter demanding the reinstatement of his membership. Premium account was deactivate due to Member replied the We've taken action to protect Scammer (IP Mismatch) or Fake account. However, you! notification which is sent by system and asked member can provide reasonable explanation for ip what is that notification mean (I dont know what you mismatch or fake account to ask for account mean or Im not interested) reactivated. Member replied the We've taken action to protect you! notification which is sent by system and requested for retrieve messages which were deleted.

Police or non member who has account authorisation ask for abuse issues. After escalating, use this contecnt to response.

Modified ASN

Modified ASN

Parents reported their underage children join our site. After ADTH sent, parents asked us how to protect their children from inappropriate online material.

Modified INIR

Member reporting another member but the reports was a mistake.

Maria Modified PF

Maria Modified INIR

Member accidentally report anotyher member

ent MUST answer to member's question. Don't just simply follow the CAN to reply member each time Reference reply content Dear Member Thank you for the email. Dear Member, We have received your report that your video has been stolen by other member. Thank you for your email. We have investigated this issue and found that the video was posted as Activity Feed in Dear Member, other member's profile. This is a new feature on our website. or take any actions on a Please do not have concerns about this issue. We do not ban After watching your video, if the member likes it, he/she mayafter it to the activity feed on his/her profile.any abusive member's account immediately add an Abuse Report. If a member reports We are unable Thank you for your email. to turn off another member, we will need to make sure he or she has authentically violated actions of the feature. Dear Member, our Terms of Use. When a member joins the site, they have permitted our site to use their photos for Please be advised to contact the member to remove the video on his/her profile or go to the advertisements. If you did not set up an account with your photo uploaded and your photo is Thank you andyour email. Help page for make a suggestionemail us new about this If you posted onquestions, please someoneagain. feature.account with your photo. We will being have any the banner, then has set up an Dear Member, need the handle ofare unable to give you to further investigate this. inquiry. Please contact Unfortunately, further question, please contact us. we that account in order any assistance about your If there is any Thank you, the related for your email. or consult people around you. Feel free to let us know if we can Thank you support on net If you any further assistance to you. be of have any questions, please email us again. Thank you, Dear Member, We have found that you are related in rude behavior to our customer service staffs. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the email. This behavior has directly violated our Terms of Use. To protect the members and staffs Dear Member, ofFriendFinder Network Inc, we have deactivated your account. Use because of_______ . After investigating we found that you have violated our Terms of The following is the evidence we found Thanks for being our member. Please send us an email stating that you understand this warning and agree to our You may contact our customer service department. Please link to Dear Member, then reactivate your account within 48 hours. guidelines. Location: We'll and call us in the nearest area of yours. Time: have any further questions, please feel free to email us again at If you for contacting us. Thanks This serves as your official first warning. The next step will be to delete your account, Evidence: without warning or refunds. Thankstime, we need your help to look into this issue. If you ever receive phone call from At this for contacting us. This behavior has directly violated our Terms of Use, therefore we have deactivated your Thank you, unknown person again, please request the handle/user name of the person who calls you, If you need additional assistance, please submit another email to account. We've investigated the account(XXXXXXX) on our site and also ask him/her where and who he/she to assist. and did not find sending this we will be happygets this number from. By any Terms of Use (The content as below is only for Moderate violation) violations at we will be able investigate the problem right away this may cause you, but information, this moment. We apologize for any inconvenience and have this situation Please send us an email stating that you understand this warning and agree to our Dear Member, unfortunately this member is not violating any part of resolved for you. We apologize for any inconvenience. our Terms of Use even though he is Thank you, We'll then reactivate your account within 48 hours. guidelines. using your yahoo ID. Therefore, we are afraid that we cannot take any actions. Thank you any further question about this issue, please do not hesitate to contact us again. If you havefor the email. This serves as your official first warning. The next step will be to delete your account, If youMember, further questions, please feel free to contact us again. Dear have any or refunds. without warning For security reasons, we are unable to process your request. Please ask the account holder to contact for being a member the issue for Thank you,us so we can resolve of our site. him. you If you need additional assistance, please submit another email to and we will be happy to assist. We are truly sorry for issues you may be experiencing. We apologize for any the inconvenience you have experienced. Dear Member, Thank need additional assistance, please submit another email to If you you, Please understandthe situation for you. Please log in provide service foreverything has been We have resolved that we operate several sites and to make sure that over 20 million andworks aroundinvestigating provide fun and functional sites, membersto your satisfaction. However, after the clock to your account, we discovered that resolved worldwide. Our team we will be happy to assist. Dear Member, however, posted yourissues sometimes arise.instant messenger information through thewe you have unforeseen contact information or These are the exception not the rule, and Thank to address each allowed as stated in our Terms of Use. We havethey do not you to strive you,for being a member timely site. chat room. This is not one in a of our manner, as well as ensure that to request occur Thank you again. your location after your account released. change Dear Member, We apologize for any issues you may be experiencing. Again, we truly apologize please follow these steps: may have experienced. We hope that To change your location, for any inconvenience you Thank you for your query regarding a lack of mind about our site and services. you'll give us the opportunity to change your quality profiles on adultfriendfinder. It's To protect the privacy and security of our members, Friendfinder Inc. does notarticulate unfortunate, but many people out there simply don't have the writing skills to tolerate Dear Member, 1. Please log its Terms of Use policy. We arehandle and to ensure our member's security. violations of into http://[domain] with your dedicated password. what they think questions, and yes, therehesitate to contact us again. and feel... please out there If youinvestigating, we found that do not are a number of fakes suspiciouswho put up a nice 2. Click on the "Edit Profile" link. your account was engaged in After have any fraudulent pictureyou for two-sentence profile. Sometimes it's tough to tell the two apart, even for us. Thank and a contacting us. 3. Once you have done this you will need to click on the "Geographical Location" link found attempts, this caused your account was banned from our website. Thank 'Update Profile' then click the "where you currently reside" link. under you, On the former, there's not a lot we can do... members that we areare. are who they The previous notification isthe convey to our people on "Submit." serious about reducing 4. Select your countryof or tomembership and been placed on (date) after the deactivation Moreover, the refund - your closest one has click fraud and An will - sent to members who 5. order toabuse on our sites.card email and MCpostal you would like to "Submit." Enter your city, select your state, enter your noticecodebethen click have your were in far as the fakes the credit protect are concerned,holder's not in business with them, and Friendfinder Inc. As we are security. If contacted by a Dear Member, deactivated member. membership back,competing websites. In fact, we employ an abuse team that deletes does not promote please re-order from our website. If you still cannot make your desired changes, please don't hesitate to send us another hundreds of fake accounts everymember who's behaving inappropriately,spammer or a day. If you In the you for contacting our Abuse team. suspect a profile is a fake, a please let us email. future, if you encounter a inconvenience you may have experienced. We hope that Thank Again, we for any reason, report them immediately by following these steps: scammer truly apologize for any know. Please forward or attach any proof or evidence you might have. The following you'll give us the opportunity to change your mind about our site and services. information would beprovide the service to retrieve messages which were deleted. Thank you, Currently, we do not very useful: 1) Log into your profile. Unfortunately, once the emails have been purged, we can no longer recover them. We are If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again. * Site for your inconvenience. sorry name: FriendFinder, AdultFriendFinder, etc. 2) Go to thethe offender * Handle of offenders profile. Thank you, * you have any further questions, please feel free to email us again at If Details of the situation 3) Scroll to the very bottom of the page. sent * The actual email (full header) you were * Chat text (copy and paste) 4) Click on the link titled "Report Abuse or Sexually Explicit Ads" Thank you, To copy and paste, please follow the steps below: 5) Fill out the form 1. Identify the "text" you would like to copy

Dear Sir, Thanks for your email. We have passed your concern to our legal department and they will contact you as soon as possible. Dear Member, If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us again at Thank you for your email. Dear Member, Dear Member, Thanks you, for the inconvenienced cause. However, these members were had been nonWe apologies Thank you with our Terms of Use. a lack of quality profiles our members unfortunate, but compliancefor your query regardingWe take our obligation to on Abuse. It is very seriously Dear Member,your mail. Thank you for many people Terms of Use to help have the writing skills to articulate what they and created aout there simply don't ensure a better experience for our members. think and feel. And yes, the email. Thank you for there are a number of fakes out there who put up a nice picture and a twoIn our on-going efforts at Adult FriendFinder tothe two apart, even for as fun and safe as sentence profile. Sometimes it's tough to tell make your experience us. Therefore, we are unable to provide any details or reactivate these members as possible, we havepolicy wethe document to help parents as spam, as how to protecttypes of Friendfinder, Inc. created regards to email abuse such understand well we other their Please understand that in will take appropriate actions on every report as receive. children and/orto protectingonline material. not in business the following url:Friendfinder Inc. As far as due fraudulent the privacy of Please abusive from fakes are concerned, we are our members we cannot inform you what actions However,the inappropriatebehavior are serious. refer to with them, and does not promote competing websites. In fact, we employ an abuse team that deletes we took. hundreds of fake accounts every day. If you suspect contact is a fake, team at If you have any further questions, please feel free to a profile our abuse a spammer or a you need additional assistance, please submit another email to scammer for any reason, report them immediately by following these steps: If who=r,Qkb/_8AfnIn8_TI53LKKcLq6lq1ZIVcsap2tuFCM/cY6cnV9lIpMugq1Yapb_q6Y/7sHO81 and we will be happy to assist. Dear Member, profile. 1) Log into your u3BCa7xqJkD6Xoj8l7jLDnvRFnQs7vtxuneTk6Hc_PKEGG/15MtO5vKVK&medley_confirm18= 2) Go to the offenders profile. Thank you, 1&max_age=&min_age=&looking_for_person=&find_sex=&looking_for_what=&country=&state Thank you for the email. 3) Scroll to the very bottom of the page. =&zipcode= 4) Click on the link titled "Report Abuse or Sexually Explicit Ads" Pleaseout the form that we will take appropriate actions on understand 5)you have futher questions, please feel free to contact us. every report we receive If Fill regardless even if the report was accidental. However, due to protecting the privacy of our 6) Press Submit. members we cannot inform you what actions we took. Thank are millions of real people on Abuse who genuinely want to make substantive you, There If you need additional assistance, please submit another email to connections. If possible, you might stick to contacting Premium level members (spammers and we will and NEVER assist. and scammers rarely pay for accounts), be happy to give out your email address or personal information until you're very sure the person you're chatting with is the person you want to Thank meet. you, If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us again.

member each time Feedback

Rude behaviour with our customer service agent fake profile / fake photo / harassment / solicititation / spammer / escort / login IP being suspicious

Notation in member's admin page Ticket#00000000 - Member was date is same as the note: deactivated due to scammer in For example: Issue was refund profile, who leaves contact info on 2009/12/24you should write in profile membership has been After as "your location.Modified "PF Ticket #________investigating, there wasafter the placed- on (2009-12-24) no solid Profile Fake" sent evidence found for scammer. deactivation " Account reactivated, email unbanned, and Modified BDAR Bulk Deleted - Account Reactivated sent to member to request member for changing his profile location.

Following Abuse Can the contents of the contents of your letter should make changes t members not answer the question. Please modify the content for proper response. Do
CAN ADFL Situation Member login from different countries (For scammer ) 300-Free Philippine Scammer keeps sending emails for account reactivated Member said he/she did not against TOU. However, we found that his/her login report shows he/she logged in from many different places in a very short time. Member said that his account was hacked and he did not against TOU. However, According to his Login Report, he has logged in from a country forbidden to our site. This is obviously a fraud. It can be used when Fake account/Scammer insist on explanation of deactivation

ntents of your letter should make changes to membership, do not just cut paste, resulting in modify the content for proper response. Don't just copy and paste.
Reference reply content

Dear Member, Thank you for your email. Dear Member, We have recently acquired an email, traced to your account, that is an obvious attempt of for your email. Thank you fraud. In accordance with our Terms of Use, we have deleted your account due to logging in from different places. Hence, this account is no longer Dear Member, available.recently acquired an email, traced to your account, you have been We have Dear Member, sending numerous emails for gathering members contact information outside of FF Thank you for your email. If youwhich is considered as spamming. In accordance with our to sites Member, Dear you for contacting assistance, please submit another email Terms of Use, we Thank need additional our Abuse team. abuse@friendfinderinc.comdueLogin Report shows that you this account is no have deleted our records, your to attempt of fraud. Hence, have logged in from According to your account and we will be happy to assist. longerdifferentyourinconvenience short time.we cannot reinstate a fraud. many you for places in a very caused but This is obviously your account and are Thank available. email. We apologize for the unable to divulge any information on how we have determined your account as fraud. Thank need this severeassistance, please logged in from ahave deleted your account If you you, additional Report, you our Terms of Use, we email to forbidden to our Because of our Login violation to have submit another country According to and we rejoining ourYou have been banned from our site, Once again, obviously a fraud. and permanently banned not available for be happy to assist. sites. site. This is your account is you from will release. network of and any account created will be removed without refund. Thank you, thisasevere violation of our Terms of Use, we have deleted your account Please give us reasonable explanation if possible. Because of Questions may be sent to: and permanently banned you from rejoining our network of sites. If you need additional assistance, please submit another email to and weInc. works closelyassist. Please be aware that Friendfinder, will be happy to with local, state and national law enforcement - as well as international authorities to ensure that our members Thank you,a safe experience on our sites. may enjoy Dear Member, If it is discovered that you have tried to rejoin any of our sites, we will send complete documentation to the proper agencies and assist them in prosecuting Thank you full contacting our Abuse team. you to the for extent of the law. Unfortunately your account was removedsubmit another email to If you need additional assistance, please due to fraudulent activities. This account is not available for release. You have been happy to assist. site, and any account and we will be banned from our created will be removed without refund. Thank you, If you have any questions, please email us again. Dear Member, Thank you for your email. This account is not available for release. You have been banned from our site, and any account created will be removed without refund. If you have any questions, please email us again.

st cut paste, resulting in


Ticket #______. Member wants to know why _______ was deactivated. "Modified INIR - Investigating - No Info Released" sent.

Following Abuse Can the contents of the contents of your letter should make changes t members not answer the question. Please modify the content for proper response. Do
CAN AFADW Situation Account cannot be reactivated.

Member has 2 accounts (A and B). A was deactivated due to critical violation. Member use B to send an email to us for why cannot use A account and request for A to be reactivated.

Make an explanation for "we do not allow any website link or URL outside of the Friend Finder affiliation to be left in members profile, chatroom, blog, magazine, message center or group."

Modified AFADW

ntents of your letter should make changes to membership, do not just cut paste, resulting in modify the content for proper response. Don't just copy and paste.
Reference reply content

Dear Member, Thank you for your email. Unfortunately this is not the first account that you have been removed due to (XXXXXXX). This account is not available for release. You have been banned from our site, and any account created will be removed without refund. If you have any questions, please email us again. Thank you, Dear Member, Thank you for your email. To protect the privacy and security of our members, Friendfinder Inc. does not tolerate violations of its Terms of Use policy. You received a prior warning about this matter. Unfortunately, we received another complaint that you have violated this policy. Dear Member, Hence, we are notifying you that your account has been deleted and you are Thank you for your email. banned from our entire network of personals sites. To avoid solicitations, - as stated in the warning letter or URL outside - the Friend Please remember thatwe do not allow any website link sent previously ofyou will not Finder affiliation toyou left in a Premium profile, chatroom,your expulsion. message receive a refund if be were members member prior to blog, magazine, center or group. If youMember, Dear need additional assistance, please submit another email to If you have any questions, please email be happy to assist. and we will us again. Thank you for contacting the Abuse team. Thank you, Thank you, We apologies for the inconvenience caused. However, you received a prior warning about this matter. Unfortunately, we received another complaint that you violated this policy. Hence, we have deleted your account and you are banned from our entire network of personals sites. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

st cut paste, resulting in


Following Abuse Can the contents of the contents of your letter should make changes t members not answer the question. Please modify the content for proper response. Do
CAN AFNMI NCNMI Situation The second member is still insufficient information to provide evidence. The secound time evidence which is provided by member is still not enough


Letter from the police to ask about the status of issues related to Abuse Police asks for abuse issues. Non-members write in to ask their family or friends account information, and claim the status of authorized Non member who has account authorisation ask for abuse issues. Modified AFNMI (Fake Profile) upset with abuse team



Modified AFNMI

Member reported his account was hacked (Need to do investigation before reply this can)

ntents of your letter should make changes to membership, do not just cut paste, resulting in modify the content for proper response. Don't just copy and paste.
Reference reply content

Dear Member, Thank you for contacting the Abuse team. We have received your mail regarding to an abuse issue. In order to resolve your problem, please provide the following information so that we may look into this matter: * Site name which you registered in: FriendFinder, AdultFriendFinder, etc. * Your handle: * Details of the situation: If you need additional assistance, please submit another email to We will be happy to assist. Thank you, Dear Member, Thank you for contacting the Abuse team. Thank youreceived your email regarding to the abuse issue. Friendfinder, Inc. Dear Member, We have for contacting the Abuse team. stringently enforces its Terms of Use and does not tolerate such violations. We have received your complaint regarding your Thank you for contacting the Abuse team. account issue. First, we're going to need your help to look into this. Please send the following First, we'rereceivedneed your help toyou: into this. Please forward Friendfinder,proof or We have going to your email regarding information so that we may help look to the abuse issue. or attach any Inc. evidence you might have. The following information wouldtolerate useful:violations. stringently enforces its Terms of Use and does not be very such It's unfortunate,Name of the number of fakes out there who put up a nice picture * First and Last there are a Officer 1. What is the password that you use before lost into this. Please send the following the and awe're going to profile and help to look the account? First, two-sentence * Telephone Numberneed your who are genuine. Sometimes it's tough to tell 2. Where is even for we may you you: two apart, the last location thathelp access to the account? information so that us. * Email Address 3. What is the handle that you use before lost the account? * Badge Number address that you use before lost the account? 4. What is the e-mail are concerned, we are not in business with them, and the As far and StateName First and fakes * City as Lastnotice that you lost your account? 5. When did you does not promote competing websites. In fact, we have an abuse Friendfinder Number * Telephone the credit card information and billing address (premium member) 6. Please provide team that deletes hundreds of fake accounts every day. * Email Addresscompulsory for member to feel free to email usand accurately) If you have any other questions, please answer us without fail back at (wording in red is * Membership details (handle/email address/site) There are millions of real help us to Abuse who genuinely want to been * Details of their situationpeople on investigate how possibility accountmake hack. The following information can substantive connections. If possible, you might stick to If yes, please provide that 1. Did you give out your account information to other member? contacting Premium level membersto any If you have us. other questions, please feelpay for accounts), andat username (spammers and scammers rarely free to email us back NEVER give out your email address or personal information until you're very sure the person you're before lost the account? 2. What is the last thing you did chatting with is the person you want to meet. 3. Did you ever click on any suspicious link? 4. Did you experiencing viewing any suspicious webpage or toolbar while browsing your If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us again. account? We will do further investigation on this account once we gather the information. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email us back at Thank you.

st cut paste, resulting in


How to determine the hack account pattern 1. Check if the password had been change 2. Check if the gender had been change 3. Check if the handle had been change 4. Check if the e-mail had been change 5. Title and Profile text are changed. Usually generic 6. Emails sent to other members are very suspicious. For example: This is my exs boyfriends account./ This is my brothers account. 7. Yahoo email address used

Following Abuse Can the contents of the contents of your letter should make changes t members not answer the question. Please modify the content for proper response. Do
CAN BE Situation Member asks why cannot leave contact information

Member posted contact information or instant messenger information through the chat room and asked why been Ban.

Make an explanation for "we do not allow any website link or URL outside of the Friend Finder affiliation to be left in members profile, chatroom, blog, magazine, message center or group."

ntents of your letter should make changes to membership, do not just cut paste, resulting in modify the content for proper response. Don't just copy and paste.
Reference reply content

Dear Member, Thank you for your email. Please understand that we have found that some users create accounts to harvest members contact information (emails, phone number, etc) which could later be used to spam the members. The people who created these accounts make their money by redirecting traffic (other companies pay them for the traffic). Dear Member, Therefore, we need to ask you to agree to our Terms of Use, and promise not to Thank youcontact information on any public features of our site. For example post your for your email. Blog, Magazine, Interest Group, Chat Room, Profile, Bulletin, Testimonial...etc. Contact information is not allowed to be posted Message Center, you can share Contact information can be shared through our on any of our chat services. It can be shared through our Message Center, you can give out your contactthe contact information on your emails to that member. We apologize for information on the emails to that member. We apologize for the inconvenience. inconvenience. Dear Member, If you have any questions, please email us again. If you have any questions, please email us again. Thank you for your email. Thank you, Thank you, You have posted your contact information or instant messenger information through the chat room. This is not allowed as stated in the rules. Dear Member, questions, please email us again. If you have any Thank you for your email. Thank you, To avoid solicitations, we do not allow any website link or URL outside of the Friend Finder affiliation to be left in member's profile, chatroom, blog, magazine, message center or group. If you have any questions, please email us again. Thank you,

st cut paste, resulting in


Following Abuse Can the contents of the contents of your letter should make changes t members not answer the question. Please modify the content for proper response. Do
CAN BGM Situation Member A complains member B who posted a article to damage his/her reputation but without providing any specific evidences.

Member refuse to provide any specific evidences for blog, magazine or group and request us do investigation.

ntents of your letter should make changes to membership, do not just cut paste, resulting in modify the content for proper response. Don't just copy and paste.
Reference reply content

Dear Member, Thank you for your email. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience you have exprienced in(site name). We will investigate the member you have reported. If we find any evidence, we will take nessary actions. Please be aware that due to privacy considerations we Dear Member, cannot inform you about our investigating results. If there are any more evidence you find onfor your email. provide them to us. Thank you our site, please If you need additional assistance, please submit specific information. In order to research a blog/magazine or group issue, we needanother email to cannot remedyhappy to assist. Without the information we and we will be this issue. Sometimes we need to request more information that is requested initially due to members having pages Thank you,of posts. We understand your frustration, and wish there was an easier and pages way to handle these types of complaints. If you have any questions, please email us again. Thank you,

st cut paste, resulting in


Following Abuse Can the contents of the contents of your letter should make changes t members not answer the question. Please modify the content for proper response. Do
CAN Situation

Modified INIR

Member complains about we do not take any actions for violations.

Member ask for the results of our investigation.

Member reported that there is an internal employee hacked into his/her account which is caused IP Mismatch and ask for investigation.

Member reported he/she was been threatened by other member and worried about his/her personal safety.

Member replied the We've taken action to protect you! notification which is sent by system and asked why another member's account was deactivated or been abuse. (The 1st time inquiry)

Member replied the We've taken action to protect you! notification which is sent by system and asked why another member's account was deactivated or been abuse. (The 2nd time inquiry)

ntents of your letter should make changes to membership, do not just cut paste, resulting in modify the content for proper response. Don't just copy and paste. Dear Member,
Reference reply content

Thank you for the email. Please understand that we will take appropriate actions on every report we receive. We have already taken actions to the member you have reported after investigating and finding critical evidence. However, due to protecting the privacy Dear Member, of our members we cannot inform you what actions we took. Thank you for your email. If you need additional assistance, please submit another email to and we will be happy to assist. We are sorry for any inconveniences you have experienced in (sitename). We are currently investigating on the member you have reported. If critical Thank you, Dear Member, evidence is found, we will take certain actions. Please note that due to privacy considerations we cannot inform you about our results. Thank you for your email. If you need additional assistance, please submit another email to The member xxxxxx you and we is be in the investigation progress. This abuse@friendfinderinc.comreportedwillnowhappy to assist. might take some time because evidence of violation needs to be found. We assure Dearallyou, that Member, Thank inappropriate action will be handled immediately. Please note, that due to privacy considerations we will not be able to tell you the results of our Thank you for contacting the Abuse Department. investigation. After a thorough investigation, there were no evidence found that an internal If you need additional assistance, please submit another email to Dear Member, employee hacked into your and we will be have to assist. account. If you happyconcerns about account security, we suggest you change your password every once in a while. This action prevents you your account being a member of Thank you,forfrom being hacked. our site. were you to investigate the member that you We hope able continue to enjoy your experience! have reported, and are taking the appropriate actions. Please note, that due to privacy considerations we will not be able to tell questions, please do not hesitate Dear have any If youMember, you the results of our contact us again. We also suggest you to contact your local Thank you,for contacting our Abuse team. authority if you have concerns about you your own safety. We are sorry for any inconvenience you have experienced. If you need additional assistance, please submit another email to wenow in the investigation progress. We assure that all The member you requested is will be happy to assist. Dear Member, handled immediately. Please note, guided by the TOS agreement the action will be We hope you continue will not break experience! Friend Finder Network to enjoy your our commitment to the secrecy of members Thank you for being a member of ourbe able to tell you the results of our investigation. account information, we will not site. Please need additional assistance,Network Inc. is very determined about the protection of Thank understand that FriendFinder please submit another email to If you you, our members. We take our obligation to our members very seriously and created a Terms of and we will be happy to assist. Use to help ensure a better experience for our members. Thank note, that due to privacy considerations we will not be able to tell you the results of our Please you, investigation. If you need additional assistance, please submit another email to we will be happy to assist. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again. Thank you,

st cut paste, resulting in


Ticket #________ Member received "We've taken action to protect you! ",and asked why we deactivated that member. Modified "INIR"- Investigating - No Info Released sent.

Following Abuse Can the contents of the contents of your letter should make changes t members not answer the question. Please modify the content for proper response. Do
CAN Situation


Member was deactivated due to Minor (underage). Ask for member sending Photo ID to verify his/her age.

Member does not have fax machine.

After sending VPID, members said he had no fax machine He/She can send us a copy of the photo via postal mail.

Since Member's account was opened as a couple who been reported as Fake account for both, we need to confirm that the picture in member's profile is an actual people of themselves..

Member or Non member complains his phone number was used by other member/FF member. We need to ask for they providing a copy of the official document for the owners phone number.

Male member's account was deactivated because he register an account on

A non member wants to deactivate an account. Add this into VPID

ntents of your letter should make changes to membership, do not just cut paste, resulting in modify the contentfor the email. response. Don't just copy and paste. Thank you for proper
Reference reply content

Dear Member,

FriendFinder Network Inc. is very determined about the protection of underage. To make sure that we are abiding by the law, we need you to confirm that you are not underaged. Please fax a copy of your driver's license or I.D. to our offices at 1 408-745-5683 Dear Member, attention Abuse Department. Please also note the site you are a member of and your handle. After we have verified this, we will activate your account. We are Thank you for your email. sorry for the inconvenience. You can send us a copy of the photo via postal mail. The mailing address is: If you need additional assistance, please submit another email to and we will be happy to assist. Various, Inc. 220 Humboldt Ct Thank you,CA 94089 Sunnyvale Dear Member, Please also note the site you are a member of and your handle. After we have Thank you for the email. verified this, we will reactivate your account. Dear Member, privacy and copyright of every member in our site, we need to To protect the If you need additional assistance, please submit another email to confirm that the picture in your profile is an actual photo of yourself. Since this and we will be happy to assist. Thank you for the email.a couple, we have to request that you send us a copy of account was opened as your IDs. After we receive your IDs and confirm your identities, your account will be Thank you, We have very shortly. complaint regarding the abusive behavior of a member, but restored received your we need your help to look into this. Please provide the following information so that we can help you: for the inconvenience you have experienced. We are truly sorry * Your need additional assistance, please submit another email to If you phone number and we will be happy to assist. * A copy of the official document for the owners phone number Thank you, * A copy of your driver's license or I.D Dear Member, If you are a member, we need your handle and the website name. Thank you for being a member of our site. Please fax the above information to our offices at 1 408-745-5683 attention Abuse Your account was deactivated because is a female only site Department. By sending this information, we will be able to investigate the and it is not allowed for the male member to register. If you are a female member, problem immediately and resolved it for you. please fax a copy of your driver's license or I.D. to our offices at 1 408-745-5683 attention Abuse Department. Please also reference the site you are a member of If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at and your handle. After we have verified this, we will activate your account. If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at Thank you, After we have verified this, we will activate your account. Muratamanagers Tpe: you should modified this to deactivate

st cut paste, resulting in


Following Abuse Can the contents of the contents of your letter should make changes t members not answer the question. Please modify the content for proper response. Do
CAN WHAM Situation Tell member that need to agree to out TOU to reactivate an account.

Member denied he/she had against to our TOU and request for our apology and account to be reactivated.

Member's account was deactivated by Profile team due to Critical violation (Solicitation or Escort) but promise will not do again. (First time violation of Premium member)

Make an explanation for "we do not allow any website link or URL outside of the Friend Finder affiliation to be left in members profile, chatroom, blog, magazine, message center or group."

Member's account was deactivated due to Meet and Greet. (First time violation)

CHATWHAMMember complains banned by posting contact information on chat room, however, we are unable to change our guildline in chat room.

About Chat Vilolation content can be used as part of the


For minor harassment on [Blog, Magazine, Group] (remove post instead of account deactivated.)


For minor harassment on [Chat, MCs] (remove post instead of account deactivated.)


Models of are engaged in advertising other website on FF sites.

ntents of your letter should make changes to membership, do not just cut paste, resulting in modify the content for proper response. Don't just copy and paste.
Reference reply content

Dear Member, Thank you for your email. Please agree to our Terms of Use so that we can reactivate your account. If you have any questions, please email us again. Thank you, Dear Member, Thank you for your email. You have to agree that you will follow this guideline in order to get your account released. Please read our Terms of Use once again, and reply us an email with the agreement of following our guideline. We will reactivate your account after receiving that confirmation email. Dear Member, If you have any questions, please email us again. Thank you for your email. Thank you, According to our records, you have violated our Terms of Use, below is the evidence we found: (Paste the evidence) Dear Member, Your account is currently deactivated. Please send us an email stating that you understandfor the email. completely and agree not to violate our Terms of Use Thank you this warning again. When we receive this email, your account will be activated within 48 hours. Please note that if you do not agree to our Terms weUse, we will not be able to To protect all members of Friendfinder Networks, of have to make sure the reactivate your safety of wesite usage. Your previous behavior has directly to legitimacy and account. This is your first warning. The next step would be violated delete your account completely without beenrefunds. our Terms of Use and your account has any suspended. Please send us an email stating that you understand this warning completely and agree not to violate our If youMember, Termsneed additional assistance, please submit another email will be activated Dear of Use again. When we receive this email, your account to and we you do not agreeassist. Terms of Use, we will within 48 hours. Please note that if will be happy to to our not be you for your email.your account. This is your first warning. If we receive Thank able to reactivate Thankreports about you and find evidence in your account, the next step would be other you, to delete solicitations, we do not allow any website link or URL outside of the Friend To avoid your account completely without any refunds. Finder affiliation to be left in member's profile, chatroom, blog, magazine, message If you need additional assistance, please submit another email to center or group. and we will be happy to assist. If youMember, questions, please email us again. Dear have any Thank you, Thank you,for your email. you We have recently received an email showing that you have engaged in posting party invites within the (blog/group/magazine/chat room) section of another member. This directly violates our Terms of Use (which you agreed to upon joining), and your account has been deactivated. Please send us an email stating that you understand this warning and agree to no longer engage in the aforementioned violation of our Terms of Service. We'll then reactivate your account within 48 hours. This serves as your official first warning. The next step will be to delete your account, without warning or refunds. If you have any questions, email us at: Thank you,

Dear Member, Thank you for your email. Regarding to your question, we are unable to change our guildline in chat room. To protect members' security, posting personal contact information in the chat room might affect some members including yourself being harassed or deceived by other members. Therefore, please abide our Terms of Use to prevent any further issues. Dear Member, If you havefor your email. please email us again. Thank you any questions, Thank has been several chat room violations for _____, for which the system placed There you, the ban. Please follow all rules and guidelines to prevent any further issues. Please note that constant violation will result in loss of an account. If you havefor contacting our Abuse team. again. Thank you any questions, please email us Thank you, We have recently received an email showing that you have engaged in an inappropriate behavior within the [Location] of another member. This directly violates our Terms of Use (which you agreed to upon joining), and this [Post] has been denied. This is you for contacting our Abuse team. violations will result in suspension of Thank your first official warning. Multiple your accounts and any other accounts connected to this membership. We have recently received an email showing that you have engaged in an If you have any questions, email us at: inappropriate behavior within the [Location] of another member. This directly violates our Terms of Use (which you agreed to upon joining) This is your first official warning. Multiple violations will result in suspension of your accounts and any other accounts connected to this membership. Dear Member, If you havefor your email. email us at: Thank you any questions, We have recently received an email showing that you have engaged in advertising other website within (location for evidence) sections. This directly violates our Terms of Use (which you agreed to upon joining), and your account has been deactivated. We would like to advise you to re-edit your profile/post and agree not to send emails with advertisement of other website. Please send us an email stating that you understand this warning and agree to no longer engage in sending any such email to this and other members. We'll then reactivate your account within 48 hours. This serves as your official first warning. The next step will be to delete your account, without warning or refunds. If you have any questions, email us at: Thank you,

st cut paste, resulting in

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