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Prncipe Hamlet Protagonista de la obra y prncipe de Dinamarca. Hijo del fallecido rey Hamlet, y sobrino del actual rey Claudio. Prince hamlet protagonist of the play Hamlet and Prince of Denmark. Son of the late King Hamlet and nephew of the current King Claudius Gertrudis: Reina de Dinamarca y madre de Hamlet. Muere por accidente al beber el veneno ofrecido anteriormente a Hamlet. Gertrudis: Queen of Denmark and mother of Hamlet. Accident dies by drinking poison Hamlet previously offered Claudio: Rey de Dinamarca y to de Hamlet. Remplaz a su hermano el rey Hamlet cuando ste muri asesinado por l. Se cas con la madre de Hamlet, Gertrudis. Claudio King of Denmark and Hamlet's uncle. Replaced his brother, King Hamlet when he was killed by him. He married Hamlet's mother, Gertrude Rey Hamlet Padre del prncipe Hamlet. Fue asesinado por su hermano Claudio para quedarse con su trono. En el personaje se le menciona como el Fantasma del padre de Hamlet, debido a que en la obra aparece como espritu. Father of Prince Hamlet. He was murdered by his brother Claudius to keep his throne. The character is referred to as the Ghost of Hamlet's father, because the work appears as a spirit Polonio Chambeln del reino. Padre de Laertes y Ofelia. Muere asesinado por Hamlet cuando ste lo confunde con el rey. Chamberlain of the kingdom. Father of Laertes and Ophelia. He was murdered by Hamlet when he is mistaken for the king.. Ofelia: Hija de Polonio y hermana de Laertes. Tuvo una relacin amorosa con Hamlet, pero cuando l asesin a su padre enloqueci y se ahog en un ro. Daughter of Polonius and sister of Laertes. Had an affair with Hamlet, but when he killed his father went mad and drowned in a river.

Acto I
La obra comienza una fra noche en Elsinor, el castillo real de Dinamarca. Un centinela llamado Francisco es relevado por otro hombre llamado Bernardo. Cuando el primero sale, entra otro centinela llamado Marcelo acompaado de Horacio. En sus conversaciones descubrimos que el protagonista de la obra es el prncipe Hamlet de Dinamarca, hijo del recientemente fallecido rey. Despus de la muerte del rey, su to Claudio se casa con la esposa del soberano, la reina Gertrudis, madre de Hamlet. Tambin relatan el hecho de que Dinamarca tiene una larga enemistad con Noruega y una invasin por parte de este ltimo pas, liderada por el prncipe Fortimbrs, se espera.Los centinelas tratan de convencer a Horacio, quien resulta ser el mejor amigo de Hamlet, de que han visto al fantasma del rey Hamlet cuando este se les aparece. Despus de or a Horacio, el prncipe Hamlet decide ir,por la noche, al lugar de las apariciones para ver al fantasma l mismo.Polonio es el chambeln del reino; su hijo, Laertes, parte de viaje a Francia y su hija, Ofelia, es cortejada por Hamlet. Polonio le advierte a su hija que debe terminar su relacin con Hamlet ya que l es el prncipe y no es el dueo de sus deseos porque estos pueden afectar al Estado. Ofelia promete obedecer y dejar de ver a Hamlet.Esa noche el fantasma se le aparece a Hamlet y le informa que es el espritu de su padre y que su to Claudio lo asesin al verter veneno en su odo mientras dorma. El fantasma le pide que lo vengue matando a su homicida. Tras el encuentro, el prncipe duda si el espritu es el de su padre y si lo que ha dicho es real The play begins on a cold night at Elsinore, the royal castle in Denmark. A guard named Frank is relieved by another man named Bernardo. When the first out, in another sentry named Horacio Marcelo together. In his conversations we discovered that the play's protagonist is Prince Hamlet of Denmark, son of the late king. After the death of the king, his uncle Claudius marries the wife of the sovereign, Queen Gertrude, Hamlet's mother. Also report the fact that Denmark has a long-running feud with Norway, and an invasion by the latter, led by Prince Fortinbras, is expected. The sentinels try to persuade Horace, who happens to be the best friend of Hamlet, that have seen the ghost of King Hamlet when they appear. After hearing from Horatio, Hamlet decides to go in the evening, the place of the apparitions to see the ghost himself. Polonium is the chamberlain of the kingdom, his son, Laertes, on a journey to France and his daughter, Ophelia, is courted by Hamlet. Polonius warns his daughter who must end his relationship with Hamlet as he is the prince and not the master of his desires because they can affect the state. Ophelia promises to obey and stop seeing Hamlet. That night the ghost appears to Hamlet and tells him that is the spirit of his father and his uncle Claudius murdered him by pouring poison in his ear while he slept. The ghost asks him to avenge killing his murderer. After the meeting, Prince questioned whether the spirit is that of his father and if what he said is real Acto 2 El rey y la reina estn muy ocupados tratando de abortar la invasin liderada por Fortimbrs, a la vez que se preocupan por el comportamiento errtico y cambiante de Hamlet. Claudio decide enviar a dos amigos de Hamlet (Rosencrantz y Guildenstern) a averiguar la causa de la conducta extraa de su sobrino. Hamlet los recibe cortsmente pero se da cuenta de que lo estn espiando.Ofelia se alarma por el comportamiento extrao de Hamlet y le cuenta a su padre que el prncipe entr en su habitacin y se qued mirndola sin decir nada. Polonio presume que es un

xtasis de amor la causa de la locura de Hamlet e informa a los reyes. Polonio y el rey Claudio deciden espiar a Hamlet cuando este le habla a Ofelia pensando que estn solos. Ofelia le devuelve unas cartas que Hamlet le envi, el prncipe se pone furioso y le insiste para que se marche a vivir a un convento The king and queen are busy trying to abort the invasion led by Fortinbras, while concerned about the erratic behavior and changing Hamlet. Claudius decides to send two friends of Hamlet (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern) to determine the cause of the strange behavior of her nephew. Hamlet receives them politely but realizes that they are espiando.Ofelia is alarmed by Hamlet's strange behavior and tells his father that the Prince went into his room and stared at her without saying anything. Polonius presumed to be an "ecstasy of love"the cause of Hamlet's madness and informs the king. King Claudius and Polonius decide to spy on Hamlet when Ophelia speaks to thinking they are alone. Ophelia returns to Hamlet some letters sent to him, the prince is furious and insists that he went to live at a convent

Acto III
La corte va a ver la obra y cuando llega la escena del asesinato del Rey, Claudio se inquieta y se retira del lugar abruptamente, lo que demuestra la culpabilidad del rey.Claudio, temiendo por la posible locura de Hamlet, decide enviarlo a Inglaterra por su propia seguridad. Mientras tanto la reina se rene con Hamlet para tratar de comprender su conducta tan rara, mientras Polonio se oculta detrs de una cortina para espiar y luego contrselo a Claudio.Hamlet le reprocha a su madre su apresurada boda con Claudio, cuando escucha un ruido detrs de la cortina y pensando que es el rey lo apuala, causando la muerte a Polonio. Luego aparece el fantasma y Hamlet le habla, pero la reina no puede verlo ni orlo por lo que determina que el prncipe est totalmente loco. Finalmente Hamlet se lleva el cuerpo de Polonio y lo oculta The court will see the play and when it reaches the scene of the murder of King Claudius is concerned and removed from the place abruptly, demonstrating the guilt of the king. Claudio, fearing the possible madness of Hamlet, decides to send him to England for his own safety. Meanwhile Queen meets Hamlet in order to understand their behavior so rare, while Polonius hides behind a curtain to spy and then tell Claudio. Hamlet reproaches his mother's hasty marriage to Claudius, when he hears a noise behind the curtain, thinking he's the king stabs him, killing Polonius. Then Hamlet's ghost appears and speaks, but the queen can not see or hear it determines that the prince is totally crazy. Hamlet finally takes the body and hides Polonius Acto IV ::::Ofelia enloquece y comienza desvariar y cantar; su hermano Laertes regresa de Francia con la idea de vengar la muerte de su padre. Claudio lo convence de que Hamlet tiene toda la culpa de la muerte de Polonio; en ese momento llega una carta de Hamlet en la que cuenta que su barco con rumbo a Inglaterra fue atacado por piratas, por lo que ha retornado a Dinamarca despus de ser liberado.El rey y Laertes organizan un plan: Laertes pelear contra Hamlet con una espada envenenada para as tener ms posibilidades de matarlo. En caso de que falle, Claudio le ofrecer a Hamlet vino con veneno. En ese momento llega la reina para informar que Ofelia se ha ahogado en un ro.

Act IV Ophelia goes mad and starts raving and singing, her brother Laertes returns from France with the idea of avenging the death of his father. Claudius convinces him that Hamlet has all the blame for the death of Polonius, at which time a letter arrives in which she tells Hamlet that his ship bound for England was attacked by pirates, so it has returned to Denmark after being released. The king and organize a plan Laertes: Hamlet Laertes will fight with a poisoned sword in order to have more chances to kill him. If that fails, Claudius will offer wine with poison Hamlet. At that time the queen comes to report that Ophelia has drowned in a river.

Acto V
Despus, dos sepultureros cavan una tumba para Hamlet; es mientras discuten, cuando llegan Hamlet y Horacio. Uno de los sepultureros encuentra el crneo de Yorick, un bufn con el que Hamlet sola divertirse cuando era nio. Luego llega el cortejo fnebre de Ofelia encabezado por Laertes.En Elsinor, Hamlet se rene con Horacio y le cuenta cmo encontr una carta de Claudio en la que ordenaba que cuando Hamlet llegara a Inglaterra, lo mataran, por lo que Hamlet la modific pidiendo que se d muerte a Rosencrantz y Guildenstern; en ese momento, un cortesano llamado Osric llega y le informa sobre el duelo con Laertes. En el duelo, Laertes hiere con su espada envenenada a Hamlet pero el prncipe sigue luchando, luego surge un intercambio casual de espadas y termina hiriendo Hamlet a Laertes con su propia espada envenenada . La reina Gertrudis muere al beber el vino envenenado.Laertes confiesa a Hamlet que la trampa del vino fue ideada por el rey. Hamlet, encolerizado, por fin logra herir al rey y le hace beber de su propio veneno, cumpliendo finalmente la venganza que el fantasma de su padre anhelaba. Hamlet, antes de morir, pide que se declare al prncipe Fortimbrs heredero del trono, el cual se presenta en la sala en medio del espectculo de tantas muertes.La obra finaliza con la entrada en la corte de Fortimbrs, quien ofrece un funeral militar en honor a Hamlet. Then, two gravediggers digging a grave for Hamlet, is as discussed, when Hamlet and Horatio come. One of the gravediggers found the skull of Yorick, a jester with which Hamlet used to have fun as a child. Then comes the funeral procession led by Laertes Ophelia. In Elsinore, Hamlet meets Horatio, and tells how he found a letter which ordered Claudius when Hamlet came to England, was killed, as amended Hamlet calling for the death of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, at which time A courtier named Osric arrives and tells you about the duel with Laertes. In the duel with Laertes wounds Hamlet poisoned sword but the prince is still struggling, then comes a casual exchange swords and Hamlet to Laertes wounding ends with his own poisoned sword. Queen Gertrude dies after drinking poisoned wine. Laertes confesses to Hamlet that came trap was devised by the king. Hamlet, enraged, is finally able to hurt the king and makes him drink his own poison, revenge finally meet the ghost of his father wished. Hamlet, before dying, asks to be declared the heir to the throne Prince Fortinbras, which comes in the room amid the spectacle of so many deaths. The play ends with the entry in the court of Fortinbras, who has a military funeral in honor of Hamlet.

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