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t seek to harm the Green Space Industry (NORAHG)

June 13 t h , 2011 LUNATICLYING RAN TS f rom Pam Charbonneau

[ P r o v i n c e of O n t a r i o ]

Report through Cornell University podcast Selected and adapted excerpts

William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature


Pamela Charbonneau is an EnviroLunatic Government Official, PAID FOR PROFIT by Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, University of Guelph. Charbonneau is ultimately ANSWERAB LE to her PROHIBIT IO NLUNAT IC MASTER S in the Government of Ontario, and she is expected to SUPPORT ALL SOC IAL POL IC IES THAT IT IMPO SES . On April 22nd, 2009, the Government of Ontario IMPOSE D the NEEDLESS , SENSELESS , and MALIC IOUS PROH IB IT ION against pest control products used by the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry. An Exception Status was provided to industries like golf, sports fields, specialty turf, forestry, and agriculture these industries employed THE VERY SAME pest control products otherwise PROHIB ITED for the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry.

William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature

The legislation was implemented despite the fact that the PROHIBITED pest control products were still FEDERALLY LEGAL , SC IENT IFIC ALLY SAFE , and TOT ALLY IRREPLACE ABLE . Since PROHIBITION, the University of Guelph has become the INSTRUMENT of PROHIB IT IONLUNAT ICPROPAG ANGA for the Government of Ontario. ALL GovernmentOfficials employed at the University of Guelph have been told to toe the line . ALL GovernmentOfficials MUST SUPPORT LUNAT IC TERROR IST PROHIB I- T IO N , or FAC E TERM INAT IO N from employment and SUFFER THE LOSS O F THE LUCRAT IVE GO VER NMENT PE NSION PLAN . Consequently, Guelph GovernmentOfficials, like Charbonneau, have been COERCED and TERROR IZE D into PROMOT ING M IS INFO RMAT ION about the effectiveness of Green Alternatives that are, in fact, BOGUS . Sadly, University of Guelph and Charbonneau have BETRAYED the Professional Lawn Care Industry.

William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature


An example of Charbonneau BETRAYAL of the Professional Lawn Care Industry. On June 13th, 2011, Pamela Charbonneau provided a CANAD IA N PEST IC IDE BAN UPDATE to Cornell University with content that could only MIS INF ORM Americans about LUNAT ICT E RROR IS TPROH IB IT IO N . Charbonneaus MIS IN FORMA T IO N was reported by Frank Rossi, a fellow EnviroLunatic GovernmentOfficial at Cornell University who, in the podcast, SOUNDS L IKE AN OVER CA FFE I NATE D CH IPMUNK . Both lunatics SUPPORT the PROHIB IT ION of pest control products. The following is a TRANSCR IPT of the CHARBONNEAU CA NA D IAN PEST IC IDE BAN UPD ATE ( a.k.a. LUNAT IC TERROR IST PROH IB IT ION PROPAGAND A )
June 13 t h , 2011 Canadian Pesticide Ban Update W eek 11 ShortCUTT Cornell University Transcript of Podcast Report W ritten by Pam Charbonneau Report Read by Frank Rossi See next segment

William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature




An update o n the C anadian pe sticid e ban from our frie nd Pam Charbonne au, the O ntar io Ministry of Agriculture and Food , Turfgrass Spe cialist, from the Guelph Turfgrass I nst itute A pestic ide ban was e nacted in Ont ario, C anada, and we nt into effect in the spr ing of 2009. This ban effect ive ly moved all trad itional pesticide s from being used on home l awns and munic ipal gro unds. Golf courses were exempt from the b an, but are current ly following very str ingent IPM plans that involve e normous amounts of paperwor k and educ atio nal cert ific at ion. The biggest surpr ise , from my perspective , so far , is how peopl e do not seem to be bothered by the ban any longer.

Wrong !
Homeowners h ave come to accept t he weed issues in the early spring, and no w th at most of the d andel ion flower s have bee n mown off, the lawn loo ks gre at from the curb.

Wrong !
The other interest ing surprise , from the industry perspect ive, is that most companies have been able t o remain succe ssful through the ban by offer ing add it ional cul tu ral practice s, such as aer ation, o versee ding, more re gular fertilizat ion.

Wrong !

William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature





There appears to be greater recognit ion that without pest icid es, there is gre ater need for suppleme ntal cu lture to enh ance the health of the l awn and avoid the need of pest icide s.

Wrong !
A note about pestic ide alter nat ive s a lack of access to traditional mater ial s has spurred intere st in alternative produ cts, such as h igh r ates of ferrous sulphate for select ive weed control , which is found in Fiest a Herbic ide , sold by the Sco tts Comp any, corn glute n meal , and nematode s for grubs. Of these, the Fie sta seems to h ave achieved a MODERATE leve l of success. From researc h at Guelph , it appear s that 2 to 3 appl icat ions dur ing the spring and the summer can provide significant select ive control of broad leaf weed s.

Wrong !
In fact , the data ind icate complete control of narrowleaf pl antain is possible with the single appl ic atio n. The chal lenge s ahead wh ile ther e have been SOME successes with produc ts such as Fiest a, o thers such as Sarritor b iological weed control , and the use of nemat odes for grub control , HAVE NOT BEEN AS SUCCESSFU L. In fact, grubs still remain a MAJOR PR OBLEM , and most are h aving to reest abl ish areas after se vere d amage.

William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature

There is a conflictofinterest having investors, salesmen, distributors, and researchers of BOGUS Green Alternatives, like Fiesta and Sarritor, serving as PROMINE NT PEOPLEOF INFLUENCE who are responsible for making critical decisions on behalf of the entire Professional Lawn Care Industry. The following organizations TREACHEROUSLY SUPPORT BOGUS Green Alternatives when valid, effective, and safer alternatives to conventional products DO NOT EX IST ! Ontario Turfgrass Research Foundation Guelph Turfgrass Institute ( University of Guelph ) Ontario Horticultural Trades Association LandsCAPE Ontario

Consequently, these organizations are the INSTRUMENT S of PROPAGANDA for LUNAT IC TERROR ISTPROH IB IT IO N in the Province of Ontario. These organizations are composed of investors, salesmen, distributors, and researchers who are DIRECTLY INVO LVED and PROFIT ING from BOGUS Green Alternatives. They will say ANY TH ING to advance the SALE FORPRO FIT of BOGUS Green Alternatives. Overall, the opinions originating from people within these organizations are VALUELESS and WOR THLESS in matters concerning BOGUS Green Alternatives.

William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature


DESP ICABLE PART IC IP AT ION in the LUNAT ICPR OH IB IT ION CONSP I-RAC Y has EXTENSIVELY DAMAGED and DESTROYE D the Professional Lawn Care Industry, ANNIH ILATE D most of its customers, thus ensuring that THOUSANDS of companies became WORTHLESS and on the verge of being OBLITER ATE D .

They BETRAYED the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry. They DESTRO YED the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry ! Because of these organizations, the owners, employees, and families dependent on Professional Lawn Care businesses have faced TERROR , DESPAIR , and DEST ITUT IO N . Their TREACHEROUS SUPPORT of L UNAT ICT ERROR ISTPR OH IB IT ION has also led to EXTENSIVE CAR NAGE for Professional Lawn Care companies, in the form of HORRIFIC FINES and BUSINESS FAILURES . It is IRONICAL that people employed by these organizations, like Charbonneau, have retained SAFE, SE CURE, WELLPAY ING ENVIROLUNAT IC PROHIB IT IO NSUPPOR T ING JOBS ... AT THE EXPENSE O F THE JOBS THEY DE STR OYE D IN THE PRO FE SSIO NAL LAWN C ARE INDUSTR Y . Moreover, the TREACHERY of these organizations will allow LUNAT IC TERROR IST PROH IB IT ION to finally SPREAD NAT IO NALLY , and even INTERNAT IONALLY , for ALL pest control products.

William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature






Pamela Charbonneau is an EnviroLunatic Government Official, PAID FOR PROFIT by Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, University of Guelph. Charbonneau and the University of Guelph are the INSTRUMENT S of ENVIROLUNAT ICPROP AGANGA for the PROMOT IO N OF M IS INFORMAT IO N about BOGUS Green Alternatives like FIE STA HERB IC IDE they BETRAYE D the Professional Lawn Care Industry. Pam Charbonneau has now gone too far. She has indicated to fellow lunatic Frank Rossi ( Cornell University ) that 2 to 3 applications of Fiesta is required for the control of some weeds in Ontario lawns. At first, in 2009, Charbonneau said ONLY ONE application was required. In 2010, Charbonneau said TWO applications were required. Now, in 2011, Charbonneau is saying THREE applications are required. In fact, adequate broadleaved weed control with Fiesta is only achieved with an EXHORBITANT 6 to 8 applications per season. Unfortunately, the Fiesta label allows a MAXIMUM L IM IT O F TWO APPL ICAT IO NS PER SE ASO N .

Charbonneau has also indicated to fellow lunatic Frank Rossi ( Cornell University ) that Nematodes and Sarritor are DISMAL FAILURE S .

William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature

Charbonneau is also a Director of the Lawncare ( sic ) Commodity Group of LandsCAPE Ontario, which SUPPOSEDLY represents the interests of the ENT IRE Professional Lawn Care Industry. LandsCAPE Ontario is a Trade Association that, with Charbonneau as Director, CO NSP IR ED to IMPOSE the PROHIB IT IO N of pest control products, which included conventional herbicides with the active ingredient 2,4D. LandsCAPE Ontario is a Trade Association, with Charbonneau as Director, that also BETRAYED the Professional Lawn Care Industry. At the very least, we should expect THE TRUTH from Charbonneau and the University of Guelph especially about the use of Fiesta Herbicide. The Fiesta label says MAXIMUM TWO APPLICAT IO NS per season. We know Pam, just spotspraying, right ? Spotspraying with Fiesta does not count as an additional application. That is how Charbonneau JUSTIFIE S her constant MIS INFORM AT ION . And, there is NO FINE PR INT about spotspraying on the Fiesta label. Moreover, there IS a spottreatment recommendation on the Killex label, the BANNED threeway herbicide with 2,4D spotspraying counts THERE . Even with her the weekly Turf Agriphone, Charbonneau provides MIS INFORMAT ION that has become a JOKE for the Lawn Care Industry. Charbonneau has BETRAYED the industry and GIVEN UP O N ALL OF THEM . Charbonneau should STAND UP , and provide the TRUTH , not only about Fiesta, but about Ontario's PROHIBIT IO N and its effects, or STEP DO WN .

William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature

Otherwise, Charbonneau is VAL IDAT ING PROHIB IT IO N , and contributing to the EXTENSIVE CARNAGE for Professional Lawn Care companies, in the form of HORRIFIC FINES and BUSINESS FAILURES . Because of LUNAT IC TERR OR ISTPRO HIB IT IO N , the DEVAST AT ION of the Professional Lawn Care Industry was EXTENSIVE because there ARE NO

When compared to conventional products like 2,4D, VIR TUALLY ALL Green Alternatives are almost TOTALLY INEFFECT IVE , except under very specific circumstances. The Green Alternatives, like Fiesta, are BOGUS . They are DISMAL FAILURES . Charbonneau is grabbing Ontario taxpayer money and spending it on BOGUS UNIVERSIT Y STUDIES that result in ZERO BENEFITS for the Professional Lawn Care Industry. 2,4D IS SAFE and EFFECTIVE ! 2,4D is SAFER and MORE E FFECT IVE than Fiesta. Why doesnt Charbonneau point that out to the Ministry of the Environment and the Ontario Liberal Party. Dr. Len Ritter, the Guelph INDEPENDENT EXPERT on pesticide safety, is physically mere metres away from Charbonneaus office, and yet, she CHOOSES TO IGNOR E his expert advice on 2,4D. WHY ? The Government of Ontario is even using Dr. Ritter to disprove the dangers of 2,4,5T, a constituent of, believe or not, Herbicide ( Agent ) Orange.

William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature

Charbonneau give us back 2,4D, and you play all you want with Fiesta. Or, better yet, STEP DO WN . Charbonneau ALLEGES that people in Ontario do not seem to be bothered by the ban any longer. Well, Pam, WE ARE BOTHERE D BY BO TH THE BAN AND YOU

Charbonneau further ALLEGES that the Professional Lawn Care Industry has been able to remain successful DESPIT E the CARNAGE of PROHIB IT ION . Charbonneau acts as if she is either BLIND and DEAF , or JUST PLAIN STUPID . Or both. In essence, Charbonneau LIE S and LIE S and LIES and LIE S . She just NEVER STOPS ! Because of LUNAT IC TERROR ISTPRO HIB IT IO N in Ontario, the Professional Lawn Care Industrys customers were ANNIH ILATED and HUNDRE DS of companies became WORTHLESS . Many companies have been TOTALLY DESTRO YED . It is expected that, just as in the Province of Quebec three years earlier, OVER 60 PER CE NT of the Ontario Lawn Care companies will be TOTALLY ANNIH ILAT ED . Because of LUNAT IC TERROR ISTPR OHIB IT IO N , the owners, employees, and families dependent on Professional Lawn Care businesses FACE TERROR , DESPAIR , and DEST ITU T IO N .

William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature



In the Province of Ontario, the PROFESSIONAL LAWN CAR E INDUSTRY HAS LOST O VER 5 00,00 0,000 DOLLARS , with 8,300 TO 1 2,500 UNEMPLOYED . In Ontario, ONECOMPANYPER WE EK DISAPPEAR S INTO TO TAL OBL IVION , thanks to lunatics like Pam Charbonneau. Pam Charbonneau and other lunatics are PERPETUAT ING THE MY TH that there is NO CARNAGE in the 9/11 Era of PROHIBIT IO N TERROR ! Charbonneau can STEP DO WN , and during her RET IREMENT , she call tell her children and grandchildren about her LEGACY to the Professional Lawn Care Industry. Charbonneau BETRAYED her friends, her colleagues, and the TAXPAY ING businesses who contributed to her PROFITABLE SALARY and LUCRAT IVE PENSION PLAN . Charbonneaus LEGACY to the Professional Lawn Care Industry is DESTRO YED BUSINESSES , LO ST JOBS AND HAR DSH IP FOR PEOPLE , and WEAKE NED COMMUNIT IE S . It is IRONICAL that Charbonneau is ST ILL EMPLOYED FORPRO FIT as an EnviroLunatic GovernmentOfficial, retaining her SAFE , SECURE , WELL PAY ING LUNAT IC JOB and PENSIO N ... AT THE EXPENSE OF THE JOBS DESTROYE D IN THE PROFE SSIONAL L AWN CAR E INDUSTRY . Pam just STEP DOWN and GET OUT !


William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature

William H. Gathercole & NORAHG Force Of Nature

Force Of Nature presents THE WHOLE TRUTH FROM AN INDEPENDENT PERSPECTIVE from National Organization Responding Against HUJE that seek to harm the Green Space Industry (NORAHG). It is a series of Reports destined for the Green Space Industry, the Environmental Terror Movement, Governments, and the Media, nationwide across Canada, the United States, and overseas. The information presented in Force Of Nature has been developed for the education and entertainment of the reader by providing a sequence of historical events WITH COMMENTARY. The neutrality of these Reports might be disputed. This is what we do. Dont thank us. Its a public service. And we are glad to do it. HUJE are identified on the basis of their statements, activities, affiliations, and whereabouts. Even though each Enviro Lunatic Culprit is a misguided adversary, each still deserves our respect. The use of the terms Lunatic, Maniac, Culprit, Terrorist, or Basterd are not accusations of any legal wrong doing. Force Of Nature is simply holding Enviro Lunatic Activists accountable for conspiring to change public policies that TERRORIZE, HARM, and THREATEN the Green Space Industry. HUJE is a term used to describe Enviro Lunatic Activists that routinely concoct FEAR MONGERING, FRAUDULENT LIES, MISCONCEPTIONS, COERCION, THREATS, DECEPTIONS, TERROR, and PARANOID CONSPIRACIES that are DESIGNED to SCAM and DECEIVE the public into believing there is some IMAGINARY DANGER with conventional pest control products. HUJE also SCAM and DECEIVE Government Officials into the NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS CONSPIRACY to PROHIBIT conventional pest control products that are HEALTH CANADA APPROVED, FEDERALLY LEGAL, SCIENTIFICALLY SAFE, TOTALLY IRREPLACEABLE, and ABSOLUTELY INDISPENSABLE. HUJE have created LOSS OF REVENUES, BUSINESS FAILURES, BANKRUPTCY, and UNEMPLOYMENT, inflicting DESPAIR and DESTITUTION for THOUSANDS of hapless victims throughout the Green Space Industry. The DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE of Lunatic Culprit Terrorist Basterd HUJE is viewed as a form of TERROR, HARM, and THREAT against the Green Space Industry. This Report provides NO guarantee regarding accuracy or completeness. In no event shall Force Of Nature be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. Force Of Nature is TOTALLY INDEPENDENT of any trade association or business operating within the Green Space Industry. The events, characters, companies, and organizations, depicted in this Report are not always fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, may not be coincidental. All information, excerpts, and pictures contained in this Report were found somewhere on the Internet, and may be considered in the public domain, serving one of the following purposes archive, education, promotion, publicity, or press release. Force Of Nature, and its various incarnations, is the brainchild of William H. Gathercole and his colleagues. Mr. Gathercole is a principal FOUNDER of the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry in BOTH Ontario and Quebec. He holds a degree in Horticulture from the UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH, and another pure and applied science degree from McGILL UNIVERSITY. Mr. Gathercole was the FIRST PERSON EVER to obtain University degrees and contribute to BOTH the Professional Lawn Care and Golf Maintenance Industries. He has worked in virtually all aspects of the Green Space Industry, including GOLF, PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE, and CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, and has served in environmental compliance, government negotiations, public affairs, and workplace safety. Mr. Gathercole has supervised, consulted, programmed, and/or overseen the successful and safe execution of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of pest control applications in the urban landscape. He has advised, certified, instructed, and trained thousands of turf and ornamental managers and technicians. Mr. Gathercole has also been an agricultural agronomist. For many years, Mr. Gathercole was a contributing columnist for TURF & Recreation Magazine, Canadas Turf and Grounds Maintenance Authority. Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues have followed the evolution of LUNATIC ENVIRONMENTAL TERRORISM for over a quarter century. For FIFTEEN YEARS, the strategies designed and implemented by Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues guaranteed the control of the VERMIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL TERROR for the entire Modern Green Space Industry across Canada. Their involvement in Environmental Issues reached a fevered pitch in the 1990s, when he orchestrated, with his colleagues, legal action against the Forces of Environmental Evil in the Town of Hudson, Quebec. Today, Mr. Gathercole is the ONLY TRUE RELIABLE WITNESS of the Hudson Affair. Mr. Gathercole is personally credited for crafting the Golf Industry Exception Status that endures to this day. He is also the creator of the signs that are now used for posting after application. He and his colleagues are recognized as THE MAJOR INFLUENCE for the decision by Canadian Cancer Society to STOP selling for profit PESTICIDE TREATED DAFFODILS. Mr. Gathercoles vast knowledge of our long journey with Environmental Issues is UNDENIABLE hopefully ! Mr. Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as FOUNDER of Force Of Nature. THE LIBRARY OF REPORTS 2,4D A LOOK AT Career Management A LOOK AT Managing Turfgrasses A LOOK AT Pests & Disorders of Turfgrasses Agriculture ALBERTA Conspiracy Bee Colony Collapse Disorder Bee Colony Collapse Disorder Benefits of the Turfgrass Industry Books That Screwed Up the World BRITISH COLUMBIA Conspiracy CALGARY (Alberta) Enviro Terror STOPPED Cancer Maniac Stuff CARNAGE Caused by Lunatic Terrorist Prohibition CONSEQUENCES of Lunatic Terrorist Prohibition Controversial Prohibitions Culprits, Lunatics and Maniacs Who Conspired to Prohibit Daffodils Toxic Pesticide Treated Daffodils Soaked Formaldehyde Dating Services for Enviro Maniacs DDT and Our World of Politicized Science Death and Illness (Alleged) Departure Letters Environmental Terror That NEVER Ends Environmental TERROR Talk and Weasel Words Environmental Terrorists UNMASKED Environmental Terrorist Organizations Enviro PROFIT Accumulated by Greedy & Avaricious Enviro Lunatics Famous Quotations About Enviro Lunatics Fertilizer Enviro Terror That NEVER Ends Food and Farming Global Warming The Scam of Our Lifetime Golf Industry Halloween Terror Happy Holidays Health Canada Health Concerns with Pest Control Products Heroes Speaking Out Against Environmental Terror History of Environmental Terror in Canada LIARS and Lying Sacks of (Enviro Maniac) Cwap Mock Advertisements Mock Speeches Myth Busting NATIONAL Enviro Terrorist Conspiracy NEW BRUNSWICK Conspiracy NO Prohibition Exception for AGRICULTURE Industry NO Prohibition Exception for GOLF Industry NOVA SCOTIA Conspiracy North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) ONTARIO Haven For Environmental Terrorists Pesticide Q & A (Questions and Answers) Positive Waves (Interesting and Innovative Thinking) PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND (PEI) Conspiracy QUEBEC Prohibition Rachel Carson SASKATCHEWAN Conspiracy Satire, Laughs & Insanity THE AVENGERS The Successes of Trade Associations The Failure of BOGUS Green Alternatives The Failure of BOGUS Organic Golf Courses The Failure of BROWN Golf Courses The Failure of Integrated Pest Management The Failure of Pesticide Free Parks The Failures of Pesticide Manufacturers The Failures of Trade Associations The Industry STRIKES Back in Ontario The Wilhelm Scream The Wisdom of REAL Experts TWISTED Precautionary Principle United States Enviro Terrorism VICTORIES Against the Vermin of Enviro Terrorism Video, Audio, and Slide Shows VIOLATING Federal Law WARNINGS and UPDATES Weapons of Ultimate Environmental Terror Wind Power (Bogus)

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