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Departmental Library Management System

Software Requirement Specification

Submited By: Muhammad Arif Amir Aziz Khan Imran Ali

Submited To: SEP Co-ordinators

Introduction Borrowing books, returning books or viewing the available books at the Library of the department is currently done manually where in the student has to go to the Departmental Library and check the available books at the Departmental Library. Students check the list of books available and borrow the books; it is of waste for the student to come to the library to come to check for the books if the student doesnt get the book. It may take more time. We have decided to investigate the use of an online departmental Library Management System. This system would be used by members who may be students or professors of that Department to check the availability of the books and borrow the books, and by the librarian to update the databases. The purpose of this document is to analyze and elaborate on the high-level needs and features of the online departmental Library System. It focuses on the capabilities and facilities provided by a Library. The details of what all are the needs of the Online departmental Library System and if it fulfils these needs are detailed in the usecase and supplementary specifications.

1.1 Purpose The purpose of Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is to describe the external behavior of the online departmental Library System. Requirements Specification defines and describes the operations, interfaces, performance, and quality assurance requirements of the online departmental Library System. The document also describes the nonfunctional requirements such as the user interfaces. It also describes the design constraints that are to be considered when the system is to be designed, and other factors necessary to provide a complete and comprehensive description of the requirements for the software. The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) captures the complete software requirements for the system, or a portion of the system. Requirements described in this document are derived from the Vision Document prepared for the online departmental Library System. 1.2 Scope The Software Requirements Specification captures all the requirements in a single document. The Online departmental Library System that is to be developed provides the members of the Library with books information, online blocking of books and many other facilities. The Online departmental Library System is supposed to have the following features. The product provides the members with online blocking of books capabilities and the Online departmental Library System is up and running all day. The system allows the members to block the books 24 hours a day and all the through the semester. The system lets the librarian to check which all members have blocked the books and whether they can borrow any more books or not. The system allows the Librarian to create the books catalog, add/delete books and maintain the books catalog.

The features that are described in this document are used in the future phases of the software development cycle. The features described here meet the needs of all the users. The success criterion for the system is based in the level up to which the features described in this document are implemented in the system. 1.3 Overview The SRS will provide a detailed description of the online departmental Library System. This document will provide the outline of the requirements, overview of the characteristics and constraints of the system. 1.5.1 Section 2: This section of the SRS will provide the general factors that affect the product and its requirements. It provides the background for those requirements. The items such as product perspective, product function, user characteristics, constraints, assumptions and dependencies and requirements subsets are described in this section. 1.5.2 Section 3: This section of SRS contains all the software requirements mentioned in section 2 in detail sufficient enough to enable designers to design the system to satisfy the requirements and testers to test if the system satisfies those requirements.

Overall Description Product Perspective

The Online departmental Library System is a package to be used by Departmental Library to improve the efficiency of Librarian, Library Users. The Online departmental Library System to be developed benefits greatly the members and the Librarian of Department of computer science. The system provides books catalog and information to members and helps them decide on the books to borrow from the library. The Librarian can keep the books catalog updated all the time so that the members (students and the professors) get the updated information all the time. The product to be developed has interactions with the users: Librarian, Members who are the students and professors of the Department of Computer Science. The product has to interact with other systems like: Internet. Product Functions

The Online departmental Library System provides online real time information about the books available in the Library and the user information. The Product functions are more or less the same as described in the product perspective. The functions of the system include the system providing different type of services based on the type of users [Member/Librarian]. Users can find books online. An efficient online departmental library system that enables in retrieving online. Access of a single record to multiple locations through network.

Maintaining data about the books of the library. Arranging data in logical order for easy maintenance. Collection of data about books which are issued. Collection of data about books which are returned.

User characteristics The users of the system are members, librarian of the Department who maintain the system. The members and the librarian are assumed to have basic knowledge of the computers and Internet browsing. The proper user interface, users manual, online help and the guide to install and maintain the system must be sufficient to educate the users on how to use the system without any problems. Constraints The Online departmental Library System is connected to the university computer and is running all 24 hours a day. The users access the online departmental Library System from any computer that has Internet browsing capabilities and an Internet connection. Assumptions and dependencies The users have sufficient knowledge of computers. The Department computers should have Internet connection and Internet server capabilities. The users know the English language, as the user interface will be provided in English

3. 3.1

Specific Requirements This section describes in detail all the functional requirements. Usability The system shall allow the users to access the system from the Internet using HTML or its derivative technologies. The system uses a web browser as an interface. Since all users are familiar with the general usage of browsers, no specific training is required. The system is user friendly and self-explanatory.

3.2 Reliability The system has to be very reliable due to the importance of data and the damages incorrect or incomplete data can do. 3.2.1 Availability The system is available 100% for the user and is used 24 hrs a day and 365 days a year. The system shall be operational 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

3.3 Design Constraints 3.3.1 Software Language Used The languages that shall be used for coding the Online Library System are Active Server Pages (ASP). For working on the coding phase of the Online Library System, the Internet Information Services (IIS) Server needs to be installed. Class Libraries Will make use of the existing .NET available libraries for ASP. Also will develop new programs using ASP and scripting languages. .


3.4 Help System Requirements The User Manual describes the use of the system to Librarian and users. It describes the use of the system. The user manual should be available as a hard copy and also as online help. 3.5 Interfaces 3.5.1 User Interfaces


Hardware Interfaces The existing Local Area Network (LAN) will be used for collecting data from the users and also for updating the Library Catalogue. Software Interfaces A firewall will be used with the server to prevent unauthorized access to the system. Communications Interfaces The Departmental Library System will be connected to the World Wide Web. Supporting Information Use Case Diagram:-




Use Cases Description:-

Use case Title Use Case ID Actors: Description: Task Sequence

Post Conditions

Search 1 Librarian, faculty, student User can search books with the help of books title, authors name and ISBN. 1. system will show searching screen. 2. User enter required information (it can be book title, author name or ISBN). 3. By pressing search button system will list down all search results. User can view his desired results.

Use Case Title Use Case ID Actors Description Pre condition Task Sequence

Check Status 2 Librarian, Faculty, Students. User can check the status of book whether it is available or not. must search a particular book for checking status of that book. 1. System will show a search screen 2. User enter required information( it can be book title,ISBN,or author name). 3. By pressing the search button system will list down all searching results and also show the status of searching results . User can view his desired results.

Post Condition

Use Case Title Use Case ID Actors Description Pre condition Task Sequence

Borrow Book 3 student, faculty Users can borrow book for searching at home. Users must be the member of library. 1. System will show search screen 2. User put their desired information and then press search button. 3. System will result all the possible results. 4. Note their desired book accession no. 5. Go to library pick their desired book. 6. request to librarian to issue required book. User can take home their desired books.

Post Condition

Use Case Title Use Case ID Actors Description Pre condition Task Sequence

Membership 4 student, faculty All new people who want to register can use this use case. User must be the member of department of computer science 1. System will display user registration form 2. User enter their basic information. 3. System will issue applicant id. 4. will check the approval of their membership. 1. Librarian can guarantee the list of issue books. 2. Applicant will check the approval of their membership.

Post Condition

Use Case Title Use Case ID Actors Description Pre condition

Task Sequence

Return Book 5 student, faculty User can return book to the librarian. Return book within due date if user will return book after due date some fine will be charged from users. 1 System will display user registration form 2 User enter their basic information. 3 System will issue applicant id. 4 will check the approval of their membership. Clearance of Account.

Post Condition

Use Case Title Use Case ID Actors Description Pre condition Task Sequence

Add Book 6 Librarian librarian can add the data of new books. Librarian must be login. 1 System will display the add form. 2 Librarian enter the book implementation. 3 by pressing the add button the record of book will be add. librarian can view add books2 librarian can issue add book.

Post Condition

Use Case Title Use Case ID Actors Description Pre condition

Delete Books 7 Librarian librarian can delete a book from library record. 1 librarian must be login. 2 books will be misplaced or any other factor book not available in library. 1 2 System will display the list of book which is available in library. after selecting a particular book can delete by pressing delete button.

Task Sequence

Post Condition

Both will be less from the library record.

Use Case Title Use Case ID Actors Description Pre condition Task Sequence

Issue Books 8 Librarian librarian can issue books for students and teachers. librarian must be login. 1 System will display the number list. 2 Librarian can check the applicant is it available in member list or not, if the borrower is a member the librarian issue book by entering due date and applicant ID. 1 2 librarian can generate the list of issued books. Applicant will check the approval of their membership.

Post Condition

Use Case Title Use Case ID Actors Description Pre condition Task Sequence

Take Book Back 9 Librarian librarian can take back books from users. librarian must be login. 1 System will display the account list of users. 2 Librarian can check the applicant is it available in member list or not, if the borrower is a member the librarian issue book by entering due date and applicant ID. 1 2 librarian can generate the list of issued books. 2 Applicant will check the approval of their membership.

Post Condition

Use Case Title Use Case ID Actors Description Pre condition Task Sequence

Delete Account 10 Librarian librarian can delete account of the members. librarian must be login. 1 System will display the list of members. 2 Librarian will select account which he wants to delete. 3 delete button. Remaining member will be displayed on screen.

Post Condition

Interface Test Cases

Test case#1 Test case title: .
Origin Class Destination Class GUI(Title<string>/Author<string>/ISBN<string>) BOOK(Title<string>/Author<string>/ISBN<string>)

Test case#2 Test case title: .

Origin Class GUI(UserID<integer>, Accession No<integer>) USER(UserID<integer>), BOOK(Acc_number) Destination Class USER(UserID<integer>), BOOK(Acc_number) ISSUEBOOK(member<MEMBER>, book<BOOK>)

Test case#3 Test case title: .

Origin Class GUI(UserID<integer>, Accession No<integer>) USER(UserID<integer>), BOOK(Accession No<integer>) Destination Class USER(UserID<integer>), BOOK(Accession No<integer>) RETURNBOOK(member<MEMBER>, book<BOOK>)

Test case#4 Test case title: ..

Origin Class GUI(Username<string>, password<string>) Destination Class Librarian(Username<string>, password<string>)

Test case#5 Test case title: .

Origin Class GUI(Username<string>, password<string>) Destination Class Member(Username<string>, password<string>)

Test case#6 Test case title:

Origin Class GUI(Book title<string>, ISBN<integer>, Author Name<string>, copies<integer>, Publisher<string>) Book(Book title<string>, ISBN<integer>, Author Name<string>, copies<integer>, Publisher<string>) Destination Class Book(Book title<string>, ISBN<integer>, Author Name<string>, copies<integer>, Publisher<string>) Librarian(Book title<string>, ISBN<integer>, Author Name<string>, copies<integer>, Publisher<string>)

Test case#7 Test case title: ..

Origin Class GUI(Accession No<integer>) Book(Accession No<integer>) Destination Class Book(Accession No<integer>) Librarian(Accession No<integer>)

Test case#8 Test case title: .

Origin Class GUI(First Name<string>, Last Name<string>, Address<string>, contact<string>, Email<string>) Member(First Name<string>, Last Name<string>, Address<string>, contact<string>, Email<string>) Librarian(First Name<string>, Last Name<string>, Address<string>, contact<string>, Email<string>) Destination Class Member(First Name<string>, Last Name<string>, Address<string>, contact<string>, Email<string>) Librarian(First Name<string>, Last Name<string>, Address<string>, contact<string>, Email<string>) Librarian(UserID<integer>)

Class diagram:Book
-ISBN : String -Title : string -Author : author -Status : boolean



Fine Member
-MemberId : integer -MemberName : string -Address : string -ContactNo : string -E-mail : string -Type : string -Loginid : string -Password +Search() +SetMemberId() +GetMemberId() +SetMemberName() +GetMemberName() +SetAddress() +G etAddress() +SetContectNo() +G etContectNo() +SetEmail() +G etEmail() +SetType() +GetType() + BlockMember() + UnBlockMember() +ViewMemberDetail() +CreateAcount() 02 -FineperDay : integer 11 +Calculatefine() +Setfineperday() +Getfineperday()

-No_Copies : integer -Edition : string -PublisherName : string -PublisherAddress : string -Type : string
+AddBook() +Update() +Delete() +Search() +ShowBookHistory() +SetISBN() +GetISBN() +Settitle() +Gettitle() +SetNo_Copies() +GetNo_Copies() +SetEdition() +GetEdition() +SetPublisherName() +GetPublisherName() +SetPublisherAdd() +GetPublisherAdd() +SetType() +GetType




Issuebook Reserve
-IssueDate :date -DueDate :date +SetIssueDate() +GetIssueDate() +SetDueDate() +GetDueDate() +Issue()

-ReturnDate : date +SetReturnDate() +GetReturnDate() +Return()

-ReservationNo : integer


Acceptence Test:-

Test case No 1

Description Search screen will allow the users to perform a search of books on author name, ISBN, book title and ISBN NO.

Related Use case 1. Search


Testing Date

Prosedure:1. Remove all record from database. 2. Add following resords in database. Title Operating system Data communication How to program c++ Author TANEBAUM William Stallings DEITEL and DEITEL ISBN 81-7808-739-1 21-3402-821-4 32-4321-263-8

Instructions:CASE1 1. Display search screen. 2. Enter operating system in book title. 3. press search button CASE 2 1. Display search screen. 2. Enter William Stallings in author name field. 3. Press search button.

1. Display search screen. 2. Enter 81-780-8-739-1 in ISBN field. 3. Press search button.

CASE1: Operating system by TANEBAUM 81-7808-739-1 CASE2: DATA COMMUNICATION BY WILLIAM STALINGS 21-3402-821-4 CASE 3: OPERATING SYSTEM BY TANEBAUM 81-7808-739-1

Test case No 2

Description User can check the status of book whether it is available or not.

Related Use case

2. Check status


Testing Date

Prosedure:1. Remove all record from database. 2. Add following resords in database. Title Operating system Data communication Computer Archeticture Instruction:1. Display search screen. 2. Enter William Stallings in author name field. 3. Press search button. Author TANEBAUM William Stallings William Stallings ISBN 81-7808-739-1 21-3402-821-4 32-4321-263-8 No of Copies 4 2 2 Issued Copies 2 2 1

Title Operating system Data communication Author TANEBAUM William Stallings ISBN 81-7808-739-1 21-3402-821-4 No of Copies 2 2 Issued Copies 2 1

Test case No Description Related Use case Tester 4 Membership screen allows to users 4.Membership becomes a member of library if he/she is the student of department. Prosedure:3. Remove all record from database. 4. Add following resords in database. NAME CNIC NO REGISTRATION NO E-MAIL

Testing Date

TARIQ 43404-7060615-2 01071011031 MEHMOOD MUHAMMAD 42436-7213215-4 01071011027 ARIF ALI AMMAR 32431-2154567-1 01071011003 INSTRUCTION: 1. Display membership screen 2. Enter ALI in first name field. 3. Enter AMMAR in last name field. 4. Enter 32431-2154567-1 in NIC Field. 5. Enter 0107101103 in registration no in field. 6. Enter 7. Press submit button. EXPECTED RESULT: Your membership id sent to you at

Test case No Description Related Use case Tester 6 Add books screen allow to librarian to 6.Membership add new books in database. Prosedure:Remove all books record from database. INSTRUCTION: 1. Display add books screen 2. Enter operating system in book title field 3. Enter WILLIAM STALLINGS in author name field. 4. Enter 81-7808-739-1 in ISBN field. 5. Enter 2005 in publishing year field. 6. Press add button. EXPECTED RESULT: Record same successfully. The database will become TITLE AUTHOR OS WILLIAM STALLINGS

Testing Date

ISBN 81-7808-739-1


Test case No 7

Description delete books screen will allow the librarian to delete the books from database.

Related Use case 7. Delete Books


Testing Date

Prosedure:3. Remove all record from database. 4. Add following resords in database. TITLE AUTHOR OS TANEBAUM DATA WILLIAM COMMUNICATION STALLINGS COMPUTER WILLIAMS ARCHITECTURE STALLINGS Instructions:1 Display delete books screen. 2. Enter 32-1432-263-8 in ISBN field. 3. Press delete button. BOOK 81-7808-739-1 21-3402-821-4 32-1432-263-8 PUBLISHING 2002 2002 2008

Delete book successfully. The database will become: TITLE AUTHOR ISBN 81-7808-739-1 21-3402-821-4 PUBLISHING YEAR 2002 2002


Test case No 10

Description Cancel membership pay allow librarian to cancel the membership of a user

Related Use case 7. cancel membership


Testing Date

Prosedure:1. Remove all record from database. 2. Add following resords in database. NAME SANAM HUSNAIN SHAFAQAT REGISTRATION NO 01071011005 01071011025 01071011025 NIC 42302-5560315-3 13234-2436871-2 13146-3878427-8 MEMBERS ID 2 3 4

Instructions:1. Display cancels membership form. 2. Enter 2 in member id. 3. Press cancel membership button. 3. Press delete button. EXPECTED RESULT Delete book successfully. The database will become: NAME HUSNAIN SHAFAQAT REGISTRATION NO 01071011025 01071011024 NIC 13234-2436871-2 13234-2436871-2 MEMBERS ID 3 4

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